SEMI-WEEK w j IL o g—iMj'jF ''■r>— [VOl.. 1.] U1I|02IlkI3E I^n»jagT:rgr'-Wtg^.'>■■ '.'^' wfa'". f jjmitjui rAYETTEVlLU:, N. C>, MAY le, ]8.“>‘>. m-niTB—n-T-Tn-murm i iii rUlNTi:i> 15Y .1. U. NKW15V. };i)\v\m) J. HALi: & sox, ; .-lus AM* rnoruir.rous. , •-r tlio S. iiii-Wot klv V)h>kiivlr ?S I \.>0 it ,1 ill :iJ\PT>ci'; ^4 jo if p'li'l Juriiig the •■ 1'5uV'»‘riptioii; or S'O iil'tcr the your ha. r ^ \' i'cklv I'usK.uvKK !j:2 00 por annum, if ; 111 nil.r>0 if iluring the , ,.i- v,i' or UO after thr year ' ;ir 1. ■.l‘Vi r>Tl''I'MI'NTS iii>t'rtoil lV'r>i\ty L-cnts ; f r itio fn-t. tliirty cent? tor eaoli iiilili>-ati«,>Ii. Yearly ad\erti»enieut.i Ad- A !’ ; .,il > "ntrai'ts. at reasonable rates, r > are re.;\u'stetl to state ;i ilo-ire I. or they will l>c contiiiucvl till :! iii'l i-li.iri;eil aootHHlin^ly. - l.ot'.i-rs i» the 1^111,>rs ni\i>t >>o post-pai«l. tv Yarn VU'ON HAMS. 1,1’>S. ehoiee Wayne comity. lU fM U,. •• cureil V'y W ui. T >mith. .V few barrel3 L.ird. —Al.SVt— liv the bale, at Manufacturer- STdl* TIIK Tllll'K. I llKW.Mtl) of Twenty-Kive l)ullnt-.-> ivill ' bf t’>r iiit’orniation leailin^ to tlie re- ' covery of a lloi-.-^e. 15u;r”y and liarnesis. whii-ii . wati hired at the I’lantei.s’ Hotel in this jilace j I oil hiiday. the ^lOth .\pril, by a man \\1k> fald In.'S name wa:' W. UroA'ii. of A^f;n^ta. lieo. Jle :.'iiil he wa. }Toing to Uennettsville, and Vould return next day. | It appears t!uit li“ jiassed Lanlol Hill, ami | made hi> way up the eonntry. passitijr thronjrii ov near rai tliajii-. 'I'lie Horse lie carrieil ot^' is yoiinj^ .Mid valuable, su|ij)d.-*ed six or seven TCars ' old. red roan, has a small sore oi' two made by the eiiUar, and the hair off his b.n-k by tlie UutT'^y s.iddle; newly t^hod in front; is tall, and r:inie« iiither :i hi.irh head in harness, and pa ces under tin" .-addle. i lie liuj:;jy is old, \orv lifiht. and much worn; but has liecn recentU vainished; has tray body, and seat -its on iron lej;s; cu-liioiis and padding con ered witli brown cloth; cli'tli is torn ofV the back paddiiikt. and the white exjviised; has no rack or scrv;int’s s.'.it behind; sti jps of leatliei are wrapped on the number id , |itnts .f the shafts and tacked. j V*ill collie one !top the man. that he may be : ni.ule to :ttone fi.r deeis7 Ho i>i younjr, -lim, and ratiier under medium .-i/e; thin red fa-'e and Iodlt liair. and rather jioorlv dressed. ! ‘ r>. MciNTosn, Ag-t Clieraw, !?. May o, iNi'iJ. S,''- ltpd 11. r.RANSOX vS, SON. T H r otiled. ri'^ill' -ub-i-riber will pay the highest juice _ im1 W ugi'iier. J. W. UROWN. j. / ibetht.’An. May .)'.'-4t I \tr ('oni jhHti/. .\nnual meeting i.f the Stuckh-ild- : ; , be held >n I'riday the 4th June next, in I- 1' '";'. •ji !-'a\ettcville. JfllN 11. HALL, rrest. ^ Viy 10, h'.'-tm i.nurt nhnru'h Scliuol, lUi II.MUM' CoINTY. N. f. tA!ir. nil'll r-!giied t'i iiuiiitteo will jeoeike aj l.;ii-..tin- I'-r a I’riln il il 'I'eaciier . . : .r," tlie .-ib.iM.- li,'fitilti-’li. 'i'iie ■i : which are »p.iei..u- and C"n\eiiieiit. ■ ■ 'itiiatfd ill a hf.iltliy and pl‘':i-ant neiizii- • iriii.uil. and wiii be prepared tur tiie r. ceptloi*. . 'lea. iier and StU'ieiits eal'ly in .hily next. • lien the in-niut'.. n i.-- expecteu to go into oiie- ,'.'11. ■ J.auriubiirLii Hi>/h .'-rh'^d" i- g' tTcn nji by int stock c'>iiij.:ih\, intend makiiiLT it. t it- iiatiie imports, a ••llijjh h'j>>l ’ "I the "I'lcr. Ill w liicli buys can jrct a thi.rt.iigh 'Uipiete Lni;'i-]| and ( l.i-sical ediicatit-n • •• I ■ •ititry, with'iut to Collesr*'; or I r ,.-v h.ive ihi- meaii' and tiie ini'lin.alioti .. ti>y wi'l b.‘ Well prepared to enter . I ;; a'i'aliCi, !; C"l;■-^■■,’ll■|l;!;, l; lie w;'! = to ap)-'y wh'.i la.iy lo’t be t.ul;. , ■ : contiuct such a -i hnol. It ;s a!su • ' : -:i'i ie tliar the ’I’eachcr -h.ill I'e a ir--ii- 't only of the ncce--ary -idlo'.:i-tie ;it- ■ lor iiistrui-tii'u ot vouth. but aiso oi .'i mi'Tal and reliirious ilemeanor. A • i:i -Ill ill f.imily. of s >me fxpvrience . i. wiiuiil be preterred, who might : ' ;iic of the stud'-nts. and enjoy the iui- ” d r -tirement of hi- own tiir-lde. iii a .. .ii'l .■.'' i.- hou-e s| ecially'ii • i '.r'' '-e. A sal.nry = f at le.-ist I'.igl.t . 1' . w .;1 be iocurt-1 to iiim;—the .. I iiitv t’.\'- .'-es'i-i.-> cf lAe M rs AM) runr. UOU lbs. Sot't Shell .\lniends. *• •* r>ra/.il .Nuts. “ *• r.niilish Wal.iuts. '• *= l'iUnTt«. i-’'i l>rums Kigs. 1 t'ase I’runes in fancy Jar.s. j 100 whole, half, :ind ijr. r>oxe.s llai'in."*. 1 fa-P l’r« >er\el tiingfr. lo doz. Jars I’ickles. Soda, Lemon, .“sugar and Water ('rackers. Juit received bv VMAllLhis r.ANKS. -\pril l24, l^''■2. .'