aaRflgHeeee* ";ii"xiw.agw wwte S 13 M I-W E B It L, Y tg- i»mu3BeBtiwgMWtqi ■ptpeB5gaMasTawi!MM>~^';ai:K.ij.mgiogi!ai ^BMeagBgapa T!t*;it‘a"w:L» jn i Auejct.ijj j*u«>. * j-a »!■« [VOL. ii.] FAYI:TTEVILLE, N. C., NOVKMHEII l, 1S52. [XO. 110.] :.:?ijag."u.«sr .Ti,a Msas^yyr? /nmrMgr.M/.v PlllNTHI) IJV J. H. NKWlJy. CDWAU!) J. IIALi; i SOX, El>lTOUS ANU 1‘uol‘iur,rolls. 1*. ice f>'r tlie .Seiui-'Voi-klv Ubskkn ki: nI (Ml if jmiJ in Hu\;inci.'; !j!l '0 if puivl iluriiig the year of subscrij)- tli'ii: or aftiT the je:ir has (.‘\i«ircil. Fcr the Yi'eekly OiisK.iivKii :j;i' dO per uniuini, if pniil in (••Ivnnce; oO if during thi-year v>f svil-si-riji- tii'ii: or Ot> iit'tor the yiar has e.xpiroil. AI•^ I'HTl^-l'MKNTS iiiserii'il I'i.r sixty cents per f, iiiare ■•f Itl liiifs I'nr the first, an.l tliirty eents fur «.'ai-h .-■i> . > jmlilicatioii. Vi-arly ailvorti.-.ciuonts liy >j\o- '•;:U %■ at veiisniiaWe ratrs. Ailvertisers aiv ri‘.[iiesfc(l til state the number oi' insertii'ii!? ili tir(.‘l, >r they will ho cuntinue'l t;Il furlii'l, and ciiav^v.l aii-i*ril- Letters to the IMitia's iiiiist be jmst-ji.iiil. ItniMiu-**! H:ti*«a:sr«! SCai«iii«! lOO whnl,., lialf iiuil (jr. I>i>xt‘s, iii'W ertip, first t.l' l?ro .■: Oi t. . in ten iia\s lri>ni New \ nrk. ;Mt' ’ CMS K..r bv UA.NKS. ■ i»r. 'i\ ». B3AB;ii, AS taken an Office mi Hay Street, West of the Hotel l>iiildin”S. July I t, IboL -1-tf JOHN 1). W II,LIAMS, I’ommission aitl S'oru'ttniitig tJierrhtiiit ^ Payettevillej N. C. Feb. '.I, IS.VJ. r.ntf BOOK HIM)i:il\. THOS. H. TILLIWGHAST, Anderson Street. Sejit. S, 21 (in» R. M. 0!iin:LL, I-llU\VA!:i)!\G rilV.MISSlON M!;Kri!.\M AT A. t'. .MRS. 1*:. WAL'rON I Has just r(*«iirii('l from i the Nortli. witli a new and lii-autifiil 1 assortment of M I L I. I N H U V j (! (•(> I>S, fiiiisistiufi of .Straws of' various kinds and priees, of her own sfU'ction, and tlie latest style; [ Vflvft. .silk and Satin Hats. Alsu, | a hirjie assortment of liress ami Mourning Caps, ;;nd U ; \ariety of ln'aiitiful Hv'ad I'nvsses. j A iai j;e asi»'>rtlin'nt of the most fashionabli> Hress : Trimmings. Also, l>ri ss. Mantilla and ('bmk I’littenis; | embroideri'd Sh*evc> and ('hcmisftts. buth .''wi>s and l.ai-i-; a larjre assortmi'iit of tlie best (|Uality of Kiil and j Silk (IbiNvs: t-liildrcns' ditto; a pretty style of Draeelets; | \ eUet Cuifs and ('nil' I’ins. [ All orders I'riim the country jiromptly attended to. j Oi't.iher I. .'li-llm I Mareh Id. l>ol. Ci-j-t: S'l'ARR W JLLL\MS, uiiuLi;sAi.i; HKAi.r.us ln I'oreis^n ftiKf MPomestir S^ry Ii vv »iTics:i:'a\ roR swa:. A vorv fine .lACK a’ul S .r vi'un^ Mnhs, with s:. ik i.f'all kinds. l!.'s. ^.iiJ.lA.^iS. i iift. I'''-. i'.Stf I'AYi: TTI'A ll.i.i: liltANt'll Clotl i i! 1 ^ is t; i I)! i s! 1 n u' 111. J. m. WHITS £t U?JDESKiLL, Dnipprs, Tailors, aiul Wholfsnlr imh! llt liii! riutliirrs. IIO AM) /’/>'-« /■«'/-'/, ilv'ir in !j C’llJK' I'CUl', 8MV5:tti:vsm.e:, c\ J. 1!. STAU!{.] .Vpril ■J.''. I .''-''!’. Fayetteville, N. C. M. M'.w .s'ro('k'. ^S''III' Sub>-eril>erb are receiving tluir I’all pnreha- J ses uf 3D0K3 ArJD STATIONERY. In addition to a jrreat \ariety of SCHOOL l>OOKS, thev have the u>ual r 11 l^Ol.OCi l' A I/. Mi.HICAI,, LA\V, HlSTtHtiCAL. liiot;i;Ai’HSCAL and MISCI'.LLAM:- •1 S wuiks, suited to tlii» State. The most elefrant stoek of i5J35a.i> A\k> ever .-een in this place. IJiaiik H'xiks, \\’ritin;f I’ajx-r, IVii and I’ueket Kiiives, Ink, Ink S'taii'ls, I’eiis, KnvLli»|.e.-, J’nrl Fi.liii-., Port M.in.iis, l>r.i\vinL' i'iijior, l*« ncil.s, And \aricius i tiier .u ticles usually kept in a I5ookstore. RI.MOVAJ,. SAM’l. .1. IIIXSOAI.K, 'Eiesaiixi »iid yAS the ])leusni’e of inlbrmin;; iiis customers jmkI the pui)lie, that he has removed fVum ids Old .''t'ind to the next corner abo\e, (>riiicrally known as the •• r.lake cinier.” ) Having lilted up his Store with every conveidenee for Cfinduetin^ business, Ixitii wholesale and retail, to the liest advantage, he S'dicits a ciutinuanee uf the kind tavor he ha;- en.joyc I, with the assurance that no ert'oft on ills part shall be wtmtin;' t> meiit it. His Sto-k comprises a full assortment of articles in his line of Imsiness. all of the liest'fuality: l»ru^s. Mcd- ieines. ( hetiiic'iis, Paints, (tils. l»ye StiilVs, i'alput Med- ir ines, I’eriumery,choireTeas, Seed, tilass, I’utty. ’l'.oth and Hair llrushes, So‘!ps, rot.ish. \c. 'I'he utmost eai'“ "Iven to the preparation of I’hys;- ciaiis" I’re.