SBMI-WEEKIiV. [VOL. L] rAYF.TTEVlIJ.E, N. C., Jl Xi: >i, ISOS. [NO. 102.] rtcJ I'lUNTKI) HY J. B. XEWBY. edw.vud j. hale & sox, KDITOKS AND I’ROl’KlKTORS. fii.'C !’oi' the J>cmi-Wv»;kly Ob>k.k\ r.ii 00 if paM iu n«\vnni’e; !?4 ,‘>0 if paid dvvriug the vt'ir "f subsi'riptii iK or after the year has e\j'irod. F^r tlio U cckl\ c>i!'»,uvKu $2 00 per uMiuim, if iu iidvtinoe; !S2 oO if paid during the venr of subscription; or $3 00 after the year has expired. AliYKUTlSl'MKNTS inserted for sixty cents p.r square for the lirst. and thirty cents t«r ejieh •. ceedinj: j ublication. Yearly advertisements la special contracts, at ix'asouable rates. Ad- v.rtiscrs are requested tu state the number of -i !-iions desired, or they will be continued till t' rl'id. and charged acconlingly. J. Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. xirncK. WK will buy any lots t»f Spirits Turpen tine ollered iu this market, and will receive and ship for distillers to New York or elfew here, till'ordiug the usual sliipj'ing facilities. J. & T. WADDll-I,. June ItO-tf 1MU)\ ISIONS. I 1^1 ft Jl U.S. Lard. ^N. C.) :2O0U lb.'*. Fresh Iticc, 100 bushels Whitu (’(>rn Meal, .')0U •* Corn, oO I'utes l^ast'-rn Hay, for sale low bv 11. lUlAN.SON & Sf)V. 1m; tf ri. L. IlOLMKS, WANTED, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. ft. Ashe Lumber for Wagons, 1J to 3 inches 4 |FFI('K on corner of Front and Princess ^oOO It.‘sJasonr,] Oak Lumber. 1* to 3 inches. ; . . IT"*’ "* ■*■ ! I'M'O ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. _ _ ' K'OO ft. White Oak for Tongues Bolsters and *1 t m ni (ttl'l l^( SI(ftflCt lOO post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. VOM sale. '2000 8pokes. For which the higliest cash price M’ill he paid. Api'ly soon to E. FULLKK. June ", 1S.')2. Summerville Male and Female Seminary. fllllK Fall Session of this School will open t cn ''AY. Ist day of July next. !. i close "U last of November. i !ic services of sonie very acconip'islie 1 la I;' « . I.e secured, of which due notice will be 00 S .')() lt> ;'»0 >’/ Tuition prr S(c‘i‘i'»: ( nun.>11 Kntrlish ISranches •'i'' Latin and (ireek Laniiua^es /; ru. French 1'* 00 | Mus.c on l'iaii>» l’> **■-> IM of lu'trunient - i I'rivvinji. j.aintinp. &c.. 5cc. •'> In irl iu the A’illage from $7 to per Ki Ill’ll. A. l>. .McLEAN. I' ui.iriHTVi'\*. N. C.. *^une 1*J, 18..)l2. l-^i\v li(>C KLNc. 11 aM aC a Dj .M V. fg^llK SulMTlb'-r win i-e open h's .^cliool in _■ r,. ckin^ham on the 1-tii .luly. and ^ITA y>cr S»-ssi'>n. !>■ .ird. witli Wo: d an l washing;. pr. ni.aith. Tilt* first two weeks will be c.^clud(.d froiu hi'.', deduction made in tuition. GLO. 13. W FT MO RE. Jiin.'-2-2, ls:,2. l-t’.lM SIMMI-.R CL(VrilLNG. rg'MIi: suli.-tnbers haw l.itely received a larpe B. :i ld’t;i n ti- tlie'r stock of .'^unimi r t’loth- ir.g. whicii will be sold iit verv low prices. t;. W. TlLLlNl.ilA.''! \ I’O. .Inne 21. 1>'>2. 1-tf 1*. \Vo are now rcceivinj; a largo Stock of Goods in »>ur line. preater v.-iriety 'f u.«c?‘ul aiii.1 ‘'1 articles have never bi fore 1-,'Cii oil'crcd lor sale in this place. Particulars STEWART, BUSSINIJ & I'O.’S EXTRA QUALITY I STEAM nKrist:i) rruh: lom’ si gar ' n.i 15 M» r A \ ni i FOR FXPORTATIOX. I VT prices w^ich merchants, who purchase ^ tf> sell tiy the l$ox of . (and others) will find lower than the aanie good II.MU) Nltl E.'' can be had of any other house in New York. STLWART, nrssiNo ^ CO.. oytj Pearl St.. N. Y. May Jl, lb'>‘2. io-law.''wpd .)rsr rel'i:im:i), LINSFFI' oil. Tanner's *• Sperm •• White Lead and Putty in Oil. —ALSO— ■2 NEW IU'(;G1ES. LELTE \ JOHN.SON. ' ‘J l>ooi> West F. Hank. May ‘20. 1S.V2. '.'^if I. ii\iV!:!i. ~ EOKW AK1)IN(^ AN!) CO.MMISSION M!-:!{CMAN r, WILMINGTON, N. C. ivWtl TH^nE Subscriber Wishinjr to remove to the -M. South-west, would sell his lands in tliis county, upon I'easonable and ucconiniodating , terms. I There are a\>out *2700 or t^OOU acres, all lyinj: in one body, an 1 of wliich 100 or -jlXi acres are iu cultivation. The IMank Road of tlie .Joint >jiock Company, from Fav ettevillw to Kaleigh, will run within one mile of tlie residence. Most of the lands that are iu evdtivatiou lie within three miles of the Cape Fear River, adjoining the lands of John C. Williams and others. The above situation is very dcsir ible. from tlie fact tliat it is surrounded by the best of neighbors and society. Tlie subscriber miglit s.ay mu.;h more by way of inducement; but he deems it unnecessary, as those wishiiig to purchase can cull aiul see for themselves. Tlie above lands can be ilividcd so as to suit purcliasers. Any fui'ther information can be given I>y ap- plicatioirto the subscriber, or by letter address ed to him at Kihgaburv, Cuiubcriand Co., N. C. l>. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 2. f.2tf ~ liliOW N nr.ROSSET, •IVfr DKU()ssr;r cV liuowx, H*ili»tins;ton^ .V. f’., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jno. l‘l)TV.> I>Hn\V.N. Ar.M.\M> .1. 1)k1N»ssi;t, Jr. ' It. F. Ukow n. ^ 1 A.''H adv.-inccs will ho maIe on consignment ^ y of I’rodnce for sale eitiier in W ilmington .May lit, Ibjl. 72-tf Land W arranis \\ anted. rC'XIlE highest Cash piuces paid for an^' *L number of Land Warrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. >L PiOSE, .\pcTit. Fayetteville, April 14, 1H52. S‘2tf >n vviil be forwardvil to free «>f Commission at hoieaftcr. S. W. TILLLNGHAST & (\>. ntfal'-v |lHE^undrrsigned citiWns of Summer- \, 'r U')ir.:soN UF. r.xercisos i; _ d res form the ville, the vicinity, and the public Tiil'v. she has opi-ned a | ilDi'NK l»F L.V TL'RT A l .\ MCllT. | re she will be plea.*^ed to ivccommodate all !i:av call on her. The Village i^i pleasant . Mithtnl. her large and commodious. . w iii la- spared to render agreeable and rTiilrh* any w ho may favor her w ith a call. ; !:.■ i> prepared to accommodate with T i t\"n» I 'l to '2'i Studeuts. Pric*- of Board 1 r E. BAlLt^. uMuiK-r.K.e. N. C., June 1.1. 18.-.2. 1-tf LNsTf rrrE. thi« Schoid. undiT the .luv ■ 'IT . litnictors in the m 'e de- I irtincnt. w;;| t .■ rpsum*d on the first Monday i.i .lu'v. Tiie }'.-ui lie 'iepartnient w ill Ije under f; -- .-.iri .'f ".I 's S trail l>rake, an accomphslied , Iv T ' ■ " ; ■ S''ffi .!, ' Firt M >!• >!•-;. ' 1'; v Eiig'ish bram-hes. •'?*' 1!. J (ir.iiimi: r. Wr'itt n rithinetic. i:c. 10 00 ,\.i';’:i: L^inz'i.i'.;>•, French, llisrher .Ma- tiifinatics. lUa^ing anil l*ainling, lo 00 , Th'»■ who attend the Lectures in the Labora- ..ill be cliar^'ed *1 UO in advance. No r .;r.i' nre c!iarg *d. There is a wry res- ' > Librarv beloiiging to the Literary ^ . ■ .••v t'-e Inoituiion. Tlie Clu'iiiicHl and , 1';. ■'.| iiii rtl Ap]>:iratus is ample. The ('abiin’t j ; 'i 11 r.i.' is wi-li selected and extensive, and I'.:. , c >ii!i lently r.*conimpnd this School ■ ■ »'.-'iiiig r!it;ir cliildren and w.irds a thor- iil. \'A rnlnii'l ijitcHeetiial training. Stulent» irt- i li:irLr*-d from the con-.niencement of the l:i tl.-> enti-r. It i» highly important that ' 1 Mii i L- pri.sent in time to atteml the tirst • ^ cla.'ses .ire then f u med, and an «• i.i a IVw «iays scMoin fails to embarrass ■ . r.r-jc 'I'lring the remainder of the Session. A. I). McNMR, Chairman lioard Trustees. "m. N Wiiittku. Sec y. ■I.urr i, f7-td 1j| Er..''l>N.VL atti ntion given to th^^le or saijjiiieiil of Naval S:t res, I havi^mple facilities for ci.Hducliug the business; large wharf and storf sheIs t» keep sji^rits fr->m exposure. Naval stor'-s will be shipped to any li 'use in New Vork. or to other markets if advisab!*». and liberal c-;ish advances made on coiisignmeiits. I refer to the tollowing uistiUcrs: E. Hatiiium, \\:iyn' ('•nint%', Ch:iiul!er Hall. Johnston (,'o . Lovett I'eaciH-k, Columbns Co., P., H.^en. Thos. L. Vail, niaden “ Messrs. Smith, \ Ingram, Johnston Co., Messis. 7.. .V J. .Ji.iics. Mc«srs .“'mith X .loi'es, *• Spencer Fountain, Es'j., “ Levi Railey. Es'p, May -20. 1S.'.2. vpd M’ rs AN!) FiiL’ir. 20 ) lbs. Soft shell .Vhnonds. •• Brazil Nuts. •• English Walnuts. “ •• FilVnrt.®. 2.j Hrums Figs. 1 O ise Prunes in fancy .Jars. 100 whole, half, and qr. P.oxes Raisins. 1 Case Pre*vrved (linger. 10 doz. Jars Pickles. Soda. Lemon, Sugar and Wat^r Crackers. Just received bv VkiARLES P.ANKS. April 2L 1S.V2. ^-3tf S ri: \MEli SOI TIIERNER nr ILL leave Fayetteville every Wednes.lay and .'Saturday, at 7 o'clock, .A. .M., and arrive in Wilmington at o cb’ck, P. M- .And will le.ive Wilmington every Mond.iy ai, I Thurs day, at 12 o'clock. .M.. and arrive in Fayette ville next morninz. R. M. URRELL. .Agent. April 2*>. lS.j-2. S-'i-tf JOHN [). U1LLL\.\LS, Coin iii issioii Fortrtt rd it»g • fKrrrlntitt^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0, lS.-)2. _ ‘ JOSl'I'lll.ll-dSM).'.!, ^ € O n .T1 I JS I o AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, m^ilinuifftoit., .V. €\ o.