SEMI-WBBKL, Y. ■am [VOL. I.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 1852. [NO. luL] 1>1UXTH1> »V J. \i. .NEUiil. j:i)\VAUD J. HALE & SOX, EDintnS AND rUOl’IlIKTOUS. i ,0 fT tho Scmi-'Vcekly Obskhver $1 00 if [ ii.i ill advance; ->4 50 if paid during tlic ■. i ir 'f su’osoriiUiyn; or fi?’> iifter the year has Kr tlio WooKly Ouskuvkk $2 t*0 per tnnum, if ill;u-e: TjO if paid rliiriug the •, ar of siibsiTi^'ti.m; or $:’> W after the yeur uis expired. APVpnn’lSI'MHN fS inserted fiirsi\ty eents . V siiu.iro f r the tirst. and thirty eents lor eaeli V, ••.e linsr puhlieation. Yearly advertisements eontraots, at reasonable rates. Ad- ier:;^er« are requested to state the number of .. -rtii'iis desired, or they will he continued till • '■ i l. and charged aeeordingly. Letters t > the Kditors nmst be pust-paid. rHHIK subscriber having been ajipointed In- JBL spei'tor and OuMger of Turpentine, Kosin, and Spirits Turpentine, would inform those deitiinp in the ;»rticle, tliat he is now ready to enter upiin the dutii-s of his oiiice, and may be found at the Store of Cook iV Johnson. iSllAM r.L.XKE. ray('tte\ille, .lune 11. ISo-. AOTin:. f siibscvibcv having ijualilied as I'.xecu- .M tor i>f the I:tst will and te.stanii'ni ot Winifred Hodges, ilee’d. at .lune Term li'-Vi, of tiie County Court of Cumberland, hereby noti- lies nil pcrsujks in«lebtcd to said estate to come i Itirwanl and make immediate i>ay)iunt; and all having claims against said estate are roi|nir> d ti> present the same, duly authenticated within the time pr s'ribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovi rv. 1’. ll(Jl)(.5KS, r.x'r. .June !•, '.i>'-o\v .s riJAW c i tti:ks. 4LC>T just receive*!, and vve intend for the .Tecommodation of our customers to keen them constautlv on hand. J. .“c T. WAI>DILL. June 10, 18o2. I'h-tf LONDON POK'l’ER. CASlCvS Fints, “Uyass”' just received and for sale bv May 2*, y. W. T>LLlNtiHAST & CO. 1852. !>l-tf Plants ill Bloom. SI! AVII11 dozeji varieties of new V1', H BKN.\S, - of all colors.—pure white, dec[> crimson. | striped, 5:c.; tiiirty vtirieties of the KOSK, | blomning. Persons wishing to make selections i are itwited to call tmd see them. They will be I ready Ibr delivery in the course of the summer | and Vail. | •Many curious and beautiful phints arc con stantly coming int> bbiom. ('. I.U'I’THitI.()II. Ilowan Street. P. S. IV-rsons vvislung Strawberries in any quantity should give notice the day belbro they are wanted. IN STOKE, g J|Lt)L'(.illS and I’lough Castings, Corn Shell- B ers, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning heels. E. C. H.ALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1S51. a2tf On the grounils. When sent out. May 17. 20 cts. per |uart. 2'» “ fl-tf srillAG STOCIv. undersigned are now receiving their Ji- SrUI.NG STOCK, consisting of DRY lIAKDW’Aiti;. i'aps^ 4iknl Shoes, ■Vll of which will be sold low to punctual cus tomers as heretofore. .Merchants and others will do well to ex:im- ine their Stock Wfore m.ikiug purchases. Wc wiil not be undersold. March 11, 18.' HALL S: S.VCKl’.TT. 72tf \\ t' aro reijnested to aiinouiu'e 11\ .1. rilll.ll’S a candidate for tl;e otlico >!icriif t-T the cmiiity of Cumberland, at the PR AND e;cctl-n. .1 uiu- II. 18 )2. SluK's for Sal(' nt (^osf. I^ill'- subscriber will sell pair of l.adies . .".lul Children's Shqies, Ciaitcr-». ; *>. ppc;> at cost, t'all wh'.ie the ass»i'tutent . J 1. \V. S. T.ATTA. ,1'me 11. l''.'>2. '•'ftf Ihni Mount llesUhnrc to Rent. 1 he Ib'use formerly occupie«l by 1. Hnwley. ;; -ite .1. t. ('ook. till Jan'v 1st. .\pjdv to H. C-.' HALL, ov HALL X SACKKTT. .Time 14, 18-V2. ‘.•‘■'tt Tilt* Sulwrrilu‘1* ro? pecttiil- LITTLKS TONH' I’.lTTl VKCKT.VULK riLL.'. For the cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, in •ill its coiuplicated forms; .Jaundice. Weakness, and Loss of Appetite v hen not d\speptic: De bility, after f«n utt.-ick cf chills and fever, or bilious fever. .‘hkI to prevent a relapse; I’alpita- tion of the lie irt. froi,iieiit attai ks of the Head ache. Nerviius l>i.'ca>.cs, debility of those ;id- vance.l in life. Nightsweats. Clcers, ;tnd Imlo- lent Sures. particularly on the leg.®, and f>r the Cf>mnion form of Llieumatism. as j ain in the joint.s. limlis, \c. These me licines are t) be used t 'gether, for the purpose of curing tlit dise.-ises of this e\t->.'ti- ■'ive catalogue. They are admirably nd:ipt4‘dto the treatmer.t of those complaints: b.-ing not only strengthening and invigorating in their ef fects but giving healthy tone and :n-tien to the stomach and b.iw/ls. .Viter ha\ing liad chills and fever, or bil or.s fever, there is a strong predisposition, in most crises, to .