S E M I-W B E IC Y. tamswur:^:' x’iuwt -;«f ••Tl ■ I l"ll ■Mil TUMIBII linn I II [Vol.. II.] I‘Ayi:tti:ville, n. c., october ii, i852. [XO. 133.] UK>iiSik^'2333K32ab3aiK3UaaB£iB;^ •r^saaiirsKaec.^ I'KlNTKl) HY J. IJ. NKWHY. i:i)\V \IM) J. HALE & SOX, KlUTtMiS AND IMSOVUIETORIS. ;,-o t'"'tUo Somi-Wcckly Oiiskisvku > t t>0 if |,- ! ill .i lv:uico; ^4 .'>• if paid duriiijx tlie -iiil .>crii>ti(iii; (u- afti-r the yo.'ir has y ,r till' Wi'i'kly Oii>KnvKU $2 (H) per iiniuun, if j> :,i ill :iilv;uK-o; ;'>0 if j>ai«l iluriiig the V, ,r ill'*ri>>'*' ripti>>n; or y;! (M» after the year ! » ; \]'ireil. Vi'Vr-riTlSl'MlCN rs inserteil fcrsi\ty cents f,or 'i;iro t'«>r tl\e tirst, aiul tliirty eeiits fur earh ,1, le i ;>;T I'lihiicatn'U. Yearly aih ertiseiuent^ : i-'>iitrafts. at reasnna1>1o rate?. A'l- , are rei(Uoste'l to .-itate the itunilter of ■ :i' ih'sireJ. or they will bo eoiitiimeil till r I'^l. ainl eharire'l aoeonlinj;ly. l.otter;* to the Kilitvirs must lie porit-paiil. X -Mks. 11\>m,kv will (‘oir,- „ . , .. .‘I- Sehool oil MONltAV, 11th of Oetol.er. ■ • J. ;n--t m:\v AM) cnivvp coods. J\\l now rei’ei\inj: my usual assortment of KAi.I. all of whiih has 1 -i ii juir- for (,'ash. liy the paeka;ie, whii-h 'viil cni :e me to .sell at um-omiiKiiily low in ii es. Ill a'l'iitiou to iny usual stoek. 1 lia\e piir- >e>I a larje lot o' lle.uly-mailo Clothiii':. laiv lie sold at very low priics. t iiiitry merehaiits and others are iuxited to f\:imiiie the aUove stork, a^ it is >ne of the I vjc't ever iffered in this .''tate. .lAMI'.S KV1,K. :‘.ltf WA'FCIIKS, JKWKLRY, cVc. _ 'I'mk Suhscrihc'i’ is now i-oct'iviiiLr lii' FALL pi~>~ STOCK Ol' AM> SI I.VIMI \v A TCI IKS, AM) ,U'AV)!,i:V of every ilescri|>tion. -M''o. jilated C.tke IJaski'ts, ('aiidlesticks and Cin*tor;: tine Cutlery; douhle mid siiiL^le hanel liuns; Colt's and Allen's lte\ol\in^ I’istols; self- coekii)^ and common I'istols: I’owdcr Flask.'*; Shof I’ouehes; (Jaine ha;,:."; l’el■eu^sion Cij “(Ji'/r THE WEBSTI3R\S QUAirrO DKTIOXARY I A u It 11> b: n. ’r> oo. (toNTAlMNC TIIIU'.!-; TIMKS the matter ' tonud in any other lOnfrlisli l»ietioiiaiy "inpiled in tliis eniintiy, or any Al'i idL;ment of !iis work; a (Jeo^raphieal I'aiile of \ iolins; Flutes; Fifes; .\ei'ordeoiis; Music l>ox- j Names, Illustrative t^uotatioii.s. and other |>ecu- es; j;ohl, silver mid steel Sjiei'taele.;; aiul a ;;r»at ■ liarilies and advanta^res found in no other work, variety of other articles in the line. A ;j:ood as'ortmeiit of I'l.tit'KS. Purchasers arc rcsiK'cti.illy iinitc l to call and examine. nvai:ki;n' I'ltiuii. Sept. :10, 18-'i2. ;’.ii-;ini C'V Clocks and W.itches reji.iircl aini war ranted. Also, .lewehy of cwiy de.iciiptiou neatly reiiaired. Mrs. ±j WALTON 11 \.s jiisl rrtiiriMMi from the North. >»itli a new and lieaiitiful a'S.'i tir.eiit V consisting: of Straw "f va rious kinds and pi i« es. f her own selection, and the ■ tyle; Velvet, .''ilk and .''atin li.-it-;. Also. "_>■ :is''Ttineut of l»ress and Mournin;.r t’ap-^, i a \:irii'ty of beautiful Head I'resscs. \ i;ir:_.’ :i.-sortmeiit of the most fashiuiiali’.e TrimmiiiL:!*. Also, I'ress. Mantilla and I . . ratti-nis; embroidered Sleeves and Chem- l...rh .''\wss and Lace; a larire assortment ; ■ ;iiaiity of Ki 1 and Silk Gloves; chi!- •' ii-' ’ ;' a pretty style of Hracelets; Velvet ii .1 ('u!l' I’ins. iders from the country ]>roi»ij>tly atteml- I'ni(i(cril/r (unl (\jtfj'( Pliuih RowL A T the reiiue^t of r'eveial piTsons who de- sire to Decome biiMcrs. tlie time for re- ceivinir ]>ropo.vals for con.-tnn-tinir tlie I'.o.id t'roiii Puppy Crtek fo I'.liie's l’.iidj:e will be e.x- teuded iVoin the 1st to the I '.tii Oct. JNU. M. i:oSI'. Sec'y. Sept. ’J'.'. •■’.ii-tt icinviA (K'i7n i:!{ \1 tlir siiTii of llir l;ir:;r Walcli. lla\ Mrn't. (fifs o/.i> I! vs just rccci\( ii til K colisi.'till;.; 'f II Je99*i Sr9n^ SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND I\IILITx\RY GOODS. his a'.'ortnu'iit m-i\ bo found W atcli! ' of all Ivin 1'. IV.'in •>'' t ; uoM F. b, and K.-V-; ke\s. Hit , a tine stuck i; ( utf-i'iii': •■i'.Vcr SpCCtlH'icS, Tl 'lllbli- !.. cket'; Colt's mid A!!. ;, men; A- l or.Icoi,^: -.jiv. r Military (io.'d' ;if a!l Kinds and alni'St e\ir\thui;r c-i ^ et is so',.I at a tritliii}: ad^ance above the ]irice i)f other ;iu>l limited l>ii;tionarirs. ■•\\itliont reserve or iiualiticatioii. the best e.\t:iiit. I'nxii!, Ill (iliii. ••Siir/.issi'd in lull- lic."*' and .ircnr.ii y \>y none in our laii;.:ua;:i'. ' — /’ri .•’ii'-iii II'-/;/,'(//(-/. "It far exci'ls nil otiier“. Ill j:ivinir :ini| d.’tiniiijr si’it-ntilic term.'^.''—Pir.t. Ilih ••'llie stamhii d wheri ver the Kiij;- li.'h is siH ken, it deserves to be. must be, is, an l will be. I'm: Stoii-., "An honor to the RJCMOVAL. SAM‘1, .1. IHNSD.M.H, riic'BKii!t and S AS the })leasure id' inl'ormiiifr his custom- M d. ers ami the public, that he has removed li'oni his Old Stanil to the ne.xt corner above, (generally known as the "Pilake curner.'') llavin;r tilted up his Store with every conve nience for conductin'; biifinef'.s, both wliole«alo aiul I'ctail, to the best advantajre, he Holicits ti connnnance of the kind favor he has enjove 1, with the assurance that no efi'ort oii his part -•"li.