—■WpatMB wmacassHmicak: SEMI-WEBKL, Y. [VOI- II*] FAVi:TTr:VTIJ.K, N. C., SEPTEMBER 16» 1852. [NO. rio.] I!'; I I'UINTI'I^ BY J. B. NKWBY. i;1)U'AH1) j. HAL]T& sox, r.l'lTs'K-'^ AND 1'UOl‘lUKTOUji. , . ^r tiii Seiui-Wookly Dhskhvkii !i!4 .K) if i>: .I'l'iince: i 50 if paid during the y,..,r ■!' ■.ii'' . i sption; or -iJo nftev the yv:ir hu« • ■ Mit'kIv OnsKHVKU -JS'J (M) per iinniiin, if j,.i i ;n H Kanco; $2 ’>0 if paid during the vr.i- «?■ ■« il>si'riinion; or 00 after the year hM cxpiv'-'l- inserted for sixty ccnts - i n.iro for the first, and thirty ceut.-i fir cach . ,'c iin:.' }'ii''li-'ati.>ii. Yearly adv 'rtisenicnts , siocitl I ntnict?. at reasonable rates. Ad- - ^ ' ire requested to state the niiinber of .,-t. vK'sireii, or they will be continiied till ::ir. 1 .-ii.irpeil accordingly. p^Lottorji to the Editors must be post-pnid. IRKDEIJ/S RI:P()RTS. tUST publisht'il, Vol. V2 Law, and Vol. V 10*|uity. 1‘i'ioc J;'’) >*)(! and Jj'-'*.. These are small voluuKS, in conseiiuonce of the Ileporte; nmkin^ new arraujjenionts for pnlilisiiiii". Hound Tols. exchanpicd for Nos. as u>uiil. K. ,1. IIAI.H .'c tioN. Doc. H>, ISr,]. C1(,>IIN SnKLLr.U.' ;ui.l STKAU C'l TTKK^^, l'(U’ sale bv September l^’. 1?" H. nUANSON .V SON. N n. sTARiircK, Tr«#/, ,Vetr IRON FOl'MHUi AM) MA(’lllNlST JIniii/(tr(>ircr oj' tS/ram tnn/ Ihtih rs til Ueonny of till Icinih, J’linK/hsj d'c. f NOTICE. Subscriber wishing to rernovo to the -M. west otters to sell his possessions ill Moore county, N. situated on Juniper Creek, con taining Twelve Hundred acres of land in one body. This land is well adajiti'd for tiie cnl- .ii, , . , ,1 ’ 7 1 r .u 1 tnro of corn, cotton and wheat: for turi)0ntin0 ^ 11 h under.sir;ned. as the .\iient of the above i i • B I' . 1 r 1 * -,i T IS be surpassed, also lor pine; is con- J*. l-.stablisiinient, will order any artic!““ ’ which ni;iy be wniited, on a})]>Iie;ition to him. liooK iuNni-:uY. i \V, 1IAU1>1K h:i.' rcsui'-.i'd the 1hh>U ! llindii.if liusiiiess at the new .ti're i;ext doer to Nir. Heasley, .leweiler, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired, August 1. ‘JTtf C. W. ANDREWS, lloalfr ill Slove?*. 1'. Ov: W. PLANK ROAD. Iinr. .Stockholders arc informed that the ! « itiis of the f'dnipany cow require th.it j ■ due on their Stock )>e paid up as : It i-.iti ciuivenieiitly be done. It is re- ,:ea tii it on the 1st (.tct. all the Stock be so , '.v. l th.it on\v :17A cents on the doH.ir re- ,;;i iiiii'.iid on that day. Stockholders «ill vHvmeiUs accordingly. I'.io I . iiii'any h:is never wanted the money , til.s time, but the Ho.-id is projrressinj; '.ii ictii'U to Salem, and it is wanted now. I'.v urdcr of the Ucard. JXO. M. UOSK. ri'k. s.'.T i:^. lii.VJ. :i-')tlo FOR SALE AT AUCTION. 11’ lU. be sold at l*uVdic Auction, at the r * Market House, at I'J o'clock, on Mon- rhe ‘JOth instant, tiie House and Lot on the .. si'le of Ilow Street, .it present wcuvied br. .1. T. (iilliaui. : riiis made knMwn at sale. A. M. rAMl’DKLL. Auct r. ^ '.t, n. -'■>•«!« AND MANl 1 AC'TI HHR (K’ PLAIN AN1> JAl'AN Coppt*r, Tin I’l.iu* and SlirtM lion Worker IHAVi; in niy c’.nployment coiiipetcnt work- ;ucn, ainl am i rfi>.ired to do al! kiiidn oi ' wnrk, eitlicr in ■( »ri’KR. TIN 'rSllKi;T i I have nil li.iiid all tlie in*-e^':ir_\ materials , and machiiu ry for uiukin^ I'acti'i'y (’iius and I Druius. and to iJn all kiinis >f f;u tory wnrk tlcit : can be ilone by any >‘;Uii’.ur K-.l:ibiisiiiiKUt in the State. Also, for Mile. I’ati'iit F;i;'tiiry ('an r.injrs, vnrvinjr from to 1 4 iuclies: hruni I^ea'ls. ,Vc. uduFlNt'.. Gl'TTKU AM* LI'Al'Kll 1‘ii’KS pr.t up in the best ni.-inn^r. .-\Iso. Ju-'t received. ;i I'uii .'.ipj'ly nf COOK ING JJTOVJ'.S, ..f the lii.ist ;i]i;'r"Ved patteins. si'iiie of them \tTV l:irue !''r h' t- I iili.nta- 1>. \V. Mi liaurin just received, in uddilion to thf'ir ; ti"ii tis-. .\!w:i\^ : rmer .'■toek— . L'' NAILS, ;■ ’ i'. ,''uj::ir, . • , :« liranul.'ited ditto, r. _• r 'tic.-, ! ; -s Ihuidee Hacging, ■ ' (iunny Cloth, 1 , H .pe.' ■ • ~ .^wc'les and l'ntrli^h Inm. J' iiure and extra White Lead, Window (tlass, l»ri'p and Buck Shut, Fl Kii I’l-wder. _ALSO— L' .'ifai.d ‘ rushed Sugars, l^nr iili'l Falii’V >'i:lps, >!:.. kei -!. iu i>arre!s and half-barre!s. • - , .''I'ii e. * r, 'linger. Snutl', indigo. 1 I T. lii' wii. .''alts, SiiUpttrc, .■'ale- i ;;s. NutiiiCirs. Mfice. t'lnvcs, Veast I’owdcrs. ■.'’■Ill \c.; with a jieneral assortment I'llY tiiiiil).'. A.NL> SHUKS, I1AK1>- Aiu; AND i ITLLLV. hiui 1 •1 a' >n- uieiit of TIN U AIIK. r. W. ASl'llTAVS. !>i)uth Hast ci'iiuT M:..‘ket Siiunre. M.iy !