WKfSSBKmtgmmmcrm mmrmm BCHBeeeae CE3 ~rTriiip nn IMP ■‘f fo; >Tan "«a* I', w '.R t?V.j '..ml It in n>.'r»u*j : -.te t IS t*m| I'c th.1t t ^I V r| 'mi !•.; Hi Fa lfn»| 'f m ’■•a ;.\KKfi. -•• ;-»P -• ■ --r I'.'frrtj ! •' '•'’raj, '•'t! :)uctiak ■ :i N;vemf«' ' V til? Man l.kn'iij- SoBti* .f th«_ t ' , 1 -.1,1H i :« in !0f !U I uiiii tiiC St® I ;;.r n fe- i ov the'5^-! if ' ;l.;c tiir.brrii t,,r _\ears! iiitTf.i'ia?- Ij i.Miti''n ti)* I-r ‘■t-icic^d ^ j n.fT ■'( bfini ibs** tUt»^ t f'“ 1 t « ;il bav«^ I ,' .-M.O i \ U Al't- J. . r-' — ■ all ...os ..f St:!!'!*" ..tivciiifn' I® I ,..1 in .5.] "the , -bnf®' .;n.i.i> r ..;,.«tIJ -tpfi SMIIIP* ' ‘ („■ nilO*' .7,', 1'“^* to [VOL. II.] } AY5'/rTi:\ il.LE, N. C., OCTOlii:!! 20, ISiji:. WALTON 11 vs juiit reluriiod L S/ioc!f for Sdic III (\jsf. suliscril)i‘r will soli olii) pair i>f l.adlo:!', Jl Missv5’, !ii\U CliiMri'n's Shoe;'* IJaitiTs. fivin thc'North, with a mow tlio .is9ortmi‘iU , ■ .0 , ’ *S CT'JOll. iiiul btnutitul !^^^ol•tlm■nt . ^ V S I \TT \ .luin.* H. IS.'i'. ((• /V/ tfcffi’ r i fit US fit a r/i (LOTiii\i; i',:NTii;L!j:inii;M'. of MII.LIM'HV C.OOLi;^. , consir^ting of i>f v;i- ! riiHis kinds nii'i prices, of] Ijcr own selection, and the j Silk aud ISiitiii lljxts. Al.so, ! ...r.:'' ." riiiiem of Dre.ss luul Mouiniiiu; Caps, ' . J I v.ii i'-tv i f beautiful Head l>re.sse.s. V'. ...;• ;\.'-‘'criiuent of tlie most I'ashionub’c r, i'liii. Also, Dross, Mantill-i mid r:iUiTn.‘-: t inliroidorcd Sleeves and (,'heui- ; ' . ;h Swi>5i and I.i'.ce; a lar"e u^scrtnu'nt : •si .umlitv of Ivid utid Silk Gloves: ehil- . diit ’: I pretty style of Bracelets; Velvet , : :'j .liul 'ml ■rJei > iVoui the country prouir.tly attend- 1 lank liojiil liriiljje mi I’.ig Kuckti.-h. riio hest inavki-t price will In.- jiitid. For furlhfi' iiiforia- atii>n. iii.juire il .\>lin \V. Miir|ih_\'. ai iliv- liridge, or 1 A. A. Mi ki thaii. Fa vct{e\ ill'.'. Dee. I,''. 5 /;V- ol-;2ni lU'.is. iii;ki:!N(.s, I*.-, - i*.„k. For sale t.y T. S. LL TTi:i'.L( >11 Jtilv -Jl. lS.-._-, I - 4!Uf r). lOlf NEW STOCK. I’ilK Siil’Sv'ribers are receiving tUcir Fall ).ur.;-=ei uf SGOKS AND STATICrJERY. [li. i.ilJit-1:1 10 a preat variety of SCHOOL >. tl..’V have the u.tu.iI TUF.OLOOh’ \L, ; Al- LAW, HlSTOilK'AL. lUoGHAl-H- '.iL ..1.1 MISCE».L.VNF>*L'S works, suited ;> State. The most elegant stock of ,i:¥D sjoo2i.?s kr ft '-'U place. I' "k l>'U>k'», Wiithijr P;ipt r, Pen and fi' !;.t Kuivos, Ink, lak Stands, r.n>, I'iivclopes, I’ rt l-’oli. >, Port )' u.ii.', Drawii):: Pjjkt, Puiicils, viri >i'!j utLer arf..’V-a u.su:;'r.- ket'f iu a kt.re. i:. J. UALi: .V S(>.N. .■:. 1. riu^sH goods'. , ^ I’lMCES Carpet‘;ngs, uew style anil patterns—IJru^sels, three ply. Ingrain, an. linip^ett anJ Fl>’,r aud T..' ’.c jtlis; Turkey-red. and eni?».>si‘d J■; lin (iood.': super fine Ulaiikets: IJrass and lie.id .Viiiiiriius, uad Shovtlo and Tongs. waN'I'i:!) 'i'o VI ii('i:.\s!:. COllbS I’lNF t.i l.e doliv- eu-.i , mv U .Inh- !J2. 1 r" \> liar!' dui'iiig the ne\t T. S. l.! TTr;!:i.OII. Ku: ii!:a!)ij:y\s .n!:\\ v.okk. Jl .»T l>rHl.ISlIKI). Mves of \Viiiti''Ul Sct>tt and Am- ihvNV .I;u*k.sun, l*_v ,1. I'. 11 i:ai*i.i v. 1 vol. with I’li!- lV>rai witli “Xjip.-lL-i-n ;iiul ];!.> y.l -j:,. 11: C'KOC’KKKV. asSiTteJ Crockery, new style, ini- '. tly from Liverpool, ruaking our as- •Tuciil fiiijilete. _.\L-0— ('..tTte Su^ar, >. N. O. aiiil P'jri" I'ucv Sugar, Laguira Coilt-e. .'id French i'mii'iv. .N. aud bo5.es Soda. I’.uttcr, and I’ic ■rtiuen: "f Readr-nifi-le Clothing. nce;vi.-vi nud for s.i .• l>y S. W. TlLLlN-iiiAST \ •'(). ■!. I '■•'■J. o : tJ ll:. [An .I” Katciii^s. MWVVAMW 'I'ln: Siiliscribrr i' IV'W )vi-eiviii:_’- hi- l Al.I ' . • 'K I iF Oi >1,1 > A N I* > U AT' IIks. ll.VKll AND ji:\vi;lhv o; ■;cty 1 A * -V-’ I'.isketi. Candlesti k and -t f'7 ; .i'Mible and single tiari« ' i.l A' ■' - Uevolving l’i'«t '': •'.[ ..ii.!ii' !i I’i'-tiils; l''iw ii-r Fia>k-: i! ne 1- l’eri-i:“'i;>!i ^'ip'; i ' A« •■‘■rd"uii-: .\lu'..- I'-i.x- .. . : • '. .''pectacii-^: aii'i a gri ;t " .• ■ in the 1: le. -c. • , f CI.-'i'K.^. ri 'WecJ'ally iaviiv -; lo c:i’.l WAIUIEN ri;lnIL ill 1 V\'r.t.'he« refifiired and wur . av of cvt-rv de.-oripti- a IlDVv IX (ij-OVFJi. ■ f tiii- \V:;!cii. Ihiy Nlrei’t. fSSs OLD sT.S.VIi. K Vj cy*^ Jfc ’ff’#/, SILVER AFID PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. • ■ ill- .i'?o;tlueiit Jiia}' In.- found - a.i kind^. from lo si i .,a..|.] and Vest t'hains; goM .'ifals li' , - v^ r }'■•!) and liuard t iiain.'« and piii'. i;ar-j'ing> and FiiigiT-ring.