SBMI-WEEIt li Y. L»j—.ira—wi [VOL. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, x\. C., MAY (k 1852. [X(^. 88.] rUlNTKO JiV J. B. NKWHV. i;i)\VAIM) J. HALE & SOX, IJilTOKS AM> rUOl’UlHTOlCS. I’rici' • ir the t>oiui-Weekly Ohskkvkh !t!4 (K) if in uilvauce; .jO if jmiil during the y,,.,v ,\t' sulisi ril'tioii; or >^o iittt-r the year hus 1-1 lilt' " ofkly (>BSKnvKB $2 (K) j>er ammm, if ; 1 ill ailvnm'e: 50 if pnid during the vt-ar of siAiSi-ription; or 93 1)0 after the year VlfV 1 KNTS inserted for sixty cents V . ,u:vre f'lr the fir^t, and thirty cents for each , 'o Un:: {lublication. Yearly advertisements l,v «■ ivial lontraots, at rcasonnhle rates. -\d- r« :»ro rei[uested to state tlio nuiulier i>f NO I'ATENT SKrrUKl), NONE WANTED. The only jiuaranty to jirotect or reconiuiend niy niedifines that 1 desire, is successi. 'I'he title >t “I’atent Mclicine,” now, is often evi dence ot fraud or trick rather than discovery. AMien applied to such as are iiei-Hldeil forth as curinn many or most of the nuiladies ‘’that flesh is heir to,” doubtless it is correct enough, with the addition that, to credit ut>true and ab surd statements, is to be pidled always. If, .after the testimony 1 have adduced of the suj»erior efiicacy of luy I’harniaceutical Medi cines •i.'> coni|iare(l with any from other su\n'ces. it is not believed, then 1 have but to say, let them alone. Further, to discriminate between tluMu and what they are to cure, and the long list of iuack nostrums that the country abounds with, and their evidence of veracity ami medical kimwledjrr. is not difficult; and those who do not do it are particularly advised to the same course. Ur. Little’s pharmaceutical nieclicincs need no forjreil or fictitious statements a thousand DAILY EXIU:CTi:i). 4 (JKNi:UAL ASSOin’.MKNT of llOLi.OW- WAKK. by E. c. HALL, of llome. Oct. 1^ 1J.')1. ;jjtf Ten! Tea! Tea!! rCHKST VOl N(J HVSON, 1 ditto tiun]»vwilcr, 1 Catty, For sale by fllS. liANKS. Oct. 2M, 1J.M. ai-tf A. . .,ro reoueste.1 to state tl.e nuu,ner or . establish their virtues; for, • I , wlioii well testfu, tht*v will prove to be invalu- -u- desired, or they will he coutuiucd till | e„„„„u„ity. l.M, and^^'d accordingly. | ANODVNK (’Ol'Gll DKOl’S. 'I'hal POLISH! hotr it Sh'uirs! 10,000 lto\‘!^ Mold wifltiii I the iiiiio iiioiiIEim! J. W( )Ol)W.\ lU) returns his thank.s to the jiublic for the unjirecedonteil cn- eonrapement he has met with in the manufac ture and sale of his celebrated l’( M.l.'^il, au(l at the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps a supply on h;iud f(U‘ wholes.ile or retail. K.\perience has proved that this Polish is un- surpasseil for (juiekness in puttiu}; a jrloss on boots and shoes, and also in pi-eservinjr the leather. , „ . I'ersons wishin" to oil their boots can use i V Lctterii to the Editors must be post-panl. tor the cure ot ( oujrhs, ( olds. Sore Throat, and , success immediatelv af- Asthma; also for t'roup, Whoopin-- j terwards; the leather shouhl be rubbed as‘so.,n Ciiuph. » olds, an.l InHammatory i.pplied, before it dries. Fevers among ( hildreii. ^ This Polish can be found at the store under Hundreds of bottles have been sold ami used : (’;„..,r,„ian I’l'.nting Office, with more success than any remedy known: in several case.», where the iialsam of Wihl Cherry had failed entirely, it has promjitly elTecteil a cure (see certiticates.) and is doubtless the most etficacious reiu'-dv extant. ' VEUMIFL'GE. A sure Remedy to cure Children of Worms, re- (juiring: no other medicine; besides it will Soon rest(>re puny cr dripopiiijr Chil dren to health again. It can be given to the most delicate chihl with jvcrfect safety, and is not surpassed, if eiiualletl, V>y any other. 1‘ut u{> in vials double the usual size, ami also in large bottles for plantation use, which .ire one-third che.iper >i'AUU \V1LLL\MS, WHOLKSAl.E DEALERS IN fori'iisn and M9inaestie MMi'y IIAV Fayetteville, N. C. .i U. STARlt.] [J. M. WILLIAMS. A; : js. U"-VJ. t^'Hf Stcond Sjtnnir tV Sat/iincr Stock'. s'PAUK vv willTams nm’’i>l l.l> announce to their customers ami V T the public generally, that they are u>w f. .ifZ large .additions of S’ I‘n/ (I'lioif.-!, Shoo;, Bootf, lV., iLi‘ir early Spring purchases, to which they i;iUy invite tlie attention of country iner- di.i. i' «;i.lwited. and every exertion made to ' iiistju fion. • K i.'i tteville. April‘JS. 1S'):2. S'ltf llffirc of llif r. F. .V n. R. \ay. To. | l’rrT>i?ua»’, Vpril 24, ls..)'2. ) xoric'!:. ^■|>T1'F, hereby given, that all inst.;’!- ^ N nivnts on the sul>scriptiuis to the capital -fM.-k of the t’api* Fear ;ind Deep Itiver Naviga- t. n ('ouip.iny, niade prior to the iSth ol -luly, l -'.l, have be.