S E M I-W E E K I. Y r>iar*/i«atiS3E«*p! \ll\ll UilH PIIIMJ I>. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAV i:S, I8.M. [XO. IHJ. I M'aamitnaf jgga«tiggir?j^jiTnra.f ^nyi' - 1-UINTK1> BV J. H. M:\VUV. A sroi* TIM’, Tlll!'.l'. Ul.WAUU of Twenty-Five Dollars will be paiil U'T iiit'iiniiatiou leading ti> the re- I’DWAlll) J. llALi: & sox. I Odvery of II Horse. 15ii}r^y ami llaines.-;. wtiirh 1. > ivii i.i>, .i>i> I i-T* »!> - ! was liiretl at tlio Plaiitei>,' Hotel in this ptaec ,;i,ru>l.> AND I KOI M1.T()1..>. „„ ni-lay, the :;oth Ai.ril, l,v a man who sai,l ., i',,r till'>i'iiii-\\ eekly (,>nsKKViai i W if . 1 ill a ivaiioe: t •!(> if ii:;id (luring tlie ii-ir 'I or !j;-5 nrtL-r the year has ,NW1V.1. ,. i;i,. Wfi'kly Oi:sK.uvF.u ^^2 01> jicr aiinuiii. if ■ ,1 iii advatu'e; 50 if pai.l during the ^ ai-.>!'sa’.'Si-rijition: or (K,* alter the year ; o\!'ii>"l. \;!V1!1M'1>1'-M1-^ 1 inserted fiirsi\ty cents - -i If' t-r the first, and thirty eeiit.' fur e.udi , i liu.: I'uhl'eatiiiii. \ early ad\erfiseiiieuts ,• i- :al i-outraets, at reasouahle rates. Ad- V .ire r>-‘(uested to state the iiuiuher of desired, or tlioy will be oontiuucd till .iiid rhar;.zed :icet>rdingly. I Letters t> the Kditors must be I'o.st-j.aii';. M* Uis name was NN . i;r(i-,vn, of .\u>:nsta, (Whi. lie said hi- w.is going to l!ennettsvillo, and would return next day. It appears tliat l-.e passeil Laurel Hi!L and made his way u|i the eountry, paHslnjr tlirough or near I'at lh;i|j;e. The llurse he earrleit otY is young and valinhk', ^ujtiiosed six or seven vear.s ohl, reil roan, has a siiiall sore or two made bv tlie collar, and the hair oH’ Ids Iiacli bv llio r.iiggy saddle: newly shod in front; is tali', and carries ratlier a liigli head in harness, and pn- CP^ under the saddle. The Ibiggv is old, verv light. :iiid uuuh worn; but ha.s been recentlv v.iriiisheil; has tray hody, and seat .-its on iron legs; ensiii'iiis and padiling covi re 1 «ith brown doth: e’lith ix turn ..ff tin back paiiding. and the wh'.te exp osed; has in> rack or servant’s seat bvhiin!; sji-.^ps of leathei are wraj)ped on \ arts I.!' the sii.-ii'ts and tacked. W nuowN cV' i)i:Rossi:r, I’orA*, Dr.UOSSF/r liUOW X, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jm>. INn'Ts Bkown. Aumam>-J. DkUosset, Jr. H. I''. Ur.uwN. €1 ASH adv anees will l>e niailc on con=ir:n;n(>nt of I’roduce tor .*t!ilo either in NVihnington or New \ ork, and Cotton will t>e foru.'inled to the New York House free of Coniniis.sioii at Wilmington. M.-irch U’J, lyrrJ. 7ti-0ia A DHSlKAliLK ilESiDESCK FOR SALi:. ^Q^HK Subscriber ii"W offeis f.t > .i\‘all hi.s 'rurjieutine and FHrniing contain ing about ''>1)0 .U-res. situated l‘J miK*s K.-ist of tayetteville, outlie iioldsborough ro:id, com- WILKLNSON (Sc KSLKli, .DKALKllS IN ConJi:rtiijtin\i/, To- hn-ro, (dll/ Siiiijr, AND l.Ml’OKTKH.S OT H3'l*i:«IOS{ MAVA\A '««ARS, AT WIIOLKSALK AM) lli.TAil.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, iriol. 1Jtf S'l'ORACK. WK have comiiioiliuns brick Warehouses in tlie rear of our Store, in wliich we store cotton and otlier product*. 1>. \ W. McLAl’UIN. Nov. 1, is.'ii. ;>7-tf JE -a Tin- Birh Sl'Ri.Mii\D'-’ooKi\u .stov &S tor sale by the Subscriber in Italeigh ami f ay ettevillc: in lialeigh at his Sin'p oii ettevilie Street, and in Fa\etlCYiile at .Mr. .M. ('aiiijdjcli's. ill Some one (*top tlie man, that he may be inonly known as I’alniyra. 1500 l’>A('0\ HAMS. Lib'', choice Wayne county. lOU" lbs. •• cured by W ni. T. Smith. A few barrels Lard. —ALSO— V the bale, .it Manafai-turers' ■ n Y;;’ Ii. ' 11. UliANSON SON. f JIHI I H fii^niK r n (int( (L M.' >. rii>er will p;iy the highest )ni> • d Wa_ .uer. Mav W. r,llO\\N. o'.'-4t C'tj;! I 'dtr (iviii'ation ( 'omjiti/n/. . TllK. Ar.iinal moeting ot the St ckh ' I • . . ■ '■ hi '.d on Friday tlic Itli June ne.\t. in ' i wn "1 Fa vctu-v ille. JOHN 11. H.M.L, Tns t. :, Ti(. 1M*-tm Lf'iirinhnr^j^Ii Srh;Ql, Klt ilMOND t'iil NTV. N. t'. j^'ll' undersigned Committee will plication' m.ide to atone li^r his deeds'* He is vouiii:. Slim, and tiither ur..ler medium si/.e; thin reil f.ice and hinu h.-iir. and rather poorlv dri'ssi'd. 11. MclNTUSil, Ag t. Cheraw. .•. May 1 S.'»2. . S'^-ltpd M IS AM) Furrr. -''■I lbs. Soft Shell Almonds. “ •• Dr.i/.il Nuts. “ “ F.nglish Walnuts. “ •• Filin’rts. 2'> f>ru!iis Figs. 1 Case I’runes in fancy Jars. liMi whide, haif. and |r. Ibises Haisins. 1 ('ase Preserved (iin.:cr. 1: d..^. Jars rickles. S.id.i. LtiiKui. Sug.'tr and Water t'rackcrs. Just receivccl bv CH AllLKS 15ANKS. April 24, ls.‘)2. S.jtf I'oii \{\:s’[\ /'Bllll' dwpllir.g at prt eiit occupied by tlie B- subM iibcr. siti!at>'d on Hayniounf. nearly iij.niisite .Mr. I'. J. H.ile's residence. .