KR!»M PV lidW’s KF.\ IKW. SOI TIIKUN' WINKS AM> VlNKVMlliS. IM Ml!. MKI I.K'^., SCIUTII (’MIOI.INV. i*’t»r iiinv; of twenty yt'iirs tlu' writer li.i-; oxpiMiiiit .itfil ill till' .inl bu'iiiKS.- ii i in nnkiiiL" tlu' ln'>t AiiuTicau \viii(‘!>, ..[• Vii' ': i>v tiK' l'\ u ']'Hr u' 1.1 \ ; .‘ill - [...rl - I'l" hk' ‘ - • ,i. i.-i- ..1 ■ t ti -t ih t V.- w ly, . i, •. i 'UL'ft t!i,' . r til ’ ' ; ■ Mi:i:r 'I ■ ^ 't v >n I'i i • r M.i iii '.V . , i;i.-i ' !' Ilf i: n> ' h i .. r\v;.- . • Inly onrifhiiig inrro’ionts to Sruppernong juict', Iruiii iuiipli' t'xpt i ami most re- , li:vl>K> infonn.itioii. 1 « "iisi«ler a fourth tlu* i N‘:ist sate (|uaiitity, cr one g:illon to tlin*o ! of juico; ;iM 1 a.' to tw* yMiuiids per ir.-iliun of tliouuli a thiril of !*pirits I -111(1 fliroe }iouii(ls of ^ugar is safer and : l)ett«‘f ev('r\ \v:iv. Ion when soM by the barrel or oask. A iuo«t respectable lawyer, Jt»sepli S. ('an- non, Fisq., of llertfoni, iVnjuiinaiis eoini- ty, wrote to n>e, and 1 operated in wine making with his brotlier, Mr. James J. Cunuon, upper part of Chowan c-ounty, near tlie rivt'r of that name, (_l‘ost-Oflire, “ Ballard’s Bridge,”) 1 adiled here, that 111> \ !in \' HM >11 ti !i .ii it,;!i ! \ ill •y:i. ‘i : ,; ''y .uiii '■ ■ 1 \, a I'*' I .ii‘ 1.11'i ii. >v' It' ' II'' 'ii 11;, a Ml i . fi}'' 11'. i.n tlio iu. tva-o. Itis \. hu >. a. v n>riij; L .ja .lity a:. I alia ti'.niMe I'-'ui:i'\’.ii^, I' liuiii iM i ■>> iiiarlx t ti ’iii oiie I ' 'i.\ liii ' I'.'!' _ ‘I 1' ' f lit. !-t. ' V t.’li' i.i-'v; 1 -t liu .M ■ i :l'’ .1- i .ITti r :l iilin r e ":t of I' utl' :i::d l.iiHiui:^. i i re t'le v.,,t. r .’ij.'n i.' 'vai^ lie ! ni' th;' m .■^t i;n;i''rt:ti.’ iMU, to al! Ani. iicin vnittiei'-, an i >i 'i''' '!i.i!. \vi’’i l'ti"ii ni a I'. iV ^all in'; 't'V !i: " ■ "i.ill'. ni.i'le\v.^!i ''!i'1 \ .‘'4'■>! i*r o\t ;■ ‘ b\ " y ( f j.\j 1 !m. II-. Ill ‘ 11 h I:■ \, . . .iiu i.f v.'iiv ii.i -- lillii lii.'ii 11* I.;" .'''It!!, at K*.i t. It 1 llttt 1- Iv ii!i! r:!'t' iv to :!i;k^’ \viiie a a !•- ■■■ -!.•:;’ ! ■ ' :i-‘'i.' . ' in::k •> -....ii' "f 111 - !> -t kin ! -t wiii .is M ni 1- i.i, IN'ii, .Vv.'. .niil’.ui:' j .ii;;_\ "i or IT i. il!i. :u-i.-"r.iin- t-' flic wiii '«i iii'.^i'ir.i ,1-; th>‘ :rsi:lt. 1' ;■ iii-t:iiiee, as ;i :!.:.',1 ! -j.^.it - i> [lUt :!i • jir.i-e 1 r 111 .k;:i_ i'l.’ L-ii.i.-r* ;;i \viiii >. ^^uk\!u !- ll.lilv aiii lit .U'l U iM‘. lie 1 lailil.l J I'lii' 'ii iifS. l"r i'ini‘ lit' !r.>, i, aii'l- 'i a liKi- . ;..:; '/y nt' >jiiiit., as ;' lvi'.i-il ly I I.-u.I. til. I'l.r W'v'tmi i.i ii.' i’.itti.i l.'iii.i' iLiiii ol i''+7. 'line It i». ;ii .-iirillii.; to l\i i llt ,'t.itt liu iits. that s"iii.- wiiir- ire i;ia !■ i:i tlu' v\ i-.'tri n v:ii-- \;'ril', nii'!-’r .'!r. l.niiL'Vi'rtii’s aii-;'iee.'. witiii lit aiiv .'-,.f( !.e'j 'lij. ctii !i-Iiin : iii^^r-'- dieut.' wliaii Vi’r lo tiie I'i the ■irajie. lUit it is ;iiso triif. by jn-rouiii.iuy- i\ig iieeomits, stu h wines, likr th*>>e made i thus ill Kraiue and other K^sfeni vino- _\ar,l.', are of a lower priei’, iudientiii" so far a.s that is eoneenmi an inferior tjuali- t_\; or, as we li.ive reason to l>i-iif\e, nmre body and zest by said arfitieial inirredh iits In ing aildfd, a iiighi r price is eommandod, whiu the merits are known, as for Madei ra and I'ort. For in.-fanec. while tli ! -'t Malaga sells at a a Li.iii 'h in liii.' country, tin* bc^t M ' . ir i :ii ,l 1’ , t one-thinl pirit.'. ^ir ^’f th>‘ 't i- iy by artiii.!,.! li. l|i, j ,r L'llli'ii. \\ iiv. ■,:;ii.‘i >; 't A.ii'i. ci!i 'itiM'i'. fill fspe::,y >'.\ii;-i t t;ii' t.>, t a' .1 iin -t > ’ ' i i;!' 1 n- tli'-ir-j . I'ii.'i,'^1 tii'-;r .ii - ii.iAiti. ! - Hu* 't all, _■ ! '.y > ; tl.i' uni;? iii.ii!" by .ir-i;i.-i... i. ; t ■ ..1 • ^r p.' tiii'i. i' 1. A;. !;;,.y. wii.ii ill ii'i.' j in*' iuiii:_-> .11 ;ii [ .1 : il llanr'f tll.Ui ^a- ir aii i - ; ' , ' r t' .l! '■ 1 a; ■ -1 i' J - ill';., 'l li '[■■".l!- I'ji. ' I ll'i'i' I.ii > U^lllil'" ;li \i_ tiiili' *U I’.'' *J'U. , t ]' i' >» ■ I \ ct 11 \ t.' ih:^r ■! . i’ r ii,-ta k- . f\:! v i-'iTM '.V ■ 't h;j^ .iii'ie ur 11.'.- ;..t..'ii -i t crfiii f 'r ; iti- [■'•e.-i-rxative. as devci- i'i‘ - l by d.-'; ,r- h. And 'IIhc t\v ■ l i t.r‘ "*i;. +■ ■ p;-.;. ; 1. - ,if ,,ll wh:;- itUi? 1'tl: •. 'I I't' w.ue :'i w .;bi n%.r i>.-- i.i_' I;;'' . ;i- .1! -Il ; -ii ti.i- and tluT -i 'I ’- . iv. > .t' i.i.- ’ \ t. i in n- t: .'n. ..iM; - :i. r;; illt'>\u-,.r- i _ ^ -it if ini' !:'i . li - 1 -]• ai ;i'''1, i:. t! !*;';!> .■ !. vavi; .riiii' :i!i I a'l ;; ..■. i- it iint » li.'inii-■];y ati^nrd • il!-^ -I'*li:, r'; s;i;ii''in_M-f.l:rnt.'itiereas- ! .ut'*i ;’’y. t I all bi ly, ' if’-k-I’liiiL' .1 . r 11 i. r tin.- w;i,-- tiiu.' 111.i . !■ r t'. . 1 : ii- ■UhliV -til li i ■ , , as tu w a - n III." viin •I- .1, 1 thi^ ‘1 e.iwnii,: ;i ■ ‘ 1.1- •>y. . I I t xfi "lie jiriiK-i- ■■r l'll.^ r liii T” 'T-'iilM;.; ail'l • ;;iii'-i.;'y t-: any ’■ t;u gr..p- - l;ri\ •lied MU tiu- iie>'l III' th'■ ber- wiad Hi" .'t 'Mil i»r . lit i:- tlu; .v,ai' iu.:r- t tlit’ 1 ji' Si me vtai:; .-inetravelling through , Mr. Cannon brought in mos^t of his grape.s, I'yai kliiiouiitv, (>'. C.,) 1 c.illed at a or .about 1(»0 bushels, ere I left, anl ex- i-i K bratv.l Sv-up']- iiu yard, and peeted lUU more, engaged to conijdete his ■1 !i \ t.I'tlli; ’ ai'ii ami inf Tm.ition, that ot , vintage, of Scuppernong wine j A number of small Scuppernong viiie- :,.lr ;iu- I ; vintage, e\ery one of them yards are scattered through dillcreiit re- ,,1 t -liirhtlv acid. And on iiKiuir- gions of the lower part of North ('aroliua. a ‘lout laa h . . . . i, J i l.xiiid, owing to il deiicioney of 1 he owners .sell a part ol their grap. s, and PiMiidy on li.ind. oiie-liuh only had bei-n a part tli.