:o-w re- *''' Soh- of ■ J.h, '* H nijy “'1 • 'iisti- A, 1,^ "■>r.U •” ' 111 (. ' UlMlit '. jj ‘•" >•• tb;it ■ -1 toU ' iwcnty- ilot '.iri-ii llUiluit.'’. y .’..'i shall vd " '..i.iV- ' > ’I tll '■ til: next ■^ >>t nil:'.', , ■ ■ nil il,. I 1\V H uii.i ■f t:a> A>-,, ^ I' 1 ub- ' . IIkI '■ ■ -ti\« u=- \t ; -eii- • r> .f ci.-ii ■ '‘vr.ii ,\3. . ■- -M. H. ' H -i ■ ■ !•- . t= ,-t xl-i . t!..; ■f N ni, ■ * - • . ' 1 t !■ ^ t ; tw T • ^ , ' ■; Se 1 -f rv ^ -h .il. . \\W.r •k- il t {'. int' A M II t k : ' V- ' &»' - h- il- .i l- -r. f-r n- DIMn p.nuv i ffi i I 'M’ S E M I-W K B K I, Y. LMfiW.13—FWIP5HW8g>B^ llfrm «■— [VOL. 1.] rAVKTTEVIIJ.E, N. C., .IIXE J9, 1852. [NO. 103.] i'RlNTKD BY J. 15. NKWBY. [:D\VAUD j. llALir& sox, F.nrrous .vnd proi’uietohs. 00 if w xorit'E. h will buy any lots ef Spirits Turpcn- tiiio otrcrei.1 in this market, nml will ri'ccivc iind s!iip for distilkM’s t) Nmv York or ciscwliere, iiilurUiiig tUc Msual sliippiii;^ fivcilitios. J. os; X. w.vuim.i.. June 3, 18r>2. Htj-if PKOVISIONS. 1' xc for I'ac Somi-AVeokly Ob:ku\ kr ^4 p:i; 1 iu :i'hau'c: ^j!4 i'O if paid during the \c'.r C subscription; or $•> after the year has expiri'J. }' r tiic I'c'ivl.' Oif^KiivKR $2 00 per imnnni, if pu'. I ia :i U-uuoe; i)0 if paid during the \.- ir 'f ?;ibsoiiDtiiiu; or $3 00 after the year has expivo'l. AI)VI:UTI>1:MKN rs ins^erted for pivtj cents | S i K W A ]{ T . B I S S 1 MJ & I U , -v square t' f thi- lirst, and thirty cents tor cuch j-uMication. Yearly adveriiseuients ,v pi'cial contracts, at reasonable rates. -\d- xort '^’vsi :ue requested to tlie number of i iscriioiis desired, or they w ill be continued till f,,:h I. and chnrjied accordinjjly. Letters t.> the IMitorf* must be post-paid. lOOO June -t, L15S. I5.VCON SIUES. •JdOO lbs. Lnrd. (N. C.) lbs. Fresh Kiee, ll>0 V>nshels Whitw Corn Meal, r00 •• Corn, ;'>0 Liili>! Kiistorii Mny, for sale low bv n. lUl.VNioX Sf»\. Vtf. tf S I EXTRA QUALITY j.fT’Avi.v ni:riM:i) rruh: i.oAr sucai: I la A n c> 1 .\.\ 111 K«, I FOR KAPORTATIOX. I A T prices which merchants, who purchase i i m t ) sell by the I>o.\ of ol'lba , (anti others) H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICK on Corner of Frotit and I’rinccss streets, under Journal office. Uec. 12. 48-tf WAN rED, .30(10 ft. .Ashe Lumber for Wngons, lA to 3 inches tiiiek. I’OOO It. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1 ] to T inches. 1000 ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. 1000 ft. White Uak for Tongties, Bolsters and i Farm and Jiraxtiful Reiiidence ' lOO Poil Oak Hubs, for Carts and W'ugons. -000 Spokes. For which tlie highest cash prico will be paid. : than the he hud of S.iiue good I!.', Ill) anv >thi-r house in open next. Summerville Male and Female Seminary. rilllK I'all Session of this School will S. rn THUUSDAY, 1st day of .luly ;ji! 0^—e ''n last of Ni.'vember. llic services of Si>nie very aci'ian]>li"l.ed la *.;. ^0 bocured, of which due notice >Nill be •;/' Tuition ft^r iSt.sivu: ( Knglish Trauchcs $'« 50 1' ;:llOr •• “ 1>0 L.iiiii and Greek Languages 10 oO J'riMu'h L.inguage If' 01 Miis.o I'n riano li) t^O I 'M- of Insti ument ‘J '•0 I'r. 'ving, J ainting, iVc., 5:c. .'> 00 1 r, ..ifd in the Village fn^m *7 to per ; I'tli. L). .McLK.VN, I’rincijvil. S.iHinu'r%i’.’.e, N. C.. .Uine 12. lS.‘i2. l-»)w U()( KlNC.llAM AC ADI.MV. i rg'HF. Su'"' Tib«r wiM re-open his School in i Itiii'klnghani .>n the 12th .luly. T'.iin.in ^1'- and ^i17A per Session. r...aid. Witli wood and w;.sh.ng. pr. m.>nth. 1 lie tir>t two weeks will be excludid from ;inv deduction made ;n tuition. D. WETM-'Ui:. .’ine22. 1^'2. 1 tl_J ^ simmi:k ('i.()'riiiN(w. fB^UV ' rli'V ' liave l-it-!v rec-i\.‘da )«r;/e M ;i' l T -n t th*ir st.ick .>1' SiiKitnrr ( lOth- inwlucii wiii I'o '>ld at \erv low pncos. W. ilLLl-Nl.lIA.'-I \ t o. June 2'. 1 > '2. 1 J*. Wo ;ir> ii'uv rcfoiviiiL' a l;ir>:e Stock of Ci' ■ ds in !'Ur line. .\ pr'‘at« r variety . r useful and jr.iod *rtlc'i’? h.ive nevi r 1 . ix : -cn ••tfcred for e.i.'e in this place. I’arf.t ulars ;.o:-a;tcr. S. W. riLLINiJH.VST CO. ' M^Mll'llllUI^ MKir \ . , fBiin; iindi rwfrned w.-'uld ri"^pectf.il\v . 3 B rni the citizcn*" of .■'unimer- ; \ille. tlie vicinity, anJ the public , r ■ . t! .t t-iiv hat "pcnid a lIlil Nt IIF t.VTERT A l\ IIK^IT. » V-’’ be {dcaagji to accommodate all . 'Ill her. Villa":*’ i.' ple.-isunt ■ ■ her hon*e t^ge and coniniodioua. ; > ! . l.e spared to rcnd*“r agreeable and • - nv wh mny fivor her with a ca’! - . pri'parcd to acc'iiiini"'.l!ite with ” • I ', t ■ 20 Stildents. I’riee >f l’>oard V. r ,, . . K. B VILEV. ' , ■.;.;e. N. C.. June l;i, l'>^2. 