oov. CHAilAM AM) THE TACIFI’. rnOM TIIK ALKXAXKRIA TKI KfJliAni OK OCTOllEK 12. Tiie Doiiiociacy of lViiii.-^} lv;iiiiu are lioMiiig up (m)v. rir.ihaiu, tlie \Vliitr eaiididnte for Vice I'rt'si- (Icnt, as an opponent ot“a protiH-tive tarifT. 1 lie vi’vv men who in '44 advoeatoil tlic elretion I’olk, pretending that lie was a “hotter tariff’man I folhnving IVotes^t, which was entered on the Jour- ' they liad abus(>d (ieneral Seott " ‘y-.P'"’; | than Henry Thiy,” having the nni.aralleh'd eflVon ! DEVELOrMEXTS IN NORTH rAROLTNA. j The ]»ifhmond Wiiig ]nhUshes tlio following I letter from a eitizen of North (’arolina:— I • , NdiM'ii Cauoi.ina, Oft. 4, 18o2. 1 A ft'w days a^ro, in converi'ation with hi'Uie On the !*th instant, Mr. Steele presented the j wealthy iK inoerafs in this vieinif}’, and after (iKXRRAI. ASSK'IBLY. ruoTi:sT OF tiik wiik; mkmiuirs (>f tfii: si:nati:. 1 p 1 ^ ^ I ty until they were at a loss for wor-Js,^ ('iic ot them j charge (lov. (jraham with hostility to the i "ml 1 • ’ i demandeil of me what there was in (len. ' ;,,r()teetion of American labor. The l\;.ne letter , The undersigned, who vote.l in tl.c negative, ,iu „ Id prevent my supporting ■ ^M.resentations of dames IJuciianan , hereby most solemnly j.ro.est against the aenon . „f i.eing an Abo- position on the tariff carried j ot the Senate, on the (ti. dayot October, j a man by the 1'"^ >f j ,|n> State of IVnn'^vlvania for the !>emocrats ini by whiel. the t.illowing rosolution was passed: ; .-v, I woiil.f guarant(‘e to ban- (!en. I*i,ree : remains t.^ be seen wl.etlicr th(> people of; in three hours on the verdict ot any jury of Ih'ui- State will permit themselves to l>e cln'ati'd j ai^ain at th‘ coining elecliin l>y th(‘ par(\ tiiidc- Rosolved, that fnmi the certificates of the Sheriffs, exhibited to the Senate, Henry M. Shaw is entitled to a seat in this House, as a Senator friiui the cotintifs of ('aniJeii and ('urritiick. The ease before the Senate at the time s.-.id resolution was p;issed, as we find it, was as fol lows: The SherifT of ramden county certifies, iimler his hand and seal, that fJohti IJarnard was duly elected. A person, styling himself at one tiuu^ “Coroner,'' and at another time, “returning of ficer of (’urrituck connty," gives a c('rtifieate, »"/ UH'hr nal, and irif/iuat in which he j)ro- fe.v-;es to set forih the vote in both Camden and t'nnitiick counties, and therein declares Henry 31. Shaw duly elected by a majority of one vote. 'I he aflid:;vits of the Inspectors, at one bax in the county of ('amden, state, that at said box, the names of >eventy-eight voters were ii cortb d up in the scndl, and seventy-nine vofes were fi*und in and counted out of the f»oy, (a liiscrejnncy not J’ disciivcred by them at the tune, and which they belii ve was priuhiced by a failure to reeorii tlie name of one voter, owing to the j>rt ss around tlu'in, while the balloting was going on)—of whieii saiil sevL’iity-nine vott's ^>'2 were givi>n for John Ivtriiard. and 17 for Henry i'l. Shaw; that a certificate to that effect was written, signed Ity all the Inspectors, and delivereil to the ofheiating Ju.'tieo of the i*eace, to lie by him deliviied to the Sheriff’of (’amden. on the next day: th.it on tlie morning of the said next day said Ju>tice dif-covered the disorcjtamy above nanu'd, and without the knowledge or consent of the other two lusjiectors. or any one il-‘. drew his jien through ihe fiirnre "il” of the i^the number f Vote> ^ivell tur John l>;llli;ird, alid pbierd tlie figure “I ’ beneath the ^aid niutiiated figure "I.';" and, a> thus altered, delivered the said certificate to tile Sheriff. That the Sherifl'of Currituck enunty was liv ing on tfie day of ( lection, Imt died bt t’ore the day fixed by law for comparing t!ie vote.—that •Slid “Coroner,” or “returning ofiieer." niet tin' Slieritf ot‘ (,'aindeii on the 'lay fixed by law tor said purpose, and. accordiiiir tt> tln‘ ceit';li-Mto of the Shcrlfr t'f Caiiiiicn, rt f'u>ed or n. gleetnl. at’ter a demand to that tiT'ect was made, to ex hibit the jioll-books of any of the election ]>recint of his county, except one; or to iK't^ rmine the r^.^u!t of the electit^n in t h>‘mantu'r i're>eribed l>y law. Also, the said “returning oflic r” from ('iirn'fiirk comity, in his >aid certiliiate, states the whole inimbcr of votes givt n in Camden county to have been ^^*.'4; of wbiils iinmber John ]>arnard had :;40, aixl Ht tiry M. .''haw .’>.'1; >1k w- ing one in ro. vote cast than couiiK d. • J{efi:re the vote was taki'ii on >aiil re.' l .iion, John Ilarnard f.roposed to prove that at one preeim-t. in (’urritiick county, where the nuinf>er of vote> recorded :‘ud the number of votes in the box were }.reclM ly the >anie. the In>].ect- or'. at said precinct, added to the number ree-iv- el liy Henry M. Shaw two vote>, wiiih wen* found in the lovenior's box — that ntlior illegal YOtt'S Were given for said Henry .