-y convert into wine. Cartloads .i.Mrd in laaking the wine. True, in siu h ol graipes. I Uain, were earned from 'dr. cases the wine may l»i“ rec,.vered by add- Cannon’s m ighborhood to Norfolk, (‘iit iniL' more brandy, or some sutjar, or Ixith. miles distant,^ and .s>niie, bouLhl tiiere it is tj.u- that the wine is not were shipped to Baltimore, «nd els, where, (jiiite so go.Hl in such eases, as if the re- So groat is the |Uantity .sold at Norfolk, .if.if^ite or >;ife (luautity bad been added at iVom the adjoUuug country that (tfti ii iirst. Some ten years since I was written to :V>,ni Columbia, South C.irobn.i, by a I'iemd.m iii, that if 1 had :iny jiartly .'|»oil- ed or acid wine, he woulJ come ami change it to iTood for a pro]er compeiis;;tion. I ib eliiicil the protler, having no conlidi-nc(“ oil cents to ;i(* cents per gallon accoiding in the foiei;:m r. t" time of the vintage, or p.iins in galher- .''1 >htii.' atfer 1 le.irned. fri>m :i most ing, and i|Uantity taken at a time; but the i\ p, etaiile gentletiian from tlu“ place, that price at Norfolk, 1 le.irnel, was much there are o'-l carilo;id.-> a d.t\ there, 1 told, in vintage time. S.i mm h a]ipreciat- ed IS this grape for table fruit, pi\ -, rving and kindred purposes, that all taken found a reaih m.irket. I sell c|Uantities .s.-nt for to mv vine\ard, from \aiious distances, at til, bad wim th•• Frem in.ele app i- iifitlv good, had changed to bee me worse til:; II betore, in a feW We* k>. 1 colicluiled some im|iare or tleieterious ingreili'iit of an e\.iiie.seeiit ctlect had been used. I ^roii- c!ii led also I could beat the Frenchman by :ii;iking a pciinanent chaiig«‘ throu-h piui ingiidicnts added; and into some then on lia id I put sugar and spirit», • > miieli as m'eded to reeover it, and the It rvtii beyond L'Xp'‘cfation. It lower—or .'ometimes .wo doll.i’s a bu.'hi 1. And .so esiceiiied are the Scuppernong grapi> here, lh..t for the time of iipeiiing, or atioiit two months, liie berrit > npi iiing in succession, nnt.-t guest.s pay an eiitraiiee fee into the vineyard of a (piarter of a dollar each, and on picnic days, sometimes a hull Ireil at a time, pivfer this to all other graphs. A genii, man near W.irrcnton, ’iU mil s Wi-st, Irtiin a small Se;,p}iernoiig vim yard, been alleged (^from a Miuree, however, made, clear, la>t vint tge. a liiin ire,l d l- rili.iiiee) grape;, in the far l.irs, by .-. iiiiig grapes in that town. See ing, thi ll, the .superior i xeellciice of this grape in every way (^except in i|uantity, not (jiiality, of sai'cii.irine and aleoholit,- i it is no marvel that its culture is rij'i lly e.\- teiiding oviT all the Suuth,—huii-lieds of the rootl'd \inc.s annii.illv m‘11 at from L'll to dollars per hundred I listribufe them to distant j>laces South, from mv nursery, and good Seupji, riioug wine is incre.i'ing in rejiutatioii and cireiilati'in every M ar. And as to Southern and Wc.'tcrn \ine- y.irds; “Fphraini need not en\y .ImI.ih nor •luilah Kj)hraim. " But let all work on harmoiii,iii.'ly, to frei- our country fruU! so many aiinuil millions nf foreign ilepcn- d 'liee f r wine^, not >o g.i.>,| a- may b.- n; id" ill our niid't by intelligeme and skill. I'hroughout the S.iuth, by puttiii:: oii- ihnd >pints to any .-ort of gvape-iuii-,-. i>iit esp- cially the Scnppernonir. ju t i.rdimr but with one pound of >ugar t".^lr. liongworth’s a 1\ice, > an exeellenl more than h.ilf the wine is apt wim- m.iy lie made, worth ;i di' ;i g Ji iii. ' luriisir. (-‘r. a I .iver, by de- And, in th,- >Vest, nr N rth, by th. s.,i,i,. -keeping in_'redi( nts, ^ as s.'t help, or even without ;iny artifiei.i] ai I to , r. tiuinard, iti Mr. L ci/- tiif juice, in ■iom* case>, ur with s.>me •nt-''iHce letter of 1 s: f7 N >w kin I' i»f gr.ip, s, a win’. m iy b.' m i,!e f froiu my exp'rieme eipial excellc.iee an! valu*. And as to in wim* m.ikiiiir. three a!iy wines «up-rior or of liigher pric '. Im-- eaus'> of m-'re ost and trouble, whv that is a m if'er of ta>te .in I chniee. 15 ink!' vville, ll.difax Co. N. ('., IK--. •Ji, i>:.i.' >i no South more abnuiiil in s:;cdi.irino and :.d- coholie properties, and therefore the juiee Ie.»s needs artificial help to make wine. But even if that is a fiet, anotiier fact is, that the fnitlier South the wanner tlu- weather is in vintage time, saying iio'hini; of the less cham e of deep eell.irs to help t,i prevent the wine ruiiiiing into the ace'- ous fermentation. in the North, or ( Hiio, ii'it only the C.itavvba will .>tiek on the cliister till fully or extra ripe, but colder weather and the advaiit.igc of deep> are eiijo\,-d. But I op,iif, no matter how e 1 the climate, or h w deep the cellars, t' r the Scuppernong juice, if enjoy n_' th’ '■ ,id\antace-i, would not kc'p with ,ut at :d ne!p. i. I nii'iit's Mai!c:r.i gra|K > in C'dum- I I '. > , !i t'aroliua, hang on the vines, if I ' > ;n !ie rot a«; bmg as dosired after b- in_ I p. r - ■ w.1’. 1 f. : -.-^.iy ... V. i: h t oi' V. I v ’ iniris ,.t' i. : ' ad of om* put into it i! -pirits, and the .1 bv itit il: And \\ III t*' •I. I ' r- )ll; a II' Its ,.wn 1 ilk, 11|. i-e.'t’. to lo: . \'Uie, tl; ari.oiii,-nf a^aiii'* 'tiii'.:in"'S ol «al- k,-t“ping, enritdiini ii'L'” •lit.', in m.ikin uj,|H‘rnong wim' line .'Ir. (ruinard, ^ ">d and better w:th the U'C of the : 'iiirar per g.illon. ie,l t hat the spii ]t ' 1 tlie ,'Ugar half ■ or y,*1111110 of the I' irreatly t‘iiforecd 1 III ly ' . v Au. r: aii th.- ' 'f the makinir of ■p.-. Wi't ‘1' t ;ic r i 'y -1' ;--i . I r A: tl t! 't intellitreneo in y :iii a:ne-;i,.ik ng, bi>'i b-s .1' • ' xt.iiif t!ien-iin, I have re- solieir.iti' ii aii'l otherwise nu- •c!!.'