T - r- - B 'm. Ml. V!-V. '“ !, ' =U •lit V r • * -» ^ ■ r y .1. i ge Fir -If ' Srn'e, . \ \ ‘ ^ I- ” ■' I'- nre " - the ’ HIM io 1.. t!,e ■'wn\-- V.« VasI ' o n ,ie '~~J to. ucr I i: *i*> ^tore ro.. i; --1 '•*• .-I :vt n ji-• 1. •N'. l; VC I ){ ?'I. (, llIM tilt f t .- ’>6 \ri TV -:\ ^ Fi M I-W B E K. I. Y. •ju:ii y.y_ia; y? .. .wtj'; H i| >i|i ■IPIHIMIPi |i in IW !■! 1 i| 11 I HW !!■ ' » II 111 " i' 11 mPTTTTT'Tr ' 7 ifl lll»l HIMH f I ■ i|i 'i' ' > ill [VOL. II.] FAYF/rTEVllJ.E, N. C., JULY L3, 1852. [XO. 107.] III! Ill !■ ■ JUNTED 15V J. B. MOWUV. WARD J. ham; &■ ’^ KUlTOUs^ AM> Summerville Male and Female Seminary. Ptio for tht L'lni oO if lKii>i Uunii}; the i it .■iftor the vi-ur has I’lill Si‘S'i 111 >1 this Sc-hiii'l will open OH 'riiri!Sl>.VV, 1.«t liny uf .hily lu-xt, aiiil cl^se oil lM!»t of Niivctiil'iT. 'I'he services iif si>nu' very ju’coinjilijihcil Imly A ■ . I '' ill '>*■' secured, of which ilue notice will be -Ucekly Ohskkvku SJ 00 it , 7i r)». of' Tuition j>rr H. iinntn: ('■«ninu>ii i;nj;iish liranchcs "iO Ilijrher •• “• S Latin and Greek l.nTifruages 10 o> Kxtnt. French L;in^u.ifre 10 00 Music on I’iiino , 1.’) 00 I’sc of Instrnnient "J -M* l'r;i\vinjr. ii:iintin;i, >'tc., >'c. 00 r> !:ird in the Vilhige from to S>S per month. A. I>. McU-]AN, Frlnciiiul. I^uinnierviile. N. C., .hine I'J. l-llw II i/( be ItcLfU'Lil h>i the Jirst ri.-ie in the River, ^ TONS of SWKDK^ lUON. by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. IS. 1S.')1. S-Jtf lot ed. Wceldy ('iif^KUVKR §2 00 per aiimun. if u ndk;nico'. .‘•O if puid during the ■ if siib.-.. ription: or §o Od attcr the year expircil. ::!'>TL'^!'MKN i > inserted l..r>i\Ty cent.s 1 ire f..r the first, iin I tiiirty cents f-T esich iiiii: pul>lic;it'."u. Yearly adverii .'iiunts :i:d cintracts. at reas.mable rates. Ad- trs are rciiuestcd to state the luiiubcr ot di '^ired, or they 'viU bo continued till fodifit, and char^i 1 accorthiiji'y. Letters to the Kdiiors niu.st be post p.iid Noru'!:. J-:rtiK'r'-iii|i lior'-'tiifcro ':,rver and (leor^re U’. (I.-e, | 'ar%fr vV Gee. has been this ■ s ''vo i by mutual consent. The business c 'ntinued at the same stand by \V. 11. wijn is thankful f' r the il'neral patron- j ha.s h'lcti.fore rccci\cl, and l.opes n| uali 'ii ui the Same. W. U. 'ARVKU. (.LO. W. iii:L. Plvi'tti viUc. .hine 'I'l. I'-'i'J. 4-;U si’iii.\(;s. NOllTil CAKCLINA. snoc'c'o I WAr.IU:\ cnl NTV, pb':iaiit .'''uninier Uctreat. easy of ac- K. ss. h;.ii Is 'nie’y titled up. and r.eatly furni?b; i. is now i-jien tV'r tlie reception ol cornel ny. ; Skt''"''' "'itir. Sulphur. Macrncsin. S-da. .iii'l Ko.'-.in Sa'ii.s. is coiitiib-!vt'.y recoin- Oi^"d Wy eminent phy>icia:;s cnviTsant with ittfr'T’""' kwilAn I: UHf.t ..a X reiiieilial in ni 'S? di-^iviM S the t and has i "l.terrcd irre.it ii'Tilids win. have tested it. .\ln.'!c will be in attend.ince dhlMK t' • ' ? '^i. and the pr^'piiet'T tlatteis tnvatii ; . it i/' f:sr*-. and a'fenti'Ui to the f'ni- i i-..:i;i'arc taviirabiy ^\ith T - Stab i l the kind, i fi'bv the week at th- pd f' '■ por in.. ■ircn under IJ \ ■.iis UOC'Ki.NCIlAM ACADl.MV. a'HE Suliscrilier will re-open his School in llockingliani on the llltli .Inly. Tuition Nl J and ^17.1 per Session. Ho.ard. witli wood and washing:. ^!S pr. ni"nth. The first two weeks will tie excluded from anv deduction made in tuition. Gl'.O. WKTMOPvE. .Tune 22. IS'.i. l-tl2.1 srMMi:R ^ H111 F sub.'.. rilier«- have lately reeeived a lar;.re E- aildition to their sti'ck of .'^umiiicr (’iotli- invr. which wii! be .sold at verv !nw •■riees, S. W. TILLING II AST .'v l i>. June 21. IS.',2. 1-tf 1*. ,S. Wo iiro nnw rcci'iviiiir u larro Stiick of ('tllod^ in our line. .\ greater variety ; of usel'il and jro.nl artie'.cs have n‘ver bef..rc ' been otl'erc.l f«.r .-iaie in this pi.ice. I’articulars licreaitcr. S. W. TlLLINiillAST ,S: CO. NnniiiisviLLi': 4 i f ■^111' uudersijrn* '! w.m’d r 'pc.'tfuriy H M infi.rni the eitiicns of .'^lumner i—ii. ville. tlie vicinity, and the ).ul>lic generallv. that she iias uptMif.l a litn'si: iiF L.' ri:irr A IN wlu re silt' will bo ji!ease.,l t.> :?ccoiiinin.|:ite all who may c.tll "ii h'‘r. The \'i is pleasant and healthiul. her house lar_e and conim.i'Ii.ui' .No pains will I’C spar* .1 to render ^rec-il'Ie and comi-’rt.ible any win. in.i\ tav. r her v\ ith a call. .■'lie is iils.' prepar.-'i to ac.-.)ninnniate with r... ,r 1 ‘Viini l '» t . 2'' .'■tu lents. I’r.ce ■ f li .ar.l j.er iie.nth. 1'.. 1'A1LK\. Suninurvi;;e, N. C.. .lune 1 l>-i2. 1-lt K. liUlNNIIM, r » n .111K .