LI SEMI-WEEKL Y [VOL. 11.] l*UlNTi:i) liY .1. 1?. XKW15Y. KDWViU) J. HALK & SOX, Kl>lTORS AND IMlorUTKTtlHS. Y - *'.r I’.u' J^emi-V»’oekly Ouskuvku •'r^l 00 if jiaiil in ’>0 if paid durinji the vear .if suUfii'rij)- i- ii: '!■ -'r'= ist'tor the year has oxpiriMl. j- • till' >\ ookly Ohskkvku !?’2 00 per iuiiuiiii. if j>:u'! in . 1 uiK’o: •'i'- *>0 if I'iii'l Juritig the year nf svl1l^i^•^;p- .ii: '•’ iiftcr the year has oxiiireii. \1>VM1!T1SKMKNTS inserted fcr sixty cents per ;U. r' of 1'' lines for the first, and thirty cents fur cacli . Ii: I'U •iioati>>n. Yearly iidverti^fnicnts liy spe- , • ■. iifrai ts, at rcnsi-n.ible rates. Advortistrs are ■0 u''t^d tr. ;’ate the number of lnserti*'iis tle.-irod. ur wi'.I >H‘ i ";itiuued till fnrbid, and char'ied accurd- : _ Letters t>) t!ic IMIiors naist be jmst-paid. Noriri:. /f 1 ANldlvVri'.S for admissiiHi inti> the Kreshn'.!;n i'!ass next Jniuiary will be exaniiiiod on the fir-^t I'hapters d I’ieree's tU-unu'try—or its e«inivalent: ! :!.|i -:itt*s f'T the Sophiiniure ('lass, in July, nn the v ^ i'.f if tieonietry. These i e'luireiiieiits will l)e in .r-; II fi> th"se n«Av made, because of u elianire in the , ; oi Ji'bji'fls taught in the Mathematical Depart- )ii-:it. :'.7--t i.rt. -J-J. K^-V2. H.Ails'. C'Ui ■■■ i n sf’iii.' lijll UcjTiil » 1,M I ;;; 'it ■’riiicii>eB, .Jeiisiy I.itid, ■> i’lriHtMf V’.’l, It l’;ineti'!:irf, • ■ iinnui'stn. La ( elebradn. K'T sale by )r;. ::i». ls;V2. ' \l-‘S! ( UiAMs: in. III u.ilia'. Aiilbii sl.-. '2 Ut‘!l i'r:l.:Ai’n. •jiiiKi Voiunfer't. I’oiK* Mori'iiita. t llAS. I’.AMvS : '.tf o KA( ON. Sir-r.S and .hisf n-i‘i .iii'l f-,>rs;ile bv ( .-M*K x .!>l!NSON. - i. liAC’OX AM) LAUD. ^^nLLlA M M.u lNTVUl-: .fTeis f-r sale, w U*,7*’'> Lbs. prime I'Ai’stN. in r>b'.i. Cleur Mess r.b’.s. Leaf L.VllD. ■ r 1 ^ :I7-'i\v .11 > r Ki'A i:i\i:i), • i:a( -N. l! S'.ipcM 'r \LL. in p;i'T. 1>. ,v \v. Mri. vi |;IN. ( llAi(LKS liANUS hi' I'all and \Vi:,ti.r .'^t *;4; .r: ■•f .1 M- I’runi-^. l*i:nu--r 1‘ • > n. •'It !!, .f G ’I>S N-t = Nut I'.:!- ' -r ]• •‘ill bbis. .•m l ' ■\I s ? ! ii--nds r.utter, .'■•i.-.-ir mid ’ ter (.>;n ' : s. ■ iia and T'riiicipe \V..rcoster Sau,-e. ' 'ti rs. l^ates, e iii 1 fiuava .L . . ;iii p-i'l.i! . ii ■ i'^ . i itie Apli'e ali«l IVa-h*—. Mai";: I ; I'ilic Apple ri,I’i—: iv. s . aliiiiis, t'l.iiseiv! iiMiu'T. l.i (ilMrii-e, cve.; wb'u ;i wi’,; be '• - "''tt \'M\ \M) (iLA.-'r WAlii:, ; I ■_> . . i .T t'' 1 t' IIT.try I' -T rooK vv .jiJllN.'- >N. :;i; :U ;t i'! 1 : .r a C tr ls.iiii bin". •o to 1 !|f‘ jiff- •r f'.r a l” iT.'-. K' ! tV. in t..- Jone.-'.' in tl.e .tl: \ St.-ind reci'iitly ■ 1 have a lar.:.*- and Ctl-4t •ui'icd by .). •licral sti ck. rAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 28, \S'y2. It()(' K1' IS11 Sill'. l','l’I N (: s, \ the bule or half bale, for sale bv C. T. IIAIGII & SON. •luly l;;. 18.-.2. Ktf .4 l'0!{ SAi.i;. N!’W i2 !!i>rse ^Vapon. July l:i—7-tf J. I>. WILLIAMS. W ivS I'EliN HAC’ON. HMDS, just received and for sale bv T. S. LUTTlillLUH \ «'(). 1.18.VJ, ictf FALL AND WINTEIl 8TOCK OF STAPLE cV FANC Y DRY GOODS, B'oi* I S.TO. SHAVK Just received my Stock of STAPLK .\NI) I’ANl'V 1)1!V (i(KH)S, ‘for tiie Tall and Winter tracie, ctuisi.-itiuir in pait as fnllows: Cb'fhs, (\-issimcres and Vestinjrs; plain, bl'k and fifr'cl .''ilks; l.ancy do: bl k and col d I’lcncli Merinos; F,n;zlis!i , do: Itl'k and col'd Alpacas; French anti J’.n^lish jirinted i stuck, as it is one of the l:ir;rest ever ■ ffcrel NKW AND CIIKAP (JOOIIS. B.\M now receiving my usual assortment uf TALL (iOODS, all (d‘ which has b> en ]>urchaseil f.>r (.’.asii, by the packafje, which will me to sell at uncom monly- low j)rices. 'I'/ic I (I rarest Stoch of( fO/)ds ever offered .r ns: In addition to my usual stock, I have purchased a ' Iar;re ha o" lleady-niade Clot'ning. wliich can be sold at very low [rrices. outitry merchants and others ai c iiiviteil toexani in‘ July T()NS S'vedc! by Aujrust L’li. IS.'2. IKON, iissorted sizes, for sale P. r. JOllNSO.N. 2litf nil: i'i:Li:!ii!Ai'i:ii tini imti;\t « HTov r; is for sale liy the Subscriber in llalei^h .and I'ayctte- \il!e: in i;»lei;.di at his Shop on Fayetteville Street, and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M. Campbell s. 1 he Subscriber hereby forev.ani-' all persons from purchasinjr any ot these Stoves fii ni anv jiersiiU either in or out of North (■;ir.,iina. except Ir.iiii himself or las duly authorized A-ents. Me has purch.-ised tlie evclu- si\e ri;_;!t t> vend tiiis .''t.>\e within the St.ite. .and v. ill pn sv'cute !i;iy pt ison inti in^injr his rijjht. either by pur chasing. st!l;n^. I r usin;j:. any except those obtained from hii; -loSKI’H WOLTKIMNC. (i>tf Kaleijrli. Apiii T.'