(■ “in>: ' T* u' ■» ■ I ('o\(, "■>- mi Ktf .s,,» •. V^C., ' RDlJ ^ ^ J-Hnf ‘■’ T'^ KPExt "t t’i.vl-. .. ^ i rit,*, ‘■‘liun, F i ‘ 'wr' 4hf' OUTs. ■‘’ ’• '’' ■. 7 I - >:uiiU tulvj ' 'isiial. ■ *■X MU I I ton, i. P’-- ‘ k" lo •. '’"he uu i.J.i.UT. tij.;;."/. -vurin :.^ ., ^ :, r- it-,* f Wiii'l .( '.'to t‘- ftn_- ;.; l.t .I'lcr i' . -i c\ery '»i; L tlv. •^... . -r> » h=T i- rilxT >tillci ' UJINlT' . 1 ill *'.:.:Ui : li »V >t - to the ---r.-.. ila.: . -. Ri: AN McV‘' i -. . M. >OI)!S. 1 W INTEG'-X; € utlcry. . ... -.. h- - I I. *1-^. ry urdl-raii «• Drv (iocf?- •, \ >tock o! m wL-zm* ; ; : - in . -ur -'t » . 1. \v.vv;; lovr?*, [•r ATS ANP Tin r -r/. '* , , ,1. all'; S E M I-W E B K L, Y 'Aafl^jrVTT^ »B«»3BaBae?5 saBaattPt-etLxtJiai r JTjaiMqLgaAii,^^^^ iMPWjlBWWggM [\()L. II.] l’AYL:TTi:vn.LK, N. C., NOVEMr.ER 11, 1852. [XO. Ii2.] 2fiEKcL3B2fc2 : c r.~::iZMg-sg«.3ccggif- -x3gy.:^--z- I'lllNTHD liV J. li. SVA\r,Y. IIDWAIU) J. HALi; & SOX, r.l'lTOli.'^ AND 1’U0!>UU:T('KS. I'::-' :. 1' I I' ■ ••..V tlif S"*nii-\Vot‘kly Ouskiin ki: ?!} '0 if jmiil in ,,. . . .")0 if jmid iluring the year of suli^orip- ■| al'tor tlic year has i‘*\iiireil. , \v.', '^ly OnsKiivFii !?‘J on jH-r annum, if paid in •'^’- •''' it'‘lurinfr the year t>f sulisorip- ; .;■ ’ ;i : nl'tiT the year lias expired. ■\ K :.T1.''! N'l insirtod tor si.\ty cents pvr ,.t' 111 lines fi'r the I'u-st. and tliirty cents fur e:\ch pii'ilii-atii'n. Yearly advertisenuMits Iw sj>c- • tiMits. at rt'asnnahle rates. Adverti.^crs are ^f.‘ i t' s' lte tlie niuulier ■,>f iiiserticins de^irrd. ci- \',\ ’ii- V 'Utlmied till f.irhi'!, :ind char.irt d aei'i'Til- I Lfttfr. ti> the K liturs must he j>nst-pa;d. n. URANsox 4x1” 'r. ' ! i 11 sAi.r,. v“ II M- iiuni Wrapping T'aper, ; I'.-’, ni'w Kiee. ■ ^ ] :i; r.' tine I'Ut ('hewin" Tidiacco. DAILY ivViMX 'n:!),' |fS> > 44 l,r.S. r..\('i>N. - n ci'iisiennient and CIGARS! CKJARS! CICAUS! r>()0() [,a .losefina (lift Hefjalia, 4(M)() Kcjralias, rumu l,a I nion I’vvncipes, ’2uut) Ambrosia, • Joniiy Lind, l!cn I'ranklin, riantaticn, llOOO Nnriejia, o'liKi 1’aiiett‘las, •JOdU Neptunn, ('iiiii[ucsta, Voliiiitero, :5lK>0 l,a ('flelivada, 2UU0 Morenita, I'. r sale hy CllAS. HANKS. Oct. IS'. 12. yc.tf uocKFi.ii s!ii-.!-/n,N;s, n V the hale or half bale, for s.ile b\- .lulv 18, 18>2. C. T. IIAIGII & SON. ftf rOii SAi/n. Nl’AV 12 Horse Wat;>!i. Julv ll2—:-lf .1. 1). WIM-IA^IS. CllAUI.i:S iiAXKS tS reeo'.vini; his Fall :'.nd Winter Stock of (iOODS, tnnriistin;^ in ji.irt of '2 oast s .lar rriinos, 12000 ll>s. I’.ra/il Nnts, loo boxes Sardines, l20;»0 Ii.;/cl Ni;ts, •’) cases I’rt'sc’vd !inger lOtM) I'm-na N.its. oO boxes llaisir.s, '>0 bbls. ;;nd '■ ixt s S'xla, 10(10 U.S. .sott-slu ll .Vlnionils I’.iittor, Sii;,ar a;id \\ a- lObO lbs. Walnuts, ter I'riickt rs. .')0,(HI0 llaviuia auil l’rii\cipt> Ci'^ar-;, Sti)Uirhton‘s liittcrs. \\ orcestcr Sauce. Ciirratits. ('itr^n, • 'assiii, ^ cast Powders, Dates, l^'uincc .and ;na\a .lolly, I'apors. Olives, Tickles (in jr.-ilhms. half-;j;albins, ain/ i|Uarts. I !*>randy I’iiie Apples :iinl I’cachos, M.aoareni, \'oi ni.icclli, t'iriial.''. I’iiic Ai>]>le ('liec'c. I’rosorves |in pints. i|iiarts. and half-^a!!. i:s.) ('•'nsecvo ;ii;^er, Mai'c, ( loves, Xntino^rs, l.i.jU' rive. \o.; which >\il! be sobi at very luw prii'os. (>et. 121', Is.‘'.I’.if N\ i:;s'I'I':kx i^acox. IIIll'S, ju^t reci'ivcd and I'or sale by T. S. hi TTKKI.Oi'l July 121. isr.l2. 1) CO. 'tf 10 Au;:nst 12’'. L''->l2. T i.NS Swedes IKoN, ussoi tc'l si/e'.-, for sale r. 1’. J,»iLNSO.\. I2iitf 6 N will be sold 1a>W'. in lots to s\iit. 40Hnv ■r. at ^v :k- . .. i-i- rv ninte-- ' ' ^ J„d l>ruui=-"' . V -..uck ’--’ . ( lb"e rif® ’ c""‘1 '■\v' 'av'-S ;.er M"-'.'''■'U SAl-1'- . ■ ,:iO ' ' ' I>. N L». J» ‘‘ „ y ; i.ish >• ■n-:- ,Luii*- : . =-r '.1 ntl uHN A. \r:' MaliK llAbi^ nAiiri:uRi:o rviM:s. ^ 11.Mi'll is .apiin npcu for the rcci-ption id' >isi- Ji'l t'-'.s. I'r those wIih may want likenesses of them- 1 lam;' es. sinirle or in >:roups. and in every ;i;i.m;n:il)le; fiT 1 have rocontly piirch.-iscd a va- • . ■: t a:cy ca.-i s. to suit all tastes. ll.aus b r cliil- . ii.'ni il A. M. until 1 I*. M. In.structiims in tlie _'iven. and :ij>p:!ratns furnishc l if A\islied. My ;n is in the same place, JlcnOovv's lluildinjzs, near .’auk .'f Tape Fear. T. O. SMITH. N 'V. •■.. 41 ::;ii OX (OXSKiXMHXT. nni.s. roiiic. lo •• Fish Herrin;.rs. Just recoiveil and i'^r sale In' wiLLKiNiis ro. N. V, 1 !'•'i2. 41 tl ^25 ii‘ward. .\N\W \V fr'.ni tlie sribscnber, i^n Monday the : J. (I 'i.' cr, two Ni::ri>e.s, n.ii ioly 1!I..N aud I DK.'rbll'TKiN. : . ' ■ ut -I f‘et lo iiiolies hi^b. a;.d w ij;Iis al"iut ; ' I;:!:- is b-n^. and he tun'-^ ‘.eel' ; . Ml -;r:!iv:'; iias very l;u-'_'e head, larfre evt’^. an i • • II.' 1-lu r* ad au'l v.rire. and i s.