\]iplv t>> i. IIAW l LV. A;'ril 2'‘ith. I>5.'i2. ^'>-tf It lias a good tlwelling house, uut-buihlings, •Jic., ami a store wlicre a large amount of busi ness is done, and incre.asing daily. This is a rare chanee for tiirpentii.e gett* rs. tiierchalit.', vVC. and will be .!old a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further inforina- tiou, can applv eu the previ\i:«es. to J. w. MritlMIV, or I’. TAVLOll, Fayetteville. July ’JOtli, 18ol. Stf KIN; and A. McMillan haxeentere.l to the for- NOriCK. J L have declined ntteiuliii}. warding business. J. T. AVADDILL. March 10, 18.'>2. T^ltf ■M ST Kix:i:r\ !-:i)r ^ -MKN'S an«l I’.oys' S.\.UL>L1IS, of every ^ (jujility and !tvle, some very tine Al so. 15ridles, Collars, Whips and Wagon Hariuas. l*y K. C. lIALl., ol llome. Oct. l'^. IS.’il. ;;i»tf W AN'l'!:i), L are receiving, at our NLW STAND, Fast cnrner d' Cicen street and Market Si^uare, a L.MUIF and general ae.soi tni(.iit of ,*^iv(isoii sbli> 6.' oods^ Consisting in p;irt as follows: Watere.l, lignred and pl.iin (>/'/(•' Dress Silks: i'cisou Figured, eli.iii^i :.!.le atid [d.iitl Silk.-,: Ch.-illyii; cept IV Itarigrs: B.u'ei;e De-I,ains: 'l'is.-.u>'s: Cr.ipe De- 1‘. '] he Sub.scrilier hereby forewarns nil ]ierens troin J«urchasiiitr aiiv ol tliese ,l.i\e.s li-. ui ai.\ ilher ill or (,ut (pf N'll'til C.-.r.niri;,, ;■ ^- 11 hiiii."-eir ir his liiilv atitbori/.,'. 1 A;.;eii!s. has puridiased tlie exclusive right m vend thick. ;’000 ft. .Seasoned Oak Lumber. 1 J| to m inches, (t. White 0;ik and Hickory, for .Vxlctrees. A ^ • into oopartnerviiip in the Di»t>lU’rv nf i 10(H» t't. White Oak for Tongues, Inilsiers and Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the | Sh.^fts. W e.-.t siile Ilf the Fa\ftteville .and Western Plank ; 10* Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wa^^ons. 2'itiii Sj.okv s. Silk aiid cotton warp .Vlpacav\ —also— A fine assortment of l'rench-wnrk(‘d ('oliars. CiiH's, Capes, lli'rtliers. t nder-sleeves, Cheiid- zetts. iJridai \fils; KMilu'iiiii red mn*lin, lace and crajie .'hav. is: .Muslin and lace Maiitiihis: Ihrcjid, liale, cotton and iineii Lai e and I'.dg iii”s: Swiss and jacoin t lldjrlnir ami Inserling. Silk auvl kid (ilovcs; l;iljlii ;;.i, 'I'abbs, i low ers. iVc. Full (iKNTi,t:Mi:n's WKMt.—,\ fine assortment of Cbttliw, 'assiineres and N esting: I’rench and Ilnglish iM’a]) i)'i,te; (^iieeii i- Cioth; 'abiiineret: Slate and iirovvn Lii.eiis; \'. iiite and tolvreJ I Linen Drilling. A complete assortment of i llat.s, Himts, Shoos, l’i;ibrcllas, 'JO(M) ft, Ashe I.umber for Wagoiis, 1to o inches ' ivift J , - : »>ith ni.-iny otlier aiiidei not enuiiic>'iited, nia- kiiiLT onr assi.rtment the largest and bc.'rt v,c Pat is: Orgaiiilies; limb'd and i>rinted I,aw ns and tins ."stove v\ ithin the State, amtvviil pr isecnte .Muslins; Jaconct, Swiss, siri|ied anil barred any person infiinging his riglit, either by pur- .Muslins: (iinghams and Calicoes; Dombaiincs: chasinu:. seliin^i, ir usii:^. any excejit tin-se ou- laiiiei; iroiii hiniself. JO'ldMl WOJ/rKHIN(l. llaleigh, .\]>ril T.', IS.')]. t>tf 4 0,1>00 w ant;;d. 'I'iic Su!)ScnlitM* lius iKAV one of the most extensive and best );.»sorted .«tock.n Double and Siligle .'slI(>T tilW.S, I'lSTuL.S of the most su])erior finality,—Colt's Kejieating and Allen's K(“volving, of every i|uality.—Pow der I'hisks, .''leit and «aiue i’ags. I’ercussion Caps of l.ngiisli and I'rtnidi make. .\iso. the most c->niplete ass.irtim nt of (.iun tixtnies that h.is ever been oifered in this section of conntiy. .\lso, shot (iitns, llilles and I’istols inaile to order or re[iaired. .M s'r i'i\ v:iVFP. r.s. w i;! iilid... M.:as- . i|i-. ca.-k pale Frr’i.'ti I'n-ai, NLi'K ira I’l inc. b.i^S Ulo ('oii . e. b -vCS .Me ii’.il:! .\.xc-^. ---.\LS;. I’rooii.s- IIe;;rth lirnslies; .)nJ ly M.ii': T.ir uc!:.' ( urri ' !■ and Sin Hilh i'. -:lier.-: n FULNt. I; CHIN A. S. W. TILLI.N* March I, 1.^ )2. Door.‘i!iil nuji ' !■- ,:ve>. Workers. ;i ail'iiti '.’ ..>) our T .S: CO. OiUf re'^iiK ''•;-me:s iim- til h.ive '111 l.::ii'l :.r> I ;'.i e ti liowlii r lOtlD."'; dai-- Dry {i(>o.!s,'.I!ui\i\vuro aiid C'utlcrv, Oi!;j cV liitc l.ciu!, li hirjrc ussn’{n.(,'iit .;i'i'..-h, \\ iih man_\ othe^ articles not enninerated. em bracing a iarg‘ and we'l selected Stock, which the.v are lii.-poscd to scd L.>A, either at whole sale r retail. LilHI 2 iiooi's t > .\pril S, IS'ili. 11 .K)H\?:riX, ol'Caj e Fear iiank. ►-U'f VN'Fof our firm havilig r-veived the aji- W pointi.ient o| I C't'iON Kllll. we solicit ililies made ti> onler. .and warranted ti shoot j eonsignnients at lioiiic ami from aliro.id. fi-om one to tive hundred yarls. ' LllM'l'll .l(»llNSON'. Air (Juiifi made to order at sli.irt notice. 