h '0 t. ''T- rji» T'* i'Vr ru-l N. SEMI-WEEK1.Y. vol.. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N* C., JI XE 3, 185‘2. [NO. 9o.] 1'I;INT:.1> IJV j. H. Ni:\VIiV. HW \i i) J. ll-VLl^ A: SOX, AND r iu» I’un; TO us, > ii.i-VVt'ckiv .»usr.ii\hti CO if n4 *>0 if jiuivl durinjr llu- ■ , t!“-‘yciir has uO per anuuiiK if :i'■ 1! ■■: '>0 if paiil diiriiiLC tlie •'. ;i: 'jr •, '* tin' _\car ; 'Sr 'ir.N ! > ii\sorli’il far si\fy cciits , ; t!u- tirst. auil tliirly ci’iit.' ftn- eai !; • ■ ’'i.- ir II. Yoiirlji iilvcrti.sfini'tits ■ r:;' ;;t n-;is ru.i!)lo r.iti's. ,\.l- . ,. -1 t.. tlio u>uiil)or of ■ii i. r ihfv wii’i ci'iit'.n’.'.c-1 till ..i'.r'l .vrofTilirj;!''. ' "N t till' IMU. 15" mu#; be I'osi-jiaiii. Plants in Qloom. fn A\ h a ilt)/.en varietios of new V KllBl'iNAS, ol all colors.—'■pufc white, deep crimson. sU'ipcil, thirty \/fvii.tifs i>f the lU'Sb', blooiniii;;. wi.-ihin" to make select’.niis ;ire in\it*'il lo call and see them. They vill l)C lea.iy tor deliM'rv in the course of tilt* Biuiimer ■.\vA fall. Many cm'i(>U!‘ anil lieauiiful plants are cyn- !taiitl\ wmiii^ into Mouni. I.rTTllllI.OIl, lunvan .'>treet. 1’. S. IVrsmis wishing Strawberriv .s in :iiiy nuantily ^huuUl jjive notice the ^lay belbre they ivie \\anteil. On the (Trouiuls, 1*0 cts. per tpiart. hen senf out, 2o •• M.iv 17. 'M-tf L\ SToin:, LOI'GIIS and I’lon^h Ca.'tingH, Corti Slicll- ers, Cnltiviiturs, Straw Cutters, anil Spin ning U licel'. E. C. II.VLL, of Home. Oct. 18. I8r>l. liiltf ?sl»RL\(; STOCK K nndersi^riied are now receiving tlicir Sl'KlN(i S'l'Ot'K, consisting of fi>ii¥ UOOI>i^, ll,\l!l)\VAItK. BSnts^ CVfp.s, etiid Shoes, .\11 of which will be sold low to j)nnctual cus tomers as heretofore. .Merch.uiis and otliers will ih) well to exnin- ine iiicir Stock bi l'ore making purchases. We will not be undersold. Il.VLL SA('K1'TT. -March 11, 1S-”>1.’. 7'Jtf TdliACC'O. WL have a lot of j>rimc common Tobacco, which we will sell by the bo.x very cheap. •May 2»s J. T. \VAlH>n-L. l*l-tf A!us. W Al/rON, M(uitnt-Makrr niid Mill'uier, I las just rccrivccl a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Suni- mov 15 0 ^ :% i'.TS, and expects to receive (hem monthly as lov.g as the sea son lasts; and will sell (hem as cheap, if not cheaper, tliau any in the mar ket. She expects d.ii'y a new and beautiful .issortiueut of |)r-ss 'I'rinimings, I’lack 1 nc' Shawls. Scarls and Mantillas. .Vlso l>ress and .''acipic I'atteins of the latest st_\ le. Orders from the country promptly at- temlcd to, ami country cu,»t«ancrs may always be sure of getting the latest s.yle of articles or patterns. .March ::0 1 ()i}.\C’C (). I'f.’ L'r c-intinues (■> : iul' ietuiers' ac.; •, 1 T . c.v receive nnd It, iiil grades J. VTl.l'Y. V (>:i sroLi:v, L'.iiit iinai,^ Ui :i:id Si-\ enil « >n'.u.-y. ti.cr pa! at ■ suit 1> 1 V IJ '. r in Fayt'tu-\iile, "r l.uiii''. it 'n. If any wl;! Iv >;h. ial;y rJ- ! me. w. Ko,;: i •'■'••J. A\- 0 l»Ol :;ud f'U- S.llc bv 15. 11'»r: \ ‘S()N. \ \ A\>A snn^i.v |>;I: .'in I r; Fue \ ALl Mil 1 . .M ! i:.L i ;; >.\Li;. v-it.’ 'lie, iV.e plai'.tatiffn 1 i'.u.iei Il.ickiic\. in ihe kii’twn a> the .''t. l.u Arcuce t v .III rlie T'- id l.'adnig from : t» ;ve mil s fc'ta . T."i: i' hc.i!t'•.. and the (!. lu -t • ; r-r-' are >r“- f :rui I? i'.i 1 ’ r M;_■ .t 'i'I'i ■ el- >-l u.?. if t; :;;id p -■.'ellT gV' '.v;n.: e li. a, I II t'l .iiiC it l r tUen.s ..r .'tiieru .^e ISAAt' ’ ' , u ■ ’ .I'll l'-'. ■ r Lir ;;U 1 1. ikI iu Ol. :re l I the g..,,ct The V I A CARD. return "f low water renders it neces- S_ s.iry that the Ste:uner (’liatham should be employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular days, until fa; thci- lioticc. JNO. 1). UII.L’AMS. Ag t t'ajie Fe;a' S. 1!. Co. May 12. VO tr Thti! POljlSU! h )U' it S'rncs! lO.OSMI «Olfi «Viih*8B (lie nine k . W( >■ tl)\V A U 1> ri tiirif* hi-* ;li.mks to tlie pulijc r.r the uupri-ce I tiled en- cour igeuieiii he has n'.‘t with in the maiiul.ic- turc and >.ilc of his cciehi.ited l’Ot,i>il. and at r!ie 'inio tiiiP’ wi.'he.' it uiidei.'tou,.! ;l»at he al- wa\s i».ecps a suvply on hand li'r w li-rlcs.ile or ret;iil. l'..\pi riencc has proved th.it this I' lisli is un- surp.lised f' r •ju; k C' iu puiliu;; a j:b-s^ on ■ and shoes, aiii iu picj-^rMng the • '.e.lli'T. I’ers.ins wi'liing to "il their bnnts can use this V>lish with e>iua\ sn^epe.; imiu'*di;i(ely af- ' •eiw.iiils; the leather should be l ulilied as aoon ;;s lb. I’oii.-li is apjiliea, bef> re it tlrios. Tiiis I’oiish can fouiid :it the alore under the C •.inian I’liufiug t>;lice. F I • ttevilie. Fv b. 