'/'Hsinv ‘Imington, j, S E M I-W E E K L, Y. t KlmWL* 1 « L—— ■WMP n ir,,ii Mr OOD> > l> S.£ Koiiiiot^. 4j i I ^OL. 11.] fay]:tteville, n. c., September o, is.vi. [NO. 124.] DESCSS2aGBSSE13K&at miiii, iiTii'awaaafc h'KL) BY J. B. Ni:WHV. Kl) J. HALK & SO.V fOltS AND l’Il(>l’Rli;Tf)nS. fcicmi-AVecl.ly On.-iinVKit * t 00 if aiK-o: •'>* if I -''*'' •’‘f' rijition; or ^"> :»l'ter tlu' yesu- has tklv Ohskrvku 00 per annum, if i.lvtuK'c; •■fJ ">0 if p:ii,l iluriiicr tlie li.siTiption; or Oo alter the yc;’.r red. ISl'.Ml'.NTS inserted f,ir sixty cents for tlie first, and thirty cents lor cacli puWicntion. Yearly ailvcrtispincnts contracts, at reasonable rates. Ad- re rer|uested to .state the nunil>er of Idesired, or they will be continued till li;»rjred accordin;rly. «••= To the I'^'Juorg must he post-paid. \M l\D \i:W liOODX. fointitt A' •lfc»Hns!fr .nST HF.t'KIVED .t WMI'I.l-Th: OCK of aul Pr«vi»iioii's, alni"st everv article usuallv kejit in latthe Vl’lJ.bw 1U'1L1»IN(;, a few the .''tate liank ami one door above ?sup's. oil ;ilU“si>ie strfct. and wouM to exhibit any tiling in their line to may favor tin m with u. call. —A !..-()— ('utlcry, CiiHktrv, (ilass-waro, »aro, Lifjuiirs, Buot.s aiul Slmvs, iiid Taps, and a good as.sort- .mcnt of I'ry GootL*;. sbove Stork we would .“'“rcctfully in- Ittentii'ii I'f tlie public. *)untry I’r'iduce t.iken in exchange i'*’ F:iycttoville, Sej t. 1, lS.')i!. HJtf I o ;iiv aiilhori.'^cd to aiHionnc' ('ol. .AI.KX.VNDKU I). Mcl.E.VN, of Sumn)or- I ville. Col. (’oiud'l of the '.Utli Ilcgiment, as a Ci'.ndidate for Hripadier (Jencral. to till the v.i- cancy created bv the resijriiatii'ii of iien i''.\\tl. Sept. 1, ]iV)L\ f.AM receiviiiii’ a m'l'h hnv'r ST >« K OF (i()(M*S than u.'Sial. v K^istiiij: of a com plete assortment ol' Dry (»oo(is. (irocorit'.*^. llaidwarc' nnl (.'litlf'ry. — .Vnumjr \\hich may be fouti'!— l.adii's' fine i're.?~ (n«.is. ll'^iiiuts, :!iid an asiortment .t' 1»n's.s an t I’li.iinct 'rrimminp,fi, !>f the latest styles. (’>tps, lionfa nml S'nn'x, Ne;;ro l!lank;ts anil Ki-rscys, r..'itrtrinir and lioi.e, with :i lar^'c siipjilv of ('l.OTlllNC. All of the .-ibove (^.>ods Iiave been receiitly purchased, and will be sold low at w liole.s.'.le or retail. W. F. MOOHK. Fast Corner Market Snuare. Sept. r>, 1S.‘)2. i;;Uf A.W to accommod.ite a few .I.ava, I.ajruir.-i and Hio CotTee, li Mhd.-. ('ub.i and Forto Hit o Sugar, '• l?:ii-rels Uetineil Sujrar, o F'arrcls ^ranul.-ited l.mif Su^ar. 1‘ I'l'Xes double-reliiiei] l>o., 0 iUids. sweet Molas.-i's. hujM'rial. Hyson and tiunpowder Teas, I (ir.'ss .Matches, > lbs. jrrotmd Pepper, epper. .''pice and (iinger, lbs. Sal. S>.d;\, F)bls. C ippcras, bbls. nn 1 V>l>ls. ••F.aglf Mil’s" Snuff. lb.«. Sole Leather, ,bbl. .\him, tty in F.ladclers and Tin (.‘anister®, io and 10 X ll! Class, doz. ^'cMSt 1‘owdcrs, ir .''o:iy>. K*'^s Nails, ‘as'orted. be«t bianJs. l>i:ite and Hull's fine Soaps, at manv other po id« i' ,r ^ab■ I'lW bv * 11. IJI'.ANSUN .V SON. ‘ r ‘1. l2l'-tf NEW JiOOKS. Iwo Fathei-.c, an ori-rinal Span'sh ro- ^e by .\dadus Calpe. three jiarts— {iiins of the Far.iclete, ‘Jd, Heet.ir '-•ier.ce and love; U ilfrcd ?.loiitres«ir, fcret >rder of the Seven, a romance 'Now Vi'rk, by the autlior of Abel r the I’r.'ther's Uerenge, iVc., 7r»c: le Unmanlic. >r the Adventures of a lt>r. fr^m the French of Jules San- ’Ihe I'is>'ar«led Daufrhter, ir the i)f the Is’e. ta’.e f>f the Chesapeake, juthwi.rth: The I.ivea ,,f iieii. Fierce 15. Kii';r. -’i: I’rii'ts.sor .Tulius C;osar ■I I)'orijrinally ]>ub- the N. O. i’iiayune: The I'oston Man’.i:il :.f t'hiin h Music, >>y Lowell ink IJi^'ik.-; S.-Ii.h.! F.oi.ks. ac.. jut F. .J. IlAI.i: \ St.».\. II:»IAKV be glad ▼ w Hoarders. .‘'he also infi'rms lier friends and the public th:it slie intends to carry on the business of .'laistua-niaking. F:iyetteville. Sept. 1. IS.')'J. ‘Jotf Mtii'tcitl ('oUciir of tin' Shttc of Sou fit ('arohnd. >'pi^llF .Vnnual ('I'urse of Lectures in tliis In- stitution commences on the lirst M(iN- 1>.VY in N 'vember. on the fol'owincr bi:mchcs: Anatomy, by .1. F. HnlbriMik, M. I). Surgery, by F.. (Jeddings. M. 1». Institutes .and I’r.-ictice, l>y S. Henry I'ick- svvii. M. I*. Fhysi'.logy. by .Tames Moultrie. M. I>. Materia Medica. by Mt'iiry II. Fr^ st. M. 1>. (ibstetrii-s. by ’I’hoiiias i. I’rioieau. .Nl. 1>. Chemistry, bv C. C. Sbejiard, .M. 1>. (^'■•inparative .\natotiiy. by I,. Agassi/.. M. 1). l>emons!‘'^b.'r of .Anati’my, .''t. Julian llave- iiel, .M. I). Assistant Demonstra'‘'f- F- T- ^Flles. M. I). Fro.sector t- the FroRss.T of Surgery, J. F. M. Uedding-. M. I>. CI.IMCAL IN'STRICTION. I). J. Cain. M. H.. I'liy-ician to tlio Mr'rine llo-ijiital and C!inic!il Instructi'r. h-ctures twu'e a week on tl.e l»iscas"s of tli-it institutii n. J. Ford I’rioli-au. M. l>.. I'liN'iciau t.i the H(iS}iit;il of the Alms House, .