hi, '“ f, ' ■ ' ■ :rp‘' ' '■‘■•‘•«- fit '■■ , ''■"CO m,. "• -’I ^ • ■•Hi , "'' ft firit;:’ '■•111 V,, ■;'"■■ i'‘W': > lo. SEMl-WBEKIi Y. [VOL. II.] l'AYETTEVII,LF., N. C., AUGUST 10, 1852. [XO. 115.] ^ //. >n • ■>■:;.HU unr ■ .,r, ,._ ' ’ '' 1 . •'!■-',,r .f, ■ ^ 'N' -Xllf f iiu _i>itr;,ti,r : • ’ - ■• :,t- ' - -i V.!f=‘ M,. tlFi. ■ «Ji, ir., I’r T U. ir Hl f.-ifir = 't«T I I’lN. M. . ^ ■’ u ■- K:..: '; '•; \un. ■•■r, ■’• M- J.f -■ . ' ■ i.ir . .■ ■! '' •■ ■ T1 ■; t ikf - iiir t .\ i: MKNT' . i’ ).\ fahies^ ■ > .1 I . h; - •. >. C. rprcved Rr ver and Over I Separator ‘ ,N -r-' ‘pKlNTED BY J. li. NEWBY. IW.VHD J. HALE t SON, ElUTOUS AND rUOl’ItlKTOKS. for tl.e ffmi-\VcckIv Obskkveb $4 00 if in a.!vaiicc; •'*4 50 if • vf gubscrii'tion; or !{'•> alter the jear has lired. lie Weekly Obskkver $2 00 per annum, if kd in advance; $2 50 if paid during the ir of subscription; or $3 00 after the year expired. _)VKRTISKMKNTS injierted for sixty cents square for the first, and thirty cents f»r each ^eediii? publication. Yearly adverti.xcments (ipecial contracts, at reasonable rates. Ad- lisers are requested to st:ite the number of rtions desired, or they will be continued till l^d, and ckarpr^l accordingly. * • Letters to the Editors nnist be post-paid. Prinfiii^ l''sfnhlt'funcnt for Sale nt \ndion. I HE Printiiijr Establishment of the l.ite ‘•('onmiunicator” will be sold at .\uction, Ihe Market House in Fayetteville, on Thurs- the J'.'th of .luly n xt. at li! o’clock M., on ffilit of twelve months, with interest from d.ite. I’riiitors at a distance are invited to i-nd the J^ale. A (;reat bargain may be got. materials are in good order. V (irder of Trustees. A. M. CAMPBEEL. tune 1S.52. 13ts .'I'lio :i!)ovo ? ile is Postponed |il Saturday the 14lh of August. ^I'liivrrsily ol* Tlarylaml. Forty-fifth .Annual Session will be^'in on Thursilay, October 14th, ISol!, and end tlie 1st of .March IN'io. I’riiiciples and Practice of Surcery and Clin- Siir.'tTv—Nntlian U. Smith, M. I). ^ ('heiiii.'trv jind 1 h:irmacy—William E. A. Ai- |n. M. L». ■ I’rhi' iplos ;iiid Practicc of Medicine and Clin- !i’ ^l(•'!il.•ine—Samuel ('hew, M, I). I AirUoiiiv !iii>l Pli vsiolojry—lo-eph lloby, M. D. j 1 ;*—ISichard II. Thomas. ,M. 1). 1 jM I'. i'.a M — lii-n, Therapeutics and PutholoRy ; Miitenber^rir, .M. 1>. . fl’nu t;*' il Anatomy—IScrwick 1?. Smith, M. I>. ' ||F.‘. s •^ur the full rimrs*. 1 demonstrator’s Mivtncu'.-irioii, firaduation, |For pnrp' ses of Clinical Instiuction the Fa- |tv li:i f at tlieir command the •‘I'altimore Snii ir oil the s.ime street with tiu* I'ni- j ^«itv. :i!i.l in its imm«'di:ite neijrliborhood. ; ^t.iiiiinjr :i iuindred and eighty beds. Vjeloiijj- i t I til'- I iiiversity. and manaired ainl uttend- entirc'y by the F:o-ulty. This Institution is ^oted to the rect'i'tion and tre:itiucut of those i of disease which furni?U ’he most useful pr-ifit.i'ile subjects for clinical observ.-ition. . (udditioii is to be made during the present ktii'T. which will niHterially increase its ac- lixl:itioiis and advant.-iges. It is open to ' Matriciil.-itos of the School throujrhout the without fee. Ptiat 'iiiical Material is abundant and cheap. of livinjr. in IJaltiinore, as low as in .\t’:intic citv. WILLIAM E. A. .\IKIN. M. D., Denn. .iiinmn-. May 1-'), 1S5‘J. 10-4t !:‘\)nrv I' I l.i. be .« >ld at the (’ourt House Door of ^ 1 *u* (’..unty of ’uniberl:ind, on Monday (ii d iy of Se|fteniber next, two valu.-ible '• slaves named Sl'.''V and M.VllA’, tipon a Mit of six aiivl twelve uionths. AKCH’D A. T. SMITH, — ]:l ts Clerk Master. Di'AriSTRY. I 111'. SiiViscriber may be found at the Fjiy- etteville Hotel for eight or ten days, and be |>l«'a.-ied to attend to :iny calls in his pro- Ibose in want of his services will Be iniike it known as soon as they can, con- i jntlv. I .IAS. KEA. lyetteville, .luly 28, 18.j2. I'J-ot inian 'J weeks. IK C. KRKKMAN.] [lKO. llOirSTON. Pm'!IN \ IIOISTIIN. Wilininirton. \. f. C. r. .V ro.. \i w York. ititiriiuiiiiii'] iiiMMj. f H^HE undersiguptl would respectfully inform the citizens of Summer ville, the vicinity, and 'he public generally, that she has opened a IlOrSE (IF E\TERT.UX)1E)1T. where she will be plea.sed to accommodate all who may call on her. The Village is pleasant and healthful, her house large and commodiotis. No pains will be spared to render agreeable ami comtbrtjible any who may favor her with a call. She is al.so prepared to nccommodate with Board from I;') to "JO Students. Price of P>o:ird !j!8 per month. E. ll.MLEV. Sunimerville, N. ('., .lune lo, 1X;’>2. 1-tf xorui:. ' ^B^HE Subscriber having .-issociated with him- M. self in business his sou M.-itthew, the biisi- ne.ss will hereafter be conducted umdr the name atid style of M. N. l.eary \ Son. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal pat ronage hitherto extetided to him, resjiectfully solicits a continuation of the same in i)elialf of the new Firm. All those indebted to the nndei sigiied, either by note or account, are carnestiy re(upsted to settle the same as earlv as possible. M. N. EE.