. I"-' Ni:v> r S T n !' undt r'i - lic 1 a:- Ja. MOCi^.pf (iOODS. II' tin FALL «%«» e» 'ons;:-iin" of n full a--ortuic!it of Lauii ' aii'l (>I'litk iiu ii > Ih'C'S a lar>;i.* Mi}'idy !'{■ l!i':!lv-iiunio '-'!"t!iiiiir, Hats, Caps ;ml JS'iini. t'. a Iai ;_L‘assortment ot'Boots ;mk1 Shoes, 11;!ni\v;irc. tirnceiii-', PniLTs am! 3I(.Mlieiiu, -■ rv. Criifki rv iiinl i la.-sware, (tumiv 'iitr and V.' Uojic. ^^ails, ■II, '.r fi :' n Is au'i tlr.‘ pMl.lic to call aii'I ex amine I'iir >to,-k; if is LAItOF r.iid will 1 e sold on ac- c-nini'idatin'.: t'T!!is. ,L I’. («;I.N,1L CAIN. Auv'i^t ::iif V> PeI.ains. (some embroid‘red and very h.aniLsoine:) Me i iuo Shii'ts and Iifawers; V, ool .'shawls; Cassimere and 'ra]>e do; Flannels; Worsted Caps; !Ionnct", S.-icks and Muffs for ('hildren; Ne^ro I’dankets. and a few {rood b.-d l?!:inkets; (’arjiets and Heart!) Kuirs; l'’rcnch and .\iner- can I’rints; (liniihains; bleached .and brown Ilomestics; Osnaburirs; NLalbro tioods; bl'k and col'd ('utton V«dvets; Velvet Trimmiufrs; J.aconet ami Swiss Muslin; Mishoi> and \ ietory Lawns; J.aconet .and Swiss l'!dirin'js and In- sertinj^s; Linen Trimmings; Cotton and Lisle i'dsrinjfs; Infants' Waists; Fringes; (iinips: I’icnic Mitts; Cloves and Hosiery; Uibbcins, Ilonniis, (iirls Flats and Straw Trinimini; I)am:isk ai:d Merino. Also, a goihl assortment of Slioes .and I’oots. for L.a- ilii'S. (ientlcmen. lioys. (Iirls and ('liiMren; tojjether witii many other articles not enumerated, makinjr my stock complete; to which the attention of niy friends and tiie trading public generally is inviteil. (iratt ful tor past favors, I hope by olfeiir.^r goods at reasonable rates to continue to share a j>ortion of public patronage. Nortii-Wost (.'orner M.arket Stjuare, No. L’, (Ireen st., Fayetteville, N. C. 1*. SIIKMWKLL. I’. S. I keep Constantly on h.and a good assortment of Salem Cassimeres and Kersex s. Scj.t. 'J.'), l.'-"".'J. •J'.'-tf Hats! l!n(s! (('dps! />.')')/., tV S!i)( s! FILL 1\!) VilViTll IsTOlK. !ii:)2, rp’tllL Subscriber has reeeivcl one of liie largest as- H. sortments in his liin‘ th.-it he ever oftired in this market: to uhich lie wmild call the attention of his trieii'I.' .anil :he public in general, .\mong his st i.-k ma\ be found nearly ever_\ styK anil ijuality that can be found in this market. lie woul l say to all tlMse desiring g"i,.!s in his line to giv(> him a call, as !.•• is deteimiiii' 1 to sell low lor Cash, or (n time to puui tti.d customers, nt wholesale or -etaiL .I()1'N C. '1'11(IMSON. Old .''taud. South-West Corner Market S-juare. Se>'t. L’-'., -J'. tf in this State. Sept. ;:o. is'.2. •LV.MKS KVI.K. ;iitf «//>/ rccarcd^ per St (timer i'dntnj^ Kerseys. Jeans .and ISlankets, I’askets and 'I'l'bs. assorted, Itowland's Mi 11-."'.aws. Anvils, Hellov.'s an l Vises, 7-') Kegs Nails, Class. S X 10 and 10 x 12. I \\ hite Lead, I Linseed Oil. 1!1;NI’.0W, KYL1-: vV CO. Sept. 2(. U'-">'2. ootf 5®rat*c «fi' :idv:iEEC(‘fL E^I'.HSONS v.ho have maih' contracts willi .J. F. Jor- dan \ Co. fi.r furnisiiing ItA(iS, .are hcreb\ in- j ttmned, tiiat wi* will pay cents per lb. on all Cottin I ll.igs, Kojieand l!agging, delivered to tis after this date. ! H. iiliANSON \ SON. i .^Llrch 11. lS.'i2. 7'Jtf riMi:-: St.-a I TKKI.ol imer FANNY LFT- KI^OM will i:i futui-o le;i\' F ayet teville .>n Tues!ay and I'l'id.a v mornings, at •’> o'clock, and Wil mington U sdays and Saturdays at 12 o'clock. run rcgnlari.'-, carrying freight .-md j assenirer,; with T. S. LFTTKlt 1,011. Stf It spatcli. July 22. 1.'' VAI.l AISI.K I'UOl i;u rv lor Sill.'. nilF. .'^ub~'l iiier havini: r*'moved to Ter.nessec. de- 'iiC' t' l:sp'Se ..»■ ills rc'i'lence and lands in the Ni' i;iity 'it F:. . ettev ille. He therefiirc otfers lor sale, on a-:. o!i.:; .d;.ting terms, his rcddence at llt'SK lilLL. ai.d tiie tr.' t ; ' lO .-ici-. s ..f I,i:i'i :;tt.iched thereto; and the .\Iv.. . « i arm tr.act “i 1(m;u acrts. adjaceiit t.i tlie t- rnier. Frcxi.'US adver:'. enn iit - l.;,v. 1 s -ri’oed the residence iii:A'rm:ii. \ I'lN I'.'s.'^ Lea.i:er, Ca!:'aniLtioat Lining and P.iinl- in'.T S^l;lS. i'or s;lie bv S.‘ T. HAWLKV \ SON. September 2o, ls-'-2. w 11 77,’.'’ I*r')f Itrr.s'' Su nmhoa! (\)!)j) "W S prcj'.'ire 1 with Steamers lirnilf r.'~" and •• i)ri.;//.is.' Da .iii'i ;i : ;i '.eiU''nt ofto e.irrv with .li pat. h a’.l Fi'.'lglits shippcl by t!;ei>i. b',-tv.een l ville anil 'Mini.ngton. or t'l any intevnie:'>‘ h.K'iiti'. onlheili' er. .loILN liANKS. Ag t, V. ihi.ingjon. li. .V . McLAl lil.N, .Vg'ts, Fii_\ ettON ilb.“. Sept. 1^, l.''-'2. US-.,Ill s rouA(;i:. lTK have commo.Ii.ius brick ^\ an honsos in the r "four .''fi re, in which e stole cott.'ii an.I • ther |iiothi. 