SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. h] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 11, 18;V2. [NO. 8i).] I’lUNTED BV J. B. NEWBY, kdward j. hale & sox, £D1T0K. and FROl’UlETOKS. Piife for tbe Seini-U'ovkly Obskuver $t (M) if p»id in Jidvatice: •'}!4 .>0 if pnid during the rear of mOiscriptioii; or after the yeur bus fijiireii. For the Weekly Obskuvek $2 00 per annum, if puiJ in advance; $2 50 if paid during the year of suhsoription; or $1) 00 after the year haK espircd. advertisements inserted for sixty cents per iqu.tre for the first, and thirty cents f«>r each jiicccciiinp publication. Yearly adverti.scmentd bv }>ocial contracts, at reasonnble rates. Atl- T‘rtiicr5 are recjuested to state the number of iiimrtions desired, or they will he coi»tinucd till forbid, and ch.nrged accordingly. Letter."* to the Editors nuij^t be po!»t-paiil. nry S’I'AKK i5c Wli.LlA.MS, WilOLKSALE DEALERS IN foreist^ «/### MPomestic iioods^ HAY Fayetteville, N. C. J. B. STARU.] [•»• >!• Wll.l.IAM.'*. April J"’'*' _ Sicoud Spring «.y Summer St or ft'. STAUIi\V: \MLlTaMS announce t* tiieir customers and the public jrenerally, that they are ii-iw receiving large additions of Stiijt/r Di t/ (7ox/.s S/i’Jt'K, Uootf, »l c.. their early .''pring purch:i5cs, to which they fj’ fiially invite the attenti'>i» of country incr f ha Ilf s. Orders solicited, and every exertion made to fiNe satisfaction. S. . i-’-iyettf-ville. .\pril ‘28. Sotf Offiff «f llif r. F. ji I). R. \ay, I'y-T l*ilT.'in>Rt»’, April -4, Ixoii. j NOriCE. ■^^OTI’F. \s herrby ?«^en. tU:it all inntaU- .4.^ inents on the suJwcription.s to tlie capital «t.K-k of the Cape and l>«ep Uiver Naviga tion t'ouipany. made prior to the 18tli of -July, 1>'-')1, have become due: and sail subscriber.-* wh* may be in .•HTi'Hrs. are hereby required to make payment within one mouth fr»>i« this date, f>r their st>x'k will be advertised for sale, nc- t'ording to tlie 0th section of the act chartering >.tii (.'onipauy. l!v order of the n*iard of l>irect»>rs. .".-fm] J. J. .lAt'KSttV. rierk. FEUrVL\>rc;i A.\0, 110K sale, in lot-i to suit, bv ' itAV & I’E.VUrE. May 1. ?Ttf 1 8.13. LOOK AT THIS! Sin'Utsc attd Summer iiOODS^ Just reeeived. —AL.SO— llat.'i, Cap.'^, I’onnet.x, Boots and 81ioes. N'iirth i>ide Hay street, ojiposite to Mesgrs. ; f'k A; .Fohuson. ISAAC r»f»i>n. Mav 0. IS-VJ. f^Ttf NO PATENT SKCURED, NONK WANTED. The otily giianinty to protcct or recommend my mediciucs that I desire, is success. The title ot “1‘atent Medicine.” now. is often cA'i- dence of traud or trick rather than discovery. W hen applied to such jib are heralded forth ii-s eurin|2 mimy or most of the nmliulies “that flesh is heir to.’’ doubtless ii is correct enougli. witli tlie ucMitiol) tliat. to credit untrue and ab surd stat. nient.s, i.- to be gulled always. If, after th«* testimony I \iave adduced t>f the superior elHcacy of niy I’hnrniHccutical .Medi cines as c*'mpareil with any ironi o>'icr sources, it is n->t believed, then I have but to say, let them alone. Further, to discrimitiate between thetu and what they are to cure, and the long list of i|Uack nostrums that the country abounds with, and their evidence of veracity .and medical knowleilge, is not liilheult; and who lo not do ii are p.articularly adviticil to the sniue cour.>e. l*r. l.'.ttle s jdiarmaceutical medicines need no ftirged »>r tictitious statement.'- a thousand miles Imm iH'nie. to estjiblish their virtues: fi.r, wiien well testeil. they uill prove to be invalu able in any eonmiunity. ANt>l»VNE cort’.ii DUttrs. I'nr the cure ot (’oughs. Colds. Sure Throat, atnl A.'^thnui; also, lor Crou|>. Whooping- Cough. ’oIi!s, and l!ii:imai;itory Fevers :imong Children. Hundreds of bottles have been sold and used with more succ-ss th:m any remedy known; in several cases, where the llal.sam of \Vihl Cherry had failed entirely, it has promptly ettected a cure (see certificates.) and is doulttlcs.'* the most etficacious reuiedv e.\taiit. VKHMlFlXiE. .V sure I’emedy to cure Children of Worms, re- i|uiring no other metHcinc; be.sitles it will soon restore puny or lroiiping Chil dren to health agai^i. It can be given to the most tlelic ite child with iiert'eet safety, and is m>t svirpasscd. if efiU.iKcd, by an;, other. I’ut up in vials >louble the usual size, and also in large bottles for plantation u.'»P. wiiich are one-th?rd cheaper tlian my own in vi.ils. and more than fifty per cent, cheaper than any other. The fac simile of the signature of Dr. W. (i. Little will be found upon the outside wrajiper. Sold wholesale and I'etail, by the I’mprietnr. at his Manufacturing Depot, No. -•>! .M.irkct street. I’hiladelphia, and Macon, tieorgia. To be had also of James C.aiu. llocktish; A. Wat.