-.'iiif -lue; and said subscribers «li‘^ m:iv be in ;irii‘:irs. are hereby reijuired to ni.ike p iviui'i'.t within one month from this ilnto, i.r their t'i,'k will be a'lvertised for s.tle. ac- . ording to the '.'tli sectit u of the act chartering > kid ('ouipany. I!v ..I ler Jf the D.- ir I of Dirortors. -fin] .). .1. .]ACKS()\'. ('lerk. ri:iir\ L\N (a'ANo, Slop, sale, in lots to suit, bv IJAV \ PEAHf’E. Mm.v 1. I l/)OK A'r THIS! Sprh»;Z and Samnier (nOOMP.s^ Jasf rereived. —.V LSO— c'nps. r*onii(‘ts. Hoots find Shoos. .»treet, opposite to Messrs. T Fayetteville, Feb. 21, TO '11 IE IH HLir "^IlE suliseriber h:is leaseil for a f.Ttf THOS. IL TILLIXC^LVST, Eso«>ik-Esi'\ i>b:k, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., Ol'l’OSlTK MI?. W. WINSI.OW’S LAW OJ IK K. Music neatly bound at short notice. Pamphlets and Periodiciils boiinil, and fdd Hooks re-boiind, in a substantial manner. l»ec. S, !>.')1. 4i)tf MOW (iOODS. ^ K are now receiving a very large !ind V w well selected st'iel; i-f SIMM Ni consi.>!tiiig of a full a.'«si i-tment of Pa.'trt/ Jir Staple BPrtf fiioods^ .Vniong which uuiy be tmi’id the hiti st iiiid nmst liishiiiuable St I les of Ladies’ and (ieullemen's DltKSS t.OODS, Hat", ('ap', Hoiiiicts, la‘a(ly-iii:i«lc (,'lotli- inir, llarilwaro, tIroei'ries, l>rugs ami 3L'(Ji> iiu‘s, SaduliTV, ('riK kciy, ami il:is>\varf. l.-n-ge and w«-ll selectt-d stock of l>i*Ot. ainl Slincs, and Ladies’ and (i.’iitiC- nn ii’s (laitors, (very tino.) SALT, IKON, .MOI.ASSKS NAII.S. We iiitenl selling ;is che:ip iis v.e can. and woiilil be if oiir tiieieis :ind the joiblic would call and e\aniin(‘ our stock. .!. T. Ctll. .\Cli, \ CAIN. March 2!, lb'.::. 7t,tf Nocitlirrci .71 miss fad II i*('. K have formed :i t'onip.-iny styled the Snow Camp Manufacturing (\vmj>any, of .Vlaniiince I'oiinty, Norih C:!rt:lina, two inil‘ "» West the Cane Creek Cotton Factory, (in Cahe Creek, at the I''oundry owned liy I'.-ivid i)ixon \ P>i otliei-s, and woi Id ri. spectfidly announce to the i-iti/.ens of .Mau'ance ainl the adjoining ('oui.tiis. tiiMt we are now prepared to .M:inu- t'lictui-e in li.e nc.atist a!: l be.a style— Tlirashitig Xiachines, frcuii twn to six horse powei-; Cutting .Maciiiiies id' diti'erent sl/es; Wt.iil C.irdiiig .Machines; liouble :in«i single Miil and Factiiiy (ie.-ir: .''aw- .-md (irist Mill Iroiis; edge 'i'oiil.'-; Cotton Viirn anil Wm l I,'ills. .Vc. Persiiiis wishing to pxircliu>‘wnu’.d ilo well to give us a c.ill before ]iurcii;;sing else-.viiere. as we are ileti-imined to sell clica)' l^r cash, or on time to p' dealer in the .\!:nnit',ii tnring feel no hesit.ilion in s:'.;.ing tliat our wor’.. shall not be surpassed by ;tny shop in the South. Ail lettei'.' addiessed to the -\geiit of the (’ompany at the Snow t'jmip P. (>,, Aljimance Couiitv, N. C.. will i'ueei\e proiujit :ittiiiti'>n. DAVID l>IXO.N, Agent of the C. .Manut'actui ing Coni[>!iny. Snow ('ani|i. Dec. '.i, iS-jl. 47-'ini]id T nm Ti:i WAill-llOlSl'S, 75 and 77 Fulton Street, N. Y. eniilil-- t. term of ye:irs. of H. >V. ISrown. Fs*i.. his fire-proof I Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi- ■ tion to take especial care of Spirits Turpentine ! and other Naval .Stnres committed to his e.ire. i I The Wiirelioiise is well know n to be the best and ' j safest place in town for the storage ot Hacon, j j Lard, Corn, Peas. \e. The lower wii.irvc'-have \ on them fnur large new sheds, w here Spirils j I be safely kept from the rain and snn. lie is ' ! prepared to recei\c and ship, or sell, .ill kin Is | V H.. ■■ .u s r i:[vi:i>, l;r.LS. C1U'SI11;D sihail III!) lbs. Wavne ('taintv J’>aeon. 1.') bt)ls. l.ard, .Vo. 1.' I’’» boxes jirinie T'haoo. 4U bbls. Mackerel. At Cross 'ri >'k Cci. C. ULNl’.OV; Mnrch 1. IS.'2. L than my own in vials, and more than tifty per j of produce sent to his care. Me will also make i cent, cheaper than a.iv other. I advances when reiniireL r • 1 *• .1' ■ . f n n i He begs to refer to the tol1.iv ing gentlemen: Ihe fac simile ot the signature of Dr. . u. . . ,, ,,/■ !. t . . 1 ... , '^1 . . 1 : U. U. Brown. .J.dwi Dawson. >. (i. l\u>lev aiel Little vvill be lound upon the outside wrapper. I Sold wholesale and ret.-iil, by the Proprietor, ; at his Manufacturing Depot, No. ‘Jtit .Market j street, Philadelphia, and Macon, (ieorgia. To bf ha«l :i!so of .lames ';iin. jjockfish: 1 \. ^\.•ltsl•n. Floral ('ollepe; Townsend Doujr- I lass, llennetts-ville; Dr. P. .NL Cohen, CharU-s- ! ton; C. t'. Ihirbee. llarclaysville; P. F. Pes?ud, j llaleigh. S. J. II1N.''DALE. Agent for Fayetteville. U. W. Hrown. .J.d>n Dawson. •. (i Thoa. IL Wright. Ls.,s. MILKS t’usTIN. llrown's wharf, Wilmington. N. Sept. l‘J, 1S-”>C 'Jl-\ A. If. w iii'i'rii:Li), I’oiicii and I.iiili! (’arriii'rc .Mdiiiirucliin'r. i7'(ll'l,l* respeetftiliy iiif'rm t!ie |*',ih!ii- i f M. 