^^ATlov i.i. Jt. V, r. IV t ■ lu ■'i; I:;'- -:lN. >k i;, -.1 r ■ iN’v ■- ■ "■ ::‘i ■■ tin '11^ .1, -l i' !''' ^ r. ■; V'-"' Cm/BTM S E M I-W B E K L, Y w.M‘X‘.?'.wLjWiJEMiu»gn Hum* e—cm ■ 1 wigw.fu.f'm FJa .-^asKn W I IIP im HIM || I.miiun ■ ,iy ■■ m m jm i VOL. II.] FAYETTFAIIJ.E, N. C., JULY 22, 1852. [NO. lU).] S{f(^CC’0 SPRL\(;S, WAHHEN COrXTV, NOUTll rAIlOUNA. '■llllS i«lc:is::uit SuninK'r l’«*trc:it, pn.«y of no- SL coss, liaiiil.'iiiiiifly fittoil up, jiml neatly fariii.''liei.l, is now open tor the reception ol company. _ — I SI\occt) water. Sulphur. Magnesia, Soda, the Se ni-Wfcklv kk SJ 00 it , l.imo. muI Kpsoni Salts, is ciMitiileiitly n.ooni- . , , ! nioiiileil liv cminiMit iilivsicians cotivoryaiit with I oO if pi>ul ilunng the , . • . i NTKD HY J. r>. Ni:\VBY. Vim J. ll VLi^ & sox, irons AND i‘uuriur/roH5?- p«M til advtince: jf ■iihsi'iij'tioiK t'l’ N.:> alter the vear hus •oklv Oi;-»ruvr.i; ^='.1 00 per nnuuni. if a.lvaiK-e: oil if paid duriu;; the ■ ■ ►Si’rlpti^uii or Utl altor the \cai* pircd. RTl:r.Mi:NTS iiisi-rted l\.r >i\ty cents re t'i'r tlie lirst. n. pnliliiMt'i.in. Norici:. ' H ^ [IE Sub.‘«criber having associated with hini- * selt’in busine.ss his son Matthew, tlie linsi- ness will hereafter he coiKlucted uindr the name and style of .M. N. Leary v'c Son. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal pat- ronajre hitherto extencled to him, respectfully Holicits a contimiation of tlie same in behalf of the new l irni. All those indebted to the nndersipncd, either by note or account, are earnestly reij\ic.sted t‘> Sfttlc the same as carlv as pi>ssible. M. N. li:auv. Fayetteville, Juny 7, 18-'>2. *.t7-oni NOTICK. WE will buy any lots of Spirits Turpen tine otfeied in this nnirket, and will receive and sliip for distillers to New York or I elsewhere, affording the usual shippin{i facilities. J. T. \VAJ)I>1LL. June o, ^^()tf- Yc:'.riy a'l\i-rt;scmcius ; ntr-ict-^. at rcns -nable rati s. .\>l- ' n'inested to state the number of| s desire.I. or thoy will bi- i-nutinncd t;.l nil char;zed accordinirly. ,ctter« t.i tlic Editors must bo post-paid. \Xi' OF MONi:V. ' her oilers for sale b;' S^^A^1 11.1.. I-’> uiiies tVoni Fayettevilb-. . ii the S I’ :'.nk U' ! I. It is uii!u'ccss:’.ry to the I't'irmanee of the nr.ll. as it will r iisi'lf. Also. Ill likely M\tles. Hoad , a;. 1 I T;nibi.r Wagon, all in cood . i K-r. , i>. :>i. HL ii:. 17. ‘J--’tpd 8'ail Traile, j JPfef/i’.v. ris 1* ■ N . : ; .NASSAU STIIKKT, ni:ai: Tin; oiKi. ::. KEW YORK, d Vi i - I ' ■'!! ■ r approved ('riMl)lT, a its pri'pcriies, as remedial in most diseases the ! human fran\e is heir ti), and has conferred great i benefit on many invalids who have tested it. | ■\ good Uaini of Miisic will be in attendance ' during the season, and the proprietor Hatters | himself that his fare, and attention to the com- | fort of his gU( sts. will compare favorably with 1 :.ny other c.'iaMishmcnt of the kind. Uoard. )>er day. J^l 'J'l, by the week at the ■ r;:to of >1 |>er day. Families pv-r nnuith, j single jiersons ch Idren nnder 12 years | CO.MMISSION Mi:UCUAN r, 1 thirty cents lor each and servants half price. SAMl'ilL CALVHUT. 4-8t V.!LLiri! i (i\VVi:il FO IJ W A \l DISH A N 1) WILIWrnGTON, N. C. -r. ; tll.i!it of 2*;isit*y BIry jii i riving l»y cvv rr V StL-anier, .n i vr7-y vai'u'ty. TAFF'KTA X .n: '.ii.NS. fancy IHf.NNK'r iUid • ' S, .ti: ; !•_ uit a.-'-'rtnieut l>i.A*'K ^ MI.K.'s. 11 j I 11 C '>1‘S, evi rv 1 i.ACI S AM* K\ll:i;-il'i lUilS. Mti f>. H i.'-iKllV. (MIAWVrs. \i-. •> ■ ii-:' • "iK^ti \ arc rts,.v'i ;;ui:v •rniiir. .hine oO, isr)’2. SALi: OF iil'.AL I-.srA'i'E. Sul'scriber ofl'ers for sale oUUO acres _aL (>f pine and sw::mp lands, in Allsuints rarisli. SoutVi I'arolina. The land is good for cotton or corn, and 3o(X1 ai-rcs !ire now cut for turpentine, and in the third year of chipping. 'I'here are three mill seats on the land, one grist mill in opt-ration. :ind the d.-im and fr:ime tor a saw mill already made on a constant sti'cam convenient to an a- bundjince of fine timber. The ’iremises mav be readied at all seasons by water, in vts«els. I'iiere arc tw > good dwidlings with all net-issa- ry ou! buildings, and I'O-,) aeres of eieaicd land under feii.-e. 'I’he terms will be accomnio.lal- iii'jr. for which, apj Iv to TOM V. ClLl.n.^l IH. I C'onwayborongh. .Tune'J;', 1 4-bt Au/iCt’ to Slii.:f)(rs U\j iniii of till' ('alie Ixircr. and afte'- the fii st day of .July, prox- O. imo. the deduction of five per cent, from the established raies of I'reiglit iwiit-n the bi’' is pai l w thill thir:y da . . wi'l lie di.'Contiiun'd. Mvery 1 III will he e ^iisi lered due when ren- derr l. eai h I'.