-i. ■' ' ^ ; I uif-pin.': liraceleth; goM and r :.i' '.i-s. Thim^)les and I’encils: gold - I I.it s Hnd Allen's Kevolvers; l,'h«-ss A' T ieous: .-iilver Sjioons; silver Cu]>s. ivc. ■ : irv i,...,ds of all kinds; a fine lot of*'it)cks. t t-verything called for in his line. • i ^1' sold eh ap for Cas'i. or on short ■ tiii.-'c liiat wid pay their bi'ils whvn i' '■'> ••■hes and Jewelry repuired as usual. ' : i'l :ind Silver taken in exchange, ki: tlioKP inl*‘t)ted by Nf>te or IJook ac- must pay liy the 1st of Novenib*T. (-f.c.'.illc/oct. 4, ;;i-if ,m:atiii:r liAMKs, .•cuitnled. ^(v)T n lU-1 . IJ -r 0 '...-l e pl.-i t.-gether as the two ll.Cil W a.. h:iV(.' l;,:i.ie the lie.-I.e.' t ini].re-si. iis an tiii-lr . - laury iia-.. the time ol :' W a Th.y i. ■til a.-hie-.e.l a briilaiiil repu ia the war i .f l''|-J. .ITl.l by tiie ' a: '.I * iii; ].!• W;i. Ni,:_;, ira. N.-w Ui'- ft.-.. ■ V-i aiiiirv .-i I ej.'U-ition .-It i.i-iii,' ,1.1 a ai r.- M'!, :i:Hi l;* ..u-li ....1, 1 1 111;.; W lilely ia el i.-iraett rl.-ii -. they Wi-I e .'.inil.i:- ia olhcr.. '] i;e a VA'- -'I' II..: o!;'-. .'.\i ;cl.ea t le Megijij h_v t‘. .V a. i ar h: I- ;ri . .-11 a l..i. li; >il an.l -.aj.hl.- tb •ti* li tijc i r:.ii:4i it b.iiili-.' in wiii.-h the\ w .- I’C ,1. 1 iie 1 l>l.‘gr:i|iliy ..f i:i:ic’'i S ‘.•oil. .il.'i.nite.--: the i; 1 i-afei- j art .a the \ . .1 uiiu’. is i ilil aii'l ai luhel.tlc. the n.alei-,a.' 1 '..r it ii.i' in:r h^-vn .U i ? v i ■ 1 i'll.Ill p!i’.- lie t! -eume i.ts i!i*i i. «ia maiiv • tiic er> V. a.i ii,..; Serve.i V.Ii i > ■'■-H. k 1 r!> t " the rea'lt r al.'.i .1 .1 -l; . ;r \ ifVV :ii' tlie i'l la-i !:t -ainp.il _ii i-f a:.- : •■ill. ;■ .•'.ni' tlu • r. .Mlilli Z aii'i c.-ipi. - ■ \ .. 1 ( r-. . t i:«- ■■iiU e - -1 i' 'err > i..r •lo, i :....•. I 1-,.-.. M ...1 1." del K.-y. ( li.-ijiali.'i • ■ , 5*. - l*i!i 11: .' ■! .Me.\ Ti iumj 1 .1 la.try. v. i :■ -it :: i il.t- .a-eii. r .-. per.'. i.,ii incident-:. ■■•c. 'I ...* ■r 1. ' :'ii' \v sa-taii.. d tiie repia.-i: ;i.'U I i i.y -Na;. .,.■.11 .t*>l i..S .'vl..l--.l.-lls.' ai. i '•Ti.vr i.r I. iiicli ov..r 211' m " ' uli: .1 ^..1.1, I'D i V ' 1 it \ Wk. 1 I'M I 1 aV I SIJAKi: 1 - ;i-. 'i* i . A T.ilv 1 ’ ill.- s..;; :h an.l N1 -rrh. \i\ lliV. 1 ;. I L. 1!,.:!, AaM .1' . i' ■•.'^..iii.-- tli’.lu .’ f' • i i\ ' i.-iy!. \y 1 ^, iV. . ' 1 \ ■ 1. ; _ in- ^5 -DIS V. • I k. w ia.e it !- l.D . t' e.ni’.sf ..i i k . iMli, \V -ti.'l • i. jlir ;.-t 1 i.. tia> .'..Wtl.. 1 S Wo,.,.l a . I.i;t ll. t ' l-V.-ltf . , i:i>r tiun .. r the .V,;.-.. 1, I a^..'l;-r !i. !i. t 1 !..-ii.. ,;te ’ lu. .1 r |.r a t : ■ v- It V i.. i 1. iV .1: L- W a-k it \V ; I, f • a •!.'■. i -teri'tl.-.s . I lie a lit i*wi. rt \vCii i.li .'.V 11 lo til ’ J. :.l.li.- ! 1. pn vl .1 :!-s w rk'. i'i \ihi it li. a in il.t ■ pu-'iicalioll .-i ••Tii*- N.-a Pii; - 1. i-.. i! • ■ He w :iM in .- ■ U t‘ "i' iir.ii*. •;,1--:., an.l . . i rt.- -.-.1 t .. the -aglii-'t |-'-itU.| ...' tl-e : , ^-r .. ll. ... Tiie vv. iK i-, no .k-ie..i-e . '..i\- .a. 1; V.. .,'. i l.e .1 ; ij.*i t.- • ..... . .-. e ^a ili/e, aiei diie.-: ..;.ur I;.. .■■li':. 1; tr-a: .- t;ie - I.f tii-‘ N. t ■ I. i. /.. I W ; t‘t‘ \v ii,a-.^ ' 1 l:.-a-a t;;.a i.- a-er.'-e-. , and 1-1 .a loi 1'. a■■ i 14: t • t . r 1:.-'.. II.ll la. ll, I.l! I Uv \V "l i.. .vl.il.- ,t - tiie lilt. re>t oi' ti *;• ll. a.a ..l.lv 1: i . ,:a-. 'jiit ill li;:iay . u’.-l t-i. ’ I- - ' til., in ,.i -i. a. 1 : ; . ^ i ■ ‘. 1 ijl.' >1 ill * 1. Cl. VL I.l.-' .-'I'l; ir.NKK. Piirn i.ov. all-; ! 1 . N..r aU t. N. I'..— i-r :■!•-• ... vv .rk' will '-I’ .'••r- -...il-.le.i !.y • I'*' •' ‘ t.. ill- r.' " '.r .111/ p;il-tV .'.‘Ila '■ ,ic ; r;.-; iil.i.e^ 1. 1 K-L -1. :i 1 -1 lil 'i'ho & arni(-i'.'' and Piantcr.-' ALMANAi 1 ‘ t-1 - IK.’.;'.. .In.-t i-.-i-.-iv . 1. .F. .T3. Ih'Oj^Kf^y 'Jfti/ijtS. Ilj.’i/ \\h/!t t>ulc (,; tail ( rs, 110 William Street, New York, VM> Person rtrcot, i^nest dt>tir to l!:iiik of (’ape Fe .r.) FAVi'.TTF.Vll.Li:, N. C, T 1' would l)fg le.ive to iut'oru) the cili/. 'us 'f Fayettc\ille aud \iciu'l_\. that wi* liave jn.'t rectiMcl our supply oi Si’illNii ANI» Si MMI’.U linOliS, \vlii>-h ci,>iu[iriscs a ucra) .i;-.'‘.rtniciit >d' KI-: A!) v-M AI) 1: c 1A rr i 11 sn, W hit ll will lio found u^riiiy the attention of purch.isi'i -i. Our assorliiicut cohsli.s iu part ot the follow ing: (’•lAT.S. — liltick aul I ■li'1 >'!"th I'rcvs. Fr^rk and S.i'.k all iuaiitits: hi.i> lv ai; 1 colored • 'a'unieret dil; .; i'iciu li ;itid F.u^iir-li I»:ap I*'- Fle ditto; t^'urvn's-cloj ll aud Alpac.i ditto; Fail- c\' oal • of liiottlc.l ('•u>.'e aiid 'I'n*iv I.