SEMI-WEBKL Y. [VOI. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 3, 1852. rilLXTKD liV J. li. XHWiiV. IDWAUU J. HALi: & SOX, EDiTous AND riioruH'/rous. for the Sciiii-Wefklv c)BStuvEK $4 00 if Md ill aavanci-: •':'» ^0 if paid durii.g the ,r of suWrij'tion; or after the jcur baa piiod. |(tbo U'oeldv Ouskuveu 00 per amuun, if ' id ill ;ld^;lnL•e; 00 if pnid during the ‘e;ir of b.ibbcripti..ii; vr $:J 00 after the year as expired. .DVKUTISKMKNT;S inserted for sixty cents s(|iiare for the tirs’, and tliirty eentw lir each ceetlin^' puhlicati.Mi. Yearly advertisenientj> special contracts, at reasonable rales. .Vd- lisiTS are requested to state the number of 'ertions desired, or they will be continued till liid. and char;red acoordiii^ly. : Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. ^u\a\'^ liOTi'hr ;sali:m, X. c\ 11111' STH.Si’HinEU havinc lately ■ completed extensive additions t hi.s h"U.'t-. takes tliis nietliou of infi'rmin:^ his friends, and the tra- i- ininuinity generally, that he is now i-jiared to accnnuU'Hlate them in ti superior y!e. The entire house, beddinj:. and fui-ni- le of every descripti'in is new an 1 ch'an, d no pains wyi be spired to inuWe his guests infiirtal'le in every ri 'pect. -\ii ihc sl.i:^es stop at ihis ll>nse. A. T. ZFA'EI.Y. Salem, .^uly 2 t. 1S')2. ll-4mpd .\i:u (iooDs. “ undcr'iprned have now n|HMied their >L\V (;t>(.iliS. latfly received IVom the i:h. coUiprioin;; - penei’al .-issurtuient, viz; -iroct*rio!*. 11 I!?'’s. r'll'a. I’orto llicoand N. C*. t'u^ar. Ui! - s. *v rushed and Kftined - ' Ui'>. I.a^uira and .lava I'l'ffie, ; k'!-■' \'rou;iht Nails and Spikes. . P >rt. I’mIc Slu-rry. i'i.'iret, t'hamj^aiiiii. >; >n. '.i.; 1 Miilacra Wine; Chan»i)a:gn Ciucr: ■ ; ; .. , r.ran iy; Jamaica Hum, and llol- 1 :i;n. ■ d II \ sou an i Ulack Tea, Lemon i| . i’n'» ! v>-d > inger. Pepper, (iin;;cr. fan- 1 ' ci ' n Soaps. Saier itus. S. C. Soun. . h. 1 : r. Sh"t. ;,nd Lead. Sperm and l r.:iTi ( aTid ‘'S, Indi^ ’, Madder. I.o^wcHiti. fpeias. I'.i'S-ni Salts, llrinistone. Trippe's npvM'. .\!um. Spic-s. Ls^cn«?, Oils, \c. I'ai-r, e\ery article in the line. r(K’Ut‘ry, acid C'hiiia. ■ ai -i'si and I" 'I assortment ever ' Hi red s i.i ii l;et. A ;rood;ieiit of i^ritan- l*rof. Mor^nn*s Female Seminary. fllllE ^th year will open on the let of Sep- i tember—a term of 10 months. The whole expense and for the highest class in the Colle giate course is ^1 "JO a year. Tiie ornamental branches arc at equally moderate prices. The Kxamination develojied to a verv high degree tiie advantages of tlic plan which I’rof. -Morgan has long practised iti the training of youth. It was maniie.nt to every observer that the young ladies of the graduating clays were of a liigh order of mitid well instructed. Tludr : polish of manner and evident thoroiigiiness in ^ the various stuilie*. tl eireommanil of langua*.ie and freedom in eompv)sition, and tiie evident skill and taste in the orn.ametital branches. ’ con’d not but be the result of a well ilevised system, rigidly pursued and successful! v applied j llev. A IL^Kl-iK. Examiners,', Hev. 1). A. l’F,M(’K. I r.ov. P. T. PENK'K. Salisbury. July 18:;;2. 11-Otpd [Si). W.VRSAW stage will leave Favctte- ■ ' ille daily, at half past four o’clock, A. M commencing the 1st dav of July. ‘2-t; McklNNuN & McNKlLL. FOR THE NORTHERN CITIES jjy THE SE\Bn\RD RIIANOKIi RAIL RflAD. ^HlllE PrnLIC are informed that the Sea- m T a 'I'lu' Slt'aiiK'r I'finny LutttM’loli will in future leave Fayetteville on Tuesday and Fi'iday mornings, at ti o'clock, and Wilmington | ednesdays and Saturdays .-it 111 o'clock, and' run regidarly, curr\ing frcijiht and passengers ■ with desj>atch. | T. S. LL'TTLP.LOIL I July 22, 18o2. Stf I ll!:3!OV\l- : SANI'I, j" lllNSDAl.i:, and WB I'lea.-ure of informing his custom- ■ M ers and the public, that he h:is rt inove'l from his Old Stand t^ the next corner :ibove. ^generally known as the ■•Itlake corner.”) Having tilted up his .'store with every conve nience tor conducting business, both w imlcs.ile and ret.iil, to the best ii Ivjiniage, he .ioii,-its n coiuinuance of the kind favor he has e\ijo\e l, with the assurance that no clfort on his part shall be Wanting to nu rit it. llis Stock comprises a full assortUH-nt of ar ticles in his line of business, all of the b. st (jnal- ity; I'rugs. .Moiicines. Chemicals. Paints, Oils, PyeStufls. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, choice Teas. Seed, tllass. Piuty. Tooth and Hair lirush- es. Soa} s, Putasli, iVc. The utniosi care gi\en to the preparation of I’ll.' sicijins' Piescriptions and I'aniily l>ecipea. Juiy 12, lt'02. i;tf NEW (iOODS. rrST received, my Fall supply of rLOTFL*!, ( .VSSl.MIiilP.S and Vi:^TiNCS, TIUM- .MINGS, v'cc., ot tl\e V^est tpiality, from New ^ ork. Also, the latest lleport of the New York FASHIONS. I .'