SEMl-WEEKL, Y. L. II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 2, 1852. [XO. 122.] by J. li. NENVliY. D J. ilALE & SOX, AND rUorUIl’.T(tU‘S. :mi-W»;ckly Ouskuvkk !i!4 00 if nee; •I'l i''0 if ilMiinK tlie iription; nr j the vear lias V OiisK.uvKU •*?:.' 00 per ;iunum, if Viiuco; 50 if paid during the scriptiou; or Jjio 00 after the year 'K.MKNTS inserted fortiixty ccnts the fu st, and thirty cents for each iblication. Yearly advertisements ntracts, at rcasuuuVde rates. Ad- reiiuested to state the number of .•ired. or they will be continued till larjjed accordingly, rs to the l^ditors must be post-paid. les and Jewelrv. . yi. Ki:ASLKY’S Jeweler’s Store, aSTKKKT. Till: MAKKKT, found i[ulte a rich v;iriety of Unid Jricch if. Silver U //(’, M Hi lari/ (foods^ ’r.s' ( 'o/npa.ssrs, (iitits and , Pockct tV l\d)lc ('tfi- (Accordcoii'^, ^ i~ F/fffc.'ij ('larlo/tcf;^ Iu.sic Boucs, ^V^- :1b. lil-c.A- doxaldsox academy. UK ensuing Term in this Institution will Jl commence on Mt>NDAV, the 4th day of .)( T(»UKU ne.\t. Terms as heretofore. iJ-'.XlEL JOHNSON, I'rincipal. 31, 18r)2. L'U-tf VAM Alil,!', I'UOl'KRTV FOU r Jj^IIE Subscriber having removed to Tennes- -M. see. desires to dispose of liis rtsidence and lands in the \icinity of l'a_\ etteville. He tliercfi ie oilers for sale, on accommodating terms, his residence at UDSK HIM., .iiid the tract of .)(»(( acres of land attached tlieret''; and also the .Meadow Kami tract of KKM) atris, ad jacent to the former. rrc\ious advertisements have descrilied the resivlence and lauds and their advantages.— I’ersons desirous («f further information can ob tain it from .'dr. Isaac 15. Hawley, who has full power to sell the property anil give deeds. W. li. HAi^DlN. Aug. :50, 18.‘)2. Jl ]Icdd (Quarters Hh Regiment .V. C. Miiiiid^ SrMMKnviL’.,K, -\ugust Jod, 18-’>2. IN puiMiance of an order of -Maj. Otn'l .lohn Win.'luw. dated llth inst.. llie OFnCKKS ijf the o-lth U('gim..>nt North t’arolina .Militia, ure hereby onlered to apjtear at the Snmnier- ville Hotel. iu Saturday the Itlh day of Sep tember IS-di, for the purjiose of hohliiiLr an Klei-tion to supply the v.-icancy occrisioned by the resignation of l!rig. (.icii. W . I>. Howd. A. I». .Mcl.KAN, l!ltK] Col. :’.lth Keg. N. C. .Militia. Head QiKirtcrs >VAd Rc:^iincut C. Mililia^ J-'\YKTTtV!I.Lr., -\llgust, IN iiuj-suance of .in oriler of Maj. ticii. John insh»w, il;ited llth tiio (Itlicers of the :ic;d UegiiMvut North raroHna .Militia are hereby ordered to appi'ar at the (.'oiirt House in Ka \ eite» iile. on S.itui 'l.iy the If'th day of Sept. Iboli. tor the purpose of Inddiiig ;in K.'ee- tion to supply tiie vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Urig. Oen. \V. 1>. l».'wd. i:i.i.i.\H rri.Liii;. l,t. (’ill. ;;:id lUi:. -N. t'. .Miiiiia. X. n. STAUIU CK, Troy, .lV#r IRON FOUNDHU AND .MACHINIST, JLiiiiijtii'tiir/r of' Strant Milia nud (foi/i-ra, JIill (ir,iri)ii/ of nil kiuth^ /*lo(ojhs, d c- ^BIHE undersigned, us the Agent of the above Kstablishment, vill order any articles which may be wanteil, on nfi)dication to him. '"he Steam .Mills manufactured by Mr. Star- buc'c have been tested, am! are highly apjiroved on tlic I’lank Hoads about Favetteville. i;i»\V’l) LkE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, IS'il. 20tf JOSEPH Pi. BliOSSOJl, C O i71 T1 I $9 S I O A AND FORWARDING MERCHAK’T, Prompt personiil attention given to all Consignments, ancl Cash advances made on I’l-o- duce to be shipped to other ports wr sold iu this market. Feb. VI, 1852. 04 V R. M. OiniEI.L, i’()K\v.\KijiMj i (i.)i)iissi(i\ .it ft^ayollcvillf, I\. V. March lU, 1851. (i2-tf Tf J>. II .114.; II, Mas taken an Office on Hay Street, West 1 ' the Hotel iluildiiigs. July i 1,1801. 4-tf lJ>SOXS IX Lti. \\ H1T.\K1;K would ri'spectfully in- • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced jriving Les sons on the IMano Forte. He rvtnrns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretolore received, and humbly solicits a contiimani-e of the same. Ail p.'iins shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. 1 nstriiciion also given on the brit I’ianos tuned and repaired in the manner. L. ii. Wil ii'A K !'U. .\ugust '24, ;>4tl' ;it}-: xi:\v HOOKS. riiillis's Cabin, or Southern Life as I k' Mrs. Mary 11. l:.•l^tnlan; Whitc- th days i)t Charlos the Secoiiil; W hat , Voung L.nlios le.i'ing .''ch*iol. by the dcs F. Deems; ."'pi ncer’s I’astor s ■^l.ib.irt's (. hri.' Manual: Harpers .(School Uu*jks, .1 u.''t I'cceiveu. * E. J. HALL SON. I'OU Sitlcs and ShouliJcrs. SALi:, l‘l)i N I•.' .