V ' , SEM I-W E E li L, Y. 'ir* --If ■caBsearsesB Ws, [\Ol.. II.] FAY1:TTEVIU.E, N. C., OCTOBER ll 1S52. [NO. 134,] cnsH I>1!1.NTKI) r»V J. B. NKW1’>Y. KDU AIM) J. IIALK & SOX, i pnoHS AM) rUOPRIKTOUS. p.. '^')rkrr ■ M n'..^ , t'.ii' S. iui-Wockly Ouskiivkr I 00 if paid in •e; ^ t pni'l during the year of subscrip- r '' • :i tor tl'.c year has expired. W. eUlv OiisKKVER 00 per .iiiutnn, if j'uid in Nj .'o if paid during the year of suliscrip*- - ■ r'« iiftor the year has expired. . ! uTlSi’.M IINTS inserted for sixty oent.s per ,i !»'■ lines for the first, and thirty cents !>>r eueh i_ [adilicatiiin. Yearly advertisements by sjie- IS. Jit reasonable rates. Advertisers are •, 1 f' state the number of insertions desired, or ;;; lio eiintiuued till tVirbid, and ch.-irjreil aceord- i:~{; Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. t fiOj. iA\b. ^ ;N stir IM l*e, N, C. nv:. t' . I'AIJ. AND WINTKK STO('K OK STAi LE FANCY DRY (iOODS, Tor 1 fj \\ 1' ji'ist received my Stuck of ST.M'l.l' AN1> jj I \\i \ IMiV (iO( f'lr tlie F ill anil Winter i.-'.stin^ in j .irt as follows: .'.s. ( assinicrcs j'.U'i A'c'tirirs: ]ilaiii, bl'k and fiji'd . f;iU' V do; M'k and eoVd Frcndi Merinos: Knirlish ■ :::: I col'd Alp.'icas. French and F.nalish printcl Mime embroidered and very )i:mdsi>nie:) Me- ' ; It' and I'rawers: >Vool Shawls; (’.issimcre :ind " ,1 ■ 'I Flanivels; Wovstvd t'aps; I’x'ii’.iets, Sacks and ;; ,ti ! I'hddrcn: Nej^ro lilankets. and a lew ^..ndbed ■>: t Mi j>ets .-uid Hearth Itnirs; Fr-.'nch and Amcr- !'i tiinshains: bleache l and br.iwn P'mcstic': Mjjll.ru bl'k alitl cidM r ttiin Velvets; ■ > ri'.'iUiisjus; .lai'oncl and Swiss Mii'lin: I’.isli'ip \ i_\ l.avn.-; .)ac r.ct and SwL'.s f.li:in;_s and In- l.inen Trinmiin^rs: t'utt'Mi and l.isU* IMjiinjrs; Waists: I'rin;rcs: tiimps; l‘iciiic Mitts; (.Jbivcs . lifsii-rv: lUbbons. iM.iinets. liirls' Fl.i'.s and Straw liiiing; l?amasU anil Merino. ■’>■1. :! jiMMi assirinu-nt of Shoes and r»’ ts. fi^r I.a- (.'.•rifie;::.-;-. liuys. (iirlj .ind t'liildrei': t.ijretlier with i tlier ariiclc.'* not enumeiated. inaliinL' my stuck I •: t'l v.hich the atteiitii’n vf lay friends :ind the Miblic generally is invited, (iratelul f..r past , I li'ij-e by olferinjr jruuds at rea'on.ible r.itcs t'^ • t share a j^ortion of public p.itr'inasre. \ -W. 'i Corner .Market Square. N.>. '2, (in-en st., ■\. .N. r. V. .'^iir.Mw 1.1,1.. - 1 cr.'t iiit'y on hand :i giMid ass. i tini-nt I f ■ n's anil Kersevs. . : ' 2'i-tf // '' /iiif "! (dps! ( \tps! Uoots tV Shoo! I'lLl i\l) STOIK. iS:)L>. f>r. T. £>. ilAK.^11, Has taken nn Ofiice on IJay Street, West of the Hotel IhiildinjiS. July 11, 1S*>1. 4-tf JOHN 1). WILIJAMS, Coittmissiott ttiui 3'ortrnt'iHtt^' Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 9, 18o2. (JHtf BOOK iUADl'JlY. THOS. H. TiLLINGHAST, Anderson Street. Sept. S. 1S'>‘2. 21 C,m U. M. OKKELI., FOinVAKDl.Mi CIDllllSSUl.X MKP.riiAM .\T E'"»yc‘Ut'vilI(', I\. C'. M.arch 10, I80I. ‘.‘J-tf 11. I. ll()LMi:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICK on Corner of Front and I’rinccss streets, under .Ioui ii.tI ( tlice. L>ee. 12. 4S-tf KOC’KFlSll S1’E1:tl\(,S, V the bale or h.-ilf bale, for s.-ile by -fti T. HAKiH & SON. •Inly 1.^, 18.j2. 8tf FOR SAS.E. NKW' 2 Horse Wagon. Julyl2—7-tf J. D. WILLIAMS. w i'.s’ri:u.\ i!At:o.\. niil»S. just received and for s.ile by .Inly 21. ]8.')2. T. S. LLTTKllLUH & CO. }Otf '9'i .* i iJ. Unhl . N. C. II \i'.] ;-'or has received 4it;e of the l.-ir^est :is- ••• i.'iits in !:is line that be lias ever otlered in \ which he would call the att.'iitiuii uf his , t piil.lic in jreneral. Amonjr his't- ck may I very style and 'luallty that c.-in be luuu i K‘ T. He would s ly t'i sill tbo-e u''--;r;ii;_ - ' . f T' _'ive him a call, n.*? he is dt teiniined : I .'ll. or ou time t'» pui'ctu .1 cu-tumerj*, :• .lolIN ■. TIIt'MSnN. I ! . i. S uth-We.st ('-irner .M.irki-t pjai-e. L’. ■ 1.1: v'ri!i:R. ’’M S'- I - . t nlf and ; -at Lining and i;inl- . ;i'. K ir :;!e bv S.' T. HAW Li:v vN: S(iN. iiDors AM) si[()i:s. ;• I ivir;-.; a larjie .strirk of ]!i^>TS ANl* i iii' r-;cin" every var' ;.> ■>: stjiieand ■■ ' t. tiie I'al! and iiitei' ’fr.-i'!“. , ■ • • ■ Trunks and t'aqiet l;:i;r': Shoe • . 'i . ri]ition. ■ : I f - lid low for cash, i r on time to •' ill t'ivn and ciuintry wi.-liin? ai t^ ’ s iu !’,v ?- d ti- I \.uiihie our sti . . be! 're j ur- S, T. IIAWLIA .V S(»N. .lOILX liAXKS, niM-M'.SSliiX AMJ FDKWAI’IMM: AliLM, Wilmington, N. C. ’W"5^1LL attend to tlu' sale or purchase of I'roducc. T ¥ and will ship vith dis’.atch all consignments made to him. Sej't. l^^. l."'i2. 