-; I\cn. tui ';;, .lcan>; Liiieii aii l ('ot(on (• iiigi'am>; I'.ro.- bii;l all ! v.liite Line;::-; w iiite grass-cl -.ii .''aclws. \c. of all iUalitio. I’A.N i.''—Of M.ick and col’d ('.is'inieri-; .’.lUcy single-mill'd ditt-.; I'reiuh aud llll-li^h i>i:in U'F.te ditto; white aud c^l’d Drill ditto; K.-n- tucky .Iians uitti ; h: lia ai.d Frciu li -\;iii..i cu ditto. \c. \ ll.'-1 S—v>f hlai k .''.iiin. r.i.nd>:ii>in;'. Alpac i. lilai'lv .Ilid C. . d .Silk.'; v. hite.iliil ii.I'd Mar-oiTu,., d.Ito; l.|o'.\n aiid | .i i t' d l.iiieu. pl.iiti an 1 fig'i*; .N.iiikccii. llutl, (ir:i" (loth. ,\c. Ali of ;irc oil'n‘d f'T sale .i.' l«.w as c.iu l>c ti. ii>,lit n. ;he ,Nc\.’ V'tIv ni.'irket. at ^s iiolcsa,e au.j r. iail. Clothing! C1 ot h i ii i 'till initl rj t/niiitr In f'urc i/ou hii>/ ( Urirtii ri ! ^3!* Ill'’ undiTsigned h:is Just i-..ceivcd i.ud JL opened his Stock t.f C'loths, {'assinuM v's and \ (’stin^s. 'onsisi.n;r of I'lack. orowii, gr^en and l>|vu> ?•: (.uu v alul I'laiii 'iliiere Vestiniis. of iot;i^. ot' \arious ijuai.ti Silk, Satin. Velvet aud ('a the lUt.st (a.-'Iiiohatile colors. A.l^ and l.iiicy L assiiiiv-ns, ol t'.ie most lasl'.ionalile selections. I;-,'' .\ select :i^sor!i;ient -.f II llA DV-M A Dll CLOl'illNti. Cl nsistiiig of )vi i coai.-; U\ir- sacks. chiSf-lioili» d S:u u .-iiiil *r'"-iv ( oji's. oi' variiirs ;-tyli->: laUi'\ ai.d plain .silk and (';i.v.,i- liicrc \'c,-t'. of Mipcrior iit and « orl.uia'ishiji. aud oi'tiie nio>! :,i.-liioi..ililc colors. I’l-r.'oiis ui>liiii^ to piircioi.vc :m\ of the above ■ 1 CAaniiiie his hoc skin l.uinliertc LAND ViMl SALK. sutipcrlbcr offers for sale IdOO acres ot ft- fine Turpentine niid 'Jiiiibcr LAND, in I'U'hesoii c uiuty, about four mile? North Hast ol I,uii;bc) t( II. Neaily the wlude tr.act i.s hea vily tiniborid, iiud there are several beautiful .“itUMtioiis li'r a res!il« nee. liut :i siiiall portion has lieen cle.ired. It lies as hi;h and healiiiy as any land in tlii.'i region of country. Also, six uuim]uo\cd Lots iu tl.j town of Ml tic l Slocik. K. re I r patroiiii; ui:i \ lo V.cil to call all Tlio :-ul)scril>fr cotitiinio.-i to .-.iriv on iiie T\ILOi!iNJ Hi .''IN ll.'^S, i:i all its variou.-i br;inclif-. .As he li;i.s taken iii- siructi'.iis in ('nttii.g Ir.'iii one of the lx >i iii>lruc!er.i in New Volk I'ltv. hi- li.itters iiiiiiself tiiat he ••.111 c;irr\ oi: llie liiisi- ne.'> witii iiiore su. ei s.-j than it lieeii lione, an l will sp:ire no 111 atliaio a t iU.i a gelielal .ill.ir-, t i.i\at>. Ii ii'-'-ilaiUe-. alo; \'e- Vil.idilN.. • shall kee 'iiirt,'. Dr i -Vi;-... (.'! oil Tile 1' CoiitiiiUed iiig >... ic. -Vprii n le M'MF.Ni' wi'l be •I.:Ii.r tiui‘ • 'i'.ih- ni.'->t l.i.'l.loii.io.e ilAl.i, A,-,,:. \\liO ill;, i Sept. lo. I>:j. .\ciTs \ T I M V, i : U L fi IK > \ l,n. I: II .''U' . rlKer li :' purcii.-i 1.1 I.. Hi.- ..-i..:e o dec' 1. Iviiig j'i: inM. ' \ lli iloli I.u.i v i I'ersoiis v. isiiiiig tn pun hase will niiikp m)i- plication to itoliert II. Troy, iu Lunil>erton, or to the subs. ribt'i- in person, lli luiies I'roiii the 'illage, on the Harllee.^vilie Koad. .ion;; .V. llOVtL.\ND. Sept. 1S.-)L>. -i.tf ^ 10UN Sinil.LFr.S aud STK.iW CLTTMUS. ■ I'or .-aie l(v ll.‘ lUlANSON .V SON. Septeiid'or 1", L’-'.tf ~C. W. ANDHSV7G, I9;‘alen* iit SiIovcm^ 5;^ S s I.and.- ANI) .MAM rA(’Tri;i:i: OI- PI.AIN A\!> .lAi’AN' (Till Shed liod Workir. C3 I i \ 11 ill III V , ii,;. ;ia 1). oiillt ■i. 1 it coiiia.ii!;. \j I Ii ii 1 roK w nl I S I !)! ,\ V! I| t >•1 A N !) C'O.MMIS.-sION Mi:u(’:iA wiLKirjaTorj, n. c.' . =•■}» X t t*n‘ Ov(' A large Lt. i.'per I. lie.- i-i :i.iu -fc\0\fA?\i\f \V »•» i « rt tiii*-ly i iiiii'ered. and I’oiivenieiit to i\'T. where,-I lariit- i(iiaiuiiv of i iiii- r.ilif t III the (ifoi i,.' II aiarki-t. ;io ..11 ll .•111... r\ :illd !'• • i..:ie i. t liii'iit coiiqietent wnrK- I i ri ) HI’."I to do :ill kinds of irriiii.'! I or .-^11 Mil r i i.on. 1 1 lie ii*‘i'. --:ir_\ iii.-itei ials ■ r i'i ....,.g l' ;ctory ('.ins and .i.i r.ai'j> .'f i.o tory work that .11 V .-1.1..I..II- l..'iaioisliIiil ut in Jl r‘ P^KKSoN al a Ml.. ; iit . 1 iU' 11 ; t wli.iif a a'U i^.ibl lor I'. H i.o i 1 >t..i.- -be. N.n.il -r. r' Ne« York, and liber.il laiieiits. I It .'er 11. ii.iiimini. '• V li.ii. -I'T il.i.;. 1. M'tt :’,:.r..cl, r>. il. .'ui'!' n. T.eo. L. \ .:i\ '^i .Si..I ll, Me- /. V .) Sii;i:ii I b.i\. I,I,Ml.. -- 1 IU'-e Laii i.' 'i'li..lnr nil.I 1 ui i.ilje j.-irt i.- V. V. i,, re tiie 'i Ui-;i. 1 : '.>• >. 