IS IE M B-W E E I£ Iv Y. [VOL. I.] I'UINTI-^I' HV j. 15. NKWHY. Kim viTi) J. li vLi-sox, ! V?n1> IK IXHiS. Pr.OC for tlio ^ciia-\Vt*ckly (.Ibskuvku UO if J, 1 ill :iil\aiici‘; ■'j>4 if paid during the vcar '1' Mil'scrij'tiou; ur $o uftcr the vcar h;..s fii'iro i- r0 W' okly (>:iskuveii .'jSJ 00 per annum, if p..,J ;a lul'Hiicu: !?- oO if paid during the V(':.r 'I sub'iTlptiou; or $3 00 ufter the year i, ('Nl'irod. ii\ i!ll f 1>1-M insvrtcd for sixty cents . .11:.rc ti'F t!ie tirst, and thirty cents for each • pu’''.io;ition. Yi'urly advertisoiiienis conlr.icts, at reasonable rates. Ad- vfi'i •'41'e rfiiuestcd to state tlie iiumber of 'K'jirod. or they will be continued till .1. ;iU 1 i’li;\r;_'e 1 avcordiiigly. Letters to tlie IMitcr:' uiuit be post-paid. X^'Tni; Ivxaniiiiatioii in U»»l>- Ir^' tut)' will c-'ve on Friday. 1,‘^ th ins-t . 'he l!t'.th. The friends of the ; 5t : .t^ n. and of kuriiing, are cordially iu- ,1 ti- attend. Miy l'>. l^■■-. Mtd A 1,1. cl. •*.■ indebted to the ‘“'ubscribi-r prn i- .« ; • the partner'hip o.‘ .McDonald \ W ,i\-v ;ire reijuested to settle up and therebv ,,,f '..f UKO. W. McbUNALU. ' M..V lo. 91-:’.t N I). Mi-l»i»na.d \Vhaiey have ou liaml a . i « rtineiit of Saddle-and 11 aruess of their ;-.iiiul':ii'tiire, which they wuuld like to sell ; r or ou TIMK to punctual ciis- Mi D. iN VLl) vV V, I! ALKY. K . . f.rviili-, l’ers !i street, 7 do-jrs below r>0 1 •! 1' HAY. N rili»Tii MAY. ju.'t received WILLKLNT.J n>. '.'i-;3t 1 I IIftij/niiii/it l.ots tor Side. I 'i'Fi ll f”r »a'e three pr.od builli:i: lotd on H.i;- Moi.iit. in tiie town of llelni-.nt. VLSt' -A \aiiet_\ of I’aniielled lUiuii and • all, huH ?LLt> 'i.ed JresjC'l Klooriiijjr. GK". 5:. ii'»i>:r.s. M).y 17. 1^^2. M-vt ar ,r.:uir;!i Oi-py- Plants in Bloom. HA\ L a duzen v.irietie:^ of new VLKHK.N.VS, ■ t all roluis.—pure white. i'rini:>on. ■.••-1. Aii;.; thirty varieties of the ■ 'iiini. rer-"n«i v. i-«hinsrto make selections ;:ivite i t'- c.'i'' and -fc them. They will be , i- ■•jf delis vrv in the course of the sunuuer ■ curiou'" and beautiful p’an'.s are Cou- I' linin'j into ■. LLTTi;ilLuM. Kowan .‘^trefct. I’lTSons wishing Strawberries in :iri\ V -h'jU.d gi'c uoticc the d:iy before The_\ the irr.'Uiids, 2" cts. per ijuart. sent out. 2-i •• .7. M-tf V7. ANDREWS, E>ra!cr in AHl’KH S Magazine for May; As good aK II ( oniedy. or the's Story; Hue .s Iravels in Tnrtary, Tiiibet and China: llecolb ctions of a I’olicenian; Kxperience.s of a 1’arri.stei'; Coulessi»n! of an Attorney; Heroines ot lli.^ti ry; Children, their Hydropathic >L-in- agcnient. by Ur. Shew. Also, further supplies of Family IJible.s, lUank Books. Cap and I.otter I’apers, School Hooks, \c. Just received bv i;. J. ll.U.K cV. ••'ON. May Ji s i' inx Ki\ !:i). A (.iKNKK.M, asMiirtiiK'Ut of Youths’ and I5o} s’ C'l- >Til 1N(J, at ^\l^Ti•: \ I'XDKUiULL'S. Ne\t door above F. Uniik. May 17. lU-lt ('A vilim;. In :i fc'v instanecs, Hr. Little has heard t.l fioct. ;ca' iliii" al> 'Ut the course he h is tlioujrlit piopv; to pui sue it! compounding anil vending inciiU'i;ics fur f.uuily tise. Most, generally it has iKijipeiifd where they wore p. pular, or had been given with :i marked degree of success in a c:ise that had been previously treated. Now. this sort ot pettv opposition is too groveling to need uiueh refutation; and certainly cmaTiat"i fr lu no member worthy of the noble .and phi lanthropic profession of medicine, to s.iy tlie ot it. If. umler the pretext that nothing istobegi\en but what tliey know or under stand. then it is certain that very many of them ouiiht ti> give but \ery little, according to that rule. The design of Hr. Little's rii.-irniaceuiical Medicincs is to cure such maladie.s as they are recommended for, by which families and all i>thers can succeeil a.' certainly as by anything known in jdiysic. So far. he is happy to aiiirm tliey have not only ni“t his most s.-nguine ex- pei t:itio!is. tiut have gone beyond rivalry, even of the constant attendance of pii\sicians in many inst.iuces. Ily a King course of pr.icticr, united with an active drug busincs.- more snb- .«eiiut-nt!y, he been enaMcd to study and perfcct these tavurite compounds. N>t until they proved ti. be far in ad\ai;i e of the usual prepar.itions i>f tiie il.iy. lid he venture to idler them to the (luMic. This has t)ecn lione in ac- rdancP witii the light of .sciei.tific medicine, and if n t. let any physician of ch^tractcr point it out wherein he has faileil. TONIC r.llTKll.S ANH \ r.(; FTAIW.K T’l LLS. To be u-'ed togt'tlier. f> r tin' cure of Iiyj>ep- sia. in all its complicated torms; as the Loss of ,\pp tite. Ci'ntined lI. wcN. l>ebilil\. I’.