TiiK LK.nisi.ATt JU:.—Owing o the IJiilcigli I Jlr. Gcorgo introduced a bill to incorporate | of fjen. Srott as a man of ercat “forosiglif, Ji.s- Conqi/kst—Uoriserv—Tlio Newport (R. I.)' hero at, an unfortunate time for Cclumbus Academy. ... - 1 KlerCxju of Cnlonr7. — An election «'as lu'ld Ycs- Ipur IS arrivinii use. wc arc pro lluit [■'luO a ri'iiit'ilj'- But ;i L i.ri> t'™ X* Ti ‘ ♦ 1 1 tneapure?. Why docs he not ^ive him credit for ly be elected, holdly dcclare?, P . • c 11- ‘^t ran no, of New Tlnnovcr, introdurcd fi ',o ’ i ^ 'nu IV't.st of the Uin^ b'i.Miator>, embodung anien'd an act of the Ueviscd Statutes, >r rathor why docs he not bnng it, up ‘Thr rn!hl Stifr>^ hn>^ a rh/hf tn, \\u.\, L ’, :irot the gross outrage which jjoco* chapter 51), cntifU'd an acl. for establishinix pulilic him? For Clinginaii was opjioscd to the H.WK, thr IxfJimiis n/ l^ininvm, Xirdiiujim, 7V- B>ut i-ni lia^ j . rpctrated, will be found in another landings ;uid jilaces of iiH}>ection, and for the ('oniproinise. Ho is :i disunionist. (Icn. 8cott AM) KVr.l?Y oTiIKit nur.AT ItoVTl', T!K- a friend of the l*nion. “Blit, (says Mr. Clingman) it is said we wore roj>r(‘soiitod in the (’onviMition and were therefore boimd to sm port its noiitinoo. S IV i>..Hthcr with lists of the Standing Com- appointment of inspectors and regulation of in- ' f the two lltmses sp-.'ctors and regulation of insjiection: Also a bill ■ ' " , , to ineor))orate the 'I’rue Hrothcrs Society in the ,p,^ p,,.i,ter pnbh>hes several speeches on the Wil,„i„o,ou. ,i,, t. ill additi(^n ti> those we coj'ied last week; 3Ir. iit'ach. of iVividsoji, introduced a bill to • » i i' i i» i i i- , 1 !• 11 , , , * • -11 *'.1 »• *• V /' 1- noiMUiateil I'reu l>on;ri.iss, tlie free noiri'o,—the Ht' are I'rcsscil lor riiom, anil have already ‘isei'rtain tlie v. ill ot thi; treeuu n t.'t rth ( arolnia , ■ i i i i >«' n- . , , .... .11 (• / . .1 4-.1 n • same argunn'iit miirht have been used. Wecan tln» lUMin liK'tS Ull(i t'N wo *ir(* tut c»nl ol *\ \ on tiio li ML^rin Iiiisis. * ,. ♦ i i *i * tiu 111.MU 10 auu an • i r * i ^ i • • I'H'sont as supposable a ca.sc as this. !^nni>nso it • .1 I i rovules tor takniir a vote at the elocti.iu in i • ' S m /,,• ,i t>i emit tlie.^e. •- ^ nominateil .'Ir. ( lin^niiin; wmld the s.niie Aimust, , , ,, .. , r.,.v. rii..r s .Message was sent to the I.egis- Uutherford. introduced a bill to ''V. II Ti’.iir.-^day la.xt, but we have not yi't seen it. nppnint 'Pax ('idleetors in each countv. l>iiiuiiallv, ‘ "“P ' * '■ ' ■ ‘ ,, • ,,.1 ■ X- IV • 1 Mr 1.1 1 1- ‘ • 1 •* c:nnlniate—liail not been liroiiL'lit before the 'iic'dav, -'Ir. Harris, v\ hiir, ot Davidson, as ^hontts arc now electeil jind tor n.-.vin^j: them ' . i *• *i ■ ' x- i • > t ’ 11 ‘ I'cople tor the nonination,—was not otn* of those, . 1 l'iicvi-c^>^siii>r (Merk 1"'*' ci'iitairo on the amount coliccteu ;md dis- i i , i.ULiI icrh. burscd wliose names were to be presented tti the (Onvon- lii>use c>f v'ommf>ns, (.Ion. Leach, from t;on, from amongst whicli a selection w is to b(> STATK MIJ]( "I'lONS. made. N\‘ither was Fred I>.iugl:iss—and had the 1'kn\s^i.v.\m\.- 'I’lie I.iii-nfccos li:ive r:irri('il tlieir (’t>nventi»Ti so f:ir forirottcii itsidf :is to ii:ive noui- .liiilue nu'l ('.•iiial 'i'iiinu.'isii)iu'r. 'I'ht? niaji'ritics not mated him, \vc should haV(' bi cn no ni()re bi)Uiid Msccrt iim>l. Imt estiiiuitoil :it tVoni lo.ooo t(i r?,t»oo.— by that nomination, than W(> should have been by W ARRIED, In Wilniincrten, fi*i tJio I’ltli iiist.. l\v tl'e I?’vM .1. Y. Munils. Mr. .IKS.-;!'; CASSIDKV t> MATH.DA. eldt'st il;iii:lit(‘r of (xi’n. (>. \':ui Anu’in;^f’, Kkij. Also, iit tin' s:ont> tinif .‘onl l>v tlio lU-v, tl. l’>. r -v i v- , n- That is t. .s.v, it w.mid be convenient (o fn Mr. CI'.oik;!-; .•IIAI.PoiftV Mi.ss .\I?!:V i:„ - hcrl^-. Iln1S- ,. I; II l.r;in.''.n ,v .) (>i ; . t uoa ■■ .h lins^>n, , hsi|,; all of W li- , ,, i .. . i i ’ ' r nc-i-,v n>\ . ^-.•lnk .''t'ckt.'.“> •> i ■' •1 .'lari t i*. t\vi;kn oi k niucAT siioiiks. COmnCUCi.M. KiXOlU). AK RIVALS. T'ct'r T I — r'^ci>n?'v 1 anny LtUtclloIi, 'V'ltli j^ooil.s for tv l*.i)w, ll.dl & ili'itfitri-r. i! r.raii.son Son. 1’ P .Inhii- *on, (' S .)nhii.‘!on. 11 1> McNeill. T S l.nttcrloli & ('«>, H" .^l!lrJ)fl^, •) T \\s»*l'lill. C ilii'iks. 1> I'iclinHiUit MmiiT Co. 1) i?cnbo\v. I’ Sf-tiiord, .1 M I’almcr. Jac? Kvle. .1 r. Kny iC I’carre, 11 llo-x' c’: Son, IMoiiiit s Croek 'o. .1 ( )ttt'fllU7V. Oi t'r 1’>—Stvrtini'r l\o»van. ^\itli In .its c.f Ciini- iKTliiti'l. !{ J, .\Jyrover and iicady .Munvy in tow, and jjooils tv,I- Mittdry i'i‘*nons. Oct'r I-',—Stoanter tio» CIrtdi;o!i. w'.tli piod:; for 11 & have them, and therefore we have a viglit to them, ' >• Van A.nrh,};. ' nniiirtoii. Th iippo«e it had :‘"d will iiave them. 15ut di>es :iny body expect that Wc can have all these things without W.\i;? And is any body willing to ]ilnng(> this eonntrv info such a war of agirr(*ssioii, of wiong, of ritbberyy \VIioovt is so williiiLT should Vote foi- lMerc(\ .\11 others should DIED, .\{ tli(> late ri'sidcnco of M. |>. Murp’iV. •loc'-n»rd. in l;o!>‘■^|'n county, on ilio itli iii:-ti'nt, .Misr^ .'i.\ K i .V lUri’ MOM!(>I',. a"cd 72 years. .‘-'ho was lonnMc. ]irnd“nt, peacoalilo. kind, trrner'in.". alfcctionatc and conscicntions; and l.'i-r iiu-i k ami ()wivt 5;>irit « M** i»i>l>npd ancl .sweetened liv tlio spirit of t'111 i^t. Voti' fur Sco'ri' and (JliAIIAM. ^1 hen’ is sat'dv to |,| earlv lil'c. iili'l dm'inir tlie ”ri‘at revival if IJ'ifJ. .