SEMI-WEEK L.T. [\0. 112.] VOL. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUI.Y 29, 1852. I /Vo/, ^f()rrn^t\'i rcmale Scminnrti. r NTKD BY J. B NEWBY. IlllE 8th year will open on the 1st of Sep- teinlior—:i term of 10 months. The whcile \UU J. II VLE cl SOA, iTor;s AND rKormtTous expense anil for the iiighest clnss in the Colle- li:ite course is ^I'JO n year. The orimmentnl lirnnchcs are at equally moderate prices. — I The Kxaniinntion developed to a very hijih the Senii-Wi'cklv Ousi'K' KR t 00 if de>:ree the advantages of the pl:m which I’rof. . *.» ; 1 til.. ‘ Morfrnu has loiift practised in t!ie training of ftd\aiice: •> .> i pa i i g , youth. It was to every oltscrver that giiliscrij'tiou: or •'j;') .‘liter the year has the youni ladies of the pradnatinj: c'.- s.s were of n i)i}ih order of mind well instrncteil. Tlieir polish of nianniM' and evident thorou^rhness in ek'.y Oiisr.iiVKn 00 per .‘innum. if , (jn; varioxis studies, their command .f lanjrna^e ailvancc: nJ 50 if paid during the ^ «'»l freedom in composition, and the evident skill ai'.d taste in the orn.-imcntal hr.iTiclies. s.i'isoriptiou: or ■'jiG 00 alter the year result of ;i we'l deviled svstem, rigidly pursued and successful! v applied ' ‘ I Hev. E.\aniinera, % Uev. i>. A. I’KMCK. ( Uev. 1>. T. ri;NlCK. Salisbury. .Ui1_\ 18:l‘_’. ll-f>tpl ■ri;; ‘ ■■t. »T!8KMKNTS inserted lor sixty ccnts . 0 for the fir-t, an 1 thirty centx for each p puMicatioii. Yearly adverliseinents , •ntracts, at reasi'ual'le rates. Ad- | are roi'iuested to state the number *>t ' di'r-ired, or they will be continued till •nd i-liarirerl accordiii;ily. .etters t^ the Editors must be post-paid. l\av^ IIOKL^ \ij:m. X. c’. ini: havit.s1at.iy Cl nr lv'ted extensive !idiiiti"ns t'> h tal%cs this ui' thinl of nifonuin” h > lri and the tra- iii;ii;uiiity ^'.'Ui-r.illy. that he is now ; : - ■.■Minc'd.ite t!'.em in a sup'-rior The i-i.tire li 'Uv;-. bfi’iilinp, :in 1 fuvni- tw* of dt‘>i ri;iti.'ii is ne>v aici clean. niii spared t ■ make li;s iiuesls in evv;-' n s; .. i-t. AU tlie i-fs st''p at this iT u-^e. A. r. /.I:VF.LV. 1. .lu’v ll-4niptl i:u liooDS. ill. '• r-i;:ni d havo no'v opi'ned their ' lately rccci'cd from the c -niprisinu u fri'ueral ass 'rtniont, viz: -’■ Is Cuba. I’orto I’licoand N. O. Sup;ar, . !'ru>!i(‘d !i:id Uci'ined ' r.i". I.Mtruira atid .lava ('offce, i V. roi!;jlit Nails and Spike-;. 1 I. V .0 try, > iar-'t. Chnnii'aiirn. . i \\ illo; (. iiatti | la'»'idcl'; r 1. ' I’r i : .lamaii'a liun?. and H ji,. •: i n and Ul.-u k Ic.t, i>',-moti 1%- . TiLier. I’ci'iier. iiin.:cr. fan- 1 S ilor.itns. S. i’. .'' ' ^ and Liad. SptMiii and ’ II !.i !■. In i.j;.'. \hi ;dcr. 1 •ir'.'ood. . ; - in S-.’t:., rriii;>t' ;.c. 'ifippt '> : ni. Spici-s. I'>>. t!' i » ^s;o. ; ■ 't cvciy Hrt;clc in the (iri ry 'iin.'. ivvy. aitfl '• •! a'r ir:im-nt ■-- i i' ■■:lcrcd t. -v ■> I as^'Ttinent of Critan- WAKS.^W S'i'.\(.JK will leave Fayette- ■- villc d.aily, at half past four o’clock, A. M., commencing the 1st day of .Julv. --tf McKINNON & McNEILL. NKAV (lOODS. fU.''T received, niv Fall sui>plv of (’LOTUS, \\SS1.MF,U1:S ANl> VKSTlNt’.S, TUIM- MIN(iS, xc.. of tiie best ijuality. from New ^ ork. Also, the latest Ueport of the New York FASHIONS. I .'iti'il cdntiiHte to cjirry on the T.\l I/f )IIIN(» lirSI NF,.'>.'v at my Stand on Hay street, and those wjio may favor me with their custom may rely on havinji their work done in a neat and fashionable style, and on the most tavorable terms. AltCIlir.ALD GKAHAM. Oct. 27, 1851. .^Itf I'lSsoLuriox. Till' firm of Aiw, .''lioiii well (’o., heretofore existing, has been this day dissolved 'I’lio Stcaiin'r I juuiv I.uttrrloh : ."‘"i"”'‘""i"'**'"'- -ic n. -i, , . , ,, . ■ T 1 1 demands a^ainsi said tirin Will be paid by will in future leavt‘h avettevi.le on luesdavnnd ,, ,, . T, ii . i j n , 1 1 -1 •* > • Miemwell. at tlie olil stand; and all persons hrniav moriniiirs. at t> o clock, and W ilnniijrton : i i , j . ,i i . n i i • • 1 1 1 indebted to the late tirni will please make immo- \\ ednesnavs and Salurtlavs at 1_ o clock, and i- ... , . . i, ■ i • ■ , . X-’ ■ 1 I diate payment to 1*. .shemwell, who alone is du- run regularly, carrying Ireiglit and passengers with despatch. T. S. LUTTEUI.nil. Jiilv 22, 18'i2. 8tf Ill'.MOV Al, S \M‘I. .1. IIINSnAI.l',. f and , H B AS the j'lea'ure ot' informing ids cnstom- ■ B ci-^ .ind the j'iib’ic. that In' lias removed from his (Hd Stand to tho next corner abtj\e. generally known as the ••r.l.-ike corner ") llavinji fitted np his .''tore with every conve nience for coiidneting business, both w lioles.-ile anil retail, to the best ad\anta:e, he solii-its .a continuance of the kiml I'avor he li.