1>. i\ U . .XicLAllllN. Nov, 1. IS.'.l. ;;7-tf an.l Iai;ds i t' • ir ;i'l\.'int,i; furtl,' r iii' -M I iti. u l an . ' ]|,iul>'\. \\;i.pi.,is luil I' .u.r IVrs..: it Irom s.’il tl.o W. II. A-:g, I-'2. i l K! !:N TLM I; 111 : b-. • -.:rv i£L^ .'ind ^ !o -cr. .■■.nvenient to the V. s -lesirous "f Mr I.iac P., pr.'perty iu!;mn. 21 i.AND FO!i SALi:. •! ' •! L,\Nl) ' :i .lames (’reek. >n yprev.i Cri'ek, in CniiiIierlau'L ter:i I'iank II..a.i. heavily timbered. .•iii'l a'lniir.iMy adiq.ted t' ,\ppl\ at this I’.iice. N'.v.’L'-. tiiC makin;i ol 'l urpentilie. Sltf L.\N1) lOU S jA coi;t: \LK. - otFered i'. r snle. lining '-!2't acres. l> ing •>' mile wet of I'ay- etti \ille. I,i-;.r the F, .V W, I’lank L" i l. a.lj..iidng Mrs, N -tt aU'i otli.T-*, with a god.l 'l.velling aii'l > ther neces sary "Ut-ii !'s, v.ell V ;itcre.l aii'l hea.lthy -ituation, .\p|i;> s. .-n to I*, (i, Mi'Dutt;e ii! Fayetteville, or to .1;.-, !!. M 1 . :i t!; - j remis;-.', ! r particnb'rs. .lune 'J... ; ;5-tf W/ ii3Ux i' ! II r i wiro. rios. .''In • -■'1'; >1-;, iVc, Al-', Fnr'i-!i 1 l)'>nii-'-ti!: LitjU'T^. I ■ ' ~e’,l I 'W to* rs or t : C. K, LKL'l L. 2 doors Fast of the Market lb ii'C, t -1 1 v'2_ o'tf NO ru'i:. ~ • Ine-day the 10th day of Nc'vembr next. I > ■ Her for s.'de mv land in this c unty, c 'nt.iiu- .t ,'«IX Hl NDRHl) AND KIC.HTV : 1C res in i^ne i ,.(• kind Ii. s on the south side ..f L.iwer Little I •• ■ i\ ii. ; t.i the ’.veil known and oft ■ i i . !i .'j.r,.iur-," w'.eie (v bo.-u'.iing house miglit • • i1 u itji jiiMiit to the ort uer. in.e. 1 wiil sell my stM-k of all kind', I ,■• t'-rii.' w,.; acci inii'odttting and will be made ■ 11 on V of A, n. McFAliVKN. , u'nberlaTr! C'lun-y. llo-t-; ii. 4^ \\ . McJiaurin jr Pf W’F just receive'l, in ad liii'in t.j their former is .'t' ck — ; I :;gs NAILS, l‘i hhds, .'^ugar, b .!s, Crannlate.J ditto, ' ■! Coflee. ■'1 - Imndee Tagging, 7 . C innv (.’loth, c',;!s l;„, •' tons Swedes find Lnglish Iron, 'I keg.-: pure and extra hite Lead, ■ o boxes Win.l.jw (ilass, b' bags Droj) and I>uck Shot, -•'i ke^,s FFF(> I’ow'.ler. —,\LS( )— L' tf and Crushed Sugars, liar and Fancy Soaps, .'l.'H'kerel, in barrels and half-barrels, .Sjiiee^ l’epp‘-r, (linger. Snuff, Indigo, Madder, ' 'ii i:r..wn. Salts, Saltpetre, Saleratus, Nutmegs, '• f, r;,,vi-s, Veast I’owdeis. Sperm Candles, &c.: with '-i^ral a •sortiiieiit of I.iKV (I(K>DS, 15001S AND 'I'd,', llAItliWAUi: AND Cl TLLKV. "f "tb r the above (joods at low prices, for Cash or D. &, W. .McLAl'iilN. ■ ■ i;;. if^-'ri. 2-'.tf H //t. liowl(jn(J\s Mill Saws. Only BSii&'iai out in A. A. McKi/rHAN TILL ^^;s^ th iitinui s to c.'irry . ;i th'.- ( ,\ F. III .\(I I. 1-1 ■''1- n all it' branciies. at the rcinaius ot ii;s old I'l. o]'j.«isite Liberty Point. He returns ih.iiiks f .r lilier.d patronatre h* lu'.s heretot’ore recei\ed. .and l.i .]ie» 1. v strict :.t tent ion t> aii.l :i ile.-ire t.) give en'ire s,'iiistaeti..n. t.i m.erit a (’■'iitinuance of the same. ilaving kej't the greater portion ot’ his limbers at a .li.^tance from the manuf.actory. he has on hand a large :ind . il s.-ieeti'l lot (.1' thoroi.glily seasoned 'rinibcr. ot every .les. i ij.tion use.l in his business, w hich enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore nftw j.repare'l t.» d" any work in hi,s line iii the very best style, an.l on the most favorable terniji—as low as anv W'irk of the same .jU;ility in ,N. C. He has on hand, conijdete'.y finished, r>ar- uches, for i or 2 h r.srs; b r>.;ckawaj's. and 1-! l!uggii;s. Also, ne.irly fmislie.j, 10 Carriages f..r '2 horses: 20 I’.arouches 1 ami '2 hors(?s; 12 l!o kaways, and oO Buggies; All of wliieh aie of the most approved an l fini.-^h, and will compare with any work in the L. St.iti .s l-.r neatness and durability. H-avin!! been engaged in th(‘ above b;isiness lor the ]inst '20 M'ars. his woi k is w‘dl known, an*.! he relers to old cust' niei s for proof r,t it« ibirabiiity. A l-i-work warraiite'l icr 12 iiioiitlis, ainl rejiaire'l free of charge sh.iuM it tail by ba.l worknian- shiji or material. Avithin that time. I'v.i’Air.iNO execute.1 at sh rt notice, an.l on rea sonable terms, Jan'v 2i;, 13.V2. '>•' ijoo rs W D siioi :s. F ar>' receising a large st.. k ..f Iii itrr> ,\\ii .''Hoi;.''. endir.i' in-' every variety of st\ ie aid ipmiity a lajite.l t" the Fall and Winter 'I'ri'ie, ,\L.''0—'I'rave.ling Trunks an l Carpet I;,il'’s; Sho.> Fin.Lii.ur of every .li'^. ripti"!!, ,\ll i‘f uhich A\i:l be s..i.l hiw f r cash, or on time i'> oun.' cust"n:ef-i, Mer. bants in t .wn a:i l e. untry v.i-biii:' artiiles in our line, are in\ite.| to examine our sr.iek before pu: - ; chasing, S. r, II.VULLN .V .'