^•jif I'OU UK.N'r. I^lir. d'.veViing at j'le-ent occupied by ;h- Mibscriber, situated on Havinount. nearly ■j'p^.-'.te Mr. L. J. Hale's residence. -Vpj'ly to 1. i;. -\pril ‘J'itli. HAW li;y >>')-tf • '•’'ILL leave l'ayi‘tt«'vi\le -vi'ry \Vv>.lup-dn\ ▼ W airl S;itiir'i ly. at 7 o‘ ioeli, A. M.. and arrive in Wilmington at 7 u clock, 1*. Ni. .Ant will !e:tve iimingt day, at I J o'cl 'i'k. viile next iii )riiing. Ai ri. :2'i, 18o2. on f'\ery Monday an I Tinii' M., au'l arrive in Fi.^'ette- II. M. (.)1IR1:LL, .\gent. 'S.‘. tf niiOWN I)i:ROSSET, Di-Rossirr cV liuowN, li* it til .1*. f’., commission werohants. ,I.NO. Potts Bkow.n. AltMANI) J. l)KKof;.'KT, Jr. It. F. lJuowx. ^ i ,\sn tidvajiees will be madr on consignini'iit X of I’roclLlec for s:ilo either in Wilmington or New ^ ork, anti Cotton will be forwnidi-d to the New York House free of C'onimis5.ion at ilminjrtoJi. March l!-jl2. 7i'-^m A DKSIRAIJLI-: UivSli)i:XCK FOR SALi:. Subscriber niiw otlers for s.ile all his -H- 'i'urpentiiie and Farming L.\N1), contain ing about GOO .\cres, situated l‘J miU's Hast of Fa.M-tteville. on the (iohlsborough road, com monly known as I’almyra. it has a K"o*i thvelling house, out-buildings, i^c., aliil a .'^toie where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing d.-iily. This is a rare ciianee tor turpentine getters, niercliant.'i, »\c. and will be sold u bargain. .\ny one wish ing to jiiirchase. and wishing further informa tion. can apply on l^e premises, to .). W. MnilMlY, or r. TAYLOK, Fayetteville. July 2Gtli, 1S”)1. Stf KlNi and .\. NIcMll.L.SN have mtered • into coparinet-liip in the Uistillery ot j Turpentine, and have erected .a Still on the | Wi-st side of the Fayetteville atid Western I’lank IJoud. K miles from Favetteville. 1 N. KINO. I Mav'J.—71tf A. McMll.LAN. IIV/>#/rr/. K wi-h t ' b'.iv oiMl barrel-Turpentine. KlNt; \ .Mc.MlLLAN. Si iiiitff oif at Cosil ('.R1:a'I' HARdAlNS! Tlic sul'sciiiMT is ilesinm.s of ihaiiiziiii: | hi.- busine-s. aiid wi-hc- to sell 'tf his present ’ stock of (Joml- immediately, consi-ting in p;irt of ; Staple and Funrif Dn/ (ioni/.'i, J'.mbr.-icing a tine sto.;k of Ladies' l)r--- tioods, ll.ireire. IJarejre Le- l.a ins. I'ot tei| ;ind ]dain w i-s Mu-lins, Colored ditto, llari’ed. .I.iconet and aiiibric Muslins; eol'it >unimer .’-ilks. .Mso. a , general as-ortnient of black and coi d ^'ilk Iire--i-s; a l;ir”e a-'ortnient of Hosiers. .\l,-o, ''"ths, t'assinu rcs. I'weeds, -leans, ai.d .“-atti- net-. general a.--ortment of ,‘^ninmer wear for lieiitlemen; :ill kind- of Linen .\!-o. a lalLTi' -("ck of i>" il-;ind ."-lioes. ilats. ISonnets. I iiibrellas and 1’:iims"1s. ll.irdware and ( roekery. U ine.s and French lirandy. The above stoek is ottered al the mere cost here, ( oiintrv .Merch.ants and .all others Inly ing: (ioo'l- ill thi- market, viiil do well to call and examine, a- 1 am detrrmined to sell :ir.d close out my pre.-eut ,-toek. whieh is large and fresh, and well selected. WILKINSON 5c i:SLKR, J'F.ALKKS IN' ConffctitJiuin/, Foi'i’iijn J'l iitf.'!, Ta in tero, ni(/ iSiinJt, AND IMI'OHTFU!- OF Nii*i:ieBoie AT \\ lloi.KSAbK AM> l!i;TAlL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, IH:')). i Itl' S'l'OKACii:. I- have commodious briek Warcliouses V W in the rear of our .'-tore, in which we store cottof. and other prfidm*-. I'. \ W. .McLAl'I’.IN. Nov. 1, Is.'ij. :>7-tf Norici. L have declineil attending to tile for- V W warding business. J. .S: T. WAnDli'L. March 10. l.s.'.2. 7otf .11 S'!' i:i). 1^' M LN .S and Hoys S.\l)l*I.liS, of every ® iiuality and style, s-mie very fine ,\i- so, I?i'idles, (.’ollars, Whijisanil Wagon Harness. l>,v E. H.VLL, of Home. Oct. 18. 18')1. ::-Jtf jHi:: THE fELtllUATEn BH’h P.UEM ,SiMll.\(i l.\DSl'.M.)ii;iS{idllllN.iCooKLM; STOVMi^i,^ w. April i;\ LATTA. s-;tf W AN'rKI), oOt'O ft. .\-he Lumber for Wagons. 1 A to I) inches thick. :?000 It. Seasiun'd Oak Luiiiber, 1'^ to H inches. ItMMt It. \\ liite Oak anl Hickory, l(.>r Axletrees. lUOO ft. \\ hite Oak for Toiiguea. Uolslei s and ,'hal'ts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. L'OOO SjH.kes. For whii'h tl;? highest cash jirice will be ]>aitl. -Vjiply soon to I], Fl'LLLIl. Ma\ iH, l>'ol, 7U-tf I.a/nt arrants H anird, 'liiiile-t C\aii piiiCK.S ]i:iid for any H. number of Land Warriint.-. tor a North ern concern. .7N«», M. i:o.-i:. Ag-f.t. FMvette\ille. Aj'ril IL iS-'iJ. >Jtf .u S i' Ri:('i-:i\ i:i). rniCF.S C\NTt»\ MATTINt^, 4-J ..I. i (j-L r'(1, chccNC 1, and v.Li'.e. —A L."-' • — 1. af, (iratuil.iled. N. O, C’.arii'icd, New b - !ean'. aiel .Mu-i’ov .id - Su^.irs. .