1-tf will find lowe 'AN1>1K.'? can New York. STEWAllT, lU'SSINO CO.. :)00 I’earl St.. N. V May 24, 1H'>2. ^;5-law^^Tpd jrs'iMa:cEivi:i), Linskf.d oil. Tanners " Sperm While I>ead and I’litty in Oil. — ALSO— 2 NF.W llUtiUiLS. LI:F.TF. .lOIlN'^ON 2 l>oors West C. F. I’ank. May20, 1tio2. ‘.)2tr mm I m\:\\. EOUW A K1)IN(; AM) c( ).M MI ss i() \ M1: urn A .s r, WILMINGTON, N. C. P iERSoNAL attention given shipment of Naval Sturcs. to the Sale or 1 have ample facilities for c>Nductin^ the buaiiiess; large wharf and sture sheds ti> ke**p vjiiiits tri'fu exposure. N.ival stort',- will lie shipped to any hi'use in New V.>rk, or to otlu-r marAet.-* if advib.-il'b', and liberal oa-h ad':tnees made on oousignniciits. 1 refer to the fidiuwing ilistii.ers; K. llaniium. \S .lyne i'oiinty, (.'handler Hall, .l-'lmston Co , Lovett reacock. Colniiibu!> 'o.. li. II. B a- ‘. n. Tiio,. L. Vail, l;lad-n Messr>. Smith. \ Ingraiu, Johnston C*'.. .Messi s. /.. \ .1. .I'lins, •• Mes^rs. Smith .Jones, “ Sp»‘iii-er Fountain, L.s.i-, Le\i l^ail* Alnv 2*1. iJ'o Ksq.. M rs AND riU’iT. 20'> lbs. Soft Sbeil .\lminds. •* r.r i/.il Nuts. •• F.ni'iii'ii Walnuts. •• “ Fil*xTt.-». 2-) I'rums Figs. 1 ('ase I’runes in ftncy .Inrs. 100 wh 'le. hall', an 1 i^r. lloxes Ilai.^^ins. 1 Case l’i •'Prvod tiinger. 1') doz. Jars Tickles. Soda, Lemon, Sugar and Water rrnokers. Just received bv CllAKLLS 15ANKS. April 24. 1S-.2. hotf iNs'rriT ri:. ;«''S in this Sch';‘''l, nnd r the ■icut insirucf'TS in the m i'e de- ti'.“ rcsu!n**d "n the tiist .M onday Mep.-irtiui'iit wi.; be undt r s ? '.r.ih i/i'ake, an aecom;'lis)ied E- . 00 10 u » . r Stiii-n of /''lit' il >nlh*. -!i I r n> he>. \\r.tt'-ri Aritlimetic, i^'c , -es, French, Mi'.;her .Ma- i-r.i'v ing and l‘ainting. 1 j 00 !'t:i-tid the Lectures in the Labora- | •:;ar,;fd $1 in advance. No ire '.h.irg • i There is a very res- heloiiginp to the Literary • L;>:':tu’i'in. The Cliemienl and ! ,\iiN.irafu-* is ample. The *'abiuet .» wi-.i s'-liM-ti-ii and e\tcn.si\e, an«l •. ;ifi I'jtit.y ri.oomm?ni iliis .Sciiool j i '■ .*y.r cliildren and w.irds a thoi- 1 : lir. tnal training. Mnd»-nts IV in the c.iinmeni-ei'ieiit ot the ; • r. It is highly imporliint that .■ j): --. lit in time lo attend the first - . are then formed, and an ' ‘ V d.iy- svrldom fails to embarrass ; ■ iMHg tiie remainder of the Session. : 1). MeN AIK, Chairman lioard Trustees. Wh'tted, Scc'v. f.T-tl s ri . WIKI! S()l"l'HK!{.Ni:!{ m ST" ILL leave Fayetteville every Wednesday ▼ » and Satiird.iy. at 7 o'clock. ,\. .M., «nvl arrive iu Wilmington at o clock. I’. .M. .\nd will leave \\ ilnnngt^.tn i'ViTv .NIonday an 1 Thurs- d.iy. at 12 o'clock. .\L, and arrive in Fayette ville ne.\t morning. 11. M. OilHr.LL. Agent. Ajiril 20. 18V2. «'> tf _ JOHN I). W II.LIA.M.'^, Coin iH issson i'onc4t rtiitig mUrrrlutnf, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0. 18.',2. C:;tf li' T3 M I !*» 1 > AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, fl*iluntts^ton, •>'. ('• r f ■ \ NOl'lCl'.. ■ ' ' Tiber h.aving :issoci:ited with him- ■ usine.'S hiss'Wi Matthew, the busi- . .11 i'‘ if'■ |- Ijc condui'ted umdr ihc mime >f M Learv S Son. il ri»:_’iied. thiinkfiil for the liberal pat- • i :’i*rt , e'it«'ndc 1 to him, n'spectfiilly ' ■ iiainii ition of the same in bthalf of K.riii. .iid'dited to the undersigneil, either '• r .fC">int, ur** earnestly refjucstcd to :ne us early u.s possible. M. N. LF.AUY. •''Mil'.', .Iun* 7, 1H.V2. _ ‘,»7-:{m 'tlrrille and S'ji/thc/'/i l*lank Rond. 'il' L i: hereby giv!n that all notea be- ‘ "'211" to th'* Company remaining unpaid - » 'i j.iv of .lulv next, will be y>ut in Buit. a'kCiI'O'a. T. S.MITll, S-c'y. ’ 1, ; - .‘ij m FOR 8AE1:. ^■■^IIE Subscriber wishing to remove to the .1 South-west, would scii his lands in this »‘’on to county, upon reasonable and acconnnoilating j 19, 18ol, term.s. I 'I'here arc iibout 2700 or 3(KX) acres, till Ijit'g | in one body, and of w hich 4oo or uUU acrcs are in cultivation. The Think Hoad of the Joint Stock L'ompany, from Fayetteville to llaleigh, will run within one mile of the resid'-nee. .Most of tlie lands timt are in cultivation lie within three miles of the Oape Fear Hiver, adjoining the lands of .tohn V’. Wiili.