SEMI-WEEKI. Y. -f T ti. i‘ \T 1, A^rr. ^V^' [VOL. II.] "'"*~' _i I iiiPMi ' HI—I iinriiifT'ini hibW I'AYETTEVII.I.E, N. C., OBTOBEll 4, 1852. [XO. 131.] l.|:iNTi:i^ HV J. V>. XKWHV. i:i)\VAKI) J. HALE & SOX, I;1'!T*U'^ am* I’HorHIKTOUS. ,, ;, i I' .''emi-Woekly Oit.HURVK.n >^>4 rMt if ji,' 1 ill :vIv:inco; ->4 '>0 if paiil during the ,r ul'» rii>tiun; oi- !>•') nfti-r the year has c\r I. [O^At th(‘ s()!icit;»li«in of lui- mor.iU!* friou.lti. Lieut. .MU’ilUVM,!) S. r.llOWN in\Mouiic‘e.>i hiin.clf ns :i cMmlidate fur tlie otlice it ( ulmiel of tht“ •>-!il lletiiiiuMif, iiiailo vacant l\v the resi;fiiatinn of ('ol. 1>. McC'nnuick. Sept. I!-'), -j'.itr. i i’kly ('ii'KiivKn $’J ("Ml per annuni. if :i.lvaiire; •'»(■ if p.aid (liiriiij.; the ;;^rriiiti'ii; iir !*!:’. IMI a‘‘ter the year i I ri.''l''l l-N 1iii.>ievteil !ur sixty eeiits ; ■ t’ .r the :mil tliii ty eem.-i for eat-h _ ■ ^^ru-at'ou. Yearly ailverti'':T.ieiits . .intrai-te. at reasi^naMe rate.-^. .\il- ' ri' reiiuested ti' state the imiiilier of h 'iretl. er tliev >vill he ediitiiuied till 1 .'harvreil areoriliii;;1y. ';.-rs tci tlie IMitoi's must he post-]>;ii'l.. I.KATllKU. \i;NV.SS Leather, ^'alf and «!.tat I,ininr ' liiiidiit^ Skins. For s.ile liv S. T. IIAWLIIV \ SON. r ■ ' -r ^ .lOHX HANKS, AM) fiikwikdim; aclm. Wilmington, N. C. ^ attfiid to tl’.e ale i>r p';ri h; Ft I'v "hiee, and will .-.’aip with 1 _'iitiients made to hint, r. 1'. IS-VJ. lO^W' i; art' ;uitlu)riz('(l to an nounce' l.ieiit. _'(d. K. Knlh r ;is a I'aiididate for tlie olhce of ('oUmel of the ->-U\ Ke); t N. T. Mi litia. Sept. 'J.'). l!'.' tl', 'I'm; lri('iul.' of .Maj. ('harh'.-^ I.utterl'iii present him as ,a ean.lidate for the of fice ot Colonel ot' the ;’>;;d ilc'^iment of N. Militi.i, made vacant Ky tin> re'ijjiiation of ol .McCormick. Sejit. Is. -JS-tK /(> llvmls of Sr!i(U)ls ami Mifs'icul ('oiiu/nfin t ii s. Su>>s'-vihcr's (Mi;::’L'^cmert at the liills- JL horon-h Kcniale Si ! at wiiich he lias Im'cm tc.ichim: f.’r the hi'^t four ^c.irs. will end with the p-ocnt sosimi. and he tnki's this method I'oili rinj: his ser' ici’s as a Tc.icln r of ■Music to tliost.' who niav need them. Address .11 i.n . 1.. Ki:i;v. IIillslii rotiLdi. ,N . ('. ■pt. IS. A w MilA’II ('()\V N \ oiie h.iviiijr I tir-t rate p’.e.isi- aj ply at tlic • ll'-i'i I t. --7. oil,- t" 'I'll \ i r ■: Mill e. will di.'. IlrofIII rs' Strmnhodf jinir- oi: K i.i.As: ■ [•;ii-»'d with Sti-amt-rs ••/! ■■' ■" and /• and a conijdeint nt of T w I'.'-.its • » :th dispatcli all Freights shio) I'd hy i ; II l';iy»-tf*‘vilie ;ind iliniiiLir.'ii. or ! rnicdi.-ite laniliio.;s on the Hi', ir. iJA.NKS. A-t. i’lninut '11. 1>. .V W. I'.IN. A-ti. K;i_\ ett.-x i!lf. I ! •■■2. ' L’S-i.tu i; \ i t ' Hi' ivy W.iidlen ' !s. fVoni Stcci ,, -- .• \li!I. Itiehiiioiid ’o!:nty.— •\ r arti.-le f"r Ne^rr-i chitli'ii”. f.*r I : ! ; r:i i s. Api'i\ t" li. r-//•/ /■'/rr-7. yyf/■ Str. I'anur, :■ ■ ■ i;-,nv,.ts. i ; Tiil.s a- rt.-d, 1 > M \ ; WS. !‘» " « :,nd Vices. .-s.'-. N •••■ ‘.!.l l!i X I:.', !’.()()'rs AN!) SIIOI S. 1'. are I civin^.-i lar;ji' ^ ot l*,i i( I'l'S w w and Siliir.S. end>ra'-.'tj evi-»v \;irict\ of .'tv’.eaiid ijUality ^.d. pte'l to the Tall and W inter Trade. AI..'') — Ti;i\I'lliiiLr rnink-. :1I1 1 (':il) I‘t SI."I- tin'lin'.rs of f\fi-y dc'iT’pti"n. All ol'wl.ii li win Kc '..;d f"r ia~h. or i.n tiiiK- to customers. M> ri!i;iiits in town tiiid . ov.ntry wi'hin^r ii- ticles ill ..Ill lii.e. aiei;ni:cd t i ev.-iifiuc our st'M k )'cf> re I Ui . ii S. T. li 'vV.l.r.V - SON. .''i';.ti'iii'n-r I':’-. l>'i_’. L*- A I'OU NKClti • MW 1 i - a!...'it t.,rt _\. ;il:-.Ut '■ V !f-': . f-'M- !-• ha- -I: it ’ X\ !• 1.. -M.M.I.ETT ^ I’AI'I.MIKR, fiirorcrs nitfl ^'ommisKioii • H errhants^ 1;|.> rroiif NEW YORK. I*. MAl.I.KTT.] [.I. l*.\n,MIKI5. .Vn^riiSt Iti, istf IM.ANK ROAD (^N'rRA(rrs. resident and ltirector? t.f the I’ayeMe- ,BL ville and Centri' I’lank lload ('oiniiany will receive proposals to construct the ‘Jd l*ivi- ."ion Ilf their l!oad. Iieirinniiifr at I’uppy ('reek and eiidiiii; ;it or near Ulue's l>rid;.'e on Umwii- ('reck, a di.'t.uice of I'.i miles, until tlie 1st li t. next, at I J o'clock. !• or plans. stiiiiatcs and .speeititations. n]i- plication may he made to .loliu M. liost', Sec v ot the Company, to .lohn I'.ccUs, I'ngiiieer, or to the nndcr.'ijrned. •LN». A. Wll.I.lAMS, I'res't. .\u^ust 111, IS-'.J. Is-tltl i^^ire tnsurance. fNA Iiisnraiiee (’ompaiiy of liart- aviiii p.'iii. the t:i\ im|>os)-d hy the lleveiiue of the late l.ei;isl.iture. will con tinue its ,\;rcncy ill I'a \ ette\ille. under the;;i liiciif of th'.