S 13 M 1-W E E K I, Y. VOL. 1.] eiagw.gwoijki-,»a*'WHiji« FAYKTTEMLLE, N. C., .JUNE 8, 183?. ■'Hi II iin'Wiii I iiiiwii~si^8»«a»aemjBUrtajiy [NO. 97,] ^■^;3g.;a»ge>>grg»Krm:.jra^,- ITJNTKD r>V J. B. XKWUV. i;i)U \i!l) J. llAlj; & sox, AMI . •• r il.c ^t'iui-NVi'ckly Obskkvkr I UO it' , ; ;:i .1 iv;iiu-e: CiO it' puiil iluriiijr the r -ii' ci rij'tioii; or utter the yc:ir has . , !. I ■ ■ I ■ . ■ V' ov U’.' t >i)'KKvv.K Nj 00 per annum, if : ; ,u a I':ir.'•'■•■. oO if paid Uiiving the i - .f ~ or OO sifter tlie vcar | ‘ _ ' ! . ''ll-N » ^ iiiborted t'orsi\t_v cents i . ; ■ t T ilio iirs;. :iuil tiiirtv eeut> tur eaeli ' ■.: • u''l.v,‘:U'.''n. Voarly ;ulvcrti.se:iionts | .1 . iitr.Kto. ;it re:i-lUa'i'.e r.iic.s. .'..J- leii’-u-stvil to st.ite the umiilier of; if'iro I, or they will bo coutiiiucil till 'I I cli;ir_'c 1 .■'..•(■‘•rdinjily. r to the K.llt. rr> luusi be post-pali.1. Plants in Bloom. In AV K a ilozen vrtrieties of new V KiUU'.NAS, of all ci)ti)rs,—pure wiiite, deep crimson, sti-ij'fil. I've.; thirty varietie.s of the hiouniiii^. rcrsuiis wit;hii\;^ to make selvetiour; are iiiviteil to call and see them. They will t>e remly for delivery iu the course of the summer and tall. M.niy curious aiul beautiful plants are con st.intU comiu>r iuto bloom. i.n’TKKl,(>H. Rowan iStreet. P. I’erson.s wisliinp: i>trawberries in any nuantity should pive notice the day before they arc w:intel. On the ;j:ronnds, cts. per piart. hen sent out, ‘J j •* Mav 17. '.'1 tf IX STOKE, LOU('iHS and I’lough Castings. Corn Shell- , ers, Cultivators, Straw Cultera, and ."^pin- : niny \\ heels. C. H.VLL, of Konie. Oct. 18, 1851. ;;iitf I ^Piii.\rsr()cir ^aHE uudersi'^ned are now receiving Iheir ^ -B. t'l’llINt.i .'STOCK, consisting of l>iiV llAIiDWAl!!'.. Mitsls^ and SIhpcs^ .Ml of which will be sold low to punctual cus tomers as heretofore. .Merchants .-ind .*thers will do well to exam ine their Stock bi-fuve making purvdiases. We will not be undersold. HALL i S.VCKKTT. March 11, 18-VJ. 7_’tf the box very WAUDILL. '.M-tf 'i I'on Ml'o. \iil S'.' ^cr'.bcr o.iiiliiiucs to recei^o and - . i'!i lii inuf.u-turei s' ucvnunt, all j^rc.dcs ■ I. Uiri.- l I’v-b.iCCO. J. ITi.V'.Y. [A^sv oii sro!j:v. 1‘ .t r.'.iV.. c >nr linin.:' no m nu v, but r. ' recc;;'t,'. and :-ovcral otiier ;Mpei '. i'.1-: ;i v\.is ! either in l a^eUCMlle. i>r t'.; t ph»^e and Luiu'icrtmi. It any sh alid find It. he wiil be libeially re- i : j n.'-lU iii.. J. tl.e s.iiiu- to nu'. i» '.N. luisr.K.-^. ’ . r; 11. N. v'., M ly i;-. i -.2 ''O-.U :2«oo roi .\E>s UTll t .VIl-'l.lNA I’.VCuN. of very ?;i- '*« r» .ti A N, Ji..-.; i-c. 1 I'iil. !i :-ii H:.y. I ,iud t->r sale by ]J. \ SON. V'.'i-r.t siprLV \n \ *11, 1 aU‘l A C ARD. rfiHK retui'u of low water renilers it neces- i fl- sar\ that the Steamer Chatham should be emphivcd as a tow Imat. >he will not thi-iefore i run as hcn tofore, on any regular days, ui.til further notice. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. A./t l'ui>e I’ear S. 15. Co. yir.y VI. IS.VJ. W tf That POlAsVlfhoir a Sliiuo! ?io!d within thr la^t nine J. \Vt.iolt\V.Mll> returns his thanks to the public tur th‘ uupree> dv.".it».-d eu- Cour.itreinent he ha- m*‘t witl> in the maiiufac- lur‘ and ^'ale of his celolir.itfd l’( anil at the same time w ishes it uu ler'toud that he al- vva\s Le^-’>s a 0‘* hand tor w.iides.i!** or ret.ill. Lxpcrietice has pr.»vc l that tiiis I’olish is un- 'iiipasscd l'>r 'lUiiRiie.s.> ia puttiu:: a on bii'.is ati(l siloes, and al.'j in prcder^in^ the leather. l’er>'ins wishing to oil their boots can use thi.* I’olish with equal success ininieliatcly :if- terwar'ls; the leather should be rubi>cd a? aoon a? the r-jlisii is applied, liefore it dries. Tiiis IVdi.'h crtn l>c found at the .store under the Carolinian I'rintin.: Ollieo. Fav«;tteville, Fclv til. IS.'i:;. •ITtf A. IIAK.MAN'S llOl'EL, F A V i: I'T i: V11.1.1:, V. ^BMIK Subscrilier, havinf: taken the large .M Hotel, formerly known as the rianter's IIol.d. situated .at the toot tif liay .Mount. H.iy Streefc, Faytttesillc. N. C., rcspeclliilly iiifi-rms his friends and the puMic th.it he is now en- ^ iLcd in reiittin;.: the building, whicli is sup- i-.i> d with I'litiic new Fiiiiiil luf. aud is prc- pnrid to accointiK' late tlie travelling piililic.— Having had >oiiie experienc>‘ in tliv l>usiness in the town of I’ltt'^biirough. N. i'., he Hatters hiuiseif th.at he will be aMe to ^ivc s.-itistiK'tioJi to tiiose who may favor him with their compa- 11'. . lli.s aie lar^o and Miry. Me has larg' aud convenient Stables, and a good and laitlilitl tljiier. JOHN HAUMAN. TOHACCO WK have a lot of prime common Tobacco, which wc will sell by cheap. J. i'. •May 20. 1S:,2. MUS.