S E M I-W E E K L, Y. [VOL. 11.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 1, 1852. [SO. lOl.J rUlNTKD BY J. B. XEWBV. 'UWAliD J. HALt: & SOX. EDiTous AM) inu)i*nir:Ti)KS. ice for the ^^onu-^\ klv Oi»i;«vku ^ I 00 it puM in M.han..-: » -30 if pMid during the ■ye.-ir ,.f '>r :ifter tl'*-' r the U'.okiv t)u.'r.-.tvEit IK» per uunnm, if {>ai>.l ill U'lvani-e; oO if ilun:!!,' the vc;ir t)f s.ib-'i'i iptii’U; or l>0 after the year has I lieJ. ADVKUTISKMKN fS iusertcil for sixty ccnts s juare t'T the tirst, an 1 tliirty cents l«n- each i-ce.iiuir pulilii-ati.-n. Yearly a.lverti-iemei-.ts -jieoial iiintraots. at reast-nahle rules. Ail- rtisers are retjuesteil to statt» the imniher i>f .'lotions ile.sired. or thoy will be eontiiuicJ till rlii'1, an'l ch:ir;^0'l accordingly. ■” LeUcrs to Uk t litors must bo post-jiaiJ. HiU)'rili:U8 LLVi:. £-jy* Tilt* iic-w St(‘tmK'r ‘’Uoi lii.Ass” vi: _ 1 ccn aii'li 'I to this l.ine, ami now hav- i\.‘i lii;ht iliMlt .■'tv iin.eis and four Tow . >" In -i I'l'iicr, tlie I’roiirietors are . rt-d !• tr.iii.'iM I t Kr'.;_ht to I'ayettevilU , 1 ilu' intt rnii iliatf laiiii;uj;s, with as fiiiick (Till aa aiiv I iluT Line. .1. s. 15AN1C?, A-ont. i!ii.ii;u.' II. 1'' otf 1000 For sale by June 1*4. UACOX. LV.S. V'HOU’E !IAMS. 2000 do. Sides and JShoulders. II. lUlANSON .K SON. 1! ;!t '. P. 9,185^. S rWlllK MAUSAW sr.\(ip^ will leave Fayette- M- ville daily, at half past four o’clock, .\. M., couimeiicuij the 1st dav of .hilv. 2-tf ilcKLNNON .S: MoVKILL. .1. S liA.XKS. siikI :iriiiiur w ilmi.nc;tc)X, x. c. .lun> li:;, IS’--. ;’.tf LlFi: OF t;! ';. \ViM'li;L!) !i(()TT. Ill: WHK; (’ \M)ll)\TK FOli TUK I'RKSIDKM V. 000 XyI3N WANTED, T I t inci.'LATi: i Sc.\.f> o. i.eu. V.\S~ i Si iii i\ 'ir. "r Tin: i NiTKO viniv. \ i:!'U Ai:i» i». Aiit!.' -.’ Hi'".'TV t,f the Me.\;,-an War, 1 IN 'NL Vol., iL’in..,, I .''i: ,i‘> ‘ ii :‘ii II ii'i Liijriini'js^ r..i. si ictorialLife ofGen Scott, r ri;i—> riut i; :;i» ck'' is. —ALSO— I Lithographic Picture of iXYL \VI\FII.LI) SIOTT. i KMs. j -ALSO— ..ISTORY of THE MEX ICAN WAR, iviim ilie I'nll ai-cmiit nf the I? VTTLI'S atid tio- I.KILLIA.M ACIilL\ EMKNTS of Tfie ll(‘ro oi* 4 \\ it/i III!'/ r.v i:. 1' MANSI ii;li>, t'O. r-. ;. e .'>1 :i-\ looo A(ii:\Ts \va\ti:d. w hoin ('onnrU‘~- and l)i.strii ts v. ill be u'i'en. tl.>- SaU' of tli.-M- w .rkri. ti.'rfT- .\l'plii:lti; ns ,! L be made iniiiic liatfly. Tei'nis iuvaiia- i'ush. L»is'.iuut iil.( ral. A. S. ]]akm:s & (u, J^iUishrrs, No. .r>l J'diu street, Nww York. June 2:^. !!:>•'-. :;-4te'iw 'I'hr Siil)scrilM>r olirrs for sale raluable LOT at Floral CoPfprp. cont.aining acre, on whi-h there is a couvenient Storc- ii'T. ;iii(l \Vareh’)U.«t‘ att.aclieil, in pooil oriler. ' Taii'ir-sliop. l!l:i-k«inith-sho;i, C'rtb and i'. Th-‘ I"catioi» is ii.s desirable as any in plat e. I’t r'"iis wishing to |riirchase will ■ t!i- un ii ist^iticd at Fioral College, N. Terms aci-iiinniodating. i‘. Mcl'Armx. 1110 'J's Al CTIOX SAI.E8. rwllIE subscriber will commence selling liis -B. entire stock of CJooiis on Tuestl.-iy, Llth .luly, and continue from day to day. Tiie .stock is large and well assorted ajul better goods than are usual to be found at Jiuction. All mert hauts woul.i do well to attend the sale. 1 he stock c'nsists of Staple and Kancv (ioods; Mats, lionnets. 15i;ots aii'i ."'iioes; Hardware an>.l I utlery; Smiths Ti>ols; Coopers' and C.arpen- ters do; Nails: Iron; Salt; C'">ffee and Sugar; Hollow-ware; .Mill and cross-cut Saws; Crockery and (.ilass-ware; and a great variety of other articles. Also, double and single barrel guns, tine and couiiuou. Terms easy, aul made known on the day of s.tle. .M.'ii). at 00 (lays, for notes :it Iiank, •') shares Henrietta Steam i>oat Ci.i.'s Stock—ji.-ir value ^1-0 per sh.-tre. 7 ^har^■d Fayetteville and Western I’lauk Koad ( o.—j>ar value n.’>U. ; shares !■ ayette\ille am'. Southern I'lank Itoad j Company—par v.-iluv .'S.'iO. j ‘ !'. TAYLOll. ! -V. -M. CA.MI’CKLL. Auct’r. ; June ■_’8, lS.;i2. ;i-ts I iiO'n:i.. ^■^IlK siil-.scriber having purchased the Hotel ^ sitiuited I'U the Souiii-F.ast corner of Court House Siiuare, «uij lately kn(-wn as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is uww . ready to accommoitHte boarilers by the d.ay. j week or no.nth. Having ni.-ide consijerable ’ outlay in funiisliing ami reiitting the Fstablish- I me’it, he liojies ti> be .-ible to give satistaction I to ail who parroniz.- him. His Table sh.ill be ^ furni>hf.l with tiu* be.