SEMl-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. I.] I'AYETTEVILLE, N. C., JI XE IT, [XO. loo.j iTriiiMTiiiMi iiiiiiiiiBii II iMiiiii I III iiiiM I I n~«irTTiinnr~nn>iT I’KIXTED BY J. B. NEWBY. EDWAUD J. HALE & SOX, KDITOUj> AM) l*UOriUKTOUS. rnoo for the ISfiiii-Weokly Ohskrvkr 00 if j'uiil in ;iUviince; $4 T>0 if puid iluriiig the of subsi‘ripti«.in; or $5 after the year has expired. F '!• the Weekly Oui'i.uvkh 00 j)cr Hiinuin, if paid in advance: oO if paid during the yc;ir of s '.hs-Tlptiuu; or $3 00 after the year has expiroil. rBIIIE !»nbscri1)or having been appointed In- ■ spector andUuagor of Turpentine, Uosin, and Spirits lurpentine. would inform tliose deaiing in thf article, that lie is now ready to enter up«in the duties of liis oHice. and may be found at the t>tore of Cook it .tohn.son. it^iiAM i;laki:. rayrttevillo. .Tnnc 11, ISo'J. V);*-3t xorici:. sul.'scribor h.ning qunlified as Kxecu- -M- tor of the l:!St will ami tc^tunient ol AVinifred Hodgis, dcc’d. at June Term 1852, of the (.'(.nnty Court of Cumberland, hereby noti- lics. all persi'iis indel'lt'd to s.tiil estate to come forward and make immediate payment; and all having claims againt^t said esiate are re[uir^d t*> prisent the .-.ime, duly authenticuted within the t.nie prescribed by law, or this notice will , i \ • .If • . . he pleaded in bur ot their recox crv. AU\ 1>I.MLM> inserted tor sixtv cents ‘ JAb. 1’. h01'0l.> ■r s [Uiire f^'r the tirst, anl thirty cents fcr each : .June !• I8‘>‘’ Ex’r. \v suocee lin'Z j'ab!ic;itit'n. Yearly adverlisemev.ts . bv*pecial contracts, at n' rates. Ad- | VL'rtisers are reijuested to :«tat(> the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till j f ivbid. and cli.Tr;.reil accordingly, . .-j" Letters ti> tl'.e Editors niut ho post-pa' 1. ; W t‘ are rtHHiestrd t(^ aimomicc • MflN ,r. IMUl.II’S ii candidate fur the oiliL-e ■ t' S..eritr - ’'r the county of t’umberland, at the ; u'nir eleoti' n. •inn-* 11. i Sh.for S/tl(' ot ('o.s'. fHTlli! >nbsiril>cr wi ’ '(>’! .'>00 ji.iir of l.adies'. a and I'hildren's Slme^. Cia!tfr>;. nn 1 .'''.ippt i s at cost. Call w hile the assortment i.' ' W. .s. I.ATTA, June 11. lf=o2. ‘.''.'tf i A LdNDON POUTEK. (’ASKS I’ints, “l>vass'” just received and for sale bv May 2d, 18>’)2. TfLLINGHAST & CO. 04-tf Hay Mount tire to Rent. The Mnuse formerly occnj'icd by T. llawlcy, ■I’ po.'ite J, U. Cook, till Jan'v 1st. -vpply to n. o’ HALL, .r HALL a: sack lit. •Tun.' n. '".')2. i*'.'tf TIk* ’ii9>»irril>i*r !y ani;“un'‘Os t‘> tin' merchants and citizens of Fa\etti'V'Hf, :ind c.'U!nry nierchant?. that he is innimfacturin*: :it the sigti of the “Uig Hai-r, llarni.'in Hotel, n superior JlAZUil whii'h he will sell low f'’r i::i'h. Ordi r ;ire s ■’.icited fr.'ni country merchant-. Tiiey will be car' fu'.ly atten li d to, the goi.'i« put up in new and splendid .-:yle, and duly I' l'- war led with pr' niptness and di.spatch, Wy the iaanufatur',‘r. W. i;. V VLr.NTINE. June U, W- »t pd Sfraifrtf or ON .''•■III Ja.\' the util ii stanf, .1 NLire MCI.K, li^rlit Co^ne I, in g"«;.l working i- d -r. middling .-ize, li or 12 yp;ii > old. nu\ a lit- tf p;rot-toed on her hiwd feet. No other in irk rr •' llecttd. .Vny infornnition will he thankful- Iv lecci'.ed. J'illN WAILII.L, Jr. raye;toviiie. 10, l>-’)2. V'.'-2i EDGEWORTH - a Greensborough, W. C. ^g'^HK Twelfth year of tliis Institution will M. (• iumeiu e un .^I'•Nl*AV, the 2d day t 'il ST ne.\t. and teriiiinnte upni the ot M: y :>;g The s> h'vl;\tic year is'livided ;:.t .''•■■'sieiiis )f five month.s each, with a recess t few du_\s only at Christmas, i i.e prini.iry design of this Institution is to I re ti^ Its j ujdls e\ery facidty tor the ac- •j li II .t',i I'd :iiid ornamental eJui'ati- n. I'i.'- I’li'cipal is ai'h d 'ly a c>rfi- of ab'.e. ar- >■' :.%i>iislied, and thor'iuirli’y iinaiified t.*adiei- i ;.r t'ircii.ais and ■tlier jiarticnlars relative t" the ."ch ol aj'plv t'\ I'ru!. D STLl'.LING, I’rini'ipal. ‘.■'.(-'iw Young Ladies’ Seminary, fSXHF. exercise? in this Scminarj' vil! be re- n ;:inc.l on t!i«> 7tii o: July ]>r ivi:ii", under t • ''.n frxision of Hie snb«c! ,i>cr. aide ! by com- ■ ■■ ;.t ;ind experienced Ass.stants. '1 h' juan : -’ruction i» and i T!i" ; is ..jieij to j'upili of every grade, who i^strii;.ifed into f.iur d.-partnieu:,s .md gra- ] .o-. -I ling t-.; profi. i.iiy after thoron;;li tio;;, A eafalogne giving particulars 5 ■ t.- !l’ijiiii :iUT5. 1 ird. per session of 21 weeks, -VjO (K) 1 in iii;gi..--ii branciies, ij- ' to ]■> (Kl S'l'UAW C'l L(>T just received, and we intend for the nccomiiiod.-ition of our custi’mers to keen them coi'.itantlv on hand. J. \ T. WAPniLL, June 10. 18.'»2. I'b-tf DU. LITTLK S TONIC r.ITTi'.nS A.ND vi;(;i:i'Aiii,K i ills. For the cure of Uysiej'sia, or Indigestion, in all its complicated lornis; Jauu«lice. VVeakness. .and Loss of .