~wXl7i()Nr Mantud-Mahcr and Milliner^ 1 las just rcccivcd a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum- '“er ISO ^ 1^ I'.’l'iN, and expects to receive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell tliem as cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the mar ket. She expects ilaily n new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, lilack Lace Siiawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. .Vlso Dress and Sacque I’atterns of the latest style. Orders from the rouutry pronjptly at tended to, and country cust'oiiers may always be nure of getting the latest style of articles or pfitterns. .March "0, 1 TKtf ~ NO TK i:. ISON.'' indebted to us by I’ond or I’ook I'count due j>revii)us to .Iiin'y 1, must ?ettle or we ''ill make settlemenis by legal process. •!. iSi T. \V.\D1)ILL. •185:^. pi:us iii. a-e s Coixls- .IA.Mi:s KYLE L-^ N(i\V Ur.CKIVlNH AlUtl T 253 Packages of DRY GOODS, ^^ontlierii llasiiiraeOire. WE have formed a company styled the Snow Camp .Manufacturing t,'om[>any, of .Vlumance County, North Carolina, two miles West of the Cane Creek t'utton Factory, on t'ane ('reek, at the F'oundry owned liy David Dixon .S: iJrothera, and woi Id respectfully announce to the citizens of Ahimatice and the adjoining Counties, that we are now prepared to .Manu facture in the neatest and best style—Wheat Thrashing .Machines, froia two to six horse power; t'utting .Machines of ditferent sizc.s: Wool Carding ;Machines; double and siii':le .Mill and Factory ticar; Saw and Grist Mill Irons; edge To(ds; Cotton Varu and Wool Lolls, ^:c. Persons w isliing to jmrchase w ould do w»dl to give us a call belore purchasing elsewhci'e, as we arc determined to seiJ ehe:ip for ca.«h. or on time to punctual dealers. Our long exjierieiice in the .Manufacturing Itusiness eiiai>les us to feci no lu’sitation in saving that our work shall not be surpassed by any shop in the South. All letters adlressed to the Agent of the C'onipany at the Snow Cam)) 1’. (>., .Vlamance County, N. C., >^il ruccive prompt attention. DAVID DiXoN, Agent of the S. C. .Manufacturing t'ompany. Snow Canij). Dec. '.i, IS.jl. -iT-'iiapd E. C. HALL, ^ OF ItOMi:, Stir rr.dff/' fff Hall, Sarkrff Co., as now recfiving his Fall .''TOt'K of (i()ODS. ^ coiisi'.tiug of a general asstn-tmeiit of ! Drv (ioods, Siultllcrv. I lats. C'jsps, I Slioc.^, Ihirdwarc, (iroct'ric'S. A much larger and more general stock than Marble F ilc t o r V. ir t'atfetleviile WIraneh rLOTllWLIiSni'USilMEAT. J. .11. Wliile I tMlerhill, Drajici's^, Tailors, and Whjl(ialt and JRe~ (nil 110 William Street, Nc.v York, AM) Person street, (uext door to P.nrsk of C!,po Fear,; I rAvr-riKViLLE, n. c. TK woiild bf*z le>t\e to inlorm the citizcn# Bv ;K0. f.AUDJ:!!. Twii Doniis Aiiiivi; iiiuiii i sn.\'s srtiiiE, Favftloville, i\'. i\ .Fan’y 'JO, IHoJ. o-j-1^ pd NOTlCi:. f^C^HL tindersigned having formed a ('ojiart- B norship unl“r the style (>f .lOH.X HANKS iV nnoTllKll. for carrying on a CO.M.MISSION and Ft tUWAllDINti P.L SINKS.'', all goods e')//- fignid to them, or ordereil, or produce sent for sale, ’.vill be promptly attended to. .loilN P.ANKS. DAVID BANKS. Wilmington, Feb. 2, 18-'2. C>ntf •Ml of which hciug purchased fur (" ASM. w ill be ever *)pcned on the Last side ot the t ape 1'ear oll'eieil at very rediiceil prices I'or cash, or on ■ —which he is prepared iiiid determined to sell time to j'unctual custoiiii.rs, either by whole- s.ile or letail. IJ.dtiiig Cl'th.s from Xo. 1 tu 10, of the best that is maimfactured. March 1 ■.If Feb'y 17, lt>' -bA OOtf - \ ! — t.!; ilk.' .'.o, app i .l.MH':-'! aTM rc.‘ viij. lilaUc s Fire % to P.it.'K \ St»N. aim: sui» 3_ \e ivs. o WH.I 'iiU'' 1, -i II-; T:k 1! \ ALi 1 .\i:m Foil SALK. . .-'.'■1 at priv.ite s.ile. t!ie planf-ition I , .S'-d ui l*:itiiel 11 ickiicy, iu t]i‘ ( ! i:i.;iin. known ;is t!ie .''t. l..iwicnee iiiiiii- . t*-;y ‘.-n the r b-adiiig from j'l i ' As:! •rough, twflve ini' " fr >ni T'.J'.- s;tii:!t;on is healthv. and the ■ I i.iu- if the best for "rain in the buildings are good, aii'i iti g.'od 1 till' Inn is '.n : 1 cunditi 'ii. 1 h*' • ^i.'i in'.ir F.ig'it Hundred ,\i’rcs. I it i: i li tiT.iis. it the p i,. Hu nts are v > and ui'c po^^c-v,..i, „t the - • ■ii^r"wiiig ci 'ip^ ar*‘ taken , 'llui^..;lu^ aii'l pici.i.>“S in t:.>- ,\!n pi'i'i'!! w;'iiiiii: t > pur.bi-ic this . ; \:;lliillC it lor t l.''lll'Cl VCS. aud Con- • I. r.- .;i !1\ jr othervi;'-' as to terms. ISAAC H. FOC.-'T. 1 i 1 c'li P. 'C. r. indoiph ('.I.. .Mav. 'i'o ’nii: iH iii.K’. subscriber has leased for a term ol of R. W. lirown, i'.Sij.. his tirc-proot St..re, with his Wh.irvcs. and is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits I'uriientine and other Naval .'