«In' our honor, our peace, ar.tl our prosjierity, eidy Whi- eouil' iutri Inccd a series of Ilcsolutiiuis set- : rtli the claims of North Carolina, to her if ti;e ]>roeeeds from the s;des of the p'.iblic a!.'l iii>tructing our Senatms and K> jire- . - it.; in :'iingres.- to make application for t!ie . (h i' red t.‘ be printed. ],, tlii S. nate, Mr. AVashingtt n introduced a ■■ : rlii better administration (..f justict* in the ■, l iras and (Quarter sessions of this State. ’. I 'taud that this is sab.-taiitially the bill iii/e the County Courts intr- lueed by r K, ;'.v at the last si s>ion.] iiii 11 .'tion of Mr. Steele, the committee on ,1;, was instructed to in|uire into the expe- V "t re|uiring tlie Public Tn asurcr to iinve , atfaehed to all the bonds (>f the State , • r ;"Ucd by him. in ui ■'ion d’ Mr. lioyd, the Comptrdler was r rt' . t!' report a statement of the public taxes ' iiit-> tiie Treasury forth*' years 1^4'', ’ 11>, . .’il and ’.'ill—toifither with the agirrogati* ' I"!- the live year'; also the average am >unt li ountv, with the ;i.'s;regate f>r ca h. anl ;i'. raLre fur each county created withiu tlu‘ -r , V ::rs at’ 'Tesaid. \ri’ li i ii'NMKN r.—In th,' ('iimm 'ii-, on motinn Ml'. W ill h r a resoUititm wa ailoptcd to sru l •: i^e to the Senate jT 'p 'siiig to raise a i'unr ^ ■ .■Diiiiuittce, consisting of nine on th" p ut i f ll ai'-e, to be calh d the cominitt., e i'li Ap- Mim nt, wh"sr duty it shall lie to 1 ly 'dl tiie ■ f 'ral .-ind Senatorial histriets, to apportion ■ member.' nf the Hou.se t>t Comni'iU'-, and t > .i'!o tile Stat«‘ iut(* ei^ht (.'ouirre.-sional iMstricts. W ii'-ii ihi.' came Tip in the Senate. Mr. Stei li ked that the proposition embraced 'iibjeet' • u re very ilisfim t in their char.iet« r, aiel e 't a PI'Cared til him that t'ach of those sub- •- .-lit t" be referred to a separate C ommittee. 1 ' d theref ife that the Senate withhol.l ■■f -n- e t’rnni tlu' lU'-ssaire and pr"j.')'.- a ;• M if the suHeets ainoii'.: several C.m- Tiik Nn:ii n:;K\ ‘-Xaii it.u, Ar,i,ii:s or -ritr. 1^(11111.”—111 .^lassachusidis, t!.c Pii'rce candi date for (Joverimr is a man who warmly supp'irt- Tliis is t'rom tlu- I'nion. For (’oii^ress. tlio InttdiifrctU'cr i;ives tlio nanii's of 11 \\ iii^s and l-> I.eci’s elected—a U hit jrain o!'two. l.cj.'i«!ature l.oi'ofoeo as nstial. the \S lii"s. however, having 1 niajority in the SiMinte. Onto,—The I'ni'iii’'* de'i>:iti h from •’ulmiilms s;ivs. ■•that the eonirossioiud delei::ition will stai; 1 III leino- crats and 7 whi^s. .'^el’ieicnt retnrns have liei'ii rei'eived here, liy tc’.eL.r;. j li and (.therw Nc. to show tlmt the State has ”..nc liy 1 ■’) to I'^.oiio majority for the supvciiie judge. [llis in.ijority l.i>t year wax :;0.000.j So f.ir the whigs have g.ained four coiigri .-'iiieti. The popular vote of tin- .“'tate, it i.s lieiieved, will lie I’o.Ooo short." lsi>i\\\.—desjiattdi fr.'tii lialtiinore, Oct. l'>, savs. ••Wright, till" I'cnii’tratean.iidate for (iovennir. is elected hy l-'ijlo.l ni:ij. vity, tn;t tl.i I'eiiioi-ratie ticket is not half so mil'h. .''even lk-ni”.-ra:.s and foiii- Whigs are elerled to »'tii ”rf"." Fi.ohida.—The elect:. ii f.'r ('.ovornor ainl ( •,ingris“- iiiea is '■! el ■■‘e tli.it li ah ]'a;r:v .’aim the viv-tory. The Will;.-* of I’ciii;h .oii.i. ('hi", and Maryl.and. r- '' ihv str.'iig.'st v .r.t’ li-e.v-e of eairying tlnse !'.T S,-.,;t. i;.\i.i I Monr..—Tl. ' el eti..n id’ Mayor has r.'- sulted iti fivt.r id' tie- L ie' f»-.>s ] v a!»'ut I'.iiiMl maj >rity. '[’his is lar_^er than the u.-ii.-il Locd'icc maj M'iiy, atid is e,ius( I. so the ll.iltiiiioit' Whig pipers 'tat., iy a .'^eli > •! jiiv'ti'-n. \\liieh indiicid m.iiiy lii^' !.• v.'te ag.iiu't the big candidate. .Mil. C|.I,\.M.\.\. — We h im tli.it .^Ir. Cliiig- nian b t’t ll.ihioli '-n M 'lidav. t" take the .'tiim]> ill the nil tuitaiii' in fiv.T d" riero,’ aiel Kiiiir. The Ka’, i-^h i; :^i't« r has a seathini: ie\ iew td’ the nomination of Mr. Clintrmari, had the Con- cd A'aii IJiircn f'r President in ISJS; the Pii no volition so far disregarded the voiet^ of their con stituents as to have selcetod himi The Register closcs with an earnest appeal to the Whigs to redouble thoir •“xortions .so as to foil a man who, fir ainbifious and scllish ends, has abaiuhmed the Whig jiarty—de.scrted the eo- hirs of his ancient fiith—'betrayed the friends who have heretofore stood by him and promoted him. Mh. Ci,i.\(;m.\.\—Acai.N.—A prominent ^Vhig c.iiiilidates for Congress and the State liC^ri^laturo are many of them from the same -lass of abolition politicians. They S'Mit Sumner to the t*. S. S(>n- ate, tilt' only man who moved to re[ioal the fiiL'i- t'vi‘ sl.ive law. 'I'lie last act of tin; ^*an IJut'cn Pi‘ice party was tiie union, last week, of the Ab olition and Locid'oco Conventions in the nomitia- tion (if tiirei' Senators to the State liegislature, all of whom arc perfectly aceejit.iblc to that rank nieiulu r of the* IjOLrislaturc from the Mountain alHilitiuii pajier, the Boston Coiiimonwialtl'. Such ; ••democr.icy ” at the North. Such are the boast- 1 allies id’ the South. ]>is triet, (whose name will be jiroiluccd, if neccs- s.iry,) has published a long letter to the Asheville .