- ' may '; :i t'-i -S. II is a:je i • 1!.^ N 'U’ ^ I'eet '• irn;!ii s 1 i^!i: vv; i^’.s a>' 'Ut .; • n; ; : •. and has a larr '. ar. an-i d by - i . t iiir "r thijrh. li i- 1 teeth, .iiid I, 1 •' ' di'Wij. liis a”o i> 121. r- ■ 1. - 11 1 f r r'-i t-eiien'i. n ui.d i; I r ! ' ;iny .b- .-r in tlii> .'•tatc tl I ■ _ : til'' :i''i'%c b: ; ;..i...i.d i-ew..ril "t f"r> r->r'f ..iiy v.liite per- n -r poi: ins ■ f r. A. I!.VKills N. • ... N. f . N .v, lltf IJrwtird. , V : ti e sul scri’I'r. >n n lay the : ! • ‘ . r ! . ’. my ne;r-: li ly l.l)W'i.'. ab'.iit i. . 17^ b'.'.. lias l. r::e wiiito t-'ftli. •; , .-.■f';! n t 'br;i-'ly d;.rk: ’> !'• et 1 'v^^i i- ’-e the ab >v- re'.v:ir.l t. r tl.e . ; i'-.M-ry • f sai'l I'.’;, t- ijic. '.r t" aiiy . 1 1:1 L;' t him a'.rain. C. A. HAIiH:.'"N, f'.r .■'j-an D. ’araway. . ty. VaV. l''.'i_’. 4Itf iioKsi:s. !" ' roke .MATCH II’ IISI'.S fi*r sale. CO(JK T.WI.OU 4'i-2\v I'i!\('.tcN ill(‘ ;iii(l W'ostcni iM:mk i':y \>iil receive an’l consider a j>ro).nsal «.r : r- .m- w 1; ■ may be •'■']" ;'''l t-> ent’-r in- ■ f. i'r kecpin;r tiie line of I’lank Iload frnm • A iT" i.zii ill eomp’ete re]>air for the . 'I'ltc the price per mile li>r the wlode ^ and rt-’’ leave the j.fji- -jls at the Otrni ; ay. scale'l and directed to the IV’ >ident !'s tlie F. W'. I'lank I!.cl (''iiqiany. EDW’D LEi: WI2SI.o\V. I’r. - t. 4"tlMD \\ 1N(1 taken the .'^tan'l reoent’.y occupied by 1]. llryan. lls.p, 1 iiave a l,'ir;je aU',1 general stuck, tri la hiiu.-iolf consisting; of Ih-y llarilwarc. GnHH'if', iJodt.'iV; SIkk's, ''b, lilaik.-'iiiitlis’ 'i'ouls, iV:c. Als’>, l-'i'ieigii aiul Ibiiiifstic lii|iicrs, W l.i' h 1 will sell low t'l punctual cu^ tuiiu rs or «'\i'hanjre fur I'r'iducc. F.. l.KF.'l'l’, l2 d:ii>rs I'.ist of tl’.c Mail.et llfuse. iiiii n:L!:!!i:\Ti;!) nirii r\TK\T VOOKlSi^ HTOVl^, g for sale !iy tin- .‘^iil.>ci ib-i- iu Ibdei^h an'l l’;iyette- Ji ville; in. !‘.a!oi-li at bis Sleip on Fayetteville Slrcvt, and in F.i\eitevillo at Mr. ,M. '':’.nipi.e’rs. The Subsi rili’. r hereby fi.rew.uiis :nl ]i i-s-.ns from purcb,i.-^i!.;.r .any c>i' tlicsi Si(i\os iV. ni any pevsi'U oitber in i r iiut of .N'.rtii '.irMlinM. cxcopi liom him e!! ’.r duly aulb'jfi.'C I .\yt nls. !lo has purebased tiic cxcbi- si\e lijrbt t > vend lliis .''tove >\ithln the .'-'tato, aU'l will lU’oseciite any per>..n iniVin'rin^ his rijilit. either by pur- ciia.-'in;,'. .'ollin^'. ■ r u.'-ini'. any except those oiitaincd Ji F und. I il STOCK tz. pril 1 N ! :v\ '1 ai IS.M. . F.rii '.vobTbr.iNc r,.-tf ii'iv,- r^'-'ivin'. the: Oct. -‘0. IS.', 12. J). & U received. ;’':tf Ti ? U Jiv* liiiisrm lu a bliiiou tl' their t'vrmer i 0(1 kei^s N 11.S. 10 hbds. Su;j:ar. I’O Mils. iJianulate.i 'litto, i i.'» ba-s (.■.>!l'e' • )0 piv,-..' liun'ice IIa;.:;rin^, 7 liiib's ■ uiiny t i"tli, b"> C'iils bopc, t) toii'i Svvcdts .'ind Fii.-'-li>h Ir..n •‘•O ke_us ;.ure an.! extra U iiiic l.i •'lO boxe.' Wiu'i.'W (il.-i-iS. 4i> liajis l»r.ip .iiid I)iuk >hut, 1’.') kc’.rs Fh'l-ti i’ovv'l. r. I.' .af and Ci'ushe'! Su;_'ai , IbT and Fancy Soa]'S. Mack'rob in l .irr.'' aiel ha2‘.'*> irr.i:-" t'het.^e, .'^i io>'. I’oppor. (iiii^i r. .''liut!. In'li’.:''. M 1 Mer. the • Spai.i;h I’ll' \m;. S, t.'. i ■. ^ ^i^■^l^us. N'itmc.-. I’v* Maco. f b.\,>. Vea-t Sj.iiin \c.; u lii ! ;i LTcn'-r.il a->.tttn,tit 'f MIV 1 .> K )Ib n »1 . AM! SliuKS. llAKliWAllF AM' « l 1 Id i;V. ib.^^; A\" .if:',-r th'‘ ;!'" ve ■ •■’I: at InW )ui ■'>. f- r C.iv’; j- - ^.M.d p.'.p; :'. i). vV 'iN , \i' l .'11 illN. Sept. 1 :. l-:j. 12‘- f ('..ii.'n.'iin.: i.f a 1:.!1 as^.lrtmcnt f ati'l (iciituni. iis lhi~.i .'tlj l'iy i l’ lu'ai!\!lat.', (' t., a !ar_f -i';; ni-nt II ■ it.-^ a:!;! ll.i/!',v.;! c. ' i ido. i i.'s, 1 bti;. - ali i .'li'ii] S.oliil. rv, ('r. i h' Ty m; ! i b;-v.-\v.ir aiivl Ihunuc !l;i_f.ii l u p d.l lar.T • a!: ! Ir' II. t'o-. Ue invite oiir iVioi amino oar ."^t ok; it : 0'.miii..d.tt;ii;^ torni--. .Vu.u.'t .in, ]>-'>l2. ;ii; I tlie to .Mi'iF ao.; v.r. ;. .1. T. l «'l M IL ( i .111113 Nails, • ■; iX. 12 i if \ AiA u;u: iMa>{ iiiv'i'v li r s.^ic •r li;:\i;,j: roliK.vod t'l 'l'e;,h' do I- an l Ian!.- in tli ; e . .in ' l.'f - li.' .at i;*'.-':; nil.:. i t^.iTot..: ;t!o f y A i! I; -EL s., I' hi' r- ' o. lie t; do:. ’,nd ti ■Ki ;■ 0 tr. ti e .M. 1 b ■ ... ;ti> 1 their ! n. I ti' '11 t I..1- tuii tbo 1 : w. i:. . l.t ! ' ■ . ' .1' ;:i.- ib iv and i:;. Jl M; li S,firs. '! I sil 1:N i'lNi: L \M) I'Oii ;a’.c bv r.F.AN; ON A: f:; 11 Sa .T. ' .11 '■ 1 .bilo.' ' i;i ’uiii' • le.k. ]r. i:' \irsic’. ro'i ei Ti'uliy inf .rm tl 1 V il inii V . tb:it l.e 1.' • n ill*' I'iai::. I It SH. WlHT.VKliP. w.'uid A» o.ti/fii": -'f F.iv ettcv.’b- .1;; lin . 