SEMI-WEEKL, Y. M arblo I^^actory. anted fi) I i/rrhasc, r.MLS. Spirit;; Turpoiitiup, lor \vliii-!i tlie higlicst i.iiofs >vill lALL AM) TALL: i: vonv. ai.i., j/oii a (lun (hat vtll rarri/ a Bn/I! JSub^crilier now m liaiul. aiiil will tor lii^ larjio aial \\>n :»s- •oli lit'siu"U‘ and tJoiible barn.-! SHOT 1' tlio ln'st make, auti latest patti'riis. V I’atcut Ki‘iie;itiug Pistols, aswl Al- olvor««; Jjlint I’oui'lies: fianu- i.i.'ks: IVrcussion f all kinds constantly on hand, and iired to order, jiiid warranted to sho.t to .'»()(» yards. wisliing to juindiase any of tlio :iln»ve rticles. will do well to j;ive me a trial, may Ite sure to fiuil tlie greatest ilar- ■r offered in tliis town, riu” of every thins; in the }ruii-smith 1 lio dune at short nutioe, in tlie best and f'lr !) small cliarire. M. A. i:aki;k, f the Wooileji Uuii. ■ oi'i)osite the MarMe Yard. Fayetteville. N. (’. !'■. 1 >•'>-. IT-tf NOTK'i:. ^ f Ml 111’ su'isirll-T has taken jI the St‘>rc next dooi- to Hall & Saikett's. where lie intend^ carryiiiur on tlie T.\ 1 iJ )1U N(i lU'.'•'lNK^iS in all its brani-hes. llavinf: had j'raetieal e.\[ierienee in mi.'st of the .Vtlantic cities, he feels assured that he can jdease the niiist fastidioii;. will be executed with neatness and Hv CEO. LAUDEU TWO DOflRS \i;i)VE llAlfill & SI)\’S STOKE, Fnvettevillr, .\. V-, Jan’y 20, l,S-)2. OG-lYf.d Tin: ri:L!:fii5iTi:i) lii rn tatem ~ COOKIAfJ STOVK ' for sale by the Subscriber in Italeigh an'l Fayetteville; in llalei^h at his Shop on Fay etteville Street and in Fayetteville at .Mr. .M. ('amfibeirs. The Subscriber ho.'eby forewarns all persons Irom ]«\irchasijig uha i>f tliese Stoves from anv person eitlier in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from liimself or his duly authori/.eil Ajrents. He has i>urchased the exclusive riirht to vend this Stove within the State, and will I'rosccutc any person infrin^iu" his right, either by )iur- chasing. sellit'.g. or using, any excejit those ob tained fi'om himself. .lOSF.lMl AVOLTKltlNC. Ilaleigh, April U>, ti,''tf Sl’lllAG t;0()])S. K are now receiving our usual .stock of ▼ ¥ STA1M.1-: A.NU FANCY U O O J> S, IIoo(m, ISoiiiiefM, Arc*., hich being bought Lite in the seasi-n, ^most of them at a con^iilerable ilecline i:i ju ii-e.; we :ire ii'iw j>r(]iared to sell them very h'W. I’leasc call and e^wamine. 1). i: W. McLAnilX. •"). IS.'.-J. T'.itf KOCKI'ISII SIll'.r.TIXC.S, Y the bale «>r half b.ile. f'lr sale by MAflllMvpP & FOODRY. ^faflbrd, Clark A: l>i\oii, .Mtniu furfurrrs of all of Horse Poic> ra ami 'T/m sJiiiti/ ^)/achinrSj (J)oth l\n table and Statantan/,') Wool Cardin;/ Ma- cJiinc.s, S/ntir Cnttcri of' various Fa tor;/ (irar, Saw anti drist J/7/ Ironx, Ihtrh' Mills, EdjC Tools, d'r. tl'-c. if’c. IUKY resjiectfully inform their customers and the public, that they continue to car ry on their business at their Machine Shop, near SNOW (’AMI’, Aluma)\ee county, North Carolina, wltere they are jirepared to execute all work in their line with neatness, punctuali ty and despati h. With an increased variety of tools and labor-saving machinery added to our establishment the p:ist winter.—a well selected assortment (>f inateiials j'urchased at the low est cash ]irice.*,—workmen of known skill and ability, togetlior v.itii long experience in the business,—fully justify ns in saying, as to qual ity and jirice, onr work has not, will not, and shall not. suffer in c mjiarison with any other Siiop in tlie Soutli. (irateful to tlie jiublic for j'ast favors, they solicit a continuance of their ]i;itronagc. N. 15. I’lease send your orders soon, as onr motto is “first come first served.” J.etters ad dressed to the sutiscriliers, at Snow Camp, N. C., will leceive promjit .-ittention. STAFFUKK, CLAKK DIXON. March 1S'):2. Tl-bm ofi* ESn;;.** ailvaiicM‘i. ^r.llSONS who have made contracts with .1. F. Jordan iV ('o. for furnishing K.VliS, are hereby informed, we will pay ;'>A cents per lb. on all Cotton Hags. Kopo and I’a^ging, delivered to us after this date. 11. 151'. AN SON SON. March 11. 72tf W. ANDREWS, l>t*a!«T iiB SCovo!«i, llAli.ll Juiv i;i, IS. S( )N. Stf ^'Sutirc to Shippers hij v'tij of the i'dpe Fear I\ic(r. and .after the lirst day of .July. ]>rox- imo, th(‘ de iuction of five j'cr cent, froui stab'i>hed lates of Freiirht , when the bill the latest .very lull will lie consi'lerc't iliie wlien i-*n- dered, eaili t’onipaiiy roerviiig the right to charge iuteiest on tlic s.ime t'.r any delay in payment. Shippers of Naval .''tores fn in this jdace are niititied that the undersigned will receive and store, in C-.injibeHtou, S);;rits Turpentine at lO cts. per bbl.. and ^sill givi rcceijit for each load as it comes in and ship as instructed, the own er ]‘aying drayage. which will l>e •') cts. jicr bbl.; and will have barrels eoojiered or re-packed, when the interest of shi[ipers I’ciiuin s if. at ac tual cost, chargeable to owners. The interest i of lioat owners and shij.pcrs alike rc>iuires a be made at the next , ,-^.,MUation of tliis k:„.i. ''iOGlrr?? OL. IL] JMerrtiiff, IU$LS. jiipt received and f'^r sale by NE\VJ}Y. IKL) liY .50 July 10, C(>OK & TAYLOU. iltl UD J. IIALE & S0.