SBMLI-WBEKL, Y. TUI II'Ml 1—— ■»—>»J». M ■irini IM ■!■ M I'gBBc.tlyWJBJ.MLSM FAYKTTRVILLE, N. C., JULY 8, 185‘->. [XO. 1 VO. i ilu' . PRCTn’i'.n 15V J. H. NKWBY. iJD\|ll{!) J. ll.VLi: & SON, liiTUUS AND rROrUli:TUUi>. r -i, ill nee paid ftdvanoo; omi-\N ooklv Ou^^i-K' tu ^“1 ,-,0 il’ F-u'l 'Idling llie r irJ.j .il'tor the vuar lias J to >bah y*ar ofHolj>cn]>lit'ii; cspi jrth( ^'\\v Oi;m;i:vk: JV i; or UO alti.i- the ve:ir t tl, -. I'. • \, •■'uv. A. 'H‘\v > A. '• I.tii Ol' per .imiuni. if pgrtl* •--- - if p:>iJ during ihc j^D^!TIS1:MI:M6 ii-.rt,a tW.MNty ccm.f i JT9(M|iHF^' T Jhi- tii ' , .Hi I tliir'.y i-tiits icr o;ich icc«^b»;: \caily ;idvoui.>cincuis y spMlil ^ 'iitfiiolj. :it roason.tblo rates. Ad- Crtisi^ I'f'iiu'yti’'! ti' st vtt' the uuiubcr nl tsertfiA 1- siro I. or they will bo eeiitiuuod till L'h;ir^ed iieenr'lii'^ly. ;^3p|^> to tiie Ivlilur? uiufit bo post paid .iiitev r ■I w. II r f\t i-.iiiil (.i'-'-riro , iii'o. ■i.ii : ; r.:rvor \ ■•0. li.i' been thi^ = I . '"ll-i''!.t. The ’ iiiiiicJ .'(t tlie -■' iiin,' j'I.'Uid by . II. i? tli luxi'ul 1 r t;ie liberal jMtr 'ii- li. i v'"l'ire reeei\ed. and hej cs a i; ‘i tiie same. \v. 11. rAUvr.u. ■v.i'.c. w. iii;i:. .Tune :22. 1 4-::t x'c'o srui.\'(;s. aRl'N r-TMV. >i>!;T11 rAlitU.lNA. IIS 'aiit SmiuiiiT iletreat, e.i'V of .-te cet'. ir.i''’v :'i;:• 1 up, mi'i mvitly theci. is ii'iw (.•jk-ii for liio recei'ti.jii ol 'r. .•'illjliiir. Matriii^ia. I Sait'i. is C iiili ielitly rer"lil- v.t lilix ; ;llt with n 'ue iial in in 'St is>,* the .. t i. :iiid hae ei>i.‘erred ^rcat ,nali.i wh. hi\' t‘''te 1 it. [ M.ib e Will be ill atU'n.laiiee a:, ! :!;e pr '[n ii :.-.r rf.i;rei> ,r- . nr. l at’enti ii to t!;e ci'iii- w... eap.ire tav.jrably v, itl: liMo’-' ■ : liie kind. , . >•, _ . ; ilie V.’.-ek :it the F.iia..ica p. r moiitli. .'iJH; • J."'; . , , .,1'ea uuvior j_ years -e. \'IV',:L CAwVKIlT. ' r ''-r sale •'>;iilii aiTi s 1 s'.V ililp '.all I;, ill A'.3.l!nl5 I- i i.a. 1 ! I eiittiin ’r rorn. nii 1 3'>n(i Ut I' )- t‘.llc> lii.uie. ah 1 ill ilie;r. are ti.ree mil; , ' li',- jri i->t iiii'ii ill (>;.-l ation, i fiaiae f'*r a s I'v Ini:, ail ’ady lilt 5tMv. li e 'liv. uiein t.) an a- tili.iiff. 1 IK- preinliv'S may . - • ' .11- by w.iti-r. in vessels, d dweliiiijs with all lieee>ai- ;ii; 1 -'• I ;i. : rs 'il' i lc.iri-'l l.ind ie t'Tiils will be ai cotiim jd.U- Sumnierville Male and Fezna’e Seminary. SlflK I'.ili Session of this Sehuoi will open (in 'I'lilHSU.VV, 1st diiy uf .hily next, id elo.«iO oil ot .\ovembei'. j The services of some \ery aeconiplisiied Indy lull! be sctuied. yl >>hieh due iiuiice wi!l be 00 if 7irms>‘f' Tm'fi'oii fn-r Srssion: (\iiiiinoii Kiifflibh liraiiehea !?''> •”>" l?iu'lu'r •• •• •*)> Latin and Greek Lansua^os 10 oU I'reiK-h I.ang'iage 1'^ 0>) .Mn.sieon I’iaiin !•> Use of liistnnuent •'>'* I'riwiiijr. paiiitiiiL:. \e . Oit I’inard ill the \ i.l:i;:e trinn ^^7 t>) per inojith. .\. I*. Mel.KAN. I’rmeipal. .'5iii!imer> i'.’e. N. i'., .Inne 1-. 1-Ciw U( )C'Ki \ Ci 1! A M \i^\DKmT 8'HE ?iub^,Tiber will re n[ieii his J>ehool in llockiugliam on the I'Jlii .Inly. Tuiti.'u and ^17.\ per .'Mission. r«oard. with wood and w.-isliing. pr. niontli. Til'* tirst i«o weeks will lie e.\e.nded iioui aiiv dediietiuu iiiiide in tuition. Ul.o. i;. w r.T'dolu: June'2'J, 1-tlJ.j sr\iMi:u c'i/>ri!!X(;. S^llF sii'isi,-! ibiTs h:ive 1-iti'ly receive 1 a l:ir;'e S niliiition t>> their : .ek of Sn>iniu‘r Cloth in;:, w hich w iil be sold nl \ erv 1"W prieis. S. U. TLLLlNCiU.v.^r \ f(). June 21. l>..:i. 1 If r. s. W.' iiro l!"\v reeelviiiLL a lu:f(' StneU of Cn'ods in our line \ ureat 'r vari-t_\ of lisefili and 'Z :1 ariivie.' have never bcf.iie been I'ti'.-i'e.l ;■ r si i:; th.s (‘laee. 1 iit'e i!.ii.' liere.ifter. w. riLMNtiii v.>T \ ro. fini'li.iUlLln 1 u .I t . y.y iti/viis of .'■UiiuniT vieiniiy. an.l the jiul)iie l// be lirccirnJ 1)1/ the Jirtit rise hi the h’icer, ■r TON.S of S\Vi:i)i;.'> IRON, bv K. C. 11 ALL, uf Rome. Oct. 18. l,s.-,l. H2,,- Ur. T. 1>. II A I Ci Bl, Has taken iin Office on llay Street, West of the Hotel iJuildiiiijs. July 14, 1861. Ji)»i.rii IL bMlNM),!!. (' 4> tl U I M S I «> ' ,\ NI» FOUWARDIHQ MERCHANT, H'Uistini;ton^ ,V. V, f ’V* 1’r'iinpt pers"nal attetition jriveii to nil ('oiisliiiiinents. and Cash advanees made on I’ro- dnee to be shipped tn other ports or sold in this ni.ii ket. I'eb. Ill, \s:>-2. Otv TONS of iiOol' barrels, by IKON, suitable for Spirit 1-. C. 1I.