riiarv ' viit BEDemaereee B S K M I-W Fi E WL L. Y. .MLJWIIT imMr— [VOL. 1.] FAVKTTFA lLLi:, N. C., JUNK 15, 18V2. [XO. 90.] aimMiiimmm I. : r ■r t.' the r:’ to 1'KINTED HY ,I. B. NEWliY. i:i)\VAUl) J. UALC & sox, AND I’RUIMUKToU^. ;v f,.r tlic Scuii-WoeWly Ob^*kuvek S4 MO if ■.j.d ill ;nl\:incc; t oO if paid during the! i.’iir •!' suhfiv-riiJtion; or ^5 after the year hus ^ lAiini. ■- - Workly OB^v.nvKn iji'J ‘>0 per nniniin, if j ii.i in advance: t>0 if paid during the \.-,r of !»iibsoriplion; nr (.KJ after the year j L.i' •-■xjnred. | \i'VKllTlsr.MKNTS inserted f^ri?i\ty cents ■, >r s juarc for the first, and thirty cent.' f.*r caeh ;. eediuj: I'tiHlieation. Yearly advertisements :'cei;il contrai’tsi. at reasi'n:iblc rates. Ad- rii''Ta firf retiuested ti> stati the number of - de'ired. or they will be eoiitinucd till ^ ' I, and eharj;ed accordingly. Letters to the Editors luust be po&t-paid. n \ll5i:ULAM) AC'ADlvMV. /■^IIIC Tres^ytery of Fayetteville h.ivinp 1 tr.Tnsi'erred their rijjht of property in thi» - :uti‘'n to certain individuals us I’roprictrr.s. • -1 I’l'iiprictors have determined to place the tution in the m*'St favorable condition to ; ■ i r it >is> fu:. and t>- secure its resin-.-tahili- •V. .\s one of the 'neabures to acoonipl;.*!! this t. they hnve autliorised the ’nunediat'.; : isi.' 'f «. I’hilosophica! and (.'heniical Ap- it l.Mrj;e extent, and the purchase of >:i "ipeciinens as maybe reiiuisite f^r illus- • the principles of Miiicralojry and (ieolo- They intend to make the insiitution su. h i’a i':i furnish n suitable place for an oducH- t. ;; ^^Iited to the times. A pood el.issical i will be hIwu\8 sustained, and coiiiu-cted tiie coursc '»f study there v. ill be at ilitfor- • tiine.s ‘ami^iar ieotures on t!ie soverul i.-iies --■f Nntural S.-icnce. f Siii.m T .n will c 'liunence on th,‘ i.iv.1 u'.y. ;iiid w i'.i cou:i uue ti\e in •iitii>. - ' . I tuii.on at- hcretofure. lluanl in jioud ’ i' ;v in tLe :;oi;;hh >rho.,d can always be ob- : ^ uiiiuerville, June. lS’i‘2. V7-.'w ii()iu:s()N iNsTi'n 11:. ~ fHlllK Kxercises in this .'•chor.l. under the B. s.asne efiijieiit iu.structors in tiie male ue- rimeut. will bv> rt -'iinied on the first M'.nday II! .Iiily. The female iejiartiiient wil. be under •l.e care of 'diss .'^arah luake. an ucc'iiijil.ihe 1 - idy and .“fhniar. Tui'ii'ii per .'irtm-'t! of l-'ue >/■ /i'.'i*. I’riniary Knjrlish branches. '0 I'.r.c. \\ litt'-n Arithmetic. \c. 10 "O .Vin ifiit l,;Ui”Ua-• ., Kiench. ili;rhei' M.i- tliematic.s. l>raw and rainiin^, 1 o (Ki Th..se who attend tlie Lecturrsin the I.:ib*«ri- f TV will be ehaiLfd $1 '0 in adv.mce. No ;-r extr.is are l ii.in^c 1. 'I'here i.i a wiy n s- = ''table Libr.ary beloncin^ tc> the l.iter.iry ru-ty in t!ie Inscituliuii. 'I'lie Cheinienl and r ■’ so|il.ii-al .\p]i:iratiis is ample. 'I'he i'.ibinet • M .iifr.ils i* w ell selected and extensive. :ind . i.'i li c i'.iti I'litly reriimincnd this :>ehii(d .1.. wisiiiii}: iheir ehildri-n aii'i x^a^d^ .i thor- nior.iland intellectu.al training. Students rh.ir^ed iVoni the coniniencenieiit of the Mil tl.i-y enter. It i^ hijrliiy inipurt.-int tliat .. 'uld be present in time to attend the first it.iti'jn.i, as clashes are then formed, and an ■ Li: e o!' a few da\s seldom fails to embarrass '...c.r urse duriii;; the rcni.iin ler of the .''i-'.sioa. l>. .McNVlll. ('hairni.in Iv. ard Trustees. ^VM. >. WiiiTTKI>. .''(-c'v. 1. I'^.V.’. ‘ '.'7-td I'UOVISIONS. lOOO June IS.'il’. LH;^. 15AC0N i^lbKS, •JCUO lb.-, l.urd, (N. ('.) -01H> Ib.s. b're.sli nice, U*il bu.shels Whit« Corn Meal, r>HO •• (.’ovn. aU hulcn I'iiistorn Hay, for ^ale low bv 11. HRAN.^CN .'t S()\. '.*'1 tf u M:\\ HOOKS. Ul'.llCllV, by the author of the Wide, \\ uie Worhi: llomanism at Home, by Kir- wau; tile Fannei's lUclioiiary. fiy l>. I’, liarl- ner, .M. L*.; the Wide, ide World; \c., \c. Ju't received. i;. J. HAl.r, 5: SON. May 212. lbr.2. STEWAKT, lU’SSLMJ EXTRA QUALITY | .v/'AM.t/ RKfl.\Kli rCRi: Ln.if ^r(!AR ii\ b: d V v.\ 1)1 | Fol: F.XroiiTATIoX. VT prices which merchants, who jiurch.i.-e to sell by tlie Ilox of 3l*llis., (^aiid other-, will tiuil lower than the same good IIAIU> (’.VNIilM.*' can be had of any other house in New Vtrk. .'^THW AllT, Hl .'^.'^lNC \ (•(*.. I’e.url .''t.. N. Y. May'JA., ‘.i;!-lawhwpd ji sr iu:d:ivi:i), tiN."!n;i» uii.. i raniier's •• Sperm W liite Lea I and I’utty in •►il. — .VLSI)— II NKW 15l\.(.lLS. I.IIKTK \ JcllNbON. '2 lio...is W est I . F. llank. Mav l!0. 1.'