SB1II-WES3KL> Y. [VOI- 1I-] FAYETTEVILLK, N. C., SKI’TKMHER 23, 1852. [NO. 128.] i^-fcar,Mai:Mg7r5 i'llLNTKl) 1JV J. li. NEWBY. i^invAiii) J. iialiT& sox, l-;,HOUS AND l’U01’lUfc:T0KJ5. Mrs. M. 1''. Horne >vill rosnme her S(’iI(>()L, at the Jjod^o, on tht* 1st .MuU'lav in ()ctol)or. Sept. 14. 2i‘«-"t faTl AM) WIN ri:u ,v tlu' Si'mi-Wovkl\%()iisKiiVKn !1 00 if ;.,h iiuo; ^4 .jO if piiiil ilurin*: the ,1' vab'i'i ii’tion; or j aftor the vear ha;? F '• \\ookh OiistuvK.K $2 »M> per iinitum, if I II Fall aiul M’iiitiT tioodb are now here, ninl re.-ulv for sale. Our stock of i>i{V >;ooi>!Si IB livrjre ami better tliaii aiiv former seasMii. ii.4iti>\VABei: AM> «'i : .'ji'J 50 if puiil during ■ . ‘ , . iS50'j:iClI>. ^u''M'ription; or !ji.> (H) .iftor the \cai Our stoek is larjie, eijual if not superior to .^piri'vl. “**' year. ‘ - — All of ■whieh we would he frlad to exehanjie vliVV.llinserted for sixty eents for :iluiost an_v kind of produce, for c.ash, or to iiiri' f'T the first, and thirty cents tV«r each punctual customers on time. ,! iin ' j'u'tlioatioii. Yearly advertiseiucuts -ro. i l’- . I'Utracts, at rcasonahlo rates. Ad- • lue re.(uested to state the number of - ,i)' lo.'ired. or they will be continued till i. and charged jioeordingly. L It CIS to the Editors must be post-paid. *MISS BINGHAM *"lil, re>Miie her Seh«H)l in Favetteville f MONDAY, 11th Oct., ISVj. ... _ -7 tf nil wfraiii liooDJi. i^'i; have received in j'art. and are now V? vi i'i iviiii a larj:e and "cneral assort- 'lArn: and t'.\N«;V DllV '1:!..: ill part as foib'^>s: S r lil:u k. r>rowu, tireen «nd IV.ue ^'loths; r I’llack Doeskin fancy Cassinters; frilk I'', and velvet Vcstin;.:s. . ^oule very tine:' white and eob>red ivauad'.u Satin and 'hSiIkVestin;js: Fine Cravat.*: Collars: \c. \:ii 'n2,st our Ladies’ Drcss doods may be ;id lin Hl'k (irodpvliitu’. siml black, fijrurcd ;ind ■■■'-rd Silk: rich liroc.-ulc do.: plain and 1 d.».; rich white ti>;urod do.: y-.biin wiiite •' rcncf. Xc.; rrintcd Satin Caslinieres: - • v inted Kib«‘.‘i; Knglisli. French anil .\nicr- uted Ddnins: small ti}:n*‘d and hif.dily - ; ; i '.;ins for chil'lren: I'uLii^h and I'rcnch ,• .’. red flrinnel: Glace I’oplin; Victoria ' ; i : .\i P'.ai.l'; c.dored Alpaca Cnbur;’s and : liiack I!.mba/ine. .sunie extra 1’ I ri Alpacas, :?ilk and (’•>tt"ii War[>: Vcl''’s f‘>r children; .''Cotch. French . -.11 t;io;^liains and prints: Shawls: >' !, vi-s: lli'siery: Silk, L.inib's \\' .'^iiirts anil Drawer'^: a hand^'.me „ r: : .i; Hibbi.ns, Fringes, (iinip and \• i'riiiiniinjrs; Swiss. .Iaci>nct. .''tr-.ped I Mu>’.ins: .''wiss u!id .laeonct lM>:ing .j:': Inf.-int's Kmbri'idcrcd Wai'ts, [■ , j.~; Frcnch-wurked Handkerciiicf>. ,i.- . I iidcrsleeves: Ite.-il l.ace ' i,r K !'.:;nj::’e and (,’ott.>n d... , ,1 I'-i.iriiiicnt of l’>.inncts. Hats, .. r.. r. >!t • l :iibre!lns.‘ •!. vitii .illii"t enumerated, ui.tkin'^ : ; 1 the largest atul bfst we V r. 1 .tir friends aii'l cU't iiiers.— • ,,,• I,- I. .-ui ,1.: t" call as e.'irly as con- ■. I . t .r thcniselvi-s, as we ex- • • ' .. r. ab any otiier hi.Vise in r ■ ■ r Mars, t ' ,-:are, and No. 1 Greene j . • 'tC' !:i'\ N. '. Al.flX il JOHNSON A CO. : ::7tf m:\\ law hooks. rgt;!'’ I.’.W iiF N.VTIONS. or tlie I’rineiples Jl. • .■ 1,.;'. i■!' \:;tnre. applied to the con- •' , - 't' N ’t-Miis and Soveroipis: A • I'ri iich of Ab iisieur de ' i. i-.-s to American Decisions ■ ■ lu. \:~ 1. 1 vol. ' ■ ' i;n:r a selection i.f I.eadinx ' V '■ % i; . b;.Miches of the Law. with ■ - .Wi .. \Villi;im Smith. l!>v) : F"Urt!i Vi ia tl:e third Lngli.-h edition. 2 ■ r.uc'.i'li F.xcheijuer Rep'rts. >vn'; '.’til Vol. Lii^rliih Hep irt.". COOK TAYl.OK. I’T-lIm ■11; ived bv K. .7. HALF vv SON. i Ai.L GOODS ■ nr r.^-.-ivim >iir LL and ^^1NTLK S'? c«>ii?!-jing oi a large bti>ck ol SSarfiirftrr fttnf f _ 1'ir; iitiiio bar, bal'd, hoop, i ' .-..i-.rc ln.n of all di*i>crii>tion.': (»er- Lji^li^h :uid C.ast Steel. I '-V. :iii(l Wootlcn \\ arc; IJoot.- d >l!ocs; Saddles, S;ulll«‘rv • Lcutiier; lints and ('aps; Drv (Joods; with our u.-i!a! lieaw slock of -zu-^z ibk . liuti v .\lcri:h;'.iits who purcha.KC in thi.s .'September. 18')2. m:\\'kkrI'L. r>r>! s. very fine new Mackerel. .Vb oM llbls. Herrin". For sale by COOK \ TA^ I.oi;. Sept. lit'*. iS.'.’J. liT-'Jm TItr l*Jt limit IjiJi in I'li/ ami ll'ii'firid- turnl J'lKniitl £S jiublished tiionthly. at One Dollar per year. Lach number contains a colnred p'.ate and p.iiies. I'rom my personal aci|Ua;ntance w ith the c'iiinr, II. K. .''cott. : and kimw iiiir hi.- ciinin'ctiun with one of the tir^t luusviics in the I’nitcd .''tatcs. 1 can >Nilh cnntidcnce r.c. in- niend him as a practical }:ardener, hi^ldv iiual- itied t“ ciinduet ,'Uidi a jnurual. Ha\in_i; i'ccn appnir.tcd A^cnt. 1 'ball be happy t>> receive the names i.f sub'.-ribers. Knell .'e ^*^1. jM’st p lid. C. H TTl.r.l.t'H. Sept. 