\UV. Fayetteville, .lune 7, 1S.')2. '.t7-;Jm wum I. mill FOK W .\ UDI X(; .AM) I COMMISSION MVMV\\\y\\ WILMINGTON, N. C. PEHSON.VL attention given to the sale or shipment of Navul .''tores. 1 have ample facilities for conducting the business: l.irge I wharf and stoi-e sheds to keep spirits from I exposure. Naviil stores will be shijiped to any I house iu New York, or to other markets if .‘iilvi.sable, ami liberal c:ish .advjinces made on I consignmeiits. I refer to the following distillers: j E. Hannum. Wayne ('ounty, t’handler Hall. .Johnston Co., Lovett Pe.acock, Columbus Ct)., 11. H. Harden, “ Thos. L. Vail, Eladen “ Messrs. Smith, .v [nirrain, .Johnston Co.. .Nlessrs. /,. \ .1. .Jones, •Messrs. Smith \ .Julies. “ Spencer I’ouiit.iin, Ksi|., •* Levi Hailey, M:vy ‘_’0, 1S’>2. '.'o-ypl IMU)V1810XS. LBS. P.ACON SIDKS, •iOlKt lbs. Lard. (N. C.) lIOtMl 11).4. Fresh Hic«, 10(.l bushels Whita Corn Meal, r>00 “ t’orn, CO biilr3 Eastern Hay, for Siile low bv H. BKANSON & SOV. June 3, 18r»2. IHi tf Tl. I. ilOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmingtoiij N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets, under .Journal olhce. l>ec. 12. 4S-tf HfiOW N l»!: ixOSSi /r, •Vvtr l*orh\ IJilOWN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J.\(t. I'OTTS l?KOWN. AltM.VM) .1. Dl.Hossr.T, Jr. K. F. Bi’.ow x. ^ 1.V.''ll advances will he madr on consignment V ' of Produce for salt' eiiher in Wilniingtoii or New York. :ind Colton will be f«>rw.trded to the New York House fi-ee of (\,mmission at Wilmington. .March 22, 18-’)2. 7>-i'm General Agency and Commission Business. rjl'^HE Subscribers have this day entereil in- B to a cojiaitneisliip under the style of AVHITAKLIl, WllITFlLLl) \ CO., for the jiurjiose of doing a genei-.il agency iini commission business, and in ofl'eiing their ser vices to the public in lliiit c.ipacity thty fi:itter themselves tliat they will be :ible to give satis- factiiui to all those who may consign any go'ols, w:ires, merchiindi/.e or country ju-odiice to them cither to sell nn commissions or fbrw.-ird. As it will be our greatest aim to jdease, wt“ pledge tnirselv(‘s to sp.ire no p.iins in trying to give | general s.-.tislactioii. Tiny i'si'ectl'nlly solicit the ]i:itroiiage of their liieiids ainl tin- )iublic generally. 'I'licir store is No. ;) North Water .Street. Dickinson's 1 irc-j'-oof building, U il- niington, N. C. .JOHN K. WIHTAKLi;. .lAMLS W. U ,ilTl ILLl), A. A. B. SOI'TIIALL. H! n.iuiNi i.s:—'ol.ii l>:iw.'iiin. I'oiti-r cv Iviil- der. O. (i. I'arsley. .'ainuel iieeiy \ Sons, Li. 11. Freiu-h, and Lllis oc .^iitcliell. •Jan. 2'.l, l8/)2. lil-tf lidihl n itrrmils U (tntd. higln'st Cv.'ii I'lui i.s ji.iid for any .M number of i.aml Warrants, lor a North ern ci;nccrn. .TNO. M. lUiSE, .\gent. Fayetteville. .\i>ril 14, l!^.')2. 82tf aiivniicecl. EHSONS who liave made contrncfs with .T. -fa. F. .Jordan Co. for furnishing 11 AflS, are hereby informed, that we will pay :U cents per ib. on all Cotton Hags, Uojie and' Bagging, delivered to us after this d.ate. 11. BUANSON v;: SON. March 11. l.^.')2. 72tf C. W. ANDREWS, l>ra!t*r in srjiiAc; GOODS. ^i’^E .ire now receivimr our usual slock of W? STAPLi; AND FANCY O O i> S. IS«»otr4, BS«»n9i(‘fN, A;c., \\ liich being bought late in the s0:is’in. (most (d'thein :it a considerable decline in price.) we are now | repared to sell them very low. Please call and examine. 1>. & AV. McLArniN. ■April -i. 18.'»2. 7‘.’tf iv()('Ki'isn siirjyri.NCiS, s5 i-- V the bale or li.alf bale, tor sale by C. T. liAKill .'c’soN. Mierrhi^, BDLS. just receive ! nud for sale br Coolv A. TAVLOK. July n», 18.52. 'Jtf 50 Julv 13, 1H.")2. 8tf OUN, I! Itrtad Corn, w ell fanne^J ^ Bi s>ir, 1,.'' itrt.M and sound, for sale bv ' ttr/niin c. nth' ^ H E subscriber is rccc.ving the !ar'j,e.'t as- sortni(*nt in hi.' line e\er bel.fc ]iurc-has(-1 at the Norih. w iiich. I ..rctlu r w 'Ih hi-> o\\ si man ufacture, 111.1 ki s his .''t.M-k 'ery eoniji’ete. con sisting of C'liiiirs, 'r.ililcs, d.i-i, Wa.'h St;in^ls, litu i’.ui.', lv'"kiiiir I lassc.-;, Side Hti.inls, .'^i-cretarics, \c. All of which will be sohi i>n tin- lowest term.' foi Ca»h, or on sli.'i t linie to Minctital cnstniiii'i s. .i'oli.S U. BAKLil. ;:'if 'I'hc continues t >1 K\Mi:u SOI 'riii'JtVI \i ® ILL le.ave Fayetteville every We'lnesda_\ * * and .''atunl.iy, at 7 o'clock, .A. .M.. and arrive in Wilndiigtoii .it 7 o'clock. P. M. .\nil will le.-ive Wilmington every Monday and Thurs day. at 12 o’clo.-k, .M., «nd .arrixe in Fayette ville next morning. U. M. OKllELL, .\gent. .April 2(. 1jsi2. 8-'>-tf R. BMiNMlli. Tl I JS 1 O A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, jroT 1’ roiMpt personal .ittenti' ii ;:i'.en ti' ail Consignments, and Cash ailvanccs made "O i’ro- duce to be shipped to otiier porti or sold in liiis market. Feb. 12, 18.-.2. C,4v Oct. 3». IS'.l, Vnii s vLi COV. ,i. i'eb'v ‘.I, l'.'>2. \ { » i‘;« ' K will b|iy a:iv ill's V w tine .irfci-e 1 in thi' r' i ei\e aii'l sliip for ii:«til e Si riitrtii •. tl I lUs. I » \ D. Wll.iJ VMS. Su!)s(‘ril)cr .'ii!l carry t.n the l'.