:t'er \n- " re- ' .le 'V r . '.a ...,1 ' - ^'1, - I'.:!,- ■ ti\c iU riinl V coi- -'f lliis - Ihi. ■ .V of V ,t.T ■tc m m Fw m# w— nr i'>i ii i ■■I'^nr ' !■ i»« m i ' »i' imhi i i T"~r»~iini— [VOL. 1.] [NO. I)-:.] ff* MirrBBaa—Msag:-sa I.UINTKP BV ,1. 15. NKWnV, i;i)\V \l!l) J. II AI.B & S0.\, i;[)l 1> i;s VM* IMUU’illK roiU'. I — I . t'. 1 tl.i'" t'»‘Wly t>Bsv:LivKii •> J 00 if' p,.: ill •'>•* if }mil iluriiijr tlie ,r , t' -'il"i'rii‘tii'ii: or Jj*'} afti-r the yi'ur lia^ ^ i. • j.i (liiM'.uvKU 00 JUT aiuiviin, if i ' 11 ;; !\if l>HiJ iliiriiiir llip ’ • ' . 'I ■i i'’ 'cv'i['ti.'n; it iitttT t\ir yo;ir | i i .'\ i llTi.’-i.M'.A I S iusi v'.r*! f.iT sixty criit ■ , rii'O lor till' aiul lliirly cv'nt:* for i . |itiMivMtion. Yearly jil\\‘rti'Oiiii-iU> ' V- ;,il ii'iitrai’i', at rt'a> 'iialile rati-s. ,, •- arc ro'i'.U’'ti''l to .'talt.' llu' iiuiuIkt of ;i .io'irc'i. or they will lio contimioil till 1 cliar;j:»’ 1 accordin^iy. l.oti>-r> t" till- K litor> uiu't >>e i>u..t-j‘i>i'l. II AlU’KirS M agiizinc for May: As pooil ;is a (’imieily. or tlie TeniH'sst'an's t'tory: lliK's I ravels ill Turtary, Tliil>ot mu' t’liiiia; lU'foIleetioiis of n I’olioeman; Kxperifiices of a I’arrister; ('otiff.ssioiit of an Att'Tiiey: lleroines ot History; ('liililreii, tlu'ir Ilydroiiatliic Maii- u^fliu'iit, li\ Iir. Slu-w. Also, fiirtliir siijiiilie.s of Family Hililt s. lUaiik ISooks. Cap aiil l.etter I’ajtcrs. School ISooks, vVe. Just reeeivcil bv K. J. IIAI.K \ SON. Mav li'. .irs i' KrA’i:i\ Ki). A «;i'.NKitAi, :i»,iituuiit I't Vuii'.liii’ anti r.oys' ri.dTlllNti. lit UlllTi: v: rNDKlMIli.l/S. Next liour ahove C. F. l$ank. >.tl-lt llAimAN*S JlorKL, B-A Yi: rTi:viLa.i:, v. ^ j^MIK Subscritier, liuvin}' taken the lar;re M;iv 17. ’A\ ii.iN*;. Ill a tew iiistjiiices, l>r. Little lias heartl fV 1'im: lv\aniinalit,)ii in Kol>- liuite "iil t !"se on Fridav. ll^th iiist.. : vii the ‘J'.tli. rill :itid I'f Kani'.iiir. .•li.i. friends of tlie f oordiailv iii- 'Itd Hotel, formerly known as the I’lunter's Motel, situated at the foot of May Mount. Hay Stn-vt. Fayetteville, N. reti|ieetfnlly inform.s liis frieiil.s and the jiulilie th:it he is now eii- j^ajred in ref.ttiiitr the buildiiijr. whieh is sup- j.iie I with entire new Furnitiue. and is jiie- ] :ired to aeeonimodate the IraM'llini: I’liblic. Havin;: had some experience in tlie bn.siness in the town of l’ittsboroii;ih, N. (’.. he ti.itters hini'eif that he will be aide to frive satistaetioii to tlinse who may favor him with their eomjia- ny. Hi.'' room> are lar^e and airy, loetors eaviiiiiir jihi.ut the rourse he h;is thonjrht I l:0--e and eonveiiient Stables, and a j'fi.j.i i to pursue in eomponndin>; and vendiiij; }i"ed anil faitlitnl t>stler. no ill ines Ii'r t.imily use. .Most ;ri‘iier.illy it | Ikis ii i)';ieni-d where I hex were p pul.ir. or liad ! bii ii _ivi ii with a mar’se 1 deirree of sueeess in a e;i>e th.it ha-i b;-eii pre\i'.u.'iy troateil. .Now, j this Sort ot pettv o].position i.- too j^rovelinir to ' need inueli r« int,ai.-n: ainl eertainly enian.-ites | irom tio nieniiier worthy of tiie noble and phi- i l.intliiopii.' piofi’ssioii of meilieine, to s;i_\ the j least ot it. If, Miller the | retext that nothing | is to be K'"'n but wh.it they know or under- j .'tand, then it is certain that very niMiy of them | i-vi-'.t ; • ^i\e l>ut vi;r\ liulo. ai-cordiii;: to that Sprilio- —185)^ .lAMKS KVL!-: IS .NOW KKCKIVI.Nii AIJOLT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, .Ml of which beinjr purchased for ('.'SH. will be otiereil at vfry reduced prices for cash, or on time to )>unctual customers, either by whole sale or I'etail. iircij'-KoItiii;:: (’Iwih.^ fi-om No. 1 to 10, of '.he f)est that is niamifacture I. .M.ircii l!'J, IS'i'J. T-'itf \U\\ Ti;.l I'OMIMNV, WAiii: HOUSES. 75 and 77 Fulton Street, N. Y. IMllC I'ekin Tea 'ompuiiy has been estnb- | L many years, atul imjhh- | the* citizfU.'' Alaiiiiiucc tlio taiuod a liij^h ri'putatioii lor Tt*a8 ut tlu* nn>st KoIII herii .VI a ii ii lac (ii re. A K have foriiicl u company t^tyled the Snow (’amp Manuliieturinjr Comjiaiiy, of Alamance ('ouiity. North Carulina, two mile« U est ot the Caue Creek Cotton Factory, oji Cane Ci-eek, at the Founilry owned by I>aviil llixon lirothers, and ivoi Id respeoli’uily announce to xorui:. PEllSt^NS indebted to u« b\ liond or liook account due previous to .lany 1. 18-if, inu.xt settle or we w ill make settlenicnl.-; b\ lejral \ T. \VAl-I*iLl.. proces Feb'y 17, JtHlN II.VKMVN. tjtiif iLX: tetiSjb Mg t^a\fittvrUlv ilofd, FAViyi'i'KViijj:, X. c. 11 i.AS'i' .Noric'i:. '• >•' ... U’l'tcd t- tl.i- Sn!'. ri'cr j'r,r>- ti^ the partnei-bip '•!' M- l>"n:i!»t a :ire rc'iui-tcd t" '*'tt!e lip air! theret'v l-'.L'. .M.1)0.\.