79^ 'lt^: 4,.;; ■«.! »V S: 'E tl't/ S E MI-W E E ICE. T. ■BHIK»«.J»B«.W»lutfc-lwtJ.lli ■ ■m[,;^Liiii«Miiil« imii | || ||| | I ||m ||— || i*Ljijjw«j^.iJ!a:jiaa)Mwea^gB3gaw«a»t'MM«.i»w«»MgyggMgaKBtagga«M|paMaBy [\ OL. II.] FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C.. OCTOBER 19, 1852. [NO. 135.] ai •--it n;L. 'T. •y-.^ , n^-r.- iTvlNTKD IJY J. B. NE^'BY. edwaiid j. hale & sox, I'PITOUS AN1> VROI'RIETOUS. , •• ,. {! ,■ . iMi'.i-'Veefely (>USKRVKU !? I UO if p»id in s} .'II if pniil diiring the year of subscrip- ■ :.itor tlvo year lius expire4. ,• \\ Or-srnvKK 5?2 (.>0 per anrjufh, if paiil in . • ; .s2 ,')0 if pniil lurin}i the year of siibsorip- ti ir ^ > I -' alter the yciir lias* expired. \1 !'1’iT1''1MI'NTS iniscrte'l for sixty coiitu per . 1''! linos for the first, .niiil thirty cents fur each !.ulili.’!>»iin. Yearly a-lvertiseiiieiits by sj'e- ' .it roas.mnl'le rates. A'lvertiscrs are i t ■ UO the nmiiher of iuserti.ms floireJ. or ^ i-. ntinvw'l till furb'ul. anti charjre'l accoril- I.etters to the Kditors must he post-]>aiil. FAl.L AND WINTKU ST(H’K OF TAiM.i: I'AXC'V DRV CiOODS, For 1 !v\Vi' j'l^t rcceivt'il iiiy .''tock of STATLF. AND i f VN: V I'UV litK'DS', for the Fall anj Winter j . i.sistin;j' in part as follows: i ■ I ' -'V-;. ;’.“sj:inn re? an'l Vcstinsrs: vlain, hl'k anil fi;z''l | 1 ;o; I !- ''v :h'; hl'k a!ul curd Frcnch Merim's: F.U; li.'^h i ;iii 1 ci'l'd Alpacas: Frcnch ai.'l lJl''!i^ll printed ' «. s")iie ouihroiih'rcd and v;'ry hand- i.ic: ; , • .''hilts and l>rawcrs; Wool .•'haw’s: ('a'-niurc ;;nd d-; Flannels: 'rstcl ('.-ips: Fii'iiM ts. .“^acks and lirt' f'T ('hihlren: Ne;rro lllankets, ami ;i few jioo*! hod ' limi ts: i':iri>ets and Hearth llu^s: Frcnch and Anior- ,11 I'r:’ !s; (iinjrhanis: hieachcd and hr.iwii linmcstics: - ■'ur-'i Malhro (;ood>: hFk an-1 -ol'd ('iitton \\d\ets: / t Trininiinsis; .laconet lui'l Swiss Mus’iii: I’islo p 1 t- ry Lavns; .laeonet :;i'd Sw!s and lii- •t)T;p:v;; Fiiuii Trimminjis: Cotton and l.is'c i;d;:iiifrs; ts' Waists: Frinpres; i.iinips; I’icnic ^Fitis: tii.'vcs ! I! >^!•-■rv; Pvihhons, l$flniiets. Girls' Flat' a\id .''tr;iw niiiin^: i>ainask ;ind Merino/ - I. a - 1 assortment of oe« and t'.T l.:i- - - iitieition, l5oys. Girls and (,'liil Iron: t' ;j;ctlior « itli ■ V . '.her artich'S not enuniovaiod. niaUin'j: niy st^ck ' te: to which the attention of lay friends «tid tiio ■ ]>iihlic ironenilly is invited, (ir.iteinl for p.ist I hiii*c I>y oil'erinir ^ocds at rcas..nalde rate- to t ■ share a portion of puUlie intronasre. \, r: 'Vi >t Corner .Market :iSiju:*re. No. '2. (iroen st.. ■ ^ N. I’. r. .iii;m\\ i;i.F. : s 1 ; , jcoii!-tant1y ;in l:and a good a; >' rtnicnt 1 ;■ - riicres and Kci so\ s. ... ■ i;M-tf l>r. T. 1>. Has taken r.n Oflice on Ilay IStreet, West of the Hotel I’nihlings. JulyU, IS-M. 4-tf JOHN 1). W II.lTlAiMs" Com miss ion ftiiif S'ortrffr*lht^ •liereiitnit* Fayetteiiiile, N. C. ■Feb. y, is-vi. c.ntf liOOK !JL\i>i:ilY. THOS. H. TILLIWGHAST^ Andersou Street. Se]'t. S, 1SV2. ‘J I Om K. M. OKKIJJ., ~ rORWARDIMi (II .)!>![ SSI ON MriJlll.lMAT I’ayellcvilli*, March 10. l.s-M. C.-J-tf II. I.. H()l>Mi:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. i} FFl^'K on eornor of Front and I'r’mccss streets, ROCKFISU SI!KI:T1XGS, the bale or half bale, for sale by .July l:',, 1S.V2. V. T. JIAKjll & ,=:0N. ttf rOK SALIC. Ni:W 2 11 oTso Wagon. .hilyl2—7-tf .7. I). W1LLIAM.S. W I'lS rKKN IJACION. lllllttj. just received and for siie by T. .S. LUTTFULUH & CO. 1*1.1 ](itf .Irb- TONS Sweiics lllON, assorted sizes, fur sale by 1*. 1*. JOHNSCfN. August Ji'p, li(nf under Jmirn.-il l>ec. Jl*. iflicc. -IS-tf JOILX j’.ANKS. ('mi.in.ssKiN \M) nniW'jiiiiM: Wll’Jiinstca, N. C. '11.1, attend to the sale or i>nrcha.-e lip vith disp.i :uid will made to him. .'^ept. 1>. IS.VJ. f I’roiluce. all consignments ilii ' //'.’(>/ ('aps! Honts i\' SIku>•! ill i\i) \n.\Ti:R .vi'OiK. mi it m.- lil -ciilior has received 'fi** of tl;o l.irjr'-st ns- i nts in his line that he h:i ever ;Kti 1 in •• t" which he woiiUl call the att.-iitii-n -if hi.-? , tl’.e piihiic in jreneral. Anion-r his .-r ck m;iy aU every 'tyle and quality th.it can ''i- found i ;-‘t. I;-' 'viiuld sr'.y to ;;'l those i!c-;rini: ; hi; : jrive him a call, us he is de».‘i-mincd t r !i. or on time to pui;ctua! eU't 'Tucrs, • „r I, ■ .JOHN C. Tnuv.suN. S: :n*l. S .Util-West (.'..ruer Market S.piare. .. ■ -''tf t'.-ilf and Ooat l.inin" and I’.iiid- F r .'