-iil be wanting to merit it. ilis Stock coiiiiirise.'i a full assortment of ar ticles :ti liis line ot business, all of the hrst ((Unl- ity; l>rn;rs, .Medicines. Chemicals, Paints, Oils, liye Stull's, Patent .Me>licine», Perfumery, choict' Tea-*. Seed, (Ila.'’s, Putty, Tuoth and llairlJrush- e... Soaps. I’ot.ish, \c. 'I’iie Utmost care ^iveii to the Physicians' Prescriptions iind Family .lulv IJ, iSoli. btf lan;j’ii.i;j:e. ' I!iiiiijilirill. ropiou'‘iief*s, - jH-rspieuity, and accuracy, not found in any ( iMun .\"r|(llllUrill WiircllOIlSC kV Sffd SlOff, /^'i//. "A iireat improvement on .\i-;w FIRM m m cooiix. A* •lietllaKfi'r BBAVK ,11'ST 1:KC1:IVI:U a COMI'I.KTI-: ■ H. ,'^ThrK of I's’ovfi-xiosa?*, Fmliracin;: almost every .-n ticli' iisnnlly kojd in that line, at the N'F.l.I.O'V P)l' !Id • I N( i. a fev. doors aliove the .'^t.ate iJ.ink and one d ior abo\e M. \V. Jessup's, on (iillespie yireet. aiel wouM be jileased to exhibit any thin;-- in their line to those who may favor tin in with a call. —AI.SO — ILinlwaro, ('utlory, ('nH-kcry, (Jlass-\v;in‘, Wooii-warc, Liijuors, Jjoots and Hats and ('iijis, and a gdod .i^.soit- lucnt ut‘ l)iy (looils. To the above Stock w e would respectfully in- preparati.m of .'‘ttention of the public. ■’amilv P.ecine.'j Country Produce taken in exchaiiice toi- ' tiood.’*. Fayetteville, Sept. 1. IH')2. liiltt otlier.’—/ all which have | receded."—/'/•(.«. "Worthy of general | atronage. "—/‘r>x. II'. ■“.Most complete. ae-mate, and reliable of the l.ilii'uaLre."— /v' 'Irr.' /V..V. II .,. , Pub’.ishe.l by (i Mas.'aehu.'i rts. For s.ile l.y i;. \ il'.e; am! bv P .. 1 Sept. -.'l-,-. l-Hs. L.irrul -/■..V. I'rrs. I'r,:. intil h-.tr Fnli)i;hiiiif n. . \ C. .^lerriam. Spriiij^field. .1. H..'V SoN. F.iyette- ' !!»IS ireiier.ill V. a'.'oitmeiit m-i\ all Ivin l'. l'r..in •>'' (iiiar l .'lud \ c'! 1 h.iins; l'..! ! .''ea!> siiver 1 .-b ;ill I (iliard Cji .il.- ist pins, li.ii- I'.;._s Fin^' T rin;T'. ;iaicK-t>: -.•! l ;ind and Penii’'; jroM ' Kevoixer'; C.'ie.'S • !!'; .'i'.' er ('it; s, ;i fii.«’ I.'t .‘I '1 -I'ks. !e 1 lor in hi- !;i e. which win ! time to til ..'C pif.'iiife 1. t- Uat.l.e- (>;.i .old ;;n i I . A^i lie coiiiit. must J ~..ld eh. til.lt V |. r I I di. t... ;r ir :i;' 1 w 'i\ ."'iiVcr takiii ■'11 ie'.n d by l.\ the I't . u.d. h.'ii .■mb ^ .lava. I.;ii:uira .'iii.l P»io Cotfee. '1 Illi'ls. Cuba and Porto llico .''iijinr, ■J'* Pk.iicN lletined .''UL;ar, •*' Parrels ;.:r iniilated l.o-it'.’'u^ar. ■- P>o\es .i.iutile retine.1 l».i., nil 1-. ',veet ,\lol.i»..-. Imperial. Il\ s.>11 and 1 i up I'ow der Tims "(. (ir.,— >:•!' lie-*. ll"i ibs. ^ifoiin.l pepper. I ' I 1' aii.l '.ii;i;_'er, .'ii.it U .. ."■ ! S 1.1. 1 P.l. C I ; ..fus. 7 bl.N. aii.i I,bl... .^ie.'MilN" Snulf • iiiiI lb.'. Sole 1.1 ather, 1 .1,1. .Mm.i, Piitt.v in I’.laMci': aii'l Tin Canisters. S \ i'» an l 111 X 1 i;ias.-, i:i ! V-:.>t Povr lers, Par S. -n.. 1 I K-:. N:.">. a>'-.rie.l 1 ule i 1 1 V,line . ■\li.l a _ ■ e.i I i;ri; \ : f :ier 1.- t. r II. F.U\N.-hN .\o. I'lilioii Sirtiol, .\«*w York. 'I'lic midorsioned s(dicit the atten tion of all ]i(ircha«ern of Implements for the Farm or Plantation to their ansoi tmeiit, which includes many of the most recent im]irovements in the lea.lin;^ articles in their line, all of >^•hieh tliey will sell at prices to insure satisfaction to the buyer. K.si'i;ri M.i.v Kailway Fudless Chain Powers, f.ir one or two Imrses. of the Wheeler Patent, so often aw.inh'd the fir:'t pi'ciniiim at the .''late aiel Comity I'.aii s. w lu re they have lieen exiiibitecl. Kaihvay Powers, w.irraiited, \' arreii ."v: Triiiible s Ir.m .Sweep Powers, Tap- tin's Cireiil.-ir P.,wir. Plows, Harrows, Fan Mill.'', .''traw ('utteri?. Portable llurr ."'tone Mills. \';i;:oi!'». Carts, »S:c. \c. Field and (i.:rden See>ls of KKi.l«>r\i.n v. Fertilisers. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, (tnr h 'I'ho Sic'amcr l‘';nniy liiittcrloh will in I'uturc leave Fayetteville on Tiiesdiiy and i'i-id.-iy moniiiifrs. at •> o'clock, and Wiluiin^rton W ednesd.iv s aii'i .Saturil.ay.-! at lli o'clock, and mil regularly, carrying with despatch. .]»lv liJ. IHoJ. ' l'rei^;ht ;i:jd pa,-ien^er-i T. P. i,uit;:iu.oii. stf lo;^iie illustrate.1 with cuts, will be :*ent ;{ratii* v.heii two to four Po.'t OHiee .'t;imps are remit- a.-.-or.liiiLf to the distance Mcdtctd ('oUc^r of the >S!(ilc of SoKfh C(ir()lni(i. .\nnual Course of I.cctures in this In tl. stitiition eoiiiMiem-es on the first .M(.N- rijitive C.ita- l.i.\V in Noviiiiber. on the folii'win;: branches; yi. U. !i. S. llenrv iMek- H. .M PAl.PlI \ CO. •luly S/i()(. -t biaii 1~. I'-'- i for Sd/c (it (\>sf. fiber w ill sell •',!•> j air of I.-olies (iaitei: rw'^lir, sul ■. ,\lisse»'. ;ind ( liil'lren's .'^h aiei .''lippers al cost. C.all while tiie i*. ^tiod. W. S. .liine 1 I, IS'J, I-ATTA. '.''