\, OHS AND IMIOPIUETOKS Scmi-Wcekly Oiiskrvkk ^4 (M) if Ivaiice: >f b>crij'tion; or ■j'-J after the year ha cklv Oti!KnvKU 00 per annum, if ndv.ince; ^'2 oO if paid during the ubscription; or 00 after the year red. TISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents for the first, and thirty cents for each imbUcatioii. Yearly advertisements contracts, at reasonable rates. Ail- re requested to state the number of desired, or they will be continued till charged accor^lingly. tters to the F.ditors must be iiost-paid. Cash. LITTFIILOII vS: CO. 17-tf 11. IHOli. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 21, 1852. [NO. 119.] n. C. FKKE.MAX.] [tiEO. IIOUSTOX. FREE.)1AX & llOimX, Wilininglon, ,\. C. D. C. FREE1IAN & CO., >'ew York. 1 RKlvNLVN & HOUSTON, MEKCILVNTS AND FACTORS. Wilmington, N. C., KEl* constantly on hand a stock of Flour, ('orn, l'*ork, Ibicon. Salt, Coffee. Sugar, •Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snufl", Candles, Soap; Foreign and Domestic Lic|Uors and Wines: Iron, Nails, l*aints. Oils, (tlass. Domestics, Hats, I’loots, Shoes, I.eather, Agricultural Im plements, and a variety of other articles, suita ble for family and ]>lantation use and the retail v.ade, which they will dispose of in lots to suit • lealers or consumers, on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Naval stores or other jiroduce. The senior partner, 1). C. Freeman, is loca ted in the city of New York; the junior i>artuer, (jeo. llousjon, in Wilmington, if de.sired, ad vances will me nijido on consignments to and from cither pl:;ce. All busine.'*3 entrusted to them will receive jirojier attention: and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully Idled. July llS, lli-;5ni •>0,000 I!>!!>. 4>riSa^« Wanted. WILL i>ay Ci cts. jier jiound cash for all cle.-in cotton and linen KAtiS, lelivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. 1 am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting iny rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rag.s as 1 can afford, and ho])e that I may not be forced to distant market.s for my suppli‘s. 1 have arranged with .Mr. Williams to receive and pav for all rags delivered to him. DAVID MLKl-HV. Fayetteville, Feb’y L'l, ISol!. (i8-tf NOTICi:. r|MIlK })ftrtnership heretofore existing under JbL the name of J. H. & R. F. .Murjthy is this day disso'ved by mutual consent. All tho e indebted to the firm, by note or account, are rerjuested to call at II. F. Mur phy’s, and settle before tho loth of February next, and thereby save cost. And tliose having claims against the tirm are requested to jiresent them immediately. J. W. MTHPIIY. K. F. .Ml IM’llY. Jan’y '2(j, 18o2. liOtf ilitary Dresses made pjirovcd style. I'lieral assortment of choice CLOTII- nd. which will be sold low for cash tl credit. 13. MOXAGHAN. U*, 1."j2. Ibtf NOTICE. C.VTK»N will «ion of the I.cgislature, to ciiange the ■•('ape Fear \ Deep lliver Steam pany’' ti- that of tho ••ISrothor's .'^tcain pany," for the reason th:it the former •lu'les ‘.ill the name of one of the oM ■—and jiroduccs confusion in receijit ]f.-lm NOTICK. npartnerahip of Mclnnis& Sutherland day dissolved by mutual conscnt. -*ss of the concern will be settled J. MclNNlS. J. i! Tlli:HLAND. 'ust 7, Is-Vi. l*)-liw Mclnnis will continuo the tlif stand of Mclnnis Suthcilaiid, 'H keep a large stock of I’aiu y I'l V (IikkIs, (Irt'tciTifs, iiiv, Haf.s, au] Shoes. —ALSO— "t of i’nffet*, Su^Mr. ('ottcn ]}ale J’n{»e, aiul 'J’wiiit*. itli :i -rc.-it variety of other articles. ii.\itcs the atti'iition of tlie public, Jie is d tcrniincd to sell as low for tiiio- to ulio j>ay promjitly, as ilic C' lintrv. JOHN MclNNlS. cge, N. (.., Au;f. 7, IX'J. AUSK', I’, W.iltze.s, ll.M.K SON. 'iii.t rei Magazine lor May; As gooil as edy, or the Tennes.scan's Storv; Tartary, Thibet and Cliin'a; s of a I’oliceniaii; Fxperiences of a onfessious of aa Attorney; Heroines Children, their llydro}iatliic .Maii- y Dr. Shew. .Vlso, furtiier suj>plies r.ibles. Blank IJooks, Cap and 1-ctter Ijool JJooks, kc. Just received by !•:. J. iiALi: & SOS. FOR ^ALK, OJdJS. North ('arolina BACON and L.VKD, of superior quuli- for familv use. Apply to I'.kVeuLY HUttK & SON. 10. iSoi. 17-3t liu linn of li. & 1 and after the 1st day of Sept. n«xt. •rsigned will settle and close up the using the name of the firm so far as eccssarv for that purpose. 