■iiip.aiiy ro>cr\in;r the riirht to eliarge iiitcrist ou the same f.-r any delay in payment. Siiij'pcrs of Naval St .res fi-oin this plaie are n it';'.eiJ that tiiC un kr ;_iii' ! w il’. receive ami st.'ie, in I'a mplnllt 'II. Sjilii's Turpentine at in ets. per bbl.. and will giv,' receipt f reach load IS it c 'mc' in a:.d sliip as ins'rueted, tlie ipvvii- er pi\ing dr.:’ age, wliicli will he ■') ets. ] er 'ihl.; 5 J F.!IS( )N \ I, att(‘!ition given to the sale or 3 shipment of Naval Stores. I have ample facilifies Tt eo«dncling the business; h'.rge wharf an^l st'.re slu'd,i to kee;> spirits from exposure. Nav:>.l stoi-.-s will be shipped to any li Mise in .New York, or to other markets if advisable, and liberal cash advances made on consignmeiits. 1 refer to the following >listillers: 11. IIannum. W.-iync County. Chandler Hall, .lohiiston Co., I.ovett I’oai iiek, Columbus Co., U. II. IbirJ. n. Thos. \'ail. I’.lailen '• Mrssis. Smith, .V liigi'.im, .Johnston 'o., Messrs. .'sL .1. .lones. Mt s'is. Smith iN .Jones, Spencer F.untaln, Ms;., “ l.evi Uailev, ils'j., M;iy -JO. I Sol’. ‘ Ji:’.-ypd ———ajiMKgy VcTlical Wheel. are several hundred of these 'Wheels JL in operation in dilferent counties in North Carolina. For j.roof of their great advsintages over the coi.iinon fluttir wheel, or any otlier wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have aj)prn-d them to their mills. AVe can I'ecommend them jiarticulai’iy fur their superiority in cases of a low heail of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for difierent heads of water, at Wilmington. .New- bern, Washington, lAlenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of Jl. llrev.-ird, Lincolnton. and l. '-iah Wells. I’ctersburc:. Va. mm, SbIimr totiDs K'or I subscriber would call the attention of JL his uicnds. and the j-nblic in gener; 1. to one of the largest varii tie.s Spi'ifiir and Sitnmirr (ioods ball! ■perel r rc-pai’ke.l, • .LT' r- ;'i■ |->-s it. .•!t ae- ner The inter. 't pcrs ai.ke re.julres ,i rosi Mri.i: mi N. C.. ^ I.; ii i:. .iulv If., 1 I’.l.OS • f>v.. V.'.th "M. '.•-■Jw at V.' St aiiKT "i-.V.N-NV LI TTI'lir.oir i\e Fa_\ elte\illc every .Moniiay and •i.jik -V. M.. .and leave Wil kin r.ii ; aii'i Friila\s. lit 111 o'cl'M-k, ctMttOi ■ ■ ' II 'I 'nd.iy. l . tii .July. F.ir I’as- sengei - r 1 rei.;h:. -lo is i,.it suri-asse 1 b_\ any boult>:>;.' k. • r. 'ing d.'.sn. sli'.- -; .v i'.^Iit. i T. r . ■: .'.2. hav io'ii tl.e iiitci-.-st ..f li'.al cost, l■llal•g^•ab^ oi boat ow lu T'; an I :>,_ula;i.in -t' this ki .INO. I). WILLIAMS. .\'jent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. U. M. (Mlltl'M,, ,\.:ei.t ll. i.riett I Steam' >at C.>. T. S. LI 11 .;i:li.ii. !’r .pricti.r ' 1 e; eiianti' .''t- am ' i :t C >. .Fiine i!-. :;!u DCr" i'iio iniilrrsiiiiii-d. as I'or- w.-.r'lin:; Agents on their in.iividu ;1 ai-count. re- s;. ' 'n iy vri'e notice, tl.at tiiey will I'ontiiiue to rt .elve and f .rwar.l (in Is Ir.m their re-; ec tive Warehouses at the River where the dray- s .vi-d ti. shippers is I'll* 111 per erat. i.n the trelgi.t tilii: .or a eommis-i.in of J". n.-r cent, on the ilivi-r (l eigiit Mil an t di i_\ age. I'liis cliange to t.'ike ctfcct on the 1st dav of .Vu'.rust next. JNi). U. UlLLIAMS. 11. .M. OKKLI.L. T. S. LLTi'LKLnll. s ri:AM!:u sor'i'iii:uni:u ILL ieav'‘ !'a\ct'.v\ilie ev.-ry \\ e.lncsda_\ and .''atnr.lay. at 7 o'eloek. ,\. M.. :.nd arrive in W ilminutiei v.t 7 o'cloik. P. ,\I. .\n 1 will leave W i!m:n;.rti.n ever\ Moi. l.-iy and Tli'irs- day. at I Jo'cloe.x, .\1., and arrive in Fa'.eitc- vi!U- next morning. il. M. ('iHlIlLL, .\cent. .\> rll -2 'i. IS---:.’. S.Vtf .\\)W\ I). V> !i,!J.\MS, iUniUH isshnt i'onrarditiss ,JS(‘rrIt Fayetteville. N. C. Feb. 0. 1 'J. FOli S VL!:. Ct)N. Fel.'e 0, IS.-.-J. •j:». (!;» \U. i> \ - .J. 1). WILLIAMS. II'/// A’.. ///>/ / th /'■r.r, *r TONS of swr,l>i s IKON, bv 0^ K. C. 11 A 1 L. ..r II Mic. Oct. IS. ft,. will r.ui LlTTLlUl.on. Stf .Tunc ■J*'. 1 I a Sill t.ic - i: TiNCS. • f bal, ■. T. . for sale ll.Uull SON. .''tf July 1 1. • lilt Im' m t4tr»an it'itfr. (]pM( -,1 ... l'»ck ..I II. m) rii:, KeiKliHK M r iii iMi.i I lUMthiriler'. ,\i-w> \u )iii|)|ih i] Wiiii i!u Jaly, leji. (. )iiN. IIrs II!'.L.'s bre.oi ' ’. rn. \m II tl.ni.cl an ! >>un l. f r s ile l>v LLKTM vV Johnson. — LSf)— = ')iii>:;y 1!AC*-»N, with ;i lot fine Di tillers' Hlue. I ■ i 1.1 - 1' i. •ii.;.;i ; \c. For sa'^ be Ll.F.n .V .K»ilNSON. Ni ;.r il.e .Murntt H'.vise. '.'K.'Mt U. lior*-K r.i !,!ixh.--! 1.', I r K ' N U r*>r;;ir ti{ ; .j. . \Al» .MAMMtMh —\ vi;!