^ fid '■•r • A. SEMI-WEEKLY. mm i mu'* »iumpii;iin»'J.«-J^ [vol.. 11.] iiTTOiMhJaJW FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JLLY 6, 1852. inn I Jill iiiMiji»AMM^iBiHi^iuruRi»*'U^ajJJi"r»sigBaagacr!»;:^ «v-.ssL'ajiiMt.^ya!g«-'r-»»rw*»7K3on»-*^SR^ [NO. ior>.] w?»»«UL^aT!Tr-.^«?cgr»rF..- ,1. n. NKW Itv. i-iii.\Ti:i> liv tDWAUi) J. 11 \i.i: *£ ■''t'-V KLtll'uilS AM* I'llul’llli;TOU-'^- Priic for piii'.l i; je. V ■ :JK; r- ;|.1\ ..Mi l . -uixi- ril't o!v!v (Ui.'Kll'tU “r I if si .-,(1 if i'ait.1 tUniiig the Ilf >■’> iit’tvr till' veur has Fi>r siile by .limo -4. BACON. Ll'.S. ('IIOK'K Il.VMS. IjiMHl (1(1. J'iilos anil Slumliler.s. Jl. DUANSON i: SON. I'-at ■r)i t .vi 1 , I •!;'KK'Kr. '*0 JHT ;innuiu, if .i-- if I' U't ilurir.g the fHllir. ^V.VHS.VW ST.\(JK will leave Fayi'tle- JL villp ilailv. tit half past four o’clock, A. M., cuniiuciicing the 1st li.-iv of .hilv. li-tf >U klNNON \ MrNKlLL. .1. Al criOX SALES. .'suhscrilier will ciiinincnce .'^olliti}' liis I*'- •f'- % m iv)' £ lii.i after the year If} t“iitin> stuck Ilf (iooils nu 'I'di'silay. l:>th ! Inly, aiul cniitiiiiu' froin lay to day. 'i'lie >tock \ i'V I 1; IMS !•: M i;\r.' iiiMTt-i f'lr sixty i-ciitri I is lar^c ami well a.ssortcJ, aiul lu-ttcr goods r tlic f':;-t. "'i ! tiiirtv i-i'iits fnr facli i usual to be fouiui at :un-tinn. All t rcaS' iviMi' ratc.i. Ad- j are n-.nu-to i t. -tatf the luinihev of j le-^ire l. t they vviil l>e eontinued till , ■,-i P-‘ • litrai'is. ■ t i iiar'j ;u*« ,. u-!v‘adxertiM-nu-uts I w„uld do well to attend the .sale. .1 i 1 lie stocK ci'iisists ol SlajtU* and 1-uiiey (ioods; Ilats. Itoniiets. IJoots and Shoes: Hardware and t’utk'ry; Smiths' Tools: ('iiopers' and (’arpen- I ters' di': Nails: Iron: Salt; Cort'ec and Sujrar; ! Hollow-ware; Mill and cross-cut Saws; rroi kerv and ilass-«are; and a irreat variety of other articles. .\iso, iloulile and single barrel jruiis, tine ;uid ciiininon. 'i'ernis easy, and made known i on the day of s.ile. I -Mso. at '.Mt d.iys, for notes at Hatik, ■!> shares MIeurietta Steam lloat Co.’s Stock—par \alue 5^1’JO per sh.'ire. 7 sh.ires K;i_\ tteville .nnd , He.-^tern IM.aiik Hoad (\>.—par v.ilue -'S-')**. ^5 sli.ircs Fayetteville uud Southeni I’lauk lU'ad .■rdii. Jy. iit. r~ nii;st ye ( ■it-paid. T ■9 t. > #.'1 nd i’!:o i'iii:us LiNi:. T:.- ii\v .''t.aiiicr '• ■ . :i .1 ! ivd t tii.s l.irc. and Iiow h.iv- ii! ii ,''te:ai;ei> and t"Ur Tow : ;n : rder, the I'rupriet irs are tra!-.»}M.rt in i jht to 1 :i_\ ettevilU- i!i?:Tniediate laiidiiijTs. with as ([iiitki : s aiiN . ;lier r>.\NKS. Akieut. t ompany—par v.ilne 1>. TAV 1,011. .V. .M. CA.Ml’DKLL. .Inne ilS, Auct'r. r»-ts .1. ;iiu.t 'U, June -‘J. 1' Uf J. S. V > 4'»uuni'*i*»ii Jiinl l'»r\v;ii'5iiiu Y]4T4-lianf, W I'ON, X. Liri: OF \n\rii:L!) siott, r:;i- V U'^i ( FOR THE 1-Ki s:i'i:Ni V. sul'seiiher ha\iii;.r piirch.ised the Ib'tel “ situated on the Soutli-Kast fi.rner of Cuurl H'lusc Si|u.ire. and l.-itely known as Stu.irt s Hotel, would inform the jiublii- ilint he is now rei'.dy to acei'nimod.ate I'o.irder.s by the d.iy. week or monit:. H.isin;r m.ide eunsiderable outlay i:i furnisliiiej and l efutiu;^ the Ksiablisti- nient. he hopes to be able to jrive ^atistactioli to all wlio p.iIiwni/e liini. His T.iMe 'hall tie turni.'hed wilh the liest tiie market .lil'irds. his I’ar with the liest -4 I.i jU 'rs. and his St.tMe with .'t plenty of go, d provender and faithlul 0.~tlers. .1. A. ^;iLtTiUlST. .Tunc 1.o-tf IN / LI^N WANTED, J.I I ii:.T i.A'l t: !. :'i a:;.. Svvvlri"' \V*X- i'i?'! U ‘YV'- k . id ii ^ \'t A t * ■ IIK t M run 'TAT A)01V, | f- i:i"AA!ll» h. M.VNsi'll-Li». '• .ly "f tin- MvAieau War, i-\i; V 'L.. ‘ :/'j Mijis III;:/ in'Jt:, riu i: ^1 — AL.-'ti *lctorial Life of Gen Scott, :‘'riii—'(! n-i''! ::jH Llitt'in. I’lnri; :',u ( I.VTS. --A1.SM— Lithographic Picture of WlM'lKM) SCOTT. i UH K t j.MS. AlX ' — .iSTOKY of THE MEX ICAN WAR, ■ - .• . I tii ■ I! \ rn.FS and : iM ' ■ %'!■ \nm:vKMKN is f EErro oT .V 7 >11,/ 11 ,,'irn' , ...js, !.v i;. 1'. .M.VNSl IFLli, Ksr.. Tru e ^1 -i:,. 0 \(i!:.\TS WANT I'D. - ,1 h-Trl.-t- will nox. . Sn«‘i;i\vell \ Tit.. been thi> dav di'Si'hed nissoLi' ’rh>- tinu '.>1’ .\rt-y h.'ret”lore e.xir^tin;:. h.i by mutual >’on(ient. All :',eniaiids .>iaid film will be pai 1 by r. Shemwell. at t!ic old sfan>l; and all pel's"Us indebted to the late firul viU plea.so make imme diate pavment to I’. Shemwell. whoab'Uc is da le uut!ioii;ed to .settle the sanx'. S. S. Ai:i;v. r. siiKMu i:i.i.. ,I.\S. i:. .MeDoNAl.H. Favettevi’’p. .lune ‘J*'. lS*>'J. -’itf I\ Slu'uvwi'll V. iil (■(uitiiuu* the l>rv (ioods ))usine«' at the I'l'I .