iP«s*EBB$-asei*sB iBWWIlBWf SEMI-WEEK t, Y. feteMCJfgag^wifilpiriWTWff fiwoB— [VOL. I!.] FAYETTEVIIJ.E, N. C., NOVEMBER 0, 1852. [NO. 111.] I’KINTKI) liV J. 15. M:W15V. i:d\va]{d j. hale & sox, Ki>rroiis AND I’uonur.ToKs. TiR'e fi'i the Sc:ni-Wi*ck!y C)ittiKr.vi.u ^ l HO if i>aid in ;iJv;UK’o; oO if paid (luri-ig the ye:ir of t'u'ii; I’l' ufti'r tlic yvuv has e\j>ii-ctl. J',.r !he SS\-i‘k'.y Or.sKuv.'.ii 00 per uninun, if i>:ii(.l iu .'i lvjinco; >>• if paid during the your uf sul.isci-ip- ti '!»; or •$•) (M) aficr the year has expiri d. Al'Vl■*UTI^'I■’^!KNTS iusertcd I'nf t;i\ty ceiit.^ por *. ju.iro of hi lilies for the first, and thirty cents for laeli ,i.-.. I'.h’.ij; J'uloiculivijl. Yearly a»lverli>en»ents l>y sj>e- vi;il i-.'iiiracts, at reasi'Ualile rates. .Vdvertiser.s ure rt''iiio>to I to state the number of iiiMvrtivMis desired, or *;.fv will be continued till forbitl, and charged aeconl- iiiirly. Letters to tlie l^ditors must l»c pMSt-jiaid. Uf. T. 1». IIAK^II, \S taken an Office on lluy Street, West of the Hotel Huildiugs. ihil^- 14, I80I. 4-tf .JOILN 1). W 1LLL\MS, i'ommiKsion antt B'orwardittg tficrcltatii^ Fayetteville, N. C. Ke1>. U, IHoli. 88tf IJOOIv JJJ.XDiCllY. Sept. THOS. H. TILLINGKAST, Anderson Street. I?'")-. '41 (in! MUS. M. WALTON Mas just retiinx'd frtmi the Nortli, with a new nnd beautiful ! assortment of .M I L 1. 1 N J] U V (i 00 l» K, colisistiiij: of Straws of >;irious kinls and prices, of her own selection, and the latest style; Vi-lvet, Silk and Satin Hats. Also, fi liirfre assortment of l>ress and Mourning Caps, and a variety of Ix-antiful Head Dresses. A larjie assoi-tnient of the nmst fashionable Dress Trimmings. Als«i, l)ress. Mantilla and (’louk I’utterns; embroidered Sb-ews and (’heniisetts. both Swiss and l.aec: a larj^e a.^Kortnieiit of the best i|Uality of Kid anti Silk (lloves; ehihlrens' ditto; a pretty Myle of ISracelets; Velvet Tulfs and t'ulf 1‘ins. All orders from the country promjdly attended to. October 1, IS.VJ. .‘il-Jm II U. .M. ()!!l!i;i,!.. Fail Will dim; ro.iiMissiii.N .\t rayclloviJlc, A. C’. I m:\v sroc’K. ^11K Subscribers are i'ecelving their I'all imrcha- ses ot March 10, IfS.jl. f.ii-tf ICai»»iii«! KaiwiiaK! 100 whole, mill (jr. lioxt's, iK'w crop, Hr.st j 'f the 'casdii, in ten ilays frum New Vi>rk. h\>r s;ib‘ bv iM —-Mf ' (,'HS HANKS. roR SALi:. A vwry fine JACK ;.nd 8 or K> y-’Ung Mules, with , i lv ut'all kinds. D. ‘s. WILLIAMS. Ci t. (i, ;;8tf rAVETTEN ILLE IJKANCIl Clotliiii^ I'iStahlisliiiU'iit. J. BI. WHITE & UNDERHILL, Drapers. Tailors, hikI Uholpsnlc aiul Krtall llotliirrs. 110 Street^ VOKEi; AND nmn .SV/v >/, lie.'t th/or to l>uiA vt h\'(ir, FA vira te:vii.b.b:, v. ^> rAliU ^ W ILLlA.M.s. WlloLLSAl.l-; Dl'.ALKKS IN JTorcigt: asxf i9imtesiir tfriji imootfs, II.\v K'riir.irr, Fayetteville, N. C. •J. V.. ST A UR.] [.I. M. Api'il liS, l.s.'i;.’. WII.MAMr O 11. I.. IIOI.MI.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmiuston, N. C. KFICI'; on corner BOOKS AND STATIONERY. In addition to a ^rtat variety of SCHOOL I’.OOKS, they liiivethe usualT 11 LOLOt i 1C A L. .M KDK'A L, l.AW, IIISTOIUCAL. lUtK.ltAlMIlCAL and MISCKLLANK- Ol S works, suited to thi.s St:ite. The most elegant stock of 18J181,i»ii vva:si Ejoosi-js* ever seen in this place. IJlfHik IJnnks, A\ lifiiijf I’aper, I’cii ami IVnkct l\iii\>s, Ink, Ink Stainls, I’eiis, Kiivclope.s, I’liit Tulius, I’ort Mouais, l>ru\viiig Paper, l\-iicils, i.rticks usu:dlv kept in n Uookstnre. j;.' H.U.i; vV S(»N, iii:movai,. s.vM’i, J. nix.sn.\[,!;, ClieaiBii^t aii«9 AS the pleasure of informing his customers nnd the pui>lic, th.at he has renntved from In.s (Md Stand to the liO.xt eofnef above, (generally known as the ‘'Hhike corner.”) Having fitted up his Store with every convenience for einducting business, both wholesale and retail, to the best ailvaiilage. he .solicits a coiiTinuaiice of the kind tavor he has enjo^-e I, with tire at'siifanee th:it no eHort on his part shall be wanting tu iliel'it it. His Stock coniprif*cH a full as.'ortment of articles in his line of business, all cd' the best quality: Drugs. Med icines, Chemicals, I’aints, Oils, l*ye .Stutls, I’atent M«-J- icines, I’erl'iiniery, choice Teas, Seed, (ilass, I’utiy, 'l'o-t>' •Til I Hair lirushes, So.'ips, I’otanh, ’1 he vktmost e;ire given to the prep.-iiatlon of I'liysi- cians' I’rescriptiona anc] Family Keciiies. •luly IJ. ls.'>:'. c.tf General Ag6ncy and Commission Business. I Vr\!' FIJI, WIVTTP r/iOIK' fSDlK Subscribers Inivfe this day enterei .