\LL Oct. 18. IS-'il. of Rome. KKDl C'i:i) I’AKK. ^B^KllOL'GH Tickets between \\ ilininirton. N. i and r>:iUimore. Knre-Sl^^. Via Wel don, I’ctersbnrfr, Uielnnond, and Wasliiiifrton City, or via Weidon. I’ortsnioutli and Norfolk. I'or TieUeJs apjiiy at tiic Office of the il- mingti.n and Kaleij'h Rail ('oinpany, at Wilmiii;rton. or at the Olfice of the linltiniore Steam I’ackot (,'omjiany. nnd of the Raltimnre jMiti Ohio Rail Roiid C’oiiij-aiiy, i’ratt Street, Raltiiiiore. Jan. 1, 18-V2. o3-tf u. y\. ()kki:i.i7, i’i!i;wAi{!M\c riniMissiliN in Krii.wi .\T r:iyt*lle%illt*, March 10, is.jl. bj-tf siii'TH riROLiw i\sui;\m:e i'oiipaxy, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. ^ iHARTKREI) by the .'^tate of Sonth Caroli- iia, with a t.’apitiil of iji^.jO. JOO, all paid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Lii'e Risks. CHAS. KDMOXDSTON, IWt. L. Tobias, See’y. 1>1 RECTORS: Robkut Mahti.n. Col. .F\>irs Gadsden, M. C. .MullllFCAI, ClIAS. II. KST. S. Mowiiv, Jr. IIi;.Nuy Couia. The snbseri^ei s havinu been apiuiinted agent* in thi.s place I'or tlie above named company, are pi pared (o receive offers mid issue policies of Insurance on Fire. Marine. River and Life U!sk.«. on libi-ral terms. All incurred .it this a^eiicv, will be promptly adjusted and paid bv tlie uiuiosigned. I'eROSSET .V RROW.N. N. I*. Risks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmington, N. C., .March i!7, 18-j2.—77-im Ni:w jisT Tui; nn'ler"i;j:ned has .i'lst re ceived his slock of .'^I'RlN'i AM) SIMM! I{ (iOKliS. c 11- sistin" of 'lotlis, C«»S!*iiiieres and VestiIl^s. lilack. Iirnwn. rreoii. bbi> and ' A iniOCLAMATlON. B>/ Ilia EjetiUnrij }>aVID S. lihlD, Gov- vrhor (>/the Siute r,f Kurth Cai Otina. WHi;nrA.“. thne-fil’llis of tLo vLole i unibt^r of meitibei’s of eacii lloiiso of the Oc-iieral Aa* .•Jt-iiibly lii I ut the last yass tke folloT.'ing .\et: AC'r to nuicnJ tlie Constitution of ep ■; 11 L lUidei _ ■L inform tiu- vilb*. r. th il !'(trut!)!re, C'liftir\ l^'c. 'J| ii L siibs.-i'.'I receiviiifr the as- i s 1 tineiii .n iiis line ' r neli re imrehased !it til-' N.nil. w bii h. lo^rether v. ith his ov, n man- (H'lrtare. mak-s his Stock very coiiij lete. '•rtinz of vMnir.', 'I'llii-s, S d'.iS, UciKtcntls, W.i-ih .Il ls, ini.o.uis, lj > ikiii^ (ila>so>, Si I;' !> I ir IS. S.'i rct.iriv '. \'e. .\’l of wirioli wi!' I>e .x i)d on the lowest terms for C,.>li. or oil shi'rt '.line to imiieinal cu.t"mers. .KiHN il.M.LR. o !. 1. tl ^:eneri ii i> i ' L il r where she will be w iio may call on aiivl he.iltlMii. tiu ihe lui' opeiifd a I. .\ I' L i; 111 ,\ 1: pie iV r. \s >\ iiitr'i. i'll, ' ,-j.- ,1 ' I t tl* acconini.iiiate ali n Ir r. flie \’i;'.ai‘ is pl>;i'int ler iioii-.^' l.irue and couiiiiodioiis. vV ! S IN I’ll, '.J.1 FI-n it. A «/.'■, T)~ niil Si:ntt, AM) IMl’DR’fLRS t»F >.; tj v v i Nil p liiis will !ie spai''i I ’reii i> com.I rtable ,iny who may l.i'. r .''!i>' s al> I p;-e[.,ir.'d t.i ac*- liii..r i troin Li lo -''■.u-k-nis. ■1>'' per iiiiiiilii. Suiiiiii.-rvilie, N. C.. June l^!. ijret ali'l :.(•!• .V itii ;i call iiii’.H'id.ile wit' 1‘r.e*- ■ f ii-apl i:. r.AiLLV, i"c’. 1-tt VI’ Wll •!.!. r?Iirlcot ot., -V .^. 7. iS i. il. L. AM» liKIAU.. Wilmiiigtciij IV. C. litf Kl.Nti and .McMlLL.VN have entered into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and U e.'itern I’l.tnk Road, 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KINC,. May'.*.—71tf A. McMlLLAN. E wish to bin barrels Turpentine. KINC \ McMlLLAN. ! w A\'i’i:i). ft. .\-he Lumber for Wagons, 1 A t.i :> inches j thick. ' It. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1 j' to :J inches. ItiuC ft. W iiite Oak and Hickory, for .\xletrees. I l(;tH> ft. While >ak for Toiitrues, l>n,Isteis and ! Shafts. I liMi Pi.St Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. J Jl.iai Spokes. j For V. hicii the hijrhest cash price w ill be paid. ,\pi ‘^o. 11 to FI l.LER. I Ma'. IV. U-'I. 7J-tf IK .NO i'iCl .. II .'^u'lscribt. 1-!;a\’iii;r ss £ s«-it ill liils: .11 d heivM.iel ' el.ited w ’.th liilii liSS-.’l lI.lttiK’lV. i-'iii tui-t. d uaiJr tile name and si \ le oi M. N i.-'.-iry vS. S 'ii. Tile un 11 r>igned. tli iiiklui i *r the iibei i’ pat roit.i^i’ liiiherl" o.\tei) ie.i r.i him. r ^/.-riUii y solicits :i I' ii.oii ol tiie a iiiiO in lieli i.l ol tac new i inn. . A'.i tli.i'’' in lebtc l t > the uii l«-is^,‘ii>' i. e;t!i. r Viv n >te >ir a. coiiiu. are r pi t'. scllic the S .I.iw aa e .r.y aS p' s.> e. .>1. N. li;a;:v. Favette.i'le. .Inne 7 IS'.-J. .'7 ^'.iii i.>ji ) N>. RA'MN Sl.'i •Jo.i.t ;;.5 Lari. \. 1’ 11 III ; i . I r s i I I;: I'l I busin-is U h.t . ' ■>i( GILL ■Sl'IE. 4-iit '-r. > )i / Ay U' Ij of the i If i ( nr kii 'cr. "■ V the fii>t «iiiy ot July, prov- • ; ti-iii 111 tivc per cent. lr iii • ■ of Frcij^ht when tlic idd . ‘J.i; s -.1 !ie ii^.