'JO, ‘JT-'.t Hoors a.M) snoi'.s. ^ 'i’lii: Su!)scni)(‘r is sliil - - n: iinif ii'tnriiig at Ids >M .-T.itil. > !i l’cr>'n .''ti t I t. I’,( >1A M'.''H'L.'' of file besr •|' :;'ity. lie h.i> i n hai.d ' i-f the best cali’-'kir.-^ a'; 1 ’cather which t!:e N.irih- erii markets can .ifl' rd, and in his cmpinv nieiit two of the bf.-t wiirkii.eii in the .'^t.-ste. lled.’i '. n-t think tliat their v. ..rk e.ili b.- c.xceiie.l by anv ma le in tlie State in ]■. -nt .!iira''i;ity .'r e'.t''.rance i>f 'I rulv tlianUlnl l. r pa>t I.i- Xi.r-. he M I’.aily r'-'iit- s;- a e..;ir:;;;i,il,ee - I the ' iMe. ’J’.. t'j..'e V. ho m.iy i.-..i,-; ■ ' d t - favi.r him W ith !!;i ir cu.'t":!!, he lie- !e:i \ e t.. say ni. j.aiiis wiii be sp.iicl t. _.;;\e tiie;r. c11 111 p’. e t e sa t. >! ae I iIIn. lie has I'll hand a >d as'i.rHi' lit N' rt’.i- crn made wi.rk, c>>v.^;>t'.n2 i-t l.a.ii. > and t'.emi-n ISoiits and .''hoes. Children's L'' t> aii'i i-hi e.> of all kind>, Neirro Slims ..f t'le be.'t ■ juality. -\ll of which will be s.i’.d el ea; 1 'i' e:i.'ii. Sh'.uM tl’.fv t.-iil in ]>oint >f w..rknian- viuo. tiiev will be repain 1 with.oit el...r_'e. NATHAN ."livKS, F.iyctteviile, .''cpt. 11. l'' ’li. FAI.L AM) (\inl to the ('itii'iis >>/ Fti/f> ft'‘i''!-. EF yon visit 'Vilmii._t'>n tlds l';dl . r \\ iiit'-r. di> ni't fail •'> call at the Mercl.aiit Taib'r- iii;; and Cli’thinjr .''t'ire c>; S' Oil’ .V IlAl.DWlN. They ari* n'W openin;.: one of the iai^e^t at- b.irtments of (.'I'jth i i*if (liiil Di'i’ifi {iDiiil.-s ever bef 're otl'ercd to the eiti/.ens «.f N’.irth C;i- ro’iina; : ni' ii^ which may be l.'und ever_\ \:ine- tv if r> isitn‘.-s Ci..ats. r.ii.:', i.ite.'t ■^t'.le. and Vests of al! the rau'inj: 1. rs. as well as |.l;.:n Satin aii'l Cas.-inn re. 'I’bi-ir new ;m.i l e^-;utilul ;i>-..rt;iM iit id’ Fa'hi'n ible 0> r-C.i;it c:i!;il .1 fail t‘. plea«c. 'I'lie ••P;ite:it .Make .''e.’ini" .''l;^rt s.'ld iinlv by thi>! h'.U'c, i.- an aitich* whieli everv ^entieman o\i;jht t.. wear wl... a )dea>ant fittii.^r and iK—irabb* jranii'-nt. .''hirt Collar'^. I'nder I irnient'. (i:..\e'. .Ve.. v\c.. in "reat vari ty. -Vb selliu;.: low c;i'^h. Our .Meieh.i: t D' partmeiit is con- dtietcd > V • :itlel> "f elidlulit sliiil: S': t!:at we are at alt tinie prepared t'> i.i.ike .'.it^ to mea sure, on the lie “t .vr.l s.- le. sp’.eiidi.i ar'.irtnii lit of C!.,tli>. i'av'imcres :in l W-.'tin^s alwavs i.n h.ind. SC»TT .s: ^.ALD^\1N. Merchant Importers i.f Ib.isery,'^. Cassinieres aiel \'e.'>tin;rs. an.I De.i'.eis in Keady-made Clothing of their own huperinr m.inufactiire. V.'i'iniin;:tiin, .''ej>t 11. 1H-.12, ’Ji-tl.I I'iie l-'aruitM's’ and I'iantor: -VLMANAC for l.''');5. .lust received. F. .). HALK & SON. Sept. I-'). Clot 11 i 11»'! Clothing! (Aill and cjtmi I nr l/r/,/rr i/iitt 1>k>/ ltu'/i ^ B ^ H I' nmlersiiined has just received and B- ojtened hi.^ .''tock of v'lotlis, C’assiin('r('s and X^'stiiiirs, Consisting of black, brown, jrreen and lilne ( b'tlis. ot v.irions ijualitics; iancy and ]ilain .''ilk. Satin. \ civet and Cassimerc Vestings, of the nn st tashionablc colors. .\lsu. Dne-skiii and Iancy Cassiniercs, cd the most fashinnable seleetions. A select assi.rtmeiit of 111’..\ D\’-M .\ 1)F. CI.'I1I1NG. ci.nsi.'.tinjr ot Overco.its; ((vt-r- sacks. cli S(“dindicd .'^.ick an.’i I'roek Coats. nl j varoms styles: fancy and plain silk and Cassi- ; mere \ ests. "f suju ri. i- cut and workiiianshii>, j aiid (d the lno>t laj-hiniiable colors. 1 I'ersi.ns wi>hini to j urchase any of the above ’ :iiticles. wnuld do well to lall ainl examine his Stuck. I’liluT ci'iitintlC.' the 'IWlI.OiaNti ill all its vaiinus M S. .',s he has t.-iken in- st'-i;v t;..ns in Cnttinj: fri iii one I't' tlie best instrncters in New ^ "i l; Cily. he tiatters hiinsell' In- e.iii carry i.n the biisi- lo >s V ith ninre sii. ces-; it b( . d.'lie. an 1 will spare im th 'se viiti mav fav.irhini with tlieir patri>lia;;e. ' He may be f..niid at the Stnre reeeiit'y .icciipie'l I y >lr, .1. M. l!e.i>ley. I'li the .N .riii; e..nier e!' Market .''^'ju.ire Hl till Ci; \li.VM. S. 11. b'. 1s‘l’. l’'i ;;ni L \M> I'OK r I'll'ers f’l r '^ah' l(n»l acres V line ri.rpeut;:.e and ’rihilier l..\ND, in i; .••I ' in e.iunt v. iil;..iit t'..ur r.iilc' N"rth b. 't 111 I.lllidi.l Ni.iriv t!;,-’c traet is hea \i'y t lab-r and t! . le .ale sever;il beaut.:i;. >itii;iti'.ns i..r a rc.>. ieio e. Ibit a .'in.i'! | I.ceil c'e:iieii. It ':e as lii;jli anil healtl.y a.' anv land in thi> leiiimi uf ci n;.trv. h.i~ heret • iMis to b railed Mcdiad i'ollvirc of the State of South Carolimt. *^H^HF, .\nniial ('onrse of Lectures in this In- H- stitntion commence.s on the first MON- D.VV in November, (>n the followinif braiiche.-: An.itomy, by .L 1^ Holbrook, .M. D. Sur;iery, by F. (ieddinjrs, M. 1). Institutes and Practice, by S. Henry Dick- si>n. M. D. Physiolo:y. by .