‘ iliidel'i;_iicd. who is pre- ! to i-i'iie I’lplii ics of 1 !i.'ur".n-e on lliiild- M'l:' or (ioods. cither in this Town or in any of the ."fate, i.n pro]icr a;>|>!ic;ition, de- .'tiipti' ii ot tilt' I'rop.Tty, >\c, Tlie .li'l’N A i'i'MI'ANV ha' 1 :e!-n in opcr.ition ■h. iit :;n \ca!s. It' is *;{(>>,OOO. I'lo- M' li. I'll..'. K. I'l.i.-.- was its iii 't I'resi.leiit. :i;. I he 'til! le i' tint olVii e; and s‘Veral of it- til't Idi-ci ti T- are stiU active and eilicicut mem- '. --IS . ; I;:e I' !t li.i' at all t;:iie« S|| taine.l the hiu-est cl^^r.'o N r t..r the fiudciice i.f it' iiiai:,i'.;eniont. .iti'l f. r t'lie lil'eral'ty with which it li:is c%cl a'ljii.'; 1 its i;. 11 \1,|-. A-cnt. M:.r h I'l. I'M. i-.j-tf / Jiitl P()I,ISI{I hoir if SfiuKs! I KOOO SSo\«‘«« ^>1(1 williiii llic itiiu' iiaoiifii>«! A .1. W I H ij i\\ \ j; i> rctiirii' his thanks ti * « • the I'uliHc top the nnprceedentcl en ema-.renieiit lie h:is met with in the ni.iiiut'.ic- tn. c ■ n 1 s.i'.e . f hi' >■. 'i hi-r.tcl I'l d.ISII. and :it 'lie '.inic t.llie \\i'::-T it nnde!-t 1 th;il lie al- w 1\- Iv ; -Ill 1 I> 'II li:!l l t 'I' wiiolt sale or rilllK .KT' -* ford, hax IfVfiif of BWII.L .lell iny STMMHit HKS!!>i:X('II two miles from the .Varket, on the Fayette ville and \\ estrrn I'htnk Ro'td—one of the most desiralile and healthy places in the county. Also, 4l) Shares of Faj’ettevillc and Western I’lank Koad Stock, and :5() Shares of Fa-yette- ville Motel Stock. With the larj'e.'^t .stock of l{eady-made ('AI'.- I5I.\(1K.S and l!l’(i(iIF,S ever otl'ered in this jilace—over S(.^0(|() worth—completely filii,«hed. •\11 ot wdiich 1 will sell at ver^' reducetl prices for ca.^h or nc;'iiti:ihle notes. So little attention has heeu jiaid to the call made hy me after the lire of the ‘Jd .lan'v, on diose indehted to me to call and .settle, that 1 am induced to oflcr the ahove propertv at re duced priies to euatile m‘ to rehuihl my C.irriajre Fstahlisliment and continue my husi- iiess w ith coin enience. 1 shall place notes in ]iropei-hands for eollec- tion, it not paid soon. I have all my accounts made out to the 1st .lan'v IS'i'J. A. A. .I/cKKTIIAV. .Varch -J'.', ls.-,-_>. 77tf l\rr( irrd on ( 'oiisininiK }it. A M> for sale che.ip. .')il l,Ms. WIIISKKV. -A .JN(I. I). Wll.IdAMS. -Mav 4. iS'i'J. S.''tf VAI.UAIU.r, I’KOI’I'.RTY Foi: S.\LK. Su>>scriher linving removed to Teriues- -M- set, lesire« to of his rcsidenet' and lamis in the vicinity of Fayetteville. lie therelore oilers for s.ile, on ac'ommod.'ttinr terms, his residence at KOSK HILL, and tin' Spring Goods—1852. JAMKS KYLi: IS .\0\V Af.Ot'T 250 Packages of DRY CxOODSj All of which heiiiir purchased for C.VSII. w ill he tract of .')U0 acres of land att.n lied thereto; :ind ! "*^ered at very reduced prices for cash, or on also the .Meadow Farm tract of K»0(i acres, ad- i punctual customers, either hy wlftde- jacent to the former. ■ sale or retail. I’revious advertisements linvo described tlie! fi^iy“l>oltiiiLr TMotli.s from Xo. I to JO, of return H ':irv the .''te.uiier eiiiphiNcil as a tow hoat. Sin run as heret.iti turtlicr notice. \ (’AIM). if low water renders it ueees- th:iiii shoiiM lie 11 not therefiire on any re^ulyr d.ivs. nntil .INo. I». -M.iv W ILI.l VMS ( ape e>i*. T. I». II A Ei , ' D taken an (Iflice on Hav Street, Wei . i ot !h.' Hotel i;uildin-s. .iulv 1 L 1>-'>1. 4-tf residence and l.-inds and tludr advantages.— I’ersons desirous of further information can oh- j tain it from Mr. Isaac l>. Il’iwley, who has full ] power to sell the propertv and uive deed*. j W. H. H.\i:i»l.N. Aujr. ;:0, IS.Vi. L'l ] Mi:i)iC'AL NoriC K. H'^n. Tll(.''. C. H.\LL respect J' fully offers his profe'siona! services to the citizens of Fayette ville and its vi(inity. He may h> consulted at the Mtice directly over i the new I>rujr Store of Sam'l .1. Hinsdale, South ■ West corner of Market Sijnare. j July L’'.t, IS-'i:^. l;!tf i tSMAM. AM) TALL: ' Ami i/rt i/nii a fi'nil that n iH 'iii ri/ a IhiUl rB|llII-; Suhscriher now on h.ind. and will 01 sell cheap for cash, his hirire :ind well as- I sorted Stock of sintrle and douhle tcirrel Sl!t)T (il N.''. of the hest make. an.I l.itcst ]iatteriis. .M.'o, Cult's I’litent ili-pc.iiiiiL' I’i^'tols, !n!.l Al- . lens Keviilveis; Shot I’oiicjies: (iame ila^s; ; i'owdei I'l.iskj-: rercus'ioii ('.i|'.': ,Vc.. \c. ; llilles 111' all kind“ eon.-taiitly on hand, an 1 j m.iniitacturi 'l to ordi r. and warr.inteil to tioiii Ion to .'ilio yards. ' I'lT.'oiis wishinjr to piu-cliase any of the ahove named .irticles. will do well to udve lae ;i an.I they m;iy lie "Ure to tiii'l th\: jrreatvsl l‘>;ir- ;j:iilis ever oflere.I in this town. Lr'p.iiriiiLr of e\ery thin^i in tin' "un-sinith line will he done at short notice, in the last ni.'iiiner, and l'..r a small charge. ; M. .