'iniarnoe i ;;i\in;rb --^ He r .uri;sl:i thank': 1 r the li .1:.; p.itr. ii^i.;c I’i'!o roo' iv. .’. a’.i'l I'.ui.r ’.y -../.. it' ,v o.ait;i:u .no same. All j ains shall "‘C t.ak'.-n l"r the a.lv.u .-; his piipi’..'. ln>tru tii.n a’so ^iven on tl 'lixeall'llt t .1. AM) 1 itf f tl; L’iaU' IS t uno I (luitar. 1 ■' 1 in t'le I., b. H. U ill Auirii.'- l2b I- ■'t m.-.nr: 1' \ki;;:. ;; Itf v.\bb Mo \ - :v I.-. \Li 1 r.r ■1 b.v. : .M. 1 ;il. FALT. AND WLXTEIl STO(’K OF i STAPLE I'AXCV DRY GOOm, F«a* I s;;*?. SH.WE ju.st received my Stock of STAPLE AMV l'.\N(’^ 1»I;\ CiOOl).'^, for the Fall and Winter traile, consisting in part as follows: Cloths, Cassimcres and Vestinjrs: i»lain. bl'k ami fi^r'il Silks; tancy do: bl’k and col'd Fi-ench .Mtrinos; limiii.-h ilo; bl k an I col d .\lpacas: I'lcnc'.i and Enjijlish printeil 1 lUlains. (some embroi'lored and veiy Iianclsome:) .Me-! rino Shirt.'' an l liiawers; \\ od .'^li.iwls: ('assimere and Cra)ie cla; i'lannels; W’orstc‘1 ('aps; ISontiets. ."^ai kv and Mut's for Chiblren; Neirro lilankets, aii'l ;i few ;_o >'l beil blanki ts; Car]i; lsand Hearth Kul''s: French aU'i .\ni( r- ie.in I’rints; iii;;^hams; bleaohci anii brow 11 l)omostios; f •sn,'ibiir;r'-'; M.ilbro ( kkhIs; bl I; and c. 1 d t ( tt'.n \ civets; \ civet 1 rnnminirs: Jaconet an'l .''wiss Mus'in: I’is'iop ami \’ict'-ry b iwns; Jaconet aml.''^w! s i;d;;inL:s and In- siriin;^.''; Linen Trimmings; ("oCon anil Lisle Edjrincs; Infant.^’ \Vt.i:-ts; Frir.;zes; (.imps; Picnic NFitts; (iioves and H isury; ItiMions, i‘.onnet.>, (lirls Flats and Straw Trimmin"; D.imask and .Meiino. .\ls'i. a ;^oi.'l assortmeiit of .''hocs and Puots. for f.a- dii's. (ient'emen. P.ov s, (iirls and ('liihin n; together w ith m.iiiy oili'jr artiv ios not eniimerated. makinjr niv stock oonij.lotc; to whioh the attention of my Iriemls an.l the trading publio n..;;, ,-i’,;y invitcl. (ir.it( liil for j .ist tivois. 1 h'.j.e l y ^00 j' at reason.iMo rates t.i coir.iiiiii' 10 sli.iio a poition of public patr; najre. .N..)th-W -r C..iiici‘ -Nlarkct .''ipiare. No. i2. (Ireen st., F.i\ettc\iiie. I'. 1’. SllLMW ELI.. ; P. I keo]. Constat.tly on hand a g.oil assortment of .'^alem t':*s.'\nn los aid Lorseys. Sept. 12.'i, l^.'.J. l2',>-tf !!(l(s! ifdt.s! ('nys! ( 'fins! S/r.H's! Jiij Ml; UlAli.a loui. r'MllE .•'^iil.'. rib. r li:;s roociM-d one of the ia:-- -t as- il- Snriiai !it' in bi.s lin'.' tli.it he h:;s ev. r ..iti-rcl in ;l.is m:',!'i,v:; t > v hioh he woiil l call the att-'utbm of his ti ienils ;ii. i t!ie ]iub ie in nor.il. .\m.inir l.is .'■loi-k m:iy lio .ui. . ;.".u y o \ i ry >t_\ le .ini 'lualiiy: ii.it can i.‘ foun 1 iu this l;i; iki t. He woni.l say to all tho^e .b .'iriicjc ;j.' '■!' in h! line t . j;i\o bim call, as he is ib'ti i laine.l to sol! low fur Cash, or on time to punctnal ou-t"!iicrs, at will les.ile or lot.iib C. 'I'iInM,^( t.\. nM ,'^taml. .■'outh-W'cat ('■ ruer Market (';are. S' ; ;. 12'. I>’l2. 12. If Xi'/'-V A.X!) ( iil'.Al’ COO U.S. 3 A.\l I. 'W roi'i ivi’i^ 1.y u.'.iiai .i""rtia'nt of F.\LL ii of vvb bas '.I'en put oha . .1 i / V' >h, by ti..' ; ■ o 1. v.l.iob v. i!! ei;.;'me to .-i !l at iincom- ni'.niv I",', p;'.'- '. In a I'litb n t . my u'^ual st' ok, 1 have j.c.r. baso.l a iar/o bt o;' Iteady-.n.i'Ie t b'tliin;:, which can l.e .'.I’. l at \er.\ l.piv pi'i. i s. t' .ii, t; \ r. ;..ii:'s 11..I other-: i.re in\itt d t'exam itie the al...\i' - • '. I;, a' it is ..ne of ibc 1; rir-'.'t e,.';- . re.l in t!;- >t .!o. JAAliiS KVI.E. .^' •■t. .. 1. :;itf /O'll’’ Si.; oiibtrs have b.a i a c-parti.oT.-bi:. un- 3L 'il l- ti." all'l b' of it mmyiZ:, A|1‘I m.ay b boil. 1 at ti:e f t of II;.y 'b ;.t, in the h..;; - .■ i;, ! i !'V l!.;ll .!o!.i;~oii. Th.y have' r. e,.cl tiioir FALL AM> W l.NfEP. CH»l/.. c. U'i-til'r in j a:t of Pry (I ■•!', !I;n-.!v:ir. ninl (bitlcry, I'lMifs .V >. -. i.oatbor, W •]•■•. '[''.vine, \N;t jicr:;l ;is> rti’i ut (d‘ i r o- rio', 11., :u iiir- ;i cli'iice lootii.ii id‘ Li']ii.'i 1..'i. '.;i.'pan V:.r;i. fr.m t! I'.'.;. i;i\er.M. i' .. it I ..I [ : ;. i '. c wi'l t.ike in exo!:;ui;.:c I'-r is, '• 'Uio I 1 i’ liloe ol'anv ki:i'l. X. A. STElC.bVN. W. T. IKibXi.. do-, b is.v.'. ;:i:tf I'bVP.l’I'iLS Extra family Syrup, b d(t. (iluc for Distillers. ')0()0 Viarrel bungs. For sale by Sept. 1^!, lSo2. D. .j- W. McLAUPJN. nissoM'riox. rgiHE Firm of Leeto & Johnson is t.ii.s day dissolvcil, £ by mutual consent, 'i'hos. J. Johnson isalone aa- tliori/ed to settle the conecrn. CHAS. E. LEETE, October 1. IH.'iJ. THOS. J. JOH.XSOX. >■ 1 .1 iiiiC l2i V V ..t’.or ’ i; h i». d. I. \b,iiN. ;'7-tt 4, 1- xoTici-:. ^ . . i ' \T1-’X will be made nt the j>re.«ent Session ■ l.o^i-lature to in'-'irporate a Conip.my, to North Cai'oliua .''team Carriage ami I’lank 40-Im \i.