1 IL.ad reccn e Prii’.i-’pal T'.aclier t'l ch ir‘.re of the abn\e Institutii'u. The i;ii^'. which are sj>aci-.ns .-iiid cnvenient, '■tuati'd in :i he.iltiiy and )ile:i'.iut neiuii- ;i‘ lid. .iiiil will be |irep:ired lor tii ■ r*'?e|Uinn T>'.. . er iind Stii'ients e.-irly in .I riy next, ■•hen the in.'titutii n \.s esjiected to into >pe- rui 'U. •l.aui liiburjili ii;.:il .''ehool ' is gott li up bv lint stuck c..iiipa;iy, who inti-nd laaKing it. it its :i;ime imports, a “High .''chu- 1 ' ot the tir-i oriler. in which boys can get a thor«iuuh 1 ( iitiijdete Ln;rli';h ;ind '!.i''ic:il ediieatiull liie (ountrv. wltii.Mit going to ('ulleg'': or d tlicv have the me.ins and the i;ii linati>iu : M'. they will be well pre]>arid to enter fir .-idvan-ed: c> ‘inent’y n -no will ' - \, •■ctdl to ajijdy who may le t I'c fully i :;j 1 t'l c.indilet such a schn'd. It is ai'ii i>' fii>:ib!e that the Toiiclipr j'h.all be a gen- ,111 ii'it iiiilv Ilf t:ie neeesrary schn'.astii- at- ' !■ r ilistiuctinn I'f voutil. bu: alsu ol ;"‘= d luiir.il and reiigiotis deinean'ir. A ’ :a ui of sai ili f.H’iiily, of S'liiie cxjierienc*- o’.uhiiig. W:iuld be ]ircferre l, wli" might i - 'iiie Ilf the stud* nts. and enjoy the ijui- nd retirement of his own tiieside, in a r.'-,- an 1 e-T'.imi dioiis hi'Use specially jireparvd t piiri-i'se. A s.ihiry of at lea.st Liglit ed D'lilars will be 8‘ctired to hiuj;—tiie / t.i bo divided into two Sessi'^ns of live P .. h. .1- i ;.'crii’n of a Principal from aniung the ■ '.■■i!,'- wd' be made on the l-'th of June ■, iiiiiae li.iti ly after which the suece-stui ■ »:!! be ni'l.fied. and arraiiireuients made ■ r'le institution will go into uperati- ii a.s in .luly next as [iracric.-ible. .I 'l-' 'inu eithir of ;ln‘ undiisigned, ! li.l! -ir .''I'rinirtield Post o;liee. any fur- : rmatiiin di'irid in re-.-rd to ti,e jire- > wi.i be priiiiit.tlv jri'en. Dl NC.\\ McLAI KIN, ) JOilN C. M.L.M lllN. C..m. DAMLL C. .Mcl.NTVlU;. ( I, ■ biirj;h, .May s. 1 •'•’i2. S'.'tl'.’J WAV FRi:i(iirr ?,9 T have the eoiisigni'f."s name and the • I nivrM 'i on the jiackage. and a wii -fi III. Ol it will have t‘i remain .i.i., ..i.t;i s.icL infi'i-mation "i'-ained. IL M. OP.iMlLL, Ag't Ilen'l.a Co. T. 1''2. S'.'-2w Principal Teacher wanted. ;d of TrU't‘'’s d' tli'* Clint.Ml l;.-titute ih'sire to ein)-biy a li .L. i lie '.ilary will be liberal, ari l ■ tlie best kind rei|uii.-d. The •’1 !.i a'thy as any in the State. .Vd- ■ ■ ■ ' ; i i i'K-r. Taylor'r- Drid^ro. Saiiiyisoii ' . S' i: hi| will open about middle of I. 1 \ M| p.ie.ition i.-i reijUested. . I -;-i ol thi.' Hoard. P. .MCIIPIIV. Treus r. ■■■ tf .(/.s ' / 'I'll n.H n( UK li'Hilli’d. S'l'KAMl.R SOr rilFUXFR ILL leave Favettcville e\er\ Wedncs lnv aii'i .■',ttiird:'.y. at 7 o cbick, . M.. al. 1 arrive in Wiiming' 'ii .it 7 o'cb i k. P. M. .\nd will li‘;;ve Wilminjrt'.n every Monday and Thurs- ilav. at 12 o'clock. M.. :iud arrive in Favette- vilie neit lii'jiniii;;. U. .M. OKKLLL. A--nt. '•'2. s'l-tf A].ril S miles troiu Favettcville. N. KINC.. MHy',1.—71tf A. .McMlLLAN. IIVfMffY/. K w ish to bnv 2‘l.0t»0 li.-irrels Turpentine. ▼ V ■ KlNli \ Mc.MILLAN. SeUnifj! oif fit €os9! c.ri:a r haR(;ainsi 'I’lie siiliscrilier i.-t tlosirtni.s id' cli:niL:iux his bu'>iness. and vusties to sell oil' his present stock of Coods immediately, consi.-jting iu part of Staple nnd I'ancif Dni (toods, rmbriicinir a tine *tock of L.-idies' Dress (ioods. Uare^e. llarege Le-L.iins. Dotted and plain Sw iss Muslins. Colore.i ditto, liarre.l, .l:icoiiet anil (,'anii’ric .Muslins; coi'd Summer Silk?!. .\l»i, t» general assortment of black and cold .''ilk Dresses: a large assortment of Ilnsicry. .\l.'o, I’bilh'. ('a>in'.eves. Tweed'. .leiiivs, and Satti- nets. ,\ general assortment of Summer wear lor • ientleii.en; all kinds ot Linen ‘j’ofnls. .V.sii, a larni' stock ot l>oit^ and Shoes. Hats. Ibiiinets. I mbi'ellas and Parasuls, Hardware and Crockery. W ines and Fri ncli ISrandy. The above stock is illered iit the mere cost here. Country Merchants and all iithei's buy ing •■■ds in this m.-irket. will do wI'll ti^ call and e\ami;o-. as 1 am determine.I to aell ali'l cliise ..lit my pre- nt s! : k, which is larg-- an.I and well .-e’.ccted. W. S. LATTA. If For which the higiiest c.'i.sh price will be jiaid. Ajiplv .vooii to E, FI Ll.LK. May 1'.'. ls.-,l. T-.tt' Land n arranfs Wanted. ^■'MIK highest Caiii i-kuks paid f.ir any M. r.uniber nf L:ind 'Vurraiits, for a North ern concern. .INO. ,\L r.OSK, A.^rent. Fayetteville, .