WALTON Has just rolnrnod from the North, 'with n new I and beaiitil'ul nssortuicnt of MILLINKKY GOODS, ci'nsistiii^ of t'traws of vn- ' rious kinds and pricos, of' her own selection, iind tJic j latest style: Velvet. Silk ami t^.itin Unts. a large assortment of Press and Mourning Cuj's, ^ nnd a variety of beautiful Mead I'resses. A large assortment of the most Itishionuble ■ I'ress Trimmings. Also. l)ress, Mantilla and Fauctlcville and Centre Plank Road. 4T the request of several persons who de sire to become bidders, the time for re ceiving projiosals for constructing the Uoad from Puppy Creek to IJlue’s Uridge will be ex tended from the 1st to the loth Oct. JM>. M. ROSE, Sec’y. Sept. 2!t, 18r)2. S]ioc for S(dc of (yosf. rmilK subscriber will sell atlO pair of Ladies , JL Misses’, and Children's Shoes, (.alters, nnd Slippers at cost. Call while the assortment Cloak I’afteriis; embroidered Sleeves and Chen>-I is good. \TT\. isetts, both Swiss and Iiace; a large assortment of the best quiility of Kiil and Silk (iloves; chil drens’ ditto; a pretty style of ISrttcelet®, Velvet CufTs and Cutf I’ins. Al! onlers from the country pronijitly attend ed to. October 1, 18u2. ~ NEW STOCK. ri^lin Subscriliers are receiving their tall I purchases of BOOKS AND STATIONERY. In addition to a great variety of SCHOOL 1U>0KS tliev have the nsuil Til I’.OLt Mi 1C A L. Mi;i>lC.\L, LAW. niSTOlliCAL, r.lOC.HAlMl- ICAL and M1S(’K!,LANK(H’S works, suited to this State. The most elegant stock of Rs»Li:^ fuayi:2« uoosis ever seen in this place. IJlaiik liooks, Writing l‘:ijn'r, IVn and J’ockct Knivo.^, Ink, Ink .‘'tands, IVn.*, I''iivol(ijH‘S, l*(irt Folios:, I’ort Moiiais, DraAviiig Taper, IVncils, and variotis other articles usually kept in a IJook Stiiix*. E. J. ll.VLL it SON. Oct. 4. June 14, '.t'.itf W ANTi:i), r.AUUKLs of rrurKX- TIM'. for Distillery at the riank Uoad liridge on Hig l>ocklish. The best nnirket price will be paid. For turther inlorm- ati(.)U, in|uire of.lohn \\ . Murjihy. at the IJridge, or of A. McKetlian, Fayetteville. Dec. 18. l^•■■)l. 4!»tf GROfEKIES. m ^ l$.\nS Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee, ) Ilhds. Cuba and Torto Uico Sugar, 20 IJarrels Refined Sugar, 6 Rarrcls granulated Loaf Sugar, 2 Roxes double-relined Do., 20 lllids. sweet Molasses, Imperial, Ilyson and Gunpowder Teas, 20 (!ross .NLitches, 100 lbs. ground I’epper, Pepper. Spice and Ginger, 500 lbs. Sal. Soda, 4 i’.bls. Copjieras, 7 bbls. and k bbls. “ICagleMills” Snuff, f)(K» IbS;, Sole Leather, 1 bbl. Alum, Putt\ in niadders and Tin Canisters, 8 .\ io and 10 x 12 Class, 21 doz. Yeast i’owders, P.ar Soap. 10i» Kegs N:iils, (assorted) best liran Is, Colgate and Ilidl's fine Soai.s. And a •’^reat manv other gootls for sale h>w by *’ ■ 11. 15K.\NS()N i'i SON. Septtmber2. ^—'** iii:uKiN(-s. ^r.I’.LS. IIKIIUINCS, 2-> •• Prime I'-rk. Fi>r sale by T. S. LI J ILI’LtMl July 21,' 18.32. 'I'o in iu'iiAS!:. CO. lotf W’ s six mouths. COl'.DS PINK wool), to be deliv ered on m v Wharf during the next T. S. Ll'TTI'ni.OlL lOtf FKi:SII GOODS. PIKCK.'' Carpetings, “new style and }>atterns—Rriissels. three ply. Ingrain. Venetian, Druggett and Rugs; Floor and Table Oil I'loths: DiUiiask, Turkey-red, and embossed Curtain (ioods; stiper fine lilankets; Rrass and ]>r.iss-head Andirons, and Shovels and T»*ngs, &c.. &c. 20 Crates assorted Crockery, new style, im ported directly from Liverpool, making our as sortment comi»lete. —A LSO— 2-> UMs. Cuffee .‘^ng:ir, ;■> Ilhds. N. O. nnd Porto Rico Sugar, 20 Piags I.apvura Cotl'ee. 2 Casks old French Rrantly, 20 Ilf. bbls. and boxes Soda, Rutter, and Pic Nic Crackers. An assortment of Ready-made Clothing. Just received and for s.-ile bv S. W. TlLLINC.li.VST & CO. Oct. 4. 1S'.2. :ntf S' HATS, HA l'S. AND CAPS. Jl'ST RKCKIVKD, mv FALL and WINTKR STOCK of HATS and CAPS, for men, b\vs iind .youths, consisting of the foih'w- ing. viz: doz. Moleskin I'.eebe fshapc, o “ “ Genin’s. Silk—prices from ^1 23 to $-1, Kossuth, Russia Rroad Rrims, Wool, Caps, of all sorts, sizes an 1 prices. for men, boys nnd children. Ladies' Riding Hats. —ALSO— A very large stock of Fur an.I Wti.»] JIats of my own manufacture, which I will s'd! 1"W for cash. Call and sec the (ireen Street Hats, and save monev. DAVID GFF. Se})t. 20. 18-')2. ;! ■>tf WATC in:s. .Jl^WAAlW _ Tin: Su!>.rril)('r is 15 5 20 20 1 Jnly 22. 1 S.-.2. ni-:Ai)ij:v's ni:\v wowk. .11 ST in lUJSIlKM, Li-vrs of W infichl S('ott nnd An drew .lack>on, hv 1!i.Ai>i i:y. ] vul. liMiiu.. with !‘crti:iits. I’ni- form with :iul his ^lai>hii!s.‘' si ('()TT and Jaeks->n are here j.laced together its the tv.o military men who h.