•■), 1 ^'1-tf S'l'Miil \ WllJ.lAMS. WHi)LK.ALK l)KALi r..' IN Foreign amf Ifotnestir M9ry 4mOOfls, HAY Hi'in.irr, Fayetteville, N. C. [.J. .M. WILLIAM J. 15. .TA11U.] Ai.ri! -JM, l^'-_'. M'.tf tiif abi'Vo ‘d p:iper. I> "Is at low priccs. for vV: W. McLATRlN. li'>tf :\i:KLL •T I; ' Kxtra family S\ rup. •■lue for Distiller'. F"r r>aie bv 1>. ,v W. McLAl'KlN. 2otf r.KNIiOW ,v Ci.tTce. .Syrup, ]':,ii k .tiid ire>-n Teas, l'''l’fiT. >).!• e and (iinger, -'■!; "CS and Boot-, II its all'! Caps. L. i;ii;ft> for Overcoats. '‘ L'lo lilait j-ts and Kerse ''ut.-rv I.fall kin'I.'-, K 1 e and I’apging, ' ' “i: N. (Itjicon. . «!' ttiii ■.■•!! low for Casii iuii', I’r. diice. Ri:i)iA’i:i> rAin:. rwiHRor CiH Tickets betw t i n V. i'min-^tun, N. JH. C., and ilaltinn're. Fare N'i.i \\'»d- don. I’etersLnrg. Hiibmond. an-l W.s^hiiigtnu Citv, or via ^' .•l■Ion, l‘urtsni"Uth aiel Norf.'.k. For Ticket?- a;>{ ly at the »>tl'u e of the Wil- mingti'U an'l r«a’ci:.li i!ail T. 'a'l i iiiip;ii;y at U ilmlngtoii, or at the nriic- ..f the r.altimore Ste.-iin Packet Cum* any. aii i "f t'le I’.a’tiinore :in.l Ohio Itail H-a l Coui;^:;iy, I’ratt Strict, lialtimore. Jun. 1, l.'‘ V_>, '.n-tf iig in P art of the lollowing'I _ -i" ^ ‘ , .>0,000 oi \% aiili d. I\VILL I'uy « j- r ] . iind c i>li It all clean i-iitton and linen I!AC.>. delivered to Fa_\''ttev i ie. 1 am ii- irly rafii.n :i l’:ip r Mill in this iicis5hb>rho*»d. and am d> 'ir-'U^ d ^fttiiig ni\ rags in this niarkt't. .My olijei l is to pay a,' nuich tor rags :is 1 can alb id, aiel hope that 1 mav ni.t be f-nvcl t'l distant m irket> ft>r my .>np()!ies. I have arranged with Mr. \\illianis to receive and pav fi.r ali r.ago d'-iiver“'l tn him. I;\VI1) .MI UIMIV. Favett>'ille, I’eb’y L’L 1 >•')-. OS-tf he Steam .Mills mauulactiired by Mr. Star- Idic'c li.-ivc been te^ted, and arc highly ajiproved on tlie I’liitik Koails about FavetteviHc. LF.H WINSLOW. Fa} ettcvillc, Sept. I, ISol. ‘Jdtf Ll:^s()^s IN Mrsu’. ~ fll. W H FI'A K i'.R would reppe-tfully in- loi-iii the eiti:ens of F:i;. ettex ille and vi- einity. tliat he has again commenccd giving Les- .•ions on the I’iaiio Forte, lie r'/turns his th.-inks ior the lilieral ]atronage heretol'ore recei\ed. and iiuiiiltly solicits a continuance of the .«aine. \'l p.iins .shall I - taken for the ad\ancement of his jiiipils. Instniction ;i'so gi\en on the Guitar. l’i;ui"s tuneil and repaired in the best inaiiiur. L. 11. WIllTAKFH. -\ugust 21, 1 S.'tO, «4tf M) rU K. '3^111' undersigned continues to ni.-innfacture H .''pirits TurpeiHiiie U.KltULLS. Those now on hail'I guage C‘ to -I'l gallons, and are made of the best -•'I'MsoiK'i white Oak. I)i.-tillers w ;int ■ iiig a guild article, wili do wi-\l to c.ill and ex amine. Cniitracts to deliv«r Il.-irrels for the next t«civc months made on f.iviu-able terms. T. S. LLTTi:itL()ll. Mar« h .12. l^ '>.;. 7'>tf >0'l'K'E. K will Liiy any lots i>f .•spirits Tur[>en- liiii' . tiiTed in this market, jiiid will receive an*! ship t'^r di.-iilitTs to New V.rk nr ciscw here, atlcrding the usual shipping facilities. J. \ T. wahdill. .lune :’>, '.'t'ltf- jo.M'.l'ii II. mmi V H Tl I I a A \M> FORWARDING MERCHANT, 1^-^* rr"nij>t peiXiiial atte!iti"ii given to all t ' i:i.'i_:in; 'iits. aini ( a-h adx .ima's ma'ie on i’ro- ducc t » be siiippC'! tu i.tlier jioits lu’ sold in this iii.irk> t. Feb. 12. l^^.VJ, f.ly K. M. OinU'JJ., I':**\. .M trc-h in. is'l. ''-i-tf lUiOWN .V l)i: UOSSl'/r, \*orL\ Dr. llOSSl Vr I5U()\VN, ll*iliiihis:toii^ .V. f’., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I’l.TTs Brown. Aumami .1. 1)kHo>skt, .Tr. II. F. Hhown. ^ 1A''H advanc ■■ will be niaile an coiisignnifnt ^ i.f I’rndnce f.'r sale either in Wilniinuton '■r New V(irk, and Cott'.n will be forwarded to the New York House free of C« niniission ut ■ Wilniinirton, .March 1-. 1S')J. T‘>-*'>ni venietit to two tnrjientine distilleries—one in •Moore, the other in Cumberland, either not exceeding four or five miles from said i.ind; iil- so. !i suiliciency of w.-iter to put a distillery on the preniiMCs. A "ond dwelling and out house^ on a high and healthy situation. For further particulars apjdy to the subscriber li\ingoii the premises. CtHdN McF.\l>VKN. August *J. l ')-s\w:im //I. linwldnd's Mill SdtCfi. O UOZ. full thick, for sale by B mi ANSON SON, ■Vugust I*. 15-tt ( 'oiKirl/K rs/np \otlrc. ^H^HK Subscribers have formed this day a Sl eopnrtnership. under the firtn of McDmi :ild ,S: .Mc.Mastcr. for the transaction of a general linrtf'r, (!nnfn/^ (Uif/ I\orisioit .\nd expect to receive their full Stock liy t!;e ■J')th instijiit. at their Store on Gillespie street, a few doors above the State Ibnik. .1. i:. .McHoNAI.I). .lUHN i;. McMASTFIL r.ayetteville, -\ug. f>, IS'jI!. l.> NEW liOOKS. f|1HK T wo Fathers, an origin.-il Sjianish ro- mance by .\dadus Calpe, three parts— 1st. The Huiiis of the I’araclete, I’d, Hector Alone, ;’>d, Scieiiceanvl love; Wilfred ?.lontressor. or the Secret Order of tlie Seven, a romance of Life ill New York, by the author of .