2^-t)m JiiNl'ril II. BLOSXOll. V M 11 ^ SSIO A AMI FORWARDING MERCHANT, •'W 4\ Priintpt ]ierso;i:il attentiun ;:i\en t i all ror,-;!;:!!- ment-, aTidt'.-i'ii advaiices lu.t ic 11 rrodiicj to be sliiii- ped t'- iitlicr |'ort. or Sold in this maiket. Feb. 12. 1>‘.2. f'.ly wiiJviNsoN .V i:sij:R, 1 KAI.KKS !N ('■ n. ;'i't' tiiii r;. /’ ■ /• /■/■' A/(»/-.■■), i- :! AM> iMi’t!i;Ti;i:s of M i»s::sEoj: i!\v.\\A ,\T Wll'iI.K'AbK AMI ItKT.Vlb. lYIarkot St., Wilmington, N. C. An-. 7. lltl' X. 15. S I'AiilU C K, 'B'roy, ,Vnr lKi>N I'niM'Kil AM' 3i.\t lllNlsr, .!/'// i/ff'!*''.'''/■ of S‘‘.i)ri tl's. iiifi: /')' i/i/'Sj f/,i 1 /’/: •■///. .1 I . rH^llF, iindi rsi:_'iied. as the ,\-nt ot tiie :'.b .ve Fstab- : -M- lislmient. \kill I'l-ii. r any artic!i,s w hii h may be wanted, oil a] I'li'-atii’ii t • him. , ■'lie .''team ^/il!s in.i.'iul'acture'i by Mr. .''tarbnck h.ive b;-ei\ t'“'ti I. -III! :ir«‘ hiul.ly ;.pprovel on tne Flank It 'ads alii’Ut F a \ •■'iteville. KUW'li LFi: W1NS1»W. J'ayetteviile, .^ept. 1. 1>'»1. 2"tt MAlJ>iyi r l*ArL.Mli:R, €>:roars and Coiittni.*csioH cFlo*- i:{5 lAoiil TONS Swedes IKON, assorted sizes, for ■‘ale Jl-Hy by 1'. 1‘. JdllNSON. August 2i, 18-’)2. 2itf THE CKI.KIIIilTEll 111 ‘’K IMTKM COOKiA(; STOV !•:, £S for sale by the .''tili.seriber in Kiileigh and Fayette ville; in i’l.alei^h at his Shoj) on Fayetteville Street, and in F.ayi tti'ville at Mr. Canipbeirs. Tlie Subscriber liereliy iorev.arns all jiersons from j'urchasinj: .•iiiy of these Stoves tro:>t ny jierson either in or out of North Carolina. esee])t I'ruiu himself or his duly authorized .V^eiits. Tie has jmrcha.sed the exclu sive right to veu«l this Stove within the State. !uid will jirosecutc any person inli inj^ing liis right. I'itlier by jmr- chasing, selling, or using, any excejit those obtained from Idmseif. JOSFIMI WOLTi:ItiNG. llaleigh, .\pril 1^1, If'.M. („'-tf m:\v (joods. r jgIi i; undersigned are n..w receiving their FALI^ ^ fcTU( K .,t am ^ Consisting of a full assortment of J/nlic.s' ;iinl (JciitK iiifirs Pu ss (inml.s, a lar^c .'^tiplily ot lit ;i(lv-in:nl(! Intliiiiir, llat.>^. v';i|is :inu ]>t>iiiH'ts, :i l;n j,r ass.li t 1111 :it id l>ints ainl Shoes, 1 i:ii il\vart.‘, ii o( i.‘ri( s. Priyirs junl M; S.i(ii!lcr_v, Cincki-iy :nnl (i l,i.s>\\ arc, (itimiy l>uii«ke IJaoiriii^r and II ijk-, Nails, liuii, iV‘-. iVc. I'tc. We invite our fiii nds and the public tu call and ex amine i.ur Stock; it is L.Vbii; .nn.i v\ill be su’d on ac- comiamlatiiig terms. 'i'. Ciil NA'IL \ CAl.N. AuiiiiSt 1 >-'i2. 21 tf NEW AND CHEAP (JOODS. t.\M now receiving my u.snal assortment of FALf. (1J(‘1)S, all of which ha^ b''cn jturchased for Cash, by the p;:ckage, which will enable nie to sell :it uncom monly low ]iriees. In addition to niy usual stoeU, I liave jmrchased n large lot oT Iteady-mmie Clothi g. wliieh can be sold at very low jnices. rountry mereiiants and others are invited toexam ine the above stock, us it is one of tJie largest ever olFered in this St.ite. J.\MKS KVIdv So]it. .‘!i, 18i')2. ;;itf J.'/.st r( c iiud, per Si earner Faiuiif^ Kerseys, .leans and F.lnnket.s, F>asl;ets and 'I’ubs, assorted, J'owland’.s ^Iill-.''aws, Anvils, IJellows and Vi.ses, 7'> Kegs Nails, (Jl.ass, S X lt( and 10 x 12, White Le.-id, Linseed Oil. r.FM’.OW, KYLi: & CO. Sept. 27, 18.:2. 2ntf Ueccivcd on ('o/isio /uncnt. \ND for sale cheap, -SO bbls. WHL'KKV. JNO. ll. W1 Lid AMS. F. ^ \y. PLANK ROAD. I>ivil4‘»d, r\o. 1. A 1)IA'11)F.N l> of 3 per cent, or '»0 per Shnre, has been decl.ired on the ca]iitul stock of this Coni)>any, puyable on tlie 20tli instant, to such stock- hobh'rs only iis liave eonijilied with all the refiuisitions of tlie Directory in relation to stock jiaynients. Appliciition to be made to .Ino. M. Itose, Clerk of tlic Itoard, at the olHce of the Company. &'iirthi‘r I\oice. All the original stockholders of the Conijiany .nrc Jiorc- by notitied that one-lialf of tiie iimonnt due by them, Rafter paying i'ormer reiiuisitioiis.) must be paid l»y tlie 1st November. ::nd the reniaind«‘r on the 1st Dec. next. 15v order of the iJoard of Direi tor.s. j;d. Lj:t: uinslow, iwt. Oct. (•,, 18.'.2. 32 DENTAL NOTICE. JI^OCTOR KKNNF.DY begs to inform his friends and the public of Fayette- rjLtjT-Tville and suiToanding country, that having .'inch freqiient applications to visit Fayetteville pi-ofes- sionally, he feels compelled to make an appointment nl- tliough his time is fully occupied in Wilmington. He therefore begs to sny, that he 'Kill visit Fayetteville on tlie 10th May, to remain as long as business will justifv. He regrets being unable to do so before. Oct. n, 18')2. S.3-3t.otA-.3t m:\\ FJJIM. copartnership un- Mav I, 18.')2. 