\nd various Oct. 1. d' Fr. under.K Dec. I J. I’rinceHS etrcets. is-tf w [7” K Would beg leiive to inform the citizens of Fay etteville and vicinity, that we haveju!«t rei-ciir- ed a large .I'isortment of FALL iV U I.XTLfl 'L(>'ril- INCi, manufactured e.vpressly for this market. I’ur- cliasers will tind it to their interest t'> e\j:u;ue our St' I'k Itefore buying. ALSO—good assortment of Shirts. Drawers. C.il- lnrB, : ravnts. Hosiery, iinl tine Cloths and Cassiniere.'. A!! "f which will be sold at New Vork Avhole.-ale prices. Il.iving secured the services of s Mue of the best ]ir. ;ii,'al workiaen, the Tailoring IJu.-iliess will be car- r . d :>n a usu.il, and all orders for tine cl. thing w ill lie cM'cute 1 in the most f.ti*hioiiablc style. I >, :..!ier ■J''. 1 niade t Sept. .)01L\ liANKS, ri;.11.1IISSI(l.\ .\M) FIIKWAKlllMi .\LE.\T, Wilmington, N. C. 7" ILL attend to the sale or purchase of I’roducP, 1 »iiip anil \i him. is, W illl at>.!i al! coii.'-ii;uments •.'tf Ai:\V GOODS, I AT A NEW I’LACi:. ' ])AVIS W'l LLli>, nt Crau {bn!s\il!(\ j SS \VF. ie.st received, direct from New York, their Sfi F:.U S’.;pp!v „f (iOoDS AND M LIUH AN DISK. ,':>tii:g in part of Cloths. CassimereS. Kentucky ■ Sattirti i'. T'vt eds. and X’estings. of \nrious kinds \ ■. 1 iTilit ' l. i iik-' Fall and \\ inter I’ri-isd '.s. a ' 1. Ml.' \ i-.' fy, with Trimmings for uitio: (Ilo\c.'und 1! ' ' !•■■. I’ i.i'.i T' and Shawls. I’rints, S;i;in (’otton. Tin i \\ ari. Hari'* ;ire and (.'utlerv, H-iilow-w are. 'rncker_\ i ati l -I- if.'. ' .;:irs. Snutf. Tohac.o, Mol.itse.-. (’i.tfec | :iM i .'■iigar. .'.1^1. Iriiii, .''hoi s;—an excellent assiirlnient, 1 t •Lo-ilitr n;iii :iil tli',' article; u;iiu!!y kcjit iu a ('LUi.try ' . . .* I '1 he al- i\c rtieles were select nl by a eonrii.iwmeiir in bu. .';i^e.'.'. :.h l Wili cotuj/.ire faNoruMy with any .^u.ck '1 ^ ul ."Ui' ;’i the .''i.Ke. I'iieir pr’Aiutity to tiie Ki\ir. in connexion wi.h their 1 'lli^.lu•>s. v.ill i nali'.e tin m to pl.-ice tlo ir (im.ds j Ml >t"rc 'Ilea;, as any one e()Ua!ly distant I’rom .New - .1.' liieir lianling wi'.' cost tiiem Ui thing. i i-'..- ■ Ik is ii”'. /ed low f.ir c.uvli vi iiuntry [>r.nlnce. . , -■iiton, or on time to good cu.«tomers. , i ' i-y \ti,u!d now tender their thaiiks to their I'rien l' ; »■ I I' I' r.ul earac.-'tly ? 1: a coiitinu.tuce of ; !!i“.r ■ itroii.ij;.-. ■ ^ ISoJ. ; FOIi SALE. ■•el.'Jcriber offers for sale his l’i.-.->e'iii>n« in I ' mu'■ rl.ind County, eoutaiuing TWO TH»»L.''.\ND Tili.LF III .NDllLD .\CilKS: iit?'Ut aercs "t I’inc i ill iiic b .dy, the rest lliver and Swamp land, liii-r;- .ire iibosit 4i,0'Hl Turpentine l»».\es cut. A >' '• i) Mill ir on the land, .-ui'l it lies eon\eni- ' t': a Di.'tillery. The I'iaiik Koad Irom Fayetteville t i;:iiei^)i inin.-i through the preuiises. For further par- i-' ■ ariply to the subscrib-r on the premise's. IIONALD McMILLAN. KiiiL.'burv. ( k't. I»0, Iw JUMil'll I!. !iL()!iX(ni. C' O n T1 I » A ANl» FORWARDirJG MERCHANT, .X*. g-£r“ 1‘ro’upt personal attention gi\en to ail Coii'ign- nieiits. and ( 'ash advances made on I’rotluce lo be ?liip- ped to ..rlier ]■' it.-; or s-ld in this ni.akit. Fel.. I J, 1>.'.U. r,»y WILKINSON vV i:sli:k, DKALLKS IN i'lii' ti ■(I'littir',\ Furii'jn l'’riiifs, A AND i hi;.-; of c*::3:ioii ssav.i\a AT \VllnI,K.AI.K AM> HKT.VII.. IVIarlrot St., Wiliaiiigtou, K. C. Aug. 7. l.'' .l. lltf M vij.iyr r pall.mii:u, iirorcrs and i'onntsisHioH rltftnis^ lTir» I'roiit NEW YORK. p. MAI.I.KTi ] [1. l.SM.MtVK. August 1 li. 1 1 -tt T. C. WORTH, roii.iiis.^KiN .nu i(!i:\\\i:iii.M. mlikiiwt, \\ IL.MLNCri'ON, N. C’. Feb. 1. 1S.'.2 .]()si:i‘ii .1. Lii'pri''r, ('oiiiiiiiooioii A: l'«>rwarditi;; ll«'ri'!iaiil, ANJ> l»!:.\LKlt IN (i !{>(•]•: It IKS. HALL S r.riLDlNC, W \TLH STl'.LLT, WILMINGTO?;, N. C. I’r inipt atti'iilion given to the purchase and sale of I’rixluee: retiiriis rendert I with .li spateh. Keler t.i 1;. I’. Hall, I s j., I’res t of the r.ranch liaiik of the State: .Me«:si,. f. T. Ihiigli A; Son, 1 a\ett\ ille. Oct. loth, 1 ol-;tm J Lir ‘ St’o rr AM) .)AC KSON. .'T received, a supply of "Scott anil .Lackson," Headley's new Work. .Vlso, Dv.mkl W >;iistku .and outeinporaries, by C. W. March. L. J. HALH & .‘'•ON. 'i t -ju. 17a\V IJOOKS. SUn.'^CUlDEU.S have ou hand, and oiler for N irth Cardina Supreme Court lleports, in sets or viigie vfdumes. Iredell's Digest and Digested Manual. • ' (,'ivil Practice, F'orin Hook ntid Swaiin’s .Justice. .'■tory. on I’.ailments. Conflict of Laws, r.artnershiji. L.piity .1 urisiii u'\i ni-e, F.ipiity I’lea'lings, Hills, .\gency, Sales, and Contracts. .