S E MI = W B E K li Y. ■!■ ■ ■mil "iiTi [VOl.. 1.] rAVKTTEVlLLE, N. C., Jl NK 10, 185J. [XO. 98.] Mnr»ww--.v-ir---:.CTar '»■ «*mf fnn 1-ULNTKD by J. B. NHWiJV. i:i)\VAlU) J. \{\ivr& SOX, i;i>lT0KS AM) PRUrUlK rolls. ; r th('Scini-Wi'oldy OusiiKvtu •'i4 (K) if I ui :! Jvaiu'e; ’•(> if jciiil durinji tilt' V t’ jub.'crijjUi'ii; oi' !?•> afttr the vtur lius ...,n i. \ • Wfokly tkiit.nvvR 0«) ^ler ftimutn. if i r.i :i'l\.’>(* if jijii.l (hirinjr the s.;’i'.Tliitii*u: nr IM) after tlie ve;ir 'Xjiired. ■\'i;ilTl''i;\| KN rs in^vi-teil f»r sixty cents > ,.i: re fcr tlio first. :iinl thirty cents t>r i-.ioh •. i!.’ .: puH'iioation. Yearly aJvorlisciaoiits , !,i! > t'iitr;u-is, ;it reiis 'tiable r;ites. Ail- | ■ • :iro re',aebti.''l to st;itp tlie nuin^or of! ■.' Mi'siroil, or they bo (•.•utim’.ei.l till I il, 1 . : :ir;.'-»‘il ;u vnr'lir,"ly. I.' vi T> t" the r'litors must be post-paid. i i Al'ADKMY. i^iir. I’resliytery of FayLtt?vilU‘ hav;ii; ti ii,':. ire'l their rijrht of propert; in this ' -v ti t I eertiiiii ii ilivi(.lu.-i1« a.'- I'rnj rii't'irs. . !'i iiet'ivs h.-ive iloter)iii»eil t> phx-o the • iii.'i) ill ni.i^t tuviTiible eoiiiiition to I, ' ii M-vwre its rvspvetabiii- ul ti e *'■ iH-.-oiiip..sii tiiis u-.’V authun.->"l i'am.-.;i,u« i-t :i riiiluSMj.liiciil aiiU » • !> ■■!' I.>r;j,e extent, iiiui the {uiroli:ise • ■•I-, iineiis IIS in.-!y be re:,ui--ite for iliuS- tiio priueiples of Miiifralo*£y ••tn‘1 ‘ieolo- ri:fv iiiieiul to make tho Mi'titiitii'ii sueh liinil.-h ii suit;»bU' pl.iiO tor a:i i to the iiuies. A l w 1 ^ u*tuiiicil, aii'l n-iiiiei tO'! tiie ■ ■ ir-:“ ->f .sfU'Jy there will ho at 'li.Fer- ’ ::i - l.iiiiiiiar lertiirt-.s t.a the .'evvrnl ..I" ' t N:if,ir:il .''eil-iiee. .''liiiiiiii r r'es.siim will ci^iiiiiieiii’O uii the . of aiiil \vill cviitiiiue ti'c nioiith.«. ' f tiiitii>:4 ;is hcret.'fore. l>o;U\l in ^o»l ■' '!» the ntn'.rhV>i'rhoi:.il c:vti alwuys be v*b- .lune PROVISIONS. LB;^. BACON SIDKS, lbs. I.anl. ('.) L’lllKI lbs. I'resh I’.iet', lOO bushels >Vhit^.' Corn Meal •’AM» •• ('orii, •’>0 l>ilr.i Ka.-^tern H.iy, for sale low bv n. lUlANSON .S: SON". I^'i2. HO tf NKW r;.K( iiv. bv HOOKS. the iHitiior of th *1 Farm and Bomiliful Rt si donee FOR SALK. Subscrilier wishiiij' to remove to the JBL South-west, woubl sell his lamls in this coiuity, upon leasuiiable nud aecoiimiuilatiiig terms. There are about lI7nf) ir aeres, all lyiii”: in one body, and of wliich HMt or jiMi a-res are in cultivation. The I’hink Koad of the .loint : ek C'nii»any. fron> Fayettevillw to ilalei};h, will run within one mile of tlse residence. Must V.'ide, the lauds that are in eidtivation lie within IRON SAFES. B-^TIio Mil)seribors, Arouts for the STARR &L WILLIAMS. WHOLESALE DEALEllS IX IL 1.. HOI.MFS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C., .IKl-FK'E on corner of Front uiid I'riucess I V*' PATENT SAL.UI.VNI.ER ^ J^'orCiS'U aiUl IfOilllSlir M9ry streets, under Journal ollicc. S.AhL.S, I I II KI( MS IM ! 1»0\ LMLN I, of-; « imOOds, Dec. IJ. 48-tf 'r Wide World; lloinaiiisni at llonie, by Kir- vau; the Fanner's Ihelionary, by 1>. 1’. tiard- ner, M. I).; tho Wide. Wide \N orid; Xe., >.vc. Just ri'e>.“ived. L. J. llALi: .'v SON. Mav i:L’. ]s:,2. thre.' miles of tlii’ Fear Hi\er. adjoiiiing the lands of .lohn (’. Williams and othei s. The above situatii)n is%ery desirable, from the iai't that it is surrounded by the best of n'‘;;'.!d'ors and S'H-iety. 'i he snb-jcrilii r nii^ht say nuK-h niiae by way I of inducement; but he deems it uniiecossarv, as isi EW.\RT, lU SSlN('i & CO.’S; thtise wi>liinu: to purchase ean call and see lor tiienisel ves. r ;t U'if! EXTRA QUALITY .sTAM.;/ iu:h.\l:i) rrm-: lom' srnah It A II 1> V \ 7% I> 1 6: s, /■(iji Ks/'onrAnoy. A T |iriees which i.iei'chants, who purchase ...» t»i .til by the !’>ox if oHil.s., .ii.d other.-;' will tind lower than the same frood ll.VHI) (’.•VMill.S can be had of any other house in New York. STEWAJIT, lU SSlNG & CO.. o'.i'i I’earl St., N. Y. May’JL 1‘'•’•■J. '.'o-l awS\vj>d .u s r Rix iuvi:’), INSF.i:i MIL. luaaer's •• Sp-'na Viliiu- I.e.-.d and I’utty in bl. — ALSO - J NEW r.r iciFs. LEKTE ,V JOHNSON. '2. l>oois West C. F. liank. tf i.' AU Mav lULLilii i. FORW A R!)i.V w \N!> C’ O .M M i S SIO N .M! ■: R C' i i A A ■ ] \ WILiniNGTOW, K. C. FE'.'SiINAL :;ttenliiui iriveti to the sale or s'lipineut of Naval K“tores. I have ample The above lands can be divided so as to suit par>-haseis. Any further inform.itioii c.aii be given by ap- I'licatiou to the suliscriber. or by letter address ed to him at i\ingsburv, (_'\imberlaiid Co., N. C. U. S. WILLIAMS. l\-b. ’J, 1 >'o2. (.iJtf BROWN cV ])i:R()SSi:'I\ •>Vir l)i;ROSSi:r iSj HliOW N, f’., CaittmiSSION lyiERCHANTS. •Ino. r.t Ai:'i.v.