\! iM) niiilP cooiiJi. S»W. so If* IT' TFbLLV i-aP'J the attention of the citi/ens : F . ' v-’,le. aii’i the public geuorallv, ti» his .■et.- ■ St. -b of ) *v (roods (in)c‘ri(‘s, ’;•* h.'s ju^* reocivc'l fr .m the North, an'l which . 1:. w for o.ish or cx( b.'iii;.'!- f or o.amtr'. j'ro'lucc. I! tvno-'Unt, l2 door Fa.- -if (Jeo. .MoXeill. i. i '".i 40-:iw FOR SAU:, \cp,L> OF L.VNI>, .South of >lallett‘s ^'.5 Poml. joininjr the town line, and lyin;; in ■ '.1 on the Ea.st .side of the Southern Pl.ink l.ind will be sold entire or in b.ts. and if '■V lisposed of, will be diered at Public ' '. the :;■! day of January next. ;b“, a pood harnc.ss bn’se. J. C. HOOPER. ^ ;' ]G',L'. -lltf 1;}' ! LM\(i liorsi: FOR SAf.F. li^'or wishc"! to sell her DWF.LLINIj ' 'b. w/tii about 7 acres of Land, on Hayniouiit, la':i' V. !:;-it of Fayetteville, i'hc House is '■ ( ! ii;re aJi'l i2 small rooms; with all con- '■ ' ; Persons d“sir.ius of pur.-hasing, .• 'Iv ' ,on. II. P. EAIN. . Nov. 1. 40tf till 11 lore I tli‘‘ vcl-y •a.s low as Oi:lv Hicriit ««:J iss A. A. ^](•Kl:'i'HAX r ILL C'tiitinuoM to i-arry on the I .V K It 1 .\l ■ L 1’.'. .' 1 - >''■» Ni..'.'' in aii its br.inoliC'i. at tlie lein.'un.' ot I..s .'..I 'taii'l. opposite Liberty Point. He returi.s tli.anivs t' r the F;ber;il jiatro!..-:.e he has hcretof.ire re.-.-iv. 1. atvl hop. s by -'triot attention to bnsine«~ an'l a b'.-ire t ■ ;ri\e entire sati:.faoti'.u. to merit a cntiliuanoe oi' tuc ■ me. llaviTiji kept tbo jrro.itt r ].‘.ri.. .. of bis '1 n.ib. i ' at a lii.^tan.-.' ti 111 tbe m.ii.nlaoti r;.. bo b:.s .111 band a l.irL'e aij.l well .'■ loi't'' i l"t .'1 til"’ ' a-bly s.'as'.nt I I’imbor. .-I evorv lb ~' vi]iti'.n u nd in bis In; in ss. vvbii h eiiaMe' him to r»'t.iin :iil bis prinoipal iV' rliiiO'n. He now jiroparo.l t'> ’bi any w .ik in bis lin'' best stvle, an'l on the mo't tavoial'le term.' any work of tlie sam* ’|U:ility iu N. C. He has on hand, oi.nqib'teiy finishcl, S Ibirouches, for I or 12 h.ji-ics; ti Uockaways. an.l LI Ibijrgies. .\b-o, nearly finish".I. 10 Carriage.^ f’ r J horses; l2U Piarouolics for 1 aii’l 2 Imr.ses; ll2 i;ockawa_\S, and -lO Ibl^'^L-ies; All of whi( h aie of the most aj'i'roved plan an.l fini>h, and will compare with any work in the I . .Statis for neatness aii’l durability. Havinjr been enjragi'd in the above bus ness tor the j.ast 120 vears, his work is v\t 11 known, and he rtlors to' old cust.'tiiiTs for proof of its durability. ,\lA. work \v:irraiit('(l t'»r 1*2 iiKHitlis. aiiil rf*paired free of char’jo’ shoubi it fail by bad workman ship ir material, within that time. tS ;?" UKi’ \tr.iN(i exeruti .1 at sh.iid notice, an'l c.n rea- sonabb- ti'ians. r r A s Ti:;:, f coPA!rrM:RsiiiP ^s.!> - ; :i.oi :. ,v ■ t rm : xo'i'iri'. b- l.n X Abi 01 ;■ ii'Tiior- . .^^•^i.\S- ■i.il -/ /V- ■X!' .viol at tli.-ir St. I- State i’.aiik. :r 10 ■ t I'l U'-tb iiist.. J. P,. .Xb'laiX Al.n. jtuiN I.. .M '.b\sTi:i:. ■■.illc. \uu. W A.N'r ./// ,' i - 'iyd-, y-:I lum'f, Ki i '. \'. .» ,;i: :.u.l !b.i:iket'. P.v'. o: aii'i i'ut s. a^sorted, P. .^^!: !M ■■ .M.lbSavs ,\o .il.'. I"’i. ws aii'l Vises, 7-'. K-Xails, (i! 1.--'. !" an l 10 x ll2, W bite 1.";. 1, Linsc ! ‘ib P.ENP.'iW', KVi.E CO. Sept. 127, ISVJ. J'^tf S’rifx* oi' a!v;isst*i‘!. ■ " b 1 ha\c noi'ie contvaots with .1. F. .lor- .ti! li.iii \ Co. i’or fill 11 i'llii ’j; K.\C.s, ; ic hcre' y in- f..!-nied. tb;.t wi' \.il! ;. :y .■■ iits ;a'r 1!>. on :dl Cotton Ka'-'i Ib'i'C and P.a;^L:in'.x. dciivei e.l to us lit'tcr this ilati*. 11. J.K,VN.S(»N \ SON. M::r. b I b :>oi2. 7:2.f Oi' .Mo:\i:'i! T W ILL sell nr. srMVri! h'F.S!IHW 'K. two laib ^ fr ill th'- Mai'..it. on tin' F;;_\ • i;.'. ;lb' .;:.i W.''.in P'.a;.i» P. la'I of the ni. t di'irat.l - a:. 1 iie.uilij. i.’-'i'o.' in the ooiuity. ,\lso. 10 .^liaros of Fayi ttevi'Ie I'terii Plank Koa.I .''took, and .!0 .'iiar«,t Fayelt^ vi’b- Ib.ti'l .'^toi k. W itii the 1 ar-O't 'took .f Ke.i i’ -ma.b.- t' lllli \lli.S an.l l!l'’i( 11 b.S o'.. I- .;b r.' l in this I'bto'- . ver NoOOn Worth -o.iiiij b'tely fini-^hc I. .\i! v. hio'; 1 «il! -.11 at very rt'iiice i jir;o''s ..iro...'Ii or 11.'i'.r: iMi' notes. So litt:.' attention h.,' lioen jail to tl.e call ma.le bv me after the fire of the l2d .bin'y, on tiiose in lelito'l t l me to ' iM an i .' 'ttle, tiiat 1 .1111 ii. liioed tooti. r thi' above j roper'y .i- n diu i-.I ■, . ioo' t.i enable me t'l lel.aibl niv C.irria'.o' I .-tab’islimcnt aiol ooi;tij \N ith con vcTiicnoe. 1 .diall I'l.u ' notes in proper h iii'ls 1 not pai'l S'.on. 1 have ail my ;iccount' 1st -b II v b^.'iJ. A. Mm-oI'i lb, I'-'iJ. 111 V ■ a w. 'or Cilleoti-'ii, if : m;i'lc out t'l the .\L Kl.TII,'. ' . 77tf p.-,to v-do Jan’v l2b, LS-”^l2. i !lAM, .V 111! 1l)NTl.\bli t.i cari-y on the Fol .