- rcu« III#* (h Ki!.k> lin «n rrc » — ' t* > »k ju I ii'JlHi-hriL ith i» ilir i..rir.ii.i fx 511.1 lii'i* ul u.p .il.ir* -.-* - ii-eii ulik ■ lo m *n .«! ht- n*'t4l i«\ ):il. ; ■ *• MuI -nn»r u \itiiei;! it • : lif r\' .iiul miwi an "f ; v«*'. i»\ r^’ nhi.:* ii. u *!i \. 1 ! x'\c iU>of r ini'ifen. •• ;iM [•>■»»*(! ill ;i 1* ^ W r Ti » r Ml 'i'hml H»ul rninn ’•lu t't'. I book, u Hlt-r (‘ttvriMp»\ (irr r» nrr III Hr K, I -I !l«>|iin ' ilir* i &.!• . f.»r\v:inli »l l»\ \>M\ n|i 4 j.ri* IT' lit ‘Ill . r« i .tti V t--rr>>. :«i.il all ao..v, unrk ii{ vrry iu\*. a WILL pay cts. jicr poiml casli for all clean cotton ai.'l linen delivercl to .1. i> illinns. in Fayettevil.e. I asn nvarly re.idy t i put in opcr iiii.'n a I’aper .'dill i:i tiiis ii. ;;_-i:tii.rhoo.l, and :ii!i de:-ir■■l[^ of gi-tting my r.i^s in tills marivet. .'ly oljc.t is I.i pay .-^s iinuh 'i.r rags a.^ 1 can ati i.l. and i...p.' th.it 1 iii.ay not 1». i. n-ed to ~taiif luarkt ls Ir.r niy sujipiies. 1 liaNe -riai'gv f v.illi .Mr. illiains t • leceiiC an ! p ;v for .i.l r i'j.." 'lelivered to iiini. Ii.v\ ID .ML KI’ll V. Fayetteville, reb'y’JL tjS-tf .){' [' ui:c'i:i\ 1.1). ^ MK.N’.s and i’.ovs' SAI>IM,MS, of everv ipialily and style, s .me very line .\1- ?o. r>rld!.'S. Collars. Whij.s aii'l W .ag'>n llarncss. I5y I'l. C. II.\LL, of I’ome. Oct. IS, 1?^.')]. ;;'Jtf (I. (' 4» Ti M I .« K I .\NI) FORWARDING KERCHANT, f-V" I’roiHpt p- rs-.nal attention given t.i all C.iii-'igiiiiienls. and C,!^h advances m.-ide on I’ro- diice to be shi;'p-d to othei- ports or Sold in this market. Feb. 12, IS.'.-J, C!y I) \ILV V.Wl'A ']'!'!). Tons.if Hoitl’ 1 ILoN, suitable for Spir barrels, bv F. C. II \LL, of Ib mo. Oct. IS. l^'-'l. r?-’tf Jh/fj j-iso!, C.ir'f:ic ’>r y. :, ,ax ti/, //'■■■-i-ie :■/l/i, Jii'/zo '/x, i •f'ln;; lioiij m (J Livi*r or Sio Il t-v 'Mi'iip ui'»n. Fii'iii*’". IV-hm| i,, • . J I’, uf lilt* r*t« iiiiTh. .N'lU'^^.i, Hr .rihnrn, r i‘.hh], u 'MMjflil in ih*' M !i «»r hI the |*il of ihr .■^v^ iiHin ;t: ui ihf* Uurr:eJ junt ixfricnii I IL.- li. .I'li ti th*' Ilf.ifL liokiiiL' or Su;l«c ii ti i«i 1 I VMi;! po^iurt*. I'iiiiijC" of Vi- iM'to.v iin* .'“itfljt, i cviT, Lull piin J i > ‘il J‘rr>|>'r.'liMii. Vrllnwoe-s ul' *. I* .u) il) li)t* Siiie, lV.u k, rhr -L I i iii hr ot ifLMl. iliirninu in thf* of L* j1, HhJ «re>tt Ufpres- iirr.H.v l*K CCLK \\ in'I TKIi.-. I*r.-ptrr(| liy l»r i \ Jiu ;i .Arch M not pxr«*!!‘fl. ii’ i llu* I’niU'ii St ifs. ' :r "kiliul ! *• uk 1. «iM> oi!i» r J r« p .r .Hon « nit* . ilt' l. il. m iU\ ;i • ■ lill'r-.tn- worlliyilir. jtiicrii.in i.f iiiviiliiU.— I v.rliH in lln- n-i l.lji in.n ■.! ili-c.i'c^ ot .1 .. il |i >' r "l.iiiiK. fxeri t'ii:" (111- ii.n^t >e;ircli- ■ . r til a ml ■llli'rlil.ll... t»l IJir (lijfrxl t\ »,- nf- ri- wiliiMl. ^iite. Ct rl.till. Hiiil plf i'aiit. UK Ml A.M) IlK I II.W IW). i : 111 III* liii-ltM) llll.'. ' ■ r - |., I iJ,l- I' I I . i'f ' (I t.eiiii .11 H:in r- t'lir llip rilif ^ ' Il , 1 .1 i:■ li rr. 1 |h p i .. ( liroriii' nr .Ni r ■ . !• \ ..ai- III tie- liiii I (I .|.iil r iin il i II- . I; :ii r 1. vr i.t . i. ii-i a '.j ili ii- 'I . (If * Il i.\ .) ‘ ill' li.i' liiiii I'll re . ' i.l 1 i . |MTm iiu'i.t I'lire ol l.iv. r i i.iii *' 'I" a • 111. r. iiieily U e are roiivii.rul '■ Il lliH (I inriii r..ii-|.nll) .(1 V "..r—fi I I'l wortliy i.l tre. t cmi-ale '■ I II" . art I ii-:i-.iiii in la-li- niil ■viiii'll. i i il c m l.e ‘ ^ ' 'Vitli tlif ihii't (jelicile >tolll hs With a■ 111 r iiii\ ( irruai I ii'.i U r an- '|m': ki:.i! Iri.ui Ill*' ‘IlJ.i'U'il w r ail\'i't! llu'ir ii^e." ' -’I I* I' iM'irk-* 111' ii'i. y.-iiiiitii* 'i lit'y h.'tvi? II iL'i. >niit' III .M. .I.ti’k'oii u|Hiii (he wra|i|KT, ||i|.-Iii.iw a 111 ilif li.illle, w illinut wliii ti Ihey '•a- I i.r H linli-dlf Hi.d n'Uil III ihe .\ii:iii( i.\i; I-.1 >iri.i.t. iiti(> iiiMir twliiu .*'i\ih. Pliila., and l"'i'l 111. ill-:lcr' ceiiiT ill) i)ir.ii»liiitii llie ('••iiiiiry l*y S\M’L J. Ml\.Il,\Li;. Kiytileville, iLii ... "t'tor .Sorlb hihI .'viutli Vrulinu. t CW-, b. C' .NO i'U'l-:. ^ S’* nil I’.nder'igned ci.ntinue.s to miuinfacture B. .'■Spirits I'u.'i i’iitioe r.Ai! 11 ilLS. Those now- on h: nd uua^re i'! to b'> galintis, and are m.;de of tile best seasonc'l white oak. I>:st;ilei's want ing a goii'l artie!'.‘, will do well t.T call an.i ex- aniine. Contracts to deliver I'.arrels for the ne\t twelve months made on fav..rab.e terms. T. S. LLTTF.liLOH. March 2-J. IS-VJ. 7-jtf Summerville Male and Female Seminary. ^n^nil F.all .Ses.si.m of this .Sciiool will open * on 'I'll I'I’.Sl>-\\', 1st day of duly ne.\t, and clo.'