\1.D. ••1 :,t \ IV i ,v \\l,-U-\ 1 ave on hand a :"'ii'‘iit i>t S iddles and ll.irii“ss ot tlii-ir • ••t.ire, wliich they w.. ,',d like to sell VSll, ■■ r on 'I’lMF. to piuictu:.! cu'- M. l'oN vI.l* U 1! Vl.F.V. M. l*cr>"Ti 'trect. 7 ib,. ,i,- bel^w t . HAY. .\"rihcrn Il.^^. just reccivel l; \i.r. 1 t.-; :>a; \VII.LKlNii.« \ CO. I In ih/h,i. /if Ijiiis fur Sale. 1''Fi l 11 t"r '.lie tl.ree LT"od tiuihl.ti;2 lots on H.iy M"'ir.t. in the t.'wn it l!eliuxnt. \LS(>. \ \.iilety of I’an.'ie'ile l l*o >rs auil 'U. an l ?i >■ 1 lli-b'Scd Fi. :iii2. (li;i». S. lIiilKiFS. M .1 17. J. ^vl-:;t t ar-'liiuaii c") y. Plants in Bloom. I:> W L'a'i'.zen v.-ir'-tie.'' 'f new \'Kinti;.\.\.''. lil . •I.T', psi'c white, dre]> ci-iiiis>-n. ■ I. : tiiirty N.ii-i. tic- if tin- I’ei' 'ri' wl'hiii'.rto mak‘ ‘•.•Irctions 1 • . . ’ :i:. 1 M'c tli 'Tii. They will be '.'i \ciy 111 the course of the auninier m- and beaiiTiful j.lant' are coli- n 'ii_' in: ■ b:-..>m. C i,( TTKULOil. Kowan Street. ~ F r- 'n.' >vishii.-,r Strawberries in any .11 1 - ixe 1 'itit e tiie dav belore t!n'\ rule. The ili''i;:ii ot' I»r. I.ittle's I’harm.iceutical ^Iedic;lu■s is t‘> ciin- such maladies as they ;ire rei-. innien led f r. by which families and all otlii rs can silcci'cd as certa.nly a» l>\' anything; known in ph\5ic. So far. iie ia iiappy to attirni lhe\ ha\e iiff only met hi.- uiost salieuilie ex- pectati'iiiS, ),nt ha\e irone bey"i;i ri\a,ry, ••ven of the c.'UstuUt attend.nice of phy^iclans in many inst iuces. n loiiu coui '-e of [ ractice. united with an active dru;.r bu'inc'.-- lu.ire >ub- scijinntl;.. he li;i' been enabled to stnd_\ and pi iicct tin'C f.isii'ite coinpounds. .\ t until they pi'ixc't t.. be t'al' in ad\ancc o! the u-^nal piej'.ir.it'oi.' of till -btx. did he venture to otl'cr them to tin- j’ubiic. This h.'is been d- lie in ac- eor l.'ince with the li^'F.t •>! scivntilic me>iicine, and if ii 't. let .iny jd.ysiciaii of character point it out wherein he has Iniled. , TONiC lUTTKlIS \M> VF.i.FT.Vr.Li; TILLS. To i e n>ed to^ctlier. t- r the cure ot liy'pep- 'ia. in all its compiic.-itctl f..rm>; a- the Los- of .Vj'J'itAe. C"l.lined l’> we'i.s. l>eb>;;ty. l’:ilpita- lioiis, Lalij;Uor and w r' tehedne-.s of tee'.inv: alter niea!s. 11: pie.'.'ioii' iJmut the .'•toi.i.ii h, Xc.; al- “o, lieipi', lit atii..'hs .'f lle.idaclie, I icclou.' \ liise.'i.'cs. and to prevci.t the retuiti of I'iii’d' :ind Fever-. Ni^.;iit Sweat5i, \c. Tt(ol)\iate co.-jii\enes', the ^ e;ieiab'.e I’illo :«re a lU'.'t ciccilent reiaedx; as their action i.s n;il 1. without ncaiis' aiini; the st"inacli. I Tlie f;;c simile o1 the siiiiiature of L)r. W . »i. Little will he l uuid iipoi the outside nra]'per. .'» ! I wh"i‘ s;ile .iiid let lil. by the I’ropriet.'T, a: his .Maiiuf.ieturinjr l '-p,.t. ,\o. } .M .i ki't strei‘1. rhi!au'el|.!ii:i. a:i I .Macon. (iei.r;ria. 'J’o (n* li;it| ;i’>o ot .lainc.'I a:ii. K>'ck;;sh; .\. \\at.''i|i. Floral C.ille^e; Ti‘« i.x nrt ov L>>oijr- la.'s. D.nnett.'Vi!le: l*r. 1‘. M. C'diiii, Charles- ri’^iiLs 1 urge and splendid Piuildinj: has now ML In-en in sui’cc.-.-iiil operation .siine .M:.y l^'ll*. I'he Heddiii” :ilid I'iirnitiire of ;dl kin ls is new. and the reins eni' iit and i bvs.iiit. The Table i?, ah'a vs fuinished witii the bt >t the market uttords. aided by a fine Tcjretable •rai den. I’.oar lers, i.od^ei s. .Mlid Tr.ivellcrs w ill find de- -irahle accommodations and attentive -ervants. No pains will be s;.aii‘d to give eiitiio s,i»i'lac- tioii. Families eali be fiirni.'heil with larse, .-liry. fr^ni double r^oios, ci'iivenicntly and hand- .'. .mcly fiiiia.'hed. \n expel i-. ncc of •_’!) car> w ill eii.ible t!ie les- se ‘. siie In ]Hs, ti> ;ive jreiieial sati.'faction. ANN F.IIOWN. •lune 1, ]s.')0. :iN-tf m:\\ riuM. fII L nn'lersi'rneil have entered into copart- 1>1: up under t!i name aii-i •'i ViC ol l^a^vreiice A: Troy, F"r the -urjio.-e of doini: a general .Mcic.intile and liai tcr bn'inc''. e have t.akcii the .‘'l'>re. .No. I'.MiUKL.N .'S'lTlKi; r. luriiicrly occupied 1>y Me.'srs. John liuske Son. W. LAWHKNl K. JOHN It. TUoV, Jr. Oct. Is.M. ;;;;tf I ton; ( . ( lialeiv'h Ijarbee. Larcla v ^v illc: 1’. I'. 1’ II1NS1).\LI'^ ,\::enf for Favett* .•ud. T4’4i! Te/i! 'S'tttl! CIIK.'-T \Ol N«. ll'i SON. 1 ditto ;unpow.ler, 11 \VK just received from New \Hrk. my FALL .\nI» WlNTi.il Slock of (loods. C-'ii.si.sting of a geiier.il a-sortincnt id’ [)ry (iomix, lirorrrit’s, lliirtiMurr. riillrry. ir. I i!l b.irter 1 r TL Kl’FN’l l.N F, i.r any kiiiil ol I*r *duce. N. KINC. lo ni’Ic' North •1 Fryeni-v. Dct.I'-'.:'. ' -I :: DAILY i'AlMX’Ti:!), VtiFMiUVL ••i-;.Nortinei.l of C (i (» !’F. 11 S ' I'tMiLS, if tiiC besl uianut.ic'.u! el > OitSy B2sirEif oibI iin Farl. A. A. .MfKl'/I'ilAX I TILL eoiitinues to carry on th;‘ t ',\ 11 111 .