.itf ,.u- b;, \ ScN. tf F..V tt.'vilie. I ». t. .1 tf •r 1, 1' ni- li:a ri!i:u i’.ands. T NEW STOCK. .su'. '. ribers are receiving their Fall ri11!o|;.>l (ilil.V riKetel. F r T 'i'. 'tl . ;• la-'l, c '.lie liv S. i.t iTFi;:. •l.'e.I. 'II .X cn. I'ift/etlrvHlc SSrtntrli (LOTiliMi i;\TlBL!SllMi;\T. ^ WAX'l'i:!). P,\KIli;i.S ot Tl P.Pi'.N. -HT riNF. tor liistillerv at the Pli,;:k 11..-.d P.ri.I-e on P-i„ U .ekti'!l. ’I'lie be.^t m.iii.et ].riee will lie j.aid. I'or tart her inform- ;ition. ;uire . * .lohn W. Miirpii;. . at the P>ridj:e. or . t A. A. .Ml Kethai', Favcttc\ .lie. Dec. 1.'', l-'-M. ' 4'.'tf 0t. 1.1' n ‘'J- BOOKS AND STATIONERY. '■ i l'U to a 'jreat variety >f .CIIi i: i], ’ tl'.ov h:'ve the usual T HK* »I. • 11C \ I,. ■. li'Al,. iIIISTOIIIC.M.. P.luilKAPil- :■ Al, H..I Ml>> F.l.I,ANFnr.v w..rks, suit.-d ; ■' State. Th- most elejiant stock ’.f A\i> i*kavi:k isooks (■•■ r M i'li in this place. ]>;:iiik 1> k'. Writing Taper, IVn and I*, ek r Knive:?, Ink, Ink St:inds, !’• K:,vel..j)0.s, port FoHof!. pcit .^! . .;s^ 1-rawing I*aj>t;r, Pencils, ' ; ..‘r r.rticles usiiallv kept in a I'- >■ . E. J. HALi: Si »N. i I'OOI.S. v\kpi;nti:us', v.i. :;i. T. . .1. ,v T. •^.■i.t, i:". l'-':!. A!d»lI.I,. ■aitf !iiit‘ cV I ,nr/ /. .. ,1.;./ I!>. I'tH 11" \V'.;l: ,!,, Street, New Voik. AMI street, e \t I. .r t'. P>ank of Cape Fi'..r. FAVKI’TFVlI.Li;, N. '. lUiLs. iii,i:i:iN;s, " Prime Pork. F. r s:i!e bv T. S. l.FTTKlU.oH \ Co. •lulv J1 ■ Is.-J. Kitf I’.oo I .s;. FN.''', Vouth'' and Childrens !’>'■. ts. .). X T. V AI)|)1I,1,. Sept. L’". i^'-j. ;:"tf I;-.; (■•..'h p i;.I f..r'hie.I Fruit. .11 l.Mve t" inform the citi/"iis i’.le iiii'l vicinity, th.it we ur suiiply :,t .■'PjllNi! .\.N'li w';i di c.‘iiipri" S a j^eneral II,..I i r ■ •lu.r ' t. (iooijs. I IPCK.'' Carpetiniis. 'new style and ! ..rterns--Ilrus'ids. three ply. Inirraiii. I. 1'ni^.rcft and llu"s; Floor aiol T.ible 1> ima.sk, Turkey ri'.l, an.l einb.,se.; lo. Is; super tine Pdankets; P-ra-s anl >d .\ndirons, :»n>I Shovels :in>l Toners. HOC i" IIS'.,rted Crockery, im'a' style, im- i-tly from Liverpoid, making our as- '• llIJj'.ete. _.\I,SO— Cofl’ee .■'iijr.-ir. . N. O. and i’orti- llici. .'sii;;,ir, I..i'/uira (.’ofi'ee. "!'l French I»randy, : aii'l :.oxes .''ijda. IJutter. an l Pie NO'I'K'i:. ]‘P'.1'.\T1 I.N 'vi'.' '. t.. the next »■.! ■. r.il .\"t iub'y ,.f N..|t!i C:t;-o' 1,1. for pa->.i;.;e ,.f' an a. t t, pre\= ;:t ti - s.i',.- .t' it'.ii''.i'iu..i: -A Itbin tiir. e mi;. - o! P.. .’i W.illld “ .t' F'avet; ha\ e jll't reeei', I .| SIMMiii; (i.Miii.' a; s, rtmeiit of in:Ai)V-MADi: ( i.o'niiV(i. W l,;eh W ill i .• f.iiind w. rthy the att. nt:.'ii I 1 ir as'or! II. I.t C'lli - . - ■ ' i;i p.irl .d ( ' ' \ I S. :i.l I k an ! c.l' l eb.th lire-.', all nuaiitle'.: l-i- 1. an 1 :m(l .\n- 'II, 1)V .1 . I 1 l'.\ I .f.KV. . v. itli 1 ’■ 'rtrai*'. I'lil- N a 1 ■''!c-III aiul hi- S' ■e l t. ._'ether ha\e m.idi' .iiiifrv sine*' rtiiifnt of lleady-inade ('lothiiiL'. r. l eive.l and f«ir sale bv S. W. TILLINUIIaST \ CO. 1 ;!itf ('OMMOX SCHOOLS. 1,^ IdlC'l'lON.'s will be lieM in the several j.nrt of the volume, is i S' iei.i! Iti'triets of thi.-i county, on the 'Jd materials for it havin;i i:.-. in Oet.,biT. for the pnr],.ise of elect- -• ’ ipi .- eoniniittee men in ea li District. a'. tw.( treeh..’ders. or two of tin* committee tor the pr' ^ent ve:ir. may hold the i'lect:on. I lie r-tiirns will be ma.h' to the Chairman of ’ P.oar'l of Superinteielents, (,r the (’lerk of tiie ('le.inty 'ourt. The election w ill be hehl on the •_*.! Thursday ’’1 this month. Fi.'W’i) i.i;i; wiNsi.ow. cb'n. Mi t..llCT J. ;;I-l!w ' ifirr for ('o/nmo/t Srhitol l'J( r- tlon HI liohcaon ('oiniltj. ^■mi; iiualified voters for member: of the « H.>iise of Cominon.s are tiotitie.l t.> ;itten l ' ;i.e;r respective District ."si hool-houses on . • . .•.iiid 'I'hiirsilay in October instant, f.,r the j 1 •'!• ,d eleetin;; three committee men for • . !i District, to sujierintend tlie juiblic S(dn.)ols ‘ i tlie next year. \ two Free-holders arc atithori/.ed and re- 1 to act :is poll-keepers. The jioll-kee))- !' u il please forward the election returns to • ' ' ieiirman of tlie JJoard of Superintendents, bylaw, or to the (,'lerk of the L-'onn- C- ■ art. XF,I[,L McNFlLL, Ch’n lioard Superintendents. '■ ‘ ■’ "r 1. 1»^.';1'. :;i-iitpd ii\ rs, iiA'rs, AXi) CAPS. .Jl'ST KKCEIVl-D. my F.\LL and WINTKU STOCK of ll.VTS and t.'AI’.S, for mi'ii, boys and voiitlis, con.sisting of the lollow- in;r. vi/: .Moleskin l!ee>»e .‘diape, “ Jenninjrs, Silk—firices from -o to '■ Ko.'^siith, llii.-lia P>road I’.rims, •• W lol, " c.ip' ,,f jiii sorts, sizes and prices, for men, boys and children, l.adie.i' I’liding Hats. —also— '■ry lar;re stock of Fur and Wool Hats of lii.'titiite > m:\\ .n ST iTi;| I'lII'.D, 1 j\ «‘S »1 \\ mtii'id Sc »11 »lri*\v .I;u k- 1 \'>1. llitMi I'-riH with Mar-'haU." si i>;,. J (■ iTT all 1 .1o-’ ' .n ;. re iiii;it;.r'. men the deepc't i , J.