-v riptions and j'amily llecipes. .liily 12. l.s'.2. ‘ ‘ ;tf General Agency and Commission Business. fHlHL Subscriliers have this day entered into a co- jartnersliip under the style of WlllTAKKU, WllITl’ir.Ll> cS: 'o„ for tlie pui'pose of iloinjr a jreneral airencv and coi'imis- i sion business, and in otferiii;; their servces to the public I in tliat capacity they hatter themselves tiiat they Wfll I be able to jrive satisfacti.iii to all those who may cunsijrn I any ;.>>i-ds, wares, merehaiidize or »-.unti7 produce to 1 tiiem either to sell on commissinns or torward. As it ' w ill be onr ^reatc.st aim to please, »«■ pleil;xe ourselves j to spare no pains in Iryiiijr to jri'e jrenci';;! Satistaetion. I 'I'iii-y respectfully sidicit liie patri>iia;.ie of tlielr friends j and tlie public ^cenerally. 'I lieir store is No. ;5 North W ater .“street, luekins ui's Kire-pr'«>f l>u:ldinj:. Wil- niiii^ton, N. r. .JOilN li. \WlirAi\KU. .lAMLS W. Wlim-IKLD, A. A. 11. Sol I'll ALL. I’lI'.Kr.uKNCKs:—John Hawson, I'otter.v Kidder. O. (I. I’ai slev, .■'.liiiuel iieei v iV Soiis, li, U. i’lencii, and i;His X Mit-hell, .).in. 2'.', li'‘'-'>2. ;i-tf (‘et. L i;. IIA Id; -V SON. 11. L. flOLM!:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. i.fl'iCr, nil corner of I'ront ,u:d I’lincess >treets, uniler Journal oUhc. i>ec. 12. is-tf JOHN I5AN!:s, ('{lMi:iSM(!\ AM) {'liinWHlilMi AtLN'l Wilminston, W. C. !• jiunhase ^ I ' 111', sub>criber i.' now j F \LL S'l'OCK ol'i( TILL attend to the sale and \».a sh'p with >i made to h'.m. Sept. 1>, l^•^2. f rroiluce, li all consicnment.' 7-K •■1 IN' uld be;; Kave to inform tl.e c.ti/ens of Fay- | Ctte\illeand ^icinit\. that we ha\eju.'t rc,ei»'- | arire a.'.'iTtment id' F.VLL .V NVlNTLil (’LoriI-j nianiit'actured expressly for this market. I’ur- j to examine our i A. chasers will tiiid it to tlieir interest .'t, ck before buyin;.;. ALSO—>;ood assortment of Shirtr, I*raw« rs, Col- ijs. ■; rav.it'. Hosiery, .-in i tine ('!orh- uu I a"iiii' res. v»h^ h will be Sold at New Vork w iiolcsale pr e» >. il >i!i;r secured tlio service^ of some of the be^i I W'.u'kmet!. the i'.ulv)rin;i liusine.'s wiii be e.ir- 1 .11 a' Ut-u;i1. and all orders for fine cb.thincr will .■\t iite i in tiie lu's; f.isLii' n.i'>'e s.y.e. ; I2''. I''.'i2. Ai:\v AT A NF.W PLACi:. D\\ IS vV \\ ILI.IS. :it rraulnrdsvilL. N F wr JOMirii !l. OLONM!',!. i .T2 TI a .s : €5 AND FORWARDING WERCIIANT, W A'l'C'l!!:S. I’l.RV, iVc. now receiviii'j: his iOLI) ANI» SIL- \ i;ii '.va i'ciiks am» jlu i;],kv of e\er\ deseripliou. Also, piati'il C.ike l’>a>kets. Candle- slicks and Ca'tor : I'.ne I iitleiy; double and single bar- lel (iuii-; ('.ill's .ind Ailcn'.- l!evol\in^ Pistols; stdl' coek- in^ an.l common Pi^iols; P. w !er l ia-ks: .shoi Pouches; ti.iliie iia^s; Peici.ssiou ('aps; \ iolins; UnUs; Files; .Kccordi'on>; Mu.'ie l’o\j >; j;oM. silver and >t*'el peeta- tlts; .and a (ireat varietv cl otlier ;iiueles in the line. A 1 as' irtnu'nt of ('I.Ot KS. Pli|■cha^er' are rt . ttull v invited to call and ex amine. ‘ ' \vai:ui:n pnit>u. Sept. :'.i. ls''2. ;!i»-;;m Clocks and batches rep:.ire«l .and wm ranted. A.ro, ,Iewiii ’. > f every diM riplioii ne.itly repaired. m:\v ithm A^i) ,\i;\i liiioiis. tlScBPomtii! • fSr,^Eau!i‘v gH^AVi: jlst r.Ki'Livi;u a cumplkti-: sror;.: i«rocc*i’E*x asKl S*i*ovE!^!o*a!«, F.mbr.iciii.ir .almost every article usu.ally kejit in that line, :it the Yl'.LLO^V P»riid>lNi, a lew doors aiio\e the State Uaiik .and onr door above .NL ^V. .lessup's. on (iil- lesjiie street, and would be ple.ased to exhibit any thing in their line to those who may taviM’ tin m witli a c.’iil. —ALSO— ll;M«I\v;iii‘, ('utleiy, (’r>ekery, (llass-ware, Wi>i>d-| Ware, Liijuor.', IJnot.s ;iul iShiM s, Huts ami , ami a onml as^.sortim'iit »d Iby (IimkIs. j To the aliove .st.'ck we would resMeciful'y invito the ; attentitm of the pulilie. 1 Country Province taken in exchanye for Ooods. ; Favctteville. Sept. 1, lS'»2. 22lf lu{),U()() .\cT('.s \;iiuitl)i‘ ILMiiLK LA-N i)S lor sa!('. rjT]?!'; Subscriber has pnrch.ased al! the Lands behin{r- I in>r to the Fst.ate of .\bram Hubois, dec'd, lyin^ pnneijiallv in Kobeson countv. and on Iioth sides of Luin- i:cr ilivcr, the dili'ereut surveys containing; (>vr Acr‘s; |'Ri:sil (.()Oi)S. tinjrs. new ^tsle and j atterns- ' I 'v. li'>;rain, \'eiietian, I'ru^ ^-;v- Pr.ijHj't ]>ei>oii;il at tention . ell t.. all •'in'.,.;n- nients. .tnd • a.-li ad\anees made u Pio.lui'c to l>e .-iiiji- p’d to ether ports or soM iu this maiki Feb. 12, ls‘'2. 