\ P.IN l/i' r.t .'^INF.'^S in l'a> et ie\i'le. ai.d in a lditioii to his 1^'t.iMishment on Bow street, near l\cc’es's Bridge, li.is opt-ned a large \\.\KL UOO.M on liay street, lu ai l' op|.o>ite the Fa_\ cttcx il’e Hotel and one iloor r.a.-t d’ Mc-i-rs. llaigh a. Sou's, where a '.ri'ntn'.l a.-^s-rt;i!--nt ol' Made by -oiiijietent and faithCiil w .irKnien. may be had at piices corre.'j'oiiding witii the tinh.'. .Vl>i . :iii iiH'iit ot N. ; th'i :i-iii.>l- FlKNl- 'I'l l!l'.. sen-cicd b_\ hiiii-e!!'. N-iiicli V.ill be so’.il ■ It a vei\ iihi'ier.ite advaiuc. Di'.NCAN McNKlIL. Nov. 1>. ;,>tf' •ps ■1 ol' Si.^rits Tiirpeii- s in.ir’iNi-t. and will cis to New Vok nr uu.t: -'iipiling f.icii.tics. hand an a-- \ii:r.\i,Li.' wiiicl. h.i'. I- !ic(li lii^rhly i .'coi P. Maii-.riini, i enr\ Cl.iv. l.i ' 'rtiiieiit if F' -k's iii i;:.\L iiiil’ n K '! 1 v \'i i.-. I '.i^s. \\ ni. It. Kill;., .uid iii.iiiy .tliei- iiii;.'tri.ir,.' ch.ir.ielers, wli'i Ii ’.M' e\aiiiined .in 1 wiiiic.->(.d t'leir utilitv. T. J line V.aDDILL. '.'lilf- ii. Ic: 'NS II. VMIITAKI.H li nil the c'ti/c! • ciiiil\. that he ha- .i.:;iln sons on the Piano For;e. I'lr the liber.il pa( and hi'iiibiv Si'luit N 'uM rr'pi‘ :rully in- f l':i ^ !■: ieville :!iid vi- iiiiiaenced -jrixiKg Les lie r' im 'is his thanks ; na"e heieti toi'c lei t'ive l. :i continii nice of the same. .\il pains shall be taken l^r the a Ivanccinent of his pii('i!s. In.slruction also giv.-n on tl.e (luit.ar. ti'i ' I'lanos tui.ed and repaiifd in the best y =.f iV !'■ h t!.^i _ .r b-ni" 1 Ir. F.iid'.. „ ■Jliii. K.V ti- '• ;i ,d 1. I'l ^ar D,. .-n Jier I, . 1“ ,>.n! • ■' ,r M , r in t. -t i. .i. li . Twenr> . ft'' V* * r: 111 ■ . , ,1 IABTIN bis” ! o.. I L:im I''. ; -oe H-'P''’^' pj?iii;\i\.\ & iiorsTo.v, «UKK(’I1AXT8 AND FACTORS, ^ Wilmington, N. C., EBP constantly on hand u stock of Flour. Corn. Pork, Bacon, Salt. ('■•llee. .Sugar, ics, Toliacco. Cigars. Snuft. t.’iindles. Soap: [n and Domestic Liquors and Wines; Nails. Paints. Oils, Olass, Domestics, l'>oots. Shoes. Leather, .Agrijnltural Ini- ts. and a variety of other articles, suita- ilaiuil_v ami plantation use and the retail hicii they will lispose of in lots to suit or coiisiimers, on reasonalile teriiis for ir in exchange lur Naval stores or other , JHw senior partner, D. C. Freeman, is lK.-a- the city of New York: the junior partner Houston, in Wilmington. If desirel, ad- “ es will me made on consignments to .and either place. All business entrusted to . will receive proper attention: and ordei-M ioods will lie promptly and carefully tilled. Uly 2rt, inL2, 12-3iii ^,0(10 ll»«. oi'ICa^N WniitcMl. I WILL pay 3^ cts. per pound cash for all Ldean cotton and linen ll.AGS, delivered to Williams, in F.iyetteville. I aiu nearly ly to put in ojieration a Paper .Mill in this phborhood, and am desiroim of getting my in this market. My object is to pay us :h for rags as I can atford, and hope that 1 not be forced to distant niarketa for my ►jdies. I have arranged with .Mi’. Williams receive and pay for all rags delivered to him. DAVID .MLliPilY'. Fayetteville, Feh’y 24, 18o2. ti8-tf vorici:. -Illi iindersipned continues to manijfHcti4re Spirits riiipentine BAUKELS. Those now fh .lid -nage 43 to 4o gallons, and are m.ade ^In- l.csi seasoned white Uidtilleru wajit- ' :i good article, will do well to call and ex- liiie. Contmcts to deliver Barrels for the St tivehe months made on favorable terms. , T. S. LUTTEKLOH. plarch 22, 1802. Tiitf Wll.KiNSON At K8LKK, DKALEIia IN iifr(!i,n(iri/, f'orei/n Ffitit*, To-. iurrjj^ au)i AND 1.\^P()KTE11S OF |IAVA!«.4 CIGARS AT WHOLKSALK AM) RKT.\IL. fHuket St., Wilmington, N. 0. *, l8ol. - iitf Saints of '/'uf!i( /tf mr irunti J. ^g>0 persons having Spirits Turpentine to I sell, wc arc in tlie market to buy; or we will receive and shiii to any m.irket the owix-r may desire, and make liberal advances on con signment. COOK & TAYLOll. .May n, 1K>2. HMf xoTiLi:. A LB ]>'’rsons indebted to the subscriber for /m Goods purch.'ised :it F'lor.-il College, are re quested to make im*nediate }.;iyment, either to .Mr. Hugh .Mc.Arn in the neighborhood, or to himself in (.’lieraw. ! D. B. McABN. Cheraw, Dec. 2'l, 18')1. oU-lf AFi'I.lC rCi). iiiWlV. I jlin.AllKLI’llt \ MKt>K'\l. IHM SK. c'I .l.li'liici l.'i * yp;ir« h"... Iiy p.r Ka.ki'iiii. .N. \\ i' nu r ol' 'I'lonl J Hnil I'lnon .■^Irr.l'. I'hil ot.'l|ihi i. KKAI*!—Vol I'll \.\H M VMM » \ v.l’ r. i,. m, lira |ii'#*iiMlnr*‘il**-*ih. I\ii k«*ltn on .'■'*■11 l‘rr-er\..lion.— Only ■•i‘fil>. 'I'liK li'Mik jii-t ptiiili'lii'il. I- mini uiili ll-^t liil inr'inii ilion. I.u llic lalirimt t ' .oni ili-f I'C' ol I'm- human ursaii'. Ii a.tilri-.i|.' il'»-li ihk'' lo X'.iilh. iii'ii IkhhI hikI iilil hikI -in iii.l Ij. n itl lij >11. Ttii' viliiiitil.' ailv (••• aiiil iiiiiir";vr h irniML' it "iW '. will tiri'vciii )r.ir« ol iiO'rry m.l -iiiIiTiiiL'. .ukI ^ n> nil illy llioiivaiiiN III ln- . I’»ri-iil-, liy riMilmc ii, will learn linv In |ir-\i'iil lit.' ■i.