\rcht.o!d s Laiid;' rd and Tenant; Ni.-^i I’rius; Criaiin- «i 1‘iiadings, I’ractice iind .Xppc-ndix. liitt". on Dills, Crimina! Law, ( 'outracts, and I’le.ad- Sfaikie, on .'^landt>r, Kvidence. and 'rim. I’leadiiig. >ti;4 b-n, ou Vendors, I’owers, and I’ropcrtv. l’"»ell. on Mortgages, and 'ontr:i> ts. .'■Mith, uii t'ontracts, ^Vetions al Law, aud ('hancerv r. ..'ti.-.'. r.ii-- ll, on Crimes, Factors, Jirid .\rbitrutiun. ."aiujders on I’leading an*J Kvidence. 'Vi:iiams. on K.\eeutors, and I’ersonal Property. ll itVnian's Legal Study, and Masters in ( haiicery. .\nieric.in Ch. Digest, and J.e.'iding Cases. I . S. liigest, and Criminal L.-tw. I /irx'iiii > Legal .Mavims. Hale n IMeas of the ( rown. ' ■ .'vi-r on I‘artnershii>s. Hill on Trustees. 1‘ark on 1’ « r. Wills ou Kvidence. .''tephen on I’leading.— •birmaii on Wills. Fearne on lieniainders. Crabb on lo :il I’riiperty. l$vb:.i on Dills. Se^Igewick ou Daiua- Curtis's Ivpiit^’ I'recedents. Ad.-ims’' Kquity.— MiU'ir i ^ i’leading.s. Maenueenon Husband and Wile. Atljerley's Law of .Marriage. Cary on l'artiiershii>.— ' ! e .,11 Defamation. Doniat, and K.iutrm.an, on Civ- '■ l.iw. lli,|(er on Legacies. Dart on \ endora. (iv«eu- on Kvidence. lioscoe’s Ci'im. Kvidence. Uock- ■ ' Sjianish and .Mexican Law. Lube's Knuity I.loneson Dailments. ll.arton's .Suit iii-Ktpii- Ibibertsoii on .Succession. tJresley's Ktjuity l.vi- Toller ou Kxetutors. Keaves on Domejitic Ile- Lewis on I’erpetuity. Itoss ou.-Veuiloss.— ‘I 11- Arbitration. Hare on Discovery. I'diu kburn, '•'‘1 11. on Sales. I’ulling on .Vecounts. Kllis on In- lllanchard ou Litnitations. ills on Uses, '-■'■■lull 1 ,i, (j^utrm-ts. Fell ou (iu.nriintee.s. Curtis’s ' j;iiii-ing. Tamiyii’s Chancery Kvidence. \ iittel's Nations. Angell and Ames on Corj)orafrions. ou Heul I’roperty. IJurrill’s Law Dictionary. ■ on ^I()rtgages. Hughes Kjuity Draughtsman.— ; Selwyn. Kent’s, ('oke's, and IJIackstone’s '>iMiii(.|,t,,pj^.jj Kinne’s Kent and Idaekstone, &C., &c. iibove will be sdd on reasonable tt-rnis. Other N. r.. srAKiu’CK, Tro//, .\V#r 1 •«>•/*, lUON ro’.’Nl^Kil AND MACHINIST, Mdituj’iirtiirry nf' Stunu M ilU inul />o//'-ys, Mill (tft!rni'i nf III) Af. ri'^HK undersigned, as the .\gent oi tl.e above Kstab- B lisiinu'ht, will order any articles which may be wanted, on aj'plication to him. ’*'he Steam .Miil.'i manufactured by Mi-. Starbuc'; have* been teste.l, and are highly !ij)]iro\ed on tlie I’lank Koad.^j about F a', ettev ille. KDW’D LKK W INSLOW. Fayetteville, .“^ept. 4, 1H.»1. ‘JOtt W. 11. McKAV.] [I- H. IKHiLllTS. McKAV A: R()Bi:irrS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, General (ommissioii ik, Furwiirdiiig .'Ir nil a ills, South \Vater street, (i doors below Market, I’articnlar attention jvaid to the sale of all kinds of t^untry Droducc. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Ileferenco: .John D. .''tarr, I’rcs't of the Iljink of Fayetteville, Wm. i. Droalfoot, Cash r, do, F.lijah Ftiller, Ksip, j -Messrs. t ook laylor, | I “ Cook iV .Johnson, J 1 L. C. llitt/Viard .V Co., Clinton, S.Tin]>son cfiunty. Thomas.J. Morisey, Ksij., Lumberton, Ilobeson. .1. IJrown, Ksfj., Westbrooks, lUadeu. Oct. 8, 18iV^. : \VA'l'C'lli:S. .)E\\ I'J-KV, \r. | ^ n H K sub.scribtT is now receiving his ! I F VLI. STOCK (iF COLD ANDSIL- WWTCHKS AND JLUKLKV of e\erv dc.'erijitioii. A1.«|., pbited Cake Uasket^ Candle sticks and (';i>tor>-. tine I'mlery; l..uble aixl single bar- lel (luiis: Colt's and Mb ii's Iti-volving I’i.-'tols; sclf-cock- ing and common l’i>tol>; I’owder Flasks; .''hot l’ou-hes; (iame r.a”s; I’ercussion (’ap«: \ ioliiiK; Flnles; Fite.s; .\ccordeoiis; Music l>o\fs; gobl. sil. cr a lid steel .'^Jiecta- cU's; and a great variety oI other .-ii ticks in the line. .V g.i.iil ass irt:iieiit of CI.(ICKS. I’lircliaseis are rcs’.ccltuliy invite.1 to call ati l ex amine. ‘ \vAr.i;i:N 1‘kk»k. Sept. o(i, is.‘.:j. oit-.im ('loi Us :iiid Wat. lies tepaii'ed :ind vvai ranted. .\Uo, .l.'weii v ol every liescri[ tloii ticaily rep.iircd. i'Ki:sii cooDs. Vir.CK.' ('iiipethigs. new : »% le and jatterns— 0.^ Lnisseis. three |.!y. Iiigr.iiu, \'eiieliaii. Dru;:- rest :;o l Kugs; Flo.'r and Tabie Oil Cl'.ths; Dama.'k, furkey-red. and i iiibus.'-eil ( iirtain Coo.;.'; super line U’.aiiki'ts; iirass and, iii';i,s.s-iu i.d -ii.iiiri.iis, ai.d .''liovels and T"n_'s \c., i\c. 'ee(N':Ke:ES V. ■-(• ( rates a.'-ioi ted ( 'rockery, new st_v !•. imported dll ectlj. from Liv ci pool, making our a.'sorli.n nt complete. —.\L.'=t» — ■J'> r.Ms. Coll'ee .''u;rar. ■‘> Hlids. .N. O. and i'orto llico .''U;!ar, ■J(l ll;t;'S l.ajrnirn ( ortce. L’ Cask" o|.