“-ligar JioiiM" .''yrup. jit crates a--orted Crockej-y. K'v.1'1 I’orter and V\ine Im.IIic,-. S. W. T1LL1N(.I!AST CO. April lo. 1 o0.H>0 lb>. H \SII.L ]'ay ;i), Its. ]er ).o;i!i 1 eish !'..r ;ill H. cle.-in cott.iu .'ind linen ItAOS, delivered t'» .1. I>. Williams, in I av etteviil.-. 1 am n?arl_\ ready to put in operation a I’aper .Nidi in tois neig'.itioriiood. aiiil am ile-irous g. t;ing uiy rag- in thi- la.-.i'ket. My fd ';i , i i- to jeiy a- much b>r r:ig- :i- 1 can atl'ord. .‘in l iiope 1 la.iy not be forced ti> 'ii-t.itit la.irkets for my supplies. 1 liaM';:ed wi.a .\ir. Williams to icccive aii'i pay fu-ail r.r.; /" Iv are recuiving, ai our MFW S'J'AND, | l^ist corner ot tlreeii street and Market ! Souare, a l..\l!!i'; and eeueral .issorIu»eiit of I Seasonetb!e 1 Consl.-tlng in jiart as follows; i Watered, figured Jind plain ilnrL- Ures.s .'-ilks; i Figured, changeable and [il.tid Silks; Challys; ; liaregfs; l’are;;e He-l.ains; ^isslle^; Ci.ipe Ue- I 1 .-iri-!'; Organdie"'; Kmb'd and jiriiited Law ns and •Muslins; .I.aconet, Swiss, strifted and ' irred ' Muslins: (ilnghams ami Calicoes; Ijoiiiba/iiic.s. Silk nii'l cotton warji .\l)acai. I —ALSO — ■ \ fine assortment of I'reneh-worked (’olI.;rs, ; Cufi's, ('.-ipey, I'.ertliei’s, I nder-slee\es, ('liemi- , zett.':. l‘>ritial \ eil.-i; IwobruiilerLd niusiio, l.iee ; an'l crape .''li.-iwls; .Muslin and lace .Mantillas: I Thread, lisle, cotton a>i'l linen l.aee anl I'idg j ingS; Swiss and jaconet I.dcing and In.serting. j SilU and kid (lloves; l»ibl,i;ii-, T:ibbs. l iuw- j ers, \c. Full (Ikni i.kmkn's Wk\i:.—,\ tine assortment ! of Cloths. ( as.-inieres .-iii'l \ esting; Frcnch and Fnglish I'rap H'l'.te; (jueen's Cloth; Cashmeret; Slate and itrowii Linens; White and colored Linen drilling. .V .iii].b'l!• abSortment cf Uuniii’ts, II.its, Jiiiots, Shoes, I'iii}>rella.«. With many otlu'r article.s not er.umer.ated, ma king our a.-S'irtment the larin'st .ind be.^t we ha\c ever ollered in this market. To the ;.i'.)ve tioocls we would call tlir atten tion of our customers, frieiid.s and the puolie generally, as we intend to seii t’ucUi as LoW as any other house in ihi-'ket. ALLX'll JOHNSON CO. March IS. ls.-,_'. 74tf for sale by the Subscriber in llaleigli and JL Fayetteville: in llaloigh f>t hi*' .'-I’oi' on F:y- ettevilie lst,reel, :.nd in Fa \ ••■Itcville at .M". .\. .'1. Campbi'll’s. The Subscriber hereby forevv!irn« f11 ]H‘fson5 Irom purcliMi'-iTig any of these ,'s|o\»v fiom uii\ jieison eithi-r in or out of North ( arolina, ex cept troni iiimscl!' or hi.- duty authori/.i-d Agents. He has ]>urciiased the excbi'ive lijrht to vend this .'-to\e w ithin the State, and will prosecute any person iiifiinging iii.s right, either by pur- I'iiasiii”, M'ii;n:i, or u.siag, an\ e.xcept tiiose ob- lained iroui b-"-KU. JOSLI*!! V.Ol.TKIllNO. ll:lle!^h, \p|-il T.t, iS.M. I'^tf \i ,N i'Li >. 'riie Sui»sci'(!)('r has now one of the most e\t''nsi*e .vnd be-'t iiss'irtecl stocks Houble anti Single SH*T ■( NS, I’L'sTOL.'s of the mist sujieri'.r i|Uality,—Colt'.s liepeating I'lid .\li‘n's itevolrintr. "f every ijuality,—Pow der I'lasks. Sliot an'l C;ime l>:igi». I’civus.-ion Cajis of Lngiish :ind Fn nch imtke. Also, the iiiost coni]>lete assortment of Gun fixtnies that has eve)- be‘n oflei-ed in fh'“ section of ooiintry. -Vlso, ,Shof (iiins, I’liilcs and I’istoLs made to ordei' or i t paired. Kiiles made to order, and warrantetl to siioot from one lo five hundrel ; ar-N. ,\ir Guns made to order at short nctice. To al! of which t'i;e i.ttention of Sportsmen aiul otherj i.- respectiuiiv invited. .M. A. hakkh, Sif/li nf l!u Hay stii'et. ntviriv o]if>osite the Marble Yard, i'aveiteviiie. N. C., I >ct. 'j. lis-M. ‘J^tf jrsT r.llLS. WHISKl.V, 10 hhtls. Molasses, 1 i(r. ea.-k pale French i’.i iiie'y; 1 •• •• M,ulei>a VWiie, 1.1 bags 1;- I '!i;ct, 6 I 'Xei; Medrua .\:ces, —AL>0— Urfionis; Hearth llrii-iies; .lute roi-'r''"d Bug gy Milt-: Tanners' Curri-l o' Knice-. V. tu 'Kers, and Siiiootii Fleflhers; and ;.u uddlti"ii lo cur FllLNt 11 ( lllNA S. W. ilLl.lNGlIAST .v CO. .Ma'ch 1. l'" ‘i.’. (i'.nf T oil lijiiid Ml 1 .'ire dui-' IHi; -ub-criber- h;i t‘ivin;j: lln- ! 5)i-\ ikii'iiware aiui ('utiurv, Oi':.- *.y Vv -iitc Lead, H lai’ilc as.'(;i’t iiK ii 1 (n i i.-il. With many other ni t;. . - not t immeri^e 1. em bracing a large aie-i we : -.nete'i 'StocK. whit-ll the', are i..Sjioseti to scii 1/> .1 , •.liier al Viiioio- sale .ir retail. li;:;tk .K)h::?on, '1 doors \‘ of C:i]>e I'e;.r r.ank. .\pril S, ls:._’. 80tf iN'F. of our til in Inning ici eivC'l the .".p-' pfiiiitmeiit ol' .Vl'C'l'iO.W'lil;, we solicit consignuu 'its at homo arid fi ^ai .Tlirond Li';;iL .V JOHNSON. ir i i ..u-e. th. ct. WilCl .Marl m.