88tf «r a«S vast red. f'-w: II.'^ONS who have made contr.icts with .1. F. .Jor dan .V Co. for furnishing i!.V(iS, are her(‘by in- I'lrmed, tli.'it we will j ay li.] cents ]>er lb. on jill Cotton Hags, llojie and Ihiggiair. delivered to us after this dale. H. I’.ltANSON \ SON'. March 11. IS.VJ. 72tf 77.r UrolJirr.s' Stcdi/ihimf (%}itij/atn>^ (5>is s.a.xac, ' pr'‘j>:ired « ith St', aiiiers •• ;.v " ;;i).l •• / and a c..iiij.!eiin i:t nf Tnw i!i,its, tu carry witli dis- p.it. 'i :ill I'reiglits s!;iji]ie 1 by them, l>i>tneeii F.iyette- viile aiiil ihiiiii;,t' ii. t r t > ;;riv i!iterni«“diat.- lauding' on the Uiver. .IflliN !'\Nk.'', \g't. W ilniiiigtou. ll. iV W. McL.Vr 1;I,\g'ts. i':iy ttevilie. Sept IS. 2''-ini \ \ Ai.i Alii.i: i‘i!>i>r,i!’i v fgMiK .''ub--riber liaving lenioved t • '1\ .B sires to d^ |‘ ~e i.f ]i;> resid •llt-e .111 I for Sale. lessee, de- inds in the \ii iii;ty t' I'.iyettev i'le. He tlu ri :'-ire i-tlc! ' lur '.ile. un ;.ri ' iiii,. t^irii ” t'Tiiis. his n s lenee .a: ilO.'^K 111 Lb, :'.ii 1 tin ti ai t I t acies of l.ind att.-iclied thereto; :ind aisii the Meadow Farm tra» t of lOU'i :u res. adjacent to the fernier. I’revi.ius advertisements have desri lbed the r' sideiiee jiiid l.'inds .ind tlieir ad\;intages. I’ei'iiiis de.-irmis ot tiirtiur infurmatiiiii can olitaiu it fri'iii Mr. Isaac II. Ibiwley. wli'ili;:s full power to sell the nri.pi rty and L i ve deeds. W. H. "0. HAIll'lN. i:i ri kim:n riNi: i.and rou s.:!e. a.r - f I AND . -i .!av Cre, ^ and .-.eres d!i ('\j.ri -.; leek, in ( 11111'erl.iiid. convenient t.i tin extern i lai.k K. ,i 1. h-:;vily tiiiil.en i. and admirably ada].ted t.i the luaking I Turpentine. ■\ pply at tliis (iftii e. Nov.‘2>. l- '.l. -44tf L\ND l-OR SAlj-:. A VALI'AIUd; tr.'ict "1 L.nnd i: 1‘"'red (''r -ale. coiit.iining 22'i jn res. lying niili ' wt't of I'ay- et1i'\ille. near the F. \ . I'lank Koad. adji'ining Mrs. Nutt :ind otlier-i. with a gn.it! ilivebing and other neces- s: rv out-houst s. well watered ;ind liea't’;y 'iT:ia?i in. .Nj'plv soi.n tu ll. 'i. .McDiilbe in I'.iyett-\ il'e, or tu ,)as. 1;. Mel'uilie un the J'reliiises, ; .r pal'ti^ ulais. .Jir-e 2‘i, l.''.’>2. .!-tI' s'|'i:a.mi:k s)r'riii:iJNi:R | 11.1. le.-ive F.iyetteville ;-verv Wednesdav and .''a- 1 turd .y, at 7 o'cb'ck. A ^I.. and .-irrive in V.'il- { niingtuii 111 7 o'clock 1’. M. .\n t w ill leave- Wilmington ' ever\ ^!l‘nday and Thnr'day, at 12 u'eluck, M.. .•m l .ar rive in F.ayetteviiie ne\t n; rning. I r>. .\i. »U it F LL. Agent. Apri! 2'‘i. I>*'i2. 8'i-tf /HIHK Subscribers have formed Ml. der tiie name and style of ^ s:ok.\e;, And may be foiinil at the foot of Hay Mount, in the hou.se formei ly occupied by Hall ."c .Johnson. 'I'iiey ha\e received their J Ai>L AND WINTKll GtJtiDS, consisting in part of kftaple Dry (joodj;, Hardware anil Cutlery, Boots I'c f'lioes, Sole Jjoatlicr, Ha^fgiiig, Twine, itc. Also, a general as.sortnieiit of (Jrocerie., iiieludiiig a eliuice selection ol' J>iitinr.s. We keej' on liand sjnin Yarn, from the Deep Itlver M. Co. at F.ictiiry jiiices. We will take in exchange for goo«ls, country pri.iduce of anv kind. N. A. STFDMAN. W. T. HOilNF. Oct. 4, ;;jtf DJ^SSOLFl'iON. Firm of Leete .'t .lohn.son :s this day ilissolved, JL by miitnal const-nt. Thos. J. Johnson isalone ;iu- thori/cil to settle the ctmcern. CHAS. K. LFKTK, October 1. 1K.')2. TllOS. .JOHNSON. NO'FJCE. HOSK indebti'd the firm of Leete iS: .Johnson, are res- pectfaliy rcjiiestc i to come forward and settle their n s]'cetive dues. '1 lie business will be condin led in future by the un dersigned on his own ai'coiiiit. at tlie o'd stand near the Cape Fi'ar I’.aiik, where he hopes to see his old (ami VAi.nai; FKIi..\D.'', and the trading public gener.illy. He has 11 hand and will be receiving shortly, his Fall and Winter .''tock of JJry (looiis, (iroo ries, Hardware, Crockerv, Cutlerv \c. ,s:c. :: :if ‘ ' THOS. .T. .JOHNSON. W. 11. McKAY.] [.J. 11. J1015K1{TS. McKAV c\: ROJJER'J'S, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, lifiicr.il r«iiiiiii.s.