.iJtf \\u\\]\ 1. (i\i\i:i5. rOKW AKDINC AM) C'O.MMIS.SION MKIU'IIAA'I', WILMINGTON, N. C. FIvSdNAI- attention given to t’lO sale or .1 Fa, 'm (oirl Hvnutiful Rfyidonce VO\i SWA]. I II1-1 Subscriber wishiiijr to remove to the JHL South-west, would sell his laiul.s in this county, upon rca.sonable and accommodating term.s, 'i'here are about ‘JTUO or ;!••(>() aero.s. :i!l lying ill one body, and of which 4IMI or •’>'>0 acres are in cultivation. The I’laiik Hoad of the .loint Stoi k ('omj).iny, from Fayettevillv to l{aleigli, will run within one mile of the residence. Most of the hands that are in cultivation lie within three miles of the Cape Fear Uiver. adjoining the lands of John C. Willi,ams .and others. Tlie above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and society. The .'•iib.scril>er might say much more by way of iiiducemeiit; hut he dccm.s it unnecessary, as those wisliin ihemselvcb. The iihove laml.s can l>e divid'd So as to suit imrcliJisers. Any further information c.in be given by np- plic.ition to the subscriber, or by letter address ed t I him at Kiiigsburv, Cuuit.t rl.ind Co., N. C. l>. S. WILLIA.MS. Feb. 2. If'-'tJ. 0‘Jtf II. r.. IlOLMKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICK on corner of Front and I’rinccss htrects, under Journal office. Dee. 12. 4H-tf T IROX SAl'I'.S. suliscriliors, Agents for the sale of WILDLK'S P.MFNT S.VL.VM.XNDKR SAFKS, WITH RICH’S l.M I'Rt)\'KMFNT, of fer them of all ai/es and patterns, delivered in Wilmington (it the .Manufacturer u New York prices. These Safes are warranted emi.al if not supe rior to any others manufactured. Orders will receive lu-omj't attention. DkROSSF.T vV lUlOWN. AVilmington, N. C., .March 2(i, 1852. 77-:m STAKU WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN JToreign and MPomestir ifry fiioods^ IIA V Fayetteville, N. C. J. n. fiTARK.] [.J. M. \VILI,I.\M.. April 2«, lf->2. H.,tf DAILY KXPlXn'KD. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of HOLLOW- /IL WARE, bv E. C. HALL, of Con\e. Oct. IH, IS.')!'. il2tf General Agency and Commission Business. ^HE Subscribers have this day entered in- •op.artnership under the style of WHITAKER. WHITFIELD CO., for the pui-j.ose of doing a general agency anl ^ Vri l T S'lW Iv Iv \V I LLL\ .M S coi'imission business, and in olVering tlnMr ser- V ^ 1 IV. J i. ■. i_ ■ * . i vices to the public in that capacity they tiatter i A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for ' announce to t ^ ii i us (niers am themselves th.it they w ill be aide to give satis- | (ioods purchased at Floral College, are re- _ V'^;iii‘ral!_\, that the^ aie now faction to all those who may consign any goi'ds, | ((uested to make immediate payment, either to ot w.-ires, mereh:indi/.e or country produce to them ' .Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn iu the iieigliborhood, or to, Staple Hoofs, «lV., to their early .']>ring jmrcluises. to which they hnurinhurfrh Jliirft School^ RICH.MONl) COl .NTV, X. C fJlHE undersigneil Con>niittee will receive either to sell on couimissifuis or forward. As ! himselt iu Ciieraw. to purchase can call anil see for it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge ! ourselves to spare no jtain.s in trying to gi\e j general satisfaction. They respectfully solicit j the patronagt' of their friends and the pablic j generally. Their store is No. North Water : Street, Dickinson’s Firo-proof building, Wil mington, I? Cheraw, Dee. 2H. l^^.'il. NO'I K i :! D. -McARN. .yi-tf ap))licati«ns for a rriiicipnl Teacher to i take charge t>f the above Institution. The >SVc-o//(/ SuriniT A Siftnmrr Iand convenieut. I f ^ 1 jii-t. situated 111 ii healthy and jdensant neigh- boihood, and will l>e preparetl for I he reecptioi> of Teacher and .''tnd(;iit« early in July next, when the institution is expected to f^o into ope ration. ••L:uirinburgh High f^cliool" in 5;otten up by a joint stork company. ho Intend making it, what its name imports, a ■•High School" of thfl first order, in which boys cnn get a thorouj^U and conijdele English and (.'Inssical education i £ sliipment of Naval Stores. 1 have amplt facilities tor coMdueting the bu^iiies.s; large wharf and sti>re sheds to keep spirits from ei.posure. N.ival .stores viill be shipped to any lo ir-e in Ne'.v Vjvk, or to other markets if adxib.ibie. ;ilid ii' eral cash ad\;.;K'CS made OH coii.'ij:i;aiiits, I re;cr to K. ilaiinin. W a\ne /"Uniy. ( iiaiivliir ilail. J d^n^loll Co., Lovctt Peacock, C'olumbus ( o., ! 11. II. IJar«eii, 'I h'.s. L. Vaii. liladen “ M“ssrs. ."'iiiith. .s. Ingram, JoLnston Co. ? .\1cbsis. L. J. Jones, Me.'