-i the market all'^riis. lii> i>ar with the l)est ol Lii|Uors. and his Stable ■ witii a plenty of g'> ...l j i-,)\cii .v-r an i faitiiUil idjtier-. I J. A. (,;!L«'HU1ST. June - IS.'iJ. ;:-tf DISSOLl riox. Tlif linii of An-y, SIhmiiw. H I'i: Cm., heretofore existing, h.is been this day dissol'ed by mutual consent. Ml ilemaii'is :iga list said firm will be p;n*l by 1’. Shemwell. at the "!d stand; and all per.>oi,> indebted to the late firm will ple.ase m.ike imme diate payment to 1’. Shemwell, wlii> alone is uu- Iv authi.>riseil to settle the same. S. S. AltKV. I*. SllKMWr.LL. JA.". K. .\i. iaiNAl.n. Favi-ttev-'le. June'Ji'-. -itf xo ri( E. Tile nuliseriber will be prepared, by the conimenee- ment of the next s' ssion of the I at this place, to :ici-omiiiiMJat!- eight or (aiders. i’erson*? bringing young hidies ti.:.i iiiiice will jilease give lue a call. V. .McEACHIN. !• 1 College, June 1802. C-;>t I. \ \ 1 ri'i) \i~s.\ I. I \' \l.l AlILE tract of Land is offered for aie. containing acres, lying oj mileu 1 aM'tteville. near the F. iV IMank ■j 'iiiing Mr.-j. Nott and others, with a ■ iig and oth«r necessary out houses, - an i healthy liitu.-itiun. -Apply t') 1). M' imffte in F.ij eiteville. t,r to 11. Mebulfii; on the pi eiuiscs, for particii- nO^ l‘. Slu'niut'll AN ill conliniK' the 1 »ry t nmds business at the oi.l «t uid of Are\ . .''hemweli ('o.. where he wnl be ple^ise 1 to see all who will favor him «ith a call. Thank ful !>T past favor.' from the public, he hopes, by strii't attention to busiacs.s, to retain a share • ■1 public jiatroiiage. r. shkm\vi:ll. Carolinian copy. MIL IMIS KlliniV. fB^HI.'' Academy is iinw cmiilHU-d. It is a i l:irge and commotlious building, pleasant ly located witliiii i luilT- ..r wuiievliie. Its po- siti .11 for health is g.md and will compare favor ably with any portion "f tlie ."^t.-ite. 1 h'‘ Second .''es.'ion of tliis Iii'titutiori will eomiaeiii e on the Hth JCLV next, under the care ;.nd m.u'.agemt lit tif Mr. A. I. I’l r.NKIl. a gmtl. niaii. who is not only timjily etid^'vved with all the re'piisite i|Ua;ifi ation,- for a teauli- er. but wh.i has had. ii. addition t" this, many years experience iii teaching. 7'7-»?n '/ Ivifiim j>r'r Sissioil, ri'.: Spelling, Ili'.ad'iig and W riting OH Arithmetic, Fiigiish (iraminar. History, iieography aioi I’hilosophy, 10 00 Chemi.'try, .\lgebra, Geometry and Sur- vexing 1- >0 L.itin, (irci'kanl Fieiidi l'> 00 i Students can obtain board in the neighbor- ' hood ut convenient di»-tances trom the .Vcadeuiy ’ at fro.II Nt; io s7 per month. 15v oiuer of the I Joan . TilOc. .M. SMITH, Sec'y. June -'1. f.AXD rOK SALi:. fBlHH subscri>K-r offers for sale a tract of K. Laml, containing ninety-five acrt s, situa ted on the .Morg nitou and ('hickjn I'oads. three miles from Fayetteville, :idjoining the l.iiids of .\lex. Johnson jind .Mrs. Hybart. Persons wish ing to purchase said land, can for further p.ar- ticulars, apply to tiie subscriber, at her resi dence, two ?iiiles and :v half from Fayetteville, on the Yadkin road. E. A. OCHILTllEE. June 21, 18.'.2. ;Mw W' e an* roqiu'stod to anriouHce JOHN J. I'HILII’S a candidate for the f>flice of S'heriff for tlie county of Cumberland, ut the ensuing election. June 11, 1S52. 00 Shoes for Sdir al ('osf. rjlHF, sub.«criber w ill sell oOO pair of l.adies’, .Misses', .nnd (’hildreii’s Shoes, Gaiters, Call wiiile the assortment Office F. vV W I Jiiiip f^OOKS of Subscription, t« increas( tiie cc.pital stock of this company to a sulli- cient amount to build a branch road from the line ol this company's road to Deep Itiver, will be immediately opened ;it Evans's .Mills, under the direction of I’eter G. Evans, W. U. Tyson, Duiican .Murchison, Wni. Farrow, .los. I’alnier, ami l)r. C. Chalmers, anl remain open until turther notice. I'he friends of the woi-k will please call on the Commissioners, and make their subscrii>tions. I5v order of the lio:ird. KDWU WINSLOW, I’lcs’t. J.NO. >L IloSK, Cl'k. \ i’nblie Meetiiir will lie belJ ut Lvaiis s Mills, ui Saturday, 17th July nest, in behalt of this IJraiich Koad. where all the friends (.d'the work are invited to attend. [‘.iS-4\v ron.\c'co. subscriber continues to receive and S. sell, on maiiiifacturers' account, all grades of manuUictured Tobacco. J. I’TLEV. May 31, ISo’J. ‘)6tf FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES By TJIK Si:\l’.ll\HD \\U KIIWIiKi: RAIL RO.II). rH^llE I’l'ULlC are informed that the Sea- i board and Itoanoke Hail Koad Company have completed their new bridge across Koanoke Uiver at WeUlon, and are now prep.ared to tr.iiisport p.