iLKrH;"*- SEMI-WEBKL. Y. WB8PWSWBg"BBeWMiM:j ■ J'JWWU W'Ti U «■ li»»—^ ^ r.. [VOL. II.] FAYKT 1 KVILI.E, N. C., OCTORKR 7, 1852. [NO. 132.] '■'I’r foj rt.' ' ’ » w’ f W -1 "f:;;;)ur** I • « ■«r ^re T: :iit . ' ' ". ^’it- iiliii M- f‘T t •; ’■ •‘-I ‘ I, :i »H. T-.-f this 'i) iimler u this i'I!1NTi:i> uv r>. nkwuv. II^DWAIM) j. hale & sox, Kinr-.tus AM) I'HOl’lUKTOns. , .. tin'(htsKuvKU >1^4 W if ,,ii.l i!i n lviUiic: $i '>0 if i':iitl .liiriiig the .';ir ■■! •u'xi’riptioi*: or tlio year lint I-ti.o U\okly OiinKitvF.u no per nnimin, if ,1 in ;>ilv:»!uc: $- aO if pai-l during tlic siil'-iorii'tii'ii; or (10 after tlio yoar l,:i? ovi'iri 'I. \liVr.r>Tlsr.MKN i«sovto>l fxr^ixty I'onts ^ lii,ir>' tl'O tirst. niul thirty cents for eai h “(J1:T TIIK ]’>KST.'’ WEBSTER’S _ DICTIONARY \ It ui i»u i:i>. s»aci i: iei:ni 'ro >«> oo. ' lONTAlNlNi; TintKK TIMKS t)ie !riattci . fiiiiinl ill aiiv otluT l',iii:Iislv l)ii-tii>ii;irv \\‘ATC!U:S, .li:\\ KLllY, ^Vc. 'I'lii: Sul).'^(‘ril)('r is A now recoiviiii,^ his I'ALL STO('K OK (;ol,'l) AND S!L\ r.ll '.\ VT('Jli;j^, AND .IKU r.lJiV of every ilescriptioii. j)lateil t';ike Ua.>;ki'ts. ('a!ille.':ticks ami r-.istors: line ('litlery; ilouMe aii«l s'Miile liariel lUuis; (Jolt’s aiiil Allfii's lU'Vnh iii'^ l'isto!s; si-lf- cockinjr itn>l eonnnuii I’i^t^ib: I’owiler Kl'isks; Slior I’oiu-lies; (iaine |!af;s; I’erens.sioii ('.•i]i'^; Violins; I'hites; I'ifei*; Ai-eorilcoi>.'; Mvi.'ic Im.x- es; fioM, sil> ( I- a ml steel Speetaeles; ami a j; reat variety of other articles in llie line. A jjoimI ass.irtiiieiit of I'l.DCKS. I’ureltastMS aro ri-sjiee,ti'iilly inviteil t'> call ainl esamiiie. WAlUir.X I'l’JOll. ^^e]■t. 1S')2. -I’-'r" Clni-ks aii'l Watolies rr]iaivoil ami war-j ni L'i'inj; ami ili'tininjr seietititie terms.”— 11E3IOVAL. SA.M’I, .!. lll.NSDAI.K, and AS the pleasure rtf iiifonoinp his ciisfom- er" anij the jiuMie, that he has romoveil friiui his 01(1 StaU'l to the next ooriier al>ove, (jrenerally known a? the "ISlaki' eoriier.”) . ' ,i -1 1 ll.'ivinif fitteil uii hit! Stoi’c witti everv eor»ve- inpile-1 1)1 tiiH et'iintrv, or any Alindiimeiit •>( . ■ , *,• , ■ i i i - - • • i meiu-e lor eDmnu'linir imsiiioss, botli wholesale ati'l retail, to the best ai|vaiitajre, he colieitrt a eniitirniaiice of the kimi favor he ha.s enjove I, witii the a^8uraiK'“ th.-u no etiort oii hiis I'art this >Niirk; a (ieo^l .'phieal 'I'alile nf ]J,0(1(1 Niuiies, Illustrative Oiuitations, aii'l nther pcei'- liarities ami ailvaiit."^es louuil in iio other work. Vet is si)M at a tritliiijr ailvanee above the jirie‘ of uther aii'l liniite i Uietioiiarirs. “•W iihoiit re.‘Jer\'- or tnialifn'atiin. the hest extant."—I'l fKoh iii fit,II. ••Siir «asseil in full- lu ss ami aeeiir.iey liy none in oiir l:i!\;:u:ijre."—■ /’/■'-ii/i/i/ Wiiiihint’. far all others. imi.iicatiiiU. early a.lverti-emeiits •; ,1 i i'ntraet.«!. at reason:ihle rates. Ail- -01' are rc'iuesteil to state the iiuinher of -ti"ii' 'lesire-l, or they will be continueil till an 1 i-hartreil ;ieeorilinfrly. I,(-tfer>i t,i the Kditors must be jin.^t-pnid. [L^Mks. Ilvwi.r.v will coin- ^ Sell. .1 on Mi)Nl»AV, 11th of Ovt.-ber. h vf. 4. --t :i:\\ AM) ClIKAl* (lOODS. \\j !i"W reeeivin_i: my usual assoi tiiient of KAl.l- nil of vvhieh has b-eii ]«nr- .,■•1 t' r'-’a'li. by the paekace. wliiih \sill me tci sell at iiiieonimMiily low jiriees. |Iii Miti"ii to my usual stoek. 1 have piir- ,( > 1 lar"e lot of Keaily-iuaile t'Uithiiii:. !; l iii be sciltl at very htw prii-es. • aiitry mercliaiits and lytlo rs are invited to , ';i tl:e ab:>ve stock, as it is one of the >i evvr offered in this State. JAMKS KVLK. aitf It. Mrs. E. WALTON Has just rctiiriK'd from tlie N ’ltli, with a ni'w ! ami bi-asitiliil nss 'i tnieiit of MIJ.l.lNKHV (JOOl'S. conpistit>pr of Straws of va- rit)us kinds ami priees. of her own selection, .and the Velvet. Silk :iml Satin Hats. .\'iso. «..rtment of and Mourning rap«. iru'ty of beautiful Mead l*ress''s, |.\ !:irj'- .i^'ortnient of the fashionable ; -\l^o, Itre-^s. Mantilla and , V i’t'Tiis: embroiiliTe;! Slee\es and Clieni- and I.aec; a l.iriro jiss.irtnient '■ . i:'lify 'f Kid ;ind Silk Gloves; chil- i' ; ■' pretty style of l?racelets; Velvet ^ :ll, ; ' ''I- ’ : U i' :i"iii the Country j>romj>t1y attend- rantfi. Also. Jewelry of e\iry deseriptioii | neatly rep;iifi»I. j I'dijvlli mnl (\n1n PUutk Roaif. A T the reipu'st of several j'ersons who de- j(!m !ire to oeeome bidders, the tinio fur le- eeivinj: j.ropo.'tals for e('ii«trm-ti!i;r the Kind fioiii I’lippv ( 'reek to lUiu 's r>rid;;e will bv i-.x- tended fi'oni tiu' 1st to the l‘>th t'et. JNO. -M. I’.(See'y. Sept. L”.*. 1S'>2. oO-tt KDWiA (;Lovi:ii. At llir siirii of Ihc l;ir::c Walrli. ll.iy Slrctl. SMIS 11 VS just ri'Ci'ivrd ^ifcliis 1'aia, S roi k or GUOl'S, eonsL'tin;: of SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. MoN'i his Ttnient may be found \V:itehf , of all kill'!', from •>'' to -SiI.'-'; 1..M r^b. (Iii.iid :-:id \'est ( !'