.'is. .''iiiith ,'t Jones, Sjietiior Fountain, Ls.j., Levi I'.ailev, Es'j., May 20. l'-o2. ’ VJ.^ y .M rs A.\i) nu 11'. 2U0 lbs. Soft .''hell Aiuioiids. Itr i/il .Nuts. : .. .. i;;nr;isli W'aluut.s. •• Fiiti'Tis. 2.-1 Drums Figs. 1 C:ise I’runex in fancy Jar«. 11H> whole, half, and '{r. lloxes Raisins. 1 Case I’lesorNe l (iiager. 1 i! doz. Jars Tickles. Soda, Lciuon, Sugar and W'nter Crai kers. Just received bv CHARLL.^ RANKS. April 24, 1S.')2. :^otf r.KOW N .V l)i;IU)SSL'r, I’or/c, Dr.iiossi: r .V niiowx, ,V. f’., COMMISSION BIERCHANT3. J.M). I’olTS }>lt(t\V.\. Akmam* j. r, Jr. K. 1'. IJhuw.v. 1 ASH adv.-im es will be made on consigniui’iit of I’roduci- I’or s.lie citi.i r in Wilmington or New Vork. and l ot;..n ivill be ;"rw;;rded to the Ni-w Volk llin.si- free cl C"Uiin;ssion at Wilmington. Marrii 22, l.'s,')2. 70-om A l)i:s!liAl5Li: KHSlDKNCi:: SALK. ^H^HF .'^ub.Mi Ibrr nov, offers for sale all his I'uri entiiie iiiol l':irm.ii^ L.VNI), contain ing about OUU .-\cres. situatcl 12 mil;s East of F.i,\ ettev illi‘, oil t 'le ■!o!dsh.,reu^li road, com monly known as I'almvr.i. It ha,' a good lUveiiing house, out-bul'. l;ng-, \c.. aii'i a ,'t re \.!:ere a lurc'e :;in' .;nt 'f o'lsi- ncs.' is iloire. and iicT :isid:;. .. Th;s i.- .i rare cl:.:in e i-.|- i !! ;•« .itihe c- tt; ; s. im r>. o.;n: . a;c. :i!: 1 w l.e s ■! ; ,! '..ir^:iia. o:.- ing to purrh ;se, mi 1 fau. er io; riua- tio:i. Cali ;i.-..ii tlu- i rer..to vv‘. M' or i. TAV;.! xL lay itte\ il'.e Julv 2' th. 1-'1. ' St: Rkfi-.hfnci-: der. t >. (i. I’arsley, R. French, and Llli •iau. 2'.', 1S.">2. JOHN R. WHITAKER. JAMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. R. SiH TH.\LL. John Dawson, Potter \ Kid- .Saniuel Reerv vV Sons, 1. \ .MitehelL ‘ 01-tf liKDrc'i:!) I'ARi:. rW^HH)l'!H Tickets bet ween Wilmington, N. S. (', und IJaltiniore. Fare 81,;. ViaW>l- iloii. Petersburg. Richmond, and Washington Citv. or via Weldon, Port.snuiuth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the (>n'ici- of the W il- mingtf'ii and Raleigh Rail Road t'ompaiiy at W iliiiiiigtoii, or at the Ollice of the Raltiniore Steam I’acket 'ompaiiy, and of the llKltiinore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pnitt Street, I’altiinore. tLL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by note or account, ar« retiue.sted ' to call and selile the same as eaily a.s po.^silile. • He may be fouud one door West oi' l.iberts Point, with the most of iiis ready-made work saved I'rom the late fire. Persons in want ot any articles in my line of busine.'-s, wouhl do well tti call, as I will sell cheap for cash, or ou time for approved note. JAMES SI NDV. Jan’y H^. l.''."2. .'i.jtf la ii rnLii NO rici:. Stake this method of returning niy sincere thanks 10 those gentlemen who saved the goods troiii niv Shop on the nioruiiig of the lid inst. P)Ut for their kimtness aiui exertion, 1 would lur.e lost all. JAMES Sl’NDV. especially invite the attention of country mer- '‘‘in'ders solicited, ati.l every e.xertion made to | 'h'; country, without going to College; or •live satisfaction S. .V W. have the meatis and the inchnut.on I to do so, (hey will be well prepared to enter I ’ollrge far a'ivanceil; consequently none will I be exjiected to apply wlio may not be fully I (jualitied to conduct such a school. It id nlso j iniiispeiisable that the Teacher shall be a gen tleman not only of the nectB.-arv scholastic ut- HOtf Fa\ette\ille, .\pril 2’^, 1S.')2. TO 11 IKK, a S.M.\RT, ACTIVE RoV. 1;; years old. Apply to H. RRAN.>;0N \ .'(»N. .Mav ‘li.'>2. S7tf r>() i>ox(‘s s:ile by .Mav 8. Wiiitlow (ilass, lor s. J. HINSDALE. 87 tf 10 i»:in«'ls North (.'aii^liira IJii seoil OIL, tor sale liv S. J. HINSDALE. Mav S7tf •JO PAINT, oLi) iivi:. A NOTHllR lot of Doctor Williams's old Rec- — bL tified R\e \\ liiskev. ■j. \ T. WADDILL Mnrch 2t). 7i-tf Mav iiarrcls liliiko's Firc-prool lor Hale by s. J. HINSDALE. S7tf T Jan. 1, 1S.-.2. E>i*. T. ? I ulv It. taken an OlVu tiie liotc. Rui 14. iS.M. g| .1 • i-.V. Ha liiiLs. .■);}-tf E9 . y Str.et, W\: 4 tf ai.d A. .M.-Mlid.AN on.utiier-'liip in t'if o.i\ e ei,;. 11 1 I'lstilliry u! .'^till on tlie tstern Plant Norici:. III! Su = .»cri*--cr h.iving ci.itt d w ith hiin- r.' ; in liii:.liie" his «on Matthew, the biisi- -3 w id herealtei be eon iueti-il uui li the name ^ -:\le of M, N. Leary v\ .''on. Tlie un b-rslgned. thankful f..r the liberal pat- - mage hitherto extended to him. lespeetfully ..u-its a iviitinuatioli of she same in behalf of ;•* new Firm. .\!i tho«r in !