SEMI-WEEKL, Y. B'rsxKtsinvcRaeesBBEaKnn swffUHiw^j i,njiKK:* i'».WLi'-jwaaaB5K. nwgMiy [vor.. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 20, 1852. rRl.VTKD HY J. li. NHW15V. ;l)\V.\l!l) J. HAM': & l.lilTi'Ui? ANP rK(>ri:ii;T(>Hi^- for the Scnii-Wet’klv c>hse*’^'•'i'^ k.^id in n.hunc-e: St .-0 if pai-l durinp the ,.r M.l.soription: or the your has HOUSE ri.Y-NETS. I'ST received from New York, n fnie assnrt- lueiit (^’2 do7.eii pair) of I'LV-NllTS, !iS!orted colors. July r>. 1P')2. (Iffiff ol Ilic MCDONALD & WHALl'V. (J-ot ) if*; l!u> W.-ekly (lusKisvKn 00 per annum, if 1 in a haiioe; -'.O if paid aurin;r the r if ~ I'l'iTiptiou; nr $■’ 00 attor the ^car o\piroi|. ll'VlMlTlSllMrM'-'^ fnr.Mxty ccnt^ •i:ire f‘>r th au’l thirty ooutr> f»r eaoh too lii;-' p'.ih’i,-;uion. Yearly n.lverti'^oineiits •ial •. ntnict'. at rea.-; >nahle rates. AJ- vs are ro>iuetol to state the nunit)iT of li ti 'iis ,l. >ire.l. or they will he cont;iiuel till 1. an.l c!inr:.:eil at’corJinply. Lette rs t. thi- lMU"rmust he po«>t-paid. ili:3iOV^L s \M*L .1. lllNSnAT.E. :tnd 1>t’11I. \S the i'’t‘asiire of iiiforniin;j: his custoni- cr- -.II'I t!;i' that ho har- r -ni-ve.l liis ();il St iiiil to the ni'\t corner aho\e. frii'ialh known as tlie ■•!>lake (•■irner. i avhi-r liitv- i up hi^ St.>r‘ with every eonve- u'e fi>i- i-.ii.chu-iinij l>»isines'. h.nh wholesale retai:. t.i the lic>;t .I'lvanta^re. he s->lii‘its a iiuinu.MM-e 'f the kiiol favor he has eiijiiyi-'l. th thea-'iirince that no eiRirt "n h;s part wantliii: ti' no fit it. lii- St.II k i 'iini.ri.vs a fiil’ rtincnt of ar- ^h > in his line ■ f hns’r.css. all "f the hest #\al- lu u _>. Me'lii'int s. ('in'niieals. Taints. t>i*s. .•^tMti's. Patent Me'l!cin*'s. I’erCunii'ry. ehoi.-e til l.'.'. I’utty. Tooth an'l Mair I'.rusli- ^ ..ip'. I’-tasli. \c. ntni' >■ uiven ti' the prejrar.-iticn of ■ ai.;' rrt si-ripiii us and I'anii'.y Ilreipes. • 1N.%J. ' t'tf \ S. IMniik Roitil (’o Jitfi/ 1S5-2. I JSir^Tlio I'rosident :inl l)iroctnrs of saiil ('otnpatiy Inive declared a semi-annual dividend of Three |ier eejit. ujion the fajiital Stock of said ('onipany, payable on and after Monilay the ll!th inst. ARfirD A. T. S:\IITII. See’y. OlJDI'ni'l), i rUTMF.i;, That all the Notes I'f the I'ayettcville .anil Sioithern I’lank Itoad ('om])any, reinaitiinji tinpaid. he placed in the hamls of the .Vttornev for collectii'ii. (•.-•Jw] Ai:('ll l> A. T. SMITH, Sec'y. l't>r l*ickl('s, lM-('S('r\(‘s liiittor. ^jTONK and (H.ass .l.-irs fur rreserve.s and I’iekles, Stone Chnrnsand I'liittiT Crocks. Milk I’ans, I’akers. Cake Ihikers, and a viirietv of other indi.'^pen.sahle article.* in house-keepiiifr. Forsilchy CUOK \ .lOllNSuN. July S, t)-3t LAM) VOW sale. ifc#"Tho suliscril'or otters fur sale 7hl j acres of l,.VN!>. snitaMe for 'l'uri>entiue and j C‘>rn, situated S miles tVi tn tnwn on the W ar- ; saw road. lHh-'S disunsed of at private sale, the land will lie .‘^old at aiii liuii on the premises on the 1 7th inst. Tciins m.ade knoAvn on d-iv of sale. JOHN C. r.LOCKKR. July 7. ISo-. tits .1 SBWKS iiitd I'oi'Wici'iUiiK WlLMLNcn'ON, X. ('. HOTEL. subscriber havinjr purch.-i.'cd the Hotel * situated on the South-l',ast corner of Court House Sip'.aro. and lately knowti as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the jniblic that he is new ready to accomtnoihite boarders by the day. week or month. Haviup made considerable outlay in furnishitijr and ictittinjj; the Kstahlish- ment, he hopes be able to ^ive satisfaction to all who patronize him. His Table shall he funiished with t!\e \>est the market afTords, his .\i:w Flfi^I & NEW GOODS. 'S^Hl-’ subscribers are now receiving from A N. York, a large and general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Cionds^ (iROCKRIKS, IIAllDWARE, Huts and Caps, .IJoot.s and Shoes. Among which are: Coffee, Sugar, Cotton Ihigginp, I’tale Hope, 15ar with the best ot‘ Li.p.ors, and' his Stable j, Swedes an.l Knglish Iron, with a plenty of good provender and faithful «'>-! Alum Salt, Imperial and Hl.-ick leas, *r>i rep]>er, Alspice. (unger. Powder, Shot, June !!•>. lbo2. J. A. GILCIUUST. ;'.-tf June '-1. 1' otf :;n e on to rcinno(l iiiy L:»\v t'^rv of Mr. J. M. I’ea.sley's S.: ith side of Hav street. tile >apt rior :tn 1 ('ounty C uirts . \l..'ire. IJladen and IImIk'Soh; , in a>iy im*'s hcfure •;. o ;:i the T- v ii of I'.i' i tti'ville. J. \MNSI.O\V. ]. ''-''t .\(» rin:. Wanli'tS! A i}uo'nii:us LiXi:. The now Sfi nincr "Poi iif.A.'