\Ci I- , 151'SINKSS in all its branches, at the re-, mains of iiis olil stand, ojiposite Libei ty I’oint. He retuil.-; tlialiks lor the libei.il patronage lie has hevctofi.re received, and hojie.s by strict ;it- tentioii to business an ! a ui-.'ire to give entile ifisfaction, to iiieiit a ci'litinuance of t'le same. ' Having kept t'oe •j'reati r p(.rtioii (d his Tim- . bers at a distance troin the manufactory , he has I'll hanil a large and well se!eetil lot of tho- r.Mighly s.'asoned Timber, of every descrijition n.'cd in his Iin.'iiiess. w hich enables him to retain ail his principal wi rkmen. He is therefore now | jirepaied to lio ;'iiy work in his line in the very bi .-'t stvle, an l en the most favorable term*.—as low as .iii_> w.'ik ot the same iiu ility in N. C. He has (111 hai '!. completely finis!ici.l, S Harouches. ti:r 1 or l! lo’rse-; ti llocKawa'.s. and l:i Buggies. .\lso. nearly tinishe 1, i lo C;:rrl.iges for ll innses; i ■JO I’:i|’ .lehes tor 1 und J holse-,; IJ I'ockawavs. and •’lO liuggies; .Ml of w hich an d’ liie mo>t approve 1 plan and filii'h. ;;'id will conipare with any VMiik in the I. .--tati s tor ueatlies' and diir.ibilit \ . Hav iiig lieeii ei,i:i“e I In the above biisine.-s for the I'.ist I’O ye.irs. his vioik is well known, and he n-l\-i ■- to old cu.-'t 'iner.^ for pr of ef its iliii ability. .\ !,!. Avoi k \v:ii raiiti il for !l2 motitli', ai|(l t epaircd free of ch.irge should it fail by !i;id vvorkiiiaiisliip or Material, within th.'it time. I,-. * Ili;i'viKixc executed :it slii'rt notice, and oil re:i>onab!e teriiis. • l.-ili '. -Ii, iN-'i’J. '>'• Counties, th.-it v.e are now prepared to .Manu facture in the iieiitest ;ind best style—-Wheat Till.i.'liiiig .>lachine.s. from two to .six iiins," power; ( nttin;; .Machines d' dilferent sizes; \Vool Carding .Macldiies: double and single .Mill aii'.l Factory (ie.-ir; Saw and (ii»t .Miil Irons; edge Tool,-;; I'otton ^.•lrn and nDol Lolls, vNe. I’ersoiis wishing to purchase would lio well to give n.s a call belore iiurehasing elsewhi'ie. :i> vie are determined to sell ciieaji for cash, or on time to punctii.il dealer.s. Cur long experience in the .\lanufaeturiiig linsiiicss enables us to feel no i;e.-ii,iiion in s.iying th.it oiir work shall not be surpassed fiy any sliop in the .Sontli. -Ml U'tters ad ii'cssed to the .\gilit of the Comp.my at the ."now L.nup I’. ()., .Mam.ince County, N. ('., will ruceiie pr.iinpt attention. D.W li> 1»IN()N, Agent of the C. .Manufaetiii ii.g Company. Snow Camp. Dec. d, is.')l. -47-i>in|'d .11 s r ki:c’i:i\ i:i), r.l’.LS. CllFSMLl) SFliAll. i>:iO‘l \V;ivneCouiitv llacou. I'> bbls. L.'ir l No. 1.' • '•t lio.xes prime ToIkiccO. •iO bills. .Nlaci;ere!. Al Cro.:s t reek ('••. C. ULMiOW. rre.s t. M.irch 1, I'-VJ. iV..tf Xi’AA' (iOODS. 'T rei-elved. iny Fall --ujiply of ('L >TH.'', •F CASSl.MLllLS and \l>TIN(iS. TllIM .M1N(!,'. ,vc.. of the be.'jt ijuality, from .New \ ork. .\lso, the laierrt llepoi t of the New \ ork F.\S|I1()NS. i >'i!l ciiiitiinic t'l cany on the TMI.Ul’lN'ii lil''! N at my .''tanii on Hay street, all I those who may favor me with tli. ir cu.--toni may ridy on having their work done iii a II' .it aii'l tashionablc style, and on the most favorabie lein.o. .VIlCIlli;.\LD CIJ.MI.VM. ort. -J7. i«‘.i. ;‘.uf E. i'. il.AIJi, Ol' iioMi:, f ‘IhtU, Sik L i ft tV Co., delicious character and fragraiicv, and at piici-s which have in every inst.-ince giviii perfect s:it- islactioii. 'I he 'i'l as svre w.irraliled pure, and may lie returnecl if they do not prove to be as they are i e]ireseiitt .1. The 'l eas K.ild by this Coniiiaiiy are done up in I'o, \ 11>, an.I 1 lb p.ickages; the tirst or in- .'i'le viraj'per is of lead; the second, water j.roof j .iper: the thir l, or outside vi rapper, Chinese rice paper; also, in llis chinese iuat- toon.'. The ( Ompany sell none but good Teas, ilone uj> in thi.s superior manner, all grown in liie nio.'t luxurious ilislricts in t'hina; they also have Teas of eveiy descrijition in chests and half i liests. Country .Merch.-ints wiil find it greatly to their iniereat lo purchase their Teas of this Com pany, tiiey can selei t as small a ([iiantity of eacii kind as they like, and have them p.icked in one che.'t Hotel Keejiers may always be certain of having on their table a inii/onn ilinnirf--r of Tea; and Famiiic.'i may not only be sure of good 'I’ea.s, but can jmrcUase any (jnan- tity their wants may re.|uire. 'i'he billowing is a C.iialogue of the Teas V. ;t!i the retail priccs attixoL .iii:i;n tkas. \iiiing Hyson, ;'>o \ onng Hyson. Sweet C.irgo, i'r2\ \oiiiig 11 \ si.n. Fine t .irgo. I't ^ ouiig Hy-i II Silver Leaf—this is a very superior Te.i. *1 0(.i \'i iMig Hisoii (iolden Chop—this is the tincst Tea cultiv.