\;>ril 14, lS‘i2. h2tf iloUs tolUl' .u s r RFC PIKI-MS (’\NToN MATTING, 4-{ alid Ii- L N w (>r- lloU.'C fre.sli. April 1'.', 1>V2. ('td)lfirt Furniturr., ('/ntirs, i\c. ^ H K subserilxT is receiving the largest as- JsL s irtment iu Ids line ever before puri hased at the North, which, tngcther v. ith hia ..vn man ufacture. in ikes hi.s .''lock very complete, con- ."isting tif (,'li;iir.', Sof;i.s, ]»oilsti*:nls, A\ ash StaM'ls, l?un :ius, Luukiiii: * I l.i.ssi ,'^ide liiiar.ls, Soen taries, \c. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms f.ii ’ash, or ou slmrt time to imnctual custom..rs. John W. ilAKKK. o. t. is'/l. •’•'If CO’l'TON YARNS. TV. are ahvav-; j.r‘-]’.ire^l tn fui^nish C()T- bale. at Factorv T. WA1>DILL. ‘ S2tf ToN V.VllNS by the vrices. J. April 1 }. Is-‘i2. Will t>^ li' - : >..l /,y (hv Ulcrr, ^ T'iNS .if SWKDLS lUoN. bv L. «'. HAL'L Oct. IH. l.V'.l. rt-'ic tu lh' of Home. :’2tf rii(‘ SuhscrilxT slill r4>iitiiiups to carry on the C \ 1!I N I'T lU’SlNLS.'J in Fayetteville, and in ail'lition to his Kstablishment on liow street, near F.ccles's liridire. has opened ii l.'irge \VAKK KOI ».\1 on Hay street. n»'arl_\ opposite the I avetteville II"tel ami I'i.e d' ..r K.ist of Me'srs. Ilaigh Sun's, where a gener:il assortment of FI ll-MTUl!:. Made by c"m]'etent :1ml faithful workmen, ma;. be had at j rices c'.rres|M.iidiiig with ihe time-.. .\lso. an assortment of Ni.rthern-made Fl'KM- Tl KK, selected by hinisell, which will be sold at a verv moderate ;idvaiice. Dl'NCAN .Mi NF.II L. Nov. D», is'.i. ;;stf d, checked. a!;ii white. —A LSI I — Lii;if, (iranulated. N. O. C’;,iifie'L b‘aii5. and .Nluseovad ■ Sugars. Sn;. .''V lUJI. ill erati's ass'irte.i Crockerv. liHiii Piirter aiei \Vini' ll'itihs. S. W. TILLINCIIAST \ CO. April D!, I'- VJ. .10.000 !!>«. ol lSa^^ Wanted. 1\n Li, pay 'I.!, ets. per pouml c.i-ii fur all clean cotton and linen lIACS. lie.ivere 1 to •L D. Williams, in Fayi-ttevillc. 1 am n-.’arly rea.lv- t" put in i.j.er.itinn a Pal-er Mill in thi.s neighborli.iod, and .1111 ile-irmis of getting my rags in this market. My nbjei^t is to pav as ninih f.ir ra;_'.-. 1 . an ;itf. rd. :in.l lo.pi- that 1 may ii'it be |nr,ed in di.'-i.mt markets f.ir my supplies. 1 have arranged wiiii .Mr. iliianis to receive and p,i v f.ir aii r.i'j.s deiivei ed In iiim. D.WID Ml P^PIIV. J Fayetteville. Feb'y 24. 1>'.'»2. r.S-tf SOI Til riKiii.iw i.\sria\(i:T(nir\.Nvr OF ('H.XKLKSTON, S. C. M IH.VKTFKLD by the State of ,'.iutli Car.di- * na. with a Capital of-i^2”)U,‘»i!U. all paid in an.I well iiive>tet|. Fire. .'.Liriiie, Kiver ainl Life Kisks. Cl! \S. I'.DMONDSTON, Pres't. A. L. Till!I.Vs. .-'y. DIKLCTiMlS: UouKur .Mau i in. Col. J.->MKs C viisni.N. M. C. M'i|:|iKe-,1. Cii \s. H. Wi:>i. s. .Mowi;v, .!r. Hlm:v Cni:i.\. have ever ollercl in this market. To the above tioods we wou..! call tin atten tion of iiur cust'iiin rs, fi iends and the piiliiic generally, as we intend to sell them as L^)W as any otiier house in this ni.irket. ALLX'K J(jliNS(;N ^ CO. March 1^'. 1S.-.2. 7-itf W INTFR SFRl’F’i. ~ ’’ K are now reeeiving our winter supply ol Cioods. d'lors bcl'iw the .Market south side Person street, where may be the loilnwiiig art'cks; .’'ii;;:ir of all ^ra ies, C.ilbe, •') Hh.ls. ('uba .M.,1;!.->.i S —sueet, IJbls. .'';.rii]i—a siijii r'.i r article, • ireen and lilack Teas, Cliei-se of three uilKrcnt iiua’ities, nice, Pejijier an.I .''j.ice, Ki'pe ••ind liaggiii'/, ;n DbN. .M ie'keiel. Shoes and Ibiots of extra large si/c, .''l;ii\ids. .'^p:..les an.I Fnrk.", ('01 n Plou;.dis and Points, A\i.|5 /l ttie be.'t iiralids, Kl;ives ali'l Fi^'ks. N.ii'.s !Uid liv.ii, •J'.iMhi lbs. ( ott.iii Yarn. With a L-reat m.iliy other articles che.ip for Catih or e.\chaiiged lor Pr.'duee. Call :ind see. CKOSS i i'.LLiv CO., t'. Li.iboW. Pres't. Dec. 2*». .‘ili-tf s!i(i!' & [u\m. NSattbi'c!, 1 Sark A; Mm: n f 'lii fiir /•>■ '■/' ill sir.' v ‘f Um .' l‘oin r. mil/ 1 Ii n s/i nrf .^'11 hint i IkiIIi I'urtiihh (III'/ S;i a Kum r’/. ) I) i'll III i H'f .Mt- ilujiis, Sfi'itir CuthrA I'J ruriuns ji'ift .r/is, W/nitt / u/..'', Mi'i’t mill ]■ iirton/ iiiiir, Siliriiiiil (I’risf Mm irnn., IlarL- .l/Z/Z.v, KJ'jr Tnu/., ,fr. ,l- . ,l-r. 'pm t.sioen To all of wiiicli the attention of and otiiers ia rcsjicct'.ullv invited. ‘.M. A. j;.\ki-;k, >'«//( //■ t/ic (iun. Hay street, ne.-nly o]i;>'.site the Marble ^^•lrd. Favettevilie. N. C.. Oct. l», lS-'>!. 2Sif 'Fo I'artttet's anti B^taitfers. ^3^111! subscribers, as Airents lor the lm]ii.rt- ^ ei^s. Iiiive made arr:ingements to kec]i cn- stantlv on h:ind a sapjdv of best PI-wir\'lA.\ (il A.VO .VND ACKicU.'i'l l!AL PLASTKit. which they will sell in (piaiitities to suit, iis eh. ;ip as they can lo- i.urcii,.se'l in tlie N'.rtlierii cities, adding only the .iciual ex[ieiise ol gelling tlieiu here. J. .V I). McKAF. .V CO. Wilmington. Feb. '_s^, ls'i2. 74-;;in LrMlli'.R! iJ \iiiFR!! L have our Steam Saw .Mill in suecesre- w w ful ojieratioii. h miles from Fayetteville. licaJ' the Kalei:ih .''ia;.'e Kn.id. aiel arc j.rejiared til execute orders in our iinc. .