^s"’ having been added to this Line, and now hav ing two light dr.ift .'^toaiuers and f.oir Tow P.iiats. all in giiml or I'T. the Proi'vietors are prep.'ired tn ti'.insport I'ri’ight to i-aycttcv i'lt- and the iiitcriiied ate landii;g. with as iiitii-k despat.-h as any l.ine. .1. S. P>.\NKS, Agei'.t. V.'ilmin atf on. June l''’>2. Lii'i: Ol Tin: wiik; cwpiditi: imu tiik^ IMlKSiDKM V. ;nii i ill’ siir r r. s]:. 1 tt'iiiiy ii'|-,;o^ts • .o' s w h'- al t indclit' ' i to iiim. by i:ote •. t.: -I-I^'v .! Mriiii: till pr* 'o:it month »di.- ^’■s T-, : .:li verv shortly, and i f - N ' .■•■I'S- Y. a:.d b,'u s his i i;st ino rs t • li.e .ibovc 1 -quest as eiirly as con- HM- - nt. ?. J HINSDALE. 1. '^'.2. a ^ W (‘ tlic under 'iLMH'd liav(> m d:i; • rin d :i i-op.irfto rslii ■, under the style if ri ; M W. KYLE ,V CO.. iu the Grocery • .'iind of tlie Crll^s ( i-eek Co. . t. thri-e do. rs bv’ow the .Mjirket I thev '.liii he jdea.sC'I to see the! I' l'M MrniS. c. p.r.M’iiw. J.WIF.S KVl.K. Jr. j Vv.M II. LOVK. I t;:;w ' SI I’j). . i 1 1 «'.e’i't"n>. 'rons coin N' S. I :ind '■ points. • i f our 'r.i .V Cutti ; s. J. :: T. ^^A1)I^^.L. ->'.2. 7-ti :i.s oR\ ived and I 'r sale Io'a , f. r CASH J.AWHK.NCl-: TKOV. T-2t B stress I.' f Ni'.W I'oli s.mj:. :J ll"r.^e Wagon. J. I). WILLIAMS. 7-tf l.ntfl M arra/ils H fi/itcd, V ^ i,.\NI) WaUIIANT.'' wanted, f ir which the higheyt cash j'ricc will d. i:lij\h FI llku. etti'ville, July K*, 7-vt LLMIil.K WAN'ri’J). I'KKT Ifickorv .Vx’ctrees. 7, 14. or -J1 feet' long, thy -IJ. '. and by o; inido s. c’ "t knots and '"r wliii-h ii'J-') will be paid, t \Miite *ak for Tongiie. s.iwed. 1 ■ >M\d. and U.l by ‘J.i inchi'S, at the fi Ml kii 'ts and \%ind siiakes: at the ltt() " I lo'd \\hit‘ (>ak Wa^oii .''p.ikos. 30 to inelo-s loiiir. o ; im-Ues; at Wliiti o.ik .■^poUis. "fen. at >;:iu ],,t .\L Spanish (»ak, Ued Ork, A^he -.uid Whit.> Oak m^ibi'r wanted, lor which the hi'diest cash |||^i- will be paid. Apply sooti tn W LLIJ.'. il FI LLKU. ;>3july l(j, IHoL*. i!)!i UM’irulliinil Wareliousc \ Seed store. .\oiv York. ..V 'I'lio ttiidfr.-'ipnod solicit the attcii- ii of all juindiaseis of Implements for the •111 I’lar.'ation to their a.-sorttnent, which liidf'- Hi :y if the nio.-t recent imiu'ovenients lie b’a'liii- artie'es in their line, all of which y \\i.i si-ll at prices to insure satisfaction to buyer. K'I t i i.m.i.y Hdilway Lndless Chfiin iVi-i.', for one or two h'lrses. of the Wlieeler itent. - I oiten awarded the first premium at •tate an 1 ounty Fairs, where they have pen exhibit' d, llailway l’ow(‘j-s, warranted, i’arrcn .K 'i'riiiihle's li'on Sweep Powers, Tap 's Cii-.iilar I’ower, Plows, Harrows, Fan Stra'.v Cutters, i’ort.ible Purr Stone .Mills, ('art.-j, \c. iK:c. Field and Garden i ■■ 'f i;KM \ni.i-; Qf .M.n v, Fertilisers. Fruit I ivMMM'Tital Trevs. Our descriptive ('ata- " ' 'i'tiated witli cuts, will be sent gratis iv 1 ,\ , to lour Post oihce Stamps are reinit- ■I, ;ir, to the dist.ance. HALl'H & CO. •J'*!.'• l--'^. G-.‘5m 1000 MSN WANTED, TO CIUCILATK Tlio i/.ie ;*.:i i .>‘j \ c ( s o I a- Vi- Ui s(oTr, ('OM'MNUKH f)F TIIK '^rATi:'* AT. VV, nv i:i>\VAi:i> d. man-i’iim>. i: 2., .Author (if Hi.'tory of the Mexican War. IN ONF. VOL., l-iin..,, Illuffrntf-il irif/i M'lps IImi /Jin/ni PIIICK >:l L*.-.. _ALS(»— Pictorial Life of Gen Scott, t f'liriii—('11 injii'll/ll PKIC1-: an CI.VTS. —ALSO— Ijithograpliic Picture of (dlN'L WIM'11.1,1) S(«)TT, PlCiCE -jU M. v iS. — ALSO — HISTORY ol THE MEX ICAN WAR, (living the full aceiMint ot' the liV ri'I.F.S and the UlULLlANT AC 11ILVF.MF.NTS of Tlie >r a, \\if/i ^^Iiijis 1 ml Ku/ni ri ii'js, 15V i',. D. MANSFlLLli, Fso. Price Nl 1000 a(;i:ms vaxTr.i). To whom (.'ounties and Districts will b(> given, j for the s.ale of these works. .Vj>;>lications should be made iiiiniediately. Terms invaria- b!v Cash. Di-count A. S. IJ.VK.NKS CO., J ’ii/jlislifrx, .No. ol John street, .Nu.v York. •Tune‘22, 1S’»2. o- Jtc«jw LAN1» I’OU SAl.i:. \’.U.I'.\1’>LI’ tract of Land is ofr.M-ed for sale, containing 22t» acres, lying .'>i miles west of Fayette> ille. iH'.-ir the F. . Plank Pioad. adjoining Mrs. Nott and others, with a good (hvelling and other iiece.-sary out hoiisi s. well watei-ed and healthy situation. .^I'l’ly soon to I). «. .McDulfie in Fayetteville, or to .Lu. il. McDulhe on the, for jiarlicu- lars. June-2t;, 18.V2. ^i-tf rxiox A('AnEMV. Hfvoinl ScssiiMi of tliis lii.stitnri'ii will Bl- c**7ihul’UCC on ihr 12tli uf July next, under the care of (Jiles Leitch, a graduate ot the I’niversity of North Carolina. 