-i return; be sides, if there no relapse in this enfeebled condition, otln r iliso;.se>- cfteu ensue, particu- iiuo\mccs to the merchants and cit;i;ens of j hirly after having Ih’cu violently itttnckeil. In ■ tteviUe, and t- Mintry inerch.mts. that he is ■ orler to prevent this, anil to restore sj>eedy •'.ii-turing at the sign of the “Uig Kaz>r, ’ ' licilth again, and in many cases, even better ■>ite Harman's Hotel, a superior * health than >iefore. ju'-T take a b..ttle or two of ' 1 i«nl*. which he will sell low for c.ash. : ders are s.dieited fr^.m eo\intrv merchants. ‘ :]i v wiii be carefully attended to. the goods ! at up in new and splendid ^tyle. and d.i’y lor- warded with promptness and disp.itch, l*y the inanufaitur=r. W. II. VAI.LNTINF.. .lune U. l^VJ. ‘'M-lt-pd Sfi'ttt/t'tf or Stott'it, N Sun lav the (ith ii stunt, a Mare ML'I.K. li^'iit mouse-cobired. in cood working or- : . ini' dlihg size. 10 or 12 years ild. an«.l a lit- p rot-toed on her hiud teet. No other mark ‘ ■■ ■ •'I' l. Anv information will be thankful- . re, eivc.l. ‘ i .JOHN WADl'lLL. .Jr. 1 ..yetteville. .June 10, ls.^2. EDGEWOI^H Greensborough, IQ. C. fl^llK Twelfth year of this Institution will I • aimence t*ii .MnNDAV. the i;d day of ■'i s r T'.'V.t. and •fceiniinate up ii the hist 'if I ;i)g, IHie si'holastic .vear is divided • St-ssi.ins uf five mouths each, with a recess lew Ja_\ s oiily at i 'hristmas. •• ]'rl!iiary i,f this Institution is to ■■ it.- pui :!> every facility for the ac- ' n of a soijtl and ornamental ed»ieation. l’ii!.eip:i! is aided by a eorps of able, ae- >'.■ d. ai:d lU'rouplily i[u:»litieil le.n-hers. r- ; iicnlars iii!'i -•ther particulars relative : ;;e .1 apolv to. I’rof. ItlCirD STHRLINO. Principal. li'.).i;w Young Ladies’ Seminary, :i; e- reises in thi>^ Seniinar.v will be re- 2 nted on tlie 7th ; .hiiy proximo, iinder • rvision of the subs’ i ibcr. nide 1 by com- ■ lid experieac'-fl ,\ssisi.ints. The plan - i i ti'in is and The !e. who the Litter’S with t!ie I'ills, J) . soeptie pi r' lTiS. l.ii orinir under costive biiwols. more or less tightness ai ross the chest, sick, sour stuiiiach airer ("ating. gr‘at languor and w re‘clied;i-‘ss of t'eeling. iVc.. must use. in conium tiou with the Hitters and I’iils. a bott’e of Ant.icid; :infl soon you will become :iiirw being in hf :ilth and vi^or. LITTLL'S STIlKNt.THKNINC PLASTF.R. J-',T th* rurf (/ il . /' »..» uf thf //'./■’■ ir l{reat, H ■», l> r iO !tfii'-ftitlril I'uius. F;ntli!:g these so useful in the tr«-.itment of many c.;scs. ii.dcc l oft ii indispei:>ab y ne-cs- .^:iry. I am th rcr'-re in»bic’ d to h.ave an article prepared ready for iisc. that is really good, to {■iace with niv plK.rmneeutical medicines for family use. They are sprcait upon lamb skin, and can be applied in two minutes, and must be invari.ablv worn upon the chest while taking the Anodyne C“ugh Drops, for the cure of all old and deep-sejsted coughs, anci the effect even if tending to consumption, is admirable. RlNt WoRM and TKTTEI’v OINT.MKNT. poftiirf curt for /firu/trurm*, Trt^f.r, Scedd Utad.r. nini ill Ruuyh, Scurfy Ajhcf:oii4 the S/,in. nit'i J'"r C/cfrr, A single bottle is quite suHicient for a cure in most cases; but in scald heads, ami some others of long standing, it must he Coiitiui^e. langer. The fac-slmile of the sigi.Rture of l>r. . (•. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper. ...1,1 wholesale .Wid retail, by the Proprietor, ;it his .NLiiiuf.-iriu.’nng Depot, No. 2fjl M irkct street. Phiia lelphia. and Macon. Ceorgia. !’•> be had alst. of .lames Cain, llockfish. Watson, Floral I. o!-e^e; Townsend \ Doug lass. Dcnnettsville; Dr. P. .M. Cohen. Charles ton; Ihirbce, li.irclaysvillc; P. F. Pes.ud. Ilalcigh. S. .J, HIN.''D.\LL, .Agent for Fayetteville A C'AIU). return of low water renders it neces- -M, sary that the Steamer Chatham should h( emplo.ved as a tow boat. !She will not therefori- run as h*-retofu-e, on iiny regular days, until further notice. .INO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t (’ape Fear .'s. K. Co. .May 12. IS.-,2. ''»-tf 'r/ittf 1*0 Ij [Si I! hoir it Slii/tr^! 10.000 Mold widiiii the ia«t isiiit' •J. W» ((l!*\\-V III* returns his thanks to the public for the uuprcco'lcuted en couragement he h:is m-'t with in the m.anufae- Hire and s ite of his celel'rate I P(M.1.''H, and at the s.ime time wisjies it understood he al ways keeps a supply on hand for wholes.ile or ret.iil. Fxperi'uu’e h:'.i proved that this Polish is un surpassed for quickncijs in putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Pei'ons wishing to oil their boots can use rl’.is 1‘olis’i \\ifh success immc>liately ut- tcrw^.rds; tiie leather should be rubbed as soon .IS the Polish is aiqtlied, before it flries. This Polish can be found at the store under the Carolinian I’rintiiig dthi’e, Favettcville. Feb. 21, 1S.'