-t ind of .\rcy, >lieiuwell ..s. where he will be p'.ea>e 1 to see all who will f.ivor him with a call. Th.-ink- ful for p.ist favors fr..m the public, he hope', bv strict at'ention to busine.-s, to !.t;iin a share ; .if public p.itronage. r. shKMwr.i.L. Office V. iV: \\'. P. R. C:o. .IiHie 0, 1S5‘2. (W>KS of Sub.scriiition, tw increase the capital stock of this ccnipany to a sutti- ci«’nt amount to build a bramdi road from the line of this company',s road to Heep Hiver, will be immediately opened at Kvnns's Mills, nnder till- (.lirection of 1‘eter (!. lAans, W. 1>. Tyson, ^ Duncan Mtirehison, Wni. Farrow, .)os. Palmer, ami Hr. C. ('halmer.s, and remain open until I lurther notice. The friends (>f the work will please call on the ('ommissioiiers. and make their subscriptions. Hv order tif the Hoard. i:i)\V’l> WLNSLOW, Trea t. •1\A. M. Itii.sK, Cl k. A I’lihlic Moc'tini: will l»e helil at K.vaiis's Mills, on Saturday. 17th .luly next, in belialt ot this Hr.incli lioad, where all the triewds of the Work are invited to attend. [VH-lw roB \(’C'o. rglHF, subscriber continue?* to rcocivo and! JL sell, on manufacturers' uccouut, all grades of nuinutacture J Tobacco. J. UTLKV. May 31, IS'i’J. ’,*otf FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES /;]• 77//; Si:\Hll\Ul) \\1) KO\MIKi: R\1L IHi: ITlH.ll are informed that the Se:i- board and Itoanoke Hail Hoad Company have completed their ni'w liridge across Koanokc Hiver at Weldun, and are now prepared to transport passengers and freight from Ueldon to i'ortsmouth au'l Norfolk, and the Nortiurn i cities promptly and with dispatch. The C.irs leave Weldon dail_\ at .‘U o’clock. 1’. M , and arrive :it I’ort'mouth by 7 o'cbx-k, 1'. M in time to co.,'iect with nue of the Ches.i- pea'rLe Hay Steamcis, lll'.U \l.l*. (il'.Ol’.dl or N'OKTH i'\l;oLlN \. for l!alTiiii..n-. and arrive !it Haltiniore e:irly next ni' riiiiig, in time to connect with tlo' morning traiji tliat lea\cs tor I’hiladelphia and Nt-w V.ak. Hy this comfoitalile and agrceal.lo route. I* isscii;j. I's leaving i!mington in the m ruing train, will arrive e irly the ne\? lU'rniiig :it r.;iltinii'rc. .and reacli New York tlie same even ing, V'ithiiut lo's of s'o cp, uud with iiut one ci. iUfic III per.'vin aiul li.i;:”aj;' tietweeu We’d.m ;ind Haltiniore. ami .-ivoid entirely night tia\el- liiig on H.iil H"ads. To render this route Worthy ot the travelling public, the company have empliiyed careful an ) rcsp;.nsH>le l>agg:ige .■I'.rent'^. wil l cli'-ck .all b:.g:;a;ie at \\ eliiou through to Haltiniivre. conse.pientiy tiie travel ler has net further ti’oul le with his baggage until he reaches Ha'.tim.'re. The Clie'.i|ie ike I’ay .'^te:!iner' :i1so stop at 01,1* I’OlN'i'. to l.iiid and iecei>i I’a-^sengi r'. aii'l l’a".'!igcrs w i.'ave W c. l..n at .''.'I i k. H. M.. arrive at 0..1 l’..int t!ie 'aiiu' eveiiiii :. ,\u ai'iMUiii-ment ha- b; en eut. red int i, bv the dlil'ere:,' Hj.id .arid Steamboat Co;iipan- ic'. bv wiiicli the simc I'hriii 'a 1'cKCt i.ss'.ied at ('har'l 't'in. vviil leave it i |it;iinarv with the traveller to l.ike either r ntle at \‘. eMon, ,\n acci nim.'d.aiioii tr .in b'.avi ' Ueidon every Tuesd.iv. Thnr'dav and Salui iay nioinitigx for H..rt'm’..urh, Nori .;k, and oI.h'HoIN T CoM- Fo1!T. l’a"i'ii-er' by eitln-r tr.ain lor oM I’liint. will re. ch •»M I’.iint tiiC same evening. For THHoIdll Tlt'KKl'S to |',altimore and New York. :wid .an\ other informalinu I'lesired, in'juire i.f tiic A-'ent -it \S*-ld..ii. K. N. I’KTHHSON, .^gent. Oflice .'eabi,ai'i \ I'l. II. H. C»., I U eM'in. N. C., Mav ■J''tli. i'-.I-'. ( 1’ TO riu: I’tiiM.ic. IHF- subscriber has leuseil fir !i term of years, of Jl. \V. Hrown, I’-sij., iiis fire-proid' Store, with liis Wharves, ind is now in a cotuli- tiou to t.ike especial ciiro of Spirits Turpentine ami other N'lival .Stores committeil to his c.are. The '\Varehouse is well knowii to be the best and safest jtlace in town for the storage of Hacon, Lard, t'orn, I’eas, &c. The lower wharves have on them four large new slu'ds, where Sjiirits can be safely kept front the. rait\ an«l suu. He is jirepared to reccive and ship, or sell, all kinds uf jiroduce sent tti his carc. He will also ni.ake advaiices wheii rciiuircd. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: 11. NV. Hrown, .lolm Dawson, O. U. I’urslcy and Thos. II. Wright, Ksijs. MILKS (’OSTIN, Brown's wliurf, Wilmington, X. C, Sei-t. IJ, l.vji. “ -21-V roii.vcco. ® 7" H liave a lot of j>rimr common Tobacco, wW wliich we will sell by the box very J. .S; i’. WADDII.L. ' i'»-tf wliich cheap. -May lS5i. MRS. W Al/rox, M((}itii(i-Mnk('r (dk! MiUiiicr^ I las just r(‘r'iv('(l a new and lieautiful assort ment of Sj'ring iind Sum mer 1C O •%' I: 'r *«i, and expects to reccive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, tliaii any in the mai-- kct. She exjiccts d.-iily a new and beautiful ass.irtmeut ot Dress Trimmings, Hlack Lace Shawls, Scarl's and Mantillas. Also Hress and Sacipie i’ritterns of the latest style. jt ( M.lers from the couufry prumptly at- ten’'.cd to. and country customci-s may .-ilw.iv s be sure of getting the latest .style of art'icles or Ai:w GOODS. K are imw receiving a very l.'irge nnd ▼ W well selected stock of SIMUNG (iOOHS, consisting of a full .nssortment of ^ fitapfe £Pr»f Uootls^ .Among which niay l)e found the l.itest ami most fasiiioiiahle stvles of Ladies’ and (Jentlcnien's DKFSS (jOOi)S, . Hats, C ]}(innots, Rcady-niado Chith- irig, Hardware, irrocciios, J)nig.s and 31ediciiu‘.s, fc'addk-ry, C.*rt)ckery, ' and (Jlas.swart>. j A large and well selected stock of | lioot.s and Shoes, and Jiiidics’ and (ientle- j nii'ii’s (laiU'rs, (very fine.) SALT,-JllOX, .MOLASSK.S and NAIL.'^:. We intend selHtig as cheap as we can, and : Would be glad if our i'riends and the public ' would cull and examine our stock. i J. T. CUL-NCIL i CAIN'. March ‘i t, 18j-. 7iiif XEW IU)OKS. i 1’F1''^I1V. by the author of the AVide, ^ Wide World; Homanism at Ilonu*, by Kir- w.an; the Farmer's Dictionary, by 1». 1*. Gard ner, .M. L).; the Wide. Wide World; «S:c., &c. Just received. L. J. HALi: 5: SON. Mav 22, lSo2. Price or ailyaiii'cd. ti;KKSONS v. ho have made contr.icts with .1. F. .Iordan Co. for fin!iishii:g UAd.S, are hereby informed, tha‘. wo will ;!;:y ;il cents per lb. on all Cottfin Hags. Hopt and H:iggiiig, delivered to us after tlii.s date. H. HHANSON ^^>N. March 11. lt'.2. 72*f BOOK hixi)i:rv. \V. liAUHir. has rcs.in-.od tbc I'.o.k fi « • Hindirig Hn.'iriess at the new Store next door to .Mr. Hea.'ley. .levvcllci-. wliere he will re ceive nnd executc binding in anv st,Ue desired. August 1. 27 tf I'OR SMA], " white C rn .McI. H'H lbs, in a Bag, a line ai ucle for faniilv u. i‘. JNt>. J). WILLIAMS. Mav 1. 18.’,2. SJ-if T^rMHER! F.rMRI'R!! ' K have onr Stenrn S.nv .\HU ivi sn. cee! ful r..[ er;itl..n, S iiiilcs f: "la r ayetteville, ti' .ir the Kaleigh •'■'taue H"ad, ai'd aie pre\'ared to ex(v-aie orders in o:;r line. As we run two li'i'ttjri/ . r ! ii!iii(ir S't'ix. wc cj’.n till bills at tht> short'-.'! tiotice. ',V(> c.in furnish I'ine. I’oplar and lunii.or 1,1'MtlLl’, niid of almost any Icncrth. Our l.iiTub. r. I 'T trnfhfulncss of linn ••III.I smoothness of t'.i'I", si:.;ll Ir* C'pi.l to uhy ever delivered iu uc.ii’iiet. ..V r..\HiH'I', M.ireh ::'1. JM-J. 7>^tt JT.\(;i> leaves WAKSAW daily on the ar ia., Jl. m. ,V McNFII.L. bltf papers cojiy and arrives in Fayetteville .at ' '.McKlNN(»N Ajiril 12, 1^')2. W)lmii!2tou and Goldsborough iintil forbid. pMi'tnership heret' ’lie ntimo i.f .1. H. \ i iiay ui: All till aeoinnt. xo ru'i:. ! i‘ - ^i tirr' under F. .Mur-ihy is tni;i iii'it iMl copscnt 'i'to ) to th“ t.ri.i, by n .te or (Ui ;.'I to oi’.ll at li. V. M\ir' pliy's, a:;d iett’.‘- licf..re the loth f Fil.ru:iry next, and thereby '-■a'CC"--t. Aa l ihose liavii.;' cl.iims against tiie Him are rt.jUestcd to [iiesclit thim imiaeii;ite!v. J. V.. .Ml lU’HV. H. F. Mfill'HV. .Lin’y 20. ■!-',2. bOtf 1' pa I ii-rns. .M;frcli 1‘^:.2. 7Stf XO'l'lCE. 3» *NS indebted to us by Hond or Hook acciiunt due previous to .lan'y 1, IS-iI. must 'Ctlle or vve will make settlements liv legal process. .1. .V T. WAHDILL. II 1IAR\L\X'S llOTEI.. A vs: rn: villi:, ,\. v. ’’.IIK Subscribe!-, having taken the lai'jc i Ib'tel. li.riiierly known as the i’l.inter s tel. 'itu.itcd at tin- foot of Hay Mount, Hay Street. l'a>i.ltevi;le, N. C., respecl!'u”iy inbirms his Irleii'Is and the public that he is now eii- ga'^ed iu rctittii\g the Uuilding, which is sup- lolled with entire new Fuiniture. and is pre- p.ircd to accommod.ate the travelling public.— 11 iviiijT ha.i s.iuic experience in the business in the town of |*ii'xb..ri>ugii. N. C., he Hatters liimself that he wiil be atilc to give s.itisfaction ti: ‘ii. 'c v'li'i niav la\or him with their compa ny. His r.ioms are large and airy. He ii.is l.irge ;md Convenient Stables, and a jiooJ and laitiifvil Ostler. JOll.V ]!AUM.\N. Olitf L\'iffc(fevillr Hotel, \ KAYE r ri'A ILLE, X. C. 1HIS large and splen lid liuilding has now cn iil successful ciper.ition since May 1.''!'.'