...ins; ;_• ! i .'''I'.i'.s and !\c\s: >ii\er l'"!> an'l (i:;irl and Keys; Hreast-pins. F,ar-rin.:s an 1 i'in-cr rini;-, a tine stock'; Cutt-piii' silver Spectael IIilrl.i-i,,'!:. ••'I'lic standard wherever tlie t'lijf lisli is s[>oken. it liesi'rvc.s to lie. must be, i.-*, and will be."—/'/>/■ Shiii-r. binjru.'.ire." .V. I!ninjiJui u. “A eoiiioiisiiess. l)ers|iicui»y. and ai-curaey, not fomid in any otlicr,"—"X ;;ri‘at iuiprovenient on all wliicli have ]ireceded.”—Hnlr.t.— ••Wortiiy of j:eii'i:il ji'itrona^^e."—I’nx, 11'.,//.». ••.Most complete, ai-ciirate, :ind leliablc of the lan"i:a^e."—Hor/nr. I'li.i. I.tirrnhi I’/tx. Pi>‘. I (’')«/.'■.//. J’nx. Uhiiirhiir'i. I’rix. S.:> th, I'l'f. l\n- '•. iih'l '1,1' !u> h'lr /■'nliiii;fini/'>f )i. I’libJished by (J. OV; (’. Merriam. Sprin^ticld. Massachusetts. For .-ale by K. .1. HAI.K SON, Fayette- \ille; .in'l liy r."ok'v-;!er.s j;eiuTal!y. S. i-t. -ll. is.'.o. "f A lira. -■!. :^r ”oM and riiinilde' and I’e ici ■"; jroM 1,1‘ckets: ( t.h's .iiid .\!>en'' K- \ •iv.T-; Che." iiieu; Aci-orde..!:-; .-ilver SoooU'; silver» \c. Military tioodsof all kind.-; :i lii;e 1 ‘t o( Cli. -k-. i \ihiii^ i i t o- in !.!> liio-. and .■dnio^ will time to tl 1-re-enti'd. ■Id cite.1)1 tii.’it \iil for p,,y .-I. j; Wat and .'i-'.\'1ry i ; Old (o ld and Silvei' t;;I-.e!i ii i All tlioee illtlel'ted bv ir liii rt \\ hen r>r •lint. )iiii.'t ]• F.i \ ette\ il'e ih. -t .1 \. ( >et. 1 or [loi.k ai - . llibe)'. ;d-tf l!.\(i.' .lav.i. [,.i;j;uir!; and llio ('otfee. '• lllid-i. Cuba and I’orto Kico Siijr.ii-, l!* llaiiels llelined Suj:ar. •’> l’:'.) i e’..- ;.:ra)niialed Lo.'if SiiLMr, I'oxes doiible-ivtinc 1 !>o., U" llhds. sueet Mol,.sses, Imperial. 1! vs ii atid (! iinpowder Teas. •^'1 (ir-.s- MaSl.e-^. li II.s croiin ! I’epper. I'l I :■« )'. Sj.iee 1 iil];^er, .-.lit! U.S. .'^al. S b). t l;'.!-, 1 I Pj.eras. 7 lilii.s. ;.i, 1 .. bills, ••liable .'lills" Sm;!i'. ib . s..le 1 e iliu)-. 1 bbl. .Miiiii. ri:!t_\ l;i r' Its and I'in C.Dii'ters. S \ i'll a;i 1 III \ I'J Class. '1 1 d • . east I’ow I'TS. r. >. rte.i bc't br.i;: is. S.:,;-. I tbei _v: d- ! ;•. .ile low bv H. 1’KANm>N S(!N. ' shall be wantin'^ to merit it. Iliij Stoclc comprises a full assortment of nr- tieles in his line of busi)iess. all of the best (|U:iI- ity; l)i-n;.is. Medicines. ('l^eniieals, I’uints, Oils, I'yeStiiff^t. I’sitent \!edi>,-i)iej'. rerfiu\iei-y. choice 'I'e.a.s. Seed. (Il.iss. I'utty, 'I’ooth and Hair lliai.'ti- es, S(iaps,, \c. 'I’he ntniost eaie priveii to the prep.iratioti of i’.h} Nicia)is‘ I’rescriptioiis and Fiuiiily Iteeipes. .iidy 111, IS.'^i;, (itf I'liion .\?rinillnri\l Warflioiisf Seed SloiT, •>». 2:l SIrt'Ol, VorU. The uinlonsiiiiied llte atten tion of all purehaiers of T)i)pleme)it.s for the Fa)'m or l‘la)itatio)i to their a?so)l)iient, which incliideB ))ia)iy of the )iioi«t recent imjirovoiient.? in the leadin^f articles in their line, all of which they ^^ill sell at prices to insure ■^.■itisfaetion to theliu\ei‘. nsi'i;ci \i.i.v liaihvay l')!dless CIi:ii)i l*owe:>, f,.r one oi' two h'.rse.'J, of the Vi'heeler I'atent, so often awarded the tiist preniiiiiii at the .''t.ite :ind (’onnty Fai) S. where they have been e.xiiibited, llailw.iy I’oweis. warranted. W aric)i \ 'I’riniblc's lro)i Sweeji I’ovici s, ’l'a|i- lin's Ci)'cul;ir I’ower. I'lows.'ows, Fa)i Mills, .'-tiaw ('iittt i s. I’urtablc r>in i-.''tone .Mills. V>;i^ons, Caits, i\i‘. iVc. Field a)id (!;irde)i Seeds of i:K.i.i'.r.'.K Qi M.iTV. Fertilisers. Fruit and ()) )i iine) Trees. Our desci-iptive (’at i- loi;iie illust)ated \^ ith cuts, will be seiit ^ri'ali.-' wlicn two to four I’ost (>;hce Stamps a)e reniit- tc I. according; to t!ie distance. IIALIMI CO. •I lly •' dm Sl/ocs /or Sft/c a! ('o.sf. rnillF «iibsc)i!ier will sidl -’lO'i |',iir of b.olies'. S .Mi.-''i «', and ( biMri’n's .''tme-., (i.iitns. and .-'lij'pers at cost, t'.ill while tiie a."ortine)it is j;ood. June 1 I. is: Xi:\l illlM .t.\!) Al’M iiOl'llJi. •liciioiiaiil *%* •'fBr«'f¥asJri' ■g B AVK JrsT IIFCKIVKU a voMi’um: J,fi. STOCK of Provisioiiw, I't'ibr.ieinj; almost everv ru tide iisiiallv kcj>t in that line, at the VULl.'oV, 1!C 1 Li'i N(l. a fe'.v | doors above the State I!;i)ik an t one door above I .^l. W. Jessup's*, on (iillespie s!r> ( t. a)id would | be ]ilca«ed to e.\hibit any thi)i;r in their li)ie to ; t!i(i>e who may favoi- tin in witli ii call. 1 _.\I.SO— i llarJwaro, ('iitlery, ('nx-kcMV, (Ilas.--'vare, j WiHitJ-Ware, lii(juu/.s, Uoot.s iiiiil S’lioi JIat.s ami (’aji.s, and a jjrood a.'^.'^urt- | inont of J>ry fioud.^. j To the above Stock we \\uild rLSjiectfully in- j vite the attention of the jwiblie. j Country l’)odiice ftiken i)i ex; li.ii!p:e foi- ] (ioiid.i. J’a3 ettcville, Sept. 1, IS'iJ. HJlf The Stc;un«T l'':iniiy I.u1t(‘rlol! will in future leave Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friilay imunin;rs, at •! o’clock. Jind \Viliiiin;non U eihu sd.iy.s and Satiirilavf* at 12 o"cloi:k. and run ie;riilai'Iy, cairying freight and passeii;; -r.