La '• rk,, -I'v. ■ *" Hi.:,; > \Ts ‘II »• !^6 »•= ^ '•' ' ’ of f,.. ■"r> of \;>, •jO erv • n !-.r>l n.w ' "■Kur.>r,„ ' i‘”'vhi,s,:; ; - '•'' tiif -- 1 -V ,• . : t!,e ‘ ' ' l iK . , “ .. • ■ V>. - t - . ‘ 'le ■■'■nier ^ ^ .V) 1 \ • ,., I u.i: '•** v ^ifore. X CO. Nl; ■--H; t". ; t. •1C V- iin- rn •' •'■■'X) t,. the * ■ •■'' S" ' il- l; -t - r -: - ; : . itiCP n ;.e lie ■ . V : 'O . ■:- t: .■ >. 1^ - =:> \^\ll ' “ r '= - • 'Mil ; . : ; e ,.ne oi Vo i i-y V I ti . ? :=•- :: i trr- f. hi- - ' -'h ,\frcs: I.-; riii; I.' • • n ij. St;>- ■. t.. . I. ii Jel ■ - to tit,. . ..b- 1. 1 >1. T. ' 1-. ny ■ e ■'•n 11. nfoi ■. t .11 ’1 . ■ ■ J le oi Is. ■ 1-. IK} 7‘tt r^?5 b:\ IJIS rr»\N -Ilf- st a i t ckS ; N; ' of ■ o.i 'ing fy 1 ,w- B.I, 1, on Ilia ... tiie (.111. ( that Ifeti- • uii'ry. i Pi e to run ! -!lo.)t l.S. short ion 1 .■i ' ,Dien ted. . B\^ I I n III , I-.-. tlie M le \ ard. 1H.-,1. 2-:f I. \M) LAN ■ .iMrix'S 11 ( I H'pk, ll,.- . . l'!;.!lk dm, ''tel lU SEM5-WEEKL.T T!S3lgggiBL [V(M,. II.] I'AYKTTEVILLF,, N. C., JUI.Y I j, 18M. [XO. 108.] lilNTKP r.V .1, !!. NKWliY. hVMtlt i. ll\M'. & s().\. ^ EniTOUS AND IMlOlM’vlllTOUS. HOIiSK KLY-XF/rS. rST rpireivcil from Nt'w York, n fine nsssnrt- iiifiit cJ ilozen piiir) of VLV-NKTS, .■i¥Siirtcil colors. Mcm^NAI.U ..V WII \hV.Y. •hilv ■). .1 PlUi^r lV,c fjjjiid ii! -■'.V.'cklv (>n>KK'KR ::rM>0 it I 1 '.0 i" I'aiil Juriiig the i .•iij ;it'ier the vour has I ■pklv :>i!sr.!ivK:i 00 per aiimini, if a lv.iiu-.'; oO if paM (luring the Ilf ^ r"^ 'rii'iioii; or ^>3 UO atier tho 'Ciir xjiirol. ri',r.Tl.''l!'irNins"rteil for sixty cents »:ir;- ^'.T the fu t. .-in'l thirty cents for e:ieh a;i.J •III ’iont' ■!'. V« :\r;y :i>lverti>eniet;ts ■i.i’i ,-..ntr.>i-ts. :it re:i“'>n:i’>le rates, A‘l- are ve,,.ieM.' l t-st-t*' the of • M-! 'I 'ir.- 1. or they v.ill Ve continv.eil till I e'i:ir"-eil aeeorlin;i1y. 1 ttcrs to the Ivlitiirs must !'e post-pniil. 11 ’l^iOVA i I N \ MI. ii-' I. M NSPAI,!:, and tl.e fusnri' ■ t ;iit'orr.;iti'.r hi' ; f ," ii\ it ho 'ia r-'iiMxe.l 1 St it 1 I ' tlie next ei ruiT a1io%e. ';ii'iwn a-; the ••l>l:ike eorner. i i't>' : np his Stfre with every vnve- 1 i>inluriin>.l hns i;e^'. l">th wholesale t-> the lic't -'.'haiitaire. b.e so'ieits a i» f the kiinl I'avm- he has ei'j"\eil. '.r MH-0 that 1V1 el’' rt *'11 ln' part aMSl'i' «an?Miir ti- merit it. St.'i k e.'i;U'il>'s a full n'"rtnioiit "f :ir- tmm i" i> line i f I'us'.ness. :nl of the >K‘st •(tiul- ity: \ii-iiiein( s, ( lu'mieals. P.iint: ^ ti !’n ten t 'I etlli ine 1'»M. e 1. 'ii ■". I'utty. T' es, J? ■; - ve. - i; is.’ti i-. the p;-pr':'.rn!!.'n Mb aii>' i'n .'erij iioiio anil I'aiiiily iieeipps. Dffirt' of Ilif F. \ S. Plunk r»n:iil Co..) Jilfj/ t‘», ) RafTlto l’rosi(U'f.t ami Diroctnrs r>f said ("oinpany-have (Ireliiroil a semi-annnal livideul ot 'I'hree ]ier eent. tipon the ('apilal Stock of saiii Company, payable on in\il after Momlav liie li^th inst. Anciru A. T. SMITH, Secy. ORPKUKK. Fl in'MKU, That all the N'ote.s of the f'ayetteville and S.nithern I’lank l!oa‘l ('oni]inny. reinainiiig tinjiaiil, he ]iliiceil in the hands of the .\ttornev for collection. ('.-•Jw] AlU’li'i) A. T. SMITH. Sec'y. I'or l*ickl‘S, l*r('s('rv('s vV Hiitlcr. ruNF. and r.lass .Tars f'r rreserves and l’ickle“. .''tone (Ttiirns and I’.utter (’rocks. 1 Miik I’ans. I’wikeis. Take I’lakers, and u variety of «>ther indispensable articles in house-keeping. I For sale liy \ .],;11NS(>N. .Inly S. ]v;.'i2. G-ot I LAM) FOli SM.K. sni'scrilior offers t’>r sale 7l> iacre-; f I.\NIi. suitaMe for Turpentine and ' ('i-rtK situated > miies tVi'ni town i^n the War I s:‘\v road. rn!cs disiw,-;.- 1 of at priv.ite sale. I the land w'.’d l e so!d ;it auction on the pn inises o'l the 1 7til in-'. Torn;s m.oie kuo'.v’i on d.iv of sale. .loii.N C. r.i.Ol'Kl'.i;. '' July 7, 18'i'J. tits .1 tS IJAXKS NVll.MLNC; i'ON, N. •Tun*‘ l!'J. IS-”:.’. •’Uf iKrn.L. i ^I^HF subscriber liaving purchased the Hotel * situated on the >''outh-Kast corner of ('ourt House Sipiare. and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform tl.e public that he is n«w ready to accoinnnidate boarders by the day, week or nimth. Having maile considerable out’ay in furnishing and refitting the Kstablish- ment, he hopes to l>i> jtble to give satisfaction to all who patronize him. His Table shall be Inrnished with the best the ni.Trkct affords, his liar with the best ol Liipuirs, and his Stable witii a plenty of good provender and faithful * i >stlers. June 21’,, 1S.')2. GILCHUIST. 3-tf t Mis, . l\'rfnnuT.v. -hoi-e .th and Hair i'.ni'^h- til remnvod my l-:iw \ of Mr .1. M. r.eas'e'. s ■ S. ^'.de of Hav stree t. ;!:• 1 ('■ Ullty ('I’lirt.