-5on. Flo’.'a] ('nllege; Town«en»i A: Doug- las. IJennettsiille; l)r. 1’. M. Ci>heii. Ciiarlcs- ton: C. C. ISar jee. I>arcla\sville; 1’. F. I'es.-ud, 1> aleigh. S. J. lUNSDAl.E. -\gent for FaA ettevilV. DAir.Y EXPECTED. 4 GEN RAL ASSOKT.MENT of HOLLOW- WALE, by E. C. HALL, of Horae. Oct. 18, 1S51, ,32tf Tea! T^f Teal! i CHEST YOL'NG HYSON, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. BANKS. Oct. 28, lyC)!. ;j t-tf 'I'hat 1*01 jISHI how it Shines! 10,000 siold within i llie last iiiiie iiioiillis! 1 A .1. W(>Ol)\V.\KD retJirns his thanks to j • the public for the unprecedented en- I couragement he has met with in the nianufac- I ture and s.ale of liis celebrated I’OLISH, and ;it j the same time wi.-jhes it understooil that he al- i wa\s keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or i retail. Experience has proved that this I'olish is un surpassed for i|uickness in putting a gloss on boot.s and shoes, and also in pre.scrving the le.-i tiler. I'ersons wishing to oil tlicir boots use this I’olisU with e^ual success innuediately af terwar Is: the leather should be rubbed as soon as the I'oiish is applied, before it dries. This I’olisU cun be found :it the store under the Carolinian I’rinting OtHce. Favetleviiie, Feb. *21. IS.j'J. tiTtf THOS. II. TILTJXCILVST, BOOBi-!Si:V[>E:iS, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., OITOSITK MU. W. WINSI.OW’S I-AW OFFICK. JJferSf" .Music neatly bound at short notice. l*amidilets anl I’eriodicaLs bound, and old Uooks re-bound, in a substantial manner. Dec. 8, 4t;tf AEW C0013S. T TO I'lli; I’l liMC. IIIE sub.scriber has leased for a term of ye.'ii s. of Iv. W. Drown. Ks*(., his tire-|iroof Stire. with his Wharves, and is now in a coiidi- tion to t;ike esjiecial care of Sjiirits Turpentine and other Nuval .Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the iH'St and safest jilace in town for tiie storage of Itacon. Lard, Corn. l*eas, ,Vc. Tlie lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where .'Spirits can be salely kept from the rain and sun. He is pri'pared to receive :ind ship, or sell, all kinds *»f produce sent to his care. He will als'> make advan-.’es when reinircl. ile begs to refer to the following gentlemen: 11. W. lir.iwn. .lohn Dawson, O. G. I’arsley and Thos. H. Wriglit, Ksijs. MILKS COSTIN. Brown's wharf, Wilmington. N. C. .Sept. IJ. K)I. -I'V BROTilKHS LI.M'l. steamer IMIOTIIEIIS. :md Tow Uoats iL Stevenson. D.-ivitl Lewis. anl .James Chs- siduy, are pre]>.ircd to foi ward with dis[>atch all goods Consigned to the I’rojtrietor. Tiie Steamer I’rothers is of light lr:iught. an I well suited to run in Axr i-.i/rr. She pos- se.'.'>''s p iicrr and ■•/ue'i, ."ind is admirably :ida]>t- ed to I'liriiij, and can accommodate about llt» pas^engiTS. The I'roprietor contenipl.ites running the li .at himself, and will give special attention to way freight an>l n.ival stores; to towing, and will also attciid to the comfort and eonveni -nce of Passengers. From his long experience as w nv*-. and the roonis cnvenic.t an.l I Agent in Wilmington of the several Steami»)at Ti«r Table is alwavs furnished with the best j Companies, he thinks he can give satis.artmn. tine Tegetable i To .Menhants in the interior he W4>uld say, that all tioods shipped by him. will be deliv- WE are now receiving a very l.-irge and | Well selected stock of SlMllN(i tiUODS, j consisting of a full assjrtnient of | Faucif Jlr Staple Mfrtf fmoods^ | .Vniong w hich may be found the l.-itest and | fashionable St \ led of Lailies’ and (ientlemen's | DHESS tJOODS, Hats, Cap.s, Bonnets, ileaily-iuadu Cloth ing, Hardware, (iroccrie.*!, Drugs and Saddlery, (.'roekLiy, and (ilassware. .V large and well selected stock of Boot.> :iiid Slioe.s, and Ladies’ and CJeutle- un'u'.s (laitefs, (very line.) SALT, IKON, .AIOLASSJvS and NAIJ..S. We intend selling as cheap as we can, and would be glad if our friemls and tlie public would cull and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 24. 7(>tf SoiilBicrii Ha IIII lac III re. K have formed a company styled the w W Snow Cumj) Manufacturing roinpany, of Alannince f’ounty, .North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane C'reek Cotton Factory, on ('ane Creek, at the Foundry owned by David Dixon ] & Brothers, and wor.ld respectfully iinnonnee to i the citizens of Alamance and the atljoiuitig I Counties, Ave are now prepared to Mann- 1 faeture in the neatest and best st\le—Wheat I 'I'lira.sliing Machiites, from two to six horse I power; rutting Machines of dilFerent sizes: Wool Carcling Machines; double :ind single Mill and Factoi'y Gear: Saw anil (irist .Mill Irons; edge Tools; t’ottoii Varn an«l W ool Liills. v\;e. Persons w isliing to purchase would do well to give us a call V>efore i)urch:ising elsewhere, as we are determined to .sell cheaji ftir cash, or on time to jiunctual de.alers. Ourlong exjierience in the .