-ims and others. The above situation is very desirable, from the fact that it is surrounded by the best of neighbors anil society. The subscriber might say much more by way of inciueenicnt; but he deems it unnecessary, as those wibhing to purchase can call iind see for themselves. The above lands can be divided so ns to suit purchasers. .Any further information can be given by ap plication to the su'iscriber. or by letter address ed lo him ut Kir;gibi.i v, (.’umberland Co., N. C. 1>. S. WILLIAMS. Feb. 2. 1&.j2. t'i2lf ~n\U)\\ S r)i:!ldss!7r, .^*nr 1 *«#•/., i)KiM)ssi: r cV nu()\\\\, l%* it minis; C'., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Jno. I’orrs 15uu\v.\. AkmaM) j. DkKosskt, .Jr. K. F. IJitow.N. iff 1 ASM udvnnces will be made on consignnifnt of Troduce l' r s.ile either in \\ ilniington (»r N'e« York, h;.(1 l.’ottin will be forwnrdcd to the New York House free of Coninii-.sion at Wilmington. ■March 22, IS'2. 7)-i.'.m 7v 1)E^^iu \ liLi: il 1 :n11>i:nci: i'Oli SALi:. ^■^IIK Subscriber now idicisb r sale all his ■- Turpentine and Farming L.\N1». contain ing ftl>otit bt.M) .\rres, bituatcil 12 mil.-s Last of Fh_\ •‘tteville, on the i'ildobiirough road, com monly known as Talmvra. It ha.s a good dwelling house, out-buildingr, iVc.. an.j a sioro wht'ie a Large amount of bn-i- n* rs is bine, :i:ivl in- r'-a.-'i'i: daily. This is a rare cliance for tnrpentine i:rtlcM. mcrchant-t. \c. and will be sidd a bargain. Anv one wi-.ii- ii'.ir to purchase, and vvishinii further informa tion, can applv on ihe preniisi'.'. to J. W. MTKTllY, or T. T.VYIa*!!, l av tteville Ju’.y 20th, IJ'.'.l. ’ }-rf Seiiiitf/ otS' ai €^ost: i'AiEVV ltA!((;Al.\S! Tlic sulj^i rH-er is tlesiroiis d' i liaiijriti? liis bnstnc.s?^. ami to s«M ofT lus prosoiil htook {)f iunn* ■ v-.U'h . \w j':ii t ol* Staple and I'anctj Drij (roods^ Lnibr.ii ing a tim- stock of Lndies’ l)re>.s (loods. Ilareire, ihirege Le - Lains, I) t ted and plain S w i>s Mu.'lins, coh r.'d ditto. Ilarred. Jaconet an.l t'ambric Muslins; coi'd .''ummor .''ilks. .\lso. a general assortment of black and eol d Silk Dresses; a larjie assortment of Hosiery. .-Vlso, Cloths, ('assimeres. 'i'wei-d. .leans, and Satti- ' nets. general assortment of Summer wear for ientlem'n: all kinds of Linen ^rood-i. ,\ So. a larg‘ st'iek of I.oots .and Sho*s. Hats. Uonnit.>, I nibrellas and Tar.isols. Ilardw.are unl Cr >ckery. Wines .and French IJralidy. The .••!iov.' st'.ek is otfered at the mere cost here ('ountry Merchants and all others buy ing (io.mIs in this m.'irket. will do well to rail and examine, .is 1 am determined to sell and close out m_\ pre^-'Ut stock, which is large and fresh, and well seleciei. W. S. LATTA. April 10. IS'2. General Agency and Commission Business. ^IIK Subscribers have this clay entered in to a cop u'tnership under the tl\le ol AVHIT.\Ki;it, WHITFIKLD & i'O., for the purpose of doing ji genei al agency and commission business, and in oflering their .ser vices to the public in tii.at capacity th-'y liatier themselves tliat they will be able to give s.itis- tadion to all those who may consign any go -ds. wiires. nieri-handi/.e or country pro Inee to t..eni eitlier to sell on eommis.sions or forward. As it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give n-ei.eral satislaction. They respectfu:i\ solicit the patronage (d their trieni'ls ami th»* p^iblic generally. Tiieir store is No. :! North V\ ater Street. I)ickiuR':n s i-irc-proof buildiu^j, Wil mington, N. C. .lOHN K. WHITAKFU, JAM IS W. WHU'FIKLI). A. A. IL SOI'THALL. Rv^rF.RBSCKs; -.l(diu Dawson, Totter \ Kid- FULLKR. T2-tf hand Warrants U anted. highest Cash puii-es paid for any JL number of Laiul Warrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. nOSE, Agent. Fayetteville, .\j>ril 14, 1S'>2. 82tf .II S'I' KIX I'UVi:!), TIi;CKS CANTt>N .MATTING, 4-4 and 6-4, red, checked, and white. — .VLSO— Loaf, Granulated, N. O. ('larified, New ()r- leans, and Muscovado Sugars. Sugar House Syrup. iu crates assorted Crockery. lOUU Torter and Wine Lutth s. S. W’. TILLING HAST .1- CO. April 13, 18o2. S2tf 1 Tea! Ten! Tea!! CHEST YOUNG HYSON, 1 ditto Gunpowder, 1 Catty Imperial, For sale by CHS. HANKS. Oct. 28, IS') 1. 34-tf •lO^OOO IPi«. W:inU‘ci. iW lLL pay cts. per pound cash for all clean cotton and linen l!A(iS, delivered to J. 1». W illi^tms, in Fayetteville. 1 am nearly ready to put iu operation a Taper Mill iti tiiis neighborhood, and am de.iirous of g..‘tting niy rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I can afford, and hope that 1 may »>ot be forced to distant markets for my su]iplies. 