- ■iden and Kobe^'iii: :i :i!'.y case bef.’it 11 of l'a\ . :t' Vilie J. UlNSl.UW. (• r.t r.uoii!i:us I Tlie n -',v S'r iiii'V having been a ld>-d t'> tliis« ing two light liritt .'^te.inivT'* r.c.ats, .-ill in g'o l ord'T. the pr-o'.-ire i to ti t!isii..rt l'ri- gl;t a! d the inti-riM' liate Iai'.di:.j: • d^-spa’.i’h as aiiv i>tiier Line. .1. V.'i'miii'jton. June '2-. 1 . a’vl now hav- .•ind four Tow 1' 1-0 ;■ lie tors .are to 1 :'.i'tte\iM* WKS A'.'cr.t. ;:t:’ t Ol V r-• U I NO '!>iiry Wanlcfl! J .sri ihcr re.'i' > tt’ullv WlWC. ('\\l)!!)\Ti: F Ml Tlil-: PRKSIDKM'V. nssoiA riox. C'tiT' Till' firm of Arey, Slieiinvoll t-S: Co., heretofore existing, been this d.iy dissidved by mutual consent. .\11 dem.inds agMiuM said litm will be paid by | P. Slieniweil. at the old stand; .and .-ill jierstuis | indebted to the late lirm will pli-ase make imiiie- I diate p.iynient to 1*. Shvntwell. who alone is dii- ; Iv autliorised to settle the S. S. All!:V. i r. siii-Mw i:li.. JAS. 11. McUoNAI.D. rayetteville, .lune 'Jil. iSo'J. :>tf [jCP P. Sii('!tn\ (‘11 will ronliinu,' the l>ry (io*.d bus: the oM st iml of .\rey, j Shemwell X Co.. vliere he will lie p’.e ised to see all who will fa.-ir him with a call. 'I'hank- ' fnl for past from the puMic. he hopes, b, >trii t at'eiiiioii ;,i ht,hin. s-;. to ret.iiii a sii.are : ol inibiii- iiatr.'ii.ige. 1’. siii;.M\v:;LL. rOMViiirJi \{\\)\ ]\\. ! ''5^I!1S .Veadl'my is now coinplete.l. It is a S. l.arg'' :ii'd comiModions buiniing. pleasant ly located within a mile of Whiteville. Its jio- sition l.u- h.-alth is and will coinp.are favor- .aMv with .any ]-oitii n •!' the .''t.ite. 'i'he ."eci.ud SeS'i^n of this Institution will commence on the 1 Jth .ll'l,\ next, under the cart-and m.inagement of Mr. .\. i. I’l'T.NF.U. ;i who is not only .amply endowed W ith .1 1 t!ie rcjui.-ite niiaritii-.itions for a teach er. bnt who has itad. in .addition to this, many _\ears experience in teaching. Tf rt)ts Ilf Tuitiii)! jn r Sissioii, nz: .•spelling. Heading :Mid AVciting NS OO .\rithmet;c. I’ng’i!i firiinmnr. History, (Ir'c_raphy and rhio sophy, ; hemi>tr_\, .\i_;'’i(ia, (ie-imc:ry and Sur- ' \ e \ i 11 g l.-iiin. (.reek .iiid Fn uch Miid iits nl.ta’ii bo.irl in the ncighbor- hoo i !it . oi.\cni( lit di.'tr iii C' fi'.m the Ai-.i leuiy at I'r .m to x7 j;i-r m'.nth. I r.\ I rtler ot the i’-oai d. I ■ TliDS. M. SMITH, Sc-y. 10 0»t I J .■>•> 1.') (10 V. Ii': ari ■ SKY. ub'.v ind.'t.t. d t • him. -iring the pie>> :it ■ ith very .-iioi't’y, and big-; hi.- cu ■ re Jill St as eariy S. J. HINSl Jrt .ji'.e-^ts by note month and of ;t”mers :;s coll- \I,F. ’.tf BD, . OD this 4 of SI r W f :h miiii Isiifiicd li:i\c 1 rtii. rsliip, under the stvli- rm> i ;i Ifp \V KVI.K ,v t'l)., ill till- (ircry to“ .'^taii 1 of till' fr.-.-i free!; Co. -tr -t. three di.-v-; be'"W tlie Market i. •i i. tluM’ will be jdeased to : ee the : I!ic oi.l {inns. r. IlFNl’.oW. JAMKS KVl.F. Jr. W.M K. LtiVK. II > r i;\ !:i). • ‘.II' pi 'ii'jh 'I!'. ■ ill';.' c'lii I- ~ 11 i I. ] ■ilits. r . : -I ur .''ir.i\v t 'ii-ter. ,i. T. WAbMI.L. 7-tf 1000 M3N WAN' TO ClKCri.ATK riir ; X*. i n o * W \l :iu \ I. rOMM\M>"n r |- Tli: fMT'!> 'T\TI " Ml'IY. r,Y i:i>\VAilIt 1» .NiAN.'TH'Ll). H r -Author ■'!' 11 '* r; of the Mc.ic iii \S ar, IN iNi: \'o|... iJin..,. I//ll'ifr'I^n/ irifh MijKiiiiil L nfiii n ,!'/s [•KH'K .SI j .June ’J'J. LAM) roi; saij:. siibscrit'er I tf’-rs for s.ale a tract of h Land, containing ninety-live aert s, situa ted on the NL'i'g int"!! and ('hicken roa'is. three iiiile> tr in Fayetteville, adjoinin'' the lands ot 1 .Vlex. .lohn" :!! and Mrs Hybart. Persons wish- ; ing to p'.irvh.i'v sai'l l.iiiil. can tor further par ticulars. apply t" the subscriber, at her resi- ; ileoi i‘. t\' .: iiiiUw and a half t i om F.iv ette\ ille, on the Vadkiii ri'ad. F. A. OClIiLTRF.F. June L is.'rj. ;;-4w .........«.,i-« coons. IX HK subscriViers iirc now receiving from N. York, a large and general assortment of Staple and i'nnci/ J)rif (ioods^ (r UUCKIUES, IIAUDWAUE, Hats and Caps, lioots and Sliocs. Among which are: ColFee. Sugar, Cotton IJagging, Hale Fiope, Nails, Window (Jl.Tss, Swetles and F.nglish Iron, Sack and ,\lun\ Salt, lini>erirtl and ISlack Teas, I’epper, Alspiee. (iinger, I’owder, Si*ot, 15ar Lead, Har .and Fancy Son)). Together with a great variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the nttention of the juiblic. and which tliey are deterniined to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as any lioii?ie in the Southern country. 