.0 bv S.' T. HAW LEV X SON. mm\ Vi. u :?a I « s a o a ANI» FORWARDING MERCHANT, ,V. 4\ f-V-”- I’ri'iupt person.-il at'i-i.t: n j.riven i" nil ronsipi- nients. «nd Cri^b !idvances ni.idc on l*i > luco to l>e shiji- prd t'- iitiier port,« ..r soM in this m.,rk« t. ‘ Feh. 11’. Is'.J. f'.Jy w iLKiNsoN liFM.FllS IN f ' i/(/((7. ■ I'lii’ii-jn 1 I'f'its, 3 luhiu'co. It I) if Sill ft, AN1> IMIMI’.TKF.S OF S3 C’KiI tBtS. AT W Ilul.K.sAl.K ANII in T.VIl,. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Ac._. 7. ISM. lltf \). .s'lW li!U C K, Troy. ,V(tr J\fil, n i‘n-> -t S: r :n M i''!■*(! V • I l{ii’>rs, M ilf i,..- L. /•/.„ ;/,s.,tv. nnd'Tsi'^ii. d. V tiie .\;^.'nt . t t!;e aliove I ah- li li^lmicnt. \Ni;l ■ r :er :in\ .irticlr.- which may l e iMit' d, ' n ajv] ■ -tion t him. Tin; i blck C)OKIA(J STOVE, S for sale by the Suhscriher in Halo;;.;!) and Fayette- ! ville; in i'.alci;.^h at his Slirj) on I’ayc tteville .''trcet, ! j and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M. t'ampbelFs. j I The Suli.-icritier hereby forewarns all ]iersons from ' ; purchasiix*' any of these St»>ve» from any ]>erson eith‘'r \ I in or out of North Citrolina, cscept frojn himself irliis | i duly authori/.ed Apents. Jle has purchased the exclu-I sive ripht to veml this Stove within the St.ite, and will . prosecute any person infringing his right, either hy pur- ' ch;ising, selling, or using, any except those obtained ^ from liimself. i .lOSFl'lJ WOLTEIUNG. J Ka'eigh, .\pril 10, l^.'.l. 6Hff ' SKW (;o()i)s. ^51I!F ui.dersigned arc now receiving tlieir FAIJ, i STtM 'K ot ' «i9 9 Consisting of n full iissortnient of li:uiics' and (ieiitloiiu n’s Dre.^s a l:irirc su]'] ly of Kf:iil_v-ina(li‘ ('lutliiiiir. Hats, (.’aps aini Hnnmds, :i a.-sortiiioiit of ihidt.- ami >hocs, llanlwaro. (I l ocerics, r'l'ULrs :mii1 Mi-iliciiu's, Sa'MliTv, ('rockery aii'l jl:i>.*:waro. (Miniiy aini l>uiiil(_‘0 JSagirin" aixl Ilojx’. Nail.', Iri'U, iVc. I'tc. ! NEW AXD CMDAV GOODS. 1AM now receiving my nsu;il assortment of FAl.T/ (i(J(U)S, all fit' which has b**en purchased for Cash, I by the ji.-ickage, which will enable mo to sell at uncom- I monly low prices. I In addition tc> my usual stock. 1 have purchased a I large lot ol' !;cii.dy-madc Clothing, whicli can be sidd at v*-ry low prices. I Country nif-rchant« and others nre invited toexani ine I the above stock, as it is one of the lai-gest ever rdlered I in this State. .lAMK.S K'/l-K. ! Sept. ;;o, 1-J. ;j)tf Jitsf )TC( Ivcd, per Sf earner Fannif, Kerseye .leans and ]>lan!;ets, Itaskots anil Tuhs, assorted, Howland’s .Mill-Saws, .\nvils, r>oIh)ws and Vises, 7•’> K«‘gs Nails. (Ilass, S X 10 and 10 x 12, White Le.id, ].iinseed Oil. UKNF.OW, KVLK f'O. Sept. 27. 1R.T2. 2'.'tf r. iV: \V. I’I.ANK ltO,\D. i\o. -t. A I)TVIPENl> of H per cent, or nO per Share, has been declared on tlie cai>)tul stock of this Conij'any, payable on the 2)th instant, to such stock holders only as have complied with all the reijuisitions of the Uireetory in relation to stock payments. Ajiplication to he made to Juo. M. Kose, (.'Icrk of the Uoard, lit tlie oflice of the Company. B'lirther Police. All the original stockholders of the t.'ompany are here by notified that one-half of the amount due by them, (alter p.iying former reipusitiuns.) must )»e paid by the Jst Novoiidier, jinil the remainder fin the 1st i>ec. next. i!v Older of the iJoard ot birectors. J-D. LEE WINSLOW, IVes’t. Oct. r., 18.')2. .32 Rvccired on (\)/isiojntu irf. A Nil for sale cheaj), -'O bills. WIIL'^KF.V. im JNO. 1). Wil.LlAMS. May 4, 18'.2. S8tf pi E*rice ol' iSa^^ ndvanri'l. T'.U.SONS who have made contracts vi-ith .1. F. .Tor- diin .V ('). for furnishing II.VO.S, are hen-by in- forineil, that we will p.-iy cents per lb. m all ('otton Hags, Hope and r)a'/ging, ilelivered to t;s after this date. 11. IIRANSON SON. March 11. I.‘'.'i2. 72tt' MOW FIllM. ^2'^ II I' J^ubscrihcrs have formed u copartnership un- _M. iler the name anii style of «TE:S>.1iA.\ A: BSOU.^K, Am! may he found at the foot of Hay Mount, in the liouse foinierlv occupied hv Mali .Johnson. Tiioy have' leceived their FALL AND WINTER GOOl)., consisting in j'art of Staple l>ry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Boot.s k Shoes, Sole Jjcatlier, JJagging, Jiope, Twine, t'Le. Also, a gciu ral as.sortnioiit of (iroeeries, itichtdiiig a choice selection of J.«imtors. W e lieep on iiaini sjutn Varn, fiHun tlie l)eep Iliver M, >. at i'ac'-ory prices. We will take in exchange for goods, couiitry prixiuce of anv kind. N. A. STEDMAN. W. T. IIOIINE. Oct. 4, 18-') !. :;2tf PE.