\ianufactnring Dnsiness enables us to feel no hesitation in .saying that our work shall Hot be surpassed by any slm]> in the .South. .Ml letters addresseil to the Agent of the ('ompany at the Sinn*’ Cani}» i’. O., Al.-unuiice County, N. C., will ruceive prompt .-ittei'tiHU. DAVID DIXOX, Agent of the S. C. .M:inniacturing Company. Snow C:uni>. Dec. Ib.jl. 47-Onij>d \\ L\iffcttfrUle Ilotd^ EA\h:T'rEviLu:, n. c. large and spUndid Duilding has now M. been in siicceiistul operation since .May 'J'lie IJedding ami f urniture tif all kimls co r roN GIN FAc rouv. 'IWESSIIS. HAY & PE.MICE are the autho- rized .\gents in Fayetteville for the sale (.riswold's Patent Water Box Cotton tilN.S, c; nufactured in ('linton, (ieorgia. SAMUEL OIllSWOLD. linton, Geo., May .‘5, 18.)2. S.. COUxXxi) IIAY. m Bl'SIIELS COUN. f A feiT bales Eastern Hav. F,r»n!ebv H. I5UANSON & SoN. May 'l8.'.2. ^^^tf CIIoTcE J'EAS. 1 CHEST BL.\CK TEA. Ijr. chests extra tine Imperial Te.a. d i do do do Young Hyson do. 1 T nle li.w 1)T H. 15K.\NSON i*c SON. Mdv 18-Vi. STif the lu^rket affords. aide«l by g.irden. Boarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will tind de sirable accouinioilati n.s and attintixe servants. No pains will be spared to give entire satislac- titin. Faniilio can be furni.>hed with large, airy, fr**nt duiible rK>ms, conveniently ami hand somely tiirnished. ,\n experience of 20 years will en:il»lc the les see. the hopes, to gi'c general satislaction. ANN BIJ(»WN. Juue 1. Isr.O. 28-tf Sjprinff €woods* n. .V E, UE now receiving and SL'M.MEU .1. LIIJ.Y alar'e .Stock of Sl’IllNG TO HIRE, 4 SMART, ACTIVE BOY. 10 old. Apply to H. BU-\N.SON A: SON. Mav b7tf t)OXC‘S Window S. J. (ilass, tor j HINSDAF.E. I »7tf 1 10 l>arr(*!s North Carolina Liii- ■•''1 ->IL. f'>r sale by S. J. HINSDALE. M.ivs7tf -0 liarrcls Blake's ^ -^INT, for sale by Mav .1. S. J. Eire-proof HINSD.ALE. 87 tf >tM) (loz(‘H ICs.s*ncos, Cologne “tT, (tpedeUloc, I'ain-Killer, Vermifuge. I’or »al* by S. J. HIN.SD.VLL. M.n- ' 87tf I'Kio l\)taslies, for sale l)V s. J. HINSDALE.* 87tf M;iy MONEY WAN I'ED (ubscriber is desirous of closing his * bufliiiPsH here by the 1st day of .Jurie.— '''■IrustK thiit all persona having nnpail Notes 'f W-.ums with hini, will find it convenient to ■'•ii'i m tlle bv that time. Vi', s. LATTA. . 1J.j2. 87-2w XOIM'HEU.N 1L\Y. I IWk ll.^LE.S just received and for sale by B. HOSE & SON. 1. 1H.VJ, 87tf '‘AIN'rs! (HLSiMMlUGS’ir |JI Ri; WHITE LEAD, hiiijfcd Oil, " lialf ()ii^ ’ hlake K Fire-proof Paint, ' •‘■•for !)ll, I’ow.ler, Salts, Madder, 'ppcras. Spiee, Pepper, fHiijjer, Opeleldoc, &C. ‘ will do well to give the .. /''" r'I call. He will sell us low as they •" '-e 'obtained in the State. L- SAM’L J. HINSDALE. ^'‘'"'•■villc, May 3. 87tf To which they invite the atlentiun of Country .Merchants. Fayetteville, March l'». lSo2. 7'l-8w NEW ElinL f BIHK »nder»ign"d have entcrc“«l into copart- ■ nership. under the name and style ol Ijawmici* cV Troy, For the pnri'use of doing a general .Mercantile and IJiirtcr business. W e ha ve taken the Siore, ,\o. in tillKEN .STREET, formerly occupied by Messrs. John Huske vt Son. (JEO. W'. LAWRENCE. JOHN 11. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22, IS'jI. ;»-tf Ihicoiii'uu;** llic old i>ortli Mwlc. Ahkv, Siikmwkm. tV (’». have just re ceived :i «i.lendid assortment of S'lirm /W/- mnr, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These goods will compete in quality and durability witlj the best of Northern Cassimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from *>2A cents to •'j>l 2^* )er yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14, Ibol. .iOtf LN ?>TORE, PLOl'C.nS and Plough Castings, ('orn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and .''pin ning Wheels. E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18.')I. 1H.WE just received from New York, my FALL AND WINTER Stock ot* Goods, Co.isisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, (iroffrifs, Hardware, I’utlfry, ic. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KINO, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, 1800. -l^tf 7)AIIA' KXplX'l'KI), AGENE»i.VL assortment of COOPERS’ TOOLS, of the best manufacturerB’ make, by E. C. H.