-ited in China; it is of the lirst j.ickings, and excels all other (ireeii le.is for it.- delicacy of Ihi- vor. .'trcngth, and aroiii.-; lieietoi'ore this Tea has not rc.'iehed this cmiiitry, ex cept in small lots ;;S presents to ini- J ]■', are now reei'iving our nsiial stock of STAI’Li: AN1> FANCV SllfCl . now receivii; Clisistilrj o! : his Fall general ; T )CK of ti(K)DS, ss .rtnient of porters, Hy.sou, line. Hyson, vci'v superior plantation, (i lllijio wder, (iuii'M.wder, tine, lluiipijwder extr.'i line, plantatioti. Imperial, imperial, tine, Imjierial, extra fine plantation, UL.U'K TKAS. Oolong, a rich black Tea. Compare this low )irieed grade with Teas whitdi are sold at most jilaces as Oolong Tea, the iliRerenee is too jdain. SI .',0 Nl 0(» Nl oO .;l 00 ."^il .lO 7 *> S;l oo t:;! .ju t l)|-\ (i()0(ls,S:i(Uii(‘r\, I lats, C;n)S, the deception too i-alpal.le :, ,1 I * , • (.>olong. tine, iMkx's, I !:ii iiu ;iit, (troc‘rM's A much l«irger and more ;reneral .sfoi-k than ever opine.1 i.n the Hast side ol' tlii? Cape Fear — which h to pun.-i'. il retail. lunds. U'l cts. }ier ipiart. ‘.'1-tf I «':itt_\ Imperia;. F"i- « lie iiy Oet, •_*'. ISol. ni:ike. CHS. m l; ANKS. ::i-tf i:. C. HALL. Oct. ]«. 1>'.1. Home. ::Jtf W. ANDREWS, !lralc‘r in A. .M ANTl A( 'i rUKK OF I'LAIN A.M> .JAl’AX T¥.V 1 in l’l;iii‘ anil SlieiM Irun Worker. :nii.i.ynicnt i I reputed t l\(. inipetent work- do all kinds of ■I'l’LIl. TIN orSHI,i;i lltoN. .’. I a'.i the neces.>ary material.' ' ■1 III iking F.ictory Cans and - • ! kinds of factory work th.-it •iiiy similar K.st.-iblishment in ■ '•■. I’atc.t Factory Can Ilings, ■ ' 11 inches; I>riim Ite.-i'ls. \e. = i 1 iKi; AND I.L.M'Kll Fll’KS '. the best in.-'.nner. : ■ :i lull si|).pl’. of C'OOK- f the III st a pproved )iafterns. I'Tv '...r-.,e tor hotel and ]>b.nta- '.la'. - oil liatid a good assoi t- . V ,:,L. ■ c. w. andhkus. 'li Fa.'f e.,i-(ier Market .Sifuare. Vl-tf 'I'hdt how it Shines! 10..000 tvilliiii the la^t nine ,L W t n ID i\ .V il 1 • return- hi> tliutik' t.. the public t"r the iinprecedenteil en- c.ur igemeiit iie has met with in the luaiiulai- ture :in 1 ' ile i.f hi'cele^rated I'Oi.L'-li. and .it tlie Sim ■ 'iiiie wi.'hcs it un lei'ti'od that he al- w iV' keejis a suj>plv on haiel for vihoiesaie or ret.ii!. Lxperieiice has proved th.it this i’olisli is iin- sur].as'ei] t- r .juicki.e.ss in putting a llo'ss on boots and shoe', and also in preserung the '.'■atlier. I’ers'.n- wNliiiiir to oil their boots can use this l’oii>ii wiili eijiial suicess iiiiinedi.itidy ut ter.'.ards; tiie leatiier sliould lie rubbe>l as .soon as the 1‘oiish is applied, befuro it dries. Tlii.' I’olisii can lie lound at the st.ire under the Caroi’!ii.in Printing Office. Favettcville. Feb. ‘Jl, (ntf ro riii: pniLic. rnillK Siibs.ribir has lease-I for a term of fl. vear-. ol II. W. Drown. Ks.j., iiis tire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is tiow in a coi.di- tioii t.. t.iKe especial care .d Spirit.' Turpentine and oflier Niival .Stori'* committed to hi' I'.ire. The Warelioii.s4‘ is well known to be the best and s;itest ]d;ice in town tor the storage ot Imcon, Lard, Corn, I’ea.', »vc. The low er w harves have ■ on them four large new s’leds. wlicre Spirits can be sr^fciv kept from the ra;n an ! sun. He i.- prep'ire’l to receive and ship, or s‘IL all kinds of jiro bi'/e sent to his care. He will also niake 11 Ivances when re'inired. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen; II. W. iSrown, John D.iwson, O. (J. farslcy and Thus. Ii. Wright. Es MILKS COSTIN, r.rown’‘ whari', Wilmington, N. C. 12, IS.->1. >ept. 'II . - ..-.bl> r ' ■ ■ ■ , ,ico .... inrt 1 in I . , it tiieir nirl i^‘ ‘ Jam'’* . t n ck, I’lalik , .,.,.-d I. V 10 Examination I.xaiiiin.-itioii of Kdgevvfirth ■ " ■iiiin.irv will eommein'e nt H II F-l'AV. ,M;iy '2’>. and continue ■: W i-doesdav iiiirht will be ' ■ ' ex:iniin:iiion of the Class in biv night. lUCII.MlIt STKllLINr:. C, (M)-2vv ' H//.>/,-, Y Jifsf Ri rnrrtl. ‘ " l:li |iro..f leetifie-i Hye, a j»rime ‘ .N01 th arolina made, for'ale Vv ILL KINGS \ CO. BHOTIIHISJi LI.M'l. and Tow ISoats ^OlIIK Steamer r.IlOTIIKKS. JL Stevenson, David Lewis, and .Janies Cas- sid.i.v, are prep.ired to forward with despatch all goods consigned to the I’roprietor. The Steamer lirothers is of light draught. TMOX A('A1)1:MV. r||HIK building'ot this Instituti..n is ti .w in Ji. a stiite of coiiiplction. It i' largo and coniiilo.lioiis. it is jdeasaiitly liii ateil in a tine ncigiiiiei iiood, and in u very s.i.u’onons p..rl ol llolii-'oii county, tuelie luiies vic.'l Ironi Luin- bertoii. about half liide oUih of th'- ro.i 1 iead- ini from thence to .