tl.,' > *• A,, S E M I-W B E K 1, Y. 'linr \Kti; [VOL. IL] rrcte igeeaeaaKBt FAYETTEVILI.F, N. C,, NOVEMP.EU 1C, 1852. [NO. 113.] 6LCQH^Ji5.S3UBi^ I’( ; t'- 1 , trL t-’ Rf^ I -‘ ^'.*v5|| ' %\ fn#J :«i| NN r.i'j U. , f. \. •! li. :;^1 ‘ -' Si I '••io Si I ! r-iwj ■'- atl iJi. '-cUl •Silent. ()Ts:l 'CiTm «:::• T. ZKVL’.T. ll-i:..! I 1)?^. r. i|)'. I!1 W . V,' *>' .'CC. IJ.f- V 30*1 r:| fSSiCf* i‘kinti:d by j. b. .neWhv. EUWAIM) j. hale Si sox, i;i>iTriUS AND ruoruiMToiis. T’rU o fur tlu' Somi-Wct'kly Ouskkvku ^4 00 if pniil in •i,l\!iuco; !)0 if paid duriiip the yciir of jubacrip- ti.iu: "i‘ ^ ' sifter the yo;ir has exjiircil. J'.T ^Vookly (h’.sr.uvF.u 00 per annvun, if paiil i\i »d\aiifo: .’>0 if p:\iil (liirini» tlic year of suliFcrip- ti.'ii: >T >:' 00 afti'i- the year has expired. Al’VKliTISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per t, uare •>!' 1*' Hni s for the tirst. and thirty cents for each su.' Cl lin^ piihlicatioti. Yearly advertisements by spe- at reasonable rates. Advertisers are f,' .uc>t= 'l to state the nuuiber of insertions desired, ov ♦)v \ "ill he c(n«inued til! forbid, .'iiid cliarjjied aecord- t- ■ Letters t>-the IMituis umst be post-pairl. 11. UUANSOX rou salk, U-. '.'p' Wrapping Vajier, 1 . :i>k !U‘>v Kice. :.;ri jKtpcr> tine cut t’hewinp Tobacco. CIGAUS! CIGARS! CIGARS! '>000 r.ii .losetina (Jit’t Itepalia, licjralia.'i, .')(>(>() 1,11 rnioii I’viucipc?, ‘2000 Anibrosia. .Jenny Lind; ‘J'tOO Ui-n Franklin, r>ii(M) riaiitationj litiUO Norle;.;a, oOOO I'anetebi.®; “(ttio Xeptiinoj (’i.n(|uesta, ‘JOUO Vohintero, lUKK) Lu t’elebrad:\j ‘20UU Morcnitu; I-or sale by CHAS. H.WKS. dct. ‘JOj ;jctr CHARLI'-S liAMvS fS reooivinji liis Fall and Winter Stock of (iOOl)S, consistiiif; in j>art of ‘J CM>'ep .lar I’runes, l2t)(»0 U>3. l’.ra;’il Ntit«, 10l> boxes Sardines, l^ooo ll)s. H.-izcl Nuts, .'i case.s I’rese’vd Giu|^ei- hUKI Cocoa N\Us, ;’>!) boxes luiisins, o(l bbls. and boxes Soda, 1(10(1 lbs. soft-shell Almonds liutter, Sujrar aiid Wu- 10(1(1 lbs. \Valnuts, ter ('rjifkcr.^, oO.iMM) Ibu'ana and I’riticipo (’i'lars. Sti.'U”htou's Ibtters, Worcester Sauce, t'nrranls. ('itron, ('assia. Yeast Powders, l)att s, (^>iiiii.-e .and >!•.:avji .KOIi, Capers. Olive-;, I’ickles : in {rallons, half-jralb>ns, am/ ijuarts.; Ib-andy Tine Apples and I’eaches. .Macaroni, \'ermaceHi, Cordials, I’ine Apple Cheese. I’reserves (in pints. t,uait. and h.ilf-jiaUi>n‘', 1 Con.erve inn>rcr. M.tce, Cloves, Nutnu“i;s, Li.pi.aice, \c.; which wiil he .Sold .-if very hiw prices. Oct. -Jii, :'*itf liocKKisii sin',KriN(;s, Y the bale or half lii.lcj for .'‘ait; liv a 0. T. II.UOII & SON. July 1.1, 1S.")2. 8tf I'O!! SAl.E NF.W '2 Ilofpe agotii July lli—7-tf J. I). AVlI.i.IAMS. \M:s'ri:iJN hacox. iniDS. ju>st received nnd for Sale by T. S. LUTTEIlLOil .v ('(>. .luly i!l. lUtf IO Auj 'i (>.NS Swoles IKON, assoi-teii si/.es. for s«le by 1'. 1*. JOIIN.-^ON. list Lli'i, l^o'J. l!t)tf B 9 AVlNCi taken the Stanvl recently occupied by .1. K H I'. r>i'van, Fs'i-, I have :i Lir;xe and jreneral stock, c«insi»5tin^ >f Dry (ioods, 1 larilwari’, Lirooorio-;, l>t>nts Slioc.s, IJLulvj^iiiillis’ T:u'ls, .\;c. Also, Furi'igii ;iiul l>«inu'sti“ lji(ni'>rs, ■ Whieli I wi'd sell low to punctual cust,.nu r> or exi-han^e ((^L()Ri:i) i)AGiM:RRi:()'rviM:s.i«'« ’ ' " "i:. V rtiMtm is ajrain open fi>r the reception of visi- N DAILY LXTKCTKl), Ll'.''. B.\('(sN. on consijrnment and w ill be r ;>ld Low , in lots to suit. 4C--W- COOIU.\Ci HTOVK, EJ I'lT sale by tile Siilisrrihor in ii.'deicrh ami F.ayette- il. viile; ill Ki.!('i;.'h at his Shop on Fa_vette\il!c Street, and in I'ayt tle\illc at Mr. A. M. Campi>cirs. '1 he Subs.-liber liereliy forewarns all jxTson.s from purcliasiirj; miy uf tin S('ivt‘s from any jielson eitliei’ in 111- nut of .Noi-tli »■.•ii ipH’ia, e\ce]it trom him.-ell'or his dulv autho! i/> I A;.ciils. lie li.-is purciiaseil tiie exebi- si\e rijrlit l.« \e?.d this Stove witliin tli«' State, and will lir.isecute any ]ierson in!'riufrin;i his ri^lit. either l>y ]>ur- cha'«iii:r. .‘'eliil./. or iisin^, any excejtl those obt:iined Iroiii hiiiiseh. .It'.-T.rU WOLTF.KIXC. r.iib i-li, April l!i, iS.M. (i^tf nil -BL STov K M'A\ ■rsiLTiud arc their F.\LL '2 door-j Fast of the .NLirl. ,V\i tcrs. or tloise who may likenesses of thcm- I'T families, sinprle or ingroups, and in every -t' ' imaginable; 1'i>r I have recently jmrch.-iscii a va- r "I - ' I fancy cases, to suit all tastes. Honrs for chil- ihcii. fiom H A. .%L until 1 1’. M. Instructiiiiis in the Art piven. and app;il-it>js furnished if wished. My K ‘HI is in the same placc, lU-nbow'.s r.uihlings, ne-.r 1 c liank of Cape i\-nr. T. 0. SMITH. N'>v. Pi. 41-.