-issengers and freight from Weltlon to I’oi tsiaoutli all I .Noriolk, and the Northern cities promptly ainl with disjiatch. The I’ars leave eldon daily at o'clock. P. M , and arrive at 1‘ortsniouth by 7 o'clock. I’. M.. in time to comiect with one of the ('hesa- }>eake Hay Steamers. HEll.VLl*, G F.( >Kti 1 or NOilTH ('.VKv*LlN.\. tor llaltiniore, and arrive a' I'laltiniore l arly nest morning, in tiiuC to connect with the morning train that kavcs for I’hiladelplii.i and New York. liy liii.-5 eoiiitortable and agreeable route. 1’.-isseIIgers leaving \\'i'mingtnii in tliv iiooiiiog train, will arrive e.iily the iic\t iiiorning at liiiitinioi'f. .in I i( o il .\’ew \ . i'k tlo- same ev* u- ing. witlo'Ut io>s of %lcei., ani with iiiit one , tlallire of piT.'.'U and li.igga'^e tietween WcidoU and llaltiiii.ue. an 1 avoid entirely niglit tr.ivel- ling on Kail K'.ads. fo render this i-oute w.irthy d’ the ti;i\elling puliiic. the coirii'any h.ive employed caretul .iinl r»spon-ibU- b; ;r^age agents, who chock :ill bagga.ire at eldon throUiih to r.altiniore con.'cjuently the travel ler h.is n > furthi'r irmible with his baggage until he reache.' I'.altimore. The l'lif>:ipe.ike Lay Steamers also stop at i)LI> I’OlNT. to land and recei.e l*asseiigi-rs. and I’assengers who le.ive W'eldoii at o'ch'Ck. 1’. M., arrive at Old I’oint tlie same evening. .\n airuiigemeiit has been entered into, bv the ditfereiit Kail KoJi ! and .'• te.imb.iat I'ompan- ii's. b_\ which tiif same riiroiigh Ticket i.'.'iied at Charle'i. n, wiil leave it ojitioiiary with the tr;i\ciierto take either r> iite at Weldon. An aceiimiii’id.iiion tr.iiii le.ive* V.,-ldon every Tiles la-. , Tl.uraday and .>atur.l.iy moiiiings for l’..r!'m’..;itli. \ .r..'.lk. .iiid Of, 1'' I’t 11 .\T i nM FiiKT. I’a^sfiigers by either ti-ain lor Oil I’oint. will re.-icli ii'I Point the same evening. F-r'ITll'i it lil TI'KEIS to lialtinn.re ixnd New York, and any other iniormati”:i desired, in piire cl the .\gent at Wchhiii. E. N. FKTLKSON, Agent. Office .'Seaboard \ K. K. K ' | Ueld'.n, N. C., .May I’sth. 1''.'*:.’. ( TO Tflli PUBLIC. subscriber has leased for a term of years, of R. W. Brown, Esq., his tire-proof Store, with his Wharves, and is now in a condi tion to t.ake especial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores committed to his care. 1 he Warehouse is well known to be the best and salest phice in town for the storage of Uacon, Lard, Com, I’eas, Sic. The lower wharves have on them lour large new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make advances when reijuired. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: K. W. Brown, John Dawson, 0. G. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright, Eaijs. MILE.S COSTIN, Brown’s wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 12, IHOi. 21-Y' 1()H aTxT)^ E have a lot of /jrinif common Tobacco, ¥ ¥ which we will sell by the box very cheap. J. & t. WADDILL. May 20, 18’)2. 04-tf .MRS. W’ALTOX, Mnnfiia-Mak'cr nnd Milll/icr^ 1 las just received a new and beautiful assort- I ment of Spring and Sum mer BO.\ I ] ?>, and expects to receive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them a.s che.-ip, if not cheaper, th.in any in the mar ket. She expects daily a new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Laco Shawls. Scarfs and Mantillas. Also Dress and S.icijue I'atterns of the latest style. i; Orilers from the country promptly at tended to. and Country cn>t'imers may always be sure of getting the latest st\le of ■irticles or [•attrriis. March :’.0. lS.->2. 7Stf xo'i'k'}:. I'iK.'^i iN.S indebted to us by Konil or Bon',; acc'>ui;t due previous to Jan'y 1. 1n'>1. will make .'ettlements tiv lc'.;al J. .V T. \SADUil.L'. NEW (JOODS. WE arc now receiving a rery large and well selected stock of SI’KING GOODS, consisting of a full assortment of Fancy A* Stufife M9ry Gootfs, •\mong which may be found the latest and most fashionable styles of Ladies’ and Gentlemen's DKESS GOODS, llat.s, Caps, Bonnots, Ready-inado Cloth ing, Iiani\v:ire, Groceries, J)riigs and Mcdiciiifs, t^iiddlcry, Crockcry, and (jhissware. A large and well selected stock of Boots ajid Shoes, and Ladies’ and Gentle men’s Gaiters, (very fine.) SALT, IJlOX, MOJ.ASSJvS and NAILS. We intend selling as cheap as we c!in, jind would be glad if our I'rieuds and the public would call and examine imr stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 24, 18Ci2. 