^Icssciiger, giving at: account of .^Ir. Clingman's maincuvri's at Ilaleigh. lie says that iintwilhstandinir .^lr. C. minsjieil freely with the members of the Legislature, his P' sition was in doubt, until the d.iy after l*r. ShaW was admitted to thi‘ st.it in the Senate.— I ntil this Was done, the Lm-ds had m>t a ma)i>ri- ty, one of tiieir member' from )r.iiij:e being cun- lined :it home by an injury. 'I’lie day after .''liaw ti'ok the seat. Clingman’s h'tti r in f.vnrof Pit ree and King aj»]icared. ••'I'he fiire^fiiiiig, h.'Wevi r. i s:iys the w rit-r. ': is but a part lit the evidence ^ning to sU'tain the (iiarge. He l>rou;;lit with him an opt i. letti r, to a member of the Ci iural As'i mbly, containing: the fdlowing ,s7 and hnniff propo.'ition, to- wit; That if the mcinlier it ferred to wmil 1 'xei t himself and jirocure Mr. Clingm.in’s election to the Senate d the i’nited State.', that he, Mr. hi' III ioil 't", a i'i.i.'l.i-u xp .'ur. i t hi' ;imbition ('lingm.iii, wouM tr.viist’er his tiicihl' in hi.' Coii- aiitl treachery. We are t ni.ide a pidilic protessioii of rtdigion. and ever aft.-r adorned tiie ;:o;']icl liy a godly life and con\crs.ition.— loved ) I'.iyor. the wurd o( (lod. and tli(> ordiManees of His llouH... llelicving in .lesns. sind having the v,it- ness in her>t lf - tlie .'•pii lt of (iod liearom wiiiicss with her spirit that she \va.>i a child of (iod —she ft'ared not the grim nionrttcr, death. .And when attacked l>y In r last illness, atld lieing aWare of her approat liiiej; disso- liifioii, «i«nld talk freely and eolnposcdly jilmiit it, .and »*aid piie vas not afraid I'? liie. Tiie sting of death l.eilig taken away, when the trying hour came she valnily fi’’l a-slo-p in .losas.—('t)M. ,\t her resi leiiee on Haymonnt, near r'tyetteville, on tin' I'.tii Inst., alter ;i iini>cring illl.e.’i.H of ric.irlv t'.vo ye.ir-*, Mrs. .M A 15'i A 1. KT'llOSl V. in ti.e •.'.(li year of her age. Vt iimingtoM ji.ipers p!ca.*e copy, hi rh.ithaiii coiiat'., on the l’7tli .‘'Olo’ciiiher. TII A UI'd; \'I'.S. d:inghter of .'i.'iiimel :ind Sarah I’.rool s, agt'd il years 7 months and •’> da\s. leaving a lalge train of connexi.iiis in ( 'iKitliam. .Moore and ('nmlierlaii'l eciiiiilies to nioiirn their loss. in this eonnty. on tic ''tli inst., .I/rs. PI'l'’^' .!.^'Illd,, consort of .!ohn .’/cldll. dee d, aged •'^1 _\ear.s. .''he wa*; fi'oiii ihe l.'-land of .lei'a. Seotl.ilel. .oid a resident of this coiiiitv for ol! ve.irs. .mpS'Hi coincided in tin :• lr >m Uadiii: oid. ’I'le I ;; .t l.e cmbrace l in ■ view t.iken 1 v 'O V:i 1 i. 'US >ub- >ii:‘ r p 11 t. A >uld neee's.irilv hav;- t i iie ii;:i 1 ' ,;,.. ei,»i,,n was c >n:inu’-d by Me"rs .l .y- . v. 1>“V 1, and (liliui'r; wli.-u the >■ u..t ; c 'ueur in the pmp. iti >n from th ; V ,f 40 to t;. i •' f .^!r. 1> yd. it w,;s th n Iv 1, ri a nies'airc bi‘ ' 'lit t' the Hoil'i' .'in-J t--Vai' • ;\ j iut sel et t’-.m- .r lie M : ' er 1*11 the ]'art of eae'l H')ll' '. 1.’.1 ; . . i!striet, t i whom sImII b - r- - r;. .• _ - nt of the S’ 11 ,t ri. I '!; f,’ :i]of the Hoil•e . .f C:.mmons. I • Mr. Thom]’-- 111. i* was Ti, I 111 "a ire 1;0 .-flit t I till 11 'U-e i:'. j'V p .'ill;: t'l rai.se u j lint si ! -i-t !' liiui- 'n tl; jiart d’ ; aeh II ni' - t" !; '1 b • p-f'Tr d the subject of apportion- S:-V '-.r i tdL'ht ('iiig'res.'ion.-il hi'irit t'. ■— ■ '‘.ri n; - W'-re s’lbs.'ijuentlV ■.-oijcurri ; ‘il ■' ’! ' Mr. Ib'ijdi ?i, it w.is ■ \ T : it the Pub'ie Trca'ur-'r be diri ct- ■ the -nate tl.e \vh le amount of y file .''tate in iiicorp .rat-d eoiii]' !- ■ . 'he amount in eaeii ( ompniy and much crowded to publis'ii nii're than one or two p.iints of it. In rtlition t.> the tini' of Mr. ('hie.fiiian's coii- ver'ion, the lle_i'tef shows tlia' ;t eonc'ponds with the date ol the / L ieof. o taajori- ty i'l til I..e_: hit lire—that Le..:isl;.ti:re bavii'i.'' a r. S. Senator t . .'dr. «ay' he has told h;s tVii 11 i', and writt ii it in private letter', that il • wa- a-' i:;,'‘ Put, if his prot nt cliar- e ' ::L' ii;i't (ieii. S. tr. of beiui: unf.iitiiful to the Soiifh, wi-;-e t-u- , ' th. y are i.-t, how t-aii le^' le '.Hc.Ie it ! i ll.'iiulv to his e.'Ii'titm nt to have i • which it belongs. Als ', th .''f:it- . :nid the fuml to which they bi iiiif of divitb nds nr protits, if any, r .''tail- from 't-'ek hehl in eatdl of s..i 1 In -. 'iiiee till inve.vtineiit.' were made; ami in : r which the State is now bound, ' p il. ip.d or -eeiiritv, aii'l where and how ■ >r li o'ility w created. -;tiu from the .linliciary conimittee. J lill.'t the bill to leg:ilize the Jiresent ' ui iieecssarv; the eommitts e beii.-\in.r -\ -niblv has the right to proeeetl with i’.i oniinarv sessions. ri maiii'-d y«-"'■''•/// 'hnt fir in;.r’iy f uir ni"iith' ■ itt-.T (iell. .''eott s n-'111 ill,11 loll!' \\ as it ll'it luo ti'om him, pl.iei'd a.- a 'entiii', 1 .m the wateh-t'iwi'r, that he ,'h' ;ill iU'tantly warn lii' consti’uents nf till ir tl.iiiL'i ri' .^! r. w .-is at tie' ]) ;ltim ire ('enveiiti-in; he ay proved .,f the Platf rm; he knew that (i. n. .''citt was one of three froiii among whom the eaii- i late iii'i't be '■ il l ted. He made no ol ieetion to o'iniT int. I the ('on vt nt;-n. 11- i' 'ilent f'r near ly f'ur ni iiiths—I the majority in o-ar Legislature n- t iia\in_'then 1., en a'ci-rt.unt i. - — Pat, , 'a\' til ■ lb :_dst -r. jii't oil the eve of the eb-i ti-.n. wle-ii if hi' cliarL'e' agaiii't C -ii. Se..tt b.