- ti.iiii t!ie lower [>art of our III kir/ • b(-'t Seuppenion:: iiiij, \ 1,■; al.-i i ■! Ol t 11 ■ ■ [ I • . ; ir, -1 eiits, ai t il,- -1111..J. .. r!'., a that the juiec It coliip ii-.ili ,ci V ili.^iplil, ;is tried by humlred.s *>t tiie writer's gue.'t.' la.sting it, as runniiig from the pre.'scs in vintage .seasoii.s. But by adding u sufn- cienev of double-ruliiied loaf sugar as an i ingredient most congenial to its own ex- ‘ i^pii«jite taste in fjuality, it inukes a de lightful bevorag(!. And strange as the 1 fact may apju.'ar to some mere theorists, tht^ very Si lippernong grapes of the saim degree of ripem-ss as tho.>e atl'uding the comparatively weak or delicieiit (|uantity ; and ipiality for beveraio' or Uiiie, are tlie most deliglitru! fruit, and ale preleried b\ a va-t ii(aj,)r;iy of the writer s giie^is or \ in \iiit,u:e t;i;ie, to any of about I W o b II11' 1: ' ' I Mi' I khlo.s in hi.' '■ iiie ,i| 1 ^ Ii.,-i,1-i:II, ! I - ■' I\vII I. I .1 iii-ila, and .! lii-r i-i-'-' I. -: in 'iiir enL.n;ry, both M ; h and .'^.•iitii. I am iiio- (, I i-i Ii. !y i, ' r ^ 01. '.i 1 if r- p'lt.ltloll \: ;i'. iH-r, I \ j ..O' i;t d jn-' -‘i * ■' ! -’-lid. / "1 :^:ii,ii in- Hh- . ni''.’ill- ;vap-. ‘ 1-- t) th" 'pialitoj’ ti;. S uppeiii iiig Li:ip-' fi.r wiii.‘, Jii;d that h p.oiioiiii,-,..i it niiii: or di licient in ipianii ty .rip: !i*' ,.f luiee to make wine wit'i- J'.il a.-u!i, . .1 h.'lp; ..r ratliCT, I wonl I .^ay, ill hi.s I ii.,, „n 1 J'rej-.idice, In; coi;- deinmd m.- ^nijic fir wine making. I|,. a- in ,»n'.. t.-iitis pi.,n(,imeed such coudem- iiation a,, if b,- li,.„l r„. lii,„ ■'•'nneo tiiC ,.r-.p, s of il„- Ma leira Island, or !l. i.,e ,,! Oj.i.ri-', bee..use one-!hii-d of s:uiii^ was to d-velope ih-,r,i . 1,0 fle-ii iiK,,..t^ excellent wine piali;i( to .-'i>o.t.- fur tiie sale kc«-pini^ and it r, li. i:k.'ibl,', that ii.>t one ' ';e-p- i . n' tl -111 the regimi and ori^iin ■r ’I..' Ill i.'t f.iiiioU'Ainerican ijrape, uives i _v'S Inr makiii;r this wine without ■ itlier Mi.Mr nr -pirit' a bled ; thouirh m >'t ot them dith-r ,-i' to the fjuantity neee«sirv '.f- ither or, to make aiersafely keej. .lie Wine. l>iif US t'l the m I'i ex.pii'ite t.i-te of the wine, di.iibb-. : :ine.l 'iiL.';ir, d,>nhfl.-s-^. is be't t-> seeure tii iT. bee.-4U'-‘ coinMi_' near>-'t to th“ ni'i-t ! ! :dittnl ta''e ot tie Seupperii'mg ijr.ip*‘. J lie highe't pr.ii'C -f any wine i>, i ' /.eal 1' like that of the grajies of which it ■' iiride. A iic.'t emiii' nt vintner from (Jenn.-inv rir'* 'iigge'ted the double-n lined sugar for miking the nii>st eXeellent Selipperiinlig wini . And as so>.n as 1 tried it, I foun.j il" V I' right, or chemieally correet. 1 .iiu.'t here relale a fact, at the danger ■1 ..|'p.'aring vain to .some, viz : f was V it’ n to, troiii the lower part of our ,'''-tti.. .0 eoine df«wn, ' about eighty miles,; and iiistruet how to make the hii:hly r -- p'.i'e.i best Seiipjiernong wines; and w is o!b r, 1 .^4 a day from starting to refurniiii*. .\ii I 1 here append the result of my mi.s- !s tollows, viz : i I ' m.ishing m.-iehine, wo.iHon blankets *1 .'tr.iin with, and sugars and spirits bein*'- all r".idy a.' directed by letter, I made, samiib s, a barrel of eaeh of the fi.llowing kinds of Scuppernong w ine, or cordial, viz: “.Ml wiimen. " siy'the author of l-’al- keiib;;rg. "Mre born ui'ither', ” and thi' 'aviu;; We have n>'*i»-e.l the m>r>« p. rticu- larly as beini.' the only iiotice.ible tiling in the bonk. At first, \\,‘ must c *nfe.-.', it piizzl -d our brain not a little, for we, in ,>ur i;rn >ram-e. had f,>n ily >iipp>sei that all wnnieii were bi.rti liaiiLdifers. and did m any kind of *** ** writer mi;:lit ha\e sufiercd lately from ;ni attaek >f vertiir... or perhaps witm-.'.'ed the exploits of some geiith man who, ha\iii:_' 'pent a lifetime, ami c.xhaU'ti-d all the and appli,-im-e.' of science in fh* attempt, at l.i't .-uc- Cci. ‘ded in prM\nn:r tiiat a mau i' ipiite U' clever an :i' a fly. and can walk on his he,id a' .'iirely. if not ex n tly a> fi't; and ,'1, haviiiir the t..p'y-turvine'.s reflei ted ill her ow n mind, .'in- had turm-,1 her axiom u]isi,b* down. B -ing. li >we\i r, broU::ht dewii to hard thinking up 11 the .'ubi"et. we i;iimniom-ed a critical examination if the m.iiim-rs and cU'toni' prevalent aiiion_' the solter sex; and .' •(•n di'eM\t-ri-,! that before young belies have fiirly miL^rate.i from tie- cradle a d 11 U'lirp' the tir't pl.iee in their atl'ei-fions, and retains if un til the ;;enuim‘article >usts the counterfeit; and th at it does >0 a M»in as possible and eonvc-iient. We furth.-r observe,1 'V hen the latti r i.' not attaiiialde, a pug, pii>', or p.irrot is .-idopteil in imitation, and having thus far oloerved, wi-re pre[»ared to cry “Fei-eavi,’ nml own that women irri> born mothers, after all. Ijilrni n/ WnrhK A eonip.iny has I,een f>rim-d in liomlon for the m.inufacture of ju inting t;. pe fVom wire. It is .»;// ih.*t it will bi't sixty times iis long as common tyjie, and cost less. *1 I'/•// Frrnrh Siiiriih .— )ur readers will remember that we gav,* an account the other day ot the trial and conviction of dobard, at Lyniis, for killing a young laily in the theatre, in order that he might be executed. A circiimst.ince. whi h w*- did not mention, connected with the affair. He w‘iit to the theatre with the intention of killing .some one, :iml eiiliiod a an !-',ui-opea!i ity lin.i'v on 1. Si-upperiiong, (proper, or no ajipella- r- , tive name, I at per gallon; made with ' -"'‘at himself jnst behind two one-third brandy. ■ young ladies. For some time he was uii- 2. Scuppi.