^toris c'.mmitte'l to his e.are. The \V:irchouse i-; well know n to be the best aiwl >.ilet plaeo in t .wn tir the sti r.i^e ».f U.icdu. Lard. ( oi l). Peas. >Vc. Tlie low‘‘r « har\e.s nave on them t'l.ur lar'.re ne'.v s!u*ds. w here Spirits c;in be s.ife'.v kept ir .m the rain and sun. He is I'repared to i.-eeivc .lU'l shi]., .-r se'd, all kinds Iff j r .ditce s 111 Ik hi.' c.irc. lie will also nuiKc ad\ances when re jiiin'd. He be.; « to rei'er to the fillowing gentlemen: H. W. P.rown, .lohn Dawson, O. '-. i’aisicy and Thos. 11. right. Lsq-*. MILLS COSTIN. P.rown's wh.in, '.Vilmington. N. C. IJ, isjl. 'Jl-V T't. [TIIK t^aifvtfvrlllc I'AVE rrEviEu:. n. r. ^SHllSlari^e aii'l splendid lluihling has now B 'oeeii in >u>-ces^iul oin’ratioii siti.'e May The liedding and Fun.ltlire of all kinds i> nev,. aii'l the no.iiis convenient and pleasant. The 'I'able is .alway.s furnished with the best the iu.irk.vt llitord.•^. ai.ietl bv a line vegetable g;ir'leli. ISoarders, l.odgcrs. .-in.J Travellers will tind'le- sirable aeconun.Hiations and attentive servants. No pains will be s[>are'i to give entire satislac- tion. F'amili‘*s eau >>e furni.shed witli large, airy, tront iliiiible ro.,.nis, conveniently and iiand- soniely iuriii'-hed. An exp» ri.Mice of 'J*' years w ill en.ible the les see, she liopes, t«i give {general satisfaction. ANN IIUOUN. June 1, 1!'’)0. liS-tt NEW nUM. 1 H F: iindersign'‘l have entered into copart nership. under tlie name and style ol l.iaw reiicc* A: Ti’oy, For the purpose of doing a general .Nlercantile and l.art.T Imsinc^s. W e ha ve taken the Store. No. iHCiKFLN S fKHLT, tornicrly occupicl by .^Ic#srs. John Huske vV Son. CKO. W. LANM’.KNCK. John 15. TllOY, Jr. Oct. -J--’. IS.'.l- ootf t T I I V i >[\^ )ii>r(;i I, N. c. ' , . - ,-i- ha'in_' s-'ld cut his entire , . t 'i.^ i-i, iiiti-n liu'i to m.>vc to . ■ irer-. for s.r.e his tw.. .s.-oiy St..re - , I 1 . ‘ feet, handsoineiy arr.uiged !• r I • .luti: .i Uo'.m. aud bc'l room. .VI- • i. i .i ; •. .1 !'V •;it feet, i'ai or s .''hop ' ." .'■p. ! I r'-onis to e.ieli. all well ar- 1; ■;> :i ;.-..ir:ro'f «i:uati 'n I'.'r a Mer- u .uld .ii%e to il.. a l.!l^ill!■•=s ..f ^1 he:.thy e. uiitry. guod . ^ ' I iiiaie all 1 lemaie .Neiioc,i,,. .V o.ir- . .. :.e h; d 'L'V aj.p.ie;it',..;i to 'te.liner DIK) i'll LU.''. and Tow I?oat; fl. Steven- 'n. D.iviil Lew i.-».* iin.l Jann s C:is- si.hiy, are )>repare>l to forward with despatch : all ii.iods consigned t> the Proprietor. i Tiie Steamer P.rotiiers is of li‘.rht draught, and well suited to tun in /«.»■ ' ■i/i’r. She pos- ; r and ami is .idinirably adapt- | e l to ■in- tmj, and cau ace jmn'.oclute ab jut ‘JU pa-,-.igers. . , i Tiie Proj.rietor contemplates running tlie n-.at iiimseif. and will give special attention to jjpy IJrOCCrifS. IllirtlWiirr. ( llllcr). Kf w.iv l'rcig!it ami n.iv.il store.-; to towing. :ind will also atteuil to the comfort ami couvetiience H.WK just received from New ^or’^, luy FALL AND WINTLK Stock of (iootls. Consisting of a general assortment ol W. T. lb JRNK. 'U ■: per- I iii 'i .', K .il •1 the FJil TH£ iVailTH£ili\J CITIES /ly 77/i. iMj Kiiwiiiv!’: r\il Kn\n. ^5’ il- P' I'Ll'' are int'.'rnied that the S^a 4 :i i :ind Iltianoke Kail H>'ad ( onipaiiy ■ ; ■•■’cd tii' lr lo'vv oridg*.-across Koaiioke i Uelu.n, and are n..w prepareil to It I'-ehgej - and freight Iroiu Weldon itu and N'Tlolk, ntnl the Northern ■ - : : Miptly :.nd with di-|iatch. .. ' ' .r-i leav.- \N eidoii dady at -U o’clock. P. . ; iirive at Poi tsinouth l.y 7 o clock, P. • t': e •iiiiect with one f th‘ Cliesa- I ... .-t ,;mei . Hlill.VLD, Ci;oU;i.\, or 'i it ‘ \ 1'.'»L1 N .\. lor Ihiltimore, :ind arrive ■ i i • ;j ,i..- e.iriv next ni'.'rning. in time to ;i, Til • morning train that leaves bT _ ,. . .i: l .New ^ iii k. . Miiiortable and agreeable route. - • . I ' ..Mvin'jr iliiiington in the morning ■ - v.^ -rive early tin- ii“Xt niornitig at :iii| I'lMch New York the s.aine eveii- . ut I'/:-, Ilf sleep, and with but one • II and ba;:g.ige between Weldon and .‘ivui'i .‘iitirely nigiit travel- , K >ads. To reniler tiiis route tr.ivelliiiir j.ul.iie, the company i-d c.irei'ul aud respoinible baggage ■•i. " cli’ck Jill baggage ut Weldon to liiiltini'ii-e, conseijuently th" travol- •i 11' fiirtlier trouble with bis baggage j : rt.Mches li.iltiniore. = IK ' ipeake i’.ay .''teamers nlso stop at l’'d.N'l'. t; land iiml receive t’ai'cngers, ' • who leave W eldon !it -i.J o clock, ■ ' it Old P-iiit the .‘■ame evening. '• r ;iigeiiii iit h.is been *‘iitered into, by ■e i ' iii Ui,:nl and Steamboat ('ompun- wii.eli tilt- s.line Through licket issued • ' '.11, will leave it optiouary with the ' : t'. t:ike either route at Weldon. .111111 :.jatioii tr.iiii leaves W eblon every '. 