We arc requested to announce .10HN J. I’HlLlPy a camlidate for the office {Shfiiff for the county of Cuuibt'ilaud, at the eiisuins election. h.no 11, lKi2. Shoes for Sale of (^osf. fJllIK snhsoriher will sell .'•00 jjair of Lndies’, Jl Misses', and Cliildreu s Shoes, Giiileio. nii) Slipi>ers at (.nst. Call while the assortment W. s. LATTA. .Iiine 1 I, 1N'>-’. : H(f>( Alitft/it I’irstflcnrr to Ucut, ! Ihv House furuiiTly occui)it‘d bj 1. Hawley, vur'^xite . (J. t'ook. till .lan'y 1st. Apply to H. MALL, or Il.M.I. ^ .SAt-'KKTT. JuMO ] 'I'lio ^ub»»rrilM*i’ rospfctliil- Iv uhuoinu'cs t*i the merchants aiul citixcns ot Favotteville. mid coinitry inorchants. that he is rnaiiutacluriu;: al tin' of ihi- "l*ijr It.i’ .i>ite II u-Miru's Hotel, superior KAZDll which he >till sell l»>s tur cash, l .l'h'ii :iro .-^viliritrd t'n'in ••■mntry ni'>r. hant>. TIm'v will he citn'ttilly jittcnded to. the it'mxIs 1 III up in iivrt !iini >|»ii iuiiii M_\ H-. and iiu'v lor- warded with pronipKn ss and dis])atch. Wy the lii.vliU.'.iCtUi i. I'. V>'. i;. VALKVTIM'. Juno n. l^-'-. i»'.i-4t-pd EDG-EWORTH LONDON PORTER. le^ CASKS Pints, “Byass’” just received and for sale by S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. May 26, 1852. DAILY EXPECTED, A GENERAL asiortnient of C O 0 P E R S | TOOLS, of the best manufucturers’ make, by Oct. Ifi, 18.')1. 1^“ST()RE, PLOUtJHS and Plough Castinps. Corn Shcll- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin- E. C. HALL, of Rome. :52tf ning Wheels. Oct. 18. 18.')K E. C. HALL, of Rome. ;}2tf •— ^ Greensborongh, K. C. fH^HK 'rwclffh yc!tr «f this Institution will jL ci'iiinience on .MtNbA^, the 2d uay ot .Vl'Gl ST next, and terminate iipon the last of Nia\ followinj;. The Mhol.isiic \oar is divided in’ Session- of five inoTiths o:tch, with a reces:? o! a few days only !it Christmas. Tlie priuriry desiirn of this Institution is to si-i ure to its pupils every facility lor the ac- quii'Uion of i >,.lid aiid uniuUK'ut.il education. The rrincijml is aided by a corps of tihle. ac- complishi'il. aii'l th' roujrlily m’.iiliricd ti'-i' h»»rs. For CiptMi'nrs and other particulars rehitive to the School api'lv to. Prof. liU'H l) STKULING. I’liucipal. Offtcj' I'. vV \\ . p. H. ('o. ) .Timr {>. IS.')*2. ^ H^OOKS of Sul'scription, tu increas* the J » capitMl st ick of this company tu !i sutVi- eient amount to build a bninch ro:id Ironi the line of this cniiip:iii\ s ruad to l>eep l>i»er. will be immediately opened at Evans's Mills, under the direction ol I ctcr (!. l^van.s. W. D. Tyson. Puncan Murchison. \Vm. Farrnw. .Ins. rainier, and I)r. C. (.'halniers. au'l iciiiain open until further notice. ’I'he friends of thewiTk will picHSe call ou the i'uniniissioncrs. and maue tiifir oubscriptinns. l>v ur lcr .it the Hoard. EltWD WINSLOW, Pres't. .Tno. M. Kosi;, t'l k. ta^ X I’ublic' Mft'iiiiir will be luld at F.vuus’s Mills, ou S:ifiU'!ay. ITtli .Tuly u''\t. in bc^iulf of this Hranch Uo.ni. w ln-. f nil iLetricnJs Hi tlie Work arc invileil to jittcnd. f.'S-hv NOTK’i:. f S^HE subscriber h.ivin>: ((Ualified as Kxecu- .1. t.>r of the h>."t will aid tc'.>t;iniflit of inifred Hodpes, dec'd. at .lune Term 1?S.'>2, of liie County Court of ('nniberland. hei-oby imti- tifs all persons indebt*d t" s;*id estate to come Itirwiird and make immediate payment: and all haviui: claims a^ain-t >aid c.-t.ite .-Tt* re'|uired present the same, duly autiunticated within tuc t’liie prescribed l>y law, cr this iiutite >';11 be pleaded in bar id' their recovery. JA.S. P. HOL)'iKS. YWr. .Uine V, li*’2. STRAW CT l'TERS. A LOT just received, aud we intend f r the acO'>mmi d iti'>n of our custoniers to keei' th'.tii coiist.intlv on hand. J. i T. WAI>r»II.L. Jiiue 10, 1S'>2. f'S-tf TOR VC^CO. ~ rfiHK subscriber contiuues to receive atid Sell, ou manufacturers' account, all grades t'l manuiactured Tvbacco. J. I'TLKV. May H], ’.'-'itf FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES ijy Tiu: \\I) RflWOKK R\!L RdUI. fB^HL PL'iiLIC are informed that the Sea- tL board and Roanoke Rail Riad Company iiave Complete.] tlicir new briil;.:e aci^ss Roantike i;i\er at Welduu, anJ are now pn.-par‘d to transport passengers and freipht fruiu Weldon » ■ Pori.'lji lUth auii N"rr.i!k. and the Northern ri'ies promptly and with di'imtrh. 1 ue t ars leaNC eid'Ui daily at o'clock, P. M.. and arrive at Port-ninuth by 7 o'clock. I’. in time to connect with one of the ^'hes.-i- peake Hay .Steamers. HKII ALI*. G l’(MiG I.V, i,r NORTH CAR(.)L1NA, for IJaltimore. and arrive •»T Baltimore early next mirninr. in time to -iiiinocr with tlie mornitiir train that leaves for i iiiiadeipiiiu aiiu Ne'v V'^ik. By this comfortable and ii^^revable route, rais' n_-ers leavin;.: U liinini't.m in the uiorninfr f.”nin. will itrrive oai'iv the m-vt mnrninj; at lialtimore, and reach .New Vurk the same e\en- inp. without loss of s!,.