- ii.tiiiiie i. ■ ewii>i K-re i due wIomi ren- 'iiil>;,iiy r. 'erv;ii;i 'he riuht t > lir.‘ s iiiie aliv di_l.iv in 7>J buir!’ liaster liir s I e low iiv il. IIK.VN ■ liOLMl.S. I Attorney at Lav/, Wllmiu^ton, N. C. f 11 iCi; on CMiiiT III I’r.'iit .iii'l I’rinctss i w ?t;-. - ts. Uii ler .i'iui i,.ii . lacf. liec. l-‘. >-tf j \\\{{)\\ N ^ i)i:iiossi:'r, r V IJiiOWN, •V. f’., C0m:^i:33I3-J MERJHANTS. J.\(i. I'niT' l?!{i>\V.\. .\ !! MAM) .1. 1 >..u() >KT, J r. 11. r. l)lt.>UN. ' \SI1 advMiicis ''.ill lie madr on cnnsi"'ini nt * of i'l ; luee 1'r '-.Ie eitlor in \» ;liii.nj:t>iii . r N V-w Vi.rk. :iiid Ciiiti'ii w:;l be I'irw.irded to til." .New \ 111 iiuiise tlie ot Comnnss.i’ii at W i.iiiiiijrt.'ii. .\Li.'_li I''*2. 7'.-t'.m 'I l> art'finfs H iiiili d. IIIE highest C\.‘ii iMiin ]>aid for any niiiiilier of Laii.l Warrants, tor a Norili- rn Cl iKirn. JNO. M. Rose. .Vjreiit. I' lycttevil’e. .\ 11. IS-'iii. 8Jtf jrs r in-u rix I'J). I'lECKS CVNTi»N M \TT1NG. 4--1 and ti-4, red, checked, and while. — \LSO— L>;.f, (7 ran Ilia fed, N. O. (’I;iiiti«->1. New Or leans. ai:'i .Muscovado .Sugars. Sii^vir House S\ rii)). lo vratcs ass rted Crockery. 101»0 I’orter and W ine Rntties. S. W. TILLING 11 AST .V ('O. April 1.1. is')-'. Slitf w is'viwi sri>i‘LV. E are now receivinjr oiir winter SMpji’y oftioods. !5 doors below the Market House. South side I’ersoii street, where may be found the fulhiwiiifr articles: Snjrar ot all grades. Coffee, 5 liiids. (.'iiba .Molasses—sweet, ;> LLla. Syrup—a .superior article, Gri'eii iiiid Liack Teas, ' Cheese of three dillerent ipialilics. Rice, I’epper and .Spice, i Rojie and Isaggiiig, tiO libls. Mackerel, Sho, s and Hoots ot extra large size. Shovels. Spades and I'orks, l.'oiii I'loiighs and i’oiiits, .Vxes of the bf.^t brands, Knives and Forks, Nalls and 1 run. iiuo itis. 'otton Varn. W itii a great many other articles ehea]i f ir t'ash or e.\cltatigcd lor Ifiidiic*-. Call aiid bee. C1U)SS CllKLK ( ().. t'. lienbow, I'res't. l>ec. -0. IS-'il. i»'>-tf ^!iri!!\!: siHii’Trpiiiv. i lar!i A: llixosi, M ! IIII f’li til I'l rs t'f tl// si.'.i lit I/iir'sf i'ttnrs mt'f 1 I n'f .y/f/i/i I III s, (/)'fili l^in'tii/iie iiiiil iStitti'/iiiiri/,) Wniil t'nrt/!iiij Mu- ihiiiis, .S'linr f'lift'/’.'i nf iiii'imia jiiift' rnr^y Wh' iit /‘'itiis. Mil/ (hid J-'ili /ni'i/ lit nr, iSdii'inn/ (.'rii^t Jli// Irnu^, Jlnr!: Mi!/., E.lje Jl>'>'!, 4v-. (l‘C. (I’C. oli'.e Cloths; wliili- siik and s.-vt- iii Vestings; .Maisviiles ditto. - white and ei loi-i .I; Liiu ii L’rill- in;_s. V Idte niid c.; Ui e Cj's-itiiercs; faiiev do.; I'lab ile Lte aii'l I'uiiib::iints. —.\LSO— .An aspiirtment of Rt^.vl.»\-.M-\I'F CLOlH- ING. ivc. I’ersons wishing to yoin haso ai!_\ of the a bove .-irticles v ould do wed to call and e.xaliKln' this stoci. He still carrii'S on the T.'.lLtjRlNG ill'SlNESS in all its braiK-lu s. IlKill Gl’.AHAM, South-west corner oi' .Market Sijuare. April 17, Is.'i-. Sl-lm m:v\ Mi\sic', lONSi‘‘'TI.NG ot Songs. Waltzes, A.C., i:c. Just receixcd. E. J. HALE & SON. April 14. U YSON. Impi'rial. Vmnijr Hyson. Ooloi TL.\: Chocoiate, .Mn.stard. Swiet Oil. sale bv .March 17 J. HiNsIiALi:. 7-ltf \s, 'ihc fiechold cjui’.iif.cation no'^v re- i :.! ; It' :i rs .or tiieiiW -'3 /i t;iC £?h- : ! ‘ 1‘oi i. e!.' V\;’li t At lu*. I i.).ie;lt.~ ^ riliCiViOS i»f i.birt^: '1 ii-ref'orc. Si.''. 1. lU i: eimi'Jril th-' Ocntrol Aittmhbj •f III- i-f ^urth C:iuii,ut, jhJ i! is lureb}/ ,ii ir;,ii 1,1/ t/ir iii:!h‘jrity t.f ihc sai. tlirce-fifths ot the '.viii'ie rriMocr of ii;eii»beis of eu jli House concurring, that ti'o ,-eeond ciiutso of tbiicl sec* tion (if tlie tir.-t Article oi the aincuJ-Dd Conati- lution r.tiiiied by tiiu pci ide of Ni.rtii Carolina oil the second .Mond-iy of N' ,vtniber, A. D., ISo'i. be amend. d i y striking out the wordj ••.Mtid possi ss-d of a freehold \.ithir. tlitj same district of Mlty acres oi' iatid for six montlis ! next before ana at ii;e ia_v of e’.ectioii,” J>o that I the said clause of .said .-;ection shall ret.d as fol- ! lows: All free v.idte men of the of f.vtnty- ; one years (e.\ce[it a.s !■ liereii-.ifter declir*;uj : who have 'leen iidiab'tants of any (listric( ! wiihin the Stato t',i-!-. c nionths iriimedifitely I prei ‘.'ding the d.iy oi ai;y ekction ard s-'ihll I iiave p!iid jjiii'iic taxes. be eiilitleu tj vote I f. r a liirn:'.cr of ti.e >c...iic. ; SK’ . L*. Ji- it fur''- r jr'cJ, Th.1t tl.c Cot- ! ernur of the State be, ! i;e is hereby dii cctcd, ! to i-siie his I’rociuia.iiii ii to th.e jfeoDie f f North ! Carolii.a. at lea.-t ai.x months bolore the next ^ eleetioii t'.r meMb..