^JTAL NOTICE. OCTOR KENNEDY liegs to jnfornJ hi.sfrieTJU* .Ttid the public of Fayette^ ville and Burronnding country, that having such freipient applicationB to viait Fayetteville profes- sioiijilly, he feels compelled to malce an appointment al though his time 18 fully occupied in Wilfnington. Ho therefore begs to Bay, tliat he will visit Fayetteville on the Idth May, to lemain as long na business will justifv. lie regrets being unable to do so before. (lit. 11, 18o2. 3B-.3t.otA-3t TVEW GOODS. HE subscribers have just received their Stock of FALL AN1> WINTER (J(JODS. to which they call the attention of their customers and the public general ly, being deterniineil to sell on as good or better terms than anv Store in tlie country. Call and see. Fl'LLEU SELLERS. Ltimberton, N. C., Oct. 12, 18.>2, Co-4w M m. Howlamts Mill Saws. 1D0Z. full 3-1G tliick, for sale b\ r.RANSON k SON. Auguwt 0. 15-tf A .louRNEY^iAN Ilariiess Maker Wanted imuiediately- McDONALD & WHALEY. Oct. r., 18')2, S2-at 'i'/te Urofhrrs" Strnrnhonl Comfxtnij. S l^rcjirired witli .''tnaniers '• /iru'f" r^" ;»nd I iim-.-him" jind :i 4'omplenient ot Tow 11 ..its. t > c:irry with dis patch :i!l Fri-iglits .•^'lipiied by tliem. hctween Fayette- We iinite our triends nnd the puliUc to c;ill and ex- | ville and Wilmington, or to any intermediate landings amine our Stock; it is L.VIIGK nnd will he sold on :ic- , on the iliver. .lOHN i: VNKS, Ag t, V» ilniingtoii. DISSOLUTION. rC'^IIl'^^Firni if Leete & .lohnson is this day dissolved, J5L b\ mutual consent. 'J'hos. .). Johnson isalone an* thor;7.elto settle the concern. October 1. 15'.')2. CIIAS. E. LEETE. TIlOS. .J. .KdlNSoN. ■ iii'nodating terms. August .{o, lSo2. .). T. COUNCIL & CAIN. 21 tf It. .■: W 1^ McLAl lUN, Ag ts, Fayetteville. 2.'>-t'.m VALrAHLi': P!{()Pi:irrv rHMil' Suhsi riber h.-xviiig removed to T -R si\;e> to dis}'Mc of his residence ;iii' I’or Sm!‘. •T.nessee, de- j 1 l.-iiids in the j vii inity ot 1':.etti'v illo. He thcrt-iore offers tor .-.’lie, I on a ' ' mniM.;;iti::g t'Tni'i. his rc'; lence at II>SE ill LI,, and the tiact of-'lOO acrcs of land attached thereto: and also the .Meadow Fnriu ti:ict U)l/U acn s. ndjacent t*i tlie fornier. Fre'ious alvcrt!¥cn’enf> have desi-ribed t!.e r"-'idenee .•It'd l.iiids and tlieir advrti:tag. s. i'cV'^niis dctirouji of tiur^rr inforn ation can obtain w !io ll.■l^ lull power t(i gi\e i(ecd. Aug. ■".o. l.'-'c’. fi' 'ij 11 the Mr. l-^:ia 1 I'oj.crty H. ■TA’. IL HAr.MN. 21 i 'n'lil’KN'l'l.NK l.A.NI) I'OU SAI.lv ^^(•11 sale. .i i ^ of I,AND on .lat, Cr.-.k. and I'-io .'!cre>; on Cypre.'-s Cn -.'k. in Cuinl.crlaiid. convenient to the estern Flank Road, h'- r.’ily timbered, and ai!nii)-:»bly ad.i] tcil to the making : i' Turpentine. Apj>!V at this >tfu Nov.’2>'. L- M. 44tf 8^n:AMi:U SOUTUKliXl-T. iLl. b'ave Faycttpville 'Vory Wrdnesdny an>i .‘^a- turd.iy. at 7 o'clock, .\. nnd arrive in Wil- nn!igtoii ;ii 7 o'clock 1’. M, .'.n i will leave W ibu’tigton t very Mo!i'’.ny and Tin;r~d.i;. . at 12 o'cl'.c'i;, M.. .nnd ar rive in F:i'ettevi'.le i:e:.; ir viiinir. M. OUniiLL. Agent. .\pri’ 2''.. 1S.'2. S'l-tf .\Iills niaiiulactni ; ■ cn t 'tod. .‘'lid aif l.igi.ly Roads a'lout F.ivette\ille. F.l'WD LE! Fayotteville, .''ept. 4, 1-" :1. i l>v Mr. Starhuc'; hnre j»l'io\ed on tlie IMatik 4 . m cc WINSLOW. 2otf noo'i's AM) siioi:s. ■5' V r >' i:ig a large stock of F.‘ ■-‘TS .\NI* I V i-di'. ■ idira :i.g every variety of style .‘iiid ’ • ; t liie Faii au'l Wint“r Int'^e. ' ' 'i ig Trunks ;>nd Cai'pet La:. ': Shoe . - I , v ry description. ' .m'.i I-c ai.ii 1 low for cusli, or on time to - ■ 1,1. :■>. ;ii’' in ti;wn and country wishing fl^t^•^‘s in ' . iiiviti-d to examiti^* our ^tork het 're pur- S. T. 11 AW LEV Sun. - - : -r u;;. i^'oj. 2''-';w (i w\\!ri’xi^ijs[iip xo ru i:. ’ ' ■ ’ - Tihers have formed this ■! y a c. p:;rtp ‘r- ' iiii- i-r the tiriii ot M(.-lM).NALb i.'i .Mc.vIA.'*'- ■ ! ■ • 'l•an^.^l•ti•.n oi a general y /•, (tiiij /\i.i isioji , ' : I-. ceive tlioir full .■'to* k by the 2*>th inst.. ' ■ 1- a liiriesi i. .'tr.'ot. a few dooi s ah ive the -\ug. i» J. n. .Mcl;'>NALl». .JOHN E. McMASTEll. 1 S'.2. 1 •'> w Ilic AXT OF MOXi:V! ,y SUMMHR RHSlI>J:XrK, two inih s .^larket, .in the Fayetteville and Western - ne of the most desirable and healtiiy ■ "iinty. !-*res of Fayetteville .".nd Western I'laiik 1 -'I Shares of Favetteville Hotel .