. The l>eiM:ng and Furniture rd' all kinds i is new, :in.l the i-oom.s ci.nvenient and ple.-isant. riie T'.Me is alway' furnished with the liest the market all'ords, aided l.y a tine vegetable I g.irden. ' Hoarders, Lodirerp. and Travellers w ill find de- ’ ,'irable accommod.itions and attentive servants. No pain.i will be spareil to give entire s.-itisl.ic- i tion. } Families can be f;iinished with large, airy, ' front double rooms, convenitiuly and h.and- I somely lnriii.'h'(l. I ,\n expei-ietice of 20 years will enable the les- ' see, siic hopes, lo '.rive general s.itisfaction. ANN HHt*WN. .hme 1, 1S:,0. 2s-tf I'ft tfeth'viUe ISranch (IfiTliiM; i.N’riliiJNii^lliAT. J. TI. IVhitr A: I ii«!rrhill, l^rn2» i Sj mill W huh stU aitif /ic- 'B' Sfunts !‘t I'll>'i‘f /;f i/!(’ '^O I'Cis.'ns hfiving .''pirits 1Hrfiei!t;n(‘ t.j sell, we are ;■.> t’:-.' market to bu_\; or w* will receive an 1 siiip :o an.\ nnuki-t the owio r may desire, .ill i lu.ike lil iT il aJvaiKca cn c..ii- signmen... C>01v ..v TAV 1.0H, Mnv Cl. H')'2. ■''''If . ]’.. ST. Trofj \ «> fnif ('/nfJlHiS, llu William Street, New V( ivk, rson street, (^nextdoorto I’.ank of C.ipe Fear,) FAVKTTI'.VlLLi;, N. (’. Car..’ini:in coj.y. .) \M!:s IvVLE I ■ Ai.i ilv. ierms ■ ^iven, i.-.i.iins inv aria- % - Ob ho . Alt Sta' c. s. Ii.llLNKS (’(I., J N '! J-.'nn .-treet. Nwvv York, p.. 2j. '■ H'-ivv hf S(ii.'-cril>'T (>!l rs lor .-'iilc 1 ' ;-it Fi-r.i! C dlege. ci.nt;iinin_' . . «.M wi.ii-ii tiie;'‘ i- .i i-on.eni"nt .''t.ir. - •i;. U irch-.us.' at^.• !ied, in good . rder. 1 shop, Hhj' ksmith hoj>. Crib and 1',;.. . ti'in ;i' desirable as any in . i'ei !in vvi'hil:'.r to JiJirehase will • = ■ '■ I'lora! C«.!Iege. N. T ; :r .v. 'a ,i^'lin_'. 1’. McI'ACHlN. Jo- - - 1 o-:;t No'j i( i:. m- ** '■ 1 1 Ti -uV ,rilK‘i‘ will be pr* '.::;;-! •!, i y the commence ment "I'lii" ni'it SI ssioii of the j'lace, t.1- o . ..iiiiii' da:e eight or ■:s. i'eri- ins iiJ!!i;iuig young hylies I.i.ict will jilca.se give iii^ :i ( :i;l. 1'. .Mci:‘.CHIN, ^1 C..liege. June 2'i, 18.»2. IJ-.Tt II this . r'.’i (OLiMiiis ii'iiir.ViV. fW'MIlS .\cademy is n"W ci.mpleted. It is a -M. lai‘g‘‘ and commodious building, pleasant ly locatc'l within a mile of Whiteville. its po- 'iti .n I'lr health is good :ind w ill comjiare lavor- alilv wi'h any f..irtion -.f the St.-ite. The .''eciind .'^^es'iou (.f this Institution will c-.mmence on tl-.e Hth Jl'LY next, under the care :m'l manaL'ement of Mr, .V. I. HI T.N’KH. a 'jcnt’.eiuan, who is iiot only .amply endowed with .-111 the rei|ui'ite .pialitic.itions f«.r a teach er. I.ut w!i'i has h.i-l. in a.l.iiti..n t.i this, many V ears exiierii ucc in te.-iching. T rill' "/ fiiitinii j)i I' .S'.ssinn, I I .: Spoiling, Heading an.! Wi itiiig O'.i Arithnu-tic, Knuilsh tirammar. Hist..ry, (ie"'.ir;ij.hy an.I Hhil.iS'.]di_v, Oil Cliemi'trv . .Mgi'bi .i, tjcoiiu try aii'l Sur- vcving 1- •>') Latin, tireek .irel Flench l-> ou Stuileni"' can obtain Imard in the iieighbor- h." .1 at ( “nvenient distance' frmu the .Vca.lemy at Irom ^I'l to ;^7 per month. i;v iider iJ' the Ho.-ird. THOS, M. S.MITII. Sec'v. ' .June 22, --'it LAND I'OR S.\U:. fB^HF sub'i-ril.er olfers for sale a tract of JB- Laii.l. containing ninety-five .it i situ.-i- ted on the .Morg.-inton atel Chu-ken roads, three miles Imm Fayetteville, adjoining the lands of Alex. Johnsiiii and .Mrs. Hjbart. Hcrsons wi.'h- ing to jiurehase s;iid land, can |..r further ]>ar- liciil.irs. apply to the subscriber, at her resi dence, two miles and a half Irom Fayetteville, on the V.idkin road. K. A. OCIIILTHKF. J une 2 I, I'')2. I "■ W t* iro rt (jucsti'd to niHioiinrc JOHN J. HHILll’S a can lidate for tlie ollice of Sheriff for the county of Cumberland, at the ensuing e'.ection. June 11, lS.j2. I> .NtiW IlK('i:i VI.NU ABOI T 250 PackagGS of DRY GOODS, .All of which being purchaso I I'or C VSH. will be oliered at very re.iuced prices t.ir ca'h. or ou time to ]iunctii;;l liL-ioiacrs, cither by whole sale or ret.iil. t-7;j“I)'iltii;g Clntlis fVmn Xu. 1 to iH, of the be.'t that i.' manufactured. M.iicii 22, ;>-'.2. 7‘i.f Plants in Bloom. Si I AV F. a do/eii varieties '.'iiy-w \ Ll’iIH.N \S. of ;ill ciiiors. pure deep crim'on. '.ripo' Fc’oy 17. 18'>2. S8*RI.\(i STOCK. ■g "adersigncd are now receiving their l i Sl’HlN(.J > l't K'K, consisting of miv ii.\!;i)\v,vi!i;. am! Shocs^ .\11 of which will be sohl low to punctual cus- ti inero as heretolore. 1' Hi;.' ;,; thirty var;el blooming. l’ers..|is w^>iiiii.; t" ni;ikc seo-. t’.-ns are invited to cail aTi.j 'e.