-'irurpini ortlii.ir t li;lilri’ii. ,\ rtMiiill iMrc 111 *‘i r#*:tls ini ln.fil in ■ I* Hit. .tMilri '-'Cil III Or. Kinkriin. \V. CMr.-it-r nl Th.nl :u'il I'mii • In cl •. t’hilailcl|i|ii.i. will «’a-iir’ . Ii.uik. ii -.iI-t (■■•xilmi . |« r ri- liirii iii^ol iVr-i-'n- I iili-i ii' iii \ •iiiiir- -i" K l.\ IcUiT. i> I 111; ,iul 'I I.' .ini’ I’.itk ipi ' 1.1 im-ila- ii. - ilm I i; i: .vr , |. r\> ci.'i! Ir f^niliii!.' a r'lii.l!.iiii'r. mi |.ii' ii|. .i i iiu li. iii m i;i IliMik'fller'^. Nrw ' Airi'iil'. IN-ili.'f'. ; - rr'. --'I 'II oihiT' 'ii|i|iliiii Hiili till- :iic VI- work tl M-ry iuw riK . July. ' 'J- i.ivi:k i orii»£,Aa\v. Jautulice, JiifxjifjD'ia, Chrome >>r .Vn roiix Jhbilt- ty, Iff the KkIiu i/.i, Anil :i|| ili-*.- iri'i.i;: Iroiii ■ i: urilcri i i.ivi-r nr .'■i i- iii u'li. 'Urii n oiiMlilriliiiii. I II Ini'i.r lU.Hiii I Iiu' II.*.ill. Xrul.iy III'III*. >!• iii.irli N .U'**':, I;.’ rlliiirn, IM**- Uii'l I'lr Kii'mI. I ullni‘s.4 or xVe'ulii i.i ili» r'li*iir*i:h. rmir KriirtHlion'. Siiikiii!! or KIiiiutiiii: hI IIu- |nl ul' ilii- >lu- iiiaith. Swtiitiiiini; lit ijie ile ol. liirr.i-il miil lltltii iili llreailiiai!. Kliilli riii» at ilic I|p;iri. • Imki.i" "r .''ii;i ii al- I iiiL' Seii'iiiiiin-. w Ill'll in i Ivii;" (lo'lnrr. i.iiiltiC'.- nl \ i- ^.111. Iliii-. ur VV-li^ InMiiri; llic .'^lahl. Ki v.-r. Hull (miii in til.* Ilf*riii. IH-licit^iiry ol' l*er'pir'iliiin, Wllnw .-I' *.*'.* *“’*1 I'.jes. j'rtin in ilie Siili*. H«rk. lii*'l, l^.iiiiii«. &.C.. >uili|i*n Klu*>he« iil' Heat. Iturninc in the He>h. l.iin*>Uint liiiii){inin«« ol Kvil, and ;real l>»*iires- »ion ol t^pirits, / V\.N tweir» rliMllyrur«*il liy nil Ml i )KI,A MC.S TKI.K Kit A i Kl) (.KI‘,\I.\N Itl rrKlt.'*. I*rr|iircil hy Ur iJ. JackioM. HI the (.eriiian Meiliciiie Store, N*i. l"^l .\rrli l‘hiliicl»*l(»hiM. 'J’tieir |wwer over llie almve i|i*e:i««> is not exi-elleil. il' uijiialted, by nny otli^r |iri-|>ar.iiion in tin- riiii*ii i;it*>. H» the rurts» Httest, in in,my CH->ei alu.*r skiliul pliy-iicians had t'lili'd. Thi*«* l!ilU*r* lire uoriliy the HU'niinn nf invaliils l’i>"i'«inj.' (sre.il virlii**' in tlie rectilir iiimi nf ih... ,,j- Ihi’ l.ivcr and If'^er Jijanil-'. **»em-ing ili.* n.u'i -i- ri li in)! |Miwer» in wr ikii.*'i* and iillcciion.-ol'tiif ili^*'i ivr i.r t'Hti*, Ihcy are W llhal, sale, rertaiii, arid pie i-aat. A.M> HK rtI.W I.M i:i». Krotn tliK llo»iiiii l!;e. 'J'hP i*dltor said. Her. 2-Jd— "Hr. Iloort ind’x ( «leUrat*d ;prt|ian HiUi r- f r llie riirt of l.iver ('iiiiipl lint. jHiinilit^o. I>) >(»i |i'i lir*'!"*' "t '•■•r vous dcliility. i.'de'rrvedly onPnl III.- iiio-t |»'|tul 'r iiu*il irinp« of Hie day. 'l'he«e Hitter' liav** liei*!! U'*>'d lij ill It >and4, utid a friend hi our ellhitk say-> lie has liini'clf re -*!ivt*d an etr*i'tiial and |M*riiMnent run* ol l.ivt^r I'oni plHint friini tlie U'** of tlii' r-iiiedy VVe are roiivinrrd lhat. in the u«»* ol i1i«*m* Hilti-r', ilie (I 'lieiit ron-t nilly eaini utMtniiili iiiiij vij-nr—m t in tiorlhy i>f pri'i't c*n ide ration. 'J’hi-y .ire pl.*ii.anl in ta'te .inil ^iiit-ll, iii d r n In* it'*.d hy ii^rKoii*. with thi* iiiu't delivaUr 'lom rh> wiih xafety. iiiidi-r mj i'>miiii'lanc"‘. are -in- fi’"iii t*X|MTieiH’e and I'l tin* lilflirteil «e sdvi'f llieir li-**.” w**ll to ihe III irk.4 .»i* ihi* (i.-i'uiii** 'rhi*y h;ivi* Ihe written a'tiDitiirc oi \1. J n k^inn nimn ihe wrapjK-r. and the n.iin** hlown in thi* l> Itli*. witliniil whu h tfii-y are spurious. For '.-ili*, wholr'.ilc and iel.ul. at the • iEKM \.\ .\l HI in INK STnltK. .\ii l;fll \rrli firtM-l, oni- iliMir l»*lii» "^i\th. I’liila.. and hy ri*«|H*rtrthl** dnalcr« pi-nrnlly thriniplioui the iviiiiiry -VUii, for *itle hy .-^X.M'I. J. HI.NSD.VI.K. Kayi.tl.-ville, .\. VVholenale .\sentr for .North and r*oiitli Caroliua, HAVlLANli, IIAUUAL Sl CO., CUurlcslon, !S. C. \wiw. p^HKlT'(iII T:cl;et.'l.etwi rn ilnriivt■-M. N. C.. an*l B.iltiiciire. Fare ^1.'!. Via Wel don, Petersbiii W-. Uicb’iioii I, .iiid \\ a.'h:!! jtmi City, or \ia Weldon. Pirtsinonih ainl Noit..:k. I'or Ticket-i .-ipply at the 'Itice of t’;* 'lil- miiigton .ind Ba'eigli Bail l!o:,i! » i iiiii.uiy at \\ iiniiii^rton, oral ihe 0!lice of the B.iltiniore .'>it*‘aiii Packet Comp.In\. and of the Baitiiiini-.* anl tjhiii Bail Boad t I'liii-.iny. Pratt .'^trcct, Baltimore. .Jan. 1. 1S.')2. -'Nl-tf iiiaiiner. Mav I L. II. llITAKl.l!. ;:nf I AND MANl l ACTl'UKK OF PLAIN ! AND .JAPAN Tf.V n\iSiE. I I ('o{i[K‘r, Tin Piale and SIh‘C'1 Iron Worker.; ! -- ' I B ll.AVE in niy employnnent competent work- j ' 3. men. and am j reiiared to d i all kinds id'j i work, either in COPPKB. TlNorSllBHT IKON. | j 1 have on hand all the ii''cessary materials I and machinery i'or in iking l':ictory Cans and I'riims. :'.;:d to do all kiiiiis of factory work that j Can be done by any similar listablisliinent in the St.-ite. Also, for sale, Pnteni Factory ('an Bings, varying fi-om to 1 I inchcs: L'riim Beads, \c. KtitU lNti. a TTIiU AND LKAlHiB PIPES put up ill the best ir..