15FVKHLY ROSE. I'-.. 185-i. 17-nt CUOES I'OK SALI'L L lie Sold at the residence of the late Wnnifrcd Hodges, iu Cumberland ^itiirday the 4t!i of September HT likely Negroes. A credit of tix ■‘‘I’provcd notes. JAS. P. HODGES, Ex’r. t 7. 1.^. ki)j:[j;s reports. puiili^died. Vol. 12 Law, and A'ol. 7 Price ij'-') 00 and Jj*'!. Tliese are , in conseiiucnce of the Piei)ortc:' » 'v arrangements for publishing. vo!s. exchanged for Nos. as usual. E. J. HALE i; SON. " - '.1. JNo. D. WILLIAMS, Agent Caj>e Fear Steamboat Co. K. .M. OHKLLL, Agent Hcnriett.i .''tcamboat Co. T. S. LI TTKHLolI, Proprietor .Merch.-ints' Stc.iniboMt Co. June 'JS. 'i-oiii [O^Tlie uii(lcrsi^H(‘(l, as I’^or- warding Agents on tlieir individual :iccount, re- spictfiilly gi\e notice, that tiiey will contiiue to receive and forwar 1 (Joods frolii their rcspec tive Warehouses at the Kivcr 'where the dray- agt- saved to shippeis is full in per ccnt. o-i the freight bill; for a commission of‘J’) per cent, on the Uiver f reigiit bill and di ayage. This ch.-ingc to take clTcct oii the 1st dav of .\ngust next. JNo‘. D. NMLLIA.MS. i;. .M. oK!:i;i.L. T. S. LLTTEIILOH. June 1S.")2. ti-:{in I^ire Is^snrauee. ri'^HE -KTN.\ Insur.-ince Comj’aiiy of Hart- ford, h.-iving jiaid the tax iniimsed by the Revenue L;iw of the lat> Legisbitnro, will con tinue its Agcni-y in Fayetleviilc, under the management of tlie undersigned, who is pi’c- [larcd to issue Policies of Insur.ince on lluild- iii;.:s or Goods, either in this Town or in .iny ]i;irt of the State, on i-rojier a]*]>iication, de- scrijition of the Property, A;c. The -KTN.V CO.Ml'ANV has been in operation about ol) ye.irs. Its capital is )5it{;>0,0>0. 'J'iie Hon. 'i hos. K. l!race was its first Presiileiit, and he still holds that oflicc; and several of its first Directors are still active and ctficieni incm- i)^rs of the P.oard. It has at all times sustained ! the highest character for the j-.rudeiice of its - management, and fV’i- the liberality with which it has ever adjusted'its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 18ol. 02-tf .SOnil I'AllOLINA l.\srilAM’E CO.lll’A.W, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. H.\RTERED b\‘ the State of Sotith Caroli na, with a Caj>itiil of •'i'2oO,')(M), ,;11 paiil in and well invested. Fire, Marine, River ami Life Risks. CHAS. EDMONDSTON, Prcs’t. A. L. ToiJiAs, Sec’v. DIRIX’TORS: Roeeut ;M.\i:tix, Col. Jamks Gadsi>kn, M. C. MouI)Kc.m, Ciias. H. Wkst. S. MoWEY, Jl-. llE.MlY CouiA. The subscrib'^rs liavinj^ l>een appointed agents in tills place for the above n:iined companv, are prepared to receive offers ami issue policies of Insurance on Fire, Marine, Itiver and Life Risks, on liberal terms. All losses incurred at this agency, will be pron;}.»ly adjusted and paid bv the undersigned. DeROSSET & RROWN. N. C. Risks will l>e taken on the lives of Blaves on the most liberal terms. ^Vilniington, N. C., March 27, 1^52.—77-Gni ECM'l'l'V SaIe. WILL be sohl at the Court House Door of the County of Cumberland, on Monday the Cth day of September next, two valuable negro slaves nnmod SUSY and MARY, upou u crcdit of six and twelve months. ARCll D A. T. SMITH, Au". 3.—P5-ts Cle^’k I'c Mast>^r. AND 3iAxri'A'Tn;i:i{ of tlalx AN1> JAPAN (’oplxT, Tin I’late and Slicel Iron ^Vorkcr. H.V\’E in my cmploNiiient competent work- liicn, and am j.rcparcd to do all kinds of work, either in COPPF.R. TIN orSllEET IRON. 1 have on liatid all the nece-'ary materials and machinery for nial/iiig I'actory Cans anil Drums, ali'l to do all kinds of factory work that can be done by any Establishment in the State. .Mso, for sale. Patent F.-!-tory Can Rings, varviii'.r from 0 to 1 1 inciu s: Drum l*>ead>. A;c. RtioFlNCi. GITTLR AND LEADER PIPES I'Ut up in the best manner. Also, ’list rcc‘ive>i, u full su]i]>ly of COOIv- IN(J STOVl'.S, of the ;iiost approved patterns, some of them very large for hotel anil |d;inta- tion use. .\lways on hand a gooil assort ment of TIN W.\ RE. (\ W. ANDRFW.S. South East corncr Market Square. May 1"). !S')2. 1'1-tf S'l'ARR W ILLIA.MS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I'orcigH (Itil! IPotttcsfir oods^ 13AV stki:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. J. I!. .''TAHK.] [.). M. WILI.IAMS. April ’JS, 1^’)2. Seco/id Spri/i^' tV Simi/iw/’ Sfoc/,\ ST Win .V \V!1>lTaMS T Ol'LD announce to thrir customers and the jiiiblic generally, (hat they are now receiving large additions of tS(aji/r Ih'ij (iintils. Shot's, liohts, (v., to their early Sjiring purchases, to whi h they '•specially invite tho attention of couMtrv mer chants. Orders solicited, and every exertion made to give s.iiisfaction. S. X W. I'ayettcville. .\[-ril ‘JS, If,."2. .'