'jl. l.'^')'J. .iif 'ro 'i'iii: pi iJi.ir. f'^lU: sub-.-riuer ha« leased '.or a term oI' \ .■.iri>, ill it. . l.'rown. I> p. hi'tire-juool Stoic, u'ltii h'.s \Vh:.rvis. an i is now i i a ci’udi- '.'•>■1 I', t-.ke especi.i, c.ire of .‘^.irils riiri>i ii:ine an’, o'ner Nav.i'. "■.••res committed to h;s e.ire. TIk- areli'Oi."' i' «i! kii'>’.>ii tube the l.>est and s.;!>s; i>lace iu to.>:i t-r the stoj-.tge of T.acoil, L.ir l. l orn, I’uas, A..', The lower u har'es tiave oil taem ii'iu’ i.ti'-e ikmv sIm'Ts, u here ."spiril.s c.in be safely kept iroiii tl.e rain .in 1 miu.^ He is prei>ai-.'d to rei-.ive an 1 shij,. r > •.!, n’.l kin l.s f>t'j>r. Iiiee sent ti' i;is c.ii e. Jl'" " u! .ilso niaK.e a Ivaiiee- when rei|iiir-d. He bc-s to refer to the f ill- -'ing gentlemou: I!AU\L\N'S lUVl'EL, V A V 5-: r r £■: v 11.1. ba . v. Subscriber, luixing taken the large M H.itel. tormerly knov. !i a.i the I’lauter s iloti'l, .'itu.ited at the fo't of flay .Mount, Hay Street, Fa\cttevilte. N. respeelfully iul 'rir.s his fiivndsaiid the public that he is now cn- gaj^v d in rvfiltiug the li.iilding, which is sup- |. i.-d with entiiV new Furniture, an l is pre pared to ai ei'i..iii i.ite the tr.;\ellinjr puhiic.— Having had s iiiie eNperience iu the business in the town of l'itt>b rou'.rli, N. ‘., he tl.attcrs himself th.it lie will be .able to give s.atistaction to tho.>e v\bo may fnvi r him v.ith their compa ny. His rooms .a'c iarge and airy. He h.is lar_e au.i cuvemeiit Si.ibles, and a g 'd and luithful Ost’.i r. JtHIN HAItMW. Feb'v 17, Is-',2. f-r.tf lSo2. iStf xo R JiKllSONS indebted to us l>y [’.oi.d or I! fi. aecouiit due previous t> Jati'y 1, 1> must settle or we will make settlements liy Icj /' K have tbrmed a compiiny styled the Snow ('amp .Manufiieiiiring (,’oinpuny, of Alar'ance County. North Carolina, two miles \Vest of the C'aiie (..'reek Cotton Factory, on Cane Creek, iit the Foundry owned by David l)ixoii brothers, and woi Id respectfully announce to the citiiens of Alamaiiee .Mml tlie adjoining Counties, that we are now jirepareil to .Manu facture iu the neatest and liest style—\Vlieat Thrashinir .M.achines, froin two to six l.orrte jiower: » utting MHchit;es of dirterent sizes; Wool Carding .Machines: double and single .M;ll :ind Factory (iear; Saw and (.irist Mill Irons; C'lge Tools: ('otton Yarn and Wool l,ills, iVe. I’ersons wishing to piu-. ha.se would li-i well to give us a call belore ]iiirchasing elsewhere, as we aie deteiinined to sell clu-ap for cash, or on lime to punctual dealers, ('urlong experience in the .Nlanulaciuring lUisiness enables us to feel no hesitation in .•-.■lyiiig that our work shall not lie snrj'.-issed by any sluip iu the South. ,\11 letti'rs !ii)dressed to the Agent of the Company at the Siiow t'amjt 1’. O., .\lamance t'ountv, N. C., will rueeive |uiiiiipt attentiou. 1>A\ lit l)L\ON, A|:ent of the S. C. .Manufacturing (’ompany. Sn-iw Camp. Dec. lb’>l. 17-Gni]id 31 a r h! e F ji c* t o r v. 0&IMM .1. vV T. WADDIbb. 1852. jAMi:.s Kvu: IS \u\V UKCKlVINti AUul T 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, •\11 cf which being purchased for C.VSIl, will be ottered :it very reduced prices for c.ish, or on lime to lainctual cusU iiicis. cither by whole sale 'T retail. C-rir ('lotlis tV'iiii Xo. 1 to 10, >t ;he best t!i.t is manufactured. .Marcii ‘J-, ISo2. 7otf A Li 'jvUvrUtv FAViri' I'l'A'lLL //o/r/. i:. N. c'. large and >pleuvlid i'.uil ling h:.: been iu sucees.'i'.d oper:iti"U since IloW ,Ma\ Tlit‘ lUMMuijT uu'.l 1 uruiuirv '!' all kuiu> s :-'«nv-nient and p!e;.s.int. I' turii.shed with the best aiiiid hy a line vegetable n. W 1‘ 1- III-. t, . s ll ! .'.. ;i of tli-.‘ • 111' .ire tak.-u a in th;- p>ii ' i-e th's ives. and ■ '.Il ls to terms. r>r iw :i. .) ■*ui Da . il. V. riL.it, \\r -A!. .■pt. l--‘. -ie\ ulid MU.'.'.S i.a;:, 'Ai -STIS, ' .iiiii _ti'M. N. •Ji-Y T H. F II (ill. N ■ .. . in- I out ' I , i !i'hn_ t . I '. f, :'.:i U .Dii-iy all- I, .U. .lud '.e.l V : . f *t. T.i;. . r i,.0 . I' ll, a; , ; ! . . ' T ll ;f : -n f T. I's e;iUre a; VC (• ry SI- re iiiire.j f-r ’111. -\1- is admirably ndupt- iu,:ii'.;!;itc ab >ut -‘J ,.st all . 'n b Tlr ’■tf : t!ic ,,1-re it = ,■ i mU ■r. »'l •i: a lit a ■ ;i'i '1“^ n oU. !: \'.F. 74tf J ^noce-H- . r.i-i I"'" :-t tiie ;;; p.pbr .it !>fy X of lin'^ to ’’uy - -J • -t re- . he. fem.i ; ..11 (.. W. T. Well ar- a Mer- - .,f u;.:r\. g"' I ■1 . -V bar- II MllNF.. »t -if: NORTHERN CITIES 77//. \\D KIlWl.Ki: IIAil. ;U’i* ru. *'i tii'it tlic > !