^I. .''haw. and fh*' Sheriff of Cnrritnck nnd others had voteil f.>r him by proxy. I'he imdersigin'd. hy a r solution introd.uced, asked and were refu.'cd, a emmitiee t : hear proofs and report the facts. And fni tlii r. I'ctor- tli,> vote \v;is taken on ri.iiil re.-o!ution, it wa proposal by the undersigned to ief\ r the whole (jnestion 5 ack to tht']>e"pb‘. 'J hcrctore, we proti>t :igain.'t the >aid ai tion of the .''1 nate. jlrsf, because the evidence ] ri ' tit. d by sa:d Henry .^l. .''haw was not in contormitv to the act of As>embly, whu h lerjiiiri - tlie e. rtill- cates, nr joint ccrtitie.ite, i'ii'fr .«(//. of lioth r>- iunung fifficer-i. and did not, , entitle bini to tak! his .SC.it. Sirinnlhj, becmi^e the other t;iet> 111 tht' Case did not >iipport tiie certifi cate of the returning oiVieer o}' Currirni-k oimtv. or .'iij.ply its defieiencies. Ami, A/.v/A/. beeau'-e .‘^aid action makes a preeoib nf danireioU' to the liberties of the people, tending to t;ike tV 'in them the right of sehcting their ip\vn l{eprc>entative', atiil to idace it in the hull'!.' of a majoritv of the Senate. Oct. >J, M. F. Aremlell, John A. Lilliniftoi'., Walter li. Sle( le, I) (i. Aliiritton. ilieh’d (i. Cuwper, 11. Wiliev, A. .Mit.hVll. John (irav livnum, K. H. I’aiks' W. 1?. L;i!ie, Jolm A. illnier. oo'ats which conhl be sidected in North Carolina or Virginia. This was received by th em with most holy horror. One of them w:is sent to me the lU'Xt nuMiiirig to know if 1 had not said too much aixain-^t (leii. I’iiree, and whether I was not prepared to recall the ha>ty expres>ion befori' it had not , hicli sail I Ivt VOU was made jiuidic. I told him that aiiything which I was not :ib|e to piMve. me bear the charges,” said he, would haiiti him.” “\ou do not ileiiy, said I. “that (biieral I’ierce voteil .against ,'Ir. Urook-. carrvint!; two slavi's from \ irginia to the Hi-'tiiet of Columbia, do you.'* “()h, 1 admit that that i.-i bad enoUL'h; but is that all you can pmve a- ''•ainst him,” was the ri>|ionse. “1 ha\e six di>- tinct charges again.'t him; but I will, in the next place, ti'll you omelhinir whieh I eaiir.ot pi.ive to-dav, bvit tliiu’k I shall t>e able to do > i in thix'c days.” “\\ hat is tieit.” demanded he. 1 re lied. “that (I. neral Tieree’s fi ieii l aeknow ledge in his life that he al hors >lavery as much a^ th '-e who Would dissolve the 1 iiioii. .Nj y aiitagoiii>t became vioh ntly enrag' d, swi'arin:’’ that if w.i a \\ hiijT lie, iiitt-ndeil to niin (leii. I'ieiee. "1 >liall .M'li'l to \Va>hingion,” 1 r> jdied, “and ^et a his life, and ii' 1 llnd the expression there ISO it. aiid that t > the hath ot both tien. Pierce ami his ]urty; if it i U 't tlure I v.ill then admit that it ! a \Vliig lie.” lluiniiii.; his baud into hi> pocket, and ].uiiing out the life of (b'U. I’ieree. my ojij.onent exclaiim d. “Here i' the gen uine life of (ieiieral I’ieree, i—ued by the \ ntral I leiiioei atii- ('ouimittei' of ^\ a'li i iigt on t’ity; n ad it; 1 h;i\e ri id if; the expre^'ioii you allii ^e to i- not there.” I wa' not di>po,'ed to .accept the :i>- >uraiii-e. but to,-.k the )iain]>hh t r.U'l v-. ;ii > d to r- a i it. \\’lu'n I got fo |i,i^e I'l, 1 foUU'l that tin' re mainder ii.i'l not Keen cut [ien: I cut it. aii'i on ]‘ag(> ■J'' 1 f' liii'I that thi' geimii.e bio_ra[ h_\ -1; I admit ll'.at (i>'Ueral I’ien -’ -aid he ai h i ic.i .'lave- ■ r i!i' 'l\e copy oi I shall .-ters who are now a.sailinir tin* Whig candidate for alleged oppo.sition to the jirotcctioii of the iiiilustrial jiiirsuits ot tlu' country. In regard to the views of .>Ir. (iraham on this subject we ar(“ not lift to conjeeture. In his letter .accepting the nomination of his jiarty :is a candidate t'or (loveriior in 1S H he tnus alludes lo tlie (jiiestian of the tarifl: “1 have no hesitation in >aying that whih* I ihiiik the (lovernnieiit slioiild eolhct tlu' least a- moiint (if money w hit h may be neee«iary for efli- cieiit j ublie service, and in laying liities to raise -lu ll a sum 1 would iiieid''nt.ally nfl'irJ jn'oh rtmti t'l Aiinririin /■;///wheiK’ver they were deemed of suflieieiit imporlaiice t'l de'"rve it. as We ll as to e'lunteraet tlu‘ et?'ect of restriet:\e regulation' in our trade by foreign nations, wheni'ver it should appear expedient to do so. I did not vote for the tarill now existintr. Some of its duties were high er than 1 approve.!; but in the vacant condition of the Trea>urv. I woubi not have wiihbidd from it my >!i]'port h.ail an amendment whieh 1 ofb'ied. prejio^mg a distril'iitioii ot the proeeials ef the pul lie land' among the .'