\lf..nisville. TI:e lir.'t sessi..n of this Institution will com- nit nee on the '-•] .Monday of Jauuary. l^•>:.^ un- il'. r the carc of .Mr. (iiles Leitch, vi ho i' a gra duate of the I niversily of Noriii Caroliu.i. 7Vr/ii.i '/ Ttiilinii. I"r viz: Spelling, reading luid writing, oo .\ritimietie. Fnglish (Irammar, (lefigra- piiy and History, 10 00 l/atin, (ireck. French, iind tlie higher lii.'inches of .Muthemat;c.. 1- t*0 I’.oar'l can be obtained at the .\cadeiuy, and at efiiivenient distances in the ncighboiho d, al from five to six dollars per montii. l$v order of the Trii'tec'. .loHN TAVLOll. Secy. Dee. -J'.'. is.'il. -;;-tf TIIOS. II. 'riLLlNCIlASr, Anderson St., Fayetteville, N. C., (li'l’u.'li'K .MK. W. WlN.-'I.dW's l..\W (iKKM'K. JK^zy• M v.sic ne.-itly bound at short notii e. l’aniphlel.s and I’eriodicals boiind. and old Ibiok' re-brund, in a substantial m.inucr. Dec. S, is.-.l. I'.tf Ai:\v WK are now receiving u very large and well selected stock o fSl’iUNG GOODS, c'ii.si.sting of a full assortment ot i'Hsirt/ A* Staplv gfrt^ Ooods^ Among which may be loninl the latest iiiiil most fashionable st_v Ics ot Ladies' and (ientlemcn's DIlFSS ;0(»DS, (.'ni'S, l>otnK't^^, IvL'mly-mnuv' Cl'dli- ing. Ilarilwarc, (JnK'crics, Drugs and .^lt;lliciucrt, Sj(lllry, fmcki'ry, ami Gl:i.sftvv:iri*. -\ large and v^’ell selected stock of A. n. w iiri rii:!.!). r.iiH-l! and l.iirhl riiiri;iL:.(‘ .Maniifiirliin'r. iJoCl.D ri'pe.ifully inform tin- publi.- tli.it he sti'l coiitinu; ' t.» can-y . !i the aboM- business in ali it.' hraiiclies. He iitiirns thanks 1..I the li: c r.il patronage he li.is receiv ed. ami li"[.es b-. .1 strict attentinn to imsini's. and a desire to jilease all and give genera! -.it- i.'faction. to merit a coiitinu.-inee of the same. lie warr.ints .ill hi.' work to be maie of the bc': ni.iti’i i.i 1 1 hv e\pi rience I Workmen; and 'io'.i'.'i any of i! i.,ii i;i iwiive i.c.nths .witii l.iir ii'.i;j:e. .iihei in w i:rniii;ii;.'i. [> or ni.iti ri;;i, he wiil reiiair it without ch.-irge. Fcr.'oii' wl>hin.r to buy. would i|o well to call and examine his v.ork before ]>urchasing. as it cannot be -uipas.sed b>r style, elcgaii'e, and durability. He is 'ieternnned to s.'ll low for cii.'li or on shoi I tiiiH’. Oi-'lers thankfully received and pruinptl.v at tended t I. i'jri! II l.l’-\ I Hi Nt I neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible pricis. Fav etteville. Fell piejiaied and deterinine.I to sell i.'liiniers, eitiier at v. hole.'.ile or t gre.itly rcduceii prici '. ll‘‘ woiiidcall jiarticiilar attentiui to liis .'t ck ot r.OO'I'.'' ,\ND .■'HoK.'^. T!ie as.'ortuient is nnusunl'.y laige. and of every ipiality aii'l stvle; and having l-een bought tor Ca.sh, he caii an I will ^cl! them v ei v low. \ .oi th.it wi'h IJa!)..iiiis will find it to your ii.’’ : .'t t'. give the .'^t ick an examination before liU V ii g e’. ,e'\ here. .Mw.ivs o!i hand, a general stock of CilKM'K- i:iF>. (1^. i>oi. ;::^tf A LL thos(. indcbteil to the subscriber will ., m tin 1 their ;icc..unts made out by c.-illing at the Foundry which will plca.'c be settled as c 'rlv as c. nvenicnt. II. ti H.\LL. .M'anlit',. 71 HOOK iuxi)i:uv. V>. H .VIIDIK h.is resume.I the ISook bin.ling Ibisim.'S nt the new .s^tore next Mr. Le;isiey, .li well. r. where he will re binding in any style desired. l-’7tf 00 •>1 ‘>0 Oolong, riant.-itiou growth. Oolong, ilelicious, .Ne iMus ultra. This Tea is ; s fragrant and sweet as a nosegay , it ieitis a perfume that is truly delightful; it i> d' garden ”rovvth. and sujierior to aiiylhin^ here tofore s«"Id in this country. Knglish I’rcakfast. tine. Fragrant Kie.:iish llreakfast. Hou.jUa .M ixtnre.—.1 very rich and hiuiilv flavored Tea of .'Uperior iu;ilitv, 7 Sollt.y D. \ W. .Mcl,.\r’ltIN, Agents, Fayetteville. N. C. A Copy of the ••(Jiii.Ie to Tea Drinkers,’' very intercsiing tr-ati>e on tiie cuitiire, \c., i'ea m.iv be Inol gratis al their coiuitir. .M.arch -JS. IS.-.-J, 77-tf r.o f d.i'.r I. ceivc .ilid e\ .Xllu'Ust 1. is.-.j. t'.ltf AM) SIM.MKR noons. AREY, SHEMWELL & CO. A UK now receiving direct from New \ ork and l'liiiadc’p!i;a, a coniplete assortment of Comprising every aitieh* usually kept in n Dry tioods Stole, among wliicii may be found; l^adic' and (leiitlimcli s Dre.'S (ioods, ol the V ei'v bc.'l material, and the l-itist t.ishioiis.— .Sindi a variety will be ’too teilions to mention.’ We have the handsomest Crape and llerage Sh.iwls we have ever ottered in this m.irket; ninl we would call the attention of the ladies par ticularly to oiirvery handsome stoek of Ve- zites, .^lantlllus, l*aiiisols, und L-'aiis. —.\l.so— Thin Kmbroidcric'; Lace and .Muslin Capes; Chimi/.ets; I'ndersb'evo; I.ineii Cambric Iland- kerchiefs; Kiiib'd S.icks; Intants' Waist.