-•i.'S. I S*’i !ember '2o. l'''-'2, 2''-'iw c’oi‘AiM'Ni:i{sim> NOrin:. | f S^HF. .'subscribers have tormed this ‘lay a copartner- I B- ship, uieler th** firm of Me 1 •'iN LU .X ,Mc.M.\S- ; TLll. tor ;lic :r.ins.ictioii of a general /!'irh r, (ii-'ii i , tj^ ‘Ut'f /‘I'lnsiiiii /h'suifsx; ! An.l expect to receive their full .''t.ick by the ■2-'>th iiist.. I at their .''^toie uii Ciilicspie .-Ireet, a few .lo.irs above the , .''tate Hank. J, K, ,'lcI>ONAL|i, | .JOHN L. ,Mc\l,\STi;it. F.iyette\ ill»'. ,\ug. 1>')2. l-> w AN'r oi- mom:v: 9' WlLL.-eil my SCMM/:!! tv. I'd: s ; lr.>m the Market, on the h ayette\iii.' .an.l \\vsi.'i n I’iank—one of the most d>sir;ible ai.«l healthy pbicc- in the county. -Vlso. 40 .'!iare of F:iyctte\ ille :in l Western Pb.nk Hoa.i St.'ck, and -lO Shares ol f ettev ;ile Hotel .■'t.u’k, ith the l:irgest st.ick >'f lleady-ma.le ('AltM \iLS and P.r( i(! I L.'s ever otfercl in this place—o\er ."s.ioro Worth--completely tinishe l, ,\11 of which 1 wdlsellat very reduced j.rices f"r cash or negotiabU' iM tcs, So little attention has been j.atd t.i tlie call ma.le bv me alter the lire of the 2.1 .iaii'y. on lie'se indebtfi t.i me to call and s'ttle. that 1 am iu'luci d to .dl.T tiie above pr.iperty at re'lu'ed prices to enable n.t' to rebuil.l my Carriage Lst.-iblishmeiit and continue my b;is;n' ss witli c iiivi-nience. I sh.'ill plai e'S in proper hands for collecti.'ii, if not iiai.l s.ton. 1 have;ill mv accounts ma I.-out to the A. McKKTH.VN. 77 If s'i'iv\Mi-!i sor'rni:iiNi:i{ ILL leave Fayt tteville evt ry We.lnes.lav an I Sa- tii! lay. at 7 (.’clock. ,\, M..;inl arrive in V^iil n.ingt'.n :t 7 o’l-’ 1’, ,M. ,\nd \\ili lea\e Wiimington every M..n.lay and Tliurs lay. .".t 12 o'cb.c';, .^I,. and ar rive in F,ivet;i vi!!e next m.irnin^, K, M. oi:i:i;i,L. A-.t:t, Ai'ril 2'-i. 1'.2. ^'.-tf W are now receiving much the L,\Il(iF..^T .'TftCK of mi¥ 1^00 si^. Hats, Caps aiid IJoniiols, Shoes, l^opts, I mhrc'ilas, d;c. Lver oliereil by us in this ))l.ace, to which we parlicu- larly invite the attention of Men hant.s, as we are de- teriiiini'd not to be nndersolj. STAl’.Il & V.’ILLIAMS. .\ugust 2-’>. 1 S.'i2. 20tf r;,VKl!LLS Fxtra family Syruj). () do. (due fur Distillers. r/)00 li.-irrel bungs. For s.ale by Sept, i;:, l.v,-)2. I). .V V,’'. McLATIUN. DiSSOIJ'J'lON. Firm of’ Leete .v Johnson is tiiisday ilissolveil, a by Iiiutiial eoi;sent, Thos. J. Johnson isaione .-lu- thori/ed to s.-'.tie the concern. ( HAS, K. [.KKTH, !. l>«o2. TllOS. J. JOHNSON. NO'ru'i:. r|’’HO.''F indebted theliriii of LeetCi^ Johnson, are res- K peetful’y re.iueste.l to come forward an.l settle their ' rcsj.ective dues. The business will be eonducte.I in future by the >in- ] I'.ersigne.l on his o\\n aecouni, at the o'd stall.1 near the j ' ape l eir ll:ink. where he liopt s to see Ids f.ld (an!» i FI! II, ,N 11."^. and the trailing public genera'h'. j He has on hand and will be recei\ing slioi tly. his FaM ; aii'i inter .''iiu k ot Dr_v (.ioods. (iroceries, Il.ardware, ' Cr.ickery, (.'utlery i';c. \c. ••■■‘i’ 'i’llOS, .1. JOHNSON. ! v\ AN'1'1,1) ro in KC'iiASi:, K15LS. .'piiits Tur]ieiitine, for which the j riees will l.e ji.aid in ('ash. T. S. Ll TTLitLolI \ CO. Auv:u't 1''.. l.-*.'i2. 17-tf I.\ ;!) FOR SALi:. fS^HK .''ubs'.-rilicr being anxi.'us to eij!icenti'ato his I bii^inev-^ oH'- rs for sale his farm on .VshiHiIc. ill I! bl son cunt \ . c.iTii,lining nearly ON f; I’ 1 lOl .S.V N D ,\Cii ii.'"^. troiii 1-'I'l to 200 (jf wliicli is ciiltiyati'.’i, producing c ittin ( xti'cmely v. eil. Tiie lialar.ce i.' wood- l.:n.i. ainl c insi'lercd some of the best land in the coun ty. (In tile premises are a dwelling and all necess.iry ■ ut h'lUses- two cotton gins, one by horse, the other by water. Situate.1 i;i as g lod a neigliborlioo.l jis is in the countr_\: a good s. ho"! now in operation under the care if the I’.ev. .M r. Mad loliaM. itiiin one-i'ourth of :i ndle of the .;".dliiig. From !•'> to 2'i hands cmiM lie protit- .ab’y ei.!)ii( y;d in laiming. It is also a go„ii loeati;n I’i.r il . I 'intry store, being fr-iii -!o tii "jO miles liist.ant Irom l’ayett‘.'\i!le a:; l Cli'-raw. the ni.-irket t..v»n;;. aii'l in a tliickly si-tt!e l coui.try, ,\ mriiier de- scrijiti.iii is deenie 1 unn.'Ci'ssa'-y. a-; a purchaser woui^ be sure to examine for himself, -\1 '. another tract. containi;ig -'’Od acres, lying on the wesr bank i f Lumber ri\er. beiiig gi .i'i furpciititu’ atel Timber Land, ami .-ibout s niiits Ir.nn the above dcs.-rilied land. T‘r!ns ’.vill be :;.-cuiimo.iatin;r. MEDICAL NOTICE. jl^H. TJ!(>S. I1,\LL respectfully of- .mJf' fers his pn»fessiuial services to.the citi-/.en.s of Fayetteville nnd its vicinity. He may be consulted at the Office directlj’ over the new Drug Store of iSanmel J. Hinsdale, South West corner of Market Square. .luly 2^'. 