\u .i. I.r It. 1'. ISUdWN. 1 A.Sll ailvani-'C.s w dl ln' nia lr .in ei iisi;j;nnie!it u ol I’roiliice I'or de ei’.lu r in \\ iiniinizt ’U tir New \ ork, anil ('otton v.il! lie fiiw nr le I to th*‘ Ni-w ^ ork IbmSv' !Vi:e ol' (’ siuui'siou at W :mi:.;;ton. M.ueii 'Jli. IS'i-’. T'i-'.ui A Di:s}RAi}Li: Ri:sii)!:Nci: FOR SALi:. ■^liil .'^u'siTM.'cr !!.v. orFer.s f r .s:ile all his General Agency and Commission Business. [IHlv Subscribers have this day entered in to a copartnership under the style of WlilTAKKK, WiUTFIELD & CO., for the purpose of doinp « genera! apency nnd commission business, and in offering their .ser vices t'l tho public iu that caj'aeity they tiatter tliemselve.s that they will be alile to give satis faction to ::!1 those w'no may consijru any jro'ds, wares, merchandize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. A.-i it will be our g-reatest aim to jdease, we pledge ourselves to spare no ]>ains in tr^ingtogi\e general satisfaction. They respectfully solicit the patronage of their friemls and the public geiiernlly. Their store is No. •> North Water Street, l.Hckinson's Fire-proof Viuilding, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN H. AViriTAKEH, .LVMFS W. WlllTFiELl>, A. ,V. B. SOlTll.\LL. Kkkkukncks:—.Ldin l»awson, I’otter Kid der, O. (i. I’arsiey, Samuel lieery iV Sous, (j. R. French, and Ellis i .Mitchell. .Lui. i:',*. Is fer them of all sizes and patterns, delivered in W ihniugtoii at the Maiiufactuicr s New York | prices. These Safes arc warranted enual if ii»)t supe rior to any others manufactured. Orders will rcceive jirompt attention. DeKOSSF.T lUlOWN. Wilmington, N. C., .March l!!», 18t)2. Tc-im bl-tf NOrKF. A Lf. persons indebted to the subscriber for (ioods pnrchaseil at IToral College, are re- ijuesti^d to make immediate payment, either to -\lr. Hugh .Mc.Vru in the neigld)orhood, or to him.'-elf in Cheraw. 1>. ]!. McAllN. Cheraw, Dec. ’_*(•, .»(J-tf NOTlCi:. tLL persons invlebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, are reiiuested to call and settle the same as early as Jiossible. He may be lound one door West of Lilicrty Point, with the most of his ready-made work saved t'rom the late fire. I’crsons in want of any articles in my line of business, would do Well to c.ill. as I will sell cheap fur cash, or on time for ai>proved jiote. MAY »T2t2:iyr, ! Fayetteville, K. C. J. H. STARU.] [j. M. WlLLIAAtS. April 1!H, 18')2. Siitf Scco/id Sprlnr Sii/nmcr Slock. STARli Wll.LiAMS Ol'I^D announce to their customers !\nd the public generally, that they are now receiving large aduitiona of Shijiir l)n/ Shoes, /loots, «lv., to their early !pring purchases, to which tii-v I'specialiy invite the attention of country mer chants. Orders solicited, and every e.xertiou made to give satisfaction. S. \\ . Fayetteville, April 28, 18o2. S'itf DAH.Y KXPFC'rEI). r.EXEKAL .\SSOi!TMENT of HOLl-OW- WAllE, by E. C. H.VLl., of Home. Oct. 18, 18-5L iJ2tf Mav ro lilRF, SM.\PvT, ACTIVF^ 1M»Y, 1.1 years old. .\lH)Iy to 1852. 11. BRANSON vt SON. 87 tf Jan'v 10, 1852. JAMES Sl'NDY •')5tf .')0 ]»oxcs Wiiitiow (ihiss, lor iale bv S. J. HINSDALE. Mav 3. i7tf JJturinhtirii;h School, r.icinn)ND cofntv, n. c. fB’tHE unilersigiied (’on:mitte>’ will receive -B. applications for .i i*rincip;il Teacher to take charge of the above Institut'on. Tho bniblings, wliich are .spacious iitiJ convenient, are situated in a liealthy and pleas.-sut neigh borhood, and will be prepareil for the reception of Tea> her and .Studc;its early in July next, w hen the institution i.-> e\pccts;d to go into ope ration. ‘•Laurinburgh Higii School" is gotl' ii up by ;i joint stock ciM)tj):uiy, who intoiid making it, wdiat its name imports, a ••High .Sihool” ot th« tirst order, in which boys can get .1 tliorough aiiil Complete English and Cl.