1 at ■■ .',i ; piir.'li;.-.1-. !.,' ni..iii 1. 1- TV \ :i I loi tor w I. iio;ti i. r .'il pi:riH.- ii. I’aifi'.t I'actory ('an l!in;^s It iiielie.'; Drain Fead. .\-- •ll’LS b.-lng I- IM 1; i' e .''t.iii-. ie;;ii ll i;ilitly l.aiid.' It.3 t'I \i- , '■••r -..le. \ -irvii.ir ti. Ill !■ U'.h'ii.Nti. 1.1 ANi> i.!1.\dlu put r.f’ in the be-t ni.ina. r. A''), iii't re.elv.-ii, 11 I'll 1 su[iply of ( OOW- I N; i of the ni'.'T ;i;.pro\ ed patterii-*, i.ii;_e I r liotid and phait.i- 11..11 l;.-...: mi'iii i-.. ;is A IV. : aie.l a • .'.i a.->oi'l- NEW Ci0013S. f HMIF, Hul.'neriJier i.« now receiving a large ad- ®- dition to Ills Stock, consisting of Drv (ioods. C'olifc, Sdixar, Crock- erv, I lar(!\v:ir«‘, Hats and C'ap', IJouts and S!;o('s, i>a«.,^;^ing and IJo})c. —.\LSO— llol]ii\v-\varo, Nails, JA:;itIior, V/indow (Ilass, AVIiiti; liiiad, CLiccse, l-'isli, \'c-. Which he oH'ert* on the most reasonable terms. He offers for sale a large stock *>f A' S^oinrstir ijiqttors^ Old live Whiskey, old N.ish Ilramty. .\p]ile l>r.iiitly. Corn Whiskey. N. F. Hum. and An»4 (iin. Ills I'Ol’.lllti.N LK,!CoHS were selected with e:ire, aud ;;re of superior (piulliy. They eonsi^t of (iiid:irl lirandy, (It:.I'd ditto, (>M London Dock ditto, ID nisc diito, .L'lUiaica Hum, St. t'roix ditto, lioHaud (iin, ; Iri.-li Whiskey, Cherry Lr;indy, Maiieira Wine. suj>erior, Siiiriy flitto, ditto, 1 ort ditto, some ^err ftjiO, Sicily M.-ideir.i Wine. ( haiiiiiaign W ine of the IJolinger aud other braiuis. iu nuarts and ])ints. Sparkling llo;’k, ditto tlitto, I’ejipeniiint ('ordi.d. -\!so. a large lot of the best and che.npest CD (i.VlLs ill tl.e place. W. DllAr(.MON. Scjit. D'l. IS-'.’J. and \v!\'ri:ii «r.2 ([ KFH Fall and Winter Goods ure now here, Si if :ind reiidy for s.iie. Our stock ot' is larpe :iiid better than any tormer season. ei t li&vu'AEii: A\£i t i.s hard to Vijiial. I:E£SS>. Onr Jitoek is iar;ie, t'iiuil if not superior to ::r.y (ornier ye.ir. .\11 of which we would be glad to excLange l.ir almost ar.y kaei of pro,nice, lor c.^sh, i.r lo punctual custoliRrs on time. C(.)(>iv x T.WLOIl. [XO. 137.] STORAGK. J F. have coHiHiodious brick \Vnrelioasetf in the rear of our Store, iu v.iiich \v«r I slore cotton and otlief produce. D. & W. McLACUlN, I Nov. 1, 18')L o7-if I Gsneral Agency and CommiEsion Easiness. Subscribers have this day enfered in- 1 ii lo a c;>partnership under the style of : VV niTAKKU, VVniTFIF.Ll) & C(K. for the jiurjiose of doing a g»'u»*rHl agency and j comniisKtoii luisiness, and in oft'ering their ser- j vce.s to the public in tliat eapaeUy they fiatter I themselves tliat tliey will be able to give satid- taction to all those w ho m:iy consign any goods, 1 wares, mendiandi/'' 01 country }u-oiluce to them either to sell on commissions or forward. As it will be our greatest aim t» please, we pledge our.selve,s to spare Iio pains iu trying to give ! general satisfaction. They respectfully solicit ! the {)atronage of their fiiends and the public ! generally. Their store is No. North Water j Street, Dickinson’s Fire-proof building, Wil- ■ mingtou, N. C. : JOHN U. WIFITAKKK, i JA.MES W. WlllTFlKLI), ] A. A. li. SUI’TIIALL. I Rkfkhk.m KS:—.lol.ii Dawson, l otter \ Kid-- i der, O. (i. Paisley. Samuel Deeiy Soiie, G.- • 11. French, and Lilis is: Mitchell, i Jan. L-'.), 1852. lil-tf ^ HAGS (’OFFHF, D» lihds. SI G.VH, Just receivt'.l niid tor sale bv J>. P. JOHNSON. .August 2*;. 18t'»l!. liUif .Sei^finlier. IS-'.J. _-tt ('. 'W, •h r.i-T ANDIIIIWS. d;.:kcl S'jUare '.li-tf v\ 111 I.; i.fvi D:.;U f a^Hil w Ai: c-'uaiKi;i_' Mil 1.1 p. \i:l. Ive 1 ollll \t lil- r;.1. 1. ;";o. I i.'> 1 ] rime :ii tl. .- I e I V V. IM.MN'. r A i!!r \ ! J NO fn’llM .-ii!i- ri*'cr lun taken S the Store next door to Hall \ .Sii.-ketl'rs. where he intends e.irrvir.g on tlie T.\ILoKl.N(! Ill sINllS.s in :ill its br.-m.-ht s. Il.iviiig had pr.a tieal experience in nn >t oi tiic A tlaiitic cities, he feel- ii-sure l thai he can please the i!io-t l';i-tidiou.-. iecuted vvUh nentne^3 and » I Ii i’l.' and ell in I lie III SUi Ik { tlM lit: i rK« I i 'I'linu aiel t'';.r • I ....iu e ;i\ ell ly- :'iiriii.' o;-.;.', a; .1 i t ii.ll.l Ituiiilii'g ha.- now ..I . filioii .-inee Mav • . f all kiii.'''^ I :id ple.-i.-aiit. w nil i!k lie-t iic ^ej;el:.-)!e All 01 Uei s w ill be de'i>;itch. .N. D. Military Dres a s made iu aud IU".'I approve't .style. Ir ij " general a-.-oi :ii [NO on l.aiei. wl.’e i \\i.. luc latent ..fchoieeCI.OTH- si.)id lov,' lor ca.:.ii !• CO. ■11. 15. M\\ Wli ) N/i ill. »N. i'..l!'' Nai.