18.')2. lotf NO'i'lCE. ( epartnership of Henry Branson 8c Son is thi.s I day dissolved. Henry Branson will settle the business of H. I’.r.Mison .^L Son. II. lUl.VN’SON. October 11, ]S.'»2. :^l-ht m\ j^ToiuriM) m liooDi rg^Hi: subscriber has t^iken the Stand formerly occu- -SL pied by Sam’l .1. Hinsdale, Southwest corner of* Market Square and (Jillespie stre'jt, ,.Jiere he has open ed his NKW STOCK OF I'fsU tttif! (ioods. His Iriends an.l the j)ublic are reijuested to give him a call, as he is determined to scil very low. iS. S. AREV. Oct. 18.-,2. 3 I-('.m P]E!iCi:’S MA']'HE.\LV rics. K\\ FiDlTlON'S of I’ierce’.-i Plane and Solid Geom- etry; .\lgebra; I’huie and SphericfJ Trigonometry; Curves. Functions, and Force.s. voly, 1 ami 2. Just re ceived and for sale by E. J. ll.VLE & SON. Oct. 10, 1S.')2. MOW (iOOD8. rn'^HF subscrib ers have just received their Stock of -la- F.VLI,. .'.ND WlN'l I'ill (;oOD.''^ to which they call the attention of their customers and the ]>ublic general ly, being determined to scil on as got>d or better terms than any Store in the country. Call and see. Fl'LLKK .V: SELLFRS. Lumbert.'.n, N. (,'.. Oct. 12, 18.')2. Reeeit'cd ok C'onsii;nmcnt^ A ND for sale ciieap, ;>0 bbls. WHLSKKV. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May4, 1S-V2. 88tf NOTICE. undersigned continues to manufacture Spirits -W- Turpentine IIAUIIFL.S. Those nov/on hand guage 4!’ to 4 > gallfins, and are made of the best seasoned white or^k. Distillers wanting a g.iod article, will d>> well to call ami exandne. Contracts to deliver iJarrelu for the next twelve inontliH made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTERLOII. March 22, IhVi. 7r>tl‘ 15 A OS C( FFIIF, 10 hlids SI UAH, sale by -August L’b, 1,'“.'2. Just received and for P. r. JOHNSON. 20tf NEW .>L\C KEPvi'J.. r>r>LS, very line new Mae;;: re!. Also. .50 bblg. Herring. For sale by COOi'i TAVL(,iR. Sejit. 20, lSo2. ‘ 27-2m .Messrs. iiey .Vitold, MaeNair will show the bi .bihn i’ui'. M.\L d Duncan I’l i:C!'.LL. A CAKD. HI II I! return of l..w water renders it necessary that 1 the .'^tc imer ( l:atham should be employed as a tow ■a;. She wi;; i.ot run as heictol’oie, on any gular days. i;:i!il further notice. .1 No, i>. 'iW LLl ,\ M.''. ji't ('a]'e Fear K. Co. 'lav 12. l-‘'o2, ',‘.) tf NO I'Ki:. rSJ^Hli .Sub--,'liber v.:sliin'.r to removu to tiie west. b. ('rters to sell his ]iossrssii:;i:; in Moore county. N. (’.. situ:iteil on .hoiiprr Cieek. ■•'.ntaiidng Twelve Hun dred acres of l;ind in one boily. This land is v.ell • idapted f. r the culture of corn. cett. u ami wlieat; !• r turpentine it is not to be surpassed, also for pine; is ci'nvenient to two tur]‘Cntine ili.stilieries—one in .Moore, the other in Cuiiiberland. either not exceeding four (ir five miles from sai'i l.-itid; aNo. a siiliicieiicy of water to put a distillery mi t :e pretiiisc-;. \ good ilweliing and out houses on a high and he;iithy situation. For furth er particulars iiiijdy to the subscriber living on the preiiiisis. CoLiN McF.VDVF.N. C 'r ber 1"). l-'^-‘)2, ;;-',-Im RYE WlliSKEV. * Pli.MlBF.L.'s. a priijie article, just receive.l anti fur sale by W'lLLKlNGS & CO. —.A LSO—. ■'f' bags prime FF.VTHEllS. ‘pt. I-'), ]^’>2. HOOK lUNDEKY. W. H.\PiDIF has resumed tiie Hook Binding Ji&* lUisiiiess at the new Store iiest door to Mr. Beasley, Jfcwelk'r, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27 tf y/o.'r.^/A'/.vs'.v lirtirnl \\n!r W/ial. sever.d huhilre.l of tl.i-se W heels in oj'c- •nt counties in North Caro'.iii.a. l or ]iroof of their great advantages over thec.imnu n flutter rg^HLBK are sever.i -BL ration in ilitferei ithcr wheels miw in use for saw mills, .•fer to those who h:ne ap]iiied them to ‘ can r'commend them particularly f.-r in c.ise.s (^f ;i low head of water, or 1 st .)an'y 1 8,V2, March 2’.*, ls-’>2. HALL Cv UOIJJN(.i:U i C(jN’i’lN 1 I'i to carr_\ on the Fol NI>L\ l!l 1N 1..''.''. witli all its brai.chi'v, in this place. The_\ have j ad'led, within the la-t 'ix months. -"SKioo worih oi 1 at- j t*riis. and a ri* n* • w pr**pa re.I to 1 u riiisli .M11. rig li t .s i th .Machinery, at short notice, for Vdicat. Coin, linst, and . .''aw .Mills, j Sti'.am Mills reji;iired throughout. ; Our terms are cash on de:i\ery; 10 j'f r cent, will be ad'le l for every ;il> days au account may stand unpaid. , We c.iniiot carry on this bu.-incss on the creilit system, , neither do w c intend doing so. i HALL BOLLINCKU. j August 18, l'-'>2. I Nl-:w i 1 • ' /Z'^HF, Sub.scribers have formed a copartnership un-! B ii('r the name and style it A: And may be found at the foot of H.ay .Mount, in the house Ibrmerlv occii]iied by Hall iV .lohnsoii. ^ ^ They have received their F.