\LL, of Uome. Oct. IS, 18.'>1. UNION ACADEMY. 'HE building of this Institution is now in ered to their Agent?, in Fayetteville. His .\;:enl in Wilmington is DAVID 15ANKS. to whom all commiinic.'itions may be addressed, as .\gent of the Ste.'imer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Projirietor. Wilmington, Feb. 4. 1S'2. ii.>tf HARXLVN'S llOl’EL, IM V K I'T i: VI 1.1. K, r. TBMIE .''ubscriber. having taken the large ■ Hotel, forinciiy known aa the Plantt-r .s Hotel, sitn.-ited at tlie foot of Hay Mount, Hay Street. Fayctti vilie, N. C-, respectfully inlorius his friends and the public that he is now en- gaged in refitting the building, which is sup- l.lied with entire new Furniture, and is pre- p;irt“d to iMrconniiodate the travcding public. Having had .some experience iti the business in the town «>f Pittsl>orougli, N. t .. he flatters himself that he will be able t»i give satisfaction to those who may avor him w ith their couipa.- nv. His rooms ur.; large and airy. He has large and eonvenient Stables, and a good and faitliful t>stler. A. II. wiirrKii-:i.n, I'oach and l.i?;!it (’itrria»:p Mamilactiiror, /^OULD resjiectfuliy inform the public tliat he still continuts to carry on the above business in all its br.inchcs. He returns thaidvs for the liberal patronage lie Inis receiv ed, and hope.s by a >trlcl atleiition to busilK^s. and :i ilesire to please all and gixe s:it- isfaction. to merit a continu.nice nf the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and by e.vj>ericnced workmen: and should any of it fail in twelve months 'with fair usage) either in workmanship or laatcriai, he will re pair it without charge. Persons w i -hing t(» Imy’, w ould d> well to call and ev:imine his work betore purchasing, as it cannot )>e surpassed for style, eleg.ince, and durabiiity. He is deterinineil to sell low tor c.i.->h or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at- temled to. HfcTiJ'" REP.MRINO neatly exe.Miteil at short noti«'e and lowi-st possible priccs. FHVcltevillc, Fell. i. lH->2. illtf r Livery Stable Busnes.s. fH^UE Rubseri\>er intends carryinji on the JL alntve busines as usual. Having addeii c>nsiderable Stock, he will be able to accoiii- moilate the public. Thankful for juist favors, he solicits a continuance. J, w. Powers. ■)Stf .lan’y 2(1. 'S.'»2. JJOOTS JOHN Feby 17, 18.'.2. Spring (iiooils- HARMAN. lititf 1852. KYf,i: IS NOW UKCLlVl.Nti AliOl'T 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, All of w hich being purchajjed for C.VSH, will be offerol at very reduced prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers, either by whole sale or retail. SiaV“H>lting Clotli!* frtnn Xo. 1 to 10, of ‘.he licsf that is manufactured. March 22. IM'.2. .\.Ni) siioi:s. W'l: .JUSr RECEIVED, BBLS. CRUSHED SU(.Ai:. tiUOK lbs. Wa , lie County Bacon, lo bbls. Lard, No. I." t)4 boxes pi iine Tobacco. lU bbls. .M.'ickerel. At Cross Creek t'o. (.'. IJLNBOW'. Pres't. March 1, IS.')2. O'.itf NEW (iOODS. JUST received, mv Fall sujiplv ot CLf)THS, CASSIMERE.S and VKSTlNLiS, TKI.M- -MINti.S, iVc., of the best ijuaiity, from New York. -Mso, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. jge-ijr I .>itill continue to carry on the T.ULoRlNtJ BUSlNES.s, at 'iiy Stand on Day street, and those who niay favor me with their custom may rely on having their wo’k ilone in i a iH-at an I fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD CR.MIAM. Oct. 27, IS.'il. ;i4tf j:. 1. HALL, Ol' UO.MK, Siirrr.s>/r "f IlnU. Sucl t’tt t’ Is now receiving his Fall .''TOCK of (iOODS, consisting ot a general assortment of Drv (jootls. Saddlery, I lats, C'aps, Shoes, Hardware, (iroceries. \ niucii larger and nioi-e general stock than ever opene-.l i n the East side of the ( a]>e Fear , — which he is pre]>arel and deteniiined to sell ; to |tunctual customers, either at wholesiile or ■ reiail. at greatly reiluced prices. He woiilil c.'ill p.-irticular attention to his stock of BO(»’l'.S .VND .SIlOE.'^. The assoitment ' is unusually large, ami of every juality and stvle: ainl having been bought tor Cash, he c.ali and will sell them very low. You that wish P.arg.iins will find it to your ' interc.^t to give the Stock an e\amination before ! buying elsewhere. .\lwavs on hand, a general stock of GROCE RIES. ' Oct. IS, isr>l. :l2tf F.WKTTKVHJJ- r(KNTE(’TI().NKllY. CHARLES BANKS, Confecfiotter^ SNFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Est:il)lishine!it on (irccn Street, and has tin hand :i fresh su])ply of C.