| ,n' >.!. tlo the time of W .i'liiiiL't' 11. They b ,th achieved a brilliant repiitati.'ii in tli' w.ir .,f I.'IJ, and ; by the battle' of Chil'j.ewa. Ni.iL'-ar.i, New Or- j le.in-. ete.. L'a'e their c.untry a ri-i iitation at home ali'l .abroad, and thoiiLrh dit!eriii;j wi.leiy in Some eharaclerist;c', they were s:iiiil.ir in other'. The aiitlo.r li:i> li.>i oliiy sl;> t. lie.l tl,e bio'/raphV of each, but ll." ;;;\eu ;i laithtril alel '.:raj,liic descripti'iii of tin' bri..:.iii’ b.itib's :n which they v.; re en;.ra-i 'I. The bi. j:: ij,hy "t' infield .''cott, whieh cn-tltiiti' the greater an.l aiitlienti;-, the I di rivtd from piili- lic d'lcuments an.l li.,iii many olhrer-i wh.i h:el serve.1 under Si-ott. h prc'cnt.' t., the ri :i.|T ai^o a paii'iramii' view of tlic brilaalit ealii]iai;;n of Mexiio, embr.icin;^ the st.,ruling and capit ulation of \'era ('ru/. the b.attles ofCerro (ii.r- d',, Cburubiisco, Cl in t r**ra.\I'.;ino *lel Ke\*. Chapilltepec, storniillL' of Mexico. Triviliiplial Entry, with d'seri]>tioii of the scenery. iMTsiii;d inci'ients, etc. 'I'he auth',r has fully sustained tile reputation acpiired by ".N.ipoleon and hi: .Marsli.il'." and otii-r wa.rks. ' :J(I(I ()(M| volunii'S have been sold. • '.I'lim, let I t! ; I'll n.-i; an I I.! lit-- li t’ ; (Je.e..;r i lotll and Alp ,v |..1- tt;e 1 I'r; :in.l Tv. e tr.i ky .iea,,-; I. ;;' Ii an l C..tt. |i liili;zh; l utVc.ii'l wii.t. I.uieii'; •.\ii;te -r. ; I. .Xc. ..f all ii;:;;:tie'. i Dr lilt . til Flock ;..n 1 ip D - ; Fin- Kcn, ; P...I,- a. k.-. F*.\N'I.' -Of b! sil';ilc-llliird ditl. D' llte .lit;.,; w hit. tllek_\ .'c:i;..' Uitt.. ditto. .Xe. VF, >.’:ek •k and co’,'1 (’a':iie le; fiiicy French and Kn^li'h Drap ■ in.l cid'.l Drill ditt >; Ki-ii- iii'li.i aii'i FieU'.di .N.uikei'ii ib'i/ili". A!|.Mra. M b’ack .''a'ill, P>. lords:!'.'; w i.ite ,.u..l -..r.l Mar'.’i. •' .litt.,; blown and pa lde l biin li. [ lail! and ti-'i>'. N.allkeeli. P>nfl, 11 ra.'S i loth. ,Xc. .Ml of w bici* are olb'ie.l t'. r :ile as b'W a- - in be b,.u;jiit ’.n the New V.in. luarket, at w !: .le-.^'c jiil'l n tail. In a.Miti..n to the al-ove. we .'hall keep on liMiid a ;/'‘ner.il as'i rtiiient of Shirl>. Dr.auer.'. Coi;.,r'. Cr;ivat'. li. 'leiy, .xc. .\!s.i, ('loth.s, ( a^,Ini'r? s. and \ i ^tili'j’s. The T\II-Oi;iN«i D1:P.\I;TMI:NT will l>e eon' ill II*-.1 a - l,e;. .i-,-. ;.ie 1 all order.- lor tine ';.,t li- \v\y\'\:\) 'I'o iM iU'iiAsi:. ('tiUDS PlNil \V(I(»D. to be deliv- * P * F en d ..n my ^Vhart durii.i: tie' next six nioiitlis. T. S. H'TTilP.I-oH. .Inly 1.Mtf .m:\i Fiii.M & i;i)oii!i. rnillE subscribers are now receivin^r Iroin N. \ ■ rk. :i lal jre and jreneral assortment of Shtjih (’fill I'lUir'i Drij (iitorK!:!!:.-, ii \i:i>w.\nK, Il.it.s and (':i|i', l»i"it ;ind SIiihs. Anii.nir w id h are ; C .''u-.ir. ' .itt. ii Pa^Liin”. Pale P.oj.e, .Nal '. Wl.iiiow (lhi>', Sw edes alel Ell;lli'll Iroi;, lek ;ili.l .Mum .''.i'.;, i nipvj iiil >in.| lilaek Ti as, Pepper, .Mspii-e, (i;ii;:i r. Powder, Skot, P.ar Lead, liar and Fancy .''^oap. To^retht r with a ;xreat v.-iriety of other arti cles. to which they invite the attention of the public, and which they are determined to sell as low tor ('.I'h, or on time to thosi' who {i.iy j.i .'iiiptly. as .any hoii'C in the .''oiithei n coiintrv. Produce of all kinds, at the hivdicst m.irkct M let -, t.,l..n in e\ehaii’.re f..r(iooils. '.Mi l.F.W ,X .loN F.S. .^uminer\ille, N. C., De,-. s Amitoiiiy, by .1. 1’ .‘'I!r;;ir\, by F. Ceieii liistiluti;s ali'l Pr.ictl S..1I, M. D. ' ' ■ ■ Ph-■■i..'.i'_'’v. bv .)jii..i s Moultrie. M. D. I .Ma';eria Medl'ca. by ileliry C. I'p.st. M. I». (ib>te;rii “i. b_\ Th iiii.i>'l. Pri,111. M. D. j ('licmi'Ty, by 1'. I . .^!iep.,rl. .M. D. ! C.imp.ii .1 live .Vn-i'. liiy, by 1,. .\-assi/, M. D. ' lleinoiistr.itor i l .\iiai..mv, .''t. .Juliati P.ave- ncl. .M. D. .Xs'istaiit Demonstrator. F. T. Miles. M. D. Pro>eeti.r to the I’ri.lessor of .iir;jcry, .1. F. j M. ieddinj:s, M. D. i ( I.INICAI, INSTlU'CTl-tN. ' D. .1. C;iin, .M. It.. Physii ian to the Marine llii'pital and ('liiiical lustriu ier. lectures twice a Week n tiie Dis'-asi s . ! tl.at In tll itioii. I' .rd Pri'iie.iu. M. D.. l’hysie:;in t'l the lIo>iiit,il of tl,(- All.,.- l!oii>e. at v.l.ich b'ctiires ;in- ii>.l;\er l twicc a uei'-. on r.>,a.'e.'. tiic.li- ; airiio.'is diseriininated. and the stu.hi.t indoc- trinat!.! in tlielr tri'atinent. Denii.nstr.iti\e 1 ii.'truction in Me'lieino and Siir;zerv. at the t'olle-e 11.pita'., by ti.i Pro- les.'i rs of'the .Medic.tl ( olleue. -\t ;i 'in'ci.il ineetinir ef the Trustees and Fa culty of the M«'dical Colle^re of the ."^tate of C.ll’.iHlt.a. hcM oil t!;e o-l d.iy of .1 ;int'.:iry l"'-',:^. Dr. I . .Vii AS.'^lZ v as r.ii.inini’iiis'v elecie i Pm- iessor i,f ('oiiqiaratiN e .\n:it..niy. with t!ie .|is- tinet i; i.h'l'tan.linii tli.it the c .lieuiate e.X],cll- '1 s ..f ti:e 'tudei.t aie not t'^ be increa.-e.l by this additi' ' to the e..ni se. IIFNP.V i:. l'UO.':r. M. D.. Dean. ChMrli't i. Ati^. 17. l!'J-1 aw'Av IJMIU-J.i! LI M!U:ii!l [rE have our .'■ti'am .''.iw .