‘’>m Oct. :>o. IS.') ‘t Ib'U' m N V >. l.i l|.n : t»« 1 ■ ‘ - i ■ ,0 A with cr.!’ 151 J. \v. 1 hw-i* LAliJ^; I ..p.K. OX CONSI(iN-M1:N r. lU’.LS. roUK. In •• Fish Herrinjrs. •hist received ami for sale bv wiLLKINGS .t CO. 1>'± 41tf ^ ! ir^ an\WAY from tb.e snb.pcriber, on Monday the! Bu _ li Uvtobcr, two Negroes, namely 1>1'.N and \;o'.;L. ' ! i>KS(^i;n'Ti()N. N rit •' feet 1(* inches hi.;rh, and wei^lis about : Ills hair is hinir. and he soinotiines keep- it li. has very lav;.;e head, larire eve-, and lie can read and wi'ite, :ind ]io.-sil>ly may '■ a p.i'S. Hi.' aire is ll'.'. .iL i' atiout -J feet inches hiLh; vvci^rhs about '|i:ire m.ide. and lia.'* a lar;:*' scar. c;nis« d bv :i *iis right hip or thiith. Ha* pood teeth, mui \cn t'l h>-tk* donn. His a:.:e i> L'4. j-iM- ; :i! oVf rew ard for the apprehension .inU . t" in.. or t'l .any .Lailer in this .'>talv so that 1 ii.fia :i.:ai!i. of the above l>oys. i;; a Iditioiiul rcwurd ot ijiJiH) for pro,,f I!, any white person or person.-, of 1>. 4?^ . 3Sc!iauriii ,\VF, just received, in addition to their tVrnuT Stock— KiO kcps NAILS, 10 hhds. Sugar. liO bb'.s. (iranuiated ditto, lilt b.igs Colfee. 0(1 pieces l»undee I’.apging, 7 bales (iunny Cloth, 4.') coi’i.s lli'l'e, • i tons Sweiles ntel Knglish Iron, •'(' kci's pure and extra t\ hite L'Md, .')0 boxes indow (ila?", 4tl bigs lirop ai.d l!nck Shot, 'I't kc^K FFFli l*( wder. — ALSO— Lo.if and Crusheil .-iu rai s, r>ar ;;nd Fain y .■'o.ips, .M.ackerel. in barre'.- and hulf-bal r.-l-;, ('hee^c. .''j.:ce, I'vppcr. (iin^it r. .'-null', in ligo, Aln:l Icr. Spanish llriiwii, .''.ilt'*. Salti'etre, r'ait-r.itus, Nnlm!‘_>. >Lu e. CloVt^ ea't I’ow Ii i ', .S; i i in ’;iU'i’r'. .ve.; ' s !i a jreneral as-ortnient of li!l\ (ioi»|i.. F,0( > | .'^ .\NI* SlloLS. HAUi'WAlu; ANI> » TTLI l;V. We otler the abi^ive (o ■ li iit low I'l'.ce-.. fur ';i.’i or goMdj.ap.T, L>. .V W. M.LAl i;L\. Sept. lo. I’-’J. ’J -tl X» «) Consisting o;' .a full .-is'ortnient of h-i'iio’ and (I> ntii iin irs I>iess (J'tixls, ,n larm' supjdv of i; ady-liiailt ('ii*tiiliiJ. Hats, Cap^ iiiiJ II ii.iK't', :i lar:;c a.'-'aii tiiieiit nt IJ'tnts ain! ,'^lnn s, ll.ifilv. ai c. (.'iiTir; l>niirs ;nj,l M, iiiini’s, S.iiidlft v, Cl.'; keiy and (J l.i.s\v;;n'. (11111113- ;iitt 1 njic, We iinite commo.latin^ An-U't oil i>' aim Ill'll. >v.-. vVe. iVc. nr friends and the iiublic to 'ck: it is l.AlKiL nnd will l>i terms. J. T. (’*u N( il. .vali.', all and ex- sopi oil ac- CAIN. :Ji it FALL AND WINTER 8T0(’K OF STAPLL cV FANCY DRY (JOODS, For I S.TiJ. P" llAVk just received mv Stock of ST.\1’T,E .\NI) iL FANCY l>i’>Y (;(.»Ol>S, Vi r tl.o Fall and Winter tiade, consisting in part as feilows: Cloths, Cas^ iMKTe,' and Ve.- ting.5; plain, bl'k and fig'd Silks: fancy do; Id’k and col'i. French Merinos: Fnglish do: bl k and col'd .Mjiacas: French and Fnglish printed belain:-*, (some eiiibididei-ed and very li.indsome:) .Me rino Shirts and Drawer?; Woi«i Shawls: Cassimere anil Crape do; i lannels; Wi rste! Caps: IJoiinet's. Sacks anil Mutls for Children: Negro lilanketP, :uid a few goo*l bed lll.inkets; C.arpets and Hearth liug.s: I’rciu h and .Amer ican I’rints: (iinghaiii“: bleached and brown Jiomesties: Isnabiirgf;; Malbro (ioods: bi'k and col'd ('otton Velvets; \elvet '1 rimniings; .laeonet and Swiss Muslin: Lisiio]) and \ ictory Law ni: .laeonet .and Sw iss Kdgingsand In- sertings; Linen Triiiimiiig.>; Cotton and l.i.-le Ldgiiigs; Infants’ W.alsts: i'ringes; (iinips; I’icnic .Mitt'*; (iloves and Hosiery; llibtions. I’.omiets, tiirl.-s" Flat.? and .''traw Trimming; l)anta‘'k :ind .Meiiiio. -\iso, a g'lod assort!': lit of Shoes nnd F>oofs, for I>a- , dies, (ii ntlemen, llo;,s, uirls and ('Idldreii: togetiier willi many otliir articles niit enumerated, making my stm-k coni)iletc; to which the att‘‘ntion of lay friends :ind the trading jniblic generally i« invited, (iratefid f> r j'iivt favor'. 1 iiope by cdl'eril.g goods at reasonable fates to coniinne to share a portion of public palron.age. Nortll-^Vcrt Corner .\Lirket Siiuare, No. L*. !reen St., ra\ette%ille, N. C. i>. SllLMWLLL. 1’. S. 1 keep constantly on hand a good assortment of I Salem Ca-isinu-res and i\vr>-ev*. j Sept. l.'''ii;. ‘ l!!t-tr Ilat.s! I hits! ( '(tj)s! ( llools iSf Shoes! i liili IMI mm\ Vi'SiK. is:r2. illll) Subscriber has received one ot' the largest :»s- • rtmeiils in his line tlia' lie iia.s e\cr oil. reil in market; to whicli lie would call the attention of his frieii'is and the iiuldie in sieneva'. Amiinz iii« ■’toi-k T>my by |o;uid nearly e\ery style and iiiiality that can be found in this market. He wonM s.iy to all those ilesinng gooils in his line to give him a call, as lie is determined to sell low for ('ar-Ii, 1 r on time to punctual cust. iners. at wholes.i'e or retail. .lOllN THOMSON. o!.; St;iiid. .'