OSBSBESSSa 1' r*y A'lJ, ' ^ ceL !Lb! ; ■ *ri>e, III jAr- ■ N.- t hr'^xV) •tern 'I tJu I -.i- "f !; t -,f I .tw,I " : ‘e Ui :’in^ ri'tv. NNi tion I in the ■vn K,t^ ‘ j' "I tv m ■ the ■■■ r t 1 ifi- KoI;;T, I'l in I'um- Ut I • * - ‘■’-.-ra-s. l.L. ns. n - flb« T Hssaig SEMI-WEEK1,Y. I illW'.l WJIJLS !H»*. JtlliV J SrS*^T5S3S3EE=?irK rjaaaaBBgjR^'MU-vgrrrija )h. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 17, 1852 [XO. 117.] :D by J. I}. NEW13Y. 11) J. 1IALE~& SOX, AND i>iu)rKii:n>ut'- :ini-AVoeklv Ohskiivku 00 if .;l .:>0 if pail (lining the sriptioii: or -^o after the yo:ir lias y OnsK.iiVF.u $2 00 per aninnn, if uiu-e; GO if piii.l lin ing the isoriptujn; or OO after tin? yeiir 'K.MKNTS inscrte.l f.^r sixty cents tlie first, aii'l thirty cents fc.r each iliiication. Yearly ailvertisenient.-^ (iitracts, at reasnualiic rates. Ail- renuestcil to state the uiini^er of siroil, or thi'v will ho contiuueil till jar'jeil accorilingly. rs l«i tlic IMitors unist he po.st-pai.I. 10 HAURELS GLUE, S;^()R Sale by imANSOX vi SOX. Aupust l:Vtf ^r/;j. Row/ftnd's Mill Sairs. full thick, for sale by IIUANSON .\U2\1St 0. l.')-tf I?i:\VAliI> >0 ]>aiil for the appreliensum ntnl incnient of p\ET L. C IIAXCE, kl ciMinty, N. C.. in any .lail so that t»r«nic,ht to justice. Me w.'iiilis fmni lbs., abiiiit live feet seven inches lair—it is saiil that he sometimes olor by hair lye—has a small na- n the back of his heail. wliich niay >y close examination; his eyes dark iis recnili-i'teil. lie has a clown :nul when a person looks at him is lis face otf; has light or very little about 'J'J ye.irs of age. rather preil. Sai>l chance has been f'>r 'igageil in cntinectiiin witli one A\il- i w)io is now continc'l in the .lail I'orsytli ccmnty, N. in stealing •s. ami passing coimteitcit inone\, litioiial rewanl of I'il'tcen Dolhirs IC'I by the .''Jieriif (if l' rs\th oiimtv. .Tosi:rn ruM:.', C. 1>. TYSON'. Tlld^. KnIM'.K. .J. A. l^Al.UWJN', J. .1. UKNNKTT, Jl. r.UUlK*N. ani] others. r.ii lint'>n'\ N. jlv J'.'. ls.',:J. , EOU REN r. 'ILTi bo renteil at l*ublic Auction, at the •Market lIons(', on Saturday the 21st inst., at I’J o'clock, the Store on the X. W. cor ner of Market Siu:ire, at present occupied by I*. Shcmweli; the Store adjoining, occupied by raisi«n: the l.iberty I'oint lionsc; and tlie Wareliou.'»es on (lillespie mid Mumford strtjcts. Possession given 1st September next. A. M. CAMrr.F.lJ.. Aucfr. August ISoli. l TO cor ro.x i’i.axters. IMl'rr.S heavy riunnv and l)un- dee I'.AdClNC', SS ciiils Ilc’np I’liijH*, ■J'lO llis. Twine. .lust recciveil and for sale cheap, bv I'KTKll 1>. .lOllXSOX. August !i, 18-jJ. 15-lt ('opdrtncrship y)tlrc. Subscriliors have formed this day a H. copartnei'ship. under the firm of McDon ald & .Mc.Master, t>r the transaction of a general r, 01'l.-rrr//, niul I^rncisiou Jhisim ■\nd expect to receive their full Sti-ck by the 2''th iii>tani. ;it their Store on (Jille.'-pic street, a few (lours ab.>ve the St:itc Hank. W. Mc1>(»NAM>. •ioiiN i;. .Mc.MA>Ti;n. Fayetteville, Aug. i‘>, 1-j ('ai'olinian 1 muiith. 311: r 11A XI (' s, 3iTxfF \ (' t ni KHS AXI) IWKXTORS. T XOTICE. I ITIoiiey Waiifc'd! l subscriber rcspcctfuUy requests 1 his custoiner.>» who arc indebted to him, by note | or uccouiit, to settle during the jiresent montli. ■ He wishes to go Xorth very shortly, nnd of ; course wants .monky, and begs his customers to attend to the above reijuest as early as con venient. S. J. IIINSDALK. July 10, 18'i2. f.tf S. BANKS, Coiiiuii«««ioiE mid Forwardiiii; 31vri'3ianl, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. June 22, 18"j2. 3tf hi:rrixgs. ]’.nbS. IIKUUI.NT.S, 2.-. - Prime 1‘ork, For ?ale by T. S. .l-L’TTEKLOIT .is: CO. July 21, 1S')2. lOtf WAXTi:i) ’lO in RC HASlv ’()i;us ri.NK WOOD, to be dcliv- ercd on iny Wharf during the next six months. T. S. LUTTKUbOH. Jnly 22, lS-‘i2. ]Otf (unl ('(irrid^c Mdlcridls. B r.'^T received, a fresh supply of Springs, •V Axles. Oil ('loth, and various descriptions of (,'arriage and Huggy .Mati'rial.-;. For sale by cooM .roiiNsoN. July 2f,, 18.'.2. ll-;;w 1’>R()tiii:rs i.l\e. The new Steamer “Dou(5I-ass” liaving been ndiled to this I^ine, ami now hav ing two light draft Stenmers and four Tow lioiits, nil in gooil order, the I’rojirietors are ]>repared to transport Freight to Fayetteville ami the intermediate lamlings, with as (juick despatch as any otfier l.iiie. J. S. 1{.\XKS, Agent. Wilmington, June 22, 1S.j2. ;>tf .luh 2( PO'FASII. Ll’iS. FIM’..'^II. For .sale by (’O(.)lv \ JOHN SOX. INC*. ll-:;w l\('crircil on ('oz/slu/niK///, A NU for sale cheap. '.0 bbls. AYHISKFY. ^ JXO. 1>. WILLIAMS. Mav 4, IS.',2. i'Ntf WES'l'ERX liAC’OX. IllIDS. just received and for sale b^- T. S. LL'TTLHLOJI .S: CO. I'ltf LAXI) EOR SALi:. A V.