\s we run tv.o /,’u/iiri/ or 'u-,ul'ir Sti. we can till bills at the shortest notice. Wei.iii furiiish Pine, Popl;ir .•ilid .)uni;*er LIMLLl;. and of almost any length. Oil)- Lundier, l..r tii;thful'ie.'s of line and siiiii.itbiies.- of I'aee, sli..H be e>;ual to aii^ ever delivered iu m.irkct. JONES .n: PiAPr.F.F. Man^h :l‘>. 1 s.'i2. 7.''tf I .KTN.'. Iiisni-.ihce Ci.m;;any of Hart I fonl, having paid the t.-ix imposed by the ; Kevenne Law of ihe late i.egisi:itiire. wili con- : tinue it.s Agency in 1 avetti. \ille. under the' I !n.tln'.geni-ni of the nn'ief.^i-jicd. who is pi’e- ; )>;ire'i to is-^iie Policie.-- f Insiimnce on Cuild- j injrs or (ioods. eitlier in ihis Town or in any ' jtart of the State, on ]iroper applic.'.tion, dc- I scrijttion of thi“ Pro'ierty. >vc. The -KT.NA CO.MP.V.W has been in opcratioir i about .'lit ycius. Its c;:pit;il is i The i!on. 'I iio;;. K. iii-.ice was iis first President, ' :ind he still !u.ld.=! that .liiiri-: .■ind several of its I fust 1‘ireetiirs are still aciiie ;:n.l efiicient mcm- j ii,-rs of the Liiard. it has at ail limes sustained ' the hlgher»t c!i.ir;ictt r fur the p-\idi ;ice of its I iiianagcniv’nt. ai.d for the libir.ility wilil wLiclf il h..s evir a.’iju.-.ted its li.s-e.-. K. .1. II \I r.. .\gcnt. 02-ti March 10, Is.'il. xj:\\ r ^ONSlSTINfi ot L_ .i,.c., ..'„c. Just April 14. AirsR', .Siinirs. Pol''-;® i ceeiv ed. 1;. J. HALi; AS'alt/.l■^' IJFi: IVSTR \NCF. rt^HK I’ndersigned 1.as been appoiiite'l .\gen# of the North Carolina iMiitu.'il I.ife Insii North Carolina Kerseys. A Ul’.V, SHF.MWKLL .V Co. li:>ve just re- rante (,'ompuny. Every i.iem^ier for life parti-; ceived u large lot of ••.''alem Kersevs,’’ \ ipalts in tiie jirofits ot the ( ..mpany: Hi.d *he vU .11 to all of our Pl.iiiters as the best "'"mIs ' auuual ]iremiiini f..r life ine.iibeirh p. where it ra’^iiF.v ’.iect: 111 The subscribers having been appointed agent« in this place f.ir tiie above naiii'-d cnmpaiiy. are ] leji.ilC'l tu receive otrels aiel issue {mlicii s ol 11 I'ire. M:;rin-. Ki»er .-iii 1 l.ilc ii.i u.-;-.' 1 at la.idl-M iiKOWX. l.c liv^s of .2. — ( I -tiiii 18 on hiiti'l an s'lrtiiient of Fisk’s mn 11. E keep celebrtiled .MEf.M.LlC DCP.l AL C.\SL.'', which have been highly recommcmled by Willie P. Matigiim. ^lenry Cl.iy, Lew is Cr;ss. Wm. K. King, and many other illustrious characters, who li;ive examined and witnessed their utility. I> s ’I' 50 ! : ' liaviiiLr Sjiirlts Tiirpeiit'ne >0 ■ u. :.!.• in tne market to bii_\; or we ii. l ship t'l any market the ownei' r.-, an.! make lib; ral advances on con- COOK i T.WLOK. 1"'2. HMf I' ■ > H i d on ( Jtt, • r '. cheaji, ’0 bbls. WHISKE\ . JNO. D. WILLIAMS. b :'‘2. sstf I'OR s.vfj:, I’l\(iS white Corn .Meal, 100 lbs. in a b -g, a hue artii^le for familv use. JN(J. D. WILLIAMS. ■ l-',2. HKtf ■II ST i;ix:i;i\ El). Tiik under.signed lias just re ceive.1 his stock of .'spKlNG AND SCMMEK COODS. con sisting of C'lotiis, CassIiucrcH and VestiiigN. IJIack. brown, green, blue and olive Cloths; white silk and sat- iu Vestings; Marseilles ditto, white and colored; Linen Drill- ' liiie ati'l colored: Doe-skin Cassimeres; ' : blab de'Fte and IJombazitics. --ALSO— ’ iltmnt .d' KEADV-.MADI-: CLOTII- Wishing to purchase any of the a- '• W'iuM do well to call and examine lb rtiH carries on the TAILOKlNi ■ ' in all it;- branches. iiri.H (ii: \HAM, ' ■ ' L e...rt;'T of Mai^ket S'jiiare. ' ‘ ‘ h l ^jni t' « TJ T1 I S S I O I AND I FORWARDING MIIRCHANT, I »V. ]’rnm)it personal attention given to all (jriiiiK'iits. Milt! a Pro- to l>c sliii'jtC'l to utlicr ports or sol I in this murkft. l\h. I'J, ^ \v. \.. sMrrn, ( OfHi'i' III Ijh:.!!I'liii limlilni'ji) "wiLMLNTiTOX, N. C. J:,n'y l>'.‘i2. 'i"V daily i-:ximxtfi). TONS of niON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by E. ('. HALL, of Rome. :’,2tf Oct. 1!^, IH.'jl. JOHN I). W ILLIA.MS, CoiiimissioH *V M'ot'tranUng Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0, 18.V2. RFl)rCi:i) FARE. ff^iiKorr.H Til •kcts between AVihnington, N. M ati'l I’altimore. Fare \ ia \\ el- •lon, Petersburg, Kichmoiid, and Washington Citv, or via Weldon, Poi'tsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office of the Vt il- miiigt'in and Kaleigh Kail Koad t onipany .'it W ilmingtoti, oral the Oflice of the Ilaltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the !!altimorj and Ohio Kail Koad Company, Pnitt Street, lialtimore. Jan. 1. is:,2. o:;-tf Ki:-.;s, 1.1; Iii • r.:: i 'l'n.s. .\i. '■ - this a;jeiie\. wi'l 1 c J'l'.Mlj Iiy .1 ijasl by ihe uuuersij,:.. I. D llOS.'sK T X N. 15. Uisks will be lakin on slaves on the most liberal let nis. Wilmingt.iii, N. Mareh 27. 