^Ttf ■ c„ ..' ' \ nnniv.,, • , ,. '""'••‘1 A, ■ -S ‘‘' '■*H\ti( H r,.' SEMI-WEBKIi Y. '.- 1! ‘'”n nc,»^ ’ I .V ■ •‘r«. f?. = i. H - ■ :lr-‘ . [VOL. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 27, 1852. [NO. 111.] N... IIN'TEI) r.Y J. B. NHWBV. \\\[{[) J. HALE & SOX, SDITOUS AND I’UOrUlKTOKS- *■'6 «r. ■ 0~. , :fN t’ . « A- I'.' I.'Im ■ ■ '.'1 1. tliei , 1 ir tlie Semi-Weekly Obskuvku !?4 UO if _ ill ;uUaiu-o; 50 if f.aiJ auiiu- the jey^cf sulisc-riiition: or ^ [1. hVceklv OnsKRVKK 00 per annum, if iln :i.lv!iiK-e: *- 50 if pai>J (iuriug tlic [(of subscription; or lJ-> 00 alter tJie year xpircd. EUl'lSlCMKNTS iii.xerteJ f.>r sixty cents lire for the tii st. ainl thirty eeuts for Ciieh !>ip puh!i'Ttt-'-n. Yearly a'l'ertixemcnt'! i.i! (■• iitr;ict#. at reasuii'ible rate?. AJ- rs are vequestnl to state the number of in. ilosiretl, or they w ill be eoutinue l till !, ;ui'l I'haried accoriiiiiiily. p Letters to the B'litors mu:t be post-paid. WAN I' oi' mom:v. .'-ii’M'ribtT o*r‘rs for s.'ile hi.s STFl.VM III.I.. I-' mill' from Kiiyettevi'’.e, ou the ,uik Koa.i. Jt is u:ine.*e>?..vy t> !>e the I'erl'ormanee ot’ the mill, as it will (iTvr itself. Also, lit likely Mules. ;! lloail an i 1 Tim'eer W all in ^Mod order. .7^ D. M. iii ii:. 17. V-:itpd ~ I'nSI Trade, I befits. Mifit'i'is *$• Nu. X ASS AT ^TiaiHT. m:\r the i-ust offu k, NSW YORK, f .r ('ASH or approved rilKl»lT, a c 'ii;j'U-ie arisortineiit of an;! B'aiicy llry lwOO(i«, Now in •''tiTi- and airiviii^' by every Steamer, in part of ;s.s (i(^iI*S. in every variety. T.VKFKT.V ^li’SAl'IN i;l Lli’ifan.-y J>» >.\ N K'i' and CAlt iil".i iNS. an ■ leirant as^ortniont lil..V'K 1 \M V Sl!.i;s. \V!irri-: t^erv : .n l.\fi:s AN1> r.Mr.llOlI I-.IUHS. s. Ml'lTS. ll;tli;KV. CKA\ AI'S, ,ve. riiit' iVniii the eoiiiitry aie respeetfclly ; . . Naniii.e our Stock. 1 8-'Jm SSirriii^. |ii, Urd.S. jus: ri'oo-ved and fir sale by \¥ e\)0'lv \ TA\ Lolt. 1'.'. ■"■VJ. vtf U9 1.ff-oii s.bs.b:.^ I'ih'-r ' *’'.Tr, l.,r J 'teanj' s.ipetior working II.- I.' W.i^i ’U and U-.ini '.'. Jti-^Kl’il U. P.LOSSOM. N. July 1»‘. '.‘-ilw ib (I. . r two ML Ll.S, with N‘.w r 1 1 1 - ■ r - . : . \v : V. M l> - 1 S.-eam.T -FANNY I.rTTf'.r.I.OH' ve Fayt-tieville every Monday aiid ti o'l; M-k A. M.. and leave Wil- i.-iys airl l-’rid.i ■. s. at lli w’eloek. : • n Mijnda v. r.'tli .luly. For I'as- | ivlit. she is i.ot surp.isseci by atiy i • G do'.vii, slie v.ill run T. S. LrTTEllLolf. ' , ] ''L'. ^tf ( KTisii siii:r;rL\(;s, t f : ..!e or lialf tale, for !«ale bv C. T. II.VIUII i'sON', IS'2. Mi’ roiix, ril.'SilLI,.'' bread Corn, well tanned auJ suun 1. I' r s.ile bv LI;KTK ^ joll:..(»N. —A LS(.)— country ilAiJUN, nilli a lot lii;e arrel.' DistiTiers' (Hue. —ALSO— ^u.; ,r; \c. For sale hv Ll.KTK .V .KMINSON'. 2>e.ir lae .^]al.^',■ House, m, 1 'J. ^-:^v SHOCCO SPUIXGS, AVAKHKN COl’NTV. NORTH CAUOLINA. r|||lHIS jdeasant Summer Retreat, easy of ac- I. eess, liandsomely fitted up, and neatly furnishcii, is now open for the reception of company. Shoeeo water. Sulphur. >Lapncsia, Soda, Lime, i.nd Kpsom Salts, is confidently recom- mendel by eminent physicians conversant with its proi'erties, as remedial in most diseases the human frame is heir to, and has conferred ^reat benefit on many invalids who have tested it. ■\ piod Hanil of .Mnsie will be in attendance ilurinii the season, ami the proprietor flatters himself that his fare, and attention to the com fort of his quests, will compare favorably with any other establishment of the kin(L ! lloaril. per day, li'), by the week at the ! rate of •'j:! per day. Families jtcr nu>nth. -iJiid: ^ single persons children ..ader I'J years ^ and servants half price. | SAML'KL GALVniT. ; June oO, lSo2. 4-bt SALE OK R1v\l1^S j rB^HK Subscriber offers for sale .'jODO acres j B. of pine and .«w;inip lands, in Allsaiuts j I'urish, South Carolina. j The land is cood for cotton or corn, and 3(>IH) i acres are now cut for turpentine, and in the ; third year of chippiiij;. There are three mill seats on the land, one jrrist mill in operation, and the diini and frame for a saw mill already made on a constant stream couveuient to an a- bundanee of tine timber. The j'reniises may I be reached :it ;ill seasons by water, in vessels. I Tiierc are two jiood iwellin}rs with all necr ss.i- ' ry out buildinirs. and L’(K) acres of cle.irvd land ' under fence. The t»'rms will be acconnnodat- j ing, fur whicii, anply to j TOM F. (HLLFSl'Ii:. ; CoUW.-iyboronjrh. .June IS-j'-’. 4-tjt | .^oli('c to Sliijtprrs hij uuvj of the Ft nr Rircr. and after the fii--t day of .July, prox imo, the deduction ol five per cent, from the estal)!i.vlied r.tfcs of Kreit;ht | « h« ii the b:.l [ i> paid within tliii-ty day.