-is.sical education in the c«tuntry, without going to College: or should they have the means and the inclination to do so. t!;ey will be well prepared to enter College far advance'l: consequently none will be o.pectod to apply who may not be fully qualified to conduct such :i school. It is al.'so indispensable that the Teaclier shall be a gen tleman not only of the necessary schobistic at tainments for instruction of youth, but also of undoubteil moral and religions demeanor. .V gentleman of small family, of some experience in teaching, would be j)referred, who might board Home of the studejits. and enjoy the iui- '1' M'v J uue. rVV ROllF.SON in iNs'ri'i’Fi'i:. Sciioo!. UP ler th i,r I, . •lUilf! '. ■■ fll ■•cut :;i‘tructiT' iu the Ui;»b- ii:*'!;t. will bi' re.viinied oii tio^* MotiJay .iv The lem.ile department wiil be umler • .r. "f .''.ir ih Dr;;!.e. an acc^(llndislK•d and sell' r. T :'i r-J 'I ii.ii j r,:.^ isii ’ ii aes, iir A'-thno-t: 1-• I'l■ a-li. il;'.rlHT '1 I ill. aii’l Puiatiug. 1 •> ...Sf u!io .-it'en I II.e Lectures in ti;e i.;ib..ra- c!iar:.,- l ->1 ?'t» i;; .(dvan-.e. No r c:.;r..' re -h.ii i. There i.-^ :i v. r_\ rei- Li^i -i-v ! . loii^^ing to rhe Lilvr.iry •Ml tl;. hiNrituiion. T'le (')ieniic>i; and ' l.’iic.'.jM-aratus ir ample. The 'abiii**t i;il> i' well selected and exlcnsive, aiitl .11 u c 'tifi I' litly rec.iiurucn.i th;> .'•chool wi'jiiug their children aii.l wards a tli .r- M'.r.il ami inlelb-ctual training. Students . r;.e'l fV la the connncnceinent of the ' .ev i-i;ter. It is highly i:n]>ortant that n! 1 be |.resent in tinie to attend the tirst a.', as f';.i>scs are ihen formed, and an ■1 .f .t few .iaj. •> sehliiin tails to enibarras.s •ur'se durin..r the remain.ler of the .Se,-;;ion. \. D. McNAlU. ( hairni.in B. -irl rr'.:!' t «, u \i N WinTTK.1-. Sf.- '-, . 1. !-■-. ‘ v:-td NO'i'ici:. ■ •I'i.! ii > r ri; er ha vine H'>.-eiifd w i’h bim- I ^i.-iineS' U « '11 Matthew, the lui-i- ■■ ■ ii re-iftei t:c c 'i: li’.-T 1 ulr. ir t!:e !ian;e . lit M. N l.t-ary Son. . , iiti ier*i;:ne.|. tli.iiikful f..r the liberal p.it- hliii'Tto e\tende*i te him. re>i.ecttuily , ;i ; ■.ntiiiu.Lti”ii f tiie .same iii b.-l..ill of Finn. c iri lc'it.' I t^ tin’tirid-r'ii-'T'■either •r acf-.,iinr. are earnest'y re.(ll^st•d to ’ I- '.ii.'ie tif earl', fis pi.i";;liie. M. N. LliAUY. . -leville, June 7, 1 >52. NATIONAL WHIG CONVEiVTION V' i i K i' hereby given that the ••.''caboard .1 i{. .11 :e Railroad Comp.Mir will issue 11 Tl-'KET.S from Wehloii to Ibilti- t r l:'rh I” the 15th inclusiv.,'. i.if.v wl.'i) to attcii 1 tiie H Iti U, ( ; >N\'liN i'lON. v. I.ich ij> t«> -on- . I iiiiore .>11 the D'-th June ne\t, at the r t'.v pri**4* of Nivi: l.vij.s .\xi» f ■! il.e r ujid trip, .•tiiow'.ag five .1 !i :t.:aori to all (d' thue hIi j m iv avail • - t!ii.» offer. > I "ti.ifi of the time allotted to Balti- I • ie!it in Norfolk and l*ort>>moutli, ; "Icrr. d. i;. PI:TEUSI>N, .\gcnl. f.ic.litics f. .vhan :iiui exp..>=r.re. h -1-.’ a.i. c^.nsi. given to the tores. I have r c'tidiiciing the biiaciiejs; large Store sijcds to keep spirits fri.m N.-ival st.'Tes will be -ihippe.l to a:i\ RFDFC'!:!) FAIiF. rn^HilOl C.H 'lickets between W ihniniton, N. EL C., an I Baltimore. Fare >?l-’>. \ i.i U ei- dou. Petersburg. Kichmon'l. anil Washington ('itv. or via W^'ldttn, Pttrtsn;"Uih aud Nirt"lk. For Tickets npply at tlie Ofli^'c of tlie Wil mington and Raleigh Rail R.-ad roniit.iny at Uiimington, or at the tHiiceof the lialtiniorc I urpentiiic and i'anuiiiji L.\ .M>. contain- |';,cket ('onij>an\, and of the ISaltiniore il Uuad Compaiiv, I’ratt Street, •2. r>::-tf no ric'F. H’ t;;ke thi-' U’.cthod Ol' ritmnin'.! my sincere la thanl;.r to those gentlemen who ^aved the gotids tVo;u my Shop on the utoriiing ot the inst. Blit for their kindncs.' alel c:.ertioii, 1 vxoiild have lo.-'t all. JAMFS SLNDY. J. HINSDALE. 87 tf 'itu.-ite.i 1 :J niiiv-s Ea>-t ol lol Isb >ron_li road. n New Y .rk, or to 'iher markets i at. :i‘ cash a.'k\aiiees n a'le o| .iciiis. i ivlor til 1.. li:>nnin, U a_\ne County, I'iialulier llall, .lolinstou Co., L'lvett Peacoi'k, ('olunibus P., H. P.ar.!eii, Tho>. 1,. \ ail. Bladen .Mcs'i-s. Siuiili. \ Ingram, .lohn.'ton t'o. .Mi '>ls. Z. X J. Jollea, Mes'ls. .''Ulitil \ J- III', S; eneer !'.ant.iin, Es.i-, I.evi R-iiley, F.' j.. May 2;.», 1.''52. ' ''o .v NF i'S .\M) FRFi'l'. 20i) lbs. Soft .''hell .Vlmonds. •• Bra/il Nuts. .. Ki^^Psh Walnuts, ‘‘ •• Fil'ierts. 25 I'ruins FiuS. 1 'ia.-e Pr.;nes in fancy .lars. l'h( V li'.le, h;i!r. and 'ir. P>.i\e.' Raisins. 1 fjise Preserveil tiingrr. Ill 'I'tz. Jiir^ l’i> kies. Soda, Ltnion. Sug-.r and Wat*-r Crackers. Just receivt*il bv ch.vrle's banks. April 2L l'-V2. ^'>tt iiig aoout Ac; e.-. I'.iyettcviile. ou the iiiouly known :i.- P.iln.\;.i. it iri!i a g.'o.l (Iweu.'ng house. out-bui!din;:«. iiid a St. re wiicre a large amount ot i.usi- is .b iie, ;ii.l iiicre.