-is jf ll.e General .■Vtbeino.v, i setting 11.Mil the* I aiiie;i'li;ie..t i f the ( j wliicii I'r -'daiiia'.iiiti I true aiid iicrfect eoi p'.i (.. rt of Act nnd thi i.-t.; jtioii herein proposed, ha’i bo i'cccnipru'.ie'.l Iv's. ul Cl . J. I'or ).'i .V SOS'. June Vi \ Ii 1 > i i A ■ 1 wv \ 0. EXT-IA QUALIT/ sTL'.iy I'Cui: i.hM' scaMi 6a A il D i A A 81 3 3C J O/: j JuS. 1. •hiu .\()i’i( i:. i wil; buy any h>tf i.*f .‘'piriis Tiir}>cii tini* i.tfiTe j ;n this market, and will and s!ii;i I ir d.'tli.ers lo .Now 1 • ik or re. all'.r li.ijT liie sliipjiin. t.ieilities. J. vV T. U.v 1)1)1 LL. :l. 1^.‘)-J. r.L S1.M;..'; in l'a,vettevi!le. ai \ a Iditimi to his i!st..blishniei " Row street, near Eeeh-s's Rl ituti- lirr \r)V- Raiti- Jaft -t ' 'it' Naval .''fi r.-s from this plaee me tiu‘ nndi.iiigiie I .liil leci-i’.e ai.d • 'ii. spirits Tui'iientin*- at 10 and wii'. gi'.i.'r.t eipt t"r e.-o-ii loau ' il. and 'li';) ..s ilisiriK'tei!. tlo o'.Vll- ir.. .viii oc ■* i*ts. per obi.: .:i\e Ij.'irre.s conpered or re-packed, sii;['pois r*- pi ■ s .1. at ac- !. ■ t " ij.MU ’s. l l.e inter, si .. i c and >':i;; ;,ers icMiires a 1 kind. JNO. 1). WILLIAMS, A'.r.!it Caj.e i'ear Meaiii-joat Co. R. M. oRi;LLi,. Au. lit Henrietta .' It amboat Co. f. S LLTfiiULoll, ’roprieti.r .Mtrclianti' Steaniliuat Co. \ 1 .‘iJ. -"i-^lm A T pr’ii .'S kviii.-li no re’.i . a tl. s^ th - i;.- , i.f . wii'. tind tower thin lli‘‘ C.i-\1)U.S call l*e h id o; .Nev.' Vor;;. .-iTLWART. RL .111!s. V ; i.ljr . s.line a;iv o u i li.V.iD iiv'i h'.usj ill >Lu i:i. is v-ilNG vV to.. I'! St.. N. V. I'.i- 1 :i w s.-,\ it.i S. ir.s r Kiirr.i'. r.n, ;eu OIL. 'I'alliOi’s Sjierm White Le;. 1 and 1‘utty in — .\LSO — •J Ni:W LLL fK L .IS W .Mav -Ii). l^'.i. Oil. \ !)i:si!iAi;Li: iii-: i’OK J'Hl'. .'■'iiKscriiii, r n 'V. ..i,. i-s fi.r sale all his « i urpeiitine aiei Far.inii^ i..V.M». contain ill'.; ab. lit I,111! .\cr'>.'i 1‘J mii"> La.-l •'! i .1 I ttevil'e. on toe imidso l' iigii i oii'l, coUl- no'ii’y knov.ii as l .iimxia. 1'. ii is a gooil dwciiiiig house, out buildings. .\c.. all i a -t'lri- v.iii-re a l .tiiiouiit of busi ness is d.'iie. aii l incre.isiir_' daily. Tiiis is a r t'' i !;:'!!i e t':r turpeiitlne gelt- is. ni«'riii-.nts, .\C. and will bo s-iiit a b.;r;_.i.ll. .Ali_\ line Wlsh- ii:ir t'l purchase, and f'litiier inloim.i- t.-.ii. e.ilj apply on the '!'li(‘ Su!)scri!)(‘i* stili Continues to e.irry on the CARI.MvT and in .‘lit on Rridgi'. has oj.eniii a large WARE 1!»0\I on Hay sireel. nearly o|.posite the Fayettevilb* Hotel .liid one doi*r of .Messts. llaigli Son's, where a general assortnuiu of I I Jl.MTl I’! M:o^e b\ eonipotent and faithful workmen, may be had at pricis corri'Si>oiiding with the times. Al'o. an assiiitment of N"rthern-made FCRN'l- I'CRI’. selected t:. himself, which will be sold at 11 verv moderate advance. liLNCAN .McNEII.L. Nov. 10, 18-jl. ;**btf nMII'^Y resi>ectfull.v inform their customers S and the public, that they continue to car ry mi tiieir busini'ss at their Machine .Shop, iic.-ir SNuU CA.Mi’. .Alamance county, Nurili C.'iioliiia, wlicrethey are prcjiared to execute lil wi.rk in the.r line with neatness, punctuali ty and despatch. W itli an increased v.iriety ot till.Is ai'.d labor saving machinery added to oiii est;il.lishnient the p:;st wititer.—a well eelecied assortment of m.-iteria's purchased at the low c't cash prici s,—worKineii of know n skill and : ability, t.'gether with long experiei'ce in the ! business,—tiiHy jiistiiy iis in ■^aying. as to i|iinl- | ity and price, our work has nut. wiil not. and i shall not. sii9cr in coinpariaon with any other ] Shop in the South. ! (Jrateful to the public for jiast favors, they | solicit a c iitrnu.ince ot their p.itr>uage. j N. R. l lease send your orders soon, as our ! motto is •‘first cnie first served.” Letters ad- dnssed to the subscribers, at Snow C.mip, N. t'., wiil icceive pii niiit attenti-'ii. STAFFOill>, CLARK \ 1)1X(>N. March i.S-rii-’. 7l-i>m 67 W. A N D H E W S, Blcalei* ill rR’^HE siibscribor w iild call tlio attention of] la his fii( tids. and the public in general, to t one of the largest varicti.s '.f Sf/rl/iii' >•>'- Suf/tiDrr (ioods j Ever olTered by liini in thii market, .\nn ng i his t'.s9i>rt!eent ni.i,v t'c to'ind:—Gentlciiien s ! 11;L.''.'1 to-wii: Ixossutii. .'/i.Ioisiii. lU-a- vcr. .''ilk. Rrusii and Ang .la. with a eoirj'litel assortment of all i.ther kinds of I'lir and Wool ■ Hats usually lound in this market. __-AiS()— i Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit; I’aiUiina. r.iee .