-p. and with but one elianjre ol person and bajr-aj>e bi twet-n We'.di'U and lialtimore, and avoid cntiri'ly ni^iit tr.avel- linp on Rail Roads. To n-ndvr this route orfhj- of the trave'lin;r pnlilii*. the cunipany have emph>y»-ii CHrefiit and responsible bafrgajre ajrents, WHO uiicck ail ba^^a;:e at Weiilon throuifh tu lialtimore. consequently the travel ler L.ia no fiirlli'M’ trouble with liio baggage ufitil he reaidi«s Haitiiu-.re. '1 he Chesapeake Hay Steamers also stop at OLD Point, to land and rei‘ei*e P.vssenpers, and I’assenpers who leave W eldon at '6), o clock, 1’. M., arrive at Old Point the same evening. -\n airangement has been entered into, by the different Kail llo.id and .Steamboat Compan ies. by which the same Through Ticket issued at Charleston, will leave it optionary witii the traveller to take either route at Weldon. -Vn accommodation train leaves Weldon everj' Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-iay mornings for Portsmouth, Norfolk, and OLD POINT COM FORT. Passengers by either train for Old Point, will reach Old Point the same evenin;^. tor THROLGH TICKETS to lialtimore and New York, and any other information desired, imjuire ol the Agent at Weldon. E. N. PETERSON, Apent. Office Seaboard & 11. H. R. C*., ) f,~ „ Weldon, N. May 28th, lbo2. ( S[)rin^ Goods—1852. JAMI-:S KYLE i.'^' .vow rtKrr,ivi.Ni Anoi r 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, All of wli'ich being purchased for CASH, will be offered at very reduced pric.js for cash, or on time to punctual cu.stomers, either by whole sale or retail. (Moths from No. 1 to 10, of ihe best lliai is iiianul’aeturcd. March 22, 18.")2. 7otf Plants in Bloom. IH.VVE a dozen varieties of tiew V EUHEN.A.S, of nil colors,—pure wh tc, deep crim.son, f'riped, ic.; thirty varieties of the ROSE, l>!ooiiiin". Pei’sons wishing to make selections are invitei to call and see them. They will be ready for delivery in the course of the summer and fall. 'Irtiiy curious aud beautiful plunts are con stantly coming into bloom. 0. LL'TTER1/)H. Rowan Street. P. iS. P'Tsous wishinj; Strawberries in any •juantity should j;ive notice the day before they or*“ wanted. On the ipvminds, o(j ,.^5 p(>i> quart. When oeut out, o,- .. .May 17. 91.tf ('OrrON YARNS for sale by the bale, at Foctorv prices, by .■i'lARit i WILLIAM.S .■'larcii 10, lbo2. 7Utf A C ARD. 1IHE return of low water renders it noces- ’ sarv that the Steamer Chatham should be ; employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore ; run as heretofore, ou any re^jiilar ilays, until I furiher notice. ^ JNO. l>. AVILLIAMS, Ag’t | Cape Fear S. IV Co. May 12. IHVJ. _ ‘M)-tf 'r/ifit rOlJSII! how It Shines! ! 10,000 ISo\(v« »ol«l williiii the ia»>t nine A .1. W001)WAK1> returns his thanks to! • the public for the unprocctlontcd en- ^ cour i?ement he has met with in the manufac ture ami sale of his celebrated P(»LISH, and at ; the same time wishes it understoofl tl.at he al- W;Ms keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. Experience has jirovod th.at this Polish is un- ■ surpassed f r quickness in puttiM^ a siloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Persons wisliiiifr to oil their boot.s can use this Polish with e«iual success immediately at- te»-wards; the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it dries. This Polish can be found at the store under the Carolinian Priutinji Otliee. Fa\etteville. Feb. 21, t'xtf 'ro I'lii: lu iiTJc. J rH^IlE sub'ii'riber has leased for n term of B. years, of H. W. Hrown. Esq.. his fire-proof Store, with his Wharves, jind is now in a condi tion to take especi.il care of Spirits Turpentine and other Nuva! Stores comiuitted to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and safest [dace in town fi»r the storage of Bacon, L;;rd. I'oru. Peas. ici'. The lower wharves have on them four larj;e new sheds, where Spirits can . be .safely kept from the rain ami sun. He is ' prepared to receive and suii.. or sell, all kinds of pr-duce scut to h'.s carc. Ho will also make advances when remiired. He b;\i:« to refer to the fMlowinr "entleTuen: It. W. I’lrown. .lohfi P.awson. t>. G. Parsley and Thos. 11. VN ri^ut. Ls'js. MILES COSTIN. P.rowii's whai'i', Wiluiington, N. C. Sept. 12. l.x'il. 21-V IIROTIIilliX LI\K. ^t*‘auier I’ROTll EH.S, an^l Tow Ro.-its HL Stevenson. I'avid I.ewis. and .lantes t'as- siilay, are prepared to forward with >lcspatch all goods consigned to the Proprietor. The Steamer Drot.urs is ot light draught, and well suited to run in /)ic i.-a.'-r. She pos sesses pntrfr and «■ — and is adiuirahly ada'it- ed to loifiti'/, and c.vn accommodate about 20 passengers. The Projirietor contemplates runninor the I?oat himself, and will give special attention to Way freight and n.ival stores: to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Pas.engers. From his long experience as Agent in Wilminsrton of the several Ste.-imboat Companies, he thinks iie can give satisfaction. To Mfrchants in tlie interior he wo«»ld s.ay, that all tiooiis shipped by him. wiil be deliv ered to their Agent-? in Fayetteville. His Agent in Wilmington is DAVIU ll.V.N'KS. to whom all communiiMtions may be ad Irc'scd, as Agei.t of the Steamer Brothers. John r..VNKS, Proprietor. AVilmington. Feb. 4. 1^>.'>2. ‘'intf tLl. those indebted to the subscriber will find their accounts matle out by c:illing at the Founilry which will please be settled as early as convenient. 11. G H.ALL. i March •>. ! E. C. HALL, ' OF ItOMK, Snccejsitor oj' /laft, Sitc/c^K tf' Co., IS now receiving his Fall STOCK of GOODS, consisting of u general assortmetit of Dry (.loods, Saddlery, I (ats, C'aps, Shoes, Hardware, (Jrocenos. ■\ uiuch larger and more general stock than ever opened on the East side of the Cape Fear —which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctual customers, either at w hidesale or retail, at greatly rt'duced prices. wduldcall particular attention to his stock of Boors AN1> SHOE.S. The assortment is unusu.ally large, and of every (juality an>.l style; and having been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish Bargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. Always on hand, a general stock of GROCE RIES. Oct. 18, 1S.