^tf NOriC'E. Sii'i^ T'bcr havin'/ass'iciated 'vith him- - -.1 ill business his son .Matthew, the busi- w.:' iivrealter be conducted uuidr the name '•1 of ,\1. N. Leary iV Son. 1; an li i*igned, thankful for the liberal pat- ’"••■ZI- hitiierto extended to him, respectfully ‘ ■ ii ••ontinuation of the same iu behalt ot ■ Finn. .Vii ih 1.,. isi'lcl.itcd to the undersigned, either - t“ >r a ccount, are earnestly re'jucsted to tli« Mune us early as possible. M. N. LEARY. 1 lypttoville, Jutie 7. 1S.'>2. !*-;-5in i'tHtUccillc and Sonthcrn Plank Road. V''TI' E is hereby given that all notes be- ‘ » I'iHgiiig to the t'ompany remaining unpaid ‘ iij'.- til.St dll V of Julv next, will be put in suit. ■ARCH'D* A. T. S.MITH. S-c'y. ], l*0-lni Prompt pe son.'il attention given to nil Consigtimcnts. anl Cat^h advances made on Pro- iluce t* be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, fity or .New \'ork. Cov; tlie New Vork House Wilmington. Man h 22, 1^ '>2. 7'i-tim A DESIUMUJ: [RESIDENC E roU SALE. *5^HE Subscril.vr now oflers for s:ile a'.l his ■- Turpentire and Farming L.\N1', cont.iin ing about tiiMt Acres, situated 12 niik'S East ol' Fa_v etteville. on the rough r.iad, com monly known as I’alniyra. It has a good dwelling house, oul-b;iildings. i^c., and a store where a large amount of busi- niss is dt'UP. and iiu' daily. This is » rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants. \c. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to puri-hase. and wishing furiher informa tion, cun apply on the preniisis. to J. W. Ml'RPHY, or P. ^.VYLUR, Fayetteville July 20th. 1S51. ' »-tf .Seiiiii// pHf €it Cost I cn^EAT HAIUJALNS! TliP suhscr'^er i.« Ht'sin-tis f f clnn^injx his business, and wishes to se’l off his present , stock of Goods inimediately, consisting in part of i Sfnjiic and I'n nr if Dr if Hoods^ Embracing n fine stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods. ! Ibirege. Rarege Le-I.ains, Dotted and plain Sv\ iss Muslins, coloreil ditto. Barred, Jaconet and i Cambric .Muslins; c d d Summer .'ilk.s. a general assortment ot black and cd d Silk Dresses: a large assortment ot Hosiery. .Vlsfi, Cloths. 'assinieres. Tweeds, .leatis. and .'atti- ! nets. A general .issortment of Summer wear : for Gentlemei:: all kinds of Liuen goods. I Also, u l.trpe st i. k of Roots and .'^h >es. Hats. I’oniiets. I liibrelias and Parasols, and Cr'ckery. \\ines and French I’randy. The above st x-k is offered at the mere cost here. Country Merch.-ints and all otliers buy- ; ing (iood.^ in this market, wid do well to call ' and examine, as 1 nm determined to sell and i-loMe out my ]>res.-!it stock, which is large and fresh, and well sciccte 1. W. S. LATTA. April 10, 18*2. f'-tf General Agency and Commission Business. fM'^lIE Subscribers have this day entered in- ■ to a cjpai ;ncrship under the style ot WHITAKER, WHITFIELD i CO.. for the purpose of doing a general agency and conniission business, and in offering their ser vices to the piitilic in that capacity they fiaticr themselves that they vvill be able to give satis- tacti'’n to all thnse who m:iy consign any go-ils. ware?, merchandise *ir couiitrv pro liicc to tiie:ii either to sell on commis-ions or forward. .As it will be our g)'eate>t aim to please, we j>leige ourselves to spare no pains in trying to gi'e general satisfaction. They respectfully .solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Their store is No. •> North Water Sirc'-t. Dickinson's Fire-j'roof building. W il- min>;ton, N. C. .JOHN R. WHITXKER. JAMES W. WHITFIELD. A. A. R. SOUTH.\LL. REFKitKNTKs:—.lohii Dawsoti, Potter & Kid der. O. (J. Parxley, .'laiiiuel Reery 6: Sons, G. R. French. anl Ellis I't Mitchell. .Ian. 20, 1H.)2. Jl:sr REciavED, 11 PIECES CANTON MATTING, 1-1 J. " " and t3-4, red, checked, and white. —A LS >— Loaf, Granulated, N. 0. (’larificd. New Or leans, and Muscovado Sugars. Sugar lliiuse Syrup. 10 crates assorted Crocker^'. HiOO Porter atid Wine Rottlcs. S. \V. TlLLlNtiHAST & CO. April in, 18-j2. 82lf 50,000 ll>«. ot'ICa^w Wanted. M Wll.L pay :5A cts. per pomid cas\i for all J0. clean cotton and linen R.AGS. delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper .Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as 1 can afl^rd, and hope that I may not be forced to ilist»int markets for my supplies. 1 have arninged with .Mr. Williams to receive and pav for all raes delivered to him. D.‘U’i.D .MCRPilV. Fnyetteville, Feb’y 21, 18;j2. •!8-tf .!rsr~KECEiv]:i). MEN'S and P.oys' .