*i will be discontinued. Kvery bill will be coi.siiiered tiue when ren- : dered. each Com[iaiiy roervinu: the right to charge interest ou the same fvir any delay iii payment. .'^aijijx-rs of Naval Stores from this ]>laee art- notified that the uniler>i^ntd uiil receive and store, in '.ampbelit''U. Sjjiirits Tarpenline at lU cts. per bbl.. and will ^ive receipt for each load as it coir.es in ai;>l shio as instructed, the own- i er payinjr dra\.i:re, wii.ch will be .'i ets. p- r bbl.; and wiii h.-ive o.iircis coopered or re packed, ' when the interest of slilppcrs re piires it, at ac tual Cost, cliargcalj’.e to o«ni-r'. The iiitercjt of bu.-it ow nerM and shipjiers alike revjii'.rcs a rcguiuiiou of this kind. JNo. 1). WiLLLV.MS, -\i:e!it Cajie Fear .'Steamboat Co. U. .M. OKIILLL. .\'ient Ileiirii it.i .'^teamboat Co. T. S. L! TrKKLdH, I’r iprietiT .'icrcL.ints' Steuiiiouat Co. Junp 2--^. 1 ■ ’>2. 5 ;'m DO^ riip uiuh'rsiirntMl. as For- wardinjr ,\;ients on their individn il accfuiiit, re spectfully give notice, th.at they will continue ‘ to receive and forward ti.iods from their re.--pec : live \Varehou.'^•'^ at tlie Uiver .uhere the dray- ■ npi- saved to .'l;ii'[ier.' is luil H* per cent, on iLe freight billi for a comml.'.>i"ii oj' jiercent. on tlie lliver frcij^iit bill an 1 diay.i^e. I'l.i.'i haiige to t,ike e^cct on the 1st dav of .Vu_Mi?: next. .JN(). li. u'lLM.VM.S. K. .M. o!;iu:lL. T. S. LLTTKl’.LOIL •fune 2?. 0-;‘>ni NOTICE. .''ubscriber liavingussoeiated with liim- B- .self in bnsinc.ss his son .Matthew, the busi ness will hereafter be couducteil umdr the name and style of .M. N. l.,e!iry iS: Son. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal p:it- ronage hitherto e.xtended to him, respectfully solicits a continuation of the same in behalf of the new Firm. All those indebted to the undersigned, either by note t>r account, are earnestly reijue.sted to settle the same as earlv as possible. .M. N. LKARV. Fayetteville, June 7, 18o2. i.t7-oiu wiLLini 1. (;\vvl;ri, I'OUW A IM)1N(; AND c().M\ussio\ mi:rciian r, WILmiWGTON, N. C. SON.VL attention given to the sale or shipment ( f Naval Stores. I have amjilc facilities for coMducting the business; large wiiarf and sto;-e sheds to keep spirits from expisure. N.-ival stores will be shipped to any house in New York, (ir to other markets if advisable, and liber.il cash aiiv.-inces mailc on coiisigumeiits. 1 refer to the following distii’icrs; K. Hannum. Wayne County, ('handler Hall, Johnston (’o., Lovett I'eacock, Columbus Co., R. H. l$ar-!cn. Tho.s. L. \'ail. Hhiden “ Mfssrs. .''’miih. \ Ingram, Johnston Co., .Messrs. Z. \ .loin s, •* .Messrs. !''mith i: Jvioes, •* Spencer Fountain, LS'[., *- l.evi liailey, F^s-.p, May ‘JO, 0:?-yj)d NOTICE. WE will buy any lots of Spirits Turpen tine offered in this market, and will receive and ship for distillers to New York or elsewhere, affording the usual shipping facilities. J. & T. WADDiLL. June 3, 18o2. %tf- llotcliki$i>M’«i Verlical Water Wheel. TffERE are several hundred of these Wheels ill operation in dill'erent counties in North (^irolina. For proof of tiieir great advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any otlier wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently | refer to those who have ajijdied them to their | mills. We can recommend them particularly | -1' fur their superiority in cases of a low head of \v!>tpi- or back water. ! S'l'EA.MKU SOrTlII-JJNI'.R ILL leave Fayetteville every Wedne.-da_v and Satunlay, at 7 o'clock. .A. .M.. aiul arrive in Wilndngton at 7 o'clock. 1‘. M. .\nd will le.ive ilmin::ton every .Monday and Thurs day, at lli o'clock, .\L, and arrive in Fayette ville ni;-\t morning. II. JL OKUELL, .Agent. Apiil .lOlLN !). WILI.IA.MS, i'oiiuttissiott Fo rtrarfthi^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. IS.'.U- FOli SA!,i:. ('I »N. Fcb'v 0. ls.'-2. ♦UUf •J().( ■()) \h. \ W J. 1). WILLI VMS. (>:;tf H i/l In’ Ji> I ri I )/ hi/ (hv Just lU l!i lihrr, TONS of SV EDi:s IKON, by E. C. H .VLL, of Ri'iiie. Oct. IS. is.-,i. a\NlLL pay oj cts. j>er pound e.ish for all clean cotton and linen ll.ViiS. delivered to J. 1j. Williams, in Fa_\ citevilie. I am iiu-ar'y re.-idy to ]iut in opiration a I’aper ALII in this neighbui'hood. aiul am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My ob.ect is to pay as much tor rags as I c.;n atior'l, and hope that 1 may not he forced to di.-taiit markets for my supjilies. 1 La\e ;irranged uiih .\lr. \* illiams to receive and jiay for all rags ilelivercd to him. b.WlD .MLiirilY. r.'tyettevil’.e. Feb'y ‘J-f, ISoL'. OS-tf .!Fs r in:ci:i\ Ki). .\1L.N'.> and Loys' S.\L)Dl.i^S. of every Q ijU.ality ami stvle. .