\. liAKKi;, .""i^n of the W.m.leii !.in, the M.irhle Vanl. Fax ctteville. .N. (’. i:-tf the best that is m:itu\factured. ^L•^rch IS-'.I'. r.'itf Hay Street, opp.i^itt All-list li'., l.'.'iij. -h i im- ni I C'i r\ in; tin MA. WM, !'• Ti.;' r ' wi-li’iiir f" oil their !■ .oi-i Il with e .IICCC'S immed the '■■atiier - !i. iiM ruhlie :i'h is apjilied, he;''.] e dric • li'li c.iM 11... t..iiii.| at tiic 't :i■ III 1 ’rinr^n- * Ui cc. \rrliral Wairr Whrol. r H ^ 11 r K F. arc '"v hundred ..f rl."-c Whfels cl. in op. i ati. a in .liflei ciit ciiiit ii 'in N..i th '.II ' 'ii'ia. For 1 I - ■: of'tiieir urcat ad':int:i-cs oMi'iiic cninioii I'.iiTtcr wheel, or any i.iiicr wheels U'.w in n-c ti.r saw mil!.'', we i i.iitideiitiy r ter t'l till.'!' who have .-ijipr.i .1 them to their liii. '. We c:in rcc.inim'ii'l them particiil.irly tlicir 'ii) 1>. r. I'KKKMAN.] [liKii. llol SI'ON. l-'i!hi;M\N \ mil \\:!iiiin=li!i. (’. 1). r. ri:i:i:)i\.\ >v (o.. \rw hirk. i'i{i:i'AL\N vV norsTox, .Ali:r.('ll.\NT. A.\l> iWCToiIS, Wilmington, hea.l d,. -ji. 1' raiiiK U-. ici' h:.,. JL ner'; ,' 111. ! r tl.'- n , F -r the p!ll" c t' 'h i;;;.r : I ill ' ", \\ e ha' •• ta ' e:i :-rt- i:r' KYLK \ ro. r a .;il Mercantile c:: :i 't .;i 1 in liockfish . I..- C o.lllr-,.,1 S, le c.i 1; 'teai: :ind w c I.M h ‘ iiy cheap il. II. !!h!k,1N. i»AMLi. I'i'. •i:tv in c w ■; :i i'. i.r li.ick W ater. c still keep a supply of Wheels, 'aitahle for ■ litleri !it he.ids of water, at U iliiiiii;;to!i. .New- iii-; 11. Washington, L.lentoii and F i; cttc\ille. T':- whcclr mav als.i he h id ot I!. .\. i’.re\;ir 1, Li: .■ • !l, a id l i iah Well'. I’etel'!nir-. Va. I’ci -..U' wi'hic.j, t 1 ohtaiii tiic ri_ht to nsv- t!ie \>l;. cl. w:l! t.e scrxc.l in .ipplii atioii to 1>. Neill ,v C.I . F I vetic\il'c. N. C. It. 151 I 'l i:ii A.M) LAJii). f )■' \[ : tain I’ll'tter. N rt ■ i I. i i. tlie ! irrel or :i;kWi. F : CiHiK ,v T.wi/ill. I"'-. ! I •t. Is. 1' i ;h‘ c. .Ilf ■ line,' t' r.i siNF.^s .•I'lditioii t'l Fiow '•trect. a lar; Siilt.-crihcr still ■ arry on tlr- C Al’.I N i'T in Fa vc!te\ iMc. an.I in h: F' ..n F.cclcs's Hridit'. Feh'v 1«iN: tor ' hv Ml Sl(\ \lFSli . . !. .\N1> WINTKK ST( >( K ()F •' [■i\i LK AM) F.\MT DRY I.UODS, I'»r I ■ r. • >1 my St.ick of STA i’1.1. ■ ^ 'N- V 1‘llV tUtul'S. fur the F.i'il ^ ' . c. iisi'tiii^ in part asfollnws: " rc' >Mii V‘ Stint's: idain. hl'k s ..iiicy .j.i; hl'k and col'd French - i'll d'.; ''d'k an ! end’d ,\lp;icas: li...!.r■i^ll printe'l Dela’.ns, cm- : very li.uiih 'me;; Mi'rin.i Shirt' ■ ; ''1 Shawls; Cassinicre and ' W.irsti-d C.ijis; 1‘oniH'V'. I *' !or ( ni'-'iren; Ne-ro Ulankct-. - 1 hed IJlaaket--;: (,'ari>eH aii'l French ati'l I’rint': ’ i. lii-d and hr.;wn l)oniest'.-': (*»- . ■ (i^ ids: hl'k aiid Col'd c.,tt,iu ' f Tri liming''-; Jaconet and .'■wiss ' \'ict. ry La-.vns: J.i. oiiet and Insertions; Linen Trim- ■ and Li'ie Ld;iiii"s; Infants' ■ ■ iiini[.s: I’icnic .Mitts: (ilov* s . I'-;'. . iiiS, F.onnels, ‘.lirls' Flats and a.:: I’ siiiMsl.: and .Merino. I .1 '••rtmci.i i.f Shoes aii'l lloots. :if'‘’ii"ii. r>. (ih-1 .ind 'hihlren: III- ny other .artich-s not eiiuiiier- J My - ? •'. coiiiplete; t.i which the ■:.y I'r! •n-c an.I the puhlic u'ite.l. (Ir-ileful for ]..i-t fa’.ors. liii" -i h ;it rca- -iiahle rate- to -liare a p .rlimi puhlic p.itr'.n.a.^e. ■“t ■- oriier NLirket Si|Uarc, N,|. •t. I'.i \ ettevil.e, N. c. 1‘. .-HLM WFI.L. - -'.'-tf • "p ci.n.stantly m haml a ^oud as- ' .‘•- h'lii Cassinieres and Ki i sevs. tl.oT ..f I W .i'.l/C'. I'..’’ I'.' ‘ iill t W :!t • III I t .. . M. SOph I’ !.V L. 11. idt.ik. ! L. .1. :_ nirs. ,'t/. hy Mr'. ('iind * I laii'l ec, iv. I, hen .1. 1! \Li; SON. ■ llli: '11' riher it’.aii'.lfo ' matiai.u-Mii! 1 T Miv ;’.l. 1 - '.J. •• nTiinii tlirel s' ; W.\i:i; .,n llay :. ii'-'iri.v i.pp. -ite the Fa_\ I tti’\iile IL'tel lie d ■ r l!:;-t ot Mcs'rs. lla\_di >v S..ii''. '• ;i ■ • i;.'!;:’ a> -.rtli..-lit M u.xrrrii!'.. Iiv . ..ii'.oetciit an-l :'aiti:ful w.rkmen. ni.ay 1 at price- ci-ri.-'pondiiJir wiih tlic fimc'. an assortment ' f Ni.i thei n-m.idc I I il\l- I'. 'elected tiy hin.'.lf, which will he sold i ci'v iii'i'l. i .ite 1». NC.VN McNFILL. lit. i'i. . \i .Vii-’i't Ji'.. I' •Mdl.L. \i k::TI! \N. M. ALI."TLI’.. tf . ass .i tc'l .'i/i 1’. .!( HI NS( IN. :^"tf Ma\ SM \i;t. Apply to ) iiiKi:. TIVF. l‘t)V. 1 11. i:i:ans IN J. FTl.F.V. i; 31 a r l> I F cl o r \ .rnti ■ I,.- ' .rtineiit of Fi'k's ' i;ri:i w. casfs. mnp iided l>v Willie i':.:-. Uni. K. ---i i % I. f' H : i'i Il liu ^ \i.. ii. K::= , Ittnuy lliri* i’jl V. ii'■ f *• \ aTili■. H'l \v i11(i t lu ;r Al'l LK'Ti:!). PJ'.Al)' I )IIII,\l>t'.l,l'Ml \ MI'.IUi'Vl. Iliil .-i:. . i ,'.:.-li. .l *' c.... It. iii. .\ \V, anil I'll *.II .