> I » ' ANI> FORWARDING MERCHANT, ,Y. €. Fr imjit ]>orson:il attention given to :ill (’'ou.'ijrnnient.s. and Cash advances made on Pro duce to be shipped to other poi ts or sold in tiiis market. Feb. 12, 1S.')2. Cly i)\iLV i:xnu TKi). TONS of 110()I’ lUON, suitable for Spirit V barrels, by Dr H.'\S taken an Office on Hay Street, West _ of the Hotel Buildin{;s. .Inly 14, 18.jl. 4-tf F. C. HALL Oct. IS. 1S.31. of Rome. o2tf i Cnhlnct I'linnlHrr, ('huirs. t^-r. ' B Hi K s'lbseril--T is receiving: the bira:‘st as- S. si.rimcnt in hi line ever liel.'re purchased at the .North, wiiich. t'.irether w ith his ..wn m.in- uf ieture, maki s his Slock very coiaplete, con- .;stin;r of ’li.tirs. 'r.ilili's. S'd'as. l>i'■|s*c;i(ls. a.-li 1 Iiir.'it’.s. li ii'kinj: (’ilassos, Iviarls. Scm taric'. tVr. .\il (.f Avhich wi’.l he sold on the lowest tern:; foi t'ash. iU‘ on short time to punciual customers. .U»HN U. Oct. ;'>0, is.jl. ;;.',tf UHDrC'KI) I'WIK. ^■lintorGH Tickets between WiIniinrton. N. flL C., and Ibiltimore. Fare.'jilH. Vi:i Wel don, I’eter.sbnrjr. Richmond, and Washington City, or via Weldon, Fortsmouth and Norfolk. F(u- Tickets sipply at the Office of the Wil- minirton and llaleisrh Rail Road Company, at Uilminpton. oral the Office of the Raltimore Steam I’iicket ('omj)any. and of the Jialtiinore and Ohio Rail Road t'onipany, Fratt Street, Baltimore. .Jan. 1. 1S-V2. .'>:’.-tf R. M. (yin^KLU F()ii\v\r,i)!\{; riiiniissi(!\ ,\t Fayotleville, i\. i.'. March 10,‘is.',1. f,2-tf ^1^ KING and \. Mc.MlLL.V.N h.ive entered • into cop.irtncrship in the I'istillery of Tr.rj'i ntine, and liave erected a StiT on the \Vcst side of the Fayetteville and Western I’l.ink Road, y miles from Favetteville. N. KING. Mavi*.—Tltf A. .Mc.MlLLAN. IWuitnl. ''' F/ wish to buv 20.HOO barrel.s Turpentine. KING \ .McMlLL.VN. »r- Jsftc AMI'FL CALVl'.RT. 4-St ■ giHi: sui.-^.-: M. seit ill bU' ^A\A rjpiiL r»rait. ()i- Uiv\L KSi'A'I’i:. 0.1.. r i'ffcrs for s.,'.e ."itiuu ae'fs ■ and swamp iau ls. in .Vllsiinis !. • 'ar ^r.na. i i- ■_ ■ f' r eotton or corn, and oi*ii0 a. \v cut I’.r tuvpcntinj. and in the UiirJiye.ir .f chippinc:. There are t'lr'-e mili t'le l.tn.l. one jrrist mill in oj.eratioii. and Ae i ;ia ai;.! frame f .r a saw mill already made oi; a i n;i»tani stream convenient to an a- buadaiiee ol tine tinner. The j.remises may be re* lie I at aii s •asoii by w.iter. in ves.sels. I f t" : good dwei'in^s with all necess i- ■ it. l ii^s. and 2H I ai i 'S of cleared land 1 iie terai.s v.iii be uccoiiunodat- !i. t TOM F. GILLF.SI’H:. '1'h. .luni 2'.*. l.''-')2. 4-Gt ,\() I'R'!:. i’ or li t.iiis; as'.M '-^ti.'1 witii hini- ;nc-i> ills in \l ir:iiew, the busi- ne.--: '.id herea.ter be e .n iui te I um Ir the name and s'vie of \l. N. I.e.iry \ S-n. The iind' Tsicrne 1. thankful t^r tiie litieral pat rona.jTe h.t'.o-rto e\ten.K‘I toli.iii. r' tiuiiy s 'li. 't,' a e- .I'liuatioii o! the - .ine ii. o. li uf oi tiie new I'irm. .V'l tlio'C indebted to the un.b‘is\_rae 1. cither by n itc .ir ae -.ouit. arc e irae-t y re.jU. sted to soitio tlie s .me as p .\1. N. Lt'.ARV. Favetteville. .lune 7. lS'i2. '.'7 :hn Kli.KI.LRS IN ('mi r'lrfi'inu rj/. i'nriii/n I'l'iii/^, ATo- hnrr'), mill Siil‘l7, AM) IMFORTLRS OF ,\T WII il.K'Al.K AND HKTAH.. Mirket St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7. iJ-M. lltf I!. L. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. O ,FI i stn I)e L on c'.ri.iT of Front and I’rince; 't. un.i'T .J.iiirna' > :iii c. 4-tf I w\s'v\:\), oOOO ft. .\slie Ltimber for Wagons. H to o incJics j thick. j )t. .'reasoned Oak Lumber, 1^ to .T inehes. ! liHin ft. ^Vhite ()ak and Hickory, for .\xletrees. I ItMKjft. W hite Oak tor Tongues. Roisters and I Shafts. i l;iii I’ost Oak Hubs, for ('arts an.l Wagons, .''pokes. For which the highest cash price will 'le paid. .\|'plv soon to F. Fl Ll.FR. M.iy i;>, IM.jl. 72-tf I Ia'!i(I \S nrrntits WnuiftL ra^HF. highest C\sii |'km-i;s paid for any ■ niiniticr of Land \\ arrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. ROSE. Agent. Favetteville. .\pril 14. lS'i2. S:Jtf SdlTlI r.UlOLlXA I.\srKl\(’E (’(niP.lM, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. (IH.VRTEREH by the State of South Caroli- y na. with a (,'apital of .'ti2’)0.')lMI, all paid in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River and Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTOX, Pres’t. A. L. Tobias. Sec’y. DIRECTORS; RoriEItT M.tRTIN. ’ol. .I.MIKS G.VDJIDEN, M. C. .M(ini)Ki’.\i, Cji.\s. H. S. Mowhy, Jr. He.vky Codi.\. The .subflcriberp having been appointed agent* in this place for the above named company, are prejiared to receive ofJVrs and is.sue policies of ln.surance on Fire. Marine. RiVer and Life Risk.'