- Sa.-k •’■■i'i' Dar 1 .i V J .; A!: I Sll 11- w m:\\ rnu! m\m cotsiis.i ,JSr W'rl .li'ST Kill ■;il\'llD .1 ( liMJ’J.L'Ti: i;!, ,s n' .a' Finbracillg almo.-t every .ulle.e U-Ilally kept iu that line, at the ^ lll.L(»W ID li.DlNG. a few door.'' aoove tne .S;.ite I’.ink and our door above ,M, W . .)e.-sup's. oil 1 .lllf.'i.ie .-tre-t. and would : lie ;dea-eii to exhil if any thing in their line to ' 1 l\\ M. Vi Silll -.ii>- 1 . . rs lire n 'V. .. -V. V"! 1.. .. l.a -'e :i:l I • .1 r:u I)/'U ha; iu!' ;iiiil III . d \ !i: iiiir w liich !i r>-: r, 1 'I; .;i i .n _. ;ii^. 1 Im'.'.w ;1;|". Svv e.le> :il. i 1 \.iua .Salt. lli..u r.:ii :aid l... ii» i'.as. .Vl'.’l.'.'. ••illL' l-. i'o'.' 1' I'. .'■.1 !. D.ir aii'l 1- :iiiey .S.eip. ,ii r wiili a g.i at \.;r.--tv I'l other ar^- ■1. to wiiieii tln-y invite tin aiieiitioii i l iie' ilia-, and which t.o-y .'iri- del.-'-iiiiio-d ".I i.iV> ior I .i>h. or oil ta..e t • tb"-e v.in’ J'.'iy r.mp^iy. as any house in the .''oatin in coui.J’/y. Pr' an e "f ali kino'. at till- hi.;he?t l.i,.i' . t lee.', t...ali ill excli.ii:_'e t.ir 1... 1.1-. M.1.11.\N' ,'v Suuiiiierv ille. N. ('.. Dee. S, i>.»l. •'■■I b:i_ - praii.' . li • a i. I •.. 1 sJ. 2i;if 1 . V \ . i . i . . > V 1 . V.V k 1 iV t 1 H.i\- r- ‘-M. I I! .1 i';,l Si . .,f Cx'occi'ioj, Provxhiciis. nnd Liriicr: Do irdei s. l.'.dgfrs. iin 1 Tra'wall find de- -haiile ae.i.niiiMi.biT i..i>- Miei aftentlvf servant-.. No p-.kliis will be spared t > j-.'C enl;r“ s-,l«i:;;ae- li' -n. il 'i CaM ho furni>l;eii with large, airy, mti.i' ro'i.ii.', coiiveiiiv i.t .AngU'! IJ. 1' mon.\(;han. D'.tf 1\2l F:'ni; fn '.t d if V ^i\c ii* r« .ill illd halid- ■'e the les- Fill l\i) \U\TlR iiient of C'.n.-.stii \ i Ii I d 1 > I t = I 1. liiiT. ^ rv iltjot.- Piiiti i. llhi W'e i). • V i), ii- (i la.s\\ ar(“, .*>:i(.‘( S. I i;u\.Vv as'c 1 (, 'iim( r\. 1 iniid llie Iii’l .w aig DKI ‘V\ N. •_^-ti' iiavi' re. eived .'e’iviiig a large '!'.\PLil and F . iu :i> folio I ]iart. and are now aui'i gi neral assort- \C'.' Dill GOODS, ir... .-la.i Mai. I Ml; t \ iil'M > ;Ih. (*. lil t. Uit:> ’.m-i. ii»n 1^41- *11. Nuiiii !.rMi;;:u! li >n,r w.’aT'll have oiir St.-.im Saw M:;i V V fill operation, .''mile- fi .ii; i Ill' ll- the li.iieigh .Stage iioa.I, aiel .11 to evi'eute orders in our laie. - we run 1,'i'tiini Ol' i'lrrul'-'.r Siiv.f. v e:in li.l l.aiM al .'linrte-t notice. We ■,:in furui.-ii Piiie. i'o] and .Diliiper LrMP>l-,il. and ot aiiie st l it -s 1;. » r ..U'l il.irno- Le.ili;t-r. i’H( >\ i.'ION.'^; [. aioi 'oioki'd .'iii'i aia'd iitt.1. ■jiau! :ive(t. 1-' prt- th. Ill l.aU , ill sit I'. .le I ilerrili' . ana .vili iiitler. :. in bill.-., thoaC w h'. and '• >P.oL'GIl LV stretched, i..eU'd. For sale by T. ti. I.LTTLriL(.>H & C() ’. :ntf 'i'()Oi>S. LNTni’iS', Llacksiniths’ and Coopers’ may ;,ivor iht m v, iiu a cull. __Al.SO-- Il:ird\v:ire, 'ut’ii'ty, ('rickcry, Willid-u.Ill', 1/niU'irs, iJuuts and Ila.t.s ;iiid (’.iji'. itii'l a ;;'iod ;t.r uient (if Dry (laiKLs. To the above .Stock wc* would respecti vlte the attention id tiie ])ub!io. ('ouiitry Pro,luce taken iu exchange for (jootl..;. 1 ayetteviile, .''ept. I, ]S->_. length. Our and siU'iothni aim ' of ler. ior tn face, ^lla^i OC C'.ll., i‘H\er d ill iii.iiki I. .lONi. APP.Ili-l. '..■'11' -Ware, 'lii.CS, S'lrt- 'ully iii- li^tf J. ii 18.V2 WADDILL. r>utf [HNS- HOO'i’S. Youths' aud (.'hildren.s’ Doot."!. J. T. WADDILL, 1S.';2. oUtf oh paid for d»ied I-'ruit. RKMOVVL. >^AM’l, J, lllNSDAf.l-;, ^ iu'uiist and ' ' o- pleusure of informing his custom- r- :uid the public, that he has removed '• M.-iiid to Ihe next corner above, ;■ n.iwii ;ia the “I’llak*- corner.”) ' itte l up liis Store w itli every couve- - I- i-'iiidiieting busines.s, bolh w inde.sale ''■ 1-1 the best advantage, he solicits a -'f the kind favor he has eujoye 1, - irauee that no effort ou Lib part ' " iiitiiijr t,, ruerit it. 't'li k eoinpri.ses a full assortment of ar- ' line .,f business, all id' the best qtial- M'-'lii:iiies, ChcniicalB. Paints, Oils, Patent .\lelieine.s. Perfumery, choice 11. Hi \(iS .Java. Lrtgiiira and Dio t.V>tfee, llhd Cub.-i and Porto llico Sugar, 20 P.arrels ID'fmed Sugar, •’) barrels granulated Lo.-if Sugar, 2 l>o;a-s douide-relim.'d Do., 2(> Pih.'Is. ^weet .\1 ohis:>e3, li-.uieriiil, l!_\sonaiid Guupov.'der Teas, | j-.ji] j 1:'M■ ,-.,vb M.itches, ](.i() lb.. ground Pepper, Pe]iper. .spiee aud Ginger, o(>() lbs. S;il. Soila, 4 Dbls. ('ojiiieras. 