\Ll’AI5LK tract of Land is offered for /H. sale, containing 220 acres, lying '>.V miles west of Fay('tteville, near the F. iV: W. I’lank Koail, adjoining Mrs. Xott and others, with a good dtvelling atid otlu'r necessary out-houses, well watered nml iiealthv' situation. Aj-ply soon to 1>. (i. McDutlie in Fayetteville, or to .las. f\. .Mcl>utlic on the premises, for particu lars. June 2*;, 18.'.2. S-tf XEW FIRAL rn'MlF, nn>lersigii*.'d have entered into copart- Ja. nership, under the name and style of l.«jswroiicc A: Troy, For the jmrpf^se of doing a general Mercantile and liartcr liusiness. We have taken the Store, Xo. 10 (.:ili;i>X STHKKT, formerly occupiel by Messrs. John Huske \ Son. CFO. W. LAWKF.XCK. JOHX 15. TllOY. Jr. Oct. 22, 18-jl. ;>;;tf & v?nr i\ ii U July 21, IS llcwnril. II WClJ VNA'o ay from tlie subscriber, on the IlOth •tune la-*t. my negro man LIN.N. Me hs about one hundred :ind seventy-five lbs.. I’.tf ( -^1 f I- lit i‘ IX EW GOODS. I’lF. now receiving o-.vr I'AT.L and IfTLll Stock of Groceries. Hat dv. .are, ,vc. (I rowers. Iji (tiiiiny liaggiiig. Dundee do. Thin do. Itope. iS;c., &c. ^ur urders. Ji. I’.llAXSOX \ SoX. Xorth bi le llav Street. is:,2. ‘ i-'.-tf XEW EISH. ~ Mackerel for sali? bv i:ilAXSOX\'i sox. I ].'-tf ROi:S FOR SALE. SoM at the residence ol' the late jtiifreiJ Hodges, in ('umlxTl.ind 'atnrday the 4th of September likely Xegroes. A credit of six iippr >ved notes. J.VS. r. iJOiXiKS, Lx'r. l.‘>- EOR SALE, iday, the 2'ith .\ugust, 1S')2, lotm alunble Timliered Laud. lar^e limbered, from 2.1 to miles from l5uckhorn Swamp, in I’oliesoti ■ e road from F;iyetteville to Luni- , I..uid is the be.-rt otriTed for sale ail fanning utensils, and articles too tediou.s to mention. J wishing to buy land, it will be 11 by a man on the premi.'>es. known on the dav of sale. ISAIILLI.A ‘.MiMILLAX. , Aug. l’-'.2. xoric'i:. BE m Pcriber witihing to remove tn the rs to sell his f*ossessions in Moi.re situaffd on .hiiiiprr Creek, con- Miindrcd ucrc.s of hand in one iiid is well adapted 1‘or the cul- otroii and wheat: for turpentine l«urpas«ed. also for j>ine; is coii- turpeiitine ilistilleries—one in ther in Ciiiiiber!:ind, either not from 8aii] l:ind: :tl. By of «ater to put ;i distillery on A dwi-Uiiig and out houses healthy situation. For further '^"bscribcr living on COLIN McFADVLX. l-j-soc\v2m liliilion of Yiilc I'oHcgo, aVi:X, CONXI’CTICI T. of l.ecture.s coiiiuiciK'c^ ainiu- the last Thursday of Septembei, fiiur months. l|S.,^llintan, ^L D., LL. D., on Cheni- f^Siinncy. I)., on .ALiteiia Mcdica aud The- ^night, JL D., on the Principles '"Sfe'ol Surgery. lieers. M. D , on Obstetrics, oiiker, M. D., on .Vii.atomy and Hooker, M. D., on the Theory (iiotflof Physic, pilf^ ipoO; >Lttncuhition, !i>5; CHAIILK.S HOOKKII, Dean. 3J,4KV_'. L>-tit XOTICE. up an'l c(niiniti.ed to the Jail of ®am CountV, n negro uian who calls \V|;LL, and sa\s that he belongs ^ .M\crs, of Kichland District, South I ■I tioy is about forty years of age, ^ |lit (jr ten inches high, he had on : »itt‘'d a jiair of striped cassinier | light twet-ds coat, and wool hat. i yl Said boy is reiiueste(J to come property, jtay charges nnd take j he will l»e defilt with as the law t S. L. UIDDLi:, Jailor. 1 .'0.] l.')-4 ^111^ F.ighth Volume of the SciKXTinc Ami;uj(,'an C'.'1i;mk nccs on the ISih of .Sep tember. It is jirincip:i!ly devoted to the lill'ii- sion of useful pi'actii.al knowledge, and is eminently caUui.ited to advance the gre.it in terests ol industry—M r;i,i>iir if. ; ycll'.iW coiujileeted, six feet and upwarils high, ii/fl A',‘rieiilliii ti!—the genius .iiid ina.'ti i'-sjiirit j and about oO vears of .-icre. Xo oflo'r m.arks rc- ot the nation. j eolU-cte>l. except his front u]>per teeth, by close It is unrivaled as a. Jiotrn.il of the .\its and ; o'>servari.!n. have a sm.all opening or gap be- Sci'ji-es, and maint.ilns a high character at 1 tween them. The .itiove lewar i w ill be j>aid home and .abro.id. ! Ibr his delivery to me at hoiiK*. or continenient i The Publisiiers pledge thenoelvcs th.it the ! in Wayne county jail, so that 1 get him. j futuii- \ Illumes ,'h:ill at least eiual, if not sur- \ F. J KltN F.«i ,\X. i y>;iss their jiredeccssors. Among the sulijeets ■ July 17. ls.">2. lltf i chietl^' brought I’oiward and discussed in its ! - Prof. .^lorn'utt's Finialc Srminnri/. ihinnis. are. Civil Fngin*‘ei ing, Ari hitecture. | llaih-oails, llri'lges. .Vgr'icuUiiral h!ij''-’ment-i. .