^^onie very fine W- so, Uridics, Collars, Whi]'S.iiul W.-igon H.irness. IJv E. C. H.ALL, of Home. *(M. iv.i. ;i2tf JllAi l'il !i. liLDNMI.ll, V o 73 n I I o \ AND FORWARDING IVIERCHANT, tyi}'" I’rojupt p* r.-on.al attention given to all (’onsignmeiits. and t'a.-h advances m.ade on l’,-o- ■ lui'e to be ahipj L-d to other ports or sold in this market. heb. lL>. IS.'.J, C!y n\!LV 'n:i). fsjj TON.'' of ll>)r lltO.N, suitable f(jr Spirit barrels, by Oct. 1'^, IS.')1. E. C. H,\LI., of Koine. 3i>tf j;v. : ■ * er '■ d. e ■l:teli!, ty W-: - ' to Al'i'l.K’ i'Kl). U::a1)! V Vi, iloi's;:. t*-ttt.ii-iuM i.> * JiL* '1-; I’r. Kir.kflin, U’ c-*ri;rr ,.r ‘3'liinl Pi: j ult'iplii.t. V'tl l’M A v'2un.u> lit? •i«* iIj. li'tvhlion.— i'lii* ii' oiv jii'l wiih *Mi ilif inliriini Kiwi !«'» i»f ihp ii U* )uuih. •*. ;iri(i liV ail. a.lv I H .‘tu) vv trnip'j It ::iv Jiinl 'Ulicrinj. ajid an '-“I rar».iii*>, liy rt-Julinjr ii. v^.!I ‘ • '..I ih*? iU -*irU‘ i.»»n iiMMr in a !♦ N \V n| ‘rii.r1 aiul i im»u .'‘tret*!-*. UJHit-r jmt r*?- I er- ti' it a ill t itr-p a(it!re''- iJr. K. bv *1. : • rt r..I a *t iiit'ilt 1)1*'^ i;m ^ f^r r>r\v:inle(l l>y ‘iir-U: I!. . . Mti.l y.\i\ ii|, ln»in tl.n,»:»£»#•. r;,tn i rv ai.il .ill T .NO'l'Ri;. ’1IU- undersigm'd continues to manufacture on h.ind gna-e J;J to gali .ii.-:, aii'J are made of the be.i-t .-easoned white o.ik. Idsiillers want ing a go*, d article, will do well to call and ex amine. oiitracts to deliver Marrels for the ne.\t twelve niuiiths made on fa’.orable terms. T. S. LLTTEKLoll. March 22, 18r»2. 7otf fv N.-V iih ill;' i»rk ai VI ry Uiw rate> U- { li:iT )( >i\ S. i iTid Jj llewit: ,-e p;ei«de!l 'I I, K IlOST"; r.unn- or . I. ‘ 1 J 1 F - IH Ks. ik. . .rica. illu:>tr* p r;v, .,r I’'"*’*"". ‘ Ic; .-ii icijc**. .. eicll'' " 1*'' ■ - .er— j p.ctic** ! * I' v' ’ ill ' ' V* vi.r t I.3Vi:iC COtll»|, VI\T. Djltjieptia, ChruiitC >r Sfrcou:> Di:hUi- ij, DifenKe of tU' ilU. ;i.( ' troin a ili'orilrri il l.iver nr Sin- Mli li Hi ('iiM'ilp itioti. l-||ilnes>. nr I'>I>hk| tn ihe ^^llll^y i)t the Sloiiiai’h Ili' irlUtini, lii*- tr i-'ifu] l-'ullne.*'> or VWip'il in rh*- r^Oininch, s-)i|kiii“ or KlllUfriii" at the |nt nl' ihe .~lo- !'» iininiii)i ot' till) litsail. Ilurrieii kihI nil hia” I'luiHTiiiB Hi the lleiri. Uokiiii! ur ai- ii'.iiiiiii' M hen in H lyint (io«tiire. Dltnnc'- nt \ i- liiil- or eli« hcliir*? the .'^ij'lit, Kfver, liull (i.oii II** id. lietifteiicy t»r rer-^pir;*!!!!!!. \Vlltiu (,(' Iv.a aiitl lAtfi. I*.on in the riid**. Il;irk. t'he-'t. . 4ci-, Siiiltleii KIii'Ik-> of Ileal. Ilnrnini.' in the "ii'ioil laia^iinny-i nl'Kvil, Hiiil (jieat Dejirus- ,)irit-, Ih . iii .llynire.l l>y l»R II(K)KI,CKI.K- .\ i i-i) (;ki:ma.\ i:i rri;i;.. i'r.'i>oHd i.y u. -cm. Ml itiK (trinitn .Mtdicine .-^tore, .\n. 1‘Jit .\fch riiiht(li'l|ilii:i. r (mu er over tlie Jilmvr iliseH«es is not errelUd, if ■J. L'|/ :my oihi r |ire|i::r.itii>n in the riiiU;il .~l;itev. iirts alU'l, in iiiaiiy tii'us alter >killiil pliyiitiaiis iieli -I- IJitter'Hri; worthy the ittlentioii of invaliils.— -'Iij; irreat virli:e> in liie ri riiluMimn i>f ili^cases of 11 r levM r i'lniiils, t-ifrri'iiiu :lie ii.>i.>l 'e^ircli I fn \\ e;i kiie>s hihI M lie*' Linn a of the lii!e.>i iyc nr- ■ .. .ire wlttMl, safe, cert.iiii, anil |)lea>aiil. i:i; \i) .\.M) KK » ».\\i.\( i;i). I rniii lilt l!(»loii J>cc. ' liiiiir -Hill. Der. "ijil— •i""M 'iiii s VIeliraled (lernmn liilter' fnr the rare f • ' iiipl.oiu. J.iiiiidice. l»y>(M |i.»i:i. • lironic or .Ser ' , I - ile-erv eilly one of ihe most |N>|n:l.ir iiieil 'riie»e llilten h>ive lieeii iiM il iij :hnii- ml ai nur elhow says he tins hini'elf re ■Ol eilci til ,1 Hiiil |)eriiiiineiit cure of l.iver Cota trniii ill,. i,„. ,,, reiiieily. We are tonvincial in the >i»i: III ihe^t! Iliiter, Ihe patient coii>l.inlly reiiL'th :oid vi"iir—a l.u i uorthy ot "real con.'i|le- I hej are pleasant in IhnIh anil smell, and i;.iii he nj pir^nii', with tlitf most delicate sloiinctu with oij i irriiii|s|i,iires. We .tre ^(«■akill).' Im.ii prieiice mid lo the alHii ltd we advi.-e their ti.>e.” "k well to the marks of the )!enuiiie 'I'hey liHVt; Ill'll >(5iiatnre nl .M. Jarkson n|Miii ihe wraplMT, lUie iMiii-liliiH 11 in ihe hnttle, willioui which Ihey fl'.ir.nu-. I nr i«le. \vliole.'»ale and relail, iil iliy .i;k.\i.\.\ .Mi;i)i(.i.\K Ul Arih Mreei. iine door heluw Sivih, Hhila.. »nd ■I"' I'till ileal(T> )>enerall> throii;i>.ail the cniintry. " l..r „.U hy S.\M'|, J. lll,\.U.\i,K. Kayetteville. i ll . Ageni^ lt»r iVnrlh and Suuih (.