| Kfi’tich Draiidy, -> Hf. bb!>. and bo\c.>> .■'od.i, Ildftcr, and I’icnic ( lackers .\n rtnient of lle.ady-niade Clotl.lng. Jr.st riccivtd .•md for sale bv S. W. TlLLlNdllAST \ Co. Oi t. L ::itf ;i.ovi:k, \t llir siiiii of tlip larir Watrli. Hay Strrct. ii:s ant sT,t.vif. 11 vs r'c‘i\((l his I'ali. S'i'ot k or (iOOD.S, COIi-.sllllg of SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND raiLITARY GOODS. A .MO.Vfi his assortnicMt may bp fonii'l \\a(che>of all kinds, from •'^■'' to >il'J-'i; gold Fob, (iuard and Ver-t Cbains; .^ol.i Seals an.l Kevs; silver l-'ol> au 1 (iuarvl Chains .-ilid Ke_v»; Dr a-t j il:'. ICar-ring- aiel Fing: r- riii}:s, :ii fine .«(i..-k i; Cutt-piii; l!rac-lct-; (lold :tnd silver .''jie tacies. riiimbl. s .imi I’encilx; ^old Locket.'; Colts iind s UevoUcrs; Chess men; eei.rdeons; ,'ilvcr Spi.on-; silver Cups, \c.; Military C o is of all 'Kinds; a tine lot ot ('lock', .and almost ev e|-\tU; ng called for iu bis line, which wili be sold che:i]i t.>r I 'asti, or on short time to those that vvill I'.'iy their bills v.licii pi-eseiiled. N\ atch« s ;in l .Jewelry repaircl .-is usual. (»ld (iold and .''ilver taken iu exchange. ’ ,\11 those indeJ)te.I hy Note oi^ r.ook account, must ]>ay by the 1st ot November. Fa V etteville, (let. 4, ISo'J. :>l-tl .\!:v; I'lii.M m m\ liociii.s'. tJScS>onntd A* •fir»93ttsft'r MAVK jLST IIKCKIVKD a COMn.KTK i^TOCK of ^»roi*€*i*i€*s ati3 E*ii*oviNioii^, Kmbr.'ieing almost every artiide usually kept iu that litie. at the \ KLLOW IJl ILDINO, a few doors above the State l>ank and one door above .M. W . .Jessup s, on (lil- lesj'ie street, and wonbl We ple«.ied to e.xbiliit any thing in their line to those who may favor them with a call. — AL.SO— llartlware, (’iitlery, ('mekery, (Hass-waro, Wood- ware, l.ii(juirs, Hoots and Slioc.-., I lats ainl ('ajis, and a good assortment (d‘ ])iy (looil.s. To the uKovc Stock wc v.i.)uUl respectfully invite the attention of the public. t'ountry I’rodiice taken in exchaiigo for (!oods. 1-jiv ettev ille. .Sept. 1, IS.'rJ 2'Jtf FALL .\Ni) \\lNTi:iI, 1 ('iiiij III tltr ('iri/.fllA of f\ij/rlti rilli-. EF you visit \\ilmingtoii this Fall or Winter, do not fail to call ;it tiie .Merchant 'i'ailoriii:; and Clothing .■'tore of S('( 1 r \ ll.VLDW IN. They ;irr now iipening one ol the iarj,cst asaortmeiits of i'lolliiiiif mill I'liniif Jinc.-i (iitml.-i ever before otrered to the eiti/ens of .Vorth ('arolin;*; ' among v>lii.-h may be found i Vi ry variclv C'f L..>ine.-ss ( oats. I’.inls, l.itcst style, .-1111 \ ests of ail the raging ecdois, as vM-11 as plain .''atin and Cassinuie. liieir new aliii lieruitifiil :issortmeiit id' Fashion-iMe ( Uer-( 'o;.ts ■ cann.it t.iil to |ib‘;ise. The ••I’atent .Make .Seam" .Shirt ; sold oidy by this house, i.-s an .irtiele vvhi.di every ";entle- ; 111.Ill ou^hl to v\c:ir who wan‘« a (deasnnt tiiting .-ind ' desirable gaiiiunl. ."hilt ('ollais, t ndi-r (i;irm«.|its. (ilovc.'i. .^c.. \c., Ill ‘'rc.ii v.iiict.’.11 sii.iii^ low lor' c,..«h. ‘ " I (lur Merchant Tailoring Department is eon.lucted '.y ' cullers of emiiunt skill; so that we are at .til times jire- ; )>.ir*d to niai»e suits to nieaswr.', oti the most appr.ivni stvle. .V splendid assortment ol t.'loths, Cas.'inie»c>4 i aii.i X e.'tlli^s aiv, i. •• s ou ha/ul. i SC( tTT iS: I’.ALDW IN, | .Merchaiil Tail.^i--, Iin]>orters of Hoiserv, I'loths. Cassi- lin res and \ estliigs, and Dealers iu Kead .-ma'le ( I..thing ol'their own superior manufaelure. ; >Vilmingtou. .Sept. 14. :_'7-tl.J jiartnership under the style of WIHTAKKH, WHITFIKLD iS: CO., for the pui-fM.se of doing ikgeneral agency ami commis sion business, and in olfering their servces to the public in that cap.icity they flatter themselves that tb»>^ -Kill be able (o give oaiisfaelion to all those who nniy eoiisigu any goi-ds, wares, merch:iinli/,e or country jiroduce to them either to sell ou commissions or forward. .Vs it will be our gn'.'itest aim to ple:ise, we j)ledge oursidves to spare no pains iu trying to give gener.-il satisfjictioii. They respeeKuPy ,‘iolicit the iiatroiiage of tiit'ir frieinls and the public (leiierally. Their store is No. M North Water Stre*'t. iJickinsoii’s Fire-proof bniidiiig, W il- mington, N. C. .JOHN K. W I! I'l'.X KKl!. J.V.MKS W. WlllTi lKLD, A. .\. IJ, SOL'TH.VLL. Ur.re.UK.NCK.s:—.John Dnw-niii r(jtlv!-V Kidder, O. (J. !’:irsley, .Samuel iieery Son.s, Li. U. Fielich, aiul Lilis iV .\1 iteheli. .Ian, I-.., \xr,-2. (il.tf 1U1),(;U() Acres \ nlualAv LA A 1)S lor smIc. ^111] .Subscriber has purch.