1 have arranged with .Mr. Willijtms to receive and pav for all rags delivered to him. l)AVli> MLia’HY. Fayetteville, Feb'y 24, 18o2. (ib-tf .ITS r iJEcEivi:n. ~ MKN’S and T>oys' S.M'IiLLS. of every qu.-ility and st.vle, t 'Uie ver\ line Al- soj T.ridies, Collars, Whips and Wagon Hiirness. l>.v E. C. II.VLL, of Home. Oct. 18. 18'i1. H2tf W INTEK SIJIMM.V. E nre now receiving our winter supply w w of tioods, o doors below the Ahirket House, south side Terscu street, where may be found the following articles: Sugar of all grades, Cotiee, «') Hhds. Cuba Molasses—sweet, 3 libls. Syrup—a superior article. Green and ISlack Teas, Cheese ot three different qualities, Rice, l*ej>per and Spice, Ito}>e and bagging, CO ISbls. Ma«;kerel, .‘'hots and I’oots ot extra large size, Sliovels, Spades and Forks, Corn Tloughs anl Toints, Axes of the best brands, Knives and Forks, Nails and Iron, .''.0,UU( lbs. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for Cash or e\cliauged for Troduce. t all and see. CROSS CREEK t’O., C. IJenbow, Tres’t. L»ec. 20, ISol. 5U-tf PAINTS! OILS!! DllUGS!!! PURE WHITE LEAD, Linseed Oil, Whiile t.)il, lilake’s Fire-proof I’uint, Castor Oil, Potash, 'i east Towder, Epsom Saits, Madder, Copperas, Spice, Tepper, Alum, Ginger, Opodeldoc, &.c. Country .Merchants will do well to give the sub.scriber a cidl. He will sell as low as they can be obtained in the State. SA.M’L J. HINSDALE. Favetteville. May 3. 87tf r ii.uiiiM;; SHOP k \mm. t lark Sc llixon, Muitn/arftirvrs of a// sizoi of llorxe J*ou erH TItrcshliiy Mnhinvs, (hmh Portnlde ami iSftfioiiiin/,) Woot Cirlinj Ma- tlu'iirs, Straw (’iitfi-rs of various jKittinis, ]\'h^af Jli// and Fm tortj Gf'ar^ Saic aiof Grist yiiJl linrh MiUif, Kiltje Tooh, d'c. tt’v, fy. JUSr IIECEIVEI). Tiik undersigned has just re ceived his stock of Sl'lllN'G .\ND SUMMER GOODS, con sisting of Cliiths, Catttiiuieres and Vestiiiga* lUack, brown, green, blue and olive Cloths; white silk and sat in Vestings: Marseilles ditto, _ _ wliite and colored: Linen Drill- wliTte and colored; Doe-skin ('assimeres; fancy do.; Drab de'Etc and Iiombiizines. — ALS« >— An assortment of 1!E.^DY-MAI)E CLOTH ING, &c. Tersons wishing to p'lrchase any of the a- bove articles would do w j11 to call and examine this stock. tjtr^ He still carries on the T.VILORlNti DLSiNES.S in all its brunches. HUGH GRAHAM, South-west corner of Market .''rjuare. .April 17, 18')2. ^4-Mm llVfitf oi' 1W1LL sell my SI MM It N two miles I'rom the J/arket oji the i ayette- ville and W estcrn 1 luiik Ti: ud--iine of the luosl desirable and healtliy j.ilace.'? in tlic county- .Also, -f'l Sluires of Fayetteville find Western Think Re.id Stofk. find i>'J Shnrts of Fajctie- vilie Hotel .Mock. W ith the largest stock of Heady-made C.AK* RIA«iKS and lU GGlLS ever ollereu in this place—over wortlt--conipl» teiy finisned. ■All t)f which I will sell at very reduced pricea for cash or negotiable note.s. So little attention has been pKid tT tl:8 c«l« made by me after the fire of the 2d Jan’y, on those indebted to me to call and settle, that I am in'luced to offer the above prcp^rtv at re- ducrd prices to enable me to rebuild my Tarriage Estabilshment and continue niy busi ness with convenience. 1 sliall p'.iicc n'.des In proper bends fi.r ic.lec- tion, if not paid soon. 1 have all my accouDta made out to the 1st Jan'v 1852. *A. A. A'cKETHAN. J/arch 2?, l^o2. 771; ij:ss()^^iSri\rusic.~ fll. WHITAKLP. would respectfully in- J» form the citizens (.f layetteville and vi- cinity, that he iias ngain commenced giving Les son.^ on the Tiano Forte. He returns his thnnks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly .solicits a continuance of the same. •All pains shall be taken for the advauceiueni of his piipiis. Instruction also given on tlie Ooltar. Tianos tuned tiiid r-jpu'red in tb*- best manner. L. II. WlllTAKKU. .August 24, 18-jO. iiilf 'I 1h‘ Sii!)scril)(“r still continut s to carry on the C.VHINLT ' l.l .'lNLS.S in Fa_\ etiev ilie. and in addition to his l.jtablishment on T»ow street, near Eccles's liridge, has (..pcncd a large W.VRE RtMj,\l on Hay streot, nearly ojiposite the Favetteville Hotel and one door Ea^t of .Messrs. llaigh Son s, where a general assortment of J'l ll.MTl IlM, Made by competent and faithful werkmen. ma' be had at prices ctiriesptmding with tlie times. ■Vlso. an nsaortment of N'orthorn-inade FCR.M TURK, selectc'l bv himself, winch will be sold at a vcrv nioderate advance. DLNCAN McNElLL. Nov. 10. 18-jl. o8tf nE keeps on hanil an assortment of Ft**k's celebrated MET.U.LIC RURl.VL CAf'ES. which have been highly i-ecommemlcd by NS illie T. Mangum. Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, Wm. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. iiio.x SAi'i:s. suliscrilicrs, ,\irenf,« for tlio sale of WILDER S T.VTENT SALAMANDER SAFES, WITH RICH S 1 M TROV E.M ENT, of fer them of all sizes and jiatterns, delivered in Wilmington at the .ManulacHirer's New York jiriees. These Safes are warranted equal if not supe- rioi' to any others manufactured. Orders will receive prompt attention. DkROSSKT & HROWS. Wiiniington. N. C.. .March ■2*‘». 18i>2. 7-em rP^HEY respectfully inform their customers -Il and the public, that they continue to car ry on their business at their Machine Slup, near C.AMT, .Alamance county. North Caiolin.i. where they are prepared to execute all work in their line with neatness, punotu.ali- ty and despatch. With an inere.ased variety of tools and labor-saving machinery added to our i'.itabii.shment the j>ast winter,—a well selected iissortment of materials purchased at the low est cash prices.—workmen of known skill and ability, together with long experience in the Ixisiness,—fully justity us in saying, as to qual ity and jirice, our work has not, will not, and shall not, suffer in comparison with any other .^hop in the SoiMh. tJi-ateful to the public for ]>ast favors, they solicit a continuance of their patrouajie. N. It. TIease send your orders soon, as our motto is ‘ first come first served.” Letters ad dressed to the subscribers, at Snow Camp, N. C., will leceive ].rompt attention. STAFFORD, CLARK & DIXON. March ls-32. 71-t'.m NEW MUSIC, ^-lONSlSTlNG of Songs, Polkas, AValtzes, A:c., ^cc. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. •April 14. TB.lJ nV''OX, Imperial. Young Hyson. Oolong TE.A; tjhocolate, Mustard. Sweet Oil. For Sale by S. J. IIINSD.VLK. March 17, i8.">2. 74tf IHE subscriber woii’d call the attention d' c. W. ANDREWS, llenlci* ill AND MANUl'ACTrRER OF PLAIN AND JAPAN T/.V I’opjH'r, Tin Plate and Shopt Iron )Vorker. III.'.VE in my employment comjtetent ■work men, and am prepared to do all kinds of work, either iu C* >TTER, TIN or SH EET I RON. I have on hand all tht necessary materials I anil machinerv for nirikinu Factory t’ans and SPRL\G Sulnilil'il tOODS For I T ^ one of the largest varieties of Sj)ri/ir n/id Summer CHoods Ever offered by him in this market. .Among his asKortment may he found:—Gentlemen s I DRE.''S HATS, to-wit: Kossuth. .Voleskin, Pea- ^ ver, .''ilk, brush and .Angola, with a complete assortment of all other kinds of Fur and Wool Huts usually found in this market. — ALSO— Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit: Panama, Rice .‘'traw, Tedal. China Pearl, Leghorn (Kos suth style) and Tiilni-leaf H.ATS, for Gentle men, S ouths, Bovs and Infants. —ALSO— A (jood assort ment of Boots & Shoes, for Gentlemen, Ladies. .Visse«, Y(uiths, Boys. Children, and Servants; all of which will be otfered on very ac commodating tei’ms for tlie Ready Cash, or to those that arc willing to c.itih their accounts when presented. JOHN ('. THO.VSON, .‘south-west corner ,1/arket Square. J/arch 20, 18'i2. 77tf TO CON rUACTOHS. PROT(>SALS will be recMved till let July next, for furni.shing materials and build* ing 2 Tiu rooted T.riek Stores, iu t'tie town -jf Cheravv. one Ot'xtiO feet, the other 60x60 feet, each to be liivided !>y a franiC pariitiun exleii i- ing from giound lioor to tiie roof. ! Bids may be offered for the whole or RCpa- ' rately for any part, stating the time at v.hacb I the contract will be Completed. I Plans at d Sj.t cillo.ttii.iis be ’ieen rn npp’.i- i cation to us. EVANS ii MclVER. I .June •^, 1802. y&*-llJ I NEW HOOKS. PUTNAM'S LIBRARY, Nos. 4 arci 5, being the World Here and There, by Dickens, I and Hood's Own: Count Monte-Leone, or tha Si'V in isociety: .Mis.s Sowell’s Jouniftl of a Suia- I mer Tour: .Memoir of Rev. W. H. HewitaoiiJ ;W esby and Methodism, by Taylor; Speiivcr’a i Tastor's Sketehe>; McGufl'ey’s Eclectic Readers, I 1st, 2d, 3 1 and 4th j-arts; i’nrker’s 1st Les.son» j in Tiiiioiophy; .Mills' Lhetoilc; Di'-ies’ bcaool j Arithmetic: i^c. Also, t'urther supplies of THE EOSTO!^ .Vt.'.ADE.MY'.S Collection; Carmine .‘'scra; Gunn’* Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Library; &c. E. J. HALE SOX. NEW BOOKS. nALlBURTON’S Yankee Stories, iLnstrat^ rd; the Yiinkee Tea Tarty, or Bostoa in 177G: the Old Bell of Independence, or Phila- delj>hi,i in 177^'; t,'amp Fires of the Fvevolutioiif or the War of Independence, ilhietrntcd; Weld’s Dictionary of Scriptural Quot.ations; Hurbattgh’s Heavenly Reeogtiition; I'atechism of F’amiliar Things: .Mathias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, .