7btf XEW nooKs. Price ol* advanced. USONS who have made contracts with J. F'. Jordan & (’>. for furnishing Pv.VGS, are hereby informed, that we will pay cents per lb. on all Cotton Kags, Hope and Bagging, delivered to us after this daro. H. BUANSON cSi SON. March 11, 1852. 72tf bookTux!)i:ry. AV. II VKDIE has re.-u:ued the Book %. • Binding business at the new Sti.re next door to Mr. lieasley, Jewelh r, wl.ere he will re ceive and e.xecutc binding in any style desired. August 1. 27tf I-OR SALE, B.\GS white Corn Meal, TOO lbs. in a Bag, a line article for family use. JNO. D. W1l'l1,\.MS. May 4, 18.--2. S8tf ^T.ACiE lea\es AVAKS.\W dailv on the ar- and arrives iu F'ayetteville at p. in. \McK1-NNON ,y McNFILL. April 12, 18-')2. Sltf AVihningtou and Goldsborough paiiers copy Wide World: lUinianisni at Home, by Kir- . until forbid. wan; the Farmer’s Dictionary, by D. 1*. Gard- ! - ner, M. D.; the Wide, Wide World; vVc., kc. a UEECHA', by the author of the AVide, P must s.-ttle process. S|)riii^' (lOods—185‘^. .)AM!:s Kvu: IS M.w itKrKiv'.M; .\iim r 250 raukiot;s uf DHY C03D3, ,\11 of which being pnrch.-ised for('.VSH. will be offered :it very icdiici'd prices f.ir cash, or o;i time to punctu.il customers, either by wliole- s;ile '-r retail. £r^r>'iltinr ('lotlis frnni Xo. 1 to lU, ot' the best that is maiiufactui ed. ALirch 22, 7-jtf Plants in Bloom. »H F, a doj.eii varieties of new \' F.K Kl'.N .\S, of all C'lors.—pure white, deep ciimsoii. ,'fripcd, \c.; thirty v.arietics of tiie K'*SE. blooming. I’itsoiis wishing t.i make selections are iiivitdl to c.il! and 'ce them. They wiil be ready fu' delivery in the course ot ihe sumuier aliil tall. .Alaiiy curious and be.intiful jilaiits are con stantly comiiiir iiiti> bloom. LI. T'fEK L( Ml. Kowau .'Street. P. .S. Persons wishing Strawberries in any i|U.iiitity should give notice the day before they are wanted. On the gr )Uiids, 20 rts. per ipiart. When sent ou’, •' May 17. '.M-tf (’orrox VAUXS tor .;Jo bv the b.ile, :it Fadorv priees. bv ST\KK .V WILLl.VMS. March lo, 18'»2. 72tf i.ovnox iH)irri:u. C.\SK.S Pints, "Byass’” just received and for sale bv .S. W. T'LLINGHAST & CO. Mav 2i;, 1S.-.2. yi-tf IL\RMAXS llorEL, FA vi: I v. ^B’illF Subscriber, having taken the large' B Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's ' Hotel, situ.ited at the foot of li.iy Mount. Hay ! Street. Fayetteville, N. C., respectluUy informs , his friend.s and the public that he is now eii- ; gtiged ill refitting the building, which is sup- , piie I with entire new Furniture, and is pre- ; pared to :iccommodate the travelling public.— ■ Having li:i 1 seme experience in the business in , the town of Pittsb irougli, .N. ('., he flatters himself that he will be able to give satisfaction to th se who nia\ favor him with their coiii[ia- i ny. His rooms are large and airy. He has large and convenient Stables, and a good and faitliful Ostler. JlMlN HAKMAN. Feb'y 17. lHo2. O' tf STOCK. ^B^llE undersignc«I are now receiving their M, -Sl’UlNG S TOCK, consisting of 1>RV CiJOODS, IfVUDWAUK. €'/stts^ ami visors, All of which will be sold low to punctual cus- ti)liier» .IS heretol'ore. .Merchants and others will ilo well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We ••vill not be undeisold. HALL i SACKFTT. March 11, lS.'j2. i'2tf XEW Elli.M. ~ undersigned have entered into coj.art- fl- iiership, under the name and style of l.aureiice A: Troy, For the purpose of iloing a general .Mercantile aiiil Barter l>usines. ^Ve have taken the Store, .\o. iiMiKLKN S l'KEET. IVirmeily occupied by ■ .Messrs. John Huske «!i: Son. 1 ;E(). W. LAWRENCE. JOHN B. TUOV, Jr. ! Oct. 22, 18--.1. a:itf IHAA’E just received from New Y’ork, my FALL AND WINTER I Stock )t‘ (jloods, I Consisting of a general assortment of ' Dry Hoods, (iroccries. Ilanhvare, I'lHlcry, j I will barter for TL'llPENTlNE, or any kind of I’riuluce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, 18.')0. ' 4:itf L\ STORE, PLOUGHS and Flough Castings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning heels. C. il.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 18.