\|i|;\' l.bid-XbSS, y with all its br.incbcs, in this pbioe. They ha\e addc'l, within the last six months, .'Sioiio worth oi’ Pat terns, and are now prepare.I t'l furnish .M i!lwri;.;lit'' v. ith .Machinery, at short notice, b.r heat, Corn, (irist, a;ol .Saw .Mills. Ste;im Milb-^ rej .lirc’l tbrou;rhout. Uur terms are ca.sh on ile’ivo'.y; 10 per oent. will Le added f. r every oO days an account may stand unpaid. We cannot carry on this business on thj cri'dit .‘system, ticithcr do we uitciul doing so. 1I.\LL & UOLLIXCEIL August I.-!, lS-'il2. IStf all IIAI ..II 'V '/ Stork of (iouds ever ojjt red hif Its! ivingmuch the LARGEST STOCK of im\ '!'> .111(1 JioilIK'tS, SI10C.S, H()(jts, I inbrolias, iVc. ■ ' MS in this [dace, to which we particu- Oii' attention of .Mertdiaiits, as we are de- ‘‘■'t to be uildersol J. STAllR & WILLIAMS. I'.-’. liotf ('hrrics for sale lit re. A. II. wnrrFiFLi), Conch V Carriage Mfuinfdcturcr. WOCLL) respectfully inform the ]iub1ic that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by a strict atten tion to business, and a desire to please all and give gen eral satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warratita ull his work to he made it the besi ma terial and by experienced workmen; and should an^ ot it fail in twelve months (witii fair usage) either in work manship or material, he will rejiair it without chaige. I'crtions wishing to buy, would ilo well to call and ex amine his work before purchasing, as it cannot be sur passed for style, elegance, and durability. He is de termined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thankfully received aud promptly attcinJed to. Hey/" itEP.\IKIN(! neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Feb. t, 1852. CItf SMAIJ. AXI) C’o^as-: A 3.a., Atul tfrt j/tHt a (inn that o tH ntrrj/ i ilo!’! f n^HE suliscribcr has now on haml, an'l will sell clie.-ip ^ for cash, his lar^eand well assorto'l Stock ol’sin gle ami doulile barrel .SHOT (il'NS, of’ the best make, and latest jiatlerns. Also, Colt’s Patent Ui'peatiiig Pis tols, and .Vilen’s Itevolvers; Shot Pouches; (ianie ibigs; I’owdcr Flask.s; Percussion Caps; \c., iSic. Rifles of all kinds constantly on hand, and manufac ture'! to order, aud warranted to shoot from lOO to -300 yard-. Persons wishing to purchase :iny of the above-named articles, will do well to give me a trial, and they may be sure to fiii'l the greatest P.argaius ever otlcrcd in this town. Repairing of every thint: in the gun-.eniith line will be done at short notice, iu the best nmnner, and for a small charge. M. A. BAKER, Sign of’ the Wooden (Jun, Hay Street, opposite the .Marble Yard, Fayetteville, N. C. August 1(5, 18”>l2. 17-tf .XOTKI-;. rgiHo.si; inilelited the firm of Leete JiJinsrm, are res- J jieetfully renueste'l to come fiirward and settle their respective dues. The business will be combicted in future by the un- 'lers:;.'ned on his own account, at the obi stand near the C,'i]ie Fear P.ank, wb.ere he hopes to see his old (.\.\d VAi.i Kii; FKIL.XO.s, and the trading jiublic pener.-illy. He has (.u hand and will be receiving s'.ortly, his Fall aii'l W inter .Sti.ck of liry (.ioods, (jrocories, llaP-Iwarc, Crocki rv, ('p.tlerv \c. ..Vc. ;;;;tf ‘ ' THOS. J. JoiiNS(b\. w AX'i'i:i) 'i'o PFRC'ii.\si-:, 3 lii’iLS. .Sjiirits Tunientine, for wdiich the hi; ■ .‘-t )irices will be jiaid in ';ish. T. S. LLTTEltLoH .S: CO. 17-tf XO ricH. Subscriber wishing to remove to the west. -iL oilers to sell his j.os.^cs.sions in .Moore cfuinty, N. C., sit'iated on .huiij'er (’reek, containing Twelve Hun- .’:"d .-icrcs of land in one body. This land is well a i.ipte'l for the ci'P.ui-e of eorn, cotton and wheat; for tut pontine it is not to be surpassed, also for pine; is coiivt !ii’!it to two turjientine distilleries—one in .Moore, the other in Cumberland, cither not e.xcecding four or live miles from sai’l land: .also, a suf?iciency of water to j'Ut ;i distiilcry on ihe jiremises. A goo.l dwelling and out b' u>es on a high an l heallhy situation. F'or furth- I'r parti' ul.irs ajoolv to the siibscrilier livimr on the prem;.-s. ‘ ' COLIN .McFAUVEN. October lo. IS'i’J. H'>-lm r,AR(;AiXS! HAR(;a1XS!! n N my rcc'iit vi.-it to New York, my principal object w.is to get workmen ainl iii;itori.il for the jmi pohe of maniifac- tiiring .''ilk Hats. After getting there, aii'l finding it dillicult to get fir.'t r.ite VV' i kmeu to coTiie South, I g.ive nji the prosjiCct of pi-o- ouriug any, o'liiseiiueutly ]iurchaso’l a large stock if SILK 11.VT.''. .Mtor making my ;i!!rchasc, I engaged a gentleman as ]'ri:iclpal workman, who came well re- ooiamended. 1 le leaine.l his tra.le in I’.iirope; ami for the last seven years be has l)een employed in a large I'laaiiiai tiirin'jr establisliment in the city of New York. I tlii'ii j roi iu'ed fashion;ible blocks and materials, and am now fairly at work LTanufactiirinjj Ninety Hats per month, .