‘ari/liuji, iiAUUAL CO., Ciiaritaton, b. C. Summerville Male and Female Seminary, r§[^Hl> Fail Session of this School will open ■- on THL’liSH.VV. let day of July iiCAt, and close on hist of .November. The services of some very accomplished lady will Vie secured, of which due notice will be given. hrmsof TniliDU jtrr : romiiion English r.ranches •'?!') '>0 Higher -• “* 8 oO Latin aail (Jreek Languages 10 oO Extra. Frencli Language !• 00 .Music on I’iano 1”) 00 1 Use of instrument ‘2 ’>0 Hrawing, painting. &c., »%c. T) 00 i lio.'ird in the Village from $7 to !j!>i per 'nonth. A. IJ. .McLLAN, I’rincip.il. Summerville, N. June 12, lbi’>2. l-(iw ('af)inrt Fttr/tlturr, ('httirs, ^ g TII F. suliscriber is r ceiving the larg'-st :ts- S sortmeiit in his liiie ever bef'ire ; iircliased at the N-'rtli. which, together with ids own man ufacture. makes his Stock very complete, con sisting of (’liiii’.s, T.iljli s, Sof’.ts, lii'iIstL'iulff, \\ asl) iS‘u;inls, IJiiri'aiis, L utkiii^ ila.-.i'.s, Si.li; IJ i.inl.s, Sc-cri taries, i.V:c. All of w hich w ill be sold on the lowest terms foi Cash, or on short time to pnnetu:il ctustomers. JOilN U. RAKFll. Oct. 30. 1N31. o-Jtf XVILKINSON vV ESIJ'IU, DK.VLKILS IN Col}/‘/.i-fioiiiin/, J''u/'ri'jn Frint., A (//.'■, 7'>- Odi'i v, nml Snajf', AND 1MI’011T1:US OF N5 c»r::ia>2t ii\va\a AT WIlDI.K.'^AI.i; A.M) KKTAII.. Market St., Wilmiiistoaj Iff. C REDUCED FAUE. ^H^HIU)r*H Tickets between Wilmington. N. ■_ C.. and liiiUimore. Fine $i;L Via Wel don, rotersbiirg, Kichmomi, and Washington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth ami Norfolk. For Tickets tij'ply at the Office of the AVil- mington and U:ileigh R:iil Road ('omjiany, at Wilmington, or tit the Office of the lialtimore Steam Packet Company, and of the IJaltimore anil Ohio Rtiil Road Company, I’ratt Street, IJaltimore. Jun. 1, 1S52. M. OUUELL, FORWARDING nnnilSSIDN )lKRril.\M AT Fayetteville, March 10, 18i'l. 62-tf i>r. T. D. H A I U Il7 n.\S taken an Oflice on H:iy Street, West of the ILitel IJuildings. July 14, ISol. 4-tf A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALi:. ^■IHK Subscriber now offers f r sale iiU liis -fl. Turpentine and Farming L.A.Nl). contain ing about (U0 -\crcs, situated 12 miles Ksist of Fayetteville, on the (loldsborough road, com monly known as I’almyra. It has a good dwelling hou«e. out-Vutildings. \c.. and a store where a large aimmnt of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, vVc. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion. cun applv on the premises, to J. w. MritPHV, or 1’. TAV1A)H, Fayetteville •July 2l)th, 18.')I. Stf oH' ai Cost: (.RICA'r 15AR(;a1NS! Tlic suLscriber is desirou.s >t‘ eiiaiisiiiir his business, and wishes to sell off his present stock of tioods immediately, consisting in jmrt of St(tpl(' find Fanrij Drif doods^ F.mbracing a tint* stock of Ladies’ I>ress (ioods, iSan-ire. IJ.arege !.e- Laitis. Hotted .and ]ibiin Swiss Muslins, colored ditto. Harred. .laconet and Cambric Muslin-^: col’d Summer Silks. .Vlso. a general iis.sortment of black and col d Silk lire-ses: a large as>ortment of Hosierv". .Also, ('loths. Cassimcres. Tweeds. Jeans, and S.atti- nets. A general assortment of .Summer wear for •'■eiitlenien: all kinds of Linen gootls. .\'so, a l.irge stm k of lioots and Shoes. Hats. Ronnets. rml>ri-rias and l’ara^o!.-. Hardware and Crockery. Wines .‘tnd F'rench lir.-indy. The iibove stock is offered :it the mere cost here. Country .Merchants and all otlu rs buy ing Cioods in this market, will do well to call :ind e.xamine. as I am determined to sell aiifl close out my present stock, which is large and fresh, and well selected. W. S. L.\TTA. April H'. IS'2. S;Uf General Agency and Commission Business. Ill F. Subscribers have this d.-iv' entered in- a capartnersh'p under the style of j WHir.VKKl’,. WHITFIF.LI) ('O., for the purpose of doing a general agency and C' tumi.'sion iiusines.-^. ami in offering their ser vices to the piiblii: in that capjicity they fiatfer I tl.emsclve;. liiat they will be able to give satis- I facti on to all those who may consign any go'.'ds, 1 wares. merchatidt7.e oroountry prtnluce to them ; either to sell 'it commissions or forward. .Vs I it will be our greatest aim to please, we pledge I ourselves to sp.-ire no pains in trying to give j general .'atisfaction. They respectfully solicit I the patronage d' their friends and the public generally. Their store is No. .T Nortli \\ater .Street. Diekinsotrs Fire-i'roof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN K. WHITAKF.R. JAAIES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. R. SOlTHALL. Rr:Ki;itKNCKs:—John H.