^tate.', been incoip .ra!el in the bill.” With thee sentiments In- was trium]'hantly e- b eti’d in l^fi. 11'‘ wa' re-eh'(.-ti'd, i> kii'iwii, iml in 1'' l»; l.iture, n .iii'l tlie pa I'.is dt injur: ■ -M r I'tUee. r;;n in hi.' annual nu' to thr re].i'al i l'r"t I-.!..,. £C oi the aet of I ji re_I'et at the ehan_'e, U'ly the inilu'M'i '! int'-ri I! I a'.eim, iiri'die hi' C 'Ui| !' no fi i e-tr.eler. but th w a t; 'II to our own iu'!u>try ag: ..f i]Mr‘'jie. sa^e to tlie L"i:is- f tlu- tariff of '4'J, ’i'», he expressed a- lik' I', to affect 't.' of the co'.intiy. '•Iit ir tor I lie >aui'' 111 siij'p 'rler of' U't the paiijM'r tlh .'I - mui ii a' I I.ioli. I to III V fi i e\r\i "i\ iie\e that : !'"rh.-."l dl>e >\ erv 1 1 II' ^ tiii- li"''d lei'i t!i \\ I - ri one can b" h.id t’or any 1 ni urais oi t in the e. Jiic'lged theni'clve' t> \ the \\ il'-' l all ]>|i.'luee tl with th it 1 'nf' -'i 'ii in damper thr n o"\er ::i;v ha' o\ er tie 1 • li.-el - ii net oj. 11 till ir bji': if ti. they i-ai ly ab"b’i :i d,. ■ ;;i corrupt tn ■ p pie.” W ith a ii'tle maiei:^en I !■ d to yv-'i ■ . .a e'.l'V el th'i'e W ill' W m!'! d.--. ■ 'I' 1"^; no t;||le ill >ie 'A i!l_: II 1. Ill- w.. tliu'' ii r-'n I hat lie will II er \ ie !■ not on-' itil'iUeiitiil mail k\ ;'l \ f r him !? f ii ;■ e\ ei v I • nit I rat ;n the n ::!llp!;!et by til' '! '/. \ i- them :;II 1 I'l ad th Mim. I uii'rv, ? te t. r (i ,e lif. pa,'. . an! thi' mail Th " I. ’! >nin_: . I r. 'I. ^ II •■ill.' .lourn.il i.' .I,;. ( : tie the I. I leg m. w le't learn that th.- a h V.- lu r.il .'^ ■otr if (i I;, rai 1 ■ r w I' su- h a ■ 111; n _■ '. leet; ••Tl:e 1. -hip i ■ .at !.n 1. 'I II' '^At 1. I'). the I. .'hi one li llel.li '.it. .Ill 1 n !ir ; t •.all-' in t' t 1 -t .Il ‘■II, • 1. f.ill •Iv . mig a I ■'■I: :iiL t" : oil the ] • \' ill I V-' W all the bi I" Iv. for the of !he ■iC' U'U.-.llv I : ,.f h. I iie Iv after liie (•"III Illelieed I. \ III !l 11 olll h> line— k' '.vlii re the ■ re tiirm'I i .od. !■ ft by iiv. 1 to ru.'h : V i". t!e'\ :it' :n : w hi'h that it lllUeli I >"]';• ent.;! ' w 1 r ' :!i. f t!. d fie II' \V I n ■' 1, p.ii.p^ Uf I' t ! rani' • 1 .Vi '. t!. •.: . f (I 11. Pi' 1 ' 1 ii;'e 1-1 'I' 1 !.i li'U' ib . .'-l r .''e. • I' i ( I... • l.iiii , i ;i;i_ t!,. , ‘ 1; 'f f' I- ■ . t..-- (T-!-. 1! II • .t% i .• ’ IV 111' -''t 1' ie'U’ ' ■ e-;'!! I k t 1 . 1 • \■ ueli • ill * - !; T: ; 1.. ill .' 1 .-i r. .cott - ■ t-i. : ft . Ii: ir i pr ; * = . -n;. - ; . . \ r- V. ' *..K 11 1 \ • i i"l; s; [■'. ; r- ' ■ iiivr '■•1\ lee. '■ \ I r.il laie I lip 'll th(* uith ntenti'ii- ■ —r g.;’;. n 1. in • ii' V w . o i„. — I ' gr, .' I- 1. .i:, 1. "II ti;^- V. I •• !>. !l;'’el.i‘:e 1, pill and A’le" I’l' ’ ni y ■■ in th’ pr t :t"i \ o;ir . " “T" p! b f ■; ‘ i',.. orn:;l!i' l.t. ;!e- 1> ' lr_ ihe N.iti'i; present the C'. - We . till' ili'talie; t 1 "PI information c iieern': j \\ e di al w 11 !i a '!' •cum (aiiiMiiiitee. an ! in v. !;■: 'eiited in ;i way m 't ] e't'. A' la_ - w i’:. -■ al jlelil'e t- ""W ;i;^ allll 't I v ; ! t I' l'll li'' i;x' a f and .Ml ;. ' :i •tt V li.ab b. 4: V. .:ii tic- ; f .1 ib Mr. -Ill I • I I'U 1 tie ■f I. ■f-- pr ] . ly t I . tie' t : I';; 11lu I . h i_' tbi' '.dea ot nin- el" l:V ^ .! il u: d 1"'. ' W 11 1 w I I •. n : ' t r liiii - tiie d"! 'pi ( (dl I i.ini] 'line, tlii> extr;ic' VIKN v\ l!i. N(.T HA I t Pill.” ()f cour> :;i I il-' ;■ f-r- \T et f' ^ 1 -I i\' i''l Oy II III at '1 ai.i li"'‘ r. N vv ii. i r. I -ii *. a lid ii'._' w : ■! I-; '-'rn b II K r ' !• IN IMII IIK liKl'l.iiin; .'l..\vi.!l\ Moui. TllA.N Ith ■ T' 'I l-y il III at on the '-iith N' ml raia - th ■ f !!'■ I • It l.li in 'I il.v K lit a! ’ ’ .11 il !>. fr'-.'i r. a I'aT.er at th'- 1 I liil iinii. A. Joyner, Will, .\lbrirht. I’urdii- lli(-hards"t Kih-y Murray, A. n. KMIy,’ (’has. M(-Cle('e, licwi' Tliomp.'on, 'I'llfis. 1-'. Jones, N. \V. \\ ('odilu, Ib A. Cl. rainier. thi eilit;"!! I'l tie- b'";^r.aphy wi.' int. niled only for N' tie rn eirenlati"ii —.i' a kind id' suj.pletiKnt, in fact, to John Van Ibiren'' -j.i ■ eh- (■'. lly w li.-.t ac( ideiit a >;r:iy e -p\ i- ai bed N ;th C.irolina we do not umleri;ike to -x|il;iin; but we leain th.it le r citi/a n- h.iv - >iii e eiid'-avor'•! in \aiii to proeuii- dujdicate* of tiic same . dit; >n. /,’■ jlllill i:\ tiia' the //"//• /. 7 his/—Ihe North .'hibamian of tiie ■J4tli in't., says that “Col. C. S. Tarjil'-y. a fin-- eatin;r liO(-ofoeo of M ;.~>isvi)'pi, m.ide a .'Jk • ( h ill this phice [Tu.'cumbia,] on I'riday b.i-t. in tlie (-ourse of his remarks he stated that within .1 .'hort tine- ]'a't he had visited !in. I'iine in New iliim|i'hiii.-, and g;ive. at .'oiiie leiiL:t!i, uetails of his cmver.'iitions with him. Ani"ng otli'-r thiiiL:' he .'talcd that he ('!'ar]ih-yhad taki-n a c'lpv ol the Iviui'vilh- .fourn.il in his ]>oek"t, with I'o--' rep'iit of the N(.