7 bills, and ^ bM.s. ‘ F,-j.gle Mills” Snuft', [){J0 lbs. .Sole Leather, 1 bid. Alum, I’utty in Dladdrrs and Tin (.'anistei;*, 8 X io and D) x 12 (ilass, 2 I doz. Yeast Powders, l!:ir Soaj), l()f) l-^egs Nails, (assorted) best brands, Colgate and Hull’s line Soaps, Viid a i;rc:. t u.any other gools for sale low^ by I'A!J. .\ND \VINTi:i:, s ('itn/ to lJi>' C'lti'/.inA of J 'i:/i/t I'". SF you vi.'it W ilmington this F.ill or W inu i-. do not fail to i-all at the Merehaiil Diil'.r- ir.K aiei ch.thiiig Stol e of S( OTT .V I’- \LDW IN. riiev arc now (oiciiing oue ol the i.ir .‘e.^l ao- sortuients d‘ ('lothiii'/ mul Faurj/ f)rrs ever before offered to the citi/.eiis of Norih (’a- "ii.'i; aiiioiig which may be found every varie ty ol l>us;ll^^■s l'oa*s. Pants, latest st\le. and Vests of all tin- raging colors, as well a.>i plain Satin and (’a.'simere. Tiieir new and licauliful iissoitment of Fashionable Over-('oats cannot ase. The “Patent Make Seam” Shirt ....Id onlv bv this, iiouse, is an article which every gentleman ought to wear who wants a pleasant fitting and desirable garment. Shirt (’iillnrs, Ciider Garments, (iloves, \c., Cic., in 'Tre:'.t V iriei-y. AH .s*.-lling low for cash. Our .Merchant Tailoring I>epiirtment is con ducted hv ci.tlei-j of eiiiiiKiit skill; so that we are at all times prepared to make suits to mea- i sure. Oit the most approved style. A splendid 1 assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings 1 always on hund. M Deel' i' *0-ue No , \o 1 u;lt'-. ! .Sjilia.'li aii'l i'lt l.ai 1. in I.M'.. k. 10-ie II .ina D.-i.i V...ei.'..-, I’iCkle-i. I ine l-'reiieli I.r.iii i' . '..111111011 1'. .loe;.! io u.U.J, lid live W hiskey, Leeiai*-'! d:lt i. I 'iear white liiii'. t'ounfiy liill-.. New Ll:gl.-iU'l iluui, iioihaid (iill, P.at :ai.| Teiu'riil'e 'Vine. I oiuaioii M.-il.i;.a 'lillo. V. t> liMVe a larue h.t of Liiplors which we oi ler b.vv by tiie liarrei. W e ke"p on hand. alwa;.--. P> V' (_)N, 1-LOL li, COilN. c. We oli'er any of tin- i.bove named Good:-* as low as e;iii l.e atl'onled ia thi' market. ferCMsh. or in e\eii:inge lor ( ouiitry i'roaiH-i-, ' lo punctual customers. L.V Vt I’ L.Nl. L* Sept. D'l. lf‘'.2. 11 time Ti:»Y, •.j'uf ; c 11 I S ; « / fr-.'l liAiniAN's B' ^ V s: S' T £■: V e 2.1. i-:. .■%. r. 1111 .Siii.seri^v r. having t:ik( n the hi'-gt- H 11 .tel. loriai''ly knwn as the Ph.nter's Dot.-I, .'itii.-iti'd at me I'.'oi of ilay Mount. Day .'-tre.'U i-’uvcttfville. N.(’.. r.--‘pta’tt'ully inforias l.is friends :md the public tiiat he is now en- g:iLT('I in refuting the hiiil.iiuir. which is siip- pli' d v.lih entire lo-v, 1-uri'.ituie. and i*; jire- p-iri-.l t I iii-coiiniioihiie tia- iravelliiig jiu'iilic.— il.-i.mg hail s.'iiie expi-rieiiee in the busioess in ihe town of i'i'.tshoror.tjh. .N. ('.. he thitters !iini>ieif th.-it he will be -.li!e to 'jise siitisfaction to liie.-e who may favor him with tiieir compa ny. Hi- rooi.is are l.-iig'* :ind airy. lie h-M l;ir;re and eouveiileiit .si.ibles. !ind a gootl aud laiiiiiui (.Istler. John h.vum '.n. Feby 17. 18o2. 0'>tf ^ AM ret-eivinz a much l.-irger .STOCK OF « G'lOD.s than usual, consialing of a com plete ass'.rtmeiit of j)rv Gooils, (.JrocM‘i('s, Hardware and C’ut'uTV. —.\iiii ng which m;ty be found— Ladies' line Dress (ioods. l>onnet«. :ind nii ;i'»i’rtiiieul of Dre.-s and Doiihei. '1 rimiinngs, ol liie i.itcst styies. —AL.so— Jllli.*, Cup!^, IJoo/S tul Sltot^, Negro Dhinkets and Ker>;ey>. Dagging and Dope, with a large supply ol Ui.ADY-.M.VDK I i.oTDlNG. .All fif the above Goods have been recently purv-!iK5>e.r, an.t will be sold low at wholesale or retail. AV. F. MOOP.K. Ma-it Corner IVL-irket Souare. 2;:if IL Septtmber DDANSON \ .SON. -If 'FiiC St*iini('r I’anny Lntlorloii 1. (ila ,, Putty, Tooth and Hair Drush- i will in fulure leave Ksiyettevilie on Tuesday and y l'''t:i.sh, e. I Friday mornings, at (j o'clock, and Wilmington |l'r. ' 't - re given to the preparation of | Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12 o'clock, and jyi, ^’•■'■-criptious aud Family itecipes. ; run regularly, tarrying freight aud passengers ■ ‘*•1’''-’. f.tf 1 with ilesiiutch. llldnl- 14/ ; ; LUTTLKLOH. n ur rants for sale here, j juiy 22, ib52. SCOTT iS: nA!d)WlN, Merchrtfit Tailors, Imi'oriers ot Hoisery. ( loths, ('asslmeres aud Vestings, and Dealers in Keady-wade Clothing of their own sirierior manufiicture. V\ilniiiigton, Sept. 11, 18.>2. 