'i«y WlLlvlNSON vV i:SLi:ii, i>r.Ai.!:i:s in ('• w f, •'i:l", I'nnr/n hrilifs^ Ji>',4iiro, falih' Oil Cioth>; Ham.'isk. 1.1 Curtain tioo.l-; >ujnr hne ...I And:roii.>. and >ho\els .'All X, ;rt o'. Tv. e 1. direct IVo-u N-.v V. rk. the r ;»;il»S AM' Ml.iK’HANI'lsr.. Cioih-i. t u.-.-imcr. >, Kint .icky I', :.nd Vc'nii.;s. '1 V iri. i> kii' i.' bu- - Li lies' F.ill .ami Uint r Hres,' ■y. ;th Trinin.inL'.' ‘or ( and .shawi'. l’rinf>;. .Sj tin ' . .ii'- aud Cutb-ry, Hoi'.ou-« ai i-. . I :^ar-, .Sijilfi, 'I'obac o. Mol .>■ t.ood> 1. Sh. artii les Uc •licnt a.- >.c;- in were sebct ire I'av d b 'in ;'ai • a eoin.o w ila un . a I.'I tt II. Tin i 'n>ckery C..tVie r rtnieii!, !ssieiir in k of An; AN1> LMP()i:ri.i:s i»r AT \Vl|i>l.KSAt.K. AM> KK!.\U.. iviarkot 3t., Wilniinr;ton. N. C. . 7. IsM. 11 If Ibiitir. .and Piciiic tv t’ t|:e r.i\(r. ill co;,r,i \i in v. i.ii their . V,;!! eualile them t" -'..i. e ihekr (i .o.U ; :4:i,v •• ne e-,n; "j. d. ia!.! iVoM .''CW an will Cost them nothin;:. ■ Ti’ i ed s'.w f a- ' a.'.h 'T coiniiry proili;’o, „ . ,, lUi time to ■ 1 cnstoiiier'. Av [vnder thcii' ti.anks to tlieir friends ■^ul ejrue»!:y eii ji^tinu.ii.ce FOR SAU:. >- .-r.t-iiT oIT'T* i'oi" s.ile his l'ossessio:i« in i-.aiid county. eontainin;r T" O TH>l.''AM* r. lii MiilliU .\C;’,i;S: uhnit acres >f I’U.C ri ,!• ly. the rest Kiver and Swamp land. re ail' iU Tnrpeiiti.'ie boxe,' cut. .V • iiri^t Mill i> on the Ian 1, -'nd it he-: c nvciii- ■: lii.'tiilerv. The I’iaiik Ho.id Iroin I ay'i:e\iile • :^ii run:? tiiroujih the premi>e.'. For furlher par- t.i the sul>:->:rilier on the premises. PajNALD McMlLI.AN. .'•'■nrv. Oct. 1H.'>2. o'.'-lw sro r r AM) .).\c K'sox. 'T rceived. .a supply of -‘Scott and ' al\ll!:tt RAi l.mii:r, {myorvrs enii! €'ottiniiss:o:t .?lrr- 1‘irt NEV7 YCRK. I*. MAI.LLTT] [I- I'Al LM I ku. An-u.-t I'-.. i’-it T. C. WORTH, AM) r(ii:u liiiiiM. M!:::;:!AM, W 1IA!L\(.T()N, N. C. Feb. 1, ls:,2. ' ‘-If .)()si:rn .1. Lii’iM'i"i\ am> IN *;!iM HALL'S IU'ILI>1N;. WATFU SinLLT. WILSdlKGTOrJ, N. C. Prompt attention iri\en to t!ie pnreha-" aii'l s ale o iiice; nturi..- reii lereil v. itli de>p.;ti h. Pii'.CLS Cali P.rU'-eN, till' '.•elt and P.vi"'; I'leor Inrkevred, and 1I..I' P.ianket.-; l'>ra>.- alel, i aiai 'i'l n_'? \c., ,\e. 4 it> Ki'.aiA'. 2I> ('rate.' a.'^.'ited Cr"cker\, new -;ryle. imported • lire- t'. li om l..\; I ,'..ol. n. ikiii^' our inient e.-nijdete. \|.M)_ 2’> lib':'. "ib c Sii'j ir. Hlid:-. N. (I. .in'l I’orf! llte 2" il.i;.;.' La^iiir.i o!?. e. 2 I'a.'k' il l I fi lu ll Pil.ilclv, 2'' Ilf. 111'!', al.'i b.ixe:? >• d r ick«-r- An a.'.'orin eiit of iiea'ly-re.idc t ’louon;:. l rccei'.-d aud i-r ;-;.'.e bv S. W. TlLI.INtiHA.'T .V CO. !t. L 1‘'.'.2. "-Itf FJ>\vi.\ CLoT!';si, At tlif Nii-Mi of till' larsi' Wiilth. Hit) Mri’il, ijrz.v sT.i.rsK I! vs just rrc(‘iv('(l lii.-*' 1'ai l S'i'ot k or (.'()()!)S. iiMsiin^ ui 9 5 cs^ SILVER AND PLATF.D WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. M»iN; his a>.'ortment may l e oui-.-i Watche-. of all kii'.''>. troin t*. >bl F"\., thmni aiei \ e>j « liaiii'; ”oM Sea'.'and K«\s; .'ilver Fob .m i On.ini Ciiain.' an.l K.'y,~; I’.re,-,-.;-).ii.-. Far-rin-s :in.i Fin-er- rinc.'. a V..ie stock : > lUi-j.ii!'; I’-raci I'ALl. AM) WlS'l'l'M, 1 C.lfi/ to thr Ci/.'zi IIS uf Fili/i tit rlUr. ^ fF you xi.'it Wilminjrton this I’all i.r Winter, do not fail to e;ill at the .Nlerchant Tailorini/ an.I riothin^ Store of \ LAI-M'vi IN. 'i hey ur? nv.w o)H-niii;.r one ol the l.■lrjze^t aasortnients of i'hilliniif (/)/(/ l''(tii>'i/ (Stujils ever before oliiri.l to riie citi/en.'' of N’oj tli (.'ar-.’.lna; amoii;.: which may be foiiu.l ev ry variety flf Lii.'iiiess Piiii!'. late.'t styh'. and \ e.-l.-- of all the ra;:in;; color', a.' Well plain >>itiii an.I 'a^sillK*e. I’iieir new an.l b.-autilul a:'Sortmen! of Fashionable Ovel•-'oat^ caliuot tail to pl( :,ne. 'i'he ‘•I’atelit .Make Seaia" Shirt sold onl_\ l'\ thi' liuu>e. i . :iu article which t very j.-entle- man oujrht to wear who wants a plea>ant titCin^c and de^irati'.e garment. Shirt t'ollav*, I nd«-r tiarments. tilovet, ivc., 6.C., in v;re;it variety. .VU stliin;.; lov.' lor cash. t Mir Mercliant Taiiorinjr l>cparfnient is condurte.l by cuttei -I ol' eiiiint i.t 'kill; so that w e are at .ill tiiiu s pre- p,;re 1 :.i laakc s.dt' laea.'tue. on tile ino.'i apj'lo^e.I st_\ie. .\ spielelid a'^sortment of Cloth.^, I'as.-iuieres aiid \ e.'Un^a a:\>a\s on hand. S( OTT vV I!.\I.i«U IN. Men hunt T.iilors, Importers of Hoisei'y, i'loths. Ca-isi- incr. s an.l \ i-'tinj:s, and IIi-.iUts in li.'a'l\-ma.le ('i.'thinjr of their own .