-e on last of November. The services of some very accomplished lady will be seemed, of which due notice will be given. '!■ rum of Tnithm firr Cfuiiinon Mnglish Ilraiiches oO Higher “ S r.O Latin and (ircek Languages 10 -jO Extra. French Language 10 00 Music on I'iaiio l'> 00 I se of Instrument ll '>0 I'lawing, painting, kc., SiC. o 00 Lo.'ird in the Village from Si7 to !ss p(.|- ' unnith. 1). McLM.VN, I’rincijial. i Siimniervine, N. C., .June Ili. 1S.')2. I-liw I I" iSl.^lMlJUiliLi: IIIITI'L. I ^1111 undersigned would respectfully j inforin the eitizen.s of Summer ville, the vieinity, and the public j generalh", that she has opcm-d a j IKIL' .U: (»F 1: .\ T !• K r \ 1 \ >11: ^IT. ! where she will be pleased to accommodate all j wiio may call on her. The Village is pleasant and hejilthtul, her houec large and connnodious. I No jiains will be spared to rendei-agreeable and conifort.ibb. ;iny who may favor her with a call. SIk; is also prepared to accommodate with r.oard from lo to 20 Students. I’rice of l’>oard fier mcntii. K- BAILKV- ('■ihi.-irf I'tiDu I urc, ( 'i'nnr.s, At. /■aillH subs. ril ter is ri'ceiving the lar‘r st as- 3 iliiient in liis line e\cr Iielore pur. ’lased at ihe North, whieh. t. gi-iher with hi^^ own m.in- uf.ietiirc. m.ik. s his Stock \( ry complete, eoii- sl.^ting of ^'l;airs, T.iolcs, Sofas, IJi'il.-.tcails, V. a.-li S;.i:nl>, l>;irc,U!s, Looking (1 !m.ss'‘s, Side iiotnis, Sofi-(.r;;rics, A:c. .\11 of which will be sold on the lowest terms fV'i Cash, or on short time t'l punctual customers. JOHN W. liAKMll. Oct. :jo. ;’,.'.tt \\* 1L K {N S ()N I :s L i : lUlALMUS IN C'liiif'a tioiuiri/, A Tu- //Uli lJ, (llll/ SiiiiJ/, AM) IMroilTilllS OF SI t»2:35I ,»t;i 8B tV.i.^A AT WlIoI,l:;.-.Vl.K AM) KKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, W. C. ]ii-:!)r('Ei) I'AKi:. »'S1HUOl'(iH Tickets bet ween Wilmington. N. S (’., and Uallim.ire. Fare-S;18. Via Wel don, I’etersburiT. Richmond, and Washington City, or via Weldon. I’ortsmonth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Oflice of the Wil mington .".nd llaleigh Mail Iloail (’’ompany, at \\ ilmingtou, or at the Ofliceof the Ihiltimore .''team Packet Company, and of the ilaltimore and Ohio Hail Hoad Conn#any, I’ratt Street, Baltimore. .Ian. 1, 18ol!. r>3-tf R. M. oiulKf.I.T [•{)R\v\RUi\G nnniissiiiN iir.RriLWT ,\t rayetlevillo, i\. i\ March 10, 1S51. Oli-if l>r. T. 1>. II VK.iBl7 B SB AS taken an Olhce on Hay Street, West E H of the Hotel Ituildings. * .July 14, l.s.-)l. 4-tf A DicsiKAiiLK^ irr:sii)i^Nxn^: FOli SALK. ^ 5 ^ H I'l Subscriber now ofTcrs for sale all his fi- TurjU'iifine and Farming L.\NI>, contain ing .'ibout lii'O .\crcs. situated I'J miie-! Hast of l'..,\cttcvllle. on the Cioldsboroiigh road, com monly known as I’alm'ra. It has a .LTood dv.-eliing hou.se. out-JiuiMings. .Vc.. and a store wdiere a large amount of busi ness is .I' lie. and increasing daily. This is a r:irc chain i‘ for turpentine getters, merchants. .Vi-. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wi.sh- in^ t.i purelia'^e, an.l wl..-hlng further informa- ti.oi, c.in :;pj.l\ on the ).remises, to .1. W. Ml i:i>!!Y. or 1*. T.VVL()1!, Fiiv^‘ttevi!le .July J'ltl.. IS.'.l. ■ Stf oif af CosSI ijaucains! Tlio stiliscrilior is lpsin>ns of i liatiLrin;: his business, and wi^hes to sel: oil' his present stock oi (iiiods in.mediately, consisting in part ol Sinnlv an! I''iiuri/ J)r>i Hoods, !'ml'ra.-ing a line sto. k of I.adi- s' Dross (ioo.ls. Ibiri'.je. liare',ie l.e-Lains. l)otted and plain .''w ;ss 1 Mu'iiiis. Colored ditto, li.iired. .Jaconet and I Caiiil'rii .Muslins; coi'il .''unimer Silks. .\lso, a ! genoral as'..: Imel’t of blaek and eol .l Silk ' |ite>si':i; :i l.ir;re a-is.irtmeiit of lii'-iery. .\1"^ >. ' Cliiths. Cassimcres. 'I'weeds. .leans. a:; l .S.itti- ne:^. ,\ general a'^'ortiiient of .''ununcr wear ;. I «;ell:^-lucn: ad kiu'K of Lim n ^.lo.l..-. \ s . :i i r-.-'t i-k •! i;o..Is and ."llors, H.'it. i r>oi;i.i':'. I ni' icilas and Far li,.r land Cr ’ki :\Sin>;.nl Freneh llraml'. j 'ihe above st' . k is otl'rrcd at the mere cost ; I, Tt". Country Merehaiits and all others buy- , in^ C.io.ls in tliis m.irket. wi.l d.o well to a!l aii'l ex.'tmitie. as 1 am d.etrvmine.l to sell an.l eh out my j.resv'iit stock, w hich is large and fresh, and well sclicte.l. W. S. LA TTA. .\prll 10, IS.'.