^L•lnufactur(^s of Metals. Fibri.us and Textile sul-stance.':. JLn-hiiicr^' t-T the )'ui ji”se. ’iienii- e.il Pi ■-•(•sses. Dislilliiig, Coloriui:. »vc. .Steam •and !:is Kiigines. lIoiki> and FurM.i'C', >Lith- ematical. Philosophical and Optical Instiu-’ iiiPiits. ('ars. Cariiages. Water-wheels, Wind' and (iriiiding .Mills' I’owers. Pl.-niing .Machines, i Tools for Lum)ier. Brick .Machines, Farming, ^ Fire .\rms, Klectrieity, Telegraphs. Surgical ' Instt umeiits. \c.. besides Claims of all the Patents. I’eviews. Xoticcs of Xew Inventions, American and Foreign. The work is in form for binding, contains .■■ / /•// hutuhril »//y/•«?( ///;.», (jver four hundred p.iges of printed m.atter. ' and a copious Index. Xearly all the v.ilnable Patents i\hich i.'sue weekly from the Patent Olrire are illustr^'.tcd with Fngtavings in it-^ columns, thus m-akitig the jiiper a jierfect •Mechanic.il Kncyclopedia i ir lutiire as well as ' present reference. j ValuaMe Pretuiums are ofl'ered for the largest I.i^t of .Sul'scriliers to this \ oluine. It is | lished weekly, by ML'XX v.'c CO.. at their i Aj'iK't (iifirr-, 12S Fu'toii Street, Xew , York. ' - i TKI!MS: TKKMS: TKHMS: I 1 cojty, oueyear. ^2.00 1 copy, “^ix months. >i^l ,00 AI.W AYS IN AKVANCK. 5 Copies for six months, lo Copies for six months, ]o Cojiies for tuelve months, ] .'> Coj.ies for twelve months, 20 Copies for twelve months, .Southern and Western Moiicy aiol Post Ollice .Stamps taken for subscriptions. Letters skotdd be post-paid. 1' 1111' Sth year will opin on the 1st of Sep- expense aii'l for the highest cla.'S in the Colle giate course is ^i^PJO a ;,ear. The ornameiit.il branches are at (‘ijually moderate ]>rices. The F.xamination developeil to a very hiirh degree the advantages of the pl.in which Prof. .Morg.-in has long pnieti.'cd in the training of youth. It w:is manifest to every observer that the young ladies of the graduating class were of ;i high oi-'Ier (d‘mind well instructed. Their polish of manner and evident thoroughness in the v.irious studies, their command of l.ingu.-ige and free iom in coiiipo.-ition. :ind the evident skill and taste in the ornainent.il branches. C'.uld I'.ct but be the result of :i well ileviscl s\ stem, rigi'.ll v jmr.^ucd and sncces-fiill v .applied. ( Ucv. A I^AKKK. I’.xr.miners. Lev. D. Pi;.M('K. ( lUv. P. T. I'KMCK. S.Tlisbury. .Inly l''o2. ll-i'.tpd r!>h fini' U AI’S.VW ST.\iK will leave Fayette- vilK' daily, at h.-ilf p.ast four o'clock, A. M., coiumenciiig the L-^t dav of Julv. 2-tf .JlcKINNOx' .S; McNKl LL. rissoLiriox. t-aT'Till* tirm of Avcy, Slu inwcll )t Co., heretofore existing, h.is been thi.s day diss(dved f)V inutu.al consent. .\11 dcmamls againsr saiil firm will be paid by P. Shemweil, at the old stand; and all persons indebted to the late tirm will jilease make imme diate payment to P. Shemwcll. who alone is du- Iv authorised to settle the s.-inie. S. S. AKl-Y. P. SHKMW i'l.L. JAS. K. McD(LN'ALD. Fayetteville. .June 2*'>, is.'ii'. ;]tf iJi rHlHE subscribers are now receiving from -H- X. York, a large and general assortment of Stdple and Fann/ J)rif (f00J,s, c non:KIES, iiaiidwauk, Huts and ]>udts and Shoes. Among which are: PofTee, Sugar, Cotton Ibigging, ll.-ili* lloyie, Xails, Window fllass. Swedes and Kiigtisli Iron. Sack and .Mum Salt, Imperial and IJhick Teas, Pcj'jier, Alspice. (linger, Powih^r, Skot, liar Lead, ll.tr .and Fancy So.ap. Together with a great v.aricty of other arti cles, to which they invite the attention (d' the jiuldic, and which they are determined to sell as low for ('ash, or on time to those who jiay j)rom[)tly, as any house in the Southern country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market , jirices, taken in exchange for (Joods. | .McLi:.\N .S: JOXKS. | Summerville, X. (’., Dec. S. 18-'>1. 47tf FOR THE NORTHERW CITIES “ jn nil-: Si:\R()ARl) AM) KOWdhi: IMIL KflAl). rSlIlK PriiLH' are informelthat the Sea- board and Poaiioke I’.ail Hoad ('ompany have comi'leted their new liridge across Pmanoke Piiver at Weldon, and are now ]>repai'ed to transport passengers an«l freight from Weldon to Portsmouth anvl Xorfolk, and tlie Xorthern cities tiromptly and with dispatch. The Cars leave Weldon dailv' at o.l o'clock, P. M., and arrive at I’ortsinoutli by 7 o'clock. P. .M., iti time to connect with one of the Clnsa- peake ll.iv Stetimers, H!'t’..\LD, (JLOP.lil.V, or XoltTII CAKUl.l-N'.V, for M.iltitiiore. and arrive 1 I'ai/el/erlUe Hotel, I'AYi; TTicvir.M;, x. c. ^fjlIILS large and splendid Ibiilding has now i! be n in successful operation since .May IMO. 