‘ t!o".a. liny v\ill be rea.lv fur di -;.ery i.i ti*c c .;irsc I'l ti;c summer .'III I fall. .Alany (•itrious an'l beantiful plants are con stantly coming int.. bb-.im. C. H TTI:HL«>H. I'...win .'Street, H, S. Her'.ins wi'iiinir .''irawtiei rit s iu any ij'i ti;til\ shoni'l i,ue notice the day bclore tlicv are wiinted. On the gr.iunds, 20 cts. per i|U;irt, W ai'ii Sent out, 2o •' .May 17. ('Ori'OX YARXS tor s:ilf by the bale, at Factory |irices, liv STAKK vi W1LL1,\MS. March H», lh.'.2. 72if LOVDOX lM)R'ri:R. M-r( h.-infs atid others will do well to exam ine their Stoc.x beb>re making purclmses. Wc will not be uti.teisoM. H.\LL \ SACKLTT. M,.rch 11, 1S.'2. 72tf XEW 1'IR>L |1I!1: uiidei>^'gne(l Inive entered into copart- iicrship, under the name and style cf i^a%vr*iioe iV J'l'oy, For the pui'pose ot doing a geiienil .\H-rcantile .and H.irler liusini ss. W e hav e taken the .'^tore. No, 1'M.HLHN S1'KF.1',T. formerly occupied by Messis. .Hihn liuskc X S.)ii. GF.O. W. LAWHKNCH. JOHN H. THOV, Jr. Oct. 22, IS.'.I. tll.WE just received from New York, my FALL AND WINTHK Stock ol* (jloods, Consis.'inp of:; general assortmetU of Dry (IoihIs, GrotTries, lliirtlwarc. 1 iillvry, v^c. 1 will barter for TL'UHLNTINL, or any kind of 1‘roducc. 7 F> wouM >ieg leave to inform the citi/“ns of F.ivetteville .and vicinity, that vve hnvp in«t received our supj'ly of SHHING .VND SI 'I MKH (;ot>DS, which coinprises a geuenil uss.irtuieut of READV-MA!)!*: CF.OTIIIXG, Which will be found worthy tlie attention of purch.iscrs. (>ur assortment consists in part of the billowing; co.vrs, — Hdack and Col'd cloth Hress, Frock ni>d Sack ’oats, all iualities; black and coUued Ca'hmeret ditto; French and Lnglish Dra]i D- Hte ditto; ^)ui cii's cloth and .\lpaca diltn; Fan cy 'oats of niotiitl Crasse and Tweeds: Ken tucky .le.ins: Linen and Cotton (iinghaiiis; Hro., butf and w hiie l.inviit; white j;rass-cloth Sacks, &c. of all i|U ilities. HANTS—Of black nnd col'd Ca-'iim're; fancy siiigle-miil'd ditto; French and H:iglish !»rap D'Fte ilitto; white and col d Drill ditto; Ken tucky Je.ins ditto; Hidia aU’I French Nankeen ditto, .xc. VI ,':i'S—of black Satin. HiomVazine, .Vlpaca. bl.ii-k .ind col d S.Iks; white aiid col d .AHirseilles ditto: brown ami jiad'ieil Linen, pi.-iin and tis'd; Naukei'li. liiitf. (il ass-cioth. ,Vc. .\11 ot whitdi :u‘e offered for sale as low as can be bought iti the New \drk market, at whob'sale and retail. In addition to the .•ibove. v.e shall kei'p on hand a general assortment of .''hirts, I'rawers, ('ollars. Cravats, llnsiery, ivc. Also, Cb-ths, Cassimer* s. and A estings. t The T ilLOHlNG DLHAI’. rMFNT will be coiitinuei’ as Vtefore, ;ind all orders b>r fine t loth- ing will be executed in the most fashionable stvle. A. C. H.VHT, Ageui. April S. ]S.")2. ^Oii Caaly osH isi Part. A.T\. Mrk!/1'!1AX {►JTII.L continues to c.irry on the CAHHI.vnK Hl'SlNI'.sS in .iH its 'wranchps, at the le- mains of his old -latel. (ippo'ite L.’ ji :y Hoint. ^ He returns tlianks for the Hli.-r.il p:itr.'Uage he h.is heref.ifore received. hopes I’y sir;, t at- ' tentioii to business .ai 'l :i dc'ire to give entire satistaction, to merit a contiiiu.ince .f the s.inie. Having kejit the greater portion of his Tim- 1 liers at :i distance from the manulactory, he has on hand a large .and well selected hit of fho- i rovighlv seasoned Timb» r, of every descri])tion used iu his liusiuess. w liich t nables liim to retain all his principal wcrkiiieii. He i.s tlu relore now pri'pared to do any w.uk in his line in the veiy best style, and on the most t'aVoraMe term^ —as low as any woik i f the '.ime .lua'ity in N. C. He lias on liaTid. coiiiiilete’y finished, Haroueiie'. Jor 1 or 2 lo-rses; t) Hoekaways. and HI Hug^ics. .\lso. nearly finished, I lo CarriaL'es for 2 hoi-'i s: I 20 Haroueiics fi.r 1 and 2 hors''s; 12 Hock:iways. suid :iO Hn:r!iies; ,\11 of which .arc of tiie most apiu'oved plan nii'l finish, ami will comparc with .my work in the r. .'^t.itis for n«;;tne-' and iLiialiility. Having been engaj^e.l in the ali.tve busitiess for the ji.ast 2o years, his woik is well known, atid he refers lo old customers for proof of its durability. Ai.l •work warniutod fur I'J umntlis, •itid re].aired free of charge slimd 1 it tail by b.id wdrkmanship or materi.!l. within that time. Hki'ORINC executed at sle.rt notice, .and on re.asoii.ilile terms. iV/i A. liioN ro; :,] i:u a:>i> ma.miinist. Jl t/i (li th ii"! of':'!! /:iii-^>, d'. . rS^HH un.b‘1' i^iiic !. iis 'he Agei.t ot the j'l.i.v# J6i F't.i'olishiiii nt. will order ai-.v aiti« '.c3 which iri i\ he vv.inted, on sipi.licatioii to him. '''in';-t* ,Mi .Mills m.inuf.iciured by Mr. Stei Imc'c have >'Cen tested. :;tid are bmhly ;i;,pioTeu on me i‘i: nk il..u(is .about F a \ ettev iiie, Kl'Vv'K LKi; WIN SLOW. Fayetteville, .