■■itf N. J’>. S'l'Alilirc K, ~ Tro;/, IllOX FOI NDKll AX!> ^LVCIII.MST, t! n f'arturt r of Shinn J/ iUs mol Ihiihrs, M ill (liarln'i o f all hiials, Plonijhs, l v. '^HE undersigned, as the .\gent of the above Establishment, will order any articles which may be wante'l, on aiiplii-ation to him. ■''he Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Sfar- biic'c have been tested, and are highly approved on ttie Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sejit. 4, ISol. 20tf NO rici:. rHUIE undersigned continues to manufacture Spirits Turpentine II.VRREL.'^. Those now on haml guage 4‘! to 4‘> gallons, and are made of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want ing a good article, will do well to c.ill and ex amine. Contracts to deliver Darrels for the next twelve months made on favorable terms. T. S. LL TTKKLOII. March 22, 1S.V2. 7otf ^wii.KiNsoN cV i:?^li:r, DEALERS IN i^onfli tlonar>/, I'on ojrt 2\i'ts, To- ljav >^, ant / Snnf, AND IMPORTKP.S OF a>a:Kioa& si vva:^a cKj:ak>>, AT WIMLKSAI.K AND KLTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Au- 7, Idol. lltf or mlSonefj! I WILL sell my Sl M.VKJi A’ESI/U-XC/:, two miles from the J/arkct, on the Fayette ville ami Western Pl.ank lioad—one of the most desirable and healthy jilaces in the county. Also, 40 Shares d’ Fayetteville and Western Plank Road Stock, and iiO Shares of Fayette ville Hotel .Stock. W ith the largest stock of Ready-made C.\R- RI.VGES and P.l'GCJIES ever offered in this place—over worth—completely finishetl. ■\11 of w hich I will sell at very reduced jirices for cash or negotiable notes. So little attention has been jiaid to the call maile by me after the fire of the 2d Jaii’y, on those iniebted to me to call anil settle, that I am induced to offer the *ib;ve i)roperty at re duced jirices to enable me to rebuild my Carriage Establishment and continue my busi ness with convenience. 1 shall place notes in projier hands for collec-' tion, if not j)aiil soon. 1 have all my accounts made out to the 1st Jan’y 1S'>2. A. A. J/cKETHAN. J/arch 2'.t, ]8-'»2. 77tf STORAGE. TV, have commodious brick Wnrehouses in tiie rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. & W. McLAl’RlN. Nov. 1, 18ol. ;i7-tf General Agency and Commission Business. ^B^HE Subscribers have this lay etitered in- JS- to a copartnership under the style of WHITAKER, WHITFIELD .S: CO.* for the ]iurpose of doing :i general agency ami commission busint'ss, and in offering their ser- j vices to the public in capai’ity they flatter thenisehis that they will be able to give satis faction to all those who may consign any go-ds, w ares, merchandize or country juttduee to them either to sell on commissions or forward. As it will lie our greatest aim to jdease. we pledge ourselves to sjiare no pains in trying to give general sati.«faction. They respectfully solicit the patron.igi- of their friends and the jiublic j tionary: Rritisli Female Poets; American Fe- generallv. Their store is No. North Water I male Poets: Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Nl’AV liOOKS. Al.lRL'RTON'S ^'ankee .Stories, illustrat ed; the Yankee Tea Party, or Puiston in 177i>; the Old Rell of Inde]>endeiice, or Phila- ilelphiii in 177r>: Camp Fires of the Pievolution, or tlie War of Independence, illustrated; Weld's Dictionary of Scri)>tural (Jui.tations; Harbaugh’s Heavenly Recognition; Catechism of Familiar Things; Mathi.-is’ Rules of Order, for Societies, iXc.; Walker's Rhyming and Pronouncing Die- ]}ETrON'S SHIRT USTABIISIIMF.NT, 170 Marhct Sfrtrfy RA i/n.TaoESK. rglHE largest and only JL Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital and forcc' engaged enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SIM RTS, COLI,.\RS, LINEN and COT TON DR.VWERS, great inducements—more' than u.'stial efforts having been made to render the jissortinent of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on li.-ind is large and well assorted' for Men and Roys. All orders from the Country nftcnded to* with })unctuality and desj>atcli. jgyiV" Remember the Name, and iio. 179 ’flarkol ^Ireel. T. \y. RETTON. August ]•'), 1851. 14-yopl Street, Dickinson’s Fire-proof building, Wil- mintrton, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER, JA.MES W. AVIUTFIELD, A. A. R. SOl'THALL. RKKEitKNcEs:—John Jlawson, Potter Kid der, O. (i. Parsley, Samuel P>ccry «S: .Sons, G. R. French, and Ellis X Mitchell. Jan. 2'.l, lb-'>2. 01-tf H nr rants H anted. ^Illlll-; highest Cash riiiiKs paid for any iiuiiiber of Land Wai rants, for a North ern concern. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent. Fayetteville, .Kpril 14, ls02. 