-it wliii li lectures are delivered twiet- a wcok on I'isi'a't '. the .ii- a;ruip.sis discriminated, imd the student itidoc- trinatel in thv.r tn-atment. HenK'Ustrative Instructi oi in Medicine and Surgery, at the C.dU'g*' Hosiiit.il. by the I’ro- fcssors of the Meil;'al I’nllege. -\t a special mei'ting nt' th*'Trustees ami Fa culty of the -Medical Cuiiege of the ."^tate >f Car'din.a. h' ld on the ;’,d day of .T.muary 1'''>'J. I'r. L. .\C.\S.1Z w.-is unanini'oisly elected I'ro- .r Ilf Coiiij.ar.itive Aioitomy. with the I'lis- tiiict undi r'tauding that the i-.ilb'^iate ex]>en- si of the student are iifit to be increased by tliis addition (•. ii;e imiV'.-. HFNIIV R. Fr.d.-'T. M. 1).. Pean. Chnrlcston, .\ug. 17, 1.'''>‘J. ’J'J-laW.w I Ki:>H>VAJ,. I SA.\n. .1. iiiNSD.M.i;, C'!i«*issi!^l as:l E U AS tlie {.ii'asurc of i;ili.rmi;Hj, liis cUi-toin- Is B ers ami the piiblii-. tliat he ini' rem'A ed ■ hoiii iii.x Md Stand to the next corner al)o\e, , ig- ncrally as the ‘’lUake i>rner.’ ) I Having jilted ii]. his Sti.re v.itli every conve- I r.iciii-e f.if foiidui-tiiig bu.'iness. li'.th wholes.ale j and ri'tail, to the best advantage, he solicits :i I coiifiiniatue of the kind favnr be* iias eiijoye t, I with tlie assiirance tli.it no ell'ort on his part : shall be wanting to iin l it it. His .'^ttri-k comjuiscs a lull assortment of ar- t!ch s in his lino oi business, all of the b st i|ual- ' ity; l»rugs, .Medicisies, Chemicals, Faints. Oils, : Dye Stulls, Patent Meilicines. Perfinaf'ry. choice ’ I'e.as. See 1. (a.’iss. Putty, Tooth and Hair P>rus!i- es, So.-ips. Puta'ili, .Vc. I'he utmost care given to the prejtaration of ' Ph\sic-.Miis' Prescriptions anil Family IJecipes. .luly I'J. titf ; .11 ST uix r.ivr.i).^ O.'s 10 and 1 1 pliiiigh skeletons, (irons com- .i. ” p’ete.) Nos. lu ;ind i ]ioints. Anotiier lot of our .'traw Cutters, i J. T. WADDTI.L. .Tuly ll’, 7-tf ! nion \erirnlliirnl Wiirrlionsc Srcd Slorr. -■^o. '2:1 ^«*\»' York. jfejj"’ Tlio iitil('rsii_'iK‘l solicit tlie atten tion of all purchas«'rs of Implements for the Farm or Pl;'.nt.ition to their assortment, which iiic’u'h's many o!' the mo.>t recent improvements ill the leading articles in their line, all of which they will sell at ]>rices to insure satistactioii to the buyer. K>rKi i m.i.v Haihvay I'ndless Chain Pnwers. for one or two horses, of the \\ heeler Patent, so often awarded the first |>remium at tlie St.ite .-11111 t iiuniy I'airs. where they have liec!i cxhiliite !. Kailway Powers, warranted. NVarren \ liinible's Irmi .''weep Powei's, Taji- lin’s Circular Power. Phius. Harrows, Fan Mills. Str.iw ('utters. Portable llurr Stone Mills. Wagons, Carts, \c. \c. Field and (Jardeii Seeds of i:ki.!,'ui.r. orvi.n v. Fertilisers. Fruit .•■.ml Ornaiiient.il Tree>. Our di'scripti\e Cata logue illustrated with cut.', will l.e sent gratis when two to four Pi st Otlice .’'tanijis are remit ted. according to the distance. HAI.PH CO. July ti-.'lm .1. S. ItAAKS. 'oin;tiivsio!i aiil I'orwartliiiu W lLML\(/r()N, N. C'. June !"■ l-'fn/etteritle Mtrfnirh (LdTiilMi .F. :?S. Wiiilc & S ndi rlBill, l)r(ij)ir., aiul ]\]ujh>ialc (nu! Rn- iait ( '/nf/n'i rs, 110 AVilliani Street, New York, > .\M> Person street, (next door to !>ank of Caj;e Fear.) F.VVF/l'TKVII.l.K, N. C. TO rifi: iM IMJ(\ liiarnii’us ijNi:. The m w St(';mu'r “lh>vt;i,Ass” ha\iiig been added to this I.ine, and now hav ing t«o light dr.ilt Steaiuers and four Tow I’.oats, .-111 in goc.d order, the Proprietors are prei'ared to tran-;port Freight to Fayettrville and the intermedia(e l.andiiigs, with as (juicK. despatch as anv other Fine. J. S. I5ANKS, Agent. AVi’mington, .Tuiie 2'J, Htf ~E would beg leave to inform tlie citi».'*ns of Fayetteville and vicinity, that we have just receiveil our sup]>ly of SPIilN'l! .\ND I SI ,MMF1{ (iOOD.'n, wliich comprises ii genera) ! .assortment of I KEADY-MADi: CL()TlHN(i. ! U hich will be found worthy the attention of purchasers. Our assortment consists in jiart of tlie following: CO.V'l'S.—lihick and coFd clotli Dress. P'rock ami .’'Sack ('oats, all qualities; black ami colored Cashmeret ditto; French and Knglish Dmp D’- Kte ditto; Queen's-cloth and Alp.aca ditto; Fan cy Coats of mottled Crasse and Tweeds; Ken, tucky Jeans; Linen and Cotton Oinghams; l?ro.- burt'and white Linens; white gr.ass-cloth Sacks. i;c. of all ijualities. P.ANTS—Of lilack and coFd Cassinicre; fancy siugle-milFd ditto; French and Knglish Drap D'Fte ditto; white and coFd Drill ditto; Ken tucky Jeans ditto; India and F'rench Nankeen ditto, i^c. VF.'