‘s.ADDLE.^'. of every quality and style, some very fine Al so, Rridies, Collars, Whips and Wii^on Harness. 15v E. C. II.ALL, of Rome. ‘Oct. 18, 18.j1. X2tf Trat Tea! T'eall t CHEST YOUNG HYSON, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. D.ANKS. Oct. 28, 1861. .34-tf WLNTEK SLl’PLY. WE are now receiving our winter supply of Goods, 'd doors below the Market House, south side Person street, where uiay be found the foiiowing articles: Sugar of all grades, Coti'ee, o llhds. Cuba Molasses—sweet, 3 Rbls. Syrup—a superior article, Green and Rlack Tens, Cheese of three ditt'erent qualities, Rice, Pepper and Spice, Ptope ami Ragging, liO l>b!s. Mackerel. Shoes and ISoots of extra large si/e. Shovels, Spades and Forks, (’orn Ploughs and Points, Axes t»f the best brands, Knives and Forks, Nails and Iron, 50,000 Ih.s. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for Cash or excLanged for Produc**, Call and see. CROSS CREEK CO., C. Renbow, Pres't. Dec. 20, IS'.]. 50-tf r.U.NTS! OlI.S!! DUUGS!!! PIEIH WHITE LE.IU, Linseed Oil, hale Oil, IJIake’s Fire-proof Paint, Castor Oil, Potash, Yeast Powder, Kpsom Salts, .Madder, Cojiper.-is, Sjiice, Pepper. Alum, (linger, Opedcldoc, &e. Country .Merchants will do well to give the snb.scriber a call. He will sell r,s low us they can be obtained in the Stnte. SA.M'L J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, Mav 3. 87tf » RlSlNESSii \ addition to I 'I'hc Suh.'^criluM- sti continues to carry on the C.VRINET in Faveitcville, and in i h's Kstablishment on Row street, near Eecle.s's Rriilge. has opened a large W.VRE ROO.M ou Hay Street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of Mesors. llaigh Sou's, where a general assortment of I'LTR.MTl RI', Made by comjietent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices correspoiuliug with liie Also, an assortment of Northern-tiiHtle FI RM- Tl RE. selected by himself, which will be sold at a verv moderate udvau'-e. Dl Nl'AN .McNEH.L. Nov. 10. 18.-.1. ;’.8tf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celebrated .METALLD.' RCRIAL CASES, which have been highly recomnicn led bv Willie P. Mangum, Henry t'lay. Lewis Cass, Wm. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. IRON SAEES^ t-'^'TIic sul'iscribor.s, Airt'iifs for tlio sa'e of WILDER'S PATENT S.\L.\M.VNDER S.VFES. WITH RICH'S IM PROVEM ENT, of fer them of all sizes and patterns, delivered in Wiimiiigtou at the .Maniilacturer’s New York prices. 'I hese .‘^afes are warranted cfpial if not supe rior to any others manufi.ctured. thdcrs will receivt*protnpt attention. De Ro.'^.'^ET & RROAVN. Wilmington, N, C.. March 2ti. 18,>2, ii-om i^iuiiim: m & i oi;.\bPiV. ^fafroril, CJark ^ lli\on, Mann/dt tiin ra of a// sizfit of Ifnrse l\nccrx ami Thn:s.!iinj Murliine.'f, (Jmt/i Portable ami Statiouar^,^ Wool Caniiny JI((- thiiirs, tStrair Cutfrrs of rariomt riix, Whefft Mill ami Fart or 1/ Gior, Soir ami (irist Mill Jroiix, Barh Milh, Ethje Too/x, tf r. f'c. ('c. TH'^HEY respectfully inform their custoniers M. and the public, that they continue to car ry on their l.usiuess at their Machine Shop, near .''NOW CAMP, .Alamance eoim.y. North Carolina, w hi re they are prepared to execute all work in their line with neatnes.s. punctuali ty and despatch. With an increased variety of tools and labor-s.iving machinery added to otir cstal.lislimeiit the j>:ist winter,—a well selected assortment of materials jiurchased at the low est casii prices.—workmen of known skill and ability, together with long experience in the i business.—fully justify us in spying, as to qual- j it\ a:id price, our vvurk has not. will not, and ! shall not, suffer in comparison with any other Shop in the South, i Grateful to the public for past favors, they j solicit a continuance of their jiatronage. I N. R. Please send your orders soon, as our motto is ■■first come first served.” Letters ad- dres.-ed to the siib.scriliers. at .'^now Cauip, N. C., will receive prompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXON. March lho2. 