“^tock. MAijjyrr cx i*ArL.\Jii:i{. Mrortrs tatfi (omntission *fter~ fluntts^ NEW YORK. i>. TT.] [f- rAi L'iiF.u. Aug.’jt lO. T. C. WORTH, (ini.lIlSSlllN .\M) F(IR\V\l{lll\{; MKIU'lllM, \VlLM!X(.'i'OX, X. C. Feh. 1, IS.',2. r. FnK!iM.\N.j [cKO. HOFSTON. Fui;i:M.\.\ \ IM!1 STIi\. V.iliiiiRsfniL N. I), r. u ru.. .npw \ork. i-jii:i:MAX cv iiorsrox, MKIK’IIANTS AND FA’T(>US, Wilmington, N. C., EI'.l* cor.st.Tiit'y on hand a stock ot 1-lour. ( orn. Fork, F.acon," Salt, CotVee. Sugar, Molasses, To- .. Cigars, Snufl. Candles, Soap: F' reign and Domo-;- LAXI) I'OU sali:. V.M.FAliLE tract of Land i.T • ;icreil f.r sale, containing 220 acrt s, lying -'A mile> west of F.iy- ettcville, near the F. \ W'. Plank Unnd. adjoining Mrs. N’ott and otiiers. with ;i good dwelling aiol other tieees- ^,•:ry out-houses. well vat-red ;:nd lo alti v .-ija.ition. Apply soon fi, 1). t;. Mcliiitho ill Favi'tti-villo. or to .his. K. Mcl-uihe on the j reini.-cs, for ii;irticuhir-;. June 2*;, o-tf A C\]U). fBTHE rrM’.rn of low watov renders it r.fcossnry that S the Stea’iier h-.th.'ini ho eiii] !i \ i-d a> a tow lio;it. She will I'ot thoi»;'oi'- ran ,-ir hcrctof.ii-c. on any ri gi;!yr d;iy, ti;iiil f:ir:|.cr n- .I\'». i», WILLIAM.^, A,:: t Ca]'c Fear S. r>, Co. ^:;tv 12. l-‘2. '.'O-tf xoricE. r J IIO."!E indebted the firm of Leete & .lohnson, :ire res- X Jiectfiilly reipie&tevl to come forward and settle their rcsjiective hios. The btisines« will be conducted in future by the un dersigned on his own account, at the o'd stand near the ’-ipe Fear Hank, where he lioj es to see his old (anh v.^i.fKiij FRIENDS, and the trading public generally. He has on hand and will lie receiving shortly, his F’all 1 nnd Winter Stock of Dry (5oods, (irotcries. Hardware, j Crockery, Cutlorv iVc. iNcc. ! o^’.tf ■ ‘ TIIDS. .1. .7O11NS0N. . W. 11. .Me iCAV.j [.(. H. KOBERT.s. McKAY iSj ROiJKUTS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, (Ii'iur.ii ronimisNioii I'l Forwanliiig .MiTfliaiits, South NVater street, t> doors beh)w Market, I’articuhir :ittention paid to the sale of all kinds . of Country i’roduce. I- heral casli advances made on ; consignnioiits. lleference: ! John 1>. Starr. Esi|., I’res't of the F.ank'] of l'a_\ etteviile. | Wni. G. IJroadt 'Ot, Ca.-rh'r, do, Fiijah Fuller. Esip, i\lc>>rs. (' k iV Taylor. j ( 00k X J«ihiison, J I.. Iluhh.ird ,v 'o., Clinton. .‘'.Tmpson county. I '1 liomas .1. Morisey. Estj., i.uniberton, Kobcson. j.l. 15. 15rown. I.stj., Westbrooks, liladen. ! Oct. 1S.V2. ."^^V NOTICE. ON W'ednesdny the 10th day of Noretnber next, I will oiler for sale my land in this county, contain ing about SIX HT'NDRED AND IMGHTY acres in one body. The land lies on the soiitli ?ide of Lower Little River.—very ne*;r to the well known and oft-fretpiented “.McFadyen Spring.'/' where 1 boarding house might be estal)lishel with profit to the owner. At the same time, 1 will aell niy ;tock of nil kinds. '1 he terms will be uccoiumodating nnd will be made known on dnv of sale. A. B. McFADVEN. Cuniberl.ind coutity, Oct. 0, .‘{3-ts K.'VIIHELS Extr.i family Syrup, t) do, tJlue for Distillers. oOOO baiTel bungs. F'or sale by Sept. 13, lSo2. D. 4- W . McLAURTN. I'/ic largest Stock of (roods ever offered btf ns! W \re now receiving much the LARGEST STOCK of BJIY GOODS, Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Shoes, Boots, Umbrellas, 6cc. Ever offered by us in this place, to which ire partiea- larly invite the attention of Merchants, as we are de termined not to be tu)dcr8oh1. 8TAR?. & V.ILLL\MS. August 2o, lSo2. 2(ltf WAXTED TO PLiiClIASE, ?^r>LS. Spirits Turpentine, for which li- the highest prices will be paid in Cash. T. S. LUTTERLOII & CO. Ang'.ist K», 17-tf Fjiyetteville. rW^nFlM: are SO',^ .s. rati' u in liitfc! I'"" « !ic I). tic Li.juor,- and Wine.s; Iron. Nails. Paints, Oils, (.lass. Domestics, lints. F.o. t.-. >lioes. l.o.ither. .Agricultural _ Inipienionts. and a variety of other articles, suitiibie for i. > -^t to, k of Ready-ma le C.M!i’.I.\Oi;. jmnily and plantation use and the retail trade, whicli ' « ver illered in this jdace—over thev will di^pose of in lots to suit ile.ab'i's or consumers, ■ li tely finished. All of wliich I will sell at Icasoiiable terms for cash, or in exch.inge for Naval ‘■'i {..I’,".' forc.ish or negotiabb-Jiotes. . .stores or other jirodiice. ■ ' attention has beett paid to the call made «enior partner, D. C. Freeman, is located in the ‘ter the tire of the 2d .lan’y, on those inilebted (.jjy of New ork: the junior partner, (ieo, Hou’ston. in ■ • i-all and s'-tlb.