\nd will have s .me of them roa ly for sale by the l20th in.'t. lu or'ler that I may not be overstocked. 1 offer f .r >ab', .\T (M.^ r. mv l;ite ].urchase of Nos. 1st, l2d. aui :M iUality FASHliiNAP.LE Mo IT'S* Merchants may save money by purchasing of*me. If \oii ].ureiiase in New York, it is ofteik a mouth before you r.'ccive them. I si.all in a short t'me be aMe to furnish merchants with Hats of .MY OWN .MANCFACTLRE. at N. York [uioi s. fo-wit: No. 1 at >4l2. No. 2 at and No. 8 at p~r do/en. 1 t.-ike tliir- ..pportu!,:ty of returning my thank? to my f. rnicr customers, and invite them ami other well dis- P"'. p.'itriotio gentlemen, ih.-it are in favor of .''^UP- PC'UTlXtl SO'i'TH I'.RN M.\Nl'F.\CTl Ill'S, to give me a oall on or aft.-r the liotli iii't., as I expect to have roa'ly for exl.ibition and sale Hats of my own mannfac- tin e tb;vt cannot be sc.rpass'. d in style and durability. 1 V, ould be please.I t.i see every gentleman, in coun try or to-.Vrt, au'l will take jileasure in exhibiting the ■ilats. au‘l shoving the ditferci.t process they pa.'S tbroi!-li troia the fur on the skia until rea.lv for the lieal. DAVID CEE. , Fa;.otU-ville, N. C. Oct. 1', 18'-)l2. :i4tf A XM'A iXVFXTIOX. r-M ’!E lit' lor^ignc 1 ha-' ma'le an invention >f ;i .Smut ’'l.o iiiiio. which he will insure to he perfect in the ('.■itractii'U ot' smut in wheat, a;i l w!.'hes to inforiii .Mill (I'.'.ners th.-it he is putting nji tiiachines at I'nitin Facto- t'.rv, on Ik" [> River, eiuiit mib s North of Ashborougii. .M v iii.achine-j are coni)iosi‘d of three distinct princt- I'les, ccntritiigal. soowi ring and reaction. It takes the «l.e:it thr.iuuh throe operations ingoing through the maeh’ne .'tioe. .\!:y I '•rsoiis b.nying a nia-. bine, after tr\ ii;g it, if it d.ies not ol;:i!i whe.it. damp or dry. 1 will take it back. Price Seveiity-f.ve D.ill.ars. All '.otters ad.lrosse.! to New Salem Post ORicc, Ran- d.'li h oour.'v. P. P. I11LL.M \N. ()ct. 1-J. I’s.V.b :bfY FAIJ. AXI) \MX'n:!l (,0()I)S. OL R Fall .and W inter (Joods »r>‘ non-' her", and re.-i'iy for s:;le. Our stock of 2>5S.j' is lai-g.* and better than any former season; t 5i r> WAiii: A.'VI> is L;uvl to e’pi.d. j>E£0'fii«S —Our stock is hirce, C [ual if not suj.erior to any former ye.-ir. -Vll of w liieh we woulil be glad to ex' h.inge for al most any kind of produce, for c.asli, 'r to fiu'ictual cus tomers on time. COOX iV TAYLoR. September, 18.-)2. 27-tf pii:rci'/s .ma'1'1 !i:matks. LW F.Dl I IONS (d’ i’ierce's Plane an>l .Solid (ieoni- etry; Algebra; Plane an.l S].b'rio;il 'l'i igonimeti‘y; Curves, Fi’.nctioiis. atid Forces, vols. I and l2. Just re ceived and for sale bv K. J. H.'.LE & SON. Oct. 10, I'So-J. Rcc('ir( d on ('ojtsi>/n/ic/d. 4ND for sale cheap, 50 bbls. W HISKEY. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. May 4, 18.">2. bbtf XOTICE. f undersigned continues to niniuifacture Spirit.-? -BL Turpentine ILVRRELS. Those now on hand guage 4-i to 4"> gallons, and are mad.e of the best seasoncl white oak. Distillers wanting a good article, will ibj well to call and examine. Contracts to deliver Rarrela for the next twelve months made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTEKLOil. March 22. 18')2. 7-')tf P.A(bS COFFEE, lU hhds SUGAR, saic bv .Vugust 2»i, 1 So2 Just receiveil and for P. P. JOHNSON. 2otf xi-:\v MAC'ivi:Rj:L. 15I5L.S. very fine new Mackerel. .\lso. oO bbls. /vf 9^ Herring. Forsaleby (,’(;(.)K & T.\LOR. Sept. 20, l^.ji2, 127-2m RVK WinsKI-j^. B.VRRELS, a prime article, just received and for sale by WlLLKlNtiS oc (-’U. —also— 30 bags prime FE.VTHERS. Sept. 15, l,s.'.2. 20tf rS’’HE Steamer F.\XXY LIT- I TERLOl! will in future leave S'I.-'- F i vi tt''-. i’le . n Tues.lay and Fi i’l.i v - ''-Jr!’:uoi niiiLi.-. at •! o'cb.i k, and V> li- n.ii:'.iton W r'bi"S'i;i_\ s aii',1 .''aliinlav s at 12 o'ob.ok, an'l run roLrularh, oai-r\ing freight and jia-'i iiirers with d. s).itob, ‘ • ■ • ^ l.t ! ’l Llil.olL Julv 22. 1S--.2. Stf 'rjif Hfot/trr.'i' Sl('(iiid)o;il ('tnDpfiini, pri'p.'iri"! w ith .''to.imers •• ;iU'i ‘•/'.//.•////.'■•.s' and a eoiiipleiiH nt of Tow P.oats. to carry with di.s- h all Fioi-lns s!.ippi‘d by tlioiu, betn'.een F.'ixette- and W i!ii;in;jt.iii. or to any int. rine li.ite biii'lings be lliver. .lOliX ll.VXks. A'j t. ilmington. I). \ W. .McL.M RlX, Ag'ts, Fayetteville. I'pt. IS. lS-')2. 2s-(’,ni iio'i'i:L. ^j^IlE s\;’'soriber having purchased the Hotel situated on the .''