■'oiith-West Corner .Market Siin.ue. Sept. -■>. 1 >■>_’. -‘.'If KAT’I’LLS Kxtra family Syri'p; _lL Vk () (h). (illte for Iti.^tillerS. 5000 barrel bungs. Sept. 18, 18.:>:3. For sale bv D. .V Wl McLAUHlN. Dissor.uriox. rn^UK Firm of Leete k Johti.Son is thi.«day dissoivod, 11- by mutual consent. Thos. J. Johnson isalonc au- tliorifbil to siJttle the concern. CHAB. E. LKETK, October 1, 18AJ. I'HOtj. J. JOHNSON. xo'nc L. ri'»noSF indebted the firm of I.eete Jolinsoii, ure res- I pectfnlly reipiestcd tu Come forward "iid settle their respective dne-j. 'I'he business will be ^ondtlcted in future by the nn- di'.'igned on his own iiccount, at the o’d st.and near the Ca)ie Fe;:r IJank, where he hopefi to .?«‘C hi.! old (axii'.ii) FKlilNH.'', and the trading jiiiblic generally. He has on hand and will be receiving shortly, his F.ill inul Winter Stock of l»ry (iomls, llruceries, Hardware, Croekerv, Cutlcrv \c. &c. :^;:if ' ‘ THOS. J. JOHNP(»N. W ANTi:i) TO iMKC'HASi:, lll’.LS. Sjiirits Turpentine, for which the highest jii’iees w ill lie jiaid in Cash. ' T. 5. LlTTKKLolI A: CO. August 1(), l?o"2. 17-tf Norici:. rp'^HI! Sub.scriiier wiahing to leinoVo to ttie west, £L olfers to sell his possessions in .Moore county, N. ('., sitiuited on .luiiiper Creek, containing Twelve Hun- FALL A:\D WIXTER GOODS. I'll Fall and Winter (ioods are now here, und ready for sale. Our stock of l>S&V is large* and better than any former season; £lAEil> tiJI.'if is hard to cfiUiil. —Our stock i3 hirgt, eqtial if nof superior to atiy former year. All of whicii we would be glad to exchange for al- a*ty kind of produce, for casli. or to punctual cus tomers on time. CtjOlv T.WLOK. SeptenduT, 18">2. U7-tf PJKRCK'S .MAHIK.MATICsI 7^' EW EDITIONS of I’ierce’.s I’iane and Solid (leom" etry; Al^rebr.-i: 1‘lancand Spiierical ’I’rigommietryf Curves, Functions, ;ind Forces, vois. 1 aiid 2. Just re ceived n ml for ?alo b; E. J. H.VLE .Sc, SON. Ocf. ]0. 18.'»2. Jiecclvcd on ('onsi^tntHiil, And for sale chcapj 00 bbls. V» li ISKE^ . JNO. D. \YILLI.\MS.- Mat 4j I8r,2. 88tf xHvricL^ rg'^IIE unricrsigned continiie« to mriniimcttiro Spirit.* JL Turpentine ILVKliEL.”?. Thoyc now on hanil guagt^ 4;j to 4r> gallons; n:id are ri.T.lP of the best se.-isoiied ^hite tiak. llistillers wanting 11 good article, will diY well to call !ind examine. Contr.acts to deliver Ihirrel? for the next twelve months made on favorabh' terms. T. S. LUTTEl’iLOH. March 22. IRo-. 7->tf \ ALl Ain.l Sii!->cri'M .iil sires to ;li i \ i. init; !’ l :i \ • t r. % oh-. Oil a, I-. iiini' d.ilii: . term r.lid the tract of ’ ■' aci aS-. tlic .'Icadow l allu the ; I mer. I’ri \ ^'U>i a.hertl epi.- iMU)i‘i:u'rv lor h;i\ing removed to Teriiu ' I f iii ) ;’.e. He Sa!c. , e, ,K.- siueiice and la'.uls in the thcrel'ore oilers f. r >:_le. hi' ri >ideme at K(l.''L HIL!.. s >1 hiiid .ittaciie'l thereto; and i-t ot lU' '■ acn >, adj.'iceiit to aii'l 11 a : d~ and tl il.!o! a. , ul.o I t.'ll c ■|iT- I\e di '‘ r'i'ed t!.c 11 sidellce iV nt l'-f-oi.> tc.-irous ■ f 111 o'.lain it from .Mr. l>a,ic 11. p .v, , r t' s. 11 the I'Ti jierty aii'l M:\V and C’ili'.AP GOODS. M tiow receiving my usual .-issortnKUt of FALL iiliOli.S. .-ill of wliich b' en purchM-^ed for t'a.-li, by the p.i'k.ige. V. liich will me to sci! at uucoin- monly low price.s. In .idditioii to my u'-'iial sleek. I have piireV.ased a large lot :il' Ke.idv-made Cl «!iiptr. w!:ich can Le sold at Very low pt'i. 1 •*. Couiitr_\' iiier. li,int and others are invit.-,l t 'ex.-uu ii>e the abo\e stock, a.s It ic one of the large>t e\cr e(li red ill this .''t lie. .I.\-Mi.> I.L. Sept. !>■■>■.=!. oltf ^ i * have IL Auu, HAIM* li i fl W R ,w! inu . Mill I'lO/.. full -l-iij tiiii k, for •HU'S a.e iiv EliANSoX .Vugust St‘\. l.'i-ii MlsU tfllllv r. A. C.. Nov. ILVRinsoN. IS.-,2. 41tf R‘\var(l. '.V\"AY fcA :.-.t ■ ..M', :V' in the subscriber, on Monday the last, my negfo boy I,LWL'», about _'i.' 17oUi!»., has large wliite teeth, i.> c' i!iple.vion tolerably dark; -'i feet I w;!! give the above reward for the I •ieilvery of said lioy to me, or to any an get him again. C. A. HAIUIISON, for Susan D. Caraw:iy. tv. Nov. ('1, 1S."2. }itf M>S()NS IN fll. WHlT\Kir. would ri'p. rtfiiPy inf..nn the J» citizens of Fa_\ ette\in*- aioi vicinit>, tiiat he again ciitiiiuence.l giving I,e>;'on‘' on the I’iaiio 1-.Tt.'. !ie r -turiis id>” for the liberal l,e;. ’i.- for.* r‘'i'ei\'-ii, :ui.) humLly s. luit' a eontoniaiiec ot tin- ^••iine. .Ml i^iins shall betaken lor the ailv.inciim'iit ot his pujdls. lii'truction ab-o given Jf I’ialio.* tanc l :ili‘ i’l iil i:N’i INi: i.AND I'OU S.\Li:. n^^^ou -'.lie. .acres oi 1.A.M' on .I.