-i v WlN'l'Kli SI ‘‘IMA. K jire now ret eiving ,nir winter su]ipl\ i.l Ooo.N. o door- 1 south siiie I’ei-on -tr fouii'l tiie following artielei?; .Sugii!' tif all gl ade.-, Coll..,-. •> Hh .s. Cuba M.i’as-es—.'»\eet. "> I'.t.!-. .yrnp—a -uper’...r article. (i reen and IJlack Te:is, Chee-e ol three iliirerent iiualitics. Lice, I'epper aiai S^ice, Ji "pc and i>.i__ini, l;b:-. .Mackerel, .^1.' • « and l>oot« of extra l.irge sl.'.e, Sho\els. .'sj.a ies :ind j orks, ( orn I’iou;:!!.- and I’oints. \e- ol i;u- ii« -I I l ands, Ivnivi - :ini| j' rks, Nai’s .111.1 In ii. i.'Miil |'o>. ( (,tto!i V;,i-n. With a ;nc:it r.i.iny article- ciieaji for •. Lirh or c-'-ci.ange't for I’rodiice. CuT. and see. (, IK »>s I ki;kk ('»., t.. Lci.i-ow . I're.s't. 'S'o i'artiicrsi attd subccribe.A;.ren;s :or ihe Inip'.rt- h>-v“ ti:ad.‘ i.rrangeno lit- t‘i keep eon- stantlv on h.iiid a .-upplv i' he-t I’LIll \ L\.N (.IAN(* ANl' A(.i:lcrLir!’.\!. FI.A.'-TKi:, v.i.icii tht'v will -I'.i in i'|Uaiiiifie- to do ap ;!S the_\ e.m l.e juirt iiascd .n tl.''* ^l^HL J'iTN.V Insurance Company oi‘ Hart-' ford, havinir paid the t.ix impo-C'l ^y the Heventie Law of tlie late Logisl.iture. will con tinue its Ageney in 1 !.yette\i’de, under the inain'.gement of the unUer-igne I, who is jire- pared to i.'-no I’olieies i.f Ins'.ir.ince on ruiid*' iiif;s or (iooils. eithir in tlil- Tiwti or in any part of the ."-tate. on proper a\iplic;ilion, de scription of the l’i',ptr:y. The ,i; i'.\.\ ( t).Ml’.VN\ has l.ecn in oner:.non uit, as j ;it)ouf ;;t' year-. Its capital is -nhern ' The Hon. Tlios. IL Ki . ce w;is its lirst I’re-i'ient, -■ttin. - I. ■'1. ',0-tf deliverc' D.kVIH .Ml i Fuvetteville. Fel.>'v 'J 1. 1^.J!.’. to him. I’HV. t',‘'-tf • . n of a Principal from among tiie •- i'e made tai the 1 th ot .lune se'li.itely after VNhicli tiie Micces-tui ii'jliTie'J, and arrangement- niiine t'iti":i will go iiU" operation at I',’, next a- ] ractic;ib!c. either "f the iindersiLrne'l. 1 1 or .s)!riiigfield I’ost nftice. any tur- r . t; in regard to the pre- ■ i'T- :nptl V ;:i\ en. id \i an McI. \rui\, ) .js »i i N M. I..\ r l: I N. c in. b vM:;L . MelNT^ KK. \ ^ .M:iv S, l>o2. ^.Ul'.^I w A^ Fi{i:i(nri’ ■T : the Coii-igiiees name Kiel the ri; .rke.l on the ]iackage. aii'l a • _ V !. !'; ■ 111. or i t VN ill iiave to l emain .. n r uiiti. -uch information I- obtained. il. .\1. op.lil.LL. Ag't Hen'ta 'o. ('(dmut Funntare, ('ha!r., S'r. r||l ii I^ sub'icriber is r"ceivinvc the larire-t a^- 9 si.rtinent in his line ever before pun ha-ed at the North, which, tocether w itii lii-own m;in- uiacture.'ies lus ."-lock very eoniplcte, con- of ( iiair-, l':itilt‘-, S'das, 1 ^\ a-li S'iniils, l>urt“;ms. L.ckitiL: ''iii.-sfs, ,'^iilt‘ l>:>iril-, Si rt't:ir:i -, Ac. Ml of which wi:! be s .'id oii tii- h-we-t terms f..| ('ash. or on ‘•hort time to cn-t'.oner-. JuHN W, K-t. O. l -.'.l. 15AKKU. O.'.lf t'o'i roN rL T'»N aiw:i\s prep: YAKNS b\ ice., J. .\) ril It. 1 VAUNS. ured to furnish C >T- the bal“. at Factory .V T. WAI'DILL. ■ S’Jtf f’!/ 0> lit l l l\ T(JNS of SWKIHIS IRON, by K. /{V,-/ riiC III tiu Oct. IX. 1! C. HALL, of Uonie. olitf mn w. Sul).>i'rilx'r si ill continues to c:irry on the CAIHNF.T r.r.^IN 10S.' in Favetteville. and in ad litioii to his lOstab'.ishment on I’.uw street. ne:ir Keeles's Hridge, has opeiit'd ii large \» .VKL llt)0.\l on Hay .street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel ami one loor Fast of Messrs. Huigh \ Son's, where a general nssortmeiit of I'{ ll.MTl li!:. Made bv comjietent and faithful workmen. iii;iy be h:i'l iit eoriespondiiig with the times. .\l«'i, an a-sortment of Nortiiern-made FI UM- 'i I KF. selected by hilii.-elf, which will Le .sold at a verv moderate iitlvance. I'LNCAN McNKlLL. Nov. 10, l^•'>l. oStt F. keep* on hnn>! «n axsortmetif nf Hsk s celet,rated Ml.TALLlC lU'Kl.VL CASKS, which h:ive been hi^.hly recommended by Willie I*. .M:ln^rl’nl. Henry ('lay. Lewis ( :'.ss. W ni. K. King, and many other illustrious characters, vkho lia'c examined ami witnesse'l their utility. Principal Teacher wanted. : I. .!i'l 'f Tii..stcc- of the f Tii..stcc- of tlie ( iiiiton l.'i-tituie de-ire to emi'h.y a i ,ii:iry w ili be liber:tl, iuid ! t!ie be-t kind re.piircL The ■•■ilthy as any in the .'^t;ite. .\d- i iber, Tayl' r’s Uridine, .'-.iinpsi'n e ol will open jiboiit mi'l lie of i pliciitioii is retjUested. the leiar'I. 1*. .MI III’HY, TK .ns’r. hX tf It, l.^ i,j 'I'llt jn tt!! u u'anled. ■I.'' having .'