-tsing daily. This I." :V l..r turpentine g- ti. j.s, merchants. ..'i v.iil in s....’ .1 ''.irgaii;. ,\li\ •'iie wi.-.ii- iii'j- t'l puri.’hast’. ;;n I Wi:-h:ng farther inf..rni;i- tk»M. can apply on the premises. t* \e. tle,- r.irc .'iiati ,\c. a!..i V. Julv 2''th, 1 J. W. Ml RPHV, or P. T.\YLt*l!, Favetteville 51. ' 8tf Mi;.l A. McMl!.t..\N have ent. red .o.irti! TMiip iii tiic Distillery ot ;ie. ali'l li '.vc erecte.l a ."'t..i 'Il tae I- I tiie !\ ; f e\liii* .K'l Western Pi.aak lai;e^ from Fa fit .-n N. KlNi;. Mttv tt.—71tf A. .Mc.NllLL VN. KIN' into i u!'pciiti;ie. V. e-t>i.!c ! Road. and iihio R: Ibiitiinore. .Ian. 1. I'-- iPi*. T. IK il A I aa, _\S taken nn Oi'ice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. •luty U, is'-l. ^ R. .M. orri:ll. FiiinwKDiM; (ii>niissiii\ .it rayc'lleville, i\. C'. March m, 1.M51. llVfif/r#/. T E wi4i to buv 2o.tMio l>;irrf’is Tu.-'>pnt';ne. kIN«i o; .Mf'dlM.VN. Seiinifj o^r ai f'osfi (.Ri:.\ r ]]AR(j \F\s: • ■2-tf ,)FS'r Ri:('i:i\i:d. PIECES CANfoN .MA'fTINC., 4-4 and *j-l, red, checked, and white. —A LSI ►— Lmf, (Jranulated, N. O. flarified. New Or- ifaii., and Mu.'cova I . Sugars. Sujj ir House .''yru]'. (11,1) ItVK. ^ NOTIIKR lot of Doctor W.rii.nus'., old Rec- .“A tilicd R\e hiskee. J. \ T. W ADDILL. .March 20. 77-tf WFN l'FR SFIMM.V. E .ire i.ow rccei^iiig our winti'r supply ofCioo.ls. o doors below the Market House, s.iuth side Per>on street, where may be foxind the I'ollowiiig articles: Suz'ir of all iriades. ' roifee, 5 Hlids. ('ub.-i Mol;issos—sweet, o Lbi.s. .SViUp—a superior article, (irecn :ind Black Teas, 'hecsc .f three dilTereiit ijualitics. Rice, Pepper an.l .Spice, Rope .-iiid Bagging, (ill Bills, .\lackerel, .Shot s and Bools of extra large size, .“'ho\el5. Spades and Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points, .\xes of the best brands, Kni\es and F.'rks, Nuih and Iron. i ibs. Colton Yarn. AVi’a a great many other articles cheap for (.’ash or exchaiiLied for Pro.Iuce. ('.ill aad see. CROSS CREEK CO., C. Benbow, Pres't. Dec. 2i», 1S51. etncs.s and ri'tirenieni of his own litesule, in a 10 liarrois North C’aroiilin IJn- ‘ ai.d commodious h use siiecially prepared for Cuat \>i\r]»'.SO. A salary of at least Eight Hundred iHlhirs will lie secured to bun;-—the year to he fliviiled into two Sessions of fivo iiioiitii each. The ^election of a Principal from .miong the aj'iiiicaiits will be made on the Htth of .lune iiext, immediately after vvliiih the successlul one will lie notified, and Jirraiigeincnt'! made that the institution will go into operation a.i e.irly in .luly next iis jiractic ibU*. B\ addres.sin;: idther of the undcrsijnrd. seed OIL, for sale ' Mav V!() liiinx Is PAINT, lor sale by s. J. .Mav IlINSDA LE. 87 tf T' ^HE under pirit NoTici:. ersigixed continues to manufacture . I,;ivirel Hill or Springfield Post >tliee. any tur- Turi>entine B.VRltEbS. Ihosenow | tJn.i- iiif,,rmalion desired in legaid to the pre- 4;^ to 45 on hand of the i-cst seas’ined white oak. Distillers want ing .‘i good article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Barrels Itir the next twcivu months made on favorable terms. ■['. S. LITTERLOH. March 22. 1H.V2. 75tf alloiis. and are made i mises will be promptly ”;iven. DUNt'AN Mcl.AI RIV. JOHN C. MeLAl RIN, -Com. DANIEL C. .MclNTYRE, J Laurinbnrgh, May 8, 1852. 8'.ltlt'.f 'I',',' 1(1 (.rates assi rte l Crockery. I' l-;) p..Iter and \Niiie (’..:tles. S W. fll.Ll.N-;!! \S \ .ri. ! .V CO. -jtf i.i-i pr-s‘‘Ht in jl irt ol r U. c li7-ot ’ i-ri/li a.ml S >.tt/i(r/i Plunk \ llnnd. I ■ K i* herebv given tha» rill note.« bp- t ■ the ’i>mpaiiy remainin'.; uopaid i:i. ot .Jill v next, wiil be put in suit. .(Ri H D‘a. T. .SMITH. Sec y. '.Hi- 1 111 i:QM'rv sAu:. 'H.L 1,^ ,‘ioM, at the ('ourt House Door in tti- T iwii of Fayettfville, on Monday • i : July, tU« following valuable lleul ' :o r« - if Laii'l, (HI the cast side oi :• : i'. ki.'.wii as .lohn I'oler Also, Ne;;rii Boy, n.-imed Jini;—ujion a ‘ ‘ iii'iiiths. urid viiloii half of :i Lot in the ". on the corner of Hay and Mar- hii.).Mi as the Enghind i.iot—upon .\ .M iiiths arch D A. T. SMITH, t.'lerk and Master. ‘.t'it.H S'l FAMFR SOF rilFRNi:R ft a ^ ILL leriv-j F.iyetteville ev. ry We lnesd.iv V » and Saturlay, :.t 7 ..‘clock, A. M.,nnd arrive in Wi'niington at i o cl' "k. P. .M. .