S K MI-W E E K L 1’ [VOL. 1.] l-'AYETTi:vii.i,y:, n. c„ juni-; i, i8,v>. [NO. SI5.1 IMUNTKI' liV J. Ji. NKWliY. K1)\\ \1!1) J. hale & SOX, tlf he RccciccJ 111/ the first rise in the liinr, TON'S of y>VEl>i:S lUON, by E. C. IIALL, t>f Home. Oot. IS, 1851. il-Ji. “ JOMlPil R. BLOJiSOj!. c' o u n I 1 o ' .VXD FORWARDING MERCHANT, ... .... , I’nnniit pt‘r.>»oiiiil attention iri'’'n to nil N_ .> \ p»i u'lnj, tie (^ousigiiuients. niul (,'iisli advimccs niiuii* on I’ro- priro ^rnil-Weckly Obskkvkk !?4 00 if va'.d i" luI'Ji'ice: oO if paid during the \c:ir suli!*i'nption; or :vflcr the voar has f r t'.u' " (>u:*KB\ FH >V'- W per anninu, if V 1 in .T'lvunce; \oar i>t' S I’ .irST UrCCFJVKD. MKN’S and Hoys' SAD1)I.KS, of ovvry • qunlity nnd style, sotne very fine .M- so, Uridlew, Collars, Whips and Wagon llarnofis. l>y E. C. ll.\LL, of Jfonie. Oct. 18, lvH,>l. a-jtf I has •-‘Xi'irod. ription; i>r §3 00 after the year ' duce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this ' nijirket. Feb. 12, IS',2. 04y "~DAiLV~i:xiM:i Ti:i). TONS of llOOl’ IHON. suitable for Spirit bjirreis, by E. C'. HALL, of r»ome. Oct. 1^*, IM-'.l. 32tf \I>\ I'UTliKMHNTS inserted f»>r si\ty cent.-* - iU irf I'lT the tirst. and thirty cents for cach ,’;’o r.ii^ [uib’.ic.ition. Ycurlv jidvcrti.'jomcnts ,M, . i.il I'ontrai ts. at reasonable rates. Ad- r- '• I:- ;ue re«iue>ted to st.ite the ntiniber of ii-ort. 'II' doire«l. or they will be eontinueil till ,r) !. anil cliarpe 1 accordingly, l.otter* to the Editors must be pobt-pukl. Jih^t Received and for aale, LUS. N. 0. Bacon, 11HX> do. do. L«rd. 1UIK> bus. Corn; bv LAWIIENCK*& 5000 W .\NT1U), oOOO ft. .\she l.uniber for Wagons, li to o inches thick. ft. Seasoned Oiik Lumber, Ij to H inche.s. ]HtO ft. White Oiik and Hickory, for Axletrees. lOUO ft. White Oiik for Tongues, IJolstcrs and Shafts. UiO I’ost Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. ■JfMHt Spokes. For which the highest ca.--h price will be i>aid. .\l>j>lv soon to E. FULLEK. May I'.t, 18:>1. 72-tf Land U (trronts U anted. ^■^HE highest C.\sii rnu'F..'» p:iid for any .0. number of Lund Warrants, for ii North ern concern. .INO. M. U(.)SE, .\gent. Fayetteville, .\pril 14. 1S">‘J. 82tf l^iberly Point IIoiikc. A LL persoUM indebted to the uudersigned either by note or account must settle on or before the first day of M:irch. Those failing to do so, will certainly find their ai'^ounts in the iiands of a collcctiiig v^flieer. KELF.EN JONES Feb'y IG, 18f>2. (jutf SrOKACJK. W E have commodious brick Warehouses ▼ w in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. a: W. McLAlTvlN. o7-if MISIC, Nov. 1, Ih.'jl. M'AV lONSISTlNtj of Songs, I’olkas, Waltzes. \c., iic. Jubl recei\cd. E. J. HALE & SON. April 1 t. c Ma\ -4. TUOV 0;'.-3 ffllllK Subscriber desirous of making some 1 liiiingo in his business will offer at auc- f n .'II Tuir- lay, of t.’ounty Court, June a \;iiiet\ of t'abinet Furniture—such hs Secret-'i- r ,' iiid l>o(>k Cases. Side llo.irds. llureaus, T:iijlcs, llcd.steads—mahogany and maple, Ibi- -11 ;iiil Candle Stands, Chairs «>f every uv> ■riiiii''U, and many oihcr articles not enu- u'.ei-.iteJ. Cotlou Oin, whicii m:iy be pt>- by manual or horse power, lerms lib- i-ral and made kuowu at sale. DUNCAN McNEILL. May 1S.'.2. l*';-tf NKW HOOKS. Ul'EECHV. by the author of the Wide, Wide W orld: Uonitvnism at Home, by Kir- th* Farmer's Dieti>u::ry, by I». P. (iaitl- ;;or. M. lb; the Wide, Wide World; \c.. »^c. Just received. E. J. HALE SON. M.iy 22, 18.',2. STEW.VUT, Bl'SSlNli & I'O.’S EXTRA QUALITY .'Ti'.iM Ri:rL\r:i> priti-: loaf .V(;ai: cs \ i: i> V \ \ I) 11: s, /■\>h' A.vroiiTA rioy. VT prii'e.s wiiich luerL’hants, who puri'hase to .sell by the Iio\ of 3i.l!bs , innd other.*' o.r. find loner thiin the same po-td t ANI'ILS Citn be had of any other housv; in Now Vtirk. STLWAUT. r.U?.=51NG .V CO,. u'J'i I'earl St., N. V. 24. 18V2. '.'S-la^vbwp.d srMMi:u ci.oriiiNCi. sutiscribers have lately re«i‘iveil IV.ack L ,Cpa.;.i and I'rab H'Ete *>re^s and Frock f'. .ind Fancy .\!paca Sucks; Tweed ' r.'; I’r^wn mid Veliow Linen Sacks .ind ; U l;it'. Huff and Fancy ,\L-irsei!le.« \’ests; br w;i and Euti Linen do.: Shirts, Xc.. ACC. S. W. TILLLNGIIAST \ CO. .V 17, is.'>2. 1*2-tf ('itch Pdinter Wantid. k ii >t)I) CiiVi'H I'.VlNTKR wili find Btea- a_. and good w ages on appli- ('(d)inet I’'ttrnitarc, ("fioirs, S'c. rBIHE subscriber is receiving the largest as- i sortnicnt in his line ever before purchased at the North, which, together with his own man ufacture, makes his Slock very ci>mp1cte, con sisting of Chairs. Tables, Solas, Wash Stands, liuroaus, Lookinji Sitle lii>:\r«ls, S*'rn t:>ric.