-»npeiior maiiui.ieti;rc. A'» i!mini.ri.in, .Sept. IL l>-'>2. 2.-11.I \ laree )i;irt finely Timbered, ami convenient to Lumber I Ui'er. wliere a i-irui- ini.-uaity of Timb'. r is now lal'fed j to the (ieor;re(o wn iii.ni'ket. 'I’liest; J,:inds are very v.abijible both for the Timber and Turpentine, i'or w hich purpose a hir;.ie part is well suited, beiiiir in a region : where til'- Turpentine yields nior* Kbtindantly than any j oilier .~e tioii of the Stale. 'I he Lands will be sold at ! low pri.'e, and in i^naiilities to suit purchasers, i Inlorm.ation respectin;r the title can be obtainel by I applying to the Hon. Kobert .Strang‘, Hon. .las. l)ob- ! bin. or T. .Smith. Fs'p, (.Attorneys at Law.i j i uii'lerstand there are many tre.'passer.s on these i Lands, t.i all of whojn n.itice is hereWy given, that the i lavv will be enforced against all sinh olleinlers. j .Vjijilicatioii for .-iiiv jiart e.f the L:indse;in Le made to ■ m_\s«-lf, or to .joiin \\iiislow', Ks'j.. who is duly anthor- ’ isc'l to make s.ile of the same. THi/.S. J. CL IITIS. j Kin i-ttevillc. N. C.. .Sept, 1. ('.tf et Ju. V. 'I'lu' \\ AKS\w S'i'v«;i: will le.ive l'a_\ ettevillc daily, at lialf :^p;.st 1 o'ciotk, .V. NL, coiiinieneilig il. KINNON .V M. NFILL. A goM and ,'iher .''I'c. ta-.-lcs. Thimlib-s .'ind Pencil.': goM i..'.'l.el.'; t'olt's :iinl AUeU ' ll^^ol\e|■s; t.'hc'S men; .\ccor.leoi..'; 'I'lVer .SjMioU'^; .';lver ('up.', ,xc.; Miht.iiy (i.'o.i,' oi all 'Nii.d,-; a fine lot .f (locks, and aliiio>t e\cry thing cuUcl !or in hi- line, i>hi. h will Lc s '1 I cl.e.-i:, f.-r ^;l^h, ..r on short time to tliosi* tii.it v^il. i'*''-' thcii' bids v-hen pic'cnt."!. i'r 1;. Lefcr t. f the .''t.ite; .\|e: Oct. Idlh. is.'. II.lU. L''!-, Pre.' t ol tl'.e r>ranch P.ank 'I-.'. C. i'. ILiigli .V Son. i'ax He\iiic. jr„^; Watches aii i .lewlry repaired as u.'ual, (ibi (b.M ;inil .silver taken iii exchange. All tho.'e in.lebtK.t by Note (T Il.j.ik aeci unt, Also. W Kiisr>;u and W. .M.irch. j:. j. half SON. rB^iiL . \ new Work. i]i iraries, ky *' IS.-2. LAW ROOKS. ■F F.sCIUUlMlS have on hau'l, ;iiid offer for N rth CjiroVm:! .Supreme Court i*ef>orts. in set.* or \.>'uni.-». IreiielFs Ingest an.l Higested MaliiL-il. , r. Civil Prai ticf'. F.irin l!...pk and ST/aini'r. .Jiif'tii-e. .'■toi v. on llailrnenls. ('oiitlict of L;uv.. Partnershi lea lings, Hills. Agency, : ■ .) iirisjil u leiiee, li.jnity ;. iiU'i Contracts. I in '1.1's L.'iii.il.'r'] .^nd Tenant; Ni.'i Prius; (’riniin- lings. Practice and .\ppen iix. :;t v, oli liills, (Jiiiuiual L.a I 'Ji.tr:icts, aii'l Plea i- irkie. on .‘'l.andcr, Fvideu;-*, and Criiu. Pleu'l'n". i' ll, on Veu.l'irs, i'owers, an.( Propvrty. ■'.'•'d oil Mortgages, and ( ontracts. . ii. ..n ('..uitracts, Actions at Law, and Chancery ‘ :1, "II Cj’imes, Factor.s, luid ,\rbitrat;oii. i.'l'Ts on Pleading and Fvi.lence. Ill', on Fxecutors, .'ind Personal Property. iMii;i'i ' l.i-gal stu'ly, and Masters in ( liancery. ■ri. aii Ch. Digest, and Leading C.usCS. jiig.v't. and Criminal l^aw. tii^ Leg.-il .M:ixinis. Hale'v. Pleas of the ('rown. ■ r .'11 Partner-ships. Hill on Trustees. I'.ark on •!. W ilh on Fvi.lence. Stephtn on J'leailing. ■ii on W ills. Feurne on Itemainders. ( rabh on l';"pertv. Hvles ou P»ills. .Sedgevvick on Huiiia- Ciiiti' S Kipiity Precedents, .\danis’ Lijuity.-— •I'' i’h*;i'lings .Maciiueen on Husband and Wife. !■ ' ' L.iw of .Marriage. Cary on I’artnershij).— ' 11 l>efaniation. l)oin.it, and Kauffman, on Li'* ■ r.opi-r on Legacies. Hart on \ endors. tireert- 11 l.\i'h'iice. lloseoe’s Crinu llvidence. Uock- 'pa:ii,h liiiil .Mexican Law. Lufie's K.iuity ‘ .b.iiis on Ihiiliiients. Harton'tj Suit in IhiuL- 1.''.•■it>'in on .Sii(;(;(»ssion. Oresley’s Lnuity Lvi- T.iller (u iixetutors. ileavestui Uomestic Ue- bewis ./II Perpetuity. Koss on \ etioFs.— ■\i bitmtion. Hare ijU. Uiscovecy. Hlackburn, 'II .S;,!es. Pulling on .Vccouuts. LUis on hi- I'iatudiiird jn Limita.tions. Wills on L ses. •'■'1 ''I. Cl,|,t,.;,,.^y Pj.1i ,,h (.;unrantees. ( urtis s ■ ■‘iii iiijr Tuiiilyn’s Chancery Kvidence. \ uttel s oitions. Angell and Ames on (;ori)oriitions. '* I’eal Property. P>urriirs Law J)iirtionary. ■I. ^b.rtgnges. Hughes F.ijuity Hraiiglitsman.— •■'eiwyn. Kent’s. tNjke’s, .‘ind IJbickstone’s j''■ ' ' 'I Kinne's Kent und Lhickstone, iVc. ‘ .e v\il! l;o ^,,ld on reasonable ttrnis. Other ‘ ' I'l cured to order for luetnbers of the I’ro- ‘ ‘‘ I' 'i-t .'f the State. L. J. half: k SON. N. 15. S TARIU CK, Troff^ ,V«'tr IV/r/.', iiioN rorN!