'h 'i'le Way .V^on. 1>.-. ISAAC DODD. S7tf 01 rox (;i\ I'AcroiJV. Br.SSllS. PvAY .'c PK.MICE are the autho- ;i/e.l Agents in Fayetteville for the >ale ■iri"s>'id s P:it-nt Water 15ox Cotton CilNS. iiit:ii-tured in fiinton. (Ieorgia. SA.MCLL (.ilCiSWdLD. iint 'n. Gc".. .M:iy .‘I. Si. AM) HAY. nrsiiKLs coiiN. A fe,r bales liastorn IIay. li.- hy 11. Dll.V.NSON 'v i'JON. I'^aiicttcrillc Hotel, f VVK TTKVIU.H, N. C. ^H^HISlarsie and splendid I’luilding hii« now M. been in successful operntion since .Nlay 1^4^. The P.edding and Furniture of all kinds i.s n«‘w. :ind tlie rooms convenient and The Table is always furnished with the best the market affonls, aiileil by a fine vegetable j garden. Hoarders, Ltxlgers. and Travellers will tiii'l de- ' sirable accunm*>iJations and attentive servant.s. No p.'iins will be spared to give entire satidtac- tioii. Families can be furnished with btrte, iiiry, front double rooms, conveniently ami hand somely furnished. An experience of 2'* years will enable the les see. she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN P.HiiWN. June 1, S/*rinff iwoods, II. A: Iv J. I.II.IA' 4 UK now receiving a large Stock of SPUING .m. AND SI MMER t!i thnt he still eoutinues cnrrv on th aho\e bnsilie>> ill ;ill it biMIlche'. He r.'tliril.- th:!i:l-s I' T tiie liberal patronage he h^.> ri'i eiv- ed. and hopes Ity :l str^-t ;i! leut inii to busiu: 'S, j :ind :i di-.-ire to |'! :ill :ii.i| gi > e g'-ner 'at- ; i>f:ii'tioii, to iiierit ;i continuance i \ tl.e s:,me. ^IIE .''teanier 1$K ITU KI’.S. :ind Tow Itoat'; He warrant' all his w.irk to be iu;ide of the ■ Stevenson, David Lewis, and .Lillies Ca'- ; tiest ni:iteri:il and by experieiiia'il worKnii n: :iiid sidav, are preji.-ired to foiward with di spatch , should any tif -t fail in tweUe iii.'ntlis witli i:iir all goods consigned to the Proprietor. : us;ige) either in woikiiMinshii' or he The Steamer Urothers is of light dr.iught, will i-cii.iir it without charge, and well suited to run in /'»r .''he pos- Pers «ns wishing to l iiv. would do wi ll t.ic.ill sesses/)»»(■(>/• .and fprfl, and is admirably ad.apt- ’ .-md »\aniine his work lietVo-e piirrl:.istig. as it ed toand can uccvunmodate about -•> , cannot be surpassed f' r si\ie. eb‘;;.iin *\ mid I durabilitv. II*' is il terniiiieil to sell I'i.v l>>r s\:\v (;o()!)s. S I .''r IC' l'ived. itiv F.ill s'lnply ot CLOTII.^, CV rASSlMl'.Kl'S AM) ViiSi'i.'MlS. TIMM- MI.NiiS. \c.. of the best ijiiality. from Nev.- Vorl.. the latest Ki j ort of the New \ 01k lASllloNS. S ! shll ciititinuo to cany uu the TA!i-nKI\; lil '^l.\i',SS, at my St^nd on il:iy str- . t, .iiid thcis,- «li.. iii.iy f:i\or me with their enstoni nny rely cn l;:ivir;g their work ilone in :i .Uid f:is!ii.inablc style. ar;d on the most l:ivi rable terms. AK' ir.KAl.D CIIAIIAM. o. f. -r. i^oi. ;^4tf MIK I'ekin lea t'ompany l>een estab- lishcil many ye:irs. and has al«a\s main tained a high repiitalioii fui- Teas ot tiie most ■ ielicioiis eliaracter alul li agrancv. and at j.rices whii h hiive in every ii^.stanc given pei'ii'i t s;it- islaction. 'I'he Teas nre v.aiTanted [lUlc. and may be retiiiiied il they do not provv; to be as they ale ii jireseiile.l. The Teas soi.l liy this Conipany arc done up in [ lb, > lb. ;ind 1 lb pai k;iges; the first or in side v.raj'per is ol 1 •:id; tJic second, water 1 roiif p;iper: the thii 1. or outside w r.-ipju'r. eiiiiies : pjiper; aise, in -3 lbs Chinese ipiat- • oir long ex]ieiitlice ^ toons. 'Ihe Coiiipany sell imne but good Teas, (ioiii- lip in this superior manner, all grown in the most iuxurioiis liistricts in t’hina; they also have Te.-is of cvi_ry iles-jilpti* u in chcsis ami half chests. Country Merchant.s vvil’i find it greatly to their inleiest to jinichase their 'l eas ol tiiis Coiii- j>any, they can select as small a liUantity of each kind as they like, aU'l have them packed ill one ch> St Hotel Keejiers may always be ccrt.-iin of iiaving on their table a itiiii'nnii r of 'I'eji; and i-’aiiiilies may not only be sure of good Teas, but c:in purchase any iiuan- tity their wants may reipiire. i'he following is a I’iiinlogue of the Tlms with the rct.-iil ]iriccs .lilixcl. l.LELN TEAS. Vonng llyson. oO I’res't. V.aiii^ !!_vs’ n. Sweet, (i'.ltf VoMllg llysoll. 