^lill in success ful o]ieratii n. mile.' from Fayetteville, near the ll.ilei^h Slai;e K'.u'l. and are ].rep;ired t l cxci'iite ordt Is ill oiir iiiic. ,\s we niii two nw. WUISKEV. Pi.MlKELS, a prime arlieie, just fe- Al- ceived and for 5;ile bv WILLKINGS & CO. —Al.'0— ;!() bajjTs prime FEATI1E15S. Scjit. 1 •'’i, IS-'i'J, ‘Ji'itf I..\\\ IJ!:XCi: TROY Il.ive received fheir Fall Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. _aeso— .\ suial! ]ol of i{(';i(!y-in;i(h* C'loth- iiiLi'. Crockt'rv iiiul C!;issv>;;rc, l>()()ts liiu! SIkk s, Hisi'iiuai'c and ('iillt'TV. M e !;:ive on hand the loll;,wing CllOCr.lliKS: llio, I.a^r.ir.i. and M:inicaiho (.'ofl'ee, Porto llico ;tti.! Cuba .''U”ar. I-o:if, ( rushed and 'oll'ce ilitto. Adam.iiitine .an.l Tallow C.amlles, F.iiicy and common liar .Sojij), Pearl .and Corn Starcii, l*''plier. .''pice, (liii-vr. Nutmegs, ( loves. ('inn.inion. Tea, ic., ,''alt. Iron, .Molassfs. \c. Sole, I'j.jicr and !larne>-s I.e.ather. Pr.()Vl.loN.: .Mess Heef. and smoked and dried ditto, lieef I'oii-.;iii's. ain. "Tongues and Sounds,” No. ;; .Mai'ker.'I. in bbls.. No. I ditt.,. in kitts. ,'''dmon an.l Pick'a-1 ll.-rrinj.', iti Lard, in bbls.. kvi;.'« :.nd kitts, (iosheii .-.n.l Dairy Il;itter, (.'lieesc, Pickle.;. Prcs.Tves, Xc. Fine Frein !i ISran.'y. ('.iiiiiiloii I >'Miiestic ditto, (lid live \\ !'i*kev, P.eetiti,..! i!ii>o,‘ ('b ar w hite ditto, ('i iintry ditto. .Nev.- iliii:!:!!: 1 llinii, II.Hand (ihl. I’-.rt a;, i TelierlfV.' \Vii;', Co’ni.ioii ,Malaj;.i fiitto. 'We *i.i\e a l.ime lot of Liipiors which ve of fer l(,.w by the b:irr«-l. 'Vt keep on hand, always, I).V('(.)X, FL()FI’, COKN. i;c. We olV' r :iny of the above named Oood>‘. as low as can be atl'oi.h-d in this market, for C.isli, or in exchai'.irt' for Country Produce, or on time t : i;;;uv tiial cust-.;iier. LAAVPvF.NCI-: & TP.OV. Sept. I-', v-'.j. :ii;tf il;!r[)« r’;« .Maii'a/.i’-K' lor Srpt'r; fJJMlll lieir-: of IJan.lolph Abbey; new and .lit.ion of FieMiii;.''*s and .''inollett's .1 Hooks. .Xi-. .lust received. E. HALE SOX. KL clieap ove’.s; .-^cln Sept. l.‘>. XO rici:. ,, or f, slu rti 't iiotii aiel .hiiiiper leimth. (Mir .s’,;,. . we can till liill.- ,'. •• C..I1 fi riiish Pine. l.r.MP.Li:. an.l of able. l.uiidH-r, *. i‘ t Ml; I. ! '.:li.e-;s • the ij lar Mil 'llli I line ' oI taci ivercd in marki shall b. P . 't anv of li t.; a'l IK' fW^lIl'- s-jbscribcr li.-is taken M the .i.,;-e next door to Hall t'l; .■'.ickett's. where he intend? c:irryin;.r ou the T.\I I.OIlLNti 111 SIN 11.''.'' ill .;11 its br.uiehes. Ilaviiii; h.id ] rartical experience in JiiO't of the .\tl.intic cities. Jie fei-l.' assured that he can please the most t'asti'lioiis. w ill be executed with ne;'.tness and ih-'p.lteh. N. p.. Military I're«ses ma le in the latest and ii'. -.’t a]i}iro\ 1 style. ;j.enera! assi rtnieiit of ( hoice CLOTH- INii oil haiiil. which will be sold low l'i.ir cash i.r ai'pro.; d cix lit. r,. MONAC.IIAN. .\ii_>i-^t i_’. I- D'-ti NEW GOODS. rMyh E stdiscriher is now receiving a large ail-^ JL dition to his .Stock, consirtiH^; nf Drv Goods, Coli’oe, Suj:ar,Crock-^ orv, Ilard-vvare, Hats and C'aps, J>o()t8 and Shoes, ]»airging and Rope. —ALSO— II()llnw-^;ire, Nail.'?, JiOatlicr, Window Hass, A\ liito Lead, (Micerfe, Fisli, iN:e. Wliich lie otl'ers on the nio«t reason.'ible tcrnia.- 11*' offers for sale a lar^xe stock of F'ovei^u *V S^ositcs*ir (»Id Itye Whiskey, old Nash lirandy, Apple P.r.atidy, ('orn Whiskey. N. E. I!um, and .\ni.- (tin. His FOP.EKi'X LD^^l OllS were selectet? with c.'ire, and are of superior (i(i;ilily. Thejr consist of (Jodard Drandy, Otartl ditto. Old r.ondon Dock' u'itlo, Henise ditto^ .lamaicii I'um, St. ('rois tlitto, Holland Gin. Irish \Vhiske_\> Cherry Ilr.indy, Madeira Wine, suiierior, Slierry ditto, ditto. Port ditto, some vei'y fine, Sicily JLnleir.-i Wine, Champaign Wine of the P>oiiiiy;cr and "the t' bran.Is, in ipi.irts ninl pints. Spaikiin;.'' Hock, ditto ditto, f’eppermint Cordi.-ih Also, a hir^re lot of the be.?t and cheajiest i’l-' (I 1!.S in the plaec. W. DIIAUCHOX. Sept. 1”), 1.''’>'J. FAfJ. AM) WiXTER ' rPv F.dl and 'Winter Goods are now here',- and ri'ady for sale. Oiir stock of DEtV iioonfi is lar_;re and better than .'iiiy ft.rmer neason, 19 AIBI>\V.\1£S: A\a> f r jTF.SillSV is hard to cijual. Our !«tock !.■» large, ei^ual if not ,“Ulterior {c» any former year. All of which we would he "lad to exchat;"i‘ for almost any kind of jiroduce, for cash, or lt> punctiml customers on time. COOK ct T.VVI.Oll. September, ISI'J. llT-tf LAXI) FOR SAIJ-:. fHlHE sul)scriber offers for s'tile li)(i() acres of M. tine Turpentine .-ind 'limber LAM), ii/ IJobeson County, about 1'our miles Xorth Flast of Liimberton, Nearly the whole tract is liea-- vily timbered, and there are seveval beautiful situations ftir a residence. P>nt a siuall portioi* lias beeii cleared. It lies :is hi^ih and healthy as .-iny laud iii this re;ii(Ui of country. Also, six unimproved Lots in the town of Lumberton. 1‘ersoiis wishintr to ]>urchi>se will make ap- idifation to llobert E. Troy, in Luniberton. oi to the >;ub5criber in ptr*on, 12 miles from the* vill.age, on the Harlleesville i!oad. JOHN A. n(,>WLAXD. Sept. lo, 18‘)2. il'iif LIFE J\SI RANCF. HE Uiider.