(anies .Moultrie, M. D. Materia .Medica, by Henry It. Frost. .M. I). (Ibstetries. by Thomas C>. Prioloau, M. D. Chemistry, by ('. I,'. Shepard. >L D. Conipar.ative An.atomy, by L. Afrassi/.. M. 1>. Demonstrator I'f Auatemv, St. .lulian llave- nel, .M. D. .\s>l..~taiit Deinonstr.'itor. F. T. Miles, M. D. Prnsector ti> the Professor of Surgery, ,1. F. M. (ieddiiij's. M. D. «’I.1N1CAL lNSTIir('Tl(»N. D. . Cain. .M. 1)., Physician to the Marine Hos}iital and Clinical In.-trnetcr, lectures twice a week on the Diseases cd'that Institution. .1. Ford Prii.lean, .M. D.. Physician to the ’.’ospital Ilf the .\lms House, at which lectures are deliveied twice a week on Diseases, the di- a^'-nosis discriminated, and the student indoc- trinateil in their treatiiient. Deiniinstr.itive Instruction in Medicine and .''iiijrcry. at tlie Collee-e Hospital, by the Pro- Icssnrs of the Medical t'ollejre. At a speeia! meetiiifr of the Trustees and Fa- I'lilty of the .Medical Cidlepe of the .‘'tate of S. Carolina, hidd on the :’>d day of .lanuiiry IS.'i'J, , Dr. L. A(i1/ was un.animonsly elected Pro- I f(..--si.r of C'.mjijirative .\natoniy. with the dis- i tiiict under.'taiidinj: that the ct>lle;jiate ses of the student are nut to be inerca.'^ed by i this adilitii « to the conrse. j Hl’.NUV W. FIIOST, M. D.. Dean. I I'liarlestiill. .\u;r. 17, IS.">li. ’JJ-lawiiw LFMlil.U! LFMin-di!! [T 1'- have our Steam Saw .Mill in success ful operatiiiii, J' miles from Fayettoville, lu ar the llaleijih Sta^re Uoad, and are pvepared t I execute orilers in iiur line. .\s we run two / I'l- Cii.ii.'ar Sdiif, we can till bills at tlie jhnrte.'t nutice. e can furui.-!li Pine, Pi.plar and .lnni]'er H'MP.FPi, and of anv length. Our Lumber, for triithtiili.css of line and smoothness uf tace. shall lie enual to any I VI r delivered in market. JONFS .'c P. \ 111 IFF. Mareh :!0. is.'i!. 78tf 1*. TAYi.OSi IS now receiving; his Fall and Winter Stock of Sfftplf fiHff Infill rtf OO 3fiS. .\LSO—H.'its, Caps. IJonnets. lim.ts .V, .''hoes, lliipe and ll.ajr^ingr, (’otl'ee. .'ii^iir and I'e.i. Iron, Nails, S.ilt, Crockery .and (il.iss-w.iri-: Plouj:ii>. Nos. 0, HI. 11. ISA aii'l l‘.t, with ca>tin^ to match; ('orn Shellers and .Sti:iW Cutters ot sii- i perior kind. ; -Ml of the above jroods will be >old »>r ex.- i I haii;xed ' ir jiroduce on re.isnmilile terms. i 1" riend and customers are invited to c.ill at ' the old stand. Green street. 1 Fayctt ■\ille, Sejit. I, l.'-'ili. L';:-lm Bam receivins a much lar^rer .'^TiX'K (iP (lOOl)S than usual, consistinjf of .a c in-t plete assortment of Dr) (iot)(l;, (o'ocerics, llard\\ar(‘ and ( iitl‘rv, —Anion;; which may be found— j La'iies’ line Dress Goods. Itonnets. and .mi asjiortnient of Dress .and llonnct Ti-inimiii^'.', i (d' the latest styles. j —ALSO— i l‘ii'il, II nil S/mi ■ Neprro I’dankets and Kerseys, llajr^riii;: and Hope wiiii .a l.irL'e su].iilv oi’ II liADV-,\1 DF I.OTHINC. .\!1 of the above Cn.ods have been reeeiit'v j'Ureliiised, and \>ill lie sobl low al or retail. \V. F. MOiUF. Corner .Market .'' (ii.ire. Sept. i;. :i:;tl , f if iJrtfVr I//c ll(ffrl, FAVi: r ri:viL!.i:, n. c. rw’^H iSlarjre ami splendid P»uildin" h.:s now l>e» n in successtul operation since .'day ISI'.i. The P.eddiiiii and Fiirnitnve of .all kinds i.S new, .and th(' rooms convenient and [deasant. Tlie T.ible is c.’.v.ays furnirhed with the best the market alibrds, aid.-.l by a fine vegetable irardeii. P.oarders. Lodiic-rs. and Travellers will (ind de- sir.-iliie ae"immod:itiiins and nttentivo servants. ■Nil [i.iiiis will be spared to give entire satisfiic- tio'i. I'amilies be furiii.-lied with larjre, airy, (ront dfiiible rooms, conveniently and hand somely fiiriiished. An exjieiience ot liO years will enable the les see, she holies, to ;iive i;eneral satisfaction. ANN IHIOWN. .liiiie 1, 1>'-'>I». 2s-tf to i.ieoiiiniodate a lew . I. ^ Li;a...* 11 I’e:-..: .\ei l.i't.' :i t r. Se;t. l: 1 l.ifjH-r' 5 ^Hi. llei, ii ell.'.Ip e N..\e’- r-. :i... Si . t. l '>. t . pur. '■■e:t 1’. Ti-i.; ■ I r in pei 'i i! ,iri I. . i li 1-J .loHN will make ;!’.i^ rt. ii, II II '’es ll. lll th . 1. I’.uWLAND, :: .tt t’t-r S. I't l.,i;ilo:p; A'*ie\; new ;;ii.l iti.ili lit I iei iiii'i > .and .''moiiett's 1. i..'. .'vC. .lu.'t reeeiV! 1. L. .1. H.\Li: SON. l.i'boii. uii'l .Mal.i::.i \N ine: pure I reiuh P.randv; Jannii ’S IX iN.M.DSON . \11F eii'ui!;-.: I'erm in thi' In^timtioii w ci>nimencc oa .\lONliA'». the Itli da_v (>1. i'» >i!Lll li''\t. Tv rni.' .1- heret'.fi'r.-, LiANlFL .lOHNSiiN. Pi iiicil'ai. .\u"iist :’.l. 1S'.2. ‘Jii tf id No'i'ici:. rg'HF >ub.erib ■ r .el - ..I I e le.'; .-.t ti. N. P.. .>Ii’.it.iry I ;i -'es m and n. t a ppr..s e 1 .«t_\ le. f. A a: s.irtuieiit 1 Nt. I n l.M. i. w hieli will bi- or ;i]i 'I' I cii d;:. HI'. >ub»eriber has t.iken the .''tore next d.i* r t>i Hall \ .'':.i'kett's. V'here lie iuteiiils earrvii,_' i n t^.e TMLuKiVG I’.l Ili.'