• ^^ed t-^ the unders:;rnod. either li -e ir aci ount. are oaruestlv rt '.ac'ted to - ’I tlie “:;iiie as earlvas possible. .M. N. LEARY. K ; tteville. .lune 7, lSo2. '.7-3m NATIONAL WHIG CONVENTION. t rit'E 1.“^ hereby given that the •••Seaboard Ro:inoke Railrojid Coinp.any will issue iii'.'iltill TICKETS from Weldon to R.ilti- troni the l^Uh to the l '»th June, inclusive, who ni.iv wish to artend the •■WHIG N\T1 i.N.VL CO.W E.NTION,' which is to con- ;n Raltim .re on the Ditli June next, .-it the ■ liU'' illv iow price of Nink D«»i.f.vK,s ,\>ii> a . tor the round trip, allowing five days ,.v Ilaltimore to .‘ill of those who may avail 'i-"l\es of this offer. •53T. \ portion of the time .allotted to Ralti- iiiay be sjien* in Norfolk and Portsmouth, - preferred. E. N. PETERSON, Agenl. \ R. R. R. Co., I r,- " 1 ,.. .May 2.'». L-.'>2. / ' I" lt( i il/c and SoutJu rn l*lctnh Rond. I" U hereby given that all notes be- _'oig t , the ('oinpany remaining unpaitl - 1,1’= f July next, will be put in suit. -UlCli D'a. T. S.MITH. Secy. 1, l''V2. l*0-lm KQnrV SALK. ILL be sold, at the f'ouri House ln>or in *w the To .n of Fayetteville, on .Monday t;s day of July, the following valuable Real I ; »*it; 11: .I acres of Land, on the ea.st tide of ' M l ear River, known us John Toler s. Also, '■‘lUable Negi'o Uoy, named Jim;—upon a i-t ■)! SIX miiiith». •'tie lui'lividfd half of a Lot in tho Town ‘ * tte'.iile, on the corner of Hay and .Max- ’’■ '•ts. kilo A ll as the Engliind Lot—upon ■ ' '1 '.i .\lonths AR IFD A. T. S.MITH. Clerk und Master. i^o2. M VCKKUi:(>. l’d!j,s. .M.VClvEREL, just received and ^ l,,r sale liv srKAMKii soirrnKUNKii T ILL leave Fayetteville every Wednesday and .''aturday, at 7 o’clock, M., and iirriv,' iu Wilmington at 7 o’clock. P. M. -Vn 1 will l>.a\e \S ilmington every Mond.^y and Thurs dav. ;it 12 o'clock. .\L, and arrive in F:iycttc- vil.i- next morning. R. M. ORRELL, .\gent. A] ril 20, lf'.*>2. 8i»-tf JOHN I). W II.LIAMS, €'om m issioii F'orirarfdn^ • flcrrhftiit^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. ‘J, l^o2. Will he lld i ii Lil l»f thi' jint riac in the TONS of SWEDES IRON, bv E. H.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. IH.M. 32tf JO.M'l’il K. BLOOTl. c o Si o A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, n^ilmhts:toit, .V. V. ProTwpt per.sonal attention given to all Consignments, and Cash advances made on Pro duce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. \2, 18V2. dy DAII.V KXI‘K( TKI). if IKHjr IKON, auitiiUe for Spirit barrels, by E. C. H.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1S51. 3’-tf •aj K1 '■ • int.. I'lirpentiiK-. and hav>- erectiii West siile if ihe la;. ette\die ;ili I R -ad, t miks fi ■ ui I'aveltov iilc. N. KINC. May y.- 71tf A. Mc.MlLLAN. IIVfj#/rrf. ■* KT" K wish to buv 20.Hi«t b.irr>-l- rurp( iitine. \w ' KIN»; .V .Mc.MlLI.VN. Seiiiiiff oH' at Cost: CiKLA'r HAIUJALNS! The «ubi=crihcr is dt'sircus of clianiriiii' his busitiess, and wishes to -ell off his prts,-nt St Ark of Coovls iinm*‘diaiely, i ousisiin;_ :!i p;irt ol Staple an (I Faucif Dri^ (ioud>\ Embr.ic’iiig a tine stock of l-;idies’ Drc'-s tioo Is, Rarege. liarege Le-Lains. D»itted and plain .''w iss Muslins, colored ilitto, R.irred. .laconet an I Camljrie Muslins; col'd .'••ummer Silks. ,\l.-'o. :i general assortment of Idaek an I col d .Silk Dresses: a l.'irge a.s-iortment of H>)siery. .VIs.t. 4’loths, t'assimeros, ’I’wet-d^. .leans, aiid .''..tii- nets. general .a^^ortnient of .''tiniuier wi ;,r for tientlemen: all kinds of Linen goo.Is. Al.S '. a large stoi-k of P.oots and .''h-es. Hats, Bonnets, Finorellas and ParusoLs, Hardwaic and Crockery. W iiies and French Rr.iudy. The above dtock is offered at the meie cost here. Country Merchants ami all others huy- ing Goods in til's market. v\iil do well to call and ex.'imine, as 1 am dcteriiiineil to sell and close out m\ jM'esent stck, wiiich is large and fresh, and well selcwtcd. W. S. LATTA. i April l'.«, iy-V2. •■■■If ” ji sr uLC'i:i\Ki>. MEN’S anil Roys’ S.VDDI.ES. of every ijuality and style. sonn‘ ver,\ tim- Al iks. ( ollars, W hij'S and Wagon llariH'ss. E. H.VLL, of Rome. IS, 18.-.1, ;;-tf K. M. o:i!n:Li., riiiiw.'iiiiii'.G (iniMisMiiN i;i:i:( !i.\\T at F:iyclU‘ville. i'. M:'.r li lU, L^’l. f.2-tf 4-1 (>r- >U6C .irs'p i:i). PIECES CANTON MATTINC., and 0-4. red, cheeked, and white. —also— Loaf, Granulated, N- O. Clarified, New le.iiis. and Muscovado Sugars. Sugar 11 SyrU]). 10 crates assorted Crockery. lOOO Porter and Wine Rottks. S. W. TlLLlNtillAST \ C*. April l.'L 1SV2. H2tf .10.000 ll>«. Wante d. \\1LL pay cts, per pound cash for all clean cotton ;aid linen R,\(l.''