-w IJoston i-pe.-ch of lid January, , - and rcferrin',f to that sub)ect, be hande'l (ien. A./o-,,Cierce the paper anda'ked him what he had to •h'-l I- hi- "1. '1 '■ iitiiiK that Au',rU'ta. Maine, d. ..larvl tiiat the party in .New liain] 'hiri' ha' :iKva\> I- sidi- o| tl' -dom, and that i'll. I'ieue II. - ritie iiieml.i r' of ( on!^!trom ever stoo.1 up >;raight a-a.ii.'t tlie a-^- ' power. lie -aid he could man l’'ir i’residcnt, to h’.s free soil prin- STANIHXG COMMlTTi:i:.S (IF Till: .i;nati’. ( hi l*rijnisitDjnx nnd (m rh rniii-rs. i^lessrs. atson, lioyilen, Albright, IJoyd, liichardson, McMillan, Murray. i htnnit.—Ml s>rs. Hrake, Murchison, Aremlell, Jiarrow, Cowpcr, W;ird, Albritton. ./ml ii'm rj/.—M ossrs. Woodfin, Caldwell, Hoke, (!ilm«;r, liynuui, Lillington, Kelly. Tier, Mitchell, (^annaday, Jone>! of I’a-ijuotank and IVniniinons, Kerr, Jom-s of V/ake. — Messrs. (’lark, Mitcli(.-ll, Shaw, Speight, McCleese, I’yiium, Collins. 1*1 will iji : 11)1(1 Kli rliniiii.—Messr.s. l*erson, Thomj'.son, (’aldwell, Woodfin, Hargrave, Her ring, Palmer. hil iKiiImn.—Messrs. Wa'^hington, lJunting, Lane, Cnnningham, Steele, Herrv, ,’\lcI)ow(‘ll. Jmul ( urninitlii- iiii Ijihrnnj.—Mes.'rs. l>unt- ing, Washington, I’arks. •I'liiit ('nyn imlti t. iiii J' iiiiiMci .—Messr.'. Iviwer Th. A\ ithcrs, Tlioiua standing; (’OMMITTKK.S OF TllK llorsK. On ('limits—.Nlessrs. I)ani(d, Norfha-t, .^lartin, Wood, McIntyre, Hives, \). V. Cahlwi'll, Waugh, Wheder, CalloWiiy and ]>yrd. (hi I\'i)j)i/sifluiix 1 ml (Ji'ii rtini i's— Me ssrs. liy- num, Mooring, Amis, Ward, Watters, I’urr, Holcmau, J’uryear, W. S. Harris, Ciirmich;iel, and Lowry. (Jn Eiliiiiitioii—Messrs. Cherry, Stublis, Wil der, \\ . h. Hill, .McNeill, I’cgram, S. 1*. Hill, Si-ah's, Dargan, Erwin and linrton. Atfririiltiirv.— .Messrs. Lockhart, Trijip, ^\ illiams, Sauls, Fonville, Simmons, Wm. Jjonu:, (Jaither, Sherrill, ."Miller and .Mills. On. IJlow Jjong and Fagg. say to it. (ien. I*, replic'l that it was all a ti-^ue of misrepre-'-nt.atioii'. “15ut, (leneral.” .'ays Col. 'I'., why did you leit contradict it at the tiiiie'^’ by, my dear sir. replied (Ii n. 1’., “1 did re- lieatediy ileliouiiec it — 1 t.dil '.-'oss to hi' faci- that he had mi'repre.-ieiit.-.l me, w i fully and malici..ns- ly.” iV:c. Now, in i Ien. I’ierce's letter toHelA'on, the following fia'sage oci-nrs; “1 (,io not r.-m. niber ever to have ,-.;een what purports to be a rcp.iit of a 'peedi delivered by mpsou. ('ahlwell, Steeh-, NVatson, (liluier, me at N(-w I’oston, in this State, in January la.'t, until my attention wiiscalhd to it a.' re-juildished in the Uepuldic.'' Here is a direct eontradi -tion in statements.— (’ol. Tarpley is a man of high audiority with !>( uioerats, and is making i’ierce spi-ichc-s throiiirh the country. He spoke here a short tiini; ago. How is this ceiitradiction to be reeoiicilcK'' ^^iisli rilli’ Ihniiii r. Ill) purfn n t ('iifi'i rtiun—I\lt oj' lli^tori/ Srt Uiijiit.—Me fiml tlu- following letter from the ! 1’ix-siiJent, in the Columbus, Miss., Argus:— ^VAsiiiNcrrdN City, Aug. 7. Sir: ^ our letter of the ”.>th ult. is received. , J on .say tlnit it has beim rumored since the Win -il n- \ v It ha' I ad "f ' the 1 lil. ■ ' eXpT' '.'i-'ll U'- 'l in bi.s .N- w I’.'"! 'II '] - . !i, 1 ligiliv - Liw. \c., aii'l t!. n .11 thi- 'tr. n_th "f :ho'.-, n:'. Why I - it n 't till h i \ all Hun n, in a r' ; ent 'p.. eh in ‘ .h nr i r:itK iie' Il "Il tl ■ 1 u d I h ' . i that State ,'i.Ill]•; i -O' i t'th 'iistain ti.i- .\ew llainp'hire witii'iut any kind of \ioh iii i eiph-. \\ hy doe it not t. 11 the people that I'ien-i- is run at th - South a' a pro-sla\ery man, and at the Noriii on l-’r. .- >oil giouii'is. That he i' cousid- . 1 1 a .'ee. s'i .nist in Al.ibaiii.i. and an int.-ryen- ;'' i.i't el'i wilt re. Why .h'l s it not ‘peak of tii.'e tliiugs. lJut no! it talks ab. ut (i. nenil .''eott s Northern ;md .'•'"Uthern face, ami refuses to ilil'iliu the people that 3Ir. l’lel(‘e has a .'luih. and il bow for every directii.n and hititude. IIV/. Ihiiild. [ i i))i 111 nil il .'///'o//. J A SCENE IN CONCOHH COl lIT, N. 11. 'l'aiiviii;: a lew d.iys in th.- above place hi.'t wi'. k, till- writ( r attemb-d court; it seeiiis that a i^iiss (i. Was su.-ing a r. II. for a breach of pnmist—(hiiiiag. s fi\e lhon.s;iml dolhir.s. (Ien. i’ie!ie w.is I.mils. 1 t'.ir the phiiutifl, and .''Ir. tor the defemhiut. Seveiiil witiies.-es wire ex- iimined, one was a brother of tin- defendiint, who it seeuis hiid b.-on )iresent at s.-\* ral interviews of th.'jdaintif] and ileteiidaiit. (Ien. I’ieri-.-—“\W-11, sir, will you lie kind eiiouirh t'l state to the court ;ind jury when you la.'t saw tlu-M- jiarties torcther, aii'l what eon\ers..tioii jias.