71-*;m C. W. ANDRE"WS, IkeaSer In Sloven, NEW JUST itKci;ivi;i). Tiik undersigned has just re ceived his stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, con sisting of Cloths, Cassinieres and V’eMtiiigb. Bhick, brown, green, blue and olive Cloths: white silk anl snt- in Vestings; Marseilles ditto. wdiite and cidored; Linen Drill- iiiiTs. w hite and colored; Doe skin Cassimeres; faucv do.; Drab de’Ete and IJombazincs. —ALSi>— .An assortment of READY-MADE CLOTH ING, ,S:c. Persons wishing to ptirchase any of the n- bove articles would do well to call and examine this stock. jjr#“ He still carries on the T.AILORING RCSINESS in all its branches. HCGH GRAHAM, South-west coruer of .Market Siiuare. April 17, l.s'>2. 84-;^m NEW MUSIC, g iONSISTlNG ol Songs. Polkas, Waltzes &c., 6.C. Just received. K. J. HALE & SON. April 14, Oolon; nYSON, Imperial, Young Hyson TE.A; Chocolate, .Mustard, Swe«-t Oil. For sale by March 17, 18.52. te. J. lUN: 1/ALE. 7-Itf mm m m\]\m coobs For I ffl^IIE subscriber would call the attention of JL his friends, and the jiublic iu general, to one of the largest varieties of Sjn'intr and Snmmrr (roods Ever offered by him in this market. .Among his assortment may he found:—Gentlemen s DRESS H.XTS. to-wil; Kossuth, .Voleskin, Rea ver, Silk. Lrush and .Angola, with a conifilete assortment of all other kinds of Fur and Wool Hats usually found in this market. I _A!,SO— I Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit: Panama, Rice .Straw. Pedal, China Pearl, Leghorn (Kos- IfVitif of •Jioneyt SWILL sell my SFMMFK RESJJpKXCE, two miles from the J/arket, on the x ayette- v'rlle and Western Plank Roa'.l—oiifc of the niost desirable and healthy ploces iu the county. Al.^o. -4(> Sh.tres of Fnyettev ilie and AVeetero Plank Roii(i Stock, and .»w » of Fayctte- viiie Hotel .‘•'lock. AVith the largest stock of Uoady-made CAR- I.IAGLS an«i i’.lGGlES ever oiiered in this ji'iiei'—over .‘v'.'iOoti worth—c(impb tely finishec. ,\ll of which I will seli at very rcducevl prices for «'Msh or negotiable notes. So little atn ntiou iias been pfiid t i thff CfiU laiide by me alter the fire of the 2d Juii’j*, ot* those iuilebted to me to call and settle, that I am induced to offer the above property f t re duced jirii-es to enable me to rebuild my Tarriage Estub'^ishment und couiiuue u.> busi ness with convenience. 1 shall j lacc notes in proper h.TnJi fr r collec tion, if not paid soon. I have jil! my a counts made out to the 1st .lan'v I>'.'j2. A. A. ?fci;ETITAN. J/ari h 20. 18.32. 77if J.ESSO.XS l.\ Ml’sic. IH. VHITAKEII would respectfully’ in- form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les sons on th‘ Pinno Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and l.umbly solicits a ct.iitiiiuam e of the sniiit .All pains shall be taken for the advaiicemeut of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. i’iano.-5 tuned iii.d rcp.tlred in the best manner. L. H. W lilT.AKLR .August 21, 18-jO. olif 'ro CON rUACTOKS. S'^ROl’OSA L.S will be rc(pivi'd till 1st July A next, for fiirnisning niaterials and build ing 2 Till looicd l.r:rk Stores, in llic tovi’ii ot Cheraw, one feet, the other oOxdO fe“t, each to be «iivid il by a frame partition tJ.tcud- iag from giound tloor to the roof. P>ids ni.iy be offered for the vvhoie cr sepii- ratelv for ;iny i>art, stating ll'.e time at v.hicl» tln^ contract will tie co-ti; lctcd. Pbiii'^ and .-pecilicatioi.s m:>v I'o seen on apjili - catiou to us. K\ANS iSi .Mcl\ER. JuncS, ido2. y'.'*-tlJ NEW IH)()KS. EJ»rTN.\M’S T.IBRARY, Nos. 4 and 5, being the World Here and Th« re, by Licken.'*, atid Hood's Own; (!ouiit Montc-Leone, or tLt? I Spy in Sieiety; Miss Sewell’s .Tournal of a Sum-' I mer Tour; .Memoir of Rev. W. H. HewitsonJ' I Weshy and Mi thodism. b\- Taylor; Spencer'# I Pastor's Sketches; McGuffey's Eclectic Readers/ j 1st. 2d. 81 and 4th parts; i'arkei’s Ist Lesson# in Philosophy; Mills’ Riietoiic; Pavies School Arithmetic; I'.c. Also, further supidie.s of THE Rf)STO^^ AC.Vl EMY S « ollection; t aimiiiu .'>acra; Gunn's Domestic Medicine; Humorist's Library; &c. E. J. H.ALE k SON. 11 Nl'.W liOOKS. .ALIBURTON'S Yankee Stories, illustrat ed; the A ankee Tea Party, or Boston in 177t'>; the Obi Bell of Independence, or Phila delphia in 177'i; Caniji Fires of the Revolution, or the War of Independence, illustrnted; Weld’s Dictionary of.‘Scriptural Quotations; llarbaugh’s Heavenly Recognition; Catechism of Familiar I’hings; Mathias' P,.ules of Order, for Societies, &c.; Walker s Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British F’cmale Poets; American Fe- g-.^th style) and^ Palni-leat ll.ATS, lor Gentle-I p^ets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Philadelphia as it is in 1852; ^tc. NOTR E. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased at Floral College, are re- ipiested to niake immediate payment, either to .Mr. Hugh .Mc.Xrii in the neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw, 1). B. .Mc,\RN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18oI. 6t)-tt OI.l) RYE. ~ 4N.>TI1ER lot of Doctor Williams's old Rec tified Rve Whiskev. ■j. & T. WADDILL. Minh2ii. 77-tf AND MANUl'ACTURKK OF PLAIN AND .JAPAN TI.J* n\lRE, (’np|)er. Tin Plate and Sheet Iroa Worker. IH.AVE in my employment competent work men. and am prc)>ared to do all kinds of work, either in COPPER. TIN or SHEET IP.ON. I have i>n h:uid all the necessary niaterials and machinery for making Factory Cans and meu, Youths, Boys and Infants. —ALSO— A ^ood assort ment of Boots & Shoes, for (tentlemen. Ladies. J/isses, Youths, Boys, Children, and Servants; all of which will be offered *>u very ac commodating terms for the Ready, or to those that are willing to cash their accounts when presented. JOHN C. T 110.1/SON, South-west corner J/arket Square. .Varch 20, 18')2. 77tf E. J. H.ALE & SON. April 8. T' ST.4TH OF .H. t'OLCMBUS Ct)UNTY. Drums, and to do all kinds of factory work that Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, isr>2. Neill Chancy. anl wife Elizabeth. Robert Bald win, Mary Baldwin, vf. Nancy Baldwin. James nvu.v KXIM’A'l'i'.l). TONS of HO(>P IRON, suitable for Spirit /W barrels, by E. C. HALI. of Rome. .32tf EQUn V SALi:. n’ll.L be 8oM, at the Court House Door in tin; Town of Fayetteville, on Monday ' '-li iliiy of J uly, the following valuable Real i>^. to wit: IIdij acre.s of Ijund, on the oaKt side of 'pf- ti-iir River, known as John Toler’s. Also, '■ilu.iljif Negro Boy, named Jiiu;—ujx.n a ‘ "t «;x months. **110 undivided half of a Lot in the Town ttt;\ill(>, on the corner of Hay and .Max- ■'tn ets, knoA'n as the England Lot—upoa ‘ '■'- iit .jf six Months ARCH’D A. T. SMITH, Clerk and .Master. ::o, i8.'>2. oot« Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, d^c. rBlHE sub.scriber is receiving the largest as- B sortment iu his line ever before purchased nt the North, which, together with his own man ufacture, miikes his Stock very complete, oon- .sisting of (’hair.s, Tal»lf.«, Sofas, IJeJsteads, u ash Stands, Hurcau.s, Looking (ilassc.s, Side liuiirds, Secretaries, &c. All of which w ill be sold on the lowest terms for ('ash or on short time to punctual cu«tomers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. 30, 1851, liejrivnl h ^ 1')NS of SWEDES IRON, by E. C. HALL, y thv. jirAl ri»e ItioHT, tlm 1^1801, of Pioine. K2tf WILKLNSON cV ESLER, DEALERS IN Confutiuiiart/, Foreii/n Friitf-i, N^uts, To- haao, and Simff, AND LMPORTERS OF •mjPERIOIl II.lVA^fA C’ICJARS, AT WnH-ES.\LK AND HKTAIL. Market St, Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 18")1. lltf FOR SAl.E.- C'ON. Jr'eb’y 0, 18i>2. -2(),()(K) Ihs. HA- J. i). WILLIAMS. tJ8tf UEDLCE!) I'AKE. rWlHROrGH Tickets between Wilmington. N. p C., and Baltimore. Fare5}!l!i. A’ia^^el- don, Petersburg. Richmond, and Washington Citv. or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Ollice of the Wil- miiigt(»n and Raleigh Rail Ronil ( onipaiij, at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet ('ompany. and of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. Ilr. T. II. II A.I « H, n.AS taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 1851. ^117 .M. OllRELL, FORW.iliDLNG Cll.iMllSSION .lltlilli.\.\T .IT Fayc-tlc'ille, I'* March 10, 18>')1. H2-tf liolclikiss^w Vc^rfical Water IV heel. rBj^IILRE arc several hundred of these \\ heels iu operation in different c.iunties in North ( andina. For proof of their great advantages over the common Gutter wlieel. or any other wheels nov» in for saw mills, we confidently ref» r to those who have apjilied them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly f«.r iheir superiority iu eases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels. S’ it.ible for . different heads of water, at Wilmington. New- i beru, Washington, F^dentou and Fayetteville. ! The wheels may also be had tif E. .A. Rrevard, Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells. Petersburg, Va. ! Per-soiis wishing to obtain the right to use the ! wheels, will be served on application to D. .McNeill cN: Co., Fayetteville. N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. i D. J. McALlSTEll. I Feb’y 22, 1849 ot-tf STORAGE. have commodious brick Warehouses ▼ ¥ in the rear of our Store, in which we Store cotton and otlier produce. D. & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 1, 18;')1. ii7-tf SOUTH rAiinii.v.r i.