-ised all the Lands belong ing to the Kstate of Abram D'tl.niu, d‘e'd. l.ving jiriiicipatly in Itobesoii county, Jiii'l on both siiies of i.um ber iiiver, the dill'erent surveys eoiitaining A ores; ■\ l-.vrge jiart the-ly Tim\>ered. aiel convenient to Lumber Kiver, where a large (|U;intily of Timber is now r:ifteI to tb‘. (ieorgei.iwii ninrket. These L.inds are very Valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which l>urpo.'e a barge part is well suited. beiii..r in a ri’gion where the Turpentine yieldr mor** iibundnnlly than iiiiy | Fuvetteville, N. C. ther .section of the .State, 'i'lie Lands will be sold at low j. 'ice, and in (juantities to suit purch.isers. Information respecting the title can be obt.-iined by ajipiying to the lion. Koliert .Strange. Hon. -J.is. C. Doi>- biii, or .-V. T. .Smith. (.Vitoi-ne\ s nt L:tW.) I un.ler»1and tiiei-e are many tre-^passers on th*se Laiid.*. to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such otienders. -Vpplication for anv part of the Landseaii be made to m;, ^ell. Ol- to .lohn \Vii;sIow. Kso . w ho is didv author- i»c'l to make sale of the s;inie. TH()S. J. Ct U'l'i.S. Fa Vetteville. N. (’.. .Sejit. 1. T'.tf \jjl \ i^(n}etti r Ulv i I*AvVyr rEviLLE, n. c. f H^HLS l.irge and sjilendi.l Duildiiig has iiow been in ML suecesslul o].eration sin. e .M.-iy Is*'.'. The l!ed- iling and Fvirnilnre of all kiiuls is new, und the looms ' eiiiiveiiient an.I ple.-isant. ; 'i'iie T.-ilile is always fui-ni'*he.l wU), ,},» the ; m.'irket .-illorils. •■lided liy a fine veget.iiile garden. I’.oi.i lers, Lod_;^eis, and Traveiiers will tin.I desirable aecoinnioilatioiis ;ind .ittentive serv.ants. No pains will be spar.'d to give entiri* s:tti.'5f,-ic»;or(. ! 1-aiiiilie.« c.an he fiimi->l:ed with l.-irge. airv, front doulile r.i.tiiis. conveniently and hamlsomely turnished. ; .\ii e\]ierience of 'JO ye;irs will en:J;le tiie lessee, she ANN linoWN. ■Juiie 1. l-S-'iO. T K have received in part, and are n»vv reeeivini^ a large alil general assortiuent ot' S'l Al’f.2'1 and FANCV i»lvV ciinsisting in part as follows; Super llhiek, I!ro\\u, (ireen and l>h*e Clotlif^; Sup’r' ni.iek Doeskin {.-incy C.assimers: ^'^ilk jilush and velvet \'estings. (some vrry fine;) l;*r!tk, white and cobired' Cranadin S.ain aii-1 Kn-disli Silk VcdtingS; r ine CiMf.'its; C.dhir.s; \c. .\mongst our Ladie.s’ Dress (ifxids may be founil—' I'laiii lil k iiroderliine. and black, iigured ami watered .silk; rich ISrocade do.; plain atid tlgiii'^'d do.; rich white figured do.; plain •"'hite .iatiii tioieiice, I'Ve., ('••iiited .S.itiii Cashmeres: I’aris jirinted llobes; I'.iiglish, Fre;Ve**^ and .\iiiericaii jiriiited Delaiiis; sii:all tigured and highly co|**red De'ains lor t liildi eii; i!i;glisli and Freiiei. ,»leri-' \ihji: C'dored tlaniiei; (il.iee I’ojuiii: \ ictori:>-ii'-i f.-irtaii IMaids; colored .\ipac.-i Co!>iir;.is and L.‘iiri;i rioihs; I’.laek itoiiiba/.iiie. isonie extra tine;) illack .Vlpacas, Silk and Cotton W:ir]i; colored Velvets for children; .Scot'.di, French :ind .\i:ier;can (iinghams and prints: .si awls; .\lautill»>-! (iloves; Hosiery: .Silk, L,iliih s W .lol i.Ti't Mo- rino.siiirts .-ind Dr:iv\ cis; :i h.iniisome asjoi'tnient ot l\ib- lions. Fringes, (iiuip and \ehet Trimmings: Swiss,- .Jjn:onet. .Strip(‘d and i'Iai! Muslins; .Swiss an.l .laconet Kdging and Inseriiiigs; Inf.ints’ Kiiibroidered Waists. J!obes .and Caps: 1-reneh-worked Handkeichiefs. t'ollars and L ndersleeves: Kcul ’i'L.rcad Liice and L.aeu Kdg- ilig; Lisle and Cotton do. W itii :i lull assoi tiiK'ui o( Doiii'.ets, Hats. ( ajis. Doots, .Shoes, I nibrell:is, I’arasois, v.iili ui:.:iv otln'r articles’ not euiimcrateil. m.iking c>nr assortment one of the lar-' geft .-iiid liest vv*> nave e>er oll'ered "ur friends .and cus- toiiiers. So We invite them all to call as earl^’ as coii- veiiieiit, and exaiiiine for tt>e»i'«pl'. es, as we cn] cC‘ ir'' sell as reasoii:ib!e ;is :iny other liini;-e in the trade. K.-ist corner Market .'ijoare. .-in.I No. 1 (ireen .stroet.^. ALLX'il J(.»liNS(JN v 0. .Sejitenibei- f.ANI receiving a much largei- .s'i'OCK OF i()(H>.s than usual, eoiisisiiiig of a co.iiplete assnrtiiieiit of' Dry C«oous, (jroccrics, Ihirdwiiro iiud C'uilery, — -Vmong which m.iy be found— Ladies’ fine Dre>s (li.ods. Di^nnets, aii.l an assort-' ment of L’rcis a^d Dvi.nel Tiin.mi.igs, i^i' ti.c ialusV si V les. —also-- ]/illSj Clips, IiOoli; II,'Ki tS/iOrSj Negro 13!ankets and Kerseys. ISag^ing and llo.,e, witii' a i.irge supply of I!K.VDV-.\l A DK CLOTiil.\(i. .