-uiiier. \lso. inst received, a lull sup] ly of COOK- l\CJ ^>Tt>Vl’.S, of tlic 111 ist ajiprcved patterns. Some of them very large for li tel anl j.lanta- tioii use. Ijr.jf" -VI ways on h:ind a goiid .isaort- nu lit of TIN V. .\BL. C. W. ANDBEWS, South Fast corner .Market Sijuarc. May 1-'). U-V2. '.U-tf ri.N(ri>AlLV. ' T>N.'^ o!'i*\tra >i/e IRON, from J inch to ilicii dialiieti-r. and []. Lxtr.i si/e .^teel, li ;ii: \ inch [] to 2], and 2 X inch and \ x I |. We ;irt* prcji.ired t" build ornamental fire- jiroof Doors and .''liuttcrs lor Stores. Also, Door :;i;d \\i’. Ii w .'■'ills. Cast iron Pij.es for sewers ;ind w.-iter works. HALL X BOLINOFB. March r,. lh.-.2. 71 -tf .>i.VKiv ^ \\1!>LL\M>. ~ W liOLLSAl.i: DLALLBS l.\ tttuf S^omcsHc EPry Ooofts, II \ v ?»Tie5:i:T, Fayetteville, W. C. .1. 15. STAHB.] [.J. M. AV1L1.1.\'M. Ai'iil 2!'. 1S.-|2. S'.tf Xf rcud Spring- tV Sinnnur Sfocli'. s'vwr.i LLETl- .JOHNSON. —al.so— 40oo lbs. country Pi.U’ON, with a lot fine Mams. 10 barrels Distillers’ (ilue. — ALSO-- 2-') hhds. Molas.«cs. lU “ Sug.-ir; ..^c. For sale Jiv LLETE .JOHNSON, Near the Market House. .July U, lSr>2. 8-ow of ice to Shij)j)rr.s hij icatj of the i'itjH' l'((tr Hirer. S^’IBOM and after the tirst day of .July, prox imo, the deduction of tive per cent, from the established rates of Freight pvhen the bill is paid within thirty days) will be discontinued. Bvery bill will be cor.»idered due vhtn ren dered, each Company reserving the right to ch.-irge intt-resl on the same for any delay in payment. .'Shippers of Na\al .'■^tores from this place arc nolilied. thai tlu- iindcrsiirn: il will receive and JOHN 1). \VI1.LI.\MS, Com mission M-'onvartlini^ tflerrhfiiit, Fayetteville, K. C. Feb. '.f, ]h.',2. fiiStf fJFi: iNsnilTxrKr' ^f^IIE I'ndersigned has been ^appointed A.ijcnt * of the North C.iroliua Mutual Life Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic- i]iates in the profits of the Company; and t]i«* annual j'remium for life member-liip, wh»Te it amoiiTits to .‘»i80 or more, may be paid one-hfilf in cash, and the otlier half in »i note ;it 12 nioiith*. L'ebtors’ lives may be insured by rreditoni. .-V man may insure his own life for th« t'\o\n*iiv« benefit of lii.s family. 'J'he live.s of dlavos mbif he insured. This .system is rapidly growing into fnror. xl) over the civilized wor’d. It i.s one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may bo pro vided for, after the death of its head, on wlior-* oertions tliey m:iy have been dependent for siif.port. It is a good iuveslment of iiioney, even if one should live long Hft -r taking out * Life Policy. Explanatriry pamphlets, lUid th» necessary Blanks, furnishcJ on aprilication. E. J. UAI.K. Fnyettexille, .Tune 18.V>. 72 asid mill rBr -je.-js. a; COSTUME HALL, Conirr J'raft and Centre BALTIMORE. largest and best stock of BEADY J»- MADB CLOTHIN'Cf ever tiffered in Balti more. Dress, Frock and Sack COATS, all co lors, ipialities and sizes, from !j;2 •'iO to S-'‘ and upivards. P.ANTAE>;NS at to ■'>3 r>0 store, in Canii'bellt'iii. .Sj.irits Turpentine at 10 nnd ujiwards. embraein*; all -Styles of fancy, cts. per bi'l.. and will gi\e receipt for each load plain and j'l.iid Cassimeres. A'ESTS of every as it comes iti and ship as instructed, the own- \ variety at corresponding prices. Also, a luim? er [laying dray.-ige, which will be -3 cts. per bbl.: assortment of Boys’ Clothing, and will have barrels c(..oj.ered or re-packed. ' Importing our own Cloths direct from EuroYre. when tiie interest of shippers re'juires it, at ac- and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, tual cost, chargeable to owners. The interest ■ enables us to otter inducements to purchasers id' boat ow ners and shi; pers alike refiuires a ' not to be surpassed by any Clothing Estai'lish- . i)0|, wanted, by r.B.^N>t>N .V .'-O.N. ^stf V W H.LIWIS iniK.unce to iln-ir customers and public Lr*iiera!ly. that they are now ,'lditions of ‘I K. M. OIHiT-LL, F()K\VlKI)l\(i ('(niMlSMON MI UrilWT March 10, IS.'il. f.2-tf AT III*. T. II. II A M.; 18 , H .V.'' taken :in Ofliee on ll.iy Street, West of the Hotel liuitdinus. .July 14. is.'il. 1-tf Ul \ t. all his I'o;; s B ^ H B .•'ubscribcr now m Turpi-iitiiie and F.iriirng L.\ND. t*oi;t:i:n ing about '.'Ml Acr«*s. sitiiali d 1 "J iniics K i't of Fa\ette\ille. on the (ioMsiiorotigh road, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house. wut-bniMiirjs. &c.. and a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for tui jientine getters, mi'ichants, Siv. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to jiurch.ast?, and wisiiing further int'orma- tioii, can anplv on the preinisis. to ,J. W. Ml BPHY, or P. T.\VLOB, Favetteville •Julv 2C,th. is.-il. ■ Stf ISolrhit *lll.Br. are sever.ii hiui'ircd of these W!iei'’.' il. oj...rji\i,.|i in iiili(*reiit i*.unties in .Noriii C.irolin.-i. r.'r pi'oof III their great advant.'.>;es o\er the coi.iin. n flutter wl.eei. i r an;, o’iier whei’s now in use f.-r saw we conlideiiily r> ter lo those wh'i h;i\e appiii-d them toiiieir n-.iils. We can nc..niiiien 1 them ]'.irt;i'uiarl\ t'-r their s'i]ierior;ty in cast s of ,-i low hi'.