-)1. 32tf iM'.W i()()l>S. m M/" E are now reeeivitip a very large and ▼ W v.ell selected stock of SPUING Gt.*tJl>S, consisting of a full assortment of Fane If X Si a pie Among which may be fotind the latt'st and most fashionable st;les of Ladies’ and Gentlemen's HKESS GOODS, liats, Cap.«, Hoimot.'s, lloady-mailo ('lutli- iii;;, llanlw.iro, (rriK-erio*', Dnifr'aiut 3K’dieiiifs, S.ultiU*ry, ('roikery, and (Jlassware. .V large and well selected stock of Hoots and Slinos, .and I>adips’ anl (Jciitlo- intMi’s (Jaiters, (vt'ry tine.) SALT, IKON, MOLAS.-'i:. and NAILS. We intend selling as ehe.np as we can. find would be glad if our fricmls and the jiublic would call aud examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL it CAIN. March 21, lSo2. 7i»tf NKW ROOKS. Qri'F.t'IiV. by the author of the W'ide. NN ide World: Komanism at Home, by Kir- wan; the Farmer's Dictionary, by 1». 1*. (Jarl- n..‘r, M. D.; the Wide. ide \VorId; &c., vVc. Just received. E. J. HALE A: SON. May 22, 1S.'.2, NEW GOODS. fUST received, my Fall supply of CLOTHS, C.\SSIMERES AND VESTINGS, TRl.Vl- ^IlNGS, &0., of the best quality, from New York. Also, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. I still continue to carry on the , TAILORING BUSINESS, nt my Stand on Hay ' street, aud those who may favtir me with their j custiMu maA- rely on having their work done in a neat and faahiouable style, and on the most favorable terms. I ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. i Oct. 27, 18ol. 8-ltf j FAVEn'EVll,l.K I'O.NFECTIO.NERY.; CHARLES BANKS, j I Coitferlioiter^ j INFORMS the public, that he has refitted his Fstablishment on (ireen Street, and has on , hand a fresh supply of CANDIES, manufactured by himself out of the best Loaf Sugar, and war ranted fr»*e from starch, tiour, piiste, and perni cious paints. His whole time and attention is now devoted to making (?andy, and he is pre- paicd to supply all orders with ('andies equal to any made in the United States. These Can- tlica he warrants to keep in an}’ climate; and ho will sell to Town or Country merchaiils, as che.ap a? good and pure Candy can be purchase*! in New York or elsewhere. Fayetteville. Oct. 28, IHol. IS-l-tf | NOTICE. T/IE Partnership heret^fcre existing in Lumberton, between the undersigned, is this day dis.solved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the lirm will please call on G. \N. McKay, at Lumberton, who is authorized to settle the concern. JOHN A. HOWLAND. GILBERT W. McKAY. Lumberton. Feb. 25, 1852. •f^tf roB vrc'o. M E have a lot ot j>nmt c>mmon Tobacco, ▼ W which we will sell by the box very cheap. J. .v t. WADDILL. ' May 20. lS.j2. ‘.'4-tf MRS. \VA[/rON, ^lantun-Mdkcr and .Mil I incry Ila.s just rccri\ ed a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer K> and expects to receive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them t-S cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the mar ket. She exiiects daily a new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Lacu Shawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. ,\lso Dress aud Sacque Patterns of the latest style. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. aud cuntry customers may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March «0, l.>'.)2. 7.'-tf Noricil PERSONS iiidebted to us by Bond or P.ook acciunt due previous to Jan'y 1, 1>'">1, must settle or we will make settlements by leg.-il process. J. .S: T. W.ADdIlL. ■ ■(IP MARNLVN’S llOTEr., FA VK I'TKVILLE, C. fH^HE .'subscriber, having taken the large JL Hotel, fortnerly known as the Pliinter’s Hotel, situateil at the loot of Hay .Mount. Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. C-. respectftilly inf^irms his friends and the public that he is now en- gage«l in rctitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, aud is pre- fiared to accommfidate the travelling public.— Ha\iug had some exjierience in the business in the town of Pittsborough, N. C., he flatters liiniself that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their compa ny. His roon.o are large anl airy. He has large and conveuient Stables, aud a good and faitliful Ostler. JOHN IIAKMAN. Feb'y 17, 18')2. OOtf SPJlli\cr stockT rgliiE undersigned are now receiving their -M. SPRING STOCK, consisting of DRY CiOODS, II AUDWAKK. /#«/«, Caps^ and Shoes, All of which will be bold low to punctual cus tomers .'IS liereKifore. Merchants and others will do well to xam- ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL & SACKETT. March 11, 18.'>2. 72tf m:\v firm. raiHE undersigned have entered into copart- JL uership, under the name and style of Ijnnrc'ncc & Troy, For the pur|)ose of doing a general Mercantile and Barter business. W e have taken the Store, No. 10 GREEN STREET, formerly occupied by Messrs. John liuske & Son. GEO. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN li. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22, 1851. 