-pirits Turpentine to ■A. ;irc in the m.irket t^: buy; or we '• '■ I -hip to any market the owner , -t.i 111,ike aJvaiicco on coii- COOK i; TAYI.on. 8Stf c(ir( (l on ( 'onslrnni( nf. i'T ■ i.e cheap, '.O bbl.s. WHISKKY. JNii. b. WlLLl.VMS. l-'J. SKtf V O Tl i S S I AN1> I F3HV/ARDING MERCHANT, ,V. ft- '3* I'rompt personal attention given to all (^>nsTgnnlents. and Cash advances made on Pro duce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this intirket. Feb. 12, 1J'V2. \V. L. S.Mi ril, (^()j]'irr ill. IjflVtniA V\'1LM1NUT(JN, X. Jan y is:jl.’. DAiLV i:\VVA Ti:i). TdN.S of HOOP IIIUN, suitable for Spirit Sill ill I iiuiLiw i\,si in\ri. (ii.'iiM.NV, t>F CH.\ULi:SToN, S. C. ft 1 H.\UTF11I;L> by the State of South Caroli- ■ na. with » t apitiil of •■j-'JoO. llili. all p;iid in luid well invested. Fire, .Marine, Liver and Life li:.-ks. ('11 \S. F.HMONDSTON, Prest. A. L. Tolti.v-. .'Sec';.. IHKLCTOIIS; Liiiiim M\nr-. to|. .I.v^iks c xnsi.LS. M. C. Mi'i’iii.i V!. t'li v- H. W .■s. .M()W|:y. .Ir. llr.Ni:'. CuliI.V. The subscribers havir.c been a"-^ inted ;i"ei,it in thi.s l>laci; the ;iti..\e ii;;l!, •; eoniji:in\ . ;;le ]>rep:ired to receivc olVer- and i.-sue j> ihci. - ol Insurance on Fire, >Lirine. Liver :ind Life Itisks, on liiieral terms. .\11 losses incurred at this agency, will be i>roniptly adjusted and paid bv ihe untiersigned. DelKtSSFT \ iUlOWN. N. 1>. Itis’Ks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the nio-t liberal terms. Wilmington, N. C., M:indi ‘J7, — (7-'m \ H LL\.^. ( hrysanthemums. and \ erbumis are now ready foi' ihdivery. Persons vtishing a tdi*ii**e asst»rtnient should send tlndr orders immediately, as my stock of extra tine varieties i» small. C. LUTTLKLOH. Ilowaii street. l>;ihiias from lo to 2'> cfs. Ciirys.inthi-munis to iu cts. 10 to L’- cts. Also :i number of other t heap hardy jihints for bediiing out. >Lirch 'J4. I I ^tafiok’d, ( S:ir!i iV E>i\o:i, .Md II I'f‘l'( II I'l rs I'/ III! sr. nt Ilnr.-'I /‘niria Oilil T h I'l sil III'/ M>i> h I III liiit',1 I'nr tnhU iUi*l SUit K* Itiit I'-j ^ i \n’il t li'l Ma. chiii'.^, ,\'iiii- ('iilhr.'i of /(//•((/«.'■ jitif/'iii.-i, W/ I'au,-. Mill iIik/ i-'ii'tnrii (I'liir. Siiirtiii/ (iii.-if MUl in.ii^. Jink Mii/., Eiljv 'I'li/ls, (I'r. (It. c'.iles. iidil.n. the'ti J. .'v J». McH.\K CO. W ilmington, Feb. 1;-. i.'-'ij. 7 l-oin LrMlJi'Jli U'MliKK!'. have our .'-t:-im » V ful opei;ition, e: near the llalei,L;h Sl,.;.v- 1« to exeeute or'iers in lloin ': or Cii i-idiir >''■ ■■ sliorte-t notice. We > i ;;nd Juni;er H'Mi)!'.'! length. (>ur Lumber. 1 and smoothneis of face, ever delivered in markt-t. JtiNKS .V liANP.FK. March nit. 7''tf Worth Carolina Kerseys. A P.r.V, SHKMWLl.L • '. ! ju-t re- ceived a large iot of "Saleei Lersi vs,” known to all of our Pbmters j;s the best ”,oods *' r negroes th:it :tre ot'icrc'i in this ni.ukct.— Tin-e who h;ive been waiting. ii;;d betl r coine and m‘t su}>plied. as thev are guirg eii r.'p'.vi' .. ':i\> .'iill in success- iiU’s irom F:iyetteviHt-, i 'lid. ai;d lire ]>rcp;ired iitic. As we run i ■■ V.e can fill bills at the Piiie, Pi'iilar and of :,;mo.--t any r irutiitiilness of line ;liail 'ue ei;U;il to aliv and lie still iiold- thnr oifice; .•iii.i sev(.r;tl "J it.'j first I'irectors :ire still active and efticieiit meni- : >iei-s of the 15o!irl. It at i.n t'liies sustained the hi^ihest character for the puarnco of it.s . management, and lor tiic liber:;'aty willi whi.;’r' ! it h:is evir adjusted its i' --c.s. ; L. J. HALK, .\cT''nt- 1 .March 1". IK.'.l. Ni:\V Ml'Sir^ A«)NSlSTlNO .Song.a. l’olk:is, W.'iltzf!}/ iCe.. \c. Just l C':eiV 1 11. J. ilAL -•r 11. T A 1' I) .irreis, by Oct. lt, l&ol. K. C. H.\LL, of Home. .'iLitf I'oit sM.i:, I' .'o' v.hite C.irn Meiil. lOO lbs. in a c.'. :i fun; article for family use. JNO. 1). WILLIAMS. 8Stf Ji ST i!i:cKivi:o. Tiik umlersigned has just re- feiverj his stock of Sl’IUN'O -\M) SFMMFI{ (idOhS. con- ling of Cloths., Casisiuiercs and Vestings. Lhick. brown, green, blue and ' live Cl'tths: white silk and sat- Vestiii(rs; Mrirstdlles ditto, 'vliife and colored; Linen Hrill- ie Lte and IJombuziiies. ALSO — "■ti.ieMi of ULADY-.MAHK 'L()TH- f,:;tf JOHN l>. W IIJ.IAMS, €'oiHiuisHion tlivrchimt’, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1S.-.2. _ _ A i'ann and Jlcantifnl llrsidcncc FOR SAI.K. fH^IlF. Subscriber wishing to remove to the fl. South-west, would sell his lands in thi« (’ouiitv, upon rea.sotiablc and acctimmodatiiig terms. ^ • There are about 2700 or :iOOO acres, all lying iu one body, and of which 400 or .’.OO acres are in cultivation. The Plank Koa.I of the Joint Stoek Company, from FayettevilU to Italei-h. will run within one mile of the residence. .Most of the lands tiiat are in i;ultivation lie within three mil'**- of the ape Fear Uiver, adjoining the lands of John C. William.s and t.thers. The above situation IH very neighbors and society. 