'J’lie lie«ldii:g and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms conveniei.t and pleas.ant. The Table is always fi'.riiislied with the best the market affords, aided by a line vegetable g.irden. Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will timl de sirable accommodations and attentive servants. .No i>ains will be spared to give entire satisTac- tion. Familii's can lie ftirnished with large, airy, front (htuble rooms, conveniently and haud- somely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she Jiopes, to give gcticJ'al s.-itisfaction. ANX HUOWN*. June 1, 18-jO. 2S-tf 11AR\LVX’S HOTEL, r \ \ i: r t s: v i s. i. i:, c. TB^HK Subscriber, having taken the large ji. Hotel, formerly known as the Pl.anter's Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay .Mount. Hay 'treet, Fayetteville. X. C., rcsjiectfully informs his friends and the jiublic that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup- at Jialtiinorc early next inorniiig, in time to I plied with entire n \v Furniture, and is pre connect with the morning train that leaves for ! pared to accoiiniiodate the travelling public.— T. C. WORTH, COM.MISSKIX AM) FlIRWAHDl.M: .IlFRrHANT, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. Feb. 1, 18.'>2. C.Oif Phil.adclphia and Xew York. P>y this comfortable and agreeable route. Passengers le.aving Wilmington iu the nii'rning train, will arrive e.arly the next morning :it I’.altimore. atid reach Xew York the s.aine even ing, without loss of sleep, and with but one change of jierson .and baggage lietween Weldon and llaltimore. and avoid entirely night travel ling on I’ail Hoads. To render this route worthy of the tr.avclling pulilic, the company have employed careful and responsible ?>agg:ige jigents. who cluck all bag'fa"(* at Weldou Having had some exjierience in the business in the towii of Pittsborough, X. (’., he fl.atters himself that he will be aide to give satisfaction to those who m.ay favor him with their compa ny. His rooms are large and airy. He h.as l.arge and couvenient Stables, and a good and faithful (Jstler. JOHX HAllMAX. Fcb'v 17, 18')2. fit.tf I'fff/crwr illc IS rat] rli 10,000 !^ppKi\^:7iE:A WAXTED. Tlio Subscriber lias now one of the most extensive and best ;is«oi-ted stocks Double and Single SHOT OU.NS, PISTOLS of the most superior (juality,—('olt'a Repeating and .Vilen's llcvolving, of every (luality.—Pow der Fla.sk.s, Shot and Game Ibigs, I'crcussion Caj>s of I'tig’ish and f'rench make. Also, the most conijdete assortment of Gun fixtures that has ever been offercl in this .section of country. Also, Shot Guns, Rifles and Pistols made to order or rcpaireL I’.itlc.s made to or«ler. nnd warranted to shoot from one to live hundred yards. Air (Jiins made to order at short notice. To all of which the attention of Sportsmen and others is respectfullv invitcil. 31. A. P.AKKR, Siffn of the dun, ILiy street, nearly opposite the .Marble Yard. F.iyettcvilie, X. (j., Oct. b, IS.jl. 28tf I()(),()()0 Acres Valuable T 1 M B E R L A X I) S FOIl SALF,. HF Stibscriber h.as purchased all the I.ands belonging to the Kstale of Abram Dubois, dec'd. lying princip.ally in Kofteson county, ami on both sides of Lumbyr Ilivcr, the diU'ercut sur- vey.s containing Over 100,000 Acres; \ large jiart finely Timbered, and convenient ta Lumber lliver. where a large (juantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (icorgetowii market. These Lands arc very valu.-ible both for the 'J'imber and Turj>eiitinc, for which j>urpose :v large part is well suited, being in a region where the 'J’urpentinc yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Laiid.-i will be sold at a low price, and in (piantities to suit purc!ia.ser.s. liitbrmation respecting the title can bo ob tained by applying to tlie Hon. llobei-t Stratige, through to l>:iltimor(‘, coiiseiiuciUly the travel- Hon. .Fas. C. Dobllin, or A. A. T. Smith, Ksi., Oo S 00 !.■> (Ml 22 OO 2S (HI ]0-2t ! Tlu' Sl(*atii('r I'aiHi;, will ill future h’.avc Fay(‘tteviilc on I’uc'day and ; Frid.iy mornings, at 'i o'clock, .and W ilmingtou I W vliu'sda_\ s and S.iturdays :'.t 12 o'cbu-l;, au 1 I run tcl:ul.iriy, c.irrying freiglit .and ]ia.-.scngcrs with ibspatch. T. S. LL'TTI'ULOIL Jidv 22. 1S.'.2. Stf [i^nrick on Darno^srs. flSI-; on the .Measure of Damages, odore Scdgewick, Second Kdition, greatly onlargeL hhcr supplies of The W'orks of Dan- K '.iL; Wide, Wide World; ^uecchy; , by firace .Aguihar; 'J'he H.ai- fctliodist Hymns; Discipline of the .M. i liool Hooks, iSci-.. for sale by i:. J. II '.Li: .s: sox. n ZIIVELV’); iioir-L. SALEM, X. G. p f a^H F. SCIiSCl’vlliF.H having l.itely fj*, ) SL completed cxtensivi* additions to bis h ouse. takes this method of 1 infoiining his friends, :ind the tra velling community generally, that he is now jircparcd to accomniodatc them in a superior style. The entire house, bedding, and fuini- ture of every description is new and clean, and no p.iins w ill be si):ircd to make his guests comfortable in every resjicct. All the st.