-inong cliampagne, at 82 per ! which to seh'ct as his victim, but gallon ; m.ide w ith one-fourth bra.'idy, and ' » the younger .-iml j.rettier as 010* pound of double-retim-d sugar pl-r imI- ' ''"'g' “'k i**''*- and fit for heaven.” loll. ^ ^ 1 he neglected beauty, on learniii'f the o. Scuppernong .Aladeira, (whi»e or eol- ^ •*>' chmce, was so profoundly wine.) at -SJ per gallon ; made with •'* •'«' slight that she refused con- three p,»umis per gallon of double-relined : ;"*•*•*'"*> "ould take no nourishment, and fin.illy endeil her life by committing su icide. I ‘ifittflOtf. (thl liuUunt.— 1 he last p.ipers from St. liouis contain accounts of tiic proceediiiixs in the I>eniocratie Convention, held to nominate a candidate for Congress. 'I'he result was an open and irreparable breach between the friends of (’,,1. Benton and the iiiiti s or, as he classically denomi- iiati's them, “the rotten scamps.” Ah .«:oon as the (’onvention met, an anti was elected Chairman—liieh, proving that the Bentonians were in a minorit;^" they forthwith withdrew iu a body, and’ nominated Old Bullion. Those w'ho re mained, nominated Col and adopt ed an address, in whicii they denounce Benton in the .severest terms, as a Free- Soiler. ' proceedings will open all the ol.l ro?Jo:iT;ssTnNAL Pi.f.\bantry.—Tn a late speech of Mr. Badger, in the Senate, we find the following good natured reply to a remark of Mr. Hunter of Virginia:— ‘‘My friend [Mr. llunter] was pleasud to .say on 3’csferday, in reference to a re- niiirk made by the .senator from New York as to the narrowing influence produced upon the mind by occupying the position as chairman of the Ciunmittee on Finance, that if the suggestion of the senator from New Vork was correct, it would be per haps a hajipy thing to place me at the head of tliat committee, a« such a narrow ing influence might not lie amiss upon wh.-it he supposes to be the libe rality of my disposition. “.Mr. President, there are several difli- culties in tlu* way of my oeeu}»yiiig the di.'tinguishe.l position to which the parti;i- lity (d my friend has assigned n»e. In the first phice, 1 do not belong to the right side of this house to assume the direction (d‘ any eominittee. I am much better filaced in traili:ig a pike umler the com- m.tii,l of the h.iiioiable si-nator from (’ali- fornia, [Mr. C win,] to whose committee [on Alf iirsJ 1 have been assigned. And the experim-nt was once imide, Mr. I’rcsi,h nt, by the distinguished gentleman who is How tie* presiding olVicer of this house, in placing me at the head of one committee iu this S.-nate, aiel an iui[ior- lant c.iiiimittce it w:is, too, lie made me chairman of the (!ommittce on Fiirolled Bills; iuid whethi-r it was that 1 discharg ed my duties in high ami ])o.'itMu so ba ily, or m-gh ct-d th- in s.) much, or, as my Iricinl from ."'iichigau [.Mr. Cas.s] suggot s, di.s«,harged them .so Well and was so critical and careful about tin phrasi-ology of our law.'—whate%i-r might have been the rejison, I seem to have 1 1st ca.-te ami credit; f.>r at the m-.xt se.'.'ion 1 wa.s summarily displace.! from the position of chief command, :ind put w b( re I w as but a private' s.-ldier. I am by no means .-inibitioiis of as-^uming that stati 'ii to «hich my friemi from Virginia wouhl !issi;:n me; but he will p imit im- to say, thiit if placing me at the h- ad of that coinmittev wi'uld have the narrowiiiLT influcnc." which he supposes, by jtarify of rcas.iiiing—by e|Ua! force of rea.soniii;:—it M-ellis to me he ought to lea\e the ' situ.ition he h is a."uniel; f'>r 1 know no in this house or in this (-oiinfrv, I't his high int. lhgi-nee and large vicW'. who II-i-ils li!*crali/ing more he lo, s 11. r g ird to the public ex]>eiiditur s of the C'luntiy f'.M- great ;uid noble obiects.” A iriffi II Murnf. — .^| r. B m-s. of till- film ot lossi/, it' ^V».. one ..f thi.'C remaikable mom-v-niakiiig im n wliO'e uninterrupted .-'m-ce.'.s in trade hal b."Il the womler ami ;;ftor.b-.I the m.;f'-ri.-il for the go"ip of the town for .'*-\en \ears. Being ..f a titrii of mimi. hi' wa' fri.pieiitly ii.ti rr.ig.itd on the .'uJ.ject. and inv.iriably g.i\e a' tin- 'eciet of his >ucee'S he mimb-d hi own bii'in>-w. A ireiitleiii.iii m--t Mr. Bom-s on the .\"anp:nk i.ri'lge. I le wa gaziiiir int. nt- ly on the .l.i'hing f>.aming waters as they fell o\iT the dam. lie evidentlv in 1 brown 'tmly. Our friend ventured to dis turb his coirit.itioiis. “,'Ir. B.uics, tell me how to m;ike a th"ii'.-iii,l dfllar,'!'” .^l^. Bonc^ continued b>oking intently at the water. At lat he ventured a • I)'« you s.-e that dam. mv friend!''” “I certainly do.” ‘ cll, licre you ni.iy learn the >iecref "f making niomy. 'i'hat w:it*r would w.i'te aw.iy an I be of uo use to .my b-Nly but for the dam. That dam turns it to goo.l a(-coiint, makes it perform s.>me u'eful purjtose, and th'-ii sufl.-r' it to p.t's along. 'I'hat lar^e jiaper-mill is kept III constant motion by thi'simple economy. any mouths are fed in the luiinuf.ti ture of tlie article it, ami inteHi:ence is scattcrd oyer the laml on thc 'h-et> ar- li.ily turned out; ainl in till- liifliieiit pr.M-es-ics tliroiitili which it pi''"> money i> mule. So it is in the living of hnmlreds (if p0"ple. 'I h'-y ixet (•iiouirh im'iiey. It p:i>scs through their h.inds v\i i\ d.iy, aii,i at the \i-ar's eml they are m. bett. r off. What's the reasun? 'I'hey want a dam. Their expenditures ar>- increa'iii'j, an.l no practical ;*>.»d is at- taiiied. They them dammeil up. so th at nothing will pa-^' through their hands w ithout bringiiiL' something back—w ithout .