\jipetite when not d\speptic: De bility, after an attack of chills and te\er, or lilii ;.>• fever, and to !>revent a re!:ipsc; I’alpita- tion of the Heart, freipien! nttaeks nf the Head ache, Nerviiu.s Diseases, di-bility of those ad vanced in life. Nighlsweat.s, I'lcers, and I’ldo- lent Sores, p ii tieu’arly im tiie Icg.s, atid for the common form of Piheuinatibni, as pa'n in the joints, limbs. \c. These me licines are to >if» nse'l t^vgether, for the purpose of curing the discasi s of this ext^-n- si\c catahrjue. They are ailmirably ad.-iptedto thi' treatment of those eomii'aints; being not only str ngthcning and invigorati.'ig in their ef fects but giving healthy tone and action to the St'mach and li >we1>j. After ha>itig had ciiills and fever, or bi'ions fever, there is ii strong predisjiosition. in ca«es, to a return; be sides. it tb.ere i> no r« ' ij se in this enieeMed condition, other iiis' ri>' s often ensae. part'cu- luriy after ha\inr tuen violently :>f .v ked. In onler t» ]ireveiit this, and to rest .re speedy hea’th again, and in m iny cas ■. even better healtii th:ui before, just t ike a bottle or two of ! the l’itte:s wit!: the I'ilis. D'. speptic ]■( rs'iii'i. laboring under costive b»iweis, more or tightm m. T' ~s the cl.est, ■ sicU. sinir stoiu.ioh after e:iting. -reat languor aiiii V rerdiedness of leeliiiu. \c.. mnst use, in conjunction with the Litters :iiid I'iii.-. a b 'tt’e of Antacid; aad s >on you will bec>.>me a new being i’.i he.alth ;'.ud vij'.r. I.ITTLL S STUL.N'.TIIKMNG PLASTKH, f-',,r /-vr.' (•»' I!'. .f- i.f 'lie liif’; 'r hV.jX' Jotii!.-'. ai.'i r'lT ai‘ I'mns. 1-;n ling till(je s.: useful in lue treutnivnt of many c :scs, iieieed ol'ti n i^.di^pen5.lll'’y m ci‘S- ry. 1 am tiierelore indu. cd t > have an article j prepared re.i !y for use. is rcaily go,-I, to ‘ {-lace with niv jib:'rnia’ utica'i nie'bc'.iifs for i f.imiiy tise. fhey ;ire spread np 'ii lamb skin, and c m be applied in fvo niiniites. and mnsi be invariable worn uj'on t'.e che.-t wh:ie tnkini; i the An ;dyne C iiigli Lro;.s. f..r ihe care of :i.i ^ o'd and deep =•■ 'te l c-'ughs. and tlie cUfi te%en if tendi;:L' to c insumj-.tion. is ailmiraiiie. anl> tettkk *intmi:nt. ,1 I" cure for Rtnj^ri.rrux. Tr'ter. S'nl(i IJ i lfy tindiill IlfjK'jh, i'curfji Aj'ci i.’tus ti. - S{in. (luJfur I'icrs. ,Sr. A single tiottle is quite sufficient for .i cure in most c.ases; f>nt in scald heads, ainl some others ot long staniling, it must be continue' hin;rer. The f.'.v-a'.niile if the signature of Dr. . G. Little will f.e for.nd npon tl;c outside urapjier. S'M '.vlii.’i-sile and r>'tail. V>y the l’ro]>rieto,. at his MantUio tni'ing Depot, No. 2t>J .M irket street, I’hii.idelphiM, and Macon. Geor^.a. To f»e had :;i,so Ilf Jano s ('ain, li .ckfisli Wat'on, Klorni •'oT.ege; Townsentl .v Dong lass, llennettsviile: Di‘. I'. M. Cuhen, Cliarle.s to:;; ('. H.irbee, l’..!i cla} svillc; 1’. 1'. l’es;ud. Kaieigh. S. J. HINSD.VLK. .\gent for Fayettevil’e 'I’OIUCCO. c >ntin'i'‘s to receive :;nd M. s.':. ‘il 111 ia:if.i'.:ture;o liccount, nil grade's of niau.ilactiir‘,1 Tobai-co. J. UTl.LV. Mav SI. 1;''.2. Vj.’,tf Plants in Bloom. fHAVLa dozen varieties of new VHKIHCNAS, of all colors,—pure white, deep crimson, striped, ^\c.; thirty varieties of the li(,)SL, blooming. I’ersons wibhing to in.ike selections are invited to call and see them. They will be ready for delivery in the course of the tiuninier and fall. .Many curious and beautiful plants ure con- .“tuntly coming into bloom. C. Ll'TTLllLOH. llowan Street, r. s. I’er.sons wishing Strawberries in any quantity should give notice the day before they are wanted. On the grounds, 20 cts. per quart. When sent out, 2"i “ Mav 17. ^*1-tf IN STORE, IiLOUGHS and I’lough Castings, Corn Shell- ers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. E. C. H.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1851, 32tf ■A C'A1!D si»iii.\(; H'l'ocK. ^SinE undersigned are now receiving their .8- Sl’llLVG STOCK, consisting of i>iiv c;ocms^, II AUDWAl!!'.. iialSs €.'€tps^ (Sitti All of which will be sold low to punctual cus tomers US heretofore, Merchanrs and other.s will do well to exsim- ine their Stock b.dore making purchases. Wc will not be undersold. HALL & SACKETT. March 11, 18'.2. 72tf I'ayvtlcviUe ifratieh CLOTlliMi I'lSTlBLlJiliMl'lAT. .r. n. Wliiie I ltdoi-iiili, DfdjJO's, Tailor.^, ami }]h>h)ntle auJ Rf>- t(tH (JlofJiH ra, HU William Street, New York, NEW c;o()ns. jUST receiveil, nij’ Fall sujijilv of t'LOTlLS, CASSLMERES AND VE.