!, (Ml liberal terms. All bis.ses incurred at this a-rency. will bo promptly adjusted and paid by the unuersigned. DeROSSKT >S: RROWN. N. n. ’'isks will be taken on the lives of slaves on he most liber;il terms. Wilmington, N. C., March 27, 18’>2.—77-fim I W lS'l'l'Al sri‘PLY. E ai-e now receiving our winter sup|i1y of Goods, H doors below the Market Hiuse. .South side Fer^on street, where may be found the following .article.s: Sugar of all grades, 'offee, 0 llhds. (’uba Molasse.s—sweet, “) I'.bls. Syrup—a superior article, Green ami lilack T*as. Cheese of three ditl'erent finalitie.?. Rice. I’epper and Spice, Ro]ie and Ragging, • iti Ubls. .Mackei-el, Shoes and Roots of extra large size, Shovels. Spades and Forks, Corn Flongiis and Points, * Axes of the best br.inds, j Knives anii Forks, I Nail.s and Iron, j H)s. Cotton Yarn. With a great many other articles cheap for Cash or e.xchanged for Proiluce. Call and see. I CROSS CREEK CO.. I C. Renbow. Pres't. Dee. 20. 1(.-,1. 50-tf NEW CiOOBS. I .)LST RIX'KIVKI). I The undersigned lia.« just re- j ceived his stock of SPUING ; AND SF.MMFR GOODS, con-| sisting of (Moths, Cassimeres ' and Vestiir.;s. j ^ Rlack, brow 11, greon. V.’ue ;ind | (olive Cloths: white silk and sat- : in Vestings: .Marseilles ilitto. I white and coloied: Linen Drill- j ing.s. V. hite and colored: Doe-skin CaJ^'^imcrcs: fancy ilo.: l>rab de’Ete and liondiii/incs. j —.\LSO— I .\n assortment if RE.\D\’-M.ADE CLOTH-! ING, c'cc. I I’er.'sons wishing to purchase any of tlie a- ■ bove articles would tlo v.el! t'j call and examine | this stock. ! He still carries on the T.\!L0R1NG| RL'SINESS in all its branches. liFGlI GRAHAM, i South-we.st corner of M.irket .'•'nuare. j -April 17, 18'(2. Sl-:;m j M:\V ' lONSlSTlNG of Songs. Folkas, \c., iSic. Just received. E. J. H\LE & SON. April 14. A rR()CLA.\L\TK)N, /iy J/i'k ExreUeni'ij DavHi S. FiMD, (tvx - ernnr uf th>: Shttr iif ynrth f'n,-S{ivn. Wiik,kf;\s. three-lifrhs r,f the whole number of members of ea''li Hon.sc of the General .A.s- sembly did at the la.=t ses-sioii {.n*;? the following Act: AN ACT tn :)!>iPiul the T.institution of N'lrtli Caroliiii!. Wiii,Ki;.\s. The froeh.''t l ov.nlificati^n ri''.'!v rP i|uired for the electors for nictiibere of the .'don ate coTitiiet- v.-irti the f;'>ndanien:al principles of liberty: Thercfu-e, Sr.c. 1. JJe it fiiiifiril / (/ ff.f fj.'ury-al Astemhlif of ihf Sintf i.f X'»i!i f'cT-fi’inii, and it it hsrehf iiiiirliil 1,1/ t',,p iivtli'/ri';i i f ih^ tlirpp-fifthe of the whole nnmber of n;enibers of each House concurring, that the secorid ciause of third flec tion of the first .\rticle of the imerded Consti* tution ratified l>v tlie people of N 'rih Corolina on the SCO,.nil .\Ionday of ^^0'cu^ber, A. U., li^o-'i. be amendeil V,v striking ont th*'v^ortlp “and possessed of a freehold within the fnme district of fifty acres oi' land t’ r six Kionths _ i next before and «t the day of election,” po that 1 the said clause of said section shail read ns fol- ! lows: All tree white inen rif the npe of f^vrnty- altzes, ; line years i except a.s is lureiniiftcr decbiri'dj YSON. Imperial. Young TE.A: Chocolate. Mu^t.ii'i For sjile by March 17 Hyson, Oolonr . Sweet Oil. HLNSDAl.E. 74tf Th«re ry «»4er i'liOV i.>l()-\S. LUS. P.ACuN SliiKS, iiM li.s. L;ir I. .N. 2n‘"i Ib-i. I r.'-iii Riee. lf»it bushels Whitv C> rn Meal, ru. Ha Uwer. ispafcj - ekMfe :;ii ' 8h^ ; notift I t store^ ill : ct«. ^r S as it e> fr p^ji ' nn«l wi ! ■when t!.- tual CW S II liirr.s fti/ ich'J o/ ihc HjH i't (tr Ui ‘ r. ■I ■ ;• :h ‘ first day of .luly, pr .x- li auetion of tive per cent i r.ite^ of Freight tiiirty d.i_\ ,s wiii h i be c itisi Icre I ' June M sTku ijV. b,t!,f Laste for sa!e low by 11. RllA.N.>oN \ SON. l*; tf .V Hr liOSSi:'!', ,Vetr \\>rk, i)i:U r .V iTiiowx, II •#/«/#.1*. coryiifiissiorj lyiERCHAivTS. ,Inii. I’oris ]’>i; iWN. Aiima.M) j. t, Jr. 15. F. IJkiiwn. T \SII adv:mccs w ili be ma.lr on consignment ot Pro.luce f. r s ile eithi r in Uilmington "T Ni'« York, and Cotton wi i be f'orw;irded to til" N'‘w York llo.ise ticc i.f t’ummission at Wiiniinirton. ,\1 area 'JJ. K'i-'i2. 7li t’.m 4-4 .irsr IMECES CANTON MATTING, and ti-4, red. checked, an.l white. —also— tJranulated, N. O. Clarified. New Or leans. and .NIuseovado Sugars. Sugar House .'sy riip. jo crates ;iss.irted Crockery. lUtiK Porter and Wine Pmttles. S. W. TILLlNtWlAST \ CO. Loaf. April l.^, 1H.V2. S2tf \ id from w!ii-n tlie biii e disc .atinueil. b;i- V. ii 'Il reii- h oiupaiiy rv'--i re,-it on tlie s laie ving the r f ir anv d. -lit t. '■ Naval Stores froni tliis place .are ■ the Uli.brsi|.riied will receive and : ampbcKt iu. Spirits Turpentine at In and wiii give r. eeipt tor e;i. h bia 1 ■ in and -! a* iu'trui 'cl. tin- own- ' Ir.ya- '. uliii-ii Aiil lie -i e!'