\>iel r.irsons, or tiie Ilrothcr's lleveiige, \c., Hunting ihe llomantic. or the Adventures of a Novel Header, frein the French of .lules .''an dean, ')0: The l>iscardeI Hanghter, or the Chihli'eu of the Isle, ti tale of the Chesapeake, by .Mrs. Southworth; The Lives of ticn. Fierce and W ni. K. King. '2~k I’rofessor .lulius t'lesar HanuibaFs Scientific Discourses, origin.-illy pub lished in the N. O. I’icayune: The I’ostoti ■ Vcadeiny's NLinual o'.'Church .\lusic, by Lowell Mason: lUank Hooks, Sehocd ISooks. \c., just reieived bj’ K. J. HALL \ StjN. .'^cj't. 4. Srdn'nricfr on DmnniXfy, A TllKATL'^F on the Measure of Damages, by Theodore .''eilgewiek. Secontl Ldition, leviscd and great.y enlarged. Also, further supplies of The Works of Dan iel Wi'bstcr, ti vol.; Wide. Wide W'^ rM; 'Jurechy: Da\sof llriK’c, by tirace .\guilar; The Hai nionist; Methodist H_\nins: Di.'eipline of the M F-. i'luirch; School Hooks. .Vc.. >\e.. for sale bv !•:. ,1. U.VLK .V SON. ‘ Aug. 7. ziniin'x ii()Ti;h. sai.i:m, V. •^lir. Sni.('Uir.Lr. l.avinglaielv Fire Insuritnce. >KTNA Insurance ('onipany (d' llart- *■ I'oid, having jiaiil the ta.K imposed by the I’evenne L:nv of the late Legislature, wi’l con tinue iis .Vgency in Fayetteville, under the iiian.igement ol’ tiie undersigned, who is pre- p.ared to issue I’l'lii-ics d' Insurance on liuild- ings trr Gooils, either in his Town or in any ]iai l ol the State, oi pr per :ipi>liciitiui, de scription of the 1 ropt.; iXc. riie .liT.NC()MI“.\.N^ has been in operation about :iO years. Its lapital i.'i The lion. Tlios. K. Ih'.i-e w.ts its tiist I’resideul. and he still holds th.-it oHiee; and several of it; fii>t I‘irecfirs are still active and eflicient niom- bffs ol the r>oanl. It has at all limes s'l.staiiic'! tlie highest chai'aftcr tor the priidelic(“ ol' il> iiianagfmont, aiiri lor !''iO libti-.ility with wliii.h it has evi'r adjusted it.s h.ss 's. li. .1. iI.\LF,. .\gent. March in. 1S-">1. t)‘,I-tf 'i'lial )LISIH ftoir it Sh'mrs! I0.04M> liBows witSaisa llie lawt nine isKMBfh^! i .). WOOjiWAKD returns his tiiaiiks to V • the jiubiic lor the u\ipr'''-dente'i eii- Rrcrivcd on ('otn.l^innntf. A ND for sale cheap. oO bl»ls. WHL'^KF.Y'. .INO. L». WILLIA.MS. 10 BARRELS GI.l'E riOK Sale by May I, 18.->1>. h^'tf iio'ri'j.. ^jj'^Hri subscriber having jiurchasrd the Hidel I “ situated on the Sontli-liast corner of i’ourt House S'piare, and lately kiiov.n :is Stuart's Hotel, Would inform the public that he i.-- ni-.w ready to accoinmo'late bo.-irders by the lay, week or month. H:ivii;g made consi'lerable outlay ill I'lniisliing and rcliiiing the F^tablish- menl, he hojies t') be able to give satisl'action to all wlio patroiiire him. His Table shall be fiiriiislied w ith the Ix'st the market atiords. his liar witii the bc.st ot Li.piors. and his Stable .\ugust p. ^TAOK leaves WAUSAW iniAN.SON A- SON. lO-tf daily on the ar rival of the cars, say 10 o'clock a. m., and arrives in F’avetteville at 0 p. m. 'McKINXOX cj- McNKTLL. April 12, 81tf \vith J Ostlers. viitv of good iiro\.ndcr aiel faithful J. A. gilchhist. ;Mf .Tunc 2'i. I''.",2. Lii'i-: ixsruANci:. ^S^Illi I'ndersigned has been 'a]ipointed Agent ■ of the North Carolina .\'u;u:ii Life Insii- courigemeiit he has met with In the iiianufac- I tui '.- Milt sale of his celebrate'! I’Ol.lSil. and at tin' same time wisiies it understood that he al- I wa_\s kcej'S a supply on hand ior wholesaif or I retail. 1 l.xperience Iia.s [U'oved that tli's I’olisli is un- I benefit ol hi surpassed fo.-ijuiekness in putting a gloss on be insured, boots aiKi shoes, and :ilso in preserving the leather. I’ersoiis wishing to oil their boots can use this I’oiish with Cjunl success immediately af- terwani.-; the leather should *>e rulibe'l as soon as fh-' 1‘oiish is applieil. before it dri«‘s. 'I'his I'oiisli can be louini at the store under the aroliniaii I’riiiting (Mhee. Fayettevillo, l-'eb. 21, lS-j2. (i7-jm ranee Company. Fveiy niciuber for life partic ipates in the ]irotits of the Coiiipauy: and the annii.nl premium for lil'e membLr.'hi|i, where it aiiiunnts to XoU or more, may be paid one half in :ish. and the other hall in a note at 12 months. l/'ebtors' iives may be insured by creditors. A mail may insui'c his own life for the exclusive family. The lives of slaves may jm veil in K\1.E ling their Fall CO. .Stock of WILL I'uy clean i-otton .1. D. W illiam>. i r.-ady to jiut in or exchange 2-'>tf ('iihinrf I'lirttihirr, ('/itiirs, t\ r. ^ ^ llli subseiib.-r is reeeixing tin' lar-.;i-rf as- B. soi'tmeiit in his line e\er lu-fore puri h.is-‘d at the N'.rtli. w !ii. h. t 'gether w itii his ow n tuan- uf i' tiire. tnak' > hi.