-icconiplishing soiin‘ useful I>.iin up your exjiens. s, and you’ll h.ive enough occ.isionally to sjcire a little, just I like that il im. 1^ >ok at it, my friend!” Irriitnit Amrruun. A .lister in the C.unt of Francis I. coinjtl.lined that a great lord threatened to murder him if he did not e.-ase jokiii^x ■ about him. “If he does so,” sai.l the King, “I will hang him in five minutes •1^*'r. “I wish your !\Iajesfy would hang him five minutes before,” replied the jester. 1 he 1'.ly. tti-vilh- Carolinian insis.s that the Fast iiniiiot, under present eireiim- stances, suj.port .Mr. K.-rr. We r.ither think that no man could h.ive bi*en s.-b-et- cd by the \\ hig Convention who will run better in the Fast than the genthitian above n:inied. 'I he fact is, Kerr will l»eat Beid too far to talk about, and this is what . j the C aroiinian is so afraid of. I I W’fVifun /\ifria(. ■ e.gar. 1. Scuppernong hock, (of a l.eautiful i"d (-olor, by fermenting one bushel of! puiple Scuppernong with s.-ycn of the | white,) at Si per gallon ; made with thr- e . pound- . f .louble-refined sugar gallon, ' aii.J pe. uh.u p.iins iu ra-.king, &c. | .). .Scui.peruong perfect love cordial, at i p.-r -.iilon ; m.ide with one-third bran- : ov, .iii.i two jiounds of double-refined su'>-ar j'- r g.ill 111. ^ j I ;.| p, nd h re a kin.l which T make nt ' >i y pi'ini.i .s, ;in ; not convenient to uiare le, b.'.au>^e of the very short time 1 li'i'l to st.iy .,n ac.'ount of the need of p!'.-^"me at niy own vintjige, viz; '»• •"^' ', §(} per gallon. .... vanity of th;.. kin.l made with a tl>;i;doI Srnppcrn .ng brandy, ami another ipperiiong syrnji. with my I'..-./j:!,.:;;!,I,l.'v'll'.ilf,,?;'’ t,';;;;;' i -.J ti,e .ill I. r..-r CO,,.. win. .... ,■- J//-. I'i/huDir.—A friemi writing to the Savaiiiiah Bepubli(-an, on private troin .^lonroe county, (Ja., s;iys: “I notic“ that on‘ of your correspon dents gives it as his opinimi, that iMillard i- illmore is the most popubir man in .\mer- lea (Jive that correspondent my eompli- meiits, and tell him that there is at least one more man who thinks precisely as he dK>s. I had rather this day east my vote for him for Fresident of these Fnited Stites than for any man living. I re*rard him as one among the purest and firmest statesmen this country ever produced, pos sessing a [latriotism co-extcnsiye with our ocean-bound confederacy and encircling within its range the twenty-five millions of souls who people this vast and growiiiLr country.” ® J/nffrras.—The I’hiladelphia cor respondent of the Biiltimore Sun .says that ‘‘31e.ssrs. ^Merrick & Son are constructing j for the government a curious structure, in I the shape of an iron boat, which is to’ be ' moored of} (’aj»e Hatteras, and sustain a ' bell which the motion of the waves will ; cause to ring, and in that way give notice j to the mariners ajtproaching that coast during the fogs that freiuently occur, 01 their i>roximity to danger. RRLF ESTEEM—AIVP SO FORTH. j TI7E IIOMESTEAT> BTLT.. The following is a capital chapter in I One of the most villainous seheme.s de- Bulwer’s “My Novel; or, Varieties in ’ vised by the demagogues of the day is 1- . T -r >> ; what is called the H.unestead Bill, now r^nglish Life. I i- u r it i .1 • T . , ,, , ^ I pending bidore Congress. L iidcrthcim- It IS Observed bv a very plea.sant writer 1 11 k * ... , , . r ^, 1 ■ posing title or a bill “ to encouragc ajfri- —read now-a-days only by the brave per- ' „.,i. . * 1 S .r, 111. culture, commerce, and manufactures, and tinacious tew who still atru^r^le hard to , 11 , 1 i-1 1 , >> •. - I IT - I I I all otfierf;//»//«.//•//, it proposes n-scue trom the of Pluto the .souls » .. ♦ 14 , * 1 - ;i 1 , ... . 1 *1 • . . , , 1 giant to “every mm who is the head ,,i ,1,-I.,,,t„.i a,.„„a ,1,^ t ,.,»e a,-e l,j- th« f„„,,top, „f „f „„.l the living—it i.s oi>serv(-d t.y tlie a.lmira- • . r 1 1 * r ,1 i i- 1 ^ .1 . . ■ 1 . 1 . V sixty acres of laml out of the public do- ole Charron, tliat “jml'tment amf wisdom •' >. i-»- *• , , ’1 , ^ 7 , . main, upon condition of occut);incy ;ind is not only the, out the happiest nor- 1 • i-*1 i- c . 1 1 * I • I. L I- /-I . I 1 cultivation 01 the .same tor hve years. And tion (iol Almiyihty hath (listnt>ute«I a-,,. 1-1 - 111 1 ■ » , ■' I thus a Iml is publicly mad.- in marked overt by the ch-iiiairogues of Congress, for votes. PHO\f TtIK WiXNlJNfiTov ,,rp MEDICAL SOCIKTY (,F A member of the ('oi.v.',', ni.;j;od ,H .1,0 l>t I V..,' Court llooni in this town ••*;;‘ning last, and a.ljouri.e.i „„ ing, after an interestiii, days. of forty ,l,.i, permanent ‘uembers frourd,t},,„f;''' ■- of the State, were pre.sent t electeti for the present - -• ' . ... ..... picseni niectiii,, u- h. fctrudwick, of Oraii.rc ci''-’ I'r C > nil ' moiigst men; for though this distribution be made with a very uneven hand, yet m*- bo.Iy thinks him.self stinted or ill-dealt . with, but he that hath never so little is contented in llns respect.” And, certainly, the present nirrative m:iy .servo in notable illiisti;ition of the re- iiiiirk 80 drily made by tin* witty and wi.'e preachcr. b'or whether our fii.jiid llicea- bocca leduce theories for l;tily life from the great folio of Machiavel; or that prom ising young gentleman, .Mr. Randal Ijos- lic, interpret the power of knowlodgi? into the :irt of being too knowing f.*r dull hon est folks to cope with him; or acute Dick Avem-1 jiush his way up the social .iscciit with a blow- for those bcf.tre, and a kick for th.'se behimi him, after the approved fa.'hion of your strong New Mm; or B.iroii Levy—tliat cyiiicjil impersoii.-ition of (lol.l —ce.mpire hini'eif to th.' .NlaL'iietie Boi k in the .