1 iuir- lav and .''aturilav mornings lor I'll. N,,rf.dk, and Ol.D POlNT CO.M- • I’■"eii.ce; ^ by either train for Ol«l '■ ' i re.,ell (»l,l Point the same evening. I.liediiil TIi,'Kl/rS to ii.iltiniore ati'i '! ■ an.I aiiv ..tlier information desired, ' i the .\g.-nt at Weldon. K. N. PL'fF.liSt».V, Agent. " Sral„,ar.l & U. IL 1C ♦'•••, t ij- ■ N- ■ , .May :i«th, / i-ONDox i>()uri:u. ' Iv' P)nt:i, ‘*Dvass’” just received aiil of I’a^-eiigcrs. From his long experience as : A^'i’tit in Wilmington of the several .'Steamboat ; Companies, he thinks he can ;:ivc satisfaction. | T.i .Merchants iu the interior he w.uild say. - th it all (lu.ids shippe.l hy him, will be deliv- ere.l t.i their .Kgi-nts in I-ayetteville. His .\geiit iu Wilmin.'toii is D.V\ IL* HANKS, to whom all coniinuni.'ations ni.iy be .'iibtressed. as Agent ot tiie .Steamer Bruther-*. | JOHN P. VNKS, Proprietor. ; Wilniington, Feb. 4, lh-»J. Gotf , i:tioiii’au‘ tli‘ oUl '\oilli Sl;il«‘. AiifcV, Shkmwki.lA: C». liav** just re-' ceive.l a splen.lid assortment of Salfin C'Jrti- ' black an.l j:rey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These goods will compete in quaiitv ainl durability with the best ' lUibeson county, twelve miles w.-st I "ill barter lor TLIIPLNTINL, or any kiuii of i'roduce. N. KING, 10 miles North ol F ay.‘ttevill«;. Oct. 28, 1S.',0. i)All>Y I'AI'EC: I'El), A (iK.NKK.VL assortment of C (_> O P L Pi S ’ TOULS, of the best manufacturers' make, by K. C. HALL, Oct. 15. 18.'»1. I xTon ai V. 1HF2 building of this Institution is now iu II state of completion. It is largu mid conini.idious. It is pleasantly located in a line neiglihorhoo.l. and in a very salubrious part (d from Lum- Osily Btnrait out eii Pari. A. A. McKEl'llAX STll.L continues to carry on the C.\1UU.VL IU'.''1NF,.''.'' in all its br.inehe'!. at the re mains of his old stand, opposite l..il»erty Point He returns thanks for the liberal patronage h^ has heretofore rcceive.l, anl h.tpes by strict nt- teiitiiui to business and a ileslre to give entire s.iti'f.ieiion. to merit a continuance ot the same. Haviiij: kept the preater portion of bis Tim bers at a d'.s;ar»ce from the tnaimtactory. he lias on haiiil a large and well seleeted lot ot tho rough! v 'ie.i,'..iu-,l Timber, of every de-iiipto.n used iu his business, which en.ables him to ret.'iiii all his ]>riiicipal werkmen. He is therelore now prepare.,! to do any work iu his line in the very best stvle, and on the most favorable terms—as low ;is any vv.irk of the same quality iu N. . He has on hainl. completely finished, h I’.irouches. for 1 or - horses; tl llockaways, fin>i lo Uuggies. ,\1s.>, nearly fmishe.l, l(t Carriages for - horses; 20 liurouehes for 1 and ‘1 horses; 12 Ilockiiwuys, and iiO lJuggies; .VII of which are of the most approved plan find finish, and will conipai’e with any work in the C. Staf s for neatness and durability. Having beeti engaged in the above busines.s for the pa't 20 years, his work is well known, and lie refers to obi customers for proof of its durat«ilit_v. Al.l. wcrk warruiitod for 111 tn^ntlis, nnd re])!iiri‘d free of charge slioubi it fail by bad workmanship or material, within that time. jjkr,)"' lU.i'viitiNcj executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. .laii'v 2U, lS-)2. •'•0 T to punctual customers, either at w hoiesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. He woui.l call i).ii-ticubtr attention to iiis stock (d' P.( lOT.S .VND SllOK.''. 'I he assortment is unusually large, and of every quality and stvle; and having been boiiglit lor Cash, Lc caii and Will sell them very low. Vou that wish llargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an exauilnatiou bciore buying elscwliere. Ahvavd on hand, a general stock of GliOCli- UlLS. ' Oct. 18. 18M. r,2tf LL those in lebte.l to the subscriber will liiid tlicir accounts niale out by calling at the Foiitiilry v\ hieh will ple;ise be settle.l as early as c.iivciiii nt. H. j> H.VLL. .M.'ireh ti. 71 .ii's’i' ui:('!:i\ i:i>, ^ HP.LS. (TU'SHLD SCtiAU. 5t)i>0 U.S. W a_\ ne County liacon. l.'» bbls. Lard. No. 1. t'.4 boxes prime Tobacco. -10 hbls. Mackerel. At Cross Creek t'o. C. l>l,NLlt)W, Prcs't. M.-ireb 1, IB.VJ. o'Jtf NEW (ioons. fl'ST receiv*‘d, mv Fall supply oft'[,(>THS, (’ASSLMLRKS AND VKSI'lNtiS, Tltl.M- .MLNC.S. vVc.. of the best tpiality. from .New York. Also, the latest Report of the New \ ork FASHIONS. B'a?"' I still continue to carry on the T.VlLORI.Ntt 151 SlNl'.SS, at my .tand on H.iy :treet, and those who may favor me v\ith their ; custom may rely on h.iving tludr work done in ; I a neat an.l la-^hionablc style, an.l on the most [ I favorable terms. I AUCmnALD tlKAHAM. | I Oct. 27. 