- .Stock \i'r\ i-omplete, ciui- si -ling i'f (’!l;iirs, ’I’alil' Sofa>, 1 ilsll Staii'i', 15i’.reaii~, !.■ i"kiiig ■ l.’is.-'t'.'^, ,'^i.It' !?'':ip|s, Sern t.uii s, iV;r. Ml of whii'h will be sold on the lowest terms tot Ca^h or : n sli' it tiuie to )>uncti>.al customers. ,)u;!N w. i:aki:i:. Oct. ".ft. 1>-.M. oOtt to liis house, takes this method of informing his friends, and the tra- comniunity generally, that he is iiow jirepared to accoiitui"date them in a superior style. The entire house, bedding, and furni- tuie of every descrij'tion is new and clean, and no pains will he sj'ared to make his giu-sts ci'infortable in every respect. .Vll the stages stop at this Ilioise. A. T. ZKVi-LY. Salem, .Tilly 21. 1H.">2. ll-Sinjtd NO rU'E. TBonrv W.'iiifcd! JsaV-'riie subsi-nlM r n‘s|M ctfully rci|ucsrs hi> l ust' i'iei? who are indeiiicl to him. b) note or iiei oiint. to settle during the present montli. He wishes to go North very shortly, atid of eoiirsc iVAM-i .VO.NKV, ami begs his customers to attend to the above reiiuest as e;irly as con- \ enicnt. S. .T. IIINSDALF.. .Julv lO, l(5.-,2. f,tf AFrLRrri'j). ui:ai)'. i)im.medk'\e imrsE i-stMi.hsh*-*! ir, * l*r. .\*\V. mruer oi' Tlnnl nml I'nmii Sir#'* !•», . KE\I»; —V'H ru V.\D .\t a \'L''-ron- lil** «.r J p/riiriMirr (N'itill. Ktrk 11ii ixi H m.— >tr.\ •.’■(I I 111'. jiivi ptndUh. ij, IS (illc'l uilh «>n 1hi‘ iiiJirunin ;u il •»! th»* hiiinaii Mryjiiis. It iii.tii iilfi u]i*\ :tr(i '>)ii iihi ti** r**:ui U\ iitl. 'I’hf V ami unpri Nsi\o w trnini* i! "ivT'*, Util (ift\«* rs n| inl't r\ :in»l nrftTi»*L*. ai.ii jm* an iir. \i\ ih-'it'MiMls Mt' livf'*. P.irrnl-. »-y ii, wiU If »rn hnu |4> |iiev*nl Um* •it 'frii' lmti rhi!ilr»*n. rt imll J I'« f 1 V*.'* « t •ti'* I ,;i I* • - ♦•il i n n i' tt»T. i. !»r, K ;III \ . rMrtMT 'Thinl ami I'hion 'irert'. Pliilail* ifhi • u .U I* » litHik. r |mt r** iurn»n «l ^ t a ilt i.i, » jir \ r.iiilrt. .> Dr K. lA l» l!» r p riir* J ;•! h«*in«* Pu k -i;* *' »•! U\ •‘♦•inliiiU n r» iiiitian» »', :ihI jfiii i»|» •‘t riirt 1: ni tc*' HtH.k-'nU'T'*. miiv anl all »lhrr> tl u .ih *hf uurk al v ry l»u raii*'^ Ju;v. i-.vi- i.ivfii: ti\T. Jaiiii'iire, Ciiri'in'' S^ rt tl/, ,i:-e I,t'thi' A'.7.. This system is rajiitlly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which !i family, lor a small sum annually, may be pro vi(ied for, alter the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been dependent for u su])],ort. It is a good investment of money, even i!'one should live long after taking out a Lite I’olicy. Lxfi'anatory paiii]>hlets. and the nccessarv Ulanks, furnished on a])plication. K. .1. HALE. F'avetteville, .huie IS-'iO. 72 \n.l (.'■ !he II i.rt'tii!! Ipan a r» 1 l.iv«-r 1‘r Scu III I tl. xurh Mlxl). I' «>r IMihm) tn l)tC‘ H.' ?«i. Vrui.i\ of ih»- njarli. N-oi'*-:!. nraritmrn. !»!*•- t'li'i l«*r KimmI t tiiiiM'NN or ♦'»;ilii »ii tli*- Si«*iii irh. ’ I.ruci.iii 'ii'. ^iiik;nj£ «»r I’liiilrriiti: it ilii- pii of iht Mi»- , iirirh S\\ titiiiiit tr «il (!tt* tliirn«-ii atid PuKk till j I hiii^ r.iu* ai ilu* lU’ari. liokiu:: *'r I jrji: .'^••1 -«Ui»:i • t in a ly»Ti” •Niuri'. I r,»nr;f' - ot \ ■ ’‘fill, I >ni* ur \\ »I»N iIh* Irvir, rn'tiitiii ; \\\ tilt- I if (1. If tu u'l.cy '|‘ P( r-j. r l *m. VrU«i\v .ti tin* atiil ['’in in lln* It * k. * hr t. Euiil*'. itr . .'^imiicn riU'ti«*> nl lii‘al P.ursiij::; i»> ihe Kit -h.C.iii l ust «»| E\il, ami.*t:»l IM • s;.»n nf' Siunr*. I • .\N i»-» .Sv. vn .Uy rur»‘ii i»R vmTE \ M^S ' EEE- HII il EI* .KL.\1 IHi I'EKr^. !■> *T *' M J. rk*‘in.. al tlif Fiirjii .Mrtltrim-Si«»r‘. N*». 1-*^ .\rch S(r#n. U !*ri ’r*»frj»H\\»ro\i'rth«' !ii>\t li'M;'vp.* i>ii4>tr\ril!rii i{ ^ fijii l»y .«i»\ i»U»«T pr« p' r ti.oc. ill lh«* l a lilt' i iiii*' .iU*‘'l. >11 iii tny ( .t'^c.s alU’f'•kiliiii phy''i iaii& Iriii t iili-it Uiiu-r^ •n* vMirihy alleniinn i.f invMli«l.- i;r»*'t \ .rlu^^ if) ihr finraiiuii ut ' of* Oip l.iv« r vx» f rvt'fri'iny ii.o'i -e irrh- IIIif |H*\N ♦ '• in u • knr >•> alui .1 l!»*rhrii** nl iht* tl**;* 'UVt* i»r- art* vt*rUtui. an»i pu*a>aul. la: M» \.M» i:c n.w i\rKn. 1 r* ii» ili»- li« (*. Till' riii:..r I — I’r. M'm tl tnrv \ rlrl r.il* «l Urnu in l''*r thr riire III' l.ixcr i J. 11* «ln i‘, I’y-p* p'i.i. hfonir *ir St^r \ni|x dftiiiily, I-* -ilty uri** ut ih** Uih'I iM'puiar itirii- **t lUt* Uiiirr.N iu*» iv *»y ihuii- «tanN. hikI m trieiul h* mir filMiw >m\> Ih* Ii;i' Ihmi'**II rt*- reiveil Mil eir«*i'tual Hmt (h riuaiif'iil riir** >t i.!\cr ( nrii- plainl froii» III*- U'»* nt rein*ily. \\ v hth inrnl iJiat. in Uir U'»f «»l iIi^m* Uittrr>. ilit- p'la nt nm-laiuly nnil voj.,r—a jiM l v\«>rU»y \>i urfal ron^iil*' ratiMH. 'I'ht v ar** pliM'*ant in .nnl 'iim II. aiui iMn l»t* ii'Til l*y pfT'^Mji'' \Niih ih*.