1‘roiluce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Good.*?. McLKAN JONES. Summerville, X. C., I>ec. 8, 1S’>1. 47tf FOR THE WORTHERW CITIES' BY THE si:lliinUD \\D K()\MIKI' R\ll, KO.ID. 1’L'1>L1C are informed that the Sea- M- board and Pioanoke Kail Hoad Company ha ve Completed their new britlge across Pioanoke i Itiver at Weldon, and are now prepared to tr.ansport passengers and freight from Weldon to Portsmouth and Norfolk, and the Northern cities ]iromptly and with disjiatch. i'he ('ars leave eldon daily at o.l o'clock. 1*. M , and .irrive at Portsmouth by 7 o'clock. P. M.. in time to couiiect with one of the Chesa peake l>ay Steamers, HFK.M^U, (iF()llGl.V, or .NOirni i'.MK >Ll N.\, for I’.ahiinore, tind arrive at liahiniore early next morning, in time to connect with the morning train that leaves for Philadelphia and New York. liy tins comlortable and agreeable route. P.issengers leaving Wilniington in the morning train, will arri\e early the ni'xt morning at P.altimore, and reach New York the same even ing. without loss of sleep, and with but one change o! jierson and baggage between Weldon ant iialtimore. and avoid entirel}' night travel ling on Hail Koads. I’o render this route worthy of the travelling juiblic, the company have employ* d careful and responsible baggage agents, who check all baggage at Weklnn through to l’).iltimore, consequently the travel ler has no further tnuible with his baggage until he reaches Paltiiuore. The ('ho.ipe.ike I’.ay Steamers also stop at OLD Pdl.N T. to land and recci.e P.i>isengers. and Passengers who leave Vi eldon at oA o’clock, P. .'1., arrive at Old Point the s.iiiie evening. ■\ii arrangement has been en'ered into, by the d.fierent Hail and Ste.iini Cumj'an- ies. In whii h the s ime Through Ticket i.'Siied at Charleston, will leav_* it optioiiary with the traveller to tak‘* either route at Weldon. .\n accomniod.ilion train leaves Weldon every Tue-d iy. Tinirsd.iy and Saturday ne'rnings lor Portsmouth. Norfolk, and ()L1> PtHNT i'0\l- FO.'ir. I’assengers by either train for Old Point, wiil re ich Old i’oint the same evening. For TH llol’f. II ’JTCKF'l'S to ll.iltimore and .New \ oik, and any other information desired, iiniuirc ot the .Virent at Weldon. K. N. PKThU.'^oN. Agent. ifTice Seaboard \ U. Pv. K C«., ( Weidi'ii. .N. ('., .May 'JSth. ISo:.’. (' I Plants in Bloom. H.VVK a dozen varieties of new VERHEN.^S, of all colors,—pure white, deep criin.son. striped, 6;c.; thirty varieties of the li(>SE, blooming. Pei sons wishing to make selections are invited to call and see them. They will be reaily for delivery in the course of the summer and fall. •Many curious and beautiful plants are con stantly coming into bloom. LL'TTKPiLOH. Eowan Street. S. Persons wishing Strawberries in any quantity should give notice the day before they arc wanted. On tiie grounds, 20 cts. per quart. When sent out, “ May 17. fl-tf COl'TON Y.AK^XS for s;iio by the bale, at Factory prices, by 8TAUK ic WILLI.VALS. March 10, 18-")2. 7l*tf LoxDox Byass’” just received and r.\SKS Pints, for sale by S. May 20, 1852. jVEW COODfS. E are now receiving n very large and well selected stock of SPP.lNtJ (OOL)S. consisting of a full as.'’iirtnie|[J of Fftnctf fiiUrpie i^rtf Goftds^ ■Vinong wliicli may be found the latest and most fashionable styles of Ladies’ and uciitleiaen's i»i5i;ss (;ooi)S, Hats, (’ap.^j, l>niiiirt., Keady-iiiade ('Intli- ing, Ilardwun*, (jnw.-erie.^, 1'riigs and 3Icdiciucs, Saddlery, (.'rockery, and (ilasswaro. A large and well selected stock »f Boots and Shoes, and Ijadies’ and (Icntle- nien’s (Jaiters, (very fine.) SALT, HION, MOLASSKS and NAILS. We intend selling as cheaii as we can would be glad if our friemls ai.d the public would call and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL i CAIN. iNLvrch 24, lSo2. 7Gtf COTTON YAIIXS. E are .ilwnys ]>rf']'arcil t^> lurnish (.'OT- O.N VAKNd by the bale, fit Factor/ price*!. J. T. WADDILL. ‘ April 11, 18'i2. H:.'tf W. TfLLINGHAST ^ CO. 94-tf 1IAK\L\X*S lIoriT., r \ Y r I T i: v a i. r a:, c. ^■MIH Subscriber, having taken the large 1 Hotel, formerly known as the Planter s Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay .Mount, Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. (^., respectfully informs liis friends and the juililic that he is now rn- gagetl in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is pre pared to accommodate the travelling publitr.