82tf if; '' t*. atson (Quotations; Philadelphia :is it is in ]8">2: \c. E. J. HALE vS: SON. .Ajiril 8. T()TiIRK, A SMART, ACTIVE ROY, IH years old. ..r'a. -Ap])iy to 11. RR.VNSON May 18.')2 X SON. 87 If STATK OF N. ('AROLLNA, RLADEN ('OFNTY. Til Iviuitv—.'^priiiir Term, James Rryan /.t. John ISry.iu and others. T appearing to the ('ourt, John Pear son. William Pearson, ami Eliza I’earson, I STI'.A.MI;I! soutiieuneu T ILL leave F.iyetteville every Wediiesdav and Saturday, :it 7 o'clock, M., and arrive in Wilmington at 7 o'clock, P. M. .\n*l will leave Wilmington every Monday and Thurs day. at 12 o'clock, M., and arrive in Fayette ville next morning. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. April 2*’>, 1S.')2. 8')-tf NOTR'l-:. LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Cioods purchased :it Floral College, are re- |uesteil to make immeiliate jiayment, either to Mr. Hugh Me.Vrn in the iieighbcirhood, or to himself iu 'hcraw. Cheraw, Dec. 20, 18'tl. JOM'I'II II. ( D. R. McARN. 5u-tf 'I'iu* ISiihscriix'r still continues to carry on the C.VIHNET RrSlNE.''S in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Est.-iblislinient on P>ow street, ne:ir Ecdes's Rridge, has openeil a large \\.\RE ROOM on ILiy street, nearly ojiposite tlie F.-iyetteville Hotel ami one door East of Messrs. ilaigh iSi Son s, where a assortment of I'LU.MTtll!'., .Made by coni]'otent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corres]iondiiig wiiii the tiiiies. .\lso. an assortment of Northern-made l’r'*NI- Tl'RF.. selectMl by himself, which will be sold at a verv moderate advance. DLNCAN McNEILL. Nov. 1'*. IB'.I. oStf E keejis on ham! an assortment of Fisk’s celebrated .METALLIC P.CRIAL CASES, which have been highly recommeniled liy Willie P. .Maiigum. Henry Clay. Lewis t'ass, Wm. R. King, and many other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. WlIOl.KSALK Wald* aisd Jewelry Store- J.. Jl. MILLER &: CO., Intjiortcrs, Maavfa tnrcrs and Johlx rs "f U7/^(7(('S, Jiii'clri/, and Vancij (toods, Have leased the Old Stand- formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfielii, Rrother & Co., Stmik' A'iixl corner of Charhx und /ialdmure itr(i-f.i,- I (No. 227.) which they are jiutting in comjilete' I order for the WHOLESALE W ATCH AND JEWELRY RUSI-NES.S, to be opened about the ! 20th of .luly. i In calling the attention of the trade to the' j new concern, we mention the fact that we arc associated with one t>f the most extensive Jew- I elry Manufacturing Establishments iu the coun- I try, wliich must give a decided advantage over' j all others in this market for supjtlying dealers- I with Jewelry at manufacturers’ pi iees, a feature' I in this br.ancii of trade long since needed -be' I tween iialtimore and the .Southern and Western^ j ^lerch.-ints. I We desire to call particular attention to the’ i Watch department, which will at all times be' three cf the ebild. en of th« l.-ite John S. Pear- | assortment from the most son. reside beyond the limits of this State: it ! is therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Fayetteville Observer for six successive weeks, calling upon the said absent Defendants, J(din Pearson, >\i!liam Pearson, and Eliza Pear son. to a]>pear at the next term of this Court, to be held on the second .Mond.-iy after the fourth Monday in SeiitemV>or next, at the ('ovirt House in Elizabethtown, county of Rladen, North Carolina, then and there to plead, an swer, or demur to said bill. Witness, .lohn C. Wooten, ClerV; and Master of said Court, at Office in Elizaliethtovvn, the first .Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. I). 1S.V2. Issued the 28th dav of Julv ]8>32. [l;;«G] JOHN'c. WOOTEN, C. M. E. Ni:\V ROOKS. I'TNAM'S L1RR.\RY. Nos. 4 and 5, being the World Here ami 'J'hcre, by Dickens, anil Hood's Ovvn; Count Moiite-Leone, or the Spy in Society: Miss Sewell's .lournal of a Sum mer Tour: Memoir of Rev. W. H. Hewitson; Wesley and .Methodism, by Taylor: Spencer's Pastor's Sketches; McGutley's Eclectic Readers, 1st. 2d, :ld and 4th parts: Parker's 1st Lessons in Philosophy; Mills’ Rhetoric; Davies’ School .\ritlinietic: iS:c. Also, further supplies of THE ROSTON .\C,\DEMV'S Collection; Carmina .^acra; (Junn's Domestic ^ledicinc; Humorist’s Libniry; \c. E. J. HALE ic SON. o nmssi o AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .V. t'. gi-rjy* Prompt ))erson.-il attention given to all Consignments, anl Cash advances made on Pro- iluce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18.’i2. C-ty Spirt is of 'I'ltrpentine wanted. 1^0 jiersons havii.g S]iirits 'I'urpentine to sell, we !ire in the market to buy; or we will receive and ship to any market the owner may desire, and make liberal advances on con signment. COOK iS: TAYLOR. May t;. 18'.2. 