‘fill cnntliiile to c;irry on the l.MLOlUNCi lU SINK.''S, at my St.-iiid on Hay street, and t'jose who m.iy favor me with their custom may rely on h.tving their work done in a neat and lashion.ible style, anl i>n the most favorable terms. AUCllIBALD GltAIIAM. Oct. 27, IR.'.l. ;utf nssoLr'nox. Tlu* tinu of Aroy, Sheinwi'll iS: (’o., lieretolore existing, been this day dissolved oy mutual consent. All demands .-ig.iinst said firm will be paid by P. .Sheinwell, jit tiie old stand; and all persons indebted to the late firm will jiie.ise make imme diate payment to P. Shomwell, who aloue is du ly authorised to settle the same. S. .s. .\iu:v. p. SH K M WELL. .IA.'. II. MeUONALD. Fayetteville, Jiine 2f>, 1S.'»2. ;jtf [Hr’I’. S!(('iin\('II ^^ill conliniio the Pry Goods business at the dd st.ind of .\rey, Sliemwell \ ('o., where he will be pleased to sec all win- v.ill favor him with a call. t'ul for past t'avors from the imblic, he hopes, oy strict attention to business, to ret;iin a share of jtublic p.iti'onage. P. SHI-MWFLL. S{)riI!o- (»o{) 11 s-— 1852. JAM!-:s KYLE Now HKl’MVI.NC AIKUT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, .All of wliii-h being pnrcliaseil for’A.''H. wiil be ollered at very I'educcil prices for cash, or on time to punctual custoiher?. either by whole sale or ret.'iil. t'Litlis from Xo. 1 to 10, of '.lie bt st that i." manufactured. March 22, Is.-.-j. 7.-(f board and Uoanoke I’ail lload Company have completed their new bridge acrofs Roanoke River at Weldoti, and are now preparetl to transport passenger.s and freight from Weldon to Portsmouth and Norfolk, anl the Northern cities promptly and with dispatch. The ('ars leave \\eldon daily iit HA o'clock, P. M., and arrive at Portsmouth by 7 o’clock, P. M.. in time to connect with one of the (’hesa- peake ]$ay Ste.uners, HKll.VLH, or NOUTIl t'.\KOLIN.V, for I’altimore, and arrive lit Baltimore early nest morning, in time to connect with the morning train that leaves for Philadelphia and New Y'ork. 1)V this comfortable and agreeable route. Passengers leaving ili'iington in the morning train, will :irrive early the next moi'iiing at Paltiiiiore, and re.-ich New V(.irk the same even ing. without loss of sleep, and with but one change of persim and baggage between Weldon and Ualtimore, and avoid entirely night travel ling on Pail lloads. To rendrr this route worthy of the travelling public, the company have employed careful and responsible baggage agents, who check all b.-iggage at cldon through to P.iltimore, conseiiuently the tiavcl- ler has no further trouble with his baggage until he reaches P>altimore. The I'hesapeake Hay Htcamers also stojt at t'I.,1) Point, to land ami recei.e P.’issengers, and Pussengeis who leave WeUhm at oi o'clock, P. M., arrive at Old Point the same evening. An arrangement has been entered into, by the difi'erent Rail lioud and Ste.-imboiit ('oinpan- ie.s, by which the v ime Through Ticket issued at t'h.-irleston. will l«Mve it ojitionjirv with the traveller ti> take either route at \\ eldon. An accommodation train leaves Weldon every 'I’uesday. Thursd.ay and Saturday mornings for Portsmouth, Norfolk, and OLD PolN T (.'OM- FoKT. Passengers l>y either tiain for Old I’oint, will reach Old Point the same evening. t or Til liOL G H Tl'K FT.'' to Baltimore and New \ ork, and any other iniormation desired, ilnjuire oI the A^ent at Weldon. " K. N. PKTFKSON. Agent. Ollice Seaboard A: 11. H. K, ) Weldon, N. -May 2Sth. lSo2. i -3m* llAKM.W’.S llOTICL, FA YK l'TEVII.I,K, C. Subscriber, having t.-iken the large -B- Hotel, formerly known as the Planter’s Hotel, situated at the foot of IJay .Mount, H:iy Street Fayetteville, N. C., respectfully inforiiis his fr ends and the jiublic that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup plied with entire new Furniture, and is jire- ]>ared to accommodate the travelling piilOic.— Having had stune experience in the business in the town of Pittsborough, N. he Hatters himself that he will be able to give satistadion to those who may favor him with their couipa- ny. His rooms are Large ami airy. He has large :ind convenient Stables, anl .a good and faithful Ostler. JOHN HARMAN. Feb'y 17, lbj2. (jlitf S!»!{I.\(; STOCK. ' Sj11F undersigned are now receiving their fi- SPRlNfi ST(->t.'K,|^onsi8ting of WRY llAKDWAlii:, IlatH, atttl Shoes.f ■\11 of which will be rtold low to punctual cus tomers as heretofore. Merchants and others will do well to exam ine their Stock before making purchases. We will not be undersold. HALL .S: S.VCKFTT. March 11, l.