— Having had some experience in the business in the town of Pittsborough. N. (’., he Hatters himself that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their compa ny. IHs rooms are large and airy. He has large and convenient St^ibles, and a good and faithful Ostler. JOFiN IIAIIMAN. Feb'y 17, 18V2. . S'l'Ot'K ^g^llE undersigned are now receiving their H- SPill.NG STOCK, consisting of & j-3m i?! i’.cd ..II I lor >a'e liw. i' r ^’ VSIl I.AWitLNt.’E .V TIi(»V. '■2. 7-2t S \ I J '. W ILLI.VMS. 7-tf / U iirrO’it.s, IV anfcd. l ANii WAUn ^NT.'^ w.-inted, for •li the hi-he. t c.isli j.rice will LLI.IAH fulv 10. ag'-n Fi:i T nine. lOOn V iii.-ii (>. W 1,1 bi bM nil Pstt'Iit M.lti X Ir bit FL'I.LF.ll. 7-nt \\ Ax ri:i). Hickory .Ax'etrees, 7. 21 fe( t lonz. I by H. i-!e:ir of knots and , will be paid. j Tongues, s iwed. t 2,\, at the ^ iii't> :in l V. ii.^ .shakes; at the , I 'd Wliitel;ik Wagon .^pcikes. i i;g. '1 t,. iiiehes; at n. at Icr M. ! lied Oak. .\-lie White Oak , foi- which the hi hei-t c.i^h piilv soon to ‘ ‘elli.ui FFLr.r.ii. 7-;;t 111 kririiHiiriil \Viin’lioi;.\(‘ iV .SmI S!«rp, I'lillosi Vork. Tile inidiTsioiied .«olieif tlie atteii- I iiri ha:-ers of Implements foi- the itioti to their as.sortment, which the ni'ist recent improvements nit I S in their line, all of which * 1 I'iei's to insure sati.^faction to I I lAi.i.v It.iilway Fiidle'.s Chain "r t'M- lii'isir,. ,f the Wheeler ii aw ,ir l.-'l the fu st [iremium at oiMity Fairs, where tiiey have Power-i. warranted. lriiidile> Iron .'^weep Powers, Tap- :'.T I’liwer. i’lows. Harrows. Fan ■■ I'utters, i’ortable Iliirr Stone Mills, '■ir^s. .'wc. \c. I'ield and Garden ■ i.i'in.i: jt Ai.iTv, Fertilisers, Fruit ()ur de>! rijifive Cata- ■'! w!th cut'', wiil be sent gr.itis !ir I’ost (tflice .''tamps are remit- to the dist.alice. H.VLPH k CO. i--‘3m — ,\LSo _ Pictorial Life of Gren Scott, J’a/iifthf' f /'irni—f 'n i/it Lihtniii. PKici; ;;o ci.'v rs. —— Lithographic Picture of WiM-liJJ) SIOTT. 1 i:iCL ‘ i N'I'S. —AL.'^i >— HISTORY of TH3 MSX- ICAN WAR, Givinsr tlie full account of the P. \TTLF,. and tlie lUULI.lAN'l ACllIi;\ FMLNTS of TSic Hero »t‘( With Miips'itiil K iiiji'ii r I BV K. l». .M.VNSiTLLH, iisQ. Price ^1 2.‘). 1000 aT;i:NTS waxti:i). To whoni Counties and Histricts will be given, tor the sale oi'these works. .\p|.lieatioii,s ihoiiM be made immediately. reriiis iiivaria- blv (,'ash. I'iscount liberal. A. .S. IJARNKS & (U, />•, No. -jI John street, .New York. June 22. li'”)2. .‘1-ltci.iw LAX!) I'Oli SALi:. A V.VU'.MiLL tract fif Land is'ercii for . » sale. Containing 220 acres, lying -’'i miles west of Fa vettevil!»-. near the F. iX . Plank Itoad, aiijoining .Mr.-. .Nott and others, with a good drt’eiling and otlu'r nec essary out heusrs. well watered and liealthy situation. -\pl'L' soon to l». (i. Mchuiiic in F.iyettov iile. oi- to .las. 11. .'^Icl>ullic on the premises, for p.wiicu- iars. June 21-., 1S-V2. :?-tf rxlox ac'ai)i:mv. ^HF second Session of this Institution will coninience on .Monday the 12th of .lulv next, miller the eareof (iiles Leiteh. a graduate ol the I ni\eisity of .North (.'arolin.i. Ti rill!' Ilf Tuiiiiiii, )>fr SiKnioii. nz: Spelling. I’.eailing. Writing, and .Mental .\rith'.iu-tic. Si'» 00 Engli.'h (, Geograpliy, .\rilhme- tic, and History, ' ' 0 00 Latin. Creek. French, and the higher br.iliches of Matlieiiiaties, 12 00 The .‘■Steward's Hall will l»e kept by .Mrs. M.i- ry E. Howland, (late id' Lumlierton.) well known to the public lor lu r ability to dis.-harge the iluties incumbent on the same, having hecn for II number of years past conneete.l with pub'ie house keeping. The Trustees flatter themselvrs that she can give general satisfaction. She will board for seven dollars a month, and bo.nd c.oi also be obtained in good families in the neigh borhood. l?y order u!' the Hoard of Trustees. JOHN T.VVLOK, Sec’y. June 17, 18V2. 2-4 w :ir(' I’( ' .I.iIlN J. Pl'.lLll’.' i f ."i.el iif 1«.r t :.e ci ensiiin'Z ele -;i n. June 11. l.-'i2. '5 ' 1 i I' \l S/t)( u!i.- •V / ... rrili.T , and at co:-t to :!Hr;ou!ic(' a candi'l.ite for t!i- oilice ;iiit\ I'f ( uioberlaiid, at the 'JO ; Sal, at ('usf. ■'ill soil .'lOo jiair of Ladies'. ( Inldren's .'-hoes, (i.iitcrs. („'all wliiletlie a.'Sorliiient W Jun.- 1 t. LATT A. '.•'.'tf - j 'I I »!! liy 12, saij:. superior N. ( b. K W. HACON. McLAUKIN. 0-1 m LiTe of Gen. Scott, ' '■ I received. Also, !race .Vgiiihir's l)ays "1 I.nice; U ,i|o. Wide World; I'ream Life; i'-'ii ;ii on the 'iilturi! of the Grape; Harper’s /lae, I VI,Is. bound; l!omanism at Home, M I’lC'i h H('(' fO Hi nt. The Il- iise fornier’y occuiiied by I. Hawley. ■ [e'^ite J. G. Co,,k, till Jan'v 1st. AppIv to H. C." HALL, or ‘ HALL \ S.VCKLTT. June n. ls.