«2. •j7tf I'atfvtierille Ur an r It rrillVlj IH’T 4. TO tim; I’l iii.ic. MHl' subscriber l.;is leased for .a term of t^aijrttvrUlc Hotel. K.\VET'rEVII>LE, N. C. ^H'^HIS large and splendid I'luilding has now -M_ been in succcssful operation since May IS 10. The l‘>edding and rurniture of alt kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Ta\>le is alwa.vs furnished with ihe best the market afFords, aided by a tine garden. Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travellers w ill find ile- sirai'le accommodations and utt“ntive servants. .No pains will be spared to give entiro s.itisl'ac- tion. I'amilics can be furnished wiih large, airy, frvuit d')uble rooms, couvei^A'Utly and hand s''luelv furui.-'hed. An e\perience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisf.u-tion. ANN P.IUtWN. .June 1, 1 S.'iO. 2S-tf NEW i'll^^L f HIHK undersigned have entered into eopart- JL nership. under the name and style of l.«awrt‘iice A: Troy, For the ](ur|)0se of tioing a general .Mvrcajitile and Harter tiusiness. V, e h.ave taken the Store, No. 1(M;IILK.N ST1U;KT. formerly occupitd by Messrs. .John Huske \ Son. (ii:o. w. l\wkkncj:. •loHN I’,. TKOV. .Ir. Oct. 22, is.-.i. . :;:;tf HAVK just received from New Vork, niv JI FALL .\nD WINTLK Stock of (jloods, t'oiisisiing of a general assortment of J. \Vliit(‘ cV IJiiflei'liill, Drajtrra, Ta/lurs, (tint Wlutfrsole ami lit- tt!i (Jlothier.'S, 110 William Street, New 'i'ork, ,\M> Pereon street, (next door to Ihink f f Cape Fear,) FAVliTTFA lLLK, N. C. WE would beg le.ave to inform the citizons of Fayetteville and vicinit.v, that we have just received our supply of SPKlNti AND Sl'.M.MLli (iOt)DS, which comprises a general assortment of KEAI)V->LM)E CL()TIIL\(;. Which will be founil worthy the attention ol purchasers. Our assortment consists in partot the following: C().VTS. — Hhick and colM cloth Dress. Fri)ck and Sack Coats, all qualities; black and cohired C.ashmeret litto; French and Knglish Drap D'- Lte ditto: lo.icen’s-eloth and .\lj)aea ditto: Fan cy Coats of mottled t'rasse and Tweeds: Ken tucky .Jeans: Linen and Cotton tiingh.ims; Bro., bull' and white Liiu'us; white gr.iss-cloth Sacks, ice. of nil qualities. P.\NTS—Of black and col'd rassimcre; fancy single-miird ditto; French and Knglish Drap D’Kte ditto; white and col'd Drill ditto; Ken tucky .Jeaus ditto; India and French Nankeen ditto, ,vc. VI'STS—Of black Satin, Homba/.ine, .Mpaca. black an 1 col’d Silks: white ami col’d .Marseilles ditto; brown and padiled Linen, plain and tig'd; Naidvcen, P>ufl', (irass-cloth, kc. All of which are t.ffered for sale as low as can be bought in the New Vork market, nt wholesale and retail. hi !id' ition to the above, we shall keep on hand a •. assortment of Shirts. Dr.-iwers. ('olhirs, t'ravats. Hosiery. ..^c. .Also, Cl«ths. Cassimeres. and Vestings. The T.MLoKlNtJ DFPAllTMFNT will be continueil as before, and all onlers for fine Cloth ing will be executed in the fashionaJile style. A. C. H.MIT, .\gent. 'April 8. lS.->2. 8l»tf NEVy GOODS. fUST received, my Fall 8upi»!v of (^LOTHS. CASSl.MLKFS AND VK.'^TlNlJS, TRIM .MINUS, ^cc., of the best qualit.v, from New Vork. Ahso, the hi test Ueport of the New Vork FASHIONS. 1 .still continue to carry i>n tin T.AILOlllNU jiCSlNK.''S, at my Stand ui Ha.\ street, and those who may f:i\or me with th- ii custom may rely on having their work ih-ne in a neat and fashionable style, and on the moss favorable terms. • ARClIlliALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27. IS.'.l. 8 4 If FAVKTTEVILLE CONFKCTIO.NKIIY. CHARLES BANKS, i'oiifectioitcr, tNFORMS the puldic. that he refitted his J'Istablishment on (ireen .'sti'cet, and has on hand a fresh supply of C.X.NDI KS, maiiufacture‘1 by himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted free friun starch, tlour. paste, and perni cious fiaints. His wliole time and attention is now devoted to raaking Candy, :ind he is pre- paj-ed to sup|ily all orders with (Jandies ejual to any made in the United States. These Can- ilics he warrants to keep in any climate; and he will sell to Town or ('ountry merchants, as ch«‘aj) HP good and ptire Candy can be purchased ill Now York or el.sewliere. Fayetteville, Oct. 2S, 1851. :i4-tf HOOK HLNDERY. HB W. HAUDIK has resumed the IJook Ji « • l?indii;g Rtisiness at the new St«re ne.xt floor to Mr. I’leaslev, .Jeweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27 tf SPUING AND JsImMEII NO'rfCE. Partnership heretofore e\isfing in H. Lumbeiton, between th.