1-i lie t':,lj:o, 7') ouiig II-son Silver—this is a very suj.erior Ten, Jjsl 00 \ oiMig ll_\son Coitk ri Chop—this is liieliiKst '!'ea culti\ated in China; it is of the fiist pickings, and excels all other Creen Te:is tor its delic.iey of lla- ver. strength, and /; heretofore tlrs 'i'ea lias i.ot reachecl tiiis country, ex cept in smjill lots as jircbcnts to im- V. HALL, pa:sseugers. ■ The Proprietor contemjil.ites running the ' r>‘):it hlmse'.f, and will give spei-ial attention to wav freight and stores: to towing, and : will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From liis long experience as ' .Vgent in U ilmington of the several Steamb.iat ! Companies, he thinks he can gi\e satisfactiou. j To .Merchants in the interior In* wmil.I s.iy, ; that all Coods shipped by him, will be deliv- j ereil to their .Vgents in Fayette\ille. ilis .Vgent I in Wilmington is 1>AVID H.VNKS, to whom all j comniunicatioiis may be addressed, us .\gent ot 1 the Steamer Urothers. I .JOHN P>ANKS. Propneti r. I Wilmingt'in, Feti. 4, l>-i'J. *i-ltf OF KOM!:, ,V,„vv>vv,r UulK S s- r«., fj 10.V.- r''i'i'iviii“ his j'.ill S I’lu 'K of (!i H)l/.''% A c. i’r-istiiig ol a /i-n-.Tal rt:;ii'nt of i/1'V (*ooiis, S;i■ 1(1 k’TN . 1 iC lij).'- Sliot !!: much larger exer -p iitirs, ❖ 1 .'lO llysoll. fine. ^i-l UO llvson. Very sujieriur plantation. .'lit (i iinpowi|‘r. 7') (iiiiij.owder, fine. uo (iunpowder c.vtr;i tine, phintatioii, ?:il .'ill lm;ieiial. Iniperial. line. no Imperial, extra fine pljintation. .■)0 BLAt.'K TEA.S. Oolong, a rich'K l ea. .'0 cash or on short time. (•rders thankfully receixel and pi' impt’.y at tended to. UF,P\1 ItlNt'i nently exei iited at short notice iind hiwest possible onees. Fa velteville, Fcfi. -. I'^- -. iiltf To which they invite the attentiou of Country .\lerch:ints. Fayetleville, March l.>, 1 S.'>li. 7:^-Sw NEW J'IKM. ^HK undersigtied have entered into copart- 1 nershij>. under the name and style of Ijawrfiict* A: Troy, S7tf ( HOK E 'J'!:aS. HK'T i;i. \ K TF.A. * jr. l iieafs extra fine Imperi:tl Tea. do do do Voiing Hvsoii do. w -V JL J’.U.VNSON k SON, .. l'->i. f'7tf 'I'o iiiin:, 'MMIT. ACTIVE I’.OV, i:’, years old. •I . V to H. iniANSoS' \ SON. sTtf \\ in(l)\v (.lass, tor s. J. HiN.'D.\LE. h7tf Nf)rth t'Mroliiin Lin- bv s. .J. HINSDALE. )s7tf 'NT. )5:!1tc!s lilak(‘’s EiiT-[)roof For the i>iiri>ose of doing a general Merc.antile and ]>:irter business. W e ha ve t.'iken the Store, No. !• tiUKLN STUEET, formerly occuj>ied by Messrs. John Huske \ Son. (iEO. W. LAWPvHNCE. JOHN H. TP.OY, Jr. Oct. -II, I'^ol. lli‘ «11 !^orlli Arky, Siik.mwk.ll iV; To. liavo just re ceived a splendid assortment of S-iUin ^Wi- m.rf, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These goods will compete in quality and durability with the best of Northern ('assimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from cents to •'j'l -o per ^ard. Fajetteville, N. C-, Oct. 14, 1S.1. 0»tf 1 bv •»>'> (io/ni •’ ' ll.=-'i-ido.-, 1 ■ I I- (iV M,'. S. J. HINSDALE. S7tf I'..-S(*I1C(‘S. Pain-Killer. Venniruge. S. J. HINSDALE. S7tf lliS I'otaslics, tor sal(‘ l)V s. J. JI1NSD.\LE. 87 tf \H)M:V WAN IE I). III. is desirous of closing his ' 'i'!!."-- here by the 1st day >t .luiie.— ' '- ' th it all per.>ons having unpaid Notea :iit" with him, w ill find it convenient to ‘ ‘ i "tt!!- liv that time. W. S. LATTA. M ■ 1 s-o H7-tiw \()IM'lli:UX HAY. I I* MdJS just received and for sale ■ >,v 15. UOSE iV SON. I. H7tf •'MNTS! ()1!,S!! DUlMiS!!! I*' lii: u MITK LKAD, "d Oil, IN STORE, PLOL'CHS and Plough Castings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning W heels. E. C. ll.\LL, of Uome. Oct. IH, IS.')1. _ H.VVE just received from New \ork, my FALL AND WINTKU Stock of Coods, (Njnsisting of a general a.s-sortment of C'i^lojiiie Dry Gootls. (Jrorcrirs. Ilardwarr, Cutlrry, &f. 1 will barter for TLIIPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, If^oO. IIAUMANS IIO'fEL, FA Vi: TTKVII.I.i:, r. fB^HK Subscriber, having taken the large M Hotel. tV'rmerly ktiown as the Planter s Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay Mount. Hay Street. Fayette\ille, N. respectfully informs his friemJs and the public that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is pre- p.ired to accoinmod.Mte the travelling public. Having some exjx-rienee in the bubiness in the town of Pittsborough, N. C., he tl:itters him.self that he will be able to give satistaction to those who may f.ivor him with their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. He has large and convenient Stables, and a good and faithful Ostler. JOHN HAUMAN. Feby 17, Spring (jioods—185*^. JAMES KYLE IS N(»W UKCKIVINO AV.OVT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, All of w hich being purcha.sed for C.\SH. will be ottVreil at very reduced, prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers, either by whole sale or retail. iiit; Clotli.s from No. 1 to 10, of the best that is manufactured. M.