\rabiaii tale, t'» which tiie nail,' in eveiy sb.p that appro.iches the inlhu-nce of th.' 1 'adstoiie fl\ troiu the planks, ami a shipwreck p--r day ad.Is its w.iifs t.> the Ibu k: ijiu stionlc.-^', ;it least, it is, that each of those pers.'iiages believc.l that I’rovi- le:ici‘ had b -.ifo.ved .>11 hi.n :iii elder son’s iiihi ritance of wis.lom. Nor, were we to gl.iiice I'lW.inl.' the obscurer path.' of life, should we find good I’.irsoii l>ile deem himself'f- off than the rest of the wo'ld in thin prcci.»us comin.*i|ity — as, indecl, he liad sign.tlly evinced ol l.tte in tliat siircw I guess of his touching I'rofeisor .\los.s; — even pl.iin .'>(piire II iz, l.liaii took it for griiite.l that he coul i tc.ich Au.Iicv lOger- ion a thing or two worih kiiowinir in poli tics; .\lr. .''tirn thought there was no br.iiich ot useful hire oil which he couM not instruct the sijiiire; and .''pratt, the tinker, with his bag full of tr.K-ts and lu- Cifi r matches, rt-gaided tiie whoh- tiaiiie- work of iii.Mlei n .'ociet_\, from a rick to a oii'titution, with the pr.d'.iund .lisdain of .1 re\oluti'iii:iry pliilo.' .pher, Consi.leriiii e\( ry in .i\i iual tnii' bring' int.. tbe 't-'ck of till- w.irl'l 'o \.ist ,-i 'ban- ot intel ligence. it I iinuot but i-\i ite our w .>nder to fiml that (►xeiisfiein i.- p.-pularly hel.l to be riplit wiieii he sai.l, “.S-e, mv son, how little wi,- iom It reijuu'-s to govern states;” —that is, .^I*MiI ’i so niaiiv tiiMlioii' of pei'sons. each with :i profound ;i."uranee that lie i' p IS." ''C'i «.f an exalte.! s.i-ja-;tv, shoubl concur in the aseeiidanev of a few inf. rior intclhcts. accr-liiiir to a few stu- pi-l. pr .'y. III Itt-r-of-fi.-t riil.-s a' old as the lull', is ;t phenoin-n,>n verv 'li^credit.i- Idc to the spiiit ami cner;;v of the ag^rn-- gate human 'pecies! It creates no siir- pri'c that one sensible walch-do;f sli.>ul.l control the m.>\enieiits of a fl... k of silly gr.i's-c.iting shcc}*; but two or three 'illy gr.'.s'-“;it:ng sheep sli .uM give the la-.v t. fl.K ks of such mi::htv seii'i- ble w itch-dog.s—IJuiK.fu’ Hi. iiiecabov- co, expl.iin Ml// if you can! .Vn ! wonder fully slr.inge it is, that notwithstanding all the ni.irch .d' enlightenment, notwithstaml- iiiiT our progre^>ive di.s.-overies iu the laws ot nature—our r.iilways, sti*am-engines, animal mignetisin, Hti.i eh-«-tro-biol.igv— wi ha\e never m;ide any iinpr.)Vement that is gcner.illy ..i-knowledged, since Men cca I'll t.i be troglodytis and muiiads, in >ll-f’ashi.»m-d g.imut of flats and sh; which attunes into irregular si>ci.ii j.ff-tmt all the generations that pass from the cr.i- dle to the grave;—still, ••///■ i/tsirr for ir> hnrr not" impels all tiie en ergies keep Us in iu.i\emciit, for giMid ..I for ill. acc.ii.ling to the checks or the directions of each favourite de.'iro. A friend of mine once said to a miffinn- fill', whom he s.iw f.>r ev.-r en‘'.ii'(‘d mdviiiir mom y which he never si-emed h.ive any pleasure in .'jiemling, “1 .'Ir. , will you answer nie one ijiies- tixii: \ nil :ir»‘ >,ii,| to h.ivt* two millions, : and you s|K-nd ttillK a year. In order to rest ami enjoy, what will content you'’’ “A little iiion*,” answered the ' nrf. '1 hat “little more” is the main spring ot ciVilizatu»n. Nobtnly ever gets It! “I’h.lus, saith :i L itin writer, “w is not so rich a# L'tdius; Lvliiis w;is not .s» rich as; Scipi.) was not s» rich as Cras- sus; and Cnissu? mtt .so rich—.-is he wished to Ik!” If .John !?ull were once i-.intente.i, .^lanchesfer mii;ht shut up its mills. It is the “litth' more” that m.-ikes a mere trifle of the National I>ebt!—Lon-' life to it! ^ Still, ujend our law-b.H.ks as we will, one is forced to that knaves are of ten seen in tine linen, and honest men in the most shaldvy old rags; and still, not- withsfaii ling the exccjitions, knav ry is a vi-ry hazardous game; ;ind honesty, un the whide, by far the best policy. SnII, most cd the 'I’en (’ommandments rem.iin at the core of all the 1‘andects and Institutes that keep our hiiiids off ttur neighbors’ throats, wives, anil pockets; still, exery year shows that the I’arsori’s maxiii.—tjnif-fa m>n mn- />•/•—is a.s prudent for the health of coni- muiiities as when Apollo recommended his votaries not to rake up a fever by stirring the Lake C’ainarina; still people, thank Heaven, decline _^to reside in p.irallelo- grams; and the .surest token that we live under a free government is, when wo are governed by person.^ whom we have a full right to imply, by our censure and ridi cule, are bhK-khcjids compared to our selves! Stop that delightful privilege, iind, b^ eJo\t!. sir, there is neither pleasure nor houMur in being governed at all! You might as well be—a Frenchman! i/f WantoL—One James Hayes in the Kichmond Palladium'for a wife. lie desires a lady worth a few thousands, of good common sense, witli a taste for the tine arts, a lover of science, about the medium size, with an open, cheerful countenance, affectionate in dis position, and capable of taking care of a large family! The Whig State Conifntion. — A »»rati- f>’*ng expression of satisfaction with the action of the Convention has n-ai-hcd us from all quarters, so far as W(> have had ojtportunify to hoar.—Grents. I’atriut. the rps. 111 to ’IMV, Li/auks of alt L'ntds, For sale at tLie Office. and the cmsideration is to be the propi-rty of the peojde of the I'nited Stiifes. '1 heir itwn land is offiTcd for votes t>) defeat their own will ! NoW We shouM like to know what right Congress h.