^nr, Stean-.ev lU’.O rilKllS. and low Uoats Stevenson. I»avid Lewis, and ./aniea (,'as- i;d:iv, are prep.-ii'cd to forward v%!th ilesputeh is e..nsigned to the l'roj'ricl"r. 11.e .''teaiiicr Ur"liiers i^ oS 1 ,;ht draught, and we!i -ui!ed to i uji iu luu- i .•'he po» , ,r au.l •/ and (■•1 t.. .y_ ail 1 I -lU ac ' 'i'i:e I’roprietor contemplati'S running tlie r. ..it hiiiiseil. and will give >jieeia! atteutiou to V. .v frei-l.t aii 1 u.ix.il .-Ii-re.s; to t.iwiiig, and w .l’i n’so ,it;en 1 t” the e .mt' rt and couveuicnce .it !•'. Fr-iii h\' exp.-ricuce a.s .V-; '.it in Wilminvit'in of the several Steamboat ( - .111 p>i til **.*'. In* tli.iiKS he eau uivi* s.il i.'^l.’ictiou. '1';^ M.riliasi's in ilie interior he would say, tli.it a!! 1 i' -iiippi'd l.y him, wi'.l lie .Iciiv- ere 1 : . tbeir uts ill I ayettevillc. H.s .Vgcnt in Wrimingt.'U is iiU lD ii.WKS, to whom all c ir.ieiunii Hiioii" may be seMrvas .\geut ot t' . i’.r thei>. •IiiilS I'roprietor. \Vilmin;;t..n. F-'b. K Is'.J. b.Jtf l.sj','. is nev,-. ::u'i tin- looi; The 'fable is a'.wa tiie ni;irket aib riis, gM'ieii. H.i.-.rders, Lodgers, and Tr sellers will tiud de- sirau.e accoi;iiu...uiti i.s and altentixe aerx ;iiH.-. No p:iiiis v.ai be sj.arcd lo gi\c entire sai;.-)tac- tiou. Fninilies I f fiiniished with l:ir»e, airy, front double r.'ouis. ct.uvi-nientiy au'l hau*!- souieiy luniisLed. An'••xoenciiee of 'J‘> \ears will eual.’.e the Ics- ~ •e she 1.0' cs. to giw i^ciicral s..t.ri.tcii"n. A.NN r.ilOWN. .June 1, m:\\ itk>l f SXllF. uu Kr-'g!i>'d have entered iut. eopurt- B neiship, uiob r the iiamv and style ot w r«‘isc4‘ A: Troy, For t!ie pur;iose .>1 uoing a >:eneral .\1 erc.intile ■Mid ii.irUT ou>ine.'«s. \\ e ha\•. t.iken the re. No. UMiUliLN .‘'filKFT. loiineriy occupied by .Messrs. John Huske .V Sv.u. OF.n. W. LAWr.KNCi:. JiiHN 15. TlloV. .Ir. Oct. iIJ. l -^l. ••••'*■ fH\Vi: just rei-eivei fr-ni New niy FAl.L AND WINTF.R Stock oi* (looils. t_ 'iisisiing ol a general assortiucnt ol Dry lirurt'rics. lliinhvarc. l iHlrry. \r. 1 will bart'T f"r TLlil LNTINI.. or any kii.-i of 1‘roiliice. N. KINC. 10 miies N'li'tli ol t" .lyet te\ 1 ile. Oc(. US. DAii.v i:xi'KC'n',i>. tdK.Nl'.n.VL a.'ssdrtment of COO J’ 1- 1» TOOLS, of the best manufacturers' i:. C. HALL, Only Itiiriit out in A. A. .Melvl. l llAN ^^'I'l LL et.n tin lies to carry on th-- i '.\ 111. : lU'SlNLSS iu all its iir-.uebes, at the re- , iiiJiins ('* liis *'lil oppns:n* Lit*tTt\ Pt-nit j He returns tliaiiks r the libera! patronage Iw ■ has heretofore received, and hopes by slriet at- ! leii'iion to business and a desire to give entire | sat.si.ieti..n. to m. rit :i conliniiance tii* same. I Haxiiig kept the greater portioti ot his 1 im- 1 bcrs at a distaiiee from tlie mauutaet' ry. he b.is i oil hand a large :ind well seteele.l lot of tho- j i'.uj.;liiv s, ;isiine.| T'liiber. of every dcs. ripli«.n ■ used iu l.i* s.-, which eoribi.-s him to retain :i.l his principal workmen. Ii»' is theiel.'ie now ■ pr»‘par'’1 t. >io any w«.rk in his line in the very | i'est st^•!c. and on the most fav..i ;tb!c t-rm8 as ' i!s :inv work of t!ie saim- .(U ility in N. ( . He has’oii h.iii 1. .-ompietelx tiui.'hcd, > D.in.ucii; -, 1. r 1 or - h'.rs.'s; f. llockaways, and D! Du^g.es. \S. . ne irly tiiiished, 111 «’.it riag'-s f"r ■_* horses: •Jit r.arouehes for 1 and - horses: ]•_' l.oekiiwiiys, and Dufrgies; .\;i of whicii uie of the most approved plan an.l tiiii-h, ami will c ni)mre with any w.;rk iu the r. .•'tafis for neatness and durability. Ha'ing been engaged iu the abo'.e biisines;* fi.r the past lid years, his work is well known, and he rif>rs to old cust..ii:ei.» for proof of its diirat)iiity. M. Avorlc w;irr;iiiti‘(l iitr ll.* atid r. paired Iri'C ol »diari;e should il fail l>\ had workniaiishij' or material, within that time. p..Vs“- 11 fi'MI? I NT. executed at thort notice, :iul on reasonable (crms. tC. V. I!.\! or uo-\h:, SiiiCf..'ii/r t>f Ill'll, S(tc/,'rf/ f’ ('o., I tS now receiving his Fall .''TOCK of i!)ODS, | consisting of ii general assortment of j !)rv (M)0(ls, Snddlcn , I la{s, Caps, S1h)(*s. Hardware, (irorcru's. •A much h'.rger and iiuire general stock than ever opeue.I on the Fast side of the ('ape I'ear —whicii lie is prepared and determined to sell to punetu.'il customers, eiihei’ at wholesale or relail, a( gready reduced pi’ices. JtHif' lle would call particul.ir attention to his stock of I'.ooT.S and SlldL.'s. The assortment is unu.suallv large, and of every (|ii!ility and stvli-; and having been bought Ibr Cash, he caii and will sell them ver_v low. Vou that wish Darg.iiiis will fin.l it to your interest to give the Stock uii examination before buyini: elsewhere. .