-ive maile the deepest i’npri's>i'in.i on their country since j the time of Washington. They both achieved a brilliant reputation in the war tif 1M2, nnd by the battles of Chippewa. Niagara. New (*r- leans. etc., g.ave their country a reputation at home :ind al'T'^ad. atnl tlmucli dillernig w i^lely in si.me char.icteristics. tln-y were similar in . others. The auth.ir ii-.s i: )t only sketv-hed the bicgriiphy of eaeh. tint li.is given a faithtnl :ind graphic t.lescriptii.in of tlie brilliant f> ittles in which they were eng.igi-d. The bii-grajdiy of V. intield Scott, vhiv li «-. i.''itutC'. the ;rreat«-r part ot tiie vclnnie. is full and ;iuti:ei>tic. the materials fi>r it h.i\iiig been dcriMd fi'.m pnli- lic iloeunuMits ;ind tVoin ni:ui_\ ot^ieers who had stTved under Sc>':t. It prvst-nt^ t.i tlic reader also n pan' r;:niic view ■) the hril!i:int cani;iai;:n of .Mexico. enilir:u-'it;g the st 'rniiiig ;;li l c ipit- nlatl.'Ti of \'i ia Crii/. tii*- li.attle- ctCirrn (iur- do, Clmi iib'i>co. Contrei a', Mo'.iint del Key. Chiipultcpec. storming ot Mexicn. 'Iriumplial I.ntry. w itlMh scription i>f the scenery, per^ ikiI incidents, ct^’. '1 he nutlo r lias fully sust.-iiiied the reputation ricipiired by ••N,ipol*'nn and his M.ii.'li.ils.■' iind oth.r wi rks. -f which ii>i.r 2UO,tKKt viilumes h.ave been soKl. FR.VNKFKi:FAr\.N-SB.\UH!:R-SHOp. A Talo till- tho Suiith ;niil Xi'rth. ]>v Kev. Ji. I{. H.ill. All!h'T "t‘•••'' iii' - tliiuir for Kvi'rvlii'ilV." ".Ni'w I'un ’ I'ic. 1 \, 1. llnio. 7’>i-. Etnmrh (LI)T!i!.\li l!.STilil;lSli31i:.\T. .1. T!. Wliilr A' I iidriiiill, Tiii/ftrs, am! V\ liolf'f tle tmtl AV- tdil ('luth if-ra, 110 William Street. New York, \M> Person street, (next door to P.ank of Cape Foiir,) FAYKTTF.VILLK, N. C. T 1C would beg le.ive to inform the citizens of Fayetteville iind vicinity, th.it we have just received our supply of SPRING .\ND Sl'MMllK uOO])S, wiiich comprises a general assortment of lii:\i)V-MAi)!‘: (M.oTiii.v(;, W liich will be found wurthy the attention of jiurchasers. Our assortment consists in part of the following: CO.VTS. — Rhu k and eol'd cb'th Dres«, Frock :ind .'^ack Coats, all tpialities: black and cob.red Cashmeret ditto; Ftetieh and Fnglish F>ra[i D’- I'te ditto; t^tncen's-cloth iiii'i .\lpaea ditto; F.-.n- cv Coats of mottle 1 (’rasse and TweC'Is; Ken. tuvky .leans; Liiieu anil Cotton Cinghani'; I!ro.- butr and white Linens; wbite gr.iss-cloth Sacks. \C. of al! .|Ua]ities. I'S — Of bi.i' k :md eol'd C.is«inu‘re; fancy siiigle-miird ditto; French :ind Fi;gl;sli Dr.-ip D'ilte ditto; white an I col d Drill ilitto; Ki-n- tucky .leans ilitto; In li.i an>i Ficuch Nankeen ditto. .VC. \'L.'^ rS—Of blai k .“^atin, l’oinba»in*. .Vlpaca, bbii k and C"l d Si!h-. wiiitc in 1 col" 1 Marseilles diito; bi 'wn ntid p‘t'id(-i Linen, plain ;tnd fi;:' Nankeen, i’.utl. ■' !h. \c, .\:I .'f wlneb are ctl'ered for sale a l"\v ;is ea:i be ijui’.gnt n. the Ne« Y 'i k inar'uet. at v. hssle^.ile ani retail. In addition to the .■.'■•.\e. we shall keep on liand a gi ner.ii CoH.-us, ( ra\at'. Cassiniei es. an ! \ The TAII.(ii;r C'.iiti'nicd as lie.1.1 iiii: Will be exc' i; s=%le. Ai’ril S. 1 -•.r:i,.eiit of .■'hirt'. DlaHers. Il.*'’el*\. ,'vt‘. .\lS'.. It-tl;''. e^: -i I'l I \I;TMLNT will be '. and all ..r.i -r* I'oi- t'liie tt!i- • ■ i in ti:e I i. -t t.i'i i..;i .ble .\. I . IIAKI, -eiu. S"tf wiLuni i. !• OK W A i; 1>I NO A X I) OMMI.V.SIOV Mi:!J(’lI.\.N'r. WILiyilNGTOW, N. C. 1 ii‘w ivceivin;: hi' FALL ST»CK i>F (iDl.D .\ND SILVKK W.VTillLS. AND Ji;V. i.l.R'i'of every description. .\1:-'.. ]'!ated C,.kc Ra-ket«. Cnti'Iiestieks .and Castors: fine Cutlery: double arel single bariel lluns: Colt’s an.I Allen's It'.'V-'lvi:;g Pist is: sel!- cocking and common I'istols; Powder FI.isi»s; ShoT Pouches: Came Percu.-s!. n C.-ij s: Violin.s; Flutes; I'ife^: Ae''or'Je.>i:->; .\hisic I*mx- es: gohl. silver ;ui.l ste-. I S] t > : . ’ -: and a grc.at variety of other ar'i. '.•■s in the iii.. . A g.’Oii ass.irtiacnt of CLOCKS. Purchasers :ire respeeC.'u.ly ii,'. it.- l to call and examine. ■'VARRKN PKIOR. Sept. ;]0. 1^^'>2. ;:ii-:;m Chicks iind Wat. lies reji.Tired and war ranted. Also. .Ifwelry of every description neatiy repjiired. ED WI V i: II. -\t the siiin of tlip larsrc \Viilth. Ihiy Street. {Siis Oi.ii Sl\l.Vi>. Has just rorcivcd ,his j'ai.l Stoi’K of Good.'', coiuti-ting of M^aichcs^ •Fetrelrt/^ SILVER AND PLATED WARE, | AND MILITARY GOODS. AMC'N'Ct his iissortnient may lie fonn.l Watches of all kin.Is. from ^8 to *12'); gohl Fob, Gnar.I anil Vest Chains: goM Seals iin.l Keys: silver Fob and (Juard Chains an.l Keys: lire.ist-pins. Kar-rings iind Finger-iings. (a fine stock); Cutf-jiins; Rraeelets: gold iind silver Spectacles, Thimbles an.l Pencils: gold Lockets; Colt’s and Allen’s Revolvers: Chess men: .Vcconleons: silver Spoons; silver Cups, I'cc. Military Gooils of nil kinds; a fine lot of Clocks, nnd iihiK.st everything ciilled for in his line, which will be sold cheap for Cash, or on short time to those that will pny their bills when jiresented. W.atches and Jewelrj- repnired as usuiil. ' (•Id Gold and Silver taken in exthange. 8^?"