'I'he subscriber might say much more tiy way of inducement; but lie deems it unnecessary, as those wishing to purchase can call and see lor themselves. .... , •* The above landa can be divided so as to suit purclwwwr.s. .\ny further informatiin can be given t»y iip- plication to the subscriber, or >»y letter iwldres^s- ed to him iit lungsbury, Cumberland Co., N- » • D. S. WILLIAMS. l\h. 2-. 1302 T to purchaFe any o*’ tin iii'l do well to call and examine 1 AlLOlllNO iirrie« on thf it.s br.'inches HI (ill CltAH \M, t C'jrutr ol .Miirket .Siju.ire. 81-lim RI'>l)rc'i:i) FAliK. rH^llUOr(;H Tickets between Wilmincton. N. JL and Baltimore. Fare \ ia Wel don, Petersburg, Kichmond, and Wnshington ('itv. u- via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Oflice of theW il- miiigti'ii and ILileigh l!ail Hoad Cojnpany at W ilmintrton. or at the Oftiee of the P.altimore Steam Packet Company, hiuI of the Hultimore and (diio Hail Comi-any, Pratt Street, Haltimore. ^ Jan. 1, lS.'i2. General Agency and Commission Business. ■^HF. Sultscribers have this day entereil in to n copartnership ttntler tiie style of WIIITAKKK, WlllTFlKLU CO., for the puri»oso of tloing a general agency and comuiis.-ioii business, aii'l in titfering their ser vices to the public in that capacity they liatter tliemselves that they will be iible to give satis- ftelioi) to all those who may consign any go.-ds, wares, merchandize or country produce to them idther to sell on commissions or forward. As it will be our greatest nini tt» please, v^e pledge our.selve.s to spare no pains in trying lo give uet.eral satisfaction. They respectfully solicit the ieitrona£re of their frieii'ls and the putdic generally. Theif More is No. 8 North Water f-;treet, Hickinson's F'ire-proot building, W il- JOHN H. WHITAKEn, JA.MKS W. WIIITFIKLI), A. A. I?. SOUTH.\LL. Rkkkiikxcks:—Jolin Daw.sort, Potter & Kid der, O. fr}". P.TTsMey, Samuel IJeery Sons, O. U French, and Hllis & Mitchell. Jan. 2'.), 18.-.2. I>r. T. W. Has taken an Oflice on Hay Street, West ».f the Hotel litiildiii^s. July IRON SAl'i:S. fistSrTho siil-frilicrs, A^irnf.s fur tlio .sale of WILUFHS 1‘ATFNT SA L,\M \ NHLH SU'KS, W Fl’H HICH'S 1 .M PHOVFM LNT, oi- l't:r them of all si/.es and |iatterns. delivered in Wilmington at the Manufacturer's New 'i ork prices. These Safes are warrnnted equal if m>t supe rior to any others manufactured. Orders will receive prom)it attention. |)K. HOS.'^L'l' .V ISIUtW N. ^HF'S' resju.cti'ii’.'y inf"rm their cu?t"oiT- lel Cue jiublio, th;it they continue to c;ir- IV on tiicir i.iisines- at tiieir .M.iehine Shi^p. iic;ir ."-NtiW ('.V'lP, .\I:.;ii;:ince county, Nor'ii C:irolin:i. V. here tiiey arc ] re]i:ire'i to execute ;> i worfC iu liieir iii.e V, nil neatness, punctuali- f, an 1 I'Ml' ... \v itii :il; iu'Teascd V:irietV of • ' 1' >i\' . . k.nei", a.hied to our . :.t T;ic ) w ;.t. r. a well sel»*cted ••riii.t a; : ■ i :.i ' ;-M-. i'::sed at the low- e.'t :ish price.'.—'v- o; kiiovvii .-kill and ■•ibiiity. t";_eiher with |oii;^ evperici'ce in the busincs-.—tully jur iil'y u ^ in s:i\ ing. as to t[U:il- itv aiel jirice. our vv..rk h:is not. will not, and sh:ill not. suli'er in comp:irisou with aiiy other Shiiji in the .'-outh. (irateiirl t'> the ]'ublic for p:ist favors, they Solicit a continu;i In e of tiie'.r ]iatrouage. N. U. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is ••tirst come first served." Letters ad dressed to the subscribers, at Snow t'aiMp. N. ('., will iCLeive prompt attention. M'.\FFOi;i>, t, L.\KK \ lUXON. March 1 '''.>2. i 1 -'ni NO rK'i:. A LL person? imiebted to the ?uhserilier, either by note or :iceount. arw re.iuested to Call and settle tiie same as e.iily as p"s-i’ole. Hr m:iy be loun.l iiiio door Vtest of Liberty Point, with the i;io.'-i of his rt';ii|y-m:ule work S:ivt“d fivnn the latt' tire. Persons in want ol any articles in my line t^f business, would do well to c:iil. as 1 will »ell cheaji for c:ish, t r t>n time for api roved note. lAVE INsri^ANCE. nisi', Ciider-i-jMod has been appointed Agen« ^'f' the North Caio'iina Mutual Life Insu- r;.i;C'‘ Ciiii.iiany. livery member for lite panic- ipatt s iu tiie profit.s of tlie Coinpar v; ar.d *he’ annual jiremium for lit'e ir.embership. where if a:iioiints to or more, m ;v be pui'I ono-h.'ilf in cjish. and the other iialf in a note at 12 month‘3' Iielitor.'^' ! \\-:i ii'Tv i>e ii'snrctl by creo.uors' .'