\N DIES, manufactured by hiniself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war- ranteil free from starch, tloiir, paste, and perni cious naint.'. His whole time and affention is now ilevoted to making C:in«ly. and lie is pre pared to supply all orders witli Candies eipial to any made in the United .States. These Can dies he warrants to keep in :iny climate: and he will sell to Town or f,’(puntry merchiints, ns cheap a, good and pure Candy can be purchased in New York or elsew here. Favetteviilc, Oct, 2S. 1H.'>I. :l4-tf Pl'KiN Tlii mm\, W.\REIIOLS>;S, 75 and 77 Faltoa Street, K. Y. fBMIE Pekin Tea Company lias been estab- lished many years, and has alwa\8 main tained a high reputation for Teas of tlie delicious character and fragrancy, and at prii es which have in every instance given perfect s.if- isfaction. 'I'he Teas are warr.-mted pure, and may be returned it they do not prove to be as they are represented. 'i'he Teas sold by tliis ('ompany are done nj> in lb, P), and I lb pa-kages: the first or in side is of lead: the second, water proof paper: tlie thil>l, or outside wrapper, Chinese rice paper; alse, in ;> lbs ehinese |Uat- tooiis. The (.'ompany sell none but good Toa.s, done up in this superior manner, all grown in the most lu.xiirions di.^triets in (’hina: they h:ive Teas of every descrij'tioli in chest.l and half (diests. Country .Merchiinls will finil it gre.itly to their interest to purchase their Teas of this Com pany, they select as small a pnintity of each kind :is they like, and have them jiacked in one chest Hotel Keep-rs may always be certain d" having on their table a iniijunii ch.inirUr of Tea; and Families may not only be sure of good, but purclnise any ipian- tity their wants may reijuire. 'I'he following is :i Catalogue of the Teas with the let-iil prices .-itti.ved. GREEN TEAS. Young Hyson, .">0 \ onng Hyson, .'^■.veet ('argo, I'.i!.', Young Hyson, Fin‘Cargo, 7"> \oung Hysnu Silver I.eaf—this is a very superior 'fea, -iil ()( ^ onng Hyson (iolden Chop—this is the finest Tea cnltiv:ited in Cliina; it is of the first pickings, and e.xcels all other Gi'cen Teas for its delicacy (>f fla vor. strength, and arouin: heretofore this Tea has init reached this country, ex cept in small lots as presents to im- piirters, ilyson, line. Hyson, very superior piant.ition, (inn powder, (iiiiipowdcr. fine. tiunpowdcr extra fine, plantation, Imperial. lnii»erial, tine. Imperial, extra fine plant:ition, BLA('K TEAS. Oolong, a rich black Tea, (.'omp.ire this low priced gr.-ido with Te:is which are soUl at mo.->t [daces as Oolons; Tea, the dill'crence is too plain, ami the deception too jialp.-ible. Oolong, fine, Oiilong, Plantation growth, 7'» (.lolong, delicious, ^1 Ne Plus ultra, oU This Tea is :is fragrant and sweet as a nosegay, it yields a perfume that is truly didighttul: it is of garden gmwth, and superior to anything here tofore s.ild in this coinitry. English Breakfast, fine. o(> Fragrant English Bre.-ikfast, •J2i How|Ua Mixture,—a very rich and higlilv Havored Tea of sni>erior qualify, 7'> Sold by D. cN; w. .Mci-AURIN. A(ro«itn,~ t’uyrtte> ille, N. t'. A Copy of tlic “(iuide to Ten Drinkers.” a \crv interesting tre.-itise on the culture, \c.. o*' Tea may be had gr.-itis at tlieir counter. ■March 2S, lh-'i2. 77-tf Please W. McLAURIN, 7ytf GOOD8. WE are now rtoeiving onr u.sual stock of STAPLE AND FANCY c,} O O IJ s, noofw, Boiinets, Whidi beinir bonsrht late in the sea.son, (most of them at a coii'iderable d»-cline in price.) we are now prepared t> sell them Very low. call and e.vaniine, D. .V .\jiril 1H.')2. NOTICE. fHlHE Partnership heretofore existing in Sl Lunibeiton. between the undersigned, i.-J this day dissolved by nintnal consent. Those indebtcil (o the firm will please call on G. W'. M(.Kay, at Lumberton, who is authorized to settle the concern. JOHN A. HOWLAND. (ilLBF.RT W. McKAY. Lnnib.'rton. FcV>. 2'>. lh-'»2. i9tf NO'J'ICET^ fW^HE partnership heretofore existing under JB. the name of .L 11. R. F. Murphy is thi:* day dis.'‘olved b}' mutual cnisent. All inilebte-1 to the firm, by note or account, are reijuested to call at R. F. Miir- jihy's, and settle iiefore the loth of February ne.Tt. and thereby save cost. .And those having chiims against the iirm are requested to present the;u immediately. J. W. MURPHY. K. F. MURPHY .Tan'v 2ti. 18’)2. OOtf ^1 50 ."Sl (M» ••jil -V) r>o i\i:w I nm & !\i':w (iooiis. rp^HE subscribers are now receiving from JIL N. York, a lai'ge and assortment of Staple and Fancy Drif Goods., (aiOCEllIi:S, IIAKDWARE, Hatf* and (’aps, IJoots and Sliot;.i. .