■'Irf. !' I*hi' ‘*li :(-li.a, •:i; M- vi II I n \ .\ ii m \.mii h 'H ..f -1 Ii|.*iii:illire li.' .lll. I- I mlV i.'i . lll'. 'l ie.- I II'. |l,i ,i:|. .ill.ill..11. on 111 .lOiLN I). W IL!J.\MS, f'oiitntission *V S'ortrtrrtli)::; • Hvrrh Fayettevillej N. C. I’l l., 1 ;';ff 'i l lilMvN'l !\i: L.\M) Fill; SM.F,. ^ale, acres ,.f L. U ( reck, aii'l '. I'l .Tcrcs on LA Nil nri.* r '-J '1‘hiftl Bv ;!:(>. I.M DI.K T\v(i iu)(ii{s iiiUiii \ SON’S sT(ii:i:, I'ai!-!« . Jali'v -J'». lS-,-‘ h .1 ^ Ml*' =11 i*r« \ * ■vll.k. Oil ♦•11 .*«. 1 I'fc • » rv .lUioi. - k JH •>1 tu; « «( wUU U tl;lli«-' rw.ii •a-t - ..| 11'* •' a i.K> . h. lit III >• tll.l Im- !>\ ;.il ntl (fi 1* N\.triin>l! it 'J V. r\ ti:it Mli > riiij. a .111 ' 1 U\ I . ML' » 1 i( ih»’ li- .■» «H(' »IH 1“'** «! \ \V ■riif r *• .. I. .1 ’I Vpd r- :il .'1 ; \t* I'lir* i) «■! iiii iiir* • ii* iiiitMiM I*. pur (Ip ' «. \*'\s •. Vut'nl". i'» ‘11‘ nt' Ul» ir lili'Ti-H I It tl*T. iiiliiri ' ! I iit'H: -(rt- . rnv, !, p.‘. r V .ni«ir« 'S I If l\. ••Ill** 1^. . i.ifw ■■ I ;( r*- I r* III «> I > K '.\U\ \v'rr' .laiiHV'i ill i liiitl. t" tlu* i’laiik lu'.ivily tinilii. rt '1. aii'l y n'iajttofl t" tht‘ "f 'riiri'riitinc. .Vjij tv at tiiis ( mict*. N.iv.1 Sol. 41lf i.AXi) FOR SAL!:. A X'ALF.MiLi; tr.ict ..f Lan.l is ofierc 1 f..r sale, ciiiit.iiniicz 'J'-IO acres. l,\iii.r -’.I miles wc't of I'a \ ettcvillc. iii'.ir the I'. . I’l.ilik Load, adj.iinin.u' Mrs. N.itt and other'*, with :i ;:.>od dwel'in;! and other necessary outdionse-*, wed watered and he.ilthy sitii.ition. .\plily ■-.inn t.i 1». (i. Nlcliiifrii' in i'ayetteville, or to •las. 1'.. Mcliiithe on the prc’.uiscs, for particu lars. .1 line 'Jii. 1 •’•ff I, N. C., l.V.l’ con'fautly .lU haicl a oi Hour. ( oin. I'ork. r.;icoii. Salt, t'.itfee. .'Sic.^ar. .Miihi". ',, ( i;_'.ii s. .''liiilt. t alidh's. .'''oap; Foieij^ii alel l>'i)Mi siie L:.,ii. | ' .iii.l V. ilies: Ir.'ii, Nails, r.aints. OiN. til.i'-'. jloiiicstii-. Hats. |;..i,tv. .'^Iioes, L.atlit*!'. A;;iicultiiral Im- jdcmciits, ,111.1 ;i Variety of other artic'es. suita- hle loi- t.iniily and plant.iti .a iis.' aii.l the rct.iil tr.ide. whi. ii the\ wi’l disp.".- of in lots to suit dealer' ..r ‘on'iiiiier'. on r'-.i' Ic terias f r ca-li. i.r in e.\. h.iii^e f..r Naval stot.,-s or otiicr pro-luce. Tlie ' icirtner. I>. (’. Freeman, is te.1 in the cit\ ol New V.‘i k; the janior : tner. 'ic... il'MistoM. in WihniiiLrton. If .h'irc'l. a'l- v.ilices will me ma le mi ciisi^lMii. nts to and ti >:.i either ,\11 l.iisiiic's cntriistc>l to th.-ni ^^i^l tecei\e j roper aticntii.n: and orders f. r Is will he pri.liijtlv .and calcfnllv filled. July ls.V_*. ' lli-;'nipd liii: (i:i,i;[!!i\ii:ii imik ( STOVIv E.'' for sale l.y Faycttexilh- etlie .''ti cct :ind i:i F.i_\ ctt. vllie at .Mr. .V. .^l. ('a iiipl .' irs. Th,' .''^c.I.sciil'cr hcrel.y f..rev,;ii'ns all ]>ers..tis t'r. Ill pi’rchasini: any of these ,''t..ves t'roni any pei'Mii cither in or out of Noitli'.lina. e\- ‘ cept from hini'clf or his .iul\ autii.irii'cd ,\jrcnts. He has ]>urcli:i'cl the eNc!usi\e r'.”llt to veil i ; this ."'^tove viUiln the State, ami will jiri-secate any peis"ii jnfiiii;;inj: his riuht. cith.'r '>.v ]iur- (diasiii'^'. se'lintr. or i:'it;;r. any evcept those oh- tained from liimself. .KISFI’H WOl.TFl'vlN'C. Ilalei.-h. Ajiril 1'.', jsM. C.stf Roc'Knsii siii:i'/rL\(;s, H S \ the hale or half hale, for sale hv .B a T. IIAICII \ SiiN. Jiilv in, Mf Oialy S^uriaf oiil in S*art. A. A. .McKiyrUAX ^^Tll.f. continues to carry on ll'.e (’.\ 1’.F!I.\flF 111 SlN'i;SS in all its iiraiiches, :it the re mains of his old staii.l. opji.isite Liherty I’oint, He returiis th.inks for the patrona^i* he has hcrctof.ire rci^eived. .aii'l hopes hy strict at tention to hiisiness and a desire to irive etitire sati'fiicti. n. to niej it :i contin'iance of t!ie same. Ila\in;i kept the ;^reater p.ortioii of his Tim- hers at a liistance from the m.inufactoiy. he on hand a lar/e and well selccled lot of tho- roiwhly sea'.'iie 1 Tiniher. of every descri]ifion used in his Kiisiness. w hich en.ahles him to retain ;ill his princi;.:il workmen. He is therid'ore now lireparc'l to do any wi.rk in his line in the very hest style, and on the most I'avorahle terms—as low as any w.iik of the same ipi.ility in N. (J. He ha.s on li.ind. conipletel\ lini.-lied, I’l.iroiiclie,'. tor 1 or L’ horses; ti l!ockaw:i_\ s. ;ind l ’> liu^j:ics. ,\ls". nearly finished, 11'( arriai.cs for ij horses; ■JO llarouches tor 1 mpl _! liorse.s; 11! liocU.iways. and -I'l I’>ii;:;iies; .\ll of which .are ol the iii'.st .approved plan and finish, .and will compare with .any work in the r. ."