\il of tile aOove (ioods have !icen r-‘cei;tly ^iiiichascd,- Jiud will be rold low at v.holes:de er retail. K. MOdUi;. Kast Loriiei' ?>larket Square, .‘-^ept. (1, :jotf the 1 of Jul V. 'I'lic \\ aksaw S’i a;i: ? will leave Fayettev ille d«ily. :it half past 4 o'clock, A. .*1., commeiii iiig M. KINNoN \ Mi NKlLL. T Sept. li.' ' a liOO'l'S. , Youths' and Cliildreiis" Hoots. .1. iV T. WADDII.L. oi*tf ~h |i:ii.l for dried Fruit. iii:uiiL\us. I’,UI>i. IIMIIHINC.S, J.') I’rinie I’ork, l\.r sale bv T. S. LL'TTKllLOll .lulv 'Jl,‘ is.'.ii. m CO. Idtf Fiiyetteville. m m\]\ & .m:\v iiooiis. f aiHK «u*»scril»t*rs ar** iiow rrrrrviu;; Iroiu \oi k, a ;i und ^oueral of Si(tpic (lint J'tmcij Di'ji (ioods^ • HAK!>\\'AKH, llat.s and ^'ap.', l>oots and Shoes. .\mong which are: CfrfFee, Sugar, Cotton Dagging, l?ale Kope, Nails, Wimlovv Obiss, Sw edes and Luglis.ii Iron, Sack and .Alum Salt, Imperial and lilaek 'leas, I'ejiper, .Mspiee. (iinger, I’owiler, Skot, l!ar Lead, liar and Fancy .Soap. Together with a great variety of other urtieles, to vvhit h thev invite tin attention of the public, and which thev are determined to sidl as low lor ( ash, or on time to those who pay promptly, as any house iu the South ern country. I’roduce of all kinds, at the highest m rket price.s, taken in exchange for Goods. Summerville, N. C-, Dec. H, McLEAN JONF.S. 47tf ln-1 '" i;.,.,k- procured to order for members of the Pro- ■'* .iny part of the State. E. J. IIALK & S(JX. \\\um 1 lamiH, I'OKWAIJDING AND CO.MMISSlOX MHUCHANT, ; WILMINGTON, N. C. | FKUSONAL attefit’lou given to the sale or sliipiiieiit | •t' Nitval Stores. I have ample iii.cilitie.'^ for eon- | iluctiiig the business; largewharf and store .sheds to-1 keep spirits from exposare. Naval stores will be siiipped j to anv houae iu Nev\- York, or to other markets if j advisable, and lil^ral cash adtajjces ina«le ou consign- 1 meuts. 1 refer to the iiig d'cstillers:. E. Haniiuni, Wayiie County, Chandler Hall, Johnston Co., Lovett I’eaeoek, ColuuJjus i'o.^ B. IL Harden, Thos. L. \’ail,. I’diulcn “ Mesisrs. Smith, X, Ingram, .Johnston Co.,. Messrs. Z. & J. .Jones, “ Messrs. SinitJi & Jones, “ S[iencer Fountain, Ksq., “ Levi Dailey, Kscp, “ May 20, IH.VJ. . Blank Wdrrdnta for sale here. I>AJ.S .Java, Laguira and Kio ColTee, ♦1 Hhds. (‘uba ami I’orto llieo Sugar, 2it Harvela Uetiue«l Sugar, ■j Darrels gninrtlaSed L«mf Sugar, 2 Itoxes double-refined Do., 20 IHids. sweet Molasses, Diiperial, Hyson and U unpowdcr Te-aa, 2f) iross .Matches, lU(i IbK. ground I’eppev, Tepper, Spice and Ciiuger, oOO lbs. SilI. S^kL*, 4 BWjk troppenis, 7 bbls. and i bbls. “ICagle Mills” Snuff, GOU lbs. Sole Leatker, 1 bill. Ahniv I’utty in IJladders and Tin Canisters, 8 X iu atid 10 X 12 Gla»», 24 doz. Yeast Powders, Dar Soaji, 100 Kegs Nails, (assorted) best bran.lS). Colgate and Hull’s fine Soaps, And a great many other goods for sale lowr by IL liUANSON & SON- Scx'ttmber 2., LEaTUI:U liANDS, H( •Hol'(i II LV stretched cemented, .•ind rivete.l. For sale liy T. S. I.LTTKKl.Oll .V t'(». Oct. 1. I"‘i2. * :^ltf i.AW UI:NC'E ^ 'i'KOV H.-ivc re*eived their Fall .''toek of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. —ALSO— A siijjiir lot >1 (.’lotiiin;!, Crockci v arxl (i!as.\var«>, Hoots anti S!io('s, 1 liirdwarc anti C'utK ry. \\ c have oil b;t'i.| the f.dlowilij liio. Laguira, and .\larai aiiio Cot’ee; Porto llico and Cul»a .''iigar; Lo.-if, ('rushe.l an.l Coffee ditto: .Vdani.in- tiiie and 'i'.iilow Caudles; F.incy and common D.ir So.ap; I’enrl au.lCoi'ii .Staieii; 1‘eiiper. .Spice, (iinger. .\utmeg~; Cloves, Cinm-.iiiotr, Tea, .Vc.; .Salt, Iro/i, .Molasses, i\c.; Sole, Cjiper an.l Harness Leather. IMIOVI.^ION?^: P.eef, and smoked and dried ditto; Ueef Tongues, and ••Tongues and Sounils' ; No. i] Mackerv-1, iu bids.: No. 1 ditto, in kitts; Salmon and I’iekled Herring, in bbls.: Lar.l. iu bbls., kegs and ki*t.>s: tloehen fsnd Dairy liutter; Cl.ccse, Pickles, i’reserves, iJic. J.IQI’OIIS: Fine French Dvamly; Common Domestic ilitfo; Old Kve W hiskey; llectitii’d ditto; cleat- wliife ditto; t'frirnt.^y ditto: New Kngland liuiii; Ho!!aul tiiii; Port and Tciie- rille W ine; t'oiumoii .Malaga ditto. ^■»■e have a large lot of Liquors which 'we otfer low by the barrel. We keep ou h.ind, always, D.-icou, Flour. Corn. .'te. We oHcr any of the above named (ioods as low as can be atl'or«.led in this market, for (.'ash. or iu exchange for Countrv Produce, or on time to punctual customers. LAWUKNCK .V TKOV. .Sept. 1 •’>, 1 S.'j2. 