\mong which are: ('ofTee, Sugar, ('otton P>agging, Bale Rfipf. Nails, W indow (llass. Swedes .-in 1 English Ir. n,- Sack and Alum Salt, Imjx’rijil an] Black Teas, Pepper, Alsjdce. (iinger. I’owi'er, Skot, Bar Lead, Bar and Fanc\ Soap, 'I'ogi'ther with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the ultentioji of the public, and which they are ik termine«l to pell as low for Cash, or on time to those Avho pay promptly, as any house in the Seuthi'rn country Produce of all kinds, at tlie highest market prices, taken in exch.inge for Goods. ■ LEAN X JONES. . Ml Sunnnerville, N. ('., Dec. S. iS-il. 47tf JT.VGE leaves W ARS.UV daily on the ar- m UOUefji: fWlLL sell my STMMICH HKSl! two miles from the .J/ark‘t. on the Fayette ville and Western Plank Road—one of the most desirable anl healthy places in the county. Also. 40 Shares id' Fayetteville ami WCsterii Pl.'ink Stock, and :;o Shares of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. With the largest stock of Re.-uly-made t'AR- Rl.VtiES and BU(i(ilE.S ever oiiered in this j,lace—over .'ji.')(IOO worth—completely finislu'd. and arrives in Fa\etteville .it ‘.i ]>. ni. MclvlNNO., ,v McNEll.L. .Vpril 12, 1S.')2. Hitf ^Vi^nlington and Goldeborough jiapets copy until fiiiljjd. spuTncT ;ooD.s. PT.XYLOR has just received a lot of desi-^ • rable (JOODS, suited to the Spring auil‘ Summer tr.ide. April 12, ]H.>2. I'ayetteritie BSranch (LOTIllMi KSTlllLifillME.M’.. .1. 11. Wliilr reidcrhsll, Drujx'r.'ij I'uiloi'A, unit uml Kc- tm! (' 110 William .Street, New Viiik, Person street, (next door to Rank of Cupe,) F.VVETTEVILLE, N. C. 1C would beg lca\e to inform the citizcns w have just recei\eil our supply of SPRING .\.ND \ll of which 1 will sell at very rcdnceil prices SL.M.MKR GOODS, which coniprises a general tl.ii those lind their accounts made out by calling at i the F'oundry which will be settled as | earl> as convenient. H. (.1 H.\LL. .March (j. I 1 HOOK inNDERY. H|^ AV. H.UIDIE has rcfunied the Book B • lliiidii.g IJu.siness at llie new Si.-ic next liot.r to Mr. Ueaslcy, Jeweller, where iic wi.l re ceive and execulc idiiding in any style desired. 27 tf indebted the subscriber will ar‘ ri'ceivniu one of the largest and best assorted stocks of BOOT.s and SHOE.S ever oflercd by us, embracing a very large and fasliiMiab!e a>sortmeiit of (ientlemen's. Ladies', Uoy.-*’, Youths’, .Misses' and (.'hildren’s Boots, (iaiters. and fancy Shoes, selected Irom tiie mo.'st ap proved Manufacturers. ,Vlso. CaiC, (ioat. Bimling. I.ining and Pad Skins: Sole Leather; Shoe 'I’hread: Lasts; .Spara bles; i’egs. iVc. \ superior article of Travel ling Trunks, ('arpet Bags and ."'atcliels. .\llof whicii will be sold very low lor t'.V.*H or on time to punctual custoiiiurs. -V large assortment of Servants' Shoes for Men's and W oiin n s w ear. S. T. ilAWLEY SON. April 70-i'W MRS. WALTON. ^lantuu-Mukcr and Milliner, 1 las just received a new ami beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer irr.s f'l'i expects to receive them ! nionthl3' as long as the sea- ! son lasti; and will sell them I as cheap, if not cheaper, any in the mar- i ket. She e.xi>cft8 daily ft upw mi'l beautiful i material, ami the latest fashions.— .issortinent of DrcHS Trimmings, lUack Lace variety will be ‘too teilioiis to mentimi.’ .Shawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. Also Dress and ^ have the handsomest Crape and Berage Sacque Patterns of the latest style. Shawls we have ever tdfcred in this market; and Order.s from the country promptly at- | would call the attention of the ladies )'ar- Augusl 1. SI’IilNC AND SI .\LMEil qooi>s. AREY, SHEMWELL & CO. A RE now receiving direct from New \ ork vTL. and Philailciphia, a complete assorlintnt of B:\4i A>i> ««»!»!*. comprising every article usually kept in a Dry (iooiis Store, aiiion;; which may be found: for ca.'h or negotiable notes. So little jittention has been p:iil to the call m.ide by me after the fire of the 2d .Lin’y. oii those indebted to me to call and settle, th:it 1 am induced to otter the .-ibove property at re duced jirices to enable me to rebuild my ('arriage Establishment and continuo my busi ness with eoinenience. 1 shall place notes in proper liands for collec tion. if not paid soon. 1 have all my accounts made out to the 1st .Ian y l!^-)2. A. A. J/cKETHAN. .Varch 2'.', 1H.'2. 77tf ~ \\A.NTi:i), Piaiik Road Bridge on Big Rockfish. 