-Ml those indebted by N’ofe or Hook ac count, must piiy by th» 1st of ^November. Fayetteville, ^c*t. 4, 1852. ol-tf i ■^HIS woik, w}ii;i-it a l\ the At'rican. w ..uld ! It would ;:'.v.;ken .v'v ' nor turn j ;■ r t!;-' iigainst tin, lt /.'-. II. t ii. i.i pr tciii-e f /• I. ;ui i • ■ do the w ..rk . t with tlie ilrira. t.-ii':;.-' ..t ti known to thv j'li'ilic !.\ i ; whoui it w is s .i 1 ill .New PurcljM'e.■' that •• styles. :in.l ii.i 1 -t- ppid ’ ’■ tl'.e l.oMi r .-It . i' of sI.-ivelA : Mit it v: ..1 ^ i f.' st.'ji. I.lit 1.1 .• MU . ( .•fher lii-.li. r;s. ii t:- : > North t-. tiie /. , . much th..; he , ■ ■ intr' inced nieo-r . v : '-.i. while it will p t’..- n..t i iily true t- , ' ' i. iiiid ehar.-icti r- ; • true ]•. • t \\ ill ' e J'-,. . I )■ ' •. ( i S "•: I-..', i: ^ ai. . N. P..—i'.ither t;:: e w v:ir . j.r. j .n ! party - i. iii;g t..c [n .. . r u. t. 4. 'Flu' I'anntM’.' ALMANAC r r If- tlie c.TM-e 3} J Iin'i'N \!, i» ,*!iii'ni.iit i' . ti.-fi for wiiai t ^ 1 St. I e v]i sur. . N I i:i \ u 1 II.ll: .;tte|:tl. '• N.iva: I’r t W t" the sale . r I h.ivi* a tuple ■:«in;s-: 1 uge , rit‘- l;-..!ii l i!.|.e.| :iiiy I !• ■f t e ..ti AllLI I'Oli th. Ip.'.! ;.l-l ml IMantfi; Just re.-. ;v( ll. i;. J. ll.M.K St»N. C Sejit. L'). I-/F 'FI11: i; WEBSTER’S dUAirrO Dit’TIOXAPiV 8 \ \ ft IS 1i: ». s£s:iM « i:ii 's > )«; >o. 1oNTAlNlN(i TllKF.i; TIMF.S the lilMli illitt m l : 1 u t:i* . .1 ' . 11 : ki:sii)!:nc i: > \LK. ‘ r s;i'e :i" h"' ■ 1 \ND. Ii-.in- id. 111- it bail liii 'lilt . ! b'l'i- 1 %. T11 i' i .1 I'. III.Meli.iiit^, A u\ ..ll"' w i'h- rtlicr iKi. riiia- niatter ^ f.Kin.l in iiny other Kngli^li Di. tionnry eompilcl in tliis coniitry. or anv .\bri.lgineiit of this Work: a Geograjdiical Table of 12.0(10 Names. Illnsti'ative Oii.itatioiis. an.) other j ei'U- liiirities aiol advantages found in no other work. ^ et is so’,.) at a tritiinsr iidv.inci' abfivc the ]>rice of other anil limite.i l>ictionarirs. “Without reserve or ipialific.ation. the best ext;int. —l‘miili'ni Oliii. “.Sur.'.issed in full ness iind iiecuraey liy none in our langii.age."—^ J'rfxntiul ‘-It far excels iill others, in giving a;id detiiiing scientific ti rnis. '— J/itchrork. “The stand;ird wiierever the I’ng- lish is sf.iiken, it deserves to be, must be. is. ttnd will be."’—Sfi/ir/'. “An honor to the langii;ig(“.”—llinuj'hnt/. “A eojiiousiiess. ; perspicuity, iind iiecuraey. ni.t found in any other. ’—I'rrK. l)ni/. “A gre:it inqirovement on I all w hich ha\e J'reeede.L /'/v,*. Il.it, x.— ; ‘‘Worthy of general patronage.”—Wnail.i. I “.Most complete, ;iecurate. :ui.l reliable of the I liinguiige.”—yVr.?. Ii,rrh,r, /V/,». I Ki ilcr, 1‘rei^. Wuol.^r,/, /Vf ... lihnirhu, ,i { J ffx. l\.uux^ oitd (*htntr* Uttr frrhn^hut/Jff'H. rMIIfOROUGII L\ stretched, cemented, and' Published by G. JL riveted. For sale by T. S. luttf:rloii & co ;;itf I.EATIIHR HANDS, OROL’G riveted. Oct. 1, 18.')2. 'F()(Yi7s7 ^ i .VRPI^NTERS’, Rlucksiniths'and Coopers’ Tools. J. & T. Sept. 28, 18')2. WADDILL. :{Otf HOOFS. LNS’, \ ouths’ and Childrens’ Root^i. J. T. W'ADD ILL. Sept. 28, 18.')2. jjotf JSfey Casii paid for dried Fruit. llEMOVALr SAM’L J. iiTnsiTaij:, FI AS the pleasure of informing his custom- M M. ers and the public, that he has removeu from his Old .Stand to the next corner fibove, (generally known iis the ‘*J$lake corner.”) Having fitted u|i his Store with Si. .Merriiini, .'‘^jtringfield, Massachusetts. For sale by F. J. HALF SON, Fjiyette- ville: and bj iSooksellers generally-. Sept. 22, 18f>2. 20*,"t XKwriiiiu\i)\i;\i liooiis. HiAVF, .)LST RKCKIVKD a COMI'LHTH JI jL sr(,('K of nnd Provi«^ioiis, I I'.mbriiciiig uliiiost every article nsuiillv kept in I that line, at the YKLLOW P.l'lLDlNG, a few ^ doors above the .'^tate P.ank iind on? door above : M. ^y. Jessnp s. on (iillesjiie street, iind would j be to fxhihit .‘iiiy tiling in their line td I those who may favor tin m with a call. I —-\LSO— ll.i 1(1 ware, Cutlery, ('rockery, 01a«.'?-uarc, Wodil-waro, J/Kjuors, l’>o(»ts aixl Sltoos, ’ | Halts (iitd Oaps, (iiid «i ^ooit iissoft- nieiit of Dry Goods. To the above Stock we w ould respectfully in vite the attention of the public. living fitted up his Store with evei y conve- i r. v> f .. i. i , nience for conducting business both wholes-ib- • * rodiiee taken in exchange for . ..n.i .-..un, .0 ti„, ..dirug,., lie 1.1;;;,,„ 22.1-; continuance of the kind favor ho has enjoye 1 with the assurance that no effort on his piirt shiill be wiinting to merit it. His Stock comj.rises a full assortment of ar ticles in his line of business, nil of the best (^usil- ity: Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils Dye Stulls, P;;tent .Medicines. Perfumery, choice 'iciis, Seed, Class, J’utty, Tooth and Hair Rrush- es, Soaps, Potash, ■;lle f^HI’ WAIt.SAW ."'1 \(ill will leave F.ivette- il \ille daily, iit hail'p.ist f.ntr o'cb.ek. ,\. M., commencing the 1st da\ of .lulv. 2-tf .Ml KINNdN .V M. NKILL. m\ riiiii & m:\i ^H^lIF subscribers are now receiving from a. N. York, a liirge and genei al iissortineiit of Slnjilc and i'nnnf Dnj (iood.s, h.midwai!!:, llat.s ;md Ciijis, l>ii;its and Siim's. -Among wliieh are; CofTee. .''iigiir. Cotton l!.igging. I!a1e Hope. .''ails. W iiul.jw ilass. Swedes and Knglish Iron, Sai k an.l .Mum Salt. Imperial iind lllack Teas, Pe)>]>er. Als]iiee. tlinger. Pow.li-r, .'S!i.t, liar Leiul, liar all.I F.