-tati s fur neatness ami duraliility. Hav ill" tieeii eni:a;.ied in the ahove husiness the jiast ’JO years, his work is well known, and he ref.'rs to old eu.»tomers for i>roof of its .Inr.ahiliry. A f.r. work \v:irr:iiit(Ml fur 11' months, •in.l repaire.! free i,f (;re shonhl it fail !>y had workmanship or material, within that time. JC'->r' Ki:p Miti.Ni; executed at short tiofice, and on reasoii.ihle terms. Jan’;. 'Ji'., Is'i2. 50 T. C. WORTH, rOIDliSSlON AM) KIIKWAKIIIM; MERrilAM, w ilml\(;t()N, n. c. Fell. 1. is'rj. t'ldtf th.' .''ut‘'cri'ier iii Italei^h .ami : in il.i'i i”h at his .Sliup ,.n I'ay- A. n, in ri-ii:Ln, ('oach and IdLilil I’arriiiLn* MiiniifiK'tiinT. Li) 5c.'pecifiiliy iiif.irm the jn:'>iic V W that he still conliiiUf s carry on the atiove hiisinc^' in all its hr.-iiiclKs. He returns thanks for the p.itron.i:re he ha.s receiv- e.l. and hopes Uy a strict att' ntion to luisine.^s, aii.l ;i desire t" please all and ”ive iieiieral sat- israetioii, to nu i it :i c. ntMiii.ince of the same. lie wari.ints all his woik to l>e made of the hcst niatei ial all'! 'ly e\i>e: icni'ed workmen; and should any of it f.iil in tweKe months (with fair ii.s.i;.rei eilher ill woikiiiaiisliip or lu.iterial, he will repair it without char.j.e. I’ers^.iis t.i Iniy. w ouM do well to call and c\anii:u‘ his work hcf.irc j.'.ircliasiri;;, as it cannot tie siirjiasse.l I. r style, cle^.uice. and duraliility. He is ih'tcrmincl to sell low for cash or o;i 'h.'rt time. (•r lers thankfully received ami promptly at- tendeil to. jj-.y I;F.r.\ 111 !N'(I ne.atly evecuted ,it short notice at.d lov.est possi’iile prices. Fa vel teville. Fell. If'-'rJ. nitf A otter to Sfnj>inrs ('(ij»r i'( itr fni icnij of l/ir iiircr. '1 / ' I hit.!! C aji'il ( (tp.s 11 Jioof.' ftttd S/tocsH! ILL !\i) \ii\ti:k iNToiK, XO ri(’i:. '11IL Siili'crroer wi hiu” to remove to the 't ofler- to sell his pos'C-'ioii.s in .Mo..r.- (•••untv, N. C., situated on .1 iiniper Creek, con- tainin;; Twelve II nndred .acres ol land in o:i.' ti.ely. Thi' hand is veil adajitcl the ciii- tiire Ilf Corn, Cottoii and wheat: lor turpeiitine it is 11.>t t.i he siir]iasse.|, also f..r j.iiie; is con venient to two ti,r|icntine distillerie-"—one in .^IoIlre, the other in Ciiniherhoid, either not exiM'cdiii^ four or five miles from sai.l land: al- s.i, a 'uthcieucy of water to put a di:tillery on tli' ]iveuiises. .'i ^ood dwellinj^ and out housi-s I hi-rh an.I healthy situation. For turtlicr -. iri'i" il " iO* '■l>"'e w Iirk III ver> lin I'.'.J. on "I. !{'■•'t'l. t hrillin' hr .Siri'i i'-' .'.iti' 1852. '•riKer has recidved one of the ’ ' .i tmeu!' ill his line that iie har. 'a this market; to which he would ' "f lii.s friends and the puhlic .\iii.i’i;^ his -‘ock may he found '. le Hid ijiiality that can he found • t. He would say to nil those de- ■ his line to {rive him ji call, as he ■ ■ ■ 'cIl low for (.'iish, or on time I'toniers. at wholesale or retail. JOHN ('. TllO.MSO.N. ■ ■' itii Corner .Market Si|iiare. ’J'.itf M:\v i iK.Nt. ~ ''' ■i;'nei| liave this day cnti-red in- 'i'ii tiiership under tlie name of 'I d \N, fi,r til,, of trans- ' ■ ■ i .Mercantile husiiiess in this JdUN T. roi'K. IILNUV F. I'lTMAX. ■' ■ f'., Sept. ;i, ^ 1 nu i.TMiii^irrox. •' ii-. eivinjr a larjre and entire ■'•"k of FALI. AM> WINTLI! tile.' of every article usually , ' ■ - L'tahHshment. W'«; fiatter ‘all iiHer as j'reat if not j;' "'•'it than has heeu lieretofore l.;..i e. 'j’o he Convineetl of the ' -■•liiiiie oiir St. ck. I’Ol'K IMTM.VN. : r^ept li'., liirtii ul.ii' ihe preiiii' -\a_ii: t ' ii.jilv to the siihscrilier I-vin^ on .■ ‘ t.uLiN .m fai>vi:n. 1 •'i-Sv'i: w-m W ^Mill S(iii's. 1 !>()/.. full ;;-li; thick, for .“ale hv F.UANSON SON. Aujrust 'K l-'i-tf ( 'op'trl/if rshii> \ olicf'. ^HIHL Suh.scrihcrs have formed this d.iy a fi. cop.irtnership, under the firm of Mclion- ahl \ .Mc.M.isler, for tlie transaction of a Itiirhr, (!rf»'rr>/, Oml l*i iirisnni /Insini ss; .\nd exjiect to receive their full Stock hy the •_'.-tli instant, at their Store on (J:!’espie street, a fi'W doors ahove the State' Lank. J. iL Mct>ONAId). JOHN i:. -Mc.MASTKU. P'ayetteville, .\u|T. i, IJ'.iL*. !•> JIALI> vV I{()I.LIX(iK]l CloN I'lNn-: to carry on the FOUNDllV I’.t'- y SINKSS, with .all its hranches, iu this place. They have add»‘d, within the last six months, ^hVm) worth i.f I’atferns, and are now prepared to fuiaiish Millwrights with .Machine ry, at short notice, for W heat, Coru, Crist and Saw .Mills. Steam .Mills repaired throughout. Our terms are cash on delivery; 10 per cent, will he added for every days an account may stand uniiaid. We cannot carry on this husi- nesM on the credit system, neither do we intend doin}r HO. H.VLL ItOi.LINCFIL Au.'-Mi:,t IP, IS-j:.'. ISir .\rrll .illcr 'Killill |iliy.'iriaiis illVIllHl''.