-.lpita- tions, Langner and w retche>!ness ot feeling alter I mea'.s. (.(pprcssions atiuut tlie Stom.ieh. »Vc.; ;il- ' so. frequclit ;!tt»‘ Ivs f ilea l.iche. I Icerous !)i3fase«. and to [D-event the return of (.'hills and Fevers. Nig!;t .''weats. \c. To obviate c« ati> cneS'. the Veget.ib'ie Tills are a ni' st excellent reniedy; as their action is , mild, without neausoating the st"inach. Tht‘ f.ic-similo of the signature of Hr. W. li. ! Little will be t'ound upon the outside wrapper. I Sold wholesale .•m l retail. I>y the l’roprieti>r, at his .Manufacturing Hepot, No. "JO} .Market street, riiiladeljdiia. and .Macon, ' eorgin. C^' To be had also of .lames Cam. ItocWfish; A. Watson, Floral (.’tillegc; Townsend iV: Hoiig- lii.««. IJcnnettsvi'iIe; Hr. P. M. Ci.hen. Charb s- tfin; C. I’larbce. r.;ircla} s\li'.e; 1'. F. I'cs-ud. lluleigh. S. J. lIIN.''i'M.L. .\iient for Fa\ette\ii’e. HARMAN'S IIOTKL, I'A Vi: rTa: vii.a.a^:, v. Subscriber, having taken the largi* SL Hutcl. f.'rmerly known ris the IManter’s Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay Mount, Hay Street, Fa\vtteville, N. C., respectfully informs his frieiiJsand the public that he is now en gaged in refitting the buihling, which is sup- ;.iied witli entire new Furniture, ami is pre- ji.-ired to accommodate the travelling public.— Having had •*.>me experience in the business in the town of I’ittsborough, N. C., he Hatters himself that he will be aMe to give satisfaction to th(!se who may favor him with their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. He h:ia lar.2«* and convenient Stables, and a good and faitilful Ostler. JOHN HAKMAN. Feb'y 17, I Soli. Gtitf Spring Cjroods- .lAMKS KYU: IS NOW RKCKI \ INU Al’. trT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, -\ll of which being purchas(‘d forC.V.'sH, will be olFered at very reduced prices for cash, or on time to customers, either by whole sale or retail. i>3y“l»'ltinu: rioth.s froMi Xo. 1 tn 10, of the best that is manufactured. March nil, 1 Soil. 7otf .Izi M Only Iliiriit out in Pari. L^afjefttriltc HofrL i'A\i: x. c. i rg'^nis larg«* and splendid Uuildiiig has now M- li.-en in successful operation since May 1s t'.'. i'he r.ediliiig ami Furniture of all kinds is new, anl the rooms con\enient and pleasant. The Table i'j always furnished with the best the market alFords, aided by ii tine vegetable garden. I'oarders. !,odgcr. and Travellers will find de sirable accoinnii dations and attentive servants. No p:ili:s will t.e spared to give entire satisfa»- tion. Fan>.ili'‘s can be furnisheil with larg‘, airy, front ilouble roiims, coaveuientlv and hand- si.inely tiirnishe'l. .Vn exp* rience of llO years will enable the les see, she hopes. III give general satisfaction. ANN l!Kt)\SN. .luiie I, 1S’>0. 'JS-tf NKW riKM. iindersignefl ii.iw entercl into copnrt- A nership. under the name and style of l^aivrfiiri* A: J'roy, For the purpose fit doing a geneial .Mercantile and IJarler biisine'S. \N e have taken the .''tore. No. Ill ti UI'.K.N .'' TKKK r. fni nierlj. occupied by .NIcsms. John iluske \ Son. (ii:i». \V. LAWUKNt K. JtMlN 11. TlloV. .Ir. Oct. '11. l^'.l. ootf SH.VVF just recoiveil fr^ in New Yot'k, mv FALL ANH \MNl'i:U Stock ot Cfloods, Cunsisting of a general assortment of Dry (I'oods. firocrrirs. Iliirtlwiirr. ( nth ry. .Vr. I will b.-irter for TL'liri .NTlNL, (>r any kiu I '.if I’roduce. N. KINC, in'.les Ni rth I'f Favette\'lie. t:;if A. A. .McKI'/niAX t»J Tl LL continues to carry on the C.\IU51.\GK in .'s 1NKSS ill „]) its branches, at the re- inain.s of his old stand, opposite Liberty I’oint He returns thanks fnr the liberal patron.ige he has heretofin-e receive>i. jin^l hopes by strict at tention to business anil a desire to gixp •■ntire ' satisfaction, to merit a continii.ance of the same. ' Ha\ing kept the greater jiortiou of his Tim- I bers at a •li.'-tance from t!ie nianufact(-ry. he ' on hanil a large .-ind weil seleete«l lot of tho- • ri'iiglily seasoned Timber, of every deseriptioii used in his business, which enaMes him to ret.ain all his principal workmer. He is therefore i\ow jireiiared to do any w .rk in his line in the very best st_\Ie, and "ii the most f.ivoralile term?—as low as any work of the same i|U.ility in N. C. He h:is on liaud. completely tinislied, i S liarouchc';, t,>r 1 >r ll loTses; b Ki'ckawavs. .and C! lliiggies. ' .\ls'i. nearly linishi'd, IH Carria.:es for ll horse-: no Uaroutdies for 1 and ’.1 horsev; 111 iiy s. and ilO Bugiries; .\11 of which are of tl.c most approved plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the r. .