-iney .Soap. Together with a grciit variety of other arti cles, to which they invite the !;ttentioii of the ]iublic. aii'l whicii they are deteriiiined to sell as low for C.isli, or on time to those who j..iv ]>r..niptly. as any h.cise in the Southern cfuintry. Pr iiliice of all kiii'ls, at the highe.^t niai ket prices, taken in excliange for (ioods. .McLKAN .V JONKS. Summerville, N. C., Dec. ls'>l. 47tf xi:\v I’liiM. uniiersignod have enfereil info co]>!irt- A nershiji. under the name and style of l.nu A: Troy, for the purjiose ol doing ii gener.il .Meicantile iind Ihirter business. We have taken the Store, No. 10 i K LLN STilKKT, formerly >ccui>ied bv •Messrs. .lohn Huske \ Son. (ii;o. w. L.v^viiFNci:. John p.. troy, Jr. Oct. 22. 18.',]. F.lMiilCR! LI~M|{|:R!! ~ I, have oiir .''team .“'jiw Mill in success- ^ fill operation, H miles from Fayetteville, ' nejir the Raleigh IStage Hoiid. and iire preptired to execute orders in our line. .\s we run two R>lnn( or Cirralur Saus, we can fill bills iit the shortest notice. We can furnish Pine, Poplar and Junijier H’MPiF.il, iinil of almost any i length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line | iind smoothness id' face, shall be eipial to any ever delivered in i.iiirket. * ’ JONKS & RARUKK. March no. lXo2. 78tf FALL AND WINTER, Cor7 io the Citizens of Fni/eiteviUe. SF you visit Wilmington this Fall or do not fail to call at the Mercl.ant Tailor ing and (’lothing Store of SCO'l r R.VL • • They are now opening one of the largest as sortments of Clothing and Fanrj/ Dre*» Gmxh over before ofl'ered to the eiti/ens of North Ca rolina; an.ong which may b. found every varie ty of Rusiness Coats. Piints, latest style, iind Vests of all the raging cidors, as well as plain Satin iiinl ('assimerc. Their new and beautiful assortment of F.ishionable Over-t oats citnnot fail to ],lease. The “Patent Make Seam” Shirt sold only by this house, is an arti-jle which every gentb*man ought to weiir who Wiint.s a jileiisant fitting and desirable giinnent. Shirt Collars, Cnder (birnients, (Jloves, I'tc., &c., in great viiriety. .\11 selling low for ciish. Our ^lerchant Tailoring Department is con ducted by cutters of eminint skill; so tlii>t we are at till times prepared to make suits to nieii- sure. on the most iipproved style. .V s)>iendi.l iis.'drtiiient of Cloths. Cassinieres and Vestings iil'.vavs on hand. SCOTT A- P.ALDWIN, -Merehant Tailors. ln;]>orters of Iloisery, ('loths. Ciissinieres iind \'estings, and Di-iilers in Ready-made Clothing of their own superior nianiifiictiire. Wilmington. Sept. 14, 18;’)2. 27-tlJ Clothing! (jtU and vxitmini' h> fur('yon Jjuy fj.cii'h‘i'e! f glMK tindersigned lias just received iind M_ opened his Stock of C’loths, C’.'issiiuoi't'S nnd W sliiiffs, ’ons'iSting of black, brown, green and bine Cloths, of ^.•lrious |U;ilities; fancy and pliiin Silk. Satin, Velvet and (':i«simere \'estings, of the most fii‘^hi(-jiable colors. ,\lso. ]>oe-skin iind fiincy C;issiiueres, of the most fiishionable selections. .\ select iissortinent of RKADY-M CI.nrillNtJ. eoii'-istiiig of Overcoiits: Over- siuks, cl..se-b(iilied Sark iiiul Frock ('outs, of varioi;' styles; fancy iin>! plain silk and Cnssi-I mere A’ests. of siii.erior cut iind workmu'wihip. j an.l t'tiie nio't fashioniible colors. v, ishing to puivha.se iiny of the above Would do well to cull and examine his ' Tlio sul.sci iloT (oiitimios to cai ry on the T.\ I L • 1! I N(i IU.''1.NLSS. in iill its various br:’.i.ehes. As be has taken in- strnet'ion • i:i Cutting Irom one of the best instrncters in New York ( ity. he f'.itleis himself that he c;in e.irry i.i: the bu>i- ness with more Miee. 'i thiin it ll."' Ii.n t.'f'Te been done, and will ."piire n.i paiii to ple.ise those who iiiM_\ faVor him with their p-^'ronrige. I -i' He li'.iy be foun.l at the .•'’tore recently f.i-ciipi. d bv >Ir. .1. M. r.CiisU y, (,[. tlie North I'.a-t e i iier of M.irket ,'^qtiare Hl'CH (iRAM.VM. Sef.t. l.'i, 1!''«2. 2'1-oUi STAUR fi \VIbl,IAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN *' Worelgn mtfi Mfomentic IPry €>roods, II.IV STRKFT, Fayetteville, N. C. J. n. STARK.] Api il 28, 1802. [J. avji.liams. 