->2. '.''.Hf EDG-BV/ORTH * v'_£_''' Greensborough, N. C. rg'tllE Twellth year of this Institution will ■ commence on .MONH.VV, the 2d day of .\r:r.'^T next, and t'rniiiiate uiion the last of .May following. I’he scholastic ear is divided into Sessions of live months each, with a recess of a few days only at Christmas. The prim:iry design of this Institution is to secure to it.s puyiils every facility for the ac quisition of a solid and f>rnamental education. The Priiieipal is aided by a corps id' able, ae- coiiiplished. and thorouglily i{ualitied teachers. Fi.r 'ircu'..irs and other particiil.irs relative to the School applv t'l. 1-rol. HICIFb STEHLING, I’rincipal. '.I'.i-liw Spring Ciiood';—IS.Vi. '.iAMi*:s KVIJ’: ! IS .\i>W RKCKIVINti AimCT I 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, I .Ml of whii h iieing luirchase.l for C.\SH, will be ; otfen-.i at v. ry reduce.1 ]>riet>s for cash. I'r on j time to punctual customers, either by whole- • sale or retail. 15 iltin;r t'lotiis t'roin No. 1 to 10, of '.lie best that is maiiufacture.L Marcli 22. l!So2. 7')tf ; 'I'haf I^OLISIf! hoir it SJmtcs! ' KKODO Bo\‘w ivithin tlir iiiiir iiioiifli^! A .1. WOOjiWAHl) returns his thanks to i .a • the public for the unprecedented en- i couragement he has nut with in the m.inufac- ture and sale of his celebrate ! POLl.''H, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al- w.iys keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. F.xperience has jiroved that this Polish is un- s'lrpa.ssed for .luickness in j>utting a gloss on boots .and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Persons wi.diiiig to oil their lioots can use this Polish with success immediately af terward.'; the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it dries. This Polish can be found at the store under the Carolinian I’rintiiig Ottice. Fayetteville, Feb. :il, ti7tf I DAILY i:xim:ctiJ), A (;i;NEH.VL assortment of CO()PERS’ TOOLS, of the best manufacturers’ make, by ClT' IL\I{!)\\ AKK. f’trps^ an ft Shocs^ .\11 of which will be sold low to punctual cus tomers as heretofore. Merchan's ainl others will do well to exam ine their St.'ck before making purchases. W e will not be undersold. HALL & SACKETT. March 11, l!'-;2. 72tf XI'r\V~FIIL\T. undersigned have entereil into copart- .M. nership, under ttie name and style of &: Troy, F'or the piirjiose of doing .a general .^lercantile and Harter liusiness. We have taken the Store, No. 1o(;HEI;N s rUEET, formerly occupied by .Messrs. John lluske iV Son. GEO. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN li. THOY, Jr. Oct. 22, 18-')1. 3:!tf L\ s rom:, fSLOrc ll.'s and Plou-h Castings. Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. H. C. ll.VLL, of Home. Oct. IS. 18-'.l. :?2tf M t^dtjcifcriUe iiitid, LA\T:r'n:\ hjj:, x. c. ^■IHIS large and splendid I’uilding has now i been in successful operation since May 1840. The I’edding and Funiitun! of all kinds is new. and the rooms convenient and j-loasaiit. The Table is always furnished with the best the market, aided by a tine vegetable garden. Hoarders, Lfidger'^, and Travellers will find de sirable aecoinn.odations ai;i.l attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give eutir.r satisl'.ic- tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An exiierietice of 20 years will enable the les see, she liopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN HHOWN. June 1, 18.'>0. 2S-tf FtnfeUi'viUr MSranrh (IfiTiliMI i;!^TlBLI);iL]ii:\T. •T. T3. \VS)i(t' & l'st(k'rliilS, I)roj)f'rSy 7'm'iji., mnf HAo^.stf/e Kini Iit- (iii/ ( liitlmrA, 110 William Street, New York, A. H. WIIITJ’IEU). , ,„j I’oiuli am] l.ish! Carna;;e Maiiiifai'liiror. 'W‘i^7 Ol'LD respectfiiliy inform t'ne public V w that he still coiitir.ut'S to -arry on the above Inisiness in all its branelie.s. He returns tlianks for the liberal patronage he lii-'t ri.*c*iv- ed. and hopes by a strict attention to, and a desire to please all and give general khI- isfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all lii.s work to '>e made ot the best material aiiil by experienceil worknien; and should any" of it fail in twelve monlhs (with fMir usage) either in workn'ansl.ip or materiul, he will re]iair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, woiihl .i.) well to call ami examine hid work before purcha.-i'iig. :iv it caiiimt lie surjiassed for f-tyie, 'dega’ii-e. nnd duraiiility. He is d'termined to tell love lor cash or on ^hort time. Ordei's thankfully receive i Hiid i':'oni;'it’.y at ten.led to. iiFl'AInlNw ne.ntly e::ecutcd at short notice and lowest p.