“stati s for neatne's and durability. Having Ki'en engaged in the .alnae 'ousiness for the p:i't lid ve.irs. his wnik is well kn'«vvn, and he refers to old customers for proof of its ilu rability. A 1.1, vv.irk w:irr:mt('il t’lr I'J iiiohtIi-;, and -ep.-iircd I'ree of charge shoubl it f lil by woikmaiiship or material, within that time. g.-ir* llKCMitiM; executeil at sin.rt notice, and on' nahie ter;iis. .L-m'v ll'i. I.''.‘)0_ .^'.l ^oiilhrrei lianiiractiire. / IC have formeij a comp.any styled the ' Snow Camp M.-iniifactnring t'lomptiny, ! of .Mamanee Coinity, North Ciirolimi. two miles ; West of the Cane Creek Cotton Factory, on Cane ; Creek, n.t the Foundry owned by Davifl Dixon A: llrotliers. and woi-ld respectfully announce to the eiti/.ens of .\lainance and the adjoining Counties, that wi* are now jirepared to .Manu facture in the neatest and best style—Wheat Thrashing Machines, from two to six horse powei-; ('litting .Machines of ilitterent sizes; : U’iol Carding .Machines; double and single .Mill and Factory iear; Saw and Grist .Mill Irons; edge Tools; Cotton Yarn and Wool Lolls, X.C. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give us a cail beiore purchasing elsewhere, as we an; deteriiiined to sell cheap foi- cash, or on time to punctual dealers, (hir long experience in the Manufacturing I’usiness enables us to feel no hesit.ition in saying that our work shall not be surpassi'il hy any shop in the .'^fuith. -\11 letters addressed to the ,\gent of the j Coni]>any at the Siiuw Camp 1’. (►., Alamance I Conntv, N. ('., will ruceive prompt attentiun. HAVIH I»1XIN, Agent of the S. ('. Manufacturing (^oinpany. Snow C;imp. Dec. ^l. IH.')1. 47-(>mpd .irsr Ki:c’i:ivKi), ^ 1U5LS. CltCSIIIU) SltiAi:. Uls. Wavnei'ountv Uacon. 1.') bbls. l,:‘inl. No. I.' ('•■t boxes prime ToV>acco. •1» bbls. .Mackerel. .\t Cross Creek Co. C. I5KNi;oW, I'res t. March 1, l‘'”>ll. I'p'.'tf PtRI\ Ti:.t (OMIMNV, WAUKIIOLSKS. 75 and 77 Fulton Street, N. Y. I’ekin Tea Coinpiiny has been estab- p\ lished nmny years, and has alwius main tained a high reputation for Teas of the iio st delicious character and fragrancy. and at prices which have in everv instance given i.erfect sat- ; 1-11 with . .. ... • ^ , others can tie supi’liel liuring tlie season witn isfaction. J he l ens are warraiited pure. an'I . n ■ . i- _ ,, rf , . I r . 1 .1 ' le'" the tollowini rates; 1 or uuanfitie^ 01 o mav be returiieil if they do not prove to t)e as 1 ,, , i 1' -> iv,a • , • , ‘ I ll)s. and ii)i'.var>l, 1 cts. per lo.; less tiiau •> 108., XOrKK. ► KI5S^>N‘‘' indebted to us by I’oml > r Rook account due to .lan'y 1, IH-il. must settle or we w ill make settlements by legal process. J. \ T. WADDILL. 152 Tons of ICE.' AV1N(J filled the 1 e at Campbell- toti with llo'ton I’ond U F, families and II SEW (JOODS. fl'ST rei-eived. mv Fall supplv of CL(>THS, cassIMKKKS and VI>TIN(iS, TlllM- MINGS. \c., of the b«“st 'piility. from New \'ork. \lso, the latest IJeport of the New ^’ork FASHIONS. I still foiitiinio to onrry on tlx* TAILOlilNti nr.'sIN 1',.'!.'^, at my Stand on Hay Btreet, ;ind those who m.-iy favor me with their custom m-i) rely on having their work ilone in a neat and fashionable stx le, and on the most f.ivorable terni'i. AKcmilALD CllAH.VM. Oct. '17. 1>'-.1. :Utf 10. C. IIAI.L, OK IIOMK. ,s'r''ri-ss'i/' uf llnH. Sar/.'ffl ((• ^ IS now recei\>ti'.r his Fall ST*('K of (f(K»DS consisting of a general ass->rtment of Drv ( ioods, S:ui(licr\, llals. Caps, deception too palpable. 11 III ‘ ')olong. fine. Shot's, i lardNN arc, (•roc'ries. A much larger and more general stock than pi'nc'l on the F.ast side of the Ca]»e Fe:ir I they arc represented ; The 'I'eas sold by this (,'onipany lire done up in I lb, h lb, aii'l 1 lb jiackages; tlie first or in side wrapper is of lead; the second, water proof jiaper; the third, or outside wrapper, rice paj'cr; .ilso, in '> lbs (diinese (juat- toons. The Company sell none but gool Teas, done up in this superior manner, all grown In the most luxurious districts in China: they also have Teas of every description in chests tind lialf chests. Country .Merchants w ill find it greati v to their interest to purch.ase tluir Teas of this Com pany, they can select as sm.-ill a ipiantity of each kind .as they like, and have them packed in one chest Hotel Keepers may always be I certain of having on their table a uniform cliHioritr of Tea; and Families nr'v not only be sure of good Teas, tmt can pun hase any quan tity their wants m.ay reipiire. Th- tollowing is n Catalogue of the Teas with the ret.ail jirices affixed. GKKKN TKAS. Young Hyson, d oling Hyson, Sweet Cargo, Young Hysfin, Fine Cargo, \ oung Hyson Silver Leaf—this is a. very superior Tea, $1 WiungH_\son (iolden Chop—this is the tiiiest 'I'ea cultivated in China; it is of the tirst pii-kings, and excels all other (!reen Teas for its didicacy of 11a- vor. strength, and aronn: heretofore this Tea h:is not reached this country, ex cept in small lots as presents to im porters. Hyson, tine, Hysiin, ver_\ superior i'Liiitation, (iunpowder, (Innpowder. line, (iunpowder extra fine, plantation, Imperi.