1' VH LI .V.-". Clirv sa 111 hi'mu ms. .-inil \'ei^buiias ire 11..w ready tor deliver.v. Pi'i'Sons wiahinp a ch*iice ;.^s. rtn.ei.t shoui.l si‘i. 1 their orders immeiliati 1_\. as iiiy stock of e.xtr.i fine varieties is small. C. H'TTEKLOlf. llowan alrcot. Dalili:iB from 10 to 2-'> cts. Chrv santheniums •') to 10 cts. \'erUeiias Dt to 2”> cts. Also a number of other cheap har ly plants t'or beildiiig out. .:.Lirch 2L 77 1IU)X S.VFFS. siiiisi-rihors, Aireiils fi’ir tlic sale of WILDKK'S PATENT S.\ L.\ M A NDEK SAFKS. W ITH KICH'S l.MPKOVEMKNT. of fer them of all sizes and )iatterns. delivered in NS'ilmington at the Manufacturi r's New York prices. These .Safes are warr.inted e.p’.:il if nut supe rior to any oth'-rs manufacture'l. (•r'krs will roceive jiromjit attention. Dr. KoSSET \ IIKOW N. Wilmington. N. C., .M.irch 2i. lS-')2. 77-oin ii.f. rm tlieir customers I'liblie. that they ci.ntiiiue to Car ry on their business at their .Nlachiiie Shop, near .sN'i.V CA'IP. .'v’^man-.c county. Noith Carolina, where they are prej'are.l t.i execute all wi in in the.r lini' with ne.iiness. punctuali ty aii'i iie';.atch. A\ilh all iiicr., a.-e.l v:iriety of t.. Is aiiil labiir-'.iviiig iiiaehiiRry ad.led to our estab',i-!;me:it the past winter. — 1; well selected as>. ; tM;eiit nf m .terials ]nu chased at the low est ca.'h jiriees. — Aorkmen of known skill aud ai.iiity. toi^elher with bmg experie: . e in the bi:.-ii.e>-. —iiii.y b. u^ iii ;-.i\ i:.g. as ti. ijual- it_\ ai. . pii. e. ..'ir W. rk 1.:.,' 11' t. \\ill lo.t, aii'l -;!;a'' sil'i. i' ill cimp;,i!.-• a v. itii ;il;y other Sh..p ill the .''l Uth. liiat-ful to tiie public for jiast favors, they solieit :i contiiiu.ince of their p.itron.ige. N. 15. Please sei.'l your orders soi.n. liS our nn.ito is ••fir.st c-me tlrst served.’’ Lelli rs ad- dressi'.l 1*0 the snbscribers. ;it Snow Ca.-.ip, N. C.. will leceivi- ]>r.ini]it attei.tl.ni. .s'i'.U'i oiiD, (, L.Villi \ DIXOX. ^.^arch l‘"''i2. .1-1 i.i r negroes that are oliered in liiis market.— Th.'se who have been w.iiliinr. had better come and L:et supplied, as tiiev are 'ing off rapidly. F.i;. ettcv ille. Dec. l-'i. IS.'iI. 4^-tf l*oiist BSoeiMC. A LL jiersniis indeble.l to the undersigne«l -Jm either by note or ai^eount must settle on i.r befoi'e the first day ef .\lareh. " ho'e failing to do so, wiii certainly Iind their aecounia iri the hands of a collcciing (itiicer. KI:L1!EN JONES Feb'y D'l. 1S'>2. ti.Otf T. S. LI'rTi:RI.Oir I' ) r \y a i* d i ii A c 121, Fayetteville, K. C. Feb. Di, l,^.'i2. bo-:'n'. LI:SS()XS IX .MFSIC. IH. WHlTAKl-ill wolill resiiectfully in- foiiii the cili/ens of Fa_\etle\ilie aiel vi cinity, t'.iat he leis aga’ii c'.iMr.ie;e-"i ;fiviu-j. Les- .•^iiris nil the Pi.iiiii Imle. He returi..- his tiiaiiks for ihe liber.il iiain.na.je i.ei-.-. .i' l'’ ree. iveil. an.I liiiiilMv s.iiici'.'i .! •■•ii'tliiuaiH e i.l' tiie same. .\11 pains shail be takui I n- the advancement of his piijiils. Instruction also jriven on the (Jiiitar. amounts to •'>oO or mure, may be jiai.l one-half ill ca.^li. :ind the fit lie c half ill a i.ote at 12 ni'inths.- Debti.rs’ lives m-ty be i;i.>iin.I'! y creditors, man may insure his own lit.- f.T the exchisivo benefit of his f.imilv. Tiie lives of slaves may be itisureil. This s-ysteni is raj.idly grnvTirig into favor, all over the civili/.ed world. It is one by which ;i famil v. b.r a .small ?uni annu.illy. may be jiro- videil for. after the de.ith of i‘.s hea l, on whose exertions they may have been dejiendent for a sujiport. It is a good invc.-'inient of money, I'ven if one should live long after taking out a I.ife Policy. Ex\ibir.at..ry pamphb'ts. an.I th.; nccts:-ai-v lihinks, furnished oti rppiic.-iti- n. E. J. IIALi;. r:i'.et!eville, June I 'oU. .2 NT.V.’ 1!0-.)!.;;S ;1TN \M S l.UiEALV. :■ 1 ai;d -'i, bci;; liv ainl lloi'd's Own: C ,uiit ■. .''py in >ociety: Miss .'ewell'- . ;ni.r T>.ur; Niinuiir of Kt.\. V. esiey a;i I M- i . iisi.i. by '] I’asti'l 's Sl.et. ;:es: \iet • i:!ii'.\ ' ^ Isi. -J-’i. 1 :"..d :ib ; ,i t-: . in 1 "hill s..pliy: ilhc:-..:. Arithiiieti.-; .\c. .\ls I. fnrtli"r .cupplies f.f bi-o.-i.al iii' W. H. U. S' Ld.. tic !: k. I.-t 1 : Davies' ■;veli', ' r the ; Suill- , its'iti; •lieer's !ers, '!-.-ons ;-.dii..l Tin: i;c-TON Piaiios tuned and repaire.l in the best .VC.V DEM V.'Colleclioti: Cariaina .''acra; (i unn s' iiiaiincr. L. II. WIllTAKLK. i Doiia.-tic Meiiicine; lion.oi;'. ' Library: .Vc. .August 24, IS-jO. ;i4if it'a! V [IHEP.K are s‘\er.d hr.ndred of these Wheels ill operation in difiereiit counties in Nnrth t'aro’ina. I ..r proof of their great adv.intages ovei' the conimiui th.tter wheel. ..!• anv oihei' T M) rii!'