..;.th-East corner of Court House S'(uare. au'l lately k’.o.iwu as Stuart's HotcL would inform tl.e public that he is now rea’ly t i accomm(>d:ite boarders t'V the day. week or month. Having male cuisi.lera- ble o-.ttlay in furnishing and refitting the Estal.lislimcnt, he iiope.s'to be able t.. give s.itisfaction to all who pa- tronixe him. His Table .-hall be tnrni.^bcl with the best the market afl.uds, his Par with the best ot Li- iiuor--. au'l his St.ibic wiih a plenty of good proveii’ler and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILCHRIST. .Tune 2ii. IS.'ii;. '5*tt jiOOK inXDl'.RY. W'. H.VRDII'j has resunu'd the Ibiok Rinding lx4.» Ibisiness at the new Store next door to Mr. P.easley. Jeweller, where he will receive and execute bin.ling in any style desired. .Vugust 1. 27tf Scdrcu'ick Oil Ddinttgcs. A TRE.VTISE on the Measure of Damages. b}‘ Tlie- odore Sedgewick, 2.J FbJition, revised aii'l greatly enlarged. Also, further supplies of The Works fif Daniel Web ster. b vol.; VVi'le, W ide World; (jurechy; li.iys of Rruce, by Grace .\guilar; The Haimoui-st; .Methodist Hymns; Disi ipline of the AI. E. Church; School Rooks, ki.-., for sale Iiy E. J. HALIj & .SON. Auji, I. MlLCJl COW WAXl'El). ANY one having a first rate one to sell, will jdeaso tipi'Iy !‘t the Observer Oflice. Sept. 27. -Airsic. A LOT of new MUSIC, consisting of Songs, Waltzes, ... » Polkas, >N:c. Renigna Walt/, and (birnelia Waltz, by Mrs. S. M. TvLil- lett; Sylph Polka and (Jumberl.in'l Polka, l:y L. H. U hit- aker. .lust receivcl. E. J. H.\LF2 \ .S(,!N. TORACCO. rg'^IIE subscrilier continues to receive and sell, on ^ manufacturers' account, all grade.s of manufac- tureil Tobacco. J. UTLliY. .Mav :tl. L''52. Il5tf oJ* Wa«lc*il. ■n W li.L I'.ay :>.^ cts. per I'oun.i ca;di for all clean cot- ti ton ainl linen R.V(i.S. Ielivered to J. D. Williams, in Favi'iteville. I am nearly ready to j.ut in opcratitui a Paiier Mill in this neighborhood, and am desirous of "'ettiiig mv rags iu this market. object is to pa\ as much for rags as I can afbird, an'l hojie that I may not be forced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arranged with Mr. W illiams to receive and pay for all rags tlclivered to him. DA\ ID Ml RPIIV. ! Favetteville, Feb’y 24, 1S52. (>S-tf s'ri:AMi:R sor'rm^RXi'.R W 3 7" ILL b.'ive Fayetteville every Wednes'lay an'l Sa- w w turday. at 7 o’clock, .M., an’l arrive in Will mi;igt’'n at 7 o'*loek P. .M. -And will le.'ive Wilmington everv Mon.lay and 'I'hursday, at 12 o’clock, .M., and ar rive in Favetteville next ni'irnin^. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. April 2C;, l.«52. S-5-tf J s.s'.s \ rrllctd Wafer Whet I. IIERE are sevcrjil hun'lrcd if these Wheels in ope- ration in different counties in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now iu use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those wdio have iipplicd them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly fur their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. W'e still keep a suj'ply of Wheebs. suitable for differ ent hc.'iils of water, at Wilmington, Newbern, Washing ton, I'denton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be h.id of E. A. Brevard, Lincolnton, and Uriah Wells, Petersburg, Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, A CARD. TR^IIF. return of low water renders it neces.sary that _a. the Steamer Chatham sh-.ubl be eniployed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular davs, until further notice. JNO* D. WILLIA.MS, Ag tCape Fear S. R. Co. May 12. 1>^52. .Mi:i>ic’Ai. xo ricK, H'kIL THO.S. r. H.ALI, respectfully of- fers his professional services to the fiti/.ens of Fayetteville and its vicinity He niay be consulted at the Office directlj’ OTer the new Drug Store of Samuel J. Hinsdale, Sovith W est corner of Market Sijuare. July 2'.', 1H52. lotf will be served on application to Fayetteville, N. C D. .McNeill .X Co., Blank' H drrrtnls for side here. ' Feb’v 22,1?10 A. A U. J. McNElLL. McKETHAN. Me A LISTER. 5() -tf i\!i\v STORK m m liflODS. (^MIIIE subscriber has taken the Stand formerly occn- JHL pied by Saui’l J. Hinsdale, Southwest corner of Market Square and Gillespie street, where he has open ed his NEW STOCK OF M'ttil and ll*inter Goods. I!is friw'nds an.l the public are requested to give him a call, as be is determined to sell very low. XOTlCE. A I-E persons indebted to the subscriber for (iood:'« ..T^ purchased at F’loral (College., arc requestcil to mako immediiite payment, either to 2^1 r. Hugh Mc.\ru in tbo neighborhood, or to himself lu Chora v. D. R. M.'AR-V. (’berav,-. Dec. 20, 1851. 5.1-tf 7x”HaIcTl^), JiKADr ni:n.A!)ri.lMJlA MIAM .KI. HiUSK. -lawu.^hril ir. * i.y I'F. Wiiikeliu, X. \V. tofiu'r of' 'I'hirti and I r'lrtits, iMitl.Mit'iplna. Vor'MI AN*) >!.\M!ooI>.