\lwavs on hail'!, a general stock ot GIKJCF,- UIKS. ‘ Oct. 18. o-if l.L those indebted to the subseriber will lind iheir ae.-oiints ni.ido out by calling at the Foundry which will p.ease be settled as early as convenient. IL G HALL. March ti. 71 A Bv (;i J>. LAUUIUI. T\VI) L'OOI’S .\I5(lVli ll.lICIl iV S(I\'S STOKE, l^'uvelicviSle, ."V. .Tan’y 2D, 18.3J. .:-'>-lVpd NOTIC!:. fP^HK undersigned having formed « Copart- iiership under the styie of .!(>H N i$.\NKS X IM’.OTllKH. for carrying on n ('L\1 MISSION aii't FoliWAUDlNO IJL'S1M^.‘'.S, all good.s co//- iijiinl to them, or ordered, or )>roduce seut for sale, will be promptly atteude.I to. .loHN r.AXKS. DAVID B.VNKS. WiUiiington, Feb. 18o2. (>otf SPIISXG (i(>(>l)S. 7" E are now receiving our usu:il stoek of STATLC AND FANCY li O O l> fi, Koois^ Slior»i, lioniiet»«, W hich being boiiglit late iu the season, (most of theui at a considerable uecliue in price.) we ;ire now propareil to sell them very low. I’lease call and exauiine. D. & W. .McLAI'P.lN. Ajiril •'). 18-')-. 7'»tt xorici:. artnership lieretofore existing in i Lumbeiton, between the undersigned, is this diiv dissolved by rniiti’al consent. Those iiulebted to the lij-m will jilease call on (i. \\ . McKay, at Liimhertoii, who is .luthorized to settle the concern. .1051N A. HOWLAND. (ilLl’.KKT W. McKA^. Lumbcrton. Feb. 1S.'»J. 0‘Jtt M;\V \ m\ k m Fayetteviliv Rrfsnth ('LOTIll.\li i:XTA!l!.IS!i.MEMV .r. ,TI. WiiBtr &i 1 ndei'hill, iJntjjcrs, Tailors, nuf/ ]\ holt ;-ale and lie- tnii Vhithiern^ 110 Williuui Sirei t, N'ew York, .A XU rci’Mon street, t next do-.r to Bank of Cap? Fear,) I FAYKTTKVILLE. N. C. 'R'HT' w(iuld beg le,‘i\e to inform the citizens V V of Fayetteville and vicinity, tlmt we : have just received our supjdy of .'>PUIN(J .\NU SLMMKH (iOOD.S, v.hich coinnrises ii general iissortmeiit of ' ui:ai)V-maDK ci.oTMi.vc, I Which will be found worthy the attention of j purchasers. Our ubhortiueut consists iu purtof I the following: I COATS.— Bliick Hud colM cb'th Dress. Frock I anil .'sack (.'oats, all iiuiilities; black and colore.1 Cashnieret ditto; French uud rLuglisL Dn»p D’- , Ete ditto: Queen’s-cloth and .M|>ac:i ilitto; Faii- ' cv Coats of mottled Crasse iiud Tweeds; Ken tucky .Jeans; Linen and C'otton (iingliains; liro., butt and white LiueuM; white gni.‘s-clolii Sacks, I ic. of all qualities. i I’.AN'T.s—Of black raid col’d Cftssimerr; fancy I single-miH'd ditto; F’rench t.nd English Drap' i l)'Fite ditto; white and colM Drill ditto; Ken- I tiicky .Jcan.s ditto; hi lia and Freuch Nankeen ; ditto, A:c. 1 VF.STS—fif black Satin, liombiiziue. Alpaca, I bbick and colM .Silk.s: white aud col’d .Marseilles : ditm: hrow ’i and pjolded Line;!, jihiin and fig'd; I Nankeen, JJiilT, (Jrass-cloth, iVc. .Ml of which lire otfereil tor sale as low as can be bought in i the New York market, at wholesale and retail. Ill addition to the above, we shall keep oii i hand a general assortment of Sliirt.s, Drawers, ' Collars, Cravats, Hosiery, \c. Also, (^loihs, ' Cassinieres. an.l \ estings. The TAlLOllIN(.i DLi’AKT.MENT will bo ! continued as before, and all orders tor tiue ( ioth- ' ing will i»«* execute..! iu th*; most tashionab.c St vie. A. ('. li.VKT, .-Vgent. April '•'. iSOtf m Uome I WILL sell my STMMKl: JiKSIl>Jh:yCE; two miles from the .J/arket, on the Fjivett..' ville and Western I’lank Road—one of the most desirable an.l heiilthy places in the county. Also, -J) Shares of Fayetteville and We.^tern ' riank hoad Stock, and oO iharos of ir'uyctU- jrs r Kix i:i\ i:i>, r.lH.S. CltCSHKD SKiAi:. GUitU Ihs. W a\ue County 15aeou. I •') 1‘b's. Lard, No. 1. II l bo\es prime I obacco. 40 bb!s. Mackerel. At Cross V reek Co. C. 1H.INC'>W, l’r‘s't. Mnreh 1, lS-‘)2. now receiving from ; reneral assortment of subscribers are -EL N. York, a large and _ Shtplv and i'dncif Dnj (*oodsy IIAIIDWAHK, Iliits and Hoots and Among which are: (Vilfee, .Sugar, Cotton Hagging. HaJe Hope, Nails, Window (Hass, Swedes uii.l English Iron, Sack anil .\luni Salt, Imperial an.l Dlack Tcub, l'.'] ]>er, .V'ispice. (Vmger, I’ow.’ier, Skot, r>ar Leail, Har Jiiui Fancy .S. ap. Together with n great v.iriety of other arti cles. to wiiich they iinite the aticnfion of the j.ul.iie, niid which they are determined to sell i as low fur (Jash, or on time to those who pay >iitimic ti> c:irrv on the i promptly, as any house iu the Southern couutry. INI'SS. !it my ."stand ou il.iv i I’roduce of all kind';, at the hi;ihcst market Ni:\\ (iOODS. Sl'ST receive.1. niv Fall supi'ly of CLOTHS, ( ASSl.MLUl'.S and VF.srtN(,S, TIU.M- .'1IN(;S. \c.. of tiie brst .juality, Irom .New \ or':. .