‘''>2. 72tf FAVirr ri:viLLi:, x. c. flJ^HISlarge ami si)lendid liuilding hap now -3L been in successful oper.ition siiici* .’.lay 1840. The I’ediling and Fuiniture of all kinds i« new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is alway.s furnipiiod with tiie best the market atfords, uidcd b^’ a tiin; Tcgctiiule garilen. lJoard'rs, I,odgers. and Travellets will findde- sir.ible accomniodiitions and attentive servants. No pains will be spare.] to ;:ivc entire iatisiac- tion. ! Famil!*‘s can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, convenient:y and somely lurnished. An experience of 20 yeava v. ill enalilo the les see. she hopes, to give general .sati.sfaction. ANN lit;OWN. June 1, 18o0. 28-tf cori'ox VAiixs. E are always prc'parcd to furnish C()T- r V TON \A11NS bv tiie bale, iit F.-ictorv prices. J. i T. WADDILL. ' April 14, 18.32. 82tf & 20?5w;_, f-t”. __also_ 'S"rtnient of House and Kitrhen Fur- tine Table t'utlevy. Table Linen, L’.io-n and t'ottoii Sheetings, with a TWrtety of new and useful articles. There is ^CM’eily an article in this line not to be found ijpjiii |- .'lori . W/i —LIKEWISE— ^ Icrirr stock (if llardn'arr^ Cut- /fi’if. and I''ancif (roods. ftur ■ ; T is to offer to our customers Good.« i-tv aii'l *)Uantlty to suit all of lers; and [ tr'ist we shall be able to meet the wants of wiiii caii upi-ii Us, cither at retail or S. w. TILLINGHAST .V CO. 'j. 1S^2. lotf ANNl'AL .^il•:^:TlNG UF TllH j iV ( \ litre Plank Road Co. 'I'lic niof'tin^r of tlii.-i ('om- wi i t.-ike j.lace in Fayeitevi’.Ie on Thurs- tlii‘ li;th day of August next. St-icMhilders. and the fi ienil? i f the wurk ■hni 'iid. .Vns'iti. Stanly and .Moiitgomei-y • - ah'l elsewhere are re>pectfullv invited ti'-n'l ar.'l assist in devising ways to ci;m- iu.portant work. JNU. A. V.ILLLVMS. Pres’t. kly 17. l'-.'.2. U»-U P.r.LS. HER KINGS, 2'i Prime Pork. Far sale bv T. S. LUTTEULOH & CO. Wy 21, 1 >'.2. lOtf rEi) 'I'o I’l'iu’iiASi:. i.'oKDS PINE W()Ol*. to be deliv- eied on my \Miarf iluring the next T. S. LUTIEPiLOH. Pnf I'L''/ and ('arriairc Materials. 1. !' Iri sh su;ii>ly of Springs, Oil *’i‘'th, and various descriptions '*n.l r»uggy Materials. Foi’ sale V>y COoK .S: JOHNSON. Ju^ 2(>. l .'-' )2. X(vri('i:. '?Ioiic*y Waiifrd! triV**Tlu‘ Mil'scribt*!' rc.'^poctfiilly rtV[iK'^ts his customer!' who are inlebted to him. l>y note or account, to s*ttle during the present nmnth. He wishes t'l g.'= Noith very shortiy. arid of course WANTS .viii.m;v. and begs hi.s customers to atti-nd to the above request as e.irly as con venient. S. J. H1N.'»1>AI.E. July 10. l>'-^2. tjif :i\ i:n. OS U'andll plough skeU tons, ^iiMiis cora ls plete.-) N'l s. 10 ai.d *"> p.Mi.ts. Another ioi our Straw (_ utters. J. 6: T. UADDILL. July 12, 1S.*>2. 7-tf ” i-oii sAu:. tNEW 2 Horse Wag"n. J. I). WILLIAMS. July 12 7-tf I iiiaii \!riiriiltiiri!! WarelioiiNc \ Sn"(l Slorr. *2:1 E'liilosi Vork. Tin.’ t'!‘ ler'i^ii(“i} solicit llic ;ittcii- tion of all pnri-h.asers of Implements for the Farm or Pi.-intation to their !issortment, which includes man.v of the most recent improvement.^ in the leading at .leics in their iine, ail of whieii they wiil sell at prices to insure s.ilisfactioii to the buyer. K'Pkci vi.i.v liailway EmllesS Chain Powers, for one or two Imrses. of the Wheeler Patent, so often awarded the lirst premium :it the St.ate aii.l (.'ounly 1 airs, where they have been exhibited. Railway Pow.-rs. w.irranle-l. Warren X Trimble's Iron .''weep Powers, Tap- lin's Circular Power, Plows, Harrows. Fan .Mills. Straw (’utters. Portable P>nrr Stone Mills, Wagons. Carts. \c. Xc. Field and (iarden Seeds of rkliaiii.e Fertilisers, Fruit and Ornament.-il T;ees. Our di »criptive (.'ata- logue illustrated with cuts, will be sent gratis when two to four Post Otlice Stamps are remit ted. according to tiie distance. KALPH & CO. Julv 1H.')2. O-I’.ni ni)'n:L. riMlE subscriber having )uri-h:ised tiip Hotel ■ situated .11 the .''■luth-il.a.^t ci rner 1 'ourt House Sciuare. and l.-ilely known as Stuart's IL tel, wouM inf .rm the piiblie that he is nww ready to ace mmodale bo irders by the da\ , week i>r niontli. Having made considerable "Utlay in furi.isliing and refining the Establish- r.icn'. he hopi a t" be able to gi\u satislactloii to all wl:o p.-itroiii/.e him. His T.ible siiall be luin;siied wilii the best thi- market ailords. h:s Par with the l>esl ot Liiniors, and his Stable with a plenty of g -d provender and t'aithlui (istlers. J. A. GILCHIUST. June 2'>. l‘'-'i2. ;;-tf w V arc rt (juestcil tt> announce* .T()HN .L PHILIP.'^ a canfjid.ite for the olfice of .'^l.erilf t'T tlie counts of ( umbcrland. at the ensuing election. June 11, 1S.V2. '.y S/irxs for Sale at ('ost. nil tfub.scriber will sell .'