«, I'cc. .\I1 of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi Ciish, or on short time to puivctual customers. Oct. 30, IS.'.l. JOHN W. 15AKEK. 8.'.tf Sll TH (’\RflLI\ » l\SL'K\.\(’l-: (’(IMIM.W, OF CHAr.LESTON, S. C. C'lH.VllTI'^UEl) by the State of South Cartili- nii, with a ('upital of .'ji2.')(I.'JOU, all paid in j i s), » and well invested. Fire, .Marine, I’.iver and' Life Kisks. CHAS. EDMONHSTON, Tre.s’t. A. L. TtuJi.^s, Sec’y. l)lUE('TOnS: I'lOnKIlT M,\KTt.\. Col. .I \)IKS Oakshex, -M. .^l,ltl,^;l■ \i, Cii.vs. II. Wlst. S. Mowuy, Jr. IIenkv Coci.v. THE i:i-u:i)i;iTi:ii i;n'K r,vri;.\T C>OKlA(;i STOVE, as for aale by the Subscriber in Maloigh and Fuyettcvilli-; in Eali igh at his Shoji on Fay etteville Street, anil in F;iyttte\ille at Mr. A. .M. Campbell's. Th(t- Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from j-urch:i:Mng any oC these Stoves from any person eitiier in or out of JSorth Carolina, e.s- ce],t from liim.self or his duly mithori. ed .\gent.-. lie has purch:ised the e.\ciusi\e right to vend this Stove within the State, and wili jirosecute liny person infringing his riglit. either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob tained Ironi himsell'. JOSF.ril WOLTElllXC. ll.ikigh, .\pi'il 10, 18.',1. tiStf 10,000 WANTED. 'riio Suhs(‘iil)(‘r lijis now one of the most extrnsive and best a.ssorted stocks Double and Single S1!>T (il'NS. I’ISTOLS of the most superior iiuality.—t_'olt's Uepeating and .Allen's Hevolving, »f evj'rv cjuality,—l‘ow NOTICH. ^B^HE undersigned continues to mnnufacture M. Spirits Tui-pentine 15.\KUELS. Those now on h.-ind guage 4:^ to 4-', gallons, and are made of the f*e«t seasoned white oak. Distillers want ing a good article, will ilo well to c.-ill niid ex amine. ('iintrai-ts to ileliver liarrels for the next twelve months made 4n favorable tenus. T. S. LL’TTEKLOH. March 22. 18.',2. 7otf roij ACC :o. A (;0()I) ST)CF\ in hand; and 1 shall re- ceivc regulnrly, from Messrs. J. J(,nes iS: Co s Factory, i,u.ilities assoi-ied from common to very line, which 1 will sell at l >west niiuiiifiic- turing prices. J. UTLEY. Fayetteville, April .5. 18.',1. libtf I^lre Insuvancc* ^lOT.NA Insurance Company of Hart- -*■ ford, having p.-iid the tax imposed by the Itevenne Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in I'ayetteville. under the ijinagement of the undersigned, who is pre- jind (i.ime l ags, I ercnssion | j(, j.K.em- Policies of Insuriince on liuild- 'rii‘ Subscriber still continues to carry on tiie C.VBINET 1U'S1NL.'>S in Fax etteville, and in addition to his Est.-iblishment on r.ow street. ne:ir Eccles's Bridge, has opened » large W.\KE HOOM on Hay street, nearly opp«,site the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East ot Messrs. Huigh Son s, where a general a-sortsnent rf FLTlliMTl RK. Made by competetit nnd faithful workmen, may Ik.’ liad at i)rict s corre*;]>onding with the tiities. .Vl.Ho, an assortment of Northern-made FI'UM- TUKE, selected by himself, w hich will be s-. Id at u verv moderate a'lvance. DUNCAN McNFlT.L. Nov. 10, i8.',i. ;;stf He keeps on hand an a"‘wrtmi‘nt of Fi'k's celebrated MKTALLIC lU Ul.VL CASES, which have bi!on highly recommendi-il by W illic 1‘. M:ingum, Henry t'l.ay, l.ewis 1,'ass. Um. I». King, nnil many other illustrious characters, who have esaniincd and wituesscd their utility. A. H WHITFIELD. ‘♦2tf L IN jrs’j' KKCi:i\j:i), '1:fd oil. -I Farm and Henntiful lieiidcnce FOR SALK. ril^HE Subscriber wishing to rcm-’ve to the Jl South-west, would sell his lands in this couut\, upon reasonable and accomnvnIating terms. There are about 27(.*0 or oOOO acres, all l.ving in cue body, and of « lich 400 or olHt jicres :ire in cultivation. The ’lank Uoad of the Joint StiK’k Company, from Fayetteville to ilaleigh, will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the lands that are in oullivution lie within three uiiies of the ('npe Fe.ir Kivi-r. adjoining the lanvls of John V. Williams and others. The above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neisrhbors and society. Tiie FubscrilK.T might say much more by wh; of inducement; but he deems it unnecessary, j;s those wishing to purchase 'can call and see for themselves. The above lands c.Tti be dixidcil so as to suit purch.;r*‘'!«. I Any further in form .at ion can be given by ap- plic.Ttion to the subseriher. or by letter addi-ess- cd to him at kin^jsburv, Cumberland Co.. N. D. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 2, 18-',2. 02tf ~ liuowN isT Dcuossiyr, .lYir l*orA', DeROSSI:'!' BKOWX, •'%*. f'., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J.\0. I’OFTS IJlUiWX. Auman.> .1. DkUdsskt, Jr. 11. 1'. Hkowx. 1.VSH Hlv!uiecs will be made on consinniacnt , . .... , i . of IVoduce for s^le either in Wilmington | f>r *he purpose of doing a general agency and . or Nen Vork. and i'otton will be forwarded to ^-onimissi.m business, and in offering their ser the New Vork House free of Commission at Wilmington. March 22, 18.’>2. uKDrc’K!) FA in:. rW^HH*Ut^H Tickets bet ween Wilmington. N. M. C., and H.-iltiinore. Fan* !jii:!. \ ia Wcl- di,n. retersburg, Ui'hmond. nnd Wnshinpton Citv, or vi:i Weldon. I’ortsmoutli and Norfolk. For Tickets a)'ply at the tHlice of the Wil mington and Ita.oigh Hail Uoad Company, at Wilmington, or at the Oflice of the Haltiniore ' Steam I’ncket Company, and of the lialtimore ; and Ohio Kail l’.oj*d Company, I’ratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1. 18.',2. 53-tf General Agency and Commission Business. IIIE Subscribers have this day entered in to a c;>partncrship under the style of WHITAKEK. V, LMTFIELD & CO., The subscribers having been appointed agent* in this place for the above named company, are prepared to receive olfers :inJ i.ssue jMilicies of Insurance on Fire. Marin>. Hi\er and Life Kisks, on liberal terms, .Ml losses incuin.'d at this agency, will be i>romptly adjusted and jiaid bv the undersi.rned. DeUO.s^SET I'.P.OW N. N. 1$. Kisks uill be taken on tiie lives of slaves on the rnost Iiber.nl terms. WilniiuL'ton. N. t'.. .\larch l!7. l''’>2,—77-in» iiioN sAi'i:s. • .•'iil'.scribors. Ai:''nts for flic sale of WlLDUlt 1*.\TI'.NT , \ I. \ M A MH. II S,\FFS, WITH KM'HS 1 \l l’U( >\t;\l KNT. of- fT them of all sizes and patl« rns, delivered in V, ilniington at the .Manufacturer's New Vork prices. 'I heso .''afes are warr:inted eipial it not supe rior to J.n;- ot’ii'r> uiaiiut'aclur'"!. l.*rdets \xi!i ri'reivo prompt atti-iition. Dt: 1:».':.''I;T Ov r.KCWV, Wilmington. N. i’., .Nliircli 2‘',. l''-',2. 77-3m NO ra E. ~ ! , A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for ! ..rm ioods ],urch:ised at Floral t'ollege. are re- fjncj^ti'd to nrike immediate j'.iyment. either to ^ I Mr. Ihmh M- \rn in the neighborhood, or lo ‘ himsell' 111 Clieruw. j D. B. Me A UN. I Cheraw, Dec. 2'b IS-'il. .',U tf 1 lilt'*' i > *enu V. ii-.tc Lead and 1’u‘ty in Oil. — ,\L.-'U — •J NKW EUCGIES. l.EETE .Si JOHNSON. 2 i»oors W cst C. F. I.unk. •: 1^.',2. '*2tf \i!LLiiM I i:\\vi;k. ~ IOKW ARDINCi AM) « mission MKRC;HA.\'r, WILMINGTON, N. C. IJ r.llSi'N .\ 1, ntt«-nlion given to the sale or ■ =iiipuiei:t of Naval Sti'res. I have ample ' • ' tor conducting tiie busine.s.s: large •' If' atid st^re sheds to keep sj,irits from -■ '.ire. .Naval stores will be shi{iped to any m New Vork, or lo other markets if ‘lijle. and liberal cash advances made on ,-':imeiits. 1 refer to L. IlHniiin. Wayne County, ' ’laiidlcr Hall, Johnston (.‘o., L i>i.'tt Peacock, Columbus o., 15, H. li.arilen, “ Til";. J„. Vail. Bladen *• '■I' -'-rs, Smith. \ Ingram, John.'ton Co., Z. ,v J. Jones, .'I - ,1s. .''mith a: .lones, Fountain, Fis'{., l.e'i llailev, Esq., “ " ' i'-2. ' f^-y NF rs and fruit. H-s. Soft .'^hell Almonds. Brazil Nuts. l^ng'iKh Walnuts. " Filberts. T’ruins Figg. 1 f a-e I'rnnes in fancy .Tars. ' ' ■ v,1i.,1p half, and qr. Boxes UHisins. 1 ( a?>e I’rescrved linger. 1'! fl'iz, J.irs l‘iekles. Li in'in. Sii'/ar :iiid AVater Cr.'ickcrs. Jist received bv ( HAHf.ES BANKS. •M'ril :;4, 1:,2. S-'Hf A l)i:sli{Al5LF Ri:>ll)i:NCl-: FOR sa.m:. fBTHE Su! ,soribcr now others for s.ile all his JL Turpt-ntine and Farming L.VND. cont.ain- ing about *iliO Acres, situated 12 miL*s East of Fuyettc'ille. on the tioldsborough road, com monly known a.s Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house, out buildings, ,'s:c.. and a store where n large amount ol busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants. ,S;c. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. 1* Jnlv 2f.th. IH'il. W. MUKIMIV. or TAVLOU, Fayetteville. 8tf WlN'i'Fli SFFFFY. I' are now r'i-eiviiig onr I'int'-r supply of (ioods. ;i doors lielow the .Market House, south side l’er'"ii .streit, where may be fovind the U,lb>wing articles; Siipar t>f all gratle.', ('otfee, i't llhds. Cuba Mol.-.ssey—sweet. « Bbls. S\rup—a superior article, Green ami Black Teas, ('heese of liiree diflerent qualities, Fvice, Tei'pt r .and .''pice, Hope and Ba:iging, •'.