'J'rrinx Ilf Tuiiioii, per Srxfinii, i tz: Sjiclling. lleadiiig. Writing, and .Mental .\rithinetic, -iill Lngl'.sh tiranunar, (ieograpliy, .\iiihme- tic, and History, 'J M> Latin, (ireek, French, and the higher br.inches of Mathematics. 12 0(» The Stewai'd’s Hall will be kept by Mrs. Ma ry K. Ilowlund, (late of Lumberton.) well known to tlie public fur her ultility to discharge the duties incumbent on the »ame, having been for 11 number of years eoiniected with public Jiouse keeping. The Trustees tiatier tliT^mselvrs that she can give general satisfaction. She w ill board for seven dollars ii month, and bo.-ird can also he obtained in good families iu the neigh borhood. P>v order of the l>oard of Tnistees. JOHN TAYLOU, Sec’y. June 17, 18V2. 2-lw nssoLiriox. Cr^Tlio tirni of Arcy, SIkmiiwlII Co., heretofore existing, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. ■U1 demands againsi said firm will be paid by P. Sluinwell. at the old stand: and all persons indebted to tlie l.itc ftnu will p!case make imme- di.ite payment to P. .Shemweli, who alone is du ly authorised to s 'ttle the same. S. S. AKKV. P. SHLM.WKLL. I JAS. II. .McDONALD. Fayetteville. .lune 2ii. lSo2. otf ; rO^ P. S!u'in\v('ll uill continiH'; the l>rv (iood' busiufssat the old st.nid of .\rcy. Sliemwi'l! \ ('o.. where lie will be phvised to see all who wiil favor him with a call. Thank ful for jiast favors from the public, he hopes, ■ bv strii-t at'eiition to business, t i retain a share of public patronage. ' 1*. SH i:\lWFLL. roiniisi.\ i!'ii)! ,iiv. ^2>11LS .\c:)dcmy is now comjileted It is a K. large and commodious building, pleasant ly located w itiiiii a mile of hiteville. Its )io- ■^ition lor health i~ good and will compare favor ably with any portion ’.f the St.ite. The Sci ond .''es'ii-n of this Institution will comimiice on the Nth .11'!.V next, under the c.ire and m.iiiagemeiit of Mr 1 PI'TMiK. ;i, who is not only amply endowed with .all the re'|uisite i|;i.ilitic.aCioiis for a teach- ei'. but who had. in .addition to this, m.iiiy>^ experience in tc.iching. 'Ti fDI.: ff Tllifinn pii' Si .iii'iilt, fiz: .Spelling. P.e.ading and Writing N'' 00 .Vrithmetic. Lngli.'ii irammar. History, (ieouraphy ;Uid PhiloS', It) 00 Chemi>!i_\, .\lgebra. (ieoniclry and Siir- ve\iii'.r 12 o() Ltitiu. «i;-eek and Fiench l’> t»0 Students can obtain b.cir l iu the ueigl.bor- hood at convenient di.-t-meos from the .\caiiei.iy at fri'iu to >'7 per m iiith. Hv ord'T ot the i! -::r !. TlloS M, SMITH. Sv,--y. .lune 22. 3-‘ t l,\\i) \'(ni S\LE. su'i-iiTiber utfeis for >aie a trnet of ■ Land, eont iinii; ' ninety-five acr s. .'itnn- te I on the Miir;jant>-M and Cliieken ro;ids. three miles F.iyettevple. adjoining the hands ot .Vlex. .I. linsoiiuud N!cs Hybart. Persu’.s \%ish- ing to puri h.i.-e said land, can for further lieulars. apply t- tiie sub-ieribe!'. at her resi- deio e, two miles and .a half tiiiin F.iy etteviile, on the \'adkiii road. F-. A. OCIIILTIIF.F.. .lune 24, IS’>2. M-4w Ihir Lend, 15ar and Fancy Soap. Together with a variety of other arti cles, to which they invito'the attention of the public, and which they are determined to sell as low for C.-ish, or on time to those who pay promptly, ns any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken iu exchange for Goods. McLKAN .S: JUNLS. SuninK'rville, N. C., Dec. 8, 1851, 47tf FOR THE'northern cities' 77/A’ SK\151)\RD \M) K()\MIKI' TAM R(I.\D. ^HlHK PL'PiLK^ are informed tli.nt the Sen- M_ board and I’oanoke Hail llo.-id (’onipany have completed their new bridge across l{oanoke Kiver at Weldon, and are now' prepared to transyiort passengei's and freight from Weldon to Portsmouth and Norfolk, and the Northern cities promptly and with dispatch. The Cars leave eldou daily at o\ o'clock, 1’. .M., and arrive at Portsmouth by 7 o'clock, P. .^L, iu time to connect with one of the Chesa peake l).iy Steamers, HLU.VLD, (iF()K{il.\, or .SOUTH t'.MlOLl.N.V, for Ilaltimore. ami arrive at P.-iltimore early next morning, in time to I'onnect with the morning train that leaves for Phil.