. delivered to J. D. Wilii.ims. in FavI'ttevilie. 1 am n-jarly re:idv to put in '•'peration a Paper Mill in this ^ nei- iiborhood. and am desirous of getting my j rug' in this market. .My object is to pay as ' much "or rags as 1 can allord, and hope that I mav not l>e forced to dist.int markets I’or my suj'plies. I have arranged with Mr. W illiams to receive and pay lur all r;ii:> delivered to him. I)\V1D MURPHY. Fh'ettev ille. Fel> y 24. l-''.j2. OS-tl B2oU*!i!iV«*rlical Water Whvvl. ^ 8^ H ER F. an* several hiinlred of these W heels ^ in »i’ieratiou in ditierent counties in North W'LN'i'l'Ji sri*PLY. E are now receiving our winter supply ol (ii.i.ils, o doors below the Mar'net House, south si ie Person street, where iiiav be found till- f.dlowing articles: .'^ugnr of nil et ades, ('oil'i-*. ■'i lib Is. (’i'.Vi;! M'.lasses—sweet. II I'.o's. i u|>—a superior urticle, (iroi-n ;ii\d I :o'k Teas, t':, >e f three 'lili'creiit ijualllies. Rice. Pej'j.t'r and S.iiee, Lope and il;:gi;ir.g, 00 Rills. Mackerel. Shoes and Roots ot extra large size, shovels. Spades and Forks, Corn Ploughs and Points, Axes of the best brands. Knives and Fork.-;, Nails and Iron, .lo,iiuo U.S. C otton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for Cash or exchanired for Produce, ('all and see. CROSS CREEK C. Benbow, Pres’t. ' Dec. 20. 18.'>1. -"-U-tf .NOTK !•:. I ^HE undersigne.l continues tn manufacture jiirits Tiirpi'iitine R.V R1! EL.'s. Those now j on haii'l .juaiie 1-; to 4’> g.-illoiis. and are maile of the ijest seasoned w 'i:teo;ik. Distillers want- i iiig a g'lod article, will do well to call and ei- | aiiiine. Contrncts to deliver P.arrels for the ‘ next twelve months made on favorable terms. 1. S. LITTERLOH. March 22. 1S.'.2. 7otf ■ tainments for instruction of youth, but also of ; undoubted moral and religious demeanor. A . gentleman of small family, of some experiene® I in teaching, would bo j>referred, who nii}(ht ; board some of the students, and enjoy the qui- etnes.s and ri-tireineut of his own fireside, in r ! large and eomniodious house specially jirepnred i for that }»urpo«e. A salary of at lea.st Eight Hundred Dollars will be secured to him;—tho ' year to be divided into two Sessions of tv® _ month each. The selection of a Principnl from among th» applicants viill be made on the 19th of Jnne ne.xt, immediately aftei- which the successful one will be notified, and arrangements mad» that the institution will go into operutiou as earlj- in July next a.? ]>racticr.ble. Hy addressing either of the undersigned. Laurel Hill or Spriugfield Post OITice, any fur- ther information desired in regard to the pre mises will be jiroinptl}' silven. Dl Nt'AN MeLAl'P.lN, ) JOHN C'. McLAURIN, Com- DANIEl. . McINTVRE, J Laurinburgh, May S, H'UlOJ M^ire tHsitraace, !''JIL -l.TNA lnsi>rai:-e ’om)ian_\ of Hnrt- foid, having ]iaid the tax imposed by tho Revenue Law of the l.'.iv Legislature, will con tinue il-^ Agency in layeiteville, under the ni.-.iiagenient of the iiiiiier.'igneil, who i-^ pre- jiared to issue Polleie.'- of Insurance on Ruild- iii'js or Oooils, tithi r in this Town or in any LIFE l\Sl UANC'E, ri>HE L'ndei-signed has been appointed Agent of the North t'arolina Mutual Life Insu rance Coiupany. Every member for life partie- ipates in the profits of the (.'.imiiiiny; and thv annn.il jireiniiim f.-r life niembership. where it amoui.ts to ^i^;;0 or more, inay b-,- paid r.ne-hnlf^ in cash, ati.i the other half in :i note tit 12 ni.'tiths,.- Debtors’ lives may be insur -'i by ereaitor#.. A in:in riav insure his owii life I'ot the exclusivtf p.-i'rt of the State, ou proper application, de- : benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may scription of the Property, \e. . 1h' itisured. The -F.TNA COMPANY has been in operation 8 KiII.m; shop & roi\«R\. .Stafibi'd, 4 lark A: e>i\ou, Miiniifitctiin r)! of' a// xizc« of Home Potcrrs oui/ TI>r'!ihiiii Mdchiufs. \hoth l\trt>iL(c OHil StutioiKH'j/y) WinA i'livtliuif M.i- chhits, Straw Cutfrrs of vanuvs jxitt>nis, W’hxit F‘inK. Mill und I'mUifjl SilirOHif ^hll Ir/7i., IJnrl,' Mil/s, Eihjc ! Tnuls, «lV. tl’C. d'C. TBIHEV re.'pectfully inform their customers JL and the public, that they continue to car ry on their business at their .Machine Shop, near .SNOW’ C.VMP. Alamance county. North ; (’arolin.