‘'ejit, !. Is'l. 20:i DAILY i:\iM:rT;:T). A CKNF.K \f- ASSOHTMFNT ot Hoi. W .Vtl.K, by llAl.L. of Ib’iuv. (»Ct. IS, lN.')i’. .■12tf xi:\\ r3rTNAM';- I.IHH Ji ti.o Wiirld Here nook's. V. N .•;iid The liv-.r: Cc.'K'.t M-.i'U '.ii i: ty; ,Miss ■^^•c";■' ur; Memoir of Hev. a’lil AictliO'Ii,'^:ii. i’V I !il.‘l •, by L leiccn', !le-i iu'. ■ r ibe I •innal :' ii .Sum- AV. 11. He-.vitson; 'avlf j" .'^1 ciiCfi n and Ho Spy in ; I'li-r T'. "es’ev Hastor's .''k'tcbe.s: ,\]cCi:it!ey’s L'. : . {{..adci', 1st. 2d, and Ith ] arts: i’;-,rker's !.-r L -ssou- in Hhilosojihy: Mills' Hlc t. /ic: l?a\;c3' Scm ;i Aiit'iiia.’iit; ,vc. -M.'.i, further su;ipii('“ of '111;', HC.ST i.S ■\c.\ULMY'.' Collection; C irr.iii'.a Sr.c\ .• lurm'ii H .me.'tic iMiilicli.c; iIumori,-t's Lib.My; \c. K, If.'LK .V SoV. 177H: xi:\\ ALir.l HTON ed: the A in!; the 01.1 Hell . BOOKS. ' A'.iiikec' Storied, iilf'trnf s-e Te;. Tarty, or l;(','t' ll iu ■t' If ii j i-nden.je, or I’hiln- Jaii'y 2'j, lS.'i2. , r i' Livery Stable Business. rS^HI' subscriber intend.s carrvin^ on tl'.e 3 above tvus'.uos as usual. Having ad b-i considenilde Stuck, he will be a'de ti- accoin- ino.bitt th“ putili*-. Thankful 1. r p.a.sl favors, he .«oli its a cont;:ui:i:ice. J. W. HOWFHS. Jan’y 20. 1.'.'2. 'I'tf .»rs r RiX'i’js i:i), HHiLS. cr.' SHliH Si'(.AH. .juoo H's. W avne '■.u;,;v i',ac..n. lo bbl'. Laid. No. 1.‘ 114 l>.i\es prinu- T.ibacco, •iO bbls. Mackerel. At (fosd Creek Co. C. HLNlioV.', Hros't. ?Iarcn 1. 1S-V2. f-'tf Rrrvircd on f A NL> lor sale cheap. -’O bbls. W II !.■'! F'l. ^ a D. WILL1,\MS. ■ Mav4. lSo2. i'Mf deliitiin in !77'i; Caiep Fires nl'the. Levobiti..n, or th(‘ War of Indepen'iiio i', i:!'a.«irarcd: AVeld'' Dictioiiary of Serijitural C,>n t-itions; I^arbaugh'^ Heavenly r«ecognitio!i; C;,teehi.':ii of la'niliar Things; M.''.thias’ Htiles of Order, for So» ier;‘ ', vV-.; W alker's L’vhyming and Hron.iunciug l>ic- tionai”; Itritirh I'oi'iah' Hocts; .Viiieiieaii Fe lt.ale Heet;-: \\:itsoii - !ii.'tioiiary (f Hoetieul •,^'uotations: Hliiladeirihia a.' it is in IS >2; ‘ L. J. HALi; Sl,'N. Apil.y. JS ,'.KH!',iCS Maga/.ine f..r.lune; 'J'iie P:u i.-* 3. SiNeii l; Ho. Iiy '! i .ii ivi r;:y: C.liclii -i and (■•rnvitie'. i.y liorace .''mi;Ii; .I.. :niey to H elaa !; Cp the Kiiioe, hy Hi” d—2 j ^ rts; . li.-oti ' f.ifc j of Marlli.iroiigii: '•.■■kliiuii'c. i.ile of Lo''d .)et- fre; ; H' rse Shoe I;'.bi;is( :i, new e litiin: M ir. ii-» \\'arhni I. by ?.i:s. l.- e Hiiit^.; Hober:, on's t’iiarb '^ V; ’i'lie Far'..' C,- r,m.y« b>i u dia of .Mo dern iri.'oi'i."e, ^i,iii-;e: The Hi st:' of tiie F, tvi. I.y 1'i-!n''is. i;: ile-M.s—tbeh- \ ariety, : Hi'i e ail.-, .\i-,, i.y dr. o: 1> -.k. tic r.-.vK, ;.n J Orn.n::ent;'! i*' : ’ i v. t..e :'me ,\‘-'i. furrb .Medicine, .\1! Hooks. \c,. J .luno lo. er i.p;.'; Hur of I Aid, unn o-..tU ■HI iSt.O hoi I ■ i t AV 'JS HU .VB Mclic Vel’u ;‘i iiALi: j:-, .1 >s. t,. c \SKS 1'1-its, f..r sale bv S, AV. Mav 2'i, IS.')2. •I’yass'’’ just received and TM.LINC.HAST >;; ’o. '.'I-tf A LA XI) I'OR SALE. VA1.C,\1;L1- tract of Land is ofi'creI for . e.,iir,i;ning 220 acres, lying oi milcj* ' • I-a\et’evilie, ii' .ir the T, 6,. . I’lank £ ,i i, ;:iiiii.r Ml'. .Noft and otliers, with a ;| ; . .. aii'l iitluT iiecess.iry oiil-hotist-s, W . w.il.|. I and liealthy 'itn.iti.itl. -Vppl}' gOon I. D, i. \!. ioifiie in Fayetteville, or to n the premises, for particu- 3-tf Sfioi’s for Sale at ('ost. fn 1’ subscrHier w ill sell ;'oO pair of Ladies’, -B_ .Misses , (ind ('liihlren'K Shoes, (i.aiters, .'ind Slip[)Ors at co.'it. Call w hile the assortinmit is good. AV, S. June 11, IP' L,\TT V. ‘tOtf r\i()\ Iu'.Uk A(’\I)EMY. ioi, lit ;;iis Institution will .M'.iii! ly the 12tli of July of ioil ' 1. ;:cli, a graduatl! .North • arolina. ltd If Mount Iirsl(l('ncr to Ilc/it. The Hmise formerly occupied b^' 1. Hawley, cpposile J. Cook, till Jan'y 1st, Api>ly to H, (i. HALL, or HALL i: S.VCKFTT. .Jnne 1-J, l^-->2’. '.'ftf EDGEWORTH A ( Ain). rH'^^IIH return of low w!\ter ri’uders it neccs- IB .':.iry tliat the Steamer ’hatham should lie employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heii tofore, on any regular il avs, until I'lirtiier notice. JNO. 1). AVILLI.\MS. Afr't Cape Fear S. H. (’«. .May V2, lft.')2. fo-lf 77k// POfJSia how It S/lines! 10,000 sold wilEiiri llie nine 4.1. W()ODW.