-is enjoyo 1, with the assiirance that no t-ff'Tt on his part shall be w.anting to ni'-rit it. His .''tock comprises a full assortment of ar ticles in his line of l>u>iness. all of the b st .jual- ity: liru;r. Medicines. I’lieinieals, I’nints. (»ils. I've .''tntls. Patent Medieine-. ri rfumery. choice Seed. Class. rutt_\. Tooth and Hair Urush- es, ."'o;']'s. Potash, >^c. The utni' St care iri'cn to the preparati.'n of Pii' s i-ians' Pie- riptioiis and 1 aiiiiiy P.eeijn s. .inly lli, t/tf ly authorised to settle the same. S. S. AKKV. V. SHF.MWKI.T.. .1 \S. K. McKONAr.n. Favetteville, .Inne ‘J'i, 1>'ol’. otf nCJ^ I*- Slirnin t'li ^^ill (‘OiitiiiHo tiu- I*ry (loods bnsinessat the old >t ind of .'.rev, .''lu'inwell ,V ('o., wher‘ he Avill be pleased to ^ see all wliu will favor him with a call. Thank ful for past f.iviirs from the public, he hopes, i'V strict at'ention to business, to retain a share of public patroiiajre. V. SHF.MWF.l.l.. s (j)o:ls .I \Mi:s KVLK I.' Now ui:ri:rvf.\i Aitut r 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, f whieh b>-iit;r purchased for('.\SH, will be FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES nv riiE SE\BIHRD AV’D ROWIIKK RAIL ROAD. ^HK I*ri!l.I(' are informed tiiat tlie .Sea board and Koanoke Hiiil Hoad (\mipany have completed their new bridge across Hoanoke lUver at Weldon, and are now prepared to transport passengers and freight from Weldon to Portsnu>uth and Norfolk, and the Northern cities promptly and with dispiitch. The Cars leave Weldon daily at o’clock, P. M., and arrive at I’ortsmonth liy 7 o’clock, P. ■M., in tiii'e to connect with one of the Chesa peake l?ay Steamers, Hl^HAI.I*, (JF.()I1GIA, or .NOPiTH C.\lIOljINA, for iialtimore, and .arrive at lialtimore early next tnorniii}!, in time to connect with the nnn-ning train that leaves for Philadelphia and New York. Hy this comfortable ami agreeable route, P.-issengers leaving Wilmiojrton in the morning train, will arrive early the next morning at Baltimore, and reach New York the same even ing. without loss of sleep, and with but one change of person and baggage between Weldon and llaltimore, and avoid entirely night tr.-ivel- ling on Kiiil lloads. To render this route worthy of the travelling juiblic, the company have employed careful and respoMsible b.-igg.ige agents, who check all baggage at Weldon through to Baltimore, consequently the travel ler has no further trouble with Lis baggage until he reaches Baltimore. The Chesape'ike Ihiy Steamers also stop at OLD POl.NT, to land and recei.-e P.-issengers, and Passengers who leave Weldon at oi o’clock, P. .\I.. arrive at Old I’oint the s.iuie eveiiii)g. .\n arrangeuient lias been entered into, by the ditl'ereiit Kail lload and .''ttMtiiboat Compan ies, by which the same Through Ticket issued at Charleston, will U>ave it uptionary with the traveller to take either route at Weldon. I An accomtiMKtatioii train leaves Weldon every i Tue.'^la.y, Thursday and .Saturd.i.v mornings for Portsmouth. .Ni-rfolk. ;ind Ol,I> POINT COM- . FOltT. Passetigers by either train for Old j Point. wi!l reach Old Point the same evening. For THllOl (111 TiCKKT.'' to Ualtimore anfl New Vork. and any other inti'rmation desired, inquire ol the Agent at W eldon. K. N. PFTKUSON, Agent. Oflice Seaboard t'fc U. It. K. Ci,.., ) Weldon, N. C.. -May 2,'th. iS-'il’. ILUIMAN’S IKVrCL, FA YK I TKYII.M:, €. ^■^HE Subscriber, liaving taketi the large i Hotel, formerly known as the Planter's Hotel, situjited at the foot of Hay .Mount, Hay .Street, Fa.vctteville, N. ('., respectfully informs his friends .nnd tlie public that he is now en gaged in refitting the buihling, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is ]>re- pared to accommod.-ite the travelling public.— Having had s.mie experience in the business in ^„tirc satislac- ii»e town ot Piltsboroiijiii, N. ( ., ne f^a ifcit(I r I/le llo i el^ ILLK. N. C. ^B^IllS large and splendid lUiildiiig Ka.'- now .B- been in successful operation ,«ince M'l.v 1819. The l>ediliiig and Furniture of Jill kinds is new. and the rooms convenicrt ami pleasant. 'J'he 'I'able Li ahv.ivs fnrni.>:lied with ttio best the market ati'ords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. i’oarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable aceomiiiodatioiis and attentive servants. himself that he will be able to jrive satisf.-iction to those who may favor him with their comjia- ny. llis rooms are large and airy. He has large and convenient Stables, and a good ami faithful (»stler. .JOHN HAllMAN. Febv 17, 18.)2. OOtf STOCK ; ^ ^ HE undersigned are now receiving their' fi- SPltlNCJ ST(.)CK, consisting of 1>R¥ IIAUDWAI!!