>00 p.iir of Ladies', M Mlsse.*', and Cliildren's .Slnxs, Gaiter', and .lippcis at cost. Cali while the assortment is goo'l. W June 1 L 1^‘ S. LATTA. Half Moant Rr ^i It nee to Rnt. The H' use ffirmerly '.ccupied by 1. Hav,le_\ oj-posite J. G. Cook, till .Ian'_\ 1st. .'vj'piy to .lune 1 L I "' II. ■. HALL, or HALL vV S.VCKETT. i'-.!tf s'i'iiAW ('T'l'ri:ijs. A LoT Just reeeived, and we intend for the . » aec.'min.'datiiin ot our custonici0 to keei* them oonstatitlv on hand. J. & T. WAHDll.L. June 10, 18">2. '.'S-tf Plants in Bloom. SH ,V\' E a dozen vjirieties of new \' EllHE.N.VS, of all colors.—pure white, deeii crimson, siripeil. vVc.; thirty varieties of the IIO.SE, blooming. Persons wishing to make selections are itivite.l to call iind see theni. They will be reaily for delivery in the course of the summer and fall. .^l.•lny curious and beautiful plants are con stantly Coming into bloom. C. LrTTERLOH. Ki»w;in .street. P. .S. Persons wishing Strawberries in :iny i|Uaiitily should give notice the day belore they are wanted. On the ground.'', 2‘> rts. per (juart. hen sent out, 2'i •• •• -May 17. 91-tf 77/.-/,' rolJSlf! hoir it Shines! Mol] williiii tlie iiiiit* iiioiilh'%! \J. WOOl»\V.\Rl» returns his thanks to • the public for the unjirecedented en- cour.igement he has met with in the manufac ture and sale of his celebrated POLISH, and at the same time wishes it understood that he al ways keeps a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. Experience proved that this Polish is un surpassed fov r| in joitting .a gloss oti boots and shoes, and al.-'o in preserving the leu ther. Persons wishinyr to oil their boots can use this Po'.ish with envinl success immediately uf- terw.'irtis; the leather should be rubbed as soon as the i’oiish is applied, before it dries. This Polish can lie found at the store under the C;ii ..liiiian Printing Ofiiee. Fa \ etteville. Feb. 21, lSo2. ti7tf DAIi.V EXIMX'^I). A ;ENER.\L assortment of C O O P IC R ."s ’ /m TOOLS, of the best manufacturers’ ni.ike, by E. C. H.\LL, of Rome. Oct. 15. IS.'.l. ;^2tf I'o rnE in liLic. '■fl^HE subscriber has leased for n term of A. 11. w iirri'jELi), Toiidi and Liirlil rarria.irp Maniifacliiror. "M Ol’LD 1 es]>ectfully inform the jmblic * w he still continuis to carry on the iibove l)usiness in all it;- br.inches. He returns thnnl;.'' for the liberal jiatronage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to bnsines.^, and a desire to please all and give g‘neral sat isfaction, to merit a contiiiuance id' the s.ame. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen; and should an.v of it fail in twelve months (with fair us.age) either in workm.iiishiii or mc.terial, he will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy. wouhl do well to call and examine hi.s work before )>urchasin'.r, as it cannot be surpasst d style, elegance, and duraliility. He is determined to sell low li r cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promjitly at tended to. IIEP.\1 IIING ne:>t1v executed at short notice and lowest possible j'riccs. Faj-»*tteville, Feb. 2. IS.',:;. f'.ltf T. C. WORTH, en'iniissioN ami i(iK\v\!!iiiM; nrRfin.M. WIL.MIXGTOX, X. C. Feb. 1, IS.V. Httf I T I'Oli SAI.I',. LIjS. superior N. C. 1V\C()N. 9!>%W\9^W V. a W. McLAPRlN. July 12, 18')2. 0-lm 00 ,y 20. 1^.'.2. ]i-;iw po'fashT LISls. f Ri'.Sll. For sale by COOK .i: ll-:;w Ten flollar« Reward. ST yesterday morning, biitween McKin non's Livery Stables .‘iiid the Toll (iate on ■ount, or on the street running in front of I'. iial. one Porte .Monaie, contiiiiiing be- I'welve and Fifteen Polliirs in money g w hich were three one dollar gold jiieces ne t wo-!ind-a-half dollar gold jtiece, as al- rioiis p.ijiers, whi ii are very vulujihle to d no one else. The jibove reward J will fully j.ay to any one w ho w iil return the 1). L. LYON, ,\t .A. H. Whitfield’s Coach \L'inufactory. yettcville, N. C., July 2'j, 18o2. lltf lireeii'cd on C'onsi^nnicnt» .NL» for sale cheap, oO bbls. U HLskI^Y. JNO. L>. WILLIAMS. 4, ]8-'.2. 8Stf Life of Gen. Scott, W L'ST received. Also, (irace .\guilar’s Hays • * if Hruce: ide. Wide Worhl; I'ream Lite; Puchanan on the Culture of the Grape; Harper’s Magazine, 4 voLs. bound; Ronianism at Home, \c. For sale by E. J. H.VLE \ SON. Julv 7. .1 S iiA .XKS Coiii)iii>»«iiuii and riirwardiii;? \viLMiX(n'(iX, X. c:. 'r()HA(’C'0. ["^IlE subs'-riVier continues to receive and sell, on manufacturers' account, all grades of manulactured Tobacco. J. UTLEY. Maj31.18.j2. 'J.-,tl LUMIiEU! LrMBi:ii!! fi^7 r, have our Steam Saw Mill in sticcess- T » ful o]ieratinii. S miles from F.ayetteville. near the Kaleigli Stage lload, and are prepared to execute or.lers in iur line. .