> and niodate the jinblic. Thankful for past favors. Caps; Cuffs :ind Collars. he solicits a continuance. We would also dirett the attention of the la- J. W. roWKIlS. |di.' to our stock of KONNLTS. . f the latest Jrin’v l!0. tS-'l!. ’iStf ' .'tvles ot ."silk, ('rape and .straw. We would not torjiet to nicntioii onr stock of Hoots and .''hoes. Ot' • fiosietjf! WILL sell my Sl'MMh.i; U KSl I > K.\' I'.. t .vo miles from the .'/arket, on the i-'ayette- villi- and Westun I’lank lload—oue of the most Icsiralile and hi'altiiy places in tlie comity. Also. 10 .'shares ot I'.iyi'tteville and Western I’lank I'oiiil Stock, and -lO Shari's of Fayette ville Hotel .Stock. With the largest stock of Ileady-niade CAll- HI.\;i"',S and lU'tiGli-'.S ever oii'ered in this p!;ice—over ^'.'lOOO worth—completely finished. .Ml of which I w ill sell at ver \ reduced prices for cash or negotiable notes. So little attention has been paid to the call in.ide by me after the tire of the lid .lan'y. on those iiidi'''ited to me to call and settle, that 1 | am induced to otfir the above projicrt.v at re- | duced prices to enable lue to rebuild my ! ^ Carria'ie Kstablishment and cn>itinue my busi ness with convenience. 1 shall jilace notes 'n )iroper hands for collec tion, if not jiaid soon. I have all niy accounts nnnle out to the 1st Jan'v A. A. .VcKKTHAX. .V.ir. h IS.Mi. 77tf 152 Tons of ICE. AVINt; filled the Ice House at Tampbell- toii with Ibi^tou I’ond It'K. lainilies und others can be siip|ilied during the season with Ice at the ti liov. ing r.itc'; For unaiititie.s d •> lbs. :iiid upwards. 1.’ ct.-. per P'.; b'ss tl.aii 0 Ibs.; •'! cts., — :it the .M.irk.-t lle. ise before o clock every moiiiing; a;ter that fi'oe. o cts. per Ib. will be ch.irged tor all ipiantiti'-s. I’he Ice w ill be delivered at ■> o'clock 1*. .'!. on i.aturdavs, inste.id of Siinda.v niornings Cash having been p.iid f -r the Ico, all ac counts arising therefrom innstbc settled vveokly. The lee llonse will be o]>eneil tm the llJtb inst, » il.iilLii.S (iUDL'.AIlD. April Ih.'i-J. yOtf xo'j'ic’i:. ~ rH>lIK undersigned having fornied a f.'iipart- JB_ ncrship tinder the style oi JOliN 15,\NK.S \. IWloTlii'ill, for carrying on !i CO.M M L's.siON and FOll\VARUI.\! IIL'SINKS:;.s, nil goods cod- Kiijiiid to them, or ordert’d, or prudvice sent for sale, will be proinptiv iittendeil to. JOHN BAXKS. DAVID J5ANKS. V» ihningtoii. I’eb. 1’. IS'ri. b;Uf GOODS • U O O N, iSootw, cVi'., Which being boujiht late in the sea.s.iii, (mo;-t of them at a considerable decline in price, i we are now jirepared to sell thetii very low. l’leiiS‘.i call aii'l e.xaniino. r>. cc W. >b;LAI KIN. April 7'.'tf XOTICK. Ira^HK 1 ‘artnership heretofore existing in j Ltimbei ton. between the iiinlersigned, is I this d:iy dis'o!vel by mutual con.-;eiit. Those j imlebted to the tiriii will )ilease c:ill on (!. W. .McK:iy. at Lumberton, who 1-- ::titliorl^eil t> settle the concern. JOHN' A. HOWLAND. (ULUKilT W. .McKAY. Lumberton, Fel.i. li'). I'-’/J. ti'.itf Norici:. f ■HI K partnership heretofore existing under i the name of J. II. i: H. F. .^lurphv is thi.-i dav dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted to the firm. l>y note or account, are reijuested to call al It. F. Mur- jdiy s, aini settle before the loth of February next, and thereby s.avecost. And those havin;; claims ;igiiinst the firm are rcipiesled to present them inimediateiv . J. W. MCIUMIV. li. F. .MLKl'HV. Jan’y iM. 1Ho2. bOtf \i;\i FiiiM & {;o(ii)s. subscribers are imw receiving from N. York, a large and general assortment of S/iijtlc (Hid I'diicii Dni (ioods^ : IK)(’KIII 11AU1)WA It K, Ihitri aiiil Diiot.s and Shoes. Among which .nrc; roft'ee. Sugar. Cotton ilagging, Dale Rope. .Nails. U imlow (Jl.iss. .Svveiles aihl Knglish Iron, Sack and .\liim .Salt, Imperial and IJlack i'eus, i’epper, .\lspice. tiinger, I’owder, Skot, r.ar Lead. I!ar and Fain-y .Si.ap. Together with a gre.it vai-iety of other :irti- cles, to which they invite the attention of the jtublic, and which they arc determined to sell as low for Cash, or on time to il.ose who ]iay promptly, as any house in the Southern conutrv. I’roduce of all kinds, at the highest market juices, taken in exchange for (Joods. .McLKAN it JONKS. Summerville, N. C.. Dec. 8, iS.'il. -47tf ^^T.\(iK leaves W.\r»S.\’W daily on 1^ rival of the cars, s.-iy 10 o'clock the ar- a. in., .•ind arrives in Favettevilie ut p. iii. ‘.McklNNoN .V McNKLLL. April I'-’, l.s.’.J. Mtf Wilmington and (ioldsborongh papers copy until forbid. Iiivery Stable Business. I [HIK subscriber iiitend.-i c.irrviny: on the above biisines as usual. Having aihled .•oiisider.ible .s^toek. he will be able to :iecom- W AX I'Kl), i;.