■'traw. I’edal. China i'earl. Leghorn (i\t>s- suth st\le) and i alm-’eaf H.\TS, for Gentle men, \outlis, I’o'.sami Infants. i ■-ALSO- i ;\ as.'Ort- nient '-f Roots \ .'•hi'cs, f' r Geiit.euien, '..niii s. .t/is'cs. Youtlis, i'.o.'S, Chibiren. and Servatits: all of whicii Will be ('tiered on \ery ac commodating terms for the those that are willing to cash their accounts when (uasentid. JuilN C. 1 ilO.I/SON, Soutii-west corner -V.irkct .''■jiiiire. .Varch 20. 1K.,_'. 77tf adv (^asli, or {Jj !P E kei‘]'S on hand an assortment ftf F ‘ ^ eelebr.ite.l MKT.\LLIC RURlAL CA; Ju:\ 2''.th, IS. J. r ■ 1. to W. MrRl-HV. or T.V. V LOR, F.iyettevilic Stf ks ii S eele’i' MKT.\LLIC RUR1AL CASF.S. which have been highly recommended by Willi*- i 1‘. .Maiigum. Henry Cla\. Lewis t'ass. Win. R. i King, and many other illustrious cliaracti-rs. who hive evamine 1 :ind wiiix-ssed their utilitv. f r iicirfi J^TATi: OF A. iWliOS.aAA, CtU.L Mlil S COLN'IV. Court (if J’lcas :m'l (Quarter Sessions, May Tel III, IS.Vj. Neil! Ch.-iTicy. and wife Elizabeth. Robert R.-ild- wiii, Mary iialdwin, if. Ni.ncy lialdwin, James iialdwin, '1 hos. S. Memory, and wi;e Raihel. i 1‘etition fcr l.'ivisioii of Slaves. ; fT appearing to t!ie satislaeti' ii ol the Court, in tliis case, tiiat Jaiio's Raldwiii, one of ihe liefendaiiis is imt a resi'lent td' this Si-te: | It is then tl re Ordi rcl. by the C-iurt. that publi- e.-.tmn lie made l*.r si.\ successive weeks in tiie Fa_\ fiiev ilie t)bs_r\er. tor the said .lames Raid- ' Win to be : ii'l appear at liii- ne.\t I erio ot this Court I'l be hoiiii n li.r tlie Ciamtx i«l C.diimbiis. at the Ciiili t House in '* hil.-vii'e. '.m llie Sceoli'i -Monday in .\ugiist next, tlun and th re lo an- i S’.vei'. plead, or deiiiur to s.iid petiiii'ti. r ilie same will beyoo c"i'/i‘i^'u as tvi l.ini. and heard accurdingly. Thos. M. Smith. Clerk "f our s.iid Court, at tfilice ill Wiuievii.c, tin ;i. 'iii.i .'iou- da\ in -May, IboJ of ihfc .Act, juitiienticuie-i by the certifcatc of tiio .Serrotnry of St.ife, and both the 1‘n rlaiii: I.. I1 aad the copy of this Act, the of IOC .'!.‘ite shall caute to be pu5>- lishi-'! in all tiic newspapors of tiiis Siato. and pi stcd in tlie c,,nrt lioi'sos of tiiC respccti'.e Co'Ji.tii s :'i ' .'-'ta'-. ; t !-:i'it .^ix moiitiis he- f.,.r._. t!ii* . • ■-tl' II of to liie ri'.xt Gen eral .y.'^se.ioiiy. R.-ad t'lius iin'l ag’reed to by three fifths of ll.e whole iiumi'cr oi' n.f-in'-ciof (.ru'b iii u.'c re-;>eeti\ely. an.I ratifif-d in Cor.prDl As- seiiiblv, this Ihe liitl. dav rf J.-iiur.r-.'. J. V. DORiUN,*.'?. I^. C. Nv. N. KiC.VAIlUS, i'. -S. .*T'«Tr OF N’oriu Caroi.ina, ; (lurrf c,f ^in-r-tan/ of S'ats. / 1 i I!ii,i„ Secretary of State, in and f'.r the Sfitc Ilf N'oi-tli t sroliiin, do hcre'ny cer tify th.-it ihc ! .rejoin r i*. a tn>.> and pcrfe ’t cojiy of nil Act of tlic Ci'iii ral A.^ssf rahiy of this State, drawn olf fr.-iii the '■’ri;:;r!ri! on file in this ollice. Given under my ii;.;id, tiiis .31 si d.'.y of L^ocfinber. iS-jl. W\>L HILL, Sec'y ff Sta.e. A>:d V.'nrvi;*.":, tt’e Act provides for a- mending the i.’onstitution (-f the biate of North Carolina so as to coidi-r on every c-'alifi'd \cter for the House ;if Commons tlitt to vote al so for the Sen,lte: Now, theref. re, t-i t^.e eni tbnt it nirij made known that if tiic i-.f.'.resaid amendaicat to the (.'onstitutii'ii shall be aprc:-(i lo ViV t'^ro- tlir Is of the V- h' le represcntatua hi ench Lcu3» ofti.ei;ext Oeisera. AssfniMy. it will Le submitted to tlie people (or r.itification, I have issued this iiiy I’n chimation in conformity vita the priivSsioiis of tiie bctore-recitcd Act. In testinmny wlit-reof, David .S. Gov ernor of tlie Slate of Ncrth Ciii’oliua. i^ath here- unto set liis hai.d and (-aused iLc Great Seal of the said State to !-e allixed. .ro:iNS; IN. t C. I-'. Lank OJlf war tlie tlirci l«ke c-i. irnfe. 1 to. I ll' r iHitif'r.-'iifUcd. its i'oi’- oii their ai-coiint, re- ; ice, that tiiey will conriniie i i'arl Good.s from their rcspec u> s .it the River ; where the '.tray- • li', r-i is lull lupcrceni on thtj I- 1 a i i.iiimission of per cent, on '■■j:ii' >.i 11 11I lb :i_\ ;igu. This ciiaiige i .1 Uie lit day of .Viigiist next. J-N't. i>. Wll.Ll.VMS. i: NL ORliLLL. T. S. LLTl Ll’il.oH. O-^iil s rii vv , r.:;iv:;i) at Harman Hotel, on S,itur.\n- ' i...-lit l.isr, in tlie St.i=,, (r„„, lia.e.s, one a sm.i’l b.ack ieaiher tiie i.Tio-r a coiiiiiion si/.e l re^ carpet lia'' The (iWners can ha\c t-j same on 1 I '.jp- rty and ]>ayiiig fur this aH-ortise- JOHN HAR.M.\X. etieviUc, N. C. .July :i, LSj2. «.;>t ^ic 1 \i i: "*f ,. ry for r p.all'ls r...:..hed :V f'^f ■ M :. h- I I'-iM'v 1A.