- true, it i' t.)t> hite to pT'dit l y his advice, ami if untrue. IIS tloy HI', it may be too l.ite to eonnteraet them, nils out with a lon_^ p ilitieil es'av, breath ing the p-ii-on of si,('riit.\.\!,is\i. ;,lid filled to ovi iH 'Wi!._f With the nialign int si.hilt whi. h f>r month' tiie p.irtizaii pri 'Ses of the Countrv have been belehinir out against tli.it goml m:in and glo rious old hero, wlio h.is done more for tie* f.ime of this gnat nation, than all the piditici.ius th.it ever disgraced the husting'I If wh.at .^Ir. C. noir ch.irL'es again.'t fb'n. S. wa-i true tit the time of his nomiiKitiot!, why did he rem iin silent’' \\’hv II 111 iveil an a'ljournnient till the od did he not iiublicly avow his opjiosition’' !M .\ovember, and ad\-;eatcd that m.'tioii : ' ' ted, liti to 1!». ■ b.i.iiiL'tou introduced a resolution fixing '■ .'1 itid.ay in P eembcr for the clo.se of un.; ■ '' 'ion. It wa.s tidopteil, to P5. a til ' resolution was rc'eived in the C un- ■ Mr. l>..vid Ileid moved to lay it on the .^bltion ri'jectt'd, ^1 to !!(». .\fter con- iih- debate, t\ie resolutiftii w::s, on motion Has/. not bei'U ^ri.ilty tif the saiie- thii irous to Ji.K on (icn. S.i,' Whilst the politic.il gre'-i-Mial 1 li'trii t to thi' geiitlein.in. I y w hieh he t .eil'! lie elect 'd to Coiiori's; or if this oentleiii.m jiret' irei! it, he, -Mr. Clin:_'m:iii. had intl'ience a.r \\'a'hiiit:i'’U, and would prot ure tlii.' ”'-111 !• inan slit ll otllce IS hi- th 'tre.l. 'I'hi' is not the lall- otiage, but the sub't.iiiec of the ietter, and the s.im I .III be proiluc'.-d w hen Mr. Clingui n, over hi' ow II ii .nd di nit ' it, " ••Pat this i' not ;ill. In two si ] araft' conver- sati"iis with \Vhigs of the L'-irl'lature, tht v e.ich e\pre"cd the ojiinion t-> him tlitit In* had erred in c.-i U n'ating il' ■* I'lifini-.-' t iiat I m- 1 lenii.ci-.-it' h.-el le* ide.-i ot ei.-t-tiiii: him .'.'ii.it .r. Imt it Le ha l c.'.nt;niif.i a t-..ii- s>-i-va;i\«' Whig, an.| p-itieiitiy al.l'h-I l.i' tini*', aiiil wi.id.l h.ivc lieei! eici te.i f> lln' .Senate this winti-r - his iiitliieuce Weal.I h.-ivc Ih-.-u i.-nt to ii.-ive inin- 'd tiie l.al.ilK'c', ai'.'l secired the l.-:^;-i!:itiire to the Wliigs. in V liieh e\t-iiI no man s claim'.-..ai'i ii.-i\c . ..me «ncci‘s->fidly in conii otiti.iii witii h;- liat \v.ii I h ave licen the r'p .ii'c of ;in h. nc't man to -ui h i - iiM r-i- tioiis'.' ••1. >ir, have I'l-eli follnwing out tiie di. tates "f an hoiie.st jielg.nent—actiiii: t..r my coinitry. aii i not I'. r mysi'lf intlufnce.l liy patriotism. ;ini| nut aniliit. 'ii - :ind if the i-tlcct of sill'll :i course is t.i e\t liide me fri'iii ofVn-e :in.i hollers. I will have the pr'.nd t on^.ihitii.ii to he deriv*il fr.'iU hoTic't piiri.'.'c'. an.I a c .nsi inii'ne'' of li.-ning acte.j fi 'in pure laotives," |n the langn.-igc .if t!u* iminort.-il 'la\ al.-i'i ue 'li.-dl never h;!ve hi' 1 kc .'I'j.-iin. ' III woiild have i«-iid: ••! had rather he right than Ke I’re-i.lent. " hut very ilitfer-'i.t lii. .-ii,>«ei •'t'ut of the alinndance of the ht art the mi.e.tli 'pcak- fih. ' -V Scat in the I nit*d .stati'i iiate, tiie t:o.-i! ot' hi- amliiti. n. ever pi'esi-nl t. his miiel. le- r[.oaKr- aie! iii-t"i in all thing'- with relcreiice to it. To llie lii ~t he said, yon are mi-taken, this c.inv.t'-; was arrange 1 f- r the 'lenetit Nfliov, (iraliam. To the utlicr iie siil.'tan- tially rejoied tiiat he I no cisance for pri.ne.tion in the W iiig rai-i.s '.f the .^tate, while “o ni.-in_\ ohit r men whom he named were in the way. \||.| on heing asked li\ another if he were going to take the stiim]i Inr I’ierce and King, lie replied that I’iert-e h.'id iicmt tloiie any thing I'.r him, and he di'l not kn.e.s that lie «as under ,'iny otiligatioiis to him. ‘■Why. sir. this is hut otTi-ring himself in market to Presidential aspirants and their ti-ieiii|«. I’olitit-iaiis are lint '•low tl. t.ikf- tin se ii;tiinati.iiis. and they fully under stand it here. I'n ni his tornier success in the Mmint- airi lii'trit-I, tlei'o p‘rs ins v\hoIi\eata dist:iiii-e liclit-\e him to he overwhelming with his constitiienis—that lie c.'in turn them aliout to the support of any man- iind this intliioiice he appr.ipiate.i to himself w ith great c.iin plaisance: ami his rem.-irk ;ih.i\e nu.iteil is uii.h-rst K. l Ci’.iMKS, — .Vu'gtis 'I'aylor id Cheraw, S. C. was kiilctl by his brother Ma'tin, ;i crtizy m in, a tew d lys ai'o. III IsP'). Antru.s killeil ('apt. Vaiidcr- toril ot (’her.iw. M.istin has not been arrested. A white Ilian iit.ineil .^IcKiiition, and a ne_'-ro belonging to 'I', t'oviiigtoii. have b^en foni- mitted to Pit hmond county jail on a (h.iroe of tract iiriiiir t !:e slaill of a wa- oner named .M e(^>iw-en. .^1c(^)uetll is :ilso is jail, n :i confessi.'n of ."^It Kin non that they two and a ninl.itto had robbed two W'men of W. P. (Ii ilhth, ( b.liiiary of ChesterlieM Pisti ict. S. ('., am! 11. \\ . Smith and P>-i ry Kv.-iiis, have been deteete.l ill eoUIl t el t'/i I ill lT M'.teS 0!l the ^\ aJt'slioroU'^h P.ii.k, but have ese.-iped. (ItilM; rr Siuti.M..