“il. 32tf- A LL those indebted to the sub.scriber will find their riceounts maile out by calling at the Foundry which will jdease be settled as Just receiveil. E. J. HALE & SON. M.iy 22, lHo2. f\iffctferll/e Hotel, ' FAVET'rEVILLE, X. C. ^SIHLS large and splendid liuilding has now 3- been ill successful operation since .May l ''t‘.i. The Keddiiig and Furniture of all kind's is new. and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the tiest the marl;et ali'ords, aided by a fine vegetable L’^’irden. lioarih I s, TiOdgers. and Travellcr.S will find le- sirahle ;.cconim»jdatioiis .incj attentive servMiits. -No i-aiiis ‘.vill be spared to give ei'tir? satisi'ac- tion. Families can be furnished with larse, airy, front doulilc rooms, conveniently and hand- ■somely liirnished. An expt'rieiice of 'jO years will enable the les see, she hopfS, to give general satisfaction. ANN BK(»WN. June 1, IS'iO. 28-tf T'a ifetteviile ISratich fLOT!li\li i;STl!!LISll.WI':,\T. •I. .11. WEiile 4.V: t'laderiiill, Driijtri :, Tm'loni, ami haUMh- and Re fit t! ('loth t> r., 110 William Street, New York, AM) I'erson street, (next door to I',,ink of Cajie Fear,) FAVETTEVILLE. N. C. ' . V E would beg leave to inform the citiz?ns of Fayetteville .iiui viciii v, th.-it we have just receiveil our supply of .''I'illNti AND SCMMEK GO(iLiS, which coui]'rises a general ass"rtnieiit of i{i:ai>v-.mai)i: ci.otiiixg. Which will be found worthy the attention of purchasers. Our assortment consists in part ot the following: (.'O.VTS. — Black and col'd cloth Dress, Frock and Sack Coats, all qualities; bl.-ick ami colored Cashmeret ditto; French and English Drap 1)'- Ete ditto; C'ueen's-cloth ami .\lpaca ditto; Fan cy (.'oats of mottled ( rasse and Tweeds: Ken- iiuKy .U-ans; Linen and Cotton (iiiighams; Bro., bull and white Lii>uu.i: white grass-cloth Sacks. 6ic. of all qualities. I’.VN’IS—«if black and col'd Cassimere; fancy single-miU'd ditto; French and English Drap D'Ete fiitto; white and col'd Drill ditto; Ken tucky .leans ditto; India aiul French Nankeen ditto, ,'vc. VF.'sTS—Of black .'^atin, r.oniba/ine. .\lpaca, black and col'd Si'.ks; w hite and col d .NL-irseilles i ditto; brow n and padded Linen, plain and tig’d; I Nankeen. Bull', (!rass-cloth, \c. .Ml of which are otl’ered for sale as low as can be bought in the New York market, at wholesale and retail. in addition to the above, we shall keep on hand a general assortment of Shirts. Drawers, C'ollars, (’ravats. Hosiery, tS:c. Also, ('Iwths, t'assimeres, and A’estings. ; The TAILORING DLI’ART.MENT will be continued as before, and all orders for fine Cloth ing will Ue executed in the most fashionable ] stvle. A. C. H.\RT, Agent, j April 8. i;-.’»2. 80tf Only ISiia’iit M£t iia a.T\. .McIverii.\x STILL continues to carry on the CAKKl.VGE | nr.'^l ,N L.'^.' in all its branches, at the re- | mains of his old stand, ojijiosite Liberty Point, j He returns thanks for the liberal patr mage ho ' iias hert'tofore rei’cived. and hopes b.v stru t ;ii- tention to iiusiness and a de.'iic to givi- intire i satir;fa-tiiin, to iu« rit a c uuiiiuauce of ;iie same. Ha\ing kept the greater jioriiou of his Tim bers at a disi.'.nce from the m.uiuf:;ct 'rv. he has on hand a lar/e and well selected lot of tho- roi.;.lily seasoned Timber, of every lie.serifitio-i used in his busiii' ss. which enabli s him to retain all bis princijial workmen, lie is tlieretore now ]>repared to do any work in his line in the very licst style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the same iiuality in N. t’. He has on hand, completely fiiiishe'l, 8 Barouches, for 1 or 2 horses; ♦i Rockaways. and 1^! Buggies. .Also, nearly tini.-^hcd, lo C.-irriages for 2 horses: 20 B.arouclies for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. and :10 Buggies; All of which are of the most approved plan and finish, and will comp.ire with any work iu the ■ U. .''tat(S for ne.-itness and durability. I Having been engaged i:i the above bnsine'Js : for the past 20 years, his work is w; ;i known. | and he refers to old cust'.uiers for proof of its I durability. 1 work wamintfd fur 12 months, i and rv*]iaired free of charge should it fail h}' bad : workm.-insliip or material, within th.-it lime. | Ri;j> viiiixr. executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan'y 2i>, 18.')2. Lr.MliER! LT'MT.ER!! WE liave our Steam .aw Mill in success fill operation. Smiles from Fayetteville, near the Raleigli Stage Rrra l, auil are prepared to execute orders in our line. As we run two I’.t.tdiii or Circular S'jirs. we can fill bills at the shnrtest notice. V, e can furnish Pine, 1‘oplar and Junii'cr LL’AIBER, nnd of almost any length. Our Lumber, for trutlifnlness of line i.inl smoothness id' face, shall be eijual to aey ever delivered iu market. JOXES & BAHBEK. JLirch 'SO, ]V‘.';2. 78tf XOTICE. " partnership heretofore e\i.;ting under JB- the ii.