-;. aiift Shoes, .U1 of which w ill be sold low to punctual ciis- t(Miiers as heretof(.re. .Men-hants and others will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL & .SACKETT. March 11, 18-V2. 72tf Families can be furn!she(l with laige, airy, front double rooms,}" and hand somely fnrnish“d. An experienct' of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give t^eiiera! s.-itisfaction. ANN illlOWX. .June 1, 18.'>0. 2S-tf ( OrrON YARNS. [/" E are alw ays jirejiared to furnish Ci »T- 'J’ON YAlvNS bv the bale, at Factory prices. J. & T. W'AUDILL. * April 14, 1S.V2. 82tf dne-d pr„ cll^;’':mers. AH olb'ri'd at vrr.v ti;)i( to puiu tu.. s.ile 'r n tail. 'ItiiiL' ('l"f’lis frMtii :he 1-t st is III.-I nil lac til led M..reh 2J, 1 >.'.2. for either I'ash. or on by v.hoie- Xi>. 1 to 10, of A. H. V/iii'I'FiKLn. I’o.icli and (’arriiiiiP Maiiii!iirti]rt''r. [7 or LI) respeetfuliy inf tin the publie . / \ / Only ISiirsit o^iil in Part. c. —Ai-O— .’’tineiit rif liousc !in l K trben Fur- 1-. tine Ta'Oe t'utlery. T:i'i!e l.iiien. l.iiH't! and C.itt"U Slicetin^iis. with a 1,^ '■ and u>‘‘:ul aitic!' -. TIhtc i II artieie in this line not t^ be found _uki:wisf.— si.-r-/,' ,:f /Idiuhniri, ('nl- \ and I'a/tc'i (tnoils. \-t is to r to our cnst.>nier« Oo; d d Iiuatitify t-' suit aH ur lers; and ^ i.ii; iiO afi’ie to meet tlo- Wants i-f r.:'l upon US. eiiher at retail or S. W. TILLINGHAST V CO. ■-'2. l"tf .NO'l'K’i:. lloiiry WaiiltMlI si’.leici ilit r ro^ja'cffiillv r> his eilstoiiieis lio :iri‘ iieb bte.l to him. ti\ r.nte .■r aci-unnt. to settle the present iiu iith lie wishes t.> -jo North very sli' rliy. and of curse w\M' MoNrv, aiid be'_i hi' eiistoni'i— to attend t" the abi/\c recj-iest a; early .is eon veniiiit. S. ,L HlNSl'ALE. .Tnly 10. 1S.V2. 'itf .u s'inrrA i:i\ i:i). HI :;nd 1 1 pN u^h skeb t"!!', iri.’iis com ]-'ete. ! N' “ lo nnd *■' 1 -iltt*. .Vle'ther b't of our .''traw Cuttei'. .1. .'v T. UAlUiII.L •July 12. 18.-.2. 7-tf i-ou 4 NEW 2 Horse Wap.n. J. I». W ILI.l \MS. .Tulv 12. 7-tf liOTi:L. ^I'llF. S'lb'eiibir having |>urch;isel the Hotel ■ situate 1 on the .^out!.-Fast eorner .f Court House .^(iiare. and lately known ;is .'«tuart'.' II .ti-i. Would intonn tl.e public that he i?- n>-w re:;.iv to arc-iiini 'date bo;irdei.' by the day, veeU or nv nth. ila'ing coiii'ideiaide outlay in furnisliiii'.: :.nd refitting the l',siabliii- i;;ent. he|i.[M,>t" be ab:e t'l >ri\> satislaetinii to :i!l who paM' li ■' li’in. Hi' Table 'hall be lurnisbed wi'li tlie h. st the market atlords. his l')iir with the I'est oi Liiniors, and his St ibie with a plenty ot d provender ainl taitliln! *Stle! 5. J. A. (.nLriinisT. .Inne 2'1. 1'^.''2. ;‘>-tf \\ (' art' rc(jHost(‘{l to announce •ItiHN .1. PHILIP.'' a c.aiididate for the office of .''heritt t.’T tbe county of Cumberland, at the eiiSuin r electi' ti. June 11, l''V2. O'J Plants in Bloom. IH A V K a dozen v.-irieties of new VEKIU^N.XS, of iill colors,—pure white, deep crimson, striped. thirty varieties of the P.OSE, bloomiiijr. Persons w ishing to ni ike seleetiiiiis are invited to call and see them. They will be ready for delivery in the course of the sumiiier .and fall. .NLany curious and beautiful plants are coii- staiitlv Coming into bloom. C. H'TTEIM.OH. Rowan Street. P. Pi-rs itis wishing Strawberries in any • juantity should give notice the day belore they are w anted. ()n the f:rounds, 20 cts. jicr ipi.irt. When sent out, *• May 17. 01-tf 'riiiit I*()IjIS 11! hoir it SJiuirs! 10.000 wiillili Livery Stable Bus' S'^ H E sul'scritier intemls carrying on the above busines as usual. Having added .^tock, he will be iible to accom modate the p'.iblic. Thankful for i>ast favor.s, he solicits a continuance. .1. W. roWEES. .l in’y 20. i8-c\ ,',!tf i:. c. iiAi i r OF RO.ME, Siirrrxsiir I'f S'icl,'l‘tf ((' ('o., I.'' now receivinc bis Fall .‘'I'OCK of (iO(tI>S, coll^i^ting ol a general assortment of Dry lootls. Sadilk'i’N. I lats. ('aps. Shoos. Hardware', (irorrrics. A much larger and more general stock than ever opened on the East side of the ("ape Fear —which he is prepared and determined to sell to punctual cnstoniers. either at wholesale or th.-it he still coiitiiiin s to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns th.-inUs for the liberal patronage he has receiv ed. and Imjies by a striet attention to l/usine-is, ami a desire to jdease all and give ge neral sat isfaction, to merit a continuanee of the s.ame. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and by exjierienceil workmen: ainl should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workni.insliip or material, he will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to c:il! ► and cxjimine his work before jturchasing, as it cannot be surpassed f.>r style, elegance, and I durability. He is det«rniined to sell low fur cash or in short time. j (Orders thankfully received and pri'mptly at- i tended to. | KEP.MKlNl't neatly executed at short I notice anl lowest ji'i'-.'iblo i>rices. i Favetteville. Fei'. 2, 1S.‘>2. 01 tf ! A. A. McKETHAX ^^TILL continurs to carry on tbe 1!L'.1 NE.'^.'^ in al! its branciics. r.t the re mains of his old stand, opposite I.iiberty Point. He returns thanks for the libersl lie has heretofore received, anri liopes b.v strict at tentic.n to businoss and a desire to give entire satisfacti-n, to merit a cortinuHnoo of tlie same Having kejit the gre.itf r portion of his Tim bers at a distance fr^m the manufhetory, liP has on hand a large and well selected lot c.f tiio- ron^hly seasoned Timber, of every de.'tcription' used in hi« business, whi> h en.nbles him to retHin all his princi]);il worknif'n. He is rherelbvc now preyiareil to do any work in his line in the very liest st.vle, and on the most I'avorKbie terniv— ;■..■■ low as any wn'k of the saiue (juality in .N. •' He has on liand, completely finisl.ed, S P.arouches, for 1 or 2 ho; .K-:-: Piockaw.ays. and 1 Pnr :i( i Also, neiirl.v tinishe'l. ]t> t.'airiage» for 2 hnr.=es; 20 Harouches for 1 nn-l 2 jiorr-e*-. 12 Jtoekaways, and :';0 P.iiy^ic - All of which are of the most approve.! pinn an.j' finish, and will comprire witii an.v wi.i-k in the L'.»s for neatne.'.s and durn>>ilitv. Having been engaged ill the above bnsine>s for tiu: pa-'t 20 years, hi-' work is well known. !ind h;> refers (o oM cu^t.-’ners for pvimf ol it.i dnr.atiility. Ai.L worl: wnvraiifod i'M' I".' in-ntiis., * and repaired free of charge shoiiM it f:"i !.y bad j worknianshi]! or material, within thni tiiae. I Jf-^ PiFf MKisr, exi fi.ied !it s!;-'rt n.ti-e. i.ii'i i o;i reas 'iiuble teiins. i Jaii’v 2'i, ]i^::2. !U)()k IILXDERV. H.AinilE l'.-:^ resumed the Hook lindii.j; liusine--.; at the new Stf-r-* next dofir to Mr. lieasle.v. .iewell.-‘r. wher*' he T.ill re ceive .-ind executc binding in ;;ny st.yie desired ^ August 1. 27tf .). WooinVAliO returns his thanks to ' retail, at greatly reilucH priccs. T. C. WORTH, foii.’.iissniN AMI K(iK\\Ai:ri.Mi MFjjrnnT. WlLML\(iT()X, X. C. Fel 1, IS.-,2. GOtf fnr S(fl( at ('usf. AL 't-trc aiiiiual 111:-'tin: .n '-e I- II t' (!i- Till-: I{>ad Co ('f tliis (’1111- t: '-. p ace in Fa.^ i tte\i!'e on Thurs- 1 Jib lay !'f Augi!'* next. : -li ; 'b-rr. and ilie trielids 'f the w nk , I: 1. .\ii.' '11, .''taiiiy and M 'nt^ 'iiicry 1 el'e'v here are respectfiiily invited I ! :i.'''st in 'ievising ways to coni- - i;..;- rt ,iit w "rk. .)No. ,\. WILLI.VMS, I’rcs't. if, 1'.'.2. 10--4t ■ lllliMJ! N(;s. . i.UH.s. :ii:u!;iN(..s, 2’ Prime P'-rk. ? by T. >. LI TTEIILOII \ CO. L'!,' K''.'2. lOtf X ii'A) 'I’o 1 riJCH.\si:. COiU)S PINE wool), to be deliv- M# ered ..,n mv Wharf during the ne.\t ths. T. S. LUTTEllLOH. l‘.',2. lOtf flu I Carnn^c jlafcnulx. 'ei'.el. a fre>,h sii[i[dv of Springs, •'il I'bitli. and v.iriot 3 descriptions • and l!iir-v M-teri.ils. For sale by CO(>K .lOHNSON. I iiioii \crir'illlii';il W iirrlioiisr \ Sit'd .vlori’. >». 2;l rnJl«»ii \‘u V»r>i.. ft-i.?* 'I’lic iitil'r.'i;rn(‘l sojicit tlic atrcn- tii n of .-ill pnri l.a'ei s of Impleliients f"r the Farm or Plantation to their n'-Trm -nr. which incUnles many of the nmst rc- ent impi Mveitient- j in the lea'ling ;irtic'es in their line, all ■ ' w hieh i they will sell at prices to ins ire s.irist.aetion to t!ie buyer. k>I>Ki l.M.l.Y Itailway Fn Hess Ch.ain Pow.-r-!. f"r one or two h"rses. of the Wheeh-r Patent, so often a«.irded the tirst premium at the State and ('oun'y l .iii '. w In re they h.ave been exhibited. Railway Powers, warran'eil. Warren \ i rim'ole'^ lioti Sw.'cp i’owers, Tap- lin's ('ircular I’owr. Plows, ilarrow.s. Fan Mids. Straw Cutters. Portable IbirrStono Mil's. Wagons. Carts. .Vc. \c. Field and Carden Seeds of UKi.i MU.K (It \i.iTV, Fertilis'rs. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Our ileicrijitive C.ita- b'gue'-d with cnts, will be sent gr.itis wh. n t'vo to four Post Office Stani]>s are remit ted, Mccordiiig to the distance. RALPH f’O. t-;)m Sfiors HE cti* s.-riber will sell .'.DO |.air of Ladies’. M M >!■«'. and Children's .'^lioes, (J liters, and .''Uppers at cost. C.all while the assortment is good. W. S. LATTA. .June 1 L 18->2. ''".iif Moi/iif li( '•i friirc to ll nf. The ll 'iise formerly occuj'ied b\ I. Ha\vli-_\, p-.sile 4. i. Cook, till .)un'\ 1st. Apply to 11 HAI.L .Uine 14. l!S.'