\s we ruu two Jliihinj or Circidar Sous, we can fill bills at the shortest noti-e. W e can furnish Pine, Poplar and .luniper Ll'MliER. and of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line and sm-iothness of fa;e, shall be equal to any ever delivered in market. JONES & liARl’.EE. .March 30, 18')2. 7Stf June 22, 18o2. w K.s ri:Rx jrvcox. ^ IIIIDS. just received and for sale by Iv 21. T. S. LLTTEllLOlI & CO. 18.V_». lotf Howard. .\NA\VAY from the subscriber, on the 3t)tli •lune last, my negro man LINN. He h- a'loiit one hundred and seventy-five lbs., '»■ .■.'iiiplected, six feet aud upwards high, about ;;i) years of age. No other marks re- ' t‘d, except his front upjier teetli, by close t 'itinii, have a small opening or gap. l>«- ‘II them. 'I'he above reward will be y>;iid li'S delivery to me at home, or confiiietuent ayne county jail, so that I get him. F. JERNEGAN. «’v 17, 1852. lltf 3tf imoriiEiis iJXE. Cfea)"* Tlie new StcaiiH'r “Douhlass” ! having been added t.> this l>ine, and now hav ing two light draft Steamers and four Tow Hoats, ali in good order, the Proprietors are prepared to transport Freight to I’ayetteville and the intermediate landings, with as quick despatch as any other Line. J. 8. BANKS, .\gent. Wilmington, June 22, 18'i2. ;]tf LAXi) VO\l S\\M. , tA’.VLUAlJLE tract of Land is offered for | sale, containing 220 .acres, lying '>A miles j of F»v iteville, near the F. ii W. Plank Road, adjoining Mrs. Nott and others, with a i good duelling and other necessary out houses, well watered ami healthy situation, .\pply soon to 1>. O. -McDuffie in Fayetteville, or to .las. U. -McPufiie o« ths p/on»i:»e!j, for j^rticu- lars. June 2G, 1852. 3-tf years, of R. W. Urown, Estj., his fire-i»roof Store, with his Wharves, an>l is now in a condi tion to take especial care d' .spirits Turpentine ;ind other Naval .Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and ■s.ifest place in tow n for the stor.-ige of ISaccm, Lard. Corn,, \c. The lower wharves h:ive on them four Large new sheds, w here .Spirits can l>e safely ke]>t from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, ail kinds of produce sent to his Ciire. He will also make advaiices when rei|uired. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen; R. W. Hrown, .lohn Hawson, O. G. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright, Esqs. MILKS COSTIN, Prown's whan', AVilinington. N. C. Sept. P2. lSf')l. 21-Y tT)]} a r U (i T Vj have a lot nf /irime common Tob.acco, which we will sell bv the box very cheap. J. t. WADDILL. -May 20. 1852. '.tl-tf A CARD. fH'^HE return of low water renders it neces- B. sary that the .Steamer (’hatham should be emjjlo.ved as a t(ov She will not therefore I'un as heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JNO. D. AVILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. IL Co. May 12, 1852. J)0-tf XEVV riU\L f glllE undersigued have entered into copart- JL nership, uuder the name and style of Laureiicc & Troy, F’or the of doing a general Mercantile and JJarter business. We have taken the .Store, No. 10 GREEN STREET, fortuerly occupied by Messrs. John Huske & Son. GEO. w. lawrencf:. JOHN JJ. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22, 1851. 33t: :\li\l I'liDl & m\ (iOOIIX. ^H'^HE subscribers are now receiving from M_ M. York, a large and genei’al assorttnent of Staple and Fnncif Dry Hoods., G IlOCKRl 1*:S, II AUD WAR K, Hats aud Caps, lioot.s and Shoes. Among which are: Coffee, Sugar, Cottou IJagging, Hale Ilopo, Nails, Window Glass, Swedes and Englis-h Iron, S.icJv and Alum S;tlt, Imperial and Plack Teas, Pejiper, .Vlspice. (iinger. Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, liar and Fancy Soap. Together witli a great variety of other arti cles, to wh'ndi tbe.v invite tl»e attcRtioo of the public, aud which they are determined to sell as low for Ca&li, or on time to, tboi» who pay promptly, as any house iu the Southern cwmtry. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & JONES. Summervi}lcj N. C., Dec. 8, 18ul. 47tf MRS. W Al/rox, Mantua-Maker and Milliner, I las just received a new and beautiful assort ment of Spring and Sum mer KO.’% yi KT!«*, and e.\i>ects to receive them numthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell them as cheap, if not cheaper, than any in the mar ket. She expects dail.y a new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Lace .Shawls, Scarfs and Mantillas. Also Dress and .Sacipie Patterns of the latest style. Orders from the country promptly at tended to, and country customers m.-iy always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March 30, 1852. 