-idclphia and New York. Uy this comfortable and agreeable route, P.'issengers leaving U ilmiiigtoti in the morning train, will arrive e.irly tlo- next morning at lialtiniore. and re.tch .New York the s.ime t^en- ing. without loss of sleep, and with burone change of ]ierson and baggage between Weldon and ilaltimore, and .avoid entirely night travel ling on Kail To render this route woitliyt.f the tr.ivelling joiblic, the comji;uiy have employt d c.areful and res])oi;s:ble b.aggage agcnt'i, who check nil \>a;;gage at Weldon through to Baltimore, consei|Uently the travel ler has no further trouble with his baggjige until he re.iches Baltimore. The Che>;'.pcake Pay Steamers also stoji at OLD POI.N'T. to land and recc-i.e Pas«engTs. :ind Passengers who leave Weldon at o'clock, P. .M.. airive at Old Point the same evening. .An arr.ingi-mfnt h.i.-i been entered into, bv the difl'crent li.-iil Koad .and Ste.-vmboat Compan ies, by wiiicli the s.ime Through Ticket i>sued Kt Charleston, will leave it o]jtion,iry with tlic trav.-ller to take either route at \\ eldon. -An accoiiimodaiion train leaves Weldon every I'ue.'d.iy, Thursday and ,'^atuiday mornings for Poit^iiiouth, Norfolk, .and OLD IMiINT COM- FOI!T. P.'issengers by either tiain for Old Point, will ri-.iidi Old Point the same evening. ForTHKoCGll TICKKT.'' to P.altinmre .and New \ ork. and any ( ther information dc.^ired. iiiijuire ol the .Vgent at \>eidon. F. N. PLTFHSON, Agent. Ofhce Seaboard 1!. II. U ’*•., ) eldon. N. -Nhiv 2Sth, lSo2. i’ Plants in Bloom. fll.AVK a dozen varieties of new VEKBF,N.\S, of all colors,—jiure white, deep crimson, stiiped, &c.; thirty varieties of the HO.SK, blooming. Pei.sons wishing to make selections are invited to call and see them. They will be ready for delivery in the course of the summer a/id tall. Many curious and beautiful plants are con stantly coming into bloom. C. LUTTKllLOH. Rowan Street. I* S. Persons wishing Striiwberries in any quantity should give notice the day before they are wanted. On the grounds. When sent out, Mav 17. 20 ct8. per quart. 20 .. 1»1 -tf COTTON YAKXS Ibr suh- bv the bale, at F.ictorv prices, bv STAIIII .S: WILLIA?dS. March 10. 18.'>2. 72tf LOXDOX CASKS Pints, “Hyass for sale by S. 5Iav 20, 1802. 1M)K rEK. just received and W. TTLLINGHAST & CO. «4-tf TVEW (iOODS. WE are now receiving a very larcre and well selected stock of SPUING GOODS, . prices. .... ..*■ .. r..n ♦ , f • consisting of a full as.sortment of | Ffiiirtf A* Stitpte S^rtj Ooods^ \ .\mong which may be found the l.itest and most | fashifuiable styles of Ladies’ and Gcntlvmen't? ; DIlLSS GOODS. ' Huts, Ca]Ks, lionnets, I’oady-tnade Cl' tli-j irig, Ilanhvare, (jroc(!rios, Drugs and 3Iediciiics, .Saddh'ty, Crockery, j and (Jlasswarc. ! A large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoos, and Jiadies’ and Cicntle- ■ uicn’.s (jaitors, (very fine.) SALT, Mr)LASSi:S and NAILS. We inteml selling as cheat) as we can. and Would he glad if our friends and the public would call and examine our stock. J. T. COL’NCIL C.\IN. March 24, 1802, 7'itf [XO. 109.] COTTON YARNS. are .-ilways pro]iart‘d to I'urnish COT wT TON YAUNS bv the bale, st Faetoj/ J. & T. WADDILL. SOtf April 14, 18o2. M IiAU\L\N’S noriT., I' \ Y i: E'T i: V fl 1.1.1:, €. ^HIIIE Snliscriber. having taken the large Jl Hotel, formerly known as the Planter s Hotel, situated :it the foot of H:iy Mount, Hay Street. F'.ayctteville. N. C., i-espectfully informs his friends and the public that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is ]>re- I'.-ired to accommodate the travelling public.— Having some exjicrieiice in the business in the town of Pittshorough. N. C., he Hatters himself he will l>e aide to give satisiaction to those who may f:ivor him with their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. He has large and convenient Stables, and a good and faithiul Ostler, JOHN llAUMAN. Feb'y IT, 18.-,2. bbtf S’l'OCK undersigned nre now receiving their fi. SPlvlNti S TOCK, consisti\ig of I>21¥ ]|.\I!I)\V.\UK. and Shovfi^ .\ll of whii, h will be sold low to punctual cus- liiners as heretofore. Merchants aii'l others will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purch.ises. We will not be undersold. HALL .S: March II, 1F-V2. >.u:kftt. 7'2tf W ai'(' i’( to annnunct' JOHN J. PHILIPS a candid.ite for the ofTice of SherilV for tiie county of t'umberland, at the eiisiiinj .lune V ■ clocti' II. l. VJ. N//>rv /)/• Sfih at ('ost. ^ E '' Ii I. s;'bsci ibcr w ill sell 'lOO pair of Ladies', B ,M;.'Sr«\ and Cliildri'n's .''lioc^. (I.iiti-rs, and S!'p[ifi> at cO't. t all while the assortment :> good. W. s. LATTA. Jiine n. 18')2. ‘.".'tf_ iia .il)ifi/t Iu -^i /iicf t) Jlnt. The House ft>ni\erlv occupied by I. Hawley. o»'p >site .1. (i. Co..k, till .l.-in'v 1st. ,\pp!v to H C.’ HAI.I,. or ‘ HALL \ S.U KLTT. .lune 14, 1S*>2. ‘.‘'.itf EDGEWORTH ^ Greensborough, N. C. 