‘, that I am induced to oflVr the Wilmington. lfdesirel, I'dvaiu'os \m11 he made on c"1i- ( i-'.jierty at reduci-d ]U'ices to enable me to reliuild fcigmneiits to and lioin either jihK e. All I'usiiiess en- ri iti^o li'tabli: lii:;ei:t and ont;iiue niy liu.siiiess ^ tiaisted to them will receive proper att.'iition: and or- iivenis iu e. i (Jofids will be promjitly and carefully tilled, pl.ic-not. « in projicr han 1 for collection, if .July 2.', li''>2. 12 ;!mpd . ton. J liaveall mv .■ifcoiiii*. mnde out to the MI-:i)ICAL XO'i'U 1:. n'kl!. THOS. C. HALL n .spectfiilly if- ters his jii’ofessioiial services to the citizens ot Fayett(;ville and its vicinity. He may be consu.tcd at the ((fiice directly iver the new Drug ."^tore ot Samiiid .). Iliusdale, Soiitii west corner of .Market Sjuare. .luly 2‘.t, 1852. A, M. is-'C’, KliTHAN. 77tf !l \LL B0LIJX(;!:K I iN! I' to c,‘:rry oti tlie F()I .NDIt^ !’>l >1NESS, • its t ranches, in this jdace. 'I'hoy iiave ■ II the last six months, >^ll>0O worth of Pat- A- now prepared to furnish Millwrights with ■ ' . at short notice, for AVheat, Corn, (Irist, and OnSy ESfirtftS >ii9 in l*ar(. A. A. McKI:TII \X j (j^TILL continue..-' to c.irry 11 the C \Ki;i.\iF FiC.'-’I- ^ ’ NESS in all its hrauches. at the ren.ains of his oM I st.ind. o]>]io;-ite Liherty i’oint He retiinis th:'.iiKs for the liber.al p.itronage ii>- has heretofoic rcc oi\ed, and j ho}.'o,«: by strict attention to husiness ami a doire to give ! entire satisf.iction. to niorit a cnutiiiii.-ince of the same. Having ko]>t the greater portion of his Tiniliers at a , distfiiice from the niatiiif.K tory. he lia.« on haiid a l irgo i and well .selected lot of thoroughly scasnned 'I'in’her. of! every dc'^ciijitioii used in liis bu‘iine.-.s. which eii.ih'cs j iiim to reliiiri all his priin ipal w orimen. lie is therefV re I now j>re)iared to do any work in his line in the very lii'st st\le. and on the most favorable ti'rnis — as low as any \\ork I'l the vatiic ijiiality in N. C. j lie h.ts on hand, comjiletely rini.''hed, , F'.ir'iiiches, lor 1 or 2 hordes: ' (1 Hockiiways, .and !■’ F.uggies. .Also, nearly tinishe.l. 1(1 ('arri;s;.;os for 2 liorse«: 21) Farouches for I and 2 horses: ! 12 llockaways, and Hnggies: j All if which .are of the most approved [ihiti and finish, and will c.iiufiare with any work in tlie F. St.it(sfor neatnos and durability. Having heen engaged in the above business for the ]'!:st 2l ye.irs, his work is well known, jiiid he refers to old customers for jo oof of its durability. tr.DT'Al.r. Avork \varranf('ii for l‘J r.if'Tiths, atid repaired free if charge should it fail hy h;ul workman- shiji or m:it( i'i;il, within that time. Itr.i’Aiiti.vt; t-xeculed at short notice, and on rea- ponahle terms. .I.in y 2t), 1S.')2. I['i/i JiL't WtiUr U/r r/. rai iiundred c f tlicse Wheels in pe- eiit countier^ in North Car 'litia. For of ilioir gre.ii a.iv.-inr I. c.ver the coinmoii flutter 1. . r an;. otioT wl:i-. iiov.- in ufe t>-r s;nv mills. w»' Conti:jontn r to tiio .• v h !;av!- applied tln in to tl;«'ir niills. We can r'a oniiii. 1 tiier.i j articularly f.r tlieir Mi|"'i i .rity ill - a> ol a low head of v.ati'r. or h.ick water. We >till keep a su]i]>ly of V.iioeis. s:iit;'! le f-r ditler- eiit hea'i.' c t Watt r, ;.t iliirn'.-lou. NewUern. Washing ton. lidenton and I'a;. ette\ ilie. The wiieels ma\ .also be hail «.f I.. A. F)re\ard. Linculnton. atei I'l'iah \VelIs. Peter.'liiir.L.. \ .1. Fersons w ishing lo olitaiii the right to use the wheels, vill be served on ajplicatiou to D. McNeill iV Co., Favctte\111c. N. C. D. McNElLL. A. A. .MeKETHAN. D. .L M. AMSTKK. Fob’V 22. IS 10 56 tf i' ■ ■■’■ ii • ■ A 11 . I". 18. ■ II .^Ii!':: repaired throughout. t' TJa- are cash in delivery; 10 per cent, will be r I v- ry ;!() days an .'iccount may stand unpaid. ' ■ I ■ irry on this business on the credit eystenj, ' we intend doing so. HALL & ROLLINCER. ' ’ i >.'(2. I small AXI) TALL: ' ,/■ >/nii ft ft'11)1 that irill carr>/ tt JjuUI • rihcr ha.s now on hand, and will sell cheap •J' •' :i. his large and well assortol Stock of sin- ‘ 'O ■ Ij.'iiTe 1 SHOT OFNS, of the best make, ■ 1' tt rn.'. .