\si ihm'E cfi.iip.i.w, OF CHARLESTON, S. C, IH.ARTERED by the State of South Caroli na, with a (’apital ot .'i)2oO. XtO, all paid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks. CII.VS. EDMONUSTON, Pres’t. A. L. Tobias, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: Robfkt Makti.n. Col, J.^mf.s G.vrsnEN, M. C. Mobuko.\i, CiiAS. H. West. S. MuVVWY, Jr. llt.N'KV COBIA, can he done by any similar Estabiishment in the State. | Also. f(.r sale. Patent Factory Can lUngs, varying from 0 to 1 4 inches; l)rum Beads, ^ic. R(,)oFlN(J, Gl'TTER AND LEADER PIPES put u}> in the best tiianni r. .\lso, just received, a full su7>ply of COOK ING sTJ)Vi:s, of the most approvel patterns, some of them very large for hotel ui»d planta tion use. Always on hand a good assort ment of TIN WARE. ■ C. W. ANDREWS, South East corner Market Square. May lo, 18o2. Ol-tt^ ' si Aim cV \VILLL\MS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and, M9omef(tir Dry UoodH^ IIA1 stki:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. B. STAUR.] [.T. M. AVII.LIAMS. .April 2b, 18u2. 8otl Second Spring Sununcr Stock'. S T A R .V ~^LL1 A M S ^■*7 OULD announce to their cu.stoniers and ▼ W the public generally, that they are now receiving large additions of Staple Drt/ Gooth, Shoeif, Boots, f r., to their early Spring purchases, to which they especially invite the attention of country mer chants. (hders Solicited, and every exertion made to give satisfaction. S. & W. Fayetteville. April 28, 18o2. 80tt Baldwin, Thos. S. Memory, and wife Ra»hel. Petition fer Division of Slaves. ^prin;;^ ni&d NiiiiinK'r •L^ JB_^ COSTUME HALL, Conicr Pratt atrwt and Centre Marktt Sjiacc, BA L IIMORU. ITE largest and beat stock of RE.ADY- MADE CLOTHING ever ofiered in Bnlti- I more. Dress. Frock and Siick CO.'iTS, all co- ! lors. qualities ami sizes, from i?2 50 to 50 I and upwards. P.VNTALOONS at $1 to $.3 60 : and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy , I plain and plaid Cassimeres. \ fcSTS of every : variety at corresi>oiiding prices. Also, a large assortment of Boys' Clothing. hnporting our own Cloths dii ect from Europe, ; ami manufacturing on the most extensive scale, I enaijles us to oiler inducements to ptii-chascrs j not to be surpass d t>y any ,’lothii g Establish- I mcnt in the I'nited States The proprietors are letermine 1 to m.ike the Wlndesale Rooms the IT appearing to the satisfaction ot the Court, point of great attraction, and have now made in this case, that Janies Bahlwin. one of n.oio than i.OOO G.Ml the Ui fendaiits is not a resident of this State It is therefore Ordered, by the Court, that publi cation be made for six successive weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, for the s.'iid James Bald- 1 win to be ami a|>pear at the next Term ot this I Court to be holden for the County of Columbu^, i at the Court House in Whiteville. on the Second } Monday in August next, then and there to aii- ! svver, pleal, or demur to said petititm. or the I ' saute will be pro coitj'tsfu as to him, and heard | : accordingly. } I Witness. Thos. M. Smith, ('lerk of our said i Court, at Office in Whiteville, the second .Mon- 1 day in Mav, 1802. THOS. M. SMITH. Gerk. i00-6w TO HIRK, A SMART, ACTIVE BOY, 13 years old. Apply to n. BRANSON & SON. Apply to .Mav 18o2. 87 tf KING and A. Mc.MILLAN h.ive tered 1.^ • int^' coji^rtncrship in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have ereoled a StiR on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. 71tf A. .McMlLLAN. May 0. w E wish to buy 20.000 birrels Turp«ntine. king & Mc.MILLAN.. The subscribers having been appointed agents in this place for the above named con-pany, are prepared to receive offers and issne ^lolicies of Insurance on Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks, on liberal terms. All losses incurred at this agency, will be promptly adjusted awl paid by the uiidersignod- DeROSSET & BROWN. N. B. Risks will be taken on the livcB of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmington, N. C., March 27> 18o2.— 50 Roxes W indow Glass, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. May 87tf 10 Barrels North C’firolina Lin seed OIL, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. 87 tf May 3. 