-il, Imperial, fine, imi'erial, extra tine plantation, HLACK TKAS. 0( long, a rich black Tea, Comiiar“ this low priced gr.-ide w ith Teas which are sold at most jilaces us Oolon;; Tea, the ditl'erence is too plain, (12.', (M) •■^1 *I ij^l ^Sl *1 ^1 .'lO 00 .■>(» 7 •*> DO .')0 7 ()(* ;')0 r>o ;5 cts..—at the .Market House beiore !* o’ldock every morning; .arier that time, o cts. per lb. will lie (diarged for all i)U:iiitivie«. The Ice will be flelivcred at ■'» o’«doek I*. M. on Snturdays, instead of Sunday morning'* Cash having been paid fi'ir the Ice, all ne- eounts arising therefrom must he settled we^^kly. The Ice House will Vie opened on the llltb CHAllLKS (JODDAIiH. April IH.VJ. Sotf NOTICK. TIIK undersigned having formed n Copart nership umler the style of JOHN 15.\NKS & I5H0THKR. for carrying on a CO.M.M 1SSK>N and FOKWAKltING 1>1'.''1NES>^, all goods I'on- nii/nrri to them, or ordered, or proiUico sent foi- sale, will be promptly !ittenlel to. JOHN nANK.S. DAVID HANKS. Wilmington, Feb. 2, IS-ji. (,i-‘^tf s Pii IS (; )6i )S. TV O O D S, Roofw, ^hoes, ISonnelK, Which being bought late in the season, (most d’ them at a considerable decline in price,) we ure now prepared to sell them very low. I'leuso call and examine. D. .t W. McLAl'RIN*. April ', IS'il’. 7'Jtf NOTICi:. ' rBlHK Partnership heretofore exisfing ir» JB. Lumbi'rton. between the iinder-'igned, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thos® indebted to the firm will please call on t. \V. McKay, at I.umlierton, who i.s authorized to settle .the concern. JOHN A. ROWLAND. (ilLHI-RT W\ .McKAY. Lumberton, Feb. lia, 18oll. C5Hf E are now receiving our usual slock of STAPI-K AND FANCY 10 o.-t. 1' 1 c. A. '.N!^ M.VNri-A(TntKH OF VLMS .V.M> J.M’A.V T/.v n\iRi:. Tin IMdto and Sheet Iron U'orkrr. I '*' K . itiy .•nipbiyinent comi'etent work- ■ and am prepared to do all kinds of > . .er inCMpPi'.U, TIN orSHKKT IRON, ■ '11 li.uid all the necessary materials i ' Pry f^r making Factory C.ans and ■ .111 t d'. all kinds of factory work that ■ :o by any situiltir Est.-iblishinent in ' . t .r ' lie. P.’itent Factory Can Ring-*, fr ill 'I 1.1 I > inehes: Drum I5c:ids, A;c. ‘.ITTKR AND LF.ADKR I’li’ES t u|. in the best m.inner. ■ v‘ i l ived, a full supply of COOK- lN(i »T(»Vl'>, of the most apjiroved patterns. m very large tor liotcd and pl.-inta- .Mwavb oil h;iiid a good a^sort- - • TIN W ark. ' C. W ANI>nKW.«s, ^ nth F,;isl Corucr Market Squ.are. ' ’ M-tf Esamination ^1^ Kxainination of Edgeworth I ;ii if Seniin.-iry will commence at 'f ” Tl li.sli \Y.May 'lo. and continue ’ ‘ ■’i,'» Wednesday night will be i t'- the examination of the Clues in ■'rv -'i 'tl Thursday niglit. RICHARD STERLING, ir , V. (', 0()-'2w l.'irii U hi^k'cij Just lirct il'cd. I I'HI.S tth proof rectifieil Rye, a prime -rtic.o—North Carolina made, for sale \MLLK1NGS A: C(J. ••-•1“‘2. 'jo-Ct Tea* Tea: Tear. CHEST YOCN'i in.^uN, I ditto (juupow ier, 1 Catty Impcria’, For sale bv CHS. II.VNK.'^. t»ct. 2", ISol. ' 3l-tf Thdt POLISH! fioir it Shines! 10,000 aiu\4‘K Mold %«'illiiii llir la«*t Hint* iiioiitli^! .1, V\ I ARL* rct'inis his th;mks to the public f /r ihe u.ij reoc lentcd en- cour.igei'.ii-nt he has ni-,-t with in the jii.iiiiiftic- turc iiiid •‘lie - f his celebrate 1 PftLlSll, and .it the satn-‘ time '.vishcs it un lerstm.d that he al- wa\s keeps a supjily on liaml for wholisale or ret.lil. lAperience h:is proved that tins Polish is un- surp.i-se I f-r .[uiekness in putting a gloss on b ;ots all ! shoes, ni. I also in prescr\ing the icatlier. I’cr.' .MS wishin,: to oil tlu ir l-iots can use this P.i.ish with e.jii.ii -uci 1 ss inmiediately af- ter-.'.irds; tl.e leather shoui I be rubbed as soon ns the Poiisli is applied, before it 'Iries. This Polish can he found at the store under the Carolini-iu Printing Olfiec. FavetteviUe. Feb. 21. I.^.i2. tutf DAILY A i.i'.MlRVL Ti'Ml.S, make, bv Oct. 1?. IS.M. .-s. rtment of (.'(• 1 P 1' ll ' f tlie bo-1 nianufaeti;;--rs' E. (’. HALL, .f R .m.