—A \--n.ns iif.' t n pn-- JH iliire lU'Hlh. KinkL'iin on r^rli I'rtrvnltu:i. t -uty — 'I'Jiis iMHtk is tUii-fi uitii M>(rnl I'.titi. oit and disr:*st’s of tlie hiinuMi oriians. || li) \oiiUi. Ill HiIkmmI and M|t (Vf, aiHi "h uld ii«‘ ri .^«i liy aSt. \ .!lu; liU* aih «re «inl iinprf.>?ve u ‘rinim il will |>re- v»*!it \(*ar'*o| iin^ery and '•nrVtTSPL'. .md "jivt* aiwMMlly iiinU'ands «»! Tarpiii'*. l*y r^adinu: it, will !e:irn how u> |»icv4nl ihe de>iriM tiin of ih* ir children. .\ rt^iiilitancc of ‘i') tents inrlosed in u letter. ni!rlr»'srd to f)r. Kinkflin, X. \V. rorn»*r d'I’hird and rnu»n'‘Uim In. riuladi'lphi:i, vs ill ensure a lM‘4»k. iiiidi r cnve1‘»f>e, p#*r rt iiirn lu iil. at a ih>tan*je may :;dtln*s.> Mr. K. liv leUer, (puslpaid; and at Imimo. I*acka2«*^ «»f luodirine^. Uc . f»r\vivrdcd by ^t^nding a. r» iii.iiain***, and pm up '‘ urf f'r? in dr.i;.: ';p. .News Aiient*', r» «j|pr’*, ranva*H‘rs, und all (»lUcr'i siipjilitd with the abnVL- unrk at wry li»w rattt.. .»uly l-VJ. 0- s.iva:i£ Joxndice, Ify-yirji-siu, Chronir or \eri'oii! Ifchilit;/, i‘f ll'ir Ki(h>i >/.f, .Vnil ill! ilisen'ics :>risin" t'l'.'iii h ili'i.r.tf rei) l.i vrr nr Slnrii.Ti'h. 'IU' Il il' '..ii*-tipaliii|i. l-'tiUiie>'. or l.li.oii lo liir .Ariiiiiy of llic t^|o|u;;ih. ,\aii'*'a, llearsltiirn, l»i.'L’ii"^t I'or I-'h.iI. ('iillni-'s .ir Weiylii in llie Si.un.irl!. s.iiir Krm t.itim.x. t^iiiKii;^ or KliitlerinK Ht the (lit III'ihe ,'^1..|M icli, iiiiiiiii.i: ol thf; Iliirrieil iiiiil l>ilhi till Hrealliinc. I’lulleriiia at llie tleari. ( h'.k.iia or ^lUliicai- iiii: .'^ ii' iiiiiii> « hen ia i iyiiit' |io'tnr-, iJiiiiiic>d nl' \ i>ion. Kon or VVi lis lielore the ^'^i"ll^, Kever, liull liain in llie lleMii. i>e- lu ii’iit y 111 rcr'jiiralioii. Vt'll'.w i.e>s Ite .‘^kin ami Kyr'. I’itia ill till’ .'^iile, K.irk. he.'t, I.iiiili'. &.•.. s^mifleii Flii>lit'S iil Heat, lliirniii!.' in the Kli 'h, Cnii.'taal 1 iiii(;ii.ii:):s ol'iAil, and .’rcat l»« iiri''>ion i>( t^iiiril:>, / ’.\N I.eHtl'erlii.ilIv nir.'.l hv DK imOKL.\ N M-.-; CKI.i-Kti: A'l T.I) «;I.KM.\.N Hll"l'KK.'. rroptr.'.l I.y Hr C. .M. Jiok .iii,«l itio (ii riiiiin .Mtdiciiie Store, No. lit .Uoli r^lu-el. riiii'Ki* Ij to o 'i’heir \m.wfr over llie aliovr *Ii.'*'ii.s».> is not #’.\*. 1U''1, il e.jiuilled, liy any other |irep»r;,ti. n in the I’liin'il h> the curr.-. at>e>t, in many ra-es alter >kill’iil (ihy-ici.ms hail l.iiled The*' ItiUir* Hre vvi.rihy the .iiteiiiioii ul inv iliils. l’os>.rs'!ii')r i:re:ii v.rliies in the rcil.!ic.>iiiiii ol'iii>ea>e' o|’ ih«; l.iver anil le.'^* r irl.iiiil'. everci.'in" Ihe iia>>t .•.p.iroliii!" (iDVvers in weakiieiis «imI «f rci'iioiis III (lit: tlii£e>live .ir).'Hii.s, tl.ey arc willial. sale, certain, anil l,le.i.>.iiil. .\.M» l!K CO.Wl.M KI) rroiii llie Bo.stoD ISte. The eililor sh’.iI. Her. •.’•Jil— "Hr. Ml" tliiiir.s relelir.'.leil Cerninn Ritlcr fir Ihe rnrr of F.iver ri.in|il i'ni. Jaiii.dire. ll>>iM'|i.'iii, I hr>'nic or .Nerviin-i debilily, in .Ii.^«‘r\ ''«li y one III'the iiio'.t |Mi|iiilar iie-il.'. .ups i.l'Ihe liay. 'i'lie.'tj IMler' loiNC been n>eil liy ihoii'anils. ai.ii « I’rienil hi «Qr elhovv say* hr lia hiiii'olf n reiveil «n ell'ectiial and |ieriiianent cure ol' l.iver ('i'iii|ilHint from Ihe ii'f III till.* reiiM ily. We are ronvinred that, ill Ihe UM- III ihesi' liiUer-i. the i.aliei.l eon>tantly sain'" slrenctli and viC'ir—a fart VMirtlij of "reiit ciii'iilertition. '1 hej are iiieasaiil in ta'lu and Miiell.Miid ran lie a.ed by (lerMins w ith the iiio»l de- litate 'toiiiaclis with »at«ty. iiniler hii^ rircuiii'tanres. VVe nro flieakini: from ex|ieriei)ee ami l.» the HtJIii'ted we ailvi-e their ii>t.” I.ix'k well to ihe ni-irk-i of the Eenuine They have the written •.iBiiMinre iil .M. .laekson upon the wrapper, and the name lilov\ ii in Ihe liottle. niihinit which they are »piiriuas. l^'or sale, whole sale and retail, at Ihe ;ki!.m.\.\ mkhicink ptofik. \o. I'ill Arrh f^lreel. one diM-.r below Sixth. Phila., ond fiy le- spertahle dealers ceneptllv Ihronyh. ut itie r"iintry. .M'.'.. for sale liy SA.MM. J. HI Al.C. Fayeileviile. .\. — Wh' le'ale .'igeiits for North and Suith ('arnlitia, H.»V!I..\.\P, II \Un \I. *. > . Charleston, S. C. RKDl CKl) VA U K. Through Tickcfs between Wilmington, N. C., and }’‘ilti- more. Fare-'? 13. Via\^eldon, Petersburg. liichmor.d, & Vi ash- ington City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the Office nf the Vi’ilmingtoa and Raleigh Rail Road Company :..t Wilming ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Sttam I’acket Company, and of the T?altimore and Ohio Rail Ro.id Oct. 9, 1852. S. S. AREV. 3i-'5ui Company, Pratt Street, llaUimore .Tan. 1852 3-tf W AXTH[) TO PI KCIIASE. CORDS PI.NE WOOD, to be delivered on niy Wharf during the ne.xt six month.s. T. S. LLTTEREOII. Jnly 22, 1852.