^upcrii r North Carouna i’..Vt't>N — Hams Aj'jiiv I.. ULVLULV uosi-;. L*i-;t REDlCEl) FAKE. fBlHHOl'(iH Tickets between \Vilmington, N. H. r., and l.altiiiiore. Fare ^lo. Via Wel don, 1‘etersbuig, UiciimoiKl, and Washington City, or via W»'ldoii, I’ortsmouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply :it the »Uice of the Wil mington and Ivaleiffh l!ai! Itoail (’omiiany at Wilmington, or at Hie (HVueof tiie Haltiinfire Steam I’ackef Ci>nipany. and of tlie i’altimoi-e and Ohio Hail Uuad t'ompany, I’ratt Street, Ualtini'ire. Jan. 1. 1>''2. .'>n-tf xoi'K'i:. ~ ^ H 1 H !•'. Subscriber having associated withhiin- .8. self in business his son .Matthew, the busi ness will hereafter be conducted unidr the name and style of \L N. Leary \ Son. The undersigned, thankful for tin'liberal pat- i r'>n:i-^e hitherto extended to him. respectfully ^ solicits a continuation of the same iu behalf of ‘ tiie new Firm. , All those indebted to the undersigned, either by note or aiioiuit. are carne.-t!y rei|iic.>ted to ?t ttle the same as carlv ;is i>os>ilile. | .M. N. LKAHV. Favetteville. .June 7, 18-''J. V>7-:lni HROWX cV DkROSSET, | WuU v •IVjr jr|^Hi: IIK are several hundred of these Wheels Dr. UOSSlVr liiiOWX, eountiesin North . “ ( aroliiia. ror ot tln ir *rvv:it 91'iiiiiiSitOii^ »» • over the coinnum flvitti'r or uiiv other COniMISSION MERCHANTS. wheels now iu use for saw mills, we eontidfiitly T T. T> 1 reli r to those wlio have annlieil them to their Jno. I’oTTS Bhown. ,,„,,ieularly AiOIANI) J. I )kI{ossET^ Jr. fur their in caaL*.s «)!* ;i low lu-utl of l\. F. IJroWX’. I wator. or hiick wntor. g 1 ASH advances will be mad> on consignment i " »'■" '^‘‘'‘1’ «"I'l>!.v of Wheels, suitable for ^ of l>roduce for sale either in Wilminirton ' heads ..t water, at Wilnungto,,. New- or New Vork, and Cotton will he b-rwardeil to ! " ;--^i'->'^'ton, Ldenton and Fayetteville. 'I be wheels m the New York House free of Commission at Wilmington. March -2'2, 18.VJ. r.l, iteusii y also be had of K. A. lirevaiil, Lincolntoii. and Lriah Wells, reteisburg, \'a. I’ersons wishing to obtain the riirht to use the V heels, rt ill be serveil on ajildication to L*. .McNeill cv Co., Favetiexille. N. C. jl. .McNLILL. A. -V. MeKKTHAN. V. McALlSTI IL tf Fe! 2-2. 184;* [jri*: ivsiiRANC'i:. ^HIO l'n!ersigned has been 'appoint‘d Agent j of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu- lance ('onipany. Every member foi-life partic ipates in the profits of the ('I'lnpany; and the annual premium for life membership, where it .•imoiiiils to •‘foO (.r inorr, may be j>aid one-half | in c;i.'h. and the other half in a note ;it 1:! nionths. j Hebtoi’s' lives m.-iy be iii.'^ured li\ creditors. I ■\ man may insure his own lilV for the exclusive | b( nellt of his faiiiily. The livvs of slaves may | be insured. This system is rnjviiily growiiig into favor, all over !!ic ciiiii/cd world. It is one by wiiich a ' family. foi- a S'l'all sum annn-vlly. may be pro ' vided for. after the dentli of its heal. on whose ' exi'rtioiis they may Jiave hcv ii depenib nt for a su]ij oit. It is a goo(I iinestnient of money. ’ even if one should live long after taking out ;» : l>ife I’olicy. |-^.\plan;itorv pamphlets, and the ucccssarv lilauks. furnished on application. ^ i:. J. 11A I.E. ! Fayetteville. June 72 A(;]i!('ri;rriiAi, woiiics. T^TdllTON'S Elements of Scientific .\grieul-! ture: Dana .n .Manures: .\merican Muck l>o(ik; Vouatt on the I’ig; ('ole’s .\inerican Fruit r>ook: Thomas's Fi-uit Culturist: Family Kitch en (iardeni'r. by I'uist: Dana's Muck Manual; All mi’s .American F'arm 15i>ok; llichardson on the; Ititlo on the Hog; the American 11 >se Culturist: .Vilen’s Jtnral Arcliitectnre: Down- ii;;r’s Fruits and Fruit Trc(“s of .Vmerica; Jd\u- ston's Agricultural Chemistr\: F’arnier’s Trea sure. by Falkner: Miner’s .Am. l’>ee Keeper’s .Manual; Vouatt and Martin on ('.-ilHe; Fessen den s ('impiete F'armcr and (lardencr: \S hec-l- er's liui-al Homes; Stewart's .St.-ible liconoiiiv: Hinds' Fairier; .Mason’s Fairier; i\;c., i!^c. E. J. HALE ^ ,-ON. April 14. 18.VJ. Hiyr'i'ox-s SlllliT 1:STA11L!S11MI'.\T, 170 J/tij-A'ff Strerf, isAi/i'B.noKi:. rSIHE largest and only JBL Manufacturing Whole sale Establisliment in the City. The capita] and force engaged ena!)ies mo at all times to offer to Country .