8C,tf REDUCED FA in:. f OlllROrclI Tickets between Wilmington. N. Sl C., iind Haltimore. I'iire >j!l o. \'ia Wel don, Petersburg, Richmon>l, and Washington City, ov >iii Weidoti. Portsmouth iind Norfolk. For Tickets (i)>ply at the Oflice of the W'il- mington atid Raleigh Riiil Road Company, at Wilmington, or at the OHice d' the P.altimore Steam j’acket Company, anti of the Jhiltiinorc and Ohio P^ail Road ('ompany, Pratt Street, Raltimore. Jan. 1, IS.-,2. Go-tf C10RN SHKLLI’RS and STRAW CCTTKRS, J-’or Side bv n.‘ RRANSON .V SON. Se) teinl>er 1'!, l'^’)2. 2-)tl C. W. ANDREWS, fleaier in Cloves, NEW GOODS. fTlHE subscriber is now receiving a large ad- JL dition to his Btock, consisting of Dry Goods, ColFee, Sugar, Crock ery, ITiirdvvarc, Hats and Caps, jioots and Sliocs, Bagging and Rope. —ALSO— Ilollow-waro, Xails, Leather, AVindow Glass, V» liitc Lead, Cheese, L’ish, ^^0. Which he ofTers on the most reasonable terms He offers for siile a large stock of roreia^ai A* Sfouiester Ijiqtwrs^ Old Rye Whiskey, old Nasli Brandy, Apple Rrandy, Com Whiskey, N. 1'. Rut:i, isnd Am. (Jin. *His Foi;i:i(,N LKHORS were selected with care, iind iire of superior fiiiiility. They consist of Go.lard Rrnndy, Otard ditto, Old London Dock ditto, I Henise ditto, j Janiiiicii Rum, I ,''t. Croix ditto, Holland (iin, j Irish V, hiskey, Cii“rrv llrandy, AL-ideirii \'»'ine. superior, 1 .Sherry ditto, ditto, j Port ditto, some very fine, I .Sicily Mail( ir;i NVine. I Clianipaign W in'* of the Rolinger i>.nd other i brands, in quiirts iind jiints, I Sjiarkling Hock, ditto ditto, ! l*e](j,ermint CorIi:il. I Also, a large lot of the best jind ciieappst CI- I fi.VRS in the phice. j W'. DRAUfilfON. 1 Sept. 1-j, 18.‘>2. 2(>-:liii j~ I’Al.l, A.M) wi.vn.it THE KXGI.lsn por.,- Wtth Cfituol Xi.ftit, \- Mifton’K l^arodinH Thov;/hhi, aud Thomyon'a .V,/’- iUuntrativp amt ■ James KoiiKirr iVni). A.. S. Jj*rrncs (I- E^HE publishers beg Iciiveto annotated edition.* -Mil Thom.son, to the I.articul.ir e,,,! '- structers, and of all who iir.• p,''','' lecting books for District ScIkj . j braries, as v.aluable te.\t hoi.l Vl' Lil'rarr . PLAIN 10( 1.(100 A ere 'r I .M i: Ii I. A N 1) S ANi> MAxriwrTrnKn AXn .TAl'AX T/.^* ropjMT. Tin Pi:ileai:ti Slicd Iron U orkiT. IHA\'K in Jiiy employnn'nt competent work men. Hii'l inn ]irep:ired to do nil kinl^ of work, either in (' iPPLR. TIN or .''II i'.KT I K >.N. ! ba>e on liaiid iill the nocessiiry materials iiti.l iiiacliinery for making i'nctory Cans iind Driiii.s. Mil i to d.i all kin.is of factory work that c.iii !-e .lone by any similar I’stablishment in the State. ANo. f.;r sale. Patent F.i. tory C.in Rii'gs. x.irvintj from i.> 1 I inel:es: Drum Perid«. .'.ic, K*(i! i.No. Ol rri;i: wn i.kaimiu pipks j ilt U] in the be't ni:nii;i r. A’so. jii-t r.-c-iM'.i. a t'lili siij.pl_\ of ('f)OK- I\; S'rt)Vl,S, of the no'st :i; pro\e.l patterns, -..me ot them \.tv I nge for hotel an.l pliiiita- ti. n Its.'-. .\!ways on hand a good .is.“"rt- nicnt of Ti N W 11 L. C. W. ANDREWS. ,‘^ouih East corner .^Iurket Si|uare. *Ti .T'R Fall ,inl Winter Goods are now here, iind re.i.ly for sale. | ()iir stock of j E>IIY is large and belter thiin iiny former season. I .iiti: A\ii> riTf.is:Ki is hai.l to eijiiiil. j:52 B !:?>«. (lur Ptock is large, eijUiil if not snjierior to i any former _\ ca r. j -\il of which we v. ouM be gliil to fxchango ; for iilni'.st any k'.n i of pj-oduce, for ca.ih, or lo i J uiictiial ciistonn.)'.-? on tii.;c. ! COOiX TAYLOR. ! 27-tf ' j deserving ot n place in evcrv ! and private. They cannot ■ own views of the j.ecnliar evr,.ii‘' .i‘^- editions, than by copying I troductorr obfiervation>! of the p,)-"' : to Thomson’s Seasons. ' I “In this age, when t!i> prc^s land with a frivolous an.l j-iMnic^, there is great danger that ti.c will too much neglect, if ii-.t of those noble iind solid Jirc.j,' ish Muse which have beci. ' decessors—the poems of .Milt.,; ' Thomson and Cowiier. Tlic^.. of a hasty perusal only. ),„t jirofound study—e.specially l.v tl,« . the VHried information w liicli'tl.e^ the learning ami t i.ste which they display, and for tin; ui,;n«- which they are adapted to aff. f.i . culture of the mind and of t!i.. I,, j Not only in the sch ol-i. circle iilso, the production- ,i ;; ! ed authors, e.\pl;iined am! it',;. ;i I nee.led. Every family Ll' rn-. j trict School Libriiry shoui.l i-,!.,. tary npon Milton, and Yeiin;:. adiipted to the wants of the i,, I To these some of the prii;ciji. ! shotjld be !i«hled; siiid the pu! j course of a few month.« t'. -.-t f ' ! edition on the same i.hiii i.s tli. l*rei,:iration of this the sa;;;e edit.ru' I etigaged. j A. S. BARNES .S; CO.. N... .',i j : ] New Y'ork, I’nblishers of tlie "Nati. ii; I of .*tandard School I’lOoks. ' Sold by E. J JIALE f>ctober, ]So2. li'-nrt." • ill iI- SON. F- .September, ].'^.'2. xo'rK’i:. rnTHE subscri’vr ha« taken .is the .'^t.>r‘ next doi r to liall .'^io-kett's. wl,.,re he intv-i..ls carryinir on the 'l'.\ 11. >j: I N( i P.I’.'i N F.'-s in ail its bmnclies. Having h:;.i pr;:i ti.-al exj.erience i;i Jllost the .