>2. S'l'li.VW i II \LL. \ S.VCKETT. 0;itf LOT .just 1 accotnm 'datioii o! our them Const intlv on hand. .1. june 1(1, 18.'i2. c r r ri'jis. eived. and we intend fur the customers to kee>> i . W • the public for the uii]'recedeiited en- ! conragenieiit he has met with in the m.iiuifac- tnre and sale of his celebrated POLl.''H, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al- wa_\s keeps a supply on h.-ind for w holesale or ^ ret.iil. Experience has proved that this Polish is un- siirpasjed for «iuickncss in putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Persons wishing to oil their boots can use this Polish with ei|U.-\l success immeiliately af- terw.ariis: the le.atlier shouM lie riilibed as soon as the Polish is applied, before it dries. This Polish be found at the store under the (■arc,lini;in Printing Office. FaveltcNille, Feb. 21. lS.'r2. 07tf DAILY l’:Xl'ECTi:i), CiENEEAL assortment of COO P E II Tools, of the best manufacturers’ make, by E. C. H ALL, of Home. Oct. 18. IS.')1. ;i2tf ro rill’: priiLic. THE subscriber has leased for a term of years, of K. W. lirowii. Es)., his fire-|>roof .''tore, with his Wli.arves, and is now in a condi- A I T. WAM'ILL. '.i.''-tf Julv 1 5i July 12, 1&V2. von LES. S\\A\. superior N. C. P>A'-ON. D. .V W. McLAFlUN. ti-lin Life of Gen. Scott, JL'ST received. .Also, (irace .Vgnilar's Days of Eriiee: Wide. Wiile World: Hrcani Life: IJuch.anan on t he Cult lire of the (ir:i p‘: Ha r[ier’s .^laga/.ine, 4 vols. bound: Komatiisiii at Home, &c. For sale bv Julv E. J. HALE \"^ON. i s-:2 ■n« ► POTASH. LU8. FKESII. COOK .n: :i. 1^52. 11- F"r sale by JoilNsoN. 11 -:iw .1. !S »A\KS Coiiiiaiioil and Foruardiiij; WU.MLXG'rOX, X. c. June 22. 18-V2. otf 'I'OliAC'CO. ^H^lIE subs'-riber continues to receive and 21- sell, (.n iiiaMufaetiirers’ account, .all grades of inaiiulactured Tobaci:o. J. UTLEY. .May :n, l.s.>2. I'-'tf UMI’.KU! LrMHKU!! [7^ 1-1 have our Steam .‘saw Mill in success ful operation, 8 miles from Favetteville. near the Ealeigh Stage Koad, and are prepared to execute irders in nr line. .As we run two llatan,’ or ('t)culir Siiirii^ we can fill bills at the shortest notice. W'e can furnish I’ine, Poplar ami .luniper LUM15EK, and of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line and smoothness of face, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. JONES & EAKP.EE. March .30, 18.')2. 78tf w tioii to take especial care of .'spirits Turpentine and otln r Navai Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best .and i safest place in town for the storage of Eacon, Lard. C-'orn, Peas, cic. The lower wharves have on them four Large new sheds, where .'spirits can be safel.y kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of proiluce sent to his care. He will also make advances when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Itrown. .lohn Dawson, O. tJ. Par.sley and Thos H. Wright. Esijs. .MILES COSTIN, Erown's wharf, Wilmington. X. C. Sept. 12, 1851. 21-Y roirvc'co." WE have a lot of prime common Tobacco, which we will sell bv the box verv i( )( iUl' • ' K.-. . ; ,.:!d o. bv - ; I,;, k- - i > ue. or '■ H. : ,r: .--p^!-^ . i:-.ulcn- ^ : if Lf'- i:nsT'S - ..i-ra: i-UiH-' Mary: ^c■ : / HOS. K.-. li-. illn'tr^" -,rli , h !)■ e. or rb'''-'- tl.e lievoin»“'“; .. , H.irl.iuf** ..f Fan'i''*^ ^ U-iif*- ' ‘ PiC" ^ ;ii"'n : pe”': Toil l>ollar*^ ISonard. •esferday niorniiip. between MeKin- ' Livery .''tables and the 'I'ull Ciate on Joi’nt. or on the street running in front of rsenal. me Porte Mon.iie. containing be- Twelve and Fifteen Dollars in money, which were three one dollar gold pieces :■ i \v .-and-a-ha!f dollar gold piece, as al- "U,' papers, which .are very vjiluable to id no one else. The above rewani 1 will fully pay to any one who will return the I). L. LVON, .At .A. H. Whitfield's Coach Manufactory, tyettiyiile, N. C., July 2>i, l8o2. lUf l{( ( ( ived on ,ND for s.lie cheap, 50 bbls. WHISKEY. JNU. D. WILLIAMS, if'v 1, 18-V2. 88tf i?u()Tiii:us LLVi:. Tlie new Sfoinior “Douclass” having fieeii adde.l to this Line, and now hav ing two lirht draft Steann-rs and four Tow- Boats. all in gooil order, tin prep.ired to transport Freight to I'ayettevilh- and the intermediate landings, with as quick despatch as any other Line. J. S. hanks, Agent. Wilmington, June 22, 18-52. 8tf A CAIU). ^HE rettirn of low water renders it neces sary that the Steamer Chatham should be Proprietors are | emiiloyed as a tow .She will not therefore S. LL'TTEULOil & ('0. lOU' Lvxi) rou SAi.i:. tVALU.AI’LE tract of Land is offered for sale, containing 220 acres, lying o.J miles wijst of Favetteville, near the F. \ W. Plank Hoad, adjoining .Mr.s. Nott and others, with a i good dwelling and other necessary out houses. I well wHtered and he.ilthy situation. .Apply i soon to D. (1. McDiitiie in Fayetteville, or to Jaii. iv. McUuilie on the premises, for particu lars. June2fi, 1852. WWSVVAIS liACOX. IIIID.'