^c.; W alker’s Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British Female Poets; American Fe male Poets: Wut.son’s Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18.52; ^.c. E. J. HALE & SON. .Api il 8. T IJ. ST.lTi: OF i\. C COLUMBUS Ct)UNTY. Drum.s. and to do all l.imls id'factory work that Cnurt of I’leas atid Qu:irtor Scshion.s, May Tt'iiii, 18;')!!. NO riu E. persons imlebted to the subscriber for by any siuular Establishment in ' the State. Also, for sale. Patent Factory Can Kings, i gfrjV- Prompt personal attention given t" a.l Consignments, ami Cash advances made on i’ro- duce to be sliipped t j other ports or sold in this ■ j'ar.siey, Samuel Beery Sons, O. market. Feb. 12, 1852. C ly R. Fieuch. and Lllis .Mitchell. .Lin. 20, 1>^.')2. Ol-tf DAll.Y KXIMOt I'l.l). TONS of H(»OP IKON, suitable for Spirit barrels, by ^ „ E. C. H.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 18.^.1. ii 1C..., '7tf I w J. 1" ()K>. 4tb: 1.1.U vol. . ' ’ Miirio" H® bciH .il*' .' I .li(i I if. „ri irl 1- ' 'I I’' 1 .ib>r i:griTV sai-i;. l!.I. 4'ild, at the Court Hous j Door in ’ I' .wu of Fayetteville, or Monday '•'i >, •: .lulv, the f.jllowing valuable Re;il ■ '■ wit: '•'* .k tc, ,d' Lun.l, fill tiie c.'ist of *’* ‘r River, known as John Toler’s. Also, ‘ N'v-p,, iJoy, named Jini; -upon a X ril.,iitli;. ‘"'iiVKlod half of :i J/tt in the Town ''■'ill*!, „n the corner of May aud .Mas- kiioAu as the England Lot—upon 31X .Months AR H'D A. T. SMITH, (.,’lerk and .Mastor. 1>i.'j2. '.»t»ts •ui; W, BAKER. 3.')tf . I '.r: ^ ; D: t re. , . -.)N. t. II ■ LL -■ 'n,. II ' IV l Li/ the jirst rise ifi 1^ Iliorr, uf swkDES hiON, by , , , E. C, HALL, of R/jntie. 18.01 the (■ahuivt Furniture, ('intirs, l\v. r|lHE subscriber is receiving the largest as- JL hortment iu his line ever before purchased at the North, which, together with his own man ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con- Chairs^ TubUs, Sofua, I}i-dstejil?, AVa.sli .Sfitul.H, Huroaiis, l.ooking »rla.'v^o.s, Hide IJoirils, SecTetai-ie.-i, &c. \11 of which will be soM on the lowest terrni foi Cash or on short lime to pum tiuil customers. JOHN Oct. oO, 1801- WlIJCiNSON cV I'.SEElv, DEALERS IN VoHj'iM tijnori/, Fureiyn Fruits, Nuts, To- irtrro, ami Suuffi AND IMPORTEILS OF IIAV.\i%.^ CIOARS at W'flOI.KS.AI.K ANr> UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmiixgtou, N; C- Aug. 7, 18-'>1. EOR SALE.—2(MK)(l lbs. 15A- POV J. I>- WILLIAM.S. ' Feb’y 0, Ibuiii, 4-tf Goods purchased at Flor.il College, are re- ^|uested to make immediate payment, either to Mr. Hucrh Mc.Arn iu the neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. D. B. McARN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, I80I. oU-tl 01.1) KVE. N'OTlIEll lot of Doctor Williams's old Ilec- tified Rve Whiskev. J. & T. W ADDILL. M.irch 2t). "7-tf llolcliK-i!«^’w Vc'rficai Water U lic‘c‘1. rpj^IIERE nre several hundred of these W heels i CL in operatiin in diflerent counties in North t arolina. For proof of their great advantages . over the connnon flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to tho.se who have ap|)lied them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly r«. r their superiority in cases of a low head ot ! v^rtter, or back water. j W e still keep a supply of W heels, suitable for ! different heads of water, at W ilmington, New- ; bern, W ashington, Edenton and Fayetteville, j The wheels may also be had of E. Brevard, i Lincolutou, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. ' Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the ' wheels, will be served on application to D. I .McNeill iV Co., Fayetieviile, N. C. ' D. .McNEILL. I A. A. McKETHAN. 1 D. J. McALISTEU. I Feb’y 22, 1840 oC tf I s rOKAGE. ® l[7’ E have commodious brick Warelionsee ▼ V in the rear of our Store, in v^hich we store cotton and other pmduce. D. i W. .McLAURlN. Nov. 1, 1851. 37-tf siirTH r\iioLi\i i\suin\tE (:omp.i.\y, OF charlf:ston, s. c. C lIl.ARTERKD by the State of South Caroli- ' na, w ith a Capital of .iJ2.jO,'.KKI, all paid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTON, Pres’t. .A. L. Toui-^s, Sec’y. DIRECTORS: P>OnKKT >I\UTIN. Col. JaMKS 0.M>8DEN, ,M. C. Mobm.caj, ('has. H. West. S. Mowin', Jr. Henry Cobi.