-ssihlo prices. Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 18'2. f.ltf E. C. H.\LL, of Rome. ;)2tf Oct. IS. 18.')1. ro rm-: rnn.ic. Livery Stable Bus'ness. ^81 HE siiliscriber intemls carrying on the ft above busiues as usual. Having ailded considerable Stock, he will be able to accom- mohite the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance. J. W. TOWERS. Jan'y’20, 18.'.2. 58tf A I.L those indebted to the subscriber w ill liml their accounts made out by calling at the Foundry wliich will please be settled as early as convenient. II. G HALL. March (i. 71 Person street, (next flo' r to I’.aiik of C:;pc F'l .ir.) FAYFTTFVILLF, N. C E woukl beg leave to iiiiorm the citizens of Favetteville and vicinity, that we have just received our supply of .'si’KiNi AND Sl'M'lKH (iOODS, whicli comprises a genera' assortment of u I: 1 > v->L\ 1) 1: c LOT I i I x(i, Which will be found worthy the attention of purchasers. Our assortment consists in p.irt ol tile follo\\ ing: CO.VI'S.—ISlack nnl eoF.l cloth Dress, Frock and Sack (,’fi.Tts, all (lualities; biack and colored Cashincret ditto: French and F.ngliffh Drap D - Ete ditto: (iueen's-cloth and .\liiac.a ilitto: Fan cy Croats of iiK'ttled Crasse c.n.l Tweeds: Ken tucky Jeans: Linen an l Cotton (Jinghams: 15ro., buff and white Linens: w hite grass-cloth Sacks. iMC. of all iualities. P.\NTS—(Jf black and col'd Cassimere; fancy single-mill'd ditto; Frencii and English Draji D'Ete ditto; white and col'd Drill ditto: Ken tucky Jeans ditto; India and French Nankeen ditto, 1*1:0. VEST.S—Of black Satin, Boin'iazine, .\ljmca. black and col'il .Silks: w hite and col'd .Marseilles ditto: brown and p:idded Linen, piain and tig'd; Nan’Koen, Hufl'. tlr.iss cloth, .'ic. .Ml of which are oU'ered for s.ile as low as can be liought in the Ni'W ^'ork market, at wiiolesale and retail. In addition to tiie above, we shall kee;> (iii hand a geiioriil assortment of Shirts. Drawers, ('oilars. Cravats. Hosiery, iVC. Also, (.’loths. (’assimeres. and Vestings. The TAlLOHiN(J DEl’AHTMENT will be continueil as before, and all orilers for tine Cloth ing will be executed in the f.ishionable style. A. C. ll.VuT, Agent. A] ril ‘i. 18’)2. 80tt E. C. OF HALL, liO.M K, tSurct’.^snr tjf IlnU, Suclct tt «f' C'>., S now receiving his F:ill .''TOCK of (iO()DS, consisting of a general assortment of * them .^'i'li.XW (’L'r'i'i'.US. I.OT j ;st received, and we inti-nd for the ac'‘omiii'ii!alion ot oiir customers to keet' coiist.iir.lV oil hand. 'H^HE subscriber lias leased for a term of i-sq.. his fire-proof : J)py lioods, SiuidU'rV. I lutS.CnpS, is now in a condi- 1 *, ii i ‘ Miors. Ihinlwaro, (iroconrs. .V much l.-irger and more general stock than J. T. 10, l.S'.J, 'I'OlJAl WA DDILL. ;ts-if C'O. y "t H E subscriber cintinues to receive and j 3 sell, on maiiafactiirer.s' account, all grades ■ i.if maiiiOactured Tob.icco. J. UTLEY. May :’.l, 18.V2. ' LLMin-.U! l.lMliLK!! J E have our .'steam Saw Mill in success ful «]ieration, 8 miles from Fayetteville, near the Haleigh .^tage Hoad, and are prepared to execute orders in .uir lino. .\s we run two llnhirii or ('ircuhir Sin-.i. we can fill bills at the shortest notice. We can furnish Pine, Poplar and Juniper LFMHEP>, and of any length. Our Luml>er, for truthfulness of line anil smoothness of face, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. JONES & r.ARP.EE. March ::o. 18--)2. 78tf Store, with his Wharves, and tion to take especial care of .Spirits Turpentine :ui'l other Nav:il Stores comniitteil to his care. The W .-irehouse is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of P.acon, I,ai d. Corn, Peas, ivcc. The lower wliiu ves iiave on them four large new sheds, wlu're Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is jirepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care, advances when required. He liegs to refer to the following gentlemen: li. W. Hrown, John Dawson, O. (i. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright, Esqs. MILES rOSTlN, Brown’s wiiarf, ^Vilmington, N. C. .Sept. 12, 18ol. 21-Y . * V ' • —- • ^ ^ ' "'-'v ■ Only Biariit 011$ iii Farl. A.A.MoKI'/niAX ^^TILL continues to carry on the C.VHRl.^GE 1>1‘.''1NESS in all its iiranche mains of his old stand, opposite 1, i T. C. V/ORTH, rii.iiiii.'sSiON AM) riiii\v.\iiDi'.(i .^iFnnuM, WII.AILXGTOX, X. C. Feb. 1. 1n'.2. (iO-f DAn,^ T5vY’r:(^'rrn7 A (;i;NKH.\L AS.SOF.T.'.IENT ( t' HOLl.OW W AHK. by j;. C. JiALL. c. Rot-. f)ct. 18, whollsai^l: WaU'si mill .?