. pi-i- obi.: ii.ive triire'; eoopercl or rc-j .Tcked. in;i I I —t of sliipp' i- ri-ipiires it. :it ae- . . louv'-ablc t'l owners. The intere'-t of boat owners and 'liippei s alike re.iuircs a regulrtion ol this kin.l. .INo. I. WILLI VMS. .- nt ( ape Fe;;r .''t' amboat ('o. R. M. (»1:RELL. .\_.‘nt llenni tfa Ste:;mbo;it (,'o. T. s. l.L'TTEilLoll. I‘r..[i!i.-tor Merchants' Steamboat Co. JuM "J -. l'- ’i2. ’)-om jU S.^i .\i iD.’S EXTRA QUALIT7 .sTAM.i/ ri:i'Im:i> I'l’ui: si'cai; Bfl A ii I) ' A \ ti a i: ;^, FOR KXroiri'A Tins. A T ] rie s w’.ieli m(o-.'h:ii"s. who j.ur.di ^ m to e!l liy t!ie iin.K o . : aihl will tiiid lo'.vcr than the s ime ^'oo.l r'.'ceivi e.sen h E will and shi; ■rc, :itl u- NO'I'K i:. buv .'iny lots of .'^jurits Turpen- June o, l''.')2. this market, and will r d stii.ers to .New York or ' the ii'a.at shipping facilities. J. oc T. U.VDDli-L. '.".tf- ! has ■k)\{ I h‘Ts I II AKl» CANDliiS can New York. STEWART, Mav 2L lS‘i2. h.i'l ..f anv oliicr in.use in PiF ;1NG oc CO.. ’ear! St.. N. Y 1 aw s» p ( .irs'i' Ki:ci:ivi:i), INSHKD OIL. fanner's ” Sperm White Lea.l and Puttv Oil. ICM'I r live mi(l(Tsi:_rnp(l. as l''or- oii their individual account, re- ■ otiee, tliat the_i will continue ; '. .i;' 1 i.ioii.s t'roni their respec at t'ue Ki\er i where the dr.iv- «gfe t.- -iKo.„-,-, i,,,l lu per cent, on the freigUt bil- f .r a .'oiiuiii"iiin of '2~> per cent, on the River treigiit bill aiel .|| aya:;e. Thi-^ ehani'-e to tftkc eficf, uti the 1st da\ ol .Vugust next JNo. D. ■a'ilLIAM.S. '-JS 1^' ^F ultUi.i.L. T. S. LL Tfl.i'.LolI. ■ 2*^. Ib-V2. b-;;m sriiAV |{a(;ga(;i:. l!;i\ F,l) at Harman's Hotel, on Saturday ght hast, in the Stage front Warsaw, w-ilintr l!a;fs. one a small bl-ack leather e .ither a common sizeil red carpet R:ig. i i. '1 he owners can have the same on pr pertv and paving for this advertise- ‘ JOHN HAR.MAN. feriev;::e. (' .lulv lSo2. 5-3t >H6 r. ;.l - of '. ■ 'in^ I’oW- iiry- : to iia est ;f'> -( . er\ i;.. II:: r G see’ nd i Wan rds. »t;on ,-j It uiPt* fited A. 1' ' FR. i^ii ’. • tc tl .1: . e Yard. ), 1^' K l.\-M) J.. MJM \1A.\ (.I'AXO. f^lIE un I'-! ,-.g!ied are prepared to furnish, at short ii'itiee, tiie jrenuine I’ERL VI.KN '>0, in any re.jiiirud (piantities and on the favor.ilile terms. Persons wanting sup- will jdeasi- send their orders as soon as • ■■ible. Payments in all cases to be C.lSll, till- article is delivere'd. REVEIiLV ROSE .'c SON. -■ 1 .2. —.VLS(»— 2 NEW lirGGlKS. LKFTE JoilN^MN. 2 l>oors Wcsi C. F. F-ank. Mav 20. l..')2. '.'2tf WILLIivi i. FO Ii W A K i) 1 N(i A -X i) COMMISSION Mi:ii('ll A-N r. WILMINGTON, N. C. FERSO.N.AL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. 1 liave ample facilities for eoH'lucting the busiiiess; lai-ge wharf and store slii'ds t.i keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any hotise in New \ ork. or tfi other markets it advisable, ai d libera! cash advances made on consigiuiieiits. I refer to the follow iiig .listii'.ers; E. Il.innum. Wayne County, ' (..'handler Hall, .lohnston Co.. 1 Lovett Pe.icock, Columbus Co., I!. II. Rar4en. : Thos. L. Vail. Rladen Messrs. .'smith. \ Ingram, Johnston Co.. ' .Messrs. /,. \ .1. .loiics, “ Mes'i-.s. Smith Ov Jones, •“ I Spencer l-’ountain, Es p, “ j Levi Rail.-v, Esq., May 20, ]8.')2. ' 0:!-vpd Siihscrihor still Continues to carry on the C.VRINET RrslNLS.'s in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on Row street, near liccles's Itridge, jiened a large WARI', ROO.M on Hay street, nearly o]iposite the Fayetteville Hotel •uel one door E:ist of Messrs. Haigh Son'.s. ' j' where a general assortment of Mll.XiTlItR. Made bv coni]ietent atid faithful woi'!men, may be bad at prices corresjionding with the times. .Vl.so. an assortment of .Northern-made FI liNI- TI RE. seiccted liy himself, which will be sold at a verv nioder.atc advance. DLNCAN McNEILL. Nov. 10. 1H.')1. astf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celebrated METALLIC RFRI.U, (WSF.S, which have been highly recommended by Willie P. .Man;.rum. Henry ('lay, Lewis Cass, Win. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined an.l witnessed their utilitv. ^iii'iii.m: mioi’ & i oi.mihv. i lark «V Hixoii, Mi!ltiifii ti'rrr.' Ilf nH ^izc^ of Il-ii'itr J*mr/'rs mil/ J'/irfs/i nil/ Miirliiiti s, I^iirtnhlc (tin/ StuliiDiiiri/,') Won/ C'ftr/ini/ Mn- cliiiifit, Sfriiir Ciifti rs of' nirioiia jxitfi riis, 11 Iti'iit Kiins, MU/ nnd t'lii l'iri/ (imr. Smr mu! (iri.f Mi/i linrh Mi//s. Eihje y’oo/.s, civ. lv. t’c. 