8Stf ^ R. M. ORRKLL, FoinvA’iiiiMi roiniissin.N .her('iia\t at ayet!evil!e, V. March 10,‘l8o1. ('.2-tf ~ liROWN 1)i:1U)SSI:T, •IVjr l)i:lU)SSI*:r cV RROWN, COmMISSION MERCHANTS. J.\0. P(»TT.S UkOAVN. Ahmani) j. DeHosskt, Jr. ]{. F. Biiuwx. ^ '1.VSH advances will be made on consignnient ™ of Produce for sale either in Wilmington or New York, and Cotton will be forwarded to the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. March 22, ]8'.2. 7fi-(jin ij:ssons l\ Ml sic. fH. WHIT.\KER would resi»ectfully in- J* form the citizens i>f Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he has again commenced giving sons on the I’iano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, \\arland, and humbly solicits a continuance of tlie same. .Ml pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. H. ^VH1T.^KER. August 24, 18')0. ;!ltf ARPER'S ^Magazine for June; The I’aris Sketch Rook, by Thackeray; Gaieties aud (iravities, by Horace Smith; Journey to Iceland: I p the Ithine, l«y Hood—2 parts; Alison's l.ife of .Marlborou'rh: Cockburn's Life of Lord Jef- running order, su that imrchasers may at once' take them, with a written guarantee that they j will ]>erform correctly. j This br.inch of the business will receivc ti-u' i es}iecial attention of one of the firm, wiiose ex-- , tensive and pr.-ictical knowledge of the business* will, we hope, give us a in the liueondct.c' »)f buyers. I We ri'Spectfully invite you to cafl upon mit 1 when you next visit our city, confidently l>e-- ! lieving that an examination of our Goods vvliU ; ]irove to you that they arc better styles »«ndi 1 cheaper than you have ever seen in this niarliet,. i and assure you that no effort shall be vvni.tiiifiC on our jiart to make the aciiuuintanco one o?' iiTutual benetit. L. H. MILLER & CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by Cantield, Rro. t'c Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sts-^ Raltiinore, June 18ol. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. W'yeth, RIacklock & Co. Gvvyn, Reil Taylor. James Hodges & Rrother. Hurst it Rerry. ^lurdoch, Duer & Evans.- Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangston & Co. Rarthlow, Gwyn & Co.- Riely iV Pendleton. Cushings it Piailey.- John iluriihy & Co. Moore & Griffin. Hooks—Mcdiea/, EKJS’ Velj'-au's Midwifery; Mendenhall’si* Medical Stu«lenfs Vade-Mecum; Mur- frev:'Horse Shoe Robinson, new edition; Marcus I Review of' Chemistry for Students: 15id 1’ II. L. 110LMi;S, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of i’ront aud Princess streets, under Journal ofhce. Dec. 12. 48-tf RKDl C'El) FARK. THROCGH Tickets between AVilmingtoii, N. C., ami Raitiioore. Faie •'>'1.3. A"ia Wel don, Peter.=burg, Richmond, and Washington City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. For TicV:ets apjily at the Office of the M'il- mington and Pisileigh Rail Road Company, at Wilmington, or at the Office of the Raltiinore Steam I’licket Company, und of the Raltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, Pratt Str.’ct, lialtimore. Jan. 1, 18')2. 53-tf NOTICl^ ~ Subscriber having associated with him- JL self in business his son Matthew, the busi ness will hereafter be conducted iimdr the name ami style of M. N. Learj' Son. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal pat ronage hitherto extended to him, respeptfully solicits n continuation of the same iu belmlf of the new Firm. All those indebted to the undersigned, either by note or account, are earnestly reiiuested to settle the same as earlv as jiossible. M. N. LEARY. Faj’ctteville, Juno 7, 18')2. V7-3m Jilank ]Varrants for sale here. (\thinet FifrnitirrCy Chairs, J^e. rEMlIE subscriber is receiving the largest as- jH. sortment in his line ever before purchased ' at the North, wliich, together with his own man- i ufacture, makes his Stock very complete, con- j sisting of I Chairs, Tables, Sofas, Be(lstoal.s, AVasli ! Stands, bureaus, Looking (j lasses, Side lioards, Secretaries, &c. I All of which w ill be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. RAKER. Oct. 30, 1851. 3-5tf NOTICE. WE will buy any lota of Spirits Turpen tine offered in tliis market, and will I receivc aud ship for distillers to New York or elsewliere, affording the ustial shijiping facilities. J. & T. WADDILL. June 3. 1852:. 