-i'I of wa.tcr. or l«..ck w.-itcr. N't e still keep a su]i]ily of W heels, suitable for iLiieri iit iieads of w.-itcr, at W ilniiii;;toii, New- bern. W asliingt'.n. li.lentoii anil F.i\etii‘ville. '1 he wheel* may .-ilso be hatl of 1’. \. Brevard. Liiicolntoii. ,ind I riali Wells. Petersbmg. \'a. Pi-rstili.-* wishing I'j obt.iin the right to use the wheels, win he .'-vi-\e.l on .ippiic.ilion tti D. .McNeill v'..,, Fa\ettcvi'.e. N. C. D. .McMilLL. A. A. Mi KKTllAN. D. .1. .McALlSTl.B. Fcb'y 22. l,''l;t tf sv.i Hi ruiiu.iw i\m ir\r!: OF ciiablfston, s. c. ftH.\BTl!l»liD by the .^tate of .''outh C.iroli- na. with a Capital ol .‘j;2-'ii.'MH>, all paiil in and well invested. Fire, .Marine, Biver and Life Bisks. CHAS. F.DMONDSTON, Prcs't. L. Tiilii.vs, See’v. DlBF.t'TOBS: Bdiii.ist Maiitin, Col. .J.vmks Ci misiik.v, .M. C. Mduniu Ai, ( HAS. If. W v.st. S. MowiiY, .Jr. Hk.nkv Coima. 'i'he suliscribers ha\ing been appfdnted agents in this iiiace for the ab.ive n.-inied company, are pr*pared to receive otl'i rs and issue ]ioiicies of Insurance on I ire. Marine, Biver and Life Bi.-'ks, (.11 liber.il terms. .Ml losses incurred .-it this agency, will be jironipth a'ljiisteil and jiaid bv the undersigned. DeBOSSI'T \ BLOWN. N. B. Bisks will be taken on the lives of, slaNcs on the niO't liberal terms. \\ ilminj.;ton, N. C., .March 27, lS-j2.—77-(im ^(afford, i lark A. Ilixoii, MminftK turf rs nj dl/ nf Horx*- Ptnrn'ii \ (iiiti Tlirr^hiiuj Mit( liinrs, {^Ixith I^urtnhU itiuf >Sf(itii>)mri/,) Witfj/ C'firihiit/ Jla- j ill nil s, Sfnnr Ciittfrx of nirlims \ jHittmia, Whdtt Funa, Mill mid I Fni tnri/ (jenr, Siiu'nmf (irint | J//// Iri/ux, Hnrk MiHa, Fdye 'runts, lv. ((v.ylv. j ^P^HEY respectfully inform their customers ' R and the puldic, that they *onfinue to car- r\ on their business at their .Machine Shop. : near SNoW (\AMP, .\himance county. Noith ^ Carolina, wdierc they are jirejiared to eTecnte • all Work in their line with neatness, imnctuali- ; ty and de.'»|)atch. With an increased vnrif ty of ■ tools and Inlior-savitig macJiinerv added to our -Ml those indebted to the firm, by note or establi;shmcnt the past winter,—a well selected account, are reipiested to call at B. F. Mur assortment of materials purchased at the low- jiJiy s, and settle liefore the J.jth of February est cash jirices,—workmen of known skill ami next, and there \ sa\ecost. .\nd those having jiViiiity, together with long experience in the claims iigaiii.st the fij-m arc requt'sted to present Ijnsiness,—fiiBy justify us in saying, as to qual-> receiviiip; lai .SfiijJr If I'll S.'lDf'X, lihiilx, (f'C., to tlieir ari_\ .'■^jiring I'lirchases. to which they regulation of this kin.l. •JNO. .1). WILLI.VMS, •\gcnt C.'.pe F*ar Steamboat Co. B. .M. OBKKLL, Agent llenrii'tta .'steamboat Co. T. S. LriTEBI.OH, j Proprietor .Merchants' .Steamboat Co. .June 2S, 1S*)2. .j-.>m DO^'rilC llIl(l('rsiLIIlC(l, as For wardin': .\geiits on their imiiviilual account, re- | s]iectlull\ give notice, th.at they will continue to recei\e and lorwar.l Gofals I'rom their respec ^ tive Warehouses ;'t the Biver (where the dray- ] age saved to shippers is full 10 per cent, on the ! f reight bill I for a commission of 2-> per cent, on the Bi\er Ircight bill and drayage. This change to take clTcct on the Lst da}’ of .\ugu«t next. .JNO. D. WILLIAMS. B. .M. OBBELL. T. S. LI'ITEBLOII. .June 28, 1S.")2. (»-;Jm L^kre iiiHurancc. HE .]/lN.\ Insuiiince Comjiany of liart- invite the attention ol' couiitr\ nier- cl..-uit ?. (>r.i * liciti'd. nutl every c> S tli>t.-l.'tl!Ml. iv( itevil'ic. April 2 N n rtion ma.le ^^l S. .V W . S'itf 'i' ford, havi;ig ].,ii:! the tax impo.sctl by the Kevenue Law of the hue Legis'ature, will con tinue i;s .\g ncy in Fayetteville, under the II': ii.'igenicnt of the undi-rsigned, who is pre pared f.i issue p. licies of Insurance on BuiM- iiics or (Ioods. either in this Town ir in any ) alt of the Staf.*. on proper application, de- si ription of the I’ropeity. \c. The .I'.TN.X CO.'IP.\N\ has J>cen in openition about :!0 years. Its capital is The Hon. Thos. K. Bra'c was its first President, and he still holds that ofiice; and several of its tirst Directors .ire stiU active and elTuient mem- bfrs of the Boanl. It has at :'ll times sustained the highest charicter for ihe r.rudeiuc of its management, and for the liberality with which 1. as the .\gcnt of the above udju.sted it,' !os.**s. E. .1. HALE. Agent. t'.2-tf IN') 2. .■>'!'AklUVK. ,Vi'iv 1 n;oN I'Ol NDKli AND MAIMIINIST, Mu H ii/iiri n r r nf ,'^frinii M ilix nud Dnih-rf., Jldi tII anhj Ilf ii/l h'mds, J^/ui'i/tis, d'c. i ment in the United .States. The prcprietoro aiw I determined to make the Wholesale Booms tin# point of great attraction, end have now mii.*« ; up more than ;'0,0tl0 C.VR.MENTS, from tii# finest iiuality to the lowest in price. I In the CustoTU Dep*irl:iie:it wil! slw.iys found the choicest selection of CLOTILS, C.\:?' ■ Sl.MEiILS and VESTlNir.S. which will be m»d* up at the shorte.-'t notice. an>l ia tl.o luto.