'B'^HF.Y res]iectf'ully inform their customers M and the pu’olic. that they continue to car ry on their I'Usiness iit their .Alachine Shop, near .''NoW C.AMP, .\lamance county, .North Car.ilirn. v ticrc they arc juepared to exccute all work in their line with neatnes'J. punctuali ty and despatcii. With an incrc:)sed vari'ty of tools ;yiil l;ibor-savinr machinery added to «mu estahlisliinent the past winter. — a well selected as'ortment of materials purchased at the low est cash jieices.—workmen of known skill and ability, together with long experience in the business.—fully justify u.- in saying, as to iual- ity and {irice. our work has not. will not, and shall not, suffer in comparison with any other I Shop in the .‘'onth. tiratcful to tin* public for pn«t favors, they solicit a ei;ntinu:ince of their patronage. N. R. Please send yonr (irders soon, as otir motto is “liist c. ine first .served." Letters ad- dresed to the subscribers, at Snow ('amp, N. C.. will receive pronitit attention. STAFFORD. CL.\RK DIXON. March ls.')2. 71-tim C. VvT-. ANDREwsr l>('aSc‘i* ill N|ovr«, who have been inha'iitants of any one districi within the State twelve nior.tlis immediately preeeiling the day of any election Hi'd siiall liave paid iiublic taxes, sh;\!l be entitled to vote for a menjlicr of the Senate. Skc. 2. /> if jiir’l'fr frariril, Thfit the Oot- ernor of the State be, an'l he is hereby directed, to issue his ProelaniMtion t ■ the pennjo of .North Carolina, at least six month“ before tlie next election for i.icmbers of the Genenil Assembly setting forth the purport of this .\ct (.r.d th« amendment of th‘ Constitution herein propo.'.ed. which Proclamation shall be nccompanipd by n true and peiTect copy of the .\ct, (li.iihenticaiod by the certificate of the Secretary of State, and I'oth tl'.e PiTcbimati..;i and the copy of .\ct,- the Govern.ir of the ^■tate shall caii.«e to be pub lished in all the newspapers of this State, ani posted ill the Court Houses of the rpspecti^**' Conntii s in this Stati-. nf b;ast s'x months be fore the election of nieic.bers to the next Gen- er.al Assembly. ftcad three times and ngree.l io by three ' fifths of the whole ntimber of iiiembers of oHch* House respectively, and ratified in Geneva] Af?- semblv, this the 21th d;.v of Jannnr’.-, 18r>l. J. C. TioBRlN,' S. H. C. W. N. EDWARDS, y. S. St'TK of NoUT!! C.\TtOriNA, f i-Jicf ‘I’' S‘. -:rf(nrji r,f Sm'f. ) I AVii ji vm Hii.t.. Secretary of State, ir. Rnn* t'or the State of North Carolina, do ucre’oy ctr-' tity that the 1 iie.joing is a true and perfect co]iy of an .'.i t of the (Jeneifl .Asse''t>i1y of thiH State. 'Irav 11 (.if from the or!cri!'‘d on f.le in this ofbce. Given unler my hand, this "1st dsy ot December, IS'il. Vt'M. HILL, o/State. .AVI AVnvT^Fvs, the .siiid .Act provif>« for r.-‘ men.iing the Coi stitution of the St- le of No'.'th' Carolina so as to confer on every •'•'’.aiiiled voter for the Hons(> of ('ommoiis tiie rigLt lo vote al so for the .^enaie: No'v. therefore, to the crd tlifit it mnv bp made known that if the aforesaid nrrtendment JiFRIMi m Sil Vi.ViLR B'or C rn^HE subscriber would call the attention of .H- his fi’cnds. and the ] ublic in general, to one of the largest varieties of j Sprin:!^ (tu'l Su/ninrr Hoods | Ever offered by him in this m.arket. .\niong I his assortment m.ay be found:—Gentlemen s j DRES.S H.VTS. to-wit: Kossutii, ,t/oleskin, Rea- | ver. Silk. Inrush and ,\n^ola. with a complete j assortment of all other kinds of Fur atid Wo(d ■ Hats usu.ally fuund in this m.irket. —ALSO— Straw Goods in abundance, to-wit: I’anama. Rice Straw, Ped.il, China Pearl, Leghorn i Kos suth style i ami Palni-leaf H.\TS, for Gentle men, Youths, 15oys and Infants. —ALSO— A ^00(1 ,'issorl- • ment of Roots I'c .'shoes, for (ientlemen. Ladies. .J/isses. Youths. Roys. Children, and Servants; a'.l of which will be ofiered (oi very ac commodating terms for the Ready Cash, or to those that r.re-willing to _ to the Constitution shall be rigreed to by two- cash their accounts when presented. JOHN (’. THO.t/SON. South-west corner J/arket Sipiare. J/arch 20. lH'i2. 77tf ixiii; su' er now SALi:. life I S f'.ir '.i.e all his 8 TurpenGne and I'arniin^r LAND. conta;n iiig ;tlit>ut I.10 .\er. >i. situate.! I lai'fs Last ot Fa\ etfeville. on the Golds'ooroiigh road, com monly ki.own as Paim_ ra. It has a good dwclli'.g l.o-ise, o’lt ^'uiMiliL'-s. .';i'.. an.l a store where a large ainoiuit of busi ness i-i il.ine. an.l in. rc.;'ing daily. This is a rare chance for turj>enti-.ie getters, merch.ints, sohl a bargain. .