>i:ii am* .MAriiiM.T, Mumil'iK tiii i r of Stxnn MlUaniiil limit rs, Mill (!t nI'iii'l n( I'll /.•/('/.', l’liiiillts. A'!'. undersigned, a' the .\gent oi ti.e abo\e l .'i.ib- B lishmcnt, will i.nlcr any i.rtlcles v. hich may be wanted, on apjdication to him. '"he Steam .Milla niaiiufacture>l by Mr. Starbuck Imvv been tested, and are highly approved on tlie Phu.k Uoa.l.-ab.iut Favctte'ille. i;i>WD LF1-: WINSLOW. Fayetteville. Sej.t, 4. IK.'il. -"H W. H. McKAV.] McK.W lV ROlil'.iri'S, Wliolesale and Retail Grocers, Ucni'r.il Cmumlssioii vV rurwitnliii!-' I'arclbials, .Soiitli Water sti cet, ti ilo..rs below Marki t, ! Partieul.ir Htt.-ntiui paid to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce, i.ibcr.il cash ud^ancis made on consignments. Ucferencc: J Jin H. .Starr, F.s'p, I’lcs't of the Hank 'j 1)1' J'ayetteville, j Win. (i. ilroadfoot, Cash r, do, 1 j.';ivett. ville. Klijali Fuiler, 1-sip, I Messi's. ( 00k A;, i aylor, i 'ook vV .Iidiuson, J I,. C. Hulibar.1 A: Co.. Clinton. S;impson county. I'houias.J. Morisey, Ksi|., Luuibcrtou, l!.ibesoii. .1. l>. lirowii, F.sip, W'cstUrooks, iiladeii. Oct. S, lvS52. ■’>=’>'' t pav by the 1st of November. ii\eitc\iile. (let. L V.iiiths.' liOO IS. i;n I ('hi'.'h'ens' .1. Sept. 2'S, l.'-'.ii:. ij.^j^’C.i'h p.lid f.ir dried Fruit. n-tf WAHHILL, oUtf iitf For s.lie 1 .lulv 21 i(i:uiuN(.s. P.IH.S. Hi;i:!’.lNCS, 2'i •• I’limc Polk. T. S. LFTTFULOII CO, l.^..',2. WILLIAM A. CWViill, F0UWAUD1N(; AND CO.MMISSION ML'UCHANT, WILRIIWGTOM, W. C. H^KH.SONAL attention given to the sale or ahipincnt B jjC Naval Stores. 1 have ample facilities for com- ductitig the bu»ines=; largewharf and sn.re sheds t> keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New Vork, or to other markets if advisable, an.l liberal cash advances made on consign- laei.ts- 1 lefet to the following distillersi E. Hannuin, W'nyue (%»uut.y. Chandler Hall, Johnston Co., Lovett Peacock, Columbus Co., 15. H. Harden, Thos. L. Vail, liladen “ Messrs. .SniLtli,.& higraui,. JoliustonfC'o., Messrs.. 'L. & J. Jonesy Jlessrs. .Smith &. Jones, “ Spencer Fountain, Esfj-r Levi Hailey, Fsn., “ yhiy 20, 18')2. _ Blank' Warra/itif for sale here. W\\ lTf.]i & M;\V COOlDi. ^BIHL subscribers are now receiving from New \oik, jjL a large aud general as.soi tnieiit ol Shnu'c (111(1 Fajirji Dfji (•onds, cAlorFJllKS, u'AK!>\VAKi:, llat.s ami (’;i[is, IJ'Xit.s ami •'^iiuc.s. Among whivdi are: ColVcc, Sugar, Cotton Ihigging, P>ale Hope, Nails, Window tilass, Sw edes and Fnglish Iron, S:ick and Alum Salt. Imperial and P>lack Teas, l’ep]»er. .Msjiice. Ciinger, Powder, Shot, liar Le:il. Har and Fancy So:iJ>. 'i’ogether with a great v.iriity of other articles, to which they invite the atti ntion of the jiiiblic. ami which thev are determined to seil as low for ( ;ish, or on time to tho>e who pay promptly, as any house in the South ern coiintrv. Produce'of all kinds, at the highest market prices. taken ii. e.\chaiige lor (joods. McLF.VN iN JONLS. Summorville, N- C., Hec. 8, 1S.»1. nitf ' c J au ri'rii I m li.UiS Java, Laguira aud Ilio ( otlee, (•) Hhds. Cuba aiul l*orti Rico Sugar, ‘2t Harrels Uetined Sugar, 5 Ihirrels granulated l.oaf Sugar, 2 lioxes double-refined Ho,, 21) lliiils. swei't .Molasses, Imperial, Hysonand Uuni.ow Jcr Teas, 21 > tiross >Litches, H»0 lbs. ground Pepper, Pepper, Sjiice and (linger, oD(( lbs. Sal. Soda, 4 Hbls. Copperas, 7 hbls. and ?, bbi.s. ‘Eagle 51ills” Snuff, oOO lbs. Sole Leather, 1 bbl, -Mum, Putty ia Fdaddcrs and Tin Canisters, y X 10 and H» x 12 Glass, 21 doz. Veust Powders, Bar Soap, 101) Kt'gs Nails, (assorted) best brands, Colgate and Hull’s fine Soaps, 4nd -1 irreat man v other goods for sale low by IL DilANSON & SON. •» *>•> tf Sejottxjaber 2^ — LivVTllliR RAM)S, ^ stre!eiiel, cemented, and rivrtcd. JL ror^aleby T. S, H I'TLULOH .“v CO. Oct. 1. 1S-V2. * -Htf l.v\vri:n('!: vV 'i'rov H;;Ve leit‘ivi\i their Fall .'^tock of ' Grcceries, Prcvisicns; and Lifi’icrs. —ALSO— A sHiail lot o}' R(':’.(iy-Huui{> (’loliiiHi:. Ci'ockcry ;uh1 (il.issu arc, lioots and S1k>cs, Hardware' and (.'utlt ry. I We have en haii.I the following (I K( K 1J li I l'...s: llio, L;i'.iu;r;i. and .Ninri.c:r.l'i> Cotfce; PoTtn P.rco rknd Ciiiia Sugar; Loat, Crusheil ;ind ♦ oilee ditto: .V.laiiian- ; tiio‘ ;in.i Ta.iow t':iiiii!e.'; i aiicy and i*oi:.*fiifUi bar Soap; Pearl an.l Corn Stareii; Pejiper. Spice. Cingt r. Nutmeg.-,; , ('l.ives. ( innamoii. Ti’a, \c.; S:iit, Iron, Moj;is.rfs, \t.; j Sole, L i'l'er an'l H.irness Leather. i I'liOVI.