-is thus to dispose* of the public domain!' Where is its letter of attorney ? Cnder of the Constitution is the power found ? Are not the public I.ill.Is the comm.»ii prop rfy of the pople of the wli.ile cou'.itry1.' imi the power that the ifcneral govei nment has over tliiMii ilelegat(>d the good of ait ' 'I’lieti how can it lay its finger on a rood of th.-ni iu the w.-iy of gr.-ituitous liestowal 011 this or that p.irticular imlividua!—whether he be the hcii'l or the tail of a f;;m!ly ' The jniblic lands :irc estimate.l at one dollar and twenry-five c nts p: r ;i(-re. ()iie hiiii- dre.l :in 1 si.\;y acres then an- worth two iinmli.-.l d'lilars. (’ •ngr. ss might th, r.-- f.ire jii't ;is well clutcii two buiidri-d ibd- l.irs in coine.l m-.m-y out of the j.ublic treasury for every loaf, r tln'.t would con sent to .'pend till- .same for ginger-brcad and whi.'kev, and call th-- p-roce.lure a measure Inr th" eiicour.-igeiiieiit of “agri culture, commerce, and iii.iniif.ictures, ami .ill other br.iiiclK-s of industry.” Mmii mor.' appri.jii iat. ly might it be nanie.l a bill to cm-oiir.ige l;i7.iiji-ss, lojifing, gambling :iml every otlu-r h oJ la.'Ciility ; for w ho is g 'ing to w.u k for laml w h.-n he ran tret it from the ii.itn nal dniiiaiii!:' Who x'ill labor for bn'a.I when lie can obtain corn from ‘he public (-111)' Wli » will re.ip or ga :.ei into barns when assuicl while there is a cent in tiie treasury In* 'hall not la« k fnr a l.»:if The.M' l.iii'!-^ an- tin- peoj l.: and Con- grt-ss is l.oun.l to sell tle-m ami bring the proceni.' into the treasury to p.-iv the debts, provi.le for the «-.>nimon defi-iice ami pro- iunt(‘ the i;r>neral widfiio of the n.itioii, or to ilistribute th' in amongst the rightiiil owiK-rs in projiortion to their respective fhert'in. '1 li«‘v amount to four teen humlreil m.llions of a-res, ;iml pro- jierly adiniiii.'tered, they woul.l defray a eons.dT:ibie portion of the expenses ot the government for ages upon ;iges to come ; or, distributed amongst the St.-ites accord ing to fe.b ral p-'pulatinii, it has hanllv eli te..d info the h-.irt of man to i-oncei\e wh:if th,y might be made to ace..iiiplish f r the coiiiim.n weal f 'acli. But gratu itously iicst.iwed oil lack-lamls and loafers, on coii'lirion of raising siimtii-s on them and .‘■eratchiiig their surface for a few ve.irs, tlu-y Will prove a t*') tin count ;y. In th' first place .-ill h.-pe of further ri veiiue fi. Ill tins pr-ditie .'ourcc will eii- t;n ly cea'O. People will not pay the :.;i>vernnieiit l:iuds, wli -n the ;r.iv. rn- ment freely irives them ..1! that they need, 'i'hen the citizens of the old .'^tates will have to pay the debt contiMcte.l in the acquisition of these lamls without deriving a cent of income from them. Secondly, the value of binds in the old States Will be greatly deteriorated by the gratuitous di.'tnbutioii of so many millions d‘.-icres in jt^mw. Who will pay a fair price fnr 1 iiw^n North Car.dina when he can get it t.>r nothing bv goiiijr to Missouri, or to Alab.-im i !' "1 hirdly : It will draw the populatioii ofi troiii the old St.ites, and convert^, wil l wo uld ni.ike gooij citizens were they t.» remain with their families ami kindre.l into sijuatters and scrati-hers as idle an.i vicious iis those nt'ver fjiil to be w!io are fe.l at the j.ublie crib. Fourthly: It will tempt the seiim of siH.-iety in the old world to crossthe waters ami s| u[»on our public domain, to scat ter luor.alaml political pt'stilcnee and death in the fnmtier settlements—for they can soon, umler our easy iiatunilization l.iws, become “citizens of the rniteil States” an.l derive as much a.lvant.ige fnun the bill as th nse t.l the manor born. And we are entirely ojipo.stnl to th.-it fantastical phil.inthropy would provide for the paii|H rs and hmfvr* of the whole earth out of her national heritairo. And fifthly : It w ill be an entering wedge to a further dnisinn of property. \\ hen men find that they can reap where they have not .sown, and cut where they have not lai>ored, they will not be content without thus n aping and eating. If they have a right to other jieople’s land, why have tlu-y not a right it> i.ther peo ple s meat and bre:id, ;ind cattle and mon- oy i Let the land be divided first, and other divisions of pr.>perty will be called for, and we shall have the !igr:iri;in laws of Bome re-tnactel with all their licen tiousness and blooilshed amoiin;st us. The first lloinan who propos«'d a gratu itous distribution of lands w;is impeached for dcmagogueism, and thrown down the lar|.K;ian liock. AN e h;ive no Tarpidan llK-k here, but there is another awful .steep of w hich dcin:igogues have a constant dread—the steep of p..pular displeasure— :ind down this we hope to see all who would corruptly truck off the public do main, indignantly hurled.—A', t'. ^L-yM.s-. * nv WII.LI.V.M CI LLKX unv.\.\T. The .May sun shinls :iti amber li^lit On iiew-lcaved woods and lawns between; I liut s'lic who, with a siuile more bright, { Welcomed an.i watched the sprin^M„g green, ! Is in her grave, ! Low in iier grave. { The fair white Mos.sonis of the wood j In groups heside the p.-itliway stand; But one, the pentU' and the riMiil, W fio cropped them wiih a t'niriT h.-tnd. Is ill lier gnive. Low in lier ;;ruve. I poll the woo.Ihin.l'i, morning air8 The sinnll hinls' mingled notes are flunir' But she whose voice, more yweet than theirs Once bade me listen w hile they sun^s Is in her jrrave. Low in her grave. Tfiat music of the early year llriiips teur.s of aiigtiish to niy eves: iMy heart aches wlien the tlower.^ ap|Har, For then 1 think ..f her v. fio lies \\ itiiili lioi- fiiax e, Kuickerbocker. Low in her grave. ^ I>r.S. S. SatchwelUfxltr-y- Secretary, and I>r‘(' of Uayue, Treasurer, *11 i-i.ij. sequence ot se\ere iline the I'nsideiit, |>r HI 1 'Villi; i>> t;, UlliiV I III Si |[| Casw(-ll, Was not pre.sent r,.p-„ Lis his well kinnVii nrl.M.,:f.. . 