18ol. S4tf ] FAYKTTEVIl.LE ('OXFK^TIO^EIiY. | CHARLES BANKS, ; €Unifer1ionet\ INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his listablishment on Creen Street, and has tm hand a tresli supply of C.VNlilhS. manutactured Viy himself out of the best Lo.if Sugar, and war ranted tree from starch. Hour, paste, and perni- ci(Uis paints. His whole time aud attention is now devoted to making (''.•imly, and he is pre- i pared to supi'ly all orders with Candies equal to ajiy made iu the I nite.l States. These t’an- dies he warrants to keep in any climate; and he will sell t»> Town or Country merchants, as have ju.-'t received our supply of SPRING AND SL'MMLil OOOD.i, v.hicu compr.jes a general assortiiicnt of keady-mad;: clothixg, Whieh will be foun.l wortiiy liic Rttention of purchasers. Our ussurtuicni coiisia!.s in part of the following: Ctt.VTS.—I’lack nnd . ol d cloth I)re«“?, I’roclt and Sack ('oats, all qualities; bi.tck find coli.red Caslinicret ditto; l-'rencli and Ktifjiish Drap I/- lUe ditto; Oueen's-cloih aud ,Vlpfi''a ditto; Fan cy Cfiata of luottle.l (-'ras«e and Tweeds; Keu- tiicky Jeans; Linen and ('■ tt 'Si '.linghpnis; Bro., bulf and white Linens; whit -griiss-clolh i;ucii.ii. &e. of all (lualitle^. IVVNTS—Of black and coi' l Cfi^slnjprp; ^'nglc-mill'd dift'.: I'reiich Lnglieh Drnp ; D'F>te ditto; white aiel Ool’d Drill ditto: Keri- tiieky Jeans ditto; lietla iinJ French Ntinkfcn E are now reeei'ring onr usual stock of; ditto. .Ve. ST.VPLF, AND F.VN'CV j VFSTS—Of black Sh'in, azino. .Vlr.ftP'». C i J# V 1^H ^ I bli'.ck and col'd Silks; wiiite ai'd coi .1 Marseir.i-3 jf ^ ditt.i; brown and pa I'ied Linen, pihiti urn: fig'd; * . ' ^‘^fikeen, Bu-i", Gra.-s-ciotli. io. Ail oi whi.?h ISOIIIBCIM, (,rtV;red for Bsiio. uR low us can be bought in Whi(d» being bought late in the si'asoti, fmost ; the New York miirket, iit vvhoicsale find lethll. of them at a considerable decline in price.) wc are now )irepareil to sell theiu very low. i’lease SPIU.XG GOODS. call and cx:imine. .Vpril IS'.i. D. & W. McLAURlN. 7‘.'tf NOriCE. rBIHL Partnership heretofore existing in Il Lumbetloti, t.etween tlie undersigue.l, is this day dis>olve.l by mutual con.^. nt. Tiiose iiidebte.i to the tirm will please call .m •!. W. .McKay, at Lumberton, who is autliorizei.l to settle the coucern. JOHN A. HOWLAND. tilLHLRT W. McKAV. ! Lumberton. Feb. 2->. 18.'»2. t.'.ilt ; m \m m liooiis; fjSIHl] subscribers are now receiving from S N. York, a large and general assortment of Staple nnd J)rif (ioo{s^ ( i U()(' H11 lES, 11A !l I) W A i; K, Hats anil Caji.', lioid.s Jtiid .Shoes. AuKiug which are; ('offee. Sugar, t'ottoti I’agging. Rale Roy.e, Nails, Window Ghiss, Swe.les and F^nglish Iron, ."sa.-k and .Vlum i^alt, Iinjterial ami iJiack leas. Pepper, .Vls]>ice. Ginger. Po.vder, Skot, l>ar Lead. Uar and Fancy .''••ap. Together with a great v.irlety of f.ther arti cles. to which tliev invite the attention of the public, and whih they are deieriuiiied to sell as low fi.r 'ash. or on time to those who pay promptly, as any house in the Souther;! country. I’roduce of all kinds, at the highest market jirice.', taken in exchange for Goods. In addiiiou to the iib-jve, wo 3iia;l 'Kec;p on hand a general assortinent tf Si.lrts, Druwtrs. Collars. favats. Hosiery, wC. AUo, CIstliB, Cussimeres, uud V'esti'igs. The TAIL01!IN(. Di;i^■vRT.^lI■ NT vc"l t* continued as before, and all ..ruei s iur fine Cloth ing will Ite ciccuted in the most fas.i;oriab> style. A. (.!. IlAIir, Agont. April 'S. 80if f/T I WILL sell my L£SlL>i::yCl.', two miles from the J/arkot, on the Fnyeite- I villc and W estcrn Plank Pv.'.ad—one of the most i desirable .aid health^y piac.'S in the county, i Also, 40 Shares of I'ayclteviile find WcSterQ Plank R..ad .StocK, and '^0 'Shiirca of Fayeile- ■ ville Hotel .Stoel;. With tiie lai;..,"'t stock of Reftdy-r.a lf CAP,.- RLVGHS and IIUGGILIS ever ofiercd in this piaee—over ^r,(itiO worth—completely fmiBheiL- All of which 1 will sell at very rcduced price* for ca.Tii or negotiable notes, i So littie attention has been paid to tu«i r.ull ! made by me after the fire of the 2d Jan’y, on those iii'b bt. '1 to me to eall and settle, that I am iieluee.i V'> .ffer t'ae above y,ropt rty »it re- ! iluced prices to enable me to rebuild my t'arriagc l.^tablishment aud comiaue n;y busi- iie>s with con\ (-uience. 1 shall piH.-.^ n.ites in proper Lr.nds for couoc- tion. if not p.iid soon. 1 iiuve al'i niy account? made out to tiie lat Ju!i'v l&o2. A. A. .VcKETIIAN. J/arch 2'.', l«-'/2. 77tf Summerville, N. C.. .McLKAN JONKS. Dec. S, 18.31. 1’1-K!\ Ti:.l I'll^llMW, WARIJIIOISKS. 