-.Iiies fi.-.k, a' and' I" III. oil C;. pres' ( reek, in 'uini erl.Mi 1. C-. ' !:ie:.t t tin W ; i i i; i iaiihll :id. lieavi.^, til.da re 1, :ii 1 admila Iv ;ai ti d t.‘ the making ot 'riui.eiitilie. \1I ;,t : -IM. ElHIl Sub>cribers have fonm i a copartner ikr the name and -tylc of A: laOSS.^'S:, !ia\ 1 f ill.'l :it the loot of Hay Mol.lit, foin..'rlv occupied by Hal! vV .biiiiiM.ii. N'.\ 1 ttf l.\M» ros! SAI,!’. A \ \l.r \i-.LI. tract Ta’ _ ne:^r the th n 1 ill the m inner. L. H. \VHiT\KFU. w ill 1 K. «: ,M. : l,:Mi I i ' :i -I'l d i'. r sale, l\in_ 0 1 laile- we^t of Fay- 1‘ ank bori'l. a'ljoiiiing Mr*, •d li •veiling .ilid othi r lieees- 1 re I nnd In illln >it aatioii. lil'ie i.i l':i V- ! t. i i’ic, uv to \n.l 1 ■ I ;* M »i»s Staple L.. IV » i 4 • ’ \c. iiii We ke Co. at 1 goo.N, c F.VL], AND W in the NTLi: O. t. 4. 1 have re.ei\ed their coii'i.'ting in p.irt of ]*iy (IiMiils, Hardware lUid (’wt’erv, ]>o(its f', l.r.itlier, ]{iL"L"itiir, It-'pc, 'I'w iiie, Alsu, ;i j^cin'r:il :issin t!iii‘iit ol (I rueerie.-^, ui'iiii^ ;i eli'iico selcetioii td LiijUnrs. r^piin Yarn, fr.’ti) tlu‘ Deeji I’iver M. 1-1, W‘ will t.ake in exchange for lace of auv kind. N. A. STKDMAN. W. T. H(*KM1. oJ;f ep on liaiid ac^i'iy prii ■untry pro- on tiie premi?- .\upust 2L 1S”'X p.ii ti. ;:-tf lA if w I 4. nousi:s. Iroke MATCH HoI’iSllS for sale. COOK \ TAYLolL 4'.i-2\v ‘•A h lier pi-o.juee. Nov. 1. l-.'.l. •oiaiiioilious brick Warehoe.-es in the air St .fc. in w liieli w c • D. \ W. M (•'.Il At LIN. :'.7-tf A lit r;tvott(‘vi!l(^ and Plan!; iiiy will receive and consider .t j.roposal -'r ’V pev'ons who may l>e disj.used to enter in- t. kerping the line of I’hank Ko:id fmm to Ashborough in complete repair for the T‘ • will state the price per mile for the whole ; ) and will leave the proposals at the (>fhce • ' i.:j.anv. sealed nnd direi tcl to tbe I’resi.lent ' of th^ F. X W. I’laiik Hoa.l Comiianv. rl.r. EDWD LEE WIN.'-LOW. I’re- t. ' ' 4. 1h.'.2. -l"tl MD ~NOTU L. I'l I'ATION will l>e made at the present Se?sion Lecrisbiture to incorporate a Compaj»y, to 1 tlie -North C^iroliua Steam (,'aiTiage and I’lank i.i.any. 4)-lni .\i:Vi m {liivip (iooDS. nvn. Bon* !!'I'r,. 1 ! CLLV can«. tlie attention of the citizens if I- >\ett,.villc, jiiii] the public gencralty, to }ii.. -i '. "te.l Stock of |!)i*y (jioods uiid Cjlroccn-ios, he has just received from the N'lrth. and which 1'! low for cash or exchange for country produce. ■ if llaymount, 2 door Last of (jco. Mc.Neill. .,11, ;s')2. 40-oW III (JsiSv Rc:ri?! «»sit S'.'ii’t. A. A. McKirrilAN t^TILl. continues to carry on the ('ALKIA^tE lU .'-I- ► ^ N L.''.'' in .all its hranches, at the ri'liiainb of his old stan'l, opposite Liberty I'oint. lie returns thank.' f..r the liberal p.atroii.igf* he lias heretofoi-r- recei\e l, and hopes liy strict alteiition to tiii-ines"i and a desire t-. e entire sati'faction, to merit :i coiitiniianee of the same. Having kept the greater portion ot his I imb. rs at .1 distance from the nianuf.ictiiry. he has on liarid a large and well selected lot of thoroughly sea-oned rimber. ol everdescription nsed in his b\isine«s, whieh cnaldcK him to ri-tain all ids ]irincipal workmen. He is therefore now prep.ari'd to do any work in hi.s line in th** v erv best stvle, and on the most favorable teriiii—as low as anv work of the same ipiality in N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, H H.arouehes, for 1 or 2 horses; () liockaw.tys. and L! Enggieg. Also, nearly finished, 1(1 ('arriages fbr 2 horses; 20 liarouches for 1 and 2 horsen; 12 lluekaways, and oO Ituggies: All of whii h are of the most :ipprov«*d phin and finish. I ami wiil compart with aii\ work in tlie L. Stati s for ne.'itness and durability. Having been engaged in tlie above bnsim'ss for the jiast 20 ve.-ir.'i. his work is well known, and he refers to I old cvistomers for pniof of it.s durability. ('OPAU'l'N! fn^lli: S.,l.>. r;'.or^ h- La ^k.p. i;i. ler th 'I'Lll, f-.r the trai.s.u tl \ Ild 1 vpect to rccei at their .''tor St.itc I'.aiik. ’s[iii> No'i'K’i:. ■ fi.riiie I this il:iv a cop:ir*!HT- liri.i of M. Ihi.'sAL'D -McM.VS- l.-n of a general ii.i:/ I’rnr .s.; ri('(H'(d, pi r Slccmu' I (lit/nu Kersi • .U aii' and r.lankets, Ml"l Tui '. a.-sorte l, Kowlund s Mill-S.'ivvs, Anxi'.'. lieilowsand Vises, 7o Keg'^ -Vails. (tlass. '' X 10 and 10 X 12. W hite Lea.I, I.,inseed ( id. r.I'NllOW, KYLE .V ('(). Sej.t. 27. 1S.-.2. -“tf dreil acres of land in one body. This hind is well adapted for the culture of corn, cotton and wheat: for tur]icntin« it i" not to be surpassed, also for pine: is convenient to two tvirjientine distilleries—one in -Moore, the ether in Cumbcrl.