-ime of J. 11. & R. F. Murjihv iathii day dissoivtd by mutual consent. All those indebtL'd to the linn, by note or account, are reiiucstej to call at 1!. F. .Alor- phy's, and settle before the Frith of Fe>iruary ne.xt, and there>iy save cost. And tho,se having claims agai.-ist the firm are l e.juestcd to preseiil them iuimediaiely. J. AV. .Ml'RPHV. R. F. ML Rl'HV. Jan'y 2(», 18-'j2. tiOtf Spirils of 'rurpcntine invited. rS>0 jiersons having Spirits Turpentine t'# -El sell, we are in tlie market to buy; or we will receive and ship to :inv n.aiket the owner iiia\- desire, aiid make liberal advauciss un con signment. Ct>OK \ TAYLOR. .May (I, 1S.'>2. f!;-f X. 13.~:STARiU CK, Troy, .h^civ iVrf.. IlKXX AXD .AlACIIIMST, JJiiII ii/’ii rnri r >'/ J////.S and Doth r.-. .(/'// (ji iin'ii.j u f IIU !, tm Is, Phaijh., civ. fCTIlE ii;ider i.2ned. as Agent of Ihe abo\>» -M. K.stablislnuent, will order any articles which jii.iy be v» anted, on iipi lieation to him. " he .''team MiiLs manufacti.ri-d by .Mr. Star- luic'i l.avi- bc' ii t. sted. r,; d tir' ]n_. lily ii]'i ro\c I •11 tne i’hink U...-,.!s a'. t ■ 'ttcville. F:i vettevilli LDW’O ;.t. i. I ' It; D.MLV i:xprA'Tj:i). A (.KN'F.RAi. ASS(,K r.MENT of IlOl.l.i ..,.^1. '..vi’l , ' y E. *'. li.iL]., of R 'Ihi )V,’- Oci. 1.'', i,: Xi:w HOOKS. g^FTN \M'S r.IIiRAKV. Nn.s. 4 and ■. beit.g H the World Here and Tiure, bv Dickens, and Ho.id's Own: Count .Monte-Leone, t>r the .Spy in .‘Society: .Miss .''cwell's .Ifmrmil of .T. i^um- iiier T iiir; Aieoioir ot' Kev. \V. il. Hewitson, Wesley aihl .\letliodism. by Taylor: Sl>t■Jl''er'^» I’astor's Sketches: .McGiiiiey s Eclectic Rcati-i s, 1st, 2d, od and 4lli parts; Barker's 1st Lesson-* in I’liilosophy: .Alills’ Rliftonc; Davies’ School Aritliuo lie: \c. Also, fi’.i'ther supplies of THE Bn.^TO!» -AC.\ DEM V'.'' ('ollectioTi; Carm’iiia Sacra; Giinn'i Domestic 3Iedicine; llunn rist'.i Librarv: \c. E. J. HALE ,v‘S0N. 'ill mf Livery Stable Business. ^QMIE subscriber intends carrying on the f 3. above busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be alile to accom modate the public. TliaiikJ'ul for jiast favors, he solicits a continuance. J. AV. PfiWEKS. .Ian'V 20. 1S.'i2. oStf .jis r Rix'i:i\ ED, ^ BP.LS. CRCSHED SCtiAK. * 5000 lbs. Wavne County Racon. ir, bbls. L.-Ird, No. I.* (',4 boxes jirime Tobacco. 40 bbls. Mackerel. .At Cross Creek Co. C. RENBOAV March 1. 18-j2. 1‘res't. m>tf d. .t d.v VV,;t. I-, AV. S. LATTA. O'.ltf une 2'j, 18'i2. 3-tf r\ioN ac ademy. HE second Session of this Institution will coiiiiiiencc on .\Jonday the 12th of July . under the careof (Ujes Leitch, a grauuiite le 1 iiiversity of .North Carolina. fi rnix of 7'iiiiioii, per Sen.iitii, viz: g. Ke.iding, Writing, and .Alental V'Miii>|.t':r. ' ;ji() 00 Bisii iiraiiiin.ir, Getigrapliy, .\iitl»nie- Ic, aie: l!,-t,,ry. 9 00 Bin. (M , i'i-,.|,cli. and the higher ■branch.- •' M:,t|K.„,;itics, 12 (K) mie Stewai I’s i!.,^ ^viU be ke;it by Mrs. .Ma- L. Rowland, i hit|. (,f Lumberton,) well known the public lor le-r ability to discharge the l ies incumbent on the same, having been for ii' iiiber of years pa't eounei.ted with public keeping. 1 lie 1 rustees Hatter themselves 't slic can give gener.ii ^atisnu tion. 8he will ' 1 l ir seven ilollars ;i month, ami board can '■ be btained in good lamiuv’s iu the iieiich- ii:..r,d. * order of the Bojird of Trustec.s. , JilI.V TAVLoll, Sec’y. I"- 5«'^2. 0.4,V 1 vsks. aud scuJ a,‘j t to Sco’y. and Slippers at cost, is good. June 14, 18.-,2. Ilnfl Moinil Residence to Rent. The House formerly /iccujiied by I. Hawloy, oppoi»ite J. G. Cook", till Jan’v 1st. .Apply tJ H. G.‘ HAi.L. or HALL SACKETT. June 14, 18.V2. I'Utf .A ( ARD. rff^HE return of low water renders it neces- .B. sary that the Steamer Chatham should be employed ,is a tow bo.at. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JNO. D. WILLIAAIS, Ag't Cape Fear S. I>. Co. May 12, 18.',2. 10-If Ri eeired on ('onsf irninetd. 4ND for sale cheap, TiO bb!s. A\ II IS KEY. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Mav 4, 18:Vi. SJ>tf early as convenient. .Alarch U. II. G UALL. 71 E. C. IIALL, or HO.MK, ,SiK'i'i!^!^>ir !>t Hall, Sar/crtf tC' Vi>., S now receiving his Fall STOCK of GOODS, consisting of a general assortment of A. W. W IIITEIEI.D, (’oaeh and l.isht ('arriA«:e ManiifActiiror, WOULD respectfully inform the public th.it he still continues to carry on the above business iu all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general sat isfaction, to merit continuance of the same. He warrants all lis work to be maile of the best material and 1-y experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either iu workmanship or material, he will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buv. would do well to call WAX'ri-j), U.