‘. •■:2tf A. II. w iirrril'jj). ('oach aiitl l.!u:Iii (’arri.iirt* \I iniii'd. t!in*r. ’•il’LIl res; eetri’iiv iiit'.rm t!ic public 1 MO.N f HI HE building of JB. a state coiiimo.lious. a(\\1)i:mv this Institution i- f coiiiplctio;i. It is la It is J'ieasautlv locate.d rgB and n .1 fine 'ro rin: i^riiLic'. ra^HE subscriber has leased for a term of H years, ot R. W. Rrown, Es p. his fire ]>roof Store,'with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion t ) take especial care of Spirits Turpeutine and other Nuviil .'stores committed to his care. The W .-irehousc is well known to be the best .ind safest p'.ace in town for the storage of R.icon, Lard, C .rii, Pe is, &c. The lowei wharves have on them I'o ir large new she''..-*, w iicre Spirits can be sa.ely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepare 1 to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make ad\ances when rei)uireI. He beg-i to refer to the following gentlemen: K. W . Rrown, John Dawson, O. G. Parsl*-y and Thos. Ii. Wright, Es'js. MILES COSTIN, Rrowii’s whai'f, Wiliuiiigton, N. C. Sept. 12, l"'oI. 21-^ T nun tli.a thi: ■ 1 CAUI). low water renders it neces- Steaiiier Chatham should be k tl ',v boat. She will not therefore f'‘t'.t ;ie, on any regular days, until JNi>. I). WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. 1>. (’o. '.)0-tf BI!OTili:i!S Li.\i:. ■^HE Steamer RllOTHERS, and Tow Roats Stevenson, David Lewis, and James ( as- iday, arc prepared to forwanl with despatch all goods Consigned to the Proprietor. The Steamer Brothers is of light draught, and well suited to run in tow K-nter. She pos sesses potcrr and njnu-i/, and is admirably adajit- ed to louvnj, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The I’roprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give sjiecial attention to wav freight and naval stores; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort uml convenience of Pas.seng rs. Ftom his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steamboiit Comiianies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To .Mercliants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shifiped l>y him. will be deliv ered lo their Agents in Fayetteville. His .\gent in Wilmington is DAVID RANKS, to whom all communii'ations may be addressed, as Agent of the Sti'anier Rrothers. JOHN I5.VNKS, Proprietor. Wilmington, Feb. 4, lb52. G.jtf I']ii’08itin? oltl Siutc, AiikY, ShkmWKLL & Co. have just re ceived li splendid assortmefit of SiaUm Casfi- mere, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of tiie public. These^oofls will compete in (luality and durability with the best of Northern Cassiineres, an! are much cheaper, ranging from 02^ cents to $I 2-J per yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14, 1851. 30tf IN STOKE, PLOUGHS and IMough (Hastings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Whe«;ld. i:. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, ISfOl. iieighb'.rhoo.l. and in a \el'\ -.iliibrious part if Robeson count \. t eh e tnili s w est Lniu- berlon. aliout h.ilf mile S'Oiih "f the lea l- ing from thence to Allordsv ilie. The first ssioii tif this ln.s:itutiou will coin- meiice oil th • 2 1 M inday of .Lmuary, 1n-’>2. un der the c.ire of Mr. (ii’,> i Lcitch, who is .1 gr.i- iluatc of the L'niNersiiy of .N..rlli C.irolii.a. J’rrtiis Ilf' Tti'imi. !>• r .''V.'.'i' I'l;; .'■poiling. reading and writing. .Vrithmeti.’, linglish Gran;, (icogra- pliy uiid llistoi v, 10 UO Latin, (Jrcek. French, uni the higher branches of Mathennitii’s, 12 Roar 1 can be obt lined at the .Vcadpmy. and at i-o!i\cnient distances ;ii tiie neighb'.'ihood, at from live to six dollars per month. Rv order of the Tr.i.stees. JollN TAYLOR. S^c’y. Doc. 2'.», IS.'il. .'.o-tf "riios. II. 'riLi.L\;iiAS'i\ niM>K-ESi\02:i:, Andersou St., Fayetteville, N. C., OITO^M K -Mi:. W . \V!.N'U)W’.v l.AW il KICK. Music ne.'itly bound :it short notiee. Pamphlets and Periodicals bound, and old Rooks re-bound, in a sulistantial manner. Dec. S, IS-'.l. 4otf i .m:\v ;o(>os. WE are now recidving a very large and well selected stock of SPRI.N(j GOODS, , consisting of a full assortment of t'anrtf Sfaple BPrtf Ooods^ •_ .Vmoiig which may be found the latest and most fashionable St V les of Ladies' and (.ientlemen's DRESS (iOi)DS, Hats, (.'ajis. Bonnets, Ready-inii'lc Clotli- iiig, IlanJwiirc, (Iroccries, Orugs ami McdiciiicB, Sa(lill«“ry, (.’rockery, I and (Jla.s-swaro. ' A Ifirge and well selected stock of Boots and Shoe.';, and Ladies’ and Gentle- ' men’s Gaitoi'.s, (very fine.) SALT, IKON, MOLA1SSE8 and .\A1J>S. We intend selling as cheap as we can, and wimld be glad if our friends and the public would call and exainine our stock. ! J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. ! March 24, 18-32. 