‘Wc‘Jry L. II. d.' (()., Tmjifii'ti'r^, Mun)'t'n'-tnrrI'n f’Tia ,Tihh- i'a A..V, J. irrti'i/, mill JTimf''/' H-'iv.? li'ri'ed the Old StanJ formerly oei-u].i-:d ' y Canticlii. P.rofher k 'Cv., Soutii /v/.v' cf.,/• , ■:/ ('fi'irfi.s (ii'if Ji i/tiiiiore firtets, iNo. L'27,! wliiil; thev are j.uttinsr in c^rinileie onler for the W H('H. liSA I.E W ATCH AM» JEWELRY LUSINFSS, to bo opened abo'st tl;« 20rh of .Inly. in calli'ig the attention of the trade to tlic new concern, we niention the fact thut we .'ire jissociated with one of the most extensive .lew- elry Manufacturing Establishments in tlie coun try, which must give a decided Jidvnntitgr- over all others in this market for supplying deal''r:-» with .lev. elry at manufacturer.-)' prices, a feature in this branch o! trade long since needed -be tween Paltiiuore and tlioSoutliern .Mid V*': stern .Nlerchants. We desire to call particulr.r attention to tha Watch ilepartnient, which will at all tiaies be supplied w ith a great assortment from the most ce'.el rated niaiiuficturcrs, aud kept in pcrfcct running order, so purchaser’’ may ut once take them, with a written guar.autee that they will jicrfona correctly. This braiu h of the bn.sincss will recelvc tl/e especial attention of one of the firm, whose e.\- tensive .and j.ractical knowledge of the business will, we hope, give us a place in the iineondcoc of liuyers. We resp‘'Ctf.illy invite yon to call upon ’i.s when you next visit our ciiy, confidently be lieving that an exaniinatioii of our (!oods wiil ];rovc to you that they arc better styles Kiid cheaper tli.-in you have ever seen in thi« market, and assure you that no effort shall be vii tirig on our pc.rt to make the aequaiutance .r.e of mutual benefit. L. H. MILT.ER & CO. Obi stand, formerly oecupicd Ir. Caiitiel 1. Pro. .'c Co., S. L. cor- , ner d' Charles & RalliPiore : i. r.aUimore. .tune is'il. 1 1-Y>> REFFHENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Rlacklcck .Sc ( .'■. Gwyn, Reid \ Taylor. Jatnes Hodges x I'.rothir Hur?t .V i5erry. .'■lurdoch, l>uer .V Ev;ins. Sti-lhiiaiin \ Hiiaichs. .•sangston \ Co. I’crthlow, fiv.yii ( o. Hie'y Pctidleten. Cushings \ Hailey. John >luiT'iiy ik .'o- Moore \ (irillin. at the rc- ■erty Point He returns thanks lor the lilieial [latronage h*' has heretofore received, and hopes by strict at tention to business an.I a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. ,, P.aving kept the -.rreater portion (d‘ his Tim- ever o,,ened on the hast si, e of the ( ape Fear | .listance Irom manufiM-tory. he has I'tll’.ACt'O. E liave a lot of prime common Tobacco, which we will sell by the box very cheap. J. & 'i'. WWDDll.L. .May 2f). 18.'i2. i)l-tf —which he is prepared and determine,! to sell to punctual customers, either at wholesale or retail, at greatly reduced prices. ft-jy^He would call particular aUention to his stock of HOOTS .\ND SHOES. The assoitment He will also make i is unusually larg", and (d' every quality and style; and having been bought lor Cash, be car» and will sell them very low. You that wish Bargains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an e.\aniii.ation before buying elsewliere. .-Vhvavs on hand, a general stock of GROCE- RIFS. Oct. 18, 1851. ;>2tf T Nl'.W (iOODS. gUST received, mv Fall sup])lv of CLOTHS, CA.SSl.MEHES AND VESTINGS, TR!M- .MINGS, kc., of the best quality, from New York. .Also, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. ffeir I still continue to carry on the T.\lLORIN(j P.USINI-^SS, at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may favor me with their custotn may rely on having their work done in MRS. W AF/rOX, ^lantnn-Maker and ^[illin(i\ 1 Ins just roceivod a new and heautiful assort- me,it of Spring and Sum- | „eat and fabhionable style, and on the most KO \ r.Tfi, and I favorable terms. XIIE W’AHS.\4\ .'iI.\(JE will leave Fayette ville d.iily, at half past four o’clock, .M .. commciicing the 1st day of .lul^'. 2-tt McKINNON & MoNElLL. 7. ' de li\ E. J. HALE & SON. KOK SALL, B.VG.S white Corn .Meal, 100 Ihs. in a Bag, a fine article for f.imilv use. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Miij 4, 1802. A CAiin. return of low water renders it nece.s- K. sary tliat the Steamer (.'hath.ani should be employed as ii tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JNO. D. AVILLL\M.S, Apt Cape Fear S. B. Co. Miij lii, yo-if expects to receive them monthly as long as the .sea son lasts; and will sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the m ar ket. She expects daily a new and iK'autiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Lace Sliawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. Also Dress and Sacque Patterns of the latest style. Orders from the country jiromptly at tended to, and country customers may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March JIO, 18.j2. 