-vwson, Potter vV Kid der, O. (i. Parsley. Samuel lleery ic Sons, G. U. rrench, and Lilis \ .Mitchell. Jan. 2*.i, lb^2. (>l-tf lAtnd ir (irrants H (tntrd. rg^Hi; highest Cash nin-Ks paid for any fL number of'Land Warrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. ROSE. Agent. Fayetteville, .April 14, ’S.')2. t2tf water. We still keeji a supply of AVheels, suitable for difierent heads of water, at Wilmington, New- berii, AVashiiigton, Edentrm and I'ayetteville. The wheels may also be had of K. A. Hrev.-ird, Lincolnton, and Uriah Weils, Petersburg, V.t. Persons w ishing to obtain the right to tise the wheels,* will be served on apidicatiou to D. .AIcNeill li Co., Fayetteville, N. C. D. McNElLL. A. A. .AIcKETHAN. 1). J. McALlSTF.ll. Feb’y 22. 1849 of if SPR!\G A\i) \mm (ie«cs For I T ^HE stiliscriber would call the attention of his friends, itnd the public iu general, to I one of the l.irgest varieties of ! Spritiis ond SiiDDiicr (toods Ever oflered by him in tliis market, .-'.mong ' his assc.rtment may be found:—(ientlenien's ■ HliKSS HATS, to-wit; Kos.-'Uih, .Voleskin, Rea- ! ver. Silk, Rru.>h and .Angtda, w ith a completi* ! iissortment of all i>tlier kinds of F’ur tiud Wool I Hats usually found in this market. I —A LSt )— i Straw fJoods in itbinulance. to-wit; raiiama. ! Rice Straw, Pedal, Ciiina Pearl, Leghorn (Kos suth style) and I’alm-leaf H.\TS, for Gentle- Slirni (’AROLIW (’0)]1MN\ OF CH.VRLE.STON, S. C. ' 1HARTEKED by tlie State of South Caroli- , Vouths, Roys and Infants, na, with a Capit:il of .'ji2o0.')00, all [laid in —ALSO— Fire, .Alarinc, River and , y ^rood JlSSOrt- nient of P>oots & Shoes, for / and well invested. Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTON, Pres’t. A. L. Tobi.\s, See’y. DIRECTOHS: Rowkut M.\rtis, Col. Jamks Gaurdex, M. C. .Muuiikcai, Cii.vs. H. 'Vkst. y. Mowin', Jr. Hk.m.v Coui.\. The subscribers having been appointed agent* in this jilace for the above named comjt.'iny, are ]ircpared to receive offers and issue policies of Insurance on Fire, .Marine. River :iiid idle Itisks, 011 liberal terms. .All losses incurred at this agency, will be promptly adjusted and ]>uid bv the undersigned. HeROSSLT & RP.OWN. N. Ii. Ilisks will be taken on the Lves of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmington, X. C., .March 27, 1852.—77-f)m .UU!i!.\i; & I'Oi ADill. ^>ita£fbrd, i lark A: llivon, Mu n n/di fim rs ti f uH of Horse I*ow> rs (un! T}(rt sin iiij Ma Ii I PortnLle (iml SlotI'litiirijWmil Cmdiir/ Mti- f/tuics, Sti'ini' Ciitli rst of' nirioiis jHt'ttrns, ]\ Iifnt lunis. Mill (iiuf J-’iirton/ (iter. Scar oik/ Grist Mill irons, n„rk Mills, K,lje Tools, il'c. tpr. ('•. (ientlemen, Ladies, .1/isses, Vouths, Roys, Children, and Servants; all of which will be oiFered on very ac commodating terms for the Ready Cash, or to those that are v.illing to cash tLcir accounts v'l.en )u esei.ted. JOHN C. THO.I/SON, I South-west corner J/arket Sipt.ire. .Varch 29. L«-'.2. 77tf s'n)TT\GE. E have conin.odious brick Warehouses NOriCE. fWIHE pnrfnership heretofore existing uudev H the name of J. H. A: R. F. .Murphy is this dtiy dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebteil lo the firoi, by unto nccouiit, are requested to call at U. F. Mui- phy’.s. and settle before the 1-jth of February ue.vt, and thereby save cost. And those haviiitJ claims against t4ie firm are rei^ucstcd lo preseiit tlieiu immediatelv. J. W, MUKPIIY'. K. F. MURPHY. Jaa’y 2ti, 18r)2. ’.Otf Spirits of 'I'lirfX ntiftf wtintcd. ^8^0 persons having SjdritB Turpontino ft* -B. sell, we !tre in tin* market to buy; ur w» will receive and s’tiiji to any inarkj^t tiie owner may desire, and make liberal adviiioed on coa- sigruneut. COOi: & TAYLOR. May 0, 18.j2. S8tf Price (>r£Ia;;x adrasiced. Iii. ttr-'ON.S who have made contract.H with J. F. Jordan I'i Co. for furnisiiintr R.AOS, are hereby informed, tliat '.ve will pay cents per lb. on .-ill Cotton Rags, Hojie and Ra^j^ing. delivered lo us i-fler thin ibilc. if RRANSON .V SON. March 11. Its.j2. 72tl' E3DGEWORTH Oreeusborough, W. ~C. - IHE Twelfth year of thi.-> Instiiution will M commence on Mt'NiiAY, thi* 2d day ot .\Ultl.'ST iie\t, ami fiiiiilnate upon the lust ot* ■Mny following. The si.hi)I:.stio year i.^ divided into Sessions of five months each, wiih a lectrs of a few liays only at t'liristmas. 'I'he priui.-iry tle»ign of this Institution is lo secure to iis i«ujils every t’acLity for the fif- iti the rear (d' our .Store, in wiiich we (piisitii n of ii solid tiiid ortiaiaenial education. ttore cotton and other produce. 1>. \ W. .McL.M'lMN. Nov. 1, 1851. .'^7-tf .NO'i'ICF,. IT ILL be sold at the Court House diwir in Clinton. Sam]'''on county. N. on Moii'lay the Itith d;iy of .Vugust ne.xt. a part of one hundred aiul forty acres of L.