7Ctf th:.t he stii! ci ritinu-'s t . r.irrv oi; tin :ibo\e business i'l ;i:! i(s t.rMiiehes, 11,• returns th;inks for the li ier:il ] :itr' n.i.'e he !i:is receiv ed. :in I hopes U'. a '■triet :it;> 'ition to 'iiisincss. an I I I' sire to ple.'se ;i!l ;i:id .riv.,* s.'it- ist'ai-tioii. to merit ;i continiianee of the same. lie warr.lilts .ill his Work to lie made of the be-t material and hy experienced w oi kiuen; and shoai i any 't' it ;'.iii in twelve months with fair ns-i'.;e. eit'.K r .11 »\ ■rkni.insii.p or m.aterial, lu* will rep,.ir it without charge. Persons »»ishing to buy. woiiid lo veil to call iiii'l e\a:i.i:ie his work liefore jiiirch.ising, as it cannot be surpassed for st_\le, eb-gaiu e, ;ind durability. He is determined to sell low for cash ur "ll short time. (irdei « tli.ankftiily received and promptly at tend.- I 10. ■ RliP.U RlN(t ne.afly executed at short notice and lowest possilile luicts. Fayetteville, Fib. 2, 1S.'.2. filtf e\er oj.enc'l on the East side — which he is prepared and determined to Sell to punctual eiistiiiiiers. either at wholesale or retail, at gre;itlv reduced price.s. Aould call particular attention to hi-* stock of RtlOT.-^ .\ND SH(>E.'s. The assortment is unusually large, and of ever_\ .[iiality and style; :i!id h iving l.em hon..;hl for Cash, he can .11,d 'vi,; -ell tl'.eoi MTV low. ^ 01 til It ••vi h Icn- iiiis wid find it to your iiiteii-^t to ;i t .'^loi'U an ex:imiiiati(>n bet'ore buying eis.Mvhei .'.'•.v:i\a iiii iiati 1, a ge.ieral st'H-k ef tiR.)('E- IliliS. (Kt. I". 1>-'1. ■"2if LL tb.iis.. indelite I to the suiiseriher will find tiieir account' made out hy c.alling at tiie I', ’iii'lry which wiil please be sctlled as early :i« convenieiit. II. ti HALL. t)oloiig. Plantation growth, (tolong, deliidous, !j'l Ne Plus ultra, ^1 This Tea i.s as fragrant and sweet as n nosegay, it yields a perfume that is truly dtdiglitful; it is of garden growth, and superior to anything here tofore S'lld in tiiis country. English Rreakfast, fine. Fragrant I'.nglisii Rreakfa-t, HortiiUa Mixture. — a very rich .'ind hiL;hlv flavored Tea of si|j,. i-ior nu.-ility, 7 Soilliy D. .v: >\. .MiLACiUN, Ag-'iits, Fayetteviile, N. ,\ Copy of the ••Guide to Tea In inkers, " vccv iiii*r sting tre;itise on tiie cuitiirc, iVo., Te.i may be had gr.iiis ;.t tlic r couiin r. March 2S. lS-''2. 77-tf .=iO b2\ M^irch p i|oor t- Ct'ivf HU' Aujju- iu)OK r.i.\!)i:iiY. W. H.MIDIM has resume.1 the Rook I'indii..: Rnsiness at th* new .“store next 'Ir. r.easley. .(ew elKr. w here he will re- xeciiti* biii'iiii' t 1. in allV style desired. 27tf M oi'm a WILL sell my .! MMHli RHSlhKXrK, two miles from the .l/arket. on the Fayette ville and W^sieni i’lank Rijad—one of the most desiratile and healthy plaices in the county. A'so. }(l .s^hares of Fayetteville and W estern Plank Road Stock, and oO Shares of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. j Wiiii the laigc't stock of lleady-mmle CAP.- i RI.VGES and I'.CGt.i 1 K."s ever ot’ered in this j ]ilace—over >'i(HH» worth—completely finished. NOTiCK. TIIIE partnership heretofore existing under the name of J. H. & R. F. Murphy is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .Ml those indebted to the firm, by note or account, are refjuest‘d to call at It. F. Mur phy's, and settle liefore the l.'nh of February next, and thereliy save eost. And those havinj^ claims agaitist the firm are requested to prescut them iuinie^liatelv. J. W. MrRPITV. R. F. MLRPHV. Jati'y 2‘i, 13.')2. (j(->tf .\i:w I'MMi &li:\i'¥i)i¥. fS^ME sii>is''riberfi :irf‘ now receiving I'roni JB- N. York, a large and general assortment of SfapiC and Fnucij DrJf (roods, GllOf’EKTKS, IiAllDWARE, Hats and C;ip.s, lioot.'? aiil Shoes. -Among which are: (’’(.flTee, Sugar, Cotton Ragging, Rale Rop*’. Nails. W indow Gla=s, Swedes and English Iron, K Livery Stable Business. ^■IHE subscriber intends carrying on the fi. abinc biisincs as Having added considerable Sfoi k, he will be able to accotii- miKlate the piihlic. Thankful for p.-ist fa\ors, he solicits a continuance. J. W. POWERS. Jaii'y 20, th.')2. -'.Stf A rev, fll iV 'o. Have one piece extra fine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the attention of the jiublio. (k't. lo, IS.'il. .•’.2tf COrrON YAliXS for .‘^ale bv the bale, at Factory price.s, by STARR & WILLIAMS. March 10, 1832. 