'i - J 'illK Twelflh vear of this Institution will A roit Juh 12, lb.';2. sAf j:, superior N. T. ILAt^ON. D. W. McL.U’IUN. ♦i- f m Life of Gen. Scott, I ^ I rcici\ed. Also, Grace .Aguilar’s Days o| P.roi-e; Wide, Wide World: Dream Lit'e; li 'ioui on the Culture of the (irape; Harper’,s 'I.iL';i/.iiie, } voN. bound; Koman!s:n at Home, Kor by l^. J. HALE i: SON. Jul^ 7. ■\ I G I S'C next, and terminate upon the last of ■May following. The scholastic year is divided i>ito .''i-ssions of five monthseach. with a recess of a few days (Oily at Christmas. The yiriiii.iry design of this Institution is to secure to its pupils every facility for the ac quisition of a solid and orn.-imental education. The Principal is aided by n corps of .able, nc- Complislietl, and thoroughly qualified teachers. 1 or Cii' and other jiarticulars relative to the ."Si hool appl'' to. Prof. inCH D STEIU.ING, Principal. SI) r 1 i I i>- (s () () (1 — 185’2. ’r\Mi:s KYLE I.' Now KtCLIVI.NC .\HOLT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, .\11 of which being puridiased forC.VSH, will be oifered at very reduced jirices for cash, or on time to customers, either by whole sale cr retail, CriJ'' H'dtiiig ('lotlis from No. 1 to 10, of the best that is m.aiiul'actured. March 22. 18o2. 7-3tf I'haf POUSW. Jiorr it Shhtrs! I0,0i>0 Mold ivithiii (lit* iiicir 4.1. W()ODW.\llD returns his thtinks to • the public for the unprecedented en- cour.igement he met with in the mantif.ic- ture and s:de of his celebr:it4‘d P()LL''H, and :it the Siime time wishes it understood th;it lie al- wiv.' 'Keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or rct.iil. Fxperience has proved that this Polish is un surpassed for quickness in jmttinir a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. t Per'ons wishing to oil tlicir boots can use this Polish with equal success immediately af terwards; the leather slwuild be rubbed as soon as the Polish is appliel. before it dries. This polish can be found nt the store under the C.-irolinian Printing Office. Fayetteville. Feb. 21, 1S.'»'2. tl7tf 1 DAILY EXlM*X:'mT, A GF.NF,I!.AL nssirtnient of COO PE US’ Tools, of the best manufacturers’ make, by E. C. 11.\LL, of I’lome. Oct. 1?!. 18.">1. (J2tf Ni:\V ITU\L ^HIHE undersigned have entered into copart- JL nership. under the name .and style of l^aw roller Ti'oy, For the purpose of doing a .Mercantile .and Harter iinsiness. We have taken the Store. .No. 10 GKEKN S l’KF^ET. formerly occtipied by .Messrs. John Huske iV Son. (iEO. W. LAWRENCE. JOHN D. TKOV, Jr. Oct. 22, 18-'.l. a;5tf LX S'l'OKE, fl>I.Or(iIIS and Plough Castings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, andS{»in- ning W heels. E. C. II.VLL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 18.-)]. ;52tf /'^aifclft'rillc Hold, i’.vY)”r'n;\ ii.i.r.. x. c. rSjllllS large and splendiil lluilding has now i beeti in successiul oi>er.ition since .May Is p). 'J'he Redding and I-'iirniture of all l;in Is is new, and the rooms convenient and ];!i'asaiit. 'riie Table is always furnished with the best the market allonls, aided by a fine v'getable g.-irden. Hoarders, Loilgers, .and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive serv.-ints. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Fjimilii's can be furnished with large, airy, front doiit)le rooms, convriiieiitly and hand somely furnished. An exjierience of 20 years will enab’e the le.s- see, she hopes, to give ireneral satisfai-tion. ANN RPOWN. June 1, 1800. 2.''-tf rat/ViU'viile EZranrh .9. .19. White ^ I'iKlerlii'l, Dnijir-rs, Tailors, itnif ]\l(nffsiih' u7u/ lir- tnii ('lijf/iii rs, 110 'WiUiuin Street, New York, A N i> Person street, (next dou‘ to Rank of ^ape Fear.) F.WLTTEVILLE, N. C. i A. I!, wiirn'i]:!.!). I’nacli and I.i^hl ri\rria«;e I\laniifaetur(‘r, ! ori.D respectfuliy inform the public ; ▼ w th:it he still coutinues to carry fin th*? ; above husiiiess in all its branches. He returu:» ■ thanks for the liberal jiatronage he has rec*'iv- : ed. ami hopes V>v a stri.’t attention to business, i and !» desire to please all and give general s'lt- isfaction, to merit n continuancc of the siune. He vvurraiits all his work to be maile of th«> best material and by experieiiced workmen: nnd , should any of it fail in twelve month.s (with iitir . usage) eitluT in workmanship or iiiMterial, he will repair it without charge. I’ersons wishing to buy, would do well to cfdl nnd examine his work before purchasing, as ii cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and ilurability. He is determined to sell low foi cash or on .