^-d between them.”— W itii(-ss—“N'». sM’.” (I(-n. i’ierce—“.^lay it ph-ase the c-ourt. this is a (|iiestii>n bearinii upon ' this case, and one altogether relevant and p>-rti- iieiit, and I a.'k the court to instruct the witness ! to answer.” Conrl—“\\ Itness, aiiswir the (|Ue.s- tioii.” V'ilness—“W-11, sir, if I must I must, , out 1 don t like to, before all these peojilo. iiast Fri.hiy ni!^ht me and my broth'-r went to see i .Mi.>s M iiry, and seva-r;il things passed which I don't remember; but i recollect this, the conycr- siition turned upon the Mexican war.” I’ieree— I “Well, sir, goon.'’ Witnes.s—“Well, we were ] talking about the big men in that war, and (Ien. ^ I’ierce’s name w;is mentioned.'' Pierce—“Well, sir, go on.” Witness—“And we ;iil come to the , / ... ,, - , 1 oil iiiiu n nas oeen rumored since the W lug " iniess—"Ann we ;ill come to the 1/ V/'s!. l>r(»oks, ('(invention at Baltimore, that I .sent tele.Mauh- tanu lusion unanimous, that if (k-n. I'ierce had not 1^ Tuiti. r^'V.'^.i I V *‘‘>oids at the Conventiim “to ; l>ii would have fought well.” Caldwell, Avery ^ go for Webster ami save the party,” and you de- i I’ierce, f';iinting—“Witness, stand aside.” Such Wvuu(‘ '^iiiiih '^Iittoi. McHi, 11 I> './' i;' that it is not; that 1 niadu no | l"-'^> f>-'urt adjourned amidst great \ >unc .snntii, ."utt.m, MeDugald, Larrett, Dur- telegraiihic communication durinir the sittiii'^ of ^'onl'usion i.nd uproar. to ,,„j- „f it, | Tl.u abovo is ll„, tiutl,, ^ I otlier partv' for its information. and 1 presume no gentleman will ih nv it W hy is a man a.seenuing \ e.u\ius like a man ' 1 am your obedient servant, i A 'J R WFI 1 FIJ trviut; to Ki.s.s a pietty girl? liecausc he wants j MIIiL\Kl> MJJ...M()I’K i _ imi “I‘I" 'I I>. II I..N1..AV, " ;■ III,,,,/,: W„rn,ulsJo;^s„le here. COVIMli.VICA'l'IONS. _ Lrffer from S>tnij);-.nn cnnuty in the Kilitnm. The Whigs of Westbrooks are all right .side up. i'))on our (’lub book we have the names of xrvt nil I)i niornifs, who ple.Ige their support fo ohi “fii.ss and feathers.” Notwitlistanding this is the Dis trict in which Win. Pi. King first saw the light, the jieople cannot vote for him with Pierce at the h(-ad of the ticket. H' the ticket was reverseil the result might be difTorent, but flint is not very likir- ly, considering the distinguislied naim*s on the Whig ticki^t. liesid(-s, tlu're is the naim? of our own (Irahatu—the welldieloved and piitriotic (,jra- ham—a.ssociated with tlu- gre.itest man the world ever s;iw, and the peojde know how to ii]>|)ieciate tlu-ir merits, and will not be recreant in Novem ber. ^\ e gaV(* 'I'aylor l^^* votes in and I think I would b(‘ siif'e in saying that we will in crease th;it vot(‘ for Scott in November next. At a recent meeting of the Club, arr;ingemcnts were considei’ial :iml lieartily ado)itc-d in rehition to the mass meeting at Ni-wton (Jrove. Friday and Saturday, l!!*th and .'iOtli instant, is tlu- time decided upon by the ('lub for the holding of the above meeting. I set' in the hist week’s ()b.server th.it the (-ounties of ('umb(-rhmd, W;iyne and Johnston are to cu-op riit*- in the meeting. S.VMI*; (i.N Co., N. c. .1/e/-.s. /lull (!’- Sun: I noticed ;in article t;iken from the Wilmington Journal, stilting that "it Whig Congre's members iui.l n-fus -.l to .-support S'.-ott and (Iraham. ()f the f'alhn y of the Jour- n.-il'^ stateni' lit, we are able to judge. As for John Moore's (of ij-».) refu' il to sujiport our gal- l.int, brave, and worthy Scott. I can s;iv tlnit I belii'\e it t'l Ik- absurd. Ill 1 Wiis inti- niiiti ly aciiiiiiinted with .Mr. .'loore, ;ind heard him expound the great Whig pi ineijdes. He said that his father and mother before him were ^\ higs; and, says lu, “[ am a i-h;p of the ol I block.” In his .spec, li, delivered in Fai inersvilh', liOiiisiaiia, in behalf of our victorious ILirri>on, h-j (i\loore) sp.d-ii! in glowinif terms of the old lu-ri», who has won tin,' battles of his country. H'- w;is tlu-n a strong Se itt ni.in. :ind expre.'-i' .1 hi.'d(-'ire for .''cott’s name to go with II irris'Ui's, inst.-ad of 'iyhr's. I' it naturiil to .'UppoM- that John M.,.ii'e ,,f l/i. lia-i forj;otti n Wniti*-!'!' Seott, his bnive and ii'.-bh- dei-d,> in .^ll■xico, which ensured our coiintry s triumph, iii.l th.- ;ieti\e part which In- t'lok in tne .set:!:ng i f tie--oiiijir iini'e'.'' I for one d in t b' iii ve he h;i'. .Nor e.m :iiiy trm- \\’hiir t..il t 1 iipp"rt tie- ^\'!iig le'iiiiiii . All is ii.iing on well in .'''iiinji'oii. the native connty of \\ ni. K. Kin.:. 'I'iie W hiiT' .are mllv- iliLT. ali'l .-lie sill" of a g-tio over the l.ite .''late l-'.- leelion. The I' ni 'cr.at- may .in.I pr.-varicate. but w.- wdl liii.e them. '\ liig cnijue't will he 'lire in .\ '\^ nib. r m .