* iiMi^l ilrlnat** with -.ai* i\. iiniiiT aiij f ft luii'lances. NVr ar»* Npt :.kine tnuji i \|N^ri*'iH (• ;inil Pi ih** ait1‘Cli*:| t* a*i\ i^^* tlirir ii'i*.” \\»*ll In llu* in ;rk'>f llu* c niiine 'J lH*y hrtvo llir w riiU’n of ’. \1. .Iark'-* n upon u fap|K*r, ami ihv nain»‘ l»U»\\n in lli»' \%.ihoul which iiit'y art* -‘puriiiu'. Tor '^alr u ni.l irlail. nt the «,rj:,\l \N MEItlt INK S'l'OKE. No. 1*-S> \rrh Siret l. otir «iot»r Im*1«»vv Si\ih. riiil i-. and hy rr-p# TMlii»' il^-alrr-' tMT^iilv ihronuhnTU ih»* i*Mi:nirv. Also. I..r MiW- hy S\M'E J. iilN.-^i)\l.!’.. KaydWilU*. N.(’ \\ hnif^aU* \i!»iii' l»*r \nrih arul Si.tuhl’..mliria. U.VVll. \ NU. II \KUAL vV. ( o , ( harUsUin. A ^iilLnitaHii WiiaicboJH* W hips, -"r.'iine article, (warranted,) juMt received ■ w i rk, bv McDONALD k WHALEY. ■'“m' ' . 1‘'-j2. 2'>-4w 11K1>1>1U)0F R()OEING. i'raittiH AND .METAL UOOFEH, ie., I^//A.\KFCL for past favorn, liegu to call pu! iio attention to SL.\TE llOOFl.NO, 'h the most iijiprovt'l principle, making ■' i.;:htcr. tighter. :cn'l more durable than ' -i iray of slievting. eirecting u saving iti T. and greater security against tire. The ;nce ;it which Slate Koofs are now offercl 'iii|.are favorably with any other kind of ' I I ■: Hooting. ''•'.IK I'HI.MNEY' riPIiS made to any p.at- 1 :'-y are an excellent remedy for smo- - ' liiinncvs, and seldom fnil to effect a cure. t-'T Ti:i and 'opper Gutters. Leader pipes ' ' He.i i, made to any pattern, and every! I !^i'fire-j.ioof roofing jiut on or repaired in * * '-'t iiiiu.iier, on rcasoriiible terms. in .-'ilicitingyour f)atronnge, feels con- -it'if giving entire satisfaction in all cases u tiiorough knowledge of bis buuineus is ^ . tt. ville, Sept. 7, 18G2. 24V lUOOKJjl.XDEHY. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. i'-210m W IEKIN'.ON I'.SLl'Ji, DKALF.HS IN ( "iilt fri'f I'//, I'urilijii f/tofs, T>- Itiirro, nml .S/illff, AND IMl’OllTLU.s OF I! \VI AT Wnoi.KS.ALK .AN1> in.T.ML. Market St., Wilmingtcn, W. 0. .\ug. 7, Noru'i:. iitf ^IlK - ili-l p CAUriON. ■'■riber lost or mislaid about the it .Vugust lust, a blank note Negotia- •:d)le at the Branch of the Uank of / ' ‘ >t Fayetteville, endorsed by Alex- ,,, [ 'j'*ri his'.n and Christopher Munroe. i 'j 'u: lire I'liutioned not to tr.ide for such , ; *' !t wiii- endorsed for renewal in Bunk, -tn --uperseded bv another note. . . ARCirU McUUGALD. I’'- l^^•>2. dated 2'Jtb .Tuly 18-j2, ur . fi^Turing ^274 'JO on the left ljund Jll' tl'e bottom. 21-bt S'i'EAMER SOmiEliNE R «^^ILL leave Fayetteville every W cdnesla v T T and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, .\. M., an ! arrive iu Wilmington at 7 o'clock. 1’. .M. .\nd will leave W ilmington every .^Ionday and rhiir,s- day, at 12 o’clock, .M., and arrive in Fayette ville next morning. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. April 20, 18-')2. S'>-tf NOrU'E. Alt.. p'r8niis indebted to the subscriber for Goods purcliased at Floral College, are re- questctl to m;ike immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh -Mc.^rn in the neighborhood, or to himself in Cher,;iv. D. li. McARX. Chcraw, Dec. 20, 18;)1. 'lO-tf M a r b T c !• a c t o r y. f9>HF. jiartiiership hcrclofnre cxi.-'l'.i.g niidor M t!ie name of .J. H. «V II. F. .Muriihy is this ilav dissolved by mutual coiis'iit. All those inde>(ted to the firm, by note or account, are r«i|uestcd to call at U. F. .Mur- pli\'s, and .settle bofore tiie I'.tii of February next, and thereby' s;ivc co^t. .\nd those h.iving elaiius agaiu^t the fu tu are rc'iueste'l to present tlii111 immediately. .1. W. MCRI'HV. R. F. .MriliMlV. .lan’y 2C), lS.'i2. '-"tf .s'i'oi:A(;i:. E have .commodious brick Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. D. & W. McLACKIX. Nov. 1, 18.')1. 87-tf General Agency and Commission Business. ^■IIIE Subsciibers have this day entered in- 3- to a copartnership under the style of WHITAKEK, WHITFIELD CO., Ni:\\ HOOKS. CNT I’hillis's t'abin, or .Southern l ife as it is, bv Mrs. Mary H. F.astmau; W hite- tri.ars. or the d i_\ s of Charles the .Second; VSiiat Now .' fipi- Vouiiii Ladies lea\iiig .School. 1>y the Ilev. ('iiarles F. Deems; .spencer's Castors .sketcht's; Hobart's 'hristiau .Manual; Harper's .Ma;:a/.inc; School Hooks. \c. dust received. E. .L HALE .N SON. .Vugust 2S. ■ g .VRl’EK'S Magazine for May; \» goofl as H B a Comedy, f>r the Tennessean's Story; Hue’s Travels in Tartary. Thibet and China: llecollectioiis of .‘i I’oliceinan; Exi>eri»'iices ol a Harrister; Confessions of an .Attorney; Heroines of History; (’hildren, their Hytlropathic .Man agement. by Dr. Shew. .\lso, further supplies of Family Hibbs, Illank Hooks, Cap and Letter Capers, .School Hooks, »N:c. .Just received by E. J. HALE SON. \Vi:S'l'ERN !’,ArON. HHD.S. just receivfd and for sale by T. S. Ll TTKULOll ov Co! 21, 1S.'