\1.'‘.>, the b.test Kej-i-i't ol ti.e N'e\' ^ oi k I A.-'ii:t)Ns. I still TAlLoiUNC I! stre.-t tnek of Head;.-nia.le CAR- KIAOKo and lil'OGlES ever ottered in this j,l;ice—over >i.j(M)() worth—con’plete.v f5iii?'ued-- .Ml of which 1 will sell at very reduceU prices for cash or negotiable notes. Ho little attention has been paid to (lie chU ma.Ie by me after the tire ..f the 'Jd .lan’y. oil those iiidebteil to me to call and s*ttle, that f am in.luced to otTer the above property at re duced j.rices to enable me to rebuild my Carriage I'stabVishnieni uii>l continue my busi ness witn convenience. 1 shall placc notes iu proper hnnds for collec tion, if not i>aid soon. I liave all ii.y accounts made out to the 1st .Jun’y l&.VJ. A. A. J/cK.LTlIA?«. .V:irch Ih-Vi. 77tf FAYKTTKVIMJ-: COXFECTIOM^UV CHAHLI3S BANKS, t'onfertioitri\ NFlMOlS the jiiiblic, that he luis refitted his .MeI.EAN A: JONE.S. Svnntaerville, N. C.. l>ec. S, 18ol. 47tf and those who may favo'r me with theiV j prices, taken in exchange for (loods. eu.''i.*m ma\' rely tui h.isiiig their w.u'k done in a I.e.It and fashioua’i.lc styie, and ou the meat favorable terms. A U C! 1115 A L D C. P. A H A M. (»ct. :J7, IS.jl. 31tf Plll\ Tin n)MPA.\V, \\AUi;ilOlSES, 75 and 77 Fultoa Street, W. Y. ?stab- M Eslablishmeut on (ireei. Street, and h.is >u Jl,. ISoJ. .’>9 make, bv of r.oiiic. ;;-jtf i:- 1 (r.i ii.:iau; ■ :iU'ke ir.'.l t.. Ir'iiii Weldon and tiiC Noithcru iiov. •r sr 1 prep I’ii. 'I luy at ■; 111' util by i with oiie IILKALD. 1- r i:..,: ui..i ii.i.ruo., o'clock. 1’. o ■ ■!"'•k. 1 ’. t!ie ('hes.i- or . and arrive 111 tJiiie to , tr.iiu tiiat Icaxe- f..r V t. Me aii'i agreeable r'oite. ■ \V:^mingto(i iu the in iruiug ear!'.' tin’ next inoiuiiig at ■ i: .New \ ik the s.iiiie eveii- ■i p. and with but "Ue i ■i'J'.;a.r‘ '= tWi.'U Weldon d ■ li'l ■ .itirely ui.iiiit travel- i . 1; render ii.;s r >utc ' itiii..; publii', the Company all ; r. .■.:11s . '.ii illC ir si«‘hri willi ut y r!if tniVvl- UU bu;r;r-ir^t* colli' ..j-tfuUy *'!* ,,:;e and VI- givini: Lefl- ■ is thanks ■ A -f reei'.'‘. f thr : amc. tr« r. * )i,r> best :;»tf _ ■ i’..iv Steamers a’.so J'top at ;.d ;.iid rec'-i .e I'.i' ‘‘Ugers, 11 ■ ive Weldon at I o'l'i'.ek, ■ i I’.uit the same e\e.iiiig. : ;i beeii e:it_ve.i into, by • : i'l .i ^ all I Steamboat (.'oiir,.an- '• • ae- fhr'oi^'i I'icket issued ■ 1 .i-ive It optionary with the r route iil Wtd.loU. . ;; tr:,.!i iea.es Weldon every ... ! .'-.nunlav morning' lor 1 (;LD'1’MN r t OM- : ’ I., either train for Old. 'I 1 I’oiiit the .T.iiiie evening- '.I i b 11.1. I.S to Daltliuore and ! i .. . 'li.-r iiifi.ruiatiou desired, ■ I:' it W'eldotl. !. N. I’l, I KilSON, Agent. ■Id V i; K. U._C-., I •1 .y j'lli, 1 ) p()!rn':iL ’■ ■ • r.yass’” just received aud W. T'l.LlNC.HAST & 'o. ■ !»4-tf *• 'i \ii\ 'S SCHOOL, .■%. V. ■' '' 1 i'll ol tiiis School will coin- 14th. Fora, (,'ircular, cou- li ar , apply to tll“ .'lubscriifc-r. ALDLin S.MEDLS, Hector. ' ’ V-3-lt I5i«* «ll .\UKV. .''’H KM W Kl.L iV ('•■ IliiVf jllst re- ( eive.la -plelidld :is' ituieut of .s't// ... -ad ;r-., to wiiich (hey wouM call the att.-n: Iil ”f >h- i>ublic. The.s*- go. d.s will eotupet.' iu .piality ali-l durabiiitv with the best .,f North.-rii C.-,~sii„eri s. an.l ar-much ch'-aper. raui'lti'.r trom ccn»« to -SI 'J-'> per yar 1. 1 aveCevilie. N. C., Oct. 14. ISol. o«'tf j UlNtiWOltM AND TLTTLll OlNTMF.NT. certain and p. nitive cur? for Itingworms, T.-ttiis, .'sea'ti-he.ids. F.ruptions of any kind, anl f..r all rough, scurfy alfeetions upon the r;!;in, an 1 also ulcerous dise.ises. .\nd it will lr.‘'|ueuily also cure sores thought to be c.ui- c.-rous. This class of cutaneous atfeetioiis are easily cured geu-rally, except s- al i-heads and obsti nate tetters on the hands, beard, aud other jiarts. F’ven these 1 have almost invarialily suceecb'd in ciirin'i by this oinliuent; whilst the e.thers of the cbi.ss are mostly dcs|.atched bv a very few applications. Five or six years ago, 1 a.'lopled this reme.ly, and s'aice th.it time have rarclv li.id occasion to us'- anything else. ((iie b.»ttle'is [uite sutli.'icut, in most cases, tor a cure, and sehlom m.ire than two iu tho most ob.stiuate cases are re.pjired. CNEqI .V LLED SUCCESS. Here is a geutleman v ell kiiown iu Oeorgia, that would have given fifty ora iiundred dollars t., a- complisli whnt has been done at :i much le.