^. just received .and for sale by ih' -1. 18.V2. Rnvarl. ANA WAV .‘n iiii the siibseriber, on the 30th •Iline last, my negro man Ll.N’N. Ho :hs about one hundred and seventy-five Ihs., oiiipiei-ted, ^iix feet .and iipw.irds high, ab'iiit ;'iO years of age. No other marks re- le.-ted, exiept his fiojit upper teeth, by close ' For the purjiose of doing a general .MercaiUile ■i vntioii, ha\e a small opening ir gap be- aud IL'irter liuainess. W c have taken the .Store, 11 them. The above reward will be p;iid No. 10 (JHEE.N STREET, formerly occupied bjr s dcli.crv to me at home, or confinement .Messrs. John Huske iSi Son. CEO. W. LA WHENCE. JOHN b. TKOV, Jr. Oct. 22, 1851. aatf xi'Av riuM. undersigned have entered into c^opaTt- A. nership, under the name and style of Lawroiict' Troy, ^'aj iie County jail, so that 1 get him. F. JEUNEfiAN. lltf 1852 r run as heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. 15. Co. May 12, 18-52. 00-tf ,\i:\v I'HUi & WliiiM. IHE subscribers are now receiving from N. Vork, a large and general assortment of Staple and I'a/icif Drif G'oof/.v, G HOC VAX IKS, IIARD W AK K, Hats ami C.ips, Boots and ISlioes. Among which are: Coffee, .*^ugar. Cotton Eagging, Hale Rope, Nails, Window Glass, Swedes and English Iron, Sack and .Alum !>alt. Imperial and Hlack Teas, Pepper, .Alspice. Ginger, Powder, Skot, Ear Lead, P>!ir and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other arti cles. to which they invite the attention of the public, aud which they are determined to sfll a!i low for Cash, or on time to those who pay pFowptlv. as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market price.s, taken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & JONES. Summerville, N. C., l>ec. 8, 1851. 47tf cheap. May 20, 1S52. & T. WADDILL. 04-tf We would call j)articular attention to his Stock of EOOTS .\ND .''HOE.'s. The assortment is large, and of every ju:ilitv ati'l style: and having been bought for Cash, he can and will sell them very low. Von that wisli Earg.iins will find it to your interest to give the .Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. .Always on hand, a general stock of GllOCE- niEs. ■ Oct. 18. 1851. 32tf .\KW (iOODS. E are now receiving n verv large and well sclecte.l stock of SPUING (JOODS, consisting of a full assortment of M'ancif A' Staple BPry fmoofts, .Among which may be found the latest and most fashionable St \ les of Ladies’ and Gentiemen's DUESS GOOl’iS. Hats, Caps, IJiiinu'ts, Ili':nly-niale Cliitli- iiiiT, Ilanlw.irL*. (irnci-riis, Hrugs :imi 3Jt‘iJiciiics, S;iilllt‘ry, Cmckcry, ainJ (ihiss\v:ire. A large and well selected stock of B'lut.s mill Sliops, and Ijadies’ and (Jciitlo- iiKMi’s (iaitcrs, (very fine.) 8AI.T, IlION. MOLA.'.'i:S and NAIL.'^. W e intend selling as che.ap as we can. ami would be glad if our friends and the jmblic would call and examine our stock. J. T. COUNCIL & CAIN. March 24, 1852. 7otf ' i^in/€ll€viUe MSrattrh (LOTIliMi I'XTlllLlMiMivM. J. n. Wliilc iV l iuleihill, Di oju r.'i, 7\tiloi :i, (tiiif Vt/i(/tesii(e Re tail Cfothiers, 110 William Street, New York, .\xn Person street, (next door to ISank of Cape Fear,) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ti>L those indcbteil to the subscriber will find their accounts made out by calling at the Foundry which will please be settleil as e.arly as convenient. H. G ll.VLf,. March 0. 71 A(^Ki('rLTri{A!. WOKKS, '^■’'oPTi >N"S Elements of .-'ricntifc A frricnf' ture: I'.ina «'n Mannres: American Muck ilook: Vo!i;i?t on til'- PiL: Ci/io’s Anieric;;ti Frnii Hoi.k: Thomas's I'ruit rulturist; raiiiii.v Kitch en (iardeni'r, l.y Eiiist: Dana"; Aluck Manual; All Ml's American Farm I'ook: riiflinrd.son •» the I’ee: Ditto on the H' ;j': the American K J.s^r '! t nhiirisi: Allen's Hiir il Archiieclure: Down- — ! ing's Fruits and Fruit Trees of .\mericn: John ! .“ton's -Vi.’ricuitr.ral Chein'str.v; Farmer's Trca- .siirc. by Falknir: Miner'.s Am. P-ee Keeper s Alanual: Vouatt and Martin on (’attle; Fessen den's Complete Fanner and Gnrdenei; W heel ers I’ural Homes: Stewart’s Stablr Economy, IJinds’ lairicr; Mason's Farrier: .vc.. fcf. L. J. HALE .'ON April 14. 1852. 10,000 ?»*P4H«TJ!iiia:.\ WANTED. The Subscriber has noAv one of tbo most extensive aii'l best assorted stocks l>ouble and Single SHOT GCN.S. PL''ToLS of the most superitir (juality,—Colt's Ilepeating and .Allen’s lievolving. of ever.v iiualit.v.