-iges bfop at thi.-» House. A. T. /.FVFLY. Salem, July 24, lSo2. ]l-lnif)d ~ A'l'i'iv ;'r>()i>s. rB11! I’, undersigned have now opened their Jl NLW GOODS, lately received froui the Xortli, comprising a general assortment, viz: in' 11 hhd.H. Cuba, I’orto Kicoand X. O. Sugar, 20 bbls. ('rushe(l and Ilefined 80 bags liio, Laguir.i hikI Juvh Cofl'ce, loo kegs Wrought Nails iind .Spikes, Madeira, Port, P.ale .^herry. Claret, Champaign, l.i.slion, and ]\Lalaga Wine; Ch.ampaign Cider; pure French lirandy; Jamaica lium, and Hol- hiuil (jiu. Good Hyson and Hlack Tea, Lemon Syrup, Preserved Ginger, Pejijier, (iingcr. fan cy anil lirivwn Soaps, Saleratus, S. ('. Soda, Starch, Powder, .Shot, aiol Le.ad. Sjieian and Adamantine (.'andles. Indigo. Madder, Logwood, Copjicr.is, Lpsom Salts, Brimstone, Trip])c's Antipyric, Alum, Spices. Lsseuccs, (Jils, \c. In fact, almost every article in the Grocery line. Crofkfry, and (,'hiBia. 'J'he largest and best asaoitment over offercl ill this market. A good assortment of 15rit;iu- iiia Ware. —ALSO— A full aEsortmcnt (.f House and Kitchen Fur- tiitihing (loodx. fine Table Cutlery, I able Linen, Toweling. Linen and ('otton Sluotings. with a variety of new and useful articles. There ih scarcely an article in this line not to be found in our Store. ^LIKEWISK— A hir^c stock of lldiHlwarc^ Cnt- Icrif^ and l'inc}j (ioods, Oiir object is to offer to oi^r customers Oootln in variety and (luantity to suit all orders; and we trust we shall bo uUe to meet the wants of p.ll who j4jay call upon ua, either at retail or wholesale. H. W. TILLIXCILVST & CO, July 20, 18o2. lOtf KEpiOVAL. SAM I. ,). lll.NSl)Al,i:, aiBil H S rb’asiire of informing hi.s custom- S2 la crs and the public, that he has removed from his (lid .'■’tand to the next corner above, ■ generally knou n .as the “lllakc corner.") Having fitted up his .Store with every conve nience for conducting biisine.'-s, lioth wholesale ;ind retail, to the best advatitage, he solicits a coiitinu.,nce of the kind favor he ha.-5 eiiji.yc !, with the .issuraiice that no cli'ort on his p.art shall be wanting to merit it. His .''tock coiiijirises .a full assortment of ar ticles in his line of business, ail of the best ipi.al- ity: Drugs, Mcditrines. Ciiemicals, Paints. Oils, Dye.Stud's. Patciit Medicines. Perfumery, choice Teas, Seed, (ilass. Putty. Toijth and Hair brush es, So.ajis. Potash, \c. Tlic utmost care given Ph vsiciatis’ PrPscri Jit ions .)ulv 12, 1S.-.2. t;tf [O^ 1\ Sh(‘nn\eli \\ill coHtinue the Dry ('mods business at the (dd st.-indof .Vrey, Shemwcll ,V Co., where he will be pletsod to see all who will favor him with a c.all. Thank ful for ji;.>t favors from the jiiiblic. he hopes, hy strict attention {■> business, t" retain ;i sh.ire of public pjitroiijige. P. SHI'.MWF.LL. Sprifi^' (jioods- JAMES KVLi: L'! NOW UKt'KlVINt; AHdl'T 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, -\11 of which being purchased forC.VSH. will Ije oti'ere-i at vrry reduced prii-es f'>r easli, or on time to puiictu.il c’sstonicrs, eitlier by wholc- s.ile or rct.iil. £.>>"■ 15''Itiiig r'b>‘!) fr-'tii No. 1 to It), of the best t!*at is tuanui'actiired. March 22, 1-'>2. 7-',tf IK) i'i:l. ^S^HK subscriber bavin" jiurcha.sed the Hotel ^ situated (Ui the >outh-K:tst corner of Court House .''.(Uarc. and lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that l:e is n-*w rcadv to accommodate bo.irdcrs by tin' day. week or month. Having made consider.tble outl.'iy in furnishing and refitting the Fstablish- ment. he hopes to be able to gi\e satisf.actu.ii to all who iiatroiii/.e him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market afl'orils, his !5ar with the best of Liijuors. .and his St.able with a plenty of good provender and faithful (Istlcrs. J. A. GILCHIllST. June 2i'i, ]s.">2. I’l-tf S/ior.s fur Sritr nl ('osf. rB'^lir. subscrilier will sell -"lOO ]>.air of L.adies', B Missc.'?', and Children's Shoes, Gaiters, and Slippers at cost. Call while the assortment is good. ■\V. S. L.\TT.\. June 14, 1 ^">2. '.I'.'tf I fail Mount Rrsificnrc to Rent. The House formerly occui>ied by [. Hawley. . .• r oiMiositc J. (i. Cook, till Jan’v 1st. .\pplv to to he preparafton of H H. (L* HALL, o. ami family becii.es. HALL A: SACKKTT. A I'OU .sai.k. Xi:w 2 H- ISC Wagon. J. I). WILLIAMS, .luly 12. 