-^s cost. , Dk. W. G. Lmti.k—AfU‘r e.fhausting eve-1 rv reme.lv to be had. as well as trying Dr. Fort ; aii.l other celebrated physicians without sue-| ce^s I., cure a s..rt of ehnuiic tetter on the head . of a child of four years standing, a single bot-1 t e of your I'ingvvorm and Tetter Ointment has ; cured‘it eiitin ly. llcH.rectfully, | iSigllCi) (^IlKRI.KS D. 11 A.M.''IO.ND. I M,i7-oii. ISIM. i The fac-siiuile of the signature of Dr. W. G. AC'ADivMV. tliis Institution is now Oct. IS, IN'.I, rXTON f II!- building ol B ;i -taie id ctuiip'.etiou. ll is l.irg. al.d coinniodious. ll is ple.as.mtly located i:i a l.nc neighborhood, and iu a very salubrious part ot lt..besoii c»unt_\. twelve miles west frotii Luiii- l.irt iii, ab oit half mile south of the ro ivl Ic.id- ing troni tlieiic.' to Alfordsville. The lii-.st session of ihia Inslitutiou will com- lueiu'c ou the lid Monday ol .latiiiarv. 1^ >_. un der Ihe care of .Mr. (iilej Leitch. wh'> is a gra duate of the L'niversitv of North Carolina. Terms "/ Tnitiin,. }» r Spelling, reading aud wnliiig. W) Arithmetic. English tirammar, Geogra phy uiul History, _ Latin, Greek. Fn'ueh, and the higher branches of Malhematies. 1- *’*• Hoard cuii be obtained at the Aeademy, ami at couvenient distances iu the neighborhood, at fr..m five t.« six doll.irs jier ne.nth. i'.V lU'der of the Truslee.s. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec'y. Dec. I’O, 1S-')1. tt’ TIIOS. II. Tll.LL\c;]lAST, Anderson St., Fayetteville, K. C., Ol'l'dSlTK MU. W. WIN.'low’s LAW OI'KICK. It-iy” .Music neatly bound at short notice. I’amjihiets and i’eriodicals liouud, and old ^ Hooks re-bi>uiid, iu a substantial manner. 1 Dec. 8, 1«->1- hand a fresh supj.iy of C.VNDIHS, iiianufacture.l by himseif out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted tree from starch. Hour, paste, and jterni- cicuis ji.iints. His whole time aud attention is now devoted to making Can.ly, and he is pre pared to supply ail oi-.iers with Cau.lies e«iual to aiiv made in the Lnited .''tates. ^■XHF^ I’ekin Tea Company Las been est JL lished many years, ami has always main tained a high reputation for Teas of the most delicious character and t'rnpraucy, and at prices which have in every iristanee given perfect nat- isfactiou. The Teas i\re warranted pure, and may be returue.l if they do not prove to be as they are represented. The Teas soM by this ('oniptmy are done up in J lb, A lb, and 1 lb packtiges; the tirst or in side wrapper is of lea.I: the seconL water These Can- j proof paper; the third, or outside wrapper. dies he warrants to keep climate: am A. 11. \Vl!l'i’rii:LI), (’uach a ml JJiilii ('arrhiijt* .MaiiiifarliinT, m»7orLD respectfully inform the ]mi>iic W W that he s(ill coiitiiuus to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage lie has receiv- eil. and hopes by a strict atteutiou to business, aud a desire to plea.«C all :in.l ^ive general sat isfaction, to merit a contiiiuanee of the same. ile waj'iMuts all his wf.rk to bt* made o1 the best material aud by experienced woriviueir. aud shouM anv id’it fail in twelve months (with lair usage) either iu workmanship or material, he will repair it vvith.uit charge. Iversons vvishiug to buv. would do well to eall ami examine his work betori’ |uindiasiug, as it cannot be surptissed for style, elegance, aud ilurability. He is determine.1 to sell low lor cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received an.l promptly at- tcudeil to. liEPAUlING neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices, Fayetteville, Feb. -, C.ltf Liltle will be found upon the outside wrapper. GOODS, I ; . 1 .......;i Kt tlio Pri»nru»tor. 1 Mivv • wrEarenow receiving h very large and V w well selecteil stock of Sl’lUNG (.tOOD.S, couiiifitiiig ot a lull UM'iit ot Fanctf A' Stajple Ortj Among w hich inRV be biund the latest and most fashionable styles' of Ladies’ aud Gentlemen’s hold wholesale and retail, l>y tiie I'roprietor, at his MaiiuUcturing Depot, No. •l>t .\Livket street, I'liiladelphia. an.l Macon. Georgia ix-»V“To be had als.. of .James Cain, Itocktish; Watson. Horai i.oiiei^t.-, t ,s, Heuuettsvdle: Dr. J*. M- t'ohen, (diarlcs- i; C. C. i;.irl.ee, IJarclaysville; 1’. F- 1 c».5ud. A.^tfTtson. Floral (.'ollege; Townsend Doug lass, ton: llaleigh. ... S. -J. HINSD.\r-E. .\gent tor F ayHtex^l^ ro i'.\KUL\GE \L\KEIvS. tFlHST ll.