^^e^chants and Deal ers in SHIHTS, ('ULL.UIS, LINEN and COT TON 1'1!A\\LI!S. great inducements—more than usual etfoi'ts havinjr J>eeTi made to render tlie assortment of these articles lull and com plete. The Stock fin liand is large and well asscma for Men and Hoys. All orders from Ihc Country utten led to with punctuality unl dcsi>atch. Kcmeniber the Name, and Ao. 3 71) 'SarK«*i T. W. liET'I'ON. August I-'), 18oI. !l»^. ol'Uaj^x t\VlLL pay •!.l cts. per pound ca!h for all clean eotti'ii u;id Hiieii llAiS, delivered to .1. D. \\illianis. in Fayetteville. I am ni'arly readv to put iu operation a I’aper .Mill in tiiis i n' iuiVooi hood, and am clcsirous d' getting my ! r.iiTS ill this market. My .bje> t is to pay a^ liiui li for raus as 1 can atloid. and hope that I m.iy not be forced to distant markets for my supp ie. 1 have airange.l wiih Mr. Williams to reel ive and pav f. r all rags d-livered to him. 1»AV1D Mllll'HV. I'.ivetteville. I'eb'v ill, i.'-’ii:. t.^-tf i:\V GOODS. rsi'.rned are now recc STtn 'K of their ing of a full assortment of (jentlcuicti’s ])ress (IiMvds, a ^ly of Reudy-iaadc (,'lntliiiig, ;iiul IJnmiets, a lar;ic‘ ussort- ioots iitul Slu)cs, llanlwavo, Drugs ati'l MetliciiKs, y, ('nicki*ry Glas.'Warc, ami Dutnli.-e JJagging aiiJ Nails, Iron, &e. i'c. our friends and the public to call our Stoek; it is L.VUGE and will Jcouimodating terms. J. T. COl'NClL i: ('AIN. 18-j J. li 1 tf AVAirrs sYRir, ~ II liay Water, owilers, g E.\tracts, H. D11ANS(JN .‘c SON. liU-tf S3 ANAWAV. on Sunday the I’tli inst.. from j S & the South C;irolin.i It.ii’i- 'ad Company. . , tiieir neirro un.n SAM, recently bought by them i ' wiHi irthers at Messrs. Cothran .''pr'iull's a.-iie. I .\iken. He was raised in t'unitierSaiid couu(y, 1 I North ('arolin.-i. and List brought from IHch- | i iiiond. Va. In height he is •') ft. ;j in.; com- : j-lexiou copjier color; on the left arm and ritrht , ’ leg siaiiewiiat scarred; countenance ;j:o^id. The i above reward will be l>aid for his a| prehension | and b d;rme;it iu ;iny tme of the jaiis of this i any neiiinboring State. I J. D. l';yj'SCH, Suj t. Trans. June 11.’. IS-IJ. W ILKINSOX vV i:SLi:ii, DI'.Al.EllS IN Cuv f\rdmial\u * ijn Frmts^ 'la- Irrrnj^ tftu 1 Suuff, .VND IMl’oKTIHlS OF AP WIIDI.F.SAI.K AM) ItKT.VlI.. Market St., Wilmiustou, N. C. ' ('idtliirf Furniture, ('hairs, Vr, fHlHE snbsci'iber is receiving the largest as- , 1 sortment in his line ever befoie imrchased ■ at the North, which, tojrelher ith his ow n man- 1 uficture, makes his Slock very complete, con sisting of C'liaiis, 'I’aliles, S>>f;is, IJcJsteacls, Wa.-li I ^taiiil.-i, l>aroaus, Ijookiiijr (JIa.'..sfs, ! .''i'U; 1> 'anls, Sccret:irics, \e. ' .\11 of \vhich will be sold on ilie lowest terms foi ■ t.’, or Oil short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. IJAKEK. Oct. :i(i, is.:i. o'.tf i Noru'i:. ^HIHE partnership heretofore existing under the n.'imeof.J. H. iV it. F'. Murphy is this i li.iy dissolved by muti;:il consent, j .\il tluisc indebted to the firm, by note r i aei-oiint, are re'jiiested to call at 11. F'. Mui'- phy's. .and settle before the l-')th of F'chruai'y neM. and thereby save cost. .\n 1 those having I claims .-igiiinst the firui are re.iueticd to present them im;nediutclv. ! ■ J. W. MCill’HV. I K. 1-. ...L'ltiMr;, ' J Mi’v 1 S.'-'J. iKltf .Vui l.v.l. 1 Itf xoriri:. rff'^AKEN up iind committed to the Jail of 1 ('hathani (^ounty, a negro man who calls hims»>'f IU'UW'KLL and says he belongs to Williams .Myers, of Itich'.and i)istriet, .''oiith Carolina, .''aid boy is alxjiit forty years of .age, live feet, ei-iit or ten inches high. he. had on when committed a pair of slri[>C'l cassinier pantaloons. lij;ht tweeils coat. :in 1 wool hat. The owner of s.iid boy i.s requested to come forward. pro\e property, pay ch,ir;its aipl take him avv;:y, or he \ull be de.ilt >\i(h us tiie law directs. S. I.. ItlDDLi;, Jailer. [Price adv. 1 .'A] ].V8w 'Eii l\ .JOll.NSOX t received from Ne«' 'i'(;rk, the ml best selected stock of I’occij^n d.-, lluts, Shoes, Bon- arclwarc*, Cutlery, offere'l for sale; all of which will lowest market price. His friends ,'ish »o buy are resj'eetfully invite.1 umine the goods and prices, ib-j-.;. -Jtitf S COFFEE. hd«. SC(iAI{, b-ceived and for .sale bv P. r. .JOHNSON. 10?: IIION, assorted P. I •IZCS, -\n;rust J*'-. IH.'i JOHNSON. ■J‘)tf ol‘ advaiicoil. IiEi; SON.'' who have made contracts with .1. F. Jordan _'o. for furnishing :ire hereby informed, that we nill pay .‘I.l cents jter lb. on all (,’otton ll.igs. iiopc and IJagging, deli\crv.‘d to us after this date. 11. DllANSON .‘c SON. Mareh 1 1. 1.^.VJ. 7litf c. W. ANDHEV7S, Il(‘aier iit 1! 20tf ;.v/ Slock of (iooda ever oj/'c^’cd hif nsl I low receiving much the L.VIIGEST ""ciOODS, ’.uul UoHHC'ts, Shoes, , I'uihrolhis, y us in this pla« e, to which we ,iivite the attention of .Merehunts, ‘srmined not to be undersol I. STAlUl WIH.IAMS. 18-32. litttf ARRER SilOPT HO.STLEH begs leave to inform :nds and customers that Lu has liop in the new building, one door ek-graph Oliice, where he will be an opportunity to shave or cut the best style. 18.