-snNGS, TRIM MINGS. I'cc., of the best ((uality. from New York. Also, the latest Report of the New ork FASHIONS. JS-aT' I still (“oiitiiino to c.irry on t1i*‘ TA11,(H11NG lU’SlNESS. at my Stand on Hu\ street, and those wlio may favor me wiiii th. ,i- Person street, (next door to Rank i>f Cape Fear,) 1 custom ma}' rely on having their work in F\VFTTI’\'I1 IF N C 1 "'-‘•it "“id fashionable style, and on the most I favorable terni.s.;:ua;;es, tin I'r.iwin'.'ar. i I'aintiiig. eaeli .) (id Emtir-idcry, 'i 00 Music •■'c use of ijistrnnient, 21 W ,\1. NELSUN. I’rini ipal. ' nni, .Ivine 7. Is.',2. O'.'-Ht (>FM !• F. A: \V. I*. K. Co. ) .JlHH* !). 1) f .‘'ubsorit'ti'^n, fw incre;;s( the ,t.;i st':c!; of this company to a sntli- ' uiii' ':;.i to build a biMnch road from the ! til - ' '.mpMny .s road to Deep liivcr, will ■ III'-'iiafely ifiened at I^vnns s .'dills, nniler ’ " ; ) -cr !i ()t i’etcr G. Evans, W. L*. Tysc'ii, h■ Il Mnrcj.isoii. W'm. P'arrow , .Jon. 1‘ainicr. ‘ It. 1 lialiners, and remain open until ' :.!T lioiice. j lie friends of the work will ■ ‘ i.i oil the Commissioners, and make I' -u ' ri’ tjoii.s. Mv order of tlie ISfiartL LbW D LEE WINSLOW, I’rcb t. J-'- M. K. sn, i'k. t-ijr A I’uljlie .\Ic(.fiti;: will he held at h'iii-^ \Iiils, on .Saturday, 17th July next, in ; ' ■ p,r;;nch Itoad, w here all tlie friends ■'1 till.- w.irk are invited to attend. [e8-4w S5I) mCWARI). j WT'H.LN from the Subscriber’s Stable, in ■ ^ - lo' liiho i I C.iiintv, on the niglit of the 7th P ’ii,’. ,1 Oi; \V Horse, 7 or H years old, a- !'• Iiaiid' high, very thin mane, the end of | t;iii qiiiti- white when washefl, has a small | S'lik nil the right .'jide of the neck near wliere | "ilhir woi ks. and likewise a iiuiall sink un- | • rt!;.. near where the hames buckle, has 1 11 r'-d s;;ot on the inside of one of the fore ‘ ' 1 d .nt recolle»-t on whi«di,) is slightly !£ulled !'ii the hind ancles, beirs the mark ■ "" -I' oil liij, has short ears, generally f' ■■lic.t (..rward, carrii;s himself well in travid- li''l'ls a high and tail well out, racks *"'^1 ti .ts well, :inl has a long sw .'eping walk, ' well in harness or any kind of gear. ''"■ii'l horse w.LS brought to this county by W. 1‘'Aii.;i-nd, and traded to G. I). Ringliam, and ■■ hin^liaiii Ijack to Townsend, from whom 1 ■'I him. ^ will give the above reward of Fifty Dollars '• tlif delivery to me of the Imrse and the de- ^ttmii ol' the thief, with sufficient proof to con- hini; or Twenty Five Dollars for the deliv- "t the horse. Am\ iiiliirmation wiU be thankfully received tin* Ik I. jf the buhscriber at either Rock Grove or Uos- ■-“■s Mills I’, o., Richmond ('o., N. C. 0, 1S02. WILLIAM A. McKAY. UU-Ut FOK THE NOHTHSRIM CITIES isy Tilt: SLlirilR!) A\D llillMlKi; MAIL KliAD. fjl^HE I’Ul-.LIC !ire informed that the Sea board and Koanokc Rail Ili ad C'jnij'any have coiiijileted tlieir new liridge across Koanoke River at Weldon, and arc iiow prejiared to transport passeiigers and freight from Weldon to I’ortsinoiith .iiid Norioik, and the Nort:i* ri; cities |ironiptly and with dispatch. 'I'he Cara icavc \\ cidon dally at 3.! o'clnck, I’. M . and arrivo at Portsmouth liy i o’clock, P. M., in time to connect with one of the C'hesa- peake Ray Steamers, HLRALlJ, i i'.ORi 1 or .N'CMvTH C.VltOLlNA, for Raltimore. and .irrire at Raltiniorc eariy neit nn-rniiig, in time to connect with the morning truiu leaves lor Piiil.adelphia and .New Voi i-r. iiy tins comfortable an 1 agreeable route. Passengers le.-iving \Viiniington in the nioriiiiig train, will arrive early the ncNt morning at Raltiinore, and reach New \ ork the same even ing, withiMit loss of sleep, aiol with but one change of person and bagg.ige between Weldon and IJaltiinore, and .avoid entirel.V night travel ling on Ikuil Roads. To rentier this route wortliy of the tr.-ivelling public, the compan;. have employed caretul and responsible baggage agents, who chcck all baggage at Weldon through to Raltiinore, consequently th‘ travel ler has no further tnnible witii liis baggage until he reaches Raltiniore. The Ches.ipeuke Ray Steamers also stoj) at OLD POINT, to land and receive I’assengers, and I’assengers who leave Weldon at 13^ o clock, P. .\1., arrive at Old Point the same evening. An arr.ingement has been entered into, by the ditfeicnt Rail Road .ind Steamboat Compan ies, by which the Through Ticket issued at ('harlesttni, will leave it optionar.y with the traveller to take either ronti' at W eldon. An acconimod.ition train leaves W eldon every Tuesday, 'I'hurs iay and Saturday mornings for Portsmouth, .Norfolk, and OLD POINT COM FOICr. I’assengers by either train for Old Point, will reacli oid Point the same evening ForTHROl Gil TD'KEIS to Raltiniore and .New Vork, and any other infirniation desired, inijuire ot the .^gent at Weldon. E. N. PETERSON, Agent. Office Seaboard tc R. R. R. >*., ( Weldon, .N. I.'