—The N.irth ('anuiuian ':iy' that Mr. Cjin^rni in i “a man who h.i' more reputation f r st::t. sman-like ability than any W liiL'' ill N'or*h '.irolina’ I The Caioliniaii makes another v'tv •itioervphtil a''erT;on. a' t'dbe.V'; '• 1 mlejien'lcnt .'sontiiern P.ght’s Wlii_r'. you need not be a'h.imed to be f un 1 in coiiit.any with 'rhomtis L. CUngm.in.” Thi', too, w ’.-^ intended to be a eomplini'-nt t'. .’'Ir. Clinoiii.in. we .'Uppo^.'. I'ltiiAl !^i I'. 'l —The Asia briipjs accounts to th. iii't. ' itt '11 w.i- Very aetivi Fayetteville Prices Currant. OCroP.Fl: IS, IS-V. L, 1' t-iliil I J I 1*. \CON_ 1 i iw-;i-:.su AX— C.V.N l»i.;i.-' — l-'ayette. mould 1 1 .Vdam.intine ;;o ; .sijieriu i .'.0 C‘'l-I'Ei;— 1, Hio. ]0 ; 11 haguirn. 1 1 i .s>t. Uolililigo, 10 curroN— .''trictly jirime. 111 ' ) I'rinie, Fair, , t'ol'i’tiN P..\;c,lN(i — 'i t i iiiiiiy. 11;! It; luiniiee. l:;:: 1 -■) nui'iap’t, l(i; 12 COTTON V.MlNS— No. •’> to ]o. I'l i HOMKSTlt' COtHiS— I5r,.wn .''Inftings. cc’ 7 Knabni 'i-', ‘.'I 111 ‘-'K \'l HKKS — Kl.Ot il — .''upertirie, 4 . 1- iru'. 4 oo’, St-ra-.ehc I, »i 7') : C. IIAIN — i'- t'orii. 7-> :: .-0 Wheat. 7-'» Slj I»ats. 40 I’eas, 70 >U 11 \ C. iiiid-;.^— Pry. 7 ,s (ireeii. ! '*itrk A T.'ivlor, P 1’.loiinsoji, 'liint t* .\.idert.-ii. 11 K .Smhli. ■/ It llawiey, Mar.-hall ,v l';iiiv.'". A A .McKu-- ih.-in. T (' I’fol'I. lii-avcr Creek t'o. !■] .1 Hale St ii. \V Scott, \> illkiiiL''' ' o, l.ne.v!!, FniieV .• (io. 'A' Me- I Illy re. .i M !>e.islev. .1 .V (ii.chr.st, lay .Milis. f S AsLc.- Oe('r 1 7^Ste«iner (iov (Iridiain. with hoat ,M b'rowii ill 'o\v, an.! ^o!"d' for K (' H.i t. S .'e^iis..M, 1» Murphy,- I'ai.' .11, .V ri'air i' I o, \V .1 I’lntiCucr. C ■ ncil Cain,- .1 P lleie’er'on. .!.'!ikllis .V P., l)erts. N f> Iiate:' .“ Co, \Vin';lo-.\, (irav .'Saunders. Stnrr .V N'ill'ams. ii.u.ttoiV (ivei-iiy. .1 P .'^mith. .V S .5' K .Mi.ss. ii 1. .'vi>ro\i-r ,y ('o. li t; .‘.ice, iM-i-p iliverCo. I Ii I'taist. •) 1: i'isher, F 'list 111'.'. !i l';,i!. r, ,\ M (i:ir !ner, l’'itd s. W .f Ml r.ir.r.i.p, Uav.kiii Me’enu. A toi shnw, .5 Stiilison# M L i; .) Ijoimi s, .'-'ill ,• Sill, li'jiis .e .'lartin, (i \Vo- iii.-.ck. .M I'.rown - Son. Pv..V M ! t.»,ei-, K .V i'.iack, Jf .\ P.-iker. eati.i'j-'y. V, l,aiii. .) S(d}i-arv. l.iish 4‘ .l/oorc, V. 11 1 |io»i.p.-oi*. .»/ W .’A-'.^ir, ( : .uejiier, \ .V llamliii. j.'icas Fry. W m Oat.'-- Son. F .1/ alkrr, J I tl.'V. .1 Sloaii. S (' I’riKc Co. II (iieen. t.I I! I.oe. K \ ogU-r. J'iainliardt, .\.lderteii ,v Co. (li.mi'r ,'e (iU-nn. F IJaker, .1 M .V i' I hi.mpsoii. '.\ ni 'I'rdoar. .V II ,!/ess, .1 iV F tiuj-rvttv il 1> F.iiiott. F, I’.elo, ( .!/ i'',\erli. i-t. Uili-iii. P it t\ f’ Hardin. J ,1/.lohiis in. Hunt ,y 'In.y, .''talford, Cij.rk V I'ieks'in. .) liihsoii. Oct. 1T —.te::mt>r Fanny l.iitterioh, witli g.mis for II 1> McNeill, 'I' ■*' I.Mlterl.ih. W l’>ow. Ijeidimv, >'£ Co, .1 M l’i«lia*'r. A Ci».- t:,,., *i .\'cNciil, .1 Kyie. .h\ \V H l,utterl('.!i. Wall -Mt.Iitiiiald. Hail X btdiiiger, .Meeiaip vS: Co, H A l.eii'loii. Oct Is—.Str 1'!ver'_;reen. with goods fer .1 H II.inks, -I W Scott. .1 ,V .Moori'. 11 ,\ l„,ni!oii. .Maisliall \ Parker, Hunt i\- Addertoii. Lrov. ii. Fraily A ( >. .! H Hi, 'gi .-, ri -V VogU-r ,v Co, F Fricse. T C IMi'IiI. I-' Stoektin, 11 It .'smith, Newsom, and sinniry nien-lu.nts 'n town. I'OiE'r 4»r AliKfii Al.S. Oct. b—Si hr.-. '. le’e iroin New V(ir’.. .'nli:! AI. li.-d- lock, .'■Sidney Price m.d Isaiiell.'i Tin ni;>= -ii from Ciiarlis- ton. 1 .'i—St hr^. I aeotali from New Vork. .last; King from Poston. Ki- .'--'ehr, Alcvona fj oni ^initln iPe. NOTK'i:. !IS. ,'^V,'.W v.ill t^nen a School fer yom-.g f.adii s ts. and Children, at th‘ house foi'ineriy ( ccni ied hy the Mc.vi'ii lioti- Miss Mai-\ Holm. s. (I.nov, a as one ses./ on .Moiid.-iy tin* 2 >ih ii.st. •Mis. \'tlLli\ v.ili lie .la 1 to give iiistriictioii ill ^{^^-^iC to .sehiilars w ho can t.ike U ^s ois at her n -i.leiiee ou llayinouiit. Oct IS.— i i)R SALi:. flNSl'dili. Tanners' and .Ncatsioot (!lb. .\:so. su- J perior Wiiit r .''perm Oil, in t|ua'itities to yuit, .\pply to l>i-.\i.iilLy !>oSi;. Oct. li;. :!.-,-;;t I'Oli SALi:. €1 \ Itl!! At 11". Hit’tis. Spokt s ii' l Itim?. Also, ,\x!eg y ami S|iiiiigs, ti'get’ier with :i geie-ral assortineiit of Iron, suit.-ihlc ior the l.’arri.-;ge-making husinefs. -\pplv to l;i;^ LuLV llO.si;. * Oct. I'l. l.')i'. t i :it impr.>vin_' rat Sah s of tlie week bale Middling W. s. .^lullins, F.stj., lately of thi- town, ha ^toriu lias been r.i^'ing when* h is In been'' If 'I'tiombs, Stcjdieiis and others tlid what was ri'/ht, why did //»■ md stand by them like a man'' -I SI iifi iiri i'rnni Ins juii. declaring his a]iprohation ot their course, woiihl have materially' aided tin in. Was such a jiroeecding tair and just on the ji.irt of .^lr. I'.'' Let us st.ite ;i similar ease for illus- 'Ir. Pol I'liii, p . tp.ini-d until th‘-lid Mond.'tv in tr.ition. .''up[Mise th.it during tin; Mexican c.im- '.euiber, ly a vote of .'iV to f);’,. p‘''g'b whilst tht; tinny wti.s ;it \'er;i Cruz, (Jen. -Mr. i:-ynuni introdueeil the f.dlowin;: resolution; Shields, or sonu- other idliccr, h;id discfi\frt-il that heen electcil to the Legishitiiro of South Carolina s'. - Iveij, 'j'hat the Committee on tile dudiciary (ten. Scott w.-is in ctn respondence with .'