-iiid, either no? exceeding four 01 j five mih's from said land: :i!-»o, a ?uf:iciency of water to jiiit a distillery on tli«‘ premises. A goixl dwelling and out houses on a higli and healthy situation. For furth er ])ariic\dars applv to the subscriber living on the premises. ' COLIN McFADYEN. Octobcr IT). 18.')2. oo-lm IJAIUJ.MNS! iJAlMJ.VLNSir Bn my recent visit to New York, my jirincijial otiject was to get workmen and material for the purpoHi of tf!a)mfac- tiiring Silk Hats. After getting there, !ind tiiiding it diilicult to get first rate Workmen to come South. 1 g.-ivt* up the prospect of ]iro- ciiriiiu any. consennently jMirchased a l.irge stock of >11.K H AT.S. .\ttcr making ni v ]»urchase. 1 engaged a geiitleii>«n aT prineipai workman, who came well re commended. He learned liis traiie in F.uro[>e; ami for tin- la-;t seven years he has bM-n employe.1 i>: n bir^f* 111.I i tiirii.g e-itablishment in the city of New York. 1 ].->-.ii-uri;.l fashionable blocks and materi.iis, and am iiow f:iii!y at Wuik IVIanufacturing Ninety Hats per month, -Viel will h.ive some of them re.idy for sab- by the 20th iu-.’v. lu order that I may not tie ovcrstocke.l. 1 offer for s ib', ,\T ('O.'-'i'. my late juirehasi^ of >'os. ]-'t, 2d. :i!id od ipiality F.V.--H lON .UiLIl Merchants may >avo money liy purchasing of me. If VI It ]iurcha.'.- in New York, it i> often !» month before ^ ou receive tliem. I sli.dl in a sliort time be able to furnish merclnints with Hat.s ot ^1 \ ')WN MANl IlL, **it N. ^ tirk }iriecs. tu-vvit; No. 1 at ^42, No. 2 nt >?:]], and No. ‘6 lit ^M I>er do/i ?i. 1 take thi.s opporftinify of reluming fny thnni;? to my former customers, and invite them and ofiier wcll-dis- j.oyi .l patriotic gentlemen, that are in favor of SL'l’- I’or. l lNti SOUTHEltN M ANL FAl TI KES, to give me a call on or after the 20th inst., as 1 expect to have read' I0V exhibition and -ale H.its of my ow 11 manufac ture tiiat eaiiiiot be surpassed in ptyle and durability, 1 would be ple.-ised to see every gentlemnn, in coun try or toWH, iind will take pleasure in exhibiting the Hats. :iiid showing the difl'erent process they pass through from the fur on the skin until ready for the^ DAVID GEE. ' l\ivet;eville. N. C, Oct. f. 18.52. 34tf © sale by August 2( r.A(JS COFFEE, 10 hhtiH SUUAU, 1Po2. Jnst received find for 1’. P. JOHNSON. 20tf m:\\' alvckkkkl. 151>LS. vei-y fine new ^L'lek^rcL, .50 libls.- Herring. For sale by tKJuK iS: T-\Y1.0IL Stpt. 20, 18o2. 27-2m RYi-: w iiisi:L\T B.M’iRELS, a piime article, jnst received .‘»nc? for sale b3’ WILLK’NGS CO. —ALSO— 30 b.igs prime FEATllKll^. Sept. ]■>, 1K-S2. 2'’itf liOOK 1UND!:KV. BB Y.'. IL\flDH] has resumed the Ihiok IB%« Business at the new .■'ti re t> vt Uonr to .Mr.- I'leasley, .Icweller, where he will rcccive and exccutr binding in any style desired. .\u2iist 1. 27tf St (Itrcw'fck on l)amairrs\ A TRE.Yl iSE on the Mefisure of Datnnges, l,y The-' /m odorc Sedgcwick, 2d Eviilion, revisc'i and g.catV? enh: rged. AlffO, further .supjdies of Tiio Works of Daniel Web ster. (i vol.; Wide. Wide >Vnrld: Qti*echy; l-f.'iys i.f r>ruce.- by Grace .\guihir: The Hrnmonis!; 'di tuodlat Ifymns- 1 Disciiiline of the M. E. Church; School tvo.ik^, \c.. fo/ iI** 1-y £. J. HALE .v SON. •Aug. r. -MlLCil COW A NY one having ii first rate one to bcVi, v i'd plonse* CA- iijiply at the Observer Oliice. WAX'Fi:!). , v i'd Sept. 27. (.dlc‘ Fa their full Stock l»y the i'"!!!! inst., treet, a lew doors abme the .1. 1;. McDoNAI.D. JOHN E. .Mc-MA.>n II. li'de, .Vug. li. I!''i2. lo aiivail•*!. who iiave m.i.h- ci ntr-icts with .i. F. Jor- ,V ('.1. for I'urni.'liing K.\(i.'', are hereby in- forme.1. that we will p.iy cent' iier lb. on all Cotton Hags, lb j.e :iiiu l’>a^ £i d.'il Marcli 11. delivereil tons after tins date. H. EiiANSON iX SON. Tl^tf W .\N'r Or .M(L\i:V! ^ W ILL sell my / .)/'//.'A' i;KSl!H;.\CH. two miles tl troiu tile Market, on liie Favettcville and WCstrrn l’lai:k Koad - oni‘ 01 ti.e iiio>l th siralile aiid he.ilthy places in the county. ,\lso. (o Shares of Fayi tteville and W> stern I’lank lload .'-toek, ali.l oO .■Il lr»'S ot Fayetteville Hotel .'^tock. ; With the Largest stock of lie;ii|y-made C-\ I! K I,\(t MS ^ .and i;i '( i( i 111.'' e\er offerc.l in tiiis place—over N.'dMlO I vrorth—1 .mpletely iiiiished. .MIofv. Iiii h 1 will sell at I very reduce.I prices t ii casli or negotiabU' notes, j So little :ittenrion h:is been i>aid to the c:dl made I bv me .irter the tirv' of the 2d .bin\\, on those indebted I to me to call :iiid settl‘, that I am induceii to offer the I above jiroperty at rediici-d |irices to er'able me to rebuild ! mv i'arriage il;-ta'’ili,hmeni ;ind continue my business i w ith cou\ t niem e. I shall notes in pr >per hands for eollci fion, if ' not paid Soon. i have ad luv accounts m;ide out to the : Ut Jaiiy !.''