^ ith dei'oateh. T. S. LrTTFIHOII. J)ily -2, I'- tf Mr died ('ollc^r of l!;c Sia,'! of South (\ii'(iUit(i. A)inii;d ('oni’se 1>.V\ in Noveiid .eiturc-' i)i this hi- )i the fii t .MoN- n t'.'.e followintr bn.nehes; .\nat. r.iy, by .1. Ii. Hoib;o,,k. M. 1>. S'.’.r;.:ei V. by F. (I'ed liii^s, .M. 1*. Institute.s and rraet'--e, t-y J'. He!: sou. M. l>. rii\-iolo::'.. bv James .Alonl'r liick- c. M. I>. .M. 1). ■lean, .M. 1>. .M. 1». A^ra-^r^i/. M. I>. I. Jiiiia-’! K.ive- W. S. I.ATTA. '.'iMf ^';l'>s. M. it. Sui-rrv, J. F. '••I'- ]"•= K. N ('i i;;ate ai. Alul a ^leat in.Mi •r Z. NEW STOCK. > ribff- are receiving their Fall , BOOKS AND STATIONERY. '.;i' 0) tl a ,;rt at variety ofS('ilO(il. ■, ti-i v have the usual TFf KOI J »JIC A L, \i.. i.vw. HisToinrAL. iuoc,i:ai*h- 'i M!>•'KLbAM'.'*FS works, suited - State, Tli- 111' 't elejrant st- .k of ilSLI> A\l> IMCiVilK ISOOIi^ - tl;!' I-"'*'- tiiiK I> !c'. Writiiijr I’apor, T*ou ainl k't Kiiives, I)ik, Ink .''tanl.«. I' :.', KiiV’ I..p J’lirt Foli.i.s, ]*i»rt M i'. I'lMwinir Taper, JVn il.«;, ' ■ ■' rliT i.rticies ii'U-iilv kejit in K. J. HALK \ SON. 4. T i.i:ATIICi! I!.\.M)S. ^Hor.ol Itll I.V -tietched. liiciitcd. ai riveted. F r -ab' bv T. S. l.L lTlilM.' 1! ,\ CO. Oct. 1, I-’.Itf S'infi'fJcrilh' CSnttirli (L(iTiii\ii i;;vniiLi.sii.Mi:.\T. «V I nih'rhiSl, lf> ‘.’.nil .1. 1!. Wliilv T'nf'>l., 1 'I'DOLS. i AKVFNTr.l'S'. r-ho k :.rni.s‘ J. •j.t. T. WAl HIM,. • ;ctf n.f li r., ] (0 Street. .New V. rli I > I’erson stri-et. nc.\t li o' t' F.ank •■i' ("a FAYKrTFVll.I.F.. N. ( "aI N' 3a i!l. I'liF.sii (;()()j)s. ' I’ll! tiS c-iri>etincs. "new style aii 1 * , •••■■ni'—15: u-'els. three ply. hiL'rain. I'riii..;ett a)id l!ii"s; Floor and Table I: iii.T'k, Turkey-red, and embosseil super tine lUaukets; Hrass «nl ' 11 Andirons, and Sliovel.>j and Toiic.s, uof Kr.nv. I.-itI - iis'orted Crockery, new style, ini- im ti\ fr >111 Liverpf; )!, inakinjr our us- 'it i-''rr:iilete. —.\I.S(J— ' N (’ .ffi.e Sujrar. ('. and I’orto llico Sug:ir, ■-uiia Coffee. ■d French r>r:i)idy, i- .and boxe-- Soda, lUitter, und I'ic i . -tit of llfady-maile (_Mot!iInp;. d a)id for sale bv S. W. TILMNGHAST .V f’o. oltf iu)() rs. Vout!.'' and (d.;' !)■. ):s' III >.ts. J. 'I'. .\id)ii.r. Sept. I-'--'. -".‘'tf t-j;- Cash j'aid f> r dried Fruit. xo'i'K'i:. A I']’LIC.\TI'»N «iil t tleneva the pass.i;.e spi.l^olls l-.jU lli't.tUte. • ille • t in!"i:.i the citi/> iis and ^iiinil^’. we ir supply of Sl‘i:iN(; AN!' which com[irisC':i -••iicia) le t. the next .\>si-mbl_\ of North Cai‘1 hna. for t an act to {!-‘ \ei.t the ;;!c of Ts u iti;i!i t!,n e mill o! K; u son Sej.t, ■■“. l“'-'iL'. ;l -It m:.\i)Li:\ > wokk. .iLsr ri i:m iii.ii, j,i\‘s f)t \\ niticld aiul ,\n- (h'fW .I;uk' >u, liv .1. r. IIkai'Kv. I'ni- 1 111.- the atteM: n of (insists in p.ii t of F) 1 M-l. with r>-rtruit- *il ;ii« k I' VJ. (OMMO.N SCHOOLS. ' 'I.l.i riuN.'^ will 1)0 held ill the several ' Iii>tricts of thi.s efiunty. o)i the Jd ;i: >i rober, for the purpo.«e of elect- nnittee m(-n iii each 1 district, tri'eholdei's, or two of the Committee I' jirc'ent year, may hold the election. '■' I'lriis will be ma‘le to the Cliairman of ■o| f Superintewd»;iits, or the Clerk of ,!y Ciiurt. etion will be held on the ’Jd Thursday ■:: nth. KDW’D lj;i: WINSI.oW. Ch n. ; J. I-:;:]. ;:i-iiw f\ir ('oiaiiioii School i'Ju- '•>11 ill UfjfK'son ('oinitxf. 'itied voters for niemher.s «f the ' oi ('onimo)i» nre notifieil t> !ittend -i . ctive district S on ' liiur- lay in OetoVier instant, for the • tiii^ three committee men lor -'ri't. t'. sii]ierinte)id tlie juiblic schoolri ■ h • ■ /ri'cdiobb^rs are authorized nnd re- ;' :e 1 :i% poH-kee|er.s. The poll-keep- 'e forward the election returns to '' 111 ot the IJoaid of Superintendent.^, 1 iiv law, or to the Clerk of the Cotni- fO., ; ..,1 y 'I"'' , ***■' I. V -•>ve ‘ ‘t'*' : f ^ them ;ard. A" v;c to es'® NFILL .’SrcNKILL. II r»ourd Sniicrintendent.s. :51-‘2tpd aubli® Water \Vil- Mi.i llA'rS, AND CAPS. Jl ST ItKCKIVKU, my FAI-L and WINTHR STOCK of HATS ■uid C.M’S, for men, boys and ■"iith.s, consisting of the I'ollow- viz; '•'kin Ueebe shape, Jennings. >iik nrices from 2o to ll'* -ia Ih'-111 IJrims, ' d'-. if nil sorts, .sizes and prices, ‘ 'I' )iien, bovs and children. I’dilin^r liats. , , — ALSO— ir I * ’'''-k of Fur and Wool Hats of I ,',,'"i’'‘’which 1 will sell low for ' tilt ilieeu Street Hats, nnd t'orni uirii si ^^COTT and J.ick-'on are here j.biced ti-;:ether :is the two military )ueii who have made the d'-e]*est i)ii]iressioiis on their cotiniry since the time of Washiufrtoii. Th-y b^ th atdiicved a brilliant reputation in the war of 1,'spJ. .m.l by tiie battles 4 Cliippew.i, .Niairal-.l, .N--W Ol'- leaiis, etc., ;r;ivc their coiDiti-y a rejiutalii n at lion.o ami abroad, and thon^di diffei-i)!^ wiilely in so)iie chai icti'iistics, tJiey w. ie similar in others. The author has not only sket-lie 1 the bi >v:ra]’hv of each, but has v:iven a faiviilti! and graphic dtseription of the brdiiaiit l atili's in whiihtliey were eli;ra;:ed. Tiie bj..;.