\tl;i):tie citii s. he feel' .is-ured thai he e;in piense , tiie lii.Kf t (• iMioiis. s will 1 c evi.'cuted Viitii neatncs' and Ai; despoil, h. N. t!. .Miilr.-iry i n I I.-. St iippr.M lii ra! 1 N i on !i:iiid. w I. Dresses made ia tl.e l::tc«t ; st_\ le. :i". riitH-i;t of choice CLOTH- .. h will t.e .‘-.il.i hw for c.ish I'l-tf .r i'.pj.roved erciit. r. h:: be dee d. I; "H both vev FOR SAI F. .‘'n*.“ei il . r 1:.s j.urehas- 1 tli' L.md.s ongi:;g t. the Lstiite of Abriim I'ub-.j-, ing ( |:n. in It ■' '■ n .■.■iiiity. ;i:id 'dev ot Lund ; !- F.i'.er, the ditlereiit sur- I't: Li i)v r A( r s: A l.'irge oart r ili\e 1 (1 i-- 1 I'lii.l'. w h. It t'. M %* ;;i b. S’.it I I ; t.l-lie.; I! M. I t|.. e n.'w I. .1. r. In ; :au! ■ Tiiiib. ro'l, an.l conTciiient to ■r, V i er.- a ' \;.v .juuutits of Ti;ii- •'fi'-l J., i:,.. Oeor_er..n 11 m.irket. ' x.'rv \:;’'l;iMe l.oth t'or tl.e Till p.M.tiio', ! .r wiii. li t. irpo^e a \ • 1 suite i. be I ■' in a 1 v_i '11 "i- t:iie ;. 1--M' ;i. 'iv ;ibu!i !mi:1v :er -e '. >11 ' f t'o' ."'ta'e. The l.aiel'' it :• I 'W prlo . .Ml I in 'lUaiitities t.. 'I M I f(tf( I. i'AVi: i' i'i:\ iLLi:. x. (\ lar^: .Vu'Mist 1: MiJN'AGIIAN. l';tr ■^ri; I..,- eived a lar_-. n i {.art i^lIlS lar^e an.l b. 1.' i . 'i he !’■ ’ 11- : is new. iiii.l the r..oMi: T!ie 'I'.ibie ii alwa} the market ath.pis, : . n lid l!nildii;g hri.^ now •1 operation since M.-'.y ;l ri;niii\\ve i,f ill! kin.is o’lveliiciit iilfl [deasant. furnishe.i with the bc.st led bv ii line ve.ret;ible nient colis'stit: • ;;! .''’nper I!!-.. .''Up'r l''.'ek plush d rAN \' (Ifiiu iiiid iire ii'.w elleral .-isS.irt- I’l'.V (;ot.)l>S. SnMii'llH'iLLE lililH llIE tindersigne.I w.,u'. ir«»r inform tlie eiti/.,!!s fs villc, the vii-inity. iHi! t;, generally, thiit she hiis f]'ene.l a 11III S K II F K^ TK[1T where 'ie wiiJ be jdeased f.,i who iiiiiy call f.n her. The i- atid liOiihlilul. }ier hou-e largi- iind . ' No jiains will be spared t) render a.; coii’fortiible any v. ho r.my fav. r her • Siie is iil.jo j.repare*! to nre.iTR’! >•- T!o:ird f'roiti ]o t'j 20 Students. I’ri • per month. F. It.-.; .''nmniei'ville, N". C., .June 1:1. Zin^Lrx IIOTLl i 8ali:ai, n. c. 3.^-1 rS'^IIE SURSCRIP.ER InT: Tj’i i. ? jfl- completed extorsive ^ I ° *K:'^ t‘> his house, takes this informing his friend.s. ;.r; ’ ■ : veiling community gencrallj'. that :■ ].reT>arcd to accomm...b>te tlieni in ;; , • style. 'Ihe entire house, beddinp-. ? i ture of every description is new ; ' .-iTid no jiaii'.s will he spared to mu'r^ comfort.able in every respect. All the stages stop .nt tliis ffons'-. A. 1 S.'dem. Julv 21, ]F.',2. 11 di '•t ;i.- 1 >o,ir !its. I.' sirab;.- aec.niv No p liu' V :li ! dgrrs. iind Travellers w ill tii:.| de- i. .iati..r.s at,d :?ltevti>r servants. !e sji.ire.l to give entir' .-.itislac- \ )i.^ t. I' .' I.i'l. I .a w. j ■i til re t., all l:i« ;:og the title can be ob- 1 o>' I i.'ii, 11 .!^r: .'■traiigi*. or V. A f. .■'i.iitli. I.s 1., I ,ir.' many tre>; f whom notice 1' be »nl'..ree>l a •ers on hen-by ail ail I'aniilie.- can be fiirri'he.l '.ith large, iiiry. .it d'.r’.le rooM.s. c-..:ivciiieutiy aii'l lian'I- .'II.dy luriiislied. An e\p.,‘r'ienee of 2" years will eii-’.’''e the les- ■e. .-he hi.pos. to gi\c ijViier-l s.-it‘sfaeiioti. ANN I’.ROWN. June 1. l>-'pO. L^-tf ;t!o r; I' IV or any j art of the Lan.ls i . . r t" .li liii i. -' "W. l.^i) ; d t.. Iii.iU" s ’e ..t til'- sa'tie. Tilt'S. J. ( i; l IS N. ('.. .'e].t. I . T'- I 'l. 7'.tf an bo , w ho itii p. \i:i:fls. ce;\cd an.l f artie ;;o pnnie sale I V W lI.L■KI^(:s —Al.-^ii ime i :;atiii:i:s. just re- .V CO. .t l-'i. l; •'.tf The Steamer I'aimy Luttcrloiii w ill in future le.ave Fayetteville' on Tuesdm and ' Fri.lay mornings, at 0 o’clock, and W ilniil gton I >\ednesdays and Saturdays at 12 o’clock, nnd' t^l'.\*IE le.ives W'.\RS.VW' d:iil\- oii the rival of the c:irs, say 10 o’clock ii. and iirrivcs in Fiivetteville at !l p. m. ■-McKINNON cj- McNi:n,L. Aprill2, 18o2. 81 tf m.. LWVKi’.NCi: \ 'VllOY I!n\o receive.1 their Fiill St"i k of ‘ Groceries, Provisions, aud Liquors. —ALSO — A small I'lt t)l'Ucady-iibuic C'lotli- inL^ ('rockery and (Jiassw;>.r(', lioots and JSli o(‘s, llardwart* aiul C'ullnv. Wi> have on h.and the following CUOCKKIK.^: I!io. Laguira. iind Maracaibo Coffee, Portn l!ico and ('ub.i .''ugar, i Loaf. Crushed :md ('otfee ditto. I .\damaiitine an.l Tallow Candles. F.incv iiiid Common I’ar So;ip, Pearl iind Corn .*^tiircii. Pepper. .''|,iee, (iinger, .Nutmegs. 'loves, Cinn.'inioii. Tea. vVc.. Salt, Iron, Mohis.'fs. \c. ! .'^ole, I pper and ll.arness Lciithcr. ' lMl>\l,s|()NS: Mess I’eef, iind smoked and dricl ditto. Reel longues, iind “Toiigues iind Sounds,” .No. o .Mackcrv l. in bills.. j No. 1 ditto, in kitts. [ Salmon an.I Pickled Herring, in bbls., l.iird. in bbls., kegs and kitts, j Cosiieii nnd Dairy liuftei’. Cheese, Pickles, Preserves, .