2i-tlJ ^^T.VGH leaves VVAIIS.VW hiily rival of the cars, wiy Dl o’clock on the ar- m., tind arrives iu Fayetteville at p. rn. McKlNNON ^ McNKlLL. A].ril 12, 1852. ^ltf_ Land Warrmits Wanted. fBlIIK liighe.st Cash PBiri-;H paid for any B number of Land Warrants, for a North ern concern. . JN(3. M. ROSL, Ageut. Fuyotteville, Aj'ril 14, 1852. b2tf S'L'Aiili Ov. \v 1 j ..i. 1. V\i W HOLMS \l.ll DllALKKS IN iiitif SPotitfSiic £>i' n.w oi'fc'aiu'.i-'/r. Tayetteville, W. C. .r. n. .STAHR.] [j. April 28, iS')2. Sept. 'i 1S.V2. .ISAESV lo iiccommotlate a few M. \VJLI,IAM^ htiti' 1!.L be til-ei iJo.'i r.ier-. She als'i iiiioiii.-* hor friends aud the public t'lnt she iiiieiio.s lo cuj-vy on the Vmsiness (d .Maiilii.-i-makiiig. l ayejtveiile, Sept. 4, 18a2. 2i!tf Siijier Di-ick. P.rown, (Iret ii .md Dlue Cloths; Sup'r Dhick Doeskin f.-iiuy Cas.-^inier.a; Silk ' plu.'h and velvet Vestinc*;. isoiiie very line;). Dlack. white and colore.t Graiiadin Satin and ! Lnglish Silk Veittings; Fine Cravats; ('ollars; i:c. .\nioiigsl oar Laiiies’ Drcts (.loodo ;aay be : fotllid Plain P.i'k Cro lerhiue. and black, figured and wat. re I Siik; rich Drocadt* do.; ]>lain and figiii-'-i .lo.; rich white figured do.; plain while ‘^:itiii li. i-.-nce. tvc.; Printed S,.tin Cashmeres; Paris ]>rinted K'.bes; F.ng’ish, I'reiicii aud Anier- icaii priiite.j Delaiiis: small figured :ind highly ^ colerefl I'elains for childn-ii; Knixlish iiiul French ■Merinos: coiorcd fl.iuiiel; (!l:ice Poplin; A ictoria and T.irt.iii Plaiils; colore.l .Vlpaca »'ohurgs aud ^ Lama Cloths; Dlack Doml.azilie, (.s.ime extr.i : tine:) Daick .Alpac,-i.s. Silk and Cotton Warp: colored Veiveis for children: Scotch, French ^ and .Vmericaii (iiiichauis and prints: Shawls; Mantillas; Gloves; Hosiery; Silk, l.amb's Wool and .Merino Shirts and Draw«-i-s: a handsome : assortment of iiibboiis, Iringes, (iimp aivl t Velvet Trimniing>; .Swiss, .lacoiiet, .Stri]>ed ! and Plaid VDislins; .Swiss aii.l .laconet i.dging j and liis.-i-iings: Infant's Fmbroi.iered Waists, i luilies aii'i Cai'-: French-worked Handkerchiefs, Collars aii‘1 I miersleeves; Deal i lirea-.l Lace aud Linen lldging: Lisle and (’i.tfon do. With a full as.->orti!.eut of Doniiets. Hats, t'ap.s, p..lilts. Siloes. I'mlirelias, Parasols, with niaiiv other articles not eniimerateil, making our assortu:ent one of the largest an.l best we i have ever otD red our friends aud customers.— ■ So we invite them all to call as early as con- j venient, aud exaniiiie f'^>r themselves, as we ex- . peel to sell as reasonable as any otiier house iu | the trade. ' Fast corner Market Sijuare, aud No. 1 Greene Street, Fa\eltcville, N. ('. ALMX'K JOHNSON .• ('0. September 10, IS.'rJ. '-Til 1-: are receiving our FALL and WINTFI! V ¥ GO(^DS, coni-^isting af a large stock of MSitnfiVnri' «unl Including Turpentine Tools. 1 nr. b.-md. hoop, | i-ound, a 11.1 sipiare D'on of all .!• scriptimis; Ger- | man, .American, Lnglish and ( ast .''tecL 1 'i'lii: e:n(.lisii ioki^s, ]] it/l ('n/trol A'.fCJi. JJJi’K.ilA of Jlih'ori’. J\( KHll.se JyOl't, You IK/'s Tlifii'jlits, n ml rliOiii^iOli'U'lt/c Ollll Cnfiriil I'll I’rut. il(tl5i'.l!r ]>(JYD. PabU.Htd hif -1. *S'. Itril lU S tD (Jo. fKMlM jiublisliers beg leave to eomtneinl these' SL annotate.l editions of .Milton. V onng ami Thoiiis.iu, to the jmrticular consideration d' In- strueters, and of ali who are eoncerned in .se lecting books for Distri-t .ScIkh.iI «nd oilier Li-* braries, as valu.able text books f«)r Schools, and desei-ving of a place in every l,iiii-.-iry, ]iuldic Hud private. They cauuot better express their own viev.-.s of the peculiar ex'ollencies of ihesy editions, than Viy copying a portion of the in-' troductory observations of the Editor, prefiiciJf lo Tiiouison's Seasons. •■Dl this age, when the press is Cfivering ou»-' Ifind with a frivolous and [leri.icious iiterature,- theie is great danger that the rising geueratioH will loo much neglect, if not entirely lose sight of those noble and .-olid pniductions of tlie P»rit- ish .Muse which have >.ecu familiar to tlieir pre decessors—the jioenn i.f Milt.-n and '10111',g, i.T Till msoii aud Cow per. These are woi-ll.y not of a hasty pernsnl only, but of fi-eiuent an.l J rof'oiiiid study—e.-;peci.-illy by the voiing—for the v:iried information which they c. nt.-iin; for the learning ami taste auil high fir.ler of geniin which they di..jplay. aud for the eminent strvieo which they are adapted to afford in the proper culture of the mind and of the heart.” Not only iu the school-rooni. iu the fainii/ circle :i!so. tiie productions of thc.se liistinguish- ed autlioi'S, exjdained an.l illustrated, are mii.