., .May 28th, 1852. ( Spring (jloods KVLE IS NOW RECEIVf.Nri AROUT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, •Ml of which being purchasi’d for CASH, will be offered lit very reduced prices for .Msli, or on time to punctual customers, either by whole- siile or retail, C(^'"i{olting Cloths from No. 1 to 10, of the beat Unit is nnintifaoturcd. Miirck 7Gtf ^IIE return of low water renders it neces- s.-iry tinit the Steamer Chatham should be eniployiHl as a tow boat. She will not tlicreVore run a.s herctofire, on any regular days, until fnriher u tice. JNO. D. Wnj.lAMS. A-’t (.’ape Fear S. R. I'o. May 12. 1S')2. 'JO-tf 77/7/ POIjISH! hoir if Shi fit'':! Mold \vi(!iiii the iiiiiv A >Vool)W .V 111) returns his th.-inks to m • the pu>>ri(’ for the unprecedented en- conrageuient he has met with in the m.inut.» - ture and s.ile of hib celebr;ite 1 POLL'^H, itnd at tin- s ime time wislics it underst*>-jd lie al- wa\s keeps a snp^ily yn for wholesale or ret.-iil. Experience has proved that this Poli^U if un surpassed for quickness in putting a gh.s^ on boots and shoes, and a’.so in loescrving the leather. l’ers.>ns wi.shing to oil their boot.* can use :his Po’i.'ii wiiii e pial success iinmeiliately af terwards: tlie leather should be riibbeil as soon •IS the Polish is applied, before it dries. This Polish enn I'e loiiiid at the store under the Carolinian Printing Otlice. Fayetteville. Feb. 21. IS.'iJ. Ci7tf TO 'rill’: lu HLK'. '’B^HE snbscrihor has leas'd t'-r a t^rin of 1. years, of K. W. Rrown. Es ).. his fire-proof Store, wiili fiis W h.irv s, and is now in ii condi tion to t.ike especial care of Sjiirii.'* Turpentine and other Stores cotiimi:ted to his cire. The Warehoure is well known to f»e the best and s.ifest place in t' wn It the storage of Racon, L.inl. Corn, Pe i«. >S:e. The lowt r w harves have on them four l.irge new shcls, w here Spirits can be s ifely k.-pt from the rain and sun. He is prep ire 1 t.p receive and ship, or sc.l, iill k;nds of produce sent to his care. He will ulsu luakv a Ivanccs wh.-n re'iuired. He l>e;.rs to refer to the follnwirg gentlemen; H. W. Rrowii. John Diwson, (J. G. Parsley and TUos. H. W right, Es js. MILES COSTIN, Rrown’s wharf, Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 12. is'.l. 21-V iiiioTiii'Jifi mm;. 'R^HF Steai.icr ISROTHEIIS. and Tow Roats il Stevenson, Daviil i.ewis, and .James Cas- sid.ay, are prepared to forw.ird with dcsi'atch all goods (onsigiiel to the Proprietor. I'fie Steamer Rrutliers is of light diMiight, and well suite.1 to run in /«■ r;,Vr. .''he pos- se'scs p-.’rer :.nd and is admirably .•adapt ed to fi ’i-i’ty, and can accommodate abt.ut 20 pa.'scngers. The Proprietor contempl.nfex running the Ro;;t hiin'eif, and wili give special attention to w.iy freight ;ind si.'res; to towinpr. and will ik'.so i.ttond to tiie com!'- rt and convenience of P.-issengersi. From ids ’''Hg experience a- Agent in W i!mir\gtin id’ the several .Steamboat (’"inpanics. he tiiinks In' cmi* ;;i\e sat:sfactinn. To Merchants in the interior hi- vviMild s;iy, all tiooils shipped by liiin, will be deliv ered to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His .\gent Wilmington i.s D.WID RANKS, to whom all communications may be ad Iressed, as .\gent of the Stean’.er Rrothers. .K>HN r.ANKS, Proprietor. Wilmington, Fefi. 4, 1S.')2. ilOtf roiiACC'O. E Inve .a lot of prime common Tobacco, V \ which we will sell by the box very diejip. J- ^ T. \\.\DD1LL. May 26, 18.VJ. '.'I tf .A-M f \itj rffrrlUr / io t cL FAVirr rEN'iLiJ-:. n. c. IHLS large and splendid I’uilding has now- been in succe?«sful operation since .^lay 1840, The Redding and I'urniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and The Table is always furnished with the best tlie market affords, ai'led by a tine vegetable garden. Hoarder', Lodgers, and Travellers wi!’. find de sirable accommodatior.s and atti*ntive servants. No ji:iins will be spared to give entire satisfac- tiun. r nnili*..' can be furnished with large, airy, fvi.nt double rooms, convenienlly and hand somely fnrnishcd. ,\n exju rience of 20 years will enab'e the les see, Sue hopes, to iiive gencjal satisfaction. ANN r-RoWN. June 1, IS.'.O. 2^-tf Ni:\\~l'IK\L 'H1HE undersigned have entered into copart- JC. ner'hip, under the name and styie of Bja%vr«‘iico X Troy, For the purpose of doing a general .\Krcant;'.e and Rarter bii-iiH-s. W e have t.aken the .^tere. No. lo GREEN SfREE f, forineriy occupied by ■Messrs. John Hutke M Son. t.Ei). W. LAWRENCE. John r. trov, Jr. Oct. 22. IS.M. ::.;tf SH.WF, just received frt in New \ ork, niy FALL AND WINTER Stock of (floods. CoiK istiiig ot’ a ;;ener;;l assortment of Dry liootls. (iro^pric^. lliirdwurf. (iitlrry. ir. 1 will lc;rter f jr TCRPil.NTlN E, or any kiud jf I’roducc. N. KING, 10 miles North of I’ayettevi’de. Oct. 2>, L''o0. ' 4.;;f I).\I!>V l-Xl’ECrEI), A GENlHt.VL assortm. nt of COOPERS' I’OtiLS, of the best uiuuufacturers’ make, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18.