20 Barrels Blake’s Fire-prooi PAINT, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. May 3. «7tf NOTICE. r JIIIE undersigned continues to manufacture 1 Spirits Turpentine B.ARRELS. Those now on hand guage 43 to 4-3 gallons, and are made of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want ing a good .article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Barrels for the next twelve mouths made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTERLOH. March 22, IBoi.- iotf Fire Insurance. fl'IlE ..KTN.A Insurance Com})any of Hart- ford, having paid the t:ix imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its .Agency iu Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Pdicies of Insurance on Build ings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the SUte, on proper applicutiou, de- scrijition of the Property, ^ic. The -KTN A CO.Ml’.AN Y has been in operation about 80 years. Its capital is )#300,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem bers of the I’oard. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the jorudeiice of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adju.sted its E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 18-31. t^2-tf 1000 U)S. Potashes, for sale l)v s. J. hinsdalf:. ' May 3. Tsew Books—Medical, ^c. IWWEIGS’ Velpeaa’s Midwifery; Mendenhall’s 1*1 Medical St\ident’s Vade-Mecum: Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of Materia Medica and Therapeu tics, for Students: Craige’s F^lements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeaux’s Midwife ry; Hastings’ Minor Surgery; Reese’s .Am. Med ical Formulary; the Physician’s Pocket Pre scription Book; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, &c.; Morfit’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations: Beasley’s Druggist’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; Noad’s Chemical Analysis; Wythe’s Micro- scopists’ Manual; AVright’s .Am. Receipt Book; Overman’s Prtvctical Mineralogy, Assa.ving and .Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Ranking’s Half Yearly Abstract of .Medical Sciences: &c. E. J. UALii & bOS. p li.oro tiijin •) I.'Hill ij.mvMENTS, from the finest quality to the lowest in price. In the Custom Department vvill always be found the choicest .selection of CLOTHS, C.AS- SIMKRES anl \’E.‘TINGS, ■which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a tit a;w.iys gn.-irantied, jn- v->The one price system strict’.v ftdherrd to. Ri'iiiemlKT the name and place, JhsT" ('orner St. aud Centre .Market Sp,ico. II. II. COLE & CO. .August 13, 1851. l'i-yo[.J H.VRPER'S Magazine for June; The Paris Sketch Rook, by Thackeray; Gaieti«*s and (Jravities, by Horace Smith; Journey to Iceland; Cp the Rhine, by Hood—2 parts: Alison's Life of .Marlborough; Cockbum’s Life of Lord Jef frey; Horse Shoe Robinson, new edition; Marcus Warland, by .Mrs. Lee Hentz: Robertson s Charles V; The Farmer's Kucyclopoedin of .Mo dern Agriculture, by Blake; The Pesla of the Farm, by Richards*in; Horses—their Variety. Rreeling. ^ie., by ditto; Domestic Fowls, and Ornamental Poultry, by the same Author,, further supplies of Gann’s Domestic Medicine, .Vilen's Arcluleoture, School Books, &c., just received by J„i,e D). E. J. HALE SON. H.VRPER S Magazine for .May; -As good as a (.’omedy, or the Tennessean’s Story; Hue’s Travels in Tartary, Thibet aud Cliiua; Recollections of a Policeninn; Flxperiences of a Barrister: Confessiims of an Attorney; Heroines of History: ('IiHdren. their llydrt.pathic Man agement, by Dr. Shew. Also, further supplies of Family Bibles, Blank Books, Cap and Letter Papers, Sel*ojl Books, S:c. Just received by E. J. HALE A S(‘N. May 12. A(; HIC r L'F 111 AI. WORKS. T%rORTON’S Elements of Scientific Agrieul- ture; Dana on Manures: American Muck Book: Yon.itt on the Pig: Cole’s .American Fruit Book; Thomas's Fruit Cultarist; Family Kitch en Gardener, by Buist; Dana’s Muck Manual; -Albn's American Farm Book; Richardson on the Bee; Ditto on the Hog; the American R >se Culturist; -Allen’s Rural Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; John ston’s Agricultural Chemistry; Farmer’s Trea sure, by Falkner; .Miner’s Am. Bee Keeper’s .Manual: Youatt and Martin on Cattle; Fessen den’s Complete Farmer and Gardener; Wheel er’s Rural Homes; Stewart’s Stable Economy;- Hinds’ Farrier; Mason’s Farrier; kc., &c. E. J. HALE & SON April 14, 1852. CHECKS, ON' Al.L TPJ-- iiaSES IN FAY till; VILtf