-.'' in all it' b;-;it;. hes, Havin- l.a.i j.i:.. tic:d e\p. rienee in nil 't n! the .\ tlaiit i v ci I iehe t ;.','Uled thai he piea'i' ti.e .a i't la>tiilioii>. iil ! e e.\i rilte.l w ith lK:itne^~ ai.'l the late>t CI.UTII- I 'r cash MAY MIL und. i.-\Lrned have now ojicned their NliW LiOlM'S. l.lteiy Iiiiive.l f: • ai the N. Mil. e .Kiprisin^ y sxi'neral as.-.*! tnient, vi/.: » 11 Ciili.i. p. rtii Iticanl N. O. .'^ii_';ir. •jii Ui.'., t’ru'hi d ar.d Ueth>ed b.ij.' Uio. L.ipnira and .l.ava CofTee, D •• ke;.;> \\ r..ii'_dit Nails .and Sj.ikes, b lra. i’.ii t, P;ile Sherry, Cbaet, rhanipaivin, ; Cham;'.ai,i:t'. Ci.jer: ’ -.1 li'.im. and ,.ii. 1 tiiii. Good Hvson and Pdack 'i’ca. L.'Uion laip. Preserved Giii;_'er. Pej.per. (liiiirer. fan- . _\ and briiwu .'^n.ip>, .''.aleratiis. S. .''od.a, .•^tarch. Powder, Siint. .and Lead. .''I'erm jm.l .\ili.mantine (':!ndles. lndi}»o, .Madder, Lojiwoo.l, Ci.pperas. Ii|is. ni .''alts, |5rim.>tone. Trippe's .\ntip_\ ric. .\lum. iees. r.."enees, ( (il.--. .vc. In 'aet. almost every article in the (Irocery line. t'i’orK'ery, The lar'/e>t alid best a"nrtment ever otb red in this market. A l'o.. ! as.'ortmcnt i f llritan- nia \\ .U'e. —ALSO— \ I'll" a-^-i'TtMient ol lloii'.- and Kitchen Fiir- ni'liiiii; I bill.i', {ine Ta’'!'' i.tlery. I'.ible Linen. T.iw. Li:.ell a:id Cottn'i .''lii'eti:;'/s. with a valietv new .'ind nsetiil articles. 'Ihere is .'. ar ■e’r. .ill j.rtieie in tliis line imt to be loun.l in uiir St -re. l.lKliWlSF— 1 hi rirc stork uf /la, 'ihrnrr, ('tit- h ni. a.'iif i'lutcii (lootis. bj-i t is to idler to our customers Go..d' tv and ijUaiitity to suit all orders: ami r we sliall be uble to meet the wants ol ni:iy c.'dl I 1 I n us, cdther at retail or (»ur tin V h uvi: w iiisKi’.v. P..\UHF.L.', !v prim*' article, just re ceived and for s.ile by V, ILLK'NGS CO. — \— ;’.0 bap'^ prime FF.\'l IlFKS. Sept. Jo. -'df p.. MoNAC.!!\N.. Ae.-O't 1_‘. I"-"-'. D'.f \ aluii! !c 'V 1 \! n i: li !. A N 1) s Fop, S,\LF. 11!'. S;d.s'M-ib.-r li;vs puichase l ul'. t!ie l.aU'l> bei.-li-i-.v ti d.-.-'d, 1 >u b.itli sidi >. I.;' Luia VC > c"iitainii..t Over 100.(!00 will ..|i-i‘ ■/ to the L>t,ite of il.;.x J'l ilicipaily ill llobe- Vbr.ilil Dr. loll eiiiinty, and .1 .r.i'i rent sur- A( r s: ,'lld do well ti; I 'l. call and ex.-iminc •L 1. WADDILL. •J' i \f:\v gooi>s. ■ I, ' I’.m liber is now receiving a lar;;e iid- ' ; I 11 to Lis .Stock, consiiitiiig of I'lA io)(ls. Cotiec, Sugar, Crock- ■i\. Il:lrd^\ are, Hats and C'aj>, and Slioe.*^, Hanging and Uopc. —ALSO— ‘ ware, Xailri, Loathcr, in*low WliiU; Checso, Fish, &c. ' ■ ■ tb I S on tlie inoBt reasonable terms. I! !fers for k:i1c a l.-irge stock of iPomesfie Mji^ors, , liiskey. old Nash lirandy, Apple | rii Whiskey, N. K. Uum, and Am. i ' i*'l!i;iGN JdyL'OPi.S were selected! ■ :id are of superior t'uality. They j ' ■ rd IJramly, ’■ ditto," ' l-'iiidi)!i Dock ditto, ditto. Hum, ix ditto, iii'i fjiiii, “ dl W lli.«lity^ ilrai'.dv, ■'ir.i \Siiie, superior, • ''-rry ditiii, ditto, ditto, some very fine, , , y 'bidei|-;i W ine, i i;rii \\ ine of the Holingcr anti other ^ " :'. irts und jdnts, ■; ■ ■ .aM llnek, ditto ditto, ': i '•I iiiiiit ( ordial. • ‘ ■ir.’-i- bit of the best tind cheapest CI- place. W, DIIAL'GHON. 2G-uiu la'.vr!:x('i: ^ 'riiov Have received their Fall Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. —.\LSO— A sDiall lot ofileady-niadc C'loth- inif, C rockery and (ilass\var*. lioots and Shoe.s, llar(h\arc anl rv. AYc have on hand the following | GJUM'KIIIKS: Ilio, L.'ifruir.'i, and M.aracaibo C o‘l ‘e, , Porto Kico and Cuba Sii^rar, ; Loaf, Crushed and (’oHee ditto, .\daiiiantine and 'J'allow ( andles. Fancy and cowinion liar S'jaj), I’earl .ami (,’orn .''t.arcii, Pepper, .'^pice. Giiij^er, Nutmc}:.*', Clove.K, (’innanioii, 'I’ea, H.c., ^ Salt, iron. .Molasses, \c. Sole, l'[>per and Harnes.s Leather. Mess P.eef, ami smoked and ilried ditto, | lleef'I'onjrues. and ‘•Tonjrues and iSoiinds,' No. ■’> -Mackerel, in blils., No. 1 ditto, in kitts. ! Siilinon and Pickled Herriiifr, in bbl.*i., I Liird, in bbls., kegs and kitts, j Goshen nnd D.aii’V Duller, j Cheese, I'lckles. I’re.serve.s, &,c. ! LigrORS: Fine Frencli Hrandy, C'Hutiaon Domestic ditto, Old Kye Whi.skey, I’eetified ditto. Clear white ditto. Country ditto, New Kngh»nd lluiu, Holland Gin, I’ort and Teneriffe Wine, Common Malaga ditto. We have a hirge lot of Lirinors which we of for low by the barrel. We keep on hand, alw'.iys, B.VCON, FLOIH, CORN, &c. V.’e offer any of the alwve ruinied Goods as low as cun be afforded in this market, for Cash, or in exchange for Country Produce, or on time to punctual ciistoiners. LAWllENCE & TROY. .