. in.Mi may iiis:iri‘ Ins o»>.; ule i r the eXi'iubivtr benefit of his fainiiy. Lvos of slaves may i tioinsurod. LL persons'indebt-d t . the un'iersi-.'iied ' This .system is rap;.I’y growing into ftivor, ail either 'ov note or account must settle on ; ' ver the civilized v.'irM. it is one bv wiiich a •tore the fu -t d;iy of .M.-ircii. Tho-e failing ! fmiily, for a small aniiu:illy, may be pro- I So, will eei tjiinly find their accounts iu ] v’'l’d for, after the de:itli of i.s head, ou whose exei'tioiis they may have been tlependeiit for a support. It is a ^ootl investnif^nt C'f money,' even if one should live long alter takir.g out a Life Policv. Fxplaiiafory ]>;'Uipiilets, and tiie i'.iv ettcville, I)ec. t' the h;iudb of u collcctiii p.,1 1 1. otlicer. HFi nFN JONFS r>otf J;nrv 10, IS' JAMKS SFN'HY, ,')-jtf Wilmington, N. ('., .Miirch llii, lfo2 11. L. IIOLMIIS, 77-;{iii I Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICK on corner td' Frotit and Princess streets, under .(ournal oilice. Dec. 12. -IS-tf _ T. C. WORTH, CO.M.MISSION WU KdllWAIilll.Mi ,M1 IirilWT. |„ jj.-. \VlLMlN(; rON, N. (’, Feb. 1, 18-'.l. Friri'iii:R no ric F. Stake this; method of returniuir my situ'cre thanks to those geiitiemeii w ho saved the goods from niy Shop on the morning td tlu“ .'Id iiist. P)ut I'or their kiiulness and exertion, I Would have lost all. JAMFS Sl'NDY. 0\A) RYF. A N'oTHFH lot of Doctor W illiams's old Hec- ^ titled Uve Whiskey. J. & T. W'ADDILL. March 2il. T7-tf FOR SALF.—ll)s. P.A- J. 1). WILLIAMS. I'.utf eb y It', l.'s.')2. '1'. S. Lr'i’Ti:RLo]^ B*' » r \y a b* ! i n A is c ii i , Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. If,, l^.'.-J. Ci.'i-oir. LFSSONS IN MI SIC'. fll. WHir.AKKK would respectfully in- • form tiie ci’i7.eti« of Fayetteville :ind vi cinity. th:it he has .i.::aiu coinnienceti giving Les sons on the Pi;iiio Forte. He returns his th.-inks j i'or the libt r.i! patron.ige licretoibre received, ' and humbly .-olieits a continu.'iuee of the same. .\11 p.aii s siiall be tiikeii for the ailv.•incement of ills pu]i is. Instruction also given on tl'-e (luitrir. Pi.iiios tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. 11. WHll’AKKK. August 21, l^.JO. oitf I Walor: sever.-il iiiirdre l of these \Viieel! JtL in o})eratioii in ditiereni couiities in North ('arolina. For proof of'thcir great advant:iges over tlie coiunioii tliitter wheel, or any othi'r; V'heels iiow in use for saw inills. w'- confi'lt’utly ; refer to those who have :ipplicd tiiem to the.r mills. We can reeouiiiieii l them j'arficularly : fwr I heir superiority in ca-cs of .-v low liead ot w jiter, o" back wa■ er. We st'l! keep a supply of Wheel-, wuitifble for difleretu lie:ids of water, at W ilmington, Nevv- bern, W :ishiii;rton. f.di-ntou :ind h a v ettevillt', I’ht' wheels may be had ot L. .\. Hrev;ird. Liucoliitoii. and I ri;ih W cils. Peters’mrg, \ ;i. Persons wi-hing to obtain the to list? ihe wheels, will be served tin ai;plie.itiou tO I*. .McNeill \ Co., Favetteville, N. C. 1). .McNFILL. A. I). Feb'y 22. i]i:\nks, furi;i.s!.L'i-’ >'ii June 1' v.’^ic:ition. HALE. >.ei' PVT'' l; i;UAi;V. ■:: the \> r'lit ilere aiel 'loti,-. " I .. .:e!is, and Hoo>i - ( .lUl;. .‘I i !.e, i r no S[iy in >oc'.>,-t;>; Miss Sevve.i - -b.. i! .i mtr Tour; Mt iuoir til I'.ev. Vv. Fi. j I ’ita. t'*; Wesley ail I .M‘ th"'!isni. by T.-iyhi!'; cncer's P;tstor'.s Ski tclies: '.ictiuffey's Kcleciic Leaders, 1st. ”il. •';•! ;,i!d It;: p;.rts; Pi:rl;er's 1st Lessons in Pl.iior-iphy; 'Aw. ' Ui.-Morlc; D.ivics' Stliool Aritiiiiietic; .xc. .Mso, tinthcr .’•i:;';'liOs t.f THE J'C,Si'\ A('.\ 1)FM Y'.~- Collectift’K ! ;i;niin:i .'^acra; Gunii'? Doiuestic Mediciue; iluii.i .st s Libra"/; X '. h. .j. HALi: .V .V >N. A. .MeKLTH.VN. J. .McALlSTLK. tf V= 4-tf I'iro-sn'oofi* j. LL parties about to erect I ire-proof Muihi- A in.'s will tio well to call on the sui>s riber. . I 1 am i>repiired to contr:iet for :-late :iud Met- ALL jiersons indebted to tne subscriber for ];,„,tin•^ Cutters, Leaders, Leader-heads, and Cioods purchased at Flor:il Cidlege, are ro- ] NO l'K K. R. M. ORRCLI.r F()ii\v.ii:i)iNC C0iiniissi«:« )iERCiiiXi at Fayrttcvillr, 1%. !'• MajcL 10, oods pure! riuested to nuike immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn iit tlio neighborhood, or to himself in I'heraw. I). 15. McAHX. (’heraw, Dec. 20, 18')1. T>t-tf IRM)K!.I/S ri-:por rs. (rST j.ublished, A'oL 12 Law, and Vtd. V Ftpiity. Price ;‘>0 and *•'5. The:.i- are simill volumes, in conse*iuence of the Uei>orte: milking new arrangements tor ])ublishi;ig. Iloaiid vols. exchanged for Nos. as usual. i:. J. HALF & SON. Dec. 10, I80I. ~ Ni:w BOOKS. HBANCHOf’T'S r. ST.VTES, vol. 4th: The MS Swami» Steed, or the Days of Marion and his Merry Men; I’utnam’s Library, No. fi, being Home NarrafiVe?, from Dickeiiy Honsehold I Wonls; The IMai^lcn and ^Married Life of Mary I Powell, being No. of Appleton’s Popular Li brary; Zaclios’ New ATtierican Speakef: I>ul- I lion's-Creek (Irammar; Smith's 1st Geography; 1 Mitch^P’s Priiuary GoogT.ildiy, &c. J\ist i*ec’*i. \ £. J ilAlA & 'iOi - every thing belongiiig to the Hooting business. .