^ijrned has been 'nppointed AjrenS of the North Carolina .^lut^lal l.ife Insu rance Company. 1-^vcry member for life partic-- jpates ill tlie prof;ts of the (’ninpany; and th(T March 1' FA LI. p-.\i:p.iii:. 7>-tf f 3 ^ nnder-i;. £L ner-hip. iin ler the name and style ot Biii’iv 1*0lire* A: 'ra*»y, I'. r the ]>iirpi.'e of doinjr a jreneral .Xlercaiitile and K.irter business. We have taken the Stort'. No. KMiltllllN sriIllET. torineily occiipietl by Mcssr.'. .Jolin llii.'ke .''on. CFit. W. L.VWltl'NCF. ,)(»ilN P.. TlloV. .Ir. Oct. '2-. isoi. tf lOO.dOO Acrt s N’aluahlt* T I .M l’» i: R LA X !) S t’Oll SALE. . HE Subscriber has purchased all the Lands beloiijj^in;./ to the l.si.ite of .\brani Dnbois, dt'c'tl. lvin;r ]irincipally in llobesoii eonnty. and on both sides of Lumber lliver, the ilitlerent sur vey s coiit.iinii;;; Ov(‘i* iO(),(UK) Acres; ,\ larp' ]iart finely Timbered, an.l convenient to Lumber lliver. wdieri' :i larjie ipiantity of 'I'im- ber is now rafted to the Ce.n-^etowii market. The.st' L:mds are very valuable both for the Timber and Tiirpentine. for which pitrjiose a la l ire part i.* well sr.itt-d. be:ii;; in a reirion where tlic Turiientiiii' yit'lds more abundantly than any ot her st'etion of t he .''la te. The L:iiids will be sold :it :i low j>rice, and in iiuantities to suit |iiirehasers. Dilorniation respeetinix the title can be ob tained by ajiplv injr to tin' lion. Hubert .''tranjre. Hi»i. .las. C. Dobbin, or T. .''iiiitli, Es'i-, (.\ttorne\ . at Law .) 1 understand there are many tre.pas'('rs on these Lamls. to all of whom notici' i« lu'ieby given, that the law will lie enforceil a;^ainst all such otfeinh'rs. Application for any pari the Lands can be made to niyaelf, or to .lohn Win.slow, Esip, w ho is dulv authori.-s’d to make .-^ale of the same. THOS. .1. crUTlS. Fayetteville, N-C., Sej,t. 1, Ttitf riiic 'J'inihcr (ti(l "rurpiiklinc I,ind for in Kohcson Count\f. .ilk .ACP.es, adjoining the liinds of \Villiam Grinksley, Alexander Ml Intyre, and others, verj' heavily timbered and line tur|ientine laud, from three to five miles I'roni Itatt .Sw.iinp, aiKl Iroiu five to six miles from Lumber lliver. •JTO acres, adjoininfr .losopli Sfnith, Esip 4ol> acres, known as the "•‘old XoTinent Mill Tract.” A never-failing stream runs tbrongli this, tract, and it is considereil oiW3 of 4kc best seats for :i mill t>r manufacturiug purj/osos in tke eottiity. t" WILLIAM McXKlLL, II. S. FIIEXCH, LuniT/ertorr. Sept. 3, 18VI. m:\\' i-iu\l d have t'lU.'red int. ITtf ipart- ili'l Will lie '* \ ie. .\!ri; elite.I in till A. C liio>t tashiou.ible 11 VKT. .\.-i lit. t''ii|f WlLLIlVi 1. (i\ni,l I'O R W A R !) I X(i A N D COMMISSION Mi:R('IIAA'r, WILBIINGTON, N. C. «]illKS"NAl whith over ale or imple I a i-e'e from .tores will 111' shipped to any rk, or to other markets if attention iriNcn to the a. shililiient of .Naval .'^ti res. I have facilities t'*ir conilucting the business: wharf mid sfort' sheds to kee|i sjiirit e-.po-.ure. N.ival h.iiise in .New \ FU.V.NKFKKKM.VN'SH.MlilKR-SIlor. A '^I’alc t»r the Soiirii and Xcctii. l>y ^ i!.‘V. 15. It. Hall. Autlinr Ilf “S'liiii,'-: tiiiii:! fur I'iVoryli'xly,’’ “New i’urcli:i.si.',” ' \c. 1 Vdl. ll^ino. 7'>c. ^ j 11 1.'^ work, w hile it advocates the cause ot 1 the Af rican, woubl do jnsti» e to the South, j It would aw.-iken but not excite ruth. nor turn /(/// for the X'Ui" into I'niifriinr, afiainst tin' \\hih', not ineiileate In'usnii under [iretence of h,rr rmd O'"!""'. It would h.-ive Ion- do the Work of huh'. It will be marked with the charaeterislit-s of the author; so well known ti th" ]iul»ru: l,y his presi.,us wi,rks. ol whom it was said in the publication of “The New I’urchase, " that ‘-He was m.ister of mtiny 'tvles, and had stepped to the bi”-hest round of th(' hi'lder at once.” The work is no defence )f slavery; but it would be .-i hnhiiiri-iclu fl, not to stop, i)iit to concentrate, epiali/.e, and direct other motions. It treats the iilh'iisia the North to tiie Iax hilionis. The wiiter witnessed much that he describes, and real i.ersons are introduced under new names, so that the work, while it will possess the interest ot fiction, is not only true to life, but in many of its scenes and characters is true in fact. Will be ruiblished in October. CHAllLES SCItlP.NEi:, ;5i) T’ark How and 11-”> Nassau st. X. IJ.—Either of these works will bo for warded by mail (prepaid) to the address of any party sending the prices annexed. ' Oct. 4. .Tl-lm ailv i'abh'. an.] liberal e.ish advances made on coiisi,LMimeiits. I refer to the follow ing distillers; 11. ILinniini. Wayne County, Chan.Her II.ill. .Ii'hiistoii Co.. Lovelt Pt.ieoel, Cidtuilblis ('o., II. H. P.aniell. “• " j Thus. L. \ ail. P.laden '• ' Me>sis. Siiiilh, tX. Ingram, .lohnston Co.. Mes'is. Z. .1. .loiies, .\!i ssrs. .-'iiiith t'i. .Jones, ,''penc('r Foiiiitain, Es^p, Levi Piailey, Esip, M:vy -Jit, is.-,:.’. ‘ '.'o-ypd A i)i:sirai;li: ri:sidi:xcf i-ou s.