\t. (ih..\. Snrrr IN l''P4. — 'Ihe tolh'W iiiiT i'a saiii- ]1- 'f wli it the il;ehiii'in(l i^njuiri r .'iii.l (;f(Ieii. Seott in l^H. 'J he En(|nii( r w.is tlu-n editi d by Th"in.i' ll'itchie, who hii' ni.in;>g- d >ii,ee th;it t'. t rget the ^I'llIoU' dee.Is ol (I. Ij, .''.'■itt. aiei now unit. ' witli hi.s |-;ii!y 'nalvn'ing him ;is un.ieserv- ing of tlie gratilu'h- a.. l eonfi'lem e of the .\inrri- CiUl p' op;--. 1 1!>:M i 11 i. i:i( 11 >MM» K\(^t IIU 1:. -\ilg. 1(1. 1 ^ 1 C “I! • cl- ni_\ ' nuni'-ri.-al ti>re" w .' niu.h sup.-- li'!■ to (I :i. .'''•'ift's; hi' lin.- w.i' f.ir extend. 1, ill: 1 11 ■ 'b- »v. I .1 il>j. -;ti .:i t" tl'iik. in ordi r t i' 'U:ii r.iet th. sf \ i. w s ,.f (ieii.-r.il IJial. he w.i' J‘‘ j' ■ I'l 'I'-ii hill — h I h'l r,j' il in I'ltliiinn — 'i .’"It bcitl. ;.r th'. le .1 I of hi' tr'iops ;it al III' 'st . ver v ehar:^e. “it v,..i;l.i iie imp'.ssil.le to ]ait the acti"!! of tie- ‘_.i!ii on I'iip r. ('.iiisid -i I-g the number^ eiiL'ai:".!, the iiistorv "t III > !. Ill w.ars will 'c.irc.-lv ’ :.i. " .1 p,;r. 11 1. I'iie .i iiiiir:iti -n of this nation w .11 fti. '.V til"''- wh'i t 'Ught. tb".'e whobi-.d.aiid tl. 'si- wii" feil — to ihiir gi'iiVv-s;—their iiiUm' W l.l be justl v iuhle.l to I h it bri.liilllt Ciltillogue of w .rthies. tht- heroes tif the lb volution; and the baMie -t 1 >n.l_^''Wat. r will be r> li.eUlbere.l bv rity ^^itil ihtj 'aiiie s-ii'ati'.ii' ;i' tlii;.'.' of l!oli'kir iiiil aiel ual.i-a. li;;_.: ’.e r ti- n. i.a ."eot; w s. verdy wounde.l 1 ;i _ . ..p ;n 1 h ■ >ii il.ier, b- -id-.' a s- \ .-re bruise. I . isi.iii'.1 ! y a sh 'r cannon .'h"t, h;i\in_ l"'t t\v I li'irs's k.lied.” li v ’jiiij I'litlirtlii lirifi^li F’ltif. — ( )iie of the iii'ist appropri.ite thing- we have lieanl of duriiii; tlu- eiUiSiiss. was a m.i'S m. t-ting of tiie iV inocni- ey hit. ly held in I>. l.iw.iie, :ind o\cr the platform ot th.- speiikeis thiiite.l the hiiughty fhig ot I'hi;^- laml. It's tht* Ihitish I'.arty, ;iiid no mistake, i ill- iJiatish s(-ek to reiliu-e breiidstutls to the I'tw. st ti^ure—ami the i,oeofoeos are hib(.»rini: t.i acci'iiiinoiiiite them, at tin- expeii.'C of the .Viner- i. aii fiirne r. — Ii n hihdihI i.oeoi (K'o l.Al)i>EK, P>y ti.e aid ot w hii-h Pierce liopc' to climb into the \Vhite 11 'Use: JOE. JOILNSO.X. John i-'orsyih, i'ieric Soule. Hiivid Wiliii'it, A. 11. P.ml, J. T. Doty, 1. P. Walker, 11 H..dge, Hannibal Hamlin, L'Uiir John Wentworth, T. V. Howe, H. li. \ .1.1 I >v ke, L(-vi S. Ciiiitfieid, John Atwotnl, 1>. I'. lJutler, John .V. I)i.\, A\' m. Cullen Uryiint, 1 lor;i(-e AVhe:itou, (iovei nor (’levt-land, Preston King, Prince John \Hn Iluren, .^lartin \ an lluren, Henjiimin P. Hallett, D.wckk of 1)1 ll.MN*; Pi,i 111.—.VluK^st daily We see accounts of aecidi-nts by explosions of this inflammable substaiu-e. The latest is the horrible burning of two little girls at Albany. 1 (looi).— Ihe Niitional Intelliuc'ncer says of a I.oeofoco meeting in Washington, where the I arguments in I’lvor of Pieice eoiisi.sted of the ^ bitter things said by Toonibs, Stephens, kc. \ against Scott, that, “had they not the 1 anguage ; ot uissenting Whigs to re.sort to, they would not I have lunil an inch of ground to st;iml upon.” I J«din L. Stephen.s, the celebrated trayeller, : author of some of the most popular b(joks of travels ever i>ul>iished, died in New' York on Tue.«day last, in the 47th yerr of his age. His “Arabia Petrtca,” and “Central Amcrica,” pro cured him fame and fortutie. GRAND UATJ.Y. A Mass Meet in r of the friends of the ffalUnit old Hero,, Winfield Scoff, and of JVorih ('oroHna's favorite Son, n"/«. A. (iraham^ villhr held in the I'oirn of J''(fi/rfteville, on 'rhursdaij, the *21 .v/ ()ctohcr^ 18r)!2. \ number of the most disfingnished Orators and Statesmen of North (^:irolina have been in- vite'l to attend, many of whom it is e.xpected will be [ire.'(-nt. A cordial welcome is c.xteiided to all, witliout distinction of ]>arty. a!ii{an'g;:mi:.nt. J. D. Williams, John lliirm.-in, T. K. Tnderwood, A. E. Hall, E. L. Pemberton, A. W. Stc(-1, J. W. Saii'lf’ord, Chas. Lutterloh, AV. .^IclJ:^urin, E. J. Lilly, J. ('urtis, J. W. IJraiinin, J. Ctlcy, -^I. 31eKinnon, (’. JJ. Mallett, N. Stedni iin, A. S. Hrown, A\ in. Taylor, J. 1>. Troy, Jr. W. Draughon, E. Ii Winslow, (>. P. Stark, J. T. (jilliam, (’. Andrews, David .\lcNeill, •John I'jlliot, J. Pemberton, A. S. .McNeill, Wm. Sh.-iw, J'din Williams, T. V. White. J. W .Matthews Are’.l .’VI •i.ean, J. W. V.’chh, L. J. Hii.'loii, n. D idl, II. C, l.ucas, Wm. II. liai-h, J. .^laultsliy, Jiis. Hanks, T. M. Siick'-tt, Isr;iel Dodd, IJi viint .\skew, John ( hvi-n, John Liiurence, J. 1 Jrooksbjiiik, J. D. .^IcArthur, John P. MeLeaii, W. A. Evans, Wm. U. Holton, I'.rasiuu' Evans, .Vlcx. .