—Pow der Flasks, .''hot and Game E:'gs, Percussion C.-ips of English and French ni.ake. ^\lso, tiie most complete :issortment of (.iiin fixtures that has ever been otl'ered in this section of conntr.y. .Also. Shot Guns. Hitles and Pistols made to order or rep.aired. Rifles m.ade to order, and -.varranted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. .Air (Juns made to order at 'short notice. To ail of which the attention of .''jiortsmen and others is respectfully invitci. M. A. P.AlvEH. in-'.'ffii of the (t’un. Hay street, nearly oj>posite the Marble Yard. Fayetteville. N. ’.. (let. b. 1.''51. 28tf lOn.OOO Acrcs Valuable T I M li i: U L A X 1) S FOH SALE. HE .'Subscriber has purch:;sed all the Lands V. ]I()Li:salj: WaU’Ii and JewfSry L. if. .MIT.LER CO. Jnijior/i rs, J'tiii iit'iit turcrs nvfl JohJ>4n dt 11 (f/(•/(/>•, .Jiivfh'if, and Fnorif (iondti. Have leased the (t’d .'^tand ‘/ lormeriv occu]>ied by Messrs. Canfield, I’>rother ."t Co.. S-jurh K ixt conur of ('fiiirli'/! mui BitUimore flrectf, (No. t;27.) which they are putting in cunij'It te onler for the W H()LES \LE WATCil AND JEW I'Ll:V EL'.SINE.'^.S. to l>e o)>ened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the I new coiK'ern. wc mention tbe fact that .ve :ire I as.sociateil with one of the nust «vfensive ,lew- i eirv Mc.tiufacturiiig Establishments in the coun- iry, which nm.'t give a dee.idi'd Hdvaiii;ige over ! all otheis in this market for supplsing de»lcrs I w ith Jew i lr\ at niannf.^ctiirers’ prices, a feuture I in this branch of trade since needed -V>e I tween llaltimore and theSonlhcrn and W estern Merchants. ! We desire to call particular .ittenti.n to the j Watch dej'artment, whi(di will nt all times be siippli(*d with a grej-t assortment from the most celebrated nianuiactnrcrs, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasf'rs mn.v at once take them, with a written guiirante that they will perform correctl.v. belonging to the Estate of Al.rani Dubois, i branch of the l.usiness w ill rer-eive the doe’(l, i>rincip:iilv in omuity. and : atKMition ot (Uie ot tbe firm, " ex on sides of I.inubvr llivcr, the ilitiVrent sur- ! ]*r;u-tioai kno’»\Icdp^e ot tbe bn -^iiicss vevs tcnt-nniu*’- j i>bicf in the nnoondcic i)\ vv J(){),0(>0 Acrcs; I We respectfnily invite you to call upon nn , . I when vf>n next visit our cit.v, confiiienti.v l.c- -A large part tiiiel_\ Timbered, and cotiven.cnt to j that an examination of onr Goods wlil Lumber P>i\er, where a large tiuantit\ ot I*"*'| prove to you that thej are better styles sod MKS. VVAI/rOX, Alantun-Mak'rr and AFIIllncr^ E would beg leave to inform the citizens of Fa.vetteville and vicinity, that we have just received our suppl.y of .''PlllNti .\ND SU.MMEH Gt>ODS, which comprises a genera' Has just receivod I assortment of a new ami beautiful assort- nient of Spring :uid Sum mer KO.\ .li liTS and expects to receive them I inonthi} as the sea- j ( ’OATS. — Black nnd coVd cloth I>ress, Frot k son lasts: and w ill sell them . ('oats, all qualities: black and colored as cheap, if not cheaper, any in the , ('ashmeret ditto: French and English Drap D’- ket. She expects tiaily a new and leautiful ditto; Queen’s-cloth and .Alpacti ditto; Fan- assortment of Dress Irimniings 1 lack of ,„ottIed Crasse and Tweetls; Ken- Sliawls. Scarfs and Mantillas, .^so Dress and .ie;,„,s; Linen anl Cotton Ginghams: Hro., Sacipie Patterns ol the latest style. | Linens; w hite grass-cloth Sacks, Orders from the country promptly at- , ,j„„iities. ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown ni.irket Thes-? Lands are very valuable >>oth for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large jcirt is well suited, being in a region where the Turjientine yields more abiindantl.v than any other section of the .'^tate. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information resjiecting the title be ob- taineil by applying to the Hon. Hobert .'tranjre. Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, itr A. .V. T. .'smith, Esq., ^.Attorneys at Law.) 1 understand there tended to, ami country customers may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or pattertKS. March 30, 1852. 78tf COTTOX YAUXS for sale by the bale, at Factory prices, by STAllR & WILLIAMS. March 10, 1852. 72tf are many trespassers «'n CLOTIUXG, these Lands, to all of wfiom notice is hereby Which will be found worthy the attention of g‘''t“"- 1='" "i*' enforced a.; ail purchasers. Our assortment consists in part of siicli oflenders. - Ap]>lication for any part of the Lands can be male to m.