\lso, Colt’s I’utent Repeating I’is- II ' iJevolvers: Shot I*ouches; (iame Rags; •" 1 I'ercussion C.ips; i*te., &c. ■' • i i iii'l- (.,n>-tantly on hand, and manufac- ■ - r. iiiid warranted* to shoot froni lOU to uOO ‘ ■ ii.ji>; t(i )iurchasc any of the above-named to give me a trial, atid they tnay ' the greatest liargains ever offered in •'eiy tiling in the gun-smith line will be . in the he.it manner, and for a small M. A. RAKER, Sign of the Wooden (lun, ri.t, opposite the .Marble Yard, Fjiyetteville, N. 17-tf Ainx’ll cow W AXTi:!). oi;t iiftviii" .‘I r:ito one to sell, will j>lc:»se . JM'l'ly ohscrvcr (lii. MlSiC. 4 LOT of new Ml'SK', consisting of Songs, Waltzes, I’olkas, iS:c. Renigna Waltz and Ci;rnelia Waltz, by Mrs. S. M. Mal- lett; Sylph I’olka and ('nm)ierland Folka, by L. H. W hit- aker. .Just recei\ed. j;. .). H.VLE it SON. 3IARBLE FACTOJIY, By liEO. LAUJ)EH TiVO i.'llllltS ACIIVE C. T. IIJICII ,V SllX'.'i STiilii:, Fayellcvilli', I\. .Jan'y 20, 1852. i.u-1 Vpd A. II. WniTI lELD, CoftcJf V Carriage 7)Tm)uf((cliircr. ■^;^7'()ULD respectfully inform the public th.at he still continues to carry on tlie above Imsiness in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, anrl hopes by a strict atten tion to business, and a desire to please sill and give gen- | liitier-i have lief-n usi-d IIJ ilmn aniH, !iml a frienti ,u mir ell»uv S.iy eral s.'itisfaction. to merit a continuance of the same. He w.arrants alt his work to be male of the best ma terial .and hy experienced workmen: and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in work manship or material, he will repair it without cliarge. I’ersotis wishing to buy, would tio Avell to call and ex- amin«' his work bel'oie purclmsing, as it c.innot be sur passed for style, elegance, nnd durability, lie is de termined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully receiveil and jironiptly attended to. jpKj/- i!EF.\lltlN(i neatly executed at short noticc and lowest possible prices. I Fayeiteville, Feh. 2, 18o2. tiltf Ai'i'LK 'n:!). ui:a[)! nmi.\II|’M’!IIA 'ir.I'K'\|. llnl'sr., i-lahli^linl 1.', yr .re apn. * tiy I'r. Iviiilu'lia, .N. W . l orncr of J'IimiI] uni riiiiui .'in oty. I‘Iilnli'lplii:i. UK V I>; — \ H 'Til .\ Ml ,M \ \ IlOi III.—A vi"oriMi': Tifi' nr ; imp III I'irc licalli. Kirki 111) on l'rr^ .il'niii. i'n!y •.'.■| cent'.— 'I'lr li'Hik jii't piilili'lictl, l liiii il wnli ii'efiil iiilnriiiiil'iiii. 111 Ilic i(;tiriiui;i riiiil ili-c.ivcN 111 the hiiinaii or"ans. It adilrc-'.'s al:k‘ 111 iiiHtiiiooil anil nlil ;i!:.'. anil 'h.-ii!il lie re;iil liy nil. 'I'hi! v .liial.l.-ailvu-f !iMiJ inn.r. >Mve \v:ir:iiii« it h .11 pro- v#’nt yp tr.. of iiiN* ry aiiil Mill* no;:, ami >:ive aanii:ill>' thi.ii-'aiiiK of livf. I’nreiiK. !iy n.ailiii): il, will learn Imw in |irevuiu llie (If^lriKtion of iheir i liililrcn. \ ri iiiitiBiUf'of •.■>ccnt« im lo«.il In n Ictlrr. aililres^ei] to Pr. Ki iKelin, W. cnriier ol Tliiril iinil t ninti 'irccl-i. riiilml.'lplii i. ill ensure « lioiik, iiiiiler eiivi'l.i|>c. per r.'tiirii iimil. I’er-nns hi a illlaiice may mldre'S Dr. K. liy lelt.T, (pn't paiil) ami he ciirfil iil Imme. I’arknces of rnedirines, liirci lion. . firw arifil l.y >eniling ii rriiiiiiaiice, an.I put up -'■rnre from iImiim.^'c. It(Mik>cllers. Niw.i \i;iiil, l’c(ll.-r. «'aii\n«.;rrs. nnd all otiicr.; s'ipp icd wilh the rtl«ive work at x.’rv Uiw rales. .luly. iH.VJ. il Jounuue, 1 Chranic or Xi rrmi.'t I>thihl>t, Ditcafc of ilif Kiihii'i!, .\nil all di.^ii a'cs arisiii:; tnim n (llnril.-rcd I .iver nr .^tonnrh, «ndi a ( oii'lip illuii, riiUai '-i, or I Inod |.i llic Ileail, Aciihty of ilie Stiimnli. .Xaii'e.i, llcarlliiirn, lii»;;ii't fur I'ihuI, FhIIiic»v cr W eitlii in llie Stomm li, t^oiir I:ni' lati in-^. sinkiiij; nr Kliiueriiii; at I In- pil III llir rJiiimacIi, iiiiiiijii" of llie llc.nl, Ihirricd and liill'u nil Urcailiiii". l'liiltcriii; ;it llic ilcari. • linkini; or .'^iiil'.ic.ii- iiiE Scii'.'i I Inns hen in a lyin^ im'tiir**. I)':;.iic>. nt \ ii:i:i, linl-* or Welis lietnre the f^iiilil. l c\er, Imll pain in tlie Mead. He licieiun nf I’l rspir.iiinii. \ i llnw nc' ol lie- .'kin anil l:>f'. I’ain in the Siilc. It.n k. Clic't, l.imli', tc.. Siii!.|i-n riu-liesof Ileal. Ilnriiin!: in the I'lc'li, Cnn'tant Im.'iyiiiin"' nt Kvil, Hiid (Jreat ll.'prc'Miin ot Spiril-i. / ’ A ,\ he ctl.'clii.illy riireil l.\ I>11 IKIOI'I, \ NI('KI.I'l'It A'l’I'l) (;KKM.\.\ I’.rr’l KKS. l-n p.rcd hy Hr C. .\l. .lark'on. .at l!ie ;erman .Mi dirine r-inrc. Nn. I J I .\n li .-'in cl. I’liiladi’lpliia. 'i’licir pn\\ero\i*r llierttmvi iIi^iM'C' is nnl c\rcllcd. it eipialled. hy any mher prepar itinn in llie I'nited Slates, as the cures alte.'t, ill III iny (■ i'os iilicr--killiil ;ili\>icians had l .ilcd. 