— I;,'. //o Killill-I.", \ml :«H Ir«'ii» :t •li>*»r«!rr» i| LiviT nr Stu i»» M'h. '‘U« h :«•» •►ii'lipJMion. I n'liir'^. i»r t* ihe . Ill ,.il, \ral.l> 111 Ilii .'telli.irll. .\:1I1'IM. Ilerirll.lirn l»l'- | l.*r l iHnl. I'uilii**—^ »»r in llie s*i*ur : l.iiiri iii.iii'. .~iiikiii:; ..r I .ii:n in." ;tt Uie pa nt iln .'to i Iiiai'li. Sv\ iii.iiiiiiL'ol till- lie.111. Iliirricil liiM.i iill ' I'.r.-.tiloii" I' hilii riiiL' iit Ilie Ml .rl. In.kin" ..r .ii:|iH :it | li:i; .■Se.i' iliiiii' w In n in ii Ivnc p.i'liiri . |..iiiiie'.> ut \ i- ! 'ii.ii,' "f VVel.- Iietiire llic .'^iL'lil. I'cM r, I'liM pain in the Me.III. Ilelir.eiiry ol I’l r'lliralion. V i-lliiwnc" ol Ilii- .l>in iiiiil r.\i '. i’liii ill ilii" r^iile. Hark, riic't, l.illlli'. &*■ . Sllilileil I I I'lu ' ol Meal, r.liniiicj Ol Ilie ric'ti. Coii'l.iiil liii.iuiinii"'III K\il, ami lle;iri ' ' III Spirii'. I ' \ N III* I tti'iiiiallv I'lireil Iiv 111* I II l >KI .-\ ,\ ! I’.'' '1.1 - I '' III! \ II.II i.Kit'M III T'l l.l!.-^. I’ri piriil liy Hr VI. .lark'on. !il till' toiiiioji .\ii tiiime .\n. 1 .’i .-•irecl. I'llll till .plll.i T'h »r |Mt\\ » r \ »T lli»‘ aSnvi* t‘\*»’\WiL eniialleil. Ii\ any oOier prepai.iiiiiii in llie I nileil relate', II' Ilie I IC' M ill- 'l. I li.iil t.iili il ’Ilic'.- IlilliT' ir*' wiirlliyllie .illenlion rn~ i"iiii; :;ri'.it Mrlm ' in llie ii riiiu-.iln.n ol ' i> [III- l.ui r a.i.l 11 " r ■.'l.oal'. e\. ri I'll.:; li.e n...'l .- iri li lie.! piiWll- 111 v\ e.T k ••-*''ami allcrliiill'lit llie llljie'l i\-c or ".'i'i:', they .ire nillp I, 'ale, i ertain, ami ple.i'aiit. I!l.\l> .\.Ml I:K ( (i.\.\I.N Kll. I' I'i.iii llie iiit'li.ii III c. Tlir eililor saiil. I i i . '.‘Jil — • Hr lliii.llmil’' Cl leliriiteil Ccriiiaii Hitler' for the riire 111' l.uer I ■i.lllplMllll. .lalllillii e. 11\'(k Ji'la , I hrolilr nr .\er villi' ilehiliiy, iri ile'crveiUy nn*'ot llie iiii..'l )»ii>tilar iiieil lime' 111' the llay. 'I'hc'e iiilli rn li.ive heeii ii'Cil liy ;hini 'ami', ami a lri*ml :0 onr eihow says he has hiiii'i'lt re .■* i\cil «n i-iii rliial iiml periii.'iiicnt riirc nl l.i\er t oiii pl.'tiiu trniii ilii’ 11'*' III llii'^ riMiieily. We iiri.' I'lintiiireii, ill the Ii,e ol Ihc'c Hillers, ilir p:..iienl 4.iii'l.iiilly trains sireni.'th ami \'l"i»r—a lart wnrtliy ot iircat niii.'iile- ration. 'I'hi \ are iilea'anl in ta'te .imi siiiell, mill can he il'Cil hy pi'r'iiiis willi the nio't lU’lirale sioiiiarhs with 'alely. iiiiilcr liny rir.-liiii'lanre». \V«‘ are s|ie»ikiiiy troiii e\|KTieiiri.' miil to the atilicteil wc iiilvi'f llieir iisi-.’’ I,iHik well III llie marks ut' llie v’eimiiK'. They li!\vr the uriUen .siiiiafjre iil'C. .M. Jiivksoii ii|nm the wrap|H'r, anil the name tilow n in the iMiitle, withoiil w hich Ihey arc »i>iiriims. I'or sate, whole'iile anil reiail, al the «a;ii.M.\.\ .mkihci.m; sToiti;, No. rill Arch Street, one iliMir lu'lnw Sixth. I’hila., »inl liv resiierUihle ileiilers renerally thrini!.'hoMi Ihe cuMilry. Also, tor #.ile liy SA.M’L J. mNSllAl.r., fayplteville, ,\ (’ 'whnU'sitle .■Vseiils fur Nutth ami Snulh 'ariJiiia, il AVI!.A.M), IIARUAl. &. Charrestou, S. WESTKRN liACOX. -a IIIIDS. just received ftnd for sale hy J.IP T. S. LUTTEKLOII & CO* July 21. 185‘J. lOtf i Jilanic Warrdiits for sale here. H.^llto.M and .iftcr the first day of .Ini'.. j.rox- I. imo. the deduction of ti\e jier cent. Iroiii the e-t.ihiisi’.ed rates of Fre\;.;ht » v. hen the l.ill is ji.iid within thirty days, will he dis.'ontinucd. Lvery hill will he coiisidel'e l due when ren dered, e.udi t'ompany rc'crvin;; the ri;;ht to charir«' iiitt'iest on the s.ime for any delay in p;i\ incut. Shippers Ilf Stores from this place ;ir' B*riro «l* ailvaiirod. ■ nolilied that the nndersiirned will receive .and TiF.r.SONS who have made contracts with J. ^ store, in Camphellton, .S|,irits Turpentine it lo V. Jordan \ Co. for furnishin- It.VCS, I cts. ].cr hhl., and will jrive receipt for each load ■ hercliv informed, that we will [.ay :M cents ! .'is it comes in and sliiji as instructed, the own- r Ih on all Cotton ILi-s. K..p« and l*a'j:-in-. ! > r pa\iu-z draya;_o-. which will he cts. per l.I.L: aii'l nill liHve I»ariH*ls conporctl or rr-|»ackMl, pe delivered t March 11 us after this date. |[. l!l!ANSOX 1 S-V.i. xi:\v (JOODs. ra’I IIL nndersi^ne.l are now receiving fheir JL FALL’STOCK of €Tia «[» e» (■|iiisistin;r of a full assortment of liadic.s’ aii'l (leiif leiiieii’s I )i'c‘.ss (looils, a ii'iro .''iipplv of lli'ttily-iiiitilc Clotliiii' Ihits, Taps ami ISomiots, a larof a.-surt- inciit ot linot.s ainl iShoi s, llarilwari', (! roccrlcs, Drito.s anil .Meilieines^ S.uUllery, CriieUtr^ iV; (Ila.ssware, (Ititiiiy ainl l>iinilt,'C“ ainl Kopc, Nails, Iron, A:e. A:e. I'cc. We invite our friends and the piililie to call and examine onr Stock; it is L.