SEMI-WEEKl, Y. [VOL. 1.] FAYETTKVILLK, N. C., MAY ‘J7, 185.?. [NO. ‘Jl.] ■Hbs " [■KINTHD HV J. H. NEWJjy. 1\]\\\\{D J. SOX, Kl'lTOUS ANU I’HOl’UIKTOHS. . ;\,r till'>ciui-Woi-klv C>iiski;vkii $1 IX) if i 1,1 ;i h iK-e: oO if paid during ihc , iiftcr the j. car lias ,VplIC 1- , Wolkly OUSKUVKK !j>2 (K) per annum, if i ill nihnucf; Jj*- r>0 if paid during the t>r ^3 00 after the vear ,, ,, C\;'lVe.l. \liVKr>Tl>KMl-NTS inserted for si\tv cents ■ V i.iii' f'T the first, and thirty cents fr»r each ■.’i 11- ]'ii'>'.iiMf("11. Yearly adverti.seuicnts .•I'litracts, at reasonable ratos. Ad- i are ro(|ue?ted to state the number of . ,|,s .Ir'ii ed. or they will W coutinued till i ii'.d .-linried ;'ei'ordingly. I 1, t: to the Kditors must be post-paid. Jii^t Ihccircd and for .sale, l.US. N. r. Bacon, liMM) do. do. Lnrd, bus. Corn; bv L.VW ut;.Nt'i:\v II tN br J^ccru'Cif In/ the firift rise in the Hirer, TONS of SWEL>i;*S IHON, by E. C. liALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, :):itf “jliMj’iil mmm, V o n .111 I > A -V.Nl) FORWARDING MERCHANT, ,V. f\ R'f£T' Prompt personal attehtion given to all CojisifrimuMits. and ('ash advance.^ made on I’l'o- duee to be sliij-ped to other port.s or sold in this market. Feb. 12. IS.-,2. Oly ~ DAILY i:XlMU TKO. TONS of llOOl’ lllON. suita>)Ie for Spirit barrels, by f;. c. Hall, of itonie. o2tf Oct. 18. 1S.->I. JiTST in:cEi\i:n. MEN’S unl lioya’ SAUDI,ES. of every quality and style, some very fine Al so. Bridles, Collars, Whips and Wnj^ou lltirness. 1\V E. C. IIALL, of lloific. Oet. 18. 1S,')1. :;2tf w A .\'n:i), ;>(KM) ft. Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1 Jl to 0 inches thiek. 3(KiO ft. Seasoned (>ak Lumber, Ij to H inches. IHOO ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .Vxletrces. loOO ft. Wliite (_(ak for Tongues, bolsters and Shafts. 1’0 I’o.'rt O.ik Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. L’lHMi .Spokes. Eor V. hich tho highest cash i>riec will be paid. Aj'i'lv soon to K. FLLLEU. May r.t, 1831. 72-tf IjCI/kI U nrrnnts Wunivtl. ^B^HK highest pricks paid for any H nnmher of Laud Warrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. ROSE. Agent. Fayetteville, .Vpril M, 18j2. 82tf |jiR»erdy Point ffoii«o. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned Xm either by note or account must settle on or before the first day of .Marcii. Those failing THK rKLi-iuirri;)) i;k’k NO'i'ici-:. 1^00 K 1 A C* V 1^, : undersigned continues t..mnnn^ -EL Spirits 1 urpentinc IS.UlliI.LS. iliose now to do so, will certain’y find their accounts in i the liaiid.s of a collecting i flicer. | llEir.EN Feb'v Its, 18.‘)2. •lONF.S (lOtf TKOV r 'ul'*' ri''cr desirous of making S 'Uie nj;e in hi> business will offvr «t nuc- n .11 I'.it-nlay. of County Court, June ^. a V ■! Caliinet furniture—such its Secretii- . ii,) H'ok Ch-;.-*. Sj.le Hoards. IJureaus. r>c«!.'tc.ids—mahogany and m.'iple. lia- ii i I 'aiidle St.’iuds. Chairs of every a;i ! many other .-irticles not eiiu- . A r..tton »!iu, which may be pro lix iiKiiiual or horse power. Terms lib- 1 Ilia le known at sale. DI NCAN McNEILL. '1 I''.'i2. ^‘i-tf I I ('nbi/K-t Fifr/iilt/rc, ( 7/f/jV.v,'' TBIH E subscriber is receiving the largest ns- sortmcnt in his Hue ever lipfoie purciiased at the North, w hich, toj^cther with his own man ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con- -«i?ting of (,'linir>. Tublos, Si'fas, IJi'tlstonils, Wash 1 l>uroau>, L >nkiu;r ('xs, | Side Hoards, Secretaric.', vtc. | -Vll L‘f which will be sold on the lowest terms foT ! t'ash, or on short time to punctual cu>iomers. | sT()KAc;i:. E have commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other prodi'.ce. I). & W. McLAFIMN. Nov. 1, 1851. ;!7-tf Ni:\V MI SIC, «K>NSlSTlN(i ot Songs, I’olkas, Waltzes, iVe., (Slc. Just received. E. ,F. HALE & SON. April 1 t. mm r\Ri)Li\\ insikim'i: ('dmimw, OF CHAIILESTON, S. ^ IHARTEUEI) by the State of .''outh Caroli- ^ ' na, with a Cajdta! of •'j^2.')0,‘Ml0, all paid in and well invested. Fire, .Marine, River and Life Uisks. ('HAS. ED.MONl>ST()N, I’rcs't. L. Toni.vs, Sec'y. I)IUE(^TonS: lionKiiT >L\i:ti.n. Col. .Jamks n.M>siu;x, M. ('. Moukkc.m, ('has. II. S. Muwuy, .Jr. IIknuy Cohia. i ho Subscnhor still l The subscribers having been appointed agent* contiiuu’« to earrv on the •’AIUNKT ! in this jdace for the aliove n.-.ined company, are HrSlNE.''S in F«.\etteville, and in addition to his Est.