^TS—Of black Satin, IJonibazine. Alpaca, black ami coFd Silks; white and col'd Marseilles ditto; lirowii and pmlded I-inen. ])lain :ind fig'd; N.inkeeii. l»utf, (irass-cloth, tVc. All ol' which .arc offered for sale as low as c.an be bnugtit in the New York market, at wholesale ami retail. In addition to the above, we shall keep on hand a general assortment of Shirts. Drawers. CoII.irs, Cravats, Hositry. \c. Also, Clwths, Cassimeres, and Vestings. The TAILOKlNti DLl’AHTMFNT will be continued as before, and all orders tor fine ('lotii- ing will l>e executed in the most fashionable style. A. C. H.Vl’iT, .-\gent. April S. ]SOtf \V!LLini t. li\l Vi:!l. FOli \VA 1M)ING AND COMMISSION MEIU'MANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. IBK H.'^ON.VL attention given to the s.ale or shipmi'iit of Naval Stores. I have ample f.icilities for conducting the ))usiness, large wharf and store sheds to keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipjied to any house in New York, or to other markets if advisable, and liberal cash advances made on coi.signmeiits. I refer to the following distillers; K. H.annum. Wayne County, ('handh-r Hall. .lohnston Co.. Lovett Peacock. Columbus Co., P.. II. Harden. Tiios. L. Vail. r>hiden “ Messrs. Smith, \ Ingram, .lohnston Co.. M; ssrs. Z. iV J. Jones. Mes.'rs. .'•'lUith \ .Jones, “ Sjienccr Fountain. Ksq., “ Levi Piailev. ICsij., Mav -JO. ' 0:’.-ypd subseriber ha.“ leased T r ;i term r.f JM. years, of K. W. Hr«.wn. Fsip. his tire-proof Store, >vifli his \Vliarves. .-md Is now in a condi tion to t ike es]cfial cin-e of Sjnrits Turpi nline !iiid fither N-iv;il Slores cfmimitted to his c:;re. The Warehouse is well ki;own toi.iMhe be.'-t ;;i; I safest j'biee in town fV’i- the stor.ige of p.acori. Lard. ( orn. Peas. \ c. 'I'he lower wh;irves li;ive on them four large n*\v she Is, where ■''i'irits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prc]'ared to receive {ind ship, or sell, all kii;ds of produce sent to his c.are. Le will also make advances when re'juired. He begs to I'efer to the follow inp geiit'er.ien: Ii. \V. I'.rown. .lohn Dawson, O. (i. Parsley an.I Thos. 11. U right, L.-i|S. MILFS COSTIN, P.rown's whan', Uiliningfon. N. C. Sept. Jli. Ib-'.l. -Jl-Y l'a!l I I*efifs, iB/trris No. -i:; XA.^SAT STllT.KT, NEAit I'osT ornci;, NEW YORK, FFFIt for ASH or approved CKF.l»lT, a complete assortinent of I'aiifv B>ry Now in Store and arriving by every 'steamer, consisting in part of DI!F.''S COODS, in everv varietv. T.VFFFT.V and SATIN 1MBI50NS. fancy lloNNFT and t'Ai’ KlIiliON.'', an elegant :issortment PjL.XCK i * anipbelFs. I>. C. KUKKMAN.] [(H'O. Iinr.'^TO.N'. rKt;f:'Il\ .V l!(M STn\. Wilminalon. f. D. ('. Fni;i;n\.\ CO.. \rw York. i'RI'J'MAN cV IIO! S'rON, MKIU HANTS AX!) FAfTOKS, V/ilininstcn, N. C., l!LP constanf’y on liaii ! a .-•tnck of Flonr. Corn, pork, Hacon, CoiTee. Sugar, Moi::sstTi.l.acfo. Ci^'ai's. Siiufl, Candles. Soa[.; Foreign and Domestic Lii|Uor- and Wines; Iron. .Njiils, Paints. ('ils. (Hass. I)on:estic.«, il.'its, I outs. Sho(s. Leather. Agrictiltural fm- pleiiienis. and a v.ariety of other articles. suita- b!i> fi;i- fi;iiiily ami jil intatiori use and the retail tnifle. wliiili tliey v.ill dispose of in lot- to suit : and m.ar.ufacturing on the most extensire scale, dealers or c. iisumers, f>n reas'inable terms for j enables us to otl'er indticomcnts to ptircliasers casii, or in exchange for Naval stores or other | u'^t to be surpassed by any riothing Kstablish* ^priii;; nififi Miimnirr COSTUME IlAl.L, ('ornrr l^rntt f-trret and Crntrc ^Itrk»t Spare J BA L TIMOIiE. largest and W.'st stock of R'F].\DV- ®- .'I.VDF CF.OTHINO ever fifl'ered in Balti more. Dress. Frftck and Sack (’(.)ATS, all co lors. qualities and sizes, from f»0 to hO and upwards. l’ANT.\LO(LNS nt to iJi.S r>(» ami upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, pl.ain and plaid Cassimeres. VKSTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, n large assortment of P.oys' Clothing. Importing our own t^loths direct from Europe. produce i 'J'he seni(;r partner, D. (’. Fref'man. is loca- I t'‘d in the city of N”w Yoi !;; the junior partner, I ico. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, ad- ; vaiices will me made on consigiinients to and j from either place. All business entrusted to them wii! receiv‘ proper attention; and orders for (loods will be promptly and carefully filletL .hily 1’8, 1''■'>1.'. 12-:’iupd Tilt (■i:i,i;iinATi;ii iiriK imtext COOKli\; STOVE, n S for sale by the Subscriber in Ilahagh and H. Fayetteville; in P.aleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville ."^treet and in Fa vettevillc at Mr. A. >L and F.\.M’V SILKS, WIHTK (iOOD.". every desci ij)tion L.\CFS AND L.M P>l!