^le.Mister, Jr. OKSK ti;e.sb.iv, (iniiiiEi! d/i,., vviik; 'I'ickkt FOIl rRKSIl.KNT, COM.MITT 1:1: (»F Retij'n I’obinson, Joiiii. Hiiralsiui, J. C. iihfker, 1 lector McNeill, Piiindiil .McDaniel, Joiia. Ev.aiis, Il.-nry Elliot, John Ev;in, 1». W. Kobinson, J. M. Wiliian.s, . Johnson, Jr. Ah'X. Elliot, Jtdin .^leKay, ii. C. lli-hlen, 11. .M. 'J’uiin-r, N. S. St(-'.vart, K. nrt-hison, Nat h i (I. Jones, Will. .^1(-Lean, Alex, (Irahiini, ]5. 1-'. Murphv, N. K. .McDuilie, W. L. Hall, .1. .'I' Lanchlin, Ii. S. W. (I. M. I)'maid, A. D. McLeiin, W. 'J'. Smith, i-’ i'ter ,^I isoil, II. II. .''inith, SteWiirt Pipkin, .la. P. li .'lg-, C. !Nlmiroe, Ja'. i'le lil vary, Jo, l WilliaiU', d. .M. Kellar, .1 e".- 'iirvi-r, -Ir., A. Al h n, E. J. Hale. W. .\. Husk.-. E. C. liall, E. Knlh r. Will. i». Wright, i >. 1. li- e, J. J"!!!!*-'*!!. Jiio. I’ort, \\ . 11. ."-ikes. J. f{. .'leDon.ahl, Ahx. .^laXWell, J. H. llawh-y J ihn .'Icl'a'lyen, n:. J. .Vndersoii. J . ilobillS'iU, OF .M-:\V .)i;i;si;v FOK VICK I*I{Ksii,KVr M. I. iiiniiiii OF NtjRTlI CAUdl.ix, For Electors: FOR TIIE STATK AT ].s]>ry HENRY AV. MTLLElJ.„nv'. District Xo. 1. OEORfiK \V. ilAXTf i'*' “ 2. NATUAMKI, li.ivi,i;J “ :J. JOHN W. (:AMKl;n\ “ 4. IIALI’II (j(ji:i;i;i.L ' “ IIK.N'HV K. \ASI1. “ “ •'>. M. W. ItANHOM. “ 7. .lOH.V U LN'.'^.Unv. “ 8. F. 15. .SATTKirniW.UTr “ “ 9. D.n’P) .V. r.,\i:.\i;s tilKf t' The I^residential Election will Tue.s(lay the 2d day of Novemhi.r. .TIrt'fiiij? or tlie MjTi,. The Regular iMeetiiig of the S. i tt i;.. Club will be held in the Town Hall on Evening next. October IS. .1 and 4;rah:nn FiajL;* will lie raided in (.'amjibellt'.ii, a; 4, this afternoon, (,’itizens generally iuvit ] We understand that Col. John \V. (' the tiilentcd and indefatigable Wliig K!r - the •>d District, i.s doing the cause f'X' . r •• vice (m the stun))>, atid that .^Ir. PeaeovK'. I. -V'si'tant, is helping him, bv fo]l(,\viiij tempting to reply to ii'ni. We susp.-. r t':: • t-'f -^Ir. Peacot.'k s feathers have been pb; i the encounter. Hon. Edward Stanlv- has made aiav.ii,- to addre.^s the people of his J>i.s;ri(-t "i, eveiy (lay until the Election. A .^lass .AJceting is to be held at II Ch.atham county, this day, (I’uesd-iy.) Mr the hig J'ilector for the I>istrict, ani sjieakers, were cxpecteil. Henry W. i^^lller, Esip, V'b'ctor for tl; at large, left Raleigh for ('iohbsbciruii':!), Wednesday last. A letter to the Raleigh Register siV't' writer knows jiersonally o.’» men wIid lieiil at Windsor, llertie county, vviio w for Scott aii'l (Iraham A .'Nlass .^Ieeting is to Ik* held at [I ;.i (iranville county, on the 22d iust. We are sorry to hear that .Mr. B.ni. 'MSS )!i:kii.m; in simi’.mi.n riu.MV. The friends of .^!.lj. (b n. Wiiifiehl S-ott and the 11'in. m. .\,. (Irahiim in the countii s of .Johnsttui, W.iyn-'. Cnmberlan.l. Duplin an.l ."’amps.m, will consented to attend this meetin-bXroli.' h.dd a .Mii^s '.J.eting at Newt.m drove, on Fri.lay invitation to ours. Al.so, Vhat ('..I, }\A •Jiith of (»et.d',-r. 1-.V2. l,:,vcothcrcr-- ; A iiumb. r of the di'tinguishe.l (»iators and ,,^^0 as we were i.form.i Stiite'iiien of North Carolina Iia\e been inviti-d to ^yould be attt nd, many of wlum. are .-xpected to be pre-ent. (^d. Person ,'p • .\ eordiiil wcl.-ome is extended to all, without di.stiiictioii of p.irty. We are :iuthorised to >tate, that the Hon. Af.- mington on Satunhiy last, lienrv W. }'■; addres.ed the people there on that Mr. I^iidgor w:is to address the Clul' ..:?.- KUKi» DocKi iiv will a'hlieSs his constituents on, on Friday evening last, tlu- Pr. sidential (Question. ,\t S|.ri!i2ti-M. Kieliiiioii.l ('o.. .\t Carthniif' un 'fiicsihiy the L’titli. tu nla ]*iERn:’s A'ote.s in Co.\(i!ti:.'S.—'Ii. ,\. Intelligencer lias jiublishcd from tlie ,\t .l.Tiiau s St..re, M..nt;.i.'iiu r_v. on Tliiii'.lav. :2Sfh. Coii^xress the official jiceount of (I"ii. 1’ 1. I . .1 11:11 I, _! 1 1- • I ■ .1,.. 1 _ against allf»\ving Edtnnnd Rr.iok*- t ,U .bu'ksiiii ilill. fi;i\ids.iii c.iuiitv. "Ill Fri'l.'U. "J'.'tli. Ill*: ])r. Worth, l)r. .'lontgomery, ami other spe:ik- i 'i-- , , , , staves from \ iniiniu to the D'.stn- t t ( ers, will ai'-i be at the two hitter I'laces. , , , :ina agiiinst laying on the table the .M K, are r.-.iuesio l t'. statt-. that .I.NO. A. IIK’H- litiiMl petition. Ill the flT't ca' - I.C A Ili)S( IN. Ks',.. Assistant □eet'ir.^xil! s,,oak at (’arver s Adams, William Sla I.'. ' ('rre.s on .''ati:r'l:i_v tlie •iotli, insti-.-iil nf the liav tirst liieiiti' licl, ainl I'll the‘J'.ltli :it Keriy’s ('.ivi-. freo soilers from the North, every S.mtliorn member.) In the '•cni" with lo other Northern Senators, iiii l ■ f ■ 111F, ('ouiitics of ( uiaborlan.l. l)upliii, Wa-.ne iinl (’;ilhoun, W in. R. Kiji", Roiit. .''tranL' . ' ■ .loliiisti.n will ii’oase ajip.'Uit their ( '.iiiinittfes of .1 o .