3Gtf IH.W'E just receivel from New York, my FALL AND WINTER Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Grorpries, Hardware, (’utlfry, U. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kiud of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, IBoO. 4atr L^dfjcltiHofcL FAViyPTKVlLLi:. N. C\ rB'^HIS large and splendi4 lUiiiding has now -M- been ill successful opvr.ition s'.nee M.ay IHP.t. The Bedding and Furniture oJ all kinds is new. and the rooms cnNeniint and pleasant. The Tati’e is always furnished with the best the market ati'orus, aided by u tine regetablc garden. P>oar lers, lAMlgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations aud attenti\e servants. No , •ains will be sj>ared to give entire satisfac tion. Families cau be furnished with large, airy, front double roonts, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An exjjeriencc >f 20 years will enable the les see, she h‘'p s, to give general satisfaction. ANN BROWN. June 1, is30. 2s-tf FatfettcviUc Hrancii (LQTiii.M; i:xT{iiu?iii.)i!:.\T. J. !?l. White A: I'liderhill, Dr(fjni!>, Tuitois, uml ]\hiittsa(e aud lie- fait (.'f)t(hit r., 110 William Street, New York, .V N 11 Person “tri'et, (next door to Bank of Cape Fenr,) F.VYLTTEVll.LE, N. C. 'Q would beg leave to inlorm the citizens T W of F'ayetteville and vicinity, that we have just receivt'd our supply of .SI'j'. 1 ,N(; AND SU.NIMER (ii>ODS, which comprises a genera' assortment of Ri:ADY-MADi: CLOTIILVG. Which will lie found worthy the atten'.i'iu oi’ ‘ purchasers. Our assortment consists in jiart ot I the following: i Ct>.Vl'S.—Black and col'd cloth Dres.s, Frock I and Sack Coats, all ({ualities; black and colored Cashmeret ditto; French and Euglisii Draji D’- Ete ditto; Queen’s-cloth and .\lpaca ditto; Fan cy Coats of mottled t'rasse anil Tweeds; Ken tucky Jeans; Linen and Cotton Ginghams: Bro., buff and white Linens; white grass-cloth Sacks, iVc. of all qualities. P.\NTS—Of black .and col'il Cassimere; fancy single-mill'd ilitto; French and English Drap D’Ete ditto; white and col'il Drill ditto; Ken tucky Jeans ditto; Imlia aud French Nankeen ditto. (S:c. ' \'E.STS—f)f bl.ack Satin. Bombazine, .Alpaca, black and col’d Silks; w hite and col’d .NIarseilles ditto; brow n and jiadded Linen, plain anl tig'd; Nankeen, Buff, Grass-cloth, kc. All of which are ottered for sale as low us can be liought in the New Y'ork market, at wholesale aud retail. In addition to the above, we shall keep ou baud a general assortment »>f Shirts. Drawers, CollarS; Cravats, Hosiery, iVe. Also, Cl*ths, Cassimeres. aud Vestings. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT will be continued as before, and .all t>rders for fine Cloth ing will be executed in the most fashionable style. A. C. H.VRT, Agent. April 8, 1852. 80tf Only lliirnt osit in Pari. A. A. .MrKI’/rilAX S'TIl.L continues to c:irry on the C.\RHl.\i!^ BUSINES.s ill all its branches, at the re mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty I’oint He returns thanks for the liberal patronage h** has heretofore received, and h.>pes by strict at- tcnfiiiii to business and :i ilesire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept th«‘ greater portion of his Tim bers at a dist.ince from the manuTat tory, lie has on liand :i large and well selected lot of tho- roughlv st'asoned limber, of every description used in liis business, w iiicli enables liiu) to retain all his principal workmen. He is theref uc now j'reparcd to do any woik in his line in the very best style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the s.inic quality iu .N. C. He has on hand, completely tinishcJ, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; I' III ekaways, atid lo Buggies. .\ls.i, near'iV finished, III Carri.-iges for 2 horses; 2l> I'arouches for 1 aud 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. aud -O lUiggies: .\11 of which :ire of the most apjiro\ed plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the U. Stat*' for ni atTiess and d’lrability. Having been engaged in the above business for the I'asi 2tl ye.irs. his Work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its dur.ibility. 8^“" Ai.t. work warraiifid f >r 12 ni'MUh«, and repaired free of charge should it tail by bad workn'auship or material, within that time. Hn- AIKINC executed al siu rt notice, and i>n reasonable teiuis. Jau'y 2'>. l.''.">2. oO Livery Stable Bus'ness. fHlHE subscrilier intends carrying on the .M. alKtve busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will l«e uble to accom modate the j'ublic. Thankful for p.»st fa\ors. Ik* solicits a continuance. J. W. POWERS. Jan’y 20, IS.'2. ;'.Stf A. H. vvnrrFjHLD, I (’oacli and light f'arriage Mamitacturcr, WOUI^D respectfully inform the public that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal fiatronage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a sti'ict attention to busiuess, and a desire to please all and give general sat isfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrjiuts all his work to be m.adc of the best material and by experienceil workmen; and shouhi any of it fail in twelve mouths (with fair usage) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, wotild do well to call I and examine his work before purchasing, as it ' cannot be surpn.