“hort time. Orders tUunkfully received find prom'jitly i;t- temled to. REr.VIRTNG neatly e\ccuted ut short notice and lowest possible firices. Fayetteville, Feb. i, 18't2. Tltf T. C. V70RTK, f().)I.l'ISS!().\ AM) F(l!l\V.\in)J\li MKRril.l.\r, W ILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1. 1S.-.2 c,t)tf DAILY EXPi:c'rEn. A ;E>:lI!.\L as.sortment of holi.ow- » W .\i\F.. Viv C. lSALJ.1, ot Koine. Oct. 18, IS.'.L aju % Livery Sta.ble Bus'ness. 'B^HE subscriber intends carrying on the H. above busines as usual. Having added considerable Stock, he will be able to nccom- modate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance. J. "W. POWERS. Jiin'y 20, 1852. .'^8tf tLL those indetited to the subscriber will find their accounts made out by calling at the Foundry which will please be settled as early as convenient. 11. G HALL. March C.. 71 E would beg Ic.ive to inform the citizens V W of Fayetteville and vicinity, that we have just received our supply of SPRIN'i AND SI'N'MI-^R (;t)()D.'^. which comp.rises a genera) assortment of iii:adv-\l\]>i: c lotiunc. Which will be found worthy the attention ot I'urchasers. Our assortment consists in jiart of the follow ing; CO.VTS.—RIack and col'd cloth Dre.s.s, Frock and Sack Ciiats, ;ili qualities; bl.ick and colored Cc.shmeret ditto; Frem li and English Dr.-ip D’- Ete ditto; (Jueen's-cloth and Alpaca diti^i: Fan cy Coats of mottled (’rasse and Tweeils: Ken tucky .le.'ins: Linen and Cotton (ringli.-ims: Rro.. buti and white Linens; white grass-cloth Sacks. iSic. of all ipi.ilities. PANTS—Of black :ind col’d Casslmere: fancy single-niill'd ditto; French and linglisli Drap D’F.te ilitto; white and col'd Drill ditto; Ken tucky Jeans ditto; India and French Nankeen ditto, iS:c. VEST.'^—Of b’.ack Satin, Ronibazine. Alpaca, black and col’d Silks; white and col'd Marseilles ditto; brown and padded l.ineii, plain and fig’d: Nankeen, IhiiF, (irass-cloth, ,\c. .Ml of which arc 1 ffered for sale as low a.s can be fwrnght in the New York market, at wholesale and retail. In aiidiiion to the above, we shail keep on hand a general assovtioeut of Shirts, Itrawers, Collars. ('ravat5. Hosiery, \c. Also, Cloths. ('assiu\eres. and Vestings. The TAlLORlNti DEPARTMENT will he coutinvieil as before, and all ori.lers for fine Cloth ing will be executed in the most fashionable stvle. A. C. ll.VRT, Ai:cut. April 8. 1S.-.2. 80tf > riiA\\ cr'i' i i:iis. Lot just rcceixcd, and we intend I’or the "f>! .■iccomniodatioii of our them constantly on hand. J. .S: T. WADDILL. June 10. 18--.2. '.'S-tf 'rouAC('o. S'HE subscriber continues to receive nnd U. sell, on manufacturers' account, ail grades of manii!:icturcd Tobacco. J. UTLEY. .May 81, 18o2. i,r\iiii;ii! i.i'Mni'-Ki! T E have our Steam .'saw Mill in success ful oper.ition, S miles from Fayett(‘ville, near the R.-ilcigli Stage Road, and are prepared to execute orilets in our line. .As we ruii two Uiitufi/ or ('irctiliir Sairs. we can fill bills at the shortest notice. We can furnish Pine, Poplar and Juniper LFMRl'dl, and of nlinost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line ami smoiihnes8 of face, shall be ecpnil to any ever delivered iu market. JONES & r.ARREE. March 30. 18o2. 78tf ro i'HE pi iii.ic. g^HE subscriber has leased for a term ol ye.-irs. of R. W. Rrown. Esq., his fire-proof | Store, with his Wharves, ami is now in a condi tion to take esjiecial care of Spirits Turpt iitine and other Naval Stores eommitte‘1 to his care. The W iirelioiise is well known to be the best and safest ])lace in town for the storage of Racon, cu^tomers to keci> | Corn, Peas, I'cc. The lower wharves have j on them four h;rge new sheds, where Spirits can I be safely ke])t from the I'ain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, nil kinds j ol produce sent to his care. He will also m;ike I advances when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Rrown, .lohn Dawson, O. G. Parsley and Thos. II. Wright, Esqs. MILES COSTIN. Rrown’s wharf, Wilniingtoti, N. C, Sept. 12. I80I. 21-Y Only oiii isi Part. A.'A.McKE'nL\N (I^TILI. contii.ues to carry on the C.\RR1.VGE RFSINKS,'^ ill all its bninches, at the re mains of his old stand, opposite Liberty Point. , He returns thanks for the liberal p.-itronage he Dry (ioods, Saddlc'ry, I lals. C.’j*ps, has heretofore received, and liojies by strict at E. C. HALL, OF liO.MK, Sl'rrr:i!