>-r;ip!iy ol >Vinfield Scott, which constitutes the jrreater part ot the volume, is full aiil authentic, the m.iterials tor it havinjr bei'ii dciived from pnl>- lic docu))ients ;ind fioin m.iny otHcei-s who had sei'ved under .'>cott. It piesent-. to ihe re.nb r also a |ianoramic view oi tiic briliuint eiinip.d;.;n d'.Mexico, eiiibr.irin;; the storming and capit ulation of \'era Cl iiz, tiie battles ol ( % )To (ior- do, Chiirubiisco. ('oiitrei-is. ,Molim> del lley. Chapultepee, .storming of Mexico. Triumphal Fntrv. ^^■ifh desci'iption ot the scoriei*y, personal im id'ents. etc. The autlior fully sust.iined the lepiitaCion ai-'piired by ••Najvoleon and his .Marsh.'ils," and other woi^ks. d' which oYer L’OO.OIXJ vidiimes have been s«dd. FU.\NKFK]:i:MAN'SB.VUi}i:U-SII01\ 'I'alc fill- till* Soutli ainl X»rtli. l»y Itcv. !>. H. Hall. Anth*»r lit’“S'liui - tliiii;: for !‘>vcrybody,” “Xcw i‘urclia»«‘,” A.'-. 1 v'lj. I’Jiiio. Toe. ri’^IIIS Wiirk. w hile it .-idvocate.s the cause of I the .\friean, wou,1 do justice to the South. It would awaken but not excite unillt. iior turn jiihi tir the into i-ni;ffinrr a^'ainst the II lnh\ nor inmlcHte lmn«iti under prete)ice of lure and It would have h,fe tlo the work ol hutr. It will be marked with the (diaractei'istics of the author; so well kiK/wn to the public by his jirevioiis works, of whom it was saiil in the juiblicatioii of ••The New I'urchase,” that “■Me was master of many stvles. and had stepped to tha hiphot round of the ladiler at once.” The work is im flefeuce of slavery; but it would be n hulrnr,--irh>-iL irot K w.iu’d b. of F.yetr, l.:l\e ie.^t vecei'.ed SF.MMKi: (.( oi.)." ;i>soi tlu.-nt of lii: ADV-MADi: W hich will be foiuid worthy pnii'li.:-crs. :i;r 'jrtment the lo'il.vw iiiu: Coats. — i^i ick a)oI col'd cbith l)i- and .’•'.U K Cm:i'. al! u^alito*; Idai'k f;)id C"1 .red Ca'hincrei ir^tt.i: I'jcmdi a)i'i r.n>.li--!i I'rari 1> - Fte ditto; (^'leeii's cloth and .Vlj aca ditto; Fan- i-y C. ,.t- of n: ’'tled ('r .'se and Tweeds; Kell, tuck;. •*': l.inen :mo’(■:.tto;i'iinirham.-; Hro,- buil .all ! white i.iiitli'-; w !i;Te _la'.'-t loll, .''.icks. \C. of .ill ijll.lhf e>. I‘.\NTS Ot bia. k .iml = ■•I 'l C.i -li;;ere; (alley'd diM- ; Freii di and iiiijDsli l>ia;» 1> li-! ilitto; wh'i;',' and Col d Drill ditto; Kell- tuci.v .le;.i;; I'tt : Iiidi.i a:* ! Ficm h .Nani.ecu d;f ■. iVe. \'F.'"r.' (>f li’.ick .'' itin, lloiiiba/ine. .\ljiar.i. black and, > ,r j Sill.:-: wh'(e and C'-l' I Mar'cillcs ditto; bro'. n aiid padded l,;nen. pl.iiii and ti;i N'.Dlkecn, I’.'ll!, (i lls ; cloth. iVc. .Vll of wliicb arc otl'eii i f. r de as low a- cm be b..ue!it in the .Nt-w York lilal'ket. at w!.ule:l'e ac.d ictail. In addition to tie- c.bovi-, we 11 keep on hand a u’eiier il a.'-'itnieiit of hil ts. Itr.iwers. Collar'.;. ll"siei-y, .Vc. .Ms". Cloths. ( 'a'-iiaei-'S. am! \ e~tin r>. The TAI l.‘'KI.NC Mil’\ IITM li.NT will be -on:inue.l a bei-i i‘. :im 1 all orders foi- fin. ile_' will l.i' ! ill the 1 .-'tvle. ♦ ■ . Api il 1 WWS’VVA). i: \i:i!KI.S .f TFIll’iiN- Id.NF. for In^tillerv at tlie Flank r.oad lirid^e oii I’d- ll -'h. 'I'lie ln'St i;i:ii!:ct price wili be p.iid. F.w Iiiriher :)(fo)-:u- .11 i-ii, ill! pi ire oi.bihn M ii)'] hy, a t t l.c i;rid;_'e, or ol' A. .\. Ml Keth.-in. Fa vettcx iiie. p.-c. is. is.'il. ■ .(■•tf iii:ki{in(;s. i;rd.s. iiiii:i:iN-;s. 'J.~> •• i'rinie Fork, For s lie )iv T. S. LFTTFIlI.Olf .v Co. J.ily L‘1,’I."'.!’. lotf wws'vvA) 'I'o pruc'UAS!:. COI’.I'S I’INF wool*, to be deliv- s F ^ if ered o); lay W harf durin.;^ the )ic\t six iiioi.ih'.. T. S. lA TTF.l’J.Oll. Jnly L’-J, I s'.J. F'tf .m:\i I'lii.M (Sl .\i:\v rjJlHF subscribers are iio.v receivii:;.: fr..m JL N. York, a lar;'e and ;'-enc)al assort)iient of S(itj)lr (tntl i'tuirii Dm (i'ixh/s^ c Koc Kit I !•:., iiA!:i>\VAi;i:, Hats Ca|>', l>iM>ts iiii'l SliDf.s. .\)Uoii;.X w hi h :t!'e; (’• f'ei-. ,'Uirar. Cotton F>.ijr,;iin-. liale Hope. Nails. \Vi:i lox,- (i’a-'. Sweden ,iml Knirlish iron. Sack a’.d Alum Salt. Iiii|ierial and lilack Teas, I'l j'p'-r. .\l-picc. iinirer. I’o dvr, .''rrot, liar I.ead. liar and I'.ilicy .''o.iji. Tojrether with a jri'eat \;iriety of other arti cles, Id uli^ h they invite the attention (d' the )>ubll.-. and wliicli they a.i'c d.-ter)iii)ied to sell ••I' i 'A I'll- C.ish. or oil ti)iie to tho.~e who pay ]irompt'v. as a)iy house in the Southern country. all kinds, at the hi^iicst ni.irkct piin s. taken in exchange for (ioods. .M ld;.\N .M JoNKS. Si;n;ii'.ervill', N. Itec. S, is’il. ITtf -M.lteria \iedic;;. by ilel;];, II o; :-tetii. s, by Th.^ ; ; (., Fr' (d;emi;-try, b\ I . .-l.i -, .;! I ('oiiip.iiM I i\e .\m;t. 'iiiy, by I., heiiioi.s;iati.r • f .Viial unv. nel, M. U. -V^dstant I>i )ii'iiL-ir.;t'r, F. 'I F:o-e. ?..r to the I’loicssi-r ol .M. (led liiiL;. M. I*. Cl.IMC.VL IN." fUFcrioN. i 1». .1. Caifi. .M. !).. Fhyri. ian to li.e M.