^sed for style, elegance, and durability. He is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thaukfully received aud promptly at tended to. REPAIRING neatly executed at short notice anI lowest pofesible prices. Fayetteville, Feb. i, 1652. Cltf iUJii iiitTi w illiU llUUUl fS^HF- subscribers arc now receiving from a N. York, a large and general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Gooduy G llOCl-:il IKS, 11A III ) W A KE, Huts and Caps, Boots atid Shoes. Among which are: Cofll'ee, Sugar, Cotton Bagging, Bale Rope, Nails. Window Glass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack aud Alum Salt, Imperial and Black Teas, Pepper, Alspice, Ginger, Powder, Skot, Bar Lead, B.ar aud Fajicy Soap. Together with a great variety of other nrti- clcs. to which they invite the attention of tlie public, and which they arc determined to sell us low for C.ash, or ou time to those who Jiay promptly, as any house in the Souliurii couniry. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Gooiis. .McLEAN JONES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, 1&-»1. 4«tf Jl s r RK(’i-:i\ i-:d, BI’.LS. CRUSHED SUGAR. lbs. Wayne rounty Bacon. 15 bbls. Lard, No. 1. »»4 hnyes prime Tobacco. 4(1 bbls. .Mackerel. At Cross Creek Co. C. BEN BOW, Prc.s’t. March 1. 1852. 0;Kf Ri eeieed on ConM^/nnc j/t. A ND for sale cheap, 50 bbls. W III.''’KEV. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. .May 4, 1852. 8‘-'tf SPORT^^EW WANTED. The Subf5cril>er has now one of the most exteoBive and best assorted stocks Double and Single SHOT GUNS, PlSTt)LS of the most superior quality,—Colt’s Repeating and Allen’s Revolving, of every quality,—Pow der f’lasks. Shot and G:ime Bags, Percussion ('nps of English and French make. Also, the most complete assortment of Gun fixtures that h.as ever been ofi'ered in this section of couiitry. •\lso. Shot (juns, Rilles and Pistols made to order or repaired. Rifles made to order, ,nnd warranted to slioot from ine to five hundred yards. Air Guns niiide to order at short nfl:ce. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respectfully invited. M. A. BAKER, ^iffn of thf (j'lii. Hay street, nearly ojiposite the Marble 'Yard. Fayetteville, N. C., (.)ct. fi, 1851. 28tf ~ DAILY KXPK(;ri:D. 4GENEHAL ASSORT.MENT of HOLLOW W.\RF', by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, lJ-5r. :52tf .\r€*y, X *o. nVVE one piece extra tine 7-4 black French t'LOTH. to which they would call the nttenticu of the public. Oct. 15, 1851. C2tf Frire of* ndvaiicoiL 'B^Ell.'*t).NS who have maile c>ntr icts with .1. JL F. Jordan vV t'o. for furnishing R.VG.S, are her«>iy informed, that we will pay cents per lb. on all I’otton Rags. Rope and Bagging, delivered to us aftjr this date. II. BUANSON \ St)N. March 11. 1852. 72tf ROOK lUNDKRV. RW'. H.VRDIE has resumed the Book • Binding lUisiness at the new Store next door lo .Mr. Bensley. Jewelier. where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. iH’tf ~SIM{L\(; AND SIMMKR iiooiys. AREY, SHEMWELL & CO. A RE now receiving ilireet I'rom New \ ork ..‘m. aud Philadelphia, a complete aisurtment of A\I> SI comprising every artii le usually kejit in a Dry Goods Store, among w hich may lie found; Ladies' and iientlemeti's Dress (Joods. of the very best material, and the latest fashions.— Such a variety will be 'too tedious to mention.’ We have the handsomest Crape and Berage Shawls we have ever offered in this market; and we would call tlie attention of the ladies par ticularly to our very handsome stock of V'e- zltcs, .ifaiititlas. Parasols, and fans. —ALSt) — Thin Embroideries; Lace and Muslin C.apes; Chimizets; Unilersleeves; Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs; Emb'd S.Mcks; Infants’ Waistu and Caps; CuH's and Colliirs. We would also direct the attention of the la dies to our stock of BONNETS, of the latest styles of .Silk, Crajie and .''traw. W e would not forget to mention our stock of Boots aud Shoes, for ladies, gentlemen and children. Together with their usual stock of Stajde (fOods. consist ing in part of Damask Table Cloths, and Nap kins; Linen atid (,’otton .Sheetings; F^nglisli, ' French, and .Vuierican Prints; brown and bl’ch’d , Domestics; Marseilles aud (?rass Skirts; Mar- ' seilles Quilts, of the best quality, &c. I IIAI>. Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn, Kossuth, and I Palm-kaf; and a variety of other Goods. I To the above stock we would respeetfullv iu- 1 vite the attention of the citizens of Fayetteville .Tud the surrounding country. Ami would take this method of returning thanks to the public ' generally for the very liberal p.atronage hereto fore bestowed on us; and wouM .say, give us a call before buying, as we arc determined not to be undersold by a>iy. We keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of Ingrain and Brussels t.'arpeting; Sugar aud Coffee, Tea, &c. i S. S. ARFY. I P. SHEMWELL. i J. R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, March 26, 18.52. 77tf FOR SALF, AT 4^ B.\GS white Corn Meal, 100 lbs. in a wM%W Bag, a fine article for family use. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May 4, 1852. 88tf ^^TAGE leaves WARS.VW' daily on the ar- rival of the cars, say 10 o’clock a. m., aud arrives in Fayetteville at 0 p. m. McKINNON 4- McNEILL. April 12, 1852. 81tf Wilmington and Ooldsborough papers copy uuiil forbid. \VA.