^HRELS of TFRl'EN- Tl.NE. for Distillery at the Plank Road Bridge on Big Rockfish. The best market price will V>e p.aid. For further inform ation. iiKjuire of.1 ohn W. .Murphy, at the Bridge, or of.V. .V. .AlcKethan. Fayetteville. Dec. 18, 18-31. ' 4!itf IIV1)! o F JVC t o r EDGEWORTH 'I'hdt 1*01 jfSI/! how it Shines! 10,000 |{o\eM Mold wifliiii ^ s? V A -r' -V nine ^ \V()ODAV.VIlD returns his thanks to GreGnSbOrOUgUj W. 0. • the public for the unprecedented ei.- rjC^IlE Twelfth year of this Institution will Dry Goods, Saildlcrv. I l;its. Caps, | and examine his work »X‘for« purchasing, as it .*1 II I i cannot be surpassed for stvle, elegance, and k llOCS, 1 lir(U\ 11 O, C>rO ^eri(?>. i ihn-.ibility. lie is detemiii>ed lo sell low for A niiiidi larger and more general stock than | short time. ever opened on the East side of the ('ape Fear | thankfully received and promptly at- comnieiice on *AH)ND\A', the ‘2d day f.f .AL'Gl'ST next, and termir.ate upon the last uf .ADiy following. The scholastic year is dividol into Sessions of five monthseach, with a recess of a few days only at Christmas. The primary design of this Institution is to I secure to its pupils every facility for the ac quisition of a solid and orn;imental educatiou. I Tlie I’rincipal is aided by a corps of able, ac- I coinplished, and thoroughly (jualified teachers. ! For (-'irculars and other particulars relative to the School aj)i)lv to, I’rof. RICH’D STEFILINT., I’rincip.-il. U'.)-t»W S'FRaw c:iJTTi:irs7 4 LOT just received, and we intend for the accotnmf'dation of our customers to keen them con' tantly ou hand. J. & T. W’ADDILL. Jui:c 10, 1852. Oa-tf couragement he has met with in the manuf.ic- ture and sale of his celebrated I’OLISH, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps a supply on h.ind for wholesale or retail. Experience has proved that this Bolish is un surpassed for fjuickness in putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. i Persons wishing to oil tiieir hoots can use ’ this Polish with e'pi.il success immediately af- terwanls; the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is appl'ed, before it dries. ' This Polish can be found ut the store uiuler ; the ’aroliniaii Printing (HHce. ! Fayetteville, Feb. 21, 18-52. »)7tf DAIf-Y i:XRIXri'ED, A GENER.vL assortment of C O O P E R S ’ T 0 (J L , of the best manufacturers’ make, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 15, I8&J. which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctu.al customers, either at wholesale or retail at greatly reduced prices. He would call particular attention to his stock of P>OO rS .\ND SHOES. The assortment is unusually large, tiiid of every f|uality and style; and h.aving been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. You that wish Bargains will find it to your interest to give tlie Stock au examiuatiyu before buying elsewhere. .\lvvavs on hand, a geueral stock of GROCE RIES. ‘ Oct. 18, 1851. S2tf tended to. Kt'l*-AlRING neatly executed at shor notice and lowest ptissible prices. Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 1802. «ltf By ( iilj TWO DftORs \iiiivi’ !i\ifiii FayeJleyilSt, i'. Jan’y 20, 18^2. .>-^-1 A pd XEW r.OOKS. BTTSr.VLll’FRTON S A'ankc-e Stories, illuctrai- ja H_ I'd: the Yankee Tea 1 arty, or Boston iu 177';: the (iM Bell of lndc]>eiiiience, oi' Fhila- delphia iu 177*i; Camp Fires of the Revolution, or the War of ladependence, illn.>»trated; Weld's Dictioi;.iry . ! Scriptural Quotations; Harbaugh'.i Heavenly RL-cogiiitioii; (.’.-itecliism of Familiar Things; Mathias’ Rule.? of tirder, for Societies, AValker's Rhyming and Pronouiicing Dic tionary: British Female Poets; .KnicrivMU Fe male I'oets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Cluotatioi.s: Philadelphia n.s it is in lS.'/2; \c. E. J. HALE \ SON. A 1 ril S. M.VRPF.R'S Maga/.ine for JTine; I'he Pari.s Sketch Book, bv 'I'hnc’iier.'iy; Gaieties and (iravities, by Horace Smith; .loiirney to Iceland; Cp the Rhine, by Hood—2 j.)irt^: Alison’s Life of .Marlborough; Cockbui-n's Life of Lord Jef frey; Horse Siioe Kobinson. new edition; Marcu*- AVarland. >>y .Airs, l.ee Hentz; Robertson's t'harles A': 'i'he Farmer's Fiucyclojiijedia of .Mo dern Agriciilture, by Blake; The Pests of the Farm, by Richards‘>n: l!or;P3—their A'a^’iety. Breeding, kc., by ditto; Donieatic Fowl.-., autl Ornamental Poultry, by t’le same .