\TE workman will do fine business by ap|»lyinr to the subscrilMJr, at Lynchburg, Sumter District, S. C Hats, Caps, Ij.iniK ts, Re:idy-m;ide Cloth- jjig, lliirdw.ire, (IriH'crie.s, l)rurs and '!\kdicincs, Saddlery, (.'rockery, and (riassware. A Inrtre and well selected stock of lioots an«l SUoos, :ind Liidies’ and (fCiitle- uieti’s Gaitors, (very tiiic.) Livery Stable Business. su''scribor intends carrying on the l_ iibove busincs as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to acciun- niodate the public. Tliankful for past favors, he solicits a contiuuaiice. J. AY. POWEIIS. •Tnn’y 20. isr,^2. \vvy, Mu‘IIIW€^II Ac Co. AYE o:ie piece extra tiue 7-4 black French he will sell to Town or Country niercuanis. as i idie:ip a« good aud pure ('audy can be purchased ! in New York or elsewhere. 1-a V etteville. Oct. IS-jl. o4-tl IJOOK lilNl)i:KV. W. HAHDIE has resumed the Hook & a • I'.iiidii.g r.u.sine.ss at the new Store next door to Nlr. i’o.isley. .lewcller. wheic lie will re ceive :ind I xceutc binding iu any style desireil. .Vugu.'t 1. -'tl AM) SIMM Ell AREY, SHSIYIWELL & CO. A ilE now rc'. eiving direct from New \ ork and riiiladelphia, a complete a.ssortment of A\D 1^00S»i. com[U’ising every article usually kept in a Dry Good.s ,s;tore. among which may be louii.l: lisidies’ and Gcntlenien's Dress (too(N. of the very best material, and the latest fashions.— Such a v.iriety will be ‘too tedious to mention.’ We have the haulsoniest Crape and iierage Shawls we have everoflcred in this market: and we would call the attentimi of the ladies par- j ticiilarlv to our very handsome stock of Vc- zitcs, .ilaiitillas, l*arasols, aud l'aus. —AJ.SO— Thin Ilmlir uderies; Lace aud .Muslin Cajies; Chimi/.ets: I n lersleeves; Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs; Eiub’d Sacks; Infants’ Waista aud Caps; Cull's and Collars. W e would al-so direct the attention of the la dies to our'stock of 150NNF]T.S, ot the latest stvle.s «d' Silk, Crape and Straw. Wc would not forget to mention our stock of Hoots and .Shoes, for ladies, gentlemen anil children. Together with their usual stock of .Staple Good.s, consist ing in part of Damask Table Cloths, and Nap- { kins; Linen and Cotton Sheetings; English, , French, and .American I’rints: lu ownand bl'ch'd Domestics; Marseilles and Grass Skirts; .Mar- ; seillcs (iuilts, of the best (iiiality, Jcc. Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn, Kossuth, and ralm-leaf; and a variety of other (Joods. To the above stuck we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of F'ayetteville and the surrouinUiig c.mntry. And wouM take this method of returning thanks to the public hinese rice j>aper; ala>'. ii. o lbs chinese ipiat- tooiis. The Ciunpawy sell none tiut good Teas, done up iu this superior manner, all grown iu the most luxurious districts iu i'hitia: they also WANTED. BA HR ELS of TrRPE.N- TlNlii. for Disiilierj’ at ibo I’lank itoad Bridge on Dig Uockfish. The be.st market price w ill 'riejiaid. For furilier inform ation. inquire of .Kdin W. Mur|)hj-, at the Bridge,- or of A. A. -McKethan, I’aveitevilif. Dec. IS, l»-:-l. * lOtf W’Ci4>^^DS, •Il'ST RIX'ICIVED. Tiik undersigned has jupt re ceived his stock of sl’KlNG AND SIMMEU tiOODS, con sisting of Cloths, Cassimeretr and Vestiugs. Black, brown, preen, blue and olive t'lolhs; v.hite silk and s.it- in \'cstings; Miirseilles ditto, white and colored; Liucn Drill- white and colored; Doe-skinCas.simere.ij taucv do.; Drab de'Ete and Bombnzines. —AI>0—- An assortment of HEADY-MADE CLOfH- lN(i. \c. , • • 1 . .n.i I’ersons wishing to purchase any of the a- ia>e leas ot every description m chests .md half chests. , . . ('ountry Men bants w ill find it greatly to the^ ’^4“ He still earring on interest to juirchase their leas ot this .oIu- i j>anv. they can select as small a c|u:intity ot each kind as tl;ev like, and have them packcl . r>(> r.2.l (.K) .')0 00 oi) *1 00 .'^1 ;>0 iSl (Mt ijil oO 50 CLOTH, to which they would call the ! generally for the verj^liberal patronage hereto- attentioii of the p’ublic. Oct. 13, If^jl. Price of Kasfs advanced. PERSONS who have made contracts with J. o t I a' T1M»V VW41 \^K^and \ MLS P- Jordan & Co. for furnishing U.