-.2. ' A. A. .MeKllTllAN. March 20, is.Vi. 77if iidiigtoii U edne^ run regularly despatcii. ''HE Ste:imer FANNY LLT- 'I'EllLOH will in future leave Fa vettc \ iile 1 11 Tm'sday and Friday mornings, nt •> o'clock, and Wil- : and .'Saturdays at 12 o’clock, and carrvi;i.' freight and ]iasseii”»‘is witii T. S. LllTTll'llLolL Julv 22, IS.-,2. Stf HALL i;oLLL\(;i:u 7V/r brothers' Sfnniihoaf ('oinpfun!, OK K E.Si\BO, TT ]>rejiare.| with Sti'aniers “/l. ofhirs'' .and D'yi'f/hifx ]9 :ind a conijdemi'iit of Tow I’oats, to carry with dis patch all Freifilits shipped by them, between Fayette ville and W ilmington. or to any intermediate landings 01. the Liver. .loHN MANKS, .\g t, Wilmington. D. W. -McLAUItlN, Ag’ts, Fayetteville. Sej:t. 18, IS.',2. 2S-t ni A Ni'AV L\VJ::NT10X. undersigned has made an inventioa if n Smut kL MMchiiie. wliich he will insure to be perfect in the extraction of smut in wheat, and wishes to inform .NFdl Owners he is jmtting up machines at Vnion Facto- tory. on Deep Kiver, eight miles North of .\shl>orough. My machines ure composed of three distinct prinei- ]i!es. centrifugal, scowering and reaction. It takes the w heat through three operations ingoing through th*^ machine once. Anv jiersop.s buying !i machine, after trying it. if it does not whe:it. dam], or dry, 1 v\ill take it hack. I’rice Se\enty fi\e l*ollars. \ll letters r.ddressed to New Salem Post Ofiice, Uan- ibilph counfy. r. 1’. FUEE.MAN. Oct. 12. IS.',2. Tun'Ki>. ^D^IIE .subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated on the >outh-East corner of Court House Sipiare, and lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accommodate boarders by the day. week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes'to be able to give satisfaction to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market affords, his l?ar with the best of L5- (piors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and laithtul Ostlers. J. A. GILCinUST. i June 2t'i, 18.',2. Airsic. A LOT of new l\lL'.Sl('f consisting of Song«, Tt'altzes/ Polka^. iJeniiriia Waltz and Cor'neliri Writ/, bv Jfr«. S. M. ^lal-' lett; Sylph Polka and (Cumberland I’olka, by I,. H. Whit aker. Just re‘ tfT"d. i’l. J. JI.\ LE A; SO.N’. 'i'OlLVCCO. fnb'Criber continues to receirc nTid sell, orf i w»nufiirtur“ra' ucuount, »11 grades of manutac-" tured Tobacco. J. UTLEY. M ay 81, 1852. 9'>tf XOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for Good«r purchased at Fhiral College, are reiiuested to make* immediate payment, either to Mr. Hugh Me Am in tiio neighborhood, or to himself ia Cheraw. 1). B. Mc VRN. Cheraw, Dcc. 2(\ 18')1. oO-tf AFFl.lCTKD, J{i':AD! J>IMI,AI)l'!.(>llf \ .MKl'ir.VL nof’HR. i-'t ili!is»iol I.I ycr!r« ^ liy Or. Kinkelln, >. W. corncr (if Thi'il Htid ‘ nifTn S^treet-i,- I’hil'ideliihiK. Kl'.Ate—VOI’TI! AND MANUfM'iH.— A vienriins-'life or « pre- niHtiire le»th. Ktnkelin on Self rrr^crvBiiiMi. *>nly 'J.', cent-*.— 'riii' iMiiik jii't |uilililic(l. i* (iltfd witli uselul irfnrmiili.iii, iiii tlir'. iiit>riiiilics aiiil li'e:i>e> of the liuiiian oruans. It iiIilre'si-s it'clf ahH‘ to vmiOi. m.inhoml Hnif nlil h(;p. hihI should lie read liy all. The viilii-ilile ndvi.'e Hiiil inipr»-'»irro Witrnini! it eivc.«, W'll pro- voiii yearM of nit-ery anil sniVi rii c, and ^arc HnnnaHy lhoii«anil»‘ lit lives. I’arrnls, hy rrniliiig it, will learn hniv (i> iireveni the' of llifir cliihlrrn- A reiuilliince of i", teiUM inclosed in » letter, addros-ed to l*r.- Kinki'lin, .N•• \V. rorniT iif Third unit I'lilon >trrel'. l’hilmlel|,hiH,’ wiH ensure hook, tmder eiii-ehipt*, per return imiil. IVrsnnsat n. distniicu may Hildres..; Or. K. I,y letter, (imst piiidj and lie cnri'd »f- hiiiiie, rKrkngex Ilf incdirines. direction’. &c , forwarded hy spndinf; rC reiiiiit;inr«*. nnd pat up secure In.111 itnni,*ee. HiMiksi'llers, News .\"eiili. reillcrs. f«nvn'.iers, nnd all other# snpiilii^d with the above work «t very low rates. .Iiilv. IKVi. n- FOR SAIJs j .\CEES OF LAND, South of Malb-tt's I’oiid, joining the town line, and lying in ^ . and on the East si'le of the Southern I’lank This hand will be sidd entire or in lots, and if ■ i'.Ksly disposed of, will be offered i.t 1‘ublic ^ 11 the ;;d day of January next. f..r sale, a good harness horse. J. C. HOOTM'U. !:d,i-r 18.->2. -lltf iiorsi': for saij:. I j’ill, Sii'oscribpr wi.‘h*K to .sell her DWELLING All work w;nraiitcil for 12 months, and j 4 lONTlNl ll to cmry on the FolNDilV LI SLNESS. , z* 1 1 1 1 •«. • *1 Vir I li] tiw.fl iii'iii ' ^ ' >villi .