\ ri'j). BAltUELS of TUBPEN- ^ * I. * P I “ 1P TLN E. f'.r Di.stillery at the Plank Road Bridge on I’.ig Rockfish. The best market price w ill be paid. For further inf\inii- ation. inquire f John W. .Murphy, at the Bridge, or of -V. McKetlian, Favetteville. Dec. 18, 1>'51. * 4r*tf 3Iari>l' l"j;c*torv. D. \ W. McLAURIN. T'.'tf Feb. 1. 1851. O 4 tf A PROCLAMATION, Nut Excdlenry DaVII. S Keiii’ eruor of the Statr nf XortH Whkreas, three-fifths of the w}i„u of members of each House of the (’ '‘"’“'"r My did at the last session pu.s AX ACT to aniv.nd the (.Wtitnt- Nm-th Candi.ia. ‘^tution of WuEKKAs, The treehold qualifin.iion quired for the electors for members , f "«■ ale confiiots with the lundament il i libcrty; Therefore, ' ^ *'^'l'les of Skc. 1. Jie if enacted }>y the / vf the Slote of Xo,lh enacted I,;/ the aitlhorit;i of the ta,„^ -! " '"•'■' -y of the w hole number of membti.s HMRKR! LTMRKR!! UJ E have our Steam S.aw Mill in success ful operation. 8 miles from Fa> ette\ille. near the Raleigh Stage Road, and are prepared to execute orders in our line. As we run two Roliiri) or Circular we can fill bills at the shurtest notice. We can furnish Pine, Popl.ar anil .Juniper LLMBER, and of almost any length. tUir Lumber, for truthfulness of line and smoothness of face, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. JONES & BARBI E. March oO, 1852. 78tf NOTK'i:. ^^ H E partnership heretofore existing under Jl the name of J. If. & R. F. Murphy is this day dissolved by mutual consent. •All those indebted to the firm, by note or account, are requested to call at R. F. Mur phy s, and settle before the 15th of February next, and thereby save cost. And those having claims against the firm arc requested to present them immediately. J. AV. MURPHY. R. F. MURPHY. Jan’y 26, 1852. (;Otf concurring, that the second clause tion of the first Article of the ana n i '"W- tution ratified by the j eojile ,f , ^-^'‘.sti- oti the second Monday of N(,v. “’'''‘'iia »• "'■■'"■'"I "Tj ' ‘ und po.s.scssed of a freehold w ithii, ? . district of fifty acres of l.i,„l f,,. ':s tw>vt nftil 11 tlx. 1 Ulonit next before and at the ihiy f'f ele r V, “‘''“’i s the s.aid clause of said .'■eetif.n lows: All free white men of ■ ' *''' '*■"4; a -v^ i?y laVdich. Twii iHiiiiis \iiiin: iiiii;ii s siivs sthre, F:i velff*v ill , ."V. 1^. Jau'y 20. IS,',/. 55-1 Ypd Ncvric’F. HE und''rsi"ued having formed a C.ip.irt- I uership under the st'de of.IOHN B\NKS BBOi'Hl'^B. for carrying on a (,'OM.'^1L'‘SI0N and FoKNV RI)1NG N ES.S. all gocKls f.jnei to tlifiu. ol- ordered. i«r produce sent for sale, will l.e promptly attended to. JOHN BANKS. DAVID P.ANKS. Wilmington, I'cb. 2, 1852. 6:'tf COODS." are now receiving onr usual stock of ¥¥ >TAPLE AND FANCY U O O l> S. R(>otN„ Roiiiic*t, Ac., Which l*eing bojight late in the season, .most of them at a consiilerable decline in j rict. ■ w e are now j>rep:ired to sell them very low. Please call and examine. April 5, 1852. (’O'l’rON YARNS. E nre always prepared to furni-h COT- ▼ w Ton Y.VR.XS by the bale, at F'actory prices. J. Ac T. W'ADDILL. April 14, 1852. 82tf l^iK'ontli*' old .'\ortli AUF.V. .'^UEMWKI.L \ Co. h.ivc just re ceived a splendid assortment of Sntm Caf>i- inrre, black aiul grey, t) which they would call the attention of the jmblic. These goods will compi-te in quality aiid durability with the best of Ntirthern 'a'sinieres. and are much che.-iper, ranging from (»2i cents to $1 25 per yard. Fayetteville, N. l>ct. 14. 1851. oOtf T.C. WORTH, cinniissKiN .4VD fiir\v\rdim: mercii.ut. WILMINGTON, N. C. Spirits of 'Vurpentine wanted. rj>0 persons having Spirits Turpentine to i sell, we are in the market to buy; or we will receive aud ship to any market (lie owtter may desire, and make liberal advances on con signment. COOK & TAYLOR. _^May 6, 1852. bbtf Worth Carolina Kerseys. ARK^ . SHE.MWELL iS; CO. have .iust re- ci'ived a large lot of “Salem Kerseys,” known to all of our Planters as the best goods for negroes that are offered in this market.— Those who have been waiting, had better come and get supplied, as they are going off rapidly. Fayetteville, Dec. 15, 1851. 48-tf I 'N. B. STARBUCl^ ~ Troy, .^Vir I'or.V, IRON FOUNDER ANJ) MACHINIST, JiItiiiu far(tir>'roJ Steam il/s iiin/ i MHi Gt arintj of all kinds, riotttjhg, dr. The undersigned, as the Agent of the above Establishment, will order any articles j which may be wanted, on application to him. I '^he Steam Mills manufactured tiy .Mr. Star- buc\ have been tested, and are highly Jipproved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. ' EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. LBS. W'DOL wanted, t)y II. BRANSON & SON. 88tf so.ooo May 6, 1852. Tilii CliU'lDRlTED Bll'h I’lTt.NT COOK IA (i STOVi:, is for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville: in Raleigh at his Shop on F'ay- ettevilie Street, and in Fa\etteville at Mr. A. M. Campbell s. The .Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from pundiasiug any of thc.'^e Stoves from any jierson either in or out of North (’arolina, ex cept froui himself or his duly authorized .\geiits. He has purchased the exclusive right to vend thi.s Stove within the Sta'e. and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. JOSEPH AVOLTERING. Ualeigli, April U', 1851. 68^tf lOO.OOO .