^c. iii.H(n;s; Fine French ilriindy. ' Common Domestic ditto, 01.1 Itvc Whiskey. ■ Rectified ditto. Clear white ditto, ('ountry ditto. New Kngh'nd Rum, Holland (tin, 1‘ort iind Teneriffe AVine, Comnnui ."Miilaga ditto. We have a large lot of Liijnors which we of fer low by th(* b.nrrel. We keep on hand, always, R.VCON FLOUR COllN. vc. We offer any of the above named Coods as low- as can be iifforded in this market, for Cash, or in excl ange for Country I'roduce, or on time to [lunctual customers. L.VWRENCE & TROV ^^ept. I.',, 18:',2. LA.M) FOR SALE. ~ ^B^'nE subscriber offers for sale 1000 acres of " line Turpentine and Timber L.VND. in Robeson county, about four miles North Eiist of I.uniberton. Nearly the whole tract is hoii- vily timbered, iind there are several beautiful siiuati(,ns.for a residence. Rut n small portion has been cle;ired. It lies iis high and healthy as iii'v land in this I’cgion of country. Also, six unimproved Lots in the town of Lumberton. li.MiM \.\-S IlO'i FJ,, A V f: S' T V b i. t. s:, ,\. I'liir. -.fiber, hi'.inc taken the huge 1 liottl. f..niieil\ known as the Plantirs tel. situated at t!;c foot of il i\ Mounf. H:iy rect. Fa^ ctf. ville. .N. C , i esp ctiiiilv ini' rms friends ami the public that li'* is now en- g;i;::i‘'l in refitting the buiMitig, which is snji- |.!ic.i with entile new Fun.'ture. and i j.re- j.are.l t'* a.-c.mino.l.ite the travelling jiublic.— HaviiiLX h.i'l s .me experirnee in tin’ business in the t'.wn of Pittsl' .r.'U.jh. N. C.. he thitters liiiiisel;'tli.it he wid bo ;blo to give s.itist'ictiou to those who may f.ivor him with their comi'a- ny. His r.'..'!iis :ire large iin.i :iiry. He h.'is larje an.l eonvenient .^tables, aii'l a good and faithful Ostler. JOHN IIARM.VN. Feb'y 17. 18-j2. OOtf f\'I receiving a much larger .'sTOCK OF ;oo|).' th.in u.=u.il. consisting of a com- ]dete assortment of Diy ( M)()(ls. (Jr)ct'ri(\^, Ilartlwjiro and C'utlerv, — .-\niong whiih may be foun.l— Liidies’ fine Dri'ss floods. I'oniK-ts. and an assortment «if Dress ami Roiinct Trimminiis. of' the l.itest styles. — ALSO— Cujtitj Itoots inid tShncn^ Negro Pdiinkcts iind Kersevs. I’latrging ami Rope, with a large supply of RE.VDY-.M \DE CF.OTHINC. All (d the abdve Hoods have been rccentlv ptircliiistd. and will be sold low iit wholesiile or retail. W. F. ^tOORE. Last Corjier M.irket .Si-juiire. 2::tf :. r.r.'V.n. fl>-ci>n ar.i Rlue Cloths: 1' ,"kin I'Tity t'a. siitiers: Silk' aii'l Velvet X’es'.l'i^-. s..ni-.- \ery fine: .■ Dlack. while :;nd cf.'ore.i Orana.liu .‘^.itin aii-l English .''ilk \ c-tinjr-: l ine Cr.-rv.it.-: C, liars: \c. -■Vniongst our Liidie.-’ I'lcss (ioods niiiy be found Plain Pd'k i • o.lerhiue. anil b’a.. k, figiiroii and wateri'l .''ilk: rivdi Rr.-ea.le d.i.: jiain i;nd figured ihj.; rich white ti^.irei d.*.; pi.iiti white '.tin tlm-ence. a;c.; Printed .''atin Casiimere-:: l’a;i'. J rii.ted il.i.cs; English, rroncii ;i!i l.\mer- ic..n ].i inti-il Deh-iiiis; siOrrl! figured aiel highly ( .lerc'i iiebiii; f..r chiMren: j-'ii;. iisli Friiicii , -Nleiiiio-i; c.'i.'rcl tl.-innei: (iiace Poj Iin; \ i-.toria iind Tart.iii Pl.iid-: ci ioro'! .\lpaca Coburgs and ‘ Lasr.a Cioiti:*; i'dac'K I'o.tnb.i.'ine. ..nio exiru j tine;' llbick .Mpitctis. .''ilk an.l Cotton Wi;rp: ! foh.ro.I Velvets for chiMrcn: .''coteh. French !in.l,.\nu‘rican (iinghatns i;n.l i.iints: .''hawls; j Mantillas; (ilo\os; Hosiery: .''ilk, l.iimb's o*»l ' and ,'lcriiio .'^hiits and l'r:iwers: a haii isi me i.s.-...rtnn‘i!t ot' Kibb-.iis, i'njrg«. Oimi> i.nd \ elvci frinimir.gs: Sri-s. .'ac.'iief. Stri]>ed iui.i Pliii.l .Muslins: .''"wiss an.l .ia.- net Edging .■m l 1 n~ertii;'.;s; liilant's linibr.i; lered Wiiists. : ll..bes ;i;i.i ('-.|'s: Fi ei.cli-Worked Haii'lkerchiefs, Collars aii'l I n.;ersh'ete.'; Real 'i'hrea.l Liice . and Linen I'dgilig; Lis'e iii.d I'ott.it: .hi. ^\i^h il fuli ii-sortniei:t of lionnets, lints, ■ ( aps. I! lots. .'•hoes. I iiibrc!'.:is. Panisols. with ' many other iiriicles not enumerate.', niiiking our assortir.ent one of the l.irgest and best we have ever otVero.l our friend.-^ and cust .mers.— So we invite tiicm iill to c;ill as e.'ii'ly iis con venient. and e:\aiiiiiu' f..r themselves, iis we ex pect to sidl as rcasoiiiible as iiny other house in the trade. East corner Market Siptare. nnd No. 1 Greene Street, Fiiyetteville. N. C. ALMN'R JOHNSON .«• CO. .''cptcmber 10, l>.j2. 27tf F.lLli STOCS. DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SE ARE now rccciving oin- to which we invite ;hp ■ buyers. H.VLL cc .' August 2o. ]8'»2. aCRi;' tj. I M-i Livery Stable Bus'nes ^ ^ H F. subscriber intenii.- > ir: vi’: -K. id ,)ve busincs iis usual. H r : .• considerable Stock, h.e wi1! be able nvodute the j'ublic. 'I'hankful f..r ;3.=: he solicits a contiiuiaiice. J. w, rov.- Jan V 20 IS.',2. I'lyS’Elt p. .lOliNSON AS just receive-J fr.im New V. rk.: gest and bt.'st selected stni-k .'F: and Domestic Dry (Joods, Ilat.'