\ny one wish- aiid wisbiuir further inform.a- n the premises, to J. W. MTRPllY, or P. T.V' LoR, Favetteville 1. ' )-.tf .\c. and will b iim' to p;ir.-hase. ti.in, can aj'piy Wanted. M ei** * * ' c.ish bir all , ''-"U all.I linen R.ULS, J. Ii. in p lelivered to tteville. 1 am njarly ■ration a Paper .Mill in this all! desirou.'-- of getting my rig 111 thi.'. market, yjy objcct is to [lay as aifeh for rags as 1 can aflor.l, and hope that 1 not be forced to distant markets for my 1 have arranged with .Mr. Williams ‘lid p.iy lur all rags delivered to him. D.VVID .ML'RPllY. J;ilU'’» Feb'y ij}, Irt.'i:'. 0«-tf r«^' to jiut i nei^lib,rh.>o.|. to I. I ■ till rian' pte iu:ci:i\i:i). ^ MI.N .s „,,,j |[,,yh’ .S.VDDLFS, of every WTII’ r '""'i “*yle, fiume very fine Al- 'Is, t^dlars, Whips and Wagon llarnes.s. S ... IK 1-. !;?"!«• * ' (>Ltt STHAMKU SOI Tlli:uxi:!i nT ILL leave Fayetteville every Wednesday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, .\. M., and arrive in Wilmington at 7 o’clock, F. M. .\nd will leave Wilmington every Mondaj" and Thurs- d.iy. !it 12 o'clock, .M., and arrive in Fayette ville next morning. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. April 2b, 18.32. 85-tf .JOILX I). WiLLI.X.MsT^ Comm isyion Fortvttrditi^ mlierrUanty Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 0, lS.j2. UStf .lu’y 2''th. 1! Seii'uiff oil at Costi (;i;i:a'1' i5AiJ(;\iNS! The suli.^i i'ilii'r is dcsirnns nf cliiniLritiii his business, and wi-dies to sell off his present stock ol Giimls iiiimc'iiately. consisting in part of Shijth anil I'(I/ICI/ Drif (inod.s^ Embracing a fini' stock of Ladies' Dress floods. l>.;re;r‘. Rarege Le-Laiiis. Dotted and plain .''wiss Muslins, coloreil ditto. R.irred. Jacinet .and ( aml'i’ic Musiins: col'd .'Summer .'ilks. .\lso. a general assortment of black and col'd Silk Dresses; a large assortment of Hosiery. ,Uso. Cloths, Cassimercs. Tweeds, .leans, and Satti- neis. .V general assortment of Summer wear for Gentlemen: all kinds of Liticn good® ,\lso. a large st'.ck of Roots and Shoes, Hats, Ronnets. rmbrellas am! Parasols. ILirdw.ire and Crockery. Wines and French Rrandy. The above stock is offered at the mere cost here. Countr\ Merchants and all otiiers buy ing G.hhIs in tliis ni.arket. will do well to call and examine, as I :im detcrmincl to sell :ind close ont nuy present stock, which is largo and fresh, and well selected. W. S. L.\TTA. April 10. 1.SV2. 8:;tf General Agency and Commission Business. ^■IIIE Subscribers have this day efiterel in- I. to a copartnership unler the style of WHITAKER, WHITFIELD & CO., for the purjiose of doing a general .agency and Commission business, and in ofl'ering theii- ser vices to the public in that capacity they flatter Gienisclves that they will be able to give satis faction to all those w:io may consign any go -ds, w.ires, merchandi/.e or country produce to them | either to sell on comtnissions or forward. As it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge ourselves to sjiare no pains in trying to give general satisfaction. They respectfully solicit the patronage of their friends and the jnililic generally. Their store is No. North \Vater Street, Dickii.son's Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER, JA.MES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. 15. SOUTHALL. Ueferexcks:—John Dawson, Potter & Kid der, (J. (j. I’ar.sley, Samuel Reery iS: Sons, G. R. French, and Elli.s iV .Mitchell. Jan. 2!t, 1852. Gl -tf i|uestcd to make immediate )i.i\inent, either to Mr. Hugh Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to himself in Chcraw. D. R. McARN. (?'heraw, Dec. 20, 18ol. iiO-tf OI.l) liYK. A NOTHER lot of Doctor Williams's oUl Rec- titled Rye Whiskey. J. & March 2b. T. WADDILL. 77-tf T AND MAXl'FACTniKrv OF PLAIX AND J-\PAN siiru \l LL persons indebted to the subscriber for I OppiT, 1 ill UHil SllOl‘1 IFOII W Ol’kcr. Goods imrchaseil at Floral (’ollejre, are re- _ - — all.WE in my employment competent work men. and am prepared to lo all kinds of work, either in COl’PliR. Tl.N orSilFET IRON. 1 have on hand all the necessary materials and machini'ry for making Factoi-y (’’.ans and Drums, and to do all kinds of factory work th.at can be done by any .similar Establishment in the Stat(>. .Also, for sale. 1 atent Factory Can Rings, varying from 0 to 1 1 inches: Drum Reads. \c. R()OMNG. GFTTKR AND LEADER PIPES put tip in the best manner. .Mso. just received, a full supply of CC>OK- l\(J >>T()V1''>, of the most approved jiatterns, some of them very large for hotel nm.1 jilanta- tion use. .Mways on hand a good assort ment of TIN >V.VRE. C. W. ANDREW.S, South East corner Market Square. May 15, 1852. 