\L!:. rg^llE Subscriber now offers for sale all his H 'I'uvpc'iitine and Farming L.\ND. contain in''’ about blt> Acres, situated IJ miles E.ist of Fa\ett('ville, outlie (lohlsborongli mad, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a good dwelling house, out-buildings, I'tc., and » store where a large am.iunt if busi ness is doir('-. liisd ii!.cri.‘asing ti.-iil^\'. 1 his is a rare chance for t-.irpi'iitine gettt'rs, nierchaiits, t'cc. and will be sild !> bargain. Any one wish ing to purchase, and wi.shing further iiilornia- tion, can a[>plv on the prcnti.^'s. to .1. W. Ml Kl’IIV, or 1’. T.VYLOK, Fayetteville July 2btli, 1851. Btr ■n iiianiifacture, which I will sell low for ! • ill and see the Green Street Hats, and Ii ilicy. DAVID CEE. 1 1:;otf 1 'J'lic I'arnu'Ts’ and Flanlcrs’ \LM VN.\(’ for IH.'^:;. .Inst receivetl. E. HALE .>v FOX. .‘-^ej^it. L’i ^HE W.VUSAW ST.VGE will leave Fayette- illc daily, at half pa.st four o’cloclc, J.. M., commencing the 1st day ot .Inly. --tf JlcKlXXOX & McNEILL. T': Blank Warrants for sale here. AM) \N L\'i'i:R, 1 C.ti 'f t'l th- f'l/iS.rils of Fitjr Iti rUfi . BF _miu \l-'lt W ilnrni;t.in thi' Fail or Winter, tlo not fail to c;;l! .it the .Merchant Tail..r- iii;! aii'l Clothiii:: .''tov,- o!' .'^C( > I'T \ 1>ALL'>\ IN. Ti;ey are ii iW i.peiiiii” otic of the lar,ucst a.s- soiti.ient' of ('Inth i:il /’{(//ry I>i's e'er before ollere.l t i tlo- c'ti/ens of N.iitli ( a- reliiia; ani.'ii^ w hich ni.iy he I'.uind ev>'iy varie ty td' ll-.isinc's Co:iI>. I’an!'. late.-t .-tvle. and Vests of all the r.iging c;,loi ', as well :.s ] br.n .'satin and t'assimere. '1 heir new an 1 beautdul assortniei't of F.ishiojiable (»vi.r-('oats cannot , f.iil to please. The "IVitent .Make .''eaiii " Shirt sold only by this hoU'C. i' an art:cli' which every gentleman oii;;lit to wfar wle, wants a jile.i'ant titling aiel d* 'irablt- j^ai ineut. .''hirt Collars, I'nder tlarnn-nts. (ilo'.es. \c.. \c., in great varl'ty. .Ml -lelliiig low for t-asli. Our .Merchant Tailoring Department is t'ou- ducted by cutters of einintnt skill: so that we are at .-ill times pn-pared to make -riiits to me:i- siiri', on the most ai'proved st\le, .\ s;ih-nd;.l assorlnicut of Cloths, ( as.siineres and Ne.'tiii^s always on hand. SCOT'l’ P.Al.DWIN, Merchant Tailors. Importers ot Iloisery, ( loths. ('assimeres and \ estings, and Dealers in Keady-ni.-iiU' Clothing of their own snpeiior manul'actiire. W ilniinLrtoii, Sept. I t, IS'il^. iJ. -tl.l nil ivii \ii.\Ti;!i (iooDs. annu.'il premium for life membership, where it i amounts to S;:',0 or more, may be )aid one-half : in cash, and the other hah in a note at 12 months.- ! Debtors' lives m.ny be insured by creditors, man niny insure his own life 1'or the cxcliisiver benefit of his family. The lives ef slaves may >>e insureil. This !»y^»tem i? rapi*lly growing into favor, all over the civili/.etl world. It is one t>y which a. 7" E havi' re. l ive.1 in I'art. and are now family, for a small sum anniially, may be pro- ivin*.£ a larire and geiK'ral assort- j videil tor, after the death of its head, on whose nient of ST.\PLI1 and F.'.NCV' Dl’.V GOODS, ! rxertions they may have been deiiendeiit fora support. It is a goo.l iuvestment of money, even if one should live long aft-'r t:iking out :» Life Policy. Explan.-itovy panipldets. mi.il the ncces^.irv lU.'inks, furniahed uii application. E. .J. liAI E. Fayetteville, .lune ISoO. coiisistiiig in part a' t'.'.l.i-.vs; Su;.e,- P>iat-k. Iliown. (Iret tiaiid I’lue (’loths; .'-^up'r P.lack Doeskin t'aney (’a“simers; Silk ]i’edi and vt lvet \ estiiejs. , s.inu' very fine; i Klack. wiiite -;n l co’orel (iianadin S.itin and llie^l.sli .''ill; \'e>tliiL;'; I'ii.e ( r.ivats; t'oilarc'; tXe. .\ni.i!.”st o'.ir l.a 'i;. s' Drci-s (.iooils may be f.iini.j Pl .ii* 1'1'k Cro.h'i-hine. an.l i.l.ick. figured ami wateri'.l Silk; rieU P>ii>e:iile do.; plain and tignred do.; lich white ti;_ured ilo.; plain white sailn lioi-eaee. Printed Satin Cashmeres; Pal i-; I rinied Eobe...; English, French and Ann'r- ii all ].iiiiti-.i Delains; sir.all tigored and highly colei\-d Del.iini' lor children; English and Frcnch Meriiii s: e lin 1 flannel; Gl.ice Poplin; \'ictoria JP'ire rilHE -E'i'N.V In.snrance Company of Hart- I’or*!, having ]iaid the tax imposed by th c licvenue Law tif the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agemy in Fayetteville, under the iiiaiiagenient of the undersigned, who is i>re- pared to issue PolicicB of Insuvance on Uuild- iii"^ or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, iii proper application, de- &c. and Ttirtan I’iaids; colored Alpaca ('oburgs and scriptiou ot the Projiertv. occ. L:ima Cl.iUis: P.l.-iek P.ombazine, i.s„me extra! 'I'he C()M PAN V ha. beeii m hue- l.;, . k \’;.acas. Silk and Cotton Warji; ■ about :5U year'-. Its capital i.-* .-..I M-.l •. ehets' f- r chiMren; S-otdi, French ! The Hon. Thos. K. Urace was its hr.-^t PreMdent, doniir.^! ('(ill mill 1.1 If 1,11 III III fiii'i' i/'i>i ' I« II'It I n . ry^iiE undersigned has just rccei\ed .