\ioii iV Forwiinliiig .Mcrriiiints, South Water street, (i ilours below Market, T.irtiiular atteiition paid to the sale of all kinds Liberal ca.'h advances made on MOW GOODS. rE^III'. subscribers liuve just received their .Stock of JL FALL AND W INTFH GOODS, to whieli thej’' call the attention of their customers and the )iublic general ly. being determined to sell on as good or better terms than any .Store iu the country. Call nnd see. FI’LLER & SELLERS. I.nniberton, N. C., Oct. 12, 18-j2. .3-')-4iv \Vm. Rowland's Mill Sau\s. Il'OZ. full 3-1G thick, for s.ile bv liKANSON & SON. August 0. 15-tf A Joi KNTYMAN IIiiriK'SS ^L'lkcr Wanted immediately. Oct. fi, 18r>2. MCDONALD & WIFALEV. 32-:U NOTICE. ON W'ednesday the lOtli day of November next, I will ofl'er for .«alc niy land in this county, contain ing about SIX UL'NDUKD AND EIGHTY acres in one body. The land lies on tlie south side of Lower Little Itiver.—very near to the well known and oft-frequented “McFady n Springs,’’where a boarding house might be established with profit to the owner. At the same tiine, I will sell my stock of all kinds. 'J he terms will lie acconimodating and will be made known on dav of sale. A. B. McFADYEN. Cuniberland countj-, Oct. 0. ;j.3-ts 'g r.AUiiEJ.S E.-^tra family .'^yrup. -M. G do. (tliie for l)istillers. 5000 barrel bungs. For sale by Sept. 13, 18V2. D. .j- W. McLAURIN. 7 he largest Slock of (roodn ever offered t hi/ 7(s! W arc now receiving much the L.VRGEST f'TOCK of BUY GOODS, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, drc. Ever offered by us in this place, to which Tve particu larly- invite the attention of Merchants, as we uru de termined not to be undersold. STARll & WILLTAAIS. August 2ij, ]8")2. 20tf dilei 0 A C ARD. Tin: jetnrn of Imw Avater rei:ders it necessary tiiat the .^re.iiiier 'li:itli:i:ii -^Ii'MiM lie emj b \ t d :is .1 tuw b 't. She wiil i. 't till lel'ure r’ln as lierc'ol'ure. on any I'l uui;*r davs. iintM lint!n‘i nuti.je. • IN.I. 1». W !'..I.l.'.MS. ,\-'t C.i.ie Fear S. 1'.. C.i. A!.;.- 12. I '.'o-tf ol ( ..iintiy I'r. coiisignments. Reteri'ncc; .luliii 1). .''t:.rr. F.^'i.. I’res't of the IJank'| of F.iyettcviMe. | Will. (i. l.ruadtoot, ('ash'r, do, Fiij.ih Fiiih'r, K-'i., .Me >is. C.iok \ T.iylor, j ('uok A: .biiiiison, J L. C. li.ibbaid .V (’u.. Cl nton. Sampson cuunty. I iiuiiia.-' -I. risey. Fs i-. Lunilieriuii. Kobcs.iii. .). 1!. ib- 'Wii. Ls'j., Westbrooks, I’lladeii. Oct. S. l'-'>2. C.:’.V 11 Fiivettcville. NEW YORK. p. M.vi.bKrr ] Auiii.M 1‘ . l-'2. [.I. p.\i bMir.u. l>tf \v lil- r. >. t- , li* ■ 1. n id" ol \!M'N!:i{smp Noru E. I-!' h.'ivc furmed this i.' ty u c '['artrier- li- . r ti.'c tiria of Mcl>'.N \ LD i.\. .McM.V.'^- - M iis:icti..a o! a general • , I/V/, n/t'f J' • '.I ri’ l iic their full .''tuek by the 2 >th inst., '■ ; ll jilles:'ie street, a few dot.rs abuve tiie .J. R. .MCDONALD. •JOHN j:. .McMASTF.U. ! ■ ’ Aug. l'^o2. i Vv \.\T OF MONEY! ! f : .y sr.vMHi: i:Ksiifi:\ri:. two mil( s • Market, on the Fiiyetteviile and W est'i-n ■!—one of the most desirable and l:e;ilthy ■ >i tne I ■ uiity. ■- ' .'lotres )f Fayetteville and Western I’lnnk ' .mil '■',>) .Shares of Fayetteville Hotel ,tock. ■ r.;est stock of Keads-inade C.\ R Ll A I E.'> I ■ ■ 111> ever oifcred in tliid place—over ^ ^ooo ' .:ij letcly fiiiislied. All of which I will sell at 'II Iprir.;s fur cash or negotiable notes, ti: jiit“ntion has been ji.iid to ilie call made ; t'lti r tlie tiri of the 2d .lan'y, fiii tlio~e indelited •• l a'l and nettle, that I am indiieed to offer the .'l ujn rly at re.iiu-eil ]iiiees to enable me to rebuild • ! ri:i;_'‘ Kstablisiisni iit .iiij euiitinue my basiiiess i-uiiVea:e;ie».. ■ a!! jil.i I-nutcs ill tiroji(‘r h.inds fur collection, if . s ; :i. i haV e ail my ai rum,t' made out to the A r-VJ. A. A. .MiKKTllAN. : 2:% is::,2. 77tf ! 11 vLi. 6c boi.lin(;i:r ^ ^ ' TIM 1! to c.'irry on the I’Ob’MiRV l’.r.'sINl.S.>, ^ ^1 all its branches, in this jdaee. They have . v ’ihin the hast »ix months, •>iot(0 worth of Pat- ■. I are now prejiared to furnish .Millwrights niih ' ■ 1 .. .it shoi t notice, lor W heat, I'orii, (u ist, and \, ! re] ^ired tliroiighfiut. ■'■I::; are cash on delivery: 10 per cent, will be 1 I'-, .;i) da vs an .lecoiint may stand unpaid. ' I irry oa tliib business on the credit system, ■ .1- intei.d duin^ so. HALL & ijollin(;i;r. ’ 1s.'.2. 