\ largo part finely Tinibere.l, nn.l ei.i;veniei.t to l.innbi-r Kiver. where a large .iinmlitv i l T:ui- 1 er is r.ow ri'tlid to the (ie.iru'etnw n ni.irket. The.-e i.alidr. an' \ery valll.lVile both lor the Tiihl ■•!• and Tiirpentine. foi which iiiiriio>(> a larire ia;t is veil suited, being in a region vsli' iethe Tnrpeiitiiie yields nmrc ;ibnnilaiitly than anv other seet:i'li ol tlw.^'tate. I lie Lands will be .-old at a low price, aii'l in i;i;.iiitities to .;iiit ].uri iiasers. Intoi niatioii re-pf ct!ng the title can be ob tained bv a|'plving to the Hon. Kobert .''traiige, lion. .)as. Dubbin, or A. A. T. .Smith, Fsij.. I Attoi'iieys at Law.) ; I i:ndcrstaii'l tiiere are many trespassers on ! tlie'i- Liimls. to all of v.lioni notice is hereby 1 given, that the law will be enforced against all : suidi offenders. I Ajiplicatii.n fur any part of the Lands can be ; made t4i myself, or to .bihn Win.xlow. Lsip, wiio ' is dulv aiithoris''1 to make sale of the same. I ■ THOS. .1. CLllTiS. Fayetteville, N. C,. Se]>t. I, 18b'». Ti'.tf :\i:w l-lli’ii iM) iM,\l A* •fSr»lianlvr B ■ A\ F .)LST KliCl.lVFD a ’!>M £ S STOt 'K of aifid I*rova>»ioii«, liinbracing almost every article kept in that line, at the \ Li.L()\\ LI. 1LD1.\(«, a few doors above the State P.:ink and one door above M. 'V. .lessup’s, on Gillespie street, and would be pleased to exhibit .any thing in their line to tlio.ic who nniy l.avor tin m with u call. —ALSO- llanhvare, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass-ware, \Vo()(l-\v:ire. Jiitjuors, JJoots :inl l^lioe.s, JIat.s aiul Caps, and a good a.ssort- liu iit of I>ry Goods. To the above .Stock we would respectfully in vite the attention of tlie public. fif^ Gountry Produce taken in exchange for (loods. Fayetteville, Serit. 1, 18-32. 22tf Sept. l.J, 1851.’. 'I'lie Steamer Fanny Liitterloli will in future leave Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings, at ti o’clock, and Wilmington Wednesdays and .Saturdays at 12 o’clock, and run regularly, cai'ryiug freight and passengers with deapiiteli* T. S. LUTTJiRLOIL July 22, 1852. 8tl‘ S. W. TILLINGHAST \ CO. .lu'y 2ii. 1 ''-■'J. Ditf fl l’..\G.'> .Liva, Lagnira aiul Coll'ee, ti Hhds. Cnb.a and Polto Rico, 2»l D.irrels Refined .''iigar. •*> I’ai rels graiiul.Ued Loaf .''Ugar. '1 P.oxes dotiblc-rt'tined Do., 2il Il!iil>. sweet Molasses, ^ Imperial. Il v son .and (.iunpowdcr Teas, , l!'t tiross M:itches, j ]•>() U>s. gl'ontid Pepl'er, Pe]iper. .''pice and liing'er, lbs. .''al. .''iida, 4 P.bls. ('iipperas, 7 bids, and bbls. "Fagle Mills” Siiuff. llis. .''ole Leather, 1 bbl. .\him. Putty in lilaiidprs and Tin Canisters. 5 X and 111 X 1‘J (il.ass, 24 di’z. ^ east Powders, liar Soap, 1('I Kegs Nail.=i. (assorted) best brands, Colgate and Hull's tine f-'oaps. And a LM’eat m.-itiy other l'oo'Is for sale low by H. 15RANSON SON. Sctittmber 2. 22-tf Fine 'J'irnffcr and 'rarpoitInc fjO/id for s(d(\ i/I liohcson C'oitnlij. .\('RF.S, adjoining the hands of N * ^ r William Grimslev, .Mexander .\ielntyre, others, very heavily timbered ami fine tiir]ientine land, from three to five miles trom Raft Swamp, and from five to six miles IVoiii Lumber River. 270 acres, adjoining .(osrjdi .''mith, Fsij. b'lll acres, known as the ‘’old Norment Mill 'I'ract.’’ never-tailing stream runs through tills tract, ami it is considered one of the l>est se.ats for a mill tu- manufacturing purposes in the countv. -\pply to WILLIAM McNEILL, R. S. FRFNCH, Lumberton. Sept. .3, 1852. 23-tiw llvhesou Land for sale. N Monday the 1th day of October, (being the first day of Superior Court,) we will offer for sale to the highest bidder, one acre Lot in the town of Lumberton, lying at the fotd of the street letiding to the Rridge, on which is situated the Storehouse lately occupied by the subscrib‘rs. Also, 20 acres on the Western side of the River, .ibotit 150 yards from the iJridge, known as the Rrick-yard lot. Also, Dili acres about two miles from Lumberton, adjoining tiie lands of Dr. Edmund .McQueen and others. Terms will be accommodating and made known at the sale. In the mean lime application can be made to R. S. French, Lum berton. .TAMES WOOD. DAVIU A. WOOD. Lumberton, Sept. 3, 1852. 2o-ow nus. T!%!:v ILL be glad P.oarders. .''he aI>o informs her friends and the joibli.' that she inteii Is to c;iiiy on the tiiisiiiess ot Mantna-ni.aking. Fayetteville, .'^ept. I, L'-')2. 2wtf N()'!'[( I tl.L jicrs 'HS inde'.ted to the niiiler.'killed will please call ;,iid settle before the first da\ ol'()etolicr, and s.ive co.'t liv .'o d.ii!i'.r. w. P. p,.\i:n'i:s. Lumberton, .''cpt. .‘L ls'i2. 2-)tlO U5';.’^JOVAI,. SAM'i, .1. m.xsnu.K. 4 aesfi {3 S A.'' the ple;isiire of int'ormiii'j: Ids ciisti ’.u- ■I hi ei> ;.iid til ‘ public, that he has reniov(‘d ti'iiin his (till .'