^anta Anna, ^Iarion Pi'trict *: leted to prepare and report a bill jirovicl- tiii'l that a bargtiin had been entered into under which his gall.iiit tirmy was to bo surre.nlcred ’ ■ F-ir divitling the St:ito into ten iudiei.il prisoners of War :it the pass of Cerro •’■.inlo— , titid as'i;.ning to the three inlditii iuil would that or any other gtilhint otlieer have wtiited thi present throe jmlges of tin.' Supn tne Until his ftdhiw soldiers had been h-tl into tin; gori,:o on tiie eve of battle, befon- crying :iloul i'or iibolisliing all the jurisdiction n^iw and cxjiosing the tretison’' Would tiny sane man the Coloniz:itiiii .'society, now here, that a vessel I atld exercised by the pn'scnt Judu'cs of /n.'ii rr him, if, under such circumstances, just :is will stiil on the iMIth Nov. from Wilmington, for II lilt- Cfiurt, ;ind conferring the s.inie ujion the truiii[icts were bhiwii'LT for the ehtirge, h Tin: P.M'ii.K nr (,jrt.i:.\s inw n—.\t..\iN,—^Vt' puldisii below extracts t'rom the C.uolini.iii of .'Saturday hi't. tind til'O the i liarge in tlnit p.i]KT which ]'ri.ilu'-i 1 the diseussiou. It will be sev-n that the Caioliiiitin has completely ignored the iirigiiial I'harge, and n iw ,-k' nieielv to settle the point as to t de‘'nuniliei surrendered,” ;i ]ioint whii-h Ihii/ III III- l„, ,1 ill ifisjiKf' \ ;-:'rt;iin numb, r of nu n wi-re 'Ui ien'b red ,it Jiieenstown. but that d i‘n.it jiiove that Ceii. Scott surreii- ilei'ed them. 111.' ('aroliniaii might as well have ch:ir_'td him with the siirri'iidt r of Pabvlon be cause on s .me occasion such :i surrt-'inler in.iv Oave t;ikeli place, /•'I iiiii II,- \..r/l, ( 'n r'lh H m >!. •‘’I'he l)l 'er\er tnlmit' that T^O men were sur rendered .it till' battle of ('^>;ieeiistown, but Hot by (iell. .''eott. .Now Wt' do Hot kllow pt-eeis( ]y what proportion of thi' force ivas eommtinded by (Jen. .'Sfott, nor is it material. ()ur article of hi't wc(k, written huriiedlv, might htive left tin' im|>ression th.it we eh;ir”ed the responsibility id’ this I'litire surr.'iidi'i' on Cen, .'Scott, .'^uch w.is not our design—our remarks being intended mere ly to settle tlie point as to the tinniln r snrn nh r- ,,f * r- liave nc\t.r chargetl (Jen. .'scott w ith any want of skill or (-ourtige in that tiflair.” 'I'o show how correct is this last position of the ('arolini in, we give its original as.'ertion, which ni:>N~ .Swedes, common bar, I'ltto. wi'le. Fiigli'h, I. MlD- l.li.Vl) -- Mol.ASSFS— 1;^, f, w hich he is tie- to mean this: 11 the lieinocr.'its w ill elect me .'^eii.-itor. I will then tetd iiinler oKligations to the jiarty. anil will go home and take the stump foi their c:indiilate: hut uii- Ic'S thev do something tor mo. 1 will piriiiii lln>si- inofiiil- iniinr.’ In roU lli-1/ /i/i'i."i’. / l„/..r Inr n j-nr,. mu/ ini.-l aftcrW:ll'.!> rcduecd to 701 llieli; am! iri’t /iiiri' il. nr / »•»// lin no nnr!;. ‘•It is t-va-n rum.ircd here, with how much truth I will not I'r-'tcnd to say. that an iinders tan. ling exists l.ct ween him aii'i the deiuocr.its. that if he c.in turn his llistrict to Pierce and King, in the coniing election, ho shall he rewarded with :i seat in the .''cn.-ite. “/*>»». Sct»t! ( fttntm itfftl /its milifct'tf Cftrtri' %»/ utisf'orlnmamt fi irat'sr ffifnt tniffthinff ififit has 'trtti «httrfttf fitftiins} lie irifs in hnUlr 1*/''uni. attil sut'rrniifi'itfhhitsf lt' 4in:t iiis tr't'tff tn’nt'/ ttntffitn'ina f;* 7»80 *}irtl, l*l'isottrKS ttf ivat' Io H fSt'ifi.sh t'ot'cr ni;irk. that if there i.'! any change it is a lietter feeling. fsHniaifti (it ftfjhi httmtrffl."’ .\nrth (’innlitiiiiii, . I//7. 14, tS.'c'. t^orn,- l''loiir.- Aiid ('ol. (', W. Pinlly, :il town, ii.'is be borough Pistrict. Foil Lii{k:!i.\, — W Kdll llli; (ittSKltVKIl, .Mil. I'JU'l'dii: ()iir Klector for this Pi.strict, lectctl to the Senate trom .^lal'l- (Jen. d diii W iiislow, was etirlv on the ground on the 11th inst., to meet his a]ipointment t'or th.it day, lie addressed a very hirgo crowtl in the (^oiirt liouse in .-t speech of some three hours firnicriv d' this letirii from an Agent of a St vear. here on tin’ evening of the lltli, ami on the Pith imidi' a s]ieecli of three or four hours lentrth—to ■Mr A‘» Liberia, :iml that about S(l free eolorctl people from this place and neighboi hood, inteinl to take the fouh. St treaehcry'' We tiguin ask, why did p;i-"''^;‘ge in her. m.tMr. '7'" '''-f tor inspec-: iM.iKiKKV,—The Loeotbcs had on their tioii but ft r the iiii/i/ir/ \\ liy did he not do more • - i i than irU members d’ ('ongresV' Pid he not owe hanners, at a procession in New ^ ork la-t week, it to his constituents to give them wtirning';:' Pid the forgery jmblished by the \Vimington Jouni.il which (Jen, Winslow could not reply, Iniving he not owe it to the “gallant 'I'oombs” to staml arnl other j>ajiers, that (Jcii. Scott bail iiistrnctetl jirotession.il business which could not be noglcctcil by him like ;i man.'' Such a story as Mr. (. the recruiting ofTiecrs not to enlist foreigners, as or i^elau'd, , * I . * 1 \ 1 *1 - ^ he evi nmg of the P2th will not soon be f>r- tliev were not to be trusted. And tins wa.s titter .. . i i • i i gotten,—the iraHant W hig band rai.sed a pole Cajd. Hamilton’s contradiction, and denounce- j,)0 feet high, having oii its summit a fla.ir of meiit of the story as a forgt'ry! disoniceful i.s such conducti Some villain niann- it ti-going, -aid tribunal to be styled the Su[ircme tact; wnuld bo convicting A/;//'''//of conniving at -N rth C. roliiiii. ’ lid he did not flcsire immediiite action iiiiporttint jirojMjsition. And on his nio- a l.iid on the table for the present, o introduceil in the House of Commons to abridge (he duties of (Jrand Ju- i' that (irtind Juries shall not make makes out will not bear telling in tlu- prc.sence of lit for .