\ (.I'ANO. ! I. tiiid: I ' giii-d are jirepared to furnish, .K at sa'.rt iiotici-, the genuine l’ERL'\ I.VN OU.\.N). ill ;my n-i|uiri,i| piaiitities and on the Snst favor.diie t' Tiiis. I’ersoiis wanting sup- pA> '. win pii-.isi- s -iid their orders as soon as gi' ■ I’.iyiii.-nts in all cases to bt C.VSH, ^11 the ar’i^;e is de.ivi-re.L RLVLilLV ROSE & SON. ■> 1 tl',-) - •> -•I' .) u>V ViiLLliil i. F Oii W A \l DIN (i A N i) M?:!U II \ N W:L!yiI?IGT3N, w. c. ff£ER.SON.VL attention given to the s ile or 9 shipment of Naval St'ir s. I h.ive anijib- facilities f"r coiilucting the bus.iioss: l.irge wharf and stm-e sheds to keep spir.ts ti'mu e\pi sure. Naval siores wid In- shijipe l to any house ill -New \oi-r;. or to oilier niarl;(-ts il advisable, and liberal c i'i advances ni ide on coiisi^niiieiits 1 refer to the fol.ow ing distillers: E. Hamium. Wayne ('ounry, Ch.indler llall, .lohnston l.'o., Lovett I’eai-ock, (,'o!umbiis Cu., R. H. i;ar.:eli. Thos. L. Vail, Rl.ideii Messr.s. .''luith, \ liigraui. .lohnstnii Co.. Messrs. iK .1. Jones. Missrs. Smith iV .lonep. “ !speiii (-r Foiintain. Es p, “ Levi Railev, Es.p, is-'.i:. ' yi>d oii a I 'I'h'* stilisi-rilior i' ni’ ( li.nioin^ hi.s business, and wishes to sell off his prts' iit st.ick of Goods immediately, consisting in part of j Slti ilc (III / l'(ttic‘i Dru (oo(/.'-, Emi't-.ieing a fine stock of Ladies' Hi ess Goods, ■ 15 ircL'c. R:.r('ge L“-l.aiiis. L)i tted and plain .'-'W iss Mus.'.;is. color, d d'tto. Ilarred. .iacoiiet an.l t'.iiiiOrie .Muslins; c >. d .'summer .•'ilks. .\lso. a geiii-rai ass'ii liiient i>t Id lek an ! co!\l Siik j)re>',es; :i large as-^ >rtiiient ot Hosiery. .\lso, : ( loths. Cassinieies. Twcv'ds. Jeans, and Satti- neis. -V gi neral assortment of .Suninur wear . Gctitlemcii; ail kiiiWs f I/nicn .'viso. a hirge st ick of Roots and .''hoes. Hats, , Runnels, and i’arasuls, H.irdware . an.l Crockery. Win. sand French Rrandy. | ' The above stock is oib red at the mere cost .Nu i'ii i:. A LL persons indebteil to the subscriber for . ^ (.loodo purchaseil at Floral College, are re- ipusted to iii-ike imniediiite payment, either lo .'ir. Hugh .Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to himseil in Cheraw. D. B. McARN. Cheraw, l>cc. 'JO, IS.jl. oO-tf OLD in i:. Jt NO'I’HI’.R lot of Doctor Williams’s old Rec- tifievl Rye WLiskev. J. & T. WADDILL. .March 2ti. 77-tf Vorlic*al WaU'i* ^ 2 ^ !■' sever;i! liiindi'cd of these Wheels M ill jperation in diflerent counties in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently . r idth . r'nt! .11 !'• «'> ii"le in t ..f the ,-r. and t- ,,.1 a* C fio- of*BCa;i;^^ Waistrd. 1 L pa\ -ji cts. jjcr pound cash lor all T7>i ■ ' Wiii-u UAUS, Ueiivei-oJ to iij Kav*Htcviilo. I am ir-arly ** . * ‘.i' ‘ a l*;iper Mill ia this am (lebirouii of getting luy I'l till' market. \iy object is to pay as •i' ll )'ir r.igs a., 1 tan ari‘..rd, and hop.; that I (* "■' •"reei.l to distant markets for my ‘,’1' 1 iiave arranged with .Mr. Williaiiis lei i'.vc an J j.;iv *.,r ad rags delivered to liim. I>.VV1D .MLRl’ilV. '• Mile, l eb'y 21, Ify.yz. (i«-tf 'I' i:i). and Roys' .S.VDDLE.s, of every ■r d .11' MKN- 'I'l.iliiy ;ind style, some very tine Al- '■ ■■ • o,|;i|.N,^ Whijis.iiid agon Harness. E. L. ii.Vi.>L, of Jioiiie. ollti 1 -jI heie. Country .Merchants and all others buy- rc-fer to those who have applied them to their iii'.r G is ill this m.ii'K' t. wi:l do well to call nillls. We can recommend them particularly and examliie. as I am determined to sell and f..r iheir superiority in casis of .1 low head of cli sc iiiit my present stock, which is large and water, or back water. I W e still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for ! diflereiit heads of water, at Wilmington, New- ! bern, W ashingtoii, Edentoii and Fayetteville, j The wheels may also be had of E. Urevard, • Liiicolntoii, and L riah Weils, I’etersburg, V,-i. W. S. LATT.V. s;:tf 1 STKA.MI'.I! SOI 'I'llKiiNC.U nriLfi leave Fnyettevilk* every Wednes lav ;ifid SatiiM.'av. at 7 o’clock. .\. ,M.. .-iinl arrive in Wilmington at 7 o’clock, 1‘. .M. .\nd will leave Wilmington every Monday and Thurs day, at 12 o'clock, .\L, and arrive in Fayette ville next morning. U. M. OURELL, .Agent. April 2G, 18.32. 8.'>-tf joii.N ik'wiiTuaTisT ~ Comm ission i-\'t Fayetteville, N, C. Feb. 0, 18.',2. b^ltf I'OR S.M.':. CON. Feb’y 'J, 1802. fresh, and well selected. .\pril 10. 18.VJ. G3ner.