\ self, or to .lohn Winslow, Esq., who is duly iiuthorisc'i to make s.ile of the same. THOS. J. (. i in is. Fa.yetteville, N. (’,. Sipt. I, I84->. 7''>tf lAVE ivsriiAXci:. ^ j^HE Undersigned has been “appointed Agent ■ of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance (.’onipan.v. Every member for life partic ipates in the profits of the Company: and the L\ S roUE, PLOUGHS and Plough Castings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, .^ikI Spin ning Wheels. Oct. 18, 1851. E. C. H.ALL, of Rome. 32tf tbiilv STAGE leaves WARS.VW rival of the cars, sav 10 o’clock *. on the ar- m., and arrives in Fayetteville at 9 p. m. .McKlNNON ^ McNEILL. April 12, 1852. 81 tf Wilmington and Goldaborougb papers copy until forbid. DAILY KXPKCTED. t GENERAL ASSORTMENT of IIOLLOW- WARE, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851., 32tf P.VNTS—Of black and col'd Cassimere; fancy single-mill’d ditto; French and English Drajt D’Ete ditto; white and col’d Drill ditto: Ken tucky Jeans ditto; India and French Nankeen ditto, .'tc. VESTS—Of black Satin, Bombazine, .Alpiica, black and col’d Silks: white and col’d Marseilles ditto: brown and padded Linen, plain ami fig'>'; Nankeen, Rufi', Grass-cloth, k.c. All of which are ofl'ered for sale as low as can be bought lu the New Y'ork market, at wholesale and »et!iil. In addition to the above. we*shiill keep on hand a general assortment of Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Hosiery, &c. Also, Clatbs, Cassimeres. and Vestings. The TAILORING DEPARTMENT will be cheaper than you have ever .seen in this niar-et. and assure you th;it i;o ef!'ort shall be wai.ting on ' ur part to make the acquaintance one oi nuitual benefit. L. If. MILLER .'L CO. Old ?tand. formerly occupied b;, Canfield. I!vo. vV Co., S. E. Cor ner of Charles Uultimore s;i. R.i’.tlmoro, Ju:;e 1^51. 1-4-V.. PEI EHENCES; Mcssis. AVyeth. JUackliick .v Ci., Crwyn, Reid iv Ta.vl-ir. Janies Ilf-d.tre; lirotiicr. Hurst P.errv. Murdoch, Dnor i': Ev;u.,'. Stelhiiaim & Hinriclis. .''^an'/st''n I'c Co. PfarthU'W. Gwyn Riely \ Pendleton. Cnshingv ^ U;iiley. John Murphy Co. Moore \ C,ril!in. XKW DOOKS. AI.IBURTON'S Yankee Stories, illnstn.t ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Bo.ston itv 1770; tl’.e OM l!t‘ll of Indept iidence. or leljihia in 177'>: Camp Fires of the Revolution. II Hiinual prt'mium for life membership, where it amounts to !ti.>0 or more, may be ]>aid one-half j Independence, illustrated: W eld » in cash, aud the other hall in a note at 12 months. I Hictionary of Scri)>ti;ral Quotations; Ilai b'iugh'.-» Heavenly H(‘cognition; Catec!ii.''in of I'Hmiliiir Del tors' lives ma.v be insured by creditors. A man niav insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided for. after the death of ic.-* heal. on whose exertions they m;>y have Viet'u dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a continued as belore, and all orders for fine Cloth-I Policy'. Explanatory pamphlets, and the ^ ...111 lx.#v fliM mrmf uJ; irkn«i1\lo i • *i i ._ Things: .Mathias' Rules of Order, for .'Societies, Xe.: Walker's Rhyming and I’ronouncinp Die tionary: Priti-h Female Poet.s: American Fe- ui.nle Poets: Watson's Dictionary of Poetical’ Quotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18;j2; A:c. E. J. HALE SON April 8. necessary Blanks^ furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 1850. 72 will be executed in the most fasliionable style. A. C. H.\RT, Agent. 'April 8. 1852. 80tf vvaxti:i), BARRELS of TURPEN* TINE, for Distillery at the Plank Road Bridge on Big Rockfish. The best market price will be pail. For further inform- 1 ner, M. D.: the W'ide, Wide World; kc.. He ation, inquire of John W. Murph.v, at the Bridge, j Just received, or of A. A. McKethan, Fayetteville. Dec. 18, 1851. lOtf i Maj 22,-1852.- XEW HOOKS. aUEEOIIY, by tlie author of the Wide, Wide World; Romnnism at Home, by Kir- wan; the Farmer's Dictionary, b.v D. P. (Sard- E. J. HALE & SON. XLW liOOKS. PUTNAM'.S LIBRARY. Nos. 4 nnd -5, being the World Here nnd There, b}' Dicken.-*,. and Hood’s Own; Count Monte-Leonc, or the Spy in .Society: Miss Sewell's Jonrnal nf a Sum mer Tour; Memoir of Rev. II. Hewitson; Wesley and Methodism, by Taylor; Spencer's Pa St oi^ff Sketches; .McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers. 1st, 2d, 8d and 4th parts; Parker’s 1st LeshOtis in Philosophy; Mills’ Rhetoric; Davies’ School Arithmetic; &c. Also, further supplies of TIIE BOSTON' ACADEMY’S Collection; Carmina Sacra; Gunn’s Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Library; £mj. E J HALE k tor.

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