-jJ. 21-3t ROi:s FOR SALE. liscriber will offer for sale to tlie :t bidder, on Thursday the lUth at the Court House in Lunibertou, *ig NE(ilUJi'].'', to-wit: ,V likely Man cars old, a Woman about 28 jcara liildren and an old Wonian, belong- estate of .Mosos Warwick, dec’d. of si.\ months will be given, and good security required of the pur- GEOUGE WARWICK, Adm’r. 1802. 2I-2t ,.:^rcr:3yX: A ; V jft: ■ 5 NOTICE. turd.iy the 18th .September next, I sell to the highes^ bidder, on the niy Tll.VCT OF LAND, containing .■'aid L.ind is situated in the coun- eson, on the Stage Koad leading from lie tij Chevaw, 21 miles from the former well timbered, susceptible of tlie high- d improvement, ami, well nmnaged, kc one of the finest farms in thecoun- at the same time and place, one d Lot at Floral College. JAMES C. DAVIS. t2», l>i.-.2. 21-Jt AND MAXLFACTrilKU OF 1>LAIN ANJ) JAPAN CopjKT, Till Pliile and Sheet Irop* Worker 1H.\VF> in my emploj-nient coni[ietent work- iiien. ami am prejiared to d all kinds of work, either in COI'J’EH, TINorSHEi':T lEON. j 1 have on hand all the necessary materials and machinery for making F’actory Cans and I Drums, and to du ail kinds of factory work that j can be done by any similar Establishment in the State. Also, lor sale, I’atent I'actory Can Kings, varying from ;t to 1 4 inches; Drum I’.eads, ^c. UOOI'LNG, GLTTKll AND LEADEil Pli’E.S pi t up in the best manner. Also, just -eceived, a full supjdy of COOIv- IXG STOV 1L>S, ot the most approved patterns, some of them very large for hotel ami planta tion use. -\lways on hand a good assort ment uf TIN WAUE. C. W. ANDREWS, South East corner Market Simare. May 15, 1852. IH-tf ~ STARR ^WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN F'orcign nnd Mfomestic JDry Goods, II.lY STKKET, Fayetteville, N. C. J. «. ST.\nu ] [j. M. WILLIAMS. April 28, 18')i!. 8 itf Life of G-en. Scott, 5UST received. Also, Grace .\guilar’s Days (if 13ruce; Wide, Wide World; Dream Life; Buchanan on the Culture of the Grajie; Harper's .Magazine, 4 vols. bouml; Romanism at Home, &c. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. July 7. S'r I:A M !•:ii sor'r111: i>:r n^ILL leave F’ayetteville every Wtdnesd.i\ and Sutvirday. at 7 o'clock, M., and ••irrive in Wilmington .-li 7 o'clock, 1’. M. .Vnd will leave \Vilmington every Monday an 1 Thnr-- d.iy. at 12o'eloek, >!., and arrive in F.iyette- vi.le ne.\t moining. It. .M. OKRELL. Agent. Ajuil 18')2. h'l-tf XO ru i:. ! A persons iiiiU bted to the .«u^.sTiber for j (ioods puridiased ti t Floral I'ollege, are re- I ipiested to make immediate p.iymeiit. either to Mr. Hugh .Nic.\in in the ncighli'.rhood, or to I himself in Ciiciaw. D. R. .'dcAllN. Cheiaw. Dec. 20, 18.')1. 5t)-tf Sjjirifs of 'rnrjuiilnir iraftled. ^2^0 persons haviiig .''pirits Tui'peiitine to B sell, we are ill the market to buy: or we will receive .and .sliip to any market the owner m;iy desire, and make liberal ad\anccs on con- sigiimeni. COOK TAVl.OR. May f,, IS.Vi. 8-tf Ni:(;iu)i:s rou saij:. TO WT” ILL be sold at the residence of the late \f W Winnifred Hodges, in Cumberland county, on .''aturd.-iy the 4th of September next. F.HiH'l' likely Negroe.s. A credit of s;.k nioiitlis, for aiii'rov*d notes. JAS. r. HODGES, Ex’r. -Vugnst 7. 1 SSerrini^. ^ iflK RliLS. iuat recciveil and for sale bv Ct^OK vS: T-VVLOII. July I'.i, 18-32. '.Itf 31arh!(i Ftictorv. s'i'OK,\(.i:. ^ ®1' h;ive commodious lirick War* houses V ¥ in the rear of our Store, iu which ve store Cotton and other jiroduce. D. .i: W. McLAURlN. Nov. 1, ]8.')1. o7-tf T General Agency and Commission Business. '^IlE Subscribers have this day entered in- 11 cripartnership under the style of WHITAKER. WHITFIELD \ (’()., for the purpose of tluing a general agency iind commission business, and in oflei-ing their si-r- \ices to the pubii*- in that capacity they fiatler liienisehes that they will be aide to ;;ive satis faction to all those who may consign any go -ds, w .;res. merehai.dize or country produce to them cillu-r t4> sell on Commissions or forward. .As it will be our greatest jiiin to please, we pledge ourselves to sjcire no jiains in trying to gi\e gv uei 111 sat;5faction. They respectfully solicit the p:itioi:;ige of tlicir friemls ami Hie public ;/ iierally. Their store is No. •! North Water Mi'ct, Diekinsjn’s Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER. JA.MES W. WHITF'ELD, A. A. R. SOl’THALL. Ri:"i:nK\’Ks:—John Dawson. I’otter \ Ki'l- der. O. G. l’:ir.'iley. .''amuel Recry \ Sons, G. R. I'la nch, and Idlis (.Si .Mitchell. Jan. 2'.', l8-'>2. 11-tf Ijfind U arrdiits Wdnft'd. TH^IIE highest (’vsii i-hick.s paid for any it, niiniher of I.and W.irrants, for a North ern concern. JNO. .M. ROSE, Apent. F:iyettevi'ile. .