-J. ^otf General Agency and Commission Business. ^K^HF Su'isei-i'iers have this day entered in- & to !i cai.artnership un.ler the style of WHITAKFH. WHITFIF.LI) iS: CO., for the pnrjiose of doiiig a general agency and Cl inmission business, and in ofb-ring their s. r- \ices to the putilie in that c.apaeity they flatter themselves tliat they will be able to give satis faction to all those who nia,v consign a’ly go ds, w an s. mer, handi/e or eountry jiroduce to them ither to sell m commissions or forward. As it will he .iiir greatest aim to please, we jiledge ourselves to sjiare no jtains in trying to give general satisiaction. They respectfully solicit the pati'ona^i' of their friends and the [ iiMic generally. Their store is No. North Water Street. l)ickinso!i's Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN WlllTAKKR. .JA.MllS W. WlllTFlKLD, A. A. II. SOlTII.\LL. HiPKnrNCKs:—.John Dawson, I’otter .S: Kid der, O. 0. I’arsley, S.amuel Heery vS: Sons, (.1. U. French, and llllis .Mitchell. Jan. lb-j2. ril-tf Jjond IJ (irranfs \\ antrd. ^B'^Iin highest Cash nticr.s paid for any IL number of i.and Warrants, for a North ern concern. .INO. M. llOSll, .\gent. Fayetteville, .'\i>ril 14, 18.>‘2. Slitf I’ersons w ishing to (ditain the right to use the I'fJ ^0 m.arkct. .\inr.ng wheels, will be served on apjilication to 1). .McNeill .Jl Co., Fa\etteville, N. ('. i>. McNIlILL. A. A. McKMTIIAN. D. J. McALlSTF.n. _ Feb’y 2-2, 1840 bi. tf | snrni (wiuiliw i.\srin\Tirr(i.i;iM.\\7 ' f)F CH A11 LF.STON, S. (’. 1 H.-MIT 11H I'll) by the .Sfate of .South Caroli- ^ na, with a (,'apital of all }>aid in and well investel. Fire, .Marine, I'iver and Life Risks. CHAS. IlD.MONDSTON, Pres’t. A. L. Tuiuas. Scc’v. l>lHK'TOr.S: Rom HT 1\1.\UT1.N. Col. J.\MF.S G aIiSDEX, M. .M(ii;i>k»'.\i, Cn.xs. Ii. U i:sx. S. MoUitv, .Ir. Hk.m:v Coi:ia. The subscribers having been appointel agents I in this |i'ace for the above named Comp;in\, are prejiared io receive oll'ers and issue jioiieies of Insiir.ince on Fire, .Marine, lliver and Idle llisks, on liberal terms. .U! losses incurreii at this agei;cv. will be promptly adj.isted and p.aiil bv the uiuiersigne l. Del’OSSLT DISOWN. N. 15. Risks will iie t.ikn on the lives of slaves on the most liberal teinis. Wilmington, .N. C.. .March l!7, ] S.')2.—77-fim .^IKiii.M: SiliOP & l'0(.\!jHV. i !nrk &: Mi IIII fill fii n rs Ilf (///.'■/■.>• of' H',r.r J'itrtr.^ (iinf T II I'l -Il 111^ M>li/i I ii i^/iofji i'urtiilJl' mill StntiniiiiriiS) Wiml ('urilinij Mn- r/iiiirs. Sfriiii' ('iif/ns af' rii/ioiis jKit/i nis, H III Ilf I-'iimt, Ml// mill I'liitin'ii (iiin\ iSiiir IIIII/ (ii'isf Mi:/ in„i., Bur/: MH/s. KJ-j, y//(//.•■•, ii'.'. ii ''. his assoi'tmi'nt ni.ay he f.iun.j:—(ientlenicn' DUL.S.S II,\ I'.'', to-wit: Kos;-uih, .I/oleskin. Ib/a- \er. Silk. Inrush and Angola, with a connilete assortment of all other kinds of Fur and Vi ool Hats usually found in this market. —ALSO— Straw floods iii abund.ince. to-wit: T.manni, Rice .'^traw. Pedal, China I’eail. Leghorn (Kos suth style) and Palm-leaf H.VTS, for (Jciitle- meii. Youths, IJoys and infants. —ALSO— A irood .'ISSOl't- nient of Roots i'l: .Shoes, for (ientlemen. i.adies, -J/isses, Souths, Hoys, Childi'c-n. and .•Servants; .-ill of which will lie o'i'ered on very ac- comiiio.laling terms for the Ready (’ash, or to those that are willing to cash their accounts when ]irescnled. .JOHN ( . THo.l/SON, South-west corner J/arket .''■luare. .Varch 20, 1S.V2. 7711 NO'l'ICF,. f H^HFl partnership heretid’ore exist.ng ntider JK- the name of .1. IL & R. K. Murphy is this day diss(dvcd by miitual consent. All those indebted to the firm, by note or acconitt, nre reijuosted to call at i{. F. Mur phy’s, and settle before the loth of reV:rnary next, and thereby save cost. And those having el.ainis again: t the firm are refjueste.l to ]‘reseiil them iiiunediatvh. .T. W. MrRPHV. U. \\ MURPHY. Jan’-IS.VJ. eotf Spirits of 'rnr>ir}>tinr V'dnteJ. TEXO {'crsotis lia'.Ing Spirits Turpentine to sell, v.e ai'c in the i.iarket to btiy; or v.ill rec^ivc and shij) to any market the ownpr may desire, and make libcr.il ailvHiices on con signment. COOK ic TAYLOR. .May fi, 1>^G2. S^if Priro ol' alvasBced. Si LR.'^ON.S wdio have made contracts witli J. F. Jordan tS: Co. for furnishing RAGS, are hereby inibrmed, th.at we will pay oi cents per lb. on all Cotton Raa«. Rope and Bagging, delivered to us al'ti-i" this date. H. RRANSON & SON. March n. 1?.'’.2. 72if SBaEWOHTIl tvreeasborougii, N. C. ^C'^nil Twcll'th year of this Institution will K. commence on MoND.W, the lid d.iy of .M'llI ST next, an.l terminate npon the last or .May following. The scholastic year i.■^ (livi.led into i'essions of five months each, with •) recc;.s of a few days only at Christnns. The in-imarv desi^rn of this Institution is ti> T M have co:nnifidious t.rick ^Varehonses i secure to its pupils ever^’ facility for the. .