-li needed, ilvcry taii.ily Jdi.rary, and every Dis- irict School Library should contain a Conimen- taiy ujioti .Aiilion, utii! Young, and Thomson, adhpted to the wants of the mass of readers. To these some of the j.rincipal pot ms of Cowjier should be adde.l: and the publishers lu.j.e in the couise of a lew inonlhs to get out aii annotated edition on the syiiie jibiu as the above, in the prej'.aralioii ol' ihis tue same editor lieir.^ now engaged. A. S. 15AIINL.S i: CO., No. 51 John street. New York, Publishers of the “Natioual seriea- of St:in.lartl School P>ooks.” Sold by E. J. HAI.L ;SOX, raycttcville. October, 18o2. l52-4t ~F.1LL SI3l7i852. DHT G-0035S, n,iizsi HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AKD SHOES.. /” E AUK now receiving our Fall Stock,. to which we buyers. August 2", 18.'^2. invite the attention of ll.VLL SACKET'i'. lU-tf *» a. Liivery Btal>le Sus’ness^. rS^HK sub.scribcr intends carrying on the' fe. above bii.sines as u.?u,i.L Ilaving addeiS cimsideralile Stock, he will be able to accom-- modate the public. Thankful for past favors^ he solicits a continuance. J, AV. POWERS. Jan y 20, 1852. 5Sif Pr/rER P. JOHNSON A.just rcceit'ed from New York, the* 1.-ir-- gcst aud best selected stwk of Foreign’- , aud Domestic j!)rv (Joods, Sliocs, Ron- I nets, Ilarduarc, I'utlerv. «.Vc., : That he ever offered f.»r sale; a'll of ^hich will’ 11)0 soM at the lov^■est market price. His friends ; .-ind all w ho wish ‘o buy are respectfully invited* ' to call and exnmine the goods and prices, j August 20, 1852. 2Ulf ]iedic:kd 1‘ARK. IH Rorc. Ticket-! between Wilniintrtim. N. Cfd/inet Vnrnitnr(\ ( Iinir.'i, 4'r. H'SHK siib.-*criber is receiving the large.st as- .1. sortment in his line ever before purchased rgiH ROrC. Ticket-I between W ilniintrtim. N. | ^1,^. Xorth, which, together with his own nian- ■ and Daltimore. Fare Via Wei- ■ ,if„ctun;, makes his Stocit very complete, con- don, Pelersiiurg, Dichu'.J>titi, imd AVnshiugtou siating of City, or via Weldon, Portsmouth and Norfolk. (Jh iirs Tild'«, Sofas, ]>edstea(Tj», Wasb For Tickets apply at the OftiVe ^ the Wil- I IJt.roau^, Lookin- ^Jhi.sse.s, mington ami Kaleigh Ua.l Load ( ompany, at - ' li.,;irda, Secretaries, .to. FI KI (>01' R (>01'1N G. i'Tftstris p , SL.VTE AND METAL KOOFEU, i^c., ilollovvand W oodcn \\ arc; l>«)f>is 1 aNKFI L for pant favois, begs to calf mington Wilmington, or at the Ollice of the Daltimore j .. . u . u *11 /* Steam I’acket (^ominiuy, and of the DaJtiinore j All -whtch will be sold on the lowest terms for and Ohio Hail lload Company, i’ratt Street, Cash, t»r oa siioi't time to punctual ciistomers. I JOliiS >N • i>AKh*ivr jZTi&CZ w-ts I and Shoes; Saddli's. Saddh'ry i and f.eatlier; ilats and (’aps; Stapli' !)rv (ioods; with our nsnal iu'avy stock ot' Country Merchants who I'urchase in this place would do welj to call aud examine our slock. J. & T. AVADDILL. Sept. 15, 1852. 2otf “ z]:vEi7niromT SALKM. N. C. fH^HE SCBS(''IIIBER h»>-inglately .fit. completed evtvnsive additioiw; to liis house, twkes this mefhrKi of iafovioing his friends, and th« tra velling community generally, that he i« now- prepared to acGoiiimodate them in ft superior style, Tke entire house. beddin|t. nnd furni ture of every description is new wid cl»«n, and no pains wiil be spared to make his guests coB*f*irtable in every respect. All the btages stop .'it liiis House. A. T. ZEVELY. Balem, July 21, 18*32- ll-4mpi ^ public ntfeution to .sL.VfE EOoFlNG, done on the most ajiproved j.riticipie. making roofs lighter, tighter, and more durable than the old way of sheeting, effecting n saving in lumiier, »m1 greater security against fire. The Ion- price Bt whicfi .‘'Isie 1{oofs are no-w oflered will compare faTorubly ^itn any otiier kind ol fire-proof Koof.np. .SLATE CHIMNEY riPEl5 made to any pat tern. They i*re an exeellf-nt remedy for smo- 'Kiiig chimneys, and seldom fail to effect a cure. fgtjf" Tin an.l Copper (iutters. Leade.- Pipes- and H*itds, made to any pattern, and every kind of fire-pioof roofi'.g put on or re[»aired in th».- best manner, on re.isonable terms. K. S.. in solicitirtryour patr(>nage. feels con fident of giving entire satislHCtion in all cnse» wh»»re * thorough knowledge of his business is- re]uired. fayetteTille, Sept. 1852. u KDtXL’s”R1 :p( 7r rs. W rST piihli»4ied. V«l. 12 L«w, and VoL T Equity., price $:{ and These artf -m(»ll volumes, in consequence of the Keporto nmking new arr.ingements for publishimr. Buuud vols. exchanged for Nos. as usual. £. J. HALE. ^ SUii- Dm. iSul..- 24 V