- uiuh r.'iigued. is this day dissolved l>y mutual eoiment. Those indebted ti the firm will [dease caii on (1. W. McK’a.v, at Luniberton, who is aulhori/cd to settle the concern. -JOHN A. ROWLAND. tilLHLKT VV. MeKA\. Lumlierton. I’eli. 2'>, 1H.')2. fi'.*tf m;w Fill,)] & m (pN\ ^O^HF. subscribe!'*! :ire now receiving froirr -B- N. Vork. a large ami general assortment of Staple (tnd h'fiJK'}/ Dry (ioods, (Ui()Ci:iiiKs, h’aiu)\va Hats ami ('aj)s, jjoot.s anl Slmcs. .Among wiiich are: Coffee. Sugar, Cotton lla^igine, liale Rope. Nails, W indow (.ilass. Swedes and ihiglish Iron, Sack ami Alum Salt, Imperial and Hluck Teas, Pe])])cr, Alspice. (iinger. Powder, Skot, Bar [iCad, liar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention of the jiublic, ami which they are determined to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay jironijitly, a.s any house in tliO Soutliern country Produce of all kinds, at the highert market prices, taken in exchange for (ioods. .McLKAN & JONi;S. Summerville, N. Dec. si, IH-'il. 4 i tf .11 Sr 1{E(’EIVED, nP.LS. Cia SHFD see.AR. GOlMMbs. Wayne ('ounty J}:icon. l'> bbls. Lard, .Vo. 1. • boxes prime Tobacco. 4'» bbls. .Mackerel. .\t Cross ('reek ('o. C. 15EN15»\V. Pres t, March 1. 1S'.2. f.'.tff Rcccivcd on ('onuis^nnK nt. ^ ND for s.ile cheap. •'iO blils. \VHISKKV. ■1, 18'.2. .Mav JN(i. D. WILLIA.M.^ 88tf years, of R. W. P.rown, Lsq., hi.^ fire-proof J)rv (iootls. (IroffrU'S. llurtlWiirf. I'iHUtV, T ojicn to pupils of every gra ’ outed into four dejiartments and gra- ■ ■ .le -.rding ti> |ii-oficit-ncy after tliorough I'i ia. .A catalogue giving particulars :;.r lii iiiil,-. I. I'l-r se.-:on of ill weeks. 910 -tO t. :: III Kngiish liriintlies, •ii'^ to l-» f*** Languages, •> >0 Drawing and Painting, each •) 0) Fmbrwidery, ^ usic V use of instrument, 21 W M. A. NLL.'')N, Principal. “ :im. .June 7. 18.")2. Hkhi K \V. V. \{. Co. } r015 AGC'O. 1H F, sa’os.Tlljer continuc's to receive and s:-il, o;i m.inuf'.icturor.-;' account, al; grades of manut:i.‘turi. I Tob.u'i’O. .1. I TLFV. .Ma;. M, is'2. I'Otf FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES By Tin: .sKiBiniii) \\u lainiiKi-: rail ' fB^HK Pl'ili.It,' are informed that the Sea I boaril and Ro:inoke Rail Road t'ompany have coni{deted their new brifige across Roanoke i River at W eldoli, and are now prep;*.red to trami]Mirt p.assengers and freight from Weldon to Por'ismoutli and Norfolk, and the Northern i cities j rf-;,i|itly and wit!' ilispatch. I The Cars leave \\ elUo i daily ato.l o'clock, P. ' NL, and arrive .at Portsmouth by 7 o'clock. I’. ! M., in time to connect with one of the Chesa peake 15ay Steamers, HLll.\lD, JKORil.\, or ' NORTH C.V.ROLINA, for Haltimore. and arrive at Jt.iltimore early next morning, in time t'l counect with the uiorning train that leaves for Philadeljihia and New ork. L5v this comfortable and agreeable route. .''tore, with his Wfi.-irves, and is riow iti a condi tion to take especial carc of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores committed to his e.ire. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of ilacon. Lard, ('orn, I’eas, &c. The lower wJi.irves have on them four large new sheds, w here Spirits can be 3;ifely kejit from the 'ain and sun. He is prepared to receive and shij. or sell, all kinds of proiluce sent to his care. He w ill also make advances when required. He begs to refer to tJie following gentlemen: R. W. Hrown. .John Dawson, t). (i. 1‘arsley and Thos. H. Wright. Ks i-s. MILKS ('O.'^TIN, Brown’s whari', Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 12, ix'il. 21-\ r.!i()Tiii;iis LiMi. ^a^HK Steamer l’.Rt»THLRS, and Tow Boats M. .''teve;ison. I»avid I,e\\ is. ami .James (’at-- sid.iy. are prepared to forv.ird with ikspateh all g'tods cmsigncd to the Pro;>rietor. Tlie .''teauier Bruthers is of light draught, aiiil well suited to run in lute i-altr. .''he pos- g^.os yii'o'vr and and is admirably adaj t- cd to toirlfif/, and can accommodate about 2> jiassvngeis. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boi*t iiimself, and will give special attention to way f’reight and n.ival St .res; to towing, and will I,No attend to the comftirt and coiiveiiicnee of Passengers. From his long e.xperience as Agent in Wilmington of the se\eral .>ie.imbo;it (,'ompauies. he thiiiKS he c.aii jiive .s.!;Uiactioii. To .Merch.ints in the ititerior he would sty, that all Coods shijiped by him, will lie deliv ered to their Agents in Fayci'eville. His .\;;ent in Wilmington is 1>.\A ID BANKS, to whom all commiinieations may be addressed, as .Agent of the Steamer 15rothers. .JOHN B.\NKS, Proprietor. Wilmington, Feb. 4. 