\LL AND \\1NTLB COODS, consisting in part of Stajilc Dry (lood.', llartlwarc and Cutlery. Boots A; Shoes, Solo I.eathcr, IJa^'^ing, llopc, 1 wine, Hcv. Also, a gi.iieral :issortnient ot (iroeerics, inclii(iing a cdioice selection ot Li«|Uors. We keep on hand spun Yarn, from the Deep River M. ('«. at Factory prices. We will take in exchange for irools, country produce of any kind. ^ A. sti:dman. W. T. HoltNF. Oct. 4, 18.-)2. _ : S.MAM. A.M) 'I'Al.i,: C4>ni: co.tik ai-i... wheel, or any ■ we coniidently ri their mi'N. Wi their superiority'k w iter. e si!;! l.e.'ji a silpjily f Vi heels, s'.'it.ible ior dilb'r- ent iie;i'!s '.i w.iter. at i'mington, Ne^kbern. Washing- ti.ii. IMeiitoii i.ii'l Fayetteville. 1 he w iiee'.s may ais.i lie li.ol ot 1!, l.revard, l.incolntoii. and I'riah ells. I’eter-ibr.rg. \'a. I’er'oiis wi'iiing to obtain the right to use the whee’s. will be .-.•rv'.'d on application to D. .McNeill \ Co.. Fa^ette^iHe. N. C. D. McNFlLL, A, A. .McKI;T1I.\N. D. J. McALlSTLR. Feb’y 22, ISP.i tl’ AFFLICTED, RI'.AD! ll. IHH ,~i;, I'-iMlih-lie.l i.-| iijr.i, I'liriuT Ilf 'J’hinl ami I'louii Sir*ft.'. piur. \i>i'i.nii \ ,M. ‘ liy I'r. Kir.kelin. .\. W I’ll I olrll'lo'i, i; I'. O) V U ’TII ,\MI M \ M!t X >!'.— \ vli.f iis Hre nr ;i ti:p iii;:turi' (ii-iiili, Kii ki liii on Sfll I’re'erxau..n, 'J.i leitiN.-— ’rii'.» I.....K jii l (lalili'lK il, liUi il ,0. II'I liil inf..rMi:ilion, on llii- iiiliriiiilo ' .o il ili.i- .>e' i.r lh- haiiiaii i'r";iii', Il ail.lie"'' il'eli' aliUi* III \*-illli. 111.111 Ill'll.I .‘Hill iilii -li!*'. lo'il -.lioiil.l lie ri'.'iil li\' ail, 'III'' v.lil il'lv .'ilV'i'.' :;ii.liiniir. -.'i\e \\ ari.inj; il t'V.'s, u ill pre vent ye:ir- i.l iiii'i ry nml 'iiU'eriii", .iimI -ia\e aiiiiiially ihou .II live-, l’,.ri'iii', l.y ri^:iliiis it, ui!l learn li.iw l.« |irev iil ll.e ■U'-trii.'tliin 111'111 ir I'liililri'ii riiiiiit oii -J,"! re»! ini l.i-.fil in h letter, iiililn-i'i il to Hr, Kiiiki'lin. ,\, \V. riin.i r nt I'hiril iiiiil l iiioii -irti l-., I’liilail. ll'liia. will *Misure » liiiok. iiiHler envel.i|M*. per retiirii iimil. I*er'i'n>ni a ili't:ii;ce may mlilrcsM Or K, liy letter. (l"i'l p inl) ainl lie i iireii nt IJ.VlUrviNS! I}.\RC;a1NS!! i B N my rcccnt visit to .New York, my -S obi.-ct was to ^ret workmen ! an.l material fer the purpose of maniifae- | turiiig .“'ilk H-'its. Afler getting there, finding it diffi.Milt to get tirst rate workmen to cotiie Sotith. 1 gave uji the pri spect of pro curing any, c.mseiiuently purchased a large stock of .''ILK H,\T.'>. After making my purchase, 1 engaged a gentk'iiian as ]irinci|ial w..rkm:in. i\ioi came v\ell ri‘- commen'le.L He learned his tia '.e in F.urope; and tor t!ie last seven years he b.-* n i'toi'loyed i:,' a large maiiulacturing cst.iblislimcnt in the city of Nev.- Yoik. I then j:rocurc.l fashionabie blocks and iiiaterials, and am now fairiy at work rTlanufaoturing Ninety Hats per month, ,\ii.l will iiave some of them ready for sale by the 20th inst. In order that I may not be overstocked. I otl'cr for sale, .\'f COS T, my late purchase of Nos. 1st, 2d, and 0.1 (lUality F.VSH lO.N'.X BLF mlioiesiiisi M^ITS* Mercliants may s.ive money by j.nndiasing of mo. If you p’uehasc in New York, it is often a month before you receive them. 1 shall in a short time be able to furnish merchants Avith H.its of .MY O'vVN M.\M F,\( Tl liF, at N, York prices, to-wit; No. I at S'12. No. 2 at and No. 3 at SioO dozen. 1 take this oj'portunity of returning my thanks to my i i'.rmcr customers, and invite them an.l otlier "cll dis- , posed patriotic gentlemen, :ire in tavor ot SI. 1’- l’OB riN(i SOl TIIFKN ,M,\Nl FA( 'I'l l!LS, to give me a call on or after the 20tli inst., as I exj)ect to have : re-'idy for exliibition i'li'l sale Hats of my own manufac ture that cannot be sunaisscd in style and durability. 1 1 woul.l be please.I to see every gentleman, in coitn- Sed^^eiciek on Damages. A TRE.VTL'^R on the Measure of Damages, by The- -JaL odore Sedgewick, 2d Lditiou, revised and greatly enlarged. Also, further supplies of The Works of Daniel W'eb- ster, () Vol.; Wide, ide Worid; iJneccJiy; D.iys of I'rtice, by Crace ,\guil;ir; The Hainionist; Methodist Hymns; Discipline of the M. E. Church: School Books, &c.. for sale by K. J. HALE & SON. Au":, 7. MiLCH COW WANTED. A NY one having a tirst rate one to sell, will please apply at the (.>bserver Office. .Sept. 'Si. .Ml SIC. A LOT of new MUSIC, consisting of Songs, Waltzes, I’olkas, iNc. Benigna Waltz and ('ornelia Waltz, by ^Irs. M, M-il- lott; Sylph I’olka and Cuml>erland I’olka, by L. II. V. hil- aker. Just received. E. J. lI,\LIiI A: SO.N. TOPtACCO. rgHlE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on JaL manufacturers’ account, all grades of m.mulac- tured Tobacco. J. I’TLH^. May :)1, 18.:2. U-jtf of meilUines. Mml.ns a i try or toWM, and will take pleasure in exhibiting the ri milliiiii e. :ii!