\crcs Valuable T 1 M B K \l L A N I) S FOR SALE. rj^HE Subscriber has purchased :ill the Lands .fl belonging to the Estate of Abi'am Dubois, dv'c’d. lying principally in Robe.son county, and on both sides of Lumb.r River, the dilf-rent sur veys Containing Ov(‘i* 100,000 A( T(‘s; \ large j'art finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a large juautity of Tim ber is now rafiel to the ietirgetown market. Thesp L.'inds are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which jmrpose a large part is well suited, being in a regi«.in where the Tuj-pentine vields more jibundantly tluin any other section of the .State. The Lands will be sold :it a low price, and in quantities to suit puirhascr.-?. Information respecting the title csin be ob tained by appl\ing to the Hon. Robert .Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dolibin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (.Vttorneys at Law.) I understand there are niany trespasser."! on these Lamls, to all of w fioni justice is hercViy given, Uiat the law will be enforced against all such oflfciiders. Application f«ir any part of the Lands c:’.n be made to ni_v =«elf. or to John VN iuj»i(nv. Escp. who is duly autiioiised to make sale of the sam*'. THOS. J. CUHTIS. F'ayetteville, N. C.. Sept. 1, 1845. 76tf Rl’/rTON'S SHIRT i:st.u{usii.mi:m. 171* Market Stnrt, ESAI/l'I.nOKF. riMIE largest ami only i Manufacturing Whole sale I'stHblishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to offer to Country Mcrehauts and Deal ers in .SHlin’S, Ct»LL.\RS. LINEN and Cl>T- TON 1)RA^\ LB.s, great indueements—more than usual efforts h.aving been made to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assorted f«>r .^!en and Boys. All orders from the Country attended to with punctuality and despatch. Remember the Name, and .\€>. 179 .TIarkfl T. W . LI'.TTON. August 15, 1851. 14-yopd W 1IOLK5SALI: Walcli and Jt*wt*Irv Store* 1.. IL MILLLR ^ ('().. r., Monntuf'tvrcrti funi ra ot' II Jvictlry, and f'onct/ (loods, H.;vc leased the Old Stand f'lrmerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield. I^.'otlier \ t'o.. South h'nrt center i t' t'hiirleg iind /liltiniure ftr-fff. (No. 227. i which they are putting in ci injdete oriier for the WHOLESALE W .VTi.'il AND JEW KLRY BUSINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the tr:*do to the new concern, we mention the fact that we lire associated with one of the most extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the cotin- try. which must give a dccidid advantage over all others in this market for suppl\ing leiilcrs with Jew elry at manufacturers' jirices. a feature in this branch of trade long since needed -be tween Baltimore and the Southern and Western Merchants. e ilesire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will nt all times be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers. :inl kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers m.-iv at once take them, with a wriiten guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive the especial attention (d'one of the firm, w hose ex tensive and jiractical knowledge of the business will, we hope, give us a place in the confidence of buyei.->. We resi.ectfully invite you to call upon >is when you next visit our city, confidentlv be lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil prove to you that they arc better styles i,nd cheaper than you have ever seen in this niarLet, and assure you that no efl'ort .shall be wai ting on our part to make the ac(|uaintance one of mutual benefit. L. II. MILLER & CO. (,>ld stand, formerly occupied by (Canfield, Bro. \ Co., S. E. cor ner of tMuirles i5c Haltinuire sts. Raltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock & Co. Gwyn, Reid & Taylor. James Hodges & Brother. ^ Hurst & Berry. Murdoch, Ducr & Evatis. Stelhnann & Hinrichs. Sangston \ Co. Bart blow, (iwyn & Co. I Riely & Pendleton. i Cushings Bailey. John Alurjihy & Co. j Moore & (Jriflin. LIFK INSFrVnc K. ^I^IIE I ndersigned has been npr>ointeii Agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu- r.'ince (’ompaiiy. Every member for life partic ipates in the profits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membershin, where it amounts to !j!oO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. | l>ebtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidlv growing into favor, nil over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, nuvv' be pro vided fir, after the death of its hcail, on whose exer’.ions they may have been dependent for a Rup}iort. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanat4»ry pamphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on npidication. K. J. HALE. j ' Fayetteville, June 1850. 72 i one ye.irs (exc. pt as „ ' V who have been inhabitants wiihin the Slate twelve li.ont'!"'- l.receding the dav of anv .V-,- “‘""‘•'‘"•telv have paid public taxes. sLdl be lor a member ol the Senate Sec. 2. AV ,t j, trnor of tiie SlaU- bo, and 1... i > i to issue his Pr..clamati.,„ to ih.V-op'iV Carolina, at least -''''tli election for meinbt;rs of the Ccnci- " til'I I setting forlii the purp-n'^r • n l''r' amendment of the ('onstitntio;, iH.r,;,. ' ‘ which P_roclaU..aion ihall b.. ace.jn,,;3’'^';'*; true and p.