\j'Hl 14, 1S02. 82tf ill'' liooK . l!Jf> W. H.VRDll'. h;is resumed the I’.ook M % • liindii.g lUisiness at the new ."tore next door to Mr. lleasley, .leweller, where lie will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. .\ II” list 1. 27 tf of mUotsei^: fWll.L .sell my S( MMEll J!KSlI)hXCH, two miles from ’.be .l/avket. on the Fayette ville and Western I’—one of the most desir:il>le and he.-ilthy pl.aees in the county. -\lso, 1(1 .'^^hares of Fayettt villc and N\ estern riank l!oad .''Jtoek, and JiU .''li.ires of F'ayctte- \ille Hott'l .''tock. ith the l.'irgest stock of Ready-maile C.\R- I’lAi'iE.'' and IH'tr(i 1E.'' ever oflcred in this place—over .'s.'iOiMI wcrth—completely finished. .Ml of which 1 will sell at very reduced prices Ibr c.nsh or negotiable notes. 8o little attention has been ]iaiil to the cull made by me after the fire of the 2d .hin'y. on those indebteil to me to c.ill anil settle, that 1 am iiiiluced to ofK'r the aKove property at re duced prices t> enable me to rebuild my Carria>:(* Establishiiient and continue my busi ness with convenience. 1 sh.ill place notes in proper hands for collec tion. if not ]i!iid SOI II. 1 have ail n.y accounts liiauc out io the lot Jan'v l.''-i2. A. A. .VcKLTHAN. J/areh 2'.', IS.yJ. 77tf STATE OE X. CA1K)LIXA, RL.UiEN COCNTV. Ill Iviuify—Sjiriii^ Tcnii, lS,'r2. Jami's llr.van tx. .luhn l!ry:in and others. BT appearing to the ('ourt, that J«din l*e:ir- son. \SilHam I’earson. and F^liza I’earson, three f the cdiildren of the late .lohn Rear son. resiile be.vond the limits of this State; It is therefore ordered, th.-it jmblication be made in the Fayetteville IH'server for six succe.ssive weeks, e.-illing nyxui the saiil afiserit Defendants, .lohn Rearson, W iiliani Rearson. anl I'.liza I’ear son. to appear at the next term of this (,’ourt. to be held on the si'coiid .Monday after the fourth Mon'hiy in Sej'tcmbcr next. ;it the('onrt House in II. county of lii.-ideii, Noiih ('arolina, then and there to jilead, an swer, or demur to said bill. Witness, .lolin (’. Wooten. (^1erk and Master of saiil Coui t. at Otlice in Eli/.abelhtow n. the first Mondav after the fourth Monday in .March, A. 1>. 1^''2.* Issued the 28th dav of Julv 1'2. [M-i.j JoHN’c. WOOTl.N, ('. M. E. .JOHN D. W II,LIAMS, i'omtnissioH *V i'orintrtfht^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. !t, 1SV2. (■.••'tf TrRPi:N'rL\i-: i.and FOR S.\LE. S'T(Hl sale, nv;? acres d' LAND on Janies ( reek, and till) ncrcs on Cypress Creek, ill Cuiiilierbiiid. couvenient to the cslern I’l.-ink Roail, heaxily timbere'l, :uiil admii'.i'lily .adapted ti> the nijiking of Turpentine. .\pplv at tiiis Otiice. Nov.‘28, 1851. 4 Itf J.AXD I’OK SA1,E. A V.\U'.\!>LE tract of T.jind is offereil for /m sale, containing 22(* acres, lying miles west of Fayetteville, near the F. \ W. Rlank Roail, adjoining Mrs. Nott aiid others, with a good divelling and other necessary out-houscs. well w.-itercd and healthy situation. Ap)'l.v soon to |). G. Mcl'ulhe in Favetteville, ir to 14-yopd li*- / OiBiy ISiifi’EiS out ill Par!. A.~A. McKE'i'llAX ^TILL continues to carry on tlip CARRl.VGFI Dr.'llNE.SS in all its branches, «t the re mains of his old stand, ojtposite Libcrt.v Point. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore receiveil, and hopes by strict nt- tention to business and a desire to give enure satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the greater portion of his Tim bers at a distance from the manufactorv, he h.-i.i l.-iis .1 unc , R. Mci-'uilic on the j'rcmiscs, for purticu- ; oji liand a Large and well .‘ielected lot of tho- rou^rhly seasoned Timber, of everi' description used in his business, which enables him to retain all his jirincipal workmen. He is therefore now l>rei>ared to do any woi'k in his line in the \er.v best st\le, ami on the most favoralde terms—aa low as any work of the same quality in N. C. He has on haml. completely finished, 8 Rarouches, tor 1 tir 2 horses; () Rockaways. and R! Rn^gito. Also, nearly finished. 1(1 CarriaLies for 2 horsi's: 2(> Rarouches for 1 :ind 2 Itorsi-s; 12 Rockaways, and ;j(t Rnggics; All of which are of the most jijiproved plan .m*J finish, and will conijiare v.itli .nny work in the U. Statis for neatness ami durability. Having been engaged in the above T>«sines3 for the jiast 2tl years. Ids work is well known, ami ho retcrs lo old customers for proof of its durability. All wdrk warranted for 12 luoutlis*, and repaired free of charge should it fail by baJ workmanship or material, within that time. Rei'aiking executed at shi.rt notice, anil on reasonable terms. Jan’y 2l3, 1852. 