-irch '-2, ->tf liivery Stable Busine.'ss. ^BIHE siibst'riber intend.-' c:irr.\in^ on the ;ibove biisines as usual. Having .•:'lde'! considerable .'stoi-k. he will be ;ible t" ;ncoiii- mndate tiie publie. ThaliUlul for past la\ors. he scdicits a coolinii.ince. J. w. powrus. Jan'y i;i>. is.',2. o^tf lioo rs A>i> snoi:s. W r, arc rt'ct'ivinLT one of the l:irgest and best assiii ted stoelvs of |!00'| ,'s and SiloKS evi r dl\ red by T» us. embr.ieing a very l.irge and fashion,ibli' assorliiu :ii i f Ji-nt\*nieii’s. l. idies . !’.. \s. Youths'. Mi--=es' and Chihiren's r.."'ts. Ci.ntei-s, ;ind faticy SIhm s, selected frouj the I'.V'st n]>- proTed .M a n u la c t urers. Also. Calf. Ooat. liinding, Linii'g and Pad Skins; Solo Leather; Shoe Threa 1: Last'; .“^para bles; Pegs. \e. A su|icrior :ii-tiele of Travel ling Trunks, Carjiet Hags and S.itchels. ,\11 of which will l>e S'-ld very low tor C.V.Sl! or on time to punctual custom' rs. A large assortment of Servants' Shoes for Men's and Women's wi;ir. S. T. n.^.WLK^ .'c SON. April •'). 7'.'-t.w if.iN\ arc. (1 roct ru'S. i ;i:, ! niwre • ■n the 'idi ol' the Cape Fear | — wh’.ch he j.rcj'.ire'l av. I tU-l rinini'd to si 1\ to I.;:iietii;il i ii-ti'O:"!-^. ; ith«T at whoiisr'le or ret.iii. Jit u;’ea;iy'-ed j rii ‘'s. II'- AciiiIdiMi. ]..i! ti. u!;.r .itfeiition to his sl... k of I’.KO i'S .\M> SiK»i;S. The .iss'.rtment is rnii'.i div bilge. :ind of « \ery ■p-.ii'iity :uid b \ le; and h-ivii':r l '''-n t"inj:lit fur C:jsli, he can .iiitl will .'i’.l till Ml very low. \ ou that w isli ilai ^Miii' w ill find it to your interest to gi\e the .'sii'ck an e.\aniii;:;',i"ii before buying elsevvlm\-. .VlwMVS on hall I. a stock ef fwlOCH- ; i:iKS. ' Oct. IS, IS.M. :’-tf F.Wl-nTKVllJj: iOM’ljTiilNKUY. CHARLES BANKS, 'onfefSioisei\ FNi'n!l>;S the j.ublie. th:it he has refitted his E. I'st.l^.lis' h:Ul 1 ;> tresli C' liipai e ihisb.w ]i! i. c.l grade w ith w hich .ire sold at m st plac s ;is Oolong 'feu. tlie is too plain, and the ih eeiitii'ii too jialpable. (loloag. tine. Oolong, PI;:nt:iti.iii gl ow ill, Oi.loiig, deiieious, §1 Ne Plus Ultra, ^?1 This Tc.i is as fi-igrant and swret :is a iioseiiay. it yiilos .i perfiinie tli;;t is truly deligl.U'al; it i.s of garden -rowth, iii.d siii iri' r to .inything here tofore s.Ill in this country. Ln;;r:sli l’>rc:ik!:ist, tine. Fragrant Lngllsh ilreakfast, llowijua Mixture,—a very rich and highlv fiaviiicd Tea .-t sai'ciior ijnalitv, 7 Sold by D. \‘W. .MeLAl'UlN, A;.cnls. r:i_M ttevilie, N. C. A C.i]>y of tlie •Miiii'Je to 'i'e.i Drinkers,’' very interesting tieatise o;i the culture, \c., 'l ea Iiiav f>e L'latis at their counter. M.-irdi ■J''. l^■Vo. 77-tf SPIllXfl (:(>ODS. 7E nre now rei-i-iving our usual stock of STAPLI-: .\ND fancy o o u n. E3oot, IJoiiiieiw, &*., \\ hit h being tiought late in the sen: >n, (most of tiieni :it a cnsidcrabie dccline in ]>riee.l we are now pn pared to sell tlieia very l.nv, call and e.\;iliiine. D. \ W. McT.AnUN- .\pril i'i.'J. 7!'tf No'riri-:. f pi III' P;ir(,ier.'!>i]t hereiofore er.i.s-ting in ^ LiimbrTton. liet'A'eei the und“rsigiied, i.-« this day dissoived by mr.tnal consent. Those indebted to the firm will jilease call on (i. \\ . McKay, at Lnmberton, wiio is authorized to settle the concern. .lOIlN .\. HOWLAND. ;ii.ia;iiT w. McKa^. TiUnibi'jton, Feb. 1^'ili. (i'.Hf NO'i’U’!-:. flfUn' partnership hcretofoi-e existing und.'r ,S_ the name of .1. 11. vV U. i'. Marjdvy is Ihi:* day dissoived by mutual consent. All those iii'lebteil to the hr;n, by note or account, are iciniestcd to call at 1!. F’. Mur phy's. and settle before the l'»t!i of Fel'ni.iry next, and thorebv save cost. And those having claims against the tirm;ire rc'juested lo present them immediatelv. J. W. MCIU’IIY. H. F. .Ml HPIIY. J:in'v 2f., IS.'..;. ♦-Otf k m ra'^HK subscriber JL N. \'ork, a lar; Stdjilr (Hid i'anc^j (i'.lOCHPvIKS, HAHi)\VA!iK, Hats and C.ips, !>i)ots ainl Among which are: Colfee., Cotton Ib'gging. Ibile UojiC. Nails, Wiiidow (ilass. S-.vedesanl F.ii'zli'-h lv..nj Sack and Alum Salt, Imj.ei-iiil and llla.-k 'i'e.isy Pej.per. Alsjiice, (iiiige;-, Powdi-r, Slot, liar Lead, liar and F.iiiey S. ap. with a great v::ri^ ty of other arti cles, to which they iusite tile atte;iti'>n of the- jiiiblic. and wdiich they are determined to sell as low for C.isli, or on time to those who )iay pT***mptlv, .as iiiiv house in the .'