-irine IIor-] an I Cliiiicai I );sl iiicK r. lei ! ares tw,ce a wi ek on the F'se.iS's of that 1 ii. tilut;o!i. J. Ford I'liojeau, .M. I)., l’h_\-ic!a)i to thei !f> I of the .Mia** lloii.-e. ,.t w!:ii h iecturi s : ;:re delivered twice a week on iii-ea: v . tiiedi- 'is li-'Ti’iiinated. and tiie :-l eieiit in ioc- trin.itt i in Ib ir treata.i ot. I'l laoi.sti.itixe li;-tr::c(!on in M' -lieine and Sur rcr-. . at the C..ib je 11 ..■•] it.ii, 1 ' tlie I’lo- lesso;-' .f the Ml di,-ai College. At II soecial meetii:;.^ ot'the T. .. tei H). l I’a- cillty of tlie M. dical C..!!e,LM- of !*:■- ."(..te ; f S., held on the I d.iy "f .laliual'y I'-li. I'r. 1.. i ,\.''S IZ Was i;:ia)lil.lou?;y eleeied Flo- Ic'sor of Coinpa)ati\c .\' i.iy, with t. e di'- ilict umlcl'talidin- that tiie col'. _iate e::, ■ ii- .'cs of the stmielit are not to be iucrea.-e l by tiiis additi'' • to the l oui 'c. Ill NK'i K. I- KOST. .M. 1'.. Kean, i'harlc'-: n ,\u;r. 17. l>'ill. liiJ-1 awI'.w M'MIU-Ji! LrM!U:R!! F h.ive oiir .■'Team .''aw .Mill in succes.s- ili'.' iVoni Fayette'ilic. ad. :ind ;ire Jirep.iicd inc. -\s \M‘ run two 1C fill bill' ;!t the Ii.i;ii.'h I’i)u‘. I’.'liar :ind of .aliiio't any |- t!-nthlul)iess of liae shall be eoiial to anv fill Opel ition. s ni; ne:ir the Kaleiudl .''tn_e lb to execute or b r> in oiir 1 ^.s',/' -.'. ^ sk. rte t le>ti.-e, W e C :Ii nnd .li'.ni]'e;- l.l'Ml'dil’i. leitirth. Our l.iinibef, fo) i.nd 'ni 'Otliiiess Ilf face, shall e\i.r di liveie.l in marl;et. JoNF> Mar. ii ;:o. 1S.-,L>. F.Alird’K. 7Mf T • th- f ishioiiable ilAKT. .\;_'eiit. SOtf \\\IU\]\ 1. liiUi;!!. 1'OU W A Ii 1)K\ A N !) CO .M M ISS10 ,\ M !: IiC11 A '1', WILIVIINGTDN, N. C. Iglil’.SO.N AI, attention ;iiM-n to the sale or shiiunent of .Naval Stores. 1 h.ive .Diiple faeilities for cohilucti)ip the busines; lai'.ire whal'f a)id store sheds to keip spirits triuil tx].' sure. .N.ival 'tore.* will be shipped to any house in New \i;)k. or to other maikets if ,‘id\isab!e. and liberal c.ish ad\'ances niade on Consign III ei it s. 1 rcl er to tlie 1 olio w i ni; distil *t*)'s; F.. Ilaiiiiuni, \\ a\ lie County, Ciiaiidler Hall, Joiinsto)) Co., Fo\etl I’f.-icock. Cidniiibu* Co., 1’,. !l. F.arilen, Thos. I. \ ail, Fdaden *• .Messrs. Siiiifh,, John.-toii 'o., M: ssis. Z. i't J. Jones, ?dt ssrs. Smith vV Joiu-s, Spencer Foiint.iii), J'iso., I.evi Fiaiiey, I-.mj., " May 120. ISVJ. ■ pd l)i:sil!.\l!!.!'. l!i:sil)K.\'CI'. I’Olt SAI.K. rri5Ill' Subscriber now offers for .«ale all his ii 'I'urpentiiie and Farming F.\NI), contain- in;r about ')0»* Acres, situated 1 L’ mi es Fast of F.rvetteville, on the (b.ldsboroujih ro;'.d, com- mouly known as Faliiiyi-.i. It ha.-* a jroofl dwelliiifr house, oiit-buildin^^s, m:\\ i’ium. [^11II iindersijriiei] havi,’ entei-cd into cop.irt- nei'ship, uinU r )he name .ind style of 3i:twmu'c A: Troy. For the purpose of doiii;:: a -.reueral Mercantile and Harter bii.-iness. W c ha\t;iken the .''tore, .No. lodKliF.N .'^TKFFT. formerly occnpicd by Me. : rs. .lohn lluske \ Son. (iFO. W. I„\W I’.FNCi:. John i:. tkov, .Ir. d.'Uf .. I .. . to sto]), but to concentrate, ei(uali/.e, ami imect ^ ^ stoi-e where a lai’ge amount of busi- other motion.«i. It treats the is done, and inci-easiiif: daily. This is a r^'orth to the (iiliiiii-'i. 'J lie writer witnei^sod 1- M.WII) HKE. notf miicli that he de.-cribes, and real }>ei-son.-- are introduced unl«‘r new names, so that the woik» 'while it will jio.sscss the interest ot fiction, is not only true to life, but in many of its scenes and chaj-acters is true in fact. Will be published in October. CH.VKFKS SCKinNKK. ") I’jirk How and l-lo .Nassau st. X. ]?. Hither of these works will >)C for warded by mail (prepaid) to the address of any nai'tv sending the pricc’s annexed. Oct.4. n-1m 'Flu; Karmc'rs’ ;iiul J’liiiitcrs’ ALM.\NAC for ISj;;. Just leceivedv I). J. HAM-: .V .‘••OX. Sept. 1'>- nire chaiicv for turpentine fietters, merchants, \c. and w ill be s(.bl a bargaiin. .\ity one wish- infr to purchase, and wisliiu'^ further informa tion, can apply on the premises, to J. W. .MFIU'HV, or 1’. TAVLUK, Fayetteville July 2«th, ^tf f^llll . , V w _E_ ville laily, at half pa.»t four o A. commencing tlic* 1st 'lay of July. ,:HcKL\NON & McNKTFL. Blank Warrants for safe here. \ Segt. Oct. lOO.OOO .\crcs \ alu:il>Ic 'r I M H i: \i I. A N i) s Foil S.M.F,. H F .''iibscriber has pui'chaseil all the l/.mls belongi)ig to the f.state of .Vbr.'im Pui'Ois. dee d. U ing |>ri);cipally in llobeson county, and oil lioth sides of Lumber Fi\er, the (lillerent sur veys containing {(HKO^^O Acrcs: ■\ l.ircre jiai't finelv Tinibered. and conv‘nient to 1.umber F.i\er. wliere a large ipiaiitity ol I'im- ' ber is )iow ratted to the (u'orgetown market. These L.-inds are veiy valii.-iblc both for the i Timber and Turpentine, for which a ; large ]iart is well suiti'd, being in a region j where the Tnrpenti’.e \iclds more :ibumlaiitly ■ th.'in anv other sect o)i of th.'.'