'iL'li lovVii urba:i;ty an presi.liiiif olli (li'-i, bc.iring af torily illustrated in tlie Chairimin Dr. Strmlwiek. ' V.’e b_-arn that it was the ’ir most inteie'tiiiir uieetin.r -'' •■-i-tv that has ever been hel.l by the members in b.-l,,,l7 "i science, and the improv, nt „,-,i Ciil pr..fe.'.'i,.n, and the !.an,i„,i,' U,'"' 'd fe.ding, ami c.m.-ert of a.-ti,,,! ' " by all towanis one aimtli. r. pu-i..us_ n .'ults in future. ii'V'ir,''’ professi.iii as f .r the piil,|;,.. j„ '‘*'' qm-iicc of the ab.scn:-,'. fr .a, ; the n-;itor, l»r. W. A. .\ ,rvv f ‘fV' * boro, his a.l-lre.s wa' r-.ei l,v ||. ^ wick, at the .\I,-.sonic 11,11. ' evening, in the presence .,f a t. liigeiit amlieiice of l;.,lj,, ^,/j The addres' Was uiark.-.i itv cm,-."!.' ^ ability, mucii n-s'arch an l’pMrti,',! ' ' deticics. 1 he main subj. ct lit'liiu, v '' wood’s ad.ln-.s, wa. U'-.-n,. ‘ " A p.iper was n'.i.l bv"l»r. J \\ ■ .-on, on the Topograpay ainl ■ W ilmington. ‘ ' An K.'Siiy was read by I),-. >’ s: , well, on Mia'iin. >th(-ru.te;. and commiiuicafions w. r,' ] r h, | ' medical subjects, ami ii,a„_v inr. r.,(■ '! discussions occurred, .iuruii tin- ' meet inns of the se.'.'i,>n. iir li ■ I ' ■ . Ii tins tow n, made a r.-p..rt a.'.i. the S.iciety t.» the n e. nt in.. tn,. ,.t „ ‘ American M.-.iical A"'iciaii.,!!. j; . nioiid. I>r. .Mclia,'. of K.v. tt.'vili,,', " nouiiccd a Kul.>i:y on the fate br I s Cameron, of that place, nhe nt tli,' 1,i bcrs of the S.-ciety. Ke.'.,iuti,.|,. suit.ioh- chanieter, wei.- p..",'i iiu,';, r,., to the dcc.-aseii. At tli,- iii«r;iM. i'li' Thomas of this t-wii, r. ',.hit.n„« „ ad.ipted, app,tintiug a ,'iiuiiitte,.' in h, • an addres.s t-o the l'li_\si. ian' tiirnu:;ii..j-, the .''t.-ite, who ii:i\e H'lt jniin.l tlit ,'t/ Society er any C.unty au.\;iiaiy .. arousing tin in iiji t.> an iiit. 1--t in efforts now being jnauc by uiL-,ii.-;il:!-« tiuiis to adxiiiice till- .'ciein-f '.l' iii«iii'ii,., ami to educate the pr.'fes'i.iii. Tlii>( uii,. mittee consists ..f l»r-. \\ . (i. > S. Satchweil, J. II. I»iek' .ii. T, K J son, and .1. (.ii.iluiin lull. The foil owing gi.'iilieiiieii, viz; llr>i. 1' K. .luhn.son, \\ . A. N,.rw.M»l. W. H. . Ki-o, W. (!. Hill and \V. 'ili,],-... were :ippointed a 'nuiinirtce tn iii.ui ria!- ize the next Legi'latiiie f .;- ;lic a general rcgiffrratiun l.iw of i.irtL' .Hi: dc.iths. The officers of the p.i>t v-'ar w.Tf elected, with the e.\i--pti,.ii that 1>.. Wm \\ . Harriss, i.d this tiHvn. w,;.' tl.v:.-! Secretary, ami l>r. Daniel Diil'iv. nt town, was eleeteil Treasurer. 1 fie following geiiti. iik-ii Wi ri- i-l. 1 as Delegates to tin- next iin't-'iiiir “t Auievicaii .Medical .\>'.ciat;i,ii I,i t.i.'li, .i in N. ^ . city ill .^l.l_v lu-xt; l*i-' S.'itehwell, J. \\ . 11 uteiiiiii'-i. Win. II .M'- Koe, J. L. .Meares. It. II. ll,i\« "li. I’ 1 D -wey, 11. doyner. U"l>crt •'Hi, W li Thomas, J. tjr.ihain lull. •!. A. Mdlj-.- and J. F. McKee, dr. Dr. J. 11. Dick.son wa> appninteil .inu-r to deliver the next Aumi..l A idn >v ’i’he following geiitleiiiLii. in • iiiiiln’r- laU'l, were appointe.l a ('.niiaiittn* wt Ar rangements for the iiext :iiiiiiial iii.-i-'iiiiL'. to Ik? held ill F.iyctteville on the thiri Tuesday in May next, vi/,: Di'. 15. II S'lii, B. W. K'ibinsoii, .1. T. (Jilli.mi, m .Mallott, II. .Mc.^waiii, T. I>. llaidi ;.nl Jiinies .\. .Alel’ae. This .SiK'iety was iii'titiit •.! S'^nk- tlirtv or four yoiirs since. it lr:s li. r-1'J ’ hebl its annual ineetiiiu'in U ik'igh. learn that it is coiisidere.i ii)..'t e-'ii'i’., '' to tho interests of the .''"ci.'ty to iink ' migratory for ;i few year.' at leii^t. an'i this way by hol.liu:: it' sessions in iW''f- ('lit sections of the |stat.'. it i' li '[K''i a iTitercst w ill be t;ik 11 iti fi'*' ; jocts it has in view, in jinuii I'ini'"i''‘- " .scieiico, iind in briiigiii.^ ali"Ut a iieedi.l medical refnriii. It i- (.•iTti.n.' ilesiniblo and important that th.- I'I'.''’ eiaus in the various ci.aiitie.'. wlin not already' done .so, sh"ali' urgini/-' i' selves, and aid the State I’ar-nt in their praiseworthy efforts to tho cause of me lieine. :nid t" ]T"ni'Y he:ilth :ind welfare ■ f th;' {.ul’li'’- . The peojde are crtainly deeplv inti' ' • in tho subject. Aii.l iiiclical ^ like these, foun.lcl as we believe tlu' ' ^ which we have n.nned. on fair an I ' r'’' I'i'' pi-iiiciples! appeal in ^ J,' approjariiition and support of t.i* [ They are useful and legitiiii.'i^>^“ suppress quackory, to uj'iiold ‘ skill ; ami to fiem-fit in this wa\ tin noi. and interest of the jieo]iIc. I'he foll.iwing extract tp'iii tiition. Article lid, is given of tho objects of the State .''Ic'li‘‘‘ as of the I'oiiiity .^b''li‘■"■ ‘ ^ ^ The objects of this .'^"- i'':y ' ties : “ The of>jects ot tins be the ailvanccmont of nicdical kii"« ' the elevation of professional cliai i‘>''' ur .,1 t,. tin' flu* jiroinotion of all iMtasurts "! • I'' sional nature, th;it are adapte of suft'ering hum.inity. ami to health and protect the lives 01 1 munity.” An immense amount ot public ^ been given to the now St.itcs for P" 1 unknown to the constitution, present 8o.s.sion of Congress. - 1 , libenility overstepping all ration*'* ' of prudence, .seems to be the oiicr i diiy. The most Viiluablo poitimi public lands will soon bo •■^'1’*‘*’''! less the extravagance wiiuu at W:isliingtoti City i^^ arrcsU'• people slnmid look to these tiin'- it is too late.— (I'l'r/nini "''' The Di niocrat witiihl have I : t ^ fOJi more fairness if it had inferun'i ers that this “reckless extniv the work of a Locofoco Cougri^^-' d-