75 and 77 Fulton Street, W. Y. wanted, RAKllELS of TrRPEN*- TINE, for Distillery at the Plank Road Bridge on Dig Uockfish. The best ■17tf ■ market }.rice wid be paid. For further iuform- ati(ui. inquire of Johu W. ?vlurphy, at tho Bridge, 1 or of A. A. McKetluin, Fayetteville. : Dec. 18. 1851. ^■\HL Pekin Tea Comj.any has been estab-■ jL. I’she.l many vcars. and has always main tained a high rei'Utation for Teas d the most delicious char.-icter and fragrancy, an.l at ju’ices , which have in every iiistaiu'e given perfect sat- | isliiction. The Teas are warranted pure, and ' may be returned if they il> not prove to be as , they are rejire^ented. 'I he Teas sold by tiiis Company are done up j in \ lb, lb. ainl 1 lb packages; the first or in- j side wrapper is if le.-nl; the second, water ; proof pajier; the thinl, or outside wrapper, chiues'! rice paper; a's.', in lbs Chinese quat- toons. The Company sell none but good 'leas, cheap as good and pure Tandy can be purchased | done up iu this superior manner, all grown in in New York or elsewhere. F'avetteville, (tct. 28. I8.M. 84-tf W. l-'.2. TM.LINGIIAST C(b '.U-tf ST. MAKV'S SCHOOL, KAI.i:i€ill, C\ I^IIK 2uh Term of this Sch »ol will com- iiieiKM- .lune 14th. Fora Circular, con- lull pariiculars. ajijily to the subscriber. •VLDFHIT S.MF.DLS, Rector. ' - 2" \ DG-lt of Northern Cassimeres, anl are much cheaper ranginc from 'i2.i cents to !*1 2 > per vard. Favetteville, N. C.. Oct. 14. IS.M. ItlNtiWORM VND IKTTKR tHNTMKNT. A certain !in'l positive cure for Ringwi.rms, Tetters, Scahl-heads. Lrujitions of any kind, and for all rough, scurfy affections upon the skin, an.l also ulcenuis .lise.ises. .Vnd it will fre.piently also cure sores thought to be can- cerous. This class of cut.iiieous affections arc e.isily cured generally, except s.-ald-hrads and obsti nate tetters on the hand«, beard, and other parts. Kveti these 1 have almost inv.iriably succceled in vtiring by this ointment; whilst the others of the class' are mostly despatche.l bv a very few applications. Five or six years ago, 1 ai'lopted this remedy, and since that time have rarely h.id occasion to use anything else. | One bottle is quite sullicient, in most cases, for | a cure, and sehlom more than two iu the Uiost j obstinate cases are required. UNKyL'.VLLKD .SL'C’KSS. j Here is a gentleman well known in (Jeorgia, that wotild have given fifty or a hundred dollars | to accomplish what has been done at a much less cost. Dh. W. G. Littlk—After exhausting eve ry reme.ly to be liad, as well as trying Dr. Fort and otlK-r celebrate'! physicians without siic- ce.-.-, to cure a sort of chronic tetter on the head of a child of four years standing, Ji single bot- ! tie of vour Ringworm and Tetter Ointment has ! curd it entirely. Resjiectfully, 1 ^Signed\ Charles D. Hammond. Mafon, Xor. 1848. ' The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Little will he found upon the outside wrajqier. Sold wludesale and retail, by the ProprietfU', at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 2(*1 -M irket street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, (ieorgia. [ 'fo b(* had also.>l .lauies ain, Itc.'.kfish, ^ V Wat.son, Floral College; Townsend & Doug- ia.ss, llennettsville; Dr. P. M. tNdien, Charles- I ton; C. C. I’.arbec, IJarclaysville; P. F. Pes;ud, Raleigh. I S. J. HINSD.VLK, Agent for Fayettevil'e ! r o ( \\ U K IA (i E M A K10 KS. ! A FIRST RATK WORKMAN will do fine Imsiness by aiqdyiiid to the subscriber, at Lynchburg, Sumter District, S. C. R. G. POTTS.^ Mav 20, 18.')2. i^o-3t llcceivcd on ( 'onsi^nmcnt. NU for sale cheap, '>0 bbls. WHLSKKV'. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. 88tf berton, about half mile south of the roa>i lead ing from thence to .Vlfordsville. The first session of this Institution will com mence on the "2d Monday of .lannary, lh )2, un der the care of .'Ir, (iiles (..eitidi. who is a gra duate of the L'niversity of North t'aiolina. Ttrinr of Tuition, per r;; Spelling, reading and writing. ^j>8 00 Arithmetic, Kn;rlisli Grammar, (icogra- phy and History, '*0 Latin'. Greek. French, and the higher branches of .Mathematics, 12 KI Board can be obtained at the .Vca.lemy, and at Convenient distiinces iu the neighborhood, ill from five to six dollars jier month. 15y order of the Trustees. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec’y. Dec. 20, 18.') 1. ~1'11()8. 11 .^'11.El Nc;H As r, boob4.-isi.