72t^ MRS. W AI/I'OX, Mantua-Milker and Milliner, lias just recrivcd a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer BO-\ KTX, and expects to receive them monthly ns long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them us cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the niar- ket. She expects daily a new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimming.s, Rlack Luce Shawls Scurfs and Mantillas. Also Dress and 1 pared to supply all orders with Candies equal "sacuue’Patterns of the latest style. to any made in the United States. These Can to^ Orders from the country promptly at- | dies he warrants to keep in any climate; and tided tt>, and country customers may alwa^'s he will sell to I own or (.ountry merchants, as -lire of irettinsr the latest style of articles or cheap as good and pure Candy can be purchased Imperial, Voung Hyson, Oolong late. Mustard, .'sweet Oil. S. J. HINSDALE. Tlu' I M iV Sl»lili\(; S TOCK. I HE undersigned are now receiving their! ■ SPRING .'s foeK, consisting of i>iiv c;o4>a>KS, IIAKDW \l!i:. f.'aps, an ft Sh»fs, ,\11 of which will be sold low to punctual cus tomers as heretofore. .Merchants and others will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We w ill Hot be undersold. HALL i SACKFTT. March 11, 1S.-.2. 72tf Price >r aSasf^ advancetl. PERSO.NS who have matle contracts with .1. F. Jordan .S: Co. for furnishing R.VGS, are hereby informed, that we will pay 15^ cents per lb. on all Cotton Rags. Riijxi and Ragging, delivered to us after this date. H. RRANSON & SON. March 11, 1852. 72tf FAYETTEVILLE rOXFElTm'ERY. CHARLES BANKS, Coiifertioner^ 1N'F(JRMS the public, that he has refitted his Establishment on Green Street, and has on hand a fresh supply of C.\M>1KS, manufactured by himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, flour, paste, and perni cious paints. His wdiole time and attention is now devoted to making Candy, and he is pre- spuL\(; AM) sr\iMi:ii AREY, SHEmV/-ELL & CO. A RE now receiving diiect from New York - ^ and j’liiladelphia, a complete assortment of .v>!> ;ooi>*«. c nil rising every article i.sually kept in a Dry (ioo.N ,1 1C. 'imong which may be found: I..1 lies’ :iiid (Jentlc’.iien'.s ^re^.s of the very best rn:it.Tial. and liie st fashion.i.— S'leh a variety will >>e •too tedious to mention.' We ha%e the h;inds..niest ( rai'i’ and P. rage Shawls we have eNeroiI'cred in this market: and we would call the attentien of the ladies par ticularly to our vvi v hands('me stoek of Ve- zitc.s, .Mantillas, Parasol'^, and Fans. —.\LSO — Thill Embroideries; Lace and Muslin Cn[ies; Chiniizcts; I ndersleeNcs; Linen ('aniluic ILaid- kerchiefs; EnitiM .’sacks; Infants' Waist:> and Caps; (’utfs and Coli.irs. We would also direct the attention of the la- di( s to our stock of 15( >N \ F.T'', of the latest stvlcs of Jsilk. ('rape and .'straw. V e would not I forget to mentioti oiir stock of Roots and .''hoes, i for ladies, gentlemen an l children. Together j w ith their usual stock of ."staple (Joiid.s, consist ing in part of Dam.isk Table Cloths, and Nap- I kins; Linen and ('otton Sheetings; English. I French, and .\nierican Prints: brown .and bl'idi'd I Domcstics; Marseilles and Grass Skirts; .Mar- i acillcs (juilts, of the best ipialitv, \c. i 19 Moleskin. Panama, Leghorn, Kossuth, and Palm-leaf: and a variet\' of other tloods. To the above stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of Fayetteville and the surroumling country. .\nd would take this method of returning thanks to the public generally for the very lilieral patronage hereto fore bcstowcfl (111 us; and would say, give us a call before buying, ;is we are determined not to be undersold by any. WV keep constantly on hand a good as-sort- ment of Ingrain and IJrussels Carpeting; Sugar and Coft' -e, Tea, Kq. S. S. A REV. P. SH EM WELL. J. R. MCDONALD. 2Ci, IS.VJ. 77tf i Sai-k ami .Vlum ."salt. Imperial and Rlack Teas, j Pepjier, Alspice. (iintrer. Powder, Sl^ot, I Rar Lead, Rar and Fancy .Soap. Together with h groht vMrifty of f thcr nrti- tles. to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are detrrniiie I to sell \ll of which 1 will sell at very reJuced prices | time to those w (lo pay for cash or negotiable notes. ' i promptly, as any house 111 the South.rn country. So little attention has been paid to the call i reduce ot all kinds, at th(;^ highest muiket made by me after the fire of the 2d Jan’y, on i Prices, taken in exchange for ioods. those iudetited to me to call and settle, that I am itidiiced to offer the above property at re- I duced prices to enable me to rcl'uild niy i Carriage Establishment .-ind ciuitinue my I ness with convenience. | 1 shall place notes In proper hands for collec- j tion. if not paid soon. I have all my accounts . made out to the 1st Jaii’v l!S-’2. j A. A. J/cKETHAN. .Varch 21'. 1S.V2. 77tf WAN'ri:!), RARRELS of TI RPEN- '4 r . M r "I " 1H Tl N E. for Distillery at the Plank Road Rridge on Rig Rockfish. The >>est market price will be p.ii.L For further inform ation. inquire of .Fohn W. Murphy, at the liridge. or of .