2(itt CLOTllINi;! CLOTHLNC;! i\ill i^iiil r.iiiinitii: lii fiire //ou hiij/ ilfcic/ii i'‘. f||>HK t.ndersigned has just received and opened _3- his Stock of Clotli.H, C'assinicrc.s and V(‘slin^s, Consisting of bl.-ick, brown. green and blue Cloths, of various (jujilities; fane^' and pl.-iin .Silk, .Satin. Velvet and Cassiiuere A'e.stings, of the liiost faahionable colors. .Vlso, Doe-skiu and laiicy Casslmeres, of the most fash ionable selections. A SfVeet asscirtnient of IlKADV-M.VDK CLOTH- lN(i, consisting of Overcoats, Over-sacks, close-bodied Sack and Frock Coats, of various styles: tancy and plain silk and Cassiiuere \’ests, of superiiu' cut ami workmauship. and of the ino.-t f.i.shiomible colors. I’ersoii.'! wishiii” to purchase «ny of the.above aitiv;lt‘S, would do well to call and examine his Stock, The MiliseriL(.‘r loiitinuos to carrv i on the TAlU)l’vlN; UL’SINKSS, iTft a*ll its various branches. As he has taken instructions in Cutting from one of the best instructers irr New York City, he tlatters himself that he can carry ou the business with more success than it has beretofove iHren done, and v*.Lil sj.i.are no pains to please those wlio may favoi’ him with their patronage. He may be fouml at the Store recently occu]iied bv .Mr. J. M. lleasley, on tU« Novtb Kaxt corner of Mar ket Sijuarc. IIUUII GH.\11.\.M. .Sept. I-'., 18.->2. 2>i-'!ni MA!i\L\N'S IlOl’EL, F A V !•: r 'i" s: \ b s. s. i-:, .\. v. , 'riiu .■•'ihscrile'r li.iviiij; t.iki'ii tlio large* Hotel, fo nierly kii.iwn.iis the PL.V'^TKUS’ H()TFL. situated at the loot of Hav .Mount, H.iy .'^trcet. Fa V etteville. North Carolina, ' ies].ectlully intorm* hi* friends and th»* public that be is now eng.-iged in refitting the building, which is i supj^lied with entire new Furniture, .-ind is prepared ' to accommodate the travelling juiblic. Having had i >-o!ue exjtericnce iu the busine>s in the town of Pitts- borough. N- C., he tlatters himself tli.-it he will be able to give satist'action to those who may favor him wiih their company. Hi? roonis are large and airy. He has large nnd cenvetiiem Stables, and a good and • faiihful Ostler. j JOHN JIAHMAN. ' Feb'v M. (it'.tf ii ii J u HATS, CAPS, E03T3 AKD SH0E3. K AKK now receiving our F.ill .'tock, tx whiciV V V. e iii'.iie the atn.ntion of bnveis. Aumist 2o. 1,‘.'.2. li A Ll. L^VCKKTT. P.t-n' ^ NOTK'E. li K subscriber has taken the .Store -H next door to Hall \ .'•^ackett's. where he inteiii's carrying on the T.\ 1 J.Ol! I Ntl III .SI,\K.''.S in .'ill its branches. Having b:'d ).radical e.]*T;e?‘et in most of the All.-mtie -ities. he feels asTOred that he can iilea-e the most fastidious. .Vll or-lers will t.i; executed with iieat- ness and dcs[i.Tteti. N. 1>. .Military Dresses made in the latest and most apprfivpil style. A geiu ial assoftlnent of ch-ii*e ^T,f)TH!NO i>n'- hand, which w ill be soM low for cash or approvi d credit.- D. MONAGHAN. .-Viigi^st 1'2. 1S.")2. li'.tf TIAICV 7 ILL be ghni to accomnio'late ‘i few Doarders. .She also informs her friends and the public that nhe intends to carry ofi the business t»f .Mautn.-i- makiiig. Fayettveille. Sept. 4. 1S'»2. 2'5tf ''''^lllllHVnJi!; IIDTI'L. ^HK undersigne.l vvotild respectfully inform the citizens of .Snmnierville, the vicinity, and the public generally, that she has opened a Sionsf of luiiierlithimettt., where she will lie )>leased to accommodate all who may call ou her. The Village is pleasant and healthful, her house large and commodious. No pains will be s|).-ired to remler agreeable and comfoi table any who «>ay favor her with a call. .She if* also jirepared to weconiodatc with 15oard from lo to 20 Students. Price ol Hoard per mouth. K. DAILKY. Summerville, N. C., June 1 •■?, 1S‘>'2. J-tf ZICV1''J;Y'.S ilOTF>L7 JT7ES 9 o ^ ^ Tla? suliscrilttM' liuviiig l.itt'iy ooinplt- ted extensive additions to his house, t.-ikes I • ■ • tWit; metlvod of itiforniing his friends, and the travelling couimunifv generally, th.-it he 1 is iiovv prepared to accouunovlate them in a superior style. The entire house, ln-.idilig, an.l liiriiiture of every description is new and clean, ami no j.ains will be spared to make his guests comfortabic in every icSi.ect. Ail tiie stages stop at this House. A. T. ZKVKLY. S:ilem, July 24, 1‘'')2. ll-4iii]>d r.-., (FjlV-fcr/i ('ahlfK't Furnitiirr^ ('hairs^ Vr. fB^IIK ;nibsrribcr i.-f rrreivin^ the liirgest .issorfnienff S_ in his line ever Jiefore purchased at the North,- whieh, together-with his own manufacture, mak* s liiy Stock very eoni]ilete, con.^isting of Cliaii's, Tiiblcy, 8!fa.s, liedstiads, AVa.-l) StuiiJsy Buro:iu.s, Looki)>ji trlassr^s, Sid« lioards, Secri.