(» Bhls. Mackerel, Shoes and l!o ts of extra large size, Sho'cls. Spades and Forks, Corn I’loughs and Points, .Axes of the iM-st bramls, Knives and Forks, Nails and Iron, I»no lbs. Cotton Yarn. W ith a great many (,ther articles chcap for Cash or esvh;\nged for Produce, t'all and see. CUOSS CREEK CO., C. Bcubow, Pres’t. Dec. 2'i. ISol. 50-tf t’ajis ol English and I’reneh make. Also, the most com|)lete assortment (,f (Inn fixf.ires that j has ever been offered in this section »,f country. Also, Shot t'luns, Kifles and Pistols made to | order or rej,aired. j Kifles maile to oi-iler, ;uid warranted to shoot ^ from one to five bundled y.trds. -\ir tluns made lo older at short notice. To all of uliii-h till* attention i,f Sportsmen' au'l oth'.rs is respectfully inviteil. j .M. A. B.VKEK, Si^/n ot tl.r fhin. Hjiy street, ne.-irly nppo‘-it«- tlie .MarI>Ie Vard. Fayetteville, N. Oi t. ,, 18;',1. 2^tf To i'tiriitvrs ttmt f*lftnters. raHIE subscribers, as .Agents for the Import- fl ers, have made arrangi-m'-nts to keep eon- staiitlv on liand a supplv of best PFK I’\'I .V .N tiUANK AND AiKl (‘i/rU!!AL PLASTllK. which they will sell in quantities to suit, as chc.-ip i'.s tlioy e.’Ui lie piircli:ised in the NoitliiTii cities, adding only the actual expense of getting them here. J \ D. McKAK .S: (’O. Wilmiiigt)n. Feb. 1>.'2. 74-3m rriiiM'.N riNF i.and Foil SAI.F. sale, acres of LA.ND on James Cn-ek. :md ' lt» .-.eres on Cypress Creek, in (’umberla!! 1. convenient to the ^\ cstern Plank Kofid. heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making of Turpentii.e. .Apj.'.v at this Oflice. Nov.‘2S. l.'^.jl. 4 4tf S TARR V.V W IFFFX.MS, AVHOLE.ALE DLALHK.'^ IN I'orcigtt (ISt (I ffPomestec imoods^ II .vv M x£i:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. 1$. STAKlt.] [.). M. WILLIAM: ings or Ooods. either in this Town or in any ji.irt (,f the State, on proper api,!ication, de- scri]>tion of the Projierty, ,\c. The .in’N.\ CO.MPANV lias been in operation ahont :!•> years. Its -apital is !§(:ti>0,000. The Hon. Tlios. K. Praee w:is its tirst President, and he still boUls that office; nnl several of its first Lirectois are still active and eRicient mem bers of the Boaid. It h:is at all times sustained the highest character for the frudeni'e of its management. .‘Ui*l for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 18',1. f.li-tf .u'sr Ri:c'KiVFi). BBLS. WmSKMV. lo hhds. .Mola.-.ses. 1 qr. cask j-ale Freindi Brandy, 1 •• .'l:»d-ira \\ ine, l.'> b.-igs Kio rotlVe. o boxes Medium .Axes. —AlSO— Fjrooms; Hearth Bi iishcb; .lnt’ Di'oi'and Bug gy Mills; Tanners' Curriers' Knives. Workers, anil .''iiKioth Fieshers; and an addition to our F KENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLING HAST .V ’0. March 1, IS-' O'.'tf May b, 18.'.2. I.Pi.'^. AVOOL wanted, by H. BKANS(,»N .S: .^ON.‘ 88tf April IS.', 2. J- .tf iV Snnnncr Stock. Sccond Sjn ln>^ S’FARR .V W ILLFV.MS OULD ai'.nnunee to their customers and the public genor.-illy. that they are now receiving large ad litions of Sfiijifc Drj/ (lO'nh, Shofi^. I>oof., f’c,. to their early Spring pnrch:.ses. to which they «speci iily invite the attention of country mer chants w A i^liOC FAMA’l'lON, />// //(’.s t/( liry DaVIK S. HkID, (>01- ci uor "J the Stutr of Xnrtli C’tiro/ina. W iiEKE.^s. three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House of the General As sembly did at the hist session pass the following Act: AX A(,'T to amoiiJ the Constitution of Xdith ('ari,]iii;i. AViikhk.\s, The freehold qualitic.ation now re- )uireil for the electors t'or members of the Sen ate cf.ntliets with the fv.ndamental principles of liberty: Therefore, Skc. 1. Jtf it ruocl-'d hv the (Int^'ral Asfmihly of t/,f .Siutf of yorth Curolina. anil it i-f hri efii/ iii-rid htj the oulhvri'u tf the fitnif. tiiree-fifths of the while number of members of each House concurring, that the second clause of third sec tion of the tirst .\rticle of the amended Consti tution ratified by the jieojile of North Carolina Fire-proof RooIm. A LL parties about to erect Fiie-pi’oof Biiild- 2m ings will do well to cjiil on the subscriber. I am prepared to contni-t for Slute and Met al Roofing, (iiitters. Leaders, Leader-hcad.s, ari'l f'very thing V>elonging to the Knoting business- Also, to give instructions in Roofing for Slate, to make it efl’ectuiilly proof against fire and water. FP. WCIS .'5IIENT0N. Fayettevill**, Mnrch 1, 18i>2. 