\. A. McKcthaii, Fayetteville. Dec. l.‘. iN'd. ' 41Uf X. H. S'l'AKIU C'K. Trot/, lV>r/»\ lUOX FOrNDKli AN I) .MA('1I IXIST, Maiiufiii'tu) ) r of SfKiiii .1/(//.'• mil/ llnilei'a^ Mill dnirhi'i uf nit /, i)ii/s. /'/>»_///., fBlHE undersigned, as the .\gent of the aViove .MeLEAN JONE.S. .Summenille, N. C., Dec. 8, 18.')!. 47tf ►jTAGE leaves W.\PwS.\W d;iily on the ar rival of the cars, »ay 10 o'clock a. m., and arrives iu Fayetteville at 0 p. m. '.McKlNNuN .j- McNEILL. April 12, 1S.V2. 81 if W ilmin!rton and Goldsborou^-** papers copy until forViid. Patfetfeville SSraneU (L0'i1li\Sij:STiBLlSllMi:\T. J. Ti. While X- a'liderhili, Dra^xr^, Tailors, ami Whulraah and I'r- fait ( ' ttf}iirr.i, 110 William .Strer>t, New York, -\V1) Person street, (iiext door to Rank of Capr* I',) FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. WE would hep leave to inform the citizfn.? of Fayetteville xnil vicinity, that wo have just received our supply of SPRlNfi AND SUMMER GOODS, which comprises a general assortment of ui:ai)Y-madk clothing, W hich will be fouu l worthy the attention of which may be wanted, on apjilicatioii to him. ’’’he .'steam Mills manuftictiired by Mr. .''tar- j pm.i ii;iRers. Our assortment consists in part bue't have been tested, and are highly approved ; following; on tlie Plank Road.s »l>out Fayetteville. EDW D LEE WINSLOAV. FaAetteville, Sept. 4, 1S.">1. 2()tf tended f)« sure of getting patterns. MUiTCll iiO, Fayetteville. March 3i a r 1) \v F actor y. New York or el.sevhere. 3i-;f Cy (JKO. LAUDER. TWII DIIORS IIIIIVE inicri k SOX'S store, Fayelfe»ille, ili. r. Jan’y 20, 18-V2. 5o-l Ypd WAN'rKD, ^ ^ i (J)OD sizeil young MCLl'S'. J. .j- T. WATiDILL. AjijU li, spRiMi .iM) snniii (loiiiis For I r||''inE subscriber would call the attention of H his friends, and the public in general, to : one of '.lie largest varieties of j Sprinjr and Summer Goods Ever offered by him in ‘.his market. Among his as.sortment may lie found:—(ientlemen’s liRE.'sS H.VTS, to-wit: Kossuth, .Voleskin, Rea- * ver. Silk, Rrush and Angola, with a complete i asscu-tnient of all other kinds of Fur and Wool • Hats usually found in this market. ; —ALSO— Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit; I’,•mama. Rice Straw, Pedal, China Pearl, Leghorn (Kos- ! suth style) and I’alm-leaf H.\TS, for Gentle men, Y’ouths, Bovs and Infants. i ' — also— j A ^00(1 assort ment of Roots & Shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies. .Visses, Youths, Boys, Children, and Servants; all of which will be offered on very ac- conlmodating terms for the Ready Cash, or to those that are willing to cash their accounts when presented. JOHN C. THO-V.SON, Sonth-wcBt corner -Vurket Square. Mirvb 2% 77tr (’0.\TS.—I'dack and col’d cloth Dre's, Frock and ,S;ick Coats, all qualities; black and colored ('ashmeret ditto; F'rench and English Drap D'- Kte ditto; Queen’s-cloth and Alpaca ditto; Fan cy Coats of mottled and Tweeds; Ken tucky Jeans; I.inen and Otton Ginghams; Hro., j buff and white Linens; w hite grass-cloth Sacks, ' I'tc. of all qualities. 1 PANTS—(>f black and col’d ("'nrsimere; fancy ■ single-niill'd ditto; French and English Di-ap D Ete ditto; white and col d Drill ditto; Ken- ! tucky Jeans ditto; India anl French Nankeen j pitto, • VESTS—Of black Satin, Rombrvzine, .\lpaca, blstck and col'd Silks; w hite and col’d Marseilles ditto; brown and padded Linen, plain find fig’d; Nankeen. Rufi', (irass-cloth, icc. All of which are offered for sale as low ns can be bought in the New York market, at whole-.ialc and retail. In addition to the above, we shall keep on hand a general assortment of Shirts, I>rawers, j (’ollars, (Vavats, Hosiery, .ic. Also, Clfttha, I Cnssimeres. and Vestings. ! The TAILORING DEPUITMENT will b® I continued iw> before, anil all »ird€*rs for fine Cloth- ' itig will be executed in the nKist fashionable ' style. A. C. HART, Agent. April 8, 18-32. HOif NFAV ROOKS. HALIBURTON’S Yankee .Stories, illustrat ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Boston in 1770; the Old Bell of Independence, or I’hila- delphia in 177t>; (.’amp Fires of the Revolution, or the War of Independence, illustrated; Weld’s Dictionary of Scriptural Quotations; ffarbaugh’s Heavenly Recognition; Catechism of F'amiliar Things; Mathias’ Rules of Orler, for Societies, &c.; Walker’s Rh3'raing and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British Female Poets; American Fe male Poets; Watson’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations: PLiladelphia a.s it is in 18.52; &o. Ek J. ItALE &

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