-\ntbur. -Vlio, further supplies of Gunu’.s Dume&tio Medicine, .Mien's Rural Architecture, Srho d Books, &c., just received bv June I-'.. F. S. HALE & S(‘N. .\cu' Hooks—Medical., «V‘. EKi.S’ Veli.eau's Mid’..'i!'ery; Mendenhall'.-j Aledical St;;dent’s Vade-.AIecuin; Mur- idiy's }{eview of Ciiemistiy for Stuiler.fs; P.id- dle's Revievv of .Alateri.i .Medica and Therajteu- tics. for i'tudeiits: Crnigj's i'.leiricnts of General and I’atiiol'igic;.! .\natouiy Cazeaux's Midwile- ry; Hastings’ .Alin-ir .'^;irgcry: R''ete'» An). .'led- ical Formul.-’.iy: the Physician's Pockct Pre set iption Book: Flagg ou Ether .ind Chlorot'onu in Surgery, Dentistry. .Vc.; .Morfit's Chemical and Pharmaceutical .M.iiiipiilalious; Reasley’s Drop gist's Receipt Rook; Ditto i’ockct Formu- la!-y: Noad's (" eniical Analysis; A\\vthe's .Micro- ■cupi.st.s’ Manual; AVrig'.U's \.a. Reicipt Book; Overman’s P."acto,r.;l Miner.ilogy, .V3s.i3'ing and .Mining: Smith'9 Domestic Medi-ine: Ranking's Half Yearly -Vbstraci of Medical .Sciences; \c. E. J. HALE .V SOX. ~uTr KT ' LT r R A I^W O R K S T^^tiRTON S E!ei;ieiu3 of i-cienfific Agricul- 1'^ ture; Dana oa .M.tiiurc ; .\nierienn .Muck Book; A ouatt on t'aePi'.r: Cole’s Aiofrican Fruit Book: Thouias’s Fruit Culturijt: Family Kitch- en (.iardencr, by Bui. i; Dana’s Muck .Alanua!; .Alljn's ATiiciijan Farm B».6lv; Rich.irdson on the Bee; liitto ou tl'.e H ig: tiie -American R >se Culiurist; .Mlen'.s lUiral .\;c!iitectiire; Down ing's Fruits and Fru'.t T;-. cs .f meric.); John- “ti'u's .VgriciiUural Clieniistry; Faiiiier's Trea sure, >>y Far.incr; Miiitr’.s Am. Bee I'eeper’.s .Manual; A (;ua‘t and ?i.:rtin on (,'aitlc: Fessen den's Complete F I’-iier and Gai'k-ner: AVheel- Rural ilirids' FaJTi! April : }. i ‘J Stewart’;, .-t ible l',conoui\; .Liii's F.iriitr; \c.. E. ,f. HAL;: & SON. c,iooi)s. m FIR.M & .NKW (iflflDS.iw J"E are now receiving our usual stock of ] STAPLE AND FAN('V XEW GOODS. H’UST received, my F’all supply of CLOTHS, •F CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, TRIM MINGS, I'tc., of the best (juality, from New 1 A’ork. Also, the hitest Report of the New York I F.ASinoNS. j .Still cmitioue to carry on tlie I T.VILORING BUSINESS, at my Stand on Hay j street, and those who may favor me with their custom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on ilitj most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. OoL 27,1851, 54a r*lHE subscribers are now receiving from j JL N. York, a large ar.d general assortment of j Stajde and Fanctf Dr if Goods, CROCKIUKS, IIAUDWARK, Hats and Caps, Boot.s and Shoes. Anu.ng which are: Coffe', Sugar, Ootvou Bagging, Bale R.«pc, Nails, Window Glass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack Hud Alum SaU, Imperial and Black Teas, j Pepper, Alspice, Ginger, I’owder, Shot, j Bar Lead, Bar and f'ancy Soap. ( Together with a great variety of other arti- j cles, to which they invite the attention of the public, ami which they are determiued to sell i as lov/ for Ca.-ili, or ou time ttj those who pay | promptly, as any house in the Southern country 5(K> do7.e’i lvscriccs, Cologno Water, t)podild'jc, Pain-Killer, V'trndfiige. Forsile'y o. J. 11IN,'^D.\LE. j May 3. »7tf Cx 4> ^ ?? 3 for May; As good a.-* -1-3- a CoiHLvly, or tLe I'eniiejaeaiib Storv: ^ iluc 'i Travels in Tartai-y, Tl»i>»et aiul China; noot!« AVhich being bought late in the seasi-n, {n;ost of them at a consiilenible decline iu prije.) we are now prepared to acil them very low. Please call and examine. D. i AV. McLAURIN. .\pril 5, 1852, 70tf COITOX yaI^xs. WE are always prepared to fuiuish COT TON Y-VRNS by the bale, at Fiictory prices. J. & T. AV.ADDILL. .April 14, 18j2. S2if T. C. WOETH, Produce of all kinds, at the highest market! C 0.11.HISS! O.N A\D F(IRW.^RD1.\G .llERCH.iNT, WILMLXGTON, N. C. Fet. 1, lbl2. f'ecollections of a Policeiuau; lixperiences of » Barrister; Conferjions of on Attorney; Heroin.?s of History: Children, their llydropatiiic .Aiau- Hgement, by Dr. Shevr. .Also, further supplies of Family Biblei?, Blank Books, Cap and Loiter Papers, Sciiocl Bjoh?, &c. Just received by E. J. ilALE ec SO-N. M.-y 12. prices, laken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN 6l JOKES. 47tX iiomatirfili-a, C.j Dec. 8,1S51. TL'P-PEXTiXl*: I.AXD FOR SALE. S^OPv ;ale, oO-J acres of L.AND on Jamc'f Creek, an l blO ncies on C'yiiress Creek, in Cumberland, convenient to the Western Plank Road, heavily’ timbered, and admirably adaptvi to the making of Turpentine. Apply at this OfSc?- ^ov. 2«, JSGJ, 44if