^l Agency and Commission Buoiiisss. I [■XHIC Subscribers have-this day entered in to a coiiartncrship under the style of; VHlfAKER, WHITFIELD & CO., i for the ]uirpose of doing a general agency and coiiiiiiissioii business, and in ofl'eriiig their ser vices to the public in that cajiacity they flatter ; tiiemselves tliat they will be able to give satis- ' faetiiiii to all those who may consign any go-ds, w.-ires. merciiaiidi/.e or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. .\s it will be our greatest aim to please, we jdedge i ourselves to spare no pains in trying to give general satisfaction. They resiiectfully solicit , the patronage of their friends and the public ■ generally. Their store is No. •'» .North Water ! .Street. Dickinson’s Fire-proof building, Wil 1 mington, N. C. 1 JOHN R. WHITAKER, i JA.MES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. R. SOUTHALL Rkfkke.n' Ks;—John Dawsi der, O. (L I’nrsley, .Sanmel R. J''reii('h, and IJJio »V .Mitchell. I Jan. 20, 18-32. tii-tf I'ersons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. , .McNeill 6L Co., Favetteville, N. C. D. .McNElLL. A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. McALRSTER. { Feb’y22, 1819 r>( tf | SrOUAGK. E have commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. & W. McLAURIN. ■ Nov. 1, 18-31. :i7rtf ‘JO B irrels IJlake’s Firc-[)rooi‘| I’AINT, for salo by i S. J. HINSDALE. ; jVItiy 3. 8tt j >xmc K 1 A.\I> 3IAXI l ArTniKI? OF PLALX AXI) JAl’AX Tj.r 3II in:. CojilHT. Tin I’I.iU' aiiil S!u‘c1 Iron Worker. SH.WE in my employment competent work men, and am j-rcpared to do all kinds of . Work, either in COl’l’ER, TI.N orvSHEET IRO.N. I 1 have on hand all the necessary matciials and machinery for m.iking Factory Cans and Drums, and to do all kinds of tactiiry work that can be done by any similar iJstablishmcnt in the State. I .\lso, for sale, 1’atent Factory Can Rings, ' varving from 0 to 14 inches; Drum Reads, \c. UOOllNG, GUTTER AND LEADER I’il’ES put up ill the best manner. ,\lso. just received, a lull supply of CX)K- IX; STOV’I .»*, of the most approved patterns, some of them verj,’ large lor hotel and planta tion use. feir"’ .\lways on hand a good assort ment of TIN WARE. ('. W’. ANDltEWS, Soutb. East Corncr .Market Sipiare. May 13, 1832. 01-tf ' ' S'l'A Ii rTv \Vilj7l A .M S. I WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign attd tPomcslic Or if I Oootfs^ I Bi.AY ?» rssr.i:T, Fayetteville, W. C. J. B. ST.Mtlt.] [j. M. WJbLl.\Mt«. April 28, 1832. 8Gtf THUS. M. S.MITIL Clerk. JliI.l.W Scco/id Spri/t^' Sit/nnicr Sioc/:. S r A UW I I /lT A iM s 'S'S’ OULD iinuounce to their customers and V w the public generally, that they are now receiving large additions of tStij)/e Dri/ Oood-i, Shues, Boot a, to their early Spring purchitses, to which they especially invite the attention of country mer chants. Orders solicited, and every exertion made to give satisfaction. S. & W. Fayetteville, April 28, 18-32. 86tf Mvric i:. ’’■1IIR Partnership heretofore existing in I. Lumberton, between the undersigned, ia >se 11 Si t of € Uolii iSfl iWlLL sell my Sl'MMLl! l:L>i two miles Iriiin the J/aii.el, on tiie l avette- I ville and estern I’l.iiiK Ri ail—one ol the nioat desilable and healthy places in the county, i Also. .Ri Shares of 1 a\eiteville and Western I’laiik Road Stock, and Shares of 1 ayctte- , vilie Hotel Stock. ! W ith the largest stock of Ready-made C.\R- Rl.VtiE.'' and Lit Gt,>lLS ever in tins place—iiver •‘>30( (I wo-i]i—c- inpletily finiohed. i .All of w'hieh 1 will sell at very reduced prices for cash; or i.egotiabie note.s. I So little attention has been paid to the call ' made by me after the tire of the 2d Jaii’y, on ' those indebted to me lo call and settie. that 1 nm iiiuuced to clltr the above piop« rty at re- I (iuced j'lices to tliable me to rebuild m,v i (.'arrliige l-.stablishnient .ind coSitinue my busi- niss with coiiVcnie!n-e. j 1 shall jihice notes in jiroper hands for collec- ; tion, it not paid soon. I have all my accounts made out to the 1st Jan’v iSo2. | A. A. .Vch'ETHAN. ' J/.irch 20, 1832. 77tf I ~ ia:^s()Ns IN Mi jsic. ! fn. WHIT.VKLR would rnspectfiilly in-; A* form the citi/.ens of Favetteville and vi cinity, that he bus again conimeiiced giving Les- : sons on the I’iaiio Forte. He r'.‘turns his thanks i for tiie liberal patrcn.ige iurtti.lore received, and hnmbly s'liieiis a continuance d the same. .All pains shall be taken for the ndvaucement of his pnpiis. I Instruction also given on the Guitar. jgigV I'ianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. E- H. W ili i .Hx LR. .August 21, 18-',0. llltf . 