\K(iL and will he Sold on acciimmodatititr terms. .1. T. COl .NClL .S: C.\IN. .\ii.^ust ;in, IS.')!.’. liltt 'I'lir lari^cst Stock of doods ever o[fercd htj us! J F. are now receiving much the I.-VllCi KST STOCK of w Will WOODS, Hats, C'.vps and IJoiincts, Shoes, Hoots, TJinbrellas, Kver offered hy us iu tliis place, to which we particuhirly invite the iittention of Mendiants, as we are determined not to be nnder.'»olJ. STAiUl & ^ViLLlAMS. Auiiust 25, 18u2. 2t»tf Wanted to Purchase^ TJ liBLS. Spirits Turi>€ntine, for JI Hr Vr wldcli tli« highest prices will be piiid ill Cash. T. S. LUTTEKLOII & CO. Aujust lOj 1852- IT-ti' will'll the interest of shippers reiniires il, at ac tual cost. char;ieahle to owners. The interest of boat owni'rs and siiipiiers alike rcip.iircs a ■ regulation of this kind. ' JNO. 1>. WILLIAMS, A'.i;ent Cape Steamboat Co. ; IL .M. oi;hfll, I .\gent Ilenriefta Steamboat Vo. T. S. U TTFdil.OH, 1 T’roprietor .Merchants' Slc.imboat Co. ^ .I line 2S. lS-')2. .r>-;‘>m mr'l'lic uiui(M-si;iiK'(i, as For- w.irdinjr A.^euts on their account, re- ■ spcctl'ully give notice, that they will continue to receive and torward (inods Iroiii their respee tive W.irchouses at the Itiver (where the dray- a"e saved to shippers is full HI per cent, on Ihe frei.irht liill) for a commission uf :J.") percent, on the Itiver freigiit bill and dtayage. This change to take ctl'ect ou the 1st ilav of .Vugiist next. ! JN(t. 1>. WILLIAMS. IL -M. olIltFLL. i T. S. LlTTLl’.LOn. I June 2S, H-:’m I XK\V hooks/ " ' Tihk t wo K.ifbers. an original Spanish ro- | luauce by .Vdadus (’alpe, three parts — j 1st, The Kuins of the I’araeleti', 2d, Hector j Alone, ."d, Seienceand love; W ilfred .Montressor, | or the Secret Order of the Sev*H. a romance > of Life in New York, by the nutlior ot Abel j Parsons, or the brother's tlevenge, kQ., 7-)c; Hunting the Uomuntic, or the Adventures of a Novel Render, fi-uni the French of Jules San- deau, i')0; The Hiscarded Daughter, «r the Children of the Isle, a tale of the Chesape.ike, by Mrs. Soathworth; The Ijves of (Jei*. Pierce and AVm. K. Kijig, 2'); I’rofessor Julius Cwsnr llannibftrs Scientific Discouf'ses, origini»llj put)- lishedi in the N. I). Picayune; The K^ton Academy's Mauutil of Cliurcli Music, by Lowell .Masi>n; ISlank Books; School Hooks, kc., just receivtil by li. J. HALF. & &>S. Sttjil. 4. Livery Stable Biisjiies.s. ^S\ll!'. sui’Scril'cr intends carrviii;.r on the Iii. :ilio\e l:iisiiics as iis'ial. H.iving added consideralile Stock, he will be able to accom modate the p.ih'.ic. 'i'hankl'ul for past favors, he soliiits a contisiu.ince. J. W. I’OWFILS. Jati'y -JO. '.'••.•,12. .j.stf aiclu's and .lewc'h-y. IIOTET., suli.scrihcr having purefirtscd tlw >1010# !it(inte«l on the bouth-lOast corner of Court House Square, and lateh' known ns Stuart’s- Hotel, w-ould inform the public that he is n«w ready to accomniodate boarders by the d:iy, week or month. Ilnving made considernble outlay in furnishing and refiftiftgthe KRJftblish- ment, he hopes to he ahle to givC i^ntisfactiort to all who patronize him. llis Table shall bff fiirjiished with the he«t the market affords, his liar with the bc!*t ot Lb|uors, and his Stable with a plenty of good jirovender and f'aithfwi Ostlers. J. A. GILCIll’vLSt. June 2f'«, l.‘s-')2. o-tf ScdKCinei: nn Damn^e^, A TIJF.Vl’LSI' on the Mon.»iire of Itarria,fifes, by Theodore Sed^ewick, Second F.dition^ revi.sed and greatly enhirged. •\lso, further supjdies of The 'Vork.s of Pan-' iel Webstel', vol.; Wide, Wide World: (.ineechyf l»:iys of r.ritce, by (irace .\guilar; Th” Hai-- monist; Methodist Hymns; Discipline of the F.. Church; School Hook'^, >'i:c.. .*s:c.. for sale by K. J. HALF & SON*^ zi'iiav’fi iiOTiar SALKM, X. C. J rg'^llF SC15SCK1 rd'.ll havin': lately I jL coMipleted extensive additions to his house, f.ike,^ this nietiiod of ;■ — his friends, anil the tra velling community generally, that he is now jireparcd to them in a superioi' st_\!e. Tlie entire liottse, bedding, ami furni ture of every descri]itiun is new and clean, .md no jiaitis will be s]i.ired to make his guesta c.imfortalile iu every respi'Ct. All the stages stop at this llou.'e. A.-T. ZEVELY. Salem. July 21, 1S^.V2. n-4mpd X!':\V ]}()OKS. A CNT riiillis’s Cabin, or Southern Life a;^ /m it is. )iy Mrs. ^lary 11. Ka»tman; White-' f'l i.'irs. or the days of (’h.irles the Secotid; What N'iwV for Young Ladies .''chool, by thtT Kev. Ch.irlrs F. Df'ems; Spencer's Pastor'f# Skefidies; Hobart's Cliristiaii .Manual; lLirper'»t .Magazine: School IJooks, i,S:c. Just received. F. J. IIALI:: ^ SON, Au.'ust 2S. ~ ['ILL vroii, m. t)RY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AMD SHOES. F .