(nr of JhtH, Sai'krfl f' ('o., ■S now receiving his Fall STOCK >f iOODS, coiisistinc of a gi'iioral assortment of W.\ Sl'.\(iE will leave Fayette- ville d.-iily, at h:ilf j^ast four o’clock, A. .M .. coniinencing the lat day of Julv. 2 tt McKINNON & McNElLL, FOR SALi:, R.VGS white f’orn Meal, 1()() lbs. in a liag, a fine article for family use. JNU. D. WILLIAMS. 4, IbOiX A t;.\ia). return of low wafer renders it neces- M. sarv that the Steamer Chatham should be employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. 15. Co. Maj” 12, Iboik Wf-tf 'i’0HA('(’0. 7" 1'3 have a lot oXprime common Tobacco, which we will sell by the box very cheap. J. t. WADDILL. ‘ May 20, 18o2, '.)4-tt^ Ml^s7wALrON, ]M(tntua-Maker nnd Milliner^ Has just received a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer li i-j TS, and e.\pccts to receive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the mar ket. She expects daily a new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings. Rhick Laco .Shawls, Scarfs and .Mantillas. .Also Dress and Sacqiie Patterns of the latest style. Orders from the country promptly at tended to, and country custtuners may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March :^0, 18r,2. 78tf NO riCE. tj ERSONS indebted to us by Rond or Rook account due previous to Jan’y 1, IB'l. must settle or we will make settlements by legal pruvesft iiK & IS WADDUJ* sIhx's, llarduare, (irocerios. .A much larger nnd more general stock thai\ ever o]>ened on the East side of the Cajie Hear —which Iu* is prepared and letermined to sell to punctual customers, either at w holesale or retail, nt greatly reduced prices. jg^jiy lle would c.-ill p.-irtiiular attention to liis stock of I’OOTS -\ND SHOES. The assiu'tiuent is unusually large, and of every quality and style; and h.aving been bought for Cash, he cun anl will sell them very low. You that wish Raigains will find it to your interest to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. .Always on hand, a general stock of GROCE RIES. Oct. 18, I80I. 32tf Ni:\\ (Vo'orr^T BUST received, mv Fall supply of CLOTIRS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, TRIM MINGS, I'cc.. of the best (luality, from New Y(>rk. .\lso, the latest Report of the New York FASHIONS. I still contimie to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, at my Stand on Hay street, and those who may favor me with their ctistom may rely on having their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most favorable terms. ARCIIIRALD GRAHAM. Oct. 27, 1851. J’>4tf i^T.VGE leaves W'.ARS.VW daily on the ar- rival of the cars, say 10 o’clock a. m., and arrives in Favetteville at p. m. 'McKINNON .j- McNElLL. April 12, 18-V2. 81tf Wilmington and Goldsborough papers copy until forbid. Nl‘AV liOOKS. aUEEPIIY, hy the author of the W’idc, Wide World; Romanism at IRime. by Kir- wan; the Fanner's Diction.iry, by D. P. Gard ner, M. D.; the Wide, Wide World; &c., &c. Just received. E, J. HALE & SON. Ma; Tii tenfion to business and a desire to jrivc entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kej't the greater portion of his 'I'iin- bcrs at a distance from the manufactory, l;e has on hand a large and well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every de.scrintion used in his busincs.s. which enables him to ret.iiu all his principal workmen. He is therefore now- prepared to tht any in his line in the very best style, and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of t)ie s.ame (|uality in N. C. He has on h.and. completely tinishcd, 8 Rarouches. for 1 or 2 horses; ; (■) Rockaways. and lo Ruggies. | .Also, nearly fini.shcd. 10 Carria^^cs for 2 horses; 20 I’arouches for 1 and 2 horses; 12 Rockaways. and -{0 J’nggies; 1 .All of which are of the most approved j>lan rnd finish, and will compare with any work in the U, States for neatness and durability. Having been eng.iged in the above ’’us' for the l*ast 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its 1 durability. j Ai.l work warranted for V2 months, | and repaired free of charge sin uld it f.iil hy bad , workmanship or material, within that time. j JSkiT' Rv-I’.mkinc executed at short notice, and j on reasonable terms. Jan’v 'if., 18-j2. -j*;* \miojj:sale Waleli «nl JeweSry Store* L. II. MILL1:R (5c\'0., J[tiinf/uffiims arid J'il'h>rF nf Wntrhr^, .h ■irrlri/, nvrl Fnti''!/ >1^ Ha^»* lca“i'd the Old Vtnrd formerly occipied by .M •,s«r'*.