-’lONS: i Mess Pieef, and smoked and d.iied ditto; P>eet Tongues. !>wd ••’i'oiigues au'l SouikI;^' ; No. i> .Vlackev^l, in btils.; No. 1 ditto, iu kitts; Salmon and Pickled llevrin.LT, in lihls.; l.ard, in bMs., kegs ami kitts; tioshen .ind l>./';ry ibitter; Chee.se, Pickles. i*rcser\es, iV.c. Fine Fremdi P.r.-indy; Common Homestie liilto; Old K\e W hiske_\ ; Lectifieil ditto; ciear w liite ditto; Couiury ditto; New Luglaiid Kuui; Holland tiiu, I’ort iiud'iene- lille Wine, (,'ommon .Malaga *Htto. Wo h;ne ,1 large lot ul Liijaorto which we olTer bjw by tlic barrel. " We i.eep on hand, alwa.vs, Flour. '.u-ii. .'cc. We oiler any of the al>*>\e iTanied (ioo.is as low as can be ati'orded in this market, f‘>r Cash, or in exciiange fiu- Country Produce, or on time to piinctunl cu.«tomevs. L.UVULNCK .V TUoV. Sept. I '.. 1^V2. _ _ -*’f rL()TnLNt;^ C'I.OTIiLX(;! C\i(/ nnd i.i iiiniiti lujm'f i/JU />",'/ ' o'e(c/i'»'. MMIH iimlersigne.l has just received and oj.cned _y_ his Mock id' C’lolbiS, CassiiiK'rrs Jind \ t'onsisting of black, brown, green and blue Cloths, of v.irious nualities; fancy and \dain Silk. .Satin. Velvit and Cassiniere \ t slings, of the most fashionable colors. ■\lso, l>oe-skin and fancy Cassinicres, td' the most Lish- ionable selections. \ select assortment of Hlv\L>\-M .^HV' CLOTH- INti, consisting of Overcoats, Over-sacks, cb.se-bodied Sack and 1 rock Coat.s, of v.irious styles; fancy an.l jibiin silk and C.-is.'ilin'ie Vests, of superior cut and workmanship, and of the most I'ashionnfile colors. Persons w ishing to purchase any of the above articles, woulil do well to call and examine Ids .Stock. ^ ^ a. tfctlar Ulc llofel. i>-t FAViyr'n:viLLi:, x. c. r^lHlS large and splendid F.uililing has now- been in II successful opt ration since .May The i’ed- ding and Furniture of all kinds is new, anil iIk- rooiiii' coii\enient and j 'easant. Th.> '1 .il'ie i.1 a',way.> furni.'hed tN'ith the best the I ni:nket .liVord.'. ai.b-.l liy a tine vegetable garden. j Pxiarde’s, Lod;.;eis. and Travel'i is will tiiid .lesirabU- f accominodatious and atteiiti\e servants. No pains will be sj-ared to give entir* satisbicMiui. Families can be furni'lied v. ith barge, airy, front doulile rooms, conveniently aTi'l h:ii.‘dsomely turni.-5iicd. .\n experience of 2d years w ill en.iblc tlie lessee, >'he ho;.r.-, to ui\e ^c!i; ral .s:tti,'>i;»cti ;i. ANN IHIOW N. .hi!ie 1, Is.'.d. 2.s-tf ilAR'.LVNVS liO'l’EL, E'' A V JI-: r T K \ I Ij z. k, c. a T'lio stilis« ril» r liaviii^ taken tlio largo Hotel, formerly kw.iwn as the PLANTFP..S’ • i« : ^ HoTFL, situated at the fout of Hay Mount, llav Street, Fayctte\iile. North Candina, ri.-.j-ectfully inf.irms his friends ;tiid the public that he is ii'iw eiigaeed in rehtting the building, which is siii'piied wilii e/ilire new Furniture. :ind is prepared t.« aLCoinniodate the tr.'ivelling piiblie. Having had some e.xi'erience in the biis:n0.'s in the town of I’itts- boroiicrh. .N. ('., he tl.itters tiiiosclf tii.it he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may f.*»vor him with their company. His rooms are large an.l .liry. lie has lar;:c an.l couveiiienJ irl.ibles, .•ni'l H good and faitliful >stler. I JOIIN HAIIM.^N. ! Fel.'v 17. is.'.2. '■•'■‘tf m F.lLL i\!) Wi.\T!-H li!!Oi)S. K have receiveI in part, and are now receiving a large and general assortment of S’f \PI.F. .-ini.t- FANCV HKV (•Ot.)l)S, consisting in )iart as follows; Super P.hick, Hrowii, (ireen .-ind ISIue Clotns; Su[i’r I'dack i>oeskiii fancy ('.i.'.^iiiier-^. ’''ilrw piusii and velvet \ c.'tings, (.'..me vi ry t;n;': i lll.ick. w iiite und colore.l iir.ina.iiii .':iiiii aii'l i.iigli^-ii .silk Vcatin^s; Fine L'ravate; Collars; »\c. .Vniongst our Ladies’ liress (ioo'].! ni:iv be found— JMain Dl'k (iroilcj iiine, ami l.l.ick. figured and watered .Silk; ricii L’roc.ide do.; plain and figured do.; ricli white ligurcd do.; pljiin white satin Hoi-ence. \c.; Printed .Satin Cashmeres; Paris print‘'i ito’oes; F.aglish. 1 rfuch- and .\nieriean printe l lieiaiii*; small figured and liighiy' eolered Helains for children: Fri;i!'sh ar.d Fren. h \leri- nos; colored fianiici; (iiace Popiin; \ ictoriaand Tart.-in Plaids: cobire.l .klpaca Coburgs aii'l Lama Clotli..^; P.iack iiomtia/.inc. isome e.stva iine;) Liack .Miiacas. silk and Cotton Warji: colored Vt Ivels for children; Scotch, French and .Vinericiiii (ilnghams and piints; .^1 iwls; Mantilias; (iloves; Hosiery: Siik. Laniii's Wool and M‘- rino Shirts and iMawcrs: a hands.uiie assortment of llib- bons, Friiige.