-,1. 32tf 7" E Would beg leave to inlurin the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that we have just received our su]qil.v of SPRl.NG AND SL'.MMER {(.)ODS, wJiich comprises a genera' assortment of iji:\i)V-\L\!)i: CLOTiiLvi;. Which will be found woi-thy the attention ot pnrcha.sers. Our assortment consists in part of the following: CCLd'S. — liluck and col’d cloth Dress, Frock :it d Sack ('oiit.s, all qualities; lihick and colored Cash'neret dittic, French and English Drap D’- I.te ditto; Queen’s-eloth and Alpacu ditto; Fan cy ('oatp of mottled Crasse and Tweeds; Ken tucky Jeans; Linen and Cotton (iinghauis: Rro., butl'and white Linens; white grass-clotL Sacks, \e. of all |UalitieS. PANTS—l>f black .-iml col d Cassiniere; fancy ARCIlll’.ALD GRAHAM. ;Mti' Oct. 27, F.AYKTTE\ IMJ: rONFECTlO.NKRY. CHARLES BANKS, €'o3ifertionvi% SNFCM’.MS the public, that he has refitt.‘d his Establishment on (ireen Street, anil has on hand a fresh sujijdv of C-^NDIE.S. manufactured by himself out i f the Iji'st Lo.if Sugar, and war ranted free from starch, tloiir. paste, and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making t'aiidy. .uid he is pre- p.-ired to supply all orders with (,'andies equal to any made in the United .States. These Can dies he warrants to keep in any climate; and NOTICE. TBIHE I’artnershij. heretofore existing in L.umberton, between the untkrsigned. this day dissolved by mutunl const nt. Tlioee indebted to the fi»'m will plea'e call i>n G. W ; .McKay, at l.umberton, who is uuthoiized to ! settle the concern. ; JOHN A. ROWLAND, i (ilLRE.lT W. McKA\. i Lumberti/u. Feb. is'i2. G9tf \m FiH'i! & m\ i;60i)s, irR'^nr. subscribers are now receiving from j3- .\. Yori;, a large and general ufisortniont of i S!a;)lr rind I'nncif Drif (rnods^ (IllorKKll'S. IIARDWAKI-:. Hut:, and (';u:i,s, Baot.s and iSlioe.'i. .\mong whiidi are: ColTee. Sugar, I, aton Ragging, Rule Rope, Nails, Window (li.ass, Svxedesitnd Eiigiisii Iron,- Sack :ind .Vlum Salt, Imperinl and Rlack Tea.**, Pepper, Als;dce. (linger, Powd.-r, SLot. Ear Lead, Rar and Fiincv Soa]>. Together with a great variety of other «rti- cks, to wiiich tiiey invite the attention of the public, and which they ure detcrinitied to sell as low for t.’,ish, or on time to those who pa.v promptly, as any house in. tiie South‘ni eovintry. I'rodiice of all kinds, at the highest market , .,,, , 1>‘ "ill s^ll to Town or (.’ountrv merchants single-mi 11 d ditto; Preneh and l;>n^^ Drap i,,. pi,,ehused j exchange for Goods, D Lte ditto; white and col d Drill ditto; Ken- elsewhere. * McLEAN & JONE.^. Fayetteville. Oct. 28, 18-»l, d4-tf i SnmvnerviUe, N. C., V'ec. S. i8131. 4 ■ i( tuck.v Jeans ditto; India and French Nankeen ditto, .'VC. VESTS—Of lilack Satin, Ronibazine, .\lpaca. black and col’d Silks; wdiite ami col d .Marseilles litto; brown and padded Idnen, plain and tig‘i; -Nankeeii, Riiff, Grass-cloth. I've. All of which arc offered for sale as low as can be bought in the New York market, at wholesale and retail. In addition to the altove. we shall keep on hand a geiieral assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, lUisiery, \c. .Vlso, Clwths, Cassinieri’s. and \ es;;ii;.:s. The TAILOUING DEPARTMENT will bo continued as before, and all orders lor fine Cloth ing will be executed in the mo^t fashionable style. .V. C. H.VRT. Ag-nt, .\)>ril 8, 1>‘)2. 80tf liOOK lUNDEliV. I RW. H.\Ri>IE has resumed the l’>ook | • r)indii;g Rusiness at the new Store next ' iloi.r to Mr. Reaslev. .fewelh r, where he will re- I ceive and execute Idnding in any style desired. | August 1. 27tf i ” :SPULN(i AND SI \L\IER ] AREY, SHEmWELL Sc CO. j A HE now receiving direct from New \'(>rk and Philailelphia, a comi'lete assortment of A\a> 1 eotnprisiiig every article nsnallv kept in a Dry Goods Store, among which may be found; 1 Ladies’ and C'entlemen’s Dress (ioods. of the ' vcr.v best material, and the latest fashions.— i .-itioii. iioptire of .1 din W. iheRiidg : Siic’n a variety will be *too tedious to mention.’ : gf \ \. McKethaii, veite\ iiie. .irs'r iMX EiM’i), RRLS. CKI'SHED SCGAK. oUOO ll)s. W a.\ lie oiinty R;icoij 1 o bbl^. Lard, No. 1. • 4 lio\es print" T'diacco. 40 bb!“. MacKeret. .it t ros.' Cret ’ic Co. C. RENRnW, Pv.-t- March 1, 1S.-.2. OV'tf Rccrtvcd on ('oj»sijr;f}jit nf. A M» lor sale clienp. :Vi bbis. WHISKEY. . » JNO. D. V. ILI.IAMS. May4. 1s'.2. SS:f Plank I’o.'ol Rri'lgi' on I’ig Rockiish. 'i he market price w il! be feiid. For fiirtiier inrorm- Oii!y ISiiriit out iii Part. .\. .McivE'l'll.XN ^^Tl!d cont.nnes to c:irry on the t'AURl.\’iE Rl N E.''.'^ in all its ijraiiches, at the re mains of his obi stand, opposite Libert.v Point He returns thank.s for the liberal patronage he has iicictoloi’e receive'.!, and hopes by strict at- tenlloii to bnsiiie-s .'ind .i desire to jiive entire satisfaction, to merit a cnitinuancc of the same. H.'iving kept the ^xre.iter portion of his Tim bers at a distance from the nianut'aetor.v, lie has on hand a large atnl well selected lot of tho- renghly se.