-tar'H S, iVc. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms foi Cash/? or on short time' punctual customers. JOHN \V. I5AKF.U. Oct. ^1(1. i.s.'il. (iOODS. a large addition to ^T.\(iK le.ivis W.\1!.S \\S d.-iily on the .arrival of the* c.-irs, say 10 o'clock a. m.. and arrives in F.-iyctte-' ville at p. m. AIcKlNNUN 5c. McNKII.L. April 12, iVKiW rg'^L’K subscriber is now reeeivin_ jBL his Stock, consisting of Dry Cioods, C'otlV‘o, Suaar, Crockery, llar(l>varc, Hals and Caps, lioots and Shoes, IJai^^^ing and IiO|>c. —also— Hollow-ware, Nails, iA'itfhor, V»*iiilow (ila.sSj ^\ liitu Ijoad, (.'hcc.si', Fisli, iVc. Which he oHers on the Most reasonable terms, lie of- I'ei s tor s.ale a large stock of Jl^nrei^n *V SPoinfstic Ijiquora^ Obl P.ye Whiskey, old Nash Hraiidy. Ap[.le Drandy, Corn Whiskey. N. K. Uuiii, :iml .\m. (iin. His FOUi-'rt;!^ Ll^COliS w-ere selected with care, and are of superior (piality. Ihey consist ol (lodard Drandy: Ot:ird ditto; Old London Dock ditto: Henise ditVo; Jaiiiaiea Hui-i4; St. Croix ditto. Holland (iin; Irish ^Vhiikey: Cherry Dr.indy; M.uleira Wine, su perior; .''lierrv ditt.i, ditto. Port ilitto, some very tine; Sicilv .Madeir.-i ine: ('h;iiii{>aign Wine of the liolinger aiidotlier liraiids, in ijuarts and pints; Si'iitkling Hock, ditto, Ilitto; Pepjiermint Cfvrdial. Also, a large lot of tUe cheapest CKl.lIl.S in the place. W. DUAKillON. Sejit. 1”>. 18')2. 2i)-.'5m Lii'i': 1 NsriiA.Nci:. rHllIK rnd'i-«igned ha.' Jieen appoint^il of tlio' fiL .North ('arolina .Mtrtual Life Insurance t.'onii'any. 1-Aery member for life participnte.i in the profit.^ d‘ the* Coiiijianv: ami the animal premium for life meriiber- ship, wiiere >t nfiio’iirt? fo s>o() or more, niiiy be paid oiu'-half in ci;sli, and tlu‘ other hall in a note al lli mouths. Detitors’ lives may '>e ii'sured by creli1ors. A man may insure his ow n lite for tire «*xebisive benefit of his fam.lv. The lives of slaves may be insm eit. 'I'his svst“in rs raj)idly gr»wing into favor, -ill over the civili/ed world. It is >re by whieh a family, for a sni.-ill sum annually, may be provifled for, after the death of its head, on whose e.xcrtions they ni:iy have lieeii dep« ndv-nt for a siijiport. It i- a jr»od investment of iiiotK-y, even if f»Me should live long after t.-iking out a Life Policy. Kxplanatoi-y p..Tniphl(>ts, and the iieces.sarv Dlaiiks, fui-iiishcd on appl.cation. K. J. HALK. Favettorill*, Juiw* IS-'iO. 72 LUMIiEUi LU.MBEK’l K have our Steam .Saw Mill iu successful oper;i- tiorr, 8 i»yles-fvoni Fayetteville, near the Kaleigh Stage Hoad, and are prepared to exee»>t« otilers in our line. As we run two Kotar;/ or Circithir we can till bills at the shurtext notice. 'Ve can luruish Pine, Poplar and Jnniper LU.MUEU, and of ahm.-ia.uy length. Our Lumber^ for truthfulness ot line and sinroothness of face, shall equal to any ever .lelivered in market. JONES & liAKDKK. ;sti: FALL AND WINTER (H)ODS. I ll Fall and Winter Goods ure now here, and ready for sale. Our .stock of l>KV is large and better than any former season; 11 AKOWAft&l^ A^S> 4.'UTTI..I'StV is hard to equal. ffl^.—Our stock is large, equal if not superior to any former year. .\11 of wh;ei'i we would be glad to exchange for al most any kind of produce, for cash, or to punctual cus tomers on time. COOK iv, L()U. Sentember, 1802- 2(-tl £^''ire lussirtfttsee* f H^HK *ETNA Insurance Conipanj- of Hart.''oi-.l, hav- JB. ing )iaid the tax iiniX'Seil l>y the P.evetuio i.a-.v of the l.-ite J.egisl.iture, -Siii co-ntinuc it-s i.iy iu Favetteville. under the nianagenient of the iinder.iigneii, who is pre|>ared-to issue IVilicies of liisiir.itiei’ on liuihl- ngs or Gooils, either in this Town (.r in any j.urt of the .St.-ite, on prop>.i- apj'Ucation, uCi^^iipUoi: ol the Property, &.c. The *ETN,\ COMPANY has >>ecn iti ct'eration nbeut o() years. Its eapit.'il is The Mon. I hos. K. Hraee was its first President, and he still holds that otfice: and several of its tirst Idrectors are stil! a tive and eflicient membprs fif the Hoard. It has at all tinn s .sustained the highest character for tbe pindeiiee of its mauagenicnt. iiinl for the liberality witii which it has ever adjusted its losses. £. J. ham:, A-ent. March TO,. ':2 tf LIVERY STAllLE lU SlNENS. Thk 8ub.'^(-riher iiitcinJs car-- rving on the aho\e l.usiiie.s as-, vifiual. Having H'hied cons^ler- ahle Stock, he will J>e able to ae- ei^niTTiod.nte the pubiie. I hanktu** for past lavora, he solicits a coii-^ tintiance. .1. W’. POWKJ'.S- Jan’y 20, 11)02. o' tl-