- Canfield, Rrother iv t'o.. South EijKt corufr I’f ('hiiihf and J^nltirnore ■'ireitf, (No. 227.) which they are j uiting in cor.ijdete order for t!ie WH(')LESALE WATCH AND .Il-'.WELIIY liCSl.''ir.S,S, to be opened about lL« 20th of J Illy. In Calling the attetition of the trade to tl ? new concern, we mention the fact that vve «;« aEsociated with one of the most exten.sive J-w- elry Maimfactnring F^stabljshnients in tlie coun try, whiidi must give a decidetl advantage over all others in this market tor supplying dealern with .Icvvelry at nninufacturers' ]iri-es, a feature in this br.anch of trade long since need'‘d -he tween P.altijiiore and the Southern and Western .Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to thr Watch department, which will at all times b« supplie«l with a great assortment from the most celebrated majiufacturers, and kept in jierfect running order, so that jiurchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will ]:frform correctly. This branch of the business vill receive the esiiecial attention of one of the firm, wlii>se e.n- tensive and jiractical knowledge of the business will, we hojje, give us a jdace in the fineondotc of buyers. We resi)cctfuliy invite you to call upon when you next vi?dt our city, confidently he- licving that an examination of our (ioods vii! jirove to you that they are lictter stylc.s snd cheaper than you have ever seen in this mar'ret, and assure you that no effort shall be wi.t-ting on our part to make the acquaintance >vie ol mutuiil benefit. L. H. MILLER A: CO. t,)ij stand, formerly oci-npied by I Canfield. i5c Co.. S. E. cor ner of Charlf 3 it Raltiuiore ■ Ihi’.timore, June 18M. 14-^ o REFERENCES; Messrs. Wyeth. Rlacklock iV Cfi. tiwvn. Reid vV Taylor. Janus Hodge.s \ Rrother. Uurst .'v lierry. Murdoch, Du>*r k Evnn«. I Stelluianu is: Hinrit'hs. I S.ingston i>c (.’’o. f l^arthloA. iwyn Co. Iviely & I’endleton. Cushings \ Railey. John .\lurphv k t'o. ^loure it tJrithn. ACnUCl LTl IlAL WOllKS. ■ji^’'ORTON'.S l-;icments of Scientific .Agrfcul- lure; D.;na o!i Manures; American Muck Rook; Yiu:>tt on the I’ig; Cole's American Fruit Rook; Thomas's Fruit Cultnrist; F'amily Kitch en (iardent r, tvy Ruist; D.ina’s ."'luck .Manual; All Ml's American Farm Rook; Richar'i.son on the P»ee; Ditto on the Hog; the .American R »se Cultnrist; Allen's Rural Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of America: John ston's Agricultur.-il Chemistry; Farmer’s Trea sure, by Falkner; Miner’s Am. Ree Keepej’a Manual; Youatt an«l Martin on Caitle; F»-sscn- den's Complete Farmer and Gardener; Wheel- ■ er's Rural Homes; Stewart's Stable Econoniy; Hindd’ Fjrricr; jM;ison's Farrier; kc., kc. E. J. HALE K teON. j April 14,18-')2. ARPKK’.S Maga/.ine for May; As good as a Omiedj', or the Tennessean's Story; Hue's Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China; Recollections of a Pidiceninn; Kxjieriences of a Rarrister; Confcssion.s of an Attorney; Heroines of Hi.-'tory; Children, their Hydropathic Man agement, by Dr. Shew. Also, further siipplie."* of Family Ribles, Rlank liooks. Cap and I.ett4 i Papers, School Rooks, Jtc. leceived by E. J. HALE & SON. May 12. Rcccived on (.'onsignmcnt, tNU for sale cheap. '>0 hhls. WHISKEY. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May4, 18o2. 8Mf Wan rED, I5ARRELS of TURPEN- ^ 1F .Hr 1 " TIN E. for Distillery at the Plank Road Rridge on Rig Ri>ckfish. The best market price will paid. Fo» further infonu- ation, inquire of John W. ,Mur]diy. at the Rridge, or of A. A. McKethftn, Fayetteville. Dec. 18, 18^>1. 40tf CHEC KS^ ♦ on all tub banks in FAYEITEVILLEI June 15. jJOOK lUNDEUY. W, HARIHE has rc'-nrued the Rook Rinding Rtisiness at the new St«re next i door to Mr. Reaslcy. Jeweller, where he will re- ■ ccive and execute binding iu any style d«*.sired. August 1. 2(tf I .ARPl'.Ii'S AIag.i7:ine for June; The Pari."? I ■ I Sketch Rook, by Thackeray; (ia’etics i:tid ! Gravities, Viv Horace Smith; Journey to IcelHiid; j Up the Rhine, by Hood—2 }»arts; Alison s Life j of .Alarlborough; Cockburn's Life of Lord Jej- ■ frey; Horse Shoe Robinson, new edition; Marcus ‘ Wa'rhuid. by Mr.s. Lee Hentz; Roberts-in’s ' (’harles V; Tlie Far.ner's Encyclopa'dia of Mo- I dem Agriculture, by Rinke: 'I’he Rests of the Farm, by Riciiardstm.' Hordes—their Vftriety, ! P.rccding, I'a;., by ditto: Domestic Fowls, and ; Ornamental Poultry, by the same Author. ^ Also, further supplies of Gunn s Uomcstitf 1 Medicine, Allen’s Rural Architecture, Fchool Books, &c., just received by T.. RAiL

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