.. LL persons indebted to the .subscriber, either by note or account. ar. ri.iiiested wheels now in use for saw inills. we conti'lently General Agency and Commission Business. rS'^HE Subscribers Iia.ve this lay entered in- 5. to a copartnerHhiii under the style of WHlTAKEll, WHITFIELD & (’()., for the parjiose of doing a general agency and coiu'iiission business, and in olfering their ser vices to the jiublic in that capacity they hatter . . I - I I themselves that they will be able to give satis- .1 r arm (tnd i>C(tnl}JlH ' i f.n.t„,n to all those who mav consign anv goods, FOIt SA!J:. 1 w.iris, merch.iiidi/.e or country jiroduee to them . .‘ either to s«ll on commissions or forward. As ^llh Subscriber wishing t * ‘ tf 'I remove to the .'■'outh-west. Would sell his lands in this countv, ujion rcas'Uiable and acfommodivting terms. There are abon* 2700 or :1000 acres, all lying in one body, and of which 4H0 or •'>00 jjcre.s are in cultivation. The Plank P.oad of the .Joint .Stock ’oni[iany, from Fayettevill« to Kaleigh, will run within one mile of the residence. .Most of the Iniids that are in cultivation lie wirliin three mil«« of the Cajie Fear Kiver, adjoiiiittg the lands of John C. Williams and others. The above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and society. The subsi'riber might .say much more by way of inducement; but he deems it unnecessary,.iU4 tho.se wishing to purchase oiiu call uud see lor themselves. The above lands can be divided so as to suit purchasers. .\iiy fnrthrr inf. rniatii.n can be given by ap- ]dication to th‘3 subscriber, or by letter address ed to him at Kingsburv, Ciimberl.md (’o., .N. C. ‘ D. S. WILLIAMS. J’eb. 2 1^'2. ''2tf it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to spare no jiains in trying to give general satisfaction. They respectfully solieit Hie patronage of their friemls and the ]>ublic generally. Their store is No. -I North Water .Street, DisWinsou’s Fire-proof building, W il- i«iaj;ton, N'. C. ° JOHN K. AVH1T.\KFK, J VMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. U. SOt'THALL. lU'.KKRKNi'Ks;—John Dawson, Potter vS: Kid der, O. ». Parsley, Samuel liecry &. Sons, G. II. I'lemdi, and Ellis iSi Mitchell. Jan. 20, 1S.V2. I>r. T. I>. IIAIWIl, nAS taken aa Oflice on Hay of the Hot«l Daildings. July 14, 18oI. 4-tf R. iM. ORRFIX, fiirwaruim; (’(nniissifl^ ^ikkciiam at Mar.d; 10, 1«0I. IL I.. IIOI.MFS, Attorney at Law, V/ilmington, N. C. ii to call and settle the s^ime as e.irly as p'>ssible. He m;iy be i..uii.l one door V, csl of Liberty Point, \silh the most nf his readv-maile work saved from tiie late tire. Persons in want of anv ar;..'ii's in my line of business, wi.uld do well to call, as 1 will iell cliiap for cash, or on time for approveil note. JAMES SLNDV. Jau'y 10, 18-’i2. t/Otf Frii'rni:R xo'i'icF. tlake this method of returning my sincere thanks to tliose gentlemen who save.l the goods Irom my Sho]> on the ni>.riiir.g of the ^Id ii.sl. I'lUt fur their kindness and e.xcrti .n, 1 would have lost all. JA.MES SUNDV. OL!) in F. N'OTIiLK lot of Doctor Wiliiaiiis's old P.cc- . tilled !!ye \\ hiskey. streets, under Journal oilice. Dee. 12. 4.S-tf T. C. WORTH, CilM.MISSKiX AM) ri)i:\VAI!I)l.\li >1!':R(’I1\\T. wiL.Mixc; rox, x. c. Feb. 1, 18')1. o7if XO'l'iC F. A LL persons indelited to the subscriber for /m Goods purchased at Floral ('ollege. are re- iinested to make immediate paymeni, either to Mr. Hugh McArn in the neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. D. n. McAKN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18)1, oO-tt IRl^nFLL’S RFROR'rS. ? PST puJilished, V«1. 12 Law, and Vol. ( Equity. Trice ij;;! •'’>0 and These are small volumes, in conse»iuence of the Kejiorte: making new arrangements for publishing. IJouiul vols. exchangei] fiir No.s. as usual. E. J. HALE & !OX. Dee. 19, 18.31. XFW ROOKS. KANXROFT’.S r. states, vol. 4th: The Swftj.ip Steed, or the Days of Marion and his Merry Men; Putnam’s LibniTT. f.oing Home Narratives, from Dickens’ Household j Words: The Maiden and Married Life m' Mary : Powell, being No. !> of Appleton's Pop.ilar Li- j brary, Zaclio.s’ New' American S[ieaker: P>ul- ' lion's Greek (iiammai’; Sinith’s 1st Geo^rapliy; I Mitchell's I’riuiarv Geography, I'cc. Just reiVd. r T IT 1 T I' c- ■SOV. J. March 2t!. ~l'OR SALF.- CON. Feb’v 1S.')2. T. WADDILL 77-tf rei'er l.i tboS ’ wlvi have apj'lied them tn tlii'ir mill.'. We call re. M'.r.iai nil tlicm p.-.rticu'.iHy fi.r tiieir sujieriority in cases of a i'lVV lie.id of I vvater, or biu-k w at r. We still keep a supply of Wheels, siiitalile for different heads of w.iter. at Vi'ilniiiigtnn. New- bern. Washinifton. I.ilentuii an.l Fayetteville. The wheels may al->o be had of F. ,\. Hrevard, Liiicolntoii. .'111.I L'riah Well.