-ibiishment on Ilow street, near Ei-cles's Rridge, opened a larire WARE ROOM on Hay J(MIN W. Oct. r.o, 1«.M. 15AKEK. ■>tf a m:\v hooks. by the author of the Wide. Vti.jt* Worid: Romanism at Home, by Kir- t’r- Farmer's Dictionary, by D. 1’. (iard- M 1>.; tlie Wide. Wide WorM; >.v,c., i.Vc. Just received. L. J. HALE v'i SON. 1:2. lSo2. 1 KW A UT, BUSS I Mi & CO.'S EXTRA QUALITY :K.\ M liLliM.l! I’CIIK II A KD C'A .\ Ul IVIt K.VruUTATlny. k T prices wl.ich niercliHnts. who purchase t-i sell by- the Box of ;i'»ibs., 1 .ttid «>ther«i find lower tL;yi the same good HAKI> ■ !'!!!S can be Lad of any other house iii \ .rk. 1’ STKV. ART. lU'S.'INw \ CO.. oV'b I’earl St.. N. V. iv2!. 1 >.'2. ',i;5-law !'w [>d >rMMi:U C'LOTIIlN(i. !-)Si;ribers have lately received F.Iack > :i t an 1 Di-ab D Ete Dress and Frock . li k and Fancy .Mpaca Sacks; Tweed !' *v !i and \ ellow Linen Sacks and '•!: :t.-. lJutf .m l Fancy Marseilles \ e»ta; .:i' ilutf Liueti d‘».: .''Lirts, \c., \c. S^ U. TILLLNGIIAST \ CO. :7. K2. i'--tf • '/nrlf Panitrr Wautfd. ('(»\ni I'Al.NTKR will find 8t4M- :• > mi-nt .ml gi>jd wages ou apidi- .1 I'dr 1,1 find lirrtntifitl Uoide/iCf von sam:. fB^lIE Subscriber v.ishing to remove to the JH South-we>t, would sell his lands in this county, upon reasonable and accoiainodating terms. There are about 2700 or "iMiO acres, all lying in one bndv. ajid ;f which 4"^' or acres are in cultiv.ition. The Plank RojiJ nf the .loint StiK'k Comput.y, fr >m Fayt ttcvillu to Ra't igh, will run within one mile of the re>; b nce. .Most of the lands that are in cult'.vatiiin lie within three mile-* of the (’ape Fear River, adjoining the lands of .John Williams and others. The above situation is very desirahle. from the fact that it is surrounded by t'.e best of neighbors and si.M:iet%. The sub.'^criber might say much more by way of inducement: but he deems it unnecessary, .as tln’se wishing to purchase can call and see for themselves. The al>ovc lands can be divided so as to suit purchfiers ,\ny further information can be given by ,ip- plicafioti to the suSs-ril>«'r. or liy letter addi-CfS- ed to him at Kin^sburv, nmberland t'o., .N. C. h: street, nearly o]>i>osite tlje Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messrs. Haigh & Sou's, where a general iissortiuent of I'LllMTLRK, Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices conesponding with the times. Also, an asst.rtnient of N' rthern-made FCRNl- Tl'RE, selected by himself, which will be sold at a verv nioilerate advance. Dl’NCAN McNKlLL. Nov. 10. SJ'tf E keeps on hand .an ass irtinent of Fisk’s II which I'.aM' been highly reeouimend*'d by \N illi** r. -NL-ingum, Henry I'lay. Lewis Cass. \S ni. R. King, an ! many otiier illustrious characters, who have examined .-iiid w iliie>~*fl tlieir utility. Feb, W 11,1.1 A MS. 02 tf A. H. I'-'2. WHITFIELD. '.«2tf L !!• .M sr Ki), 'hKI» OIL. I' . 'r l.e:i 1 ,incl I’ntty in Oil. —ALSU— - ‘'i;u rfuciks. LEETE .'i .JOliNStsN. 2 l^oors ^\est C. F. IJ ink. . ■, I'-.J i'2tf \1ILLIUI I. uvi;ii. i nuw A UDING A-M) MMlS.sloX MKIU/HA.nT, WILMINGTON, N. C. '''N VL attention jpveu to the sale or ill 1 Naval Store*. 1 liaTC ample > !-r I' Mducting the bu»ine»f; large ^ nhe Is to ke^-p spirits from ” «tore will be shijiped to any !i ,V w York, or to other markets if •. II: 1 liheriil cash ttdvanccK made on • N, 1 refer to l!;inuUi. Wayne County, irolT Il.ill, .Ji.hiiston Co., '■:t r“;i:nck, Columbus Co., 11. U.irtJen, i L. Vail. Rladen ^ . •''inith. \ 1 ngram, Johnston Co., \ .J, Jones, '^iiiith \ .Jones, “ F .unt.iin, E.^q., I." I’cii.i-'.. Es‘[,, “ - . J. ‘ ^^:^y IS AM) FlILiT. 'it .'^hell .ilniondK. Ill vtil Nuts. I.ii-'a,h Walnuts. F-.'-rts. ' Ki;is. I'P I'rimes in f.-incy .lars. half, anl rjr. lioxes Raisins. ■ ' ' I’ic.scrvi'd (jingcr. • 2. .lars I’ickles. •'•ii'.rar and Water Crackers. .Just received l»y CHARLES BANKS. ^ -■>. !vV2, 8.->tf BROWN nEROSSiyr, .'^Vir I'or#.*, Di'.ijossi: r cV liuowx, f'., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J.Nu. P01T.S IJkou n, Akmami j. DkUusset, Jr. ]I. F. 15uu\vx. M 1.\SH iidvanees will be made on consignment ® of Produce for s.ile either in Wilmington or New York, ai.d Cotton will be forwarded lo the New York H' :iic fi-ee of t'ommission ut Wilmin'.rton. .March 22, l.-^.’.2. A DESlRAlil.K RE^lDKNCl-: FOR SAI.K. fBIHE .