•tand to the next enrner aliove, generally known a' the ••Ll.ike corner."; ILiving fittc'i up his .''tore with every conve nience for condueting business, both wiiole'-.ile and ret:ii!. to the lu st advanta;_e. he solieits a 1 contiiiiiaiicc of the k;iid favor he liasenjo\cL , with the .a-'iiraiiee that no clFort nil his part >l:.iii be wanting to merit it. Hi'^ .'^toek comprises a full assortment of ar ticles ill lii> line ot lin'ine--s. all ot the bi ,'t qual ity: Drii'j'>, .Xiedicines. Cheniic.tis, P.iint^, Uils. Dv e .''tiilis. Patent Medicines. Perfiinierv. eiioiee ■ Teas. .'^eed. Class. Putty. Ti otliand Hair P.rusli- C', .''ii.aps. Pota.'li, .Ve. The utiii'.st c.ire given to tlie jMei.aratii.n of Pliv sieiaiis' Prescriptioi.s tiii'l F.iniilv Recij'cs. .iuly 12. l ''o2. ' l iiiiHi \2'rii iil!iiri!l Wiiri'liiMisr \ Sfi'il S!orr. ,\o. *J:{ riiltoii V«»rlv. f.i'.y- 'I'lu- iiii(!ersi:r!U'd solicit tlie atten tion of all ]iurcha>eis of Iin]'lenients l .r the I’arm or Plaiit itieii to tiieir assortment, which includes m.any of the most recent iniprove-iiciits in tiie le.adiiig articbv- in their line, all of which they will sell .at to insure s.itisfactioii to i ti'.e buyer, KsrKcivi.i.v Railway iiielless Ciiain PoWi'rs. tor one or tw.i lior'i'. of the Wheeler Patent, so iil’tcn awarded the fii't premium at ; ti\e State and «'ounty l airs, where they htive ' been ♦•xhibite.L Railway Powers, w.irraiited. Warren Trinibb‘‘s Iron .wcep Powers, T.ii'- lin's Circular Power, PIoW'j, Harr.'ws, I’aii Mills. .tr.i-.v Cnttcrs. I’ortabb'P.iirr Miiis. W:i5 iis. Carts. A:c. ,Vc. 1 ieid aiul G.iiden .'^ec'ls of i;i:i.l\Itl.K o' '!-ITY. i'crtilisers, I'liiit ati'l Ornaiiicntal Trees. Our dc'criptive I'.ita- [ b'guc iiiustrate l with cut-;, will lie su.t gr.itis ; wlieii two to fiii’.r Post Othce Stamjis are remit ted, according to the ihstaiiec. RALPH .V CO. Julv 1S''2. ''-oui MB IIAUM A.N'.s'llO i'ia,, t' \ V s;!'e; V s 1.1:, .\. c. HMIF, .‘^ubsiriber. having taken the large K Hiite’. foriiierly known as the Pl.anter's Hotel, .'iiu.ited at the foot of Hay .Mount, Hay .'^treet. Fayetteville. N. C.. resjiectfuliy informs his friends and the jniblie that he is now en- g.iged in relitting the building, wliich is sup- )/lied with entire new I'uriiiiure, and is j>re- pared to accoiMaiodate the travelling ]Hlblic.— Having l.:i I 'oine ex]ierience in tiie business in the town of Pittsborough, N. C.. he flatters hiiiiself tiiat he will lie alile to give sati'action to tiio.'e who nia\ t'avor him with tiieir compa ny. Hi.' roo;ii> are large and airy. He ln;s lar”e and ciiiveiiicnt .''tables, atid a L'ood an ! t'aithl'ul (>stler. .JOHN HARMAN. Fe'o'v 17. L'''.2. biltf ^^TAGE leaves MARS.VW' daily on the ar- rival of the cars, say D» o’clock a. m., and arrives in Feyetteville at p. m. .McKINNOX .j McNKfLL. April 12, 18.-)2. 81tf and ISiiiiiiaii‘1* cr:: ^ " m- jHi la: COSTL'MK'H,\LI., ('ofiii'r JVitft .sti-f'f-t itin7 (Vti/re ^larhct S^Kive, BA L TIM ORE. ^a'^HF largest and best stoek of KEADV- -fl- ]\I.VDL CLOTHING ever otl’ered in Ralti- more. Di-ess, Frock and Sack COATS, all co lors, (pialities and si,;es. from S='_’ ."io to $•'> 51) and uj.wards. l'ANT.\LOON.S at .Si to Jj;:} 50 nnd upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, I'lain and plaid (,'assimercs. VEST.S of every variety at corresponding prices. -Uso, a large assortment of Roys’ Clothing. Imjiorting our own Cloths direct front Europe^ and manufacturing on the most exten.sive scale, enables i:s to offer inducements to purchasers not to be surpassed by any Chdhing Establish- meiit in the Cnited States. The jiroprietors are determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of great attr.nction, nnd have now niiide up more than 5(»,fHiO GAP.MENTS, from the finest quality to the lowest in jirice. In the Custon\ Department will always V>e found the choicest selection of CLOTHS, CAS- Sl.MFRl-^S and VESTIX(iS, which will be made u]i at the shoi’test notice, and in the latest stylcj and a fit always guarantied. Ir'fc^l’hc one price .system strictly adhered to. Remember the name :ind place, Corner Pr;tt St. and (.'entre .Market Space. If. 11. COLF & CO. August 15, 1S51. 14-y('i>d \VlIOLi:SALE Watch naad Jewelry ^^torc I.. 1!. & CO., ]mpirt MalUiJiu tii, cia ainl Jotjln rs t>f .Jcu'clrj/, 1(11(1 Fanrtj (fooda, Have leased the dd Stand /V?f/(’ncriifc ar!i !k; 13. lYhste I i»iSvi-hiS8, /'/■.■, 'Jiiii'ors, mill ]] lii/lf.