•'t ite. The I.ands will be sold at a low jirice, and in iuaiitities to ' suit purchasers. ' Inlormation resjiectiiig the title can be ob tained by apjdying to the lliui, Kobert St)';inge, lion. Jas. C.'llobbiii, or A. A. T. Smith, Fs.j., (Attorneys at Law.) I umler.^tarid there are many t)-espassers o)i these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be euforcei! against all suidi oHeiti’ers. ^ Applic.ition for any part of the r.ands can be maile to myself, or to .lohn Winslow, F.sip. who is (.liilj' authorised to m.ike sale of the same. THOS. J. CI HTIS. FaycftcTille, N. C., Sept. 1, 184o Tutf 'rimhrr ajid 'J'tirj/cnii//c Land for fiaic, in Uoheson C omit if. ACl’KS, adjoining the lands of Jl •!$**** William Griiwiley, Alexander McIntyre, and otiiers, verjr beivvily timbered and tine turpentine land, froHv lWfet» to five miles from Haft Swa)iip, and from five to .sis miles from Lumber lliver. :27(» acres, adjoining Joseph ?*?tiitU, Eaq. 4oO acres, known as the •‘old NoriTMfut Mill Tract.” A never-failing stream runs through this tract, and it is considered giv« s( th* best seats for !i mill or luai the county. Apply to WIJ.LIAM MeXi’JLLL, K. ri. FKFNCir. Ltnrtficrton. Clothiiia! ^ ! I NEW COODS. fHlIIK siib.«C2'iber is now receiving a large act*" -fi. tHtion to his Stock, cotisisting of Urv Coods, Coliee, Sugar, Crock-*- cry, Hardware, Hats and Ca.p'i, Jiouts aii,'l Shoe.^, ]>a^gijig and lvopc« —A LS( I— lIoiln’.v-’Raro, Nails, ]..e;it!icr, WinrloNt". (llas.s, "NVliitc l.oad,', Fish, ite. Vi hich ae ctfers on the most reasonable ternis.- (lifers fi.r sale a large .=tock of A" SPomcstir JLifjitorSf Old Rye Whiskey; old Xa'b. llrandy, .\pplc‘ I’ramiy, ('orn ^Vhi.'^key, N. K. Ituni, and Am. Cin. Hie F(JUFl(iN LKjFOKS were selecteii with c:ire. jiiid arc of sujierior (quality. The/ consist of (iodard F.rniidy,- Otard ditto. Old London Dock ditto, ffenise ditt^j, .lamaica r.iim, St. ('roix ditta, Holland (jiin. Irish Whiskc\, Cheri’v I!r.indy .Madei)-a ^^'ine, sifperioi', Sherry ditto, ditto. Fort ditto, some vei'v fine, Sicily Madeira Wii.e, Chaiiiiiaign ^Vinc of tlie Uoliiigcr and otiicf brar. !*, in ijuarts and ]dnts, .•sparkon;! ILick, ditto ditto, Fcjipermiiit ('onlial. Al.-o. a liirre lot of the best and cheapest CI-^ (1Al‘«S in the place. W. DJIAI'GIIOX. Sept. ll''.-om in'K WIHSKKY. I’-.VUllFLS, .i prime article, just re ceived jind for .sale bv W ILLKINOS & CO. —ALSO— JiO b.igs prime FKATHFJIS. Sej't. |.'>, li'ol'. i?itf LA\vin:xci': troy H.ave received their Fall f'toek of •jrocericSj Prcvisionsj and Liquors. ALSO— sii'iiill lot ol’ivcatlv-in.-dc' (.'ioth- ii'L!', ('i>ck(‘iy and (lassv, arc, ]>(;ots aiiil Sliocs, iiardwarc and (’wlK'i'V. '\V" h.iVl' oil hand the fbilo'rti’lg (i K( )(,’i] 11 i !!io. I.auiiira. ;ind Cofieej I’orto Kico ami Cuiia .''iii^.ir,, (‘ni'oied aiiil Coil'ie ditto, .\d;i)na)iti|ie iiiid TalloW Candle>«, Fancy and coiiDiion F>ar Soaji, I’earl and Corn Staicii, Fejiper, .''jiice, (linger. Nutmegs, Clo\e». CinmDiioii. 'fca, &.c., Salt. Iron. Myhissf;■!, iVc. .'•'olc, rpper and llarnctx Leatlier. Me?^s I'.eei. and smoked M)id dried ditto. Feel TonjiKe.s. and ■■'rongucs ami Sounds,’’ No. .Mackerel, in bbls., No. I ditto, in kitls, Salmon .in.] 1’iv.kled ilo-;i)ig. i:i b;il.«., Laid, in bl'l-!.. keg*' a)id kit!s, Ml- hen rnd 1 lairy Futter. CheeS' , I'ickh s. I’ri serves, i‘.:c. 1.!(,>( Fine I'reiicli I'r.imly, Coniim.n l>on:estic ditto, Old Uye \\hi:.i.ey, I lUeti'ied ditto.' j ('lear w hi'ic dil *o. Country ditto. .Ne,\ Fii'.ila>;d llun;. Holland (.ill. l'"i t lod T' iieriife 'Vine. C' lU'.i. 'll .Malaga ditto, v.'e l.a'. a lar;ze b t of Li;p’.ors vvlilcli we ‘f !'el' I"'-.' by the barrel. We i,i eo on baud, always, F!A(J(JN, FL')l I’, COKN. .xe. \'> e i ll. r any of the above namC'l Hoods ns low :iS Can be ;i‘-'"rde i in this m.irket. for Cash. i , .. , , 1 . , . ,... i..., „ „ . tor almost anv kind of produce, for cash, or to' I )■ 111 excli.tnge loi ( .aintry rroduce, or on time , • ' to pa;ijf.'.al eust'iiiii rs. FAI.I, AM) WlNTlUl CR Fall !'.i:tl Winter (ioods are now hcve> and ready for sale. Oai' stock of 3>!1Y large and better than any fcnuer se.ison. iSAeie)'!! .!!:!: ct TiL3:!:Y is h.ird to Onr ntoek i>? large, eijiial if not superior any former year. All of which we would I'.e glad to excliange* I!: T No\ el :. 1-'. i ir|K'r‘; •F. He-! cheap e - Sci.e..: -i. !•■. l.AWUilNCF. A; TRoY. li'itf .Ma;.;a:/.!iU‘ lor Sopt'r; of ll-.ndolph .\bb>y: r,ew n!id li 'i. ijl' 1-itidiii'j-’s iind Smollett’s ll>» ks. .Vc. .iust received. ];. J. iiAi.i: .V sox. xo'i'K’i:. rW'HF. su'-'i-iibcr has taken tore next door to Hall *. wkcr."' he intends the T.MLOlllNti 1 .ill its branches, r.ictical exjierience in ni' .'t of the .\tlantic cities, he feels assured thai he can jdease the nil .'t fastidious. carrviii'j: H.ivini: will be executed w ith neatness and l)ie5ses made in the latest All ordei des]iati h. N. F). >,ilit.;rv and no . t ap]i)'o\». d st\le. J- A geiH a"'-"ifni*'iit of l'.(i on haiid. r. liich w ill be si ' r a; pr..