\NI>. belong ing to heirs of I’idiraim Page, joining the lands of Leonard !odwiu and others, for Taxi'S for two years, and cutts, according to act of .Is- seiiiblv. THOS. UNDEilWOOl), Sheriff. Julv o, l8-'i2. 7 dt i-’liTATt: or A. «:A3£«LgAA, j COLU.MIU S COUNTV. '^HEV respectfully inform their customers Court of I'lcas ami Quarter .Session.-^, Mav 'J'l nil, 1 >.*>2. Neill Chiincy. ttnd wife Eli/.abeth. Robert l’>;\ld- win. Mary Uaidwin. ri. Nancy I’aldwin, .James Laidwin, Thos. S. Memory, and wife Hachel. Petition iVr Division of Slaves. The Prircip.'.l is aided by a c of abi''. i;.-> compli.'hed. and thoroughly cpir;Iifi»‘'l teKchi'r.^. For * 'irciilars uni other purlicalar.^' relutixj to the Seiiool apjdy to. i’i-of. illCH’I) Si'LKLING, Priricip;d I'lLRFM.AN ;TaN~o7 rSlIIE undersigned are pro; nred to furnish, .S. at siiort notice, the gemi’ne PERUVl.\N (.!U.\NO, in any re,juirt«d quantities n!id on thu niost favorable terms. Persons wauling si’p- jilies. wi’.l plea.-re s;-nd their orders ns sooa us liractic.ible. Payments in nil cases tj 1>6 C.ISH, when the article is deiiverod. REVi:LILY ROSE it S(..\\ Julv ‘J. lH.':i. and the puidic, that they continue to car ry on tiieir business at their .Machine .''hop. near SNOW t'.\MP, .Vlamaiice county. North Carolina, where they are prepare.I to exectitc all Work in their Hhc with neatness, punctu.ili- ty an>] desp.itch. With !in increased variety of tools :ind labor-saving machinery added to our establishment the p:ist winter.—a well selected assortment of materials put-chased at the low est cash ]'rices.—workmen of ktiowii skill aiid ability, together with long exj.erience in the fiusiness,—fully justify us in saying, as to (lual- ity and price, our work has not. will not. and tT a])pearing to the satisfaction of the Court, iu this case, tiiat .lames Paldwin. one of the l»efeudants is not a resident of this ^^tate: It is therefore Ordered, by the I'ourt. that publi- l ation be made for si.\ successive weeks in the Fayetteville tibserver. for the said Jatiies llald- win to be and a]i]>e.ir at the ne.xt Term of tliis sliall not. suiter in comparison with any other (,'ourt to be liolden for the (.'■.iinty of Columbu.s .'''hop in the .outh. at the Court House in hitevillc, on theSecoml (Jratcful to the public for past favors, they Monday in .\ugtist nest, then and there to an- ' solicit a continuance of their patronage. swer, plead, or demur to said ]'etitie.n. or the N. R. Ple;ise send your orders soon, as our same '.ill \>e jjro con/fx.io as to him, and heard accordingly. ^Vitness. Tlios. M. Smith. (’lerk of our said Court, at OiMce in Whiteville, the second .Mon- dav in Mav, lS.j2. THOS. .M. SMITH. Cierk. 100-Gw NO'nCE. rg'^HE P;;rtnership liorefoiore esi'itir.g in .fi. Lumbertou. between the undersigned, in this fhiy dissolved by mutuHl consent. Thoo-i imlebted to the firm v\id jdeuse call on J. V>' .McKay, at Luniiierloii, who is auiiiOrued iu Set.ic the coiiceni. JOHN A. ROWLAND. CILREUT W. McKaY. Luinberton, Feb. 2.3, 1S52. S50 llewnrd. motto is “first c >me first served.” Letters ad- (iressed to the suliscribers, :it Snow Camp, N. will receive )>rompt attention. STAFFOUl), CLARK & T>INON. M.irch lS-'>2. 71-tjni W. ANDHEWS, Wealer in ^tove?*. ^OVtlrr § I V/ia i of ^fSon ci/I fWlLL sell my Sl'J/ML'Ji J! two miles from the .I/arket, on the Fav'ette- ville and \\ estrrn Plank Load—one oi the most de.iraMe and healthy places in tiie county. \N.\W.\Y from me in CecembtT lavt, my negro man .''^OI.OMON, who is GuppoHetJ be lurking between Mountain Creek snd i>rowtiiiig Creek, about Morrison county lino quarter, or P>arrett’s quarter in Moore county. S.iid boy is about .".O years old, quite darii, ipiick sjioken, full set of teeth, full 6 feet high, and no mark of the lash as recollected. 1 -will give Fifty Hollars for the delivery of said iiogro to me at my house, or Twenty-fiv* iJollars in anv jail so that 1 get him. .MAHTIN RUSH. McCalluni’s Store. ^Montgomery Co., 1 , April 9, 1^02. r AP.PER S Magazine for May; As good K-i Ji (,'omedy, or the Tenucs.seai.’3 Story; ~ - — Thibet and Chinn; Hue’s Tr.ivels in T.-irtarv, Mk 18o1. 11 If H. I.. 110LiMi:s, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on corner of Front and I'rincess streets, under Journal oflice. Dec. 12. 4S-tf [•'I Ih.* I Hllli H iliii lllfllilii ^HE undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of .Summer ville, the vicinity, and the public generally, that she has opened a JKIL’SE OF I'.VTl'RTA IN MiniT, where she will be jdeased to accommodate till who may call o.^: her. The Village is pleasant and healtlif ul, hti house large and commodious. No pains will be spared to remJei- agreeable and conilort.ible any who may favor her with a call. She is ttlso prepared to accotnmodate with R.iard from 1-') to 20 Students. Price of Hoard per monih. F.. R.VlLEi. .Summerville, N. C., June 18, 18.3*^. 