7i-3m C WILING. In a few instnTices. Dr. Little has heard of dfictors caviling about the course he has thought proper to puisne in compounding nnd vending medicine? for family use. Most generally it has ha)>in'iied where they were popular, or had been given with a marked degree of success in a case th:it had been jireviou-iiy fronted. Now, this sort of petty iqiposition is too provoiing to- need much refutation; and certainly cmnnates from no member worthy of the noble and phi lanthropic prfd'ession (,f itiedicine, to say th« least of it. If. under the pretext tliat niithing is to be given btit what they know or under stand. then it is certain that very many of them ought to give but very little, according lo that rule. The design of Dr. Liit'c s Phnrmaceutic.^I Medicines is to cure such malndica SE tiiey aro recommended for. by which families and all others can succeed as c‘rt!tinly as by anything knoVMi in pli3'sic. So far, he is happy to iiflirm tb.-y have not only met in*, moet sanguine ex- I jiectations, but have gone bey nd rivalry, ev« n ^ of the constant attcndancc of physicians in I many instances. By a long course of prncticf, united with an active drug businei'js more sub sequently, he has been enabled to study aud perfect these favorite compounds. Not until they }irovcd to be far in advance of the usual ! prepar!iti,iis of the day, did he venture to offer 1 them to the public. This hfis been done in ac- I cordancc with tlic light of scientific mcdicine, ! and if iiot, kt ;iny physician of character point i it out wherein lie Las I'liiled. TONIC BITTER.S AND VF:GETAELI: FILLS. To b(> nsed together, for the cure of Dysptp- sia. in all its complicated ftrms: as the Loss of .Appetite. Confined Bowel.s. D*bility, I’.alpita- tioiis. Languor and u l etchedness of feeling after meals, Oppressions al'out the Stomach, I'ic.; ttl- S',. fri’quent attacks of Hcadwche, Ulcerous l>ist-ases, and to j>re\ent the return of CLiliu and Fevers. Night Sweats, kc. To obvi.ate co.itiveiiess. the Vegetable PiP.s are a iiio.-,t e.vcelleut reniedy; as lUeir action is mild, without neauseating the stomach. The f;ic-aimile of the signature of Dr. W, G- Little w ill be found tipon tiie outside wrapper- Soid wholesale and retail, bj’ the Proprietor, at his .M.iiiufacturing Depot, No. 2G4 .Market street. Philadelphia, and .\Iacon, Georgia. Sfkif" I'o he had also of James t ain. Kockfish; A. Watson. Floral College; Townsend it Doug lass, iiennettsvillc; Dr. P. .M. Cuhen, Charles ton; C. »J. Barl.tee, Barcl.ivsvillc; P. F. 1‘cb:u.I, Kaleigh. S. J. HlNSD.M.r,. Ac»'nt for Favetteville, A |).\il,Y j;X!'i;CTE0. GENERAL ASSORTMENT of llOLLO^V- IVAKE, l\v F’. C. H.ALL, of Rouie. Oct. 18, 18.51*. ^2tf % _ • _ . JS eic Hooks—Medical, Jjrc. EIGS’ Velpeau's Midwifery: Mendenhair* Medic.ll Student’s 'V'ade-Mecum; Mur phy’s Review td’ ’hemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia Medics and Therapeu tics. for Students ('raige’s Elemints of General ^ and Pathological Anatomy: Caieaux's Midwife- on the second Montuy of November, A. D..ry; Hastings’Minor Surgery; Reese's Aiu. Me.l- 1 So->. be amended by striking out the words j ical Formulary; the Physician’s Pocket I’re- aiiii possessed of a freehold within the .s.amc | scription Book; Flagg on Ether nnd Chloroform (>rder.« ."olieitcd, and cvrrv exertion made to ilistrict of fifty acres of land for six months | in Surgery, Dentistry, &c.; Morfit's Chcmical \ W. Stiff vices to the public in ihat caj,«city thev' flatter themselves tliat they will be able to give satis faction lo all those who may consi;;u any goi-ds. wares. nierchaiidi/.c or country proiluee to them either to sell on commissions or forward. .\s »|i|\|i|\p IMIUII V 1'hrVIHll’ it will be our greatest aim to plea-e. we pledge \ |(||| \|^ MIUI (X rOLMJlll. ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give * They respecttiillv solicit KINii and -McMILLAN have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the W est side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KINO. Mav y.—71tf A. McMILLAN. general salislactn,n. the ],atron;ige of their friends and the public generally. Their store is No. North Water ^!treet. Dickinson's Fire-proof buibling, Wil mington. N. C. JOHN n. WHITAKFB. JA.MES W. WlirrFIELD, A. A. P.. SOUTHALL. IlLFKnKNrK.s;—John Dawson. Potter .S: Kid der, O. Cf. Parsley, Samuel Beery \ Sons, (5. R. French, and Ellis Jc .Mitchell. Jan. 2!t. 18.')2. bl-tf Dr. T. «. IIAIWII, RAS taken an OITice on Hay Street, West o*’the Hotel Buildings. Jnlv 14, IS',I. 4-tf liVfiifi'f#. E wish to buv 20.0(mI barrels Turpentine. KING & McMILLAN. S9 w Sellln ff oW at Cost! (;kk.\t it.\U(;.