18tf ^MAI.L AND TALf.: o\ii, c o.Tsa: ft -in.i (t (Jirn timl viH ntrn/ n llaU! i i-i iber has now on hand, and will sell ciieai> !i. Iiis large and well assorted .'stock of sin- ■ barrel SHOT (il'NS, of the best make, - • Also, Colt’s I’ateiit Repeating I’is- ' ' n’s Revolvers; .'shot I’ouches; (Janie iiagi-:; . ; I’ercnssion C.ijis; &e., ii:c. ■ : :i ; ;,inds consfantly on hand, and manufac- ‘cr, and warranted to shoot from 100 to -jt)0 wisiiing to jiurchaso any of the above-named well to give me a trial, and they may 1 tlie greatest iJiirguins ever oftcred iu ■ '■ every thing in the gun-smifh line will bo .ce. ill the liest manner, and for r>. small M. A. J5AKLR, Sign of the Wooden iun, Ibi'. Street, opposite the Marble ^■ar l, F;i"ettevill*, N. 1^.2 * 17-tf T. C. WORTH, rOM.MISSlO.N ,\MI l'(l!(\\\i:i)!M. MI-IKlllM. w nAiiN(rroN, n. c\ Fi 1. !^u2. f.ntf I'l' w ll I lol('h!i'i ■' 5IIK1 IF are eM r L ratii.n in diflete lot cl their gre.at a eel. or anv ut'.o-i I (rlical H cl( r H herl. r/.I huiidred of these Wlieeis in upe- '.t cuiintie> in .North ('aroiin:!. For ivaiiinge.-: over the coniniou tluit'jr wlii‘i ! i,..w in ue tor saw mills. i>. c. nu;i:.MA-v.] norsro-v. I'ilLLMAN li'.MSKlN. Wihsiii ulun. \. I. 1). C. Fi;i:i Vil.N \ HI.. ^'•'V \ork. FRi:i:.M\N v-V JIOISTON, 3ii:iU’iiAXT. Axn iactuu.^, Wilmington, N. C., ■',r ci'ii'tant’y uii I- ;;- 1 ■ k 111 I '.uiir. ( orn, .’i,;-k. Daci i!. .''alf. • oTiee, .'^u”.ir. .Mobi'ses. 'I’u- I'.(-CO, Cigars, .'^niift, Candle', .'"a[i; I u. eign .’it;'! li 'ines- tic l.iijUors and Wiiiis; liuu. .Nails, 1‘aints. 0-.;>. ti!;.ss, Donie.sties. Hats. R. i-ts. Slual.eatiier, Agri- uhura! hi.l.lenients. ai;il a varii'ty of otlicr articles, suitable l"r faniilv and jilantation use and the retail tiadc. wliii h they will liisjic.se of in lots to .suit dealers or euiisumers, on reasonable terms lor cash, or in e.xchange lor .\a\al sto.es or other pro.luce, Tiie senior j.artner. D. C. Freeman, is located in the city of New ork; the junior I'artner. Oeo. Houston, in W ilmington. It di sired, advances will be m.i ie on con signment.' to and tiomcitli r place. ,\11 1 iisiness en trusted to them will reeeixe ,ir.ipe:- atteiitiuii; an t or ders fur (loods will i>e promptly and caiei’uliv lilie 1. .July ■Jf', lS-»2. i_-uiupd Mi:i)K'AL NOriC'i:. n VI;. ’l'ilo.. C. H.M.L rojiectfiiliy ot- lers liis professii>n;i 1 ser\ices to tlic citizens (d‘ Fajetteville and its \ ieiiiity. He may be consu ted at the Otiice directiy over the new ilriig Stort* ot Sanuud .1. Hinsdale. Sontn est coriier of .Market .''ijuare. .July 2'.i, l>So2. 1 MILCH COW W AN'l'!:i). ^ NY one having a first jate one to sell, will please ^ m apply .It tlie Observer Oilice. Sept. 27. AiFSIC. i A LOT of new .MUSK', consisting of Songs, Waltzes, ' xa. I’olkas, \c. j’.enigna Vv alt/, and Cornidia Waltz, by Mrs. S. ^L ^Ini- lett; Syljiii I’olka and Cnmlierlaiid I’olka, by Ij. H. Whit aker. .Just rccei\ed. i;. .J. HALE it SON. 31 AllJiL I: i 'ACTOllY, Otsiy Issii’sat in fi*ar(. A. A. McKi:r(!.\:; iJTll.L continnes to carrv iiii the t'AKRl \l^ tei J 11-1- coi ^ NF.'-S ii JUSl- all it' brai;idie. !it tile reil'aills ot his uld stand, opposite Liberty I’uint. He returns th.inks fur tlie liberal patruiiai.e l;e lias in r> tot'ure recei\e l, and ho}'*‘s by .-rrict attention iu bn.'im ss and a desirt' to give entii'e satist'actioa, to merit a cunlimiance d' the 'aiiie. Having kept the gi-i .iter p rtiun ut bis 'I’iiion 1.- at a ilist.inee tid'ii tile i.ianiifai ti ly, he 1 as on hai 1 a bn\.:e and \»ell selected b t I'l tliunniglily f' a'-iu'd ’i'iliibi r. of (‘Very liesciiptiun iisr>d in liis business, whicli enables iiim to ret.ain all liis |irincipal wurknien. He is therefoi f' now jTcpared tu liu any wuik in b'.s line in the very best style, and un t;ie most lavurable teiniW—as low as any work ol the s.ime ijuality in C. lie has on hand. ci.ia]>lctely liiil lied, F>.'irone!ies, foi- 1 ur 2 liorse-; (i Uockaw.-iys, and l'^ R.tggies. Also, ne.arly finisli(-d, 10 Carria-.e-- fur 2 i'orses; 2ti Ilaronches fur 1 and 2 horse.';; 12 Rockaways. and F.iiggies; All of which are of the most .'iiiiiroved jilan and finish, nnd will compare wit'.i an\ work in tlie L . .''tatij? for neatnc.'S and diiialiillty. Ha\ing been engaged in tlie iibove Ir.sincss fertile ji.ast 20 years, his work is well known, and he refi-r> to uld cn.-toniers for jiroof uf its diirability. ' .\ l.l. w 01 k warranted for 12 inonflis. :ind repaired free ot cliarge should it fail by bad workman ship or materi.il, within, tiiat time. kr/;'' lli.rAiiuNC excel.te.l at short notice, ati'l on rea- tenns. 2'i, I.''.'>2. r>o ve cuiifi leiitly rel'. i- to these who have ajiiiheil them t'- ih-ir mills. W (' i-an rccenniii 11 1 them ]i:,iticui.irly fVr tlieir siiperi.'rity in c.isc.' of a luw hc.id ol wati'r. or ' .ek W.iter. We still kecji ;i sui'p’y uf Wheei.