((lc ai((t JiC- tuil ('l'/l!i II i\y lln V. iiiiain .''treet. New Vi.irk, AM> exl iloor to I’aiik of C;v;xe Fear,) F.WKTTLVILLi:, N. tornicrly occupieil by .Messrs. Canfield, Rrotlier iS: Co., Sinitlt Kasl cnrn'r of Chnrhf nmi JinUimore .iln-el.ti (No. ii27.) which they nre jmtting in complete order for the WH(')LKSALF WATCH AND .!F\\ FLRY Rl'SlNL.S.S, to be opened about tlief 2nth of .Inly. In c.alling the attention of the trade to tlie new concern, we mention the fact that we arcS associated with one of the most extensive .Jew- elr.v .Manufacturing Establishments in the conn- try, which must give a decided advantage nvci' all others in this nnirket for supplying dealeia with .lewelry at manufacturers’ jirices, a f«atur? in this branch of trade long since needed -biJ tween Raltiniore and tlie Southern and Westerii -Merchants. We desire to call attention to tht' Watch ilepartiuent, which will :it all times b»j suj'plied with a great assortment from the most celeiirated manufacturers, and kept in perfect ' i running order, so that imrchasers may at onctJ \'i !.:-il will be fouii'l worthy the attention of j take them, with a written guarantee tlnit they ]>ur. li;isers, ('iir assortment consists in part of i v.ill perform correctly. I’crs 111 street. F. would beg ie.ivc to inform the citizens of Fayiiteviile :ind vicinity, that we have just reeeived mir supply of .''PRINt! AND Sl'M'lLR (iiioUS, which comprises a genera) asSortiiieut of AUK CLOTHING, tiie following: ( 1 i.V'l - Pdack and col'd cloth I'rcss. Frock and S.iek t’oats. all ipialifies: black and colored t'asliiiiei ei ilitio: Fi eiich and FnTlish Drap D- Lte ili;to; ^iieen .' :il. I .\l].;u-a ditto; Fan cy Coats of mottled Crasse ati'l Tweeds; Ken. tiicky .le.uis: Lir.en and Cotton tiinghains; Rro.- bu!V and wlnte Linen.'; wbite grass-eloth Sacks. \c. of all i[ualities. P.VN'l.''—Of lilack and colM Cassimere; fancy siti”le-miird ditto; I'rench und English Drap D lite I’itto; white and col'd Drill ditto: Ken tucky .le.ins ditto; liidi.i and French Nankeen ditto, ,ve. \'i;.'' rS—Of bl.ick .'^atin. Romba/.ine. .Mjiaca, black and Col'd .'^ilks: wiiite :ind cd'd .Marseilles ditto; brown and p.nMcd Linen, [daln and tig'd; .N.inkeeii. Pmti. (i rass-clotli. iVc. All of which are otfered foi- sale :is low .as be bouglit in the N(.‘.v York market, at wholes.ile .and retail. In a l.litioii to the .-ibove. we shall keep on j hand a general as'ortnieiit of .''hirts. Drawers, Col'i.irs. t'. Hosiery, \c. Also, (,'hiths, ( assimeri's. an.'. A e.'tin:.'.'. The T.\ILO!!lNCi DliPM’.TMFNT will be continued asbeiore. and ..i ih r.'for fine Cloth- iiiir will be executed in tiie luost I'ashionabie ; stvle. A. C. H.\RT. Agent, i ' April S. 1.''52. "sntf wiLiJi-.i 1. •'OIIW AiiDiXc; AND Shoes for Sa/c at ('ost. ^ C( ).M M I.^.'^ION Ml'JJCilAAT, WiLMIKGTOH, N. C. ]^5 I'dlSONAL atti ntion given tn the sale or H F subscriber will sell j.air of I. JB. .^^i^se■«', and Children's Shoes, Gaiters, and .''lijipcrs at cost. Call while the a.-^sortment is good. W. S. LATT.V. .Iiine 1 I. 1S.'.2. '.'Otf \VAN'n:i), PiARRFl.S of TI P.PFN- '*>' TIN F, tor Distillery at the Piank Road liridge on Rig Rockfisb. The best market price will be |.aid. For farther infcirm- ation. iunuire of .lohn W. Murphy, at the liridge, or ot .\. -\. .McKelhan, Favelteville, Dec. l.'^, 1X51. ‘ 40tf iii:uuiNcs. RIH.S. HIIRRINGS, ♦.^4? ‘J5 “ Prime Pork, For sale by T. S. LFTTKRLOH CO. .Inly 21,' 1S52. lOtf Ja shipment of Naval .'^teres. 1 have ample 1 facilities for coMdiicting the business; large i wharf and store siicls to i’eep spirits from \ t xpi'sure. Nav:il store.' will be shipi'cd to any ! house in New York, or to other markets if adji^.able, and liberal c:ish advances made on consignments. I refer to the following distilli'rs: K. Hannum, Wayne Comity, Chandler Hail. .lohiigton ('o . Lovett I’eacock, Columbus (’o., R. H.'.en. Tiios. L. ^'ail. Rladen *• .Messrs. .''liiith, \, .lolinston Co., Mi.'Ms. .L .Jones, Missis. Smith \ .lones, “ Spencer Fountain, F.sip, Levi Railev. lisip, *• :\Iav 20. 1S.-.2. w AN ri:i) ro in uciiasi:. COPiD.S PINF WOOD, to be deliv ered on my Wharf during the next 9. six n\onths. .Tnlv 18.'.2, T. S. LFTTKRL(>H. DHf FOR sale. 4 NEW 2 Horse W’agon. J. July 12. D. WILLLVMS. 7-tf m\ & M'Vi (iddiifi. rH^HF. subscribers are now receiving from -H. N. \ ork, a large and general ass'irtment of Staple tntl h'anrii J)nj (roods^ G lt( )CHM1 11A il 1 )\V A l\V], Hats and (’aj)s, Jio'ds iitul .Shoos. Among which are: ('oft'ee. Sugar, Cotton Ragging, Rale Rope. Nails, Window (Hass. .Sweiles and Fnglish Iron, i Sack and Alum S.alt, Imperial and Pdack Teas, j I’epper, Alspice, Ginger, Powder, .''^Uot, ' !>ar Lead, Rar and F.incy Soap, | Together \\ith :i v.-iriety (>f other :irti- ; cles, to which they invite the attention of tin- , public, and which they are determined to sell j as low for Cash, or on time to those who pay > promptly, as any house in the .Soutiiern country. | Produce of all kinils, at the highest market I prices, taken in exchange for Goods. i McLEAN iS: .lONK.^^. Siunmerville, N. C., Dec. 8, 1851- 4itf . NEW FlK.M. f BIHE undersigned have entered into copaft- i nership, under the name and style of l^awronce & Troy, For the puri>ose of doing a general Mercaritile I and Rarter liusiness. Wo have taken the Store, No. lt> GREFN .STREET, fomieidy occupied by I Messrs. Jolui Iluske & Son. GE(L W. LAWRENCE. JOHN U. TROY, Jr. Oct. 22,1S51. rawin'. WARSAW ST.UIE will leave Fayette- fi. ville d.