«, (iinip aiel Velvet Triminings; .Swiss, Jaconet, Striped .-ind Plaid Muslins; .Swiss and .l.-iconet IM.uing ;ind Insertings; Infants’ Fmbroi.lere.l Wai.'ts, Hobes and Caps; h'lench-wnrked liaiidkcichiefs, Cidlar:* and Cndersleeves; Keal 'i hrt;iii L:;ce and l.incn Edg ing: Idsle and ('otton do. >Vith a full assortment of I’.onnets. Hats. Caps, Hoots, .Shi.es, Fmbreiias, Par.ixols, «i;;li many other articles not enuniei:iti-d, Inaking our assoj-tmeiit one ot' the lar gest :iiid best we h.ive evei-oiiercl our friends and cus- t.liners. .s.» we invite tliem a’d to call as early as con- veidi nt, and examine for themselves, us v.e expect to sell as rtasonaMe as any f-Uier house in the tra'le. Last corner .Markcc S>jUare, and No. 1 On'en .Street, Fayettevilic, N. ( . .'iLLX'U JUiiNSON .v *'0. Septei>ilH‘i‘ I'.i, ls'>2. 27lf aA.'l receiving a much larger STOt'K OF OOOli.'^ than Usual, consisting of a complete assortment )t' Dry (»oods, CJroccrics, i laiv'warvi and t'ulicry, —.\m.iiig which m.-iy be found— I.adies’ iine I'ress Ccods, P..un.ets, and an as/'>rt-' ment of Dress uu'l liomiei Trli ii.ji’.igs, of thj 'aUst styles, —AL.SO- I JItifs, Ci7jis, /ioota (tail S/t,/s, i Negro lilrtiikets r.nd Kerseys, I’nuciiig and llnj i a l.it'ge supply of I!F.V HV-'^i \ i'd'; » i.t >1 il i.N(i. j Ail of the Mlj.c.e tioods have been r.‘ eiitly o;.;ciia ' and will be ^old low at wholesale or rel.iii. 'W. V. MOCP.M, Fa;t Cor:;er .''Liikct .'-'.i.i.ir I Sept. Cl. LS.'i2. 2-:tf witil HtlliSf r,MS£E. • ILL be ghol to accommoihite a few Hoarders. She also informs her friend# and the pulilic that she inttivls to carry on the business of .Mantua- nuiking. FayeftveiUo, fle^d 4. l^'-VJ. 2:itf ilATS, C TT '1T* rj K AP, F now- receiving our Fall .Stock, to whicli V V we ia . ite the attention of buvers. HAL August 2:5. LS-'i2. Cvi S.'iC KFTT. I!i-tf NO f3111K subscriber hn'» t»',k?n the .store .B- next 'loor to Hall ,v .Sackett's. w here be intend.! "arrying on the T.\lL(tKlNtt UCSLNL.s.S in all its branches. Ha\ing had i>raetic;)l esp.uience in most of the I Atlantic cities, lie fee's .assured that he \ can pU'nse the most fa'tidiou.*^. ilfj I \ ^ oi.iers will be executed withneat- ness and desj.atch. N. 1>. .Military iiresses made iu the latest and most iipjiroved style. \ general as.sortnient oT choice CLOTHING oit hand, wbkh will'm gold low Ibr casli or approvt'd credit. ij. m(jna(;han. August 12, KS.-.2. I'-tf fr- M.MMi;ilVILLi': ilOTKL. |T J*. .’in.I jMlF undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Summerville, the \icinity. the piiblie ge»K r.->Hy, that sue has openeil a £ioifse of ShtU'rfaiiimvitr, \»here sh*; will )>e ple.’iscd to si.ceonin;odate all who may call fin her. The Village is pleasant ami healtiilul. her I h.iuse l.irge an«l coinmo.lious. No pains will be spared to reii‘ler .-igreeable nii'1 conifoi table any wh.i may lavor her with a -jdl. .s|ie is :»lso pre]>rtri?.I to acconi iilate with Hoarii from ]') to 20 Students. Price of P.oarl .^S per month. E. HAILFV. >'um»uerville. N. C., June 1 1K.'>2, 1-tf Z8*'A'FJ;Y’.S ESOTMIi, ^'2k. a ^ K-•i H 9 ISGl * ^ Tlu! siib.''crilier liavinir l.tf(‘ly coiiijtle- fi'iV . e-vtonsive additions to his hous»‘, t.ikes I J 1 ^ ibis metho'l of informing his f rii’uds, ami the travelling coinmunily generally, that he is now prepare.I to acioniniod.ite them in a supeiior stvle. The entire house, bedding, and furniture of everv description is new an.i clean, .md no pains will be spar'eil to uiake his guest? comt'ortablc iu every respect. A.ll ihe s-tagea stop at this ll'>u=c. A. T. ZFVELV. S-.ilein, .Inly 21, IS.>2. 11-lnipd i\3'AV rs^HF, subscriber is now receivin his Stock, consisting ot Drv (Joods, C'oUco, Su^ar, C'rockcry, ilardwiire, Ual« and C'nj)', Roots | and Shoes, Ru^iziiig autl Rope, —.\LSO— liollow-warc, N:iils, atluT, \\ imlnw Wliito Loail, (’lice.se, I'ile. tVic. W hich he ofVvrs on the most rcasonaWe teiiu'f. in fers for sale a large stock of I'oreiffu i^omestir old live Whiskey, ohl Nas^k P.vamly, .Vypk- I’randy, Corn Whiskey, N.‘b'.. Hum, and Am. tiin. His FOKFHiN LlnFOKS were selected with care, and are of superior t]uality. They eon.iist of (iidar«l Hr.imly; Otard ditto; )bl London Hock .^kto: Henlse ditto; J;«ini*ica Hinii; St. t'roix ditto; Holltind (\th\nct Furniture., ('uuirs^ JS'c. ^ H K subscriber is receiving the largest assortment.' in his line ever before pini liasel at the .North, I which, touetirer with his own in.inaf.