-. snitali’i- b r diller- ciit iieads i,t ’.v.iter. at iiiiin.^:on. .N 'w l.trii. Washing ton. Ldentoii and F.iyetti'ViUe. Tlie wheels luay also lie had of 1',. A. F>r.'v:ii d. l.ii.i uIiUi ii. and I. i-iah V.'ells. Petersburg. V.i. I’l rsuiis w ishing to ubtain the right to use the w heels, will be served on application to D. Mc.Nei'.l Co., Fa vetteviile, N. C. D. .McNF.iI.L. A. A. Mi lvF.THAN. D. .1. McAl.lSTLK. F.'b’y 22, ISIO -'id tf Al’FLIC ri:i). R!:a1)! I,'iin..\iir.:.i’;ii A mi.iih ai. itut sr,. .-siai.ri'iie ! i,‘> yr:.r ncn. * l'\ hr. Kii.ki lm, -N. W. crner nl 'I'tiinij iiiil t 'ni. 11 l’liil-.'il.l|iloa. Itr.\li:—,\MI >b\.MK ! in.—.\ \ i"iiriiii'' !if«- urn prc iii.iliiie ilealli. Kit.ki l.ii on S’H I’rir»iUn n. Mil) ■.‘.‘ii eiU'.— 't ill' liiii'k jii'I p’.ililisiu li. i' li;ieil w ilh iiseliil iiituriiiiiliiir. nn llie iniiriiMtu ' aril di-. -.'ii el' ttii lienian i>r"ai!s. It s.dilres'. s iixMf iil.k." to yi.iiisi. iii iiiliiM.il :iml Iilil ai;--. .iml 'li.ailil lie leMil liy all. 'I'lie v.ilii iM'-iiilvM C ami iiiijir."ivc warmup it ;:ivc->. u;ll pre- \'ent ye'.T'III' ini-.ery :t!iil salleriii;!. .'umI save u:’r'.ii.-illy Iliiiii'iinils 111' live. I'areni', liy re.iiiiiii: il, will learn how In |'re\eiit the (leslrnrtidii nf ilieir cliililren. .\ n iiiiltam i; III J.'> 1'111.1 irrl.KCil in a Iclfcr, lolilrcssed Id Hr. Ki .kellii, .\. W’. riiri'.er ol rinnl itiul I'liiiei 'Irret', i‘liila*i.--liihia. V. lii enMirc" .1 tm.k. iimli r eiivi l.ipe, per return mail. I’i r-.iii; nl « diH ini ■■ may aililn s' Dr K. Iiy lell r, ^puMl paiil; ami In riin d al liullie ra k:i"; of iiii ilii'incs. ijircrljnn”. . fiirv, anli'ii liy senilini: a reiiiiu.'iiH i'. iin.l pm up • i.ie !>' m i!;.in:i;;e. I'ook'Cller'. .Ni W' \l' lil^. ri ill'T'^. I ' uiva-srrs, ar.il all other 1 Slip’,I it ll with liie aliove wurU al \er\ low rati-s. I .Inly. JtC.J. !' ■ Jtiiiuilicp. ('hrmiir or ^ i rriii:^ i> JhIiIi/. l/nienfc (if the v.v. FOR Ri'.N'r. ^FAT.F.i) rri'jiosals will be received by the I’resideiit of the iluard of'I'l nstees of i'loral College, until the last .“^atiiid.iy in (ictuber. for tiie Steward's Hall fur the term of one i-.:r, cuninicncing on the 1st day of .lauiia- rv. I.''-'.;. F. K. NASli, I’res't. ■ W .M. McKAV. Seey. Sept. 2S, IS.-,L*. ■ ;pJtd LAND FOR H1! subscriber is still anxious to sell his L.\N1>.S in this county. The s.iid Lands are in a good state ol ciilti-.:ition, and all adjoining, but can be ilivided so as to make three j.retty farms. 'J'he residence is ipiite a h.-iinlsome and healthy loca tion, and Wurth any geiitlematrs time to go ami look at. It will be sold on very reasonable terms. I’ossessioll given the 1st ilay of .lanuary next. _.V1,.'0— .\ vory fine .T.\CK and S or 10 young Mr.les, with stock ot all kinds. D. S. WILLIAMS. Oct. (•,. ],'^.-,2. u-tf WAN'J'En TO 1‘UncHASE, ^ RRLS. Sjiirits Turjientine, for which -H. vF " F "1? the highest prices will be paid in Cash. T. S. LUTTERLOH & CO. August lb, lS.->2. 17-tf J>. & W. MeLai.riii AVI] just received, in addition to their former .'''took— 100 kegs NAILS, 111 lilnls. Sugar, 20 bills Granulated ditto, ’.il bags Coffee, r>i) pieces Dundee B.igging, 7 bales (Jtinny Cloth, 4't coils Rope, 0 tons Swedes and English Iron, oO kegs pure and extra White Lead, .”>0 boxes \Vindow Glass, 4l) hags Drop and JUiek Shot, 2.j kegs FFFG Powder. —ALSO— Loaf and Crushed Sugars, IJiir and Fancy Soaps, M:ickercl, in barrels and lialf-barrels, CJieese. .Spic*, Pepper, Ginger, Snuff, Indigo, Madder, Sj^nii.sh r.rown. Salts, Si’.Upetre. Saleratus, Nutmegs, .Mac(*. Cloves, Ve.ist J’owders, Sperm Candles, &c.; with a general assortiuent of 1>RV GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE AND CUTLERV. We otter the above Goods at low ju'ices. for Cash or good p aper. D. & W. McLACRIN. Sept. Iu. 1S.')2. 2.")tf soiiable .la IJy CEO. LAUDER. TWO L'dORS .\BOVE (’. T. IIAIGII & SON’S STORE, Fayetteville, .Jati‘y 20, ]f!52. 55-1 Vi«l A. II. WlllTFlELn, Coach tV Carriage Mann fad nrcr. 'Wa,’’OFLD respectfully inlorm the ]>ublic that he stiil continues to cari-y on the above Inisini'ss in all it,? branches. JIc returns thanks for the liberal p.itronage he has received, and lie.pes by a strict atteu- tiim to business, and a desire to please all and give gen eral satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and b}' experienced workmen; and should ar.y ol it fail in twelve months (w ith fair usage) either in wiuk- manship or material, he v. ill rejiair it without charge. Persons wisliing to buy, would do well to call and e.\- amine his work before i>urchasing, as it cannot lie sur passed for style, elegance, and I’ur ;bility. lie is de termined to sell low for cash or on short time. (jrders thankfully received and proinjitly attended to. RliPAlRlNt; neatly executed at short notice find lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Feb. 1852. tiltf •Anil III! liisea'cs ari-iins: iVimi a i!i.-iirili"ri (l t.iver or Hi.'nr;! !i. “iKii as t l■'llUll‘^s, or i’.Uiod (.■ liie llenil. .\c ilay of me , t^toinarli, .Naii'ea, Ile.irlli'oa, llis^ii t for l o.t.l, 1 ii:iae>s or Weiiihl ill the t^ti.m .i h. Si" r I',, in liiti-.iai. Siiikin" or I' oilleri';" !it the pit it the k'tom.u h. .~w iiiiiiiiiiL'"I'ihe lieail, lliirrird ami liitlii nil llrt’Hthin!:. Fli!H> ri::L' n; the m ail, ( linking' i r siilloi ai- ; ill" Seit-Mtioni w hen in ,i lying posture, llinii|es.i ot \ i'ion, lliiis ; or \Vi !. iK luri- llie .-"I’hl,' I ever, Inill pain ia the lie;'.I. i>e- *ii'iei:r\ ol'l*rr'i(’ir.itii ii \'el|iiw ne^ • o( ih.' r-kia and l-\e'. I*,tin i III I'le Si:le. li.o k. I : 't 1.1 eili', fcc.. SiMdi’ii I 'llHlies ot I leat. l.nrnini.' in the I'le'h, l’oii>latil Ima^iini!!;;'' ot K\ il, and (.real ; 1 i.’pie'sii '1 ol s^piril-. I / ' AN I.e I rinalh run d liy |:i: HOni'I,AM'V CKI.KHI? ATKII ' ^ (.KK'I AN r.I'l’i KI!.-;. I’r. pired liy Hr «' .M. .lai k^on.al the : (o rniaa .Mi-da ine s=i.ire, .N". 1 ::i .\rrli Sir* el. I'hil.'di Iphi.-i. 'I heir puH I r o\er I he ;■ I'OM- di i i-i" is not evrelled. n' eiin:-, l|.-d. h\' an'" other prrjiar l‘on in the I’nil.Ml s^tate. as th*' riirt-> alt* 't. in m iiiy • l e' .-iller sUillil! phy'iriaii' had tailed. 'I'hi'e lliller' .ire iMirlhv l.ie .illeiuion ol invalids. ro>se.;slii;; ; I're-ii virtues in the rei iiiic.iiiuii ul dt-'i* I'l*' ol the I.iviT 'iiul h-'-er j llland'. everrl'ini; the ii;ot 1- u-riMI" pow er m we.i k'ie . a ni •:f IiTlioi.' Ill the diyi 'iive or"at:. i In \ a ■ • w ilieil. -^ale, rerta in, and pleasant. j IIKAI) A.M. !'i. ( -.W l.M Kit. | rrmii llo' lio.'tun I*i e. i 'J lie editor said. Her. ■J-Jil— j ‘ Iir. llootiand’-i elelirat •ll (o rni-n IV,tier- t'l r the nu'’ of I.ivi-r ('i liipl: i!'l. .laiiiii'.ire. I»V'pep'ia . ( hri'iiir or .\i r\oni deliilily. I' dc'ervedly one ol'the most popiil ir medirtiies ot iho day. 'I'iiese | Hillers ha\e been used l>y ;hi n ainis, and a Irienil ai oiu elhow >-ys he ha.s hiiii'elt' received an i lli'cUial and i-,ermaneiil i iiri' ot l.ivi r ('omidaint iVuiii the ii'C ol'this remedy. We are com inred lliat. ill the use of tliese Hitters, the p ilieiit roiist.intly "ains stren:.’lh and vi^or—n fan worthy ot preat toiisiderntioii. 'J'liey are pleasant in taste and smell, and ran he used hy persons wilh the most de- | liratp stoiiiarlis w ith safely, under any rirrtini'lam'e--. V\ • "■'e I speakirc from experience ami to the atthcted weadvi-e their use. book w ell to the marks of the genuine They liave lhi‘ w ntleii signature ol'C. M..)arkson upon the wmpptr, and the naiin- lilow n in the hoitle, without wUicii ihey are s|mrious. for sale, w hole- sale and retail, at the «;KHMA.\ .MKDK'I.Xt: HTOIIE, No. I'ii) .\rrli t'treet, t>ne diM-r helow Sixth, rhila., nnd by re- sperlahle deah'rs "eneratly Ihrotiyhoiit Ihe r*'Vii\iry. Al.so, tor sale hy S.A.M'i, .1. Ill-NSIIAI.K. rayctlevillr, C — W holesale Ajients tor North am! Siiu'.U Ciitolinii, il.i\ 1I.A:\1), ll.\RU.VL & CO., Charlettviii, a. C. I.ANl) 1-OR SALi:. the 22d inst.. 1 will otiVr my 1..VN D for sale, con- ainiiig five acrcs. lying on tlic Fayetteville and Western l'i.:nk Road, tour miles tVum town.—^joins the laii'is of .Mrs. Wctnmrc and ,'^licriff .lohnson.—with il gooii \>'e'.l ol w'.-iteuaiid tine \oiing Orchard on the jire- mises. .Uiy jiersmi wisliing to buy would do well to ex amine the situation for thcmselv(.s. ,\t the s.-ime time will be soM Some ."stock and Farming L'tensiis. A lilt A.M .JOHNSON. Oct. S, 18-’)2. oo-2t NO'i’iCE. ^ f ffllllE subscribers will offer for sale at iniblic auction. Ja. on the premises, oa S.iturday the lutli November ' ne\t, the L.V.n D and .'•! 1 l.i. form.-i ly kufiw n by tlie name ot Harris s .\iiil, sita.ite on l!ocky liiver—the Land ly ing on both sides of the River, eight or nine miles .'south west ot l’itt.sborongi!, and in aliout two miles of the j intcii'icd I'l.'ink road leading tlirougli that section of j ctuintry. This .Mill lias an excellent pair of Uurrs, an ! excellent Corn mill, and the liolting works were newly : coiistriicted last .''umiiier with castings, and is iu good i order lor making .Mei'chant Flour: only the shaft ol tiie main wheel is broken. Tliis seat is remarkable for its I fall si’.id w.