\nd wi > leave W iu'.rtoii every \loH'l;(y and Thurs- ilav. at 12 o'clock, M., un i .arrive in Fayette- vi.ie next luotlliilg. R. .M. ORRELL. Agent. April 2b, l''-'>2. JOILN I). WILLIAMS, t orn in issioii Fortrftniht^ tlferrhant^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. l''-'>2. Will l/> Rrn iral Ai/ tin’ jirft (•«>>' ('/t /iiff'r. TONS of SV.1:DES niuN. by O K. Oct. 18, 1851. JftSi^ril I’l. V nn issi 1 > AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, •V. C\ I’rompt personal attention given to all Consignmetit-!. and C.'isU advances made on Pn>- .Inre to be sliijipe'! to other ports or sold ni this , market. • ' Feb. 12, 1852. '’^y liMl.Y I'^Xl'Kt Tl'ilV Tons of HC)ui' IRON, suitable for Spirit ^ barrels, by E. C. Il.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1851. "itf _ T!ic sulwi-riLor is dt sir >\is his fiusinoss. and wishes to ^ell o‘l stock of tJoods imnu'iii.itely, , oumj’. Slfijdr and Fa/i,-‘i Drji (>oods. Eiat.r iciiig a fine '•fock of I.adie-' Dre-s (!oo N. r.areire, Ran-^re l.e-L.i inD.itte.l and j.I iin Sw Muslins, c .iored ditto. Barrel, Ja.oiut anl ( asnl rlc .Mu.-iii.s: c.il'd Summer Siiks. A'.-o. .-i general as''ortin. nt of black an i coi .1 Silk Dre>;'es: n l:irg'' as-^ .d tnient of H.'-^ierv. I i'.ths, Cassiniercs. I'wecds, .leans, and S.itli- nets. -V general a'^.sortnient »>f‘ Summer wear for (ient’.emen; aU kin.is of Linen goods. Also, u large sto.'k «d Boots and Sh.ies, Hats. ; Bonnets. I'mbrellas and Para.sids. Haidwaie and Crockery. Wines and Frencli Br.tndv. Tjic alMive' stock is offereil at the mere e...,t here, t 'ountry Merch.-ints an l all others buv- ing Coods i:i this m:irk.-t, wlii do weil to cal'. Mild examine, .i.- 1 am deterniined to .“eil ;.n i . close out ni\ pu seiit stocl : fresh, and well se ich is l.irtre :ind 1‘cted. W . S. L.\TTA. 8:itf April 10. 1852. _ .iFs r RFc’Fi\ i:i). ^ -MEN'.S and Boys’ S '. Dl'l.ES. of every 0 Iiuality and style, s-mu' very line \i- Bn lhT'. ('oil:: rs. Wh;i l->y E. C. (»ct. 18, 18->1. Wagon Harni': H.VLL, of Home. ;;2tf C. HALL, of Rome. .12tf WAN'l'Fl), 30tK) ft. .\blie T.uniberfor Vi'agons, 1 .\ to :i inches thick. ft. Seasoned Oak Lumber, to o inches. UMtO ft. Wliite Oak and Hickory, for .\xlctit es. lOOO ft. White Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and !iiafts. 1(M» Pi,St Oak Hubs, fur Carts and Wagons. I 200U .''pokes. I For which the highest cash price will be ]>aid. E. FLLLER. 72-tf Applv soon to .May 11), 18.')1. Sh«. of :5H«4*d. t^\l!.L pay ii.;. cts. per (.and cash fi.r all clean cotton a;. I linen KAOS, dcliveri .i to .1 D. Wiiii-.n '. in F.iyetteville. I am r.c.ily r.'a Iv t.' ].ut in op»r-iiioT! a Pajicr M.’d in th’S III i.;hborliood. and am desirous of gt tting my j i-ig.-. in this market. My object is to pay as 1 iiL.cli t r rags as 1 can af}..id. an.I liojie that I ; mav not l>e force l to distant markets for my .''Upplies. 1 h;ive arr.iii.ired w;;h .Mr. W illi.inis ^ t-i leceivo ;'.u 1 pav for all raj.'~ delivere.l to him. DAVID Ml itPllY. Fayetteville, Feb y 24, 185-. t^-tt | Vfrlifal Water i IVIurl. 1 .'B^HERE are several hundred of these W heels Il_ in operation in diHVreiit counties in North : I'arolina. F. r ]>r .of of their great advant -ges ' over the coniiiion fliittir wheel, or tiny other wheel- now in use for s.iw mills, we tonlideutly reter to those who have aj'plie.i tiiem to tiieir miils. We can ivcommeiid them jiarticularly f..r their snjieri'.rity in c.'ises of a low heail ot water, or back water. W e still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilinington. New- bern. ashington. Edentou and Fayetteville. The wheels nia\ also bc had of L. A. Brevard, l.incolntoii. ami I ri.ili Wellr-. Petersburg, ^ a. Persons w ishing to obt.-iin the right to use the whi'els, will be served on application to D. McNeill IV Co., Fayctteviile. N. C. 1). .McNEILL. A. A, McKEl'UAN. D. J. McALlSTER. Feb'y 22, IbP.I tf ~ l.ilMTly r«iiit lloii^e. A LL persons*indeiited to the undersigned either by note or account must settle on (u- before the first day of M.irch. Those failing to do so, will certainly find their accounts iu the hands of a collrcting officer. REIBEN JONES Feb’v 1'!, 1852. b5lf Jjind W arrants anted. rf^^IlE highest (’\sii fKtrK« j-ai.l for nny il nuuilier of L lud Warrants, for a Noi th- s roRACii:. ern cotictrn. F.iyeftevillt JNO. .M. ROSE, .\gent. ,\pril 1 i. 1852. ^-2tf E have commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in wiiich v.c store cotton and .>ther proluce. D. .V W. McLAl'UlX. ;J7-tf N'.v. 1, 1'"'51. Ni:w AiFSlC, 5;) m ve»'■ y' f.y »;'-y «utii ^ ^ tONSlSTlNO ' S:c., vS;c. (if Songs. Polkas, W altze.