••i'- V ^ in the rear of our Store, in wliich we i ipdsition of a solid and ornamental education. store Cotton aiul other protuue. i). ii. W. .McLAntlN. Nov. 1, IS',1. -37-tf Norui:. ILT. be soM at the ('onrt House door in Cliiitoii. .'•iamp.- .11 county, N. C.. on Monday the liitl; day of .'..ugiist nexi. a p.ait of one hundred .‘iiid fwrty acres of L.\ND. bclong- iii'j: t" heirs ot llj hraim l’ag‘. V'^dng the lands of Lei'iiai d (il dw in .-in l others, tor T '.xes for two J. > :irs, and costs, accord.iiig to act of -Is- sembl v. THOS. UNDIIRWOOD, Slurlff. July l.^.'iJ. 7 ;!t COI.l.MIU S COUNTY. "''lav ! The I’ri^.eiprd is aided bv a corps of a*'/lc, n-.’- complislied, aTid thorouglily 41’alified teaehcrs. For Circul.':rs and other particulars relative to the .Stl.o(d apply to. I’rof. RlCil'D STERUNG. Princir.al. \ I.\.\ (;i A NO. rijiini undersigned are jiveparod to furnish, S. at short notice, tin' genn iie PKKUVLVN (JL'.VNO, in any re(juir,.d >)n !nlitie.s ;in'l on the most fav.irablc terms. Pers.ins vvanting suji- I'lies. will [dease send their orders its soon 1.9 practicable. Pa \ inents in all case.s to be C.VSH, whcii the ariiele is .lelivere ',. ; PEVlli‘LV ROSE SON. i July 12, IS"12. .'i-iiw rW^HMY respeetfully inform their cnstoiners (^ourt tif ainl (b.iarter SI and the j.n’olie, that they eontinne to car- 'J'-nil is.'y"' ry on their busiiH-.'S at tiieir .Mai liinc Shop SlIH'.' near .''NOW ('.‘vMP, .\!:.mance eounty. North Car..lina. wheie they .-ire pn ].;ired to executc a'l v,, rk in th.'.r line with neati:. ss. pum tiiali- ty an.l d. ^j.ateli. With an increased v.iri» ty ot tools and labor sa\ing niaidiincry added to 0111 establi.'l.ment the ) ;ist winter.—!i well jj,eleeted as.-o)-tnient of matei-ials purclia>ed at liie low est eash pri.jes, — w. ■.kn;''n of kieiwn ^kill and ••iliii'ty, t tj“tiii’r v,:Mi h ng e\p(‘iieni-e in the '■'u.'iiu s, -tn]!;. 'iiy n- in saying, -is to ipial- ity :n l ; i '.. i'. our w. rk !i;...5 n. t. will not, and ' n.'t. . r in c..nip:a 1.'.11 with any other .''hop in the S. ; ;;-,. (li'atefiil to tie' j.uMi'-- f. r j'ast favors, tliey solicit a c^i|.tinuan» e of their patronage. N. P). Plea.'C send your orders soon, as our motto is “lirst come first served.” Letters ad- .Ir«';se.i to the snbserilii-rs, at .Snow Can:p, .N. C., will reei'i\e j'ronipt attent'i"n. STAFFORD, CLARK .V DINON. ^Llr^dl lS--)2. 71-iini C. W. ANDREWS, Deali'r in Cloves. RT ajii'Caring to the 'atis'aetion oi'the ft in this ease, that .lames I’aldwln. Neill Chancy, aiid wife Miizabeth. Robert Rald- wiii, Mary i'.aldwin, Nancy Ra’dwin, J.imt s Rabhvin. '1 ii..s, !S. .Memorv. :ii.l wilV Raidicl. Petiuoii for Divi-iii'ii of Slaves, the Conrt. one (if the Defenilants is not a rcsi'ient of tl.ls Siyte: It is therefore )i dcred. by the ( ourt. that pn'ili- eatio!i be liKi'le for 'Ix successive weeks in the Fayetteville Id .'crvcr. f .r the said.lan.es ll.i 'i- w in t.i Le :ii..l al.jit'ar .it the i;e;-. 1 'i'erin of ti‘’.s I'.invt to be hoMcii lor the c.Pin.ty of Colnnd.;:-i, at the ( onrt House in \\hile\ir.e. on thcSec !:.d .Monday in .\ngust next, tiicn and thcie to .-..n- swer, plead, or deiiiur t.i s.iid j ctitioii, or the same will be j>ro ani/i.wo as to him, and he;a'l ace'.vilii..gly. Witness. Thos. M. Smith, Clerk of onr sal 1 ('“ourt. at Oflice in Whitcvilie, the sccond Mon- dav in .May, lS-':2. THOS. M. SMITH, Clerk. ]0(MjW NO'i'iC. I -. rg^HK I':irtncrsliip iiercioiore cxl.-^i.ng in Lui'iiiei ton. between the nndei'signed, is this (lay liiss.ilvei] l.y nintual cit''-lit. Thos.J imlelit-d to the firm will ]ile;tse call on i. \V. McKay, at Lnmbert. n, v.ho is aut’isorized to Settle liie conceiai. JOHN A. p,;»v.lant>. (lll.i;,.ilT W. .McKAV. I.uinJii rtoii, Feb. 2-'/, 1; -i'l. (iOtf 850 ilcv/ard. VVt.\Y from me in L'ccenibcr irst. my negro m.iii SOLO.MON. wlio is snj.nosod of ^liones^: EWiLI. sell my S/ MMIH! L'LSJliKXCE. two miles fro.m the .'/arket, on ti;e Fayette ville a'ld Western I'lan!; Road—one of the most desirable and hc.-ilthy place> in the county. .\ls'>. 4') .''hai-es d‘ Fayetteville anl Western Plank Road .Stock, and oO Sharts of Fayette ville li*(el Stock. With the lari.rest stock of Readv-made ('.\R- to bo Inikii.g hctv-tH-n M.'iinirin Creek Riid Drowning ('reek, about Aiorrisiin county line quarter, or Rarrett’s (pnirter in Mooro county, .■^aid boy is iibout :JU years old, quite dnrk, ijiiick spoken, full set of teeth, full *j feet LigL, and no mark of the lash as rccollecte'^. I will oive Fifty Dollars for the delivery of said negro to me at ni.v bou‘50, or Twenty-five Dollars in anv jail .