-isoiied Timber, of everv description us‘‘d in his b’.is'ness, which enables him to retain all his jirincipal workmen. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in lii.« line in the very best style, anti on the most favoraMe terniis—as low as any wtu-k of the same quality in N. C. He ha.s on hand, comjtlotely finished, h Rarouches, for 1 or 2 h'Tses; G Rockaways. anti lo Ruggits. .\lso. nearly finished, lO C.irriavres for - horses; 2tl I'aronciies for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rock.iways, and .’U) Ruggies; ,\11 of which lire of the most apjiroved plan and I'NION .\C.\!)I:MY. ^HIIIE buildii’.g of this Institution is now in ■- a state of coiiijiletion. It is large and coniinodiovis. It is plensantl.v located in a tine neighliorhootl. ami in a very salubrious p.-irt of Robeson county, tweKe miles west from i.uin- bei toii. .-iliout h.'ilf mile south of the road lead ing fn>m thence to .Mforilsville. The first sessicii i.f this Insiitution will com- j finish, and will compare with any work in the intnce on the 2d .Momlay of January. lS.i2. un- , P. Stati .*’ f’or neatness and durability, der the care of .Mr. (iiK-* Leit. h. who i> a gra- j Having lieen engagdl in the above tiusiness' duate of the L niver.'itv of North Carolina. | for the past 2t» yc::rs. his work is well known, y’rrm.. r./ Tu,:w„, f.r .sV.vio«. I I'- ‘'■‘I eustomers f’or proof of its Spelling, rcadiinr anil wr.ting, fi=S 0() durabdit.v. i .. i ■> , Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra- | A f.L Avofk warrafitfd tor nionth.s. pliv ami Historv. 10 00 ! uml repaircil free of charge should it fail by bad Latin, (h-cck, French, and the higher I workmaush’p or material, within that time, lir.inches of .^L^thematics, 12 00 j RKrvinixo execute'! at short notice, and r.oaid can be obtained at the .\cadeniy, and at convenient in the n«'ighborlioed, r.i I'ri'iii five to six floRars per month. Rv order of tlie Trustee.'. JOHN TAYLOR, Sec’y. Dec. 20, 1851. 6d-tf A LL th' se indebted to the subscriber will . * find their accounts nia le ovit by calling at the Foundry which will ple;.se be settled as early as eonvenivut. II. (.1 H.VLL. .March ti. 71 MILS. \\,\!/I'()N, Mantun-Makcr atd Mi!liini\ JO. S5ALL, or ISO.MK, tSi(ccrssor vj lliiil, Sinhrtl if* Co., tS now receiving his Fall STOt.’K of (i()t.)t>S, consisting of a assortment of Drv (if)0(ls. S:i(l(Jl(‘r\, I C'aps, iS'iKX's, llaniuart', CJroccrirs. lias JHSt r(‘mV(’fl much larger nml more general .stock than a new and beautiful assort- evt'r opened on the East sitle of the C.ipe Fear ment of Sj'riiig and Sum- —which he is prepared and defcrminetl to sell mer 150 % \ ll'i'S, anl to punctual customers, eitiier at wholesale or expects to receive them retail, at greatly reluced prices, month'v' as long as the se.i- J&.i'" He would c.-ill particular attention to his pon lasts; ainl will sell tliem stock of lUKfTS AND SHOES. The assortment as cheap, if not chcaper, than any in the mar- i.s unusn.dly large, ami of every iiuality and ket. Slie expects ihiily new uml beatitiful style; and having been bought lor Cash, he can assortment of Dress Trimmings. Rlack Laco ainl will sell them very low Sliawds, Scarfs ami MantiU:;s. .\lso Dress and Sacque Patterns of the latest ,«f.vle. Orders from the country promptly at- temled to, and eonntry cnstDiiiers may always be sure of getting the lutest style of articles or patterns. .March ^50, 18o2. i’Stf You that wish liargains will find il lo your interest tt> give the Stock un examination before buying elRewdicre. ,\lwavs on hand, a general stock of GROCE RIES. ^ Oct. 18. I8ol. _ 02tf , ,, (;ooj>s,' : , ^.S/'E arc now receiving a very large and PERSONS tndebtetl to ua by Rond or Rook stock of SPRING GOODS, a account due previous to Jan’y 1, 18 •! i consisting of a full assortment of must settle or we will make settlements by legal J. cN T. WADDILL. ; i ttiiri/ A* StitpIC Mfrt/ fMOOffS^ 1 .\mong which may be found the latest and most I fjishionable st.vle.s of Ladiest’ and Gentlemen's I DRESS GOODS, ! CapH, Ijomicts, Tloady-made Clofh- I llanhvare, (iroccrici?, Drugs and on reasonable terms. Jan’v 2’j, ]8*’)2. oO We have tlie h.indsoiiiest Crape and Rer:iire | .“^hawls we have ever offered in this niai kef; an«l | we WDulil call the attenti,n of the laiiies p:i - ticularir to (lur very hand.sonie stock of zitcs, lilaiitUlus, l*arasols, and — Ai.SO— Thin Embroideries; Lace ai.d .Muslin ( ':i]ie'; ^ Chimizets; I nilersletves; Linen Cambric Hainl- kercliief.s; Em'>'d Sacks; inl'aiits’ W aiat-j and t'; t, 11 Js and ('j!iars. We Would als.i direct the attention of the la dies to our stock if RONNE'fS, of the l.atcst stvles of Silk, ( rape and Straw, We woulil not I'orget to mention our stock of Roots and Slioe.s, for ladie^. gentlemen and ehiiilren. Together witli their nsual-stock of .''taple m!i >Is, consist ing in ]>art of Damask Tal'le Ch'ths, ami Nap- kin.s; Linen and C"tton Sheetings; English. French. :;nd American Prints; lirow n ajid li'.’ch’tl Domestics; Mar.seilles anil (irass Skirt.>j; .Mar seilles C*uilts, of the best nuaiitv, BI.iTS. ^loiCskin, Pan.'ima, Loiihorn. Ko3.>-uth, and Palm-leaf; and a varit ty of other (ioods. To the above stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of the citizens of Fa_\ etteviiie and the surrounding countr.v. .\mj would t;ike this metho'f of returning thaiik.x to the public generally for the very litier;il jiatnmage hereto fore bestoweil on us; and Would sjiy. give us a call liefore buying, as we are determined not to be undersold by any. Wt; keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Ingrain atvd I’rus.scls Carpeting; Su«ar and Cofl'ee, Te;'., i.c. S. S. AREY. P. S HEM WELL. J. R. Mcl>l»NALD. Fayetteville, March 2'i. lS.'i2. 77tf FOR S.\Li% R.\GS white Corn Meal. 100 lbs. in a Rug, a line article for familv vise. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May 4. 18.V2. SKf Mai’hio I'r.rtory. Dec. IS, 1S.-.1. 4',if Ji s'r iu:ri':ivEi>. lil.LS, WHISKEY, lo b’U'is. Moilir-sfv, I III'. e:>sk pale I'i-en-!i Rrnaifv.- 1 '• " Miidi-ra ', l -‘t b.i-s Rio oli'c.,- r> t.i.xf s .Meliiim vxC:;. —also— Rroi ni-; Hcartii lirushe.^; Jute Doi.raod Rug ■ gy Mets; ’f:;iiuei-s' Curriers’ Kniv‘-. V,orker'5. and .'^iiio' th Flesiieri; and .‘tn ad'liii.iii to nar FRENCH ( HINA. Til.LINci i' & 0, i.'.'tV S. w. .Marcli ]. lSo2. T. C. WGRTi!, rOMMISSM'.V nil rilKWlilMM; .MERfllAM-. WiL.AUNGTON, N. C. I. 1, IS.'ii. Fc 57tf A. II. wni rFiEi.n, ('oach and Li«;lil I'arrinirp .Miinufiictiirpr. tl'’0CLD resjiectfuliy int'orm the ]nd)!ic that he still continnrs to carr.v on the above business in all its br.-inchrs. He returns thanks fur the liberal ]iatrona;>:e be has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to and a tlesire to nil anti give general isf.iction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best materi.-il and by experienced workmen; anti sliouhl any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workmanship or material, he vsill repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, wonltl do well to call and examine his work fiefore purchasing, as it c- -hK^ Tv Bv S.AUDKR. T’.vi) iiiions iiiiivi; iiiii;;: .'i siiv-s stiiiii;, Fayotlevilh'. r. •’y 20, ]h.'>2. no'Frj:. fWlIlE undersigned having formed n Copart- .H. nership nntler the strle id'JOHN R.\NKS & RROTHER, for carrvingon a COMMi.'SION and FORWARDlNt; l!l SINESS, all goods con signed to them, or ordered, or proiiuce sent for LlMiilCU! LIMBER!! /'E have t-ur Steam Saw Mill in s'lceess- ful oper.-itioii, S miles from Fa.vettevilU-, near the Raleigh .Singe Road, and are preparetl to execute oplers in on.r line. An wc run tw» Jiultirtf or CirrHlttr Si'."'*, e can fill bills at tb«; shortest notice, W'e t:an furnish Pine. Pojihir and Juniper LVMliEIl, and of almo.'t any length. Our Lumber, for trntlifulness of line anl smiiothness of face, shall be equal to ;m> ever delivered in mark(.t. JONES .V B.VRREE. ^larcli -10. 1802. 78tt un: iNsuuANrE. f’i^ilE I’lideisigned has been aj.point-d Agen of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insn- r.-ince (’omiiaiiy. F^very mcmljer f’or lif’e partic ipates in the ]>rotits of the Coinj)Hny; jind the annual premiuin for life membership, where it ;!inonnts to or more, may be pai'l one-half in c-!>sii. and the other half in a note at 12 moiitliF. Def'tors’ lives may be insnretl by creditors. A Ilian may insure his t.wn life for tiie exclusive benefit of his f.-unily. The lives of slaves be insured. This .system is rajiidly groving into favcr, all over the civilized worhL It is one by which a famil.v, for a s;ii;dl annually, may be pro- vitle.l tor, af ter the tleath of its heivJ, on vvhose excj’titins they ni.ay have been dcTieiideut for a «iHport. It i.s a ^Miotl inveitinent of monf^y, even if one shoidd live long after taking out n l.ife Policy. E;;[)la?iafory paniphletp. ami the neccssarc Rlatiks, fui-nishcii on application. E. J. HALE. Faj etteviiie, June 18.'>0. 7'2 - f/T.^NiT FOR SALE, sale, o'.'o acres of L.-\ND on Jam s J3 (.'reek, and 140 ncrt.’s on ('ypress (,'reek, in Cuniberlanvl. convenient ttj the W estern I’lank Roi.d, hcavil.v timbered, and a iinira>ily .-idajitcd to the making of Turpentine. Apply at this ()Sice. Nov. *28, 18j1. -5‘ff [irticess. IL\R\L\N’S lUVri::L, r A Yi: I'Tr.V11.1.1:, €. fMlIII'j Subscriber, having taken the large Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Htitel, situ:ited at the foot of Hay .Mount, Hay Medit•iIK‘^, iSiiddlery, C’rockcry, and Gl:issw;iro. A large and well selectetl stock of Boots and t^hocs, and liatlics’ and (Jentle- incn’.s (iaiters, (very fine.) Street, Fayetfeville. N. C., rospectfnlly informs | ^KJ^ASSES and NAIJ.S, his frientls and the public that he is now en- ! gaged in refitting the builiiing, whicli is sup- plietl with entire new Furniture, and is pre- paretj to accommotlatt* the travelling public.— Having had some experience iti the business in tin town of Pittsbtirough, \, C., he flatters himself that he will he able to give satisfaction to those who ma}’ favor him with their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. He large and convenient Stables, and a good and faithl'ul Ostler. JOHN IIAKMA.V. Feb’y 17, 1852, G6tf Blank Warrants for sale here. We intcinl selling as cheap ns we can, and would be glad if our friemis and the public would call and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CATN. March 24, 1852. TOtf M:VV BOOKS. a I’E EC HY’, by the author of the Wide, W ide World; Romanism at Home, by Kir- wan; the Fanner’s Dictionary, by D. P. (iavd- aer, .M. D.; the Wide, Wide World; &c., &c. JuHt received. Ji. J. UALI3 i SON. cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and sale, will be promptly Httendeil to, durability. He is determiucil to sell low for j ca?h or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at- j tended to. REP.MRING neatly executed at short I notice and lowest jiossible prices. j Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 1S52. 01 tf i foHN RANKS. DAVID RANKS. 68tf Wilmington, Feb. 2, I8.')2 spiu.m; (a)ODs. G O O l> S, Iiivery Stable Hus'ness. j ^H'^HE subscriber intends carrying on the j B. above busines as nsnal. Having added j considerable Stock, he will be able to accom- I inodate the public. Thankful for pa."jt favors, j he solicits a continuance. j J. Vi. POWERS. Jan’y 20, 1852. 58tf are now rccciving our usual stock of STAPLE AND FANCY O I 1 Eloot^i, I3oi»i»t‘l», &c., W’hich beins bonjiht late in the season, (nu^st of them at a coiibiderable decline in price,) we are now prepared to sell them very low. Please call and examine. D. W. McLAl'RIN. .Vpril 5, 18->2. 70tt Arey, SIn*mwell Ac Co. AVE one piece extra tine 7-4 black French CLOTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct, 15, 1851. 32tf Price of Rng'M adTnneed. ■jl^ERSONS who have made contracts with J. B F, Jordan & Co. for furnishing R.VGS, are hereby informed, that we will pay 3-J cents per lb. on all Cotton Rags, Rope and Bagging, delivered to us after this date. ii. UKANSON t SON. Maech 11,186& COTTON YARNS. J Ya are alwa\ K prepared to furnish COT- TC>N YARNS bv the bale, at Factory prices. J. T. WADUILL. April 14, 1852. 82tf Enrollthe oid ilfortli tate. Arf.y, SnE>fW'KLL & Co. havo just re ceived a f»plendiJ assortment of S'lttm Casst- mure, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These goods will coinpetc in quality and durability with the best of Northern Cassimeres, and arc much chenpcr. ranging from 62J cents to $1 ‘2i per yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14, 1851. 30tf COTTON YARNS for sale bv the bale, at Factory pricea, by BTAEii i WILLIAMS. 3tar«b >0,1^. 500 dozen Iv'Schccs, Colojriic Water. Opedeldoc, Pain-Killer. Vorniifuge. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. ?ilay ' ^7tf and .o..^ «K. » " S ' _■ .B JH • ('OSTIME IIAIJ., ('orii'-r Prufl alrrct nid L'tutn AJuihft Spnrr, BALTIMOJiE. /■IHE lurgest an'l best stock of READV .M. M.-\DE CLOl’HINfi ever offeretl in Ralti- more. Dress, Frock and Sack COA’f'S, all co lors, qniilities and .'i^en. from S;2 50 to f?5 5> and nj*waris. l*.\NTAijOONS at •'^l to iji-'i and upwarils, embracing all stales ‘f func.j, plain and plai'l Cassimeres. VESTS of every variety at correspotidiiig pnccs. .Mso, a large assortment of Roys’ t'loibiiig. Importing our own t.'loths direct from Europe, ainl inanufactnring on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchaser;! not to be .«nrpassed by any Clothing Establish ment iu the Cnited State*. The proprietors are tleterniinetl to make tVie W holesale Hootns the point of great attraction, and h»ve now matle up more than 50,000 (J.VRMENTS, from the finest qttalit.v to the lowest in price. In the (Custom Department will alway.s I.e found the choice**! .selection of €LOTHS, CAS SIMERES and VESTINGS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the Intest style, and a tit always guarantied. ft^rXhe one price system strictly adhered te Remember the name and plao«, Comer Pratt Bt. and Centre Market Space. H. H. COLE & CO August 15, 1651. 14-yopl UI auks of all kinMf FdT s&ls at ihle Cfic*

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