78tf ~C()TTOX YAUXS for s^Te by the bale, at Factory prices, bv STARR iS: WILLIAMS. March 10, 1852. 72tf IX STOKE, PLOUGILS and Plough Castings, Corn Shell- ers. Cultivators, Straw Cutters, and Spin ning Wheels. E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18. 1851. 32tf (^TAGE leaves W.\R.S.VW daily on the ar- W rival of the cnrs, sixy 10 o’clock a. in., aud arrives iu Fayetteville at 9 p. m. McKlNNON .Jr McNElLL. April 12, 1852. 81tf Wilmington and Goldsborough papers copy until forbid. DAILY EXPECTED. AGI^NERAL ASSORTMENT of HOLLOW- W.\RE, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. Oct. 18, 1851.. o2tf jyy Livery Stable Bus'ness. ^fi>HE subscriber intends carrying on the fi. above busines as Having added eoiisiilerable Stock, he will be aide to accom modate the public. Th.inkful for jiast favors, he solicits a continUiince. J. W. POWER.S. Jan’y 20. 1S52. o6tf i: (. HALL, OF liOMi:, Sitrrr.-:xnr nf Hall. Sm'/crn C' (’>>., 1.'' now receiving his Fall STOCK of (iOODS, con.sisting of a general assortment of I )ry (loods, SiuitjJen . I l;its. Caps, Sh()(‘s. Iliir!\snre, (irocerios. A mu(di larger and more general ptock than ever opened on the East side of the Cape Fear — wliieh he is prepared and determined to sell to pum taal cust.uners, cither at wholesale or rct.ail. at greatly reduced prices. fc."^i"He woulil call particular attention to his stock of BOOT.S .VND SHt»E.''. The a.ssortment i."? unusually Large, and of every qii.-ility and style; and having been bought for Cash, he can aud will sell them very low. Yon that wish Bargains will find it to your intere.«t to give the Stock an examination before buying elsewhere. .\lwa\s oil hand, a general stock of GROCE RIES. Oct. 18. 18-'.l. 8-tf \i;\v W W ^ E are now receiving h very large and w w well selected stock of .''PRlNti (.iO(.)D.S, Consisting of a full assortment of raticf/ *V staple if rtf Gooffs.^ -Among which may be found the latest and most fashionable st k lt*s of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s DRESS GOOl'iS. Hats, (’aps, Hoiiiu’ts, llo:ul\-made Clotli- iii^, I laidwatf, (I roct rics, Dniirs niKi 31odiciiic.«, Saddk'iy, Ctockeiy, ami (il;\v;ire. A large and well selected stock of !>t0t.s aud J^lioi'.x, and LadioH’ and Oeiitle- iiifii s (.iaitcr.'i, (very tine.) SAT/r, H;ON, and XAILS. We intend selling as cheap :ik we can, and would be glad if our friends and the public would cali and examine our stock. J. T. COLNCIL & CAIN. March 21, 1852. 7otf M'\ttfcttcviil€ CSrattch (LOTiii.\(; I':ntu{limimi:,\t. J. n. White A: l uflei liill, JJ nij)i rs, 'J’dilu/'s, (inif ]\h»tesate mid AV- tuit (.'It/fliii rs, 110 William Street, New Y'ork, AND Person street, (next door to B.nnk of ('ape Fear,) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. WrE would beg leave to int'orm the i-itizens w w of Fayetteville and vicinit.v, that we have just receive*! our jitpply of SPRINtJ .\ND SU.MMER GOODS, which comjtrises a general assortment of K E A1) Y-M AI C LOTH IXG, W hich will be found worthy the attention of }>urchasers. Our assortment consists iu part of the fVdlowing; COATS. — Black and col’d cloth l>ress. Frock and Sack Coats, all qualities: black and colored ('a.shmeret ditto; French and English Drap D’- Ete ditto; tjueen’s-cloth and Aljiaca ditto; Fan cy Coats of mottled Crasse and Tweeds; Ken tucky Jeans; Linen and Cotton Ginghams; Bro., bufl' and white Linens; white grass-cloth Sacks, &.C. of all {Ualities. P.ANTS—Of black and col’il Cassimero; fancy single-mill'd ditto; French .and English Dr.ap D’Ete ditto; white and col’d Drill ditto; Ken tucky Jeans ditto; India and Freuch Nankeen ditto, .S:c. VESTS—Of black Satin, Bombazine. Alpaca, black and col’d Silks; white and col’d .Marseilles ditto; brown and p.added Linen, plain unit tig’d: Nankeen, Bufi', Grass-cloth, &c. All of whicli arc offered for sale as low as c:in be bouglit in the New Y’ork market, at wholesale and retail. In addition to the ubove, we shall heep on hand a general assortment of Shirts, Drawers, (,'ollars. Cravats, Hosiery, &c. Also, Cleths, Cassimeres, and Vestings. The TAILOUING DEPARTMENT -ivill be continued as before, and all orders for fine Cloth ing will be executed in the most fashionable Style. A. C- H.\RT, Agent. April 8. 1852. 80tf — WAX FED, barrels of TERPEN- TINE, for Distillery at the i Wide World; Romanism at Home, by Kir- Plank Rt)ad Bridge on Big Rockfish. The best wan; tlie Farmer's Dictionary, by D. P. (Jard market4)rice will be paid. For further inform- I ner, M. 1>.; the Wide, W ide World; &c., &c. atiou, inquire of John W. .Murphy, at the Bridge, I Just received, or of A. A. >ieKetliau, Fayetteville. i E. J. HALE & SON. I Dec. IS, lHuL. latf t iUy 22^ Uid2.. OiiEy Itiiriif in Partr A.