'JCtf- V DESiRAiiLK RESinENCK FOR S.VLE. IHI' Subscriber now offers for sale all his Turjientine and Farming L.VND, contain ing about liOO Acres, situated 1'2 miles East of i Fayetteville, on the Goldsljortiugh road, com- j iiioiily known as Palmvra. | It has a good dwelling house, oiit-buildings, &c., and a store where a laige amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, i^c. and will be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to puichase, and wishing further informa tion, call apply on the jiremises, to J. W. Ml llPlIY, or P. T.VYUHl, Fayetteville July 2')th, 1S.')1. Stf llotelikiss’w Verlieal \l aler IVIieel. rg'^HERE are several hundred of these Wheels JB- in operation in different louuties in North Carolina. For proof of their great ailvantages over the common flutter wlieel, or any otiier wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who h ive ajiplied them to their mills. We can rec.uiiniend them ]>articularly fur their sujieriority in cases of a low head of water, or l>aek water. W e still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for different heads of water, at Wilmington, New born, Washington, Edenton ami Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. A. Rrevard, Lincolnton. and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on apjilicatiou to D. JlcNeill vS: Co., Favetteville. N. C. 1). McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. U. J. McALlSTER. Feb’y 2‘_M849 5fc -tf ^ JU)OK lUNDERY. RW. H.VRDIE has resumed the Rook • Rinding Rusiness at the new .Store next door to Mr. Reasley, Jeweller, wliere he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. •Vugust 1. 27tf by Mrs. Lee Heutz; Robertson's ('harles V; The Farmer's EncyclopL-dia of Mo dern .\gricuitiire. by Rlake; The Pests of the Farm, by R,chards» n; Horses—their \ ariety. Rreeding, \c.. by ditto: Di'inestic Fowls, and Ornamental Poultry, by the same Author. Also, further supplies of Gunn's Domestic Medicine, Allen's Rural .Architecture, School Rooks, \e., just received by June 15. E. .L H.tLE & SON. Tl RPEN riNi: LAND Foil SALE. S_^"^OR sale, "f:} acres of L.VND on James Creek, and i40 ncres on Cypj-ess Creek, in ('umberland. convenient to tiic Western Plank Road, heavily timbered, and admirably ad;ij>ted to the making of Turpentine. .\pplv at this Office. Nov.‘28, ]8--)l. 44tf AC^RICULTURAL WORKS. 7^'ORTON’S Elements of Scientific .\gricul- ture; Dana on ilanures: American Muck Rook; You.att on the Pig; Cole’s .American Fruit Rook; Thomas’s Fruit Culturist; Family Kitch en Gardener, by Ruist; Dana’s Muck Manual; Allan’s American Farm Rook; Richanlson on the Ree; Ditto on the Ifoj,- the American Rise Culturist: Allen’s Rural Architecture; Down ing's Fruits a;id Fniit Trees of America; John ston’s .Agricultund Chemistry; Fnrmer’s Trea sure, by Fnlkner; Miner’s Am. Ree Keeper's Manual; Yoiiatt and Alartin on Cattle; Fessen den’s Complete Farmer and Gardener: Wheel er's liural Homes; Stewart’s Stable Economy; Hinds’ Farrier; Mason’s Farrier; kc., &c. E. J. HALE & SON.. .\T>rU 14,1852.. M:\V ROOKS. aftANCROI T'S U. ST.M ES, vol. -Jth: The fi & Swani]> Steed, or the Days if Marion and i his Merry .Aleii; Piitii.-im's Library, No. ti, being | Home Narr.itives, from l>ickens' Hoiisidiold ■ Wonls; The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, being No. '■’> of .Vppletoii's Popul;ir Li brary; Zaclios’ New .\merican Speaker: Rul- lion's Greek Grammar: .Smith's 1st (Jeogra])liy; Mitchell’s Primary t.Ici gr:it ln% I'cc. Just rec'd. E. J. HALE & SON. Spriii;;: and ^^iiinBuer cr :: cz bi a: .m • COSIT .ME 1L\LL, Corntr Pnttt strot and ('nitre Market Spare, BM/riMORE. ^■IHE largest and best stock of RE.\D\- -S. .MADE Cl.OTHINfi ever offered in I?alti- more. Dres.«, Frock and .‘'ack CO.VTS. all co lors, (luiilities and sizes, from !j''2 50 to -iio oO and ujiwards. PANl’.A LOONS it to 50 and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassimeres. VESTS of every v.-ii'iety at corresjK.nding jirices. Also, a large assortment of Roys' Clothing. Importing our own Cloths direct from Ettrope. and nianufactnring on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer iiiduceiiientB to jiurchasers not to be siirjiassed bj' any Clothing Establish ment in the Ciiiteil .States. The proprietors are determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great attraction, and have now made up more than 50,0ti() G.VR^IENTS, from the finest ([ualify to the lowest in price. In the Custom Deiiftrtment will always be found the choicest selection of CLOTILS, C.VS- Sl.MERES and VESTINGS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and !i fit always guarantied. trj)" The one price system strictly adhered to. Remember the name and jilace, Corner Prutt St. and Centre Market Space. II. 11. COLE & CO. August 15, 1851. 14-yopd JOHN 1).~WILLL\MS, CGmmisaion A* M^orivarilhtg Fayetteville, II. C. Feb. r, 1852. C3tf die's Review of Materia Medica and 'J’herapeu- tics, for Students; (^r.