-iily, at half j>ast four o’clock, A. M., commencing the l>t dav of .hdv. 2-tf McklNNON vN :M; Ni:n.b.| f This branch of the bnsines? will receive tl;d es]iecial attention of one of the firm, w hose ex tensive and practical knowlelge of the business will, we hope, give us a place in the fiuooudei.c of buyers. We respectfully invite ym to call upon «s when you next visit our city, confidently l.e- licving that an examination of our Goods wlil jirove to you that they are better styles snd cheaper than yoti have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall lie watting on our part to make the aciiuaintance one of mutual benefit. L. H. MILLER k C^ Old Stand, formerly^ occnjded by Canfield. iSro. Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles Raltimore sts. Baltimore, .June 1851. 14-Yo RFFFREN(’ES; iMessrs. Wyeth, Rlacklock iN Co. (iwyn, Reid .N 1’avlor. .lames Hoilges & Rrothcr. Hurst i't Rerry. Mui'd.och, Duer l.vans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sr.ngston & Co. ! Rarthlow, Gwyn & ’o. i Rlely iv: I’endleton. C-.sdiings Railey. 1 John Jlurphy & Co. ' Moore & Grifhn. i IJETTON’S SilIRT i:STlB!ilSIiMEi\T, 17‘.) M((ihvt /Street, ItALTI.TlOKi:. ■^HE largest and only Manufacturing Whole sale Establishment in the City. The capital :ind force etigaged enables me at all times to offer to Country Merchants and Deal ers in SHIRTS. (’OLLARS, LINEN and COT TON DRAWLRS, great inducements—more usual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these articles 1‘idl tind com plete. The Stock on hand is large and well assciits for Men and Roys. All orders from the Country attended t© with punctualit_v and desj'atch. Kemenil>er the Name, and .\o. 179 .TIarket Street. T. W. BETTON. August l'», 1851. 14-yopd ^V(;RICULTUUAL works. iSllisiriUiLLK lll!Ti;L. THORTON’S Elements of Scientific Agricul- ture; Dana on Manures; American Muck Hook; Youatt on the I’ig; Cole’s American Fruit I'lOok; Thomas’s Fruit Cnltarist; Family Kitch en Gardener, by Ruist; Dana’s 'Muck ]\Iariind; .\ll-3u’s Amencan Farm Rook; llichardson on 1 H F nndo'signed would resi>ectlully j tljg I’.ee; Ditto on the Hog; the American R^sc inform tiie citizens of Summer- , Culturist; Allen’s Rural Architecture; Down ing’s Fruits and Fruit Trees of .Vmcrica; John ston’s Agricultural Cheini.stry; F.irmer’s Trea sure, by Falknor; T,liner’s Am, Dec Keeper’s' Manual; Youatt and Martin on Cattle; Fessen den's Complete Farmer ami Gardener; Wheel- er’.i Rural HoineS; Stewart’s Stable Economy; Hinds’ Farrier; Mason’s P’arrier; &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. April 14, 18-32. ville, the vicinity, an.l the public generailv, that .slie iias opened a iioi'.si-: iiF A L\ 1IE11T, whei-e she wid be ].leased to accoiiimodate all who ii’.;iy call on her. 'fhe Village i.s pleasant and heaiiliiid, her house large and commodiou." No )iains will be spared to render agreeable ami comt'ort.'ible any who may favor her wifli a call. .'^he is also j.reparcd to jiccommoilate with P>o:ird fri.iu 15 tc, 2u Students. Price of I’oard per month. K. R.VILEY. Summerville, N. ('., June 1 o, 1852. 1-tf A DiysiRTuJLi: RESIDENCE rOR SALE. ^BlffE Subscrilier now offers for .“.'lie all his A Turpentine and Farming LAND, contain ing .ibout (KH) Acres, situated 12 miles East of Fayetteville, on the (Joldsborough roud, com- moidy known as Palmyra. It lias a good dwelling house, o’.it-bnildings, &.C., and a store wdiere a large amount of busi ness is done, an'l increasing daily. This is a rare chance for turpentine getters, merchants, ] &c. and will be sold a bargain, .viiy one wish ing to jiurcbase, und wishing further informa tion, can ajjply on the premises, to J. W. MCRPIIY, or P. TAYLOll, Fayetteville July 2t)th, 18C>1.- 8tf yew Books—Medical, t^’c* ETG.S’ VcTpeau’s Midtvifery; MendenhHll’s .^Iedical Student’s Vade-Mccum; Mur phy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Bid dle’s Review of ^latcria Mcdica and Therapeu tic?, for Stndents; Craige’s Elements of General and Pathological Anatomy; Cazeanx’s Midwife ry; Hastings’ Minor Surgery; Reese’s Am. Med ical Formulary; the Phy.sician’.s Pocket Pre scription Rook; Flagg on Ether and Chloroform in Surgery, Dentistry, &c.: Moi*fit’s Chemical and Phannaceuticiil Manipulations; Beasley’s Druggist’s Receipt Book; Ditto Pocket Fornm- hipy; Noad’s Chemical Analysis; Wythe’s Micro- scopists’ I^lanual; Wright's Am. Ucccipt Botik: Overman’s Practical Mineral'ury, Assaying au^ Mining; Smith’s Domestic Medicine; Kanking’ff Half Y'earlv Abstract of Medical Sciences; ^.c. E. J, HALE & SON. Blank \Varrar*ls for sale hcrcf

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