-.ctLre, lua’Kishi.'f .Sfock very complete, consisting -.f C’liaiys, Tallies, Std'as, l>e'lsi;‘ails, :isli I’uivaii.s, l^onkiii:! (il;issis, Suit; iJoards, Socri taric.s, e'er. All of which win l>e sobl on thi‘ lowest terms foi ( .ish,- or on short time to Tuinc'ual customers. J(.H1N W. r.AKFlL rci. :T0, !?.'> f. o'.tf \\V daily cn the arrival of the' I. m., and ar McLlNNON |jJT.\(iF leaves W AH.-' cars, say l'.J o'c';ock a. m., and arrives in Fayette villo at p. m. April 12, ls-')2. McNFII.L. Mtf a lar^e addftion to Lli'L IVSI RANCK. f B'^HE Fndersigned hi.i lieen np-.'oi’itpd .\genf r>f ti e' H North Carolina .Mi.-tuHl L fe Insurance ComJ'an^ . Everv member for life partiC’.i'ates in tlie jirofits of the Companj : an.l th- sntic.al premium for life niember- shiji. V h(“i*e it amoni.ts to ^oO or more, may Le p:iid oiii*-half in cash, and tho o..uer hall in a iiovc .it months. Hebtors' lives may l>e iii'iuved by crcditir’. \ n>aii niav insuie his own life for the exciu.'ive l)Ci.ef;t :*i'hi.i Similv. The lives of slaves may he insured. This system is rajii.I’v •.■■rowing to f'lvor, .‘ill fvep tlie civilized wnrhl. Tt is o.if'. Ly whirh a fartiilv. for a small sum annually, may be provided for, alt. r tliC death of its head, on who."e cxerti.ms they may have been dependent for a :fiUi’-*ort. It is a goiid investment of e\ea if one .sh.wld live long after taking out a Life Policy. Fxpianatory pamphlets, aud the necessary lilunks, 1'uniislii.d ou application. E. J. HALi;. Favetfcville, June l^.'SO.- bv ket Siiuare. .Sept. 1.'), lH.-)2. Tlie suliscfilicr coiitirKie?) fti carry on tiio TAILOllINO HFSINESS, in all its various bi-anch(‘s. As he has taken instructions in Cutting from one of the best instructers in New Vork City, he tlatters himself th.-»t he can nxn-y o« »he ^ Whiskey; Cherry P.vandy; Madeira Wine, su- business with more success t.ian tt has Sicilv Maileira Wine; Champaign Wine of the Bolinger an.l other brands, in quarts aud pints; .Sparkling Hock, ditto, ditto; PepyermiHt t'ordial. Also, a large lot of the ch;apest (’UJ AUS in the pl-a.ce. W. HKAl'CiHON. Sejit. I."*, 1S.")2, 2')-oin heretofore been done, ami will sj'are no pains to jilease those w ho may fuvor him with their )>alronagc. |;-j/* lle may be fouml ;it the Store recently occujned • .Mr J M. Heaslev, on the North Fast corJier ot .Mar- IILUII C.ilAHAM. 2*'>-3in LlJMliERl LUMRKR!! wmrE have our Steam Saw Mill in s«wce.«4ful oper>»^ w T tion, y miles fpow Fayetteville, near the Ualeigh Stage Road, und are prepared to exec»to orders in our line- As we run two liohin/ or Ctrcular iSaicK, we can fill bills at the sh«rt«st notice. e can furnish line. Poplar atid Juniper Lf .MHKK, and of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line and «i(v,tithuess of face, shall be *narket. JONES &, liAUUEt:. ilaxcL !iO, ISa'l- I'Al.l, .\.M) WINTIUI GOODS. OUll Fall anl Wint^p Go^d.s are now here, and ready for wile. Our stock of i>llY OOOOS is l^ge and better than any former season; H.% AKlj A:%'W Cl’TLEItY is hard to e,ual. dilOC'EIU-B —Our stock is large, equal if uot suf.erior to anv former year. All of which we would be glad to exchange for al most any kind of produce, for cash, or to punctual cus tomers on time. COOK & TA\ LJil. ;£ei>tember. 1852. I"ire lasecm f .ETNA Insurance (’ompaiiy of Hartford. h:iv- J&, ileg the tax impoaid b^ the, Uev iiiie Law of the late l.egi.^lalure, will coutiuue il.i A'-ei".y iu Fa\etteville, \uider the :naM:gement . f tiie umb isigne.l. who is prepared to issue Polieieaof Insurance on build ings of Cioods,^ either in t lis Town or in any p^it of the State, on proper apjilication, ileicr.;'ti'>.n o: the I’roiiertv, I'tc. . . , The 'ETN-V CO.MTANV lias been in ojicrafion about .^0 vears. Its capital is The Hon. 'llios. K Lrace was its fi.-?:t Presi b-;t. und h;- still bolds that oflice: and sever:l (,f ils fir^t Hirect-T-* are stnl active and eliicient momber.-* of the ll.ia-d. If has at ,■!! tii.ies sustained the highest c.iara^ter tor tht‘ prn.lem ' ' its management, ;.nd for the liberality v.ith w.;ic.. it has ever aiJjustcd its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent. Mitrch 10, IS-ll. ♦;2-tf -tf LIVERY SSTAIiLE SiNKNS. Tan suL.>^tr')l)t;r intoiKis car^ rving on the above bu.sines as' iiyual. ILiving ailded consiiler- able S.o.'k, he will be u>il_e to uc- co.u.nodate the puMic. 1 hankfu . fcr past favors, he solicits u con.' tinuance. J. W. roW F.P.S- Jan’y 20, i>'C2. o.:.U:

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