%ed vi'v lit. punctual eust'jiuers on time. CUC'K TAVr.OU, Sejitembci'. L’7-tf LAXf) FOR SAU:. rg^ii I'i stib.'ci ibcr (lifers foi' sale lOUO acres (r? li- tim' TurjieHtine and 'limber LAX1>, ir,^ l’iobeso)i county, about four miles Xorth Kas*^ of Lumbi-rton. Xearly the whole tract ie hea-' vi’y timbered, and there are several beutitifut fdtuations for a residence. Ihit a srnall portiof^ has V>eeii cltarefl. It lies as high and healthy' as any l.ind in this regioJi of country. Also, six unimpi'oved Lots in the town of Lnmberton. I’ersoiis wishing to pu'felifise v.iil make ap-‘ plic/ition fo Robert E. Troy, in J,umbvrtoii, or" to the subscriber in pei'son, 1:,’ miles fi'om the' village, on the Harlleesville Hoad. JOHN A. ROWLAND. Sejit. l;^, ll'itf ihoiceCLOTH- Id low fer cash .\u;iust I’J, 1' i:. ?dONA(;nAX. lotf TALL AM) W lN'ri:U, Cili 'I In tlf dti'/.rnx >>/ F,li/i •trriU, , BF you \ '«'t Wilin'; ..r ")! ti.i' F.ill or iNint'. )•. I. iC't t.iil to call :it ;he Mind.alit Tailor ing; and 1'>t I;. ii;''S tore '! 1’ 'V 1 >.\ LI i\\ I-N. Tliev afi* now tiiieninu (iiie of the larg' 't ;;s- sortiiieiits of liifli il!l H U:t Fnilljf ]h'^ ever before offered t • t^e citi/eii' of Norih C.i- roliii:-.; whicii may be t'onnd I'very v.ivie- tv o(' llnsiness Coats, I’ants. la.test .■-t\b. and Vesta of .'ill the ra;.iilg Colors, ,as Weil p'ain .''••itiii and ( assiim re. 1 h*ir i.e'>v a:; 1 be.iutilul assortlaelit of Fa.'hioiiabli' ( o, , i--(i.;ts'i;ot fail to pl(’as(‘. The •d’.atent .Make mih Siiii't sold onlv by this hoii'e. i' au alilclc w evciy gentleman ough; to wear wl;o war.ts a fitting and desir.ible garment. Shirt Coll.irs. Fnde)-(!a) niems. Cloves, .vc.. \c.. in great variety. .\11 selling lo’w for cash. (»ur Merchant Tailoring Departnieiit is cou- ilucted bv cutters of eniiin nt skill; so w e arc at all times pre]>arcd to m ike suits to nie.i- siirc. on the line t appno.a-il sl_\le. .\ sph a.Iel a-'Sortiuent of Cloths. ( a.^.'iiiicres and \ estin^s alwavs on hand. SCOTT .N F.ALDWIN, Meridiant Tailors. Importers of lloiseiy, Clotii?, ('assiniei'cs and \ estings. a)id Di.'ale)'s in Re.idy-made Clothing of th.'ir own ;-:iiperior maiiufac tore. AViludn'zton. !ept. IL IS.iii. •Ji-tlJ rii.L i.'iii wivri'H cftfiiiN. h.ive ro; '-ivcd in j.a) t. a!;d are now •ceivi;::r a 1 ii'i'e and gem ral assort ment ot' and 'fancy DRV UOODS. coiisi.'ting in jiai't as I'.ii' .■'ui'cr Flack. Frown, 'iiietian l R.j'.e Cloths; .•^ilk i>in: ixsniAXCi:. Undersigned has been''Appointed Agenl^ of the North Caiolina .Mutual Life Insu' ranee Com]any. Fvery member for life parties ip.-ites in the ]))-ofits of the ('ompaiiy; and tlio' annual preniiniii for life membership, inhere i*; liinounts to ."jido or more, may be paid one-half in carh. a?id the other Imlf in a note at 111 months.- Debtors' Fives may Ih; ijisnred by ereilitors.- A man may insure his own life for the exclusive b.enelit of his family. Tlie lives of slaves may be insured. This system is vnfiidly growing I'lto favor, all over l5ie civiliztal 'woiltl. It i.? one by which .a family, tor a .«mall sum aiDiually. may be jiro- vidcd foi^. after the death of it? head, on" exertions they may have been dependent fm- a siipjiort. It is a good i;ivestnient of money, even if one should live long after t.ikiiig out .a Life Folicy. r.\j«lanai(>5-y jiamjihlets. and thc' Suii'r lil.ick i 'K'.'kin f.incv Cas.^imers; . .... - , - ■ i i i- plus!, and velvet Ve>ti,...'..' ,same ve.-y fine;) |Idanks, turnished on application. Flack, w i.ite .in I coion’d (ii.ina lin S.ilin and j F;:-!i.-!i Silk \ estin.-1 :;.e ( r.ixa.ts; ('ollars; ,.Vc. } !■:. J. H.vLi:. Fnvetteville, June ISoO, .Vnionu't our I'oU'ld I’iaiii F.i'k (i>'i'ed .'';ik; liu'ured do.; rid satin tl eeiiee. I ’.I ris i.i'i :i ted io ican iiiinted i'l La. Dn ■lerhine, .11;.' ■ii’h I'.r -id: whi'.e figiir I’riiited be-; Ilrg.isb laii -; s.;.ail ss (Jtiods may l>e ’ibick. figured and ■ (hi.; plain a)id .'d do.; plain white .''atin ( iishmere-^; Freiieh and .\mer- fi'j:nred and highly i i : u d: I (‘lilt (III if 1.1 II III III liijni-r lfi,li t.lljl I /■'ill' III n . f uiiii-; undeisiuned has just rcce;\el and _IL opened Ids Stock of C’lotlis, ('a'siliu'ics and W'stinirs. (’onsisting id' black, brown, green and bl’.;e Cloths, of various (pialities; fanc.v and plain .''ilii, .^ati)i. \'el\et and ('a.-simei (•.del' '1 1 -i.iin' loreliil Fiigli.-’i and Fren.di Merii'..-; o>|., red il..; lo'l; (Face Fepliii; Victori.i ' .Mi l T-.rt tti 1‘lai.k'-; cob re I .\l; aca ('obiirg.^ and . Lama C|. tlis; F.lack F.. niba/.ine. (~ome extr.i | tine;) Flaei; .\l)a-as. Silk an.I Cotton Warji; colored \elv.;- for chiMi i-n; Scotch, Fremli j ari.l .\ (iiir. hains and i>rint.=; Sh.-iwls; j M.'intilla'; ( doM s- llo-iery; Silk, Lamb's Wool : and Mciiiio >!;irts ai'.'i Drawers; a hatidsome a"-ortn;ent of llibl.