“lO that 1 get liini. MARTIN RUSH. McCallum's Store, Montgomerv Co., t , A].ril 0, 1852. Aul lltf .Suninnv'ille, N. C., June li!, Ib»i2. 1-tf IS'.il. i H. I.. IIOLMKS,^" : Attorney at Law, Wilmingtou, N. C. OFFICII on collier of F'l-ont and Piinccss streets, under .Journal oilice. j Dec. 12. 4'j-tf I IJUOWN (.V Dr. !{OSSi:T, I tVnr \*orL’^ DiiKOSSI'/r cV HKOWN, r*., C DISMISSION MERCHANTS. •J.NO. I’OTTS liRdWN. Ai?.ma.\d j. DidlosstT, Jr. ]{. l'\ IJliOWN. ^ 1.VSH M'lvances will bo made on con.signment H of PiihIucc for sale either in Wilmington or N>w York, ami Cotton will be f'orw.-irdeil to the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. .March 2'J, 18.'>2. 7'i-lm Tho Suhscrihcr still} continues to carry on the C'.VRINMT 15U.SINFS.S in Fayetteville, and in addition to his I'lstablishment on | P)OW street, near Kccles's Rridge, 1 has opened a large \\.U’K ROOM on H:iy street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door Last of .Messrs. llaigh iS: Son's, where a siencral as.sortment of AND MAN I lA(TrnF.R OF PLAIN AND .JAPAN T/.V Tin Plato and Sheet Iron WorkTi. SH.WH in my employment competent work men, !ind am ]!rej)ared to do ,m11 kinds of work, either in C(.)PPI1R, Tl.N orSllllMT IRO.N. ‘ 1 have on hand all the necessary materials and machinery for making Factory (,'ans and Drums, an.l to do all kinds of factory work th.at ' can be done by any similar Kst.ablishment in the State. .Vlso, for sale, Patent Factory Can Rings. : varviii!r from to 1 1 inches; Drum Reads, v'cc. ■ R()OliNC, GFTTKR AND LFADMR PlI’llS put up in the best manner. .'\lso. just received, a full snjiply of COOK- IXCJ of the most approved patterns. Some of ihcin vcr,y large for hotel and [>lanta- tion use. JUsr/y" .VI ways on hand a good assort ment of Tl.N WARE. C. W. ANDREWS. ! South East corner Market Si]uare. May 1.3, 18.:)2. '.il-tf R R ARPER’S ^Lagazin'' for .Mav; As good as a C.iniedy, or the Tennessean's Story; Hue's Tr.ivels in 'I'artarv. Thibet and Chiim: iSecidlcctioiis of a Policeiiian; I'.xpericnces of :i Rarristi r; ('onfi'ssions of an .Vtt'.rno’: Heroine:* of Histi.ry: Children, their Ilydro.jiathic Man- acement. bv I'r. Shevr. .Msn, further Pi'ij.plics RIAC.ES and RCtitilLS e\u- offered in this ,,t'Familv P.;..lis. Rlai.k Rooks. Cap and Letter l>lace—over ^j'.Vioo worth—coin] Ictely finished. I R.,per.s, School Rooks, \c. .lust receiv.-.l hv .\11 of which I will sell ;.t very reduced inaces I J HALE .V SON. for cash or ncg.'tiaJile notes. j Mmv 12. So little attention has been paid to the call 1 - .— ' . _ — made by me after the fire d' the 2d -Jan'y, 011 ] \viiOLi:sAf.i: those indebted to me to call and settle, that 1 am induccd to offer the .above property at re duced prices to enable me to I’cliuild my (’arriage Establishment and continue my busi ness with convenience. I shall j>l:u-e iiotes in nrojicr hands for ccillee- tion, if not paid soon. 1 have all my accounts made ort to the 1st Jan'y l.'--'i2. A. A. .1/cKETHAN. -Varch 20. l.s.'2. 77tf 3iarl)I(? I'actory. Wach aasd •Jt'welry SJorr* L. 11. m{lu:r (k c(\, Iniiiiirtcrx, Mirvufitctiirf rs nr>d •Tnh/M'r^ WittrhcK, onl T'anry Have leas?d the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. iafe. Cantiehi, Rrotiier iVi Co., ^ou'!> :ih June 0, 18')2, PKOVISIONS, LR.S. RACON SlDE.s, 20!'O lbs. Lard, (N. ('.) 201JO lbs. Fresh Rice, 100 bushels '.Vhitw Corn Meal, oOO ** Corn, 50 hiili'it Eastern Hay, for sale low by U, liRANSON & SON. 0(1 tf CHKCKS, ON ALL TUE IN m'EmVlLLE NoricE. A I.L persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased at Floral College, are re quested to make immediate payment, i-ither to Mr. Hugh Mc.\ri( in the ueighborh;iod. or to himself in Cheruw. 1). R. ?'c.\UN. Chcraw, Dec. 20, ISnl. .)0-tf oij) Rvi-:. A NOTHER lot of Doctor Williams’s old Roc- tilied llye Wliiskey March 20i J. & T. WADDILL, 7 7-14’ FlUlMTURl^, Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices cnrresjionding with the times. .\lso, an assortment of Northern-made F[.'RN1- TURE. selected by himself, which will be sold at a verv moderate adv.-ince. DL'NCAN .McNEILL. Nov. 10, IS'il. astf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celciirated METALLIC RUIMAL CASES, which have been highly ’.ccommended by Willie P. .Mangum, Henry ('lay, Lewis Cas.«, Wm. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, w ho have examined and witnessed their utility. LESSONS L\ MUSIC.” III. WHIT.VKER would respectfully in- Ji • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He r"tui-ns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. •\11 p.iins sbiill be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. II. WHIT.AKER. August 24, 18.")0. 