~\.McKE”i^AX I^TILL continues to carry on the CARHlAGf BL'SINE.''S iu all its branches, at the re- niains of his old trt.ind, opposite Liberty Point. He returns thank;* for the liijeral pHtrouti-g«i he has heretofore received, and hopes by strict at tenrioii to business and a desire to fiiv« satiiil'aetir.ii, to merit h oontinuancb of the s.iiue. Having kept the gre;itcr porilou of Lis Tim bcrs at a di.starice from the uiauufact. ry, he hd.i oil hand a large ,ind well selected lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every description u.«ed ill hi^ bii.>iin!.‘3B, which enables him to retijin all hi.s prineii)al worAjiien. He ie therefore now ]>re]iareil to do any v%ork in Li.s line in the very liest style, and on the most favorahie ierm#-'Utt low ji.") any work of the same qualit..’ in C He has on hiuul, comp’.-;tely tiuisLc l, S B.irouches, for 1 o." 2 horsc-;; () Roekaw’yys, and 1;> 15og;;ifS. Also, nearly finished. Hi (,'arriages for 2 hor-rCt*: liO Barouches for 1 H’ld 1’ hoiseF. 12, and 3o p.iiggits; .'\11 of which are of the nujst approved jili-.n final finish, and will conq.-are v. ith any vwirk in iln; L'. .'^t.atts for and durability. Having been engaged in th.e above bm-'int'h.s for the jiast 20 vears, Lis work is well known, and he refers to old cust'.'jaeia for pri.*of i.-f its- durability. All Yovk -wnrraiitod for 111 inontli.'^v and repaired tree of ciii.rge sho’i.d it fail by bud' woilaiianship or mattriai, viitiiiii tiiut time. Pi:i’\ii:i.VG executed at (fir il uoticc, uhc‘ on reason able ternio. J:m’y U’i, ] ■'•'^2. o'.t HOOK juxi)i:uv7 ” W. HARDIE has resumed the Boo*-- IVii.ilii.g Busine.^s »a the new .>t9rc uei*: door to Mr. Bea.-rley. Jeweller, where he will lo ceive and executc bindiiij.^ iu any style desire.1 • August 1, 27tf A LL tln'se in.lebted to the subscriber will * find their .aconints made out by calling at the Foundry which will please be settled as early as convenient. H. G HALL. March •). 71 10,000 WANTED. 'Die Sul)Scril)or lias now one of the most extensive nn.i best assorted stocks DouVile and Single .“sHOT GUNS. P1ST((LS of the moat superior quality.—Colt's Repeating and .Vilen’s Bevolving. (if every (|Ualit_\,—Pow der Flasks, Shot aud (Janie llags. Percussion Caps of English and French m.ake. Also, the most complete assortment nf (inn fixtures that has ever been of1'ei-ed in this section of country. •\ls('. Shot (inns. Rifles and Pistols made to order or repaired. Rifles made to order, and warr.anted to shoot from one to five hundred yards. Air (iun» madi' to order at short notice. I’o all of which the attention of Sjiortsmen and others is resjiecfI'uilv invited. ■.M. A. BAKER. >■;//« 0/ the dun. Hay street, nearly opposite the Marble Yard. Fayetteville. N. C.. (Kt. ii, IS.M. 2.^tf l(K).0()() Acres Valuable r J M n r: r l a x d s FOPi SALE. : HE .Subscriber has purchased all the Lands I belonging to the l>tate of .\brani Duoois. ' dec’d. l.ving principally in Kobeson county, and on both sides of Lumbwr River, the difi'creiit sur vey s containing Ov('i* 100,0(H) A large ]>»rt finely Tim'x^-re*!. and convenient to Lumbi'r River, where :i l.-ii-ge qujuitity of 'J’ini- ber is now ratted to the (iei rgetown m.irket. These Lands are v('i-y valuable both for the i Timb«‘r and Turpentine, fer which purpose a Large part is well suited, being in a region where tiie Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of tlse State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit )>uveliasers. Iniormation respecting the title can be ol>- tained by apjilyiiig to the Hon. Roberi Strange, ; Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smitii, Esq., I (Attorneys at Law.) ! 1 understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of wliom notice is hereb.v given, that the law wiil be enforced against all such offenders. -\pplication for any part of the Lands can be made ti my.self, or to .lohn Winslow, Esq.. why is dulv authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CL'KTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., .'sept. 1, 1S45. 70tf LIFE INSI RAXCE. ^I^IIE riidersigned has been ^appointed Agent * of the North C.arolina Mutual Life Insu- ; ranee Comjiany. Every member for life jiartic- ipates iu the profits of the Company; and the ' annual premium for life mendicrship. where it amounts to ^;iO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. ; l>ebtors' lives may be insur'd by creditors. : \ man m.ny insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slave.s Jnay be insured. ; This system i» ifipidly growing into favor, all ! over the civilized world. It is one by which a I family, for a small sum annually', may be i>ro . vided for. after the death of its head, on whose j exertions fliey may have been dependent for a 1 support. It is a good investment of m*ney. I even if one shotild live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necv'ssary Uhinks, furnislied on tipplicntion. ¥.. J. HALE. Fayetteyille, Jtine 1850. 