-ns. Fiinges, Cimp and ' Velvet Trimming': Swi^s. J.i-oiiet, Striped ai;.l I’l.iiii .Mosiins; Swiss am! .L-iconet lalging [ a',;.I I li-^crtin'j'; llifaiit's Fmbroiiieie.l Waists. I I’obes and ('a|'s; Fremdi-worked ILin lkerchf(d's, : Coll.irs and Fndcr'lee'. e'; Real Thread Lace I ai.d Linen lld;.:ing; Lisle and Cotton ilo. With a full as'ortmeiit of llonnets. Hats.; Caps. i'e..--li. e.-. Fmbi'.dlas. Farasols. with ni.iiiy other ariieus i..t ( n;:me; ati d, m.iking ' onr a"Illii'.ciit one e.t the largest and lu st we have e\er oft'cre.j our friends and c)’..“tomers.— , , ,, So we invite il.eni all fo call as early a^ _coii- '-y Joseph ( hitty, Ksq. \enie;it. aii.l examine f .r t’lcniselves. as ive ex- ct to 'i ll as reasonable as .any other Ii..use 111 rj'^llF ^KTN.\ Insnranee CompJiny of Hart-', having (laid the tax im]'ose.l by th C;’ Revenue Law of tlie late Legi.-laturo, will con tinue its Agency in Fay-tteville, under the ni.magement of the ni'.l-rsigned, who is ]>re- j .ai'ed to issue Folicies of Ina)ir;i)ice I'li Fnild- inus or tiooits, either i)i this Town or in any ]uirt of the State, on pioper application, de scription of the I’rojierty, .Nc. The -K'fN.X CO.MF.MnV ha•; been in oper.ition about :io ycius. Its capital is Si;>»0,000. The lion. Thos. K. I'lv.ce was its first I’l-esideiit, and he still hold.^ that idrice; and several of its fit st Directors arc b’.iil active and efli ient mem bers of t!ie Foard. D has at all times sustained the hi.^zhest chaiacter for the prn lcnce of its= niaiiasreuient. and for the liberality witli wdiicl/' it has ever atUvisted it^ loss'’s. K. J. IfALj:, A.scnt. March 10, }S.->1, :.nd No. 1 tireene N'e-'ting', ol Also, Doe-skin most fashionable the most fashionable and fancy (,’assiiiieres, of tii selections. | f-•/j'*’select assortment of R FA. DV-.M .i DM CLonilX(i. consisting of Overcoat.'; Over sacks, close-bodied Sack and !• rock ('oais. ot various styles: fancy and plain silk and ('assi- ' mere X'ests, of sujierior cut arid worknn-uishiii, ' and of the most fashioii.ible colors. j i’ersoiis wishing to purchase .iriy of the above articles, would do well to call and exaiiiine his . .'tock. The sabiseril'e? oiitiini('.^ | to carry on the T.\I LOI! 1-Ni | la.'SlXFSS, in all its ^ari••usj branches. As he has taken in- j structions in Cnttini f?om one ; of the be.«ft inatructers in Xew Vork City, kc H.itters- liiiiiiKdr that he can carry on the busi- I1C.SS with nKire success than it has lieretofose been done, and vvill spare no pains to please those ■whs) 3*iay l*vor hiai w'lth their patronage. He nniy he found at the Store recently occupied by Mr. J- M. F>easley, on the North K;wt coi'iKr of Market Square. Ul.Cn GRAHAM. • Si4T>i'.. So. iS-*!'-. ■^(j-IjUl- 1 the tra.le. (••■l aer ’'Lnket Street, FavclVeviile. N, C. .U i,X !l JOHNSON .V CO. Septen.’u-r 11', 1>^'.-'. -7tf FAiJ. (iOODS. ,m;\\ liooK.'^;. rg^HF I..VW OF .V \T10NS, or th;' Frim i]iles- c.f t;ic Law of Nature, applied to the con duct .1)1 1 afVairs of Xations and Sover-.-gns; .V :iev. eiliti('n from the French of ?donsieiir iKi \‘:ittcl. with references to American lietisions 1 Smith's Leading Cases; a selection of Leading Cases on various branches of tlie Law. with Xotes. by -Imi. William Smith, llsfj.: Fourth .\nieriean from the third Hiijflish t..l;tion. 2 Volumes. Vol. oth Knglish F.’ichef'uer I’eport.s. •th Fn>;lish F.eports,- 11 are rec: i\ing oiir F.\LIi and W INTFR (ioODS. cmisisting of a large stock of Mim'tUrat’t' attti i'tiHvrtj., Imdi.din;: 1 iiipentine Tool'; bar, band, hoo)>, round. :iml sipi.ire Iron of all di'scriptions; (icr- maii. .'.laericai;, Fnglisb iiml Cast .'^teel. I 11:lk)\v and \\ oodcn \\ arc; Roots and Shoes; Saddles, Saddlery and L('allD'r; I!a1s and C’aps; Staple Dr\' (Joods; with our usua.l heavy stock of ::: bs. w m fc-iy'Cowiti y .Merchant« w ho purcliase in this place 'would do well to call and ex.amino our stock. J. & T. V. ADDII.r,. Sept-‘-'-itl' NEW I.ittlw ..V Frown's Law and F.ipiity. Ju-t rei-cived bv I-:, .r. HALK .*c SOX, Sejit. To, l? j2. TA*il’ loaves W’ARSAW daily on the ar rival of the cars, say D* o'clock a. m., and arrives in FaveTte\iile at ji. m. 'MeKIXXOX McXmi.L- 12, IP'oi.’. MAC ICKRKL. verv fine new Mackerel. Also, ■X Fau.s. ,')0 Fdlls. Herring. For sale by ('OOK vV TAVI.OR Sept. 20.. 18-.2. 27-2m Jjfuid ]\drr'n)ls W (int(d.. HI-; highest ( PKK^rs pai l for any' r.unibcr of Land W.irrants, Jor a Xorth-- ern concern. JXO. l\l. ROSE, .Agent. I'ayettcvillo, -\pri! 14, 185-. S2tl ALir.l FiTOX'S V;iiikee Stories, illustrat ed; the Yankee Te.i I’arty, or I'oston iic 177C; the Old F>ell of Independence, or I’hila- delphia in 177'i; Camp Fires (-f tl;e Revolution, or the War of Independence, illustrated; eld’s^ Diet’o:aai^y of Scriptaral (Uiotations: Harbatigli’s Heavenly Recognition; Catechism ot tamiliai’ Things:‘Mathia.s’ Rules of Order, for Socieiies,- »S:c.; Walker’s Rhyming and rroiionncing Dic-- tionary: F.ritish Female I’oets: .\merican Fe-^ mttle I’oet.^; Watson's Idctioiiary of I’oeticai Ouotiitions: Fhiladelphia as it is in 1H.'>2; .'^c. U J. H VLE SO^-

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