\rr:iii"t>tin-iit fur the Mass .Meetiiii!: at Newtou Grove: of the i.onthcru . enators. nii'i tliev jtre ri-.nu ste.l t.i iiu i-t at Newttiti (Irovo on .‘'u- C have heretofore publishc-1 tli. • ' tiir.lav, in.sf., to iu;iUe all iieccssarv ;iriamroniciits. ...1 „ 1 • . 1 • 11." II \11HV fUtV \N I’res't tlio&e who tiesire to see them in the Iiiio - .'^eott uii.l (•r:ili:iiii I'luli. Westlirooks. oau do .so by calling at this ofSee. [.\ii"tlicr niitiee. of a nu'etin^ of the (leneral ('0111- iiiittee ni-i the li.tli, was reeeivcl too late tor iiiserti(.iu ill (Uir hist. xorici’i. ^I^IIK ('cpartiiprsliip of Hiiiry I’raiisoii \ is this I da,v "iissolveii. Henry Uraiisdii will settle the Imsine.-is Ilf II. HraTison \ .'^on. H. U1>.\NS(»N. (letdlier 11, o4-8t .m:\\ vroKi'i \.\i) m\ liiioiiJi, siibserilier ha.s taken the .'^tan l furinci-lv occix- pierl l»_v .'^iiiii 1 .1. llins'lale. Southwest euriier of Market Si|uare jiml Cillespie street, where lie has opeii- eilhis'NKW STOt'K OK M'ail amf tM'inter floods. His frieii.ls and tlie pulilic are roiiuested to give him n eall, as ho is tlcteniiiiieil to sell very linv. S. AHi:V. Oct. I*. Some pet'jde hiive a pirodigi.uis j'r j'' take the part of thieves, and otiier law. Gen. Seott has been vilified t ir !iu'.; whippi.d for stealing. Again for iiai!L:^.'‘^’i wiio had desertetl from the ,\iiiericiin .iW; were fighting in the Mexican ranks And now (rov. (.Iraham is abu.sed f 'r an order the design and effect of prevent Cioverntnent property fr 'iii 1' Was, or was not a letter from 11 "i '" Radger to the Editor of the Favettevill' read .some time ago in the Scott and in ]'ayetteville; and did not .'Ir 1> ' ' “Scott was a bitter pill, but that it 'v='' the Locotoeos, and tlie devil before tlie h ■ or word.s to that effect';' We a.-k the upon the anthority of gentlomen from F:'}' and pause for a reply.— Willin'ii;if'“> " 1 In the above most contemptible cfFu-'* ^ 1 is one truth (almost) and two falselioods. An ext nut from :i letaf!' Badger traa so read. Rut there wero " I VAlil AHIiK WHARF R)R SAIiK, In the Toicu nf Wilminijton, X. C. ON Momlay the 2-'ith inst., we will Pell to the higfi- est hid.ler, FOll CASH, that Valuable ^VllAltF, ill front of the ••l.azarus P.uiUliiig,'’ next South ot I’rin- oe.'^s street, ami frontiiijr 100 feet on the River. The Wharf is iiinv in jirime onler, havitijr been hut sueh words nor “words to that tlK'i'- reeeiitlv thoroufrhlv renairetl. .-in.lis rente.l to the lien- ^ » i j iiitc rietta Steanibo.-a C'onipany for one year from inst. ^^“■‘^oho.xl consists in the as.scrti'm • tor ^40(1, the notes for w hicli w ill be tiaiisfen ed to the from Fayetteville autli '''Ti,c“ali. will IH. ». 11 clack A. M. ,l,„ i '["'f“('■eiillciiici," aro not '' riireha.>;ei- to j.ay t.>r the papers, aii-l the purchase • ^^cbberato falsehoods, money to be pai.l on their delivery, projierlv executed : ~ t >^ossi-:t & liUthVN', Agents. ! The Wilmington Journal, after Wilmington, N (.\\)et!'ll^'l^52."‘'‘ .•}4.2t i Capt. Hamilton's denj^- of the Forfrery it publisIioJ- I* " I I IKIH I'/S M.VrillvM.VTlCS. ! the pretended extract from (Jen. • ( ut\e.s. I-iiiu-tions, ami Forces, v.ily. 1 iiiid -J. .Just re- it ha.S given its autharit}- -■ I ' oet! '*■ "hen we first saw it in the Journal a? The Journal adds. I fi*WA UII.—iia^vay from tlie su'nseriber, on the liCitli Sept. last, 11 mulatto 15..v named \\ .M. .M ILl.LN bl-.lt, ajrod about 18 years, aVxuit ji leet () inches iiigli. .MI persdiis are forbid to liire 01 harbor sai.l boy. Wll.KV MILLKNUKK 0"t. 18, l^o-’. ' .N l*i\\ INN i"i.\ I i()N. ! “Our recollections are, that a letter "I : midersitrne.l kaa nia.lr an invention >f a Sn,„t i come out at the time, einanarin,:: ; Machine, ^vh.ch he will insure to be perfect in the Scott We h-ivo written to head-l':“''‘'" j extiaction ot >^iiiut in wheat, and witihes to inform Mill *1 1 1 * ,1 «i t'f uliich"^’ I Owners that he i.s ,.„ttintr up machines at Tniou Facto- ’ ' 1, I toi-y, on lieeji lliver, eipht miles North of Ashborougli. Our readers, an example j -'I.V loachincs are composed of tliree distinct princi- cotemporaries might follow with pies, centrifiipl .seowering and reaction. It takes the cau.so of truth, if not of their cari'H't-''' , I >" ••■'«««»i»a«a! a„.i «.!. w, ,»«ih- -w ' Aiiv jiersons buying a machine, after trving it, if it der3 of the Journal will hear of if- ! does not clean wheat, damp or drv, 1 will take it back. - i.V I 1 nee .Seventy-five Dollars. , DlVI1»KM>S.—The ]5auks ot C'I'^‘ All letters addressed to New Salem Po.st Office, Ran- xr 1 • * \ 1 . ,’,.,-1 m 1 - •l-.lph county. |> pRKEM AN. ''I'shington (N. C.,) have u il-“'* I ' I-J-- ^lY ^ dividends of 4 per ccut.