‘nbscri»H'r now offers for sale rdl his M. T'lrpentinc and F.irming L.V.ND, contain ing about CIM) Acre.., situated 12 niiU-s E.nst o) Fawtteviile. on the (Joliixborougii road, com monly kuowii as I’ahnyra. It has a good 1 welling house, out-be.ilding.v ic., and :i store where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a TvKurrKn tari:. rW1Hllon;H Tickets between Wilmington. N. B C.. "iiifl Ualtimore. Fare Jj:i:’.. \ ia Wel don, I’etersl'urg. Richmond. !iud Washington Citv. or via Weldon, I’ortsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets ajtply at the Ofiice of tUe Wil- niingti n and Raleigli Rail Road Comp.iny at W ilmington, or at the Office of the H.iltimore .'Nteam i’ackct Comjiany. and f>f the Haltitnore and Ohio Rail Road Company, I’ratt Street. Raltimore. .Ian. 1. isr>2. o.’»-tf General Agency and Commission Business. rjlHE SuJiscribers have this day entereii in- JL to a Ci^partnership under the style of W!IIT,\KER. WHITFIELD «'0.. for the purpose of doing a general agency :ind commi,'*sim bu,*^iness. and in >fferinjr their ser vices to the j'ubiic in that capacity th»-y flatter theni.>,elves that they will be .able to give satis faction lv> all those who may consign any go..d.s, wares, no’ndiandize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forwar.l. As it will be f>ur greatest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to sjiare no pains in trying to give jieneiid sati^taction. They respectfully solicit the patronage d' their friends and the public generally. Their store is No. I-! North Water Street. Dickinson’s Fire proof building. Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER. JA.MES W. W iUTFlELD, A. A. li. SOITHALL. Rekk.ukncks;—John Diiwson, I’otter A: Kid- I’arslev. Samuel Reery & Sons, G. prepared to receive offers and issue policies of insurance on Fire. .Marini*. River r.nd Life Risks, on terms. .Ml losses incurred at this agency, will >)e promptly adjusted ami paid bv the undersigned. DcROSSET r.ROWN, N R, Risks will be taken on the lives of sliiveM oTi the mo^t liberal terms. U ilmington. N. .March 27. l.'^.'>2.—77-tini IRON SAFKS. fiiri>"'The stiLseribcrs, AiriiiN f,>r llu‘ sale of WILDERS PATENT SA I. \ M A \ HER : S.U'ES. WITH RU'H S IMPR()VEM ENT. of-: fer them of all sizes and jiatterns. ilelivered in Wilmington at the Manufacturer s New York j prices. I These Safes are warranted eoual if not s.ij>e- rior to any others manufactured. t»rdcrs will icceive prompt attention. Hi iiossKT \ i;i;ow_N. \Vi^n>in"toTi. N. ' . .M:irch ‘Ji’i. 1^ >2. 1 1--‘m NO'i'iu:. ! A T.l. pei'ons indelUed to the subscriber (Vir t.iKnis purchased at Floral College are re- juestecl to make imnu'diate p:iyment, either to Mr. Hugh .Mc.Vrn in the iieighborhL“..i,L or to himself in Cheraw. D, R. McARN. Cheraw, Dec, 2*. 1>'.'»1. .'lO-tf W SI Rl’LV. F. are now receiving our winti-r supply ofdooils. U doii,.j lielow the .Market House. S(uith si'le l’ev--«n street, where may be tound the foilowintr article.-*: Sujfiir of all grades. Coifoe. ■> liiids. ('uba M'llasses—sweet. ;’i r.b!s, .'svrup—a superior article, (Jrerr. and l>lack Tea^. Cheese of thr(‘e difl'ereiit qualities. Rice, Pepper ;ind .''pice, Roi>e and lia;_ging. I'lO lU»!s. .NIackerel, .^hoes anl Ro' ts of extra largo size. Shovels. Spades ami Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points, ,\\es of the best brands, Knives and Forks, Nails .iiid Iron, .-.o.oiio lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a gre;it ni.iiiy other articles chrap for ("'asli or exchanged for Protluce. ('all and see. CROSS CREEK CO., C. Renbow, Pres't. Dec. 20, IS.Ol. jl>-tf as for sale hy the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville Street, and in Fa\ette\ille at -Mr. A. M. •.'ampbell's. 'i'ho Sniiscriber hereby fbrrw.-irns all p>rsons from i-urehasing any of tliese Stoves from any jiersoi; either in or out of North Carolina, e.\- cejit from himself or iiis duly authori/.ed .\gents. He has j'un-hased the exclusive riglu to vend this StoAe within the State, and will jirosecute any peison infiinging his right, either by jiur- ehasiiig, selling, or using, any excejit those ob tained IVoni himself. .)(».-i;PIi WtJLTERINfi. Raliigh, .Vpiil 10, l.'^.')l. (istf 10,000 W ANT Lit. 'rii(' Sub.'^ci ihcr li:is iio'a oik* of tlie most extensive and best assorted stocks Double ami Single SHD'f CL.N.''. PLSTOLS of the most su;ie:ior ([Uality,—Coil's Repeating and ,\lien's Revolving, of every iuality,—Pow der Flasks, .‘'hot and (;.‘iine Pags, Percussion Clips of I'nglish and I'reiich make. Also, the most coiiipiete assortment of (Jun fixtures that has ever lieen otl'ered in this section of country. Shot duns. Rifles and Pistols made to order or repaired. Ritles ni.idi- to order, and w.