\GS, SALl, IRO>, aud A - • , informed, that we will pay 3A cent» Wc iuteml selling as cheap a» we can, aud : , C'otton Bags. Rope and Bagging, would be glad if our friends and the public to us after this date. il. G. l’( )TTS. May20, IHVJ^ liercioed on (Jon.si^iitnent, ND for sale cheaji, -V) bbls. WHISKER . JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May 1, 1802. i would call aud ex,amiue our stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 21, l8o2. COTTO.N Y,VK.NS far saic by the bale, at Factory prices, by .STAllK & WILLIAMS. H. BRANSON & SON. 72tf .March 10, lSj2. i2tf March 11, 18-'>2. COTTON YARNS. E aix* always prepared to furnish COT TON YARN.'5 by the Iruile, at Factory i 9. nrices. J. & T. WADI>ILL, April 11, 18o2. 1 I, 18o2 fore bestowed on us; and would say, give us a call before buying, as we are determined not to be undersold by any. Wc keep constantly on band a good assort ment of Ingrain and Brus.sels Carpeting; Sugar and Cuffee, Tea, kc. S. S. AREY. P. SHEMWELL. .1. K. MclHJNALD. Fayetteville. March 2(j, 18.32. TTtf FOR S.\LE, B.VGS white Corn Meal, 100 lbs. in a Bag, a fine article for family use. JNO. P. WILLIAMS. ami in one ehest Hotel Kri'tiers may always l>e cerUiiii of having on their talde a iiin/orni rhnnirltr of Te.i: an.! Families may not only be sure o( good Teas, but can purchase any quan tity their wants may rciuirf‘. 'I'lie following is a Catalogue of the Tca.i with the retail juices afbxcd. (tREEN TE.VS, Young Hyson. Young Hysoii. .Sweet ('.-ir^o, Young Hysoii, Fint* Cargo. Young Hys'.ii Silver I.eat—this is a very superior l'e:i, •^1 Young Hysoii (Jolden Chop—this is the finest Tea cultiv.-ited in Chiua: it is of the first piekings, and excels ail other (ireeii Teas for its deliciicy of fla vor, strength, and arom.i: heretofiu^e this Tea has not reached this country, ex- cejit in small lots as presents to im porters. Hyson, fine, Hysou, very superior plantation, (I unpowder. Gunpowder, fine, (tunpowder extra fine, plantation, Imperial, ImiH'iial, fine. Imperial, e.xtra fine plantation, BLACK TEAS. Oolong, a rich black Tea, (’ompare this low priced grade w itli Teas which arc sold at most places as Oolong Tea, the difference is tof> plain, aud the deception too paljiable. Oolong, tine, Ooloiig, I”antation grow th. Oolong, (lelicious, Nc Plus ultra, This Tea is us fragrant and .•^weet as a nosegnv, it yield? a perliime tlmt is truly delightful; it is of garden growth’ aud superior to anything here tofore s»dd iu this country. English Breakfast, tiue, Fnigrant English Breakfast, How(|ua Mixture,—a very rich and highly riavored Tea of superior quality, 7o ijuld by P. & W. McL.YURlN, Ageuts, Fayetteville, N. C. . A Copy of the ‘•Guide to Tea Drinkers,” a very interesting treatise on the culture, &c., o*' Tea mav be had gratis at their counter. March 28. 1852. 77-tf Spirits of 'l\irp€iititie wonted. fH^O persons having Spirits Turpentine to JB. sell, we are in the market to buy; or we will receive and ship to any market the owner mav desire, aud make liberal advances ou con- \ signment. COOK TAYLOK. 1 May 6, 1S52. the TAILOHINO BUSlNE.SS in all its liraneiies. HIGH graham. .South-west corner of .Market .Square. .Vpril 17, lUo-. 84-;jm -1- T (>_ •11 ! !»;l 00 uU .'>0 (32] For 183:2. su1)scriber would cull the attention of his friends, and the public in genoial, t./ one of the largest varieties of Sprin tr and Summer Goods Ever offered by him in this market, .liuong his assortment may be found:—Oeutlemen'a DRE.Sf* 1L\T.S. to-wit: Kossuth, .l/olosk;u. Bea ver, Silk, Brush and Angola, with :i couijdete assortment of all other kinds of Fur and Wool Hat# usually found in tliis market. —ALSO— Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit: I’unamn, Rice Siraw. I’edal, China Pearl, Leghorn (Kos suth stvle) and I’aliu-leaf HATS, for Gentle- i men, Y'ouths, Bovs and Infants. ! * _ also— ' A good nssort- ment of Boots & Shoes, for Gentlemen, T.adies. .Visses, Youths, Boys, Childr.-n, and .Servants; all of whieb will be ofl'ered ou very ac commodating terms for tho Ready Cash, or to those that are willing ti> cash their accounts when presented. JOHN C. THO.!^V(^N. South-west coi’ncr .J.^'irket ftijuare.- .Van-h 2't, IHo^J. _ N. R STARBIX'K, Troy^ IRON FOrNDER AND MACJHNIST, ManvfnctT>rer of Sicam Jf ilht and Jioiu-rff Mill Gtan'/fif of all kimh, Ploutjlif., t-c. fHlHE undersigned, as the Agent of th! above JL Est.iblishinent, will order any articles which may be wanted, Oil application to him. "'he Steam MilU manufactured by Mr. Star- buc't have beeu tcktcd, ajid are highly »i>proved on tlic Plank Koad.) about Fayetteville. EDW’D tEV. WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 1, 1861. 20tf Htanks of all kindsf For aalo at this OMco.- imam

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