.2. H'lf s3()0 Ji(‘^vnnl. BHAIll’Elt'S .Magazine for.June; The 1‘aris H B .Sketch I’o.'k. by 'I'haekt ra_v; (!aictie» aud Cra'. ities. by liorai e .^mith; .loiirney to Iceland; Cp the l.’hine, by Hoo'l--2 jiarts; .Alison's Life of Marlborough; Cockburn's Life of Lord .lef- Irey; Horse Shoe liobin.-oii. !H'W editii.n; .Mai-cu.s Warlaiid, by Mrs. l,ee lientz; Robertson's t'liarlcs V; The Farmer's lincyclopix'dia of .Mo- •lerii .\grieulture. by Llake; The I'ests of the Farm, by IIiehar lson: Horses—their Variety. Lree ling. .'.c.. b.y ditto; Domestic Fowls, and Ornamental I’oulti'v, by the same AutlKir. .\!so. lurther su]>]ilies of iuiiu's Domestic Me iieiiie. Alien's lU.ral .Vrchiteetnre, School 1 r.ooks, \c.. just i ecei\ed iiy I .Jvine C). E. .1. H.\LE SOX. ^ siirrii tOMivi.wr | (»F ( H.MM.FSTON. S. C. | ^ 11l.\ RTLlt I]|) by the State of .South Caroli- I ^ na. with a ( npitalid -S’J’O.'ViM. idl paid in I ini'l v.ell inve.'ted. Fire, Marine, River and | Lil'e Risks. i (’HAS. ED.MONDSTOX, Pres’t. | A. L. To1!1A>, Si-e’v. ' DIRECTORS: I r.oIiKIiT MaKTIN. Col. .)\MKS Cl VIISDKX, M. C. .MoiinncAi. ( II v-i. H. West. S. .Mowuy, .)r. Hk.m:yCjuh. The subscribers having bi-en appointed agents in th s pl.aee for the above named coiujiany, are prepared to rcci'ive ofi'ers aiel issue policies of Insurance on Fire. .Marine. Hiver and Life Risks, on liberal terms. .\ll losses incurred at th;> agency, will be j>romptly adjusted and jtaid bv the undersigned. D.'IKX^SET .v r.ROWX. X. R. Rijks will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms. Wilmington. N. C_. .Mareh 27, 18’>2.—77-Hm ll~L. IIOLMI'.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFK'F, oti Corner of Front and I’rinccss streets, under Journal oflice. ■ Dec. C2. -IS-tf r FILL STOiK. 1852. DRY aOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES., ^ M7 1C .VRi' now receiving (Uir Fall Stock, | ▼ w to w hieli we invite the attention of buyers. H.VLL \ SACKETT. AuLaift 2:1, IS.',2. l‘.t-tf .lulv MAijj'/r r .V PAi LMii:i^ 4iro€v»'s f'inttmission I'roiit NEW YORK. [.J. I>AfL?.nKR. ^priii^ aaifi NiisilBitc'r 9LZZ " m ^ H -M V 'TmT 4C9-« C’OSTL.ME HALL, (\irui r l^ratt .trr f nixl ('mtrr Morktl Sj,arr, BA L TUIOIIE. largest and best stock of RF..\PY- i ^lADE C’LOTHING ever offereil in Rulti- more. Dress, Frock and Sack COATS, all co lors, ({ualities and sizes, from !$2 o(i to §5 ‘>tl ami upwards. PANT.ALOOXS at to !ii3 GO and upwards, embracing all style.*? of fancy, plain and plaiI Cassimeres. VF'STS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, a large assortment of Roys’ Clothing. Importing our own Cloths dircct from Europe, and manufacturing on the most extensive sc.ile, enables us to ofl'er inducements to purchnsei-;* not to be surpassed by anj- ClotJLiug Flsttiblish- ment in the United States. Thu proprietors nr«* determined to make the Wholesale Rooms th« I>oint of great tittraction. and have now made up more than oO.lKlO G.\RMEXTS, from thtf finest .iiiality to the lowest in j)rice. In tlie Custom Dejiartjueiit will always be found the choicest selection of ('Lt)TILS, C.\S- SI.MFRES and VE.sTlNGS, which will be mnd.> u}i at the shortest notice, and iu tlie latest style, and a fit always guarantied. £.*.1,5“ The one price sy.steni strictly adhered to. Uemember the name and place, Corner Pi'att St. and Centre Market Spacc. H. H. COLE & CO. August I"), j8o1. 14-yopd W110LESAM-: Wulch and Jewelry 8loi*e 1.. H. MII.LER &:'rO., Imjiiirtcri^j JJan iifh/rhircr.i one? Jnhbf-r^ of' Jcu'f lrj/, cnul Fmut/ (jlui th, i Have leased the Old Stand formerly occupied l>y Mes.'irs. Cjinlield, Rrf.'ther t'c Co., • r.aM rt/nii-r of Charlfn and Baltimore ulreet:^, (Xo. 227,) which they are putting in completti order for the AVHOLESALK AVATCII AND .Ji;w ELRY P>USINESS, to be opened about th«' 2Uth of .1 uly. Ill calling the attention of the trade to tii new concern, we mention the fact that we uiJ associated with ©ne of the most extensive Jew- ^lry .Manufacturing I'stablislunents in the coun try, which must give a decided advantage o%or all others in this market for sujjplying dealer.'^ I with .lewoiry at manufacturers’ prices, a feature j in this branch of trade long since needed -b« 1 twet tl Raltimore and the Southern and Westeifl I Merchants. I W'e desire to call particular attention to thp? I Watch department, which will at .ill times be s',t])]>lied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at oneei t.Tke them, with a written guarantee that they will j)erform correctly. This branch (d‘ the busine.ss will receivc tl c esjiecial attention of one of the tirm, whose ex tensive and practical knowledge d' the business will, we hope, give us a jdace in the fincoude»,c ot buyers. AVe respectfully invite j'Oti to cnii upon ua when yon next visit onr city, confideutly be lieving that an examination of onr Goods wlil j’rove to you that they are better styles hod cheaper than you have ever seen in this raar!:et j :.nd asFure you that no effort shall be wai.ting on onr part to make the .ncrpiaintunco one of mutual benefit. L. 11. MILLV.R & CO. Old stand, formerly oceiipicil by Canfield, 15ro. v'c Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles iV, Raltimore sts.