\i>i:k, Anderson St., Fayetteville, W. C., OI’l'OSITK .'MK. W. WI.NSLOW’S LAW OFFICE. Music tieatly bound at short notice. Pamphlet.s an.l i*crio.licals Ix.uml, and old Hooks re-bound, in a substantial manner. Dec. 8, 18.M. Aeu ;ooi>s. WE arc now receiving a very large and well selected stock of SPRING GOODS, consisting of a full assortment ot Fanrtf A* Staple l#ri/ Goods, Among which may be found the lat(\st and most j’*"^.y„ti„ I'asUioiiuhlc ot LjiiIu'K uiul (jciitlt'iucii » i>Ki:ss gooikV Huts, (’ups, IJonnt't.s, Ready-itiatle (Cloth ing, llanlwaro, rocoric.s, Drugs and Medicines, Saddlery, Crockery, and Glas.swafe. A large and well selecte«l stock of IJoots and Sluxis, and Jjudics’ and Gentle men’s Gaitors, (very line.) SALT, IKON, MOLASSKS and xVAILS. We intend selling as cheap as we can, ami would be glad if our friends and the public would call and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 24, 1852. Ttitf COr rON YARxXS for sale A. II. wiirrrn-.ED, | (’oaeh and Liirlit (’arrlajjo Maniifai-liirer, Won>D rcspectfuliy inform the public | that he still continuf s to carry on the i above business in all its branches. He rettirus j thanks for the liberal patronage he has recciv- j e.l, and hopes by a strict attention to business. : ami a d»‘sire to ple.'ise all and give general sat- j isfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. j He warrants all his work to be made of the best material ami hy experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workman.ship or material, he will rejiair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, as il eaiiiKit bo surpassed for style, elegance, and durability. He is determined to sell low lor ciiyli (»r iin .short tiiui*. Orders thankfully received an.l promptly at- tendefl to. neatly executed at short notice ami lowest possi'de ]>rlces. F’avetteville, Feb. 2, IS.>2. bltf liOOK r,lM)i:RY. W. HARDIE has resumed the Rook Ptinding P.usiness at the new Store next door to .Mr. Reasley, .leweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding iu any style desired. .VULiUSt 1. 2i tl II. Livery Stable Business. I Ml I] suV.scriber intends carrying on the above busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to acconi- Thankful for past favors, continuance. J. W. POWERS. Jan’y 20. 18'.2. »^tf Art*y, s^hciiiwell JSc €o. AVE one piece extrsi fine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they woiihl call the attenti.m of the public. Oct. 15, 1851. 32tf A May i, by the bale, at Factory prices, by STAR.U & WILLIAMS. March 10, 1352. 72tl Price ol* Kag’iit ndTanccd. PERSONS who have made contracts with .1. F\ Jordan & Co. for furnishing R.VGS, lire hereby informed, that we will pay .3A cents per lb. on* nil Cotton Rags, Rop« aud Bagging, deliverel to us after this ilate. II. BRANSON & SOX. March 11, 72tf COITON YARNS. WE are always prepared to furnish COT TON Y'ARNS bv the bale, at Factory ■j. & T. W'ADDILL. SPUlN(i AM) SIMMER AREY, SHEMWELL & CO. tRE now receiving direct from New York aud Philadelphia, a complete asaortment of A'%i> comprising every article usually kept iu a l*ry (loods Store, among which may be found; Ladies' and Gentleinen's Dress (ioods, of the very best material, and the latest tasliions.— .''uch a variety will be ‘too tciiious to mention.’ We have the handsomest Crape and Rerage Shawls we have ever offered iu this market; and we would call the attention of the ladies par ticularly to our very hatidsiuiie stock of V'e- zitcs, Alantillas, Parasols, and laiis. —.\i.SO— Thin Embroideries; Lace and Muslin Capes; Chimizcts; Cndersleevea; Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs; Emb'd Sacks; infants’ Waists and Caps; Curts and Collars. We would also direct the attention of the la dies to our stock of RONNET.S, ot the latest styles of Silk, Crape and Str;iw. We would not forget to mention our slock of l$oots and Shoes, for ladies, gentlemen and children. Together with their usual stock of Staple (»oods, consist ing in part of Dani:isk Table Cloths, and Naji- kins; Linen and Cotton Sheetings; English, French, ami .Vmericnn Prints; V>ro\vnand bi’eh’d Domestics; .Marseilles and Grass Skirts; .Mar seilles Quilts, of the best Quality, &c. Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn. Kossuth, aud Palm-leaf; and a variety of other Goods. To the above stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of F'ayetteville and the surrounding country. And would take this method of returning thanks to the public generally for the very liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed on us; and wotibl say. give us a call before buying, as we are determined not to be undersold by any. We keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Ingrain ami Rrussels Carpeting; Sugar and Coft'ce, Tea, ic. S. S. AREY. P. SHEMWEl.L. J. R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, March 20, 1852. 7itf 50 ♦i2.l no .