-i. where they are prepared to execute all work in their line with neatness, punctu.ili- ty and despatch. With an increased variety of tools and labor-saving machinery added to our Carolina. I’or proof of their great advantages establishment the p;ist winter,—.a well selected ovt-r the eoniiiioii flutter wheel, fir any other ass.Ttiiient ot materials purchased at the lovv- w heels now iu use for saw mills, we confidently est cash prices,—workmen ot known skill and n fVr to those who have applied them to their ability, together with long experience in the mills. We can recommend them pBrticularly ' business,—f ully justify us in saying, as to ijual- fi.r their sujieriority iu cases of a low head of ity and price, our work has not, will not, and water, or back water. I shall not. suffer in comparison with any other We still keep !i supply of Wheels, suitable for Shop in the South. about oO vears. Its cajiital is 5#:{0»),000. The P.on. Thus. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office: and several of its fust I'ircctois are still active and eSeient mem bers of the Board. It has at all limes sustained the hij,ihest character for the prudem e of it.s management, and for tlie liberality with which it has ever adjusted it.s losses. E. J. HALE. Agent. March Irt, 1S31. »>2-tf .11 sr Ki:ci:iVEi). ~ RRLS. W HISKEY, 10 hhds. .Molasses. 1 qr. cask pale Freni-h Brandy, 1 *• •• Madeira Wine, 1.') bags Kio Coffee, * 5 boxes Medium .Vxes. —ALSO— Brooms: Hearth Brushes; .lute Door and Bug- g’, M.-iis; Tanners'Curriers' Knives. Workers, and .'smooth Fleshers; and an addition to our FRENCH CHINA. S. W. TILLING HAST Ot CO. March 1, 1S52. O'.'tf This system is rapidly j.rowing into favor, al) over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a sm.-dl sum msr.ually, may be prf>- vided for. after the death of its head, on whof.e er.ertio;is they may have been lependent for a support. It is a good invebtment of money, even if one should live long after taking out « Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlet.'^, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on ai>plication. E. J. HALE. F'ayetteville, .Tune 18.'>fl. 7*2 so.ooo •May 0, 1852. LI5S. Wt»OL wanted, bv H. BRANSON i SON.' Shtf lOUO lbs. Potashes, tor sale by s. J. HINSDALE." May .1. S7tf so, P.V Ril Oct. lor sale by COOK & TAYLOR. ‘,ii'i-4 w ^000 ft. .\she Lumber for Wagons, H t. " inch.'s thick. 3O0O ft. Seasoned Oak L'lniber, 1^ to S inches. l»Kio It. W hite O.ik and Hickory, for Axii treos. lUOU ft. White Oak f.ir Tongues, Bolsters ami Shafts. 100 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2000 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be i>aid. •\pplv soou to E. FILLER. May lit, 1K'>1. 1 ■ -- j IjOiid It arrriuts Wanted. I ^BIHE highest Cash phicks jiiu l for any M- number of Land Warrants, tor a North ern concern. JNO. >L ROSE, Agent. Fayetteville, ,\pril 1 I, lt^-’>2 t2tf different heads of water, iit Wilmington, Ncvv- bern, Washington, Edentou and Fayetteville. The wheels m.iy also be had of E. Brevard, Lincolnton. an»i I'riah Wells, Peter.sburg. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the riglit to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. McNeill i Co., Fayetteville, N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. .McKETHAN. h. J. McALISTER. Feb’y 22, 1S19 of tf Biihrrty i'oiiit BBou^e. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned ■ either by note or account must settle on or before the first day of March. Those failing to do so, will certainly find their accounts in the hands of a collecting officer. REFBEN JONES Feb’y !•’>, 1^’>2. (i.itf S'l'OUACiK. E have commodious brick Warehouses iu the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. W. McLAURIN. Nov. 1, 1H.51. o7-tf M-:\v ' CONSISTING of ^.c., A: April 14. MISIC, Songs, Polkas, W alt7.es, .‘ceive'i E. J. HALE & SON. .NOriCK. L will buy any lots «f Spirits Turjien- tiiie offered in this market, und will and ship for distillers to New Vork or ' iii i !■, atlurding the usual shipping facilities. J. & T. WADDILL. if‘.")2. .»t;-tf A .XOl'tCK. -I. |icr- ms are hereby cautioned against for a note made payable to \’Vm. ■ f am determined not to [lay it w ith- ; -^it!‘--l:!etion from him. The note r- 11 .i:, jut the last t»f Jiinuary. PETER E. M. PRIEST, '■‘y 2'’,, 1.S.32. -j7-4t (\dtifiel Fitrfillin'e^ ('liairs^ i\'C. ^ H 111 E subscriber is receiving the largest as- H sortiiient in his line ever before purchased at tho North, which, together w ith his own man ufacture, makes hib Slock very complete, con sisting of ('hairs, TaljleP, Si.fun, Bedsteads, Wash Stands, l>iiroaus, Looking ilasses, Sidt‘ Boards, Secretaries, kc. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi Cash or ou short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. ".O. 1K'»1._ WILKINSON & l*:SLHU, DEALERS IN rl4Gii(tri/, Forvrfrt. Fruits, Fo- Itnrcij^ mil f Snnff, AND I.MPORTERS oF iiAV.\:%A ;bgaks, AT W'lloLl'..-.\f.K AM» KKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. 7, ltj]. lltf ^ 'I'lu* Stibscrilx'r stii! continues to carry on the C.VRINET BI'SINESS in Fayetteville, and in .idditioii to his Esfiiblishment on Bow street. ne:tr Eccles s Bridge, h.is opened a birge WAP.E IKtOM on H.iy street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Messrs. Haigh Son's, where a generiil a.s.sortment of I'Lll.M'I'lJlll', Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corresponding with th»* times. ■\lso an assortment of Northeni-made II RNI- Tl RE, selected by himself, which will be .sold at a very moderate advance. DLNCAN McNEILL. Nov. 10, 18->1. :?stf E keeps »n hand an assortm(‘iit of Fisk s celebrated METALLIC BE RI AL CA.sES. which have lieen highly recommended by W illi** P. Maiigum, Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, W m. R. King, aii‘1 many other illustrious characteis, who have examined and witnessefl their utility. roR sALi:.- CON. f cb’jr 0, lbo2. lbs. !?A- J. D. WILLIAMS. SJU’ sorril (WIIOLINA INSHMM'H L’O’IIM.W, OF CHARLESTON, S. ( . M 1HARTERED by the State of South Candi- ^ y na, with a Capital of .'ji2->0,')00, all }iaid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTOX, Pres’t. A. L. Toui.ks, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: RoBKUT M.VUTI.N, Ctd. J.^MES G.\1)SI>EN, M. ('. .M()KIiki:.\i, Cii.vs. H. W kst. I S. Mowitv, Jr. Ilf.MiY Coni.\. i The subscribers having been appointed agents i in thi.s place for the above named company, are ; prepared to receive offers and issue policies«f I Insurance on Fire, Marine, River and Lite j Risks, on liberal terms. All losses incurred at I this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid I by the undersigned. DeROSSET BROWN. N. li. Risks vvill be taken ou the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. W ilmington, N. 0., -March 27, 1 8')2.—77-Cm Teat Teal Tea:: 1(^11 EST YOUNG HYSON, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. BANKS Oct. 2», 31-tf Grateful to the public for )>ast favors, they solicit a continuance of their patronage, N. B. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is ••first come first served.” L»*tters ad- ; dressed to the subscribers, at .Snow Camp, N. ^ C., will receive jir(.>mpt attention. STAFFORD, CL.VRK \ DIXON. March 18tj2. > l-oiii Till; i i;Li:iiiivrtii iii cR imtkm COOkli\(ji STOVl-:, S.'s f’or sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayettevilh-; in Rnleigh at his Shop mi Fay- ettevilie .Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. M. Campbells. The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these Stoves from any person either iu or out of Xorth Carolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized Agents. He has jiurchnsed the exclusive right to vend this Stov ! within the State, and will prosecute any persjii infringing his right, either by pur chasing, selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, April 1«, 1851. OStf io,ootT WANTED. 'I'lu^ Snbscrib(M* has now one of the most extensive and best assorted stocks Double and Single SHOT GUNS. PISTOLS of the most superior quality,—Colt’s Repeating and .Vilen’s Revolving, of every quality,—Pow der Flasks, Shot and Game llags. Percussion Caps of English and French make. Al.so, the most complete assortment cd Gun tixtures that has ever been ottered in this section id’ ct>untry. Also, Shot Guns, Rilles and Pistols made to order or repaired. Ritles niJide to onler, and warranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. Air Guns made to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is rcsnectfully invited. M. A. BAKER, Sii/n of iht dun, Hay street, nearly opposite the Marble Yard. Fayetteville, .N. C., Oct. ti, 18.>1. 2Stf rI-lil‘EN I IN1^^LAM) FOR SALE. f’^OR sale. o08 acres of LAND on James ^ Creek, and (540 acres on Cypress Creek, in C'uinberland, convenient to the W estern Pl.-ink Road, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making ol' Turpentine. Apply at this (JtSce. Nov. 2.M, Ibol. I’AIN'I'S! OILS!! DUUGS!!! PURE WHITE LEAD, Linseed Oil, W hale Oil, Blake’s Fii^e-proof Paint, Castor Oil, Potash, Veast Powder, Epsom Salts, Madder, Copperas, Sjiice, Pepjier. Alum, Ginger, Opedekbic, iVc. ! Country Merchants will d.