-iter jiower, and witli a tight dam the iniil ' runs all the year. 'I'liere is not a better seat for a f:ic- , tory of any kind in all this country, (so said tiy the best of judges.) The terms easy and will be made known on the da\ of sale. Any person wisliing to pundiase I would tio well to examine the premises for tlicmselves I jircvious to the day uf sale. UROOKS A: THO'dl’SoN. Tiat!i:im ciuinty, Oct. I, lSo2. HOTEL. ri^HE subscriber having pxircliased tlie Hotel situated on t!ie South-East corner of Court House Square, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommodate boarders by the day. week or month. Having made considera- J)le outlay in furnishing anl refitting the Establishment, he h(>iies to be able to give satisfaction to all wlio pa tronize I'.iin. His Table shall be furnished ■with the J>est the market tiffords, his liar with the best ot Li- (juors, and his Stable ■w ith a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. .Tune 2(>, ]8.'>2. C-tf ^0,000 ol'Kag's Wniilcd. I WILL pay 3’, cts. per pound cash for all clean cot ton and linen RAGS, tlelivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper JHll in tliis neighborliood, and am desirous of getting my r:igs in this market. My object is to jiay as mucli for rags as I can afford, and hope that 1 may not J)C forced to distant ntarkets for my supplies. I have arranged with Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rags lelivered to him. .DAVID ML Ill’HY. F.-iyetteville. Felt’y 24, 1852. (>S-tf land eit her by d.iy or night, w ith dogs or gun. my stock iiijiiied at \aiious time.'! by the NO'i'ici:. T.L persons are hereby cautioned against huntin on my liaviiig h.'ii dogs of liuntcrs. and a };i'eat de.il ot valuable timber de- stro\ed by iiight bunting, I have tried tor ye.-iis in a mihi w;iv to stop it. imt ih” practice is iiicre.ising. I a:n tiiercfore uriveii to this course, in addition to tlu‘ abu\e, 1 have a (,ii iiility ol hay :ind fodder btacked and h'.ii.-cd oa liiy fai'ia, aii ul wliicii is in danger of being biirac'i b^ tiie lalling o: bi.ruing wads. 'I'iiei'i! ib s; arce- Iv a dav but what liiere is niuro or loss hunting about iliv field, and often by careless bo\s. I think that any oiie will see iit once the propriety, if not the absolute necessity, of this caution, i hojic th-it it will have the de^ired etlect. The above land is joined by Mrs. Catliarine Evans above, and by Mr. Gainey below, on the east side of the Cape Fear River, half a mile below the Clarendon ]}ridge. AVILLIA.M CADE. Oct. 0, ]8.:2. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Good.? jiurcliased at Floral (,’ollege, are requested to make immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh McArn in tho neighborhooil, or to liimself in Cheraw. D. B. McARN. Cheraw, Dec. 20, ISol. 50-tf LESSONS^ LN MUiSlC. fH. WH1T.\KI-M? would respectfully inform the J* citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that lie has again eonimenceiJ giving Lessons on the Piano Forte. He retnrn.s his thanks f(ir the liberal patronage liereto- fore received, and Jiumbly solicits a continiiance of the same. .Ml pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pttpils. Instruction also given on tlie Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. 11. WHITAKER. .Vngnst 24, 18.‘)0. 84tf N(VnCE. rg'^HE undersigned continues to m.anufaeture .'Spirits -R- Turpentine BARRELS. Those now riii hand guage 4;’ to 45 gallon.s, and arc inale of the best seasoned white oak. DistillerH wanting a good article, will do well to call .and examine. I'ontracts to deliver ISarrels for the next twelve months made on favoraJile terms. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Alarch 22. 1852. T5tf rOHACCO. rniHE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on -fi. maiuifacturers’ account, all grades of manufac tured Tobacco. J* LTLE\. May al, 1852. yjtf NOTICE. rSIHE pnrtnership Iierctofore existing under the name JS- of J. H. it K. F. Mui-pliy is this day dissolved l>y mutual con.«ent. All those indebted to the firm, by nrte or account, are requested to call at K. F. Murphys, and settle before the 15tli of February next, and thereby save cost. And those having claims against the firm are requestetl to present them immediately. J- W. Ml RPllA. II. F. MURPHY. Jan’y 2G, 1852. tiOtf