«l put up m i are In m il.'.iiiai;i’- l!....k'rlli r', N.'U'- .\'.;t'al', l rilli r>. » iiiiva^rrs, supplied wiili the almve uiirk at very low rates. I mi ) A. IL WHITFIELD, And if(t i/r>ti a (itin that trill earn/ a Ball! . subscriber has now on hand, and w ill sell cheap I pleasant Coaell 4* CarnaiXC Matiufaehirer^ J|^ for cash, his large ami well assorted stock ofain- .lul), IKiJ, a>iva:i£ o tapi.Ai 'iiT. j ./iiiiiulicr, Diiytfji.fiti, Vhronic or Si i t'ottx L\hdtt;i, Ihsen.fC of l/i)' h'liliK Ami all (lisFa'es arisin" I’riiiii a di.snnlrred l.iver nr .'^inmai li. such a-= (■iiii'tipatii.n, Kul|i;e~s. i.r lij.'.iil t.i tlie lle:id. Xc.I.lyiil tlie St.'iMMi'li. .\:iu>«:a. Ilf oil.arn, Oi-^tU't rii..d, TuUiiess .,r \Vei(!liI in 111*? .'^I.imacli, S.iiir Kriu Uili.'ii', Sinkii.” or I iiilliTiii!; at I II.' pit i.r the Slum iCh. S« iiumins ut llie lli-:iil, liiirr.ed Imlit nil Itri'avhiiia. Klutleiini: at the lli-.iri. • hukiiiK nr suiI'.chI- iii:: Seii-atioii- « h.'n in i lyiii" p.i-tiiri-, llimno.i ot \ i'iiiii, I’ol-. or'wi'lis lii the si”hi, l eviT. Iiiill p.iiii in llie Head, l*e- lii:ieny III rer-ipiralion, Velli'W e>s ol the ^kill and Kjes, l\iiii in the’.-''. Kn k, lie-1. l,imli>, 4ir.. .•-mlileii l lu-liesol Meat. Kurnin:: in the l-'li'>li. i;iiii>lar.l imaKinin):> nf Kvil, Hii.l tireat ol ^l int'!, / '.w I..'. Iti I III Iiu I'lire.l hy III! IK )l >i'(.A ,M)'S -KI .Kl!1! A'I'I'.I t ^ 1,I.!;.\I.\\ liirriMtS, I’ripind l>y It C .M the riiian .Mediciae Slore, .No, I'J.i .Xri'li Siieet, I’hihiiklphi.t. 'J inMr (MIW i*r ii\ IT Oil* ;ili.ive di^e;i'-e' is not e.xretled. il eniiHlIeil, liy ar) other prep:.r.;tion in ihe I'niled SiHte-*. as the cures attest, ill iie.ny r i'-e-. alter'killiil physii iiiiis had liiileil ’I'hese I’.Uter' .ire worthy Ihe atti'iitmn of it'V:ir.iN. I’lKsrssin" lireat virtues in the r**ct:tir.ilion ol disea'^e' iil liie l.iver aail lesser l!l;ind', e.veii'i'iiu: the ir.ost ,'«e.ircliiiii! pow.Ts in weakne-is iiiid at feriiiiiis of the diae,-live organs- they are willml, sale, certain, and Iliits, and showing the dili’erent prticess they pass through from the fur oil the .“-kin until ready for the head. DAVID CHE. Fayetteville, N. (', Oct. 0. iy.',2. oltf A NEW LWEN'nON. rglllE ttndcrsigned has made an invention d a .'■mut _H. Machine, which he will insure to be jif'rlect in the extr.'ietion of smut in whc.nt, and wishes t-. iiiiorni .Mill Owners that he is putting up machine? at I’liion Facto- torv, on Dee]> Uiver. ei.^ht miles North ot .\siit>orough, Sly Ttiachines are composed ot three uistinct jiiinci- ples, centrifugjil, scowering and reaction. It t.-ikes the wheat thrt.ugh three operations in going torough the mac'iine once. .-\ny persons buying a ni.a bine, after tr_\ing it, if it d.ics not cle.'in wheat, damp or dr\, I wiii take it back. 1‘rice Seventy-five Doll;irs. ,V11 letters iiddretsed to New Salem Post Otlice. Ran- dd]di county. FULLM.\N. Oct. 12, lV.2, M A11 il i ^ S ' i A CTO 11Y, i XOTK’H. i A LL jiersons imlebted to the Kubscriber for (joods put cha-wd at Floral College, are requested to make immedi.'ite I)a^ Inent, either to Mr. Hugh McAru in the I neighborhood, or to himself in Cheraw. ! D. B .McARN. Cher:'.w, Dec, 20, 18,')1. ;jO-tf HOTEf.. ■ ^B^IIE subscriber having jiurcha-sed the Hotel situatnl on the South-East corner (.f Court House Scpiare, i and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform t'ue I public that he is nww ready to accommodate boarders ! by the day. week or month. Having made eonsidera- i ble outlay* in furni.shing an.l refitting the Establishment, ' he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all who p:i- troni/e him. His Table shall be furnished with the ^ bt st the iiiarkct jiftbrds, his Bar with the l.est of Li- i i,uors, and his Stable with a jdenty of good jiroveuder 1111.1 tiuthlul Ostlers. J. A. (;ILC1IR1.ST. Jutie 20, 18-V2. 3-tf Ib''Z. full .']