34tf SrAIJIl WII.LJAALS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I^oreisn mul S^omesHe Dr if (mOO{Ss^ IBM Fayetteville, TJ. C. J. M. ST.-Vim.] [.I. M. AVILLIAMS. ,\]iril 2S, 18-j2. tGtf Scco/ul Sprinir ty Sii/iuncr Stock. STAlVll W ILIJAMS L15S. WOOL wanted, bv U. BRANSON S(,)N.* ew Bv Tu'l) DOflliS II HCil k SDVS ST()KL, raycStt - .lan'v’ 20, 18.j2. •’)■>-] Ypd (JOODH. E arc now receiving onr usual stock of STAPi.E AND F.\N« Y r 1 . Which Jieing bought late in the season, (nio'-i of them at a considerable decline in ]irice. 1 we OCLD announce to their customers and are now ^reptired to sell them very low. I’lease the public generally, that they are now . call and examine. receiving large adtlitions of i Stnj>/e Drj/ GikhIa^ Shors, Bootii, to their early Spring purchases, to which they especiallj' invite the attention of country mer chants. , Orders solicited, and every exertion made to give satisfaction. S. W. Fayetteville, April 28. 18r,2. 80tf N. j{. s r.uriiucK, Troy, 1‘orA*, IRON FOrNDKli AND MACHINIST, Mnnii/acfurer nf Sti nm J////.'? and Boi/erx, Mi/l Geariu;/ nf all Jcimh, Ploiujhst, d'c. 1). & \Y. McLAURlN. 70tf April •'), 1S.')2. l»9S9?rfiitc€» ^I'HE .'KTN.\ Insurance (.'ompany of llart- -* ford, having ]>aid the tax imposed by tlie Revenue I.aw of the late Ltgi.slature, will con tinue its .\gency in Fayetteville, under the management of tl;e nndersi;i:ned, who is pre- 1 ]>ared to issue Policies of Insurance on Ruild- ings or Goods, either in this Town or in any j part of the State, on proper application, de scription of the Propcrt3', ;tc. The .ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about 80 years. Its capital is Ssi:{>0,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Rrace was its first Presiient, and lie still holds that oflice; and sever.il of its ^ JIHE undersigned, as tlie .\gent of the above B. Establishment, will order any articles | first Directors arc still active and eflicicntmem- wbich m.iy be wanted, m application to him. '"he Steam Mills manufactured l>y Mr. Star- buc'c have been tested, atid are highly approved on tlie Pltink Roads a’no'it Fa votteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW, -ij IdOit 20tf btrs of the Roard. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the f.rudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it lias ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. Marth 10, 18G1. «i-tf Eii.ll corner of C/nrrhK iim! JiuUhnore slrut'', (No. 227.) which thev are putting in complete onh>r for the WIKH.FSALE WATCH AND .1KV.HLRY RL'SINESS, to be opened about th* 2*'th of .July. In calling the attention of t'i*e trade to the* new concern, wc mentin the fact that we are ass-.elated with one of ihe most cxteii.'Jive. Jew elry Manufacturing Fstabli.shments in the c.un- ti'v. which must gi\e a .'.e''irl..(l advantage over ail others in this market I'e.r snp]il,ving dealers with Jewelry at manufacturerb' prices, a fc.qture in this Jiranch of trade loi'g since needed -be tween Raiiiinore and the .Soutlicrn and Westcru .Merchants. We desire to call parti-’ular attention to the Watch depiTiment. which will at all times be supplied with a great assortment from the mo.st celebratc-il manufacturtr.s, and kept in perfect riinniiig order, so that pun liasers may at once take them, with a wilttcn guuruijtee that they will jierforni correctly. This l)ranch of the l.mslness will receive tl.'c esjvecial attention of one of the firm, whose ex- ten.sive and jir.iciical kn.wledge of the businej»H will, we hope, give us u place in the fineoiidtvC ol bu y CI S, We respectfully invite yo’.i to call upcTi >in when you next vi^it our city, confidently be- liexing that an examination of our Goods wlil jirove to yfiu that they are better st,vles snd che.iper tlian v'on l ave e-.or seen in this msir’;et, and assure you that no eD’ort sliall be wai-tlng on onr }.art to make the Rcqu'j.intance oue of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO. Old ft.'iiid. formerly occupied by Cai'held, P.ro. ii Co., S. E. cor ner of (.'harles vS; I’ultiniore sts. Baltimore, June REFERENCE.'^: Messrs. V.'yeth, Rlacklock & Co. Ciwyn, Reid iS: 'J aylor. James Hodges Rrother. Hurst & Berry. Murdoch, Duer ^ Evans. Stellmann &. Hinrichs. Sangston & Co. Barthlow, Gwyn & Co. Pviely & Pendleton. Cushings & Bailey. Joli.i Murphy Co. .Moore i Grillln. SKW MC’SIC, tONSISTLNG of Soi:!r«. Polkas, Waltzea, iVe., >;cc. Jus; reccixed. E. J. lULE i SON. Ayril 11,