•uiithern country,- Pl-odiice of Jill kinds, at the 1 ju-ices, t:d;cn in exi fi r C,,- : !ire now receiving !r 'iii e and gcnend assovt;iient o^ rliest market .McLLAN .V Summerville, N. C., Dec. 1S>I. .io>i,S. 47tf :,o 02.', ic;it oi; ireen St ri of CAN Dir. et. Jind has on , nr.nufactured b; 1 jil.t ciiai now out it' the best Lo.if Sngiir, and wjir- 1 free from srj.ieh. lour, jiaste, and perni- paints. His whole time and attention is ' ' is pre- iial lu ted to niakii;;r (,';ii;dy, ..nd he p.ii-e-i to supply all orders with Candies c to ;>nv ni:idi‘ in tl.e United States. These dies he V. jiri jiiits to keep in any cliimite; :ind he will sell to Town or Country mercha:us. iis I he;ip ji« 'lood an l ( ;uuiy can be purcluised in N‘" ^ to'k or i-ls here. tievillc. O. t. -j:'. 1^-‘>1. A LI. lio'se ill.u-bti l to .fa :'.ii 1 lie ir .M-i-oiints i:i the Foundiy which will p uir’iv ;is e.MiveniiMit. March t>. r.l-tf ■ s'l’. s,T ber will (.lit by crilling ;it be Sv-nied as 11. »; liALL. 71 KAMA i:Xl'Kt;Tl'.l>, 4C1F.NEK AL assortment of C O (> P 1^ U S T/OLS, of the best manufacturers’ make, by E. C. HALL, of Home. Oct. IP, 18r)l. _ I NION academy. Only Biiriit out in Part. A.”a7 McKETHAN ^TILL continue.s to carry on the CAUUlAt^E , ^ la SINESS in idl its br:inches, at the re- j I imiins of his old stand, oj>posite Libertv I oint. j He returns thanks for the libend iiJitroiuige he j I has heretofore received, and hoi>es by strict at- j ; tention to business and a desire to give entire j i satisfaction, to merit a continuance d the same. 1 I Having kept the greater portion of his Tmi- j j bcrs at a distance from the manulactory, he has on hand a large nnd well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every descriptnm used in his business, which enables him to retain 1 all his princijial workmen. He is therefore now MliS. WAL'l'ON, I Manlud-Mtilctr (utl MiHinvr, i Has just rcccivod . a new and beautiful jissort- nicnt of Sjuing and Sum mer 18 0.'^ a'.'5'!^, and ^ ex[ieets to rcceive them monthly as long :is the seji- : soil bists; and will sell them as cheiip, if md clieaper, fluin ;n;y in Ihe mar- ket. She expects ihiily a new jind be intiful I assortment of Dress Trimming.^. P.laek Lace SliJiwls, Scjirfs Jind .Mmitilhis. .\lso Dress and Siicipio Patterns ol the h'.tcst stvle. (Irders from the cniintry i.romptly ill- tended to, jiiid country custoiiicrs m.iy nlw.-iys be sure of gettiiiir the hilcst sivle ot aitiile.s or jijitterns. M.-irch I'.O, IS.'/i. i;ooK lii.vDi'.itv. W. HAP. DIK h:is resumed tl.e P.ook St • Lindii.g ilusiness nt the iii'W .'>t>ire next doov t 1 .’'■Ir. lleasley, .lewelb-r. w!-.e>.-e he will re ceive iind execute binding in a:iy style d 'sin d. 1. -lli ~sPiiJM; ANi) srM.Mi:u ^ V. ILL s.'d my Sl'MMi:!! I!H.[ ii two i.ii’.es tr.'tii the .I/arket, on the F:i\ette- \iile jiiid estei n i’liink Ilojid—one of the most des-r.-ible jiiid li'-jilthy ) ljiees in the county. ■\lso, 4(1 Shjii es of tteville :ind Vi'estern PI.-.Ill; I’.oji l .''loi k, jii. l .‘Jd .'^hjircs id' Fa\ettc- ville Hotel ,'stuck. \\ ith the birgest sto.-k of Ueaily-iu:\dc CAR- UIAOi;.'s jiiiil Pil tiiilK.S ever offered in this —oM-r worth—completely finished. .'.11 of w hich I w ill »eil jit very reduced }uices for c.ish or negoCijible notes. So little atteiiti.'ii h:is been ]iaid to the c:ill niJide by me utter tiie fire ot’ the ‘Jd .lan'y. on th .so indebted to me to call and settle, that I am induced to otltr the aliove jiropcrty jit re duced prices to enable me to lebuild my C:irriiige FstJibli.sLineiit and i oiitiiiuc my busi ness with coi.venieiice. I shall ]>1ju-c notes in jiroper hands for collec tion. if not paid s ion. 1 have sdl my accounts • m;ide out to the 1st .lan'v li.'i:2. A. A. J/cKETlIAN. : ,V..rch -JV, IS.VJ. 77tf Ti: A A HEY, SliEraWELI. & CO. 111-^ now receiving liireet tVom New \ ork and Phlhidel[diiji, a complete assortment 7Stf If %rc*y, SIi« irL^v«*n A: 5\>. AVE one jiiece extra fine 7-1 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the iittention of the imblio. Oct. ir., l«.'.l. .Il’tf STOCK. 1' rHE building of thi.s In.stitution is now in prepared to do imy work in his line in | a state of eomtdetion. It is larg« Hud , best style, ivn I ou the most favorable j It is ideasnntly located in a fine ; low as any work of the same ' ' ' - ‘ He has on hsind, comj)letely fiiusned, " il:ile ( hUki- Fire-jiroof Pfiint, ‘ ='“-t'.r :)il, l-'..:idl, ' ‘ -t Powder, •d' -111 Suits. Madder, ' '’l'I'*T;is, Spice, Pepper, ■'''nil, iiiiijf,.,. Opcflcldoc, &c. '^'I'ry \IiMi'hants will do well to give the ''o''I' • cull. He will sell as low as they *"■ ‘''’t uned in tlie .State. S.\M'L J. IlINSDALi:. .