^l styl*:, and a tit always guarantied. I JpTiy' The one price ,s\ stem strictly fidliered t«. Bemember the name and place. CorU'j" Pratt St. and Centre Market .''pace. II. II. COLE -S: CO, I August ]•'>. IH-'jl. 14-yopd ; TO uim:, A SMABT, ACTIVE BOY. 18 vPHrs oM. Sl Ajiplv to H. BB.YNSON &, SOM. .May :i, 1S52. 87tf ABPEB'iS Magazine for .Tune; Tho P«ri5 Sketch Book, by- Thackeray; Gftieties nn.l (iravities, hy Horace Smith; Journey lo icebind; I'p the Bhine, by Hood—2 parts; Alison's Life of Marlborough; (’’ockburn’M Life of Lord Jef frey: Horse Shoe Bobinson, new edition; Marcus 'Warlnnd, by Mrs. Lee Hent*; Biibertson'n (’h;irles V; The Farmer’s Encyclopoedia of .Mo dern Agriculture, by Blake; The Pests of th® Farm, b}- Richards»!n; Horses—their Vnricty, Breeiling, &C., *by ditto; Djniestic F'owls. nnn Ornamental Poultry, by the same Author. •Vlso. further aupplie.s of (iunn’s Domestic ^Medicine, Allen’s Kura.1 Architcctuie, School Books, i.S:o., just received by June l.j. E. J. HALE A POy. fit VohS: (,!!!: \ i !;AlU. • INS! i'lif siiLscrilKi is dfsir-ui' cf cliaii^iii;! his business, and wishes to sell of!' his pres*nt sti.ck of (ioods imni' tliateh . consisting in jiart of Sfif.it, (tn i ' tiiicfi Ifr . (loof^. Embracing a fine stock of Ladies’ Dress (JooiJs, Barege. Barege Le-Lains. Di.tted and jdain Swiss Muslins, coloreil tiiito. li.irred, .lacoiiet and Cambric Muslins: co.'d Summer Silks. .\lso, a general assortment of bl.-ick arnl col'd .''ilk Dresses; a large assortment of Hosiery. .Mso, Cloths, CassiJiicrcs. Tweeds. .It-:ins, arcl S.itti- nets. -V geiu'ral assortment of Summer wear for tientlemen; all kinds of Linen goods. Also, a large stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, I'mbrellas and Parasols, Hardware and (’rockery. Wines and French Brandy. The above stock is offereil at the mere cost here. Country Merchants and all others buy ing Goods ifi tiiis nnirket, will do well to call and examine, as 1 am deteruiined tt> sell and close out niy present stock, which is large and fresh, and well selected. W. S. LATTA. .\pril r.. 18*')2. S:!tf NO I’u i:. H F. jiartnership heretofore existing under the name of .1. H. B. F. Murphy is this day dissolved bv mutual consent •^111' under; Bst.iM’sliiiient. will or-ler any articles which ni.iy be wanted, on appiication to him. "'l;e .'^traiH Mills iii.iniifactiircd by .Mr. St:ir- buc\ lirve In en tested, and are highly approved on tlie Plank I'n'ads ab.,iit Favett(*\ille. LDW’D LKi; WlNSl.OVV. F.I\ ette\ilie, Sc;.t. 1, lt->-’)l. 2t>tf i f >/11 f of «fBoiS f if! u: \MI.1. sell n.y .r.V.V/.A' AY'/,’. two miles from the .5/arkct, on the Fiiyctte- viile and \\istern I’lank Boail—one of the most desirable and healthy places in the county. -\lso, 10 .^'hares of F.-iyelteville .•ind Western Plank Bonil Stuck, and dO Sh:ires of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. With the largest stock of Ready-made C.\R- Bl.\iBS and Bl’(i(ilK.'' ever oflered in this I place—over .S-'iOOO worth—completely finished. -\11 of which I w ill sell at very reduced prices for c:i>h or negotiable notes. So little attention Jins been paid to the call made by me after the fire of the 2d .lan'y, ofi thosie indebted to me to call and settle, that I am iiidiiced to offer the above projK-rty at re duced jiriees to enable me to rebuild my Carriage Establishment and continue my busi- mss with convenience. 1 shall jilace notes in projier hands for collec tion, if not paid soon. ! have all my accounts made out to the 1st .lan’v 1S'>2. A. A. .)/cKETHAN. 77tf March 10, lS.jl. 'I'rRiM'.N'i'LNi: f.AM) FOB S.\LE. ff K>B s;de. acrcs of L.XND on .Janies £ Creek, and K» ncres on Cyyiress Creek, in ('v.niberliind. convenient to the Western Plank Bond, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making (d' Turpentine. Apply at thi.' (Iftice. Nov.*2S, l.M.-)]. 44tf HOOK fUXDKRV. W. H.\KDin has resumed the Book UU • Binilir.g Business at the ne.v .‘t-ire next door to .Mr. Be.nsley, .lewoller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. Atignst 1. ' 27tf HE'rroN*s SHIRT EST.l!]LlSll.Mli^Ti 170 MarJcct Street, BAf/iri.TioRi:. fJlIIE largest and onl.T JL Alaiiufacturing Whole sale Establislimcnt in th* City. The capitul and forra engaged enables me at b11 times to offer to Country Merchant..^ and I>onl- ers in SHIRTS. COLL.VBS, LINEN and COT- Tf»N L’R.\\VFKS, great inducements—morj tJinn usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full and coaj- plete. The Stock on hand i3 large and well s'sortc‘1 for .Men and Boys. All orders from the Country alteudcd to- with punctuality and de.^patch. jjjjfy Remember the Name, and \o. 179 .Harkrf Nlr‘€‘t. T. W. BETfON. August 1-5, ISdl. li->opd J/arch 2'.i, 1S.'^2. a rblo t o r v. A(;RI(’( f/n KAI. WORKS. ■^'('iRTON’S Elem*nts of .‘'cicntifio .\gricu!- a’- rj / if i' I i’ tnre: Dnna on Alanures: .\mericnn .Muck ' IfOol'S .Mcuicdt^ Book: Youatt on the Pig: Cole’s .Vmeriean Fruit i F.IGS’ '^'elpeau's Midwifery; Mendenhall'.* I Book: Thomas's Fruit Cultiirist: Fnmily Kitch-| j vS .Medical Student’s Vade-Mecum; Miir- : en (inrdcner. Jiy Biiist: Dana's Muck .