\I!F, now receiving our Fall Stock, V w to which we inxite the attention otT buvers. HALL &. SACKFTT. An.giist -J:'., 18-')2. ly-tf XKW lXw lU)OK8. rg^HK LAW OF NATIONS, or the Principle?* JS. of the Law of Nattlre, ajiplied to the con-' duct and affairs of Nations and Sovereifrns: .V new edition from the French of Monsieur dtr \‘attcL with references to .American Decision:* by .Iosi'[ih Chitty, r^S!(. 1 vol. .'smith's Leading ('nses; a selection of Leading Cases on various hranches of the Lfiw, ttlflt Notes, by .Ino. William .'smith, Fsi|.: Fourth .\merican from the third Juiglish edition. 2 vohimes. Vol. -'ith T’nglish Fxcherjiier Reports. Littlv iV: Ilrown's luh vol. F-nglish Reports, Law an.I l.ipiit;.'. Just received hv 'k. j. hall & SON. Scjit. l.'i, lt--)2. ' (^T.\f!i; leavefl W.\1LS.\W' daily on the ar- rival of the car.s. say 10 o'clock a. m., atid arrives in Fayetteville at p. m. ‘McKINNoN .V .McNElLL. Ai*ril 12, 1S:,-J. bltf aisci ^tiiBisaier CL r: .B .-K « *> ic h' » m (’OSIT.MH HALL, ('ormr Pnitt sfnif ami ('rntn' Spnrr, HA 1/11 MORE. /H^IIl' largest and best stock of Rlv\l)Y- -S. .M.VDK C LOTH INC ever offered in Ihilti- more., Frock and Sw-'k C«),\Tj\. all co lors. ipialities and sizes, from s;j .'iti to S;.') ")(7 and upwards. P.VNT.V LOO.NS >it !j!l to!*'!) .")(|i and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy^ plain and plaid ('assinieres. A'FSTS of every variety at corn'spoiidin": prices. Also, a largo assortment of l’>o\s' Clothing. i niportiii^ oui- own ('h.ths direct from Kiirope,. .•md manufacturing on the most e.xtcnsive scale, en.ibles us to offer itidncemcnts to juirchasers- not to be surpassed by any (’lothing l^stablish- ment in the I'nited .''t.ites. The proprietors are determined to make the Wholesale Rooms the point of (Treat .ittr.’ictioii, ami have now mado u]i more ih:in ."jii.OOO (l.\I!.MLNTS, from the liiiest ipiality to the lowest in price. in llie Custom Department will always he found the choicest selection of CLOTIIK, ''AS^ .''IMIOIIF.S jind VF,'sTl.N(iS, which will be made up at the shortest notice, am! in the latest style, and a tit alway.'S guarantieil. t-jf'The one jiritre systen. strictly adhered to, liememlier the n.ime .-iiid jil.-iee, Cornel' Pratt St. and Centre .Market .'^pace. 11. IL COLE & CO. .\u.2:ust I ’l, IS'iI. 14-yopil rou SAi.K. ^ NFiV 2 Horse Wagou. -'A J. D. WILLLVMS. July 12. 7-(r \i ~J. TI. New Jeweler's Store, ON. H .W ST It F F T. NF.M! THF M .VKKtlT, Mmv toUJi'i il rirli VMrioty of H alcJiCs (i/td J( U" Silrcr M fire. I* laird n 7//Y’, Miiilarif doods^ Si/rrr.-iors' ( '(unpassrs^ (inns and Pistol'^. PorL'rt l\d)le ('nt- Irni, ('lork.y, Arcordrons^ J /'- ohns, i'bifrs^ (Jlario//rfs^ ^Iits/r Bo.rr.s, tS^'c. .\ugust 2>. ls.'i2. 21-Ciw TKTKR \\ .fonXSOX B H AS just received from New Vork, the lar- fi B. ge^t and be»t seleeted stock of Foreign .iiid Domestic Dry CJoods, llats^ Slioes, Hon- iicts. Hardware, Cutlery^ *S:c., That he ever ofTered for sale; all of which will be Sold at the lowest n>»rket jirice. His friends and all who wish to buy are retipectfull}’ invited to ca)l .md examine the goods and prices. August 2ti, lSo2. 2(itf ILVCS COFFKK, TO hhds. SCGAR, Just received and for sale bv P. P. JOHNSON. August 2*, 1852. 20tf Blank Warrants for sale herc^ HETTOXS SillRT I'STlBLlSil^ll'NT, 1(1) ^Iiirhil Strict^ rHllIF largest and onfy -il- Manufacturing hole-- fcale L»tabli>.hment in th? City. The cajiftal .and force if* engaged enables me at alt times to offer to Countrv .Merchants and Deal' ers iu SHIRTS. ('OLLARS. LINEN and C(*T- ToN DRAWER.'^, grejit inducements—more' than usual effort*! having been made to render the assortment of tho«c articles full and com plete. The .Sfofk on hand i.'? large .md well a.«sf.tiii for Men and lioys. All or.Iers from the Country attended to- with punctuality and d»>spatch. Rcniember the Nune, and So. 170 .Tlarkrl T. W . I’-ETTON. Augu^»t 1"), 18”>1. 14-yoj)d W n .\LlI$['RTON'.S Vnnkee .''Stories, illiistrat- G M- edr the Yankee Tc.t P.irty, or Hostfui iu ITTtir the f)Id Rell of Independence, or Phila- dcl[ihia fn ITTfi; Camp Fires of the Revolution, or the War of fndejiendcnce, illustrated; Weld’a^ Dictionary of Script i»r-»l Quotations; Ilarbaugh’s- Heavenly Recogniiiofi; Catechism of Familiar Things; .Mathias’ RnTeJ of Order, for Societies,^ &c,; alker’s Rhyming and Pronouncing Die^ tionary; I’ritish Female P«ets; Ajnerican Fc"- in.nle I’oets; Watson’s Dicfiodary of Poeticai Quotations: Philadelphia asif is in 18'>2; E. J. HALE- i

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