-irranted to shoot from one to five liundicd vards. -Air (inns made to order ,-it short ni-tice. To all of which the- attention of Sjiortsnien I and olliers is respectfullv invited. '.M. A. RAKEll, I S'-/// of' till' 11. ILiy street, nearly opposite the MarMe Y.ird. F.ayetteville. N. (ict. 0. l.'^.'»l. 2?^tf To i\ertsH>rs anei f H'1 H E s.uliscribei s, as .\gents for the liiiport- ers, have made an-.ingemcnts t 1 keep eon- stantlv on hand a siipplv of best PERI'NI.W (U'ANO AND AfWUcri/i'CR\L PLASTER.: wliich they will .sell in |U,antities to suit, as elu'ai' y- they can be purch.iscd in tlie Northern citii-s. adding only the actual expense of getting tlum here. J. .'V D. McRAE CO. W ilmingt 'n. Feb. 2^, 1>‘.'>2. 7 5-8m TTiUM.N I IM: LAM) FOR S.VI.E. sale, o'.'o ac’.'i s kC L.\ND on James a Creek, and 04U r.cres on Cypress Creeiv, i;i Ciiml erlaiid. convi'iiient to the Westerii Plank Road, heavily tiitdu reil. ;io i a Imirat'ly :olapte I , to the making ot'Turpentine. '■ -\p!'lv at til’s ►tlice. Nov.'2''. 1^.M. Htf STAUR \ WlLiJA.MS, WllOLE.'JALK DEALF.RS IN it ltd ifotnestic Mtry j iMOOfls. I BiAV ^*rRB:r/r, Fayetteville. N. C. -I. R. ^T.\ItI^] [.I. -M. nil.I,I.VMS. i .Vpril 2s^. 1.'''2. 8’itf S;.Cu/t'l tV Sin/i;/Kr S/oc/i'. s rARIi M W ILLl.V.MS (ll'I.D announ-e to iheir customers and the pu!>lie pi iierally. iliey are now re-eiving birge additions of S’-IJi/r !h >f (^ikiiIa, Sh'ii'Sj ISii'if:^, to tiu-ir •■arly .'spring purchases, to which they especially invite the attention of country nier- on haiul guage 4:5 to 4'> gallons, and arc made td the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want ing :i good article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Rarrel> for the next twelve months made on favorable tevnm. T. S. L’CTTERl.nil. March 22. If^.yJ. 7.'.tf 'rOBAlX’O. A (lOOD STtK'K on hand: and 1 ^hall re- .t"* ceive regul.-irly, from Messj's. J. .Jones & Co s Factory, (|u;iiities assorted from eomiium to very line, which 1 will sell al lowcst niaiiufuc- tiiriniriirices. J. UTLEV. Fayetteville, .\pril 18.')1. IHitf SIS ranee* >ETN.A Insurance Coinpaiij' d‘ llnrt- ford, having ]>aid tlie tax imposed by the Pievenue Law of the late Legisl.ittire, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- ]>are'l to issue Policies of Insurance on Ruild- injis or (ioods, eitlier in this 'J'own or in any l»art of the State, on proper a[iplicaii(Ui, de scription of the Property, iS:c. The .KTN.\ CO.MP.\NY been in operation Fire-proof Slair Rooft. 4LL jtarties abovit to ereet Fire-proof Rnild* ings will do well to cnll on the «nbs.Tiber,, I iim prepared to contract for Sltite and Met al Roofing, (luiters. I..eaders, Leader-heails, and every thing Ix'iongjng to tiie Roofing buaineSH. to give instruction.'' in I’oofing for !bite. to make it efl'ectuHlly jiroof against fire !ind water. FKAM'IS SHENTON. Fayetteville, March 1, 18'>2. 7]-.‘>m CAVILINC,. In .1 few !n»tances. l>r. Littb* h.'i! heard of doctore caviling about the course he has thought proper to pursue in compounding ami veinling niedicineB for family use. Mo.-t generally it has happened where they were j.opnhir, or h.nd been given with a maiked degree of success in a case tirnt had been previou*:’y l;ent(»d. Now, this sort of petty opjiosition is too groveling to need much reiut.-aion; ami certfiiiily emanales from no member worthy of tin noble and plii- lanthropie jn ofession of me liiiiie. to .say tho least of it. If. nndi r the j'retext that noiiiing is to be given but what they know or under stand, then it is certain that vi.ry iiiMiiy ot'ihein ought to give but very little, ticcording to tiiut rule. The design of Dr. Litt’.'s Ph.Trni.'i ■‘eiiticftt Medicines is to euro hucIi maladies iis theyjire recommended for. bv whi(di families and all about ;o years. It? enfiital is I otlK-r.-j can succeed as ceitainly as by anything 'I'he Mon. 'I hos. K. I'race was its first President. | known in physic. So far, lie is hnjipj' to iiflirm and he still holds that ofliee; and several of its j they have not only met his most sanguine cs- lirst Directors are still active ami eflicient mem- ! ]>eetations. but have beyond riva’ry, even btrs of the IJo.iid. it has at all times sii.stained j d' the constant attendance of j hy=iician,'i in the hi,trhest character for the prudence of its 1 many instances. Jiy a long comse of practice. inanagi-meiit. an»l for the liberality with which it has ever :idjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, .Agent. March 10, IS.',1. »;2-tf .irsr Ri:('Kivi:i). P.P.LS, WIll.