-in i JtL tipcned his Stock ol ('lotlis, CassinK'r('s and \'('stinu's, ('onslsting of black, brown, firi'cn and blue Cloths, of various iiualities; fancy aicd pl.iin .''ilk. Satin, VeKet and Cassimevi' \'estings, of • the m.ist fashionable colors. .\l-»o, D..e-skin an.l f.iiicy Cassinieres, (if the most fashionable ; selections. .\ select assortment I'f 11 r..\ DV-M DE CLii'rillNti, consisting of (ivi rcoats: Over- sacks. clost'-bodie I Sack ami Frock ( o.ita. of ^ various styles; f.;ncy and jdain silk ami Cassi- , mere Vests, oi'siijierior cut an.l workmaiisliiii, and of the most fa hionable colors. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above articles, would do well to call and exaiuine hi-J .Stock. Tlio snbscrilior contMiiK'.' , to c.-irrv on the T.\lLOLlN(i i F.rSINESS, in all its various I tjianches. As he has taken in- | structions in ( iittinj^ from one i of the liest in.structer9 itt New ! York City, he Hatters himself that he can carry ou the busi ness-with more success than it has lieretofore been ttone, and will apare no pains to ])lease thoae who may favor hiui -with their patroiuige. j[tr-7r’ He nray Tic found at tlie Store recently occupied by Mr. .J. M. Heasley, ou the Nortli East coym.'r of Market Square. UUGll GUAHAM. Stjt- Vj. 18-3-2. ;ind .\nii'rl. :in (lin,”!iaiiis and prints; Shawl.i!; .M: ntUI.-is; i.l iM.' ll.,.'! -r\; .''ilk, i.amb'S Wool aii'i .Mei in.i Shir:' an l in-.-iwcrs; a hatidsome a", rii.o lit of Uii.li.-ii«. Fyinges. Cimp and V(.l\et Trin.iiiii:.'; Swi„. .Li.-onet, Stripeil and Plaid Mnsiiiis: Swi.'S and .laconet Ed;j,ing all.I 1 nst'riin;;s; Infant's Embroidered Waists, Itobes and Cap-; French-worked Handkerchiefs, Collars anl I'nlersleeves; Heal Thread Lace and Linen llilging; l.is’e and Cotton do. \\ itli a ti'.ll assoi-tiivent of iMHinets, Hats. Cai's. ibiot ■. .'■iioi''. riobrclias. P.irasol.s, with many other ariicles loit eniimcr;itod. making .iiir .1 S'..rtn:ellt one t.l the largest and bt st w e li.-ive ever (.llered our friends and customers.— So we in\;li' them all to call as early as con- \eiiient. ;in>l ex.iniinc f.>r the:«jse!ves. as we ex- . peet to Sell as reasonable as any other house in the travle. E.-ist coi'in'r Market S'ln-ire Street. Fa ' etr...-\ille. N. C. \l.il.\ K .K'ilNSOX CO. •JTtf and he siill holds that ollice; and several of it.-! first Din ctors are stlH active and etVicient mem- bt-rs of the K' -.ird. It has at all times stist.iined the highest character f.,r the j-riidenee if its- management, and for the liberality wilh -I'.'iiclk- it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent- March 10. b'.i-tf T .''epfi'iiiber 1 i''AL!i i001>S. i; ;,.-p recei\;ng onr F.VLI, and WINTER V V (iiU!]..'^. corsi.^ting of ;i large stock of FSanhVifrc a ltd f'#f//f'#7/, Inclnding Tiirpetitine Tools; bar, band, hoop, roiind, and :-ijiiare lion of ail descriptions; (Jer- m.-iM, .Vniericaii, English and C.ist .Steel. I lollowand \\ ood«‘n W’aro; l»oots and Shot's; Saddles, SaddltM-y and i.catlKM'; Hals and Caps; Slapl(.‘ Dry (ioods; with our usual iicavy stock of a X. tx B B ir B Xi:\V LAW ROOK'S. MIE L\W OF N.\TIONS, or the Principles • f the l.aT» of Nature, applied to the con duct and .-lUairs of Nation.? ai.il Sovt ri igns; .\ new edition from the French of .Monsit'iir de ! \'-attel, with references to Ameri.-an Deci.'ions 1 t'.y .losi']di ('hitty, Es.p 1 vol. ! Smith's Leading Cases; a selection of I.i ading Cases on various branches of the L;tw, with j Notes, by .Ino. Willi.-mi Smith. Eso.: f'ourtii 1 No. 1 Greene : .\mericaii from the tiiinl English editi. ii. - ! Ttilnmea. V«d. 'nh English Exchequer Report?!. Littlv P.rown's -th vol. English ]! p i ts, Law ami Etpiity. .lust received >iy E, .T. HALE SON. Sept. lo, l."-')2. ^TACiJ-: leaves WAESAW d.-iily on th.- ar- rival of th« car.-*, say o'clock a. m., and arrives in Fayetteviil^* at j>. ni. JlcKINNoN ,y .McNEILL. April I'J, Is’i- Mif I.and n arrants H ant( if. rWlIIE highest C.ash rnnTs paid f. r any B ir.iinbcr of I.an.l Warrants, fer a No.'lh- ern concern. .TNO. M. HOSE, .\gfi.t. Fayetteville, .\pril 1 I, IK-jli.. SJif % -■ (Joiiiury Mercri;int3 who pnrcha.se in this place would ilo well to call and ex.-iinine our stock- .T. tt T. WADDILL.. Sapt;- Iv>, 1?*V2. NF.W .MAC'Ki:Ui:f.. 1H5LS. very fine new^Iackerel. Also, 5(1 P>bls. Herring. For sale by COOK, .i; TAVLOlt. Sept. ;20.. 18.'>2 ,\ LlP.FKTnN’S Yank?!' .‘^tories. ilU'strat- eil; the Y:inkoc Tea I’arfy, or Pa .'ton in 177>: tlie OM r.ell of Inilependei'ce. or Phila- ilelphi:! in 177'; Camp Fires d'the Pevolution, nr the War of Imlependence, illnstr.ited: Weld’s Dictionary of Scrijitnral (.^MU'tations; Harbangh’s Heavenly llecognition: Catf'chisin ot tariii'iav Things: -Mathias' Uules d'Or-ler, for Societies,. &c.: Walker's lUiyming aii«l rronouneing Dic tionary; P.ritish Female Poets; American Fe male "I’oets; Watson's Dictionary of Poetiea-l Onotations; Philadelphia as it is in v'te. E. J. U ILE i t'OS-

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