\IlI!KLS of TFItPKN- riN ii. for Distillery at the I’lank llojid Ilridge on Dig Ilocktish. The best market price will be paiil. For further inform- j atiou. im|iiire of .lohn W . Murjiliy. at the IVridge, or ot .\. .V. .McKetluin. Fayetteville. Dec. IS, iS.'.l. ■ 4‘.Uf I I'tt ifi'l teviiie MSratt rit {'LOTiihi; i:nt!I{lixiimi:.\t. J. .VI. While A: I'iKierliiil, Tit>/ors, miif ]\ (nut tail inf/iif'rn, 1 lO William Street, Ni w Y’ork, A rev, ^lieiMwell X C'o. 19 .VV1-; one piece extra fine 7-i black French BS Cl.OTII. to which they would call the attention of the public. (At. l.‘>, IS'il. o-*f I^HK undersigned ai L SlMllNt; .S'l'OCK. “ 11..w icccivinj •ousistiii'.: of their llARDW ARK. ISais, atul Shovs^ and well siiitel to run in /o»- r:,tvr. She pi.s- Shoes, iillil Ludics’ and Gentle- I -Ml of which will be sold low to punctual cus- .'Onsc's pofrvr and and is adniiraMy adapt- | /vi'vv (iiw* ^ toiiuTS as liercti t'uro. ed to iiiiriiKi, and can accommodate about 20 ^ • ' ' > ■ Merchants and others will do well to exani- pas.sengers. ; .S.VI/1’, IKON, .M()LA?j^lvS alnl .stock before making purchases. We |V!i: A ( AIM). iri, t j,,\y water renders it tieces- oeit the .steamer Chatham should be - ■> t' . Iji.jit. .-jhe will not therefore " ' ’ri-. on any regular days, until D. WILLIAMS, Ag't aj.e Fear S. Ik -o. OO-tf H Hyson, Oolong .^lustard. .'^weet Oil. S. J. HINSDA!-K. 71tf The I'roi.rlctor contemplates rnniiing the Ib.at hini-.if, and will give special attention to way lri i;;ht and n.ival .>-lores: to towing, ami will also attend to the coinforl and convenience of I’as'i'iigers. l-'roiii his lotig experience us Agent in \\ ilmington of the several Steamboat (;oni]iaiiies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To .Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will t.e deliv ered to their .\ge.;:. in Fayetteville. Hi.s.\gent in Wilmington is D-WID H.UNKS. to whom all coiiimanications may be addrcs.sed, as Agent of the Steamer IJrothcrs. JOHN H.\NKS, Proprietor. Wilmington, Feb. 4, 1H‘.2. b:!tf tli* old I^ortli Aiikv, Siikmw’kll & (’>• have just re- ceive'l a splendid assortment of Suhm Cnitti- „,.re, black un.l prey, to which they would cu tiie attention of the public. Tiie.sc goods will compete in nuality .ind durability witii the liest of Northern Cassimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from .-ents to !j!l -■> }>er yard. Fayetteville, N. Oct. 1 I, IH.jl, o"tf IX STOiiK, PLOL(ilIS and I’iough (’aHtings, Corn Sliell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels, j !•;. (’. HALL, of Home. Oct. IS, 18ol. We intetid selling as cheap as we can, and would be glad if our friends and the public would call und ciamine our stock. J. T. (.'OL’NCIL \ CAIX. March :i4, 1H.V2. 7btf corrox bv the bal VARxNS for sale it Factorv iirices, by STAllil WILLIAMS. March 10, lS.'i2. MRS. VVALTOX, M(ndii(i-M(d{cr (Hid Milliner^ lla.s just rect'ived a n*‘,v uud beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer exjiects to receive them monthly as long ns the sea son lasts; i‘in'1 will sell them us cheap, if not cheat>er, than any in the nnir •. . . »1 1 will not be undersohl. H.\LL A: S.U'KKTT. .March 11, 1 S.7i;tf Price of Uaj^'* a«lvaneed. PEllSO.NS who have made contracts with J. F. Jordan \ Co. for fiirnisiiing U.\(iS, are hereby informed, th:it we viill pay cents jicr 11). on' all ('ottoii Uags, Hope and ISagging, delivered to us after this date. II. Uil.VNSON ic SON. March 11, FAYETTE\ILLE ('ONFECTIOMERY. CHARLES BANKS, Cotifectiotter^ 1NF0UMS the public, that he has refitted his KstabliBhment on Green Street, und has on hand a fresh su{iply (>f CANDIKS, manufactured by him.self out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, flour, paste, and perni- for ladies, eeutleuien and children. Tiegethcr with their usual stock of .''taple ioods, consist in': in ]>art of Damask Table Cloths, and Nap kins; Linen and Cotton .''hcctings; Knglish. French, and .Vnierican Prints; brown and bl'ch'd Domestics; .Miir.seillcs and Grass Skirts; .Mar seilles (guilts, of the best iiualitv, \.c. Alolcskin. ran.ima, I.;'g!ioi-n. Kossuth, and ralni-lcaf; and a variety of other Goods. I To the above stock we would respectfully in- I vitc the attention of the citizens of Fay etteville ' and the siii roiinding coiuitry. And would take \ this method of rcti.rning th.-inks to the public generally for the very liberal patr-mage hereto fore licstoweil on us; and would say, give us a call before buying, as vvc are determined not to be umlcrsolil tiy any. We kc( p coiisiMiitl.v on h.ind a good nss'ort- nient of Ingrain an l IJrusscls Carpeting: Sugar und Coll'ce, Tea, .^ic. X. H. S'EARIU C’K, Trot/, .'^Yiv ii;ox Foi and maciiini.