^ Just received. K. J. HALE it SON. \F\CKFRFL. ’■1>I.S. MACKEREL, just r- ceived and ■r ,.(■ l.y COOlv & T.VYI.oR. -',2. NOTlCl^r "ill buy any lots »( Spirits 1 iir(>eu- .' itlercd in this market, and will - !'.1' distillers to .N'ew York or r l-;. j the usual shipping lacilities. .L & T. W.VDDII.L i *»i'i-tf xoru'i:. I- ; ,i-(. licrebv cautioned .‘igain^t ■ - ’ r a note m i'le pa;, abie to i:i. ' -111 li-t-rniined not f.i jiay it witii- ■'■r - iti^ta'Mion from him. 'I'he note aij.iut the l.ist uf January. PEi'ER E. .M. PRIEST, i^vj ')7-u (%d)i!nl VnrnUnre., f'hairs, tVc. siil.'. riber is receiving the largest as- fl. sortment in hi^ line ever before purcli.-ised at the North, which, together with his own man- ufacturii, makes his Stock very complete, con- .listing ot‘ , T iiT 1 Ca.iirs, Tiilil.-s .Sdfa.H, W-i^h Stuiiils, Bureaus, Ijinikiii;; (.»his.ses, Hiile Boaril.s, Sccrrtsiries, Ml of which will be .sold on the lowest terms lor iv^h,«,« .u». Oct. :«•, l>'5l. _ WILKLVSON i:SLFR, DEALERS IN f'oiif cti'Jii'irjf, Foi ( i-j,i / rc.ifSj ilfs, lo- h(ic'J, Salt ft, AND IMPORTERS OF IIAVA'VA at wholksalk and retail. Market St, Wiimmgton, N. C. 1 Aug. 7, 18-^1. 'Flit! Suhscribcr Continues to carry' on tin* ( .\ L1N r. 1 BFSINESS in Fayetfevill.-', i nd in addition to his i-lsfablishm.Mit on Row street, near Eccles’s Pridge, |,n« opened a large street, nearly opposite the 1-uyetteville iloUd and one door East of Messrs. Huigh .Si Son s, where a general a.ssortnient of be had at prices con espo II \ I'V me ^laie oi - ....... na. with a Capital of .;250.'M>0. all paid in well invested. 1‘ire, .Marine, Livei .ind April 14. _ SOI I’ll rilllll.lN' I\SIKI.M'K (’OMIM.W, OF ch.'iRLEston, s. c. ^ CHARTERED t'V the State of South ('aroli- t J and Life Risks. . , CHAS. EDMONDSTON, Pres t. A. L. Tubi.vs, See’y. DIRECTORS; RonKV.T M-vt.tin, Col. .1 amk.s OvnsuhN, >L C. Mor.i>w\i, CtiAs. II. West. S. Mowuv, Jr. Hkxuy Cohia. The subscribers having been appointed agent- .lil( i!r\H SilOi* & l'{)l.\DRV. i ius'k A: 2Si\osi, H !'hot II Ill's o/' nil H'n'SO J iitC'i'S ilH'l I'Ui'-kJii iHj ^hoh I m s, {^hoth l\ji'tillilc iiii'^ tSfiiUoniir>/,) VfM-l ('iwiliiij J/tJ- c/iiiii^, Shuir i'utft rs of im ioiiA ' ; ji,it(> riis, Whxil FiUis, Mill itiid \ ' h'lo'tor'i (irnr. Sitvnnl (i/'ist Jli/f Irons, /iiir/i' ^Iil/s, Kihji’ Tools, I ra’^HEY respectfnlly inform their customers JB. and the public, tiiat they continue to ear- ! rv on their Viusiness at their ,^lav ne Shop. ^ near SNOW CAM!*, Abiinance cou-.ty. North I Carolina, w here they are prepared to execute I all work in their line with neatness, punctiiali- ^ ty and desp.atch. With an increased variety of : tools and lal>or-.-.n ing machinery added to oui ' establishment the i>::st winter.—a well selected assortnient of materials i>urchased at the low est c:ish prices,—workmen of known skill and uliilitv, together with long exjierience in the business,—fully justify us in saying, as to qual- itv and price, our work has not, will not, -diid sliall not. sutler in comparison with any other Shoji iu the South. (trateful to the public for past favors, they solicit a continnance of their patronage. X. B. Plea.se send your onlers sofui. as our motto is “first coine first serveiL ’ Letters ::d- dresscl to the subscriliers. at Snow Camp, N. ^ C., will receive prompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK .V DIXON. | .March 1852. 71-iini * ~ illirrtLKBIinTi) BK'h P.ITK.M (^OOKIiMi STOVE, IS for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteviire; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville i'lreet. and iu Fayetteville at .Mr. A. -M. Campliell's. Tho Suli.scriber hereby forewarns all persons from purch.ising any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of N\>rth ( arolina, e:.- cept from himself or his duly authorized .v,'ents. lie has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and wiil prosecute any pers .n infiinging his right, either l»y pur chasing, selling, or using, any except those ob tained I'l'on; himself. JOSEPH WOLTERtNO. Raleigh, Ajiril I'.l, 18.>1. ^.'•■11 10,000 WANTED. The Subscriber has now one of the most extensive and best assorted stocks ; Double and Single SHOT GFNS. PLS K M..S of i the nio«t superior quality.-7-(’olt’s llepeating I and .Vilen’s Revolving, of every quality,—Pow l^^irc ii6S9tranc€. 