\HI) returns his thanks to • the ])ublic for the unprecedented en couragement he has met with in the manufac ture and sale of his celebrated I’tHdSH, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al- N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2H, ISoO. 4-Hf LX s roRi:, H)rGIIS and Plough Casting.s, ('orn Shell- ers, ('ultivators. Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. E. C. ILVLL. of Home. Oct. IS, IS.'.I. olM' * LL tho.se inilebted to the subscriber will i'» find their .accounts made out tiy calling at the Foundry which will please be settled as early as convenient. IL G H,\LL. March 10. or iio.M i:, Siicr^'sisor df IhiH, Siti-kf'tt f’ IS now rccciving his Fall STOl'K of GOODS, consisting of a general assortment of A. IF. wnrrEiELD, (’oacli and Li.i^lil (’arriase ManiifartunT, ’W»7'OLl,I) respectfully inform the i>ublic V W that he still continues to carry on the nbove business in all its branidics. He retuins thanks for the liberal patronage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to business, ami a desire to please all and give general sat isfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen: and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair us.'ige) either in workmanship or material, he will repair it without charge. Hersons wishing to buy, would do ttoH to call Dry (ioods, Snddlorv, I lats, C^ans, , and examine his work before purchasing, as it *, I, , g ^ ^ ; s cmiunt \>e sur]>nsse«l tor style, flcjrnnce. jiml SliOC’ri, 1 iJirdAV MFC, Ltl OC(*l K^S. durability. IH' is determined to sell low for jj Cl" ' ■ ■ -N- Greensborough, N. C rWIHE Twelfth year of this Institution will P eommenue on MONDAY, the 2d day oi .M’Gl'ST next, and terminate u|)0u the last of AHiy following. The Hcliolahtio year is divided tmivk kcejis a supply on hand for wholesale or $tj 00 ' into Sessions of five mrtnfhseach, with a recess retail. I of a few days only at Christmas. i l^sperience has proved that this Polish is un- 'J 00 ; The primary design of this Institution is to surpassed for (juickness in putting a gloss on Fri-iich, and the higher ' secure lo its pupils eveiy facility for the ac- ijoots and shoes, and also in preserving the '■1 .ilieiii.iiii s, 1'- OO (juisitioii of ;i solid and ojuuiaeutul educaliou. leather. !l ill will be kept by Mrs. .Ma- I The Principal is aided by a corfii of able, .ic- | Persons wiuhing to oil their boots can use . . ' i: .....I *1..i.rLKr ■ntal iT. ('ie.igraiiliv, .\riihme- the hii .f Lumberton.’l well known ' complished, and thoroughly tiualified teachera. this Polish with c.jual success immediately af- abiliiv to di3idiar"'e the i i'or t'irculars and other jiarticulars relative ; terv^ards; the leather should bi; rubbed a.s soon till- stime. having been t'or ! to the School apply to, las the i’oiish is applied, before it dries, i-t eoiiiM i ted wTth |»ublic ■ Prof, HICIl'D STKKLING, | This Polish can be found at the store under " ' the t^irolinian Printing Olhce. i ho I’rii iteea li.it ter tliemselv*" ;>i\e g«x,...iliL.1 . tion. i-die wlli 1 .l.,!lii - moiit.j. and board c.an iie'l ii; faiuili. j iu the ueigh- HoiihJ of Tru-tees. JoH.N .''ec’y. 2-lw -Ii 1 wk“. und itiid to fifc’y. V'J-bw r.7tf Fayetteville, Feb. 21, 1S.')2. srUAW CI TI'ERS^ I DAILY EXPECTED, 4 1JJT just recwived, and wo intend for the A G LN LKL assortment of C () O 1 L 11 S accomiiiodation of fiur customers lo keen | TOOLS, ol the best manulacturers them ooufctautly on hand. j make, by J. &, T. WAUnn^L. E. C. HALL, of Home. Juae 10, ls-32. 'JiS-ti' ' Oct. 19, 1851. 32tf A much larger nnd more general stock than evei’ o)iened on the East side of the Cape Fear —which he is prepared and (letermined to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced price:'. gi-^He would call particular attention to his stock of-HOOTS AND SlIOKS. The as.-ortment is unusually large, and of every fiunity and style; and having been bought for (,'ash, he can ami will sell them very low. You that wish Harg.ains will find it to your inti-rest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. .Always o:i hand, a general stock of G1U)CE- HIF.S. Oct. 18, 18.il. 32tf NE wIToODS] HTST received, my f'all supply of CLOTHS, •i CASSIMERHS AND VESTINtiS, TRIM MINGS, kc., •{ the best quality, from New York. Al.so, 'lie latest lleiiort of the New York FASHIONS. I^k;^ I still conlimie to carry on the TAILORING HUsINESS. at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may favor me with their custom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27, 1861. Hxi cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly «t- tended to. HIMPAIRING neatly executed nt short notice and lowest jiossible prices. Fayetteville, Feb. 2, lHo2. filtf WAX'I'I'.D. HAHHFLS Of TrUPHN- 'la ^ r 4 V S' '1 I N E, for Distillery at the Plank Road Hridie i‘!i Hii; Hoekfish. The best market price will be paid. For further iiiform- ation. imiuire of.lohii W. .Mur;ihy, at tlie Hridge, or fif A. -A. McKethan, Favctievillc. l>ec. IS, 1S'>1. ‘ -I'.'tf Marble Fr.ctorv. fc-.r.'i'.'i?.,;v= I • W.' W V I rtr 01 * ^ ^ J m. ^ .i.'