^KEY, ^5 ^,.5 10 hhds. Mo!:,.«.ses. 1 ijr. cask [>ale Fremdi lirandy, 1 '• •• .Madeira Wine, l.'i bags Rio t’oflee. A boxes Medium Axes. — ALSO— Rroi ms: Hearth Rri.shes; .Jute Door and Rug- ;_'y Mats; Tanners' Cuir!ei-.s' Knives, Workers, and .s^motith i'les'iers; and an iiddition to our FREN( 11 CHINA. S. W. TlLLINfill.VST .V CO. March 1, 1^02. b'Jtf LIjS. \\’00!, wanted, by H. RRAN.'^oN ^ ."^ON.* 8Stf w rare chance for turpentiue getters, niercliiiiits, p„rslev, Samuel I5ee ,\;c. and w ill be sold a bnrgaiii. Any one wish- , ^ Mitchell, ing to j.iir-base, and wishing further informa- > rrioci tion, can apply on the premises, to I M I-O I'M V 11-tf J. W. .Ml'Ri’HY, or P. TAY'LOR, Fayetteville Julv 2Cth. 18'»1. 8tf tf ^ KlNti and A. .Mc.MlLL.VN have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery ot Turpentine, ami have erected a Still on the W e«t side of the F.iyettcville and Wc«tern I'liuik Road. 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KlNt;. ilav7Itf A. Mc.MiLLAN. T K wish to buy 20.(MMI barrels Tur]>entine. ' KINO & McMILLAN,_ Sellitiff off' al Cost! {;khat i{.\K(;ai.ns! Tho .stjb.«cril>cr is desirous of ciianging his business, and wishes to sell off his presetit stock of Goods immediately, consisting in part of Staple and I'unry Drjf (roods,, EmJir.acing ti fine .“tock of Ladies’ Press Goods, Rarege, Barege Le-I.ains, Dotted and plain Swiss MusHns, colored ditto, Barred, Jaconet and Cambric .Muslins; col’d Summer Silks. Also, ft general assortment of black and col'd Silk Dresses; a large assortment of Hosiery. Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, .Jeans, and Satti- nets. A general assortment of Summer wear for (lentlemen; all kinds of Linen goods. Also, a large stK’k of Boots .a ml Shoes, Hats, Bonnets. L'mbrcllas and Para.sols, Hardware and Crockery. Wines and French Brandy. I The above stock is offereil at the mere cost i here. Country Merchants and all others buy- ' ing Go.kIs in tiii.- market, will do well to call and examine, as I am determined to sell and close out my present stfick, which is large and fresh, and well selected. Jan. 2‘.t, 18.»2. Dr. T. I>. II A II, \S taken an Ottice on Day Street, West 4-tf II of the Hotel Buildings. July 11, ' ’ R. M. ORRELL, F0R\V.\RD1\G t'U>l)IISSni.\ .TIKRCHIM .\T Fay€*tleville, March 10, L‘'.)I. 10 )2-tf .11 sr RKciavKi), P1ECI> CANTON MATTINt:, and t)-4, red, checked, and white. —ALSO— 4-1 )1.U'I1I\1'; SllOl' iV 1DIMIRV. i lark A: l>i\OBi, MilII njiicfu!') /•>: f)/" iH m:.! nf llnrM' /*iirt i‘s (tut/ Thri!ihiui Miir/iiiirs. \ /tnili l*iirfo/i/i‘ mill Stilioim\ ]\n'>( C>irt/in'/ Md- v/iiiirs, S'niir ('iiffn's nj raintn^ jiattirini, Wlfnt J'liiia, Mill and Fmlori/ fjrnr, Saw ami (1 rUt Mill Iniitis, Hark Mills, Ethje Toolf., tlT. d'c. «{■'■. rj^HEY respectfully inform their customers Jl. and the public, that they continue to car ry on their business at their .Machine Shop, near SNOW CA.MP, .Alyir.ance ciunty, North t'arolina. where they are prejiared to e.xecute all w ork in their line w ith neatness, punctuali- I ty and despatch. W ith an increased variety of ! tools and labor-saving machinery added to out ^ establishment the past winter,—a well selected I assortment of materials purcha.sed at the low- j est cash prices,—workmen of known skill and ' ability, together with long experience in the ' business,—fully justify us in saying, as to ipial- . ity and price, our work has not, will not, and shall not, teull'er in comparison with any other Shop in the South. Cirateful to the public for p.nst favors, they chants. Orders Solicited, and every exertion made to give s.itisfactiou, S. .S; . Fayetteville, .April 2s. 18-'i2. S'ltf (Iffirr of lilt' (’. r. i\ n. II. Niiv. I'u, ) J‘iTr.'SBiiU(r, Aiifil 24, | NOTKl’:. I ri'I', is herehv driven, th.-it all inst.ill- ment.s on the sutiscrijuious to the stock of the C.qie F'ear and Deep River Nsviga- tiou Company, made prior to the Isth of July. 1S.*>1. have become due: .‘in 1 said subscribers who may lie in arre:;rs. are liereliy reipiired to m.ike payment within one month from this L.te, or their stock will iie advertised for s.ile. ac cording to the '.*th scction of the act chartering sal I 'oiiip.-my. P>v order of the Board of Directors. MJ-l’mJ J. J.VCKSO^, Clerk. I LOOK AT 'I'lll.S! Sifriuisi find Summer imiUPtPS,, just recl'ived, —Al.SO— llats, Ciips, lionncts, lioots and Shoos. street, op]>osite to ^lessrs. North side Hay Cook iV .Johnson. Loaf, (Jranulated, N. O. Clarified. New Or- 1 solicit u continuance of tlieir patronage, leans, and .Muscova-lo Sugars. Sugar House ‘ Syrup. 