01-tf S'r VRK WILLLUlsr AVIIOLESALE DEALERS IN JFot'cign and Uomestic M9ry 4mOOflS^ HAY !stkki:t, Fayetteville, N. C. J. 1$. STAUI5.] [j. .M. WILLIAMS. April 28, 1S52. SOtf Sccond Sin'in^ ty Sutmner Stock. 8 «TATi: or €:a8:oli.\a, COI.L.MRI S COUNTY. (amrt (if Picas iiiid (,3n:ti-t(“r Scs.sidii.^, ]May Tt'ftn, lS.')‘i. Neill Chancy, and wife Kli/afieth. Roliort Rald- win. .Mary Ibildwin. •.. Nanc_\ R:il i'vi:i. Janie.s R.ildwin, '1 hos. S. Memory, and wife Rachel. Petition for Division (d'Sl.-ives. iT appearing to the satisfai'tion of the Court, in this case, that James Pi.ahlwin. one of the Defendants is not a resilient of this State: it is thertforc Ordered, by the Court, that ptibli- cation be made for six successive weeks in the Fayetteville (ibserxer. for the said .Lames Rald- win to be ami appear at the next Tci'iu of this Court to be holden for the County of Columbus, at the Court House in W hiteville. on the Second .Monday in .Vugust next, then and there to ,an- swt'r. plead, or demur to said petition, or the same will be pro ci.hjix!-" as to liim, and heard accordingly. \Vitness. Thos. M. Smith. Clerk of our s;iid Court, at Office in Whitcvilic, tlie sccond .Mon- dav in Mav, 1S52. THOS. y\. SMITH. Clerk. loo-bw IIoU'IlkVorlical WaCrr Wine I. ^HERE are several liundred of tbese Wheels in operation in diflerent counties in North ; Carolina. For proof of their great advantages I over the common flutter wheel, or any otlier ■ wheels now in ttse for saw mills, we confidently ; refer to those wdio have applied them to their mills. Wc can recommend them jiarticularly , fur then' superiority in cases of a low head of : water, c/ back water. j W e still keep a supply of Wheels, suitJible for ! different heads of water, at Wilmington, New- I bern, Washington, Edentou and Fayetteville. [ The wdieels may also be had of E. Rrevard, I Lincolnton. and Uriah Wells, Petersburg. Va. I Person.s wishing to obtain the right to use the j wheels, will be served on application to D. ' McNeill i't Co., Favetteville, N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. .^IcALlSTER. Feb’y22, 1810 of tf \\ STAUIt .Sc WII.I.IAMS OULD announce to their customers and the public generally, that they are now receiving large additions of S/ii}ilf Di'JI Goo/a^ Sfiora, liofita, iW., to their early Spring purchases, to which they especially invite the attention of country mer- chants. a> Barrels"' Blake's l-'irc-prool'i '“’"s. Ti'“ PAINT, for sale by _ | Fayetteville, .\pril 28, 1852. 8ljtf Pf Vriif or IAMLL sell my ST MM F.R h F.! 1 > i:X('F.. two miles frc.m the .1/arket, on the I':iyett>*- ville and Western Flank Road—one of tin- most desir.able ;i id healthy places in the coi;nty. Also, 40 ''hare.s of Fayetteville and \\ estern riank Road .'stock, and o!) Shares of Fayette ville Hotel .Sti ck. W ith the largest stock of Ready-made (J.\R- Rl.\(iES and RFGGIES ever offered in this pltici.—over .'s.'iiuxi worth—coni]iletely finished. All of which 1 will sell at very reduced prices for cash or negotiable notes. So little attention has been p:;id to the call made by me after the fire of the 2d .lan'y. on tho.se indebted to me to call atid settle, that I am imhiccd to offer the aljove jin.pcrty at re duced prices to en.able tne to i-ebuiM niy Carriage Esialtli; hment and continue my busi ness with convenience. 1 shall place notes in proper hands for collec tion, if not paid soon. I have all my account.s made out to the 1st .lan'v 1S52. A. A. -1/cKETHAN. .Varch 20, 1852. 77tf LESSONS IN MTSIC. H. WHIT.VKI;R would respectfully in form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les sons on th.e Piano Forte. He rvturns his thanks for the liberal jiatroiiage heretofore receiveL and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. .All pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. ],. H. WHITAKER. .August 21, 1850. o4tf S rOliACiK. 1> have commodiotts brick Wareliouses in the rear of our Store, in w hich we store cotton and other produce. D. li W. McLAUKlN. Nov. 1. 1851. .37-tf Mav S. J. HINSDALE. 87tf I NOriCK. IHE Partnership heretofore existing in Lumbeiton, between the undersigtied, is Those FOR SALI-:.—2D,no() Ihs. HA CON. J. D. WILLIAMS. Feb’y 9, 1852. (33tf No ric I-:. ;'f f a^HE undersigned continues to mnnnfacture i this day dissdved by mutual com*ent. M- Spirits Turpentine R.AHRELS. Those now | inilebted to the firm will plea.se call on G. W. on hand guage 4.3 to 45 gallons, and are made i McKay, at Lumberton, who is authorized to of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want- | settle the eoncern. L. TO l!Ii!K, 4 SMART, ACTIVE ROY, 13 ve.nrs old. Applv to H. RRANSON & SON. May 8, 1H52. 