$1 50 ^1 tM> ^1 50 I prices. I April 11, 185-. FOR SALE, the most luxurious districts in China; they also have Teas of every description in chests and half chests. Country .Menduints will litnl it greatly to their interest to purchase their Teas of this (’om- pany, they can select as small a quantity of each kind as they like, aiol have them packed in one chest Hotel Kcep.'rs may always be certain of having on their table a uin/'inn clinrif/ir of Tea; ami Families may not only he sure of good Teas, but can ]iurchase any (juan- tity their wants may re.piire. The following is a Catalogue of the Te:is with the retail prieps atlixe.l. t;REEN TEAS. Voting Hyson. Y ..ling Hyson. Sweet C.-trgo, Y oung Hy.'ioii, Fine Cargo, doling Hyson .Silv.'r Lisif—this is a very superior 'I'eii, J}^1 Young Hyson (bildcn Chop—this is the finest 'I'ea cultiv.-ited in t'hina: it is of the fn>t pickings, and excels all other (ireeu Teas for its delicacy oi fla vor, strength, ar.il aroiii.t; heretofore this Tea has not reache.l this country, ex cept in small lots as presents to im porters. Hyson, fine. Hyson, very superior plantation, (Junpowder. Gunpowder, fine, ti unpowder extra fine, plantation, lmi)erial. Imperial, fine. Imperial, extra fine pl:intation, P.LA(’K TEAS. Oolong, a ricii black Tea, t'ompare this low priced grade with Teas which are sohl at most places as Oolong Tea, the difference is tM> plain, and the deception too palpable. Oohuig. fine. Oolong, Plantation growth, 7.". Oolong, delicious, 91 00 Ne Plus ultra, Sil 60 This Tea is as fragrant :;nd sweet us a nosegay, it yields a perfume that is truly delightful; it is of garden ..•rowth, and superior to anything here tofore S'.ld iu this country. English iireakl'ast. tine. Fr.-igrant Flnglish Breakfast, Howquiv Mixture.—iv very rich iind : highly- tlavored Teu of superior iiuHlitv, 75 ; Sold by D. & W. McLAURIN', ' Agents, Fayetteville. N'. C. | A Co])y of the “’Guide to Tea Drinkers,” a I very interesting treatise on the culture, &c., o*" Ten may be had gratis at their eounter. March 28. 18.52. 77-tf Spirits of 'I'urpcritinc wanted. fJlO persons hnving .Spirits Turpentine to CiJOODS, Jt'ST lUX ElVED. Thk undersigned has JuFt re ceived his stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, eon- sistinc of Cloths, CaRslmcres and Vestin:?.. Black, brown, preep, blue ard olive l..ths; white siik and sat in Vestings; M.'.rseilifcs ditto, white lui.l colored; Linen Drill- iniis. W bite an.l colored; Doe-skin Cassimeres; faucv do.; Drab de’Etc .ind Bombaiines. _AJ.SO— ,\n assortment of i.EADY-MADZ CLOTfl- ING. &c. Persons wishing to purchase nny of the a- liove articles would do well to cull find examina this stock. He i^till carrier on the TAILORING BUSINESS in fill its branches. HIGH GRAHAM. South-v.rst corner of ^ialket Squsra. .\jiiil 17. 18.'i2. bl'I'.m -1- !fl ^1 .•;;i 00 i)(» 50 spRi\G i\D mmm mws l-'or I S*‘5'2. r®^HE sub.scnber would call t'iiC ntte: tinn of JL his frieii'ls. nnd t’ue puldic in p»:a«rul, to one of the largest vivrietica of Sprin( and Summer Goods ; l^ver offered Viy him in this market. Among ■ his assortmei't may bo ioi;nd:—Gentlemen’s ; DRESS H ATS, to-wit; Kossuth. 3/oleskin. Kea.* I ver. Silk, Biush and Angola, witii a complete I assortment of ali other kimls of Fur aiid \Vucl Halo usually found in this niar'iict. I ‘ —also— I Straw Gooils in abundHnce, to-wit; PatiMnft, ! Rice Straw, Pe.lal. China Pearl, Leg'tifirn (Kos- surli style': and I’alni-lenf HATy, for Gcutlt>- . men, Y'ouths, Bovs and infants. ! ‘ — AL.St)— i A ^ood apf-ort- ment of Boots & Shp"s. f r (ientlemcn. Ladies. -1/isfaes, Y'oiiths. Boys, Children, nnd i^ervHnts; all of which will be olTcre.l on very rc- conimohiting terms for th« Ready Cash, or to those that are ■Rilling to- cash their uccouiit9 when prcsenf'd. JOHN C. THO.VSON, South-webt corner .Vurket Squure .1/arch 20. lr')2. 77tf r.o &2i ! ■. sell, we are in the market to buy; or we will rcceivc and ship to any market the owner BAGS white C.>rn Meal. 100 lbs. in n j may desire, and make liberal advances on con- Bag, a fiue article for family use. i signmcnt. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, ( iiitj i, 1852. 1 il*7 12S2. 50 COOK & TAYLOR. X. II STAR BUCK, Troi/, .Vfis-' I’orfc, IRON FOX^NDKK AND MACHINIST,- Manvfartnrer of Strum, Milh nml Boilfrs, Mill df ftrivff of nil kiw7.'\, Pluuyhs, d’C. fjl'ITlE undersigned, ns the Agent of the above Ji. Establishment, will order nny nrticlea which may be wnnt«d, on application to him. '^he Steam Mills mannfacturc-i by Mr. Stfi.r- buc\ have been tened. and arc highly approved on the I’lank Roacls about Fayetteville. I ED-^V’D LEE WINSLOW. I Fayetteville, Sept. 4. 1851. 20u j Hlanhs o f all kindsf ' T :r sa’9 at ti.It