1. T-. , ^ BinE undersigned continne.s to manufacture I this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thos awson, I otter it Kid- | Spirits Turpentine R.VRRELS. Those now ; in,lefitcd to the firm will please call on G. W me Sons^, G. „,i lum,! guage 43 to 43 g.-illons. and arc made 1 McKav. at Lumberton, who is authorized t lllMlwl. ....... » I". 1 IV .-11 ^ ro iiiui:, 4 SMART, ACTIVE 150V. 18 venrs old. Apply to 11. BRANSON ifi SoN. .May o, 1B32. bilf 10 fiarrels North C’tiroliiia Lin seed OIL, lor sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Mny 3. 87 tf m:w liooKS. KANCROFT’S U. ST.\TES, vol. 4th; The Swamp Steed, or the Days of .Marion and his .Merry ^ien; I’ntnam's Library, No. (>, being Home Narratives, from Dickens’ Houseiiold Doii'.‘ at the City of Pialeigli, on th»* J J, t thirty-first duy of Decifmbei', in the ■ /yearoftiiir Lo/d one thoti?and eicriit hun-ii-e,I anil fiiiy-onc, and ia the 7oth vear of our iii',let.ieL.dei;ce. LAYID .=3. r.EIL*. By the Governor. Thomas St.rii.i:, Jr.. I’rivate Soc’y. I'ersons iiiio whi'se hands this I'roclaii.ation may fall, will ) see that u copy of it is posted nji in liiC Court House oi tlieir rcspoc- tiv(‘ coniit:.-^. [.Si'^tE [I'r..m the l'iei.r;ii.i Ttlegri.pli.J .N );}( ': nj; Better. It seM'im happens that any remedy is Letter tested, or so cndii'ly voUi'iiod for .le I>r. Lit- tle s Ve!i!iiiuge. Tlio testiiacny of a distin guished i-h_, .. ' in ( f an^in’r.s c uii'y i.s ,ippeiide.L a- ve,. .,s o-.heii, ou.. Cl'I... many lliai iii:;_!il be j lib’nylic-u; Monroe ci 'iity, Nov., 1818. T'r. f.ittle—.-‘ir; 1 have hai much tJvpOiieiiCQ with voiir A ermituge; atid as yuu wish my ■jai.i' n. 1 will el eerlully st‘ite t'l.-.t I h".V2 very iMiely foiitid it tiec,-'.- :'.-y to iis-3 iiuytiiicg eioii to reii-,‘’- n tn i:. .loi’j'.-: in my prficlico. la ,t,>,'(-tis of c.i-^es i ha-.e fully t?siP'l liic med icine v ith etitive sueeess. aiid unhtsliatii'ply declare it i.s the best ja-eparation 1 t' cr kuew and far in a-hance of anything of the kind ol'- fereil. l!y its frefnient use in families, douLt- b *» many liad, if njt liital ca&eS of VivJiLS miuht be »ire'. eiiteil. (Signeli L>. R. SEARCY. M. D. l‘r. Little—Sir: I have use-1 several vials f f your Vermifuge* in my faniiiy, ari'.3 believe It .superior t‘i 1-ahin btock’s. or anything I lia\«j ever se‘n. In fact, with ihe use of this mC'.ii- ciiie, and your .\nodyne Cough Drops, in ciiSrs of coughs aiiii colds. 1 have succecded in cuiir g two or three cases 1 otl.ei\vii3 Lave had to call in a plivsiviaii to. Res])t-cifuilV. AC., [Signed] SIMEUN CASTLEliCKRy. ialbot county, j In 1^1 aeon alono. there has been hundreds of j vials oi Little's \ ermifugc sold within the ;ni;t ! few months, besides that put in dollar bottVs. I which are (n.e-thlrd cheaper. M'hei-f.-vc-r rh's : medicine has been introducoil, it has gone well; ; and in pi int of success stands iinrivaUcd. Ai- readv inaiiy families have become intelligent ; on this subjcct, and it' thu ci'miiiuiiity was gcn- : orally so, no oi re children wou'd be cho'Ked to deatii by worms, (.r other fatiil ef.’i“Ct-s to b»i ' deplored from s'.ich causes. Tiie Vcrniifutc '.s the very bett mcdicines that can be given to I puny or droopirtg children, even if tuey Lnve I no worms. The fac-simiic of the signature of Dr. 'W’. G. ; Little will be found upon the outii'Jc wripper. ! Sold whclesale and retail, by the Proprietor, ' at his Manufacturing Dej>ot, No. 2G1 Mnrket I street. Philadelphia, anri Macon, Georgia. I To be had also of James Cain, Rocktish; 1 A. W Htsoii, Floral College; Townscn'i S Doug- ! lass, RennettHville; Dr. P. .M. Cohen, Charlc-i- ton: C. C. Barbee, Barclaysviile; i’. F. Pasud, Ualeigh. LRS. WOOL wanted, by 11. BRANSON & fiOS. 86 tf 2i),()((0 11)^. !{ \- J. V. WILLf.WLS. tiotf of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want- j settle th»j coucerii. ing a good article, will do well to call and ex- | _ ^ \V7‘ 1 /'I 1* amine. (y'ontractH to deliver Barrels for the • )t) i)0.\C.S VVincl')\V v»l!is.', tor next twelve months made on favorable terms, sale bv S. J. HLNSD.ILE. j T. S. LUTTKHLOH. -Mu4 3. aiu; [ ilarcii 23, :Su2. liii May 6, 1832. 1000 lbs. Potcislic.^?, for .‘-ale by s. J. HINSDAI.II. ‘ May 3. 8"^f 500 dozon Ksscnccs, Co!ogno ^^'orda; The Maiden and .Married Life of .Mxry Water. Opodeldoc, rain-Killcr, VcjEiiftig»i. I.umberton. Feb. JOHN A. HOWLAND. GILBERT W. McKAY. 23, 1852. G'Jtf JSlauk WarroiUsfor sale here. I Powell, being No. 3 of Appleton’s Popular Li- I brary: Zaciios’ New American Speaker; Bul- j lion’s (ireek Grammar; Smith’s 1st Geography; i Mitciiell’s Primary Geography, kc. Just rcc’d. ^ J. iULL dr For sale by Mav a. S. J. HINSDALE. 87tf