87tf 10 Barrels North Carolina Lin seed OIL, for sale by S. J. Mav 3. HINSDALE. 87 tf thirds of the whole representation in cadi hcuPO of th? next ieneral Assembly, it will then b? sulimitted to t’le people for ratification, I have issued this my ProclamRtion in conformitj vsritb the provisions of the before-recited Act. In testimony whereof, I'i.wiD S. Rktp, Gov- cri’or of the State of N .rth Carolina, hath here unto set his hand and c.Tuscd the Grep.t Seal of the sai'l St.atc to lie affixed. ~ - Done at the City of Raleigh, on th« f J J, ■) thirty-first day of December, in the I ■ I year of (lur Lord one tiious.ind eight ' iiiindred and fifty-one, nnd in liie7bth vear of our Imlcpendincc. DAVID S. REID, Ry the Governor, Ti!im\s St.Ti i.K. Jr.. I’rivnte So'’'". Pers.ins into whose hands th!« Procl.'.n tition tmiy fall, will pb ase see tl..;;t a .‘opv f it ia jiostcd up ill the Court House of ti:iir ro'>y.'^c- tive counties. ; [Fr.im the Georgia Telegrnph.] Nofhii)^' i>€iler. I It seldom hayij'ens that nny rcuicoy i - lic.tor tested, or so cvc-di)>l v totu bed for an Dr. Lit tle's Vermifuge. Tiie testimony of n distiu- ' guished physiciati of an adjoining c..\in(y is : appended, as well .is othe rs, oiit of the many : that mi^ht be published: I Mf'i;roe coun;y. Nov , j8«8. i Dr. Little—Sir: 1 have had much e^:perience with vonr Ver .tilu'je; and as you wi.'h my ' ojiiiiion. 1 v>ill cheeriully state that I have very ' rarely fotind ii necessary *o use rnythir.g else to relieve children fi"m v.orms in niy practice. In dozens of casc.s 1 have I'ully tested the mcd- : icine with entire succi ss. nnd unhesitnfingiy ‘Ic'-lare it is the be«t preparation I ever kneTv ' jiii'l far in advance of anything of the 'Kind of fered. P)V its frenucnt use in famil’PS, doubt less many fiad, if not fatal CftPCS of worms migiit be ]irever.ted. (SigneiO D. R. SEAKCY. M. 1>. Dr. Little—Sir: I have u=ed several \iolf rt your Vermifuge in niv family, and b«>'ieve : It superior to I'ahnefitock's. or anything I have ever seen. In fa-t. with the use of this medi cine. and your Anodyne ('ougli Drops, in capes , of c(uighs and colds. I have succceded in curing two or three cases that 1 othtrwis*; would have had to call in a jihysician to. Resjiectl'uRv. [Signed] SIMEON CASTLEBERRY. 'I'albot county. In Macon alone, there h.is been hundreds ol vials of Little's Vermifuge sold within the la«t few months, besides that put in dollnr bottlcfl. which are oi.e-third cheaper. Wherever this medicine has been introduced, it has gone vrell; and in point of success stands unrivalled. Al ready many families liave becomc iritrlligent on this subject, and if the community wns gen erally so, no more ehildren would bo choked to dentil by worms, or other fatal efi'ect.s to l>e deplored from such causes. The Vermifuge i^ the very lie^t meflicines that can be givfii to’ puny or drooping children, even if they liavo no worms. The fac-simile of the signature r.f Dr. Vi'. G. Little will fie found upon tiie outside wrapper Sold wholesale and i’efail, by tlie Proprietor, at his Manufactnring I'ejiot. No. 2o4 .Market street. Philadelphia, and Macon. Ge-jrgia. To be had al!?o of James Cain. Kockfish; A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend Doug lass, Rennettsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, (,'harles- ton: C. (.’. Rarbee, Rarclaysville; P. F. Pes.ud, Raleigh. LF>S. WOOL wanted, by H. BUANnON & SON. 50 Ho.xes Window ing a good article, will do well to call and ex- ,. c amine. Contracts to deliver Rarrels for the VI Ills.'-, tor next twelve months made on favorable terms. sale by May 3. S. J. HINSDALE. 87tf March 22, 1862. T. S. LUTTERLOH. 76tf JOHN A. KOWLAND. GILBERT W. McKAY. Lumberton. Feb. 25, 1852. 69tf Blank Warrants for sale here. NKW HOOKS. BANCROFT'S U. STATES, vol. 4th; The Swamp Steed, or the Days of .Marion and his Merry Men; Putnam’s Library, No. being j Home Narratives, from Dickens’ Household I Words; The .Maiden and .Married Life of Mary I Powell, being No. 8 of A.ppleton’s Popular Li- ! brary; Zachos’ New American Speaker; Bul- i lion’s Greek Grammar; Smith’s 1st Geography: i MitcheU’s Prim»ry Geography, &c. Just rec’d. I E. J. UALE & StJN. May G, 1852. 88tf 1000 lbs. Potashes, for salr by s. .1. niNSDAT.F. May 3. 8-rf 500 dozen Essences, Cologne* Water, Opedeldoc, I'ain-Killer, Vermifuge. For sale by S. J. HINfcDALE. May 8. 87tf CHECKS, 1 OK ALL THi: BAN&S D? r AYIIII^TLII