\. Ur.l)C'KO I'AKK. rif^HROU(;H Tickets between Wilmington, N. C.. and Baltimore. Fare \ ia Wel don, Peters>)urg. Ri« hnioud, and W a.shington Citv, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets applv at the Office of the Wil- in.rtiMi and R.ileigh Rail Road Company, nt Wilmington, or ut the Office of the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the I’altimore and *bio Rail Itoad Company, Prait Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 18-=)2. 1) 1*, X . II • M I II, nAS taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July H, rTiM. Oukeli., rORV AiilHNfi rnM)ilSSH)N yiKl’i( !l.\M .^T I Fayetteville, ill. I'- March 10, 18r»1. j NKING »»d A. Mo.MiLLAN have entered j 71,0 subscribers having been appointed agents • into coiuirtnersiiip i» the Distillery of j place for the above named campjiny, are Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the 1 p,.,.j>jired to receive offers and issue policies of West .side of the Fayetteville and W estern Plank I i„jj„,.„nce on Fire, = varving from 0 to 14 inches: L>rum Beads, &C. Rl)OFlNC., GUTTER AND LEADER PITES i'Ut up in the best manner. Also, just received, a full supply of COOK— IXC; STOVl^S, of the most approved patterns, some tif them very large for hotel and planta tion use. {(piT -Always on hand a good assort ment of TIN WARE. ‘ C. AV. ANDREWS, St'Uth East Corner .Market Square. Msy \o, 1852. !'l-if STAIUi WiI.MAMS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Poreign and MPonicslic OootiS^ ii.il Fayetteville, N. C. | J. IJ. STAKR.] [.I. .M. W’lLLIAMS. | April 28, 18.i2. bOtf j Sccond Sj)rin^ ^Hfun^cr Stock.! ST A Kk i WllJJA MS I OULD announce to their customers and ▼ W the public generally, that they are now receiving large additions of Staple Dr}/ Goods, Sfiors, Boots, rtV., to their early Spring purchases, to which they especially iuvite the attention of country mer- chants. Orders solicited, and every exertion made to give satisfaction. S. & W. Fayetteville, .April 28, 18o2. 8(itf Neill Chancy, aud wife Eliiabcth. Robert Bald win, Mary Baldwin, vs. Nancy Baldwin, James Baldwin, Thos. S. Memory, and wife Rachel. Petition for Idvision of Slaves. IT appearinjr to the satisfaction of the Court, in this ease, that James Baldwin, one of the Defendants is not a resident of this State: It is therefore tb-dcrcd, by the Court, that publi- cati»>n be made for six successive weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, f'’r the said James liald- I win to V>e and appear at the next Term ot tlus Court to be hoUlen for the County of Columbus, j .j',] ., ..iJ^^vs ‘^n-iraniie i. ^prin;;^ and Siiiiiitier tKLz JB.^ tsm .m. as * COSTl'ME IIAI.L, ('orutr Pratt strtrt and Crntre Market Sparc, BALTIMORE. /^HE largest and bL-t stock of READY- I M. M.ADE CLOTHING ever offered in Balti more. Dress, Frock and .‘'ack CoATS, all co lors, qualities and sizes. f)-om ^‘2 50 to !j!5 50 i anI upwards. 1 .VNT.ALOONS at Jjil to $3 50 and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, ].lain and jilaid .'assimerL-s. VESTS of evtry variety at corresponding prices. .A.I60, a largo assortment of Boys’ Clothing. Importing our own Clotlis dir-*'Ct I'rom Europe, !ind manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchaser* not to be surptissed by any (,'lotLing Establish ment in the United States. The proprietors ar) determines! lo m,ike the W holesale Rooms the jioint of great attraction, and have now mado tip more tb.-in GARMENT.S, from the finest i|uality to the lowest in price. In the- Custom l’ej,nrtment will always be found the choicest se'^e- tion of CLOTHS, CA.S* SLMKRE.’^ and VES’TlNviS, which will be made up at the shorte.st notice, niul iu the lattdt Style, at tiie Court House in W hiteville, on the Second I Monday in August next, then and there to an- ' swer, plead, or demur to said petition, or the ' same will be jiro coii/ejsso as to him, aud heard accordingly. I Witness, Thos. M. Siuiih, Clerk of our said Court, at Oliict in Whitcvillc, the second .Mou- ! day in May, l8o2. i * THOS. M. SMITH, Clerk. lUO-Gw It'nlf^The one price sv stem strictly adhered to. Remember the name and place, Cotnor Trait el. and Cenire Min koi .>p8ce. H. H. COLE .K. CO. August lo. 18.jT. 1-1-yopd it Fire insurance. ^ I'll FI *KT.NA Insurance Company of Hart- ford, having j>aid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency iu Fayetteville, under the nuinagement of the undersigned, w ho is j're- pared to issue Tolicies of Insurance on Build ings or Gottds, either in this Town or in any TO HIRE, SMART, .ACTIVE BOY, 13 years old. Apply to H. BRANSON & SON. .May 3, *1852. 