\ssaiiits, A.«saults and IJatterie.s, intelligent men! . xcej.t upon complaint of one or more p^o^ister refers to Mr, (’lingnian’s known or, s engaged in the assaults, fcc. length, creating gri'at scnstitioii and much cnfhu- ''t H. siasm. He h.is enkintlled in our midst the cnthu- siasiii of I'pl—and the election in November will more fully realize the efleet than we ctin portray it. lli> has in fact imide many warm fricmis for Scott and (Jrtihani, ’] he Pemoer.-itie Fleetor, Mr. Perstin. arrived i'OK TUl;I’iiNT!-NF, F\I!\J. contahiiag f. rty-cight ^ \ hundri.'d .\cn .s of linely I’iml'er:'! iaii 1. siieate on \\acc.-imav, river, near lin; i.ead o:’ ua'igation—(ait ac- ci'ssihle at all seasons of tin- yc; r to >;aiail ves. els an I f.at boats. 'I’i.rt".' tlioiis.iii'l acres tiio above l.-inil.-* have 1 fen boxed and workel tov three verirs. On thj j r'.-niises are :i ihvtlling lion.'C. iind all nece.-s ry out- biiihiiiiLis. T^i.re are three hinidre.l acre" of cli -;r.,-d land niider fi-iice. viell .-idapte.l to the stnple pr.idiie-' tioiis of the .'^oMtli. .\ls'), a C.M'ITAl. .M! Li. SK.V'i', with a mill frame ready for raising. eonv"nieiii to an abinidanee ot Timber. In .'iddition to all tJie.se advan tages. t^e r.-inge for stock i.s ui.si;rp.-’"> I i=> this sec tion of couiitry: and its neariU's.-; to :.s >od •'. t:o-] en-’ tin.' markit as the .''t:.te alior ls. enhan. • s the v.-iiiie of ilii- hic.ition s.» v\e’.l ad;ipted t i tlie vitiuity of a rapidly impr..vii,g C'.mmiiniiy. For ti riii,-;, apply to tlic t’lvlersigne'l :it Conw: y'loTo', where .-ill applic:itious. ip'ist paid.) wi'.l lei'ct; \silu ]>ron-.j.t i'.t.t.-iiti._>n. TO.M. F. iill.l/i'..'^PiI-'..- Oct. I'), IS.’iJ. o-j-^tl.l LAND \'K)\{ SALi:. F .Subscriber beieg anxioi’s to conc''ntratC his J bu>ine>s iiii'ie, otrers for .s.lie his fai iii on Aslipolt', i[i I’obes. n county. contaiii;ncr ne.-iriy ON F. Till )L .'r-.\N f> .\c!;i;.-;, ti-ei.i l-'iO to :j(iO of whicli is im-.it-r ciiltiv.-iti.in. j.rodueiiig cotti 11 esti-emely well. 'I'lie balance is wot.d- l.-ind. iiii I eonsi'lei cd s.iiaoof the I.est lan.l in the coun ty. tin the premi.'ed ai-e a liwelliag and all iie'essar\' out h.iuses: two eottoii gins, one b_\ hoi sl‘. the other by water, .''itil.iteii in as got, 1 a neigi.b a-’iood ;is i' in tim eoiiniry; a good si-hoel n.iw in opei ition inid‘'r the care of the ilev. .Mr. .Macl>oi;a!d. within oiie-f.ie.rtli of a niilu of the tiwelling. Fn-m 1-'. to "io hands Co'.ild be protu^ ably enr, loyc'l ill tan dug. it is also a goi tl loca.tioii for a cou-.iii v .'ti.r.'. being fr.iiii iO to .'i') miles ilistant fr.iiii i'avetteville and Ciivr.-iw. the ] rineipal lu.-irket towns, aii'l in a thickly seitle.i eounti-y. fiirthi r de scription is deemt'.l iinin;cPS.-ary, as a pnrchas;-r would be sure to examine for himsell'. -Vlso. another tract, coiu.-iining tl'ltl acres. Ivlngoil the we-it b.-:iik of i,iiiiib'-r river, being '.xood Tiirp-ntiiu' and 'I'iiiibcr L ni l, and abnit 8 miles (i-‘iai the above ilescribed laii l. Teraio will be a- i-.-mai.idatiiig, .Mtssrs. Wiley Alford, .lohti I’lireell, and Iliirieau M.u Nair will show lh;‘ Itiails, MA1.COM I’l IlCFM.. Octolior 2. l.'-trej. tiotf XO'!'!Ci:. rg'^HK Subscriber wi.iiing to remove to the west, H. offers to seil his fio,s.>*cs';ions in Moore rounty, N. situate.i on .luni]it-r Creek, containing T-.velve iiiiii- tlred acres i‘f land in one boiiy. Tl.l^ land is well adapted t. r the culture tif corn, cott-ir. :ni I wheat: li.r tiii'jientlnii it is not to bt? surpa.ssed, a'.'io for jiinc; i.^ convenient to two tr.rjivMitine di: tillei"ies—one in M'.ore, the other in !'umberlar 1. either not excee ling fot!!- or five miles fr.'in said I.in 1: als i. a sulJicieiicy of water t > ]nit a ilistillery on the premises. A uoo.l tlweHing and out houses on a high and hc-.ilthy .situati. ii. Ft.r f irth- er p.'irticiilars aj'plv tu tiie sids.-i-ibtr livincr on tiio premises. ‘ COldN .Mei'ADYFN. October l-'i. IS'i'J, o-’»-lni r,AiUiAINS! !;.VU{;a1.\S!! B N' my ri'cent v;.-lt to New ^ ',rk. niv .fi. principal object was to get workmen and material for the imrjio.se of niaiiufae- turing .Siik il.-its, .\fur gettdig there, and til.ding it ddTicitU to gt t first r.ito woi-l;iiieii to conie Si uth. f jjave tiji the prospect t.f pro curing any, cotise.iueiitly {uirchas'-'l a large st - k of •SILK !I.\T,‘. .-\tter making my |nircl.)i.-:e. I engngt 1 a gentleman as juineipal workman, who ca.ne wed rc- eoinmended. He Ic.-irned his trad'; in Knrope; and for the last seven yt'ars he hai been eniplo_;eit ii: a large Semi-.Vnntial Dividend of i'our ju-r cent., payable inannfacturing est.iV-lishm-nt in the t ity of .New N ork. 1 then iii'ocnred fa.shioiuible bioei^s :uid inatcri.ils, and 1 ’ilb.'i llj 2-I .New (*rle.-lim, io OILS— laiisi'e.l. ■ runners’. 1,0 70 SALT— i.;ver]iool. (saek.) 1 T'> .-\liim, . bu. 1 -0 si'.r.h - i'hiNSi‘C'1. ] (lit ] 1" Cl'.ver, per lb. iL-t 1-0 Si!.)T— Coninioii. per b.-ig. 1 :■’> Uueiv. - S i’l KITS— I’eaeh lit in ly. ; ; r,."i .\pple *• new io Northern •• 40 4.>5 N. C, Whiskey, • !7 10 Northern •• oil N. K. Kum. ill •laiiiaica riiim. •) •J .'