7--tf Jl s r RIX’EIVEI). I^^OS 10 and 11 ))bnigh skeletons, (irons coin- picte.) Xos. 10 and (■> points. Another lot of our Straw Cutters. J. T. W ADDILL. July 12, ls!.'.2. 7-tf I'lnoii A!rriciiltiir:il Warcliouse \ Si’cd Slort*, .\o. !2:5 E'liitoii SIrs'cl, York. Tlu? undersigiuMl solicit the atten tion of .all ]iurchasers of Implements for the F.irm or Plantation to their assortment, wdiich includes m.iny of the ni(>st recent ini]irovcmcnts In the leading articles in their line, all of which they will sell at prices to insure satisfaction to the buyer, ksi'Kciai.i.y llailway Kndlcss Chain Powers, for one or two horses, of the Wheeler Patent, So often awarded the tirst premium at tho State .and (,’ounty Fairs, where they have been exhibited, ilailwa.v Powers, warranted, 'owers, Taji- iirrows. Fan Mills. .Straw t'utters. Portable I’urr Stone .Mills, VwifTons, Carts, &c. &c. Field and Garden Set;ds (d iiki.i\iti.r. ofALiTY, Fertilisers, Fruit and Ornamental Treeij. Our descriptive Cata- lojjiie illustrated with out.s, will be sent gratis when two to four Post OfHce Stamps are remit- Juiic 14, 1B'>2. TOHACCO. '.I'.'tf fHIHF subscriber continues to receive and B sell, on manufacturers’ account, all grades of manufactured Tob;icco. J. UTf.KY. May:n,lS'>2. Ootf LUMIJER! LU.MHER!! [T” L have ottr Steam S.iw Mill in success ful opcr.ition, S miles from Fayetteville, near the It.aleigh Stage Koad, and are prepared to execute orders in our line. As we run two liohin/ or Circular San' , we can fill bills at the shortest notice. ^Ve can furnish Pine, Pojilar ami Juniper LL’.MHKU, and of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line atid smoothness of face, shall be e(iual to any ever delivered iu market. JOXKS & 15.\riu;e. March 30, 1852. 7ttf ler has no further trouble with his bagg.agc until he reaches li.altimore. The Ches.apeake !’>ay Stc.aniers also stop at OLD POINT, to land and recei»e Passengers, and Passengtrs who leave Weldon ;it ;J.\ o’clock, P. .M.. .arrive at oM Point the s.iine e\cniiig. .Vn arrangement has been cntcrcil into, by the different Kail Ko.ad and Steamboat ('onip.an- ics. 1)V which tlie s inio Through Ticket issued at ('harlcston, will leave it o]itionary with the ti'aveller to t.ake either route at W eldon. An .accommoii.ition train le.ives Wcblon every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturd.iy mornings for 1‘ortsiiioiith. Xorfolk, and OLD POINT t')M- roPT. Passengers by either train for Old point. v'i!l reach Old Point the san>e evening. ForTJlKOLtiH TICKL'I'.S to Ualtiniore and Xew York, and any other inform.ition desired, iii'juire of the .\gent :it Weldon. L. N. iM;TI;1!SO.\, Agent. (iflice .'^'cabo.ard vC K. II. I!. ( *•., I ., Weldon, N. ('., .M.ay 2Sth. lS-32. | ' ’ S'l'RAW CrTT]:!’S. A l.OT just received, .‘ind we intend f'or the .'M accoiiiiiioilatloTi of oiir custoiuers to keei> them ci.ii.'taiit!V lU hand. J. T. W ADDILL. June lo, 1 •.',2. '.'‘'-tf : 'I'liftt }*()IjISI['. hoir it Shines'. B O,witSssEi fiir la*{ i]ioiifli%! I A .1. ^'^Oo!lW.\!ID returns his thanks to « the pulilic (or tlie unjirece.icnted en- couVagemelit he has met with in the i.aanuf.ic- j turo .and .'a’e of his c' lehr.ite.i l'(»l,ISil. and :;t ' the sauie tini! wishes it understood that he al- wa'. s keeps a suoj-'y on hand t^*r w holcs;.b' or retail. L .pcricnce h.is )irovc 1 th:it this Poli.'h is u:i- snrj.as-ed for .piii s.-- in j'C.rting a gloss on bouts .an 1 sluics, a:*d c.'so in picserviiig the I Ic.atlicr ! Pcr> )is wishing to oil their Imots c.in use this Poiish with cpi.-vl success iie.medl.ately af- ' tcrwar Is: the leather shouM be rubbi'I as si.'on as the I’oiish is :i].plie I, befoi'e it dries, j 'I'his Polish Can In' found at the store under ; the Caroliiii.iu Printing Office. I F.iyettcvilie, Feb. 21, lS.j2. (i7-l'.TU TO 'I'llE lH iJLlC. raiHK snbscril.er has leased for a term of j ^ years, of !!. W. Ilrown. l]s|., his f!re-]iroof i Ston*, with his Wliarves. nnd is now in a coinli- ! tion to t.ike especial carc ot' Spirits Tnrpentiiie ; and other Xaval .Stores committed to his c.ire. 'I'he W.irehouse is well known to lie the best and .safest jilace iti town for the storage of li.iooii. Lard. ('orn. Peas. \c. The lower wharves have on t'lem four l.arge new siieds. v\ here Spirits can be safely kept from the r.ain and sun. He is prepared to receive .anil shi*.. or sell, .all kinds of ]iroduce sent to his c.arc. He will also make advances when reiinired. He begs to refer to the following gentleiin'ii: I’. W. Hrowii, .lohii Dawson, O. (i. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright, F.sijs. .MILLS COSTIX, llrown's wharf, >\'ilmingtoii, X. C. Sept. 12, isOl. 21-Y WAX'I'EI), P..V1?KFLS of rrilPFX- TlXF. for Distillery at the Plank Koal Hridgc on I5ig P.ockfish. The best niarket price will be j>aid. For further iuf(u‘m- ation, imiuire of .John W. .Murjdiy. .at the P>ridge, or rd' A. McKetlian, Fayetteville. Dec. IS, IS-')!. ■ 40tf ,t. While i iiflei'hill, JJi'ojirrs, amf ti'/fcsnte itiid lie- fllit C IffX, IHJ V.'illiain Street, Xew York, AX1> Person street, (next door to IJ.ank of Cape Fear,) F.VYLTTLVILLK, X. C. 'C'Rr E would beg leave to inform the citizens V w of Fayettcvil!e and vicinity, tb.at we have just received our supply of SPlllN(i AXD SC.MMIvIl (iOtjDS, which comprises a genera' aisortinciit ol' READV-MADE CI.OTilLXG, Which will be found worthy the attention of purchasers, ('tir assc'rtment consists in part of t!ie following: COATS.—Pilack .nnd col’d cloth Dress. Frock and S.ack Coats, all ([ii.ilitics: black anl colored Cashmcrct ditto; French .and Lnglisli Draj) D - Lte ditto: (^lueen's-clotii and .\lpac:i ditio; Fan cy (^oats of mottled Cr.asse and Tweeds: Ken tucky Jeans: Linen and (.'fitto’i Ginghams: l'>ro., liuffand w hite Linens; w hite gr.iss-cloth Sacks, \c. of all iiu.alities. P.\NTS—Of lihick find coVd {'assimere: fancy slnglc-iiiill' l ditto; Frciich .and I'.nglish Drap D'Ltc ditto: white and cid'd Drill tlitto: Ken tucky .K'.-in.; di .to: liidia and French Xaiikeen ditto. OV.C. \'i;sTS—Oi'bl.ick S.atin, I'onibazine. .\lpaca, black .and col'd Silks; w hite .and col'd .Marseilles ditto; lirown and p.added Linen, plain and fig'cb Xaiikeen. Huff. Cii.iss-cloth. i'\:c. All of whicl* arc i.flVred f- r sale as low as can be bougl;t in the .\cw Yolk market, at wliolcs.ile and retail. in .addition to the above, we shall keep on h.and a gein‘ral assortment of Shirts, Lir.awers, Collars, (’ravuts, Ho?icry, i!ic. Also, Cloths, Cas'iniel'es. atid \ cstinns. The TAILORING DLPAr.TMF.XT will be continued as bei'ore. an^I all ordev. for tine Cloth ing will he executed in the most fashionable St\ le. A. C. HAUT, Agent. 'April S. 1802. SUtf (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there .are m.iny trespassers on these l-.and.-', to all of wlioni notice is hereby given, that the law will In; enforced against all such otl'cndci-s. Apjdication for any part of tlie L.ands can bo made to myself, or to John W inslow, Lst]., wL» is duly authorised to make .sale of the .s,iiiie. THO.S. J. CLllTlri. F.ayettevillc, X. C., Sept. 1, Hsl';. 7(>lf FaSl Trade, MSarriti No. NASS AT STin-:i:T, XEAR THi; rOST Ol Fit E, NEW YORK, FFi:U for CASH or approved CULDIT, a complete assortment of >^ilk aiad I'aitcy Da*y $NOud?«, Now in Store and arriving by every Steamer, consistitig in part of DltKSS (lOOLi.S, in ovcrv variety, T.VFFnT.V and SATIN P.IP.P.ONS, iancy lIoXNFT and (J.\P UlP.liOXS, an elegant assortment 1!L.\CK and FAXCY SILKS, WillTi: GOODS, every description L.VCKS AXD F.MlHlOIDklllLS, GLOVES, MITTS, HOSIERY, CP.AVATS, &c. .Merchants from the country arc respectfully invited to (xandue our Stock. July 18-32. 8-2nipd r vvV&V^ Iiivery Stable Business. ^SMIE s'.iUscriber intends carrying on the -£3- above busints as usual. Having added ; considerable Stock, he will bo able to acconi- j modate the public. Thankful for past favors, H IS (a 8'rOC K. I coutinuaKce. J. W. rgiHE unilersigncd arc now receiving -EL MMIl.NG Sl(.)CK, consisting of their | .Tan’y 20, >8-52. POWERS. 58 If I>R¥ IIAltDWAUK. E3it!s^ and Shot’s^ -\11 of w hicli will be sold low to punctual cus- t(Uiiers as herct,>fore. Merchants and others will do well to esani- iitc Ihcir Stock before making ’purchases. We will not be uii'Iersold. HALL & S-'.CKETT. March 11, IS.',:.’. 72tf Warren iS: Trimlile's iron Sweep Po lin’s (.'ircuhir Power. Plows, Har ted, according to the distance. PvALPlI & ro July 1852. r,.;!ni T' Life of G-en. Scott, IJUST received. Also, (irace .\giiilar’s Days of 13ruce: Wide, AVide World; Dream Life; Ibichaiian on the (Culture of the (Jrape; Harper's j A CARD. HE return of low water renders it neces sary that the Steamer Chatham should be employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore —• : run as heretofore, on any regular days, until COTTOX YARX'^S for sale Im-ther notice. JXO. D. -WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. 15. Co. May 12, 18o2. '.Kl-tf by the bale, at Factory prices, by aTAHn i WILLIAMS March 10, 18-32. 72tf LL those indebted to the subscriber will find their accounts made out by calling at Magazine, 4 v(ds. bound; Komanistn at Home, i the Foundry which will please be settled as &c. F >r sale by E. J. H.