\lso. to give instructions in Hoofing for Slat(', to make it etlectually proof ag.-iiiist fire and water. FRANCIS SHFNToN. F:i vettev ille, Alarch 1. IB-i’J. il-Hm NOTK'!:. rB'TllK uiidersngned continues to manufacture ."-pirits Turpentine 15.VH HFLS. Thosenow on hand guage 4o to 4') g:illons, and are made of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want- ‘ ing ;i gooil article, will do well to call jind ex amine. Contracts to deliver 15:irrels lor the next tvvelye mouths m.ade on favorafile terms. T. S. Ll'TTFHLOll. March 22, 1J»'V2. 7otf rORACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; anti I shall re- ceive regularly, from Messrs. ■!. Jones & C!o’3 Factory. |ualities as-sorted from commtm to very tine, which I will sell at lowest manufac- tuyriag prices. 100,()()() Acres Vnluahio T I .\! I! I', it I. .\ X I) S ! FOR SALK. 'S^HF Subscriber h.-is purchased all the Liitids ■L belonging to the Fst:tte of .\biam Duboi.s. lec'd, lying priiieipully in Holiesoii eonnty, and on btith sides of Lumber Kiver, the dillert iit sur veys coiitaiiiing Ov(‘i* Acres: \ L'irge |.!irt finely Tiivbert' l, 111 il coiivenii’it to Lnndj' r Hiver. wlicio.*! 1.;u:!utity ot I ini- ber is iiow rafted to the (ieorifetovvn m.-irket. 'I hes“ Lauds are very valuable lioth for the l imber and Turpentine, tor wiiich i'iir]>ost.‘ a i:irge )iart is well -iiiietl. beiuji in a region where the Turjientine vici i.s niore abiimhintlv than aiiv otlier section of the St;ite. 1 he [>ands will be sobi at a low price. lUid iu -luautilies to suit purchasers. lliforill.ltion rcspftilig the title e;ill be *>b- ; t;iinel by apjdving to the Hon. Hobert .•^tiMiige. Hou. Jas. C., or A. T. >mith, Ks'j., , Attorneys at L:iw.) 1 uii.leVstaiid there are m\n\ trespassers on these Lands, fo all of whom notice is hereby LMven, that the law will be eiiforceil again.'^t all ' such oH'cnders. Application for any part of the Lands can be made to ni;. self, or to .(ohn W iu.slow, Ksip, wliti is duly authorised to make sale of the s ime. TIlOS. .1. CI HTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. 7btf y.i VEGETABLE DYSPEPSia BJTTERSj ■iiir. '.:!'sr roi' i..\R FAMILY MEDICINE 0 K T II K O K I Cse;l liV riiysicia::s of l!i?Ii Slaiidiiig, i;.in t Ni:w ROOKS. .■\pril; The Yel- HAHPEll'S Magazine for lowpliish I’ajiers, f>y Thackeniy; The ■ ■ Kli/.aheth Weiherell: f ay6ti»vill«, Ajnru 3, J. utlf:y. e-itf Wide, Wide World, by ('onstitutions of the Uniteil Hooks, j"c. Just receivetl E. Stat-ea; School J HALE & SON. April H • 1;: ; I'KItS mii.ive atl iiinvl>i l «>*cr>ticvin, liliicd. Ri'f gn-ril n'ld v ienr Ut fi e' ni •: .iiii I'M '.ilN tin’ n RgHinvt all liitiii * rairi.r vv itii at no time Jrluli- i'ir the I :i:ioul I eiijt^ (^riio-itil lo the TTiovt flrli- ►■on-.-iea. a.i.i 11 ' lei ti.rir cheoiiii(?.‘ i!.\ii^'traiiii:; st*‘aiiil ic-toralive i>* 11.,-.. :iiiJ ‘i.. i:.\aiiial'i*- :oi! Mi:e luiniuv tor WV: '.M:rS!\ l.i ITS vVOIlST FOR>I?» I.ivi-. r.ii'Jilainn lannilica. llraitl.iun. "• tr.fnesh Disoi.lorsi'l !!.>',‘vkili ami 1 J'er, 1..15V of .Ai'i.ctile. I.o'' Si.iiiU. Neneii- lUa'iai hM. lijililiiiess. l’Hl|>it'itit.a of the Heart, SiuKiiifr mi'l l-uU- lle^s I't \\ eitrl.i ii tiK! Sioniiioli. kikJ ill I'tli*’' Ji'ea'Cf" I'H'i'.p'i HU imi'tnf* Rl'.itf* ot i . V.oof. lb Pr. etc., IviiJ to .U-l’iliiate oLi.d vt...Kcii uie I' i: 31 .V s \Viio Mill% I fiom a miiil'i'i '*■’** ’iniiatiiial CondiliOD I'i.fl liiis .v! ol INESTIMABLE VALUE. In »i , c*-K- '1 1.1-.■■.KK.'Vl. IJKBILITV, thii .Medi- .-V. -is I I'' ' ' • T^OUS AKTX) 3 flare t-t-d ellit-iry. Bad more »rp nr.Tv ii!i>l**: tieainitfiit ; and not one hoI*tarv ruse »t J.tilare l,|n \ . t ‘.e. ii icjioi te.1. Vohiines euiilil \i>r rille>l w i'h cTiifioates of tiio'C who have l-eeii i>ernianently ciiie'l- Call on iV.t ar.d gtt a P\!^PHI.ET,' roiituiniM); thf crtificate*- of Kemi^i kal.l*^ f »nd til*? liisfli e«iiin;i;iou in wlilch thi» %>ifi me is li*':* ti> llic I'liblic rioss -cfcii be had ol iLc .Ageut>, lri.«. Large Q,uarts $1Pints 50 Cent® SolJ by an the Piinripal Jhu^ii^ls in lh« I'niiid Sintes unit ( (rninLis. Prlnc.,Ml l.ffice. T’J ?T.. Y. ..y. tMr/ S. J ms Alt For sale by yovembor B, 1851

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