'i’lieso llilter' .ire ivnrtliy llic iilteiitimi nl invalids, rnsscssin" ureal \ irliies in llie r‘cl.ticaliiin nfdi'.*ases nf ihi^ l.ivrr and lc'«'r i'l.inils, excri'i'inir Ihr ii;n~> si-ircliiii" p.n'vers in w eakness and al fecliniis «il the diceslive i)i":itis, lln-y are w illial, safe, l erlain, and pleiisiiiil. itKAD .\M) i;j; (■(i.wixrr.o. rrnt!) the flnstnn IScc. The editor said. Her. -ZM— “Dr. tlnnfl md’s Olehriled f:ernian Hitters for itie rnre of l.ivrr ('niiipbiini. Jmindice, l)yspepsin. I 'hrnnic or Nervniis deliility. is deservedly one of the most pnpiilur iiieilichies of the day. The leen used >y ;linii ands, nnd a friend al he has himself rect'iveil Hn elfectivil >iiid l eriinnent c'uo of l.iver t'oniplaint fioiii the U'* of Ihi* rein''dy. Wc are conviiicpd that, in the use of these I!iitrrs. iIip pvtieiil ronst intly "ains stronj-'lh and viinr—a firt worthy of "reat mnsideration. 'I'hey are pleasant in taste and smell, and run lie iis.’d hy persons with the must de- lii-ale stomachs with safely, under hny rirvwmstanccs. We are speakin" from experience nnd to the Htilicted w e iidvisc their use. I..>nk well to the nii'rks of the eenutne 'J'hey liave the w ritten sijinature of>1. .lack.son upnn the wra|>[>er, and the name blown in the Imttle. without which they tire spurious. For sale, whole sale and retail, at the (.i;UM.\.\ .MI’.I'ICI.NK STOf’.n. No. 100 Arch Street, one div>r helow Si.xih, I’hila., and hy re spectable dealers penerally thn'nulioitt the i nuriiry. Also, fur sile l.y SAM’b .* CINSMALK. Fayettcvillp, \. C.— Wholesale .VjieiiU for .North and t*ouih (.aroliiiH, H.-\VIL.ASI>, II AIUIAI. & CO., l harU>lon, S. I'j FOK UKXT. ^^I’.VLIH) I’rojinpiils vill lie -cceived by the I’resident ol the I’oard of Tru.stcc.s of !■ loral College, until the l.ist .''.itsirday in ('ctohcr, for tiie Steward's Hall for the term of one \e.-ir, commencing on the 1st day of Jaiiua- rv. 1F. Iv, N.V.'^li, I’res't. ■ W.M. .McKAV. Scc'v. scj.t, isvj. ■ n2td LAXl) I’OU SAl.i:. ^j^HE subsprih. r is still anxious to sell his LANI>S J in this county. The said Lands :ire in a good state ot ciiltiv.'uion, nnd all .•idjoiniug, hut can be tiivided so i as t'l make three pro.tt;, t.irnis. The re.sidcnce is (luite a handsome and healthy loca- tioi;. iiiid W orth an\ gontlematrs time to go and lo(>k :it. It will bo s lid on very reasonable terms. I’ossession given the 1st day of .1:tniiary next. _A LSO— A vury line .T.\CK and S or 10 young Mnlcs, witli ‘ st 'ck ot all kinds. D. S. WILLLVMS. Oct. 0, ::2tf I LAX']) FOR SALi:. iN the I’Jd inst.. I will otl'er my I.AND for if.tle, con taining five acres, lying on the F'ayetteville and Western I’l.-nik Koad, four miles Ironi town,—-joins tlie lands of .Mrs. W etiiiore and Sheritf Johnson.—with a good Well ot water and tine young Orciiard on the ]>re- miscs. Any person wishing to buy »^’ould do well to e.\- aniiiie the situation for themselves. At the same time v. ill he sold some Stock and Farming L’tensils. AURA.M .JOHNSON. Oct. 8. is.'jJ. ;i;M’t xorici:. fHIHE suhscrihers will otl’er for sale at public auction, -H- on the premises, on Saturday the loth November next, the L.\N1) and .MILL tormerly known bj' tiie name of Harris's .Mill, sitinite on Hocky Iliver—the Latid ly ing on hotli sides of the Liver, eight or nine miles Soutli- we.st ot I’ittsliiirough, and in about two miles of the intended jihmk road Ictiding through that section of country. This .^liU has an e.xcollent pair of Rurrs, an excellent Corn mill, and the bolting works were newly con.-;tructed last Summer with castings, and is in good order for making .Merch.-int Flour; only the shatt ot the main wheel is broken. This gf'at is reniarkahlc tor its fall and water power, nnd with a tight dam the mill runs ail the vear. 'J'here is not a hotter se:it for a fac- t(uy of !iny kind in all this country, (so said hy tiie best of judges.) The ttrms easy and will he nuide known oti the ihiy of sale. Any person wishing to jiurclnise would do well to e.\aniine the premises for themselves previous to the day of s.ile. I51COOKS & THOMF.'