- Diiltimore, Jttne 18'>1. 14-Vo REFEHEXCES: Messrs. AVyeth, Rlneklock & Co. (iwyn, Reid & l’a\l(,r. .lames ll'jdgcs & Brother. Hnrst & Rerry. .Murdoch, Duer A. f'vniis. Stellniann iK Hinriehs. Sangstoii \ Co. RarthloAV, G»vyn & Co. Ricly & Pendleton. Cushings Bailey. •lohn Murjihy i Co. .Moore & (jriflin. . M.VLI.KXr.J August If), 18'>2. istf 'I'lic Sul)srrih(*r still continues to carry on the C.VRIXET RC.slNESS in F'ayettev.'le, and in addition to his Establishment on Row street, near Eccles’s Bridge, has opened a large WARE ROOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel and one door East of .Messrs. Haigh & Son’s, , where a general assortment of for the piiitiose d' doing a general agency and | I^'' I T I? jV I Tl? eomn.is.'^ion business, and in offering their ser- , -■ ' -I.1 ^ ^, iV ■NOI'ICK. * n il-Vlikely young FEL- ’ 'S> it offered soon. J. & T. n-t- 7, Ik; AVADDILL. 24-Ht By GEO. LAUDER T\VO DOORS .iBOVE IUKJII k SO^\S STflliE, Fayellevilli', i\. .Jan’y 20, 1852*. 65-1 Ypd Blank Warrants for sale here. Made bv coinjietent and faithful worktnen, may be had at prices corresponding with the times. .Al.so, ail a.ssortnient (>f Xorthern-made FCRNI- TLKE, selec'.ed by himself, which will be sold at a very n-jderate advance. DUXCAX McXEILL. Xov. 10, 1851. 38tf He keeps on hanl an assortment of Fisk’s celebrate.l METALLIC P,URI.\L CASES, which have been highly recommended by AVillie P. .Manguni, Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, W'm. U. King, and many other illustrinus characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility. AGRUUir.Tl KAL WORKS. NORTON’S Elements of .Scientific .Agricul ture; Dana on Manures; American .Muck Book; Vouatt on the Pig; Cole’s .American Fruit I Book; Thomas’s Fruit Culturist; Family Kitch- ' en Gardener, by Buist; Dana’s Muck .Manual; All Ml’s American Farm Book; Richardson on number of Land W’arrunts, for a North- ; 3^5. Ditto on the Hog; the .American R-»se ern concern. Culturist; .Allen’s Rur.al .Architecture; Down- JXO. M. ROSE, Agent. 1 ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of .America; .lohn- Fayetteville, .April 14, 18i>2. S2tf atou’s .Agricultural Chemistry; Farmer’s Trea- — — i auie, bv Falkner; >Hner’s Am. Bee Keej>er’s roB.xcco. ! ManuHl; Vouatt and Martin on Cattl»: Fessen- subscriber continues to receire and j den’s Complete Fanner anI Gardener: Wheel- g on manufacturers’account, all grjides , er’s Itural Homes; Stewart’s Stable Econonay: of manufactured Tobacco. May 31, 1852. vices to the public in that capacity they flatter themselves that they will be able to give satis- ! faction to all those who may consign any goods, wares, merchandize oi-country jiroduce to them • either to sell on commissions «>r forward. .Vs ; it will be our greatest aim to please, we jileilge ' ourselvts to spare no pains in trjing to give I general satisfaction. Tiiey respectfully solicit ■ the patron.age of their friends and the public ! generally. Their store is Xo. 8XorthWater Street, Dickinson’s Fire-jiroof building, Wil mington, X. C. JOHX R. AVHITAKER, JAMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. B. SOUTHALL. Rrkkrkncks:—John Dawson, Potter & Kid der, O. G. Par.sley, Samuel Beery Sons, G. R. French, and Ellis & Mitchell. Jan. 2'J, 1852. Gl-tf Jjand Warrants Wanted. rjjlHE highest C.\9H pricks paid for any \N.\.AV.\Y froni the subscriber, on the 'JOtli not .Itine last, my negro man l.IN.N. He weighs about one hunlred aii'l seventy-five lbs., yellow complected, six feet and iipwanls high, and about years of age. Nti other marks re collected, except his front upper teeth, by close observation, have :i small opening or gap be tween them. The above lew.inl will be jiaid for his delivery to me at home, or confinement in W a\ne countv jail, so that 1 get him. F. JER.NEtJAN. July 17, 1852. lltf NI’AV I’,OOIvJ>. 1X,UTXA.AI’S LIBRARA'. Xos. 4 and 5, being the W’orld Here aiul There, by Dickens, and Hood’s Own; Count Monte-Leone, or the Spy in Society; Miss Sewell’s .Riurnal of a Sum mer Tt>ur; Menudr of Rev. W. II. Ilewitson; We.'iley and .Methodism, by Taylor; Spencer’s Pastor’s Sketches; .McGuff'ey's Eclectic Headers, 1st, 2d, iUl and 4th parts; I’arker's 1st Lessons in Philosophy; Mills’ Rhetoric: Davies' School .