( »l Di;P, 1 (;L0VFS. mitts. HOSIKHY, CU.VV.\T.s. \c. Merc li.ants from the country are lespectfully invited to ixamine our Stock. .Ittly 1;!. IS.j2. 8-:!mpd w AN'n:D. P.AIMIFLS of TFUPFN- I TINK. for Distillery at the Plank lload I!ridg(> on liig i’ockfish. Th(“ best market price will be i>aid. F’or further inform ation. iuoiiire of .lohn W. Murphy, at the IJridgo. or of A. .NIcKethan, Favctteville. Dee. IS, IS.-,I. ■lOtf S'l'KAW Cl '1'I'EUS. A LOT just received, and we intend for the /w accommodation of our customers to kec'' them coiistantlv on h.ind. J. T. WADDILL. June 10, 1K.",‘J. ?'S-tf iii:ifKiN(;s. ^ P.IILS. HFi:i!IN(;S, •Jo •• Prime Pork. For sale bv T. S. LL'TTLKLOn .‘c CO. July lil, 1S.',L>. intf WAN TED 'I'O PnU'liASE. COItDS PINK WOOD, to be deliv- Tlic Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from ),urcha.‘'ing any of these Stoves from any jK-rsoii eitiier in or out of N(>rth ('’arolina, ex cept rom himself'or his duly authorized .Agents. He has piircha.sed the exclusive light to veml this Sto\e within the State, .tihI will prosecute !>n_v person infringing his right, either by pur chasing, selliitg, or using, any excejit those ob tained from himself. JOSFPH V-OLTFP.INC,. Raleigh, April l'», IS-M. t'.Stf Koc K i 1 s n s 11 }*: i :fln(;s, B JJ Y the bale or half b.ale. for sale t>v Md C. T. H.UGII .V’SON. July l.\ 18.')2. 8tf nient in the L'nited States. The ju-oprietors are determined to make the Wholes.ale flooms thft point of great attraction, and have now m«de up jiiore than (i.-\HMKNTS, from the finest (juality to the lowest in ju-ice. lu the Custom Departtuent will always bo found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, CAS- Sl.MFPiFS and VF.^TI.NdS, which will he made up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, and a fit alw.ays guarantied. Bt'.itr’The one price system strictly adhered to. ItoHieinbcr the name au'l jdace, Corner Pratt St. and Centre Market Space. H. H. COLE & CO. Aujust D'>, 18ol. 14-yojid \\ JK)UTsALE ~ Walcli niB(] Jewelry Store I., il. .MILLER & CO., Importcri>, ^laiiufactnrrrA and Jnhh/ rn •>/ Jci'y’Jrt/, mid Faun/ f/auils, -ix? Have leaser! the Old Stanil formerly occupied by Messrs. I Canfield, Itrother Co., South I J-jdKt roniiT of ('harlef o»d JioUiitinre firertf, (No. 227,) whicii they are putting in complete •u-der for the WHOLESALE ’WATCH AN1> J1'A\ LLllY liUSINF'SS, to be open-d about th« 2tKh fd'.luly. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with one of the most extensive Jew- six months. Jnlv 'J2, 1S.V2. on mv Wh.arf duriii"' the next T. S. LUTTKHLOH. lotf elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun- ^ of ire to S/iii)j)(rs hlf U'dlf of the try, which must give a decided advantage over ft I' • ll' ’ ' 1 others in this market for stipplying dealer;* (tj)e I (ft) .illCr. I with Jewelry at manufacturer.x’prices, a ftJ.ature t^P.*'>M and after the first day of .July, prox- | in this branch of trade long since needed -he inio. the deduction of five per cent, from j tweeu IJaltimore and the Southern and 'Western the establi«;hed r.-iti's of Freight (when the bill i Merchants, is jiaid within thirty days) will be di.scfmtinued. | We desire to call particular attention to the Fvery bill will be cousidered lue when ren- | Watch department, which will at all times be dered, each Company reserving the right to j sujijilicd with a great as.sortment from the most charge interest (ui the satue for any delay in j celebrated manufacturers, and ke]>t in perfect jiayment. | running order, so that jiurchasers may .at once .''hi]ii'ers of Naval .‘'tores from this place are j t.ake them, with a written guarantee that they tiotified th.it the unilcrsigned will receive atid will perform correctly. store, in Campbellton. Spirits Turpentine at 10 j This liranch of the business will receive tho cts. per bhl.. and will give receipt for each load j esjiecial attention of one of tlie firm, wlio.se ex- :is it comes in and ship :is instrueted. the own- j tensive and ]»ractical knowlelge of the business er payitig drayage. w liich will be ■) cts. per bhl.; j will, we hope, give us a jdace in the iineoiidccc .rMi{i:K!! Mill in succrss- 17^ K have our Steam ."^aw fill ojipr.-itioii. s miles f’om l'ayette\il’e. near the Kaleigh Stage lload. and .ire j ret ured to execute orders in our line. .\s v.i- run two Hntun; or Circn/iir SfH'-.-.-, we can fill bills at the shnrtest notice. Me can furnish Pine. Poplar and .Juniper L^^1^F1!. and if almost any len.Kth. Our Lumber, for truthfultii" of line and smoothness of face, h.iil be diiial to .any ever delivered in market. joNLs \ !:,\i:i;fi:. March :^,0. l^',:.-. :-;f ax)s)s. rjT H F undersigned .p ■o-l th = - •i i\e.i ’’| • Til t: rtnr nt. vi/.: Inihrroftfl /itinr Lniri ^r, m liiihf i,n (loitiiitj. .\CPiI',.. :i Ijoir.ing the Innd' f * S' William Orimsle.v. .Mexandir d others, very h -avily timbered rpentine land, from three to five I a ft .''".amp. and trom five to sis juniber Kiver. adjoining .Joseph .^mith, Fsq. known ;is the ‘-old Nonueiit Mill never-failing stream runs through fBud it is Considered one of the best Cojiperas, !jisi iii .mill or maiiufacfuj-ing juirposee in Antijjyi’ic, Alum. Apjilv to ■ WILLIAM McNFILL, Jl. S. FEENCH. Lun.berton. l8o2, 2.5-t'iw North. comj’r;.'ii''_' c:' i,. i 11 hh ' ^ t . F'.rt 1 l\ ; N. o. .‘^ni'ar. 2:' b':' . * 'n;--ie d and it. -i.' i h't b.ii;.' i!i . I.iii' lii a and .lava 'ofi'ce, 100 k'‘g- ^\^o;i•Jllt Nuil' .ilid Splk-s. Madeira. I’oii. F:-.''hi r?y, ( i.'isa t. ( ham; .-li'/i'. Li'’iori. v:id Malai'a V\ ine; t Inmpai■_n 'ider; pure 1 reiich I’raiid"; .lamaic.i I’liini. ar.il II ■!- land Ci;a. I ■ ..] ii_;.-"n -u.i I’.i.-u-l; fe.-i. l,‘’moii S.\ru]r. Prcser\iij ;ing'-r. I’e; jier. (;in'r,.r. :',in- cy and bii ,;!ap.'. Sr;’ei:itU'. S. '. .'•od.i. >tarc h. Pow !er. >liot. and Li ad. Sp. ria jiiid .\damalitiiie Caiidli s. Itidi^o. \I.idder. I,o/wood. ilts. I'riiiist'ne. Trippe's 'il l s. Fs'' l;ces. (Ills. .VC. Ih fact, almost everv article in tiie t i rocery line. i'roekery., and hiiia. The largest and Iiest assortment ever fillered in this ni.arkct. A goo'I as.sorimtnt of IJrit.iii- nia Ware. —.\LSO— A full assortment of House and Kitchen Fur nishing (io'xis. fine Table Cutlery. I'able Linen, Shoes for Sdlr at ('ost. rB'^HE suti«crilv. r w ill sell .'»00 pair of Ladies'. jS. ^li.'se*', !ind Children's .'^hoes, (i.aiters. and Siijipers at co^t. Call while the assortment is good. 'W. S. LATTA. June 1 I. ’.''.itf j I'OH ACI’O! ^ TV- b.ive a lot •': jirh- - coinni 'n T"bacco. will sell bv the box verv J. 'i'. W.VDDILL. ‘ '.*1 tf .\i;\l FH!M ll .\i:\V •OMI!! ' ii.'cr'.' rs are iiow i-ec-ivir,from .Ss. N. \ Il k. a ’:.rge and getier.al a-'’ rtnient of ' f -mri/ i)r>l (inmls Srd^'ru'irfx on I)(i»)ri^rs. Jl Tin'..\TlSF. on the Measure of Damages, by Theodore Sedgew ick. Second Kdition, revised ami greatly enlarged. .\Io. further supplies of The Works of Ihin- iel Webster, ti vol.; Wide, Wide World; l^urechy; Day» of Pruce. l>v iirace .Viriiilar; The Hai- monist; Metiiodist Hymn-i; Discipline of the M. F.. t'hurch; .''chool liooks, \c., for sale bv E. J. H.U>F .V .oN. ‘ Aug, 7. which wt die.ap. .M.av 2;. 1 s:.2. Sln:ni (’in Ki:iK n.i's ;.n'l C.jj,. ,\n tlini i)r>i iiAin»WAi:i:, 15" ts ;ui i ."‘'li.K Ni:\V \ rg'^HF undersigned have entered into copart- £L !ierhip. under the name and .style of B.aw:*e«ice X: Troy, For the juirpose of doil'g a general .Mercantile and Ibirter liusinc's. We .have taken the Store. No. 10 (illLFN STllFF'r. formerly occtipied by Messrs. John lluske \ Son. (iFO. W. L.VWHENCE. JOHN P.. TROY. Jr. Oct. 22. IS.-.l. .V.tf TB^HL W.UiS.WS .s'l'.\(;iC will leave F'ayette \ille d.iily. at half past four o’clock. M. commencing the 1st lav of Julv. 2-tf >U KINNON McNElLL. n.r w ii; -!i are : Cl trt-o. .'^u;:ir. ;,tton Ha^^ing. P.a'e Hojic. -N.iils. V-iridow (;ia', Sv, ed's and F’li-iish Ir-n. .''ack and Vbini .''.alt. Imperial .and lilack Teas. Pejipi'r, .\:‘-; ;i.-e. (iinger. Powder. Shot. P.ir l.'-:i I. Il:ir an I I iii;cy .“'oap. tiii-i- with .1 gre it virietv of otlo r arti cles. to v.hi ii they invite the atlentiou fif the pii'olic. .and which they .are deti'rmined to sell as low fort'.ish, or on time to those who pay pro!ii’ill.\. as any house in t!i(‘ .''oiithern country. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exch.aii'jre for (ioods. .McLFAN JONES. Stimmerville, N. C.. Dec. S, IS.'d. (*: Mi.>. ■'#1 .Ii' w 'at: t J ■ . St/'/. ■ ■/?. t: in^ ' ^ ■ that • at t, \la!v. ! are ; ■ ; rith : • • h U:. ^ ^ IIKi‘'! ‘ ‘ w :;.ii r 1h pai ' jiiei- ! loii- • y u- •k 1 I* J,p;.i .. lie : :■ f t! . t>ur iht li.. • ' t 11- ' Ijfitid for sale. the tth day of Octolier, fbeing day of Superior (’oiirt,) we will Toweling. Linen ami ('ottou Sheetings, with a variety of new and useful articles. There is scarcely an article in this line not to be found in our .''tore. — LIKFWISE— .1 lar^re stork of Jlardirnrr, Ciif- lerif^ anti i'anrif (ioods. Our object is to ofTer to our customers Goods in variety and qu.aiitity to suit .all orders: and ■ we trust we sh.tll be able to meet the wants of I all who tnay call upon us, either ;it retail or ' wholesale. S. W. TILLING HAST f O. July 20. IS.',o. to the hijrhest bidder, one acre .,-r ■ l-'inibertoii. l\ing at the foot le.-iding to tlie I’.i-i.fge, which is Storehouse lately ^.c.:vpi,.,i by the Also, 2') acres on the Westi rn River, about )'»0 yards from the jwn as the Brick-yard lot. ,\lso, fabout two miles from Lumberton, lie lands of Dr. Edmund .Mi Qiioi n Terras will be accommodating and fn at the s*le. In the mean time can be made to K. S. French, Lum- JAMES WOOD. DAVID A. WOOD, ton, Sept. 3, 1S.32. 23-3w F'aiffffcrllle Iloffl V\\ \VVT\:\ UAA'\ N. C. A. n. \\ iii ri'ii:ld. Couch and Li^lit I’arriii'j:*' .Maniiriicliirpr, Ol'LD resiiectfiili.v inform the public that he stiii continuf s to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns th.anks for the liberal patronage lit' has receiv ed, ;ind hopes by a strii’t .attention to luisiness. all'! a des re to please all .and give general sat- i.’^l'ai-tion, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in tw elve months (witli fair usage) either in workmanship or materi.al, he will repair it without charge. Persons w ishing to buy. would do well to call and examine his work before purchasing, as it 47tf cannot be surpassed for style, elegance, and iliirability. He is determined to sell low for i cash or on short time. Order* thankfully received and promptly at- tende«l to. I llFiPAII’lNG neatlj' executed at short ; i notice and lowest possilile jirices. 1 Fa vctteville. Feb. 2, IH'i'i. Cltf ’I^HF un'lersigned woiilii resj^ectfullv ; B. inform the citizen‘s of .'“unuiicr- ' vi!l» the vicinity, .•ml the public generallv, that she has o]>eited a HIM si: IIf i:m i;kt \ i \ iii:irr. where she will bi' pleased to accoininodate all who may call on t er. The Village is p'ea' iut fiul iiea'thful. l-.er house large and -omruodious. No }>ains will be s]>;ired to render agreeable and coinfbrtablt' any who may f'.ivor her with a call. .''h(‘ is also ).rep.nred to areouimodate with and will I'.ave barrels coopered or re-packed, w hen the interest of shippers requires it, at ac tual cost, chargeable to owners. The interest of boat ow tiers and shippers alike requires :i regulation vf this kind. JNO. D. 'WILLIAMS, A^ent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. U. M. oKKFLL. Agent Henrictt.i Steamboat Co. T. S. LI TTFKLOH, Proprietor Merch.ants' Steamboat Co. June 2x, lSo2. 5-3nj nCFTlie undt'rsiirned, as For warding .Agents on their individual account, re- sjiectl'ully give notice, that they will continue I to receive and forward (ioods from their respec I tive Warehouses at the Kiver (where the dray- i age saved to shippers is full 10 p>r cent, on the freight bill) for a conimis.'iou of 2') percent, on the Uivcr freigiit bill .and dra.vage. 'j'liis change , to take effect on the 1st dav of .August next, i JNo'. D. WILLI A.MS. 11. M. OPKKLL. T. S. LFTTFIiLoH. i .’uiic 2^-'. lh'>2. Ci-:’>m NO'i IC'i:. fRTllF, ru'i'eri'ier Iins talcen .8 tiie S* >yf. vext floor to Hall ,S; .'';n kf tt w here li- int»'T!ds carrvitiiT on the T.MLOIIING l!l IN i;.''." in all its bralit^hes. . A Haviiiir had ]ir.actical exfierieuce I ' /',\ 11 aviiiir ha K ' in most Ilf Ii i ■> ' feels assur of buyers. We respectfully invite yon to calf upon *i» when j’ou next visit otir city, confidently be lieving that an examination of our Goods wlil ]u-ove to you that they arc better styles nhJ cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall be wai.tinjr oji our part to make the acquaintance otic of mutual benefit. L. II. MILLER & CO. Old stand, formerly occupictl by Canfield, Hro. & Co.. S. E.^.cor- ner of Charles &. Raltimo'i'e^sts. lialtimore, June IHol. 14-Yb^ REFERENCES: , Messrs. AVj-eth, Rlacklock & Co. Gwyn, Reid & Taylor. James Hodges & Jirother. Hurst & l>erry. Murdoch, Duer & Evans. Stellmann iS: Iliiirichs. Sangston K' Co. Ihirthlow, Gwyn & 'o. . Riel.v & Pendleton. .* Cushings !i. IJailey. * John ^Iur])hy (.’iV Moore & Griffiji. I I!ETT().'S'S~ ^ i SHIRT FSTiBl!SIIME\T, 170 J^IarJift Street, «AT.Ti:?iOKi:. the .\tlantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fa^-tidiou^. .\ti orders will be executed with neatnessand Board from \ to ‘.jo Students. Price of Hoard i desjiatch. .'H per montli. F. 1!.\ILFY. | -N. F>. Military Dresses made in the latest Summerville, N. .June 13, lf.'i2. 1-tf, and most jijiproved st.vle. / .-V treiieral jissortment of choice CL')T1I- MEDICAL No ric'i:. 'n'KU. THO.''. \ HALL respect fully ofl'crs his ]U'ofessional services to the citizens of F'ayette- ville ami its vicinity. He may be consumed at the Oflice directlv over the new Drug Store of Sam'l J. Hinsd.ale, South West corner of Market Square. July 2'.*, ]S.')2. ];tf INti on hand, which will be sohl b'w for cash or a}iproved credit. R. MONAGHAN. -Atigust 12, 1802. lOtf TAYLOR receiving his Fall and Winter Stock The Stt'atiior 1'':hhiv F.iittrrloh i will in future leave FayettevillJ on Tue.silav and fe ana Fanry dOOOH.' Friday mornings, at 1 o’clock, and Wilmington -Hats, Caps, Roiinetg, Roots & Shoes, 1 -*ilnesdays and Saturdays at 12 o'clock, and Ragging, Coffee. Sugar and Tea, Iron, , riin regularly, currying fj cight aud pas.sengers lit, (,'rockery .and Glass-ware; Ploughs, : "''ith despatch. ^aiHlS large and splenilid P.uilding has now H. been in successful ojieration since May ISIO. The Redding .and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient .and jdeasant. The T.able is always furnished with the best the market iiffords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Pio.arders, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servants. ■No pains will be spared to give entirr sati.sfac- tion. Families can be funiished witli large, iiiry, front doulile rooms, conveniently anl hand somely furnished. .\n ex}ii-rience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN RROWN. June 1, 18->0. 2S-tf i 1 ■ i,i~i - »-■ t will“""-^ Aith aDj _f favors. Lctu • ■I V 10, 11, ]8i and vrith casting to ,’orn Shcllers and Stiaw Cutters of su- ind. the above goods will be sold or ex- 1 for jiroduce on reasonable terms. and customers arc iiivitud to call at ^tand. fireen street, teville, Sept. 4, 18r,2. 23-Ira July 22, 18r)2. S. LUTTERLOII. Stf NOTICE. ' Jiersons indebted to the undersigned ^11 please call and settle before the first Jctober, aud save cost by so doing. W. P. RARNES. berfon. Sept. 3, 1852. 23tlO Livery Stable Bus'ness. ^AK^L\^’S HOTEL, FAl K rTKVII.I.E, C. ^H^HE Subscriber, having taken the large -H- Hotel, formerly known as the Planter’s Hotel, situated at the foot of Hay Mount, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C., respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is now en gaged in refitting the building, which is sup- plicl with entire new' Furniture, and is pre pared to accommodate the travelling public. Having had some experience in the business in the town of Pittsborough, N. C., he flatters himself that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor liim with their compa- KOR sale. EW 2 Horse Wagon. J. D. WILLIAMS. *12 7-tf rB^llE subscriber intends carrying on the j iiy. liis rooms are large and airy. ■_ above Jmsines as uhuul. Haviu« added 1 considerable Stock, he will be able to accom- mohite the pulilic. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance. J. W. POWERS. Jan’j20, 1852 68tf He has large and convenient Stables, and a good and faitliful Ostler. JOHN IIARMAX. Feb’y 17, I8;‘i2. CGtf Blank Warrants for sale here. T. C. WORTH, ri),iniissin\ .wii fohwakdim; .MCRrniM, \\ II.MINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1. I802. OOtf I()(),()()() Acres Valiinblc T J M 1} E I{ L A N I) S FOR SALE. Ill’ Subscriber has purchased all the LanIs belonging to the Estate of Aliram Dubois, dec’ll, lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumbtfr River, the difl'erent sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acres; A large part finely Timbered, and ccmvenient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yields nuire abuntlantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespas-^sers on these Lands, to all of wtiom notice is hereb.v given, that the law will be enforced agaijist all such offenders. Applicatioji for an\' part of the Lands can be made to mvself, or to John Winslow, F'sq., who is duly authoi-ised to make sale of the same. TIIOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. 76tf NEWMUSIC, CONSISTING 01 Songs, Polkas, Waltzes, &c., &c. Just received. E. J. HALE & SO'. April 14. N(VFKE. A PPLIC.VTION will l>e made at the next Session of' the Legislature, to chaii.ae the name of the '-Cape Fear Deep P.iver Steam Boat ('oiii)):'iii.v" to that of the “P.rothcr’s Steam Boat Company," for the reason that the former name, includes nU the name of one of the old BBLS. Spirits Turpentine, for | ('{inipanies—and produces confusion in receipt Wanird to Pi/rrhasr^ BBLS. Spirits Turpei which the highest prices will be paid in Cash. T. S. LUTTERLOH CO. Ausrust 1), 18.')2. 17-tf of freights. August 11. 1S'»2. TIHE largest tnid only Manufacturing Whole sale E.stablishment in th» City. The capital and force engaged enables me at fill times to offer to Counti^" Mendiants aiul Deal ers iu SHIRT.'^. COLLARS, LINEN’and COT TON DRAWKRS, great inducements—moio than usual efforts h^vTing l>een made to retider tlie assortment of these articles full and com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well .ass.iiti for Meu and J5oys. .\11 orders from the Country attended to^ with punctuality and despatch. gri!;'” Remember the ?^ame, and i\o. 179 .TIarkcf>ifr€*ef. T.- W. P.KTTON. August lo, 1851. 14-yopd 10-1 m SMAIJ. AND TALL: com: o.\E, co.tib: all, And /e( i/f>n a (iini that vdl carri/ a liidll f ■^HE Subscriber has now on hand, and will A sell che.ap for cash, his large and w^ell as sorted Stock of single and double Jiarrel SHOT GI NS, of the best make, .and latest p.atterns. Also, Colt's Patent Picyieating Pistols, and .Vi len’s Revolvers; Shot Pouclies; Game Bags; Powder Flasks; Percussion Caps; i.'v'c.. kc. Rifles of all kinds constantlj* on hand, and manufactured to order, and warranted to shoot from 100 to -'lOO yards. Persotis wishing to purchase any tif the above named articles, will do well to give me a trial, and they may be sure to fiml the greatest Bar gains ever offerel in this town. Repairing of every thing in the .cun-smith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. M. A. RAKKR, Sign of the Wooden Gun, Hay Street, ojiposite the Marble Y.ard, Faj etteville. N. C. August 10, 1852. 17-tf •lolin .Mclniiis will coiitiinH? tli‘ business at the stand of Mdnnis it Sutherland, where he will keep ;i large stock of St;ij>lc anil KaiK'y Ibv (IdoJs, (troceries, llarJware, Hats, liuiits aud Shoe.s. _also— A lai’"o lilt of rofi’io, Sti'rar, Cutton I’ag- giiiiT. Hale Kojio, ami I'winc. Together with a great variety of other articles, to which he invites the attention of the puViHc. and which he is determined to sell as low for cash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as any house in the country. JOHN MclNNlS. Floral College. X. C., Aug. 7, 18-V2. Di-lw NEW IBOOKS. UTXAM’S LIBRARY, Nos. 4 ami 5, beinj: the WOrld Here and There, by Dickens, .and Hood’s Own; Count Montc-Leone, or the Spy in Society: ^Hss Sewell’s .Journal of ,a Sum mer Tour; Memoir of Rct. W. H. Ilewitson; We^iley and Metho^sui, by Taylor; Spencer’s I’.astor's Sketches; .McG’it^'ey's El^lectic Residers. 1st, 2d. H1 and 4th parts; Parker's 1st Lessons in Philosophy; Mills’ Rhetoric; Davies’ School Arithmetic; v'icc. Also, further supplies of THE BOSTON ACADFiMY'S Collectioa; Ca»'min» Sacra; Gunn’» Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Librar'r; &c. E J. DALE tc'sON. SPlllXG GOODS. WE are now receiving our usual stock of STAPLE AND F.VNCY O 4> O D S, Boo(m, jN>hoe», Bonnet!!i, Which being bought late in the season, (most of them at a considerable decline in pvice,) w-e are now prepared to sell them very low. I'leasc call and examine. D. & W. McLAURlX. April Of 1852. 79tf NEW HOOKS. . I'NT Phillis’s (''abin. or Soutliern Life as it is, by Mrs. .Mary H. Kastman: White- fri.ars, or the days of Charles the Secoml; What NosVr for Young Ladies leaving School, by the Ucv. Charles F. Deems; Spencer’s Pastor’s Sketches; Hobart’s Chi’istian .Manual; Harper's .Magazine; School Books. I've, Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. August 28. .VRPER’S Magazine for May; As good as a Comedy, or the Tennessean's Story; Hue's Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China; Recollections of a Policeman: Experiences of » Barrister; Confessions of an Attorney: Heroines of History; Children, their Hydropathic Man agement, by. Dr. Shew. Also, further snpplies of Family Bibles, Rlan’it Books, Cap and Letter Papers, School Books, H.c. Just nceiretl by E. J. HALE & SON. 4SUrrLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late .Anderson’s. Grinding of Hominy and Me.al done promptly. FayettcvillOj March 1851. 12tf ARPKR’S Magazine for June; The Pari.S’ Sketch Book, by Thac\eray; Gaieties and Gravities, by Horace SmitK; Journey to Iceland; I’p th*i R'liine, by Hood—2 pnrt?; Alison’s Life- of Mtvrlborough; Cockburii’s Life ''f Lor*i Jef frey; Hoirse ShoP Robicson, b®w edition; Marcuf* Warlivni.l, by Mrs. Lee HcM?; Robertson’s* Charles V; The Farmer’s Encyclopto Ha of Mo dern Agriculture, hj Bl ’ke; Tho Pest:* of th» Fa'Tii, by Ilichivrfleoa; lie.—their V.iriety, Breeding, &c., bj uit''o: Doir.e-atic Fowls, anil Orai*ment»l Foultrr, by ‘he ' ime Author. Also, furtber SHO|/li"i jf »1unn's Dome.stic ?.Iedicino, Allen’s Rur.i! Architecture, School Book.s As., just ?«cci'ed b." .June 15. S- J* H \LE SON. NEW^ BOOKS. HALir.CRTON’!^ Yanitoa .Stories, illuf^trat- el; the faakee T0.1 Party, or Boston in 177n; the Old Bell of TndependeTsce, or Phila- delphi.a in 177ti; Camp Fire.= of the Revo ntion, or the Waf of InOependenoe, illustrated; Weld's Dictionary of Scripttiral Quotations; Harbaugh’s IleaTcnIy Recognition: Catechism of Familiar Thing'*: Mr.thias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, occ.; Vnlkers Rhymin^ and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British Female Poets: American Fe male Poets: Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Philadelphia as it is in 18.‘>2: &c. E J. HALE Si SON.