18'j2. tWitf "'KS (,f ubccri|)tion, tw inereasi tiie ■ I’l .lal stock of this company to a suf^i- ■:;!Munt to build .a branch road from the 'iiis eouiTianv’s ro:id to Deep River, will . , . • . • 1. diatelv opened at Kvans's .Mills, umier i’assengers leaving Wilmington in the morning lei-tinn of I'eter O. Kvans. W. D. Tyson, s •^n Murehi'on, Win. Farrow, .Jos. Palnw •, hr. i iuiliners. and remain until •r iiijtiee. 1 he friends f»f the work will '■ e^ill : ii tlie Commissioners, and make ' ripfions. By order of the Jhi.ard. KDW D LKK WINSLOW, Prest. M. R. Ci'k. : .V J'ui)lic .AIet;titi^' will be held at Miil-, on Satur«lay, 17th .July next, in ■ f tills liratieh Road, where all the friends ' ” ik are invited to attend. [08-4w sr>() iu^\VAiii>. ' -I.N from the Subscriber's Stable, in j ■■ iiM.oiid I'ouiity, on the night of the 7th ■' ■' ;R AV HoRSK, 7 or 8 years ohl, .a- ' li;iiid~ high, very thin mane, the end of '!■ 'piite white when washel, iias ft small '•Il the right side of the neck near where Work.*-;, and likewise a small sink un- ’ •' iK'ck near where the h.imes buckle, has '• r'-ii (,u the inside of ouc of the ftre 1 'hint recollect on which,) is sligJitly ^■‘lle'l (,n the hiiid ancles, bears the mark ■ '‘f III Ills sides, has short cars, generally ■"''1 l .rwanl, -arries himself well in travel- ■ ’ •' a high head and tail well out, racks ti-.t- well, and has a long sweeping walk, ">-il i„ harness or any kind of geai. 1. if... brought to this county by W. '' '■lid, anrl traded to G. B. Bingham, and II back to Townsend, from whom 1 '' '•'1 him. J-'i'*' the above reward of Fifty Dollai’s 'l‘"livery to me of the horse and the de- ‘'1 the thief, with sufheient proof to con- • r Twenty Five Dollars for the deliv- • I lie horse. .' ‘'doriiiation will be thankfully received ^iih.K.-riber at (hither Hock (irove or Bos- p. (>., Richmond Co., N. ('. WILLIAM A. McK.W. train, will arrive early tiie next morning at Baltimore, and reach New ^ ork the same even ing, without los.s of sleep, and with but one change of person and baggage between Weldon and Baltimore, and avoid entirely night travel ling on Rail Heads. 'I'o render this route worthy of the tr.iveiling public, the coiii(iany have employed careliil and re.sponsiblc baggage agent.s, who ch^ck all baggage at Weldon througli to, con.sequently the travel ler has no furthi.-r trouble with liis baggage until he rea(dies Baltimore. The Che.sapeake Ikiy Steamers also stop at OLD Point, to hmd and recei.e Passengers, and Passeng(!rs wlio leave W eldon at 15^ o’chick, P. .M., arrive at Old Point the same evening. All arrangement lias been entered into, by the iliiTerent liail Roail ami Steamboat (tympan ies, by which the s.iine Through Ticket i.ssued at I'harlcstoii, will leave it o](tionar.v with the traveller to take either nuite at Weldon. An ;iccunmoi:ition train leaves Weldon every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings lor I’ortsmoiith, Nortblk, and OLl> i’OLNT (Jt).M F(HIT. Passengers by cither train for (^Id Point, will reach Old Point the same evening. I'or THROl tiH TICKKTS to Baltimore and New Vork, and any other information desired, inquire of the Agent at Weldon. K. N. PKTKRSON, Agent. Ofhce Se:‘board R. li. R. Cw., ) Weldon, N. (’., .May 28th, 1852. ( 1 will b.irter for TI'RPLN I’lNK, or any kiu l of Pi oiluce. \. KINC,, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2X. IH.'iO. * 4;itf DAILY i:XlMX'rEl), A tiK.NKR.Vl, assortment of tj'O (t P F, R S ’ /m. Tools, of the best mauufaL'turcrs' make, by E. C. H.VLl., of Rome, ih-t. 18. 18ol. :’.2tf I N ION A('ADI:MV. rilHL building of this Iiiatituti.jii is now in Ji. a state of completion. It is larg« and conuiiodious. It is pleasanfl.v located in a fine neighborhood, and in a very salubrious part of R' hes"ii county, twelve miles west from Lum- bertoii. about half mile south of the road lead ing from thence to Alfordsville. T!ie first session of this Insiitution will com mence on t!ie 2d Monday ol .laiiuar.v, l8->2. un der the 4-are of .Mr. tiile* l.eitch, w’uo is a j;ra- duute of the L'niverftity of Ni>rth Carolina. Tcnnn i f I'lddun, f>rr Scsnwii, t u: .''pelliiig. reading anl writing, 00 Arithmetic. Knglish (.irunimar, (Icogra- phy and History. 10 00 Latin, (ir ek, French, and the higher branches of Mathematics. 12 00 Board can be obtained at the .Veailemy, anl ;it convenient distances in the neighborhood, at from hve to six dollars jxt month. By order of the Trustee.s. .KHIN TAVLtHl, Secy. Dec. 20. 1M.')1. r.;!-tf A I.[^ those indebted to the subscriber will find their accounts m.ide out by ciilling at the Fotitidry whiidi will please be settled as early as convenient. H. (i Il.VLI.. March f.i. I Only ISiiriif oiil in Part. A. A. .MrKEI'HAN STILL Continues to carry on the C.\Rill1' I N K.'^S in all its branches, at the re mains of his old stand. opposite Libert.v Point. He returns thanks for the liberal p.