\!anual; phy’s Beview of Chemist'y for Students; Bid- i All Ml’s American F.Trm Book: Richardson on die's Review of .Mnteria Medica .»nd i'herapeu- ' the Bee: Ditto on the Hog: the American R ise tics, for .“Students; Craige’s Elements of General) Culturist: .Mien'-* Burn! .\n hitecture; Down-' ur.d Pathological Anatomy; CAzeaax's'lid-witV ing's Fruifs and Fruit Trees of America: .John- * ry: Hastings’ Minor 3’jrgery; Rceee’s .-'.id. Mi*d» i ston's .-Agricultural Chemistry; Farmer's Trea- j irnl Formulary; the Phywcian’a Pocket Prw- i sure, by Falkner: Miner's .\m. Bee Keeper's . scripfion Book: Flagg on Ether and Chloroform I Manual; Youatt nn 1 M;*.rtin on Cattle: Fesseu- ! in Surgery, Pentistry, t.^c.: Morfu’s Chemicid I den's (.'omjilete Farmer and Gardener: U'heel- i and Phnrmaceutical .MAniimlations; Bea.Hley’a Bural Homes: Stewart’s .Sfalile Economy; ^ Druggist’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Forum- Hinds' Farrier; Mason's Farrier: vVc., kc. E. J. HALE ..S: SOX. April 14, 1S.-.2. them imniediateh. .Jan’y 2(i, 18-” J. W. B. F. MUBPHY MI'BPHY. •iotf ity and price, our work has not, will not, and shall not. sufi'er in comparist_in with any other Sho].i ill the .'■'outh. Bv (i i:b LATDI.H T\vii [lOflRs \n(iTn inifiii & sn\'s srnRE, raveHc f iBIr, V. .J.'in’j’ 20, 18-'2. •5.j-IVpd Tnn rrti'BR\TED rii’r pitlxt C(K>Kli\C; STOVE, M:\\ HOOKS. ; WB ALIP.T RTON’S Yankee Stories, illnstrat- j I M ed: the ^ ankre Tea Party, or Bo:»ton in I 1770; the Old Bell of Independence, or Phila- } delphiii in 177ii; Camp Fires of the Revolution, j or the A'arof lnde{)enlence, illustrated; V^eld'.i : Dictionary of Scriptural Quotations; Hftrbaugh’s j Heavenly Recognition; Catechism of Familiar ! Tilings; Mathias’ Buies of Or'lrr, for Societies, | \c.: W'alker's Rhyming and Pronouncing Die- { tionary: British Female Poets: .American Fe male Poets: W nt‘»oTi's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Philadeliihia as it is in 18')2: kc. E. J. ilALE & SON. .April 8. Inry; Noad's Chemical Ana’yjis; Wy'.he’f- Micro- !Kopi.‘ts’ Manual; Wright’s .\m. Receipt Bo'ik; f)verman’s Practical Mineralogy, Assayiiij: and Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Banking’s Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; E. J. HALE .V SON. NEW Ml'SIC, ^lOXSISTING of Songs. Polkus, Walt/es. &c., tS;c. Just received. L. J. HALE i SON. April Tt. n.VRPER’S Magazine for Mty; As good an a f^’oiiicdy, or the Tennessean's Storv; Hue’s TmTcls in Tartary. Thibet and China; Recollections of a Policemnn: Experiences of it Barrister; Corffssions of an Attorney; Heroines of Hi.ftory: Children, their Ilydropathic Man agement,* by Dr. Shew. .Also, further supjilics of Family Bibles, Bl.-^nlc Books, Cap and Letter P the World Here and There, by Dickens, IS for sale Jn- the Sub-»criber in Raleigh and 1 Hood’s Own; Count .Monte-Leone, or the FavetteviH'e: in Raleigh at his Shop on Far- Society: .Miss SeirelPs Journal of a .«um- etteville Street and in FayetteviBe at Mr. A. M. ! Momoir of Rev. W. Jf. riewitsin; Cnnipliell’s. * Wesley and Methodism, by Taylor; Spencer’s The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons ' Bastor’s .‘^ketches: McGuflTey’s Eclectic Readers, from purcha.«ing any of these Stoves from any ^ parts: Parkers 1st Les.^ms person 1‘itlicr in or out of North Carolinn, ex- I T*lnlosoj)hy; Mills’ llLetoric; Davies Jchcol NKW BOOKS. T'TNAM’S LIBRARY, Nos. 4 and being , Papers, School Books, ic.^ SON. Mar 12. NRW COOKS. BANCROFT S V. STATES, vol. 4th; Th* Swamp .Steed, or the Days of Marion and his Merrv Men: Putnam’s LiJir.ary, No. fi, bcin^ Home Narratives, from Picken*’ Hon.seholcl Words; The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Grateful to the public for past favors, they ! cept from himself or his dulv authorired Agents. ! Arithmetic; -.^c. t; solicit a contiiiuiince of their patronage. ] He has }iurchased the exclusive right to vend I Also, further supplies of THE BOSTON' jj,,, S 1 O '» A ( • I .. N. B. Ploast* send your orier.>5 sixm. as our ) this Stove within the State, and will prosecute E have commodious brick Warehouses motto is “tiist conie tirst served.” Letters ad- I any person infringing Jiis right, either bv ptir- in the rear of our Store, in which we | dres.«ed to the subscribers, at .'^iiow Cjinij>, N. i chasing, sellingror using, anv except those ob- “ ' ' ' C., will receive promjit attention. . i .* . • STAFFORD, CLABK & DIXON March 1852,. 7^-Oia 1 store cotton and otlier produce. D, & W. McLAUBlX Nov. 18ol. 3T-tf taineI from himself. JOSEPH WOLTERIXG. Balei£h, April lOj 1&51. Sbtf .\C.-V |)EM Y’S Collection: Carniina Sacra; Gunii’s Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Librarv: &c. E. J. HALE i; SOX. C’HK( KS, ox ALL THE JJAXKS IX rAYElTEVlLLE brary: Zachos’ Xew American Speaker; Bul lion’s Greek Grammaf; Smith’s 1st Geography; Mitchell’s Primary Geography. Ac. Ju»tr«*c’d- E. J. HALE k SOX- Blank Warrar^s far zalc hi

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