'fhe best market ju-ice will be paid. For further infoi-m- ation, inquire of .lohn W. .Murphy, at the Bridge, or id’.V. .V. .McKcthan, Fayette\ille. Dec. IS. l^.M. ‘ 4'.!tf N. li. STAUUUCK, Trofj, •Vetr IVirA*, iHox rorxDHii and .MAniixisT, J/iili i( flirt III >r of iSf'iill' itfrf II lilt J}ijifrr., ill (ii tirlmj ut iill J'lnii;/lis, ti c. f 1 32tf TL n state of conipletion. It is large and commolious. It is pleasantly located in a fine iieighborliood, and in u very salubrious part ot Robeson county, twelve miles west from Lum berton, about half mile south of the road lead ing from thence to .Alfordsville. The first session of this Institution will com mence on the 2d Monday of January, 1852, un der the care oi' ?!r. (Ulcu Leitch, who is a gra duate of the University of North Carolina. Terms of Tuition, per Semion, viz: Spelling, reading and writing, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History, 1^* Latin, (Jreek, French, and the higher branches of .Mathematics, 12 00 Uoard can be obtained at the .Vcademy, and at eo»»enient distances in the neighborhood, ai from tivf M dollars per mouth. IJy ufder of th? Trustees. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec’y. Dec. 2'J, \ ^HE niidersigned. as the .\gent of the above i fi Estatilishnicnt. will order any articles Ladies’ iind Gentlemen's Cniods, of tl:“ ' wliitdi may be wanted, on application to liini. '’’he .Steam .Mills ni:inufactured by Mr. .'^tar- buc’c have been tested, and are highly apj>roveil on tlic Plank RoaUs about Fayetteville. ED W’l) I, EE WINSLOW. Only Biirnt out in Part. A. A. McKeI^AN STILL continues to carry on the CARUl.VGK BUSINESS in all its branches, at the re mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty 1 oint. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he Las heretofore receivel, and hopes by strict at tention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a cuntinuance of the same. Having kept the greater portion of bis Tim bers at a distance from the manufHCtory, he has on hand a large and well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every description used in his business, whicli enables him to retain all liis principal workmen. He is theretorc now prepared to tlo any work in his line in the verj best .‘*tvle, and on the most favorable terins——as low as any work of the s.i:ne quality in N. C. He has on hanfl, completely finished, H Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; 6 Kockaways. anu !‘l Buggies., nearly finished, 10 Carriages for 2 horses; 20 Barouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways, and 30 Buggies; All of which are of the most approved plan ami finish, and will compare with any work vu the U. States for neatness and durability tended to, and country customers may alway be sure of getting the latest st^le of articles or patterns. March .'50, 1852. 78tf Aroy, Slifinwell A: €o. Have one piecc extra fine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would cail the attention of the public. Oct. 15, 1851. 3-tf SPRING STOCK rWHIE undersigned are now receiving their J. SPRING STOCK, consisting of DRY GOODS, flAUOW.Milv Uatx, Cnpn. ana Shoes, All of which will be sold low to punctual cus- tomvrs ns hereu»t‘ore. Merchants »thors will do well to exam- ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL & SACKETT. March 11, 1852. Pricc ol* Ras« aclTanccd. PERSONS who have made contracts with J. V. Jordan & Co. for furnishing HAGS, V t iiainPBs 'H’e hereby informed, that we w ill pay cents Having been engaied in the above business Cotton Rag.s, Rope and Bagging, for the past 20 years, his work is delivered to us after this iate. and he refers to old -ustomers for proof ol its durability. All work wurrantetl for 12 month.s, and repaired free of charge should it fail by bad workmanship or material, within that time. Rkp.^iuin'O executeil at short notice, and on reasonable terms. ^ Jan’y 26, 1852. March 11, 1852. H. BRANSON & SON. 72tf COTTON YARNS for sale by the bale, at Factory prices, by STARR di WILLIAMS. March 10, 1852. ticulai-ly to our very hamlsoiiie stock of Ve- zitvs. Mantillas, Parasols, and D'aiis. — ALSO— Thin Embroideries: Lace and Muslin C.-ipes: ! Chimizets; Cndersleeves; Linen ('ambric Hand- j kerchiefs; Emb’d Sacks: Infants Waists and 1 Caps; Cuffs and Collars. j We would also direct the attention of the la- , i dies to our stock of BONNET.S, *>f the latest | styles of Silk, Cvajie and Straw. We would not i foi-get to mention our stock of Boots .and .Shoes, j for ladies, gentlemen and children. Together ' with tlieir usual stock of Staple (ioods, consist ing in part of Damask Table Cloths, and Nap kins: Linen and Cotton Sheetings: English, French, and .