.0 French Itrandy. ! •> , ; .\merie;ni (lin. ; no i 10 H.illan.l (iin. 1 oO ! - Sl’dAH — i.oaf. 10 , n Crnshe.l, ol St, t'roix. l.t Porto Ilico, 1 9 New Orleans, f, s T \I,I.( >W — ; ■ 7 , K Tdl'.ACCO— I,en f. •> Mantifactiired, : 8 1 I.")' W HITF l.FAH— - i' •2 2 --> WIMIOW CL.VSS—S .X 10, •>1 - I 2.^ 10 12, ■11 - i AYfK'II 20 P.liVII.V*' OF TIIK M.MIKFI', P,;iciiii.—We have !igain to advance our tjiiotatioiis considerably, .''.-des on Friday iit outside ipiotations, (’otton. — We ilo not alter our marks, but woiiM re- -.\ few lots of new comm; —No change. in; sells :it liO a 7o. W II.MIMFI’ON M.U'.KKT. Yellow (lip Turpentine t5 Io to H 'Jo. Spirits If.—■ Piosin 1 1".'., Tar Hay 1 oO. I.iiiie I •J-'i, .s'.-iU. sack 1 ,'>0, till, IFice -'i cts. Shingles '1 -'>0. 'I'ini- bcr—7 ratts so’.d,—1 at S^lo, '2 at S^ij, '1 iit '■) oO, '2 at tjtio 'J.'.. -\t Charleston, cotton thill at a tlecline of ]. Stilrs BANK OF CAPE FEAR, Oct. 13, 1852. ^I'^HF P.oard of Hiicctors have this ilay deelaretl to the Stockholtlers. at the principal I’.ank and llraneh- es, en and utter the 1st November nt'xt, ;;-')tlN] II- SA V.\(; K, Ca.slder. m:\v (;o()i)s. ^ iOOiv & .loH.NSON are iitiw receivinj; their usual ^ Stock of I'hH and I-'mbraeing Hardw are and Cutlery, Crockery and (ihis,«s- , ^ ailvocacy of (Icn. Scott in 1SI>, in jueforcncc to ' boeii-r (d' Lincoln presented a similar bill, ,, ri. i i .1 1... f 1 \i I. ’ (loll, iaylor, and the rea.son he now assigns tor it >' -Mr Oargan carnestiy opposed, as attackin;i ^ 1 . . 1 I il.c ,,:,n„,liu„, ;,»■ protccli.,1, of liivi i», ihut lieu. '1 »ylor “n-fuso.l l.i t,.ko m.y p.,...lion pr ij '-rty—as calculatf;d to con'vcrt the Sttite with reference to the groat (questions ot the da^ ir garden, to give a general licence to Of course this is an admi.ssion that i: ' '1 w How utterly ox.,uisite workmanship, ‘JO foot long and PJ wide 'V"'"’- o’ ‘ I . . 1 i* 1 I r 1* they invito tlie attention ot ^ienlers m tins niarket; an«l oil its iitiiplo 1‘tUls tlu^ liaiiios tiieir fViomls who cannot ni»ke it eonv*nic*nt to vi)«it facturos a slander, and sets it a-goiii'^ woll •NFIK1,I> Scott and \\ M. .\. (iltAIIAAI, T’nioii town for the imrpose of imiking selections, may rely ... , , • ^ 1 ami (’ompromisc. A fine hand of music was in upon as faithful an execution of oniei-s as though thev principle ot the attomlance, and darkness made light hy tlm torch "ere preserit._ ^ (Jen Scott’s P:‘rty to disregard all proof of it.s falsehood, ami which were burning brightly around the | nil,veil i-./in/.f tlin Kill .. . i • I. ll to usc i t j ust a s III ucl I a ft cr a s bc fofc i ts d ispniof'. \Vhig altar. JOSF.PH LlPPri'T ■‘"'hr explained hi.s object to be to elM'ck ti II fit Ml) II k' 1 1 f •'^♦tendanco were ably eoinmistiiou A: For%vai*dina .H«’r-haiif, -'fhuiiting up matters for prosc-cution he uttered one word since 1S4S to change that Iho w ill ot John >IcD,mogh has been dcdaicd j a.hlre.ssed by C.en. Wii.slow and : DEALER IX GKOCKIUKS, ho wouhl thus tret a tier diem a.s wit- position.'' Mr, ('lingnian docs not pretcud that ■ \old b} the (,ouit in ^ew Uilcan.s, and his iin- Maugcr Jiondon, Esq. Ihe greatest satisfaction i ii.v,LL’S BUILDlN'ft, watKK STKERT, 'I he hill was referred to .Jmliciary com. he has. Then why doos he not support him now, , uiense estate will go to his heirs instead ot the ^"ioiV'stm^^^ WILMINGTON, N. C. ^ -uiidi r« jiri'soiitod a l>dl, ndative t) as he did in 18-^S.'' I'he answer is plain: 'Ihcrc cities if New Orle.in.s and IJaltimoie. riiose ||,g .ciiecessful triunmh of the Prompt nttention given to tiie pnretia^e and s«lc of try or town, anti w ill take ple.-i^nre in oxldbitoig tie, i,.I,„co.V«ou,„j„ri,,intl,ol..i.i.l„„.ro,i,iul,l.ut hdrs Ic in lialli.i.,,,., ,.rc respc.ti,Ue, M,-/-S “’•^'•-.cVc whieh u-i re-.d M,id n,-lr.,-,.d tn body has u ScP.ator to clcct. 'some of them poor, but all nuKle rich by this . Editor, has never been witnessctl in this good ! of tlie State; Messrs. C. T. flaigh .x Sen, Favettevillc. he.vt.‘ I-AVII) r.Ki:. .-■ > . '"IO. luK. jmloi.K.Ml to J -,l, Anril. I»-I». Mr. ('li„-,„K,„s.,okci Jedsion. oM co-.m-.y before. EU/..il!ETirroWX. I .,.i. Plih, 16.5'J. 31-:im I raj.ucviKe, C, Oct. MS.';.' am now fairly at worl Manufacturing Ninety Eats per moatli, .\nii will have .si-ine of theni reatly IVir snle by the :iOri inst. In ortler that I may not be o-. ei sto.-kcd, 1 iifo r I'or sale, .\T my late piireli--ise of .Nos. 1st, :jd, and otJ ipiality F.\.''Hli)N.'\i>i>K Meroli.aiit.s mny save iiiotiey by pnrcha.=iing of nio. It' you juirchase in New York, it is oiti'ii a iin'iith lietoi-.i you rfc*‘ive them. 1 sli.-ill in a short lime be able to fiiriiish mercliants -with Hats of .MV OWN .M AM'I'At TC111', at N. Voilc jiricf.'*. to-vvit; No. 1 at No. '1 ai ^-ifi, and No. •'! ftt ^‘10 per doyen. I take tiiif* o[ipirtunity of retnrtiing My than's to niy foniif-r eiistoniers, and invite them ami other well d:s- po!!ed patriotic jcentlenii'ii. th.at are in Invt r of SI P- I’OKTiNd SOlTIil'dlN MAM t'’A( Tfi:i-:S, togive n- a call on or after the 2‘»ih last., as I expect to have reatl^' for esliibitit n and s.-ile ot" my iwn maiiutac- tiire that euiuiot bo snrpi'stcd in stvle aii'l durability. I woiihl lie pleas* d to see every gt ntleman, in f ’oi- olf f

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