\iNS! 1 lie subscrihor if- clo:irnti.s nf oliangin'r , his business, and wishes to sell ott his present stock of Goods immediately, consisting in part of i Staple and Fane if Dry Goods^ Embracing a fine stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Barege, Barege Le-Lains, Dotted and plain Swiss Muslins, colored ditto. Barred. .laconet and i Cambric Muslins: col’d Summer Silks. Also, a general assortment of black and col d Silk Liressefi; a large assortment of Hosiery. Also, ■ Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and .‘'.•itti- • nets. .\ general assortment of Summer wear for Jentleineii; all kinds of Linen goods. Also, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, Umbrellas und Parasols, Hardwuve and Crockery. W ines and French Branly. The above stock is offereil at the mere cost here. Country .Merchants and all others biiy- i ing (ioods in this market, will do well to call ' and ex.iniine, as I am determined to sell and ' close out my {,’'csent stock, which is large and fresh, and well selected. ^tallbrd, I lark A: lli\oii. Ilf iff stze* oj Ilorfc tiiitf Thn .^Ill'll j .Wii7i i}n>\ l^orhihle (lint Sin110)111 )\i/, ) Uoo/ J/i- rln'itfs, tSfriiir ('uffrts of niriotm j>iitl)rn.'i, W/if''* Mill 11)1(1 Knclorj/ (t’for, Sau atu/ (iri.-it Mill Jrt>n, Bnrh Tliuls, (I'f. (t>‘. next ln'fore and .at the day of election,’’ so that the said clause d’ saiti section sh.all read as fol lows; All free white men of the age of twenty- one years (except as is hereinafter ileclareilj will, h.avc been inhabitants (d' any one distric{ within the State twelve mouths immediately jiieccding the day of any election and shall liave paid public ta.xe.s, shall be entitled to vote for a niemlier of the Senate. Skc. 2. Be it furlher fiuivtffl, Tliat the Gov ernor d' the State be, !ind he is hereby directed, to issue his Procl.amation t, the pet,pie of North who may be in arrears, are liereliv required to ("arolina, al least six months before the next ; make i>a_\nicni within one month from this date, election I'or members of the (ieneral .Vssembly, or their stock will be advertised for sale, ac- settiug forth the purport of this .Act and tin cordinu: to the '.'tli section ol' the act chartering umeiidnient of the Constitution herein jiroposed. give satisfaction. Fayetteville, .\prll 2:^, I8',2. 'ilfl'iri* of llie ('. K. iV H. K. Nav. To.) rirr.suuRi)’, April l!4, lSo2. ) NOriC’F. is herel'v given, th.at :i!! in.>-tall- ments on the suliscrif'tions to the c:i]tital stock of the Cape Fear and Dee|> 'liver Naviga tion t'ftmpany, made prior to th • i8ih of July, 1S.',1. ha\e beeoiae due: and said subscribers and Ph.irmaceutical Manipulations: Beasle^'i* Druggist s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket F«,rmu- lary: Noad's (’hemical Analysis; AV_v tLe'»>Miero- scopists' Manual: Wright's Am. Receijit Book; Overman’s Pr.actical Mineralogy. .Assaying and Mining; Smith's Dfmier'tic Medicine; Rai’.king'* Half Yearly Abstract of .Medic.il Scicnces; &c. E. J. HALE a; son. J T R. Al. ORRFIJ., FdRWARDlMi CiniMlSSION MI:R(’I1.\M .it rayetlevBlIe, .’V. 1’. March 10, 18.^,1. 02-tf 10 s. L.\TTA. K3tf Jl s r RFCFI\ Kl), PIEt’ES CANTON MATTING. 4-4 and 6-4, red, checked, and white. —ALSt)— Loaf, Grannhited, N. O. Clarified. New Or leans, and Muscovado Sugars. Sugar House Syrup. 10 crates as.sorted Crockery. 1000 Porter and Wine Bottles. S. W. TILLINGHAST CO. April 13, 18-^2. 82tf 50,000 ol’ESag:* Wanlt-fi. IWILL pay Hi ct«. per pound cash for all clean cott,n and linen R.At.J!^, deliverefl to J. D. Williams, in Fay.-tteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper .Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous (d' getting my rags in this market. .My objcct is to pay as much for rags as I can afl'ord, und hope that 1 | may not be forccd to distant markets tor my supi»lie8. 1 have arranged with Mr. W illianis to I'cceive aud pay foi all rags delivered to him. DAVID MURPilV. (j8-tf 'IHEV respectfully inform their customers nd the public, that they continue to car- rv on tneir business at tiieir .Machine .siii'ii. near SNOW ('.V.MP. .Alamancc county. North (’arolina, where they are prejtared to execute all work in their line with neatness, punctuali- t ty and despatch. W ith an increas(*d variety of j tools and labor-saving machinery adled lo oui I establishment the past winter.—a well selectetl I assortment of materials jiurchased at ihe low- ! est cash prices,—workmen t,f known skill nnd ! ability, together with long experience in the business,—fully justify us in saying, as to qual ity and price, our work has not. will not. ami shall not, suffer in comparison w ith any other Shop in the South. Gratcfid to the public for past favors, they solicit a continuance of Iheir patronage. N. B. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is “tirst come first served.” Letters ad dressed to the subscribers, at Snow Camp, N. C., will receive prompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXON. .March 1852. Tl-bm NO I K K. ~ 4LL persons indebted to Ihe subscriber, either by note or account. ar« requested to call and settle the same as early as possible. He mav be found one door West of Liberty Point, with the most of his ready-made work saved from the late fire. Persons in want of said (’oinj;any. By order of the Boanl of Directi'>rs. 8'i-liii] J. J. .I-\('KSO^'. Clerk. I S."r2. LOOK A'r rins! Sj/i’Sit;^ and O O iP Jitst t'ecvivi’d. Ilats, C’.'ins, i’oiHU't.^, Hoots and Shoos. North side Hay street, opposite to Messrs. Cook S Johnson. ISAAC DODD. May 3, 1852. 87tf 'ro iiiRi:, A SMART, .VOTIVE BOV. K! years old. .\pplv to .May 8. 1852. ;')() iio.XCS sale bv .Mav H. BRAN.'^ON 6c St)N. 87 tf W inflow (Jiass, lor s. J. IllN.'-’DALE. 87 tf which Proclamation shall be accompanied by a true and })crfecl copy of the .Act. authenticated by the certilicate of the .‘Secretary (,f St.ate, and both the I’rocl.aniatioii ami the cojiy of this .Kct, the (M'vernor of the Stale shall cause to be pub lished in all the newspapers of this State, and pi,sted in the Court Houses of the respecti\e ('ountiesin this State, at hast six months be- fiire the eleetim of members to the next Gen eral .Assembly. Read three times and agreed to by three- fifths of t!ie whole numher of members »,f each House respectively, and ratified in General .\s- semhiv, this the 24th dav of .lanuarv. IH.'d. J. DOBBIN.'S. H. C. I W. N. EDWARDS, Si. S. i St.xte or Noktii (^ahoi,in.\, 1 ‘ t tOice of' Srcirlitri/ if .State. | ' 1 W'li.MVM Hii.i., Secret.'iry of State, in and : for the .''tate of North Carolina, d, hereby cer- I til'y tliat the fon-going is a true and jierfect ; ccipy of an .Act of the (Jeneral .Vssembly of this i State, drawn off from the original on file in this ofiice. Given under my h.ind, this:ilstda\ of December, 1851. WM. HILL. .S'l'r’v "/ iRKi)FJ.i;s ri:ports. UST published. \ ol. ]2 Law. and A'oL 7 Equity. Price 8^'^ 50 and .S3. These arw small volumes, in consequcnce of the Reportc? mMkinj; new arrangements for publishing. Bound vols. cxclihjiged for N(,.s. as usual. E. J. HALE i .8ON. Dec. 19, 1851. 10 !*arr('ls Norlh C'aroliHa Lin seed OIL, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. 87tf any articles in my line of business, would do well to call, as 1 will >ell cheap for cash, or on time for approved note. JAMES SUNDV. 1' A M i«: R 8() I rn 11: R n kr Hd, leave Fayetteville every W’ednesday Ill'St Aj.rl) ^ April l'.», 1852. WiLKLNSON ^ ESl.ER, DEALERS IN and Saturday, at 7 o’clock, A. M., and 1 „ Vrvit* Nuts To- ' "ihiiington at 7 o’clock, P. M. And : Cvnjcaionary, torenjn ^nt^, lo OfWTv, ana AND IMmUTEIlS OF SUPKRIOR IIAV.%.'\.% CIOARS, at AVnOLKSALK AND KETAII- Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. T. C. WORTH» COMMISSION A>'U F0K\V.4Kni.\fI llERrilWT. WILMl.NGTON, .N. C. Feb. 1, 1851. ‘ iri "dmiiigton everj’ Mond.ay and Thurs ■‘t 12 o'clock, .AL, and arrive in Fayettc- ui',riling. R. .M. OIIRELL, Agent. lK.',:j. h-'>-tf ’>HN I). WILIJAMS, 4’ Forwnnliug *fi€t'rhant^ ,. Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteviile, Feb’y 24, 1852. Hotcliki!X!’»( Vrrlical Water j Wlirrl. I _ '^IIERE are several hundred of these Wheels j goods from my Shtjp on the morning of the ‘ ' inst. But for thei ’ ‘ ' would have lost all. Jan'y 10, 1852. ^ FimTHKIv NO TiCF. r take thin method of returning my sincere th.inks to those gentlemen who saved the T in operation in difi'erent counties in North jnst. But f»)r their kindness and exertion. 1 May o. 120 1’arrt‘ls P.MNT, for sale by Mav S. S. J. HINSDALF. s7tf ‘j8tf Carolina. I'or proof of their great advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheclB now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We c.in recommend them particularly f«r their superiority in cases ol a low head of water, or back water. W'e stiR keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for diflerent heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bern, Washington, Edenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also bo had of FI. A. Brevard, Lincolnton, ami Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to olitain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. I McNeiii & Fayetteville. N. C. D. .McNEILL. A. A. McKETIlAN. t>. J. McALISTER. Feb’y 22, 1^1‘> of-tf JA.MES SUNDY. OLD RYF. NOTHER lot of Doctor W illiams’s old Rec- . tified Rye Whiskey. J. & T. W ADDILL. March 20. 