> well to give the subscriber a call. He will sell as low as they can be obtain* d in the State. SAM L J. HINSDALE. I Fav ■tteville, Mav :!. ^ltt BLTl'ON'S SHIRT I‘ST.IBL1S!IME.\T, 179 Market Stretf, BAI.T1.110RK. rn^HE largest and onW A Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in tiie City. The capital and force engaged enables me nt all times to offer to Country Merchants nnd Deal ers in SHIRTS, ('OLL.ARS, LINEN nm.i COT TON DR.\W El’S, great inducement^—more than usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is largo and well fis«(.rteii for .Men and Boys. All or.lers from the Country attouded to with punctuality and des|iati h. JQ>-^ Remenilier the Name, and *\o. B79 .UarK'ol Street. T. W. BETTON. August lo, IS.')!. 1 l-yopd Spriii;? and Nmiiitier C. W. ANDRI3WS, Dealer in Stores, 44tf AND MANrFACTrREK OF PLAIN AND JAPAN yj.v n\lRE, ('oinKT, Tin I'lalf and Slu'fl Iron Worker. IH.WE in niy employment competent work men, and am prepared to do all kinds of work, either in COPPER, TIN or SH EET I RON. 1 have on hand all the neeess.-iry materials and machinery for ni.-iking Factory Cans and Drums, and to do all kinds of factory work that can be done by :iny similar F.stablishuient in the .'^tate. Also, for s.ile. Patent F;ietory (^an Rings, varying from 0 to 14 inches; Drum Beads, ite. R(iOFlNG, GI TTER AND LEADER PIPES put up in the best manner. ,\lso. just received, a full supply of CtX)K- IN; STOVI'^S, of tiie most e.pproved patterns, some of them very large for hotel and planta tion use. -\lways on hand a good assort ment of TIN WARE. C. W. ANDREWS, South East corner Market dquarc. Mav 15, 1852. Sl-tf IKKDELL’S UHPORTS. 91’ST pulilished. Vol. lij Law, and Vol. 7 Equity. Price $3 .'0 and These are small volumes, in consequence of the RepoTtei dozen I'^SSCllCOS, C oloj^lio | making new arrangements for publishing. Bound vols. exchanged for Nos. as usual. Water, Oiiedeldoc, Paiu-KiUer, Venuifuge. For sale bv S. J. IIINSD.VLE. 37 U* £. J. HALE & SON. COSriMi: HALL, iormr Prntt Ktrxf iiuJ Cf-7itrc Marlcf Spur,-, BA L TIMORE. /■nifE largest and best stock of REA1>Y- ,M_ .MADE CLOTHlNti ever offered in Balti more. Dress. Frock anil Sack COATS, all co" lors, qualities and sizes, from !j'2 -'lO to 50 and upwanls. P.VNTAI.OONS at •'*■'1 to 50* and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy,, plain and plaid (?a“Hinieres. VESTS of every variety at corresponding price.s. Also, n l»rgo as'sortment of Boys’ ’lothing. Importing our own Cloths direct from Europe, and iiianuf’aeturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to p>ireha«orn not to be surjiassed by :iny Clothing E.stalilish- meiit in the United States. The proprietors are determined to make the W holesalc Rooms tho poir.t of great attraction, and have now mad® up more than 50,0t0 G.'VRMENTS, from the' finest quality to the lowest in price. In tlie Custom Department will nlwnrs bw found tho choicest selection of CLOTHS, CAS- Sl.MERES and VESTINGS, whicli will be made up nt the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit always guarantied- The one price .system strictly adhered t(u Remember the natne und place, Corney^ Pratt St. and Centre .Mnrket Space. H. H. COLE it CO. Aug^istlo, 18r>l. 14-y.ipd jSew Books—McdicaU ^’c. EIGS' Velpeau’s .Midwifery: McnJonhall’B iTli. Medical Student's Vadc-Mecum; Mur phy's Review of Chemistry for Studentfl; Bid dle’s Review of .Materia Me.lica and Therapeu tics, for Students: ('raige’s Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeanx's Midwife ry; Hastings’ .Minir Surgery: Reese’s .Med ical Formulary: the Physieiaii's I'icket Pre scription Book; Flagg on E) her rii! I ChlorfifoiTO in Surgery, Dentistry, ^e.; .Morfit’s Chemieu> and Pharmaceutical .Manipi.l.'itions; Be.i.sley’f» DrutrgiM’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Formu-' biry; Noad’s Chemical Aiialy.siz; Wyrbe’s Micro- scopists’ Manual: W nghi’s Am. R-xeipt B.-^ok; Overuian’s Practical Mineralogy, As-Rvinganf Minincr; Smith’s Dome*ti" M:‘diein': Rawking’s Half Yearly Abstract of .Me«lieel Sciences: &c. E. J. HALE k .SON. HARPEll’S M..gaziinj for May; A good nn a Cowedy, nr the Tennessean’s .‘tory; Hue's Travels in Tartarr, Thibet and China; Pkccollcctions of a i’oliceman; Ei.periences ot a Barrister: Gonfeseions of an Altorney; Heroinef* of History; Chil.’ren, their Hydropathic Man agement, by Dr. Shew. Also, further supplie* of Faniily Bibies, lilank Books. Cap ami Lett**r Papers, School ikioks, ^ic. J'.mt received by E. UAI/ii \ HV, Msj IS I i

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