'HE .ETNA Insurance Company of Hart- )rd, having jiaid the tax imposed Viy the Revenue Law of the late Legi.slature. will con tinue iiS .Vgeiicy in Fayi-tteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- pari**! to issue Policies of Insurance on Build- intis or (iii'ds. either in this Town or in any jiart of tlu‘ .‘'t.ate, on ]iroper application, de scription of the I’roperty, tVC. The -ETNA COMPANY has been in operation alM.iit :i(> vears. Its capit.il is *ji:i00,0>0. ■fhe Hon. fhos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office: and several of its first Directors are still active and etlicient mem- ^ brrs of the Board, It has at all times sustained | support, the highest character b>r the prudence of its iiianagenient. an l for tin* liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. .March Dl. 1S51. Ii2-tf LIFF INSFRANCF. ri'^HE I’ndersigned bus been appointe.l .\gent of the North t'nrolina Mutual Life Insu rance Comiiauy. Every niCmber for life partic ipates in the jmifils of the i'oiiipany; and th« annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to S;;)!) or more, may be paid ouc-h.tlf in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Delitors’ lives may be insured by creditors. .■V man may insure liis own life for the exclii.sivii benefit d‘iiis laiiiilx. The iivts ot slave.s may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which .'i family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided" for, after the death of its head, on wlmse exertiojis they may have \>een de]>emleTit tor li It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out li Life Policy. E.\]'lanatory panijdilets. and the necessarv Blanks, furnish.ed (!ii apidication. j;. J, HALE. F.p eitevilic. .Tune l.'"'5>. 72 .IFST Ri:c FiVFl). BBLS. WHISKEY, 10 hhds. -Molasses. 1 qr. cask pale Frcnch Brainly, 1 •• •• Madeir.i Wine, 1.5 bags Rio ( oflee. b boxes Medium .VxeS. —.VLSO— Broonis; Hearth Brushes; Jute Door and Bug- ■i^v .Mat.'; T.-inners’ ('urriers' Knives, Workers, and Smooth Fleshers; and an ,'idilitioii to our FRENi H CHINA. S. W. TILLINCHAST .S: CO. March 1. 1S52. HFTTON'S SillRT l;l> I .lUnllMI.Uliil IT'J Jlarlut SfrrH, BAI/rilftORK. $$0,000 Mav 1, 1^*52. LBS. WOOL wanted, by II. BRANSON SON. .s.'^tf KXK) l!)s. Fotuslu’s, tor .sale bv s. J. HINSDALE.' >Liv 87tf IWlN'rs! OILS!! DRF(JS!!! I RK WHITE LEAD, Linseeil Oil, Whale Oil. Blake’s Fire-proof Paint, Castor Oil, I’otasli. Yeast Powder, Epsom .Salts, Madiler, t’opjieras, Sjiice, Pepper, Alum, (linger, Ojicdeldoc. A:c. W. ANDREWS, Dealer in .Stove?*, fEMlE largest and only JL M.inufacturing Whole sale Establislinient in the City. The capital ainl force engaged enables me at nil times to otter to Country .'Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS, COLL.VRS. LINEN ami ;oT- TON 1)RAW ERS, great inducements—nmro than usual efforts having been made to render the assortnient of these arlii les lull and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted for Men and Boys. All orders from the Country uttcnde.I tw with punctuality and dcsp.-itch. Reniemlicr the Name, and I\o. I7‘J Tlarkel ««i*eel. T. U. BETTON. .Vuptist 15, 18')1. I4-yopd anti ^iiiiitiiier m ^ M M B W TJ • C’OSrr.MF HALL, I*ritf sfri'*'t nttl (I'utre rhi t Sj^orf, BALTlMORi:. /■IHE largest and best stock of READY- B .MADE CL(-)THINti ever ofl'ered ill Balii- Ctiuntry Merchants will do well to give the j Dress, Frock and Sack ('0.\TS. all co- snbscriber a call. He will "iell iis low as they | qualities and sizes, from !j>2 5(t to !?'•> 50 can be obtained in the State. ^ and upwards. BANTALOONS at !^1 to 50 S.V.M’L J. HINSD.'XLh. | jtml ujiwards. enibriicing all styles of fanc_\, Fayetteville, May :L 8itt j pi.ij,, .,,„j plaid (,'assimeres. \ ESTS of every ^ ‘ variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large as.sortnient of Boys ( lotliiiig. Importing our own Cloth.s direct from I’uropo, and manufacturing on the most extensive scab’, enalilcs us to offer inducements to pureha.sers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establish ment in the I nited States. The proprietors nre determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the ].oint of great attraction, and have now madf. u[» more than tLVKMLNfS, from the finest (luality to the lowest in price. In tlie Custom Department wiil alvnys bo found the choicest selection of CI.OTH.S, ( A.S- Sl.MERES and VFSTINCS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest st\le, and a tit always guarantied. 