^t, Mkn ufiirhir r of Sfi /nn Mills ninl Hiitlrm, M ill (iidriii;/ of' nU knuls, l'loir>/li., \v. fBlIIK undersigned, as the .\gent of the above Jl F^stablishnient. will order any articles which may be wanted, im ajiplication to him. "'he Steam .Mills manufactured by .Mr. Star- buc'i have been tested, ami are Ifiglily approved on tlie I’lank Itoads about i'avetteville. KDW’D l'KK WINSLOW. Fayetteville, .'sejit. 4, l^-')]. l!Otf 1- Fayetteville. .March 31 a r I) 1 3 s. s. AHKY. V. SHK.MWKL!,. J. II. .McDoN.VLD. •ji;, is.')L». 77tf F a c t () r V. ket She expects daily a new and beautit’ul j cions paints, llis whole time tind attention is iissortmeiit of Dres.s Trimmings, iJhick Lace ■ * • - i i i i.„ Shawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. .\lso Dress and S,u‘iine I’atterns of the latest style. C)iilcrs from the country promptly at tended to, ajid country customers may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. J.liTcli aUj 18o2. 7btf now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre pared to sujiply all orders with (,andies ei[ual to any made in the United States. These Can dies he warrants to keep in any climate; und he will sell to Town or Country merchants, as cheap a!' pood and pure Candy can be purchased in New York or elsevviiere. i'uycttcvillc, Oot- llS, Itol. % si’rim; m mwm coiiiis Tor I SotJ. fllHI'. subscriber would call the attention of Jt his friends, and the j.ublic in general, to one of the largest varieties of Spri/t*i^ and Stnnntcr Hoods Kver iflFered by him in this market, .\mong his assortment may tie found:—Gentlemen s DllK.s^.S II,\TS. to-wit: Kossuth. .Voleskin, r«ea- ver. Silk, I’riish and .Angola, with a complete assortment of nil other kinds of Fur and Wool Hats usually found in this market. — ALSO— Straw Goods in abumhince, to-wit: I’anriinn, Rice Straw, I’edal, ('hina I’earl, Leghorn (Kos suth style) und I’alm-Icuf II.VTS, for (jentle- meii, Y'ouths, I’oys and Infants. ' —.\LSO— A 200(1 .assort Person 'treet, (i>ext door to I’ank of Cape I'eHr.) FAVKTTKVILLK, N. C. « M7 K would beg leave to inform the citizend V w of Faycttevilh* and vicinity, that we have just received our snpjilv of Sl’illNG \,ND SI ■M'^IKll (JOOl)S, which comprises a geuerul assortment of RIvAI)V-.MADE CI.OTHfXG, Which will be found worthy the attention of jinrchasers. Our assortmeut consists tn jiart ot the following; ('O.VTS.—Rlnck and col d cloth Dress, Fn'H’k und Sack ('o:»4s, all ijiialities: black and colored ‘ Casliiuerct ditto; French and Knglish Drap D - • Kte flitto; Clucen s-cloth and .\lpaca litto; Fan- cv Coats of mottled Crasse and Tweeds: Keu- I tucky .(eaii.s; Linen and Cotton Ginghams; Bro., ' biitf ami white 1.incus; w hile grusb-cloth S.-lcks, ’ i:c. of all iiualities. I PANTS— »f black and col d Cassimere; fancy ■ single-niill'd ditto; French and Kngli'h Urap ! D l'^te ditto; white and col'd Drill ditto: Kcn- I tucky .leans ditto; India and French Niiukccn , pitto, \c. \ Vi-k'^TS—Of black Satin, I>oiuba/.ine, .Vlp.ac.a, black and col d Silks: white and colM Marseilles ; liitto; lirowii and paddcii Linen, plain and tig'd; Nankeen, liutf, (.Irass-cloth, ^c. All of whicb are offered for sale us low ns can be bought in the New York market, at wholesale .-md retiiil. in addition to the above, v.^' .-liall keep on hand a gcnernl assortment of Shirts, Drawer.s, Collars, Cravats, llosicr.v, Xc. .\lr-o, (.'Inths, ('assimeres, and Vestiii'-'’s. The TAli.OKlNG I'KI’AHTMKNT will b« continued as before, ami all orders for line ( loth- in'^ will be execnteti in the iiH»:5t fa.shionabic style. A. C. IIAKT, Agent. .\pril IS- -. SOtf By GEO. LAUDER. T\v(i uoiiiis AlidVE imnii .v sows store, Fayelleville, iX. .liin’y .j-S-l^pd WAN'IHD, Gi OOD sized young MTLEf!. r J. .j- T. WADDILL. April 1-1( XEW BOOKS. HALIRmTON’S ■Yankee Stories, illustrat ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Boston iu JlSSOri- 1770; the OH Bell of Independence, or Phibi- ment of'T»oots & Shoes, for ! dclphia in 1770; Camp Fires of the Revolution, (Jentlemcn, Ladie.s, .l/isse.s, j or the W’arof Independence, illustrated: Weld's Y ouths, lioys. Children, i Dictionary of Scri])tnr*l Quotutions; Harbaugh !* and Servants; all of which j Heavenly Recogniiion; Catechi.sm of Familiar will be offered on very ac commodating terms for the Ready Cash, or to those that are willing to cash their accounts when presenteil. i JOHN C. THO.VSON, I South-west corucr Jiarket Square, ifarcb 1652. "7vf Things; .Mathias’ Rules of Oi-uer, for Societiet, &c.; Walker’s Khyiuing and Pronouncing Dic- tionnry; British Kemiile Poets; American Fe male Poets: Wntson's Dictionary oi 1‘oetical OuoUitions; Philadelphia as it is in lHo2; &c. K. .1. half: k SON. April 8. &