-lO thick, for sale hy BRANSON fi SON. l.'i-tf U. LK^SONS IN MUSIC. II. WIIIT.'VKEK w^ould ;-espectfulIy inform the '■‘tizetis of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he lias ' 'iiiinieiieeil giving LeaaoiiH on the 1‘iano Forte, "li. ids thanks for the liberal patronage hereto- "‘d. aipl humbly solicits a continuance d the WOL’I D resnectfully inform the public that he , gle and double barrel SHOl (il NS, ot the best still continues to carry on the above business and latest patterns. Also, ('olt’s Patent Repeatoig 1 is- MI nil its l.r inches He returns thanks for the liberal ; tols, and Allen’s Revolvers; Shot I otichcb, Ciauu l>.igs, in all its branches. He returns patronage he has received, and hopes by a strict atten tion to business, and ii desire tojileasc all anti gi\egen-- eral satisfacti(in, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and by experienced workmen: and should any ot it fail in twelve luonthti (with tair usage) either in work manship or material, he will repair it without chaige. Persons wishing to buy, would ilo well to Ciill and ex- itiiiine his work bel'ore jiurehiising, as it cannot be sur- ' ' pains, shali'bv taken for the advancement of! ]i;issed for style, el-gance, and durability. He is de termined to sell low for ca:-jh or on short time. Orders tli.'inkl’ully received and promptly attended to. HEP.MBINO neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fuyetteville, Feb. 2, Ibaii. Gltf r.r.Ai) ,\,M) nr. o,\vi.\«'K!). Kriiiii the lioston Kce. The editor sniil. Her, 'i-id— ‘■Hr, Moiitland’s Celehrated Ccrnian Hitters for the rare of l.iver (’oiiipl iini, .liiiimlii e. !)>■ |«'psiH. Climnic or .Vi'rvous .lehilUy. is de'crveilly one of the most [HipnlHr medirinps of the day. These IJilters have heen used liy ;hiiii-ands, ami a liiend at our eltxiw says he has him-elf rereixed iin eireetieil and periiiiincnt I'tire ol i.i'er Coniplaint from the iif ol thi.' remedy. We jirt: coiivincpd *hHt. in the use of these UittiTs. the patient ronstantly Cains streniitli ■'''ii'iti also given on the (luitar. ■'! ui..; tuned ami rejiaired in the best ni.inner. L. H. \>iliTAKi,K, ’-1, I8.'i0, U4tf Powder Flasks; Percussion ( aps; &c., &c. Rirtes of all kinds constantly on hand, and manutac- tured to order, aud warranted to shoot irom 10(J to u(JO ^ Persons wishin" to purchase anv* of the above-named i nnd vivmr—a r.n-l worthy of sn.- it rim.sideration. 'I h«'5 ='r? articles, will lo well to give me iv trial, nnd they may ! i- -.’n.and e ,n ne a~e.i hy persons u,.h the be sure to find the greatest Bargains ever ofiered in this town. Repairing of every tiling in the gun-smith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. RAKER, Sign of the Wooden (.Jtm, Hay Street, opposite the Marble Yard, Fayetteville, N. C. August 10, 1852. 17-tl lii'.ite -toin u-hs wilh .s-ifety. lonler any 'ircuiii'l:iiir. '- V> ’ sp.'jikini: fri’iii experieiire :ind to lhi‘ ntfliclcd e advi>e t u ir u-e. well to the in.'Tks of the (lenuine. They have the H ritten s;ee:itnre of C, M, .iMckson n|u,n the ■RrapiH-r, and the n.iiiK- h own in tlie liiiitle, w’.tliont which they are spurious, t nr sale, v. Imle- sale aiid retail, at the i- ;Klf>I,\.V .MnOIClNK PTORK. ,\o, UI Arrli Strei't. oiip door below >i\lh, l*hlla,, and hy re- spertahl.'dealers (lenerilly thr»iii|rhiHt »UeC"Untry, Also for SHle hy J, tayetleville. .N, — Wholel-.ile .Agents for Norlh »nd SttulU Ctkrolina, ll.-V\ ILA.NU, H.VltR.VL CO,, Charlewon,3.0. r • n •"i". * * h '•.'■..J iiv J>AU,S> TWO DOORS WMWV. r T. UMCi! a STORC, FayeitcvilBc, Jau’y -10,18o2. I ;S0,000 ll>«. ol' Kajfs Wantcfl. IWn.L pay oA cts. per pound cash for all clean cot ton aud linei’i R.ACiS, delivered to J. D. W illiams, : in Fayetteville. 1 am nearly ready to put in operation I a Paj-er Mill in this neighborhood, an.l am desirous of i getting my rags in this market. My objoct iis to pay ■ as much for rags as 1 can atford, and hope that I may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. I I have arranged with Mr. >Villiams to receive and pay 1 for all rags delivered to him. I>A\ ID 'It • j Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 1S.52. t>S-tt .NO'nCE. fWlIIE subscribers will offer for sale at public auction, ■ on the premises, on Saturday the l >th Non ember next the LAND and MILL formerly known by the name of Harris's Mill, situate on Rocky iliver—the A^and ly- int; on l>oth sides of the River, eight or nine miles fcouth- we*! of Pittsborough, and lu about two miles ot the^ intended pltink road leading through that section ot country This Mill l>as tin exceRent pair ot Burrs, aa eserllent Corn mill, and tlie bolting works were newly constructed last Summer with '^‘‘stings, and is in good order for making Merchant h.our; only ® main wheel is broken. This scat is r 'TorTkable foi i s fall and water power, nnd with a t..,:.; runs all the jcar. There is not a beti . .-oat tor at a c- tory of any kind in all tl.i.^ cotuno'. . s; ■ ^d bj, tii. in t of jtidges.) The terras easy and w ui l i- n.aoe ki'.'- on the day of sale. Any person uisoaig P'»r' would do well to e.xamiue me premises lor thti. previous to the day of ^ TII0Mr ->' N- Oct. 4, lb-32- -Jt

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