10 crates assorted Crockery. IOCK) Porter anu Wine Bottles. S. W'. TILLING HAST & CO. April 13, 18.VJ._ .>0,000 Ihn, ol'Kn^s Wanted. fWlLL pay :U cts. per pound cash for all clean cotton and linen RAGS, delivered to W, S. LATTA. 80 tf J. D. Williani.s, in Fayetteville. I am nearly reailv to put in operation n Paper Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as 1 cun afl'ord, and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets tor my supplies. I have iu*ran,ixed with Air. Willi.ims to receive and pay for .all rags delivered to him. DAVID MURPHY'. Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1852. 08-tf Hotchkis«’« V€*rfical Wafer Wheel. N. B. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is ••first come first served.” Letters ad dressed to the sub.scribers. at Snow Camp, N. C., will receive prompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIX(1N. March 18.'>2. 71-Cm May a, 1852. ISAAC DOUD. 87tf TO IIIRK, tS.M.UIT. Apply to .May :■!. 1852. ”)() j)0.\C sale bv Mav :l. .VCTIVE BOV. lo rears old. H. BRANSON .'c SON. 87 tf Window (ii:iss. lor s. J. HINSDALE. S7tf M.iy t;. l .s.'',2. A i'KOC i>.\ .\TaTK )N, /li.s E.iiilliU‘11 l).\vii> s. i;i;ii). (iht- f/•//'//• of till' S/ati of ^ij/ tl, { 'arulrna. V\ iii;i!K vs. thr*e-tiltlis of the whole number of nieinbers of e.ich House it ihetieiieral .\s- sembly did at the last -cssion pass the follow iug Act: AN ACT to aiiieiKl the CuiiJ^tltutioii uf Ni'i'lli Cariiliua. \\ iiKitK.As. The freehold (lualifieation now re- '[iiireil for the elect'irs t> r members f the Sen ate conflicts with the fc.ndriment.-i! I’rinciples of lilierty: Therefore, Skc. 1. ISf it ihacU! Ill/ th' (iriitiiil A^Kunhty nf tl,r Slulf ’/ ym tli {'.'/•(./.'/of, UH’l it if liiril/i/ null-;,:! !,ij d,, millfirilii nf' thr .\jiiii-. three-ulths of the whole num'oer of iiiemSers of each Honst* o.nciirring. that the second clause of third sec tion l^f the first Article of the amended Consti tution ratified liv the people d' North Carolina on the second Mond;iy of November. A. D., 1S.‘!5. be :imendeil by striking out the words "and possessed of a freehold within the same district of fifty acres of land for six months next fietore and at the tlay r>f election. " so that the said clause of said section shall read as fcd- . lows: .\11 free w liite men of the age of twenty- one y e.'irs (except as is h(-reinafter deelaiedi who have been inhabitants of any one distric( within the State twelve mouths immediately ; preceding the day of any election and shall ' liave paid |>ul>lie taxes, shall l>e entitled to vote for a member of the .'senate. Skc. 2. AV it /art/nr eiiarlfd. the Gov ernor of the State be, and he is hereby directed, to issue his Proclamation to the people of North CHrolin.a. at least six jiionths before the next 1 ® election for members of the (ieneral .Vssembly. | setting forth the purport of this Act and tin j amendment of the ('onstitntiou herein proposed. ; which Proclam.-ition shall be accompaniel by a I ' true aul perfect copy of the .Vet, atuhenticated by the certificate of the Secretary of St.-lte, and ' both the Proclamation and the copy of this .Act, the Governor of the Stati* shall cause to lie pub- j lished in all the newspapers of this State, and ' y.osted in the Court Houses of the resjvective Counties in this .s^tate. at le:ist six months be- fore the election of members to the next Gen- ^ eral .Assemtily. ■ Read three fitnes anl .igroed to by three- fifths of the whole number of members of each Hous(* respei'tively, and ratificl in (Jencnd .Ys- ' seiublv, this the 24th dav of January, IS.M. J. C‘. DORP.IN.'S. H. C. } W. N. EDWARDS, S. S. I Statk or Noinii Cai;oi.ixa, ) i (tifiri' nf SiTi'fliiri/ 11/ Sfiilf, ) 1 Wii.i.iAvi llii.i., .Secret.-iry of State, in aiifi i for the State of North ('arolina, do herel>y cij- ! tifv th.-it the forcLoing is a true and perfe-t ' copy of an .V’t of the (ieneral Assembly of this State, drawn off I'rom the original on file in this ofhce. Given under my hand, this olst ilay d' December, IH-jl. WM. HILL, S'c'j/of Stair. united witii an active fiiiig business more siilj- seijuently, he has been enable.I to stufly «ml ]>erfect fnvoiite coiMpounds. Not until they proved to be far in adv.'ince r.f tht usual preparations of the day. dil he venture to offer them to the )>ublic. Tiiis has been done in Jic- ccrd.ince with the light of scientilic moiUcine, aiKt if not. let :iny phys;ci::ii of character point it out wherein he has failed. TONIC BITTER.S AND VEGETABLE PILLS. To lie used together, f'.r the cure of Dyspep sia. in all its complii-.