\merican Prints; brow n and bl’ch'd Domestics; Marseilles and Grass Ski'-ts; Mar seilles (juilts, of the best quality, I'ic. Moleskin, Panama. Leghorn, Kossuth, and Palm-leaf; and a variety of other (ioods. To the above stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of the cituens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country. And would take this nietliod of returning thanks to the public generally for the very liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed on us; and would s.iy, give us a call before buying, as we are determined not to be undersold by any. We keep constjintly on hand a good assort ment of Ingrain and ISrussels Carpeting; Sugar and CoflFee, Tea, &c. S. S. AREY. P. SHEMWELL. J. R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, March 2(i, 1852. 77tf 4 SUPPLY of Fr«sli Ground CORN MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late .\nderson’s. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, Mavcli 1851. 12tX F:iyetteville, Sej>t. 4. 1S.">5. 2(!tf :mz I'^or I rH'IHE sufiscriber would cull tlie attention of i hie tViendb, and the public in general, to one of the largest varieties of Spriiii!^ Sifnuner (>oods Ever offered by him in tliis ni.irket. .Among his assortmeut m.-iy be found:— Gentlemen s , DRF.S.s hats, to-wit: Kossuth. .Voleskin, Bea ver, .Silk. Brush and .\ngola. with a complete assortment of all other kinds of Fur and Wool Huts usually found in this market. _AI,SO— Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit: Panama, Rice Straw, 1‘edal. China Pearl, Leghorn (Ko»- j suth style) and Palm-leaf H.ATS, for Gentle men, Youths, Boys and Infants. j —ALSO— ; A fj^ood assort ment of Boots & Shoes, for Gentlemen, L;ulies. .Visses, Youths, Boys, (’hildren, and Semints; all of whieli will be offered on very nc- assortnient of READY-MADE CLOTIIINC;, Which will be found worthy the iittentiou of pureha,sers. ()ur assortiiieiit coiuists in jiart of the following: ('OATS.—Pd.ick and ctil’d cloth Dress, Frock anl S:ick Coats, all qualities: bl.iek and colored t'as-liiueret 4litto; French atu! English Drap D’- Ete ditto: Queeu's-cloth and .Vlpaca ditto; Fiia- oy Coats of mottled Crasse :ind Twcedjj: Ken tucky Jeans: Linen and ('otton (iinghains: Bro., buff and white LiiuMia; w hile grass-cloth Sacks, >'!;c. of all ia-.ilitie!». P.^N'f.S—Of black and col'd f'assimero: fancy siiigle-mill d ilitto: French and English Drap D'Ete ditto; white and col'd Di’ill ditto: Ken tucky Jeans ditto: liulia and French N.ankceii pitto. .S:c. VESTS—Of lihick Satin, Bombazine, .\lp,ac.'i, black and col’d Silks: white and col'd Marseilles ditto; brown and p.idded i.ineii, jdain and fig’il; Nankeen, Buff, (irass-eloth, iic. .\11 of which are ofl'ered for sale as low as can be bought in the New Yi>rk market, at wholesale and retail. In addition to the above, we sliall keep ou liaud a general assoi-tiiient (>f .'liirts. Drawers, Collars, (,'iavafs, Hosiery, vVc. Also, Cluths, C;;.s.-iilucres, and Vestings. The T.MLORlNt; DEP.MITMENT will be I’O’itinued as before, anti all (ii'durs for fine t'lotli- iiig will i>e e.\ecuted in the most fashionalilo stvle. A. C. Il.\UT, .Agent. April 8. l;>52. 80tf notrTe. PEP.SONS indebted to us by Bond or Book account due previous to .lan’y 1, 18*iv settle or we will make settlement.^ by legal' process. -I- «'* T- WADDILL. 152 Tons of ICE. n.AVlNG tilled the Ice Honse at Cnmpbell- ton with Boston Pond ICE, families anil" others can be sujiplied during the««ni witli' Ice at the following rates: For nuantities of ^ llis. and upward.s. 2 cts. per lb.: less than 5 lbs.; ;• cts.,—at the .Market House before 'J o’clock every morning: Hft«*r that time, 3 cts. per lb. will be charged for .ill quantitiets. The lee will be delivered at 5 o’clock P. M. on SutupUBya,' instead of Sunday nwniings (.'ash having been paid for tire Tee, all ac counts ari.sing therefrom must be settled weekly. The Ice House will be o]»enel on the 12th inst. chai'Jj:s (joddard. April 5. 1852. ^ 8(*tt 1 Aow Spring Goods. ■ AM now receiving » very lin^e and wel^ selected stock of Staple and Faney lfK\' CtOODS^ lleudy-niade Clotbing, Grocerie.s, Hardware and Cutlery Hats, lioMTictK, Shoes, I'rubrellas, ParasoLs, &c. &e. —ALSO— 75 barrels !TIackerel. These Coods have l>een ."-elected with commolating terms for the greatest carc, and will Ije sold as cheap as anj Ready Cash, or to those that are willing to cash their accounts when presented. JOHN C. THO.VSON, South-west corncr J/arket Square. J/arch 2'J. 1852. 77tf Goods in the market. Tho.'w wishing to p»*f- chasc, will find it to their intereut to examijw- these 6ool9 before ptu’cliajiug _ W. F MOORFL- Marob 22, I£5:’. •