\rithniefic; I'ic, Also, further supplies of TIIE 1’>^T0X : • j,, .VCAI>E.MA’S Collection: (’armiiia Sacra: (tuiin s ' HALE vV lU)IJJN(ii:U M 10?nT1NCL to carry on the FOC.NDRV RC- SINi;S.S. with all its brandies, in this pl.ace. They have added, within the hast six months. wr'»-ih of PattcriiS. and are now prepared to fiiiiii.-^h .Millwrights with .Alachine- rv, at short notice, for Wheat, Corn, Grist, and Saw Mills. Ste.ani Mills repaired throughout. Our terms are cash on delivery; 10 per cent, will )>e added lor every :1U days an account may stand unpaid. We cannot carry on this busi ness Oil the credit system, neither do we intend doing so. HALL & BOLLINGER. August 1?, 1852. IStf PEANK ROAD C ONTRACT^. rjlHE President and Directors of the Fayette- ville and (.’eiiti-e Pl.aiik Road ('onii>any will receive proposals to c('iistruct the 2d Divi sion of their Road, begiiniing at Puppy ’rcek !ind enlinyr .at or iie.ar Blue's Bridge on Drown- J. UTLEY, yjtf i Hinda’ Farrier; Mason’s Farrier; Jtc., &c. E. J. H.\LE & SOX. I April 14,1852. Domestic Medicine; Humorist’s Library; I'cc. E. J. HALE SOX. H\ini of mlSffuejlf: fWILL sell my STMMtHi RKSI two miles from the .1/avket, on the Fayette ville and W estern Pl.ank Road—one id’ the most desirable and healthy places in the cotinty. .Also, 4i> Shares of Fayetteville and W estern Plank Road Stock, and .‘JU Shares of Fayette ville Hotel Stock. AVith the largest stock of Realy-made C.\K- RI.AGES anl r>U(iGlES ever otf'ered in this p],ice—over !i>500n worth—completely finished. All of which I will sell at very reiluced prices for cash or negotiable notes. So little attention has been paid to the call maIe by me after the fire of the 2d .lany, on those indebted to me to call and settle, that I am induced to offer the above property ut re duced prices to en.ible me to rebuild my Carriage EstaV>lishment and continue my busi ness with conveniewce. I shall place notes in proper hands for collec tion, if not paid soon. I have all uiy acc&nnts made out to the 1st Jan y 18o2. A. A. J/cKETILVN. .1/arch 20, 1852. 7"tf Blank Warrants for sale here. Oct. next, at 12 o’clock. For plans, estimates and -specifications, ap plication mav be ni.-ide to .lohn M. Rose. Secy of the Company, to .John Eccles, Engineer, or to the undersigned. JX\ A. AVILLIAMS, Pre.>^ t. .August 111, 18->2. IS-tlO liETTON’S 171) Marhvi Slrret, fiAi/nnoKi:. THIHE largest .ind only JL Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to offer to Cotintrv Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. COLL.VRS, LIXEX an-1 Cn’- TOX ■ DR.AW I'.RS, great inducements—more than tisual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles full nnd com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assftna for Men nnd Boys. -^R orders from the Country attended t^ with punctuality and despatch. Remember the Xaine, and .\o. 179 ITlarket .^Ireol. T. AV. RETTOX. .August 15, 1851. 14-yopd A CARD. IIIE return of low water renders it neces sary that the Steamer Chatham should be employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run a.“* heretofore, on any regular days, until further notice. JXO. D. AA'ILLIAMS, Ag't Cape Fear S. 15. Co. yUy 12, 1852. I>0-tf NEW FISH. OS. 2 and 3 .Alackerel for sale by iH RRAXSOX & SOX. August 15-tf NEW BOOKS. HALIBURTOX'S Yankee Stories, iRustmt- ed; the Yankee I’ea Party, or l‘>oston in 177(>; the Old Bell of Indejiendence, or Phila delphia in 177t); Camp Fires of the Revolution, or the AV.-ir of Independence, iJlustrated; AVeld's Dictionary (d'Scriptural Quotations; Harbaugfi's Heavenly Recognition: Catechism of Familiar Things; .Mathias’ Rules of Order, for Societies, &c.; W alker’s Rhyming and Pronouncing Dic tionary; British Fetniile Poets; American Fe male Poets; AVatson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Philadelphia as it is in 1S52; .S:c. E. J. HALE & SOX. New Jiooks—Medical, EHjS’ Velpeau’s Midwifery: Mendenhall's Medical Student's Vade-.Mecura; Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; 15id- (Re's Review of Materia Medica and Therapeu tic?, for Students; Craige’s Elements of Gencrul and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeauic’s Midwife ry; Hastings’ Minor Surgery; Reese’s .Viu. Med ical Forftiulary? the Physician’s Pocket Pre scription Book; fliigj; OB Ether and Chloroform in SurgerVf Dentistry,- &c.; Morfit’s Chemical and Pharmacentical Manipulations; Beasley’s Druggist’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Fornm- lary; Xoad’s Chemical An.niy.sis; Wythe’s Micro- scopists’ Manual; AV right’s Am. Receipt Book; Overman’s Practical .Alinerslogy, Ass.ayirg nnf Mining; Smith's Domestic Medicine: R.-mking Half Yearly Abstract of -M«dical Scienco*;, ^c. E. J. HALE « fcO’y

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