-ited forms; as the Loss of .Appetite. Confined Rowels, Debility, I'ulpita- tions, Languor and wrelcholness of (eeling after nieais. ((ppressions al>oiit tiie Stomach. *:c.; al so, frefivient attacks of Headache, \ IcerotiS Disenses, and to prevent the return •d' Chills and Fevers, Nipht .Sweats. \c. To o'lviate costiveness. the Vet;etiib!c Pills are a most excelicnt remeily: as tlieir uciioii id mild, without neauseating the stomach. The fac-s!ini!e t)f the .signature of Dr. W. Ct, i Little will be found upon liio outside wrapper, ! Sold wholesale and retail, by the I’roprietor, I at his ManiiJ'acturing Depot. No. 2‘i4 .Murket ! street. Philadelphia, and Macon, ('rcorgi)i. To be had also of James t 'ain. RocktisL; A. W atson. Fbu'al (.'oUege: TovMisend l*oug' lass, Bennettsville: Dr. 1’. M. Cohen. ChMrles- ton: C. C. Barbee. P>arcLiysviUe; P. F. I’cs.-ud, Raleitdi. s'. J. HINSDALE. Atent for Favetteviik’. DAJLV KXinXTKD. I (JENEP.AL A.SSORT.MENT oi HOl-LOV,*- ^ WARE, by E. C- H-VLL, ol'Rome- Oct. 18, I'Sol’. 5^2tf M' yew Books—Medical, EIGS' A'cljteau’s Midwifery: Memlenh.sll’s Medicfil Student's Vadc-.Mecum; Mur phy's Review of (.'hemistry for Studenta; Bid dle's Review of Materia Medica and Therapeu tics. for Student.('raige’s Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeaux's Midwife ry; Hastings' Minor Surgery; Reese's Aw. Med ical Ftirmulary; the Physician’.'! Pocket Pre scription Book; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in .Surgery, Dentistry, kc.: Morfit’s Chemical and Piiarm.-ieeutieal .Manijuilations; Beasley’s Druggist's Receijit B.ok: Ditto Pocket Formu lary; N'oad's Chemical Analysis; Wythe's Micro- scopists' Manual: Wrights .\m. Receipt Book; Overman’s Pr.-ictieal Mineralogy. .Assaying and Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Ranking » Half Yearly Abstract of M€>dical Sciences; .Vc. E. J. H.VLE & SON. IRKOKM/S RKPORTS. fCST t)uJ>lishcd. Vnl. 12 Law. and Vol. 7 j:>iuity. Price is:^. ■'iO and ^o. These ar» small volumes, in cousetiuence of thr RejxirtcT making new arrangements for publishing. Bound vols. exchangeil for Nos. as usual. E. J. Dec. 18.-)1. HALE .V SON. 10 Rarrels Nortii C’aroiiiiii seed OIL, for sale by II ERE arc several hundred of these AVheels j goods from my Shop on the morning of the . [ tr, itH'oi.oiif eiinnties in North I But for their kindness and exertion. SOI THKRXKR \\ Fayetteville every Wednesday J*"'* •'^atiinhiy, at 7 o’clock, A. -M., and ','"‘*'‘;-'ton at 7 o’clock, P. M. And ‘^"'itigton every Mundtiy and Thurs- laiir April Ut, 1H.V2. _ __ WII.KINSON & ESJ.KR, DEALERS IN Coiijirtionar^, Furehjn t rmtx, ^uts, To bacco, and Snvfff AND IMPORTERS OF iiavaka cigars . - ’ 0-°> at WHOLE8ALK AND RKTAII-. „ ' , Market St., Wilmington, N. C. I). WTLIJAMS, i jAug. 7.1H3). ntf Forwiif'Uing' T. C. WORTH, •^erehftut^ COMMISSION ANU FOilW.\RDIM: MERCIIAJiT. Fayetteville, N. C. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oatf ! Feb. 1, 1851, .M., and arrive ia Fiiyette- R. .M. ORRELL, Agent. 85-tf 57tf in operation in different countie.s in North j inst. But for their Carolina. For proof of their great advantages , would have lost all. over the common flutter wheel, or any other j whecds now in use for saw mills, we confidently ' refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend tliem purticuliirly f«r their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. W’e still keep a supply of W’heels, suit-ible for different head# of water, at Wilmington, New- bern, Wa8hington, Edenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also Jie bad of E. A. Brevard, Lincolnton, and L'riah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served ou application to D. McNeill 6: Co., Fayetteville, N. C. * D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETlIAN. D. J. McALISTEK. Feb’y 22, 184y NOriCK. 4LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, ar« reijuestcd to call and settle the same as early as possible. He may he found one door West of Lilierty Point, with the most of his ready-iiiade work saved from the late fire. Persons in want of any articles in my line of business, wouhl do weU to call, a.i 1 will liell cheap for cash, or on time for approved note. “ JAMES SUNDY. Jan’y 10, 1852. _____ FUR'lTlKR NO'I'ICE. Itjike this method of returning my sincere thanks to those gentlemen who saved the " ’ ■’(! I May o. ‘20 Rari'ois P.VINT, for sale by Mav S. J. HINSDALE. 