-iige’s Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy: Cazeaux’s Midwife ry; Hastings' Minor Surgery; Reese’s Am. Med ical Foruiulary: the Physician’s Pocket Pre scription Rook; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, iVc.; Morfit’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical .Manipulations; Reasley’a Druggist’s Receipt Rook; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; Noad’s (.’hemical .Xnalysis; Wythe's Micro- scofiists’ Manual; Wright’s .\m. Receipt Rook;' Overman’s Practical Mineralogy', Assaying am/ Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Ranking's' Half Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences; &c. E. J. HALE .'c SON. AFFLICTED, Rl’.AD! ' \ MF.DIl-M, esta\>!i»Vril l.'> * yciirs «e'i. Ity Hr. KInkclin, N. W. corner of TtiiriJ ami I’liiim :slrr.-i>.. I‘hiliili-I|ihi!i. HEAli;—VOl' I'II ,\.M» .M\.MI()()0.—A viporous lile or ;i i>reiii«liire lii'iith. Kinki'lin fin Self I’rc>ervniioii.— >iily •i.'i rents. 'I'hi* Imok jil'I piihllshtd, iij lilleif with IItill iiil'iiniialion. on the intiriiiitips nnil diacaxes of tlie liiiiiiiin or^:ln.. ll ii«lilre>srs ilsplf alike to yoaili, maii- IkiikI anil olil Hiiti »hoiiIil be rcnrf liy nil. 'I'lie valuable ailv'ce and impressive warnhic it (!ive, will |iri veiil ye-irs of misery and siillerinf:, and save an nually llmusiiuils of lives, t’urcnts, liy renilini: il. will U’.irn Ikiw io previ nl llie de>lriicti»in of Iheir cfiililrcn. .\ reiiiiuaiire il -J.'! cents, inclosed in a letter, mlilressed- to Mr. Kiiiki'liii. .\. W.forni-r ol Third and t'nioii-strcets,- riiilai!f'l|>hi.i. will ensiiro a hook, iindrr riiirlupe, |>er re turn mail. Persons at a di-iniire may «ddres.s Wr. K. by lein r, (jmisI |Mid) and be eiiri-d ai home. I’liekages >f iiiidirines, dirci-tion.', A.r , forwarded by sendinc a r. iiiitlance, and |)Ul ii|> secure from damage. Hoiikseller.'. News .XeenK, Pedlers, Canvassers, and alt' others sn|>|ili( d with the kImivo work at very low rates. July. 1-5-J. tl- LiUuik Warrants for sale here. i.ivi::k C’o.iiFL,Ai.\r. Jo'/inlict, Chronir: or Xervo’ts JJehili-- tl/, Dinea.'^e »/ the Kiflncyx, .•\iii} all diseases arising from a disordfred biver or Pto iiiach, sncli as Constipation, f'lillness, or Blo*id to the Mead, Aridity of the t^toiiiarh. ,\aiisea, lieartlairn, l>is- Ciisl for Food. Fi*:n**ssor Weishl in the Stomartv. KriU'talions. Siiikins or I'liUterine at the pit of the ^tii- iiisich. (Svviiiiiiiinf! of the Head. Hurried and lliflinill Hrealhinir. Klutterintr at the firart. 'hoKing or Smrneat- iiii: tHrnsations w hen in a lyinir po.xtnre. IHmnesa of Vi sion. llots or Webs Iwtore the Sight, I’ever, Dull imin. ill tiiif Head, I'cticicncy of iVrspirntion, Yellowness of the ,*kiii and Kyes, I’aln in the Hark, Chest, i.iinbs, &c., Suilden Flushes of lieal. Iturniii;; in lh»r Flesti. Conslnnt Imaginings of Kvil, and Great J)cpres- sion of Spirits, /’.\N 111'effertiiallv rnred hy DR fIOOFI..\N’I)’S ('KI.F.- liK.^TKO (;l,K\l.\\ mr|-K!iS, Prep.rod by Dr. C. M. Jark'on. al the (knnan Medicine Stor»-, Sti. IJlj Sireet. I’hiladelphla. Their [mwer over the above diseases Is not rxrelled, if eijiialled, liy any other pn |>ar.ition In the I'nited Slates, as the riires attC't, in many cases after KkiltuI phy^ki.ins had failed. These Hillers are worthy the attention of invnlidfi.-' Posses'.inc erc it virtues in the recMiration of diseases of the l.iver anl lesser slanils. enerri'ing the iiaiM-earrli- ing jiovvers in w enkness and afT'-erlnris of the ditcrlivc or-' ^aiis, they are w ithal, (“are, l enair. and pleasant. ISHAt) A.M) UK CO.WIM.'KD. Fromthr noslon i>ec. 'I’he editor said, Dec. — “Dr. Iloiifltnd's Celeliralrrt Ccrnian Rittrr.s fur the rare’ of I.iver omplaint, Jaiindire. I iysp*'t'Sia, Cliroiiic or .Ner vous dt'liilitv, is (!e'iTv*-dly one .if tlie l.iost |ioi> Itied- irincs of the day. Tliese jlitters li ive lietn usfil by ;lioii sand.s, and a friend ai our elbow says he ha* himself re ceived an elJt-clual and )>erroanenl cure of I.iver Coni- plaiiil from the ii»e of thi* remedy. We arc convinced that, in ihi: u\e of these BitU?rs, the p.'ttieiit constantly Cains slienclli and vitor—a fa.'t w onliy of j^at mnside- ration. 'I'hey aif pleasMil in t»>sle and smell, and can l>e n.'Cii by (lersoiis with llio i.n«t ib licate stomnchs w illi safriy. Under any rirruiii'tances. \Ve are s|ie.ikiiis Iroiii c.\l>*-rieuce and to the ai3»i tcd we a-ivi->e llieir iKe." l-»ok v\V,l to the mark* of the genuine. They havr the written si.:niit!tre oft^ M. Ja ksen ii|H>n the wrapper.. anil tlie name blovvn in llie Ixttlle, ViSthout whirh tfieji are siiurious. For sal^, vfc'liolesait hiiil rclail, yi the .Miil»:ci.NK s'Imki:, No. rjO .Arih Siieet, on^ d/mr tielow Sixth. I’liil^.. and! hv* re^pecubte ilealers general!tlir>iic,.oiii the rMintry.- .Also. |..r»ale by S.\.\l’l> J lll\Sl».\LK. Fayfllevitl*,. X. (; Wholesale .■\gents for North and Sonth ChioIiHa;, ll.\VIL.\.\D. llAfvRAL at CO, Chiiikei.m U