* • 4.- >■ ’ - % % Hv (JKO. f.AUDF.U. TWO Donus \i)iivi: iiuiiii \ son's stoke, Fay«‘ll«*Tillr, iX. r. Jan’y 20, lii'>2. oo-lA pd ? I-'l'.v ifi ry M'n ti iibnll's letit's \':,(le-Meoui!:; Mur- ; phy's Hv view of Ch.eiiii'fry *i.]-Stiideiits: liiil- ; die', Hevievv of Al.iteria M. -'o-;i ;i!id 'i l.craj eii- ! tic-;, lir Stii.li nt'-': ( rai/.- s 1 leiiu :its . t iciic-r.il , ami Path'.logical ,\i::;tnij!y: C,;/e:iux'..- .\lidwi!- ; ry: ILi'tiii;:- Alirior ry: Kees'.’ s .mh. Med- i ical For:iiul tr_\: the Ph\.-lici.iirs I'ocki-t I’re- scrij tii.n l!.io];: F 'aggo:: lifherain t'Mur .f'l.riii , in Surgery, lli iitistry. v ,; M.trlii's Cl;i niicti! land Pharmace;itical .M:.;;;) u;aTiiif; le, tsiey's Hniggist’.' Ren ipt r>i'i'k: Ditto PocoNet I'l.rmu- l.iry; Noad's Ch; ilysis; TLe ' '.licro- I ; I'opi.Kts’ Manual: >'v r'gi.t .h \i:i. Heceijit Hook; |()verman's Pra. ti. al .'Iiii r-il. iry, .'.'S.iyhitr and I Milling; Sri'itl.'s Doni‘’:.-(ie ,'lciiicinf: Hi.nkinir's ■ Uaif 'ic.irlv Abstract of ,‘dedicil Si-'ience*:; ivc. E. J, HALL \ SUN. T\ ifR U L i :vi R A fTw O R K S. ■^■^OKTON'S Eleii'. ‘u.® Ok Scicntif.c \gricu’.- ture: Dana ou 'd:ii!'.ire-; .'.nicrieaii Muck Hook; A’ouatt rii the Piz; C..’e’s .Aiiici’icati Fr i't liook. 1 hotouj's Fruit C.ihiiri.'t; ! ■..1.1^7 K:tch- e:i tJir.leiicr, > y]’,iiist; J*a:ia's .Ahu k Manui i: ,\!l‘n’s .Atncrieaii harm HeoV.: llicha!‘dson o’l ti'e Hee: Hit' • on the Hog; the Aiii.-i iv..n H . n Cnlturi'it: .Mien''" Hural ,A. hitei tTiiO: l,'..v>ii- i ing's Frnit.s and Fniir '1 rei 3 if ,Amcrief: .lolm j sti'si s .\grienltura'. C!ie:!i;.-tr;,; I'Hrmer's Ti • a- I sur,, by Falkner: .AHiiL'r’.s ,'.m. Hee iveejiei'.^ ! Alantial: A ouatt Htel Al irti.'i o.i Cattle; I es-eii- I den's Complete Farmer and iardeiier: W heel- j er’s Hural Home«i; Stewart's Stab'e i'coieimy, j Hinds' Farrier; .Alaston’s Farrirr; k'\, ko. { E. J. HALi: ci SU.'v. i .^pril 14, lx')2. (iooi)H. WE are now receivin STAPLE AND FANCY Ci o o nootK, floMiaels, A'?., Which Vieing bought l.ife in the sea-on. (mr.^t of them at a consideiable dccbne in pri- f,l we are now prepared to sell them very low. IMease ! of Hi**' ry: Chil liefi. t call and examin.'. | ngnnient. by I'r. Suew. D. & V,' April 5, 1652. COl'TOX M.:L\rRIN. 'C.uf m\ FIRM & M'lW COIIIIS. fB^llE 9ubncribers are now receiving from JL N. Y'ork, a large and general assortment of I Staple nnd I'auc^i Drii (roods, CrUOCKlUES, HAUDWAKK, Hats and I’aps, Boots aiul Shoes. Among which arc: ('ofTee, Sugar, Cotton Ragging, Hale Rope, Nails, Window Glass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack and .Hum S.-vlt. Imperial and Hlack Teas, Pepper, Al®pice. Ginger, Powder, Skot, Rar Lead, JJar and Fancy Soap. Together with a ^;reat variety of other arti cled, to which they invite the atteution of the j prices. public, and which they are deteninned to sell j Aj>ril II, as loT» for (.'ash, or on time tft those who pay j _ ^ __ A TI *T promptly, as any house in the Southern couiitry. j 1 . b . Vrf U 1 *1, Produce of all kinds, at the highest market j {VISION AND I (IRW MEU( II.WTj prices, taken iu cichauge for Good«. McLEAN & JONES. AVater, Opedeldoc, Pain-hiller, \'crn;ifi:ge. our n.?ual dtock of 1 For sale by .v J. HINM^ALE, May S7tf YARXS. WE are always prepared to furnish COT TON YARN'S bv the bale, at Facto'-y J. k I. AVAHl)ll-L. J-2-f WILMLXGTGN, X. C. i7t£l rob. 1, 1S.52. eotf B P .AHPF.H'S Magn/ioc f..r Mfty; As gor.d a? 5 S a Coviety, or the T.'tu',i. .'Cfiii's Storvr Huc"'^ Tra.els in Tartary, 'iliibit an.I Cbinh; 'iec.illeciii i.« of a I’.oicemnn: Fxf er-cucoo of llarrist'T; Cotilt-«»ion? of .'Ml ,\*tor!;ey; lleroineH eir 11; droj iithic Ma'.- A’lfao, for!lur ,'i!j.)ilirs of Fa;r>ily 15;blc?, Hlank H ■: !:.=, (’.•ui M.d i.etter Pa>>er“, School iic .ks, \'C. Ju.“t r 'ceived by ,;. HAl.i: .-t SA. ?lay 12. 'I'l^PExTix e"j.axd For sale. S"10H sal?, n-TCd of LAND on ■T.-ime,'^ ^ Creek, m l .40 acres ou Cypress Creek, ill Cumbt'riami. couveiiieiit to the ’i\ estt rii Plank Roa'l, iieavily tiin^iered, and admirably to the making of Tur))cntine. Apply at tbi..; Ofiite. Nut, 2H,