87 tf Blake's l-'irc-proof s. J. HINSDALE. 87 tf ")()() dozen l’>s'!(‘nccs, C'olon;ne Water, Opedeldoe, Paia-Killor, Vermifuge. For .sale by S. J. HINSD.VLE. May;;. 8"“' iODO lbs. Potashes, for sale l>v s. J. HI.N’SHALE. ^ May :5. NORTIIKRN HAY JA.MES SCNDV. ~ OIJ) RVfv Another lot of Doctor Williams’sold Rec tified Rye Whiskey. , , J. & T. WADDILL. March 2G. FOR SALK.—‘20,000 U)s. RA- J. D. AVILLI.VMS. Feb’y 1852^ II. L. IIOLMT^S, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. Office on comer of Front and Princcss streets, under Journal office. 1::. iS-tf J»y May 1, 18.j2. ,Anm> Wufukas. the s.-fnl .Act j'rovides for n- meuding the Constitution of the State of North Carolina so as to confer on every (iu:ilifn*d voter for the House d' Commons the right to vote al so for the Senate; ^ow. therefore, to the «‘iid that it may be made known that if the aforesaid amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two- thirds of the whole representation in each house ot the next General .\ssen1bl3. it w ill then be siiiunitted to the people f«u- ratification, I have issued this iny Proclamation in conformity with the provisions of the before-recited .\ct. In testimony whereof, Davik S. Rkid. iov- ernor of the ."state d’ North Carolin.a. hath here unto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the said State to be afHxed. ^ _ Done at the City of Raleigh, on the ( , 1 thirty-first day of December, in the , year of our Lor*I one thousatid eigh.t w hundred and fifty-one, and in the 70th BALES just received and for sale j ^ REID. I By the Ciovernor. Tho.m vs SKTTt.K. Jr.. Private Sec’y. ! Persons into whose hands this Proclainntion j may fall, will please see that a copy of it is j posted up in the Court House of their re«;pec- I tive counties. [•'>4*tE B. ROSE & SON. 87tf PAIN TS! OIT.S!! DRLUiS!!! P i:re white lead, • Linseed Oil, Whale Oil, Pdake's Fire-proof Paint, (’astor (>il, Potash. Yeast Powder, Epsom Salt.s .Mad«lcr, Copperas, Spice, Pepper, .Mum, (linger, Opedeldoc, &c. (!ountry Merchants will do well to give the subscriber a call. He will sell us low as they can be obtained in the State. SAM’L J. HiNSD.ALE. fujettcvillc, May o.- b7if NKW HOOKS. BANCROFT’S U. ST.ATES, vob 4th: The Swnmp Steed, or the Days of Mnrion and his Merry Men; Putnam’s Library, No. 6, being ; Home Namitives, from Dickens’ Household ' Words; The Maiden and Married Life of Mary j Powell, being No. 3 of Appleton’s Popular Li- brary: Zachos’ New American Speaker; Bui- | lion’s Greek Grammar; Smith’s 1st Geography; | Mitchcll’s Primary Geography, &c. Just rec’d. | E. J. UALE &, SON. ' VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, ■11!K MOSJ POrLI.,\H FAMILY MEDICINE O K T II E .\ CJ K : [Isfd by Pliysiriaiis of High Mandiii?. •] lii-p Bl i ri-.nS rpmo\e ail morhUl secretion*, p„,iu Uo (jWI, «ui; Kic^il tone uiiJ vigor to tba ,li..r»'turoT(; mii, foi tiK the s\t"m all futnr# .liCra«e. Ciiti lie t»Kfu «lUi safetv. at no tin.e debili- ta'iiiv; til*. |.«tieiil—1"mg Rralflui to the niost lieli- riOH ,. h, aii'l ioinaik;iMe tor their rheerini;, liiv ii(orarih>f. re*toiuUvo tie>. uM‘i in itivalunbie anJ run cJy for i>Ysr!:rsi\ in its h orst for.>is, i.j\ci »ii.|>!:>iuts, Jiiuii'lice. Hemib'.mi, Co»- ti-. rHiiitiiCNS, Divoriler* of the Skin an.l I.iver, I.0..V )i .-vi.i.fiite. l.ow S|.iiitti. NerToiii Headache, ra'n.ilatioii of the Heart. SiiikiiiR mi'I Kull- nesK 01 \\ ei''ht !>t the Sloniaoh. »nl all etiiei Ji.sea«e» caii'.eii I'.v an in ;>wre male ot the bleo.l, liver, elc., which tc.iii to (IfViilitatc aiiil weaken the »}sttiu. F i: M A Iv K S \VtiO'Uft'ei fioin a and unnatural coiitiuios will lirxl this Me.licin* of INESTIIVIABLE VALUE. In >1 I . *-r. of «KNKt M. nF.BILITV, lhi« Ve'li- Ci'ie A. IS I-IKI'. A ll.AUM ! S tla»r testtJ lU cllicacv. and thousanJi ini'.-e are nor» Iiii'ln tri-Htnieat; and’not one soStary case of tailura han vet tieeii lejiorted. Volumes coiiM be filled witi» certilicates of tboit wbo have been jjerniancntly curt'l. CaH on lh« *nd a r.lMPHLETt rontaiiiin); the t eitifcales of Henorkable arcs, and tbe Uigli eslitivdlioii in >^hicU Mcdicjr* by the Public Pici#—cun be bud of the ficc. ^ Large Q,Tiarts $1; Pi»t« 50 Cent*. SoiJ by alt tht Principal Ihrvggnts :r. t\s United States ar.d Canadcs PriDCi].al Oftic*. 13^ H-’LfON ST. For sal« by £, J. JsoTcmbex 8, 1861. y . up (teir> HINSDALE