6is^"The line j.ricc system .strictly adhered to. Remember the name anl place, Corner Pratt St. and Centre Market Space. H. 11. COLE C(V August 15, 1851. 14-yopd \\D MAXrFAf'TrilKK OF PLAIN AM) /JAl’AN , fa, htnl i„ this place for the above named company, are [,ond|ng j prepared to receive offers and issue policies ot Also, an assortment of Northeni-mrtdeh UU. I Marine, Kiver and Life ri RE. selectol by hinistdf, which will be aoUt . liberal terms. All losses incurred at at a very moderate ^-1' Nov. 10, l8ol. F keens on hand an a.ssortment of Fi.sk’s celel.iatcl METAi-LK.' liCRl V EC.VS Eh. which have been highly rcconin.en-icd ''.v Uilbo 1* Man-im, Henrv Clay. Lewis ( .iss ni. U. Kin-, ^rnd many illustrious cl.an-.cters, examined ami w itucsscd their utilitv. who imvi FOR SALi:.- CON. Fcb’y 'J, 1852. -•20,(100 lbs. I>.\- J. D. WILLIAMS. Gijlf this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid liv the undersigned. DeROSSET & BRO«N. N. B. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves 111 the most |.l>eral terms. ^ Wihni-i^t.-n, N. I’., .March 27, 18.52.-^-(mi Ti'a! 'i't’fti Tea:: fiCMES■I' VOl’NC HYSON, 1 ditto (.ainpo'vdcr, 1 Catiy lmi>erial, For sale by CHj Oct. 28, 1851. Si...t .....I IU....C 1'.;.;....-.;.. | ''"I'lK-r, Tin I’lalf »nil Slii'i'l !nm Worker. n.\VE in my employnient competent work men, and am prejiared to do all kinds ot Caps of English and French make. Also, the most conii'lete as.sortnuMit id (lun tixtuies th.it has ever been offered in this section of country. .Uso, Shot !uns. Rifles and Pistols made to ordi'r or repaired. Rifles made to order, and warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. Air Ciuns niaile to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and otliers is respectfully invited. .M. A. BAKER, Si(/n of the dun, Ilav street, nearly opposite the .Marble Yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 6, 1851. 28tf TUiiPFN'l'lNF LAND FOR SALE. t;^OR S.ilc, a;)3 acres of LAND on .Tames Creek, and H40 .teres on Cypress in Cutnberhiud, convenient to the W e:;tern I l:ink Road, heavily tliulu red, and admirably ud.apted to the making of Turpentine. Apply It this Office. Nov.‘2S, 1851. work, either ini'oPPER, TlNorSllEET IRON. 1 have on hand all the necessary iiiaterials and machinery for making Factory ( tins and Drums, and to do all kinds of fiietory work that c.m be di.ne by any similar Establi.shnicnt in the .State. Also, for sale, T’atetit Fnctory an Kings, varving from f to 14 inche.s; Drum Boad.s \c. R()OF1NO, C.l TTKR AND LEADER PIPES put up iu the best iiianDcr. Also, just received, a full supply of COOK- IXCJ STOVCS, of the most approved piitt4;rn8. .Vcw; fjoolcs—Medical, tyr. inCiS’ Vell>eau's Midwifery; McndenbalVs .Medictil Stuilent’s V.'ide-.Mecuni; Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia Medic.a and Ther.apen- tics, for Students; 'raige's Elements of (jeneml and Pathological .\n.'»tomy: Cazeaux’s .Miilwife- ry; Hastings’ Minor Surgcrj ; Reese’s Atii. .Med ical Formulary; the Physician's Pocket Pre scription Book; Flagg on Ether and ( Ideroform ifi Surgery, Dentistry, &e.; Morfit s ( hcmiciil and PiiarnMCCUtical .Manipulations; ]>eiis!ey » Druggist’s Rcceijit Book; Ditto I'ocket hormn- l.'iry; Nuaii’s Chemical An.ily.sis; Wytt.e s Mioro- Bcopists’ Manual; Wright’s .\in. Keeeipt Booli; , .. I . 1 II*. Overman’8 Practic.il Mineralogy. Assaying (ind some of them very large f(jr hotel and pi anti-- Domestic Medicine; Ranking’s tion use. Always on hand a good assort- Abstract of .Medical Sciences; Ac. ment of TIN WARE. ('. W. ANDREWS^, South East corner Market Square. May 1'5, 1852. 01-tf li BANKS. 8i-U' r>0() dozen Fssencf' IRFDFLL’S REFORM'S. 51'ST published, Vi;.!. 12 Law. and Vol. 7 Eqwity. Price 50 and These are I small volumes, in consequence of the Reporte. Cologne i making now arrangements for publishing, 44tf W ater, Oi.edeldoc, Pain-Killer, Vermifuge. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. May 3. Btjund vols. exchanged tor Nos. as usual. £, J, ilALE SOX. DccJO, 1351. E. J. HALE & SON. .ARPER’S M::gnzine f r M.iy; As good as a Comedy, or the Tennesstian’s Story; I Hue’s Travels in Tartary, 'Ihibet and ( hina; I Recollections of a PoliceniJiu; Experiences of a I Barrister; (‘onfe.“sii>ns of an .\ttorney; Heroines I of History: t'hib.lren, their lIy.lroi'«tiiic .^Inn- ! ageme’it. by Dr. Shew. .\lso, further supplies i of Family Bibles, Blank BH»ks, ap and Letter I Papers, School Books, .'^c. Just received by E. J. HALE i: SON. ' Mav 12.