72 A(;RU rLTLRAL WORKS. '^^^ORT( »N".S Element.'s of Scienlinc-\gricui'-- ture; Dana on Mi^mircs; Americfin .Mucii- Book; ^ ouatt on the Pi;;; Cole's Vn.crictin Frv.i? Book; Thon,;is's Fruit Culturist; Ffuiiily Kitch en (i.iidi !iei-, by Buibf; ji.-'na's .'duck Manual,: All Ml's American Farm iiook; Piichftrdson or. the Bee; l»itto on the Hog; the .Ameiicfin Culturist; .Vilen’s Rural Architecture; Down* ing's Fruits and Fruit Trees of Amcrica; Stoll's .\grictdtural Chemistry; Fiirmf-r’.i Tref- sure, by- Falkner; Miner’s Am. P.'e Keeper s- .Manual; Youatt and .Martin on Cuttle; 1 esscii- den's Complete Farmer and Gnrdener; Wheel er's Rural ILmies; Stewart’s Stable ilcouf-my,: IliiidH' Farrier; Masou's Farrier; .\e., iVc. E. J. HALE .'•(')N April! 4, 1852. \viioi.fXCle WaleU aisft JeweJrv Slorc* ].. il. AllLLEK &:'C0., JoijiDiter.i, Manufacturers and nf M'akJu'is, Jeiccli'i/, and Fanry G‘od^, Hnvo leased the Old Stani formerly occupied by Mebsrs (\antie!d. Brother & t’o., iSouth Kottf I'lruvr 'f Churles and licdHvwre slrftU. (No. 227,) which thev are putting in complete order for the WH«V,.ESA!.E '\VATCH ANI> JEW EIJiY JiLSiNESS, to he ' ubout iii* 20th of.Iuly. In calling the attentii n of tlie trade to the new conoern, we mention the fact thrtt we ai’e* : associated with one of the most Cirensive Jew- I elry Mauuf.atinnng Establishments in the coun- j fry, which n.ust give a decided advantage over ; all others in this market for supplying ilealertt I w ith .lewelvy .t manufacturers’ prices, a fuaturt; I in this br.auch of trade long since needed -be I tween Baltimore aud the Southern and ^VeBlcrn I .'^Ie»'chants. I W e desire U» call )>articular attention to the Watch department, which will ct all times be supplied with a great assorfractit from the most celebratel maiiul'acturers, and kejd in perfect running onler, so that jiurchasers may at ouce take them, with a written guarantee that ihev will |ierforni correctly. Thi^ br.anch of the business ■.ill rcoci’’e the es]iecial attention of one of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical kiiowledge of tlie busine.'-s will, we hope, give us a jiVacc in the fnieondc*.c itt buyers. VVe respectfully invite you to cn!i upcn usr when you next \i?it our city, contidently Lc- lic^illg an e.\amin;(tion of our Goods wiil proveto you that they are better stjles ^iid ciieaper than you have ever seer« in this market,- and u!*sure you that no eS'ori shall Vc wai.ting on our part to ni;;ke the acquuiutanco "HC of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canrield. Bro. A. Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles ^ lialtiniore .sis - Baltimore, June 185], 14 Y'c* REFERENCE.S: Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock & Co. Ciwyu, Reid \ Taylor. Jauies Hoilgcf .i Brother. Hurst \ Berry. Munloch, Duer & Evanp Stellmann & Hinriclis. Sangston & Co. P.arthlow, Gwyn & Co. Uiely Pendleton. Cushings iV. Bailey. John Murphy i Co. Moore iV Griflin. XEW HOOKS. ^^^VEECIIY', by the author of the AVide, XI-:\V BOOKS. J ■ ALIBFRTON’S Yankee Stories, illnstrat JB BL ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Ihistou i&‘ 177ti; the ()ld Bell of Independence, or Phila delphia in 1770; (.’amp Fires of the Revolution, or the Wur of Indejiendence. illustrated; Wold’s Dictiimary of Scriptural Quotations; Harbnugh’- Heaveiily Recognition; Catechism of Familiar Things; Td.athias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, &c.; W alker’s Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary; iJrili;«h Female Poets; Americnn Fe- m.ile Poets: Watson's Dictionary of Pneticu'. Ouotations; Philadcljihia as it is in 1852; &c. E. J. HALE .V SON. April 8. XEW iiOOKS. Pt'TNAM’S LIBRARY', Nos. 4 «nd 5, Kein(? the World Here and There, by Dickent«, and Hood's Own; Ctiunt 'Monte-L.eone, or the Spy in Society; Miss Sewell’s Journal of a Sum mer Tour; .Memoir of Rev. W. H. Jlewit.son, Wesley and Methodism, by Tayloi~ .Spencer’s Pastor’s Sketches: McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers, 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th parts; I’arker’s 1st Le.ssons- in Philosophy; Mills’ RhciOi’ic; Davioe’ SchOoP Arithmetic; &c. Also, further supplies of THE EOSTO'^ ACADEMY’S Collection; Cjtunina Saora; Gvau'#' ! Domestic Medicine; Hurfioritt’e Library; L J HALE i frr..