78tf xoricE^ PERSONS indebted to us by Bond or Book account due previous to Jan'y 1, 18'>1, must settle or we will make settlements by legal Oct. 27, 1851. ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. 34tf daily i^JTAGE leaves WARSAW rival of the cars, say 10 o’clock on the ar- m., and arrives in Favetteville at U p. m. McKlNNON .} McNEILL. April 12. 18)2. 81tf Wilmington ami Goldsborough papers copy until forbid. Xi:w BOOK^ ~ aUEECIIY, by tbe author of the AVide, Wide W orld; Romanism nt Home, by Kir- i wan; the Farmer’s Dictionary, by D. P. Gard ner, M. D.; the Wide, Wide World; &c., &c. Just received. E. J. UALE & SOX. Ma; 22, 1852. on hand a large and well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every de.scription used in his busincs.s. which enables him to retain all his princijial w orknien. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in his iine in the very best style, and on th? most favorable terms—as low as any work of the same qi’ality in N. C. He has on hand. ccm)iletely finished, Harouclies. for 1 or 2 horses; 11 Hockawayi. and L! Buggies. Also, nearly fini.shi d, 10 Carriages for 2 horses: 20 P>arouches for 1 and 2 iH.rses; 12 Rockawavt.. au i Jtl Buggies: All of which arc of the most :ippnived plan and finish, and will compare with any work in the U. Stat«s for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for the past 20 year-, his work is well known, and he refers to old customcii for proof of iis durability. Abb work warranted for 1‘2 months, and rcpaire 1 free of charge shoiil.! it f.iil by bad workmanship or material, within that tiie.e. RKivMiu.NtJ executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan’y 2(i, 18o2. 59 Itcccii'cd on Vonsignmcnt, A ND for sale cheap, ”>0 bbli. WHISKEY. JNO. I». W1LLIA>L‘3. May 4, 18o2. . 88tf A(;RlcrLTUUAL WORKS. 'HTON'.'s !;icmeiits c.f .'Scientific Agrieul- ture: Dana on Manures: Muclt Book: Yonatt on the Pig: (,'oie’s America’i Fruit. Book: Thomas's Fruit Cultiirist: Family Kitch en (iardener, by Bui.:t; lian.-i's Muck .Manual; ■Vil Ml's Anie;icun I'arm Book: Richardgon on the Ditto on the Hog: the American Rase Culturist; .'.Hen's .Arcliitecture; L'own- ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of Americn; John ston’s .Xgricultural Chemistry: Farmer's Tre.a- «iire, by Falkner; Miner’s Am. Bee Keey;er's Mar.ual: Youalt nnd Martin on Cattle: Fcpsen- den's (.'omplete Farmer and (jardener: Wlieel- er’s l!iir:il IloiiM's; .Stewa.rt'o Stable Econoniiy; Hindi’ Farrier; .Mason’s Farrier; &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. I April H, 1^j2. E H -vHl’P.H .S Magar.ine for May; As good ri** E K a Comedy, or the Tenne'senn's .‘^tory: Hue's Travels in Taitary. Tiiibet and China; Recollection:: of a I’olici’nan: Experiences ol a Barrister; Confe.-'sioiis of an .\ttomey; Heroines of Hi.'tory: Children, their Hydrojiathic Man- aireinent, by Dr. Shew. Also, further suppli.-M of Family Itibles, Blank I’ook“, C’fip and Lett- r Papers, .School Books, tS:c. .hist received V.y E. J. Il.VLE i jON. May 12. WAX I'LI), BARRELS of TURPEN- .if tf TINE, for Di.stilleryatthe Plank lload Bridge on Big Rockfish, The best niark-jt price will be paid. For further inform ation, inquire of John W. .Murjihy, at the Bridge, or of A. A. McKethau, Fayetteville. Dec. 18, 1851. 4ytf CHIXKS. ON ALL IILB BANK3 IN FAYEITEVILLE LOOK r.LsDLUV. nW. H.\RDIE hi>s ri'.^ii.'iied the Book fci• lii'idin^ Biisines.s at the new .'^ture next . door to Mr. Bea'-ley, Jew''’ler, where he will re- , ceive and exec-ite binding in any 'trie desired. Augu't 1. 27lf RARPER'.S Magazine for June: The P.'iris Sketch Bi.o’k, by' Tliackeniy; (iaieties a id I (ji-avities, !)y Hora'*e Smith; Joumej to Icelitnd; 1 Up the Rhine, by Hooil—2 parts: Alison's Life I of >!nrlborovgh; Cockburn’s Life of Lord Jef- i frey; Horse Shoe Robinson new editi^^.n; Marcus ^ Warhiud, by .Mrs. Lee Hent?; Jtobertson’.s I Charles V; The Farmer’s Enryclop'jedia of Mo- I dern Aginculture, by Blake; The Peats ot the* Farm, by Richardsf.n: Hor.-es—their \n^ie^v^ Breeding, &c., by ditto; Domestic Fowls, and j Ornamental I’ouhry, by the s.»me Author. Also, further supplies of Gunn’s Domcbtic Medicine, .Vilen’s Rural Architecture, fcabooJ 1 Books, &c., jubt received by \ June 15. r HALE & T ■: Uf