-rfeet cpv of il„. .'i, '' » by the certificate of the Secretar’v of s', both the Proclamation and the c/.i.v ,! ' the Governor of the State shall ea„V. tr,r '^','' lished in ail the n -wspapers . f ti,;.. s, ' posted in the Court Houses of th^ ' Counties in this State, al least .v;;" fi re the eh'ction of uieniber-j t., tL eral Assembly. * Read three times and r-vf-p.] },, fifths of the wiioie nunii>er ol na.iji.p ' House respecti\ely, and ratii;, J sembly, this the 24th day of Jaimnrv Is'm J. C\ 1M!1;ii'n-s o' N. E1.\vau;,s.": V StatK o^\oKTH(■^K.„,^, . OjftCe ;/ .V. ■ rr I.,, , s ■ 1 V.'ii.i tAM Hill, Seciciarv ot' for the State of North rol:’r..i. la-i'•*' ' tify that the f(^re oing i., true copy d'an Act of the (.leneral .\"i n,!, v ■ ! ' St.ite. dra.vn oli irou tii^.' or,^ii,;,; iHice. tliven iiiider my h.iuu, tL.? ilist ' . Dcceiuber, iS51. ■ ' WM. IlII.L. y And Whkhkas. the said \i-t it , mending the Coosiituiion 1 tl." \ Carolina be as to confer on evcl v v • for the House of Ci>imin.iii.^ the So for the Sen.ite: Now. therefore, to the en'l t!.at it mr,- . made known that if the a;i.iciail aniUiM;-!t to the -on.stitution shall be agriA'l lo 1-. tu - thirds of the whole represei.t;.'.i. n in t-iicl: of the nest (ieiieral .\ssenibly, it will ji i. r,e submitted to the people- for r.iti‘ic.,ticn. 1 ^ issued this my Pr M-’aination in cni.t',,ni;;;v v the provisions of the befur- recited .\ft. ’ In testimony whereof. 1>.a\iii S. Ukiii. i,,x- ernor of the State of North t'ai o'.in;i, IkiiL l:er»- unto set his haini .-ind caused tlu Irctt •' the said State tcp be "fTixed. Done at tiie l ity if 111’.-'pl. ( J ^ t thirty-fiist day ;if lifcoini.er. ii. ri.c ( ‘ J year of our Lord one tll'lu^:ln■i t;::i; —liuii'lred and fi::y-oiic. ..nd in tl.i-7 year of our Iiidepeudence. DAVIU .s. ilEli', ]>y the Governor, Tiio.mas Settlk. Jr.. Private .ci'v. Persons into whose han!s xh\~ rr-i'\,;;;ir: n may fall, will please see that a c : i : ,i ;* iMisted up in the Court llou-e of t: ■'■..ac tive counties. ■ .‘.4 tF. DR. LITTLE'S T('NIC I’dTTl.U' VEGETABLi: TILLS For the cure of Dys;te|>si,-i. nr lii'i';.;’' n. ir. all its complicated forms: Jauii iN-r. and Loss of Apj.elite when not Li-- bility. after an iittack of ch:l!? ani .ftr, r bilious fever, and to M-event a nv:).?*;; I'a!) ii.i- tion of the Heart. frcf|uent attack' i.i tln-lK-.i I- aclie. Nervous Lbscases. deliiitv of :i i- vanced in life. Nightsweats. i Ufr«. .Uii lii i i- Icnt Sores, j.-articularly on tie.' !e;;s. :iiii fi r cimimon form of Kheuiuatisni. ft? joints, limbs. \c. These me licin'-s nre to bo ti'fretlior, f r thf* purpose of curing the di'P.i.'i.'' oi tii:s esti-n- sive catalogue. They are tidniirnbiv .•I'.'aj'tp i t" th? treatment tif tlnisc C('^lp^•^itlt': heiiiL' ret only stn ngthening an l inv';;:"nitiii;r in ilie'ir cl- fects but giving healthy '..nd ;i'tioTi t' the stomiicli ami howeis. .\ttcr l.a'itri h;;^' ’ and fever, or bilintis fever, there is s ’ - yiredisposition. in iii"st c;'Ses. !'.■> n ivtuni: -iiies. if there is no re’..i; se in t conilition. other diseases • Itcii (-n.- ic, )':iii.on- li.vly after having been Molciitiv iitt::fk'''l. In order to prevent this, and t'l n't"re >pc>''.' health again, and in many cas^s. even be'tiT health than before, just take a bottle t»"' . the Bitters with the I’il'.s. Dyspeptic persons, h.b -nng ur.hr C'? bow els, mort or less tiglitne.'is acr .'S the i sick, sour stcm::ch after eatin;:. "reat and wretchedness of feelincr. iVC.. ’'i" ' conjunction with the Bitters and I’i. s. •' ^ of .\ntacid: and s>>on you will bcconie a i..f being in he.-ilth .and vigor. ^ LITTLE'S sti:en(.tiiening ri.A>u...^ /■'or the cure of Weakne.ii' ot tkf M'-itf: ,i):df >r nU V-/' F'indiiig these so useful in the many cases, imleed often indispensalb ; sarv". I am therefore induced to have r.r !i. prepared ready lor use. that is ro:iil> - ^ j'lace with my phannn -eut;cal nie-Kiuf ■ family use. They are spread upen ’’J"' and can be applied in t'vo be invariably worn upon the chest w i**' ^ the An (dyne Cough Drops, for the old and deep-seated coughs, and tin* e if tendinsr to consumption, is .-vt RINGW'OHM AXr> TETTKH -I cure for Tr* * • flead.-. ,„>d,iU'no>i,,h. ' the SL in, iind /^r L At. A single bottle is quite snftciii-i « • ^ in most cases; but in sc:u*i ‘ ^ othiTs of long istjuulin^z, it niu;it be tf- lancer. iv The fac-simile of the si-nature Little will be fountl upon tiie „ r. Sold w holesale and retail. h_\ 1 at bis Manufacturing Dei"*t. street, Philadelphia, and *^0 , .m-'l.; {ikr/V* To be bad .IsoofJanu-sCain - ■ ; A. Watson. Floral College; •1,.,,.,,- lass, Piennettsvillc; Dr. P. p^., u 1. ton; C. C. Barbee. BarclaysviHe: 1 • Raleigl. ptttv'’> S. J. HINSDALE, Agent for ~ TURPENTINK FOR SALE. Ij^OR sale, 3H3 acres of ^A-NU _ Creek, and C40 acres on ' ^j.„ pinii’ii in Cumberland, convenient to the j„ptcJ Rosid, heavily timbered, and aduiii: 'i. to the making of Turpeutiit'- Apply at tins Oflice. Mjf Nov.*28, 1851. 500 (lozcii Water, ()pedeldoc, Pain-Killer, Ayyj.j-;. For Sale by S. i May lioOKS .lunic! !IU’K d m:\\ \NCROFT’S U. STATES. I,',d .Swamp Steed, or the I**'-'** beii'f hies Meir\ .Men. Pntnam s L.br.ii,>. - Home Narn.tives. f rom ’ " of Mnrv Words; The .Maiden and Marrieil ‘‘ ,.,r l.i- Powell, being No. :! of ■■'ri'.**'’'”',! ];,r: 1'"*' brary; /at hos’ New .'nir*’'’ lion’s Greek Grauiriar; Smith s Is rei'J- Mitchell’s Priuiai'j I .. A. C Jast rec ■ ''T J 'liALi: