\oUi the I’tiiikvicl^ihia Ntirth American. \ N\ LM'lKLl) i?i'UTT. ,iili tin: roiisidonition of WinCoM >vi'ft'e i l\il :i(!!iiiiiistr:itinn in Mexico, wo ••lu IaJ. t Ml rit's of artii-k's dovotivl to :;i' OT-'Uii'nfi(ii( of hi>« acts and scrvicrs as ;i 111. Wo bocMi thus c-aivt’al ill ri viowniu' tlil> j>i>rtioii ot' Iti.'^ life in or- o- I' I'l iL'fuio tlio a)i>unl i-liarirc* that liis t iUnt> an' fiun’iy iiiilitrtr}', ami. tlti-rt’foro, i.'H ..1'kir.tl to .juaiity him for the l*ro- v.iivii. y. Tio- fa^ t i. 'tiiat S.-otf’s i-arci-r ha* iii'tMt sitiiriilai iy (liv(‘i>il;i“‘l in tho cha- r K^i-r of thi' juiMic (iutio.' ho has hcou lalKd uj) >n to jK i fonii; and liad lie not j, atlriini!i'' ot ti-nipiT anil intel- If. f i-.irr. v;ui(,'ii. if \\mu11 liave l tor him to liiruro at one m ■iii'‘Jit in the iii l at tlie next in the I ' Mn't wi'h iijual eveUit and ^lu•ees. U. i. wt'Vrr, his auilitie.' a.~ a eiu’li.in are iK't ► f ' o.in'tit or Lreiurally kno»vn as those \ !i)( ii !i:;vf iu:i:‘ him iilnstU'>ns throu^h- r-'t 'hi' w Mi l )i a ieiieral. it is easy to -.‘iMiit t '!' thi- ei I fit iii'fa lire. In the first j ' I • . h-- h:t' .il'v.iV' remlevv I civil .servii-e iii 1.1' cai'.i'lfv a> a si.’idier; and ii\ the se- ■: *. fii'.' lv\o .'|'iievc:= ot aotit>u difli r wide- ]\ i.\ tt.ili.rc ill the iiuoiirity and inii»r*‘'- .v .1'' I-' the r\( iit«; which nciiir in ei- t r. (•■•nse^juenee has 1>een. that (Mi: wlaii. ly tilt- exertimi "f ix.iai)nli- di|ih niatlr si->iil. ln“ \va- a\ertiiiir the V «'t' U'lr. Ill' ntiit-c a a civilian iMii|>reh''n h“( an l hidden in that et a 1 -titai v K a ier. 'I'hn-:. t-w in:; to hi- ^ ^ r jire-t. iMiii-'iiee in niie c-l.'aracter, he 1 :i- 1 .1". i'iiii}>ir;iti\fly •■'tn'akinir, I\ -(■(■•■"rO''d in ;ti!'ifhfT, fl|(>(i_ii t» tli'i-e Ti tii'lv stiidv him in h'lth. he V ill i:' l‘Ut ’iinle, it at all. h >- de- t. r\ir._ .i:’!iiiii.iiiv‘n i ir hU n-] :*ated d'.'- •! eivil uUility in mmy diiVirUit oxi- -rii ' "f'-rati- than tnr hi' ina'ferly skill ; ;; t I'vill'ji/ ('\['l it on a more eon'pieu- .f iiv.itro -.'f -t-rviee. lo.t lh>T- is an'-IuT rea^ 'ii why Win- 1 !d Si Oft h > t'f'\er hceii rig'itly ap| re- » cxr! or ’.n r-'.'pei t iiftnu’ j-.irt of hi.> U! . 'luiji 'uiv e..p.u ii'ii.> iiii 1 w r.'atiie mind, i/ike l>une.iii, ill the |‘l.iy, ••he lii> home } It. I- 11 m-'ekiv."—,'■> n)'"iist ' = ; trust n:T \v' tV.mo to the r ■]'»rt nf t :y. r.itlior than para^liu'j it l,im>. If l«f- 1 .:i the ey. ' i>f e"uteinj (i,;ri>. '. an 1 ha' i . i ' • lew uii ■ Wi-re ;:. nri-i>u cii'Mi-rli. in ^iste OT 'U' h'.i-' of hi' !• '{'iii.iriry. t'> t r lajn hi varinr- ;iii 1 i niineiit m r:t'. that hi'own r.'iuitn lui-u m,;y he s.tivi t'l ! f ill e.-iiij'liat.vo i:..i"raiict' «'l t.iat )• of 1>’ hi >^ra}*hy wiiirh. wlcji ♦ii*iiful!y written >iut. it oik* dav ^Ilall )c. will |ir'‘I’a! ly I"' re^ardi-d I'v {• >'terity : s sliiniii;; wiru ii" if'.-' hi-'.-e t’laii flu* pa- i. ' wliiili rt'ciir'I iii.'mart.al arhi v.‘:.i''nt'. I.i n ^ iu>taiii-e h.ir Ilf t vi ii t l i.ne'd ai - k., 'ivle ];rnir;.r fr 'Ui thf (l'’V> riiin’'nt or t'.i ' ]'!o .if t!: ■' 'iiinin.: j .:ssa_i -= i:. hi' r.f- whore hi:- huinr.'.ii’y cf heart. !li^ «.ii' ri'et n'.'>d*-r;ri'>n nf 'jilrit. and hi' I \' -eeoi:i_’’ wi'i'Mii in > i\ il ii l'.•tiati.ui ; J . J-j ii “1 (iie .' 'ie I t lia!n i- anti io.iM- of i - e"':i,'ry in eni' r_'' n> ir-; ^ hit-ii . uip. r- i li t! h'T n-c and h->ii"r. He ha. wit!; t:nf>r'ii eh • r‘u!^;"-' and Z '.il. ji'Tf'rTn>'l lue diuivs >’f fivik *ii and s-hli-T. ulrh 'Ut ;.iiv eiii'i't to s.i'ur* u rt'v’'ifiuti''u of tiu* oi^nnet liid^i.' uf .'L‘i\i f. or to uijtroja-iat-. t;ic ptculiar li'jii'Ts due eti\tdv to .n ii. \\ l:>'ii neL"'tiati!itr treaf; '. '.r >’ip- j r* '^'i,_' iio.-'ii •>. ' ti.at o!'tru- ted {ia'dti.- I • IK' ;t'k- d h'>t to diw-'t hini'"If h>' military rh iracter, d- d th-' tr;ie nature of •0, and !., jirived him at !ii* c;''.-'iit jiud apjdaii'e iv 11 L':-niu.' and aeiitin- ) ii''iiio‘iif. .N.ip i!i l in* 'foji, from aiiv 1 ! 'ti'• of ofHi-ial j. iMffilio, t > diMdill'- re- hiioii-j fili*;.' r;ii I i ll or' 'wli’.ih iii:;:lit. V I... .!y eo:i>i.uTcd. ha\e h*'fii Iudd ii"f to iii \\iiii.ii lii.-? j'I'l■ic>>;"n.'il sjilii ie. llf t’’I'''! to rfjard I ni'tdt a~ tin* pr 't't rtv .t'th.- 1(. out.lie. I" I- U' d l y it. h''wev- •-. anil w II iiev. r. :.nd w iicr.‘\fr it intt-r- •• •. ■' rt |iur.ir;..n or h tj j'iiU 'i' mi;_dit d* - I'luU i ],j.^ e.\|i>,‘iIt III !,■ aii-i vah r in war oi- 1..' j i 1. I' lii i- .ini iif\ fiun in f»eaec. \\ In - 1 ;• r M-ri'ftui: Hn'ish havomt' on th- • •l! ■•!:> lt'!»'. ill Wl'J. «T 1 i |Ti "illLT Ij ijin- ' !• r ( ' M' , m thi '.iim- trontii^r. in i '.'.T. : I! 1 : _-a'n )’■ 1 ' .'.i; whether li.d.iiiej • iii.ii'.iIll tiii- /ufh' in iK'nin.'iila i'. J oi 1: 11 Hi; I ii.- lii ici- '[lii it of mil- ] la'.;ti '!i in nth ( ■ridiiia a f‘ \v \e ir' he- I •- ; wiii tai-r ii-si'tiiiL.'' tlic >a\\ inli nci' o! ti,' >(•■.' .iii.i I' lXi ' ill 1''.'Jli, i»r trt-atiTiif ’ til t' -ni t-’- ”>.'ir hind' on tli- eondifi.ni • ‘ an 1. it!'- a!; I j.-rinan.-nt p-arr; '■ ! '■ '!' |'i'-Tiii^ t ho urn,]. ' ot S.iiita .\n- 1..1 !U 1. ..r ext-. ii iin.r o/cr the [iro'tratc I Mf.j.. \|.-xii-. ill,. p;,>T,.,.tit,ij ,,f- a mar- t :-l ' lit riKT.-ifnl rule, whiidi -nar led ahk- t H iT j i-'v.it - ajiiJ pir lie. ci'.-jl arid > wt- i.n.l Ijiij, iMjiiallv con- '.I. t .iiit' . fai.iilni in fl,,- ean.-ie of the 0 (I' M. aid ii,; iv" , iiiii.cnt Inr alillii V in tti- li\:r'-i ' x:t:"n>d.ri whii ii i nij l"V,‘d :■ r.riiatfiy hi'-- vnilitarv aiel civic (jo.ili- ties. Jli.'V hoh hi'fory. }j-,,ni l^OT. w lu;ii, •' a h"v. he \jji -j, (rooji of 1 rse to ri ]iei l>rii;'h a^grcssii»n upon the ! hf-nit s oi Ills foiiiitr;', up to the present I 'i>r, h: i> -i n one cniifiunons act of jia- • ■ '•■■rviee, at diflFcvent times liilii rfTit fn u!ti('S of one if the nio.>st ■ \ ui'.u ly ;;ilt' .l intrlluctx tiiat the l iiited -vii jwoduied. \\’ashin:ton aione, • I all uis I ..jiipafriots, exliihiteil the same jiacity f .]• tin; camp or for tiie -ouneil viiirnh'T. and he, too, is the only one llo^^■ puhlic lif- pn'sentrt the same con- t Min-d activif \. Tt is the vilest detrae- t 111 iina^inaidi' to assort that intitdd -.‘.r’s powers .\teiid not l.eyond the mys- i .V ofiu'iii-*. The annals of tlie (lovern- im iit le-ti*'v :!LMlnft the mean and niisira- itlf slander. No t iti/.en within the last f iilv \ears of the national history has i*e‘n f- 1 little rest from toil and responsibility. 'I'iioUj:h a S'ddier hy vocation, he ha.s j iiii'i no exemption Irom the cares of the f-.ii.jile ( iti/i u, sulijeet to aiiy and evei v 1 • •pii^itie.n wliieh puldic necessity could make upon a loy;il heart. If W'ar rosjiited i;;ni from its anxious iluties, I’cace at once inipresk-cd him into ht-r more genial ser- ^ lee; and to firm a fittinir p;arlaii(l for one no ha> li( til ( •piall v the iiero of civic aiitj 1 iiivalric exph>ii.'. the kave.s of tl>„ olive iiii't the hav >li'>nhl he ent\\ineil to^»,‘tlier. Such, then, his heett the career of the adiiiiralde man whoni it is now proposed to elevate to I he cliicf ma”i.sfi-ai v of the n ition. What Ameii(Mn, we may weil r-'k. ha« won a heller title ti the honor Ir t one ;;iven irreater eviilcnce of (jualili- I 'tioii. fur the trust, either in re^jicct of f litMii'- ir patriotirui' A.-> nuL»i_) i.iu>ti,.t- Hi 111' own p. i«. |i ••iiic piddic vlutios ..I I cilty.eii ill p.-a(>(* ;iTli W)ir.” the '■ ii i.ill, t: ih:" u! I’liijL-ftun confcired ^ t:i- tii-e- I t - i’l ''.at 1 s : -n !■ ra -y 1 „'t ( f t!. j Iiie.i ai lu. h it FflOM THE NT3W YOHK liXPRSf'fl- ^J'he JSavannah News ot the l2d instant .says: “Tho Cuban flajr was displayed at half- ma.st vcstirday, from the cupola of the Kxeha'nge, and tif(y-two minute guns wore tired by the frientks of ('uba, in commem oration of the execution of (Jeneral liOpez. The steamer Welaka also honored the day timents of his heart; and unseen, unles> ' by displaying the ('ulian bann--r at her detected by .some unwarned eye, jmrsuin^' ’ prow, as .she came into port from Florida.” There is somethiiiu cruel, heartless and reckless in the.se (’iiba movements in the I’niti’d States, and those* who instiii.ite them, oneouraj:e them, and delude oihers into them, are i;uilty of a cr.niinal ri*spon- sibility. We hear of “Lone Star” or^aii- izaiions in many parts ot th«* Sonth, and in some poitions ot flu* North. lo ^^h.lt end are I hey foniKil.'* It it is to aid the (,’rooles of Cuba in .>eeurinir their imh pen- deiice, the men who eiiir.i^Je in these expe dition.'' oii^ht to he |nife ci'rtain that they not onlv reall\ desire fi.i be tri*t? and inde pendent. but an* wlilii.i:- to li.Ldit I'or iheir libel ty. 'I'he Creoles -^ave no sueli a»iir- ance> duiit'.ir the \i>it of L ipez and ('rit- temieii to the I'lan l of Cuba. Thi*y siif- f. re'l til;* tir.'I to be iraroted, and neirh'ctin^f to render any a.-.Ni.'tanco to tin' 1 I't, they ■aw him iKail\ -tarxed .and liiially >h>'(, uithoiit dr. wiiiu a .'Woi 1 or tirin^^ a mus ket in his d.-f nee. Wnat ha- l.r, n. will be a^ai.l. 1 lie dis.lil'.et.ti p'o| le 111 Cnii.l have ~ho\s a ii' ilh- r the >pir;t of tr.'edeni n a tile capuitv bir aiiiuirin:^ their inde- pemieiiec, and it otln rs ,'houid s •cure it t r tlieni, llie ^oseinnient instituted would be one ot’ pure dar'-de\ il prop itr iiidi>ni', and th‘ ('ui'.in,' wiiuld become nobody ;ind the Anieriiaii iinaders the ni.i>tei> of the i>l.:nd. It \)iho,t\e> the Southern j>eoj>le who lT‘'t U]i the t*Xpeiiitioiis to .Mexico, \shndi le.'Uili d lii't III e't:ilili'h:nL^ tin* ind peii- d 'Hee of ’J’ex;i. ;ind tin.illy in aniiexin^i Texas to the I niteil State.', which anm*x- atii'll caU'e'l the war with .^lexiei . and which war e.iU'eti the adiliti' ii of C.ilifor- nia. New .\b xieo and I t.lh to the \ lilted Slate'. :ill as tier l; !'i :t 'I v. t : r iii'-ml'er the eoli' i|'lelu-f' "t present and col telll- j'ialeil ili: llliz it • ■11'*. 1 tie ••L'lie .''f.ir' nia\ c lip'c th-* iiri:_htn " .f the 't.irs of lue .''ui'ii. Tie re ean be in- niox-nieii! t 'Ward' the ! iin hi'e ot (’iib.i. Will, h i' iio\v i.n] >>~rije. nor t"W aid' !ne inde- ['•■lldeliee n . Uc:i. vvhieh I' IcW impl.ietl- cii le. vilileii w aild hot open wide Ine -ea of I lie .'^'.iveiv a:;i:atl'>ii. 1 in- Noilb will iii'i't that wh.it i' ai'juire'l >hall ii' f i. e t. ; i itot V. Til. 'Uth wiii iii'i't tb it it ,'lj.ill e.iiiiiuue -lue It n if*r_\, and h-le tilell i' tile w h 'h* 'fi tional 'Irife reop' lied, and no can i> ]*e that >iu h a .'!iif- will t' Mii'iiate in :i pe.iei I.il ;:i |iin 'r. IiC'- of w h.it i' d"Hf or ,itt- i:i];‘« 1. ■ J i ih 1. call 'Ji.'llJ I'r 'til ill; lililti: of uiiiiute -jun' t r l,op. i...r tii - iis''.l.i\ of ( ul' n tl i;_'' !!, h 'liorot tr.iii >i hi>fiua- 1'" Id I'l t \ [ iiiioH'. N T e.in any :T"o,i r> .'uit tV' :n ihe i-r_.in-.'.itn ii' w!;ieh exi't in the I II t i ,Te'. '1 l.e_\ ale in 'pint, il iif _\ 1.1. all aii\ t; :•..:. in vj-'iati. n ■ 1 tie :,;W' tt file kill i an 1 * nr ti.a’\ 'b- ' 1'. 'I'ti \ ^ ii ■.; r i,.* th.* til >ii_ht- i> -'. ’lie ani'ot lU' and the l.iwh " to i.i'.' tie- ot >. I 1 o:h .uid j' -.d Iie.;_h I" 'rli 'o.| W Ii;. h e \ I'f- bt t we.n f| I. I1 |. i\ Il.lt:oI,'. L.k - til. At'-'li' 'II .' 'e|. t;.'. P i_ tho-.- { T ‘K ho--e Wellale ' t i ' p! ■ 1 • i. I he V III I ki* . on him, thirty vW yo..nr.» npn, the honora ry dojivoe of Master of Arts. Since then h«* has more than redeemed the promise of his Sprinff, ani retlo*fed credit upon the institution whi« h foresaw his mature great ness. Amid all the tdory, how’cver, th.it now surrounds atid gilds liis natno, ho is mock and retiring; unh(*ard, unless utter ing, on some just occasion, the frank sen ilis quiet wav through the conmion ciowd of cities or highway.^. Of aH the world, ho seems himself the least aw.ire of his > high renown—thus verifying the Lmguago 1 of the bard, that j ‘•It is tin* witni'ss still of t’XfclU'nry. 1 Ti> I'ut .1 stnuijre f'aoo on I'is own {lorfoction.’ ^ IKOM TilK UH'llMOM) WIIK'.. The l‘'n|nircr, bdl 'wing the load oi ; that .\l)olition pajie*'. the New N ork l\ven- invr l’»'^f. is re-]>ul'lishin.j Marey s attack np 'U (leueral Scott, while he was under arrest fu^ compn'riii:: .Mexico. We :tre glad to see this. It .-irL'Ues tleit Brigadier tleiier.il i*ierc(*'s >npp' it(*rs havi' exhaii'if- cd their .inimunition. 'I'hey mut la* hard run, indii'd, when they have to rt*soit to the detractions of •’old ]'it.-ht'u” brei che' for we.iO'.>n of attaek on the Coniueroi ot Mexico. 'I’he | ublic.iti.ni i' gr itifv ing on another ac( ount: It will re\ive in the pub lic mind the sii.ini, till tre itmeiit w lileii flie I’ dk Admini'tr.itioii vi'lted upon the he id of Scott f.ir the mo't l>iiHi.iiit aidilcNc- iiu iit.' in o'.ir hi'tory. 1' :k and his m t never de'i-ned that Seott siionbl re.ip om* j'article e{ i;lorv in Mexu-o. )ld Zav h ' risinir St.ir alarm 'd ‘hem—and r.> il’.ui it' Iii'fie, tlu'v det.'rnr.n. d to ,'cii 1 it to \\*ra t'rn/.—.m.i ' y the time he h id l.iirl_\ L'of tinder w.’V to iIk* eoni(He>t ot tin* c.ip- ital, he wa.' to be ,'Up I'C ie 1 b\ a L.'eoto- co eisiiian. Tic* .'eli' im* wa' c'-iie 'cii'i before Scott left W.i'hiiigttiii. and w.i' known in the army bctori' lu* reaidud it. Ueiitou wa the man di'ijn.iteil for the fa'k. Hilt ('illLIiv' . altiloliuh L .e aoe.i, wouM not e.iiiie into the unw “i thy intrlLOie' of the t’abin.'f. 'I'lie exp'"lient. tln'ii. of «'ieliiiia 1 ifrh of ini- nnpet.'iif h ■•■.■foen 1 -f.eriN to cm-HIM" Sv-otr, w ' i '"it .1 n. hi and f.i. 1 :i a'blit' with tr.ui'p nt army iu- had. T!iU' hanin.-r' d. ^i!.If ]V.>sr' , ff. im;i wa- or ii not aui^i half f-r 1 II.'P lit! : wa' . til .t •falit. i -t tl" S '.ift Hut ne-1 ] '• c lu! 1 t- fect am thnii: imp .rfaiir. Hut I’.dk aiel .^i;',r-*\ mi'?o,.k III;. ;-Ill III. W hlK-they were ;i iriiii; ov.-r th' cont.-nij ■:'■!. 'ehenit> * .r thwartinu Wi iu' t’ii r;i‘. Se .f. with hi' little f •'■ee, f.t. k \ era ('ni/. .iiid know ing he had ?o reh u{i"i' bin« it f r h: >'t' ty. ru'h' d ii'.t - ttf inter,, r. : • d . ivaiuer' 1 Mi'xieo In t .re hi' , n ini* ' d: ■iui'''i oi’ .'indi a tliiii_'. W lieli ill • lli't neW' 'f the po-i'ibdity of 'Uf-h a re'ult re: , he ! th in. th. y dl'ji.it hel Mr. 'I'ri-t a (' .mm:s- r-iii- tii ( '.mm ii, III.Ill, tlioii_di h • I ■ a, c.ain! d in -ie !.• t'al i- f t!i ' at 'iienr, t > • in’-.trra>' tl I'hief. Hut that gefitl went I e.t wi‘li very deei. ag viii't I 'I'. Seott. aU'l wa-i ' -lit. sooti f..and t Il'e alhi fi iM'lofi' li f!;.|I| tiie net ;it Was!iin_t.tii. aid f 11 f vieW>. l’_\ the 1)11,1' a kii-.w 1 fiet reaeh, .1 \\'.i'hill:,t. !1. tie I ] t il ..f Mexi.-o W 1' tak'-n, all ! .''r .i: W.l> r. I'l', t.i dictate teriii' of p, To puwi>h 'Meh ;'!i ! t t. rpri'ing. har-U au«i migi V, rnal !.■ i' n r.il—wh-, ;.It!,"e-ii emb;rr.i"i d in evei v e- ;., ^ ival 1" U! 1 — by iii'iifheieiit fore •'. tr iii'p irt' a'cl orl- n uiee—h ilf’ iiak.-.l tr... p'. >i > mon.-v fr-m an : verf^ e.vinu' siil-t; • >'iirv.—w - rth!" ti ■neral. a' ]r ! M. i tl. mo^t ae- e inipi.'he.l Mi-X.e.in tlell- rd '. ntexpre"- ly by i’olk iV Co. il to tl,.. eoin.Ty t,> i p- ]• .'e him:—to]n;ii''h 'M -Ii a b a ii r. who lia.I b.itH' 1 all th: T e ij. nlati.,!,'. who ha-1 >urm"iinted all the ..! .f-i. j.y whieh he WM:- .'urroiinded botli in fi-.fit ;ni-l i.'ar. .m.l in the c.inip,—and wli-i ir>,nl,/ win f . e , e.'i.fr.iiy t } ['"'ifl-.l:;- ' . tar ti .III li. so inueli in:- i w .|'* rl'. ir e beh.dt - f th" 1 rca ly t t l .n k at t.' U f ill I il;,.!!t W le (hi ^Ml 11 1 i if t tit \ I I Klle't ] FILOM THB TlKPUnUO. PROGRKSS OF THK C.\MPAl(JX—JUDGE DOUUl.AS ON (JKX. iSCOTT. We learn from the papers ‘I’laf (Jen«*ral Cas.^ ha.s been making a vt'fy digtufiod anl hecoming speech at lialfimore, in which he took (K'casion to bear testimony to the high ch.inicter and distinguished de.serts of (jem*ral Scoff, but obji*cft‘d to his eleva- tii'i) to the J'resideney on account of his being a Whig. ^Ve h*arn also that Judge Doiigl.'is followed (li’iieral ('ass, and was as allusive a.s the most reckless adherotif of Voung Atuerica could desire. Insteail of wasting his energies on (lon. Scoff, we ad'dsc' the jiivenih* gl.iiit to jxisf home to Illinois forthwith and explain to his p(*o- ple how he can reconcile (Jen. I’i(*rce’s de cided hostility to Kiver and Harbor Im provement.'. with the inf»*re.>ts of the great We-^t, and how he tan reconcile with flu* same interests his own plan lor defVaying the x[ienses of these improvements by means of tonnage duti»*s levii*d on flu; W e'tern farmers. iiOt him fry to roii^e the i'iithu'i.i'>m of the peoph' of Ohio for the mill who sjioke and voted again"t granting to the widow of William Henry ll irris-in the balan(*i* of his year’s .ealaryl if he will confine his aff(*ntion to tlicM* two points and these tw.i .''t.ites, dudge l>ong- la^ will h ive full :■> much as he can attend to without br. aking lances on coii.'tltution- al t-pic'ti ms with (ieiieral Seott. Hut if he .'iiould de.''lie m ire occii[i.ition, then let h:ni iTo Into Kentucky and enlighten her ciiizeii' :is to file mode ill which he pr.ipo- si 'i, in behalf of tj -ner il Pierce, to ann*x all the isl inds thi.' side of the niid-c haiiiiel of the Atlantic and l‘acitic means, and to decl.ire the (Jult ot .'K'xieo and the Carib bean .'ea.' clo.sed water." to the re.-t of the World. Hut W(> should ep,'( i.illy like to he.ir .Iiide,* I'oiiglis ojic(' more on the main >ubjeit of hi> Kichniond ~ji(*ech; and we woiiM here airain beg of the National IN*- moer.atic ('ommittec to >eiel u-i acopy ot tiiat extraordin.iiy proiliiction. \\\* all rene niber how funny and Imw severe the judge W;'.> Up'in the >Uiri:e>tion of (ieiO-ral Seott, in fa\or of the naturalization of for eigner.' who h.i\e served a year in tliiu* of War in the army or navy. Hv his disijiij- 'Itioii on th.it [I lint. the.Ialge no doubt left I he iinprc"ion upon hi> Kichmond au- (iu nee tli.it he w i> a lir't-r.ite eon.'titution- al law_\er, an 1 that the (i -neral w.a.'' it:- n ‘i iiH of the l.iw a' the dti-lge i' of tiie aif f w ir. It turns out. however, a^ we I 'lig >inee dflii-.li'trated, that .^cotf. the ; II. 1 11. w right in hi> \i> w of ;h,c Con- 'titmlon. and fh.it I >ouglas the .1 udife, wa.-> w r..!;;; \V ill .Imlge I)ou-Ia' tak. bro k tin h.ird w.'id' that he applit I to (Ii iieral .'^cott. II 'W that he i' ol.hged to take f.,ick hi' 1 iw' Will th" du.lge ,bi the .e ril the ju'tue t l >ay that on (lt:s trrnunf at le;i>f tie ; n. r.ii i,of ile- >impU t n that lb. .lleiL'e lepr, -ellte.i him t.t t tie g,..,-! people et 11 eh liloirK' III J kil g hi' fnii at the I; neral in a ly jl'iii-j.i 'y '"^ie. the .Iii ;^>. ^ th.if i biiii:f..n w.i-i I,., miiilarv iii iii oy pro- f"i L. ••f.'li ,w !■_' the .irmv f.raii\:ng" — th.:t he w.i' a enlli tn iiarid for el\il jMir'iiit- —.1 m niber i f tin' (' iitln. iiial ( .'li^r*". ;.r.d of tie* eonxention which triiii.il 'iir ('->ii'’iti;fi.,n. 'I he .1 ndL'*'t lu ti ao.!' with a sneer: *•//• kn w wh tlur n.itui.iii/.ition lawv ought to be unlfoiui or FHOM TIIK N.ATIONAL INTFLLIOF.NCrn. ! B.rprpor, nf the .—SU. eX- ' - Senator Dix, in hi* Hillsboro tijieeeh, ei'»- >rafeson another thing, •and tlJati8‘‘^^ hig j Kxtravagance,” as he calls it. As Con- j gress uloiK* can niak( appropriations, and i as no money can bij disbursed without ap- TIIK LATE SESSION OF CONGRESS Often as we have had occasion hereto fore to point out to our r(*adcrs the things which 8ucct*ssive (’ongresses, at the clo.se of each of their S«*s.>-ions, have left undone, we ktiow of none wliose errors >Oll TIIK Faykttkvii.i.k ii ^ •;"» t. lii;it , I'el e 'k If. ai I \ ..l;\ w ;il .ilei 11 r' !.• w . ' p. I" eUT .r' but f . iniuaii 1. ar; >'t him ' f him to fr;,il t,, . .nip.". I of It' p.. r- bafth ' in oiH in >j.ife ■ f I 1> ft t I hi' Wletfh.- 1 dl'iii:" him fr- in th- •• a- a cnnrtial. aii l .'ubj fore a ('li t .^l,irtja!, e Sollal e|l,-mi- '. Tills wa' hi' nw.i; l H if wii'!,- h,. w:i' liiii' iiii'l r arn -r in a f.n ;_-|i e- nn- t;_\ . M JI'V tip* IIMII who : il.ir_e.l f he State of .N -w ^ ..rk .ill e.'Tif f .r pafehitiL' hi'* 1 reel h- '. wa' eiuj loy"l to cri'lci'e hi' de']>:i! !, '. wi'.tti n up .n a driim-h'a,l. in flic tie,- f the iia.my. a.ii i to \iiify an.’; t;aduei. ii;m jtei'.ii;:iliy ai; 1 to misri pre- '* lit .ill his op..r:!tioii. 'J hi' 1.-' the pro- diietioii whiili the Abolition I’osf atnl the Fiie-e:iting i'.nt|uirer bring forth at thi d.'V to turn away from him the liearf-; if hi' countrymen'. ^V(* have no th lU^ht of attLUijiling to vimMeate Ien. Seott from the a.'per^ion^ of the I’olk dynasty, 'i’hat has already been done by history. 'I’heir Court Martial tried for m.iny months to establi'ih f>oiue charije, to f’s sonie stain uiion his spofle.'' name. They tried in \ain. 'I'o Vhl' ilav. they have not dared W* 1 '*nu fiv t>^ i’ til t h ' e \ I r memory f in ( ar.'liiia 1 e, tl or tiie w ift r- ' . mu. h -.f f!' of ti;- hu-.:..u,' 1’ I IKK AT iKl.-HKI I.- i :t.l tbe ni. 't t il ! 1 • .mi d - tn-bet n th- ^ .'.'ik.n II\vi r n -.r e ( II Sill. ia_\ .il. i M.ili la\ i .'t I - en kn w II. N- \ cr in i he n of ,\ .rih iiii t II r.iiii. kn :.:>fl-' p !i:-. : w •! . f III fiiii iiii -tl • ' . f iKin 'W . P' a w v lio' f. il an.I ;• ver d w. . k' ]■ t w h iv ct n of Very ln' vy r:iin-*. ■ We luc'd.iy, t!;. •..'itli lilt . 'he 'Woih n l .*\:*nd the t'erry;i g ] the fdlowlni: day .Thnr''l.i\ meiii-. 1 rainliiu' .i,;:'in—c ntii.u'.i'g aii'i niidif nntil .''.iturday nl;_ht wh Cl :t'. I. ( >11 .'“atUid.lV III 'I liill^. at 1 o the liver a^ain ce.nino nc> d ii>inir c.iutinueil ii'iutr hi;.her aii.l higher. 1 apiii;^ it' bank' — 'pre.e11nm r 1 w kind' sni un iting thoU'ind> of iiiiU ur (/ /itl lluii' jiii/aiis Dll the hrityhfsj Jiis wouls were as true ua lucouic.’' although we liave certainly h*;ird of his descent fiom si horsc.-'^y^/'t'/f^icc. ' diiti l'« ill., fir* do their duty in anv 'j,l,,'rV would lend them i’l,,' ;,j,j i.Mving look. Hut 1,, ^^ tliose who attempt to(.i.)-,,j. ed.'' Are they sn'tiii-,,! eon raged'/' N'li; we J' d iSp(..''itlon to nf'e], ,.f iji of the officersnlf(>getl|,.I In a word, it h;is , f/t‘ tjrrtx! to oflieti niet.., ill o!ir 3Ik. Editoh: It ofomiKMon pronriafions, it is not clear, taking for *f wonder to in iny ; l,„ve c.,,„„n,.,l ..f 11,e S..si„„ .Itult f,';."-'' I has just end‘d. ! Oil hioking over the (’alendar of busi- ne.ss of the House of Kepn*senfafives for the 30fh of August, the day prceeding the adjournim*nf, we timl first among the Onh rs of the Day—first upon tbe ilocket, as it is by the Constitution made the lirsl luty of Congress to act upoti it—after ly ing tm the table fri'iu the day of its re- eefition, during a ]K*riod of nine full months, t/>i the Annual .Mes sage of the Fresid(*nt of the* I nited States to Congre.ss. A fact like this, dem.nstra- five of the utter neglect of imperative du ty by the House of Heprcscntatives—of its utter incapacity, as at jiresont consti tuted, for the discharge of its highe5t du- fi«*s—if would be itlle to enlarge upon. The fact i(.si*lf stands upon record, an in- il liblo ri'proach t» the House, w hich no apology can extenuate, much less (*xcnse. If is not mii'rely a discourtesy to a co-or dinate br.inch of the (lovernment, but a deliiierate and wilful disrospect to the au thority between which and itself tin* Con stitution has t*staldish«*il r latioiis that ean . i i i if i c be dl:^.solved only in the mo.b* which that very expensive all along the Kio Grande, | halt the hnes were uiq,..',. in.'trumeiit itself- points out for amending t" be lined w;tli .soldier.^. K.-i that otight to be, we cuunl the Constitution, or by Hevolution. /A- ‘''cr two millions, wlueh in Mr. land cftcctive I’ojice Jt this (mii.ssion of duty by the Folk’s day did not appear as expens, s for that we cannot obtain i,.,„ House Ins b(*( ii, for it li.is b.^ n oV nine collecting the rev*nue, now figure in th.* i 1 admit, at a paltry .'um; motit no om I Hou.se of li presentcitives, to the oflieiul act.' of the Fie.'ideiit of the Kejmblie. Along.'ide of the .Message, in (.’omniif- tee of the Whole House on the state of the that \Vhiiis are c*xtravagaiit; the inference protected Irom the cv rafher being that the majority in the two j Now it strik!s me a.s llou.'ies of ('ongress was the extravagant j Our etfic,.r- party. 'I'he Committee of Ways and Means ' arc ititelligent ami , in the House, that originates the A]»jiro- jiriation !>iils, is Deiuoci'atic to ;ifid the I'inance Committee of the S' liate in tilt* same proportion. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, pri*sides ov(*r the Ways and Mt*aiis in this Congress, and Mr. I>ayh*y, of \'a., presiih'd over the last. .Mr. Hick- iiisoii was ('hail man of I'iiniicein the last ('ongress; .Mr. Hunter in this. As such men, in a n., niocrati^ Congri-ss, held the purs(*-strings, .Mr. l>ix wili be ])uzzled \u ~ frij out thr ht,,-, ']'j ex] lain how (he Whigs got their bunds in, pojiular d' ters all, an.i ij,,. , unless they opened them. [unislied. .lust i,..,k :,t 'J’lie ex[iens( s of the (iovernnient have- duty—how is it p(-rfitr!u. i no doubt, l.irirelv incri'ased; but that comes ever jiertoriued at all.' s from “\\ ar” and ‘•.Vnnexati.’ii. ’ Califor- does a single m.tn I'ein j|, nia sucks, this \e.ir, nearly four millions o clock; and prevlmi- f' rj . from file 'rreasury, which w is not ;i part most commonly spent ,it tli. of the Cnit' d States in .^Ir. Folk’s admin-jin some saloon. ] isfratii'ii. New Mexico has to be garrison-! man if this is not a fa r. \ ed with soldiers to presi i ve it from Ik ing they c.'cape Ly this ]n.-;i overrun by tin! Indians. 'J'exas, too, is the fine. And is it rl^ht ; iiiise h is !)(*( II, for It li.is ln*en ut nine '-■•“eL.i.i” .ui,- le.tnot., u-.» ... ..... , , » .'uin; i,,,, inlh^’ duration. That i^ has been vlthil, expeii'es of the (iov. riMuent; the Law hav-: and we ean do it—an I tl„., one an deny who will admit, as every l>een changed by .he outgoing Con-' t'Ut he-ming-—g..ol hon. sr. e mtist, that no such disrespect has »,*ver ,l£>'^‘ss, when .^ir. Folk was Fresideiit. ‘ i>etter to spend th> in r. fore been shown, even by a Democratic Then, again, we have hosts of “draw- thereby .save «/y>/-.-y„r/y \v,.rtl, !l'l w. t.f : v dare 'av he i\ il I Xp.'l le did. ■til' ■I 'Ol; il'o- I ' tlis go ( Mil, I [ t- t II. 1. all the end olhc'. in i ‘j'id n u- iiii, . p.i" ve.ir- in .''i.i!>- l.e^^i-l.itur.-', on ill,- J . ,le;.il b. ri. II. il- the H .11',' ot iieJ'Te- Mt.:i\es, ;i:. i the .'^t Hate of I he I lute,I S'.if. i; 1 ui'h .ill th;' ar' j i:tt iii.-ipi- 1 !• ..f c-.ii'iflv I'll'flllilig tiie ileare't cl.iii'e in f 111-(' n-fitiition. All tbe.r el\il .\pirii iiee d'Sis ii 't piev. nt tliein tr'.ni la'l a sue- th.it iu l\ir w:l'- iiif. In It e. ni- oay n It o.k. and . over all the f acies 1 inn :: I ing in lie pb't le^al j r ip> j. ; '.'II' not onlv bMii.tiitiy |iialitie lie e'tllsl.l leoplc ;ire ably t of 't.ifcmeiif i.f the sim- 'i'ion. .\:..l _\'t such e.in'ni. r tlnni'eUe' a- 1 to i.e Fr- 'i lents, but ,11-ipp.iint.’d that other the Slim* opinion; and 111, .III,I 'Wiepinir ilown it.s iiirieiit. t aril', mill'. brl.l^C', b:iles III eott'.li and sfai k' of fochb r, until lt> 'I'elo. k, A. M., on M'll'l.iy. when it rta. bed itr liighcst point, b'.'ing fioiii 4^ to •> fiet be\ond the lilirh. 'f water mark of the great freshe' of l.-'.'Mt, which wa' the gieafest known du ring half a century. ()n the South Ya'ikin rivi'r, the writ«‘rs ro',* (■) f;', t above the high water mark of sweeping I'Very thing beforu them. Mr. .Newbtrry !■'. Hail's'loll I ridge, grist to render a tiudin-. The j pb* of thi-> ="") •-•'"•-mill, mlll-dam and cotton gin. country, full of -gratitude and admiration '* lumber, .Mr. ( has. for hlshmg ::iid 'u'efiil services and illiis- mdl, koun-lry and sundry trioiis liecils, will render a fitting verdict hon.^es, and the m-w bridge latidy in November. ' erected at gnat expeii.se by this and Davie county, are all swept away. Not a single ‘•/> Fin,I, l{ii/n, 1 till null h '/I bridge that we can h(*ar of now sjiaiis the /Iv7 flirir J*ii/s>. I,,I flip —Jen. waters of the South Yadkin. North \’adkln, we learn tin* (>11 the waters I’ose .) fiet above l,ii>h water m.irk, and that great damage h.is been done to the croj's, mills, and bridges along its coiir.se. It is Worthy of ri'iiiark that the present freshet and the one in hapji, tied in the same month, nearly the same d.iy of the month, and were at their greatest height on tin* saim* days—.'''uinJuy and 31 onday.— ,Sihs. \ \ utrhiiikii. j\i ir I\ii>vr Mill.— David .Murphy, Esij., 7 fhtir J*iils Seott is remarkable for his terse an.l lacon ic style of giving exprcs.''ion to his thoughts when addrcs.vlng hi.' .sohliers. Ills di.s- jiatches are distinguished for the .s.ime tiling. 'J he L'lckjtorf ('onrier r(*coriis au illustration of this truth. \Ve |iiote from the Courier: ! “'onvi rsing re*ently with one of our i old(;st subscribers in this county, who is' one of the v( tcruns of Lundy’s Lane, he j gave us some new ideas if (ieii. .Scott’s i \alor and energy in that rjesperate battle, j 1 he old ■''ioldler, while rehearsing the stir- '*f Cumberland county, has recently eom- rlng sceiKts ot th.it campaign, while his | ph tt'd a Fapcr .Mill at Kocktish, m ar Fay- biigiit eye flashed, and his tall form was ' *‘tteville, in .said county, a notice of which diawu erect, t we eojiied from the Observer some ‘wo or ‘■Sli,)ulih-rf! his caiio three week^ since. We have been I'sing .\iid loiif^lii hi.s battle o'er again.'’ Jiapcr made at the above .Mill for the last “He accompanied .^liUer in hi, desj.e-' W'eekly rate ati'l succe.ssful sfrurrgle to dislod.fe ■■'stating the eiu'iny’s battiry on the inilntnce; aiTd' ‘"‘'‘cle. W’e uiider- w liile daikiie.s.s reigni*d supreme, while the ■ fh.it the ."^liil h.is been C(in.struct(Ml full orlieil moon was obscured by clouds j niaferials, and jiut up by a while the booming of cannon the clashiii'' i workman, in the best manner. We of arms, and the never-dying rumbling Southern press, as far as practi- fhe mighty Cataract, was*'heard, Scott j piloted the tiatriofie little baud t,> ;i cer-!The (|iiaiity of the fain point, and as the death-dealing hail of j sp^k for itself.— II il. Juiinial the enemy was whistling in every direction i The .Albany ,\t!as is terribly indiniant the hero .S*ott ro.se up in his stirrups, and because .somebody, as it says, has .said that a Idres.sed the troops in these brief but em-, Frank J'ierce was „nce “a wild.cdt.”— phat.c woru.s;—li> jlrnt und i W'e suppose (len. Fierce never was a colt ,ttn! .! I tl.. .1. t! . } ' I . Iff I I.I 11. ^ laiigh he.irtliy at fin (>1,1 I'ogies w ho have 111 ell liehtili;; lattlc' all their lives, and /lUii uni htii'iiiil iinij lull ’. It is true emni'jh that C« neral .''cott has not bei n eiig:iLr( d 111 trviiig actions of as sault ami li.ifter}, and (jectmcnt, and re- ph vin, and 'ietinue. in justices’ courts in liiiiiol'. Hut he has bci'ii trying actions I n a mm h l.irger scale, and la fore tribu- i.al' v\ h r>- be niij;lit well learn in u year more law likely fn be us.fnl to the (’hief .^l i-i'trafe (if the Fiiit.d St.ifcs than he woiiid Ivain in the Illinois s'ssiotis in a litetime. llnie Was an ai tiiui of assault all.! b.iffeiy tie till'd at Cerro (lordo, from the study of whieh he learm*d m. re juri.s- prudence fh.iti is involved in all the cases of broken head'and bloody noses that ever came within the jurisdiction I'f Judgi* Dougki'i during hin whole career, judicial or extra judicial. S,> in th" city of 3Iexi- co he served the tenant with ejectment, and had judgment, and possession deliver- I'd, after the .severest kind (>f litigation; and does dudge Douglas suppose the legal experience (leneral Seott obtained iu that great suit of commonwealth against eom- nionvvealth, less valuable than ho might have pl(ked up in trying the ease Due ex d. Smith V. Jones, being an action in which Doi* seeks to I’ject .Jones from .^niltli s sc(*oud story back chamber, whieh tin* rogue occupies without paying rent, and after repeated notices to (jiiit. No, no. (icnor.il Scott has been sehooleil in the negotiations and the litigations of em pires; and his mind has he*n disciplined in the studies which men pursue who are fit to have the ilirection of emjiires. lie has forgotten more law than Judge Dimg- las ever knew; and on the only eonstitvi- tional |iiestion that ever c;ime in issue be tween them, the .Judgi; has eoine off decid edly .st:cond best. W’e think the Judge had better quit abusing General Seott, and follow the example that has been set him by (»enerul C;iss, whose gentlemanly and decorous conduct in thecauipaign nut only merits praise but imitation. I nion, lies a bill, refioited by its ('erii- mitte;- on the .hi.liciaiy, and ejually iieg- lecte-l with the .\niiu il .^lessage, to pro hibit tbe }>r'secutloii of tdaim*’ against tbe (It.vt rnni' iit by Sen.itors, Uepre.viitatives, and Ilea,Is of Departmenis. during the term of their res|>ective oth*es. .''elf-re- '[i.'cf. one would have thought, woul 1 h.ive secured iiniu.'dlate action ori//,. b.II. and its promjit rejection if tlierf apfieared ii'i ground for the charges whii h it im- fdic' against .ill the .Nlemt.er' indi'crimin- attdy of both H.'U'.'S of C'TlL'I'e^'. In the s;:ni; c..nditi'>n, on the t;dd •. he- Ill my 1 '.II' reported from Comia!tt('es of the HoU'i,- it.-elf, then* ii.- no ic'S tii:in one hundred ami forty-five bills, mostly for the adju'tment of i-Iaini' of private liniiv idll.ll'. irhi' fl lull} nil Ji'i^>nl th> Siil- iifi. ami w.ifited but the s.uiefii.n of the Hoii'.-. which woul'i have n.juire.l j-rob.i- bly but a fevT minutes each of the t.me f that bo'lv. For tbe dc'patt b of all thc' - bills one-tvvcntieth part of the time ni- plt.V'd in tin' dis.'U'siori of the nieriis of e.lll'iidate' for tin; Fei.'1,|. ne\ W.tUii h.ive 'Uth'-ed. T i> .any c"Ti'id.r; i:i b ft t.i th ise, if th-'re be aii\ 'Ueii, wh'i w.'u! i , huekle ovr the .'.:vin_' to the (i .\e:n- iin ;,t t'\ th. fii.iire t.> pi" m.my bill.' t'.ir the p .\m.'nt 'fju't ck.'ni'; f r. tli .ugh the t'.v., H.’U'.'. tween th'. 111. c tiil.f. m i,f f.Ttv Wf, k •. find tun.' t'l j'.ts- riiv thirty five priv.ite bill', the sain • H .11'* '. b" 'hies d'lnafioiis ami nr.ifuitn*' liielu.!, .1 in II'ji i'sc'i by b>tii. f lUii'i tiiie^. s.'p.ir.ifely. durliiirihe ki'i eii;hf .iini forty b '111' of the '.'iiiii, to vote .iw ly v.i't sv.iii' of III '11.*y in varl.iu- firms, '•uiH* of thi'iii :xr.ituif.ius doii.itiotis, not oiilv to the w.irking ch rks of e.ieli 11 ms.-, who h.i'l Well •.lined them by e xtr i labor, but "f all d'scripfioiis of men ami bov' t mj'ioyed in and ab.'ut the Capitol — the sum tof.il (if which donations pmb.ibly e(|nalle'l in tin* argregate fnliy oncdialfo;' the :«uins c.ilU*,l f..r 1 v the bills for the '.■ttlcllient ot ;«.'•/ ililiiiis Ilf individuals a- ;:.iin.'f tli.' (iovt rnmeiit whieh the House li ll.*pri' ntativcs could not /Iml (-nu to act iijioii. j I pon the whole, fheit' jierli.ips never was ,s(i irreat a waste of time, chietly in de- . bates up ui priority of liusiness ami upon . |Uestions wholly foreign to the pr.'p 'r ilu ties ot legi'lation. We certaitily, in our loii:r experience, never witue'scl s'^ lavl'h an expenditure of liim* and m.iney in (’on- griss, with so little advantage to the coun- ; try. as during the lat‘ sc'sion. It is due, ■ 1 b 'Wever. to the .Alcnibers of the Hou'ie of I llepreseiifat;Ves to say that mueh of the u.st'less consumption of time is attributa ble to the wretched system of its Itules ; for tin* traii.s.iction of business; rules ' whu h would he much more fitly termed i rules for the jirri rutmn ot business. ! Nothing can be nion* absurd, for ex- .uiiple, fh.in the rules which interdict the I reeepti'in of any original propfisition by the H'luse it a single objection be made 'to it; which recjnire a two-thirds vote, ' up'in such objection being made, to j>ermit I the intro.iuctlon of any proposition; which allovv of the making of frivolous and ve.x- atious motions, tor the mere purpose of consuming tiiue, to adjourn, or to call the ' House, sustaiticd by the calls f the backs,’’ and duties ilh*gally collected to ‘'‘iid that our loose governin.-j, refun 1, in eon'e([Uencc of 3Ir. W'alker’s to be destroycl eut:i: iv wrongful 'i’reasury (/Ireiilars, which were, ; "ill .save much t elii.._f. in the winter of I'^'ol, nullified by the .'*u- . great deal nioie in the ciii. jirenie C’ourt. .'Ir. Dix, fair maiil omits 1 >nt from ani'Uig Us those wL. all notice of them, and (jUotes .^Ir. l>or-| here. Ir there is n.i law. i 1 ind. of .\rk., as auth'irity, who made so , C'Uidemn and punish f r . . many blunders in his computations that he ; l>end upm it. Lyiich-l.r.v i> j had to affix an “errata” to his own sfieech. ; tectivc in extreme ea' We M-ntnre tf> say that now, this ses- | impress (>n tin* {leoph* j;. tV,^. sion of Congress, if ,\Ir. .S,nat'ir Dix v.ill courage our oiB -ers iu t!,. take the trouide t'l comp.are tin* e'tlinatt*s I duty. :ind not r.jij.'i',- th, .j, for apfiropriations with the .-ipprojiriati >ns ’ the di.scharge of a simple he will fill.I that ('orieress has aj.i»n.p>riated .down rowdyism in the million yes, millions—more t'l.in the -'ially am.mg suhordin.ite'. \ .Vdministratioii a-ke.| f ,r. We have three have a Folice f t the >'h v item- in our eyis. this moment, of .some mat:nitu'lc; /(/•'>/. for the enl.irge- ni' nt of the* I’afi't'd; nirunil, 67KI,•(»(.! f-ir s'lfiie Ch'ietaw 'I’riaty, (^'ee Dvtieiency Hill;) thi III. ^.’>011,IHM) extra for the Collins steamer-. \\ t* could go on, with a little trouble, and mike up tbe millions, ;irid we will trouble. be rid of nui-h A t : c.\.^lf.\i;n iiiM i’.m: “We tilmU pnhli'h .^|^. .smj, , in a ‘cheap p.amphlet.' aii'i ir .• -h.ill t.ake the troubh-, if ♦liese few facts don't dc'tr.iy .NIr. Dix's value as auth irity, M‘m.—f.ir Mr. Ilit(hie, am} the yet uiiktiown il'mnnr t.> H'ly.i Hamilton tie Frill’, r. — .V. 1 n. /»';(//>. liu'(fv. In ■ ppr. priafl' iis f-r Light , iVe.. recent ly .•over tiie fol- Li.jht the \ t m.ik 11 'U'. '. Li_ht H ..Is, Hii'iy p is-. I by C-ifigr'S', We di l.ivvlng fir th;s .'*■'1 ife: F'*r Jou('.'’s foif bell t') be placed near tile t i the .South, are Hal ! H ■ i I ILdif-li III'.*. ;ir the entranee «.f efju.il activity, at the N..rti;. I'-' .r livcr, fw•. rh'H> iini six hundrcfl J pniet.s as the speech of ClLVUl 'NKH in the Cnitcd Stati' h iro.'r li^hr-ho'ise on the eastern ! speech in which the e.\tei,'i p 'lot .'I 1? .'ir.-e i nks. .at tin* entrance of is opposed at all fioints, and iL it ‘by no mc;ins the h'a't m: docuineiit.s for the caiiipi .v. ' -li i'. .So, it seems, th;it v.'u.'.'X \V*j and other i'icrce organs at v- circulating all sorts of fa|. ' aa i to m.ike the j»uop!._- hciievi* t: .'■'cott is pnr e, tin I'.ll. AhohtiDitiatf!, thi'ir ri^lit \voit the New \ ork Kvening I’..,' which i., kn )wn to be juiiit. '> cir,' ,, 1 Yoi 28t IJar 1 The pric ed, port triet ly i distt: T the favo pers. long from date It is been survi and 1 rid iu Fi- (.'onti recort Mi prlvat ation great tions thelO Th* invite' Tcnm head. It on. ]iadg* ry, M. Jno. J umes Col. liynun other The night light p cue on Mr ly inti! Fillmoi M’hig dential made in of the 1 Seott. . tition tl even \>y AVc t that no ly and . .he W'h ipproac' 1’ li.s ainl Y. I}' tlie 8 ^ ts appr lolitical lonors I ion of doyed t' he pros ■f” I'or a 'lot ..f iuf >rt il ;rb tw I !. i Adi_.,t -r 1 I hu't ir. ; .1. 1-' ir ;i b'l V T *n,] (,t }•' 1 V' t- ■ Ver, il ai'r.nd dollar pl.tce l in the niout’n > i,--I in North river, iri'.tuek, one huuiired i.._;li;-}i"fif to be moored 1. under file direetiou of t of fhi' Coa't .''iirvey. •u'i !. e _lity ■; ■ ]•'.>r i.u >y' t.i i in the e.)Ul;ty .‘f .lollar' |-'or a first-elas on I’ryino’i'in sh- till* .''•ipennten.b to bi' bii:lt on the ni'''f ;i]>proved plan .'intl niodi-1, uii'ler the .liiet-fi'in of a competent nav:il arehit 'ct, and fitted with a life-b.'>at. duplic.ite mooriiiLr-^. and f'ig-bell. the illu- minatin:» a;'piratu to bt' eunpo.sed of large-si/.ed p ir;ibolic reflectors and .\ri::ind lamps, to pro.iuee a light prop..,*riv tlistin- gulshe'l, thirty tlioU'tind doll.irs. S.'aie Jjiuc denounced in the iii itied terms. Of th;s sjK-jcli. t. .Vlbermiirle soutid, Uhe ardent admirer and ..Icfnif- j will be .eeu in the ;d>o\t. . ■ 1 on the north- i be published at the ifi . ;; -h '.il, in Croaton ’ in a “cheap painphlet' f nu a- • portant document for tji.- . ' Feople of the South! 1> u s irj - y-*/'/••»• was the/i>e of the > Affolifinli ttv f/it // oi },,in.^ 11 of the most infiueiitial i f ;ir ; pre.''.''cs hiird at work for i,i> el lone of the tneaiis tiiou-ht i. 't up-- that one is to circulate WILMOT J>HOV1SO spe. ell 1 Charles Suninor’.*>I And. y.-t. Deiuocratie papers are strivi:, their might to pi.'r.';ii:idt' Soutli. that Scott and the .\boliiii ii;' North are in loiigin? t.i;:c;lur. /■ ifrri’ and flin/ are at d:ii:_ ■ For fiur huge buoy' tn mark the two i Can il be pos.sible that, witii ti; channels over Fryin^^.an sh'>al.s, to be | light which is poured up'U ’ constructt*d and located under the direction mind, showing the extcnslvt' of the Superinti nd-Mit of the Coast Survey, ■ between the D. mormtir ean.li i. one thousand six liumlred (b*llars. './uunfirs, the South can be >'■- For four sccon l-elass buoys, to ninrk bamboozled as to believe th.it i the .M.itti and Oak island channels leading better friend of her’s than Wl.'' into the (\ipe Fear river, in aildition to SCOTT’/ Can .she think I ’i . the buoys now autle.riztd to be construct- 'circumstances of Pierces beli;.- O'] and located under the direction of the i by such rueu as Van Huren. I’l- .''upenntendent of the Coast Survey, one i Wihuot, cf-c., &o., and by .'U.-h i foreign ft th«.tisand didlars. | the Evening Fost, Albany A'i - J Keysto i^or .SIX h.dlow buoys for the waters of hmd Flaindealer and othersi' it was t 1 ape i-ear, one thousand three hundred brought to even, that :ir. i^ior. T and twenty dtdlars.— l^wborn"'and raised in the fiirtlu--.suit are a .1 Si\;ii fr„w —We rejoice to .see 'a.lviH ift'l. .on tbe I that the jliwa Shuit^^-Zi !in,n,, which has j of her favor and c-iiti been puldl.shed for the la.^t'four years ,.,t i ’ The tiring laine an h'cts a G ers of tl n the '1~ ■ourt, a legislat ui 'J’he goi f Fenn'-i 1 the sec tite a i- he Boar hosen, a« lie sever;) Srnft I jllov^ing ournal. “BKRSf “The ski Once nidi The ca >uring th leetings luzerne, ' >rd, and II of whic lanifested 'he sjiirit 1C land, a jssfully r lusiasm i cott to th. inia has i •ed, hiun light her illy defen Duhufjue as a l)emocratic paper, h.is with drawn the names of Fierce and Kin*^ from We cannot think it,—1\1. D i fiixioii.—'riiere are cirt.iln ' .'UMaiiicu oy me cans i tne yeas i i • i .i ^ — incicaie m... .. and nays, and by ill-timed sp.-o,*hes we.n-' ! flag ot .Scott (he .South who, notwithsta.i lir,. rying out the j>;itienee of membt*rs, day i • " 'f giins of the to the contrary whiili •i''' al'. r .1..V, until the llmtsi- l,u,'f„t.„J \l I'" '-',/'! 'I..'m-ct.t 'Wl...n ttt tltal s,,et, i,t every diioctit.tt; Mv tl,« .,,H'.,tla,t „l,lim..l t,. tfljoitrtt witl,„„t;> > "l"">, ' '''f" , will, if clMtol, be If.,,,.1.1.K ' ^ V '’•'•■otiv .1 Tioimnatnm i.t .S.fl./% I , . ‘ * i a ins. W oming ou d arrayiii nner. The Ale? most all t •unfry win (Jen. Sc 1 ' 1 V ivn HU *\ nomination iif Scott, anti the ardor with * ♦ i i i o for the :,|t...rut„, at,cl re-ot.ac, .lay a.tor day \vi,i,.s arc eutefi.f. ittto tbt^ '■""1™! ...,a gutdattoe He l.ij, the same disreputable .scenes. not perceive what they can pe.s'it j- , ^ Hut we have no time to go to the bot- iT."' ’'!""’ " many encouraging s,gns from as.sertion-for even if it • tom of this subject; and we .sdiouhl bo .dad ‘‘"‘I infelligent (merman that our candidate cuM f- ^ ^ ;ifsome,ualiUt:d a’nd experienced legUi- Zn o T ' W \ tor, eithJr in or out of Con-Mess vvould to ^1-»>t that we shall carry Iowa !take it up more seriously, ami ’prfp^iro >’ ‘or the W big ncket. e - Pien-e being, if elected, as com} t; ; between now and the next session a pro- ;y\‘le>me the ,ier the influence of the - pjjj; Ijeet for the reform of abuses, which are le goot c.iuse. j obligations will be just as l'h by'should not less injurious to the character of (Jen. Fierce is for the Constitutional ■ of N.)w \ ork t'T tb' j^j^ract ; CongM^ess than to the health and welfare of rights of the South—us he ^tate, if ho gets it. as N'l'd' it doing I [the individual members. Within the last tlum;—so says an exchange paper. Hut ^ Seward, and we have .-^eeii m ^ The Hart day or two we have had the pain to an- how does he" understand Tht*!!!? There’ssound adaire, v‘Z" .^tic orgai nounce the death of one .Member of I'on- the rub. Does he think the Constitution- l*ke causes produce like efiei ts. rating the such dominion, we shouhl in'' whethci there is not an ci]u:il P‘' je to ackn be gratef e pee juo! gross, who had bvit a few days before a.s- al rights of the South require the annex- sisted in paying funeral honors to one of ation of Cuba as frcp or slave territory? lis own colle.igiies, both of wluist* valua- Do the Constitutiimal rijihts of the South J\‘(ershiii[i liif'‘^'.’ scruple, f The Yelloic Vcver in MA.\ bellow Fever has recently hn’l'''" lion. Mr. VeiHililr.—The Hon. iMr. Venable of North ('arolina addre.ssed the I)emocracy at the Univer.salist Church on J uesday night. We had not the pleasure of hearing liim. ^\ e under.stand however, tioin a Democratic friend, that he announ ced one undoubted truth, and that was that the “(i*ongre.ss of the L\ States is the mojit corrupt body of ukmi on the face of the earth.” Our informant also under stood him to say th;it if he had two mill ions of dollars, he could induce (.'ongress to hang any man in that meeting. Jitc/nnouif JicjHil/livttn. bio lives would in all probabibty have allow the people t^ v\heir \i;gvo.:s i been .spared to their mourning families from one State to another^ What says and to their country had the session b.H.„ (ien. Fierce in answer to these two vital i l*^d been 13 deaths i^p ^ I and I brought to :i close, as might and should juestit>us? I have been done, on the last day of Ju„e instead of the last day of August. j While iu the army General Fierce was i above the reach of censure.— IF^.s/j. fnioii. He seemed to keep himself out ot the reach of everything that could bv any po.ssibility hurt him.—Z^om. ,/„ur. A Locofoeo clergyman iu New Hamp shire test ified that Franklin Fierce is pious, ■ but 1'rank’s own organs in that .State .sei*m 1 to admit that he isn’t. The scriptures jconiinand men to “pray, and not to faint,” ! but Frank faints aud docsu’t pray.—//>, lie, by his vote in Hrooke’s In Ilockport :i few tii inii”-' case, is in the negative to tlie last—and fisherman named David Ikihs"!'. ' his whole party in Now Humpshiit‘, back-* hundred barrels of mackerel, 'V''rii‘ ed by the Van Huron’s, are in the ueg:itiyo to the flrst.—Jiiih. Whin. ;ili' leavoring a cotupar ■‘If not ht s great co i have giv mot be ri, white hi has been huiitirod dollarj», in one seim'. haul. These were all N'>- b *wtry, and f . uiul of an unusually oxeelleiit '* bonor Vote for no man who says sl.ivery is is helieved to be th*e lar-est liui'l ^ a hving.^’ an ovil.”—V.-nable at Gohhh>rn . ' iu the vicinity. The water, Hie Bo.stc “1 have no 11 k.sitation in saying that bj diseerneil, was alive with di I consider Slairrt/ a SOCIAL and FO-I Bamjor “'J' 6is, receu LITICAL 1':V1L. and MOST SINCERE- ' The New' Mamnshire I'atrief de ;iiii re is no . . hilt planters j *SVe i lie may be a rising m:ni " j he was a falling one in .^lexlet.'.-' The New H.mij'shire LV WISH // hail no exixfcure on the /btf? (lon. Pierce “is ccrttiinly of the furthl"—l*irrre in the ISf'nate, OloLf', 'hi St s*ioHf ILOih C'unyrcsi^,