1-tf I'KOVlSiO.NS, iOOO June S, 1852. LR.S. RACON SlUE.S, 2000 lbs. Liird, (N. C.) 2000 lbs. Fresh Rice, 100 bushels White Corn Me.nl, f>(J0 “ Corn, 60 fjulrt Eaiitern Ila}', lor sale low by 11. RRAN.'SON & 80V. ■JO tf CHECKS, UN ALL THE UANK.'S IN FAYEl'TEViLLE liliOW N Dr:ROSSET, \'ork, DkPvOSSE'F BROWN, mV. f’., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .JXO. I’OTTS ]>IUiW.\. Ar.ma.N1> j. DkIIosskt, Jr. I{. 1’’. Buow.n. tf I.V.'^H ailvances will be made on consignment tif Produce for .sale either in Wilmington I or New York, and (’otton will be forwarded to the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. March 22, 18.j2. 7G-«m NO ricir 4LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods jiurchased at FToral College, are re- (|uerfted to make immediate p.iyinent. either to .Mr. Hugh .Mc.Vrn in the neighborhood, or to liiniself iu Cheraw, D, B, McARN. Chertiw, Dcc. 20, 1851. SO-tf OLD RYE. A NOTHER lot of Doctor Williams’s old Reo- tificd Rye Whiskey. J. & T. WADDILL. Marcii JO, 77-tf 'I'hc Sul>scrihor still continues to cari-y on the (7.VR1 NET RU.SINESS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establish nent on Row street, ne.ir Kceles’s Rriilge, has opened a large \V.\IIE ROO.M on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one dotir East of .Messrs. Haigh & Sou’s, where a general assortment of FUlliMTURIO; .Made by competent iind faithful workmen, may be h:i(i at prices corresjionding with the times. .\lso. ill! assortment of Northern-made FURNI- Tl.’RE. selected by himself, which will be sold at a very luoderiite advance. DUNCAN McNEILL. Nov. 10, IS-'i. 38tf E keej>s on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celebrated METALLIC RURIAL CASES, which have been highly recommemled by Willie P. Mangum, Henry Clav% Lewis C.-iss, Win. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have e.\amined and witnes.sed their utility. LESSONS L\ MUSIC. H. WHITAKER would respectfully in form the cilizens of Fiiyetteville and vi cinity, thiit he hiis again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He r?turns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humblj' solicits a continuance of the same. All pains shall be taken for the udvuncenient of his pu]iils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. II. WIIIT.AKKR. August 24, 1850. 34tf L15S. WOOL wanted, by IL RRANSON k SON. 88tf AND MAXri’ACTrUKi: of pl.vin AND JAPAN TAV fopptT, Tin Pldle and Sheel iron Worker. SH.WE in my employment competent work men. iind am prepared to (hi all kinds of v\ork, either in COPPER, TIN or SHEET IKON, i I have on h.-ind .-ill the uecesoary materi.-ils , and machinery for making F.ictory t’ans and Drums, and to do all kinds of factory work that | can be done by any similar Establishment iu ' the .^tate. ! .Also, for sale. Patent Factory Can Rings, j varying from St to 14 inches; Drum Heads, i.S:*. > ROOFINCi. GUTTER AND LEADER PIPES ' put up in the best manner. j ■Also, iust received, a full supplv of C))K- ixc; sTovi>, of the most approveil jiatterns, . some of them very large for hotel and jilanta- ‘ tion use. .\lways on hand a good assort- : mentofTlN WARE. ! C. W. ANDREWS, | South East corner Market Square. M.iy 15, 1852. l)l-tf | ~ STAliR lV WlLLlAMSr WHOLESALE DEALfuRS IN i Foreign and Domestic M^ry Ooods^ iiAi !«iTRi:r.T, ! Fayetteville, IJ. C. J. B. STARR.] [j. M. WiLLlAlM.S. .\pril 28. 1852. ville Hotel Stock. With the l:irgest sfick of Ready-maile C.\R- IU.\(iES and HUGGIF..'' ever oti'ereil in this place—over S^odOt) worth—coiiij.letcly finished. .All of which 1 VIill sell at very reduced priccs for casl. or negi.tiable notes. So little attention has been paid to the call niitde by me after the fire >f the 21 .)an"y. on those indebted to me to call and settle, that 1 !im induced to oflcr the above jiroperty at re duced prices to enable me to labuild my Carn.-tpe Kstal)li.«linieiit and continue my busi ness with convenience. I shall place notes in iirojter hands for collec tion. if not paid soon. I haxe all my iiccount.-j made out to the 1st Jun'v 1^.'j2. A. A. .»/cKETH.\N. .1/arch 2'J, 1852. 77tf M a r h 1 e F a c t o r y. — i: )i#. L, May 0, IbO;}, 8i-,tf SP!11X; (iOODtS. "^^7^ E are now rcceivincr our usual stock of TW STAPLE AM) FA.NCV O O O l> S, Sccond Spring *V ^nm?ncr Slock.' Kootn, M|ioef«, Itoisnef^, s.:'!' \ l>l» ^ W'll I I \ M ti i Which being bought late in the sea."oii, (most ^ 1 •' IV IV Ou \ ♦ I J J1 1 iM ^ ,,f them at a consiilerable decline in price. i we w OULD announce to their customers sind are now prepared to sell them very low. Please the public generiilly, that they are now- receiving large jidditions of Stdjile Drj/ (iooth^ Shoes, Boots, (v-., to their early Spring purchases, to which they especially invite the attention of country mer- | chants. | Orders solicited, and every exertion ntnde to I give satisfaction. S. it W. 1 Fayetteville, April 28, 18.j2. 