77-tf (!t)/.('ii nci'S, C’oUmnc Water, Opedeidoc. Pain-Killer, Vermifuge. For sale by S. J. 111NSI»ALE. May 0. ’ 87tf 1000 lbs. i^olaslu'.-. I'or salt* bv s. J. HINSDALE.- M iy o. B7tf xoii'riii’-ii.N HAY. I .Ani> Wiikhf-.vs. the .said .\ct provides for a- meiiding the Constitution of the State of North Carolina so as to confer on every (luiilified voter for the House of Commons the right to vt,te al- so for tiie .‘'enate; lUake’s I’ire-proof ; Now, therefore, to the end that it may be j made known that if the aforesaid ameiidmeiit ; to the Constitution shall be agr»'ed to by two- ! thirds of the whole re],reseiitati'ii in each house ! of the next (Jeiieral .\sscmbly, it will then be I submitted to the people for ratifK'.ition, I have I issued this my Proclamation in conformity with the provisions of the before-ieciteii .\et. In testimony whereof, D.v^ n, S. Rkik, Gov- 1 ermtr of the .^'tate of North ( arolina. hiilh herc- • unto set his hand and c;',used the tlreat Seal of the s.iid State to he aflixed. Done at the City of Raleigh, on the ( I fl.irty-first day of December, in the i’ year of our L«,rl one thonsjin'l eigl;t iiundrcd and fift\-one, and in the 70th year of our Independence. DAVID S. REID. By the (Jovernor. Tiio.m\s Setti.k, Jr., Private Sec’y. Persons into whose hands this Proclamation may fall, will please see that a copy of it is posted up in the Court IIou.se of their respec tive counties. [5t*tE U.\LES just received an«l for sale bv B. ROSE SON. .ALay 1, 1852. 87tf PALN'I'f)! OILS!! DRLGS!!! P I'OK U.S. itA- ,-OV J. D. WILLIAMS. Feb’y n, 1852^ n. L. liOLMFS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets, under Journal oflice. URE WHITE LEAD, Linseed Oil, Whale Oil. Blake’s Fire-prouf Paint, Castor Oil, Potash, Ye.ist Powder, Epsorn Salts. Madder, Copperas, Spice, Pepper, .Mum, Ginger, Ojicdeldoc, kc. C.omtry .Merchants will do well to give the subscrit'or n call. He will sell as low as they can be obtained in the Stat«. SAM’L J. HINSDALE, rii^’cttevillc, Mav o. 87tf NFAV BOOKS. ST.ATES, vol. 4th; The KANTROFT’S V Swamp Steed, or the Days of Marion and his Merry Men: Putnam s Library, No. B, being Home Narratives, from Dickens Tlooschold , Words: The Maiden and Married Life of Mary j Powell, being No. 3 of .Appleton’s Popular Li- j brary: 'Zachos’ New .American Speaker: Bnl-j lion’s Greek Grammar, Smith’s 1st Geography; Mitchcll'a Primarj- Geography, kc. Justrec’d. j E. J. HALE &. SON. 1 VEGETABLE DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, 'Jill-; .MOST POPl’LAR family medicine O K T H E .\ G FC I (!sftl by i'liysiriaiis of lH?h Standing. '1 lu-'p IM l I>,KS rcrao»e ull morbid iecietipr?, (11.in llir M.-oJ, RIW * eat loiiP aiiil vigor lo tU« ,‘i^i-^tivc .Ci'iK louil v li,.'•y'itriri ng*ias: all futar* ran I’f taUcii «till k at no lime debili. iHUiij; ti e |.rttn.Mit—bciafr prsiefiil to th» Tno«l d«ll- c’te "stni:oii li. ami ifiniirkaMe for tl.rir cl.eerir.^, o up'ii-siiii". iircii^rllieiioig, wBil rcitoriitive t,e> a:ul an invaliia'.ile tu;C rcinurtj for UYSPKPSl V I.\ ITS H OUST FORMS. AUu. Li\‘’r ompl.iinls. Jauh*2ice, H^^aribum. f oi- h vinuie.‘5J», Disoi-iei’s r»f the SK.ja ft-sJ Li;er, L^iss of Low SpivitK. Ni'rvmis iie-Klache. I ulpitalitHi of the Heart. Sinki^'p' Fuil- nt \V« at the St‘»rTiarl. and nil oil.«r .l,sea*:^r cau-eti I'v fin iin^.urr *f bKxi.l, iivtr, teiiil lo tlcMliiate a:irf the s; stem. F i: 31 A i: s WliObiiRci fioin a moit.id anl unnatiiiil conditio* «ill Srxi thi^ MfJicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In All *^f NLTIAL DI'.KlLIli, tliin ttii* eiiie ACTS LIKK A LllAKM ! TxxovsArrDS Have tested iu cfficacy, and tli.jusands more are riO\» i»tiii(?r tieili»jent; and not one sui. tarv case of failure’ has vet bport rejxirtrd \ ohinie.^ could be filled wilb ceriificates of ihoie w’no have been j^rmoucntly tme.l. Call on Affent, nnd a P.IWPHI.ET, l ontainin^ the CeifiCcttes of Bemarkabl« ( lire* •ii'l I the hipli «.i.tiniation ia which tins .'Wcdiciiw it. b»U I bj tiie I’ublic I'ress—can 1 e had uf the .^genl>. Ire* Large Quart* $1 > Pints 50 Cents. Sold by all tht PiiHcipal Drvggu’ta in i 'United States av.d Ccnadr.» Prioeii.al Ortiec. 12i FULTON ST., N Y . uy For sale by J, HINSDALX- Novcrubcr 8> 1861.