5!t 18.V2. ?.-tf nSSOLlTlOX: I'liL* tiriu of .\roy. SliPiiiwoll c*t Co., heretofore existing, has been this day dissolved cy mutual cons', nt. -Ml demands against said firm will be paid by P. i^heniwell. at the old stand: and all persons indebted to the late firm will please ni.alce imme diate payment to P. .''-lieniweli. who alone is du- Iv auth( rised to settle the same. S. S. AliEV. P. S HEM WELL. JA.'. R. .McDONALD. Fayetteville, .Tune 2(1, 18.32. Utf nCr^ P. Sh(']in\(‘ll ^^il! continue the l>r.v Goods business at the old st.iml of -\rey, .‘^heniwell cv Co., where he will be pleased to see all who will favor him with a call. Tlnink- ful for favor-i from the puldic, he hopes, iiy stric’; attention to business, lo retain a share of juiblic p.itron.-ige. P. SHEMWELL. Spring’ Cooiis—185*3. JAMi:S KVLE IS NOW UKC'KIVJ.NC .V150CT 250 Packages of DRY GOODS, -Ml of which being purchased for (',\SH, will be offered at very reduced prices for cash, or on time to customers, either by whole sale or retail. 5jr^l>oltiii£r Clntlis from No. 1 to 10, uf the best that is manufactured. March 22, li>‘-2. 75tf \V]iOLi:SALE Walch aiBd Jewelry Store L. 11. MILLER & CO., Iij)j)ortcr.'i, Mann fort nrers a/nl Johbtrs of Wutilua, Jeioli'i/, and Fannf Co(Mh, Have leased the Old Stand • \i:il AFl'LfC'rEiX READ! \DLLrni\ .MEDir-vL iioi’>;e. i.s 1-y i r Kiiiki iin. X. VN . ci rniT »(’ 'J hifii aiul I’liM'n Sin-, i*^. I’ln! uirlpliiji. lir. vL:- »l‘l H VND >J \.\ H( M »D.—.\ vipurnU'^ life i*r \ piiMiiaT ire Kii k»>in Sri! Trr'-rrv:»ihui.— h»:v J”. 'riii'jii *t |uiblivlirL IS lilUtl wiih »*n l!u‘ «•> at-ti nt iLe hiitiKin nri!,’*r.s. It ju!!rr-r«!‘k»* :•> >uuili. iirm- iii'Mii anti >ll MMi! iild iu- lt\ ail. '! lif V :m1v y\‘ :ui(t njVj>rc'..vo \v:vr»Mvi: it niv-s. u li oj ii»:-t ry a;.ii 'UilV rinL'. .uni '*:tvc :xn rir^liy of* !,\ I* »rc:il •. hy rfjnlitit' ii. w .11 W'-'rn h»>\v to \\"- i'«> > nt ili-' r » A rniiillmr.* 1*1 -J.irenl-* inrl*»^4 jl i«i ;j | :tuilr*vvri (i I‘r. !».lik* li»i . \\ « « ilo r *il :«»nl I tuori ill ♦*nnn* m Ih.oW. \\ r j'« r n- liirn III 111. rt ron' ;it Il f. r p.i't p . id. omI r- CK:ii.'i Ilf III I'dirine >eniliii:' | r> iii;tl:i !H '-. ;.ii i::i..k'i l!.-i-. N. - \ji nlh'T' Mipplinl \' nil tlie .lul>, 1. >li'l .fit- cur i By GF.O. LAUDKJJ. TWII DIIUBS AllllVK IIIIGII i SII.VS STIIRli, Fayellevillr, I\. i\ Jan’y 20, 1852. 55-1 Vpd XOTICE. nndersigtied continues to manufacture ■ Spirits Turpentine R.VRRF^L.S. Those now on hand guage 4:5 to 45 gallons, and arc made of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers want- ing a goo.l article, will do well to call and ex- uniine. ('ontracts to deliver Rarrels for the next twelve months made on fa"orable terms. T. S. LITTERLOH. March 22. 1852. 7.3tf xoricE. WE will buy any lots of Spirits Turpen tine ofl'ered in this market, c d will receive and ship for distillers to New York or elsewhere, affording the usual shipping facilities J. & T. WADDILL. June 3, 1852. Dtitf- Bank Cheeks for sale here. 'I'iio Sii!)S(rri!x'r slili continues to earry on the C.M5INET Rl'SlNl^''.'' in Fayetteville, and in ! addition to his F'.stabli.slimeiit on j Row street, near F'cclcs's Rridge, has opened a large W.VRE ROO.M on Hay street, nearly ojij'osite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of .Messrs. llaigh oc Son's, where a "eneral assortment of ITTlliMTURK, Made by comjietent and faithful workmen, may be hail at prici'S corresponding with the times. .VIso, ail assortment of Northern-made FL'RNI- TLRF/, sekcted by himself which will be sold at a very moderate advance. DUNCAN McNElLL. Nov. 10, 1851. ;58tf Me keejis on hand an assortment of F'isk’s celebrateil METALLK' RURl.VL CASES, which have been highly recommended by Willie P. .Mangum, Henry ('lay, i.ewis Cass, Wm. R. King, and nian.v other illustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. A DESIRABLE RESIDEXCE EOR SAI.E. fH^lll'v Subscriber now oH'ers for sale all liis JB- Turpentine and Farming LAND, contain ing about GOO Acres, situated 12 miles East of Fa.vetteville, on the Goldsborough road, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house, out-buildings, &c., and a store where a large amount of busi ness is done, and increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, &c. and w ill be sold a bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wishing further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. MUllPHY, or P. TAYLOll, Fayetteville July 2t;th, 1851. 