‘ill itfi LraiiciH'si, iii plact*. Iiiov’ ij;i\c* repaired free of charge shouM t fad hv wotkm.m , ship or material, within that tliiR. , .Millwrights with IfKPAiriNr, exccurcd at short notice, and on rea- I sonaiile terms. IImI u il. .. il r in" ' 1 1 • i -n'beidlf'w he V.’.'- V Tlia® 1 11. with about 7 acr«-s of L.-ind, on Hayinoiint, I mile went ot Fayetteville. The House is ■ ith } large and 2 small rooms: with all con- 'tlii.iisis. I’crsons desirou.s of pur-dtasing, api,]v ,~oon. n. I>. LAIN, i^'e. Nov. 1. 40tf ferns, aiii| are now prcji Machinery, at >.kort notice, bir \Mieat, Corn, Cirist, and Saw .\iiils. Steam Mill.i re;iairt-d ihronjilioUi. Our ter;i;s a>-e c.isli on delivery; 10 per cent, will be addcl for evcrv :!0 days in aci oimt nray st.aii.l unpaid We carry oii this liusincss on the cicdit system, neither do we intend doing so. JIALL L BOLLTNGFll. August IS, 18.',2. 18tf .>0,000 !«>•. ot* i:aisrN \Vnii(( L tWliX pay cts. per iiound cash for all clean cot ton and linen HAGS, delivered to J. D. W illiams, ill Favettcville. I am nearly ready to put in o]ierution a Paper Mill in this iieigldiorhood, and am desirous of getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as 1 can atbird, and hope that 1 may not be birced to distant markets for my supplies. I h.ive arranged with Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rags delivered to him. D.V\ ID Ml Uril\. ! Favettcville. Feb’v 24, 18.',2. (j8-tf l7'/„ !trn(.st Stock of (iooda ever offered hif us! ' 'e.w receiving much the LAKOEST STOCK of S>11Y GOODS, ^ C ai)s and l»oiinots, Shoes, Roots, I nibrollns, A:c. '.'■ti .1 by UH in thi.s place, to which we particii- ■■ dii. attention of Mcndiants, as we are de- ti'il to be undersolJ. STAKR & WILLIAMS. 1''.'2. 20tf ('ficrka for sale here. A. 11. WniTFIFf.D, Coach 4' Cor ri (tire Mmuifoctnrcr. WOULD re.s[»ectfuliy inform flio pub'ic that he btiil continues to carry on the abovi- business- in dll its branches. He returos th.inks for the libi-rtil patronage he has received, and iiopes by a strict atten tion to business, nnd ii desire to please :ill:ind give gen eral satisfaction, to merit si. continuance of the same. He warrants all his w'ork to be m.-ide ot the best ma terial and by experienced, workmen: and should any ot it f,iil iti tw'.elv« months (with fair usjigc) either in work manship or material, he will rc]>air it without ch.arge. I’erfjons w i.shing to buy, would th, well to call and ex amine his work before purchasing, as it cannot be sur- j,assed for style, elegance, and durability. He is de termined to sell low for cash ( r on short time. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. ItEI’-VI KING neatly executed at short notice ami lowest possible jirices. I’ayetteville, Feb. 18G2, Gltf SMAL!. AND 'i'ALI.: ab.t. And ij' t i/oti (I (inn that vtU ‘trrj/ a ra'^HE sill iscriber h;is now on hand, and will sell cheap « forc.'ish. his large and well as.sorti'd Stock of sin gle and double barrel SHO l’ (il'NS, of th(j best make, and latcs‘ jiatterns. .\lso, Coll'.-, I’atent lle)ieating l';s- tol.s, .•ui'i .(lleirs I’evolvers; Shot I’ouclie.s; liame Jlags; I’owder Flasks; 1’i‘rcussioii ('aps; \c., N:c. F»ifle.> of all kinds constantly on iiand, and manufac- tiireil to order, and warranted to shoot from K»0 to oOO ya’-.i:?. I’l'nvons-wi filing to purchase any of the above-named articles, will do well t.o give me a trial, and they may be sure to find th^ Eargaiiis ever offered in this town. Repairing of every thintr in the gun-smith line will be done !it short notice, in tlie bcs m-iniier, and for a small charge. M. A, JLVKEU.. Sign of the Wo-^den (inn. Hay Street, ojiposite the .\lai*ble Yard, Fayetttvtlle, N. C. August 10, 18o'2. 17-tf sri:A.Mi:R softhI'.rni'.r ^157 ILL le avc I'ayettevillc every Wivliiosda v and Sa- I V 'V tiird.iy, at 7 o'clock, .A. .\i., and aiTive in Will mingtoti at 7 o'clock I*. .M. .\nd will leave ilmington every Monday and Thursday, at 1'2 o'clock, M., ami ar rive in Favetteville next morning. K. M. OEUELL, .Agent. .April 2i’i, 1 8._>-tt A CARD. r^THE return of low water renders it neces‘«firy that _H_ the Steamer Chatham shovdd be employed a? a t,w boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular d.'ivs, until further notice. JNo’. D. WILLIAMS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. R. Co. Mav 12. 18')2. 00-tf Blank Warrants for sale here. Hotchkiss's \ crtical U ttcr R hcd. rg'MIEllE ar« :«evcral hnud.’ed of these Wheels in o]>c- _B_ ration in. ditl'erent counties in North Carolina. For jii'oof of their gre.'it adv.antages over the efunnion flutter wlicel. or any .'fher vvheels i^ow in nse for saw mills, we confidently refer to who hav‘ apjilicd them to their mills. R e can recommend them particularly f.