•'•'■'■ille. M:iv H7tf commodious. . . neighborhood, and in a very sJilubrious juirt ot Robeson county, twelve miles west from Lum- berton, about half mile south of the road leud- iiig from thence to Alfordsville. The first se.s.sion of this Institution will com mence ui the -Jd Monday of .Linuary, un der the care of Mr. (Jiles Leitch, who is a gm- duate of the University of North Carolina. rrrwn of Tuition, per Semion, viz: Spelling, reading and writing, ^ 00 Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History, D) 00 Latin, (Ireek, French, and the higher brjinches of Mathematics, )$oard c:in be olitjiined .it the Academy, and at convenient disUinces in the neighhorhoixl, at from five to six dollars per month, liy order of the Trustees. JUILS TAYLOR, Sec’y. Dec. 20, 18.')I. 58-tf H Ibiroiiches, fu- 1 or 2 horses; r> Rockawav’s. and 18 Buggies. Also, nearly finished, 1(1 Cjirriages for 2 horse.s: 20 Uarouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Kockaways, and 30 Buggies; All of which are of the most approved plan and, and will compare with any '"■ork in the U. States for neatness aud durability. Having been engaged in the above business for the past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof ot its 1HK undersigned are now receiving their SPUING STOCK, consisting of WRY llAlinW.VKK. Mtafs, (aps, and Shoes, ,\11 of which will be sold low to punctuid cus tomers jis heretofore. .Merchrints and others will do well to exjim- ine their Stock bef> re making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL & SACKLTT. M;irch n, 18.-.2. "->>■ Pric't* »r Btasis advaiicod. PERSONS who have made contrjicts with J. F. Joriijin X Co. for furnishing U.VGS, are herebv informed, that we will pay cents jier lb. on all Cotton Uags, Rope uud Bagging, delivered to us jifter this date. H. 15KANSON SON. March 11, lSo2. _ CO r rON YAUNS for sale dunibility. Al.l. work warratitcd for 11 months, and repaired free of charge shouhl it fail by bad „„ r.-,.».,.u.l.le l«n«. | „ ,g.o 72lf Jan y 2*), 1S.J-. A\5> :^5 31^51:2: Comprising every jirticle usumIIv ki’pt in Ji Dry tiood.s Stole, among wiru h be fouml; Ljidie.s' iiiid Gentlemen's i»ress C.oods, of the verv best materijil. aud the hitest l:isliioiis.— Siu II a vjiriety will be •too t->.'d;o’,is to uii-nliou. We havi' the Cr.ipc aii'l leijigc .'^liawl.s we have ever otVered in this niiirl;et; Jiiid we would call the attention ot' the holies | ticuliiily to our ver\ hands me stoek of \’e- ; zites. Mantillas, I’arasols, and L^'aiis. —ALSO— Thill I'mbi-oiilrries; Lace :uid .Muslin Ctipes; Chimi.'.ets; rndersleeve.s: Linen Ciimbiic ILind- kerchieis; Lnib'd Sticks; Infjints’ Wiiista and l';ips; Cuil's and ('ollars. We would also direct the attention of the la dies 10 oiir .stock of liONNil l'.'', of the latest st_\les of Silk, Cr;ipe and Strjiw. We v»ould not '■ forget to meiition our stock of I’ iots ainl Shoes. : for ladies, gentlemen iind cliiidreii. T.igether I with their usual stock of Stji])le Cmods, e»nsist- ! ing in part of Damask I'ab’e ( 'oths, iind Nap- I kins; i-inen and Cotton Sheetings; Knglish. I French, and .American Prints; brown :ind bl'eh’d lioinestics; Marseilles iind Grass Skirts; Mar seilles (Juilts, of the best ((UJility, El AT.*"*. Moleskin. I’nnama. Leghorn, Kfis.’-^uth, anil P;ilni-leaf; iiud a Viiricty of other (biods. To the iibove st)ck Wv* would respe>-‘fully in vite the iittention of the citi/en.s of F.-iyettcviile and the surrounding countiy. Aiol would take | ihis method of retarniiig fhjinks to the public ■ reiiei-MlIv for tlie very libenil j .-itroiuige hereto- j bjre bestowed on us; jind would s:iy, give us j a ciill before buving. as wc ar'j determined not ; to lie undersohl by iiny. 1 We keeji constantly on hanl a good sissort- j inent of Ingrnin and I’russels Carpeting; Sugiii’ , and Coffee, Tea. ic. S. S. AUFV. P. SHLMWKLL. .1. U. McUUNALD. Favetteville, ^larch ‘Jti, ISoJ. 7itt A SUPPLY of Fresh (h’ouml CORN ^lE.VT. I / * kept for sale at the -Mill, late Anderson's. I Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly, j Fayetteville, March 18')1. 12tf WANTiJ), !‘..\!:!:FLS of TCP.PLN- ^ '* V '4 V 'f! N F,. for 1 >istillerv jit the Pljiok llojid Lridge I'n l!ig llocklish. Ihe liest nitirki : price wili lie juiid. For iui ther inforni- ati' n. iii's'iire ol'.Iobii \'. . .%Uirphy. at the llridge. I r of MeKi, I'.-iyi. tte\ille. Dec. 1''. 4‘*tf i^. STAlllil CK, Trotf,, ,Veir lUOX FOl NDKli A-M> MACHINIST, Mitinif'.ii fun r of' Sfnnn .1////.'''/// Jioi/i r.f, Mill (1 .ij'iiii/ nf' u'i J il'c. fe^T.\GE leaves W.\US.\W ihiily on the ar- rivjd of the cars. s;'.y !• o'clock a. m., aii'.l iirrivcs in l'’jiyctteville at '.1 p. m. -vicKlNNo.N ,v McNl'ILL. Aiuil 12, IB.',2. Hltf Wilmington .-iiid (b hls't-roii^h papers c> py until forbi'l. _ _ SinUNO (JOODS. 15^ TAYLOPv has just re;-. ived u lot of desi- j£L • nihle tlOODS, suited to the Siu ii.g au«J Summer trjole. April 12. 