8tf XI:w iJooKs. ETN A M S LIRRARV, Nos. 4 and 5. being the Worbl Hi’re anl There, by liickens. and HoimFs Own; Count .Monte-Leone, or the Spy in !ociety: .Miss Sewell's .louriia! of a .'sum mer Tour; .Memoir (d‘ Rev. W. 11. Ilewitson; We.sley and .Methodism, by Taylor: Spencer's Pastor’s .''ketelics; .McGufley’s ICclectic Headers, 1st, 2d. !>d and Itli parts: I’arker's 1st Lessons in Philosophy; .Mills’ Rhetoric; Davies' .School Arithmetic; \c. Also, further snpjdies of THE RO.''TON .\(\VDE.MV’S Collection: Carmina Sacra; (iunn's Domestic Medicine; Hnniorist's Libr.-irv: \c. E. J. HALE .'c SON. H.MvPEK’S Magazine for .lune; The Paris Sketch Rook, V).v Thackeray: Gaieties a-nl (iravities, by Horace Smith: Journey lo Iceland: Cp the Rhine, by Hood—2 parts; .Mison's Life of .Marl’oorough; Cockburn’s Life of Li'id Jef frey: Horse Slioe Robinson, new edition: .Marcus \Varlaiid, by Mrs. Lee Heiit/.; Rohertson's ('liarlca V; The F’armer’s Fhicyclojiii'dia of .Mo dern Agriculture, by lUake; The Pests of the Farm, by Richards*n; Horses—their ^'ariety, Rreeding, A;c., by ditto; Domestic Fowls, and Orn.-imental Poultry, by the same Author. Also, further supplies of (.lunn’s Domestic Medicine, Allen’s Rural Architecture, t>chool Rooks, &c., just received by June 15. E. J. TI.\LE & SON. »i:i\ l>r K. hy n.N. Kr . r r\vnr?jMj by :•», ‘a»- \ '» :•: ! all ik a I \ 'TV iow ral«.>. t>- JokikUci , Chronic or X i roitx Dehili- (!/, ihxcuse of the Ki'hifi/i’, And ;.II s .Mri'in;: I'roin :t *1 i.iv**r nr Stii iirirli. 'Iicti a 1 ii'i.'tiiMliiiii. I-ii^li.e". or Ulnoi) ti the ll ;iil. \ri«l't\ oi liie .-^|i ni.-ich. .\.!ii'*-.i, I It- irllinrn, 1‘i — Bii'l I'lMul, I 11IIness or \\ eicltl ui Ilu r-Iiiiii; Siiir Krui'l.'iti'in-. Sinkiie/ nr I'liiltrriM^ :il tlir pit of lln- f'-Ut- Mi-irh. iii'tiinn! of’ l!te Mi'miI. iliirr t'il Miiil Oittiriill Hrt'’tl liilii:. i’liill*'! .11;: :i L t'le Mean. 1 'Itokinj; or l- it," Seii'dlUiii' w liiMi in .'i lvi!i« |io«lun-. IJiiiiiie>-of \ i- sin.T. I'o;- 1 r \\'( li^ tie .^iclii. Ft ». r. l ull ill Ihf II.Mtl. I •efi ieiic\ of l'iT'|iir Ilioit. ^'l•l|o^vlle'- of llii' f-km !Uiil I'y', i’ liii ill III. r-.itf, !!a k. l.iiiili', A:r . sii.lil’ ii I'lii'lu s of iifiit. iliiriiini! in Ilie Kli 'fi. 'oii'l oit liiiM!;iiilil" of 1.x il, hihI (.real l»epre>- >i.:n 1*1 / ' \ \ 111' » ;li ' tii.illv I'lireil hv III! [U >0('|,A M)'.' i 'III ,K- V in:.\ I l.l» ( lii r'n:i(S. I*r. |.’ire.l l.y Dr r M. .1 i k'on. ;'.l llir t;eriinn M> liii iiie t^ii ro, No. li> ,\ri'ii Slreel. l'hil;Hl> l[ilila. 'I'lii'ir |iiHM r liver l!ie :'.liovi' ilisr.isc' is not exrelleil. if e(iii:,l!i d. liy i'tiV olh> r )iri')i;irHUi>ii in tliP I'liiU il .'l ile, llii riires Mlle.-l, in iiiiiiiy ta-es afierskilliil physiriaiis li!ul I lileil. 'flU 'e riiileri .ire iMirlliy iho Httenfioti nf inv:iliil.— un Vinner in ihe ri 11 lir:ilinn i l' ili>e:i-es nf the I i\er :tii(l le>'« r i;l:iiiil'. • xeri i'OiL'iln- n;o>l > li- in" [inu ers in « OiikiH 'S .tinl »tti riioii'' i I lire li ^e'tive nr- “.ii-.s, lliey are ^.ile. l erfiin. ami |ile:i'aiil. fll.Ai) ,\M> ItK n t.W l.\( hi). I r iiii Ihe li.isuin lice. 'I'lie editor s.Mlil. I U‘e T^-tl— “Hr. Iln. TfoidV ( eli hraled Ci'riiiHn Ililirr-^ for ihe rare of I..\'rr 1 'oiiijd-iiiit. .I.Miiidire. Iiy> ji‘-|*'i», lironic *ir .\er vnii' (U’ltilil)'. i> tl«“.«'rv I'dlV nne »i( llie most popiilHr liied- i. ine> nf liie’ d;>y. 'fliese llitli r^ Inve t>eeii lisrd l>y llmil- 'iiiritl.i, MlitI a frinnd ai our eHmw sriys lie lia*^ liiin^'ll re- r. iv. d nil elf. I MI il and |ii riii .nenl cure nt l.i\er I'oiii- (ilaitil frniii ihe list* nl llo ri iiieily. W' are cnnviiirHd t!ial, in til.-ll'e n( lli"e Bitlers. llie (i.ilient rnnstaiilly miins sIP'iiulli Iinl V'Cor—h ficl Mnrlliy nf pre;it rnn>idc- rMliiiu. 'I'liev art- (dea-'ioit in tiist.- and siaell.and r:m tw ii'i d liy |» rsiiiis willi llie iimst delic-U:; >tnii);ii-lis uilli sMii lv, niidi r am rin iiin'tanres. We are "|M-iikii.)! Irniii i xpf ru-ui e mid lo llie .ttHii'l» d we uilvis« ilieir ii-e." 1,01.k well to tliP iimrki! of Ihe yeiiuine. 'I'liey h«ve the «ritieii si'jiiMtiire of ('. .V!. JacksoH ii|ion the «rap(»»T, ;!iid the n ine'lilow n "in the Ixillli'. wUhoiil u hieh lliey ure siiurioii'. for w hoh-Hle anil rel.nil, at the CKttM \.\ .MKDK l.\K .l'tlI!K, No. lill .-\rrh Street. inr ilM>r !)«iow Siilli. Philn hy re'pei t ilije ile:il*Ts yenenlly lhrnii»hoiit tfie rntintry. .Msn. fnr >ale hy .■'A.M'L ,1. IM.\.“'I>.M.K. KHyetteville, ,\. l‘. \Vhnle-.)le .\Kent-i for .\nrih nnil Siiiilh ('aro)iiia, II Wll.AMi. II,\i:K \I. & Cl)., t harleston. S. (;. ro HIRE, A SMART, ACTIVE ROV, 13 years old. App V to II. BRANSON & SON. Ma^ 3, 185:; aitf I^lre lifsuraaee* ^J^Hl'] ^+ri’NA Insurance (’otnpany of Hart- ford, having jiaid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legielature, ivit! con tinue its Agency in F’ayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Ruild- ings or Goods, either in this Tow ti or in tiny part of the State, on proper application, de scription of the Property, &c. The .ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about oO ^ears. Its capital is ^!{00,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace and he still holds that office, _ . _ _ , _ . . n- -p i i i n i first Directors are still active and efficient mem- ! to all who patronize him. liis laule sfiall oe bers of the Roard. It has at all times sustained furnished with the best the market aflords, his the highest character for the prudence of its Rar with the best ot Liquors, and his stable HOTEL. fS'^llE subscriber Imving purchased the Hotel situated on the Sotuli-Eiist corner of Court House Sipiare, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is nww readv to accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Having made considerable (ormerly occupied by .Messrs. ('anfield, Rrother iV (^o.. South F.nat corner (•/ i'lmrleis and Jialtiiiiore nh-eetx, , (No. 227,) which they are puttijig in complete onler the WHOLESALE WATCH AND { JEWELRV RlSINESS, tu be opened about tlia 20tli of July, f hi eallir;g the attention of the trade to the >tew coiKern. we iiitntion the fait that we are ar-sociated with ne of the iimst exten.sive -Tew- eliy Manufacturing Establishments in the coun- tr.v, which mu.-^t give a decided advantage over alt others in this m:;rket lor snppl\ing dealers with Jcweiiy at manufacturers’ jirices, a feature in this branch d' trade long since needed -be tween Raltimore and the Southern and Western Nil rchants. We ilcsire to call particular nttention to tlie Watch dep.iituieiit, whi- h will at all times bo supjdicil with a great assortment from the most celebrated maniifactnrcis, and kept in ]ierfect ntniiing order, so that purcliasirs maj- nt once t iKc them, with a written guaiantce that they . will perform correctly. j 'I'his braneh of the business will receive tl'e ' t sjiecial attention of one of the firm, -whose ex tensive and pr.Tctical knowledge of the business I v>ill, we luipe, give us a place in the tiueoudev^c of biiyei s. We respectfull.v invite you lo call upt'ii ’i» ' when you ne.vt visit our city, confidently 1,e- ' lieving that :in examination of our Goods wlil ' jirove to you that they are better styles t.nd cheaper tlian you h.ive ever seen in this marliet, and assure you that no effort shall be war-ting on our jiart to make the acouiiintance one of mutual benefit. L. II. :miller & CO, Old stand, formerly occujiied by CanfieUl, Rro. i5c Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles ix. Raltimore sta. Baltimore, June 1H51. 14-\o RElEiiENCE.S: Messrs. \\ vetli, Rlacklock & Co. Gwyn, Reid & Taylor. James llodgcs &. Rrotner. Hurst & Rerry. Murdoch, Duer & Evans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangston i Co. Rarthlow, Gwj'n & Co. Riely iS: Pendleton. Cushings Railey. John ^luridi.y Co. Moore iV (irifiin. Xew Books—Medical, i^'c. "^3 EIG!'’ Velpeau’s >Hdwifery; Mendcnhiiirs A .Medical Student’s Vade-Mecum; Mur phy's Review of (.'hemistry for Students; Rid dle’s Review of Materia Mcdica. and Therapeu tics, for Students: Craige's Elements of Getieral and Pathological An:itoni\; ('azeaux’s Midwife ry; Hastings’ Minor Surgery; Reese’s Am. Med- I ical F'orniulary; the Pliysician’s Pocket Pre- ■ scription Rook; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surger.v, Dentistry, &c.; Morfit’s t hemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulations; Rcasley’a Druggist’s Receipt Rook; Ditto Pocket Formu lary; Noad’s Chemical .Analysis; Wythe’s Micro- scopists’ Manual; Wriu'ht's Aui. Receipt Rook; Overniiin’s Practical Mineralogy, Assaying am/ Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Ranking’s Hulf Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences: Kc. E. J. ilALE k SON. miinagement, and for the liberality Yrith Vrhicb it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, .\gent. March 10, 1851. G2-tf iUfMxL’S REf'OHTS. was its first President, outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establish-I fiT L ST published. Vol., 12 Raw, and \ ol. 7 ice; and several of its j ment, he hopes to be able to give satisfaction ; •W Equity. Price 50 and 1 hese are small volumes, in consequence ot the Reporter making new arrangements lor publishing. Round vols. exchanged for Nos. ns usual. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. 19, 1851. with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. June 26, 1852, *'‘tf Blank Warrants for safe here.