-*. Petersburg, Va. Persons w ishing to ubtaiii the ri^ht to use the wheels, w:':l be served on apiilication to D. .McNeiil Co.. I'.i \ ettevi’le. .N. C. D. .'vieNFILL. A. A. M. ixKTHVN. D. J. .MeALlSTLK. Feb'y 22. ISIO -V tf I()(),()(>() Acres X'aiuiiitlc 'V 1 >,l li i; R I. A X 1) S FOK SALE, f HF Su>)seri''er has pm-.-hased all the Lands jUL beloiigiit'i to the iislate of ,\!.ram Dubois, dee d, lying principally iu Ki.iie.- .n counts, and i>n b.itii soles of Li.nu.er I’.iier. the liiii rent siir- Ve\s cent.-.ining Ov(‘i* iOO.G(rl) Ac*r(‘s; A large jiart finely 1 imbered. and convenient to LuiiOier Kiver. where a iar..;^- |ii:iiitit v of I iin- LL parties about t.. erect 1 ire-pro.d Duild- i.s now rafted to the (ieor-. tow n market. Thi'sc Lands are very valii.ible both fir tlic Timber and Turpentine. Im' whii^h piiri'ose a large jiart is well suited, beiii;' iu a region where the 'I'urpentine v iel.i'- na re :.biini!.iiitly than any other seel.on ot tlf.''iaie. 1 lie Lands will be sohl at a low price, and .ii iiuaniiucs to suit pur. hast,'rs. liiti.rmation respecting the title can be ob tained by applyin- to the Hon. Kobert Stiange. Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, or A. 'I’. Sniitii, Esi;., (Attornevsat Law.) I uniler->Tand there ar--* niatiy tresjia.ssers on i .'Spirits Turpentine I’.W5KELS. Those now the ie Laiid.s, to ."til of w hom notice is hereby on hand guage 4-i to -I') gallons, atnl are m.ide given, that the law will be enforced a^aii»st all of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want- such otTcnders. ing a good article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Ibirrels lor the next twelve months made on favorable terms. T. S. LLTTEKLOH. March 22, 1802. 75tf H.M.E 6: 1 3'v ■•JO.(HK) ihs. li.V- J. D. WjLLIAMS. li^tf ^i2aS* KooS*^. ings will do well to call on the subscriber. I am prepared to contract for .''late and .Met al Kootiiig. Gutters. Le.-iders, I.i'a'u r-hea.!s, and everv thing belonging to the Koofing Iiiisini'ss. .\i.so, to give instructioiis in Koifing for Shite, to make it elfectually proof against tire and w ater. FRANCIS SHENTON. Faye'teville. March 1. 18')2. 71-oiu xorici:. f I1HE underfiigned continues to manufacture TOBACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; and T shall re- /a ceive j-eg'.ilariy. Ironi .Messrs. .L Jones i'c (’o’s Factory, iin.ilities as.soried from common to very fine, which I will dell at lowest maiiufac- t.urift'gprices. J. UTLEV 1 R.'.l .Sjiplication for any p:irt of the Lands can be made to mv‘;elf, or to .John Winslow, Esq., who is duiv authorised to make sale of the same. TilOS. J. CUKTLS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. 7titf ' “ XI'AV BOOKS. FB‘AR]’Eir« Magazine for April; The Vel- it. lowplush Papers, by Thackeray: T!ie Wide, Wide World, by Elizabeth Wetiierell: t'oiistitutions of the I nited States; School Looks, Ac. Just receiveL , E. J. HALE & SON. I \ ^..;i 1 I VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, Tlih '.O.'-T r«):’ . AR FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II K A J K ; l\r;l by riiVMiiiiiis of Jiigli staniliii?. 'J lin'P l.! l re:iune all iii'nt.i.l seoretidin. piiiii> li.c M;i .! ‘f’ *'■« 111i; ii.' I'li'-ily llie ‘■l.-ni :ii{Hiii-t all liiluiw !i'‘:i-r' call I .’i..'im-ii w iili >;il.';\, iil no lime del.ili- lii;ii >: the |.:i;a‘i.t i ' iiii; (»:.H'ial to Ihe nii.-t deli- c.iie .-.UiiH.icii. uiiil ii iiiai k;‘l.le l»r their clufuiiii^, o V ini inioi(;. >tn'.iiiliPiioii', aail ri-.>t..rative jiroj'er- tiCs, aiiii ail laialioitilf umi htiie ici'ieiiy lor Vi ITS V. OKST FORMS, Msa. I i\*r Ti uij.l. int.N. Janntlice. Heailbnm. ^ ti’.em sH. i Disoi»lfi> lliO Skin a»»«J J>iver, l,»s‘ »f Aic«*. L(»w 1 of tlit* Moai't, Snikiiij' uil- of .it I'.-c JaU'Uiacli. ai.-l h'A «iista>er !i\ rt'i ittijvinf ’»taU* *f tli»* bii***.]. liit'f, €ic. , wlwcli ton l U» »leUililalc and \v t iWeii ' i ia. I' i: 31 I.s Who Rtilfer fiom n nioihi ) i-n I iiriimtiiral conailiun' w ill tiirxi iliis Mt'iiciiie oi INE3TIIV1ABLE VALUE. In Ai.i "t (if.NKK-VL !>r.lilLITV, thia ciiie A' 1 S LI*\^'- . THOUS AZiTS S Have il^ ftticHcy. ami llioiisaii.ln more hih Im.w oiul*?ruot one case of lailnio him x**! t.ceii I0|wiilc.l. Voliiiiiei. eoulil l.e filled wMh ceriilicatuii of thu»e wlio lia>e been |ieriimabntly CUI'C.l- Cail uii the and ^et a PA^PULET, foiitainiiii' the *rtificat»sof Remarkahle Ciiies the lii;;li fviliiiutiOii iu which Vhit. Ve.licini- i» h«l^ by iLe I’ublic Tress—cau be UaJ of the .Agenu, lie*. Large Quarts $1; Pints 50 Centt^ Soi'J by u!l tht Principal in thf UllUed Statti mid C'unudiiS. Friricii'al Ofiic For sale bv e, 1— K'.l; ii\ sr.. .N V.. u;j-lair# S. J