^ON. Chatham county, Oct. 4, lS'’>li. o-Jts XOTiCF. i A LT, persons are here>iy cautioned against hunting ! ilL on my land either I y ihW or night, witli dogs or gun. I H.’iving had my stock jnjured nt various limes by the I dogs of hunters, and u great deal of valuable timl>er de- I stroyed bv night hunting, 1 have tried for years iu a ! milii w.iy to stop it, hut the practice is increa.sing. 1 I am therefore driven to this coui>e. In addition to the I above, i have a (lU.intity of hay and fodder st.icked nnd housed on my tarni, all of which is in danger of being Inirned by the falling of burning wads. There is scarce ly a d.iy hut what there is more or lees hunting about liiv tiehl, and often by careless boys, 1 think that nny one will see at once the propriety, if not the absolute nece.«sity, of this caution. 1 hope that it will have the desired ell’ect. The above land is joined by Mrs, Catharine Evans jibove, and hy Mr. Gaiucy below, on the east side of the Cape Fear River, half a mile below the (.'larendon Rridge. WILLL-VM CADE, Oct, 9, 1852. o3-4t Sc. W. McJLajirin .V^ E just received, in addition to their former i^tock— 10«> kegs NAILS, lOlilids. .''Ugar, 20 bbls. (Iranuliited ditto, ‘iO b.Tgs Coffee, oO {lieces Dundee Bagging, 7 bales (Junny Cloth, 4.J coils I'ope, fi tons .Swedes .nnd English Iron, "0 kegs pure and extra White Lead, •''id boxes Window Glass, 4ti bags Drop nnd Ruck Shot, 2.'> kegs FFFG Powder. —ALSO— Loaf nnd Cnisheil Sugars, Ibir and Fancy Soaps, Mackerel, in barrel.* and half-bnrrels. Cheese, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Snuff, Indigo, Madder, Spanish Rrowii, Salts, Saltjietre, Saleratus, Nutmegs, ^lace. (.'loves. Yeast Powders. Sperm Candles, &c.; with a general assortment of DRY GOODS, ROOTS AND SHOES, hardware AND CUTLERY. IVe offer the above Goods nt low prices, for Cash of good paper. D. &. W. McLAUHlN. Sept. ]:>, l‘^-'.2. 2otf TOBACCO. fH^iIE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on JL manufacturers’ account, all grades ot nianulac- tured Tobacco. J- UFLEV. May.'? 1,1802. Ootf llOTKL. ^B'^IIE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated -* on the South-EastcoriierofCourtllou.se Square, and lately known ns Stuart’s Hotel, woulil inform the public that he is now ready to acconimodate boarders liy the Huy, week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to till who jia- tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his Rar with the best of lii- rpiors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender nnd laithtul Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST, June 2r,, 18.')2. S-tf •10,00» orKng:^ Wnnfed. I "WILL pay cts. per pound cash for all clean cot ton and linen RAGS, delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation a Paper Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of getting mj' rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I cnn afford, and hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies, I have atranged with Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rags delivered to him. .DAVID MURPHi. Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1P')2. i8-tf XOTICK. 4LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Goods purchased at Floral (.’ollege, are rerpiested to make immediate jiayment, either to Mr. Hugh JlcArn in tho neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. D. B, McARN. Cher.tw, Dec. 20, 60-tf LESSOXS IX MUSIC. fll. WHITAKER would re.«pectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he has again commenced giving Lessons on the Piano Forte, He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, nnd humbly solicits ii continuance of the same. All pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pupils. Instruction also giren on the Guitar. RrsT I'ianos tuned and rep.aired in the best manner, L. H. WHITAKER. .August 24, ]850, ^4tf notice! rHIHE undersigned continues to manufacture Spirits i Turpentine BAKRELB. Those now on hand guage 43 to 45 gallons, and are made of the best seasoned white oak Distillers wanting a good article, will do well Call snd examine. Contracts to deliver Bnrrel» for the next twelve months made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTERLOH. March 22, 18f>2. 75tf Sxm^E. rff^HE partnership heretofore existing nnder the name fi. of J. H. H. F. Murphy is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those indebted lo the firm, by note or account, are requeete*l to call nt IL F- Murpliy s, and settle before the 15th of February next, nml thereby save cost. And those liaving claims against the tirra to present them iuiuiediatcly. " • J! Iw, t'. I*** Jan’y 20, 1852.

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