1H.',2. SMin JTa ifeltCi'Hle ££rm§ r/# {L9T!!!M; .5. .13. A: 8 Eidcrliill, t hiijnn^f To Huff, tt nil WIii/li'Knli: mill He- Uiil ( '/of/i lltl William .''^ti-ect. New York, .\M> Person street, (next door to P.jink of Cape I'ear.) FAYLTTLVILLF,. N. ■W'^7' E would beg leave to infoiin the citizens ▼ W of Fayetteville an.l vicinity, tluit we hiive just received our supply ot SPftlNti .V.nD SU.M.MIdv GOOliS, which comprises :i generjil assortment of R E .M > V - M A D E i'AX) r IU N (J, Which will be found worthy the attention of ])ureli:isers. Oar luiSortmcut consists in p.irt of the f-ilhwing; CiiA'I'S. — :ii:d i-'d'd cloth Dress, Fr.ick ;ind Siuk Coats, idl |.;n:ities; lihiek :ind colored Cashmeret ditto; French iind Lnglish Draji D'- r!te lUtto; (Juee;i's-eloth and AlpJiea ditto; I'aiv- cv Coats of mottleii Cuisse :uid 'i’wccds; Ken tucky .le.ins; Linen and Coft-m (lingh.ims; P>ro., bufl' nnd w hite Linen.s; white gr;;ss-clot!i Sacks, v^c. of all ipialitli- s. P.VN fS—Of black an 1 eol'd Cassimere; f;incy single-!!.ill'll ditto; I'rcnch and I'aiglish Drap D'Lte di'ti;; white ami co'.'d Drill ditto; Ken tucky Jejiiis ditto; India ivnd Fivneh Niinkecn {.itto. .'tc. 1’ ^ I' !'. ondersi”ne-1. :.s tlie ,\gent of the jibove L>: :;bli-iil:.e!.t. will or lei' any Jliti'des v.liich niM\‘ be wjinted. on :ipplicntioii to him. '' lie .''ii 1111 Nii’.'.s ni:iir.iiin-tuied liy .Mr. Star- biir'i lijive been testc'i. and iire highly aj>proved on t le Mj.nk li :i.Is jii'oiit F.-iyetteville. Li'U a id.i. WiNSLO’W. Fayettevil’e. Se’,'t. L l^•>l. 2ott m ^,1 V!.M!;r, i;o»i!s Tor I rs'Hi-: JL h\^ liivi >1 tliC 1;U'; and Sinnnifr (loods ■r would e;dl the .-itteiition of 'lids, iind the judiiic in g-, ncr;d, to one ol the laigest vjirlvties of Fver ofiercd by him his iissortmeut may 1>UI;SS HATS. to-w‘i ver, .Silk, llriish iind iiSSortini'nt of :ill :i Ihis market, .\mong ill- loiin i;—Gentlemen's Kossuth, .1/oleskin, Bea- \ngol-i. with il conijdcte ;ther kinds of h'ur iind Wool ll-.ii.-: usually found ia this market. —ALSO— ,trjiw Goods in iibiindance. to-wit; ]’;in:ini:i, Piice Striiw, Pelal, Chin.i Pearl. Leghorn (Kos suth st;.le) and Palm-leaf HATS, for (iontle- Youths, Bovs and Iiifjints. ' —ALSO—- A J)JOOd assort ment of Boots & Shoes, for tientlemen, Ltidies. .Vis.«e«, Youths, Boys, Children, and Servants; all of which will be otlered on very ac- X'LSI S—Of black Sjitin, I’oni'i.-izinf*, .-Mpiica, black and col'd Silk.s; w hite and col d .’d.-irseille.s ditto; br.jw n iind ]>;i 1 led Linen, idiun and tig'd: Niinkecn. Kiiii'. Gr.iss-itlotli. lic. .\ll ot wliieli are offered fiu- sa'e as low :is can b- bought in tiie New York niiirket. at v. i!Ti! retail. In addition to the iibove. we .shall keep on hand a ircneral iissortiiient of .Shirts, Drjiwers, Colliirs. Crjiviits. liosii'iy, i';c. Also, (Toths, Cjiss'unercs. and Vestings. The TAILORING Id-;P.\I1TMENT will be eoniinued as bt fore, and :ill oi-ilcrs for fine ('lotli- iii'z will be CMCcutcd in the most f.ishionnble .-tvle. C'. ILVlvr, Agent. ‘April S. 1 '-V2. soif Norici:. 'srjl'A'.SONS indebted to us by P.on 1 or P.ook iiecount due previous- t > .bin y I, must settle or we will nmke seltlcTiients by leg;iV process. J- \ -VDDILL. Toms oi'U'Fi. S B A\ lNi fj’ied I'ne Ice Hoiiso at ('am;>>>ell-' § a ton with lii .stoii Pond ICL, fiimilies :!ii.( others c:in be siipl'iied during the sc.-isou v.ith lee iit the folb-'.ving r;ites; For quantities of lbs. iind iii wai 'is, 2 Cts. lli.; less tluin o U.S.; ;; J.fs.,—,ii the Market House before O o’clock ' everv nil ruing; iifti r th it time, .5 i;ta. per lb.- will be ch.-irged for all ipiiintiiii-s. '1 ho lee will be delivered iit o'clock P. >d. Oil S;itnrl.iy.s, inste.-id ot’ Suiel iy mornings Cash having been pjiid tor the Ice, sdl (ic- counts arising therefrom mvnst be settlel we.'kly. The Ice House will be opened on the 12th inst.- CllAllLLS (.oi>D,\RD. Aprilr-'/i. N VY\ HsOOCiS. I Sprhii; AM now receiving a very birge iind welt- selected stock of Staple and Fancy ileady-tnade (’lothi n Croccvie.s, llardware nnrl (’iitlrrv, Hats, lioiiTKds, Shoes, UuiLri.llas, I'ara.suls, «.*tc. —ALSO— 7.1 Barrels .^lackerel. These (ioods have been selected with tho' coinmodating terms for the grciitest care, and will he sold as chetip .-is any Readv Cash, or to those that ure willing to Goods in the market. Those wishing to pur- casU their accounts when present.vL chase, will find it to their ii.teiest to examine JOH.V C. THO.VSON, these Ctoods before i.urchi .-ing, e.sentierc. ^ South-west corner .1/arket Soiiiire. -Varch 2'.', 1>>'>2. 77tf M.irch 22. 1 >^-'2 "