*r their superiorit^y in ca^^es of a low head of water, or back water. j We still keep a stipply of Wheels, suitable for differ- j ent of watcM’, at Wilmington, Newbern, Washing ton, Edenton and FayettA'ville. The wheeis may .also j f be hail of E. A. Rvteva/d, Lincolnton, tind I'riah Wells, | I’etersburg, Va. I’ersons wish'ns to obtain the right to ttse the whecis, will be served, on uiiplicution to D. McNeill i» Co., FuvettevUle, N. C. I). McNEILL; A. A. McKETHAN. TJ. J. McALlSTER. Ecb’;- mi:dkwl xo'ricK. ^ R. THOS. C. TI-\LL respectfully of- fers his professional services to the citizens of Fayetteville and its vicinity He may be consulted at the Oilice directly over the nev7 I>rug Store of Samuel J. Hinsdale, South West comcr of Market Souare.- Julv 20, 18-32. l^tr ME ^HE itibscribcr has taken the Stand formerly 3L pied by Sam'l J. Hinsdale, Southwe.ot corner of .Market Siuare and Gillespie street, where he has open ed Ids NEW S'ToCIv OF rail attfl n*inter Goods, His friend.s and the pulilic .are requested to give him a call, as-he is determined to sell very low. S. S. AKEY. i 0,. m-J.- 34-Gnk- 4'OTIFI. Jaundice, Chronic or Xrrrotis Debilihj, Difraf^ of llte Kifliifffx, .And all diseases arisinc frimi a diMinlrn-d l.ivrr or Stiminch. siiehj rt.s ('onstipalien. I'uMnesH. nr I’.Iond Id the lierol. Anility of lhc_ ?=ti.m:!rh. .Viiii'eii, llearihiirn, Oiscii't for Knnd, riill^pss or’ Weisht in the Slnmarh. Sitir r.r'li tntions. J^inkint or Klntterin)* «t the pit Ilf Ihi! Stiiiiiich, .swifiiniini: of the Mpiirt, lliirritMl anif Oilficiill Hrealhinu. I'liittrrir2 «l tlic llpnrl. Chokinc or Sniriirnt inc S«-naliiin' w ni-n in « lyinj! posture. IMninr.».« nf Vision, l»ot»' or Wriis tietiire the r^iplit, Kever. Hull pain in the llrad. He ficicr.ry uf Per'liiratioa. Vellow i'e" of the f-Kin and Kjes. I’aiir in the r^iile, ( liP't, l.iiiilis. &r., ,iiild«n Kltish«.s of HcMt ' Itiirniiii: in the Flesh, ton-tant Iniiiuinines of lOvil, nnd (ircaf Ui'pre'sion ot t-pirits, / 'A\ tie etiertnally nired hy OR HOf)Kf-.\f'KI.K^R.\Tr.D’ (;KKM.V.N ItriTLKS, I’r/'piml hy Or (' .M. .lackson. ai'the-’ c;rrtn)in .Medicine Store. .No. I-JO .SrrhSn-eet. Philndtiphia. 'I'heir |Miw er over the aliove disnisps is nut e.Trelled, it ^(iimlled • hy any other prepiinilinn in the I'nited hs ihe cures H.lcft, in irniny ruses alter skiltnl phy'tfians hiid fiiiled. These ttiu*‘fs nre w orthy the atieiitioii of inTalid*. Po««pssine- yreat virtues in the rertilirnlion o( disease* of the Liver nnd l>"ss» r' elands, exerrisiiia the ir.osi >enr( him powers in we«kne.s« «ndaf ti riiiins ot the digestive or(!ans, they are vvithni safe, certain, nnd* yt€HHunl- _ riK.Vfl AND BE f^).NVt.\CKD. t'roni the Boston ttee. The I ditnr said. Her -Jil— ••Or. Iloortund’s (Vlrhraied Cerninn Hitters Tor the fiife nf I.iver’ (’■ r>i(il»ini. Janritice. liys[M psiH, « hronic or .Nervous debility, is de^i rvedly one of the most popular inedirines nf the d»y. These Ihtters ha\e heen ii«cd I'y ihonsnnd«. and r friend nt oar r'hiw siiys hr hiiiiscif received rtfectUHl and perm tnent rrire of I.Uer Con^-plaint from ih»-iish o( this ri inedy. We are run'/ineed thHt, in the use ot those Hitters, the p:iiie»t cfm.^tantly gain* sireti)ith and vigor—» furt worthy ofcreat con.^idcration. They a.'e plea.smu in taste and smell, and can l>e ii-ed hy jierson^ with the most de- liciite stoinxclis with safety, under nny circtniirttiiires. We are »[«-:ikin' trom experienrp and to the aifl:rted weadvi.«e their ii'C." 1.Mik well to the inrrks of the senuine They hare the \\ rittn sicnnturc off. M. ,Ii>ckson upon the wrapper nnd the name blow n in the hottle, withent w hich they are sp-Kions. for sale, w lmlc- sale and relnil, at the ;f.iim.a.\ .VKorrrNK ptork. \o. I'^l \rrh t^treet, one dm r helim .'*ivth. Phii.i., and hy re- speffihle dealers eenerally threusrhi Mt th> r. ’inrrv. .Also, tor sale hy J. MtN-'I AI.K Kiyerr»-ille .N. — W'holrsHle .Agents for .\«irth nnd s'onth ^'.iroiina, HWH..ANO, II \t'n \I. It CO . «■h^irlestim. S, f. m:!>lCKD FAKH. Thron^rh Tiektt-^ bpf-wren Wilriiingt-i.T, N. C., a.-.d Fi.ilti- more. i*are^si;. Weldon, I’eter.^htirg, Hichrrord, Wnsli- ingt(-n City, or vis* W ;idon, Porta- motifh and Sf>rr/k. For Tick(‘i.= ap^lj nt tbe Office f tho W a and ii.a!eigh ILtii Rond ('orrii.,;.cy Wllniing- tod, or .at the OtTice of the K;dt:^7ao,v > 1 am Packet ("ornpany, nnd of the Raltimore and .*^ail K'.u'; ,e I CoTTipany, Pratt Street, P.uUimore. J(Mi. i. 18.V2. WAX'rFJ) 'ro f( RcffAS?;. CORTlS PrNE WftOf), to he t!eliv''.rod o’'^ my Wharf during the next six tni i.ths. T. S. LL’iTElil.OlJ - Jnljf 22,1

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