8*itf | N. R. S'FARiaCK, Troy^ .Ve*r \*ork^ IRON rOUNDKll AND 3IACHlNIbr, j scription of the Property, &c. Monii/ucturer of Steam Mills and Boilers, The vETNA (,'OMPANY has been in operation Mill Ocarina of all kind», rimiahSfd'c. hibout 80 years. Its cjtpiul is )$:S00,000. _ I The Hon. Thos. K. Rnice w as its first President, f jl'lllE undersigned, ns the Agent of the above 1 anl he still holds that office; und several of its Jl Establishment, will order any articles 1 first Directors are still active and efficient mem- which may be wanted, on application to him. | bers of tho Roard, It has at all times sustained ^he Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Stjir- | the highest chiiracter for the jtrudence of its buc' have been tested, and are highly approved management, and for tho liberality with which ou tlie I'lauk Roads about Favetteville. it has ever adjusted its losses. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. E. J. HALE, Agent. Fayetteville, Sopti i, 185i» iiOtf March 10, 1861. U2-tf Als, . 40 Shares of Fayetteville and Western i Hecollections of a I'oiiceman; Exi.eriL-i.cCS of k Plank l\o:td Stock, and l»0 Shares of laveUe- | Darristci-; Corife:'.«ions of an .Attorney; Heroiiies of H'.stoiy; Ciiiidi-eii. their Hydro[ihtLlc* .Mtin- ageiiieiit, by l;r. .''hew . .Vlso, further pupplic.s ol Family liibies, iilank Ruoks. Cnp und Lettei- Pai.ers, School Rooks, iie. Just received Viy E. J. ilALE iSoN. May 12. \U!oi7Es!^T^^ ~ Watch aiatl Jewelrv Store* I.. II. MIIJJ'R &:'C0., IiUjiorti rs, Moniifiictnn rs and Johbirs if Wiftihis, ,Jci:lri/, tiud J'un; / Goods, i H.ive leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Me.-.«rs. ('unfieid. Rrothor ii Co., South J-’iixt n.mer if Vhnrhi tinil linltimorf ttrrfJi, (No. 227,) which they are j>uttiiig iu Complete order for the WiH)LLSALE WATCH AND .lEWELRY lU’SlNES.'', to be oj>-iied about tlm 2t*th of July. In calling the attention of tlie trade to th« new concern, wc uieutii'H ilie fiet that we uro a.ss(;ciated with one of the niost extensive Jew elry .Manufacturing r.stablisliments in the coun try, which nuist give a decided ndvantnge over all others in this ninrket for supplying dcHlers with Jevvelry at manufacturers’ prices, a featura in this branch of trade long since needed -bo tween Raltimore and the Southern {.ad Vi'thtera .Merchants. We desire to call particular attention lo tin? Watch deiiartment, whit’ll will at all times be supplied witli a great assortment from tl.e most celebrated miinuiticiurevrf, c.iti kcpl ;u perfct running order, so iliat purchasers may at one** take th( HI, with a written guarantee iLut they will perform correctly. This 1 ranch of the business wiil reecive ti e esjieciiil attention of one of the firm, wliose ex tensive and jiracticul knowledge (>f the busiiiesi will, we hope, give us .t plaOc jti iLe Lncondcvo (d' buyers. We resj)ectfully invite you lo call UDvn *.i when you next vi.sit our city, coMidently be lieving that an examination of our (looda wlil }'Vove to \ou that ihej' are better .styles i«nd cheaper tlian you have ever seen in this mttrLel. and assure jou that tio eifort shall be wtti.tiog on our jiart to iL.ake the ac4uaiiitaL.c» one uf mutual benefit. L. ir. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Bro. & Co.. S. E. cor ner of Charles .x Raltimore sts. Raltimore, June LS51. 14-^.. REFERKNCE.S: Messrs. V. yeth, Pdacklock i Co. Cwyn, Reid i Taylor. James Hodges i Rrother. llui-st 6: Beri’y. Murdoch, Duer & Evai.s. Stellmann li lliiirichs. Sangston & Co. Rai thlow, Gwyn & Co. Riely A: Pendleton. Cushings Bailey. John M-ar}>hy &. Co. Moore X Griftin. By LAt DEil. TWO DIMIKS .lllDl'E IIAKlil it SlIVS .STIIKi;, FilveStevillc', Jan’y 20, 1852*. "'•'i-lYpd call and examine. D. & AV. McLAVRIN. 70tf .April 5 18.-)2. Fire Itisurance. ^l^HE ^ETN.A Insurtince Company of ford, having paid the ttis imposed Hart- paid the ttis imposed by tho Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, umler the maivigenient of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insunince on Ruild- ings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de- NEW MI SIC, tlONSlSTlNG of Songs, Polkas, V.’aluea, J &c., &.C. April 14. Just received. L. J. ilALE SON

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