87tf A oO Jioxes Window Cilass, for sale bv S. J. HINSDALE. May 3. 87tf 10 |{:irrois North (.■ciroiina Lin seed OIL, for sale by May 3. S. J. HINSDALE. 87tf Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. ^ N. KING. May 0.-71 tf A. .Mo.MJLL.VN. w WanU’d, E wish to buy 20,000 barrels Turp«itinc. KLNG & M0MILL.IN Marine, River and Life Risks, on liberal tering. All losses incurre*! at this agency, will be promptly adjusted and paid by the undersigned. DeROSSET & BROWN. N. B. Risks will bo taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. AViliuiagtuo, N. C-, Moxub 27, 1852.—TT-Oni 20 Barrels liluke's Fire-prool PAINT, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. May 3. VRTLR’S M;ig:iziiie for June; The I’urls Sketch Book, by Thnckeray; Gaieties «ud Gravities, by Horace Smith; .lourney to Iceland; Up the Rhine, by Hood—2 parts; Alison’s Life of Marlborough; Cockburn’s Life of Lord Jef frey: Horse Shoe Robitison, tictv edition; Marcus Warland, by .Mrs. Lee Hentz; Robertson’s Charles A’’; The Farmer’s F'ncyclopopdia of Mo dern .Agriculture, by Blake; The Pest*. f>f the Farm, by Richardsf-n; Horses—their Variety, Breeding, &c., l)v ditto: Domestic Fowls, and Ornamental Poultry, by the same Author. -Als^i. further supplies of Gunn’s Domestic part of the State, on proper application, de- | Medicine, .Mien's Rur..l .Architecture, School scription 4>f the Property, &c. Books. &c.. just received by The-liTN A COM I’AN V has been in operation j June 15. 'F>. J. HALE ft. SON. about 30 vciirs. Its capital is $:{1>0,000. I — — The Hon. Thos. K. l.race was its first President, g Magazine ibr Ma^; As good r9 and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and efiicient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character f>r the pruilence of its m.magement, and lor the liberality with which it has ever adjusted itf losses. E. J. H.ALE, .Agent. March 10, IBAl. G2-tf NOTICE. ^■lUE undersigned continues to mannfactnre ■ Spirits Turpentine BARRELS. Those jm»w on hand guag© 48 t» 45 gallons, and are made of the best seasoned white oak. Ivjstillers want ing a good article, will do well to call and ex amine. Contracts to delircr Barrels f«r the next twelve mouths made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTERLOH. MjiEoli l&u2. 1000 lbs. Potashes, lor .sale l)v 8. J. HINSDALE." May 3. i^'tf JVew Books—Mcdical^ EIGS’ Velpeau’s Midw ifery; Mendenhall's iV.B. Medical Student's Vade-Mecum; Mur phy's Review of Chemistry for .Students; Bid dle’s Review of Mnteria Medica aud Therapeu tics, for Students: Craige's Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeaux’s Midwife ry; Hastings' Minor Surgerv; Reese’s .Am. Med ical Formulary; the Physician’s Pocket Pre scription Book; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, iS:c.; Moi-fit’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical .XLanipul.ntions; Beasley’s Drfiggist’s Receipt Book; lUtto Pocket Formu lary; Noad’s Chcmical .Analysis; Wythe’s Micro- scopist-s' MuuuiU; Wright’s Am. Receipt Book; Overmau’.» Practical Rlinemlogy, Aseuying ntid Mining; Smith’s Domestic ^fedicine; Ranking’s Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; &c. li. J UAUi a a Comedy, or the Tennessean’s Story; Hue’s Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China: Recollection* of a Policemnn; Experiences of » Barrister; (.’onfes^ions of an .Attorney; Heroines of Histiry; t'hiUlren, their Hydvepatbic Manr- agement, by Dr. Shew. Also, further supplie* of Family Bib'.es, Blaiik Books, Cap and Letter Papers, School Books, ^’c. .Jn.M r«'ceived bv K. J. HALE & SON. Mnv 12. ACaOCT ETl ItAI. WORKS. 1^'ORTON’S Ele;;ients of .Scientific .Agricul- ture; ])ana on Manur-.-s; American Mucic Book; A'ouatt ou the Pig; C'de’s .\meric!in Fruit Book; Thomas s Fruit Culturist; Family Kitch en Garder.er. by Buist; Dnnn’s Muck Maiiual; All rii's Amcriciin Farm Book; Rv-hardson on the P.ee; Ditto on the Hog; the American R^se Culturist; Allen’s Rural Architecture: Dowu- Ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; John ston’s .Agricultural Chemistry; Farmer’s Trea sure, by Falkner; Miner’s Am. Bee Keejier’s •Manual; Yountt and Martin on Cnltle: Fessen den’s Complete Funner aud Gardentr; Wheel er’s Rural Homes; Stewart’s Stable Econom;. Hinds’ Farrier; Maeon’s Farrier; he., kc. E. J, HALE & SON. April 14, 1852. CHECKS, Al-i, TUii FAYSTTc^JtlT

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