-itron.age he has heretofore received, nnd hopes by strict at tention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tlie same. Having kept the greater jiortion (if his Tim bers al a ilislance I'rom the manutactory, he has >11 hanl a large and well selected hit of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every description used in his business, which enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore now- prepared to do :iny work in his line in the ver.v best style, and on the most fuvorable terms—as low as any work of the same cjuality in N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 h'.rses; *> Ruckaways, and 13 Buggies. -\lso. nearlv finished, lo Carriages for 2 horses; 20 Barouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways, aii'l :?0 Buggies; .All of which are of the most ajiproved plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the L". Stafts for neatness anil duraliility. Having f)een engagel in the above liusiness for tlie past 20 years, his work is well kii iwn, :ind hi" refers to old custoni-rs for j>roof of its (hirability. All work warranted for 12 niontlis, and rejiaired free of charge should it fail by bad workmanship or material, within that time. ti’Aiiti.NCi executed at sluirt notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan'v -'i, 18.')2. 00 AREY, SHEMWELL & CO. VRK now rec'#'.ing direct frtim New Vork and Philadelphia, a complete assortment of A'>i> sL’.’tnia:st Ci00i>s. eonifirisiug every article usually kejit in a l)ry ioods Store, amoii); which may be found; Ladies’ and (leiitlemen's Goods, of the very best material, and the latest fashions.— Such a variety will be ‘too tedious to mention.' We have the liandsomest t?ra]ie and P>erage Shawls we have ever offered in this market; :ind j vve would call the attention of the ladies j'ar- j ticulailr to our very hand.some stock of Ve- ' zites, Mantill'ds, I'arasuis, and l^'ans. —.VL.'iO— Thin Kmbroideries; Lace and Musliii (’ajies; i ^'hiini/.ets: rndersleeves: l.iiieu ('anibric Hand- | kerchiefs: F.m'o'il Sacks; Infants' AVaistj and Cajis; Cufls .-in*! Collars. We would also direct the attention of the la dies to our stock of BONNKTS, of the latest stvU s *if Si’.k, Crape and Straw. AVe would not t'orget to mention our stock of Boots and Sho«‘;!, f'lU- lailie.s gentlemen and children. Toj:eth-r with their usual stock of Stajdc Goods, coii.-^ist- j ing ill part of Damask TaJile Cloths, and N;ip- ! kins; Linen and Cotton Sheetings: Knglisli, j French, and .\mericaii I’rints; brow n and bl'ch'd ! DoTucstics: Marseilles and (irass Skirts; Mar-| C|)H>IJSS10.\ A.\D FDKW.lKDl.MJ i1IElU:iI.4.Mr seilies (Juilts, ot the hest quality, kc, ! \\'i i m ix'/ jvt V\ 11J>11X1 (.» 1 ( )xN 9 . V # W AN'I'EI), B.ARRKLS .d TFRPKN' Tl.NK for Distillerv at the T’iank Road Bridge on Big Rockfish. 'i'he best market price will bejiaid. For further inf'iu-m- ation. inquire of.Jcdin W. Murphy, at the Bridge,, or of A. .McKethan, Favetteville. Dec. 18, Ls.'.l. ■ 4'.‘tf .Ji sr l\EVVA\Klh BBLS. W HISKKV, ^ 10 hhds. .Molasses. 1 qr. cask pale Freiu h Brand i ^ 1 •• “• .Maileira Wine, l'> b.-igs Rio Cofl'ee, o bo.\es .Medium Axes. —A LS( )— Brooms; Hearth Brushes: .Jute Do.r and Bug gy .Mats; I'auners' Currier.s' Knives. WOrkerSr and Smooth Flesliers: .-ind an addition to our FRE.NCH CHINA. S. W’. TILLINJH.AST \ i () March 1, l8o2. •lUif T. C. WORTH, Fel). I, leTil. G7tf LUMIJEU! lAMBER!! K have our Steam .Suw Mill in succes.s- w ¥ ful operation, 8 miles fnuu Fayetteville, near the Raleigh Stage Ro:ii, and are J>repured to execute orders in our line. .As we run two HAT** Moleskin, Panama. Leghorn. Kossutli, and Palm-leaf: and i> variety of other (Joods. ! To the aJiove stock we would respectfully in- ! vite the attention of the citizens d' Fa.yetteville ; and the surrounding country. And would take : this method of returning thanks to the jiublic ! generally for tJie very liberal }iatronage hereto- , fore liestowed on us; :md would say, give us i Uolar_y or Cirmiar San\, we can fill l.ills at th* a call before buving, as we are determineil not to be undersold Jiy any. I We keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Ingrain ami Bru.ssels Carpeting; Sugar ! and Coffee, Tea, «S.c. : S. S. AUKV. 1*. SHEMWKLL. .1. H. McDt)N.\LD. Fayetteville. March 2i>, 1S.')i;. 77tf 'i'oUArc’o. have a lot >iprimr coinmon Tobacco, which we vniU sell by the tio\ very cheap. d. it T. W.VDDILL. May 2(i, 18.V2. 'J4-tf MUS. \VA!/rON. Mantiia-Mnker and Milliner^ S{)rin^ Ciroods—1852. JAMES KYLE IS NOW UF.CKlVINti AP.OLT 250 Packages of ORT GOODS, .All of which being purchased for CASH, will be offered ut very reduced prices for cash, or on time to punctual customers, either by whole- ^ faithful Ostler sale or retail. ® JBfc^Jioltiiig Clotli.s from No. 1 to 10, of IX HALL, OF llO-ME, t'^'aci rsnor uf Ihtll, SdcL'fJt cf' Vo., fS now- receiving his Fall STO(,'K of (U)ODS, consisting of a general assortment of I )ry Cioods, Sudcilcry, I lats, C'aps, , Shot's, llarthvarc, (Jrorcrios. lla.S [list !’(■*v‘lVC*(l A much larger nnd more general stock than a new and b«-autiful assort- ever oponel on the Fast side of the Cape Fear mint of Spring aiul Sum- —which he is j»repared and iietermim*d to sell / mer 15 O 1^1'.^, and to puiictual customers, either at w holesale or expccts to receive them retail, at greatly reduced prices, monthly as long as the .sea- £.ri;r‘ He would call particular attention to his fioii lasts; and w ill sell them .stock d' BOOTS AND SHOFS. The a.ssortment as cheap, if iKit cheaper, than any in the mar- is unusually large, and of every quality and ket. She expccts d:>ily a new and beautit'ul style; and having been bought for Cash, he can assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Lacc ! and will sell them very low. Shawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. Also Dress and j You that wish Bargains will find it to your Sacqiie I’sitterns of the latest stylo. interest to give the Stock an examiiiation before Orders from the country jiromptl.y at- i buying elsewhere, tended to, and country customers may always Always on hand, a general stock of GKOt.'E- be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March ::0, 18.V2. T8tf NoricE. PKRSON.S indebted to us by Bonil or Book account due jirevioiis lo .laii'y 1, 18 >1. must settle or we will make settlemcnt.s by legal i'oit SAi.r., Mh.V -I, I."-'--. Marl.lo 1 white Corn Meal. 100 lbs. in a fine artiele fm- faliiilv JNO. D. W1].‘lI.\MS. 88 tf c t or V. RIKS. Oct. 18, 18,*)1. 32tf .J. A: T. WADDILL. process. 1L\R\L\N’S IIOI’EL, IM YK rTKVIM.K, €. ^■^HF Subscriber, having taken the large JL Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay Mount, Ha.v Street, Fayetteville, N. respectfully infor’ns his friends anfl the jtublic that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is pre pared to accommodate the travelling public.— Having had some e.xperieiice in the business in the town of Pittsboruugh, N. (’., he Ihittcrs him.self that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their compa ny. His nmms are large and aiiy. He has large and convenient Stables, and a the best that is manufactured. March 21, IBGiJ. r^tf JOHN HARM AN. 6Ctf Feb’y 17, 1852. _ Blank Warrants for sale here. i\EW (;ooi>s. WE are now receiving a very large and well selected stock of SPRING GtJODS, consisting of a full assortment of S'anrt/ A' Staple BPry Goods, .Among which may be toiind the latest and most fashionable styles of Ladies’ and Geutlemen's DRFSS GOOI»S, Hats, Cups, Hoiinets, Uo:nly-iuade C'lotli- in£, Ilanlwjirc, (irocerie.'!, l>rngs and Medlcinc.s, Saddlery, Crockery, uiul (Jla.sswarc. A large and well selected stock of Booia and 81ioo», and Ladits’ and Clcntlc- inen’s (jailers, (very fine.) SALT, iJlON, M0LAS8KS and NAILS. We iutend selling as cheap as we can, and would be glad if our friends and the public would call and examine our stock, .J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 24, 1852. "titf NEW iToOKS. aUKKClIV, by the author of the Wide, W ide World*; lioinaniam at Home, by Kir- wan; the Farmer’s Dictionary, by D. P. tJard- ner, M. D.; the Wide, Wide World; &c., &c. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. May 22, 1852. A. IL WMITFJELD, (’o:uli and ('arm^e Maniillu'turcr, OULD respectfully inform the public ¥ w that he still continue,'? to carry on the above business in all its brandies. He returns thanks for the liberal patr»mage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general sat- iefaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and b.y experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, v\-ould do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, as it cannot be surpassed for style, elegam-e, and durability. He is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. RI'P.VIRING neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible jiriccs. Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 18.*>2. (>1tf Livery Stable Business. rHlHK subscriber intends carrying on the above tmsines as u.sual. Having added consideratile Stock, he will be able to accom modate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a coutinuance. J. AV. POWFRS. Jan’y 20, 18.-)2. i')8tf Art‘%', .^lieiiawcll A: Vo. Havk one piece extra fine 7-4 black French CLtJTH, to which they would call the attention of the public. Oct. lo, 18i)l. 32tf Price or ISajfs adTjincecl. PERSONS who have made contracts with J. F. Jonhin & Co. for furnishing R.VGS, are hereby informed, that we will pay cents per lb. on all Cotton Rags, Rope and Bagging, delivered to us after this date. il. UllANSON &. SON. March 11.. Id62. 72tf Ry J!:0. I.AIJDI^K. Tw'« DiiDiis uiiin; ii\ii;ii s sr.yssTiiRii, F;i velU’vilSt, iV. 4'. .lau'y 20, IS.'ii;. -''^i-lVpd NOTICi:. H F undersigned having formed a Copart- iiershi]( uiidor the style of .JoHN B.\N1\S i BROTHKll. for carrying on a COM MISSION and FORW'ARDINti BC.'^iN liS.*'. all goods con- to them, or ordered, or produce sent for sale, will be promptly attended to. .lOHN BANKS. DAVID BANKS. Wilmington, Feb. 2, 1S;">2. t>>5tf SPRL\(; iJOODS. WE are now receiving our tisvtal stock of STAPLK AND FANC Y Cjt BooIm, Nliorw, Konnel«, Arc., Which being Jtought late iii the season, (most of them at :i coii.-^idoi-.-ilile decline iii price.) we are now prepared to sell them very low. Please c.ill and ex.imine. 1>. & W. McLAI RIN. April 18')2. 7'.'tf COTTON YARNS. WE are always prepared to furnish (COT TON V.VRNS Jjy the bale, at P'aetory shttrtest notice. W e eau furnish Pine, Poplar :inil .Juniper Ll'MBF.R, and of ahnopt any length. Our Lumber, for tnithfulness of lii^c and smoothness of face, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. .JONFS \ P, VRBKi; j March ;:0, 18.-,i>. 7,s,[f rjEE iNsruANC'i:. ^ ri'tJIK I'udersigned has Jieen appointed .A^eiit ' of the North Carolina .Mutual Life Iiisu' ranee ('omjiany. livery member for life partie- j i]iates ill the jirofits of the Company; and the i annual premium for life niemhership. where it j amounts to ;j;;jO or more, ma.v be paiti one-halt j ill and the other h.-ill in a note at 12 months, j Debtors' lives may be iiisiiii'd by creditoiH- A man ma.v insure his own life for the e\elusivc benefit of his famil\-. The lives of slaves may lie insured. This .system is rapidly growing into fasor. all over tlie civilized World. It is one b_v wJiicha famil.v. for a small sum aiinii.-illy. m.-i.v be pro vided for. after thi- death of it.s head, on whose eviTtii as they may have l,eeii lU'peiident for a support, it is a good investment of moiiev, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Polie.v. F.\planatory p.imjdileis. and the necess.-irv Bl.iiiks, furnished on upplleation. E. ,1. IlAl.K. Fnyctteville. .Tune 18-')0. 72 “ rLKi‘EN'n:^lI\Nj) FOR S.\LK. 1^'^OR sale. acres of L.VND on .fames ('reek, nnd tllO acres on Cypress ('reek, in CiimJiei-l.iiid. convenient to the AVesferii Plaiik Road, heavily timbered, and alniirably adajited to the making of Turpentine. Api>lv at this (Jfhce. Nov.*28, 1H.',1. 41tf .■)()() dozen !'>s('iices, C'ologntr AVater, OpedeMoc, Pain-Killer, Vermifuge. For sale bv S. J. HINSD.\LF. May ;l. ' 87tf Spt'iii;; and ^iiininic'i* prices. April 14, 18-'.2. J. & T. WADDILL. 82tf Kiic*ouriiu;‘ tlie old !%orth tatc. AreY, Shemavell & Co. liavo re ceived a splendid assortment of Cassi- inere, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These goods will compete in quality and durability with the best of Northern Cassimeres, and are much cheaper, ranging from ti2J cents to !j!l 25 per yard. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14, 1851. iJUtf COTTON YARNS for sale by the bale, at Factoi^ prices, by STARK &. WILWAMS. March 10, 1852. 72:f COSrr.ME ILALL, ('ontir J*raft sfrntt tnitl Centre Spare, BALTIMORE. /5'^HK largest and best stock of IlE.ADV* JL MADE CLOTHlNt; ever ofl'eved in Balti more. Dress. Frock and Sack CO.\TS, all co lors, qualities and sizes, from i*!2 '»0 to !*!;') .‘>0 and upwards. P.ANT.A.LOONK at SI to .'•O and upwards, embracing all styles of faiic.v, plain and plaid Cassimeres. A'ESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Boys’ ('lothing. Importing our own Cloths direct from Kuroj.c, i and mauufaeturin" on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purehasers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establish ment in the I'nited States. The ]>roj>rietors aro determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great .Tttraction, ami have now made up more than T>0,0»tO (iARMENT.S, from the finest quality to the lowest in price. in the Custom Department will always >•« found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, C.AS- SIMERES and VESTINGS, which will J>e made up at the shortest notice, lud in the latest style, and a tit always guarantied. J6fcay"1'he one price system strictly adhered tiu Remember the name and place, ‘orner Pratt St. and Centre Market Space. H. H. coi.r. & CO. .•Vugust 15, 1851. I4-yopd lilanks of all hinds^ I cr sile at ti..s/)Slde.

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