^, nets, Ilardware, l iitffTV.iV I That he ever offered for sale: ti" of ’^e sold at the lowest market j.ri: .'. li' j and "all who wish *o buy are re-^i.f.t.i; I to Ciill and examine the goixls aiiii;: i August 2(), lSo2. E are receiving our F.VLL and WINTER ' (IOODS, consisting of a large stock of j MSanht'ftre am! Cttrfrrt/, ' Including T ur^'cntine Tools: V>ar. b.-ind, hoop, i roiiml, aiitl s|Iim!*o Iniii (*f all loj?crij'tions; Gcr- ' liiaii, Aim'i'icaii, Ihiplisli Cum Steel. | Hollow and \\ oodt'ii Ware; Boots aiui Shoes; Sadtiles. Saddlerv and J.eather; Hats and Caps; Stapk' Dry (»oods; with our' usual iieaw stock of ^ 4 Siil)srril'r • A.\.\ to accommoihite a few .Sept. :?1AI5Y UHLL be phnl Roa rders. She also informs her friends and the public thiit she intends to carry on the business of .Mantua-miiking. I'ayejtveillo. Sept. I. 18o2. 23tf I’»UrTKU AND LARD. A FEW' Firkin.s Mountain Rutter. North J ( iiroliiiii Lar.l, by the barrel or firkin. For siile by ‘cook TAYLOR. Sept. 27, 1SG2. 20-2w lit; 6sfj5“t'ountry Merchants whfl'finrchase iti tliis jdace wouhl do well to call aud esaiuine our stock. J. & T. WADI)ILL. Sept. 1.'). 1852. 2i'.tf STouA(;i:. ~ E have commouions brick Warehouses in tlie rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other prodtice. I>. & W. McLACRIN. _Nov. M8:>1.^ -.tf General Agency and Commission Business. rjSlHE Subscribers hiivo this day entered in- | to a eopiirtnership under the style of i W HITAKER, WHITFIELD \ CO.* 1 for the purpose of doing a pen‘*val agency and I commission Imsiness, iind in offering their ser- i \ices to the ]>ublic in that capiicity they tiatter i themselves that they will be able to give satis- fiiction to all those who niiiy consign any goo-ls, ' w'iires. merchiindize or country produce to them either to sell on commissions or forwiird. As it will be otir greatest iiim to pleiise, we ]>ledge urselves to spiire no jmins in trying to give The contimaes to carry on the' ' RUSINESS in raytttoyiiie. ■ iiddition to his Est:i>'.:.'- : Bow street, near hor.i^?*-; has opened a large W.MIE stpcet, nearly opposite the F:i.’. and ony door Ihist of Messrs. li .:- - ■ wliere a general assortment f f FUliiMTl Kl\ Made by competent and faithful be had at prices corresponding ’ _, r Also, an assortment of .Northern-ai;;!' Tl’I'E, selected by himself, which at a very moderate advance. DI N'- AN MoM . Nov. ]0, 18'I. E keeps on hand an ass' rtan'nt celebrated METALLIC which have been highly recoinaion'ii’ P. Mangnm. Henry Clay, Lewi-' • ■ Kiug. and many other illusiri**’’*' . who have examined i\nd witnesse.i tin.. - The utmost care given to the preparafion of I wTthTlSpatch’ l'=>ssengers 1 livsiciiins i’rescriplious and Family Recipes. { j 'u’ly i2, l.'io2. t;tf Jnly 22, 18.'j2. LUrTERLOH. 8tf C(d>lnrt Furnltifre, (’hairs, »'|||1HE subscriber is receiving the largest jis- ■- sortment in his line ever before piuchased jU the North, "which, to|;ether with Iiis oun man- nlacture, makes his Stock ver\' complete, con sisting of La/id [Varrnnfs nm)frd ‘''yni'erton. C’liairs, Tables, Sofa.s, Boclstca.ls, Wash ^HF liif^ht'st Pauii inw If* T to purchase Tvill mnkc an- Stands, liurcaiis, Lookiu" OlastJCS, Mifj ni^nest i.ash tricks djihI for any Dlicat on tn IN.Kort v t u . ‘ , I. ^ ntimbrr of Land W’arrants for a North- to tl e ) • - ’,o or : J^ule Ikiards, 8ocrct;inc.!, &c. ’ North- nitlesfrom the All of which will be Bold on the lowest terms fox ‘ 'lall v i punctual customers. Sc3t 13 18-.- HOWLAND. w. RAKER. ►.e^jt. id, 18o_. I FJRF-PROOF Frattris SLATE AND METAL llOOl'hl’- ra^IIANKFUL for past ’r:' -fl- public attention to Sb.\Ti- done on the most approved roofs lighter, tighter, and more tlie old way of sheeting, eflecting 'I ,— - , lumber, and greater security agiiir-s' general siitisfiiction. They respectfully solicit low price at which Slate Roofs arc the patronage of their friends and the jiublic ^'>11 compare favorably with any generiilly. Their store is No. North W’iiter Street, Dickinson's Fire-proof building, Wil mington, N. C. JOHN R. WHITAKER. JAMES W. WHITFIELD, A. A. R. SOETHALL. RTrniKNCKs:—Joliii Dawson. Potter & Kid der, O. (i. Piir-sley, Samuel Iteery & Sons, (J. R. Freni h. and Ellis K .Mitchell, Jan. 20, 1852. Ol-tf fire-proof Roofing. SLATE CHI.MNEV PIPES -,r- tern. ' They are an excellent king chimneys, and seldom tail to e Sirif'' Tin and Copper (iuttcrs. ern concern. JNO. :\I. ROSE, Agent. Fayetteville, April M, 1852. 82tf RA(5S COFFEE, 10 hhds. sue.AH, Just i cceived and for Siile bv P. 1’. JOHNSON, iVngnet 2r», 1852. "iJtf jinil ilciids, made to i'.ny pattern- ^ kinil of tire-proof roofin.ir j'ut i " ‘ th^ best manner, on reasoiud'h' ’'’"' ‘fpi.’ti F. S., in soliciting your j'atri'ii:^.-^]i -” tident of giving entire xs’hei'e a thorough knowledge of required. _ Eiij'ctteville. Sept. 7, 18-.>2- Blafik Warrant.^/or sxilc