\LE & S(JX. I early as convenient. H. G ]f.\LL. •luly I. I March ('). 71 TOHACCO. WE have a lot of j) hue common Tobacco, which we will si'll by the box very cheap. May 20, 1832. & T. WADDILL. 'J-l'tl' A. H. WIUTEIELD, (’oacli and Li.uht Carria.i^c ManiiHictiircr, ‘'K^/^Ol'LD respectfully inform the juiblic V w that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal ])atronage he has receiv ed, and hopes by a strict attention to business, and a desire to please all and give general sat isfaction, to merit a continnance of the same. He warrants all his work to be ni.idc ol the best materi.al and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with luir usage) either in wovkinanship or material, lie will repair it without charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, as it cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and durability. He is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thaukftilly received aud promptly at tended to. KEP.AIUIXG neatly exocuteJ at short notice and lowest possible )>rices. Fayetteville, Feb. 2, 1!532. Cltf Oisly ISEiriil out iis Pavl. I A. A. .McK]:TiT\X ^WrEarciiow receiving a very large atid (^TILL continues to carry on the (.'.\KJiT.VGB V w well selected stock of SPU1N(J (iOODS, ■ Ll'SlNESS iu all its branches, at the re- consisting of a full .assortment of ' niains of his old stand, opposite IJberty Point. A* I *•« ri't»i-ns thanks for the liberal patronage he / f I J . ff. , i jj.jg heretofore received, and Injpes by strict at- .\moiig which may be found the latest and most tention to business and a desire to give entire fashionable styles ot L.-idies' and Gentlemen s satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. lilil^SS (.fOODS, I Having kept the greater portion of his Tim- llats, Cajis, Iji.iuiot.s, lU'ndy-tnatle Cldth- | at a dist.ance from the nianufactory, he ha.'i ing, Hardware, (iroecriLS, Drugs aud 3Iodiciucs, SaddliTV, (.'mckcT}-, atid (il:is.s\vare. A large and well selected stock of liOuts and Shoes, an I ij:idie.s’ and Geutlc- iiien’.s Ciaitors, (very line.) SALT, IllOX, MOLASSES and XAILS. ^Ve intend selling as cheap a.s we can, and W(uild be ghnl if our friomls and the public would cull iiud examine our stock. J. T. COL'XCIL & CAIX. March 21, 1832. 7(ltf MRS. WALTOX, Mnntun-Maker nnd Millijnr, Has just fcc(Mvo(l a new and beautiful assort ment of Sjiring and Sum mer ISO KTS, and expects to receive them monthly as long as the sea son lasts; and will sell tlieni as cheap, if not chea]>er, than any in the mar ket. She expects daily >i new and beautiful assortment of Dress Trimmings, Black Lace Shawls, Scarfs and Mantillas. Also Dress and Saccpxe Patterns of the latest style. Orders from the country promptly at tended to, and country customers may always be sure of getting the latest style of articles or patterns. March HO, 18-52. 78tf ^T.\GE leaves W.VUSAW daily on the ar- 1^ rival of the cars, say 10 o’clock a. m., and arrives in Fajetteville at 0 j>. m. .McKLNNOX McXElLL. April 12. 18-32. 81 tf on hand a l.-irge aud well selectel lot of tho roughly seasoned Timber, of every (lescription used in his business, which enables him to retain all bis principal workmen. He is therefore now prepared to do any work in bis line iu tlie very best style, and ni the most favorable terms—aa low as .'iny work of the same quality in X. C. He has on hand, completely tinishcil, 8 Uarouches, for 1 or 2 horses; (j Kockaways, and l‘i Uuggies. Also, nearly finished, lo Carriages for 2 horses; 20 IJarouches for 1 aud 2 horses; 12 Uockawii3-s, aud 30 Buggies; .-Vll of which are of the most approved ydnn and finish, and will compai-e witli any work in the U. States for neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for the p.nst 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old customers for proof of its durability. All work wtirrantcd for 12 months, and repaired free of charge sliould it fail by bad workuiansbip or n.-nterial, within th